Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jun 1861, p. 2

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Iu,11i r.#ret, nt umin;; gr, rowrs abili- iu tairen up &"a set dowu et stétios p ilie tioi diricte8flito i îongchannel, -astuld p'saunediisin ficontidereti local,' W cdi tiatîie would è1b, i istlii orrour of passes tisrough tise station prLp hi. ways, Re wlîbllraw in fui'or of Captaindivisions it ln callist irouj1 4isTus j' Utowe, nld lîopeil the electors 4vould isnp. ueugcr, golng frn Mol:4î é ;psort bmstis te local candidate. rougix (.122 muiles) is a local l "l' M,~r. White (the Würden) êti inot éxpect if hé g&s from S8e orb~ (rota fte way »attsrs tiirasd e 's , n-(2 mle) eËu Ê4* mlsineil a- andidate. -R. *wa' u t lgnor. 'passed tlsrough Torou<to. ilto ta o b. agit of thiýf&ct tisaI bis - ite s aà 'bilan sérved, however, tsaItishe tisrougia frei"lat tnontiouiedau a candidate, aud bd belfevëd lWoerly~'o caýlled, cânnot excee ; â 4rït tha tie prtis vsedit setit hlti tcertain!>' fuil somewluat short of,tsaou ted sf iijq. H sge~4fluh tvasnot lte Western District, vlsich lu about 1-2 per for lbe intoeet of-theelelMorube arepre. cent of tse, whole. It iu to be regretted sonted b>' a part>' trot living la the RdiaÊ4,- hib ie rièturns do nlot enuble us to dise., bot lie wus lu a uinont>' iis bis o,iions , Il le !# b --npLsej!igk4lward44,ad, witis bis part>'1 snd boa tq10 siccutus- andi thttt downWards, a qpesion of vitlip- ho diti so althotsgh 1W os stisfiedt ti. hIce for tise futurs jprospecs Of tisex'ad.; anulti cotrviree tisen t tit It waefnrise lSter. 'Tiseý increase of ioccsmotive expenses rin est of the llidhig ituil tlisainterest of the'p'ar- ver>' great, attriisutabfe no doulist maiusly'te. 1>' b o rejsi'Èaetited b>' aresident. Ho letise 35 perccent inereage of truffe alaJgreat- al"sp expresset ibts 'opinions boldly andiet lengîla of roat, wiîlt uy'crrspn. op0uiy, anti visle «xPressing bis opinions ing addition t10 Ihe nulipbet 0'f locontotives, csf dtgieitfron'tIbe course tleuxhodit se but al prti>' 10 tise oneèrai stockl cieig 46nncit>' antiiubnitted because lie tisoxxgit older. Tbise c6it of 4e aâSenger - i1iti it, was thse dut>' or the mlnority 10 givo mercluiaxtihie trahIe, lîa.s bieced 'in laa placo, tothe mAjorit>'. 1erons-is o vere instuis rpo nthan the two lcîutt. of râlnk Ministiriuîi»til Up t a yeur or tîvo al'o traille Ihetusslves.- Undee the lijédatini. îhraîeed 0 eut hl ot of tise 'rnks, tetiance, of w'aY, thse comparison of tise bulbeo watt born a refeJrmer, andi bis fatis. visole ycur jgivei a ineli uhdré favor bl ebefore hlm Wasl outil andthtis Irdat was renult thaun tisat deduced b>'Mr. Shani>', of ltte consequonee cîsmiuîg (rom the f(Qît. 17<:)'fron thtis wo bali'l>ears eiding siOurce lit diti. 110 conceludei b>' tating Dec. 31. Thse iucèreuio given abbve luiluna- that lie was uurprileti atrecciving 'the pa. great moeaunre owing te uie increa'tsé is. mnînation, anla thetîl-although ho tisunicd tance. Tise col per mile ina189, Was his proptmtr andi seconder lic wonld have $723, nîid in 1866; $812, hein.? an incraase beau, butter Pleaieti lat Ili&i nsme net jhéen per mile of oniy 12 lier cent, lý proportion s404tinued.- ver>' mucis below tise increntie of trafi,1î ta 1fr. BrOwnaand Mr. Farewel lîere ls wicui is euc 1d ieve> ag eil uopoilt-Mr. White as lhe wa'q aout inecenlutise lasI lissusli'main!>' 9gwing retire And tIluisitelilit ttIi watt necesgary lu charges îîot hitciple'ièmate agninut re. for bnitaua statcs for wlaom he'd vole, venuetx, anud tethlgosb>'conra t il Rtilil Mr- White expri'ssed his 'indigna- tise Steamers. Tise entire exponsci have lion ut beinýý,uslnd suelu a quesition, utatiuag licroaseti ver>' neari>' lu the smre prpor.1 thâaIIt mi glt.t be ver>' well gueed îhat ho lion as the receipts, the expensesbcn woulti not voteaanast his part>'. The 85& per cent. of tise receipte ilu'1859' andi show of bauds wcre tset taken, add ider. 84-tper pet cent in 1860. h miu iso6We eîl tu h -i t flvo)r 'Of M-. Mowat.. There be oberreti, thinluthe lait ycar 'revenue were abotut 600 -lresoitî. A puffl wns tie. was More fui!>' charged vils vit belougred iaddfor Curtair i Iowe, and Monda>'tb il thati inte ,£V àyar',Tus -1111Y Iid, aproiiiîed for tisa Opeinjr of the Ilauihtise percentago oîf poi hw .0 11utthe oilwiutg Places: aboutthue sanie, it là more trul>' a profit, ai l'ielii.iving-, Town Hall, lirongiau.- and t i 1 larger ini utuount b>' 33 prrCent, wlilly, 'Pou-tuilual!, Jiroolilin. East CAUavu OF' TUE siALL b;riss Whiîhy, Tfownut114l1, Cu!uituul,. sluawa In spitx of the imrpovement lu tise trnffuc î iîCoturt Ilouce. '1'wnof Whlihy, Nortît l iritu iseh jittyeaî-1 ileis 'dent ana warul, nt lte Mucisiiis stitute ;Centre tout-l larger proftt must lie rea!ized, lisai Watt!(, Tuwru haIgll ;Soulh Wnril, ut Mr. any lhat lias Ijitierta iseeuî ueacised, If we d Ketid sbrick lOuse, opposite Tliews arc ta eiit-uîain isopes cf thse rond b-ing b lactel, self sustainiug ; auld it becomes tise most rit Ail the' dîeliti'-iin appoiid ta takus importanit art of auir diii> ta enyjuire mlii tu 1lutce n t )'etc'liaI!, IViitby, on tis e lcîs (if lItediqtsl.ouî tate 'of aÇiaius Wiuitslytie ti-lhuday of Jitly. - whicis Ias uitherto pue-vuiled,ni tIo poinut i- 'flirLtu cliers werc theut giron for tise out the directionîlin lFch improveuneuit Q uélc, anud titi-te for etîcis of tis'e' -sppc- may b liIoîtedulfr._ t tii-e~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cti!uutale iiitiepcediu Ouotsepriu&Iîtîicauses, aibiclislîx.s ru W-urc e lu-trî-ildo-ici. been stron,,iy 1 iusistcd on b>' ever>'onue counu - iuected wiltiscb Companny, lu the defucieitc-y 0or Ž~w Ad-crisîncîsIhlis Day. of rollinry stock. Mr. Suiait!', li ii t e. port ofXoi-eiuuier latut, wlîicis aili ho fourid Tu th( it --rrof Southi Oitariu-Jas. lu tise (Aup. xIlia us iveul a tabulai- c3 lione. stetemeul (Cp. 97) of cihat of tîhe lrinuci. wi l->uumsoui lii ,!îly-uî~ue Luf. pal roacds i North, Ainciica, siscwing tise bc Leuu.umber of cagitici anti -çar4 pçt mile, und th, Itiuî-s-Wui. lii n, - tise grass euaroings anti expoutiss s of acis n Lenîti-e Win-But rut. ttu id tug tise (J entWcîrt cminîdt Boots tuiiusiti ti. Burns. arîd the 2diîigan Centra', .isa-ii u f W'îuutil ii- Jeirueyuc-i Slucmiîeis-..-- g-uatc.it aiibogy ta- our road bie hissewn-et two ourlcyme Slufmiltfr- titt the Grand Tîuiik would',require an aid ta Wun. Bîinuu. titi011 of 31 -cx);tjes anti 503 caiso fu S!uuhrssuîe-NG. icynids 61 e iiiiîd 810 cars 9, uock it as rui- lbe 'rlii Grent 11,11 iisiliceu-dy-. 1>e' Mr uile as tisuscitiio rondu respectively.a ibariet's uieuuîîue.liti îr;ucs, nîartnver, lut'anil ucsollus "I9 S~i'iiiiNtes-. iiîi1 w.Un sîî itit uaiiw:ityW. vil! i-cadi!>' con- tWh cde, that a iuucýyrod ul. ll i av-ea Lia f> SieWn.Stevensont. j irger aqtipuneixt mile Ter mile titanî airx Aoclio- Fii-ank & aciuxe!. roa ÃŽUi neQ acilf or one tihirdthie !etisthis bal 1--,,- -.- w,îetausta zation t1 a very seriow eztent Wê net speelally nonght for examples of, tbey have prcseuted tbemselvei '-ta' the evilence cf>lfew of txe 1stome thse 1-9tac satablisif ïdùel nttancet mimlsres~av~been Crven taus b Most ail persona Wi hv bayebi .doi witl te Q#Pd7Ttunk. WMen prc bas been delayeti -for weeks in passing a few"iandred mi.les (Qa. 96, 149, 19 *when va isear of 'w- ship having to1 Portlandi withtbr t psrt 'of ix1r'.fýréigl thoixgh it aftorwardosprovcc thisttise ûfre amotinting '0 2000 bicà. or goutr, 'had ,ying- à or sowis WC elta l'i tise cars na port frnm which 'thes ship, sailed (Qix. -wsei upon ancther occasion iheg pan>' go , thitration ixpon a qantilj wlseat short dclivered,' 'àiti thse abitt tratces the mihsig grain tQ, threo loi cars at thoir owu boand stationat i on (Qis. 116)--wbicis il la within the pers knowledg,,e Of- i of oixrselvos, that having been obtnincti with gr'ea4fic to go np te Colliqgwgodfor floar, oug theon u bcing opexýîà was; fopisd tobx of.whéat, whichi baà lcorne bacla Certa 96 miles, and Pôssibl.Y ali the way f Montreal-anti> whon ths aiiie memiser thse couxmisiunIlas lçiown* loaidéd' cars Ibo, a wc!k or tcn dayi in being movet i the Queci's W harf at Toronto te tho station at tue other end -of the Oity-w tie knlow that theoc iaenot-'solitary iiis 304,ý but tisaI similar occurrence&'cc have hëen mnltipflaed la the cuidouice, must crime to the conclusion that no a ion pf rollin '- stock. andi no extension atalion acéonîmudation, cosuld improve position of lto company,. antil there1 jLttPr or'yanization of thse tramei depi Tuie division of re9pauuslbility anuon-st1 eîîarinîs is aniotler cvii eaunplainl: by the Cornuxis.Rioners. Thcy also say tI ti iniproî'cd syistein wotuld work satisr xi il>' utîtil taure stovage rocru and s:àdii id greater unpclu-unical facilidei for ho n"3 ui] unifoailii,~ rapidly, are provided ho grea, centres of trad anud wiuerei tilroa(d cones iin contact with hiewma md with otiter lines, In thse arranýeun( )rates for through and local ti-aflet ,Oununisàioneirs condemu the nîistalictn ri ,of thse Com~paniy. The question as i-aiâ Ilîtiier it is jus5t that the local rate$sho(ii S so xxîueh dieiyîrorîottionei-d ta îlîîsr, he tlxrouzh tuflle, anti wlîetlier, duri-iuic a0st active uxOntha the disposabile auxea , thse rond haie nol heeni tooexl.i îîîloyod ti forward the dlistancee fri, Dthe serious iiiVSfCîc of tlî>t awa: ig t ransport lllonithlit no. Tt ii argue iat the thrîoun!î traifie le really carriedj lo53, xîhich'is comîtensated for by ti tra chares pon the local huailif 'l'le rate fromn IDetroit tu tihe Ocean, et!d b> theInsu-îtion, was 70 cents p ruel for lutur, arii wlîetlier ti>, fri-i'l pareltotadumit. If-vo- ,, .miider ai' 1eGl i- i i eiiu iarigi-iltise saune rate~ tiirisu-;l1trtafiletuiere isi a -fiti-e mno olhn uitthe letton oce, ilIa tolupf>' c ~.t.t~%uY4~i,- ofaILignie lest, amui cf expenuse ilîutet, a Itle 70 cents là ecunts ira tlle s tnc- Iin, iuimahoutbuug rndanti !ieutuiagtluecana i-whiu-h ruuu imtetui-ul Pottlaail nîtll >osto 0 ."l 'Y01EDOLL AU A. YEAn 'at "jielu-twoutL"ml, m-ieSle tis te tann e vigforthue (JraridtTruiluI>'55ut îîiîeuiuu-î tise i-oit Se Iumu or sisort, nuit as Tise Rcvort,e netourts i-huaI ufr It - - - - Ilie si-el anuit ast o f souiitgarci-futupe.lashtuco >'eîîrs the- propîortion oh S5 per cei W'UUIîylý, 'Iil I~ J1tv 1Julie27, I1861. t1i or c te ieuuguist, il fuiloirs thai th isemre ulicis lie innig ixpituts suîi-a olise tilibiSr O tif cna ;IL Lake i ltan cf gaxotis cli'lias r fenslucai trl>'cntaun C lt- c fi-si Jpage fer South o(taai-ioOai- o lotreuiles, andut e iius cwutI titi- 'tu'1 -titi,' tue 1i Iulu tuu tiuitt l nomiatio. llimIlin ontheshor.lie-; nd -he tnt- rau opfit, vich î nou e>'u-iIlue luabti utusualîmaîthusu. u -- îîiîîg uuîaim ouaetise sîîoît tîtto unul laie mm , jt p -fl uititiuiI>'truc ies ta ile hocal pil uittilu9l Iu) cntu"uutaic - Thei>GrndaiTrutubi Itiont. uttuIle. IL bu truietujaItisera viii be prat eussia.suitait ;, eist a ttil rilietities lus in"Vin,,lise saute clogte a iaîr-asofI ibaiurfretuin ttt-oit la Paui-tîn Thuis hoîug tilkt>d oIpi-ductio lias itsl Iiuhtitbuc îun oa lr îîîn u-inignatnet jI-o3ît of o1',cents. yct titi l!nmgti ltliiîiu-usrd. [tutti aheut'>'ffuir villa eueiuuri-s ruore e.ilianuidn aicreperfect or. 15i -i t-otitei-ithe t> tui l bbus, and liai tuiblICx an( iti etedubu nuuahîerituug aveu- 180 rauîtizuiiatiiteig u-a>' succsufuii r-u î e-i>ixpliutlot -l12ct-tts for Il -paîges, 11iA on n aCop ei listo y of irait tutcoruanianul n iltalion ; Sut tlae ccv-pituPief cua-iigî:e bau-i-l, anatd lie lunucsIcoaiitci f is OaîtTmrt, tanati;uitsgeun favor cf tue long ibue u1iiîiu !ii-tgîgl reluiras aIflusiaes: theriiatci&l oniton f he rad Tutkmueit lar-el>'oou balaitce te iseunor Mini sheailiagorIle uIOe cof local i-ali nwiiVtise eli-dons of tue Ptov-inucviî ise u-aîicnccu. Werc il othiacîue, it iotultanuit1tic dsî1uiuu!y*s grasui-u[ii , icr forci-, Votopiat>'.T'l'ilaluillicuan o rnusi t fc-mta fcil heu atItue (GranTru iunît ntîuîd trate. lte Coriinissiiouseuri oýbsu-ue a n liii Compuny nu-c set foutiiina ample dtls isd!uge euts i emeîivî etha ,iic-t, wnai-lutn n asttpnacîbcaîîy' chaiti allt 'hie couîuuisi;olucr.4 ppear taelaiase hi-os eetionsu, cadi vci-kimg ,iuuîepenuluyci tîp-e n pilus n buîiuing orectiufu-of tirs otler, unt vithact cutii-iciied fimotuîoîy vof hîit 5utesot~5f cari-jin In litîririiizo the wile al coucuuulon Ith xe tuulise 'ti ePointi-uotdrt h p mîlion aïut t e lt ïkusiubxunuitlafuture Pri- Iihiiliit voliît ise mr>' tuilat ta aseut ~erets ili~l iuutatts e oecf thue (GrandTilaunil atilivu>'Coinu- ta. iem-alilai-e gi-autet tlieue priî-i!cgî-s btt Tt t>'lbc Seuihîltleiîîiutev rtuaIla en- u ri 'lt ta oxpecit isatI llii- vaitil ishanla corîclicret fret. -'îeiaiyvun tho rate Tite Comuahssiioîuers ]bavelreixai-etia re- abloe lle ranud hiiiilçtiLa lierf-cin ailu iailctel utohis e aba-iiIaer tiun tos( viet utatOlOtu f the atTeins of tlae Conu. iîimuu Im-ukm-tutu uciotcjsqo-aI iici tise umoretdiàtattfreighubu lu cnu panywhili lic diide indr te fllo. lon, ils equipiiettought to Sacusaie ntar- t-bcd, anuait i îillnot cii>' tiue tut>', lut l'a>'vhidu Sd' ivtetiuir it fliua 1> lyuitiathe usaine foting. Ittnthicug,1thtisr-ue iulret of» h-lut su o ilk imi~~ luontut a an ~%iuîoiruisusocf rtuiitag stock is cor> l opu>, iuk crniiunufo- Lliu. Bt mu-c nie ikevise oc Cîu~rît At2îtsat.~.~Vthte exzeoptiotuli m i-k, ve cannuot chose oui- tycu ta lte - Pro% Grîîul 'I'itfoar urutu of thue Atu-slîic altl- st. Lawuirenice lbase, fuidi, huiite fil-ant Tu-'iuk utas tccl niat u>tijntuI, tise vialeocf Lhu" payouusetîîs1oui vhiclu u-weui>' tî te sarne proitaible mae cf riue ro a mu-ise poile>', il 'unigiso liaur xîtiîi Sa-ee dejucîti muehiavi'. se îtail the imag aistock bi lias, acliehut cuýight ta hui-e &afair and temnunüriauie sbire of theao gii ainç)iàtf cha 1I-afie cfthle West, ai .îil îegetl tosCitiutîî l lefure tJanta donc, uallai-lichis lemate b>' otîer i-tuoi let, VP.58, Io isave icec tishi>' 8o harget, 'fit Citnmissiouaeus corneho tise uuiuioi lTiae Cossisiouiers ller slatiug filly1 uîud W ai-e îecaril otItxcuijital saune ne- table concolusion lisat, dasfciuîntse roul- the trîte îîolio>' muhiehShtloulu gaiou-a tîtu atceutli- hieiluuav ii-a i t-.Itiioui>' jtpeuit- ug shocluunuuy lie in numhxer, it h nuit kept trahiei- ait eusents cf tise Compîay, and il iii tise laine îe irin lluuuttale- 1 as uutiul> mind aï canumauitiy- cinptic>-etlan tise coonons>' viich mslaiulii axist iiiitu mae-tt il nîb îtîeartlIait theî- nutailnaîtequiji- it oîhto 0bc-, and ni il us in cîhor rnanis. mngmnc)oit tt htte s-'tit lave, cu-i t ii5,2f53,21iS 23, awil, I*utt it-cgiuti- un ai oe nu-ci-ugo rumîer of 0 0teseig uu u hiemuha u> t hurt- bas ut -uludb>' iaîru>Caitalhîanaîtmilaestpei-di>, anuitclu-un ou lieea 'c ceier nustear ruoputIle rond bnuîo s hU lsPt0, riu,tttif. ule-msItaii, alaitthue fi-chghujt cars (Iohot usaI pitiiioni 10 enuhmîe iu hi) le wirketsunceosut Itua-ari; cuori~bu ur opinionm, tue thse uverage nuîimc tohall ns îoug e daii>' fit>'. A camiuide-àble expomuitune af t-hi- traffîfmî'îipbs dtii llie tii-a nrs jouiui>'as tliosi cf t-l ia u adantitder icaptl!4ithelirse leacessit>-, attiiinal iit n hlftîll ciuultt lîe :uo, hP'58, havet- i o coelerîtî. Andultins>' ed Wh Iisit roI shbiiucssbe ita 1.6;,073,7f65.919, andbtue truiu exueulue îf poilitiuag aut the emailiortiut o f ol vuk - ,cnueruîhiuacttestn van.irig autnduuiiu i t(,>g ui naicertain- viuichii utperforutet b>'the êxiutiaag u-chibmg tuis oftise Stauions ut Montraa, gi-enter la- 1' ruat legss ltiîu$6i,090, 197. î79, 01, ttit heistucke, iuucomparison i atis whut lu accoua- ciliieoafou tise gr-aintu i-de i isatheluajm ai susal iuriuîg tiat periot liais nat paid ts lis ilietd ou Otluasrtaivwaj, amdinii express- eievîtors and pan stores, a wluni-I at Que- ex1tetaute exclume n roi1at.iieurut. higtîacitîti. biti l e crio-tgla ltiiOîtioas rit Portlad, &-c., nre nul Tfiue bî,auute, yhi-aicha theuuiet revca--ue teieeîive uuitgemîaent uî~d un iuspa-fîet - cuuunaeel ; the wirlci mpaoveinouits os. Iinu faiet ta imutellie citai-gi-te uu pt o n-aliu tIshe iffle - tcpart'nsnt, jatiitry tst, 1838, hbas boîti £wé738l l, t eu- uji l> eib tuai Due ri- mhri lrntt t i8000, auudii a n ex- antt -linco thiat fçuriotî to Jutie, 1860o, $7,. il t>tiit01rit i j be>tand the contrai cf lise pendibureocf $1117>90q fou- rcliing stock. 11H,322,70. O! tisOfftile umuujuauuy. antis-les friun But suppouuiuag, tise>'a.1t ail tisise iuniopvv. 'l'lie Ctunaissiaîîeu- havue ciaifiedthelite 0'I cflle station accousmotu- eudamattabaic ur ct guîuîgtiiut tîme huduîîse* s1iet.t, nsuaumg it a hi-uc stuîcemîh lion t alaucel ai! tise imuortautt points Oucia i-atlai ci-or>'aY nii u.ios iiiitil cf tissets aut i uh.iliiu-8, îîîîd grouuiig ta- I te rond." ICoua îeasoîaabl>' expeett ial thet> raiiic gcisen sucl acncousits as ta lot uppiuar tii ibis lias been a conuheant ami just cause arrnungemnts uvere sulialc aurpt- ic <xiotisr clunractasi, uviicîs it thege -ofcul auuplnintai- e a-suIt rater ta Mv. J ialit>'; andtibiat bise freigisi vene eau-i-ic guite Me>'I(,Ccoîsitered as the roi alaSai ysreporItiant ta lus oviteuce, a a- nuinathve uate-siilltitere venu luaacori3officCmpn. sunigali otise ûCi-u-lce or tise Ion. Joi on e uai esure moremeceswai>, belote lte the great a-ath îe rend, tu Seîvou-ii wlant Ycuus alautMemubrs. Estnihe alauuHIeivai-t G<rand tTruuîalç cauld Lake ils place as a soi. itl imnit oâtt, aluithti ti ts reno al Sît eSts u-liclu relate piueipahiy ta Monîneal, but lte venti idetaking,. I-t i3 absclatel>' esem ami,),,,st tise ctiscu ussctt, il voiidapear sanie diflelcuu e xitst, tiraitis poi-aps te a rialt tiat tbs caitulcptlsieî et f-oun tiistateuniat liaIllhetotal lase uip tous xtentm, at aimoaiu-l t,' pritliucaipall ste- -ure le ricipl iti, uucci.Tiselihabilit>' ca-tise Company four le thaîs Julie 30f, 1860, hat beca $13,220,- tiens. Whiîst tItre lias Sean tha e m ist' tereut und ieu, exclusive of sisare capi. 935.17- pnosaiiîg temnat fon rollin.n shoclitho cari-'y lai, a the siuiteeJume 30, -1860, l is ien lu Tse lseverai Sections liaive earu-tu, dur. aut-us>'taehotusauuis cf tons cf pu-aduce, lise Appenidix, (P. DO,> unit vus uvitisin e iaîg ISIlOIllae foulioiuusais pet tuile a icliioi haie Sean aecunilatiig aI ail pointa trile cf $3,000,000, n fathoa ai Atîanistc Districti............... 708. ocf lIei- on, tise battit carsliai-e botan a mcr tandt mre if li>' o oquiptie Eastern do ................. 2,924. ying il fou- inys, uni erve es, fi-cm jtoat, tise liabilit>' veul exceeti this suns; Centîral do ................ 4026. si-nut 0f stoage room for biseir carpees , but tise hlnec uen can co Weuieu-p de ................... 2,8 j7. ant i sii heutse>rue unloaded t L;i-cb>'tise iuag eu-eu ta the Carnpauîy's eunva'c DetroitI it.... ........... 1,4'7 91aW@pucesse cf tuenuai lbioi'riften lu tsne-igil asnt o-Otsai$ of7200 - atiomma ibiunt cf acease, inueat cf -lisetta! e have Ihus an anuaual harge 'poat- ........................... $3,426. being usecisaniaîfncihitîets affordedt t uake venue ofldouble tisa anaunt cf tise ag5gre& Tie aeunleta nialotsuhîpl> tise monts tise cars acailablin, utue soteu passible gcte nef carninga 3duriang tce elit iearo cf comîtarltin <h unîîngh uni local Susi. Lime for ansotsen trip. It acouui- toubtleï -tisa -ot1ha bien openu. Lt is impossible uisns, ai.4 tisasubiihsion hluesrelation tui>'liebcdesirable to > meese theise'stock ofcfars tui tisaîn>'ircretise cf tu-uile, ci-an>' mpnove- ta lise seve ral itiitlxatud gives recuits uni engines, but lise firat eut gr(;ate,5tmutof meoagciIuctit, eauriueutelieutea _-z etoo-d- int anli - - -- F9!-- - - - -nçe cvnce-s__ ..n-- i >. - - -_ , , O-el, -Il --- - ba *' ~<jf,>~ase> lott e ietlcuicy gives* bis unasked for oicoà-- *u-no M.-pry È aàii obanvetàt fë57f tj:pray.r-C i n h al'rfimarOnumlfront it*Tlî o h.'eucum lrau ô baniêMh ~~t<tus~rrr-cnpne ioia purias- ems(o 1wunad ownstsup Cou.cilasyear aftev y0$e tomtcal, niaceth-s Dbyaon"' spt~ poru moe ie u a apontitefsalt tozen years was a m o! rcithe irsue h- - - - viorsthe et isaie ie~,It oui onl' tse pasiui', ati Gnernsen r~grtit15 - euxser ever>' occasion. lI die r8qý hréJa >i sse Wxuaulfrtie..cllouof &afÇduxas.he tlithses moe ýtilyt irilitontina loaî 'w th eLa~Is~ ~ .,,C I- t erhsk - -y, -4àd paid;ld bt 4i ta C duisCudle ok Itil, ad u~fwvs ae seaîs~~tr< ise $I*Ã" 0lt D 4ia1y .---- t -Thse copnIIlata&-poahtow-of tise Coun- eutlera-vs-kpll4s-.bi-Pol, Wuaàd 'o10Étise cÃ"tnbfif >- -- ' - --Ontariocdo sssiksf 4 T rs ofPaYtîoýu#ýygJws ofý-rcdfl;oni mueutulule of ropair>,of an>' ofiar.roanduts udrpa vledh ofc o s4pbicoexsgthe9Lx ws Os The<>Mayorread a Cmmuaioue ars~Aue~ ~aau~eusenis er>' tiff. hobo PrOvinçép -lie(ca~enÉ nRoWeé) b-h iib > a aveCIl~Sinacopor a résouufild y. ardnter -e of Whir. of andt.occtxniee'-thse bY -on h. lu 5>' 1 cil atI e~' .#4vouraoftw no nyer treeieîvd z siugeshiu,4ani 14e Chief magistrue'" cfultil bsrofsw -- .theS0fJeudt cOç-l Trustes, mmde au The alingli ho ieauifiep sue ~fo f tietown et lise place. Hii lest irpertineàces are nuhi - e ;tml~of probable tecti-pts aujepii fiute 0. oduce iueh j anti shose ., Rondanti Rarbor,.--Anothiplittldp sau paemifege era pros, fr~ e l szil4sl re e un. T -of~sioatfrlsecareta~,te '- . Olour ilre ovet- i d; euis'at juMtéietions. Otie at ants boîweopla Mr. Diowta and-CaptaJit Clear bond! anti zouuad judguent, fori' si aesune observationskéVrijo nsdy l1)~ inîeëes eecrthe' iintereet-f ise pub. Rbow.t5td up the great oration o'f th eentiounslioaest, ni sic eairqiiî - h>'aena dlw:qUgthefone$2122, l 'M~I,$ tgentlemaa, A sitjr. sa rtl4enthatl attot ilMme - - hi louv -Iim n ai c iil a ui- Gi ~;eMagissraté He bas over been tise frientd $ttlurdyýes and reckumscào ise taan5 l e s.t OXLAIDETS)- w a L ertàà:uweutis pi' !g l bitalsia!npeussd tIe lu Ma ]bo;'l"Cupai .owejuale-. f tihe ftiaêcisnic ad uu r a d I - -111=111, oCr eit s4 b , i le ptju~-utgSVQI u m tono li. ont>', ieconîtot i sigisu, ~~~ ~'àknâ,,,horn -in Muieo.i h e-'- brr î~aiient, k ga-n avs Lcgslaursus>' ell n nsgasrategooknd .., e .k1o5î ottyMen,, bîuAywaaute uiyt t aux o~ws M 'totise Mayor- vas qAIt4~t beucessari-lefacili[ate tise reuýôtastftcton cf naizoa d.-..peemakor amues flrMuiinfi;'i.,cci.'.l'O ert« k sué er s minaruact to ýt the tieCnpsp* uIts tlee fa> t gooti citfzen,unt ilit oult a tisonnant jilties ant ltise frnlsatanti counucllorcf tsuth' . i~ j.Oaua i udaw 1 rl mad.tîeIld WdeetCoIl'failt ciIb -o pnty Bt -heit os r n, t-$t-g. llct. ,r .Iùu -a , âit- wett Su-tluçDîcun 100 10 issue auulfud e Il) euplte ôgive thse-'Company' a fuesul tarI b ;souiti hm doiva iatu, evisera i ln udteev t ie osmu Ily- uastusvscuîxunt)PjfjùlI0 nybore eau fera.raeitiee boutures ehargeable totseand frudonî T cous nsuYe e u zltI do ù'uibe coopertion- ouaitl ic é Most ertai n to gel spoilc . Ml jbis i uerets lice ite ceÙUnI>ofOn Tist Dir. Guni mate citisr a violent or land tux of the town,nder a Ceral b' ty f l~ vacou-cr% ostf craionions e- (t4ulltor.)ü tntrýL.0ro, hee lhe bas lived tsasefort> yaiz akes peh o'tn c' ne iSlaw f te Copy Coutuil pss i lstt ts e -Yto clalves. 1tu.-hl l ta olataion -W taj faist session;-said di-btunei,W to R bcithe e aetcalotd, but 1lis e scmsity for, baste us meut al obc.-Abill î rve.1ï -e.oit 10 cesSuchabl,8usann presigaud l voitbe li li~ue. Cutnow.ui -t b rButtIIluerctshu vii elev. A ie lwa. ofi, sthele jun afer41 atéi 1tobedoldt1Te treuilver>' tnuafo l be cau is remarButievelhwi uner.of it olctes.spokqpointetil>' and, tehig, 'a1u4 lue q2oke audcour. notto0exceed e e etbbwUiat Mi-..P<r1>'- p6s -s4-- 1a1tise.etosais e t e z t i o n ' e u t i t s p r e s e n t e m b a r r s s u e n t s t a M . B r o u -n , l i e g o t , s o n e t a n d s p o i l . .l i i - J o w t é--t r u s 1 0 , u g un d a t à e v r t e a e t urs et o C t o b a a l i e W n Y > s t r l s g l e , t i s o u g h t h t . i f fi c u l t i e s o f u o t h e r c u ! c a l e e t i o u l u Q c i c r t h r - I e u o r w l s i - - - i a I l ieo v e r > ' l a p p l y Md.ao s b a tse a ~ <li'vieto. ~dtcenîloéokin. >'oun- man and taiethtie nomnsuaîion x lst ts uuersuaiosc iebtetc ienntsdent Iand taxes due P fi 1 %l Tiu uiof lite rosi depenis upon lu fayot -ii etoïn niapoiiinGoe adtegieamwi nyt tThse>p iiI' 'ÃŽteobtuinin enueaivu truhiiceuand uccoxntet for tie matu>'faii hoenov Iat. ifcflsi enlm1u a1 oîtchn G1 eatit1 rea1e wilsoi> is5ai or 6 jours; back; finat te amouret- uec froW uenil beigaba mnuer iéoutidr(bcal lterl)erconld tisare, butÏhat "ho voteti againsî *>ist di tis-pe h'obdrtacal relut Of thr fur visict ie Monetures vonît issue uï. r .1111 suu 'f m'oue>' ta g»abll it ta carry --is--u-----Aslit 4-p1ao0e.ed ed t tisIpapiertu A referouuce 1 otiser lois thauutu-o-this of tho sansU t 5 0tiat traffleensaiofactoril>'. Botis depcîîd Mr. I3roivt tWhiby. le atlacks thoan>' one -couiti do that. Wisat a tributs 1<> co!uiuuu luail this u eettiry la dieprovo due, andt tisat. the un sàm-,b ec f r o t a u p o n ut r o u o r a t i o n o f c o ti i e n c , - c o u t f l I l p t i t r u i n g c < l i c a r t t s a , e l r f u l n o r i e a l g t o t s I D . G n u a i i e w o u d k e e p _ t eo n o u i - l o c a l t a x e s ï b i j u r Don donc. cf tise publtic, thiaI lise'ra> eii-litus u re eiel ehliet r o-tl1 otvoen uIrcis peh"l I5TIIEETS &ND sI'aoyvEMEK-ns. i fuirtl ponsants and tiseir- properi>' ta i-saa Ih aith noionsnemolnteoi , viaieih. was si tuptelh o~tOis h itan- Cilmpen>', wvu a reasenuaibeesxjectsstion nuio? a frhoid upiucir paluns for lMr. Trnolujt lxî ups nging ls ltheo- ie oto bsbouuns M Pe bruighîup tie t5rS entThef o u i h l i e r s f t ' v i i l c c r t o , tMou - i l u - i n o u e t o r d > u b e o î - i r tn P a r l i a m n s te a o b t a i i î o f fi c e , n i , l i k t e r p e s e t e t i i n n o h e r e s p e c t uIl t h a I h o m e n d i u g p y m en t oi r3 - n a c n u i a S o u t i v o' damage or loeou 1cuatd nitcon11 ianltit. ht> i-lchic-f vouItnld a-oes tme hiï predecessors, th-s he viil do tise fini aserte *lisait Mn. Mou-at bat dedared ho Messrs. A. k C." Siettard and tise obtaiuisoct2h itti- douce tof capitaliste, liant au>'funduse> n'eetr tWitiy nts oan ftiseMayOpîoutuuit>'. vonld vote.ugainut evar>' meesute, goot in,,of 20 000-fe uMber adilitionaniT-edE ofte lv0 an ia ho swnllnre nut, !îri 5-ntomintion. l'lie illts vere .ntsarouund or bat, introduced th le preseul goveru- s~ tufficeat tie mroa mutle enaiet'eiulb ~ aT-î tise lihet caconvictions ment." Dr. Gunu iinot su>'tisat Mr. Tôt,-THeinfarce cd T osie anti tho greuitestl "eîlua- tie coutra->,und tise faitfl ifu liti ' ruu-l et. T isoee ii yth u'publifci lest week iCul orror occur-cdin aMou-ut maie lisat tdecluration. oebets Ou n of Dr. Gunur, secondaîl b» th h 'at- lin heefral, >'tie nlst iciot f o ueii iht'(ltlit 'l Id tie dolliredM , YIsij hews rqete eposituont th aroq rdioqan heLgiliurl iito bi ii, lutise tr-anspositiou of tise nature cf tise charge cf tise pull>'declaret in- tisa Honse finat Mr aoi1he . a>rvsnqest lu vruxu c-eîrsui ia ~gsntiuî o~ctc lr>yuu mot î rat vliiîiî cf tise hue bis. pnoclauulation, giviug notice that- regular hi tIshe ta Mltce auis aa m;ui-omisa amortal tlii i tttutt o o-uîxîS- agutluist Mr. James Greig. It lu set ticivu tise>' ouli do so, uni Mr-. luovat OIWta' pri solv )I..)d o i i ceiltie provisions of by-iau- No. 4;,lie fan asui jOf partirs intcecteil, uas ilîlmalo sovncy- -uticr tlue proper Seat as 'tdrunicanitdit. vils diern, anud Dr. Giuraexpressi his ea- saine bas i-Cfeu-ruêe tô horeruun0a isgt possble.- - o.inc>' ird %as Mu. Bir;i u uu u t on.onoiteriy ;" t siotulul bave licou for inon-gi-et lint Mr. Mos-at was flot prmaitnt, ht -titLarge, wDuld bclieonforet ou and efuer-lot TeP puuaii-iypeu-yaient cfa lttei .ees , . viallwoare acquxuin- lie nsigist usk hlmhou-bcho ali-as a Jul>'. inag tie e il lowusadnîiih heEci.-r tttted witliu34r. Greig kîaov 100 veil t!xaî "Clinist«in paitijaW-Vote aauilîu aveu-y Auccu:ciNaîprvtng - aeju xii- ~~~~li~cy wae-oail w'>liuu thlie rnominatiOi gnîeuatu oa-cer frsii'uionnaremot i l atvicli caine trons coffinu for tise lute Win. Cra . iu-t ilmordit>' tila neet-Ihie corr the ntinrtin use lgovebf-rumttit.eyMr.ldbo Moatidi t vote-htacobe-epali. ramnt.vas Mordcrecivoe ta b pate fic at er rite pra cetnr I enmi iri nifiîuIiuie ieluutiîulie'vol ieuaunst cicr>' gaici-ment ueasure, ant isie Tise tisnk of tise Couneil wt-ni dsite, aut ih uhe erinaita eolu,'u-î iru if] u ifd ith îîiie eof NMr. Iirou-ii's tai-tlilîi7 Catîn i oiwelisatnvuass cufl> uttcl i.Gui' culu. 1 ocuvydt tseepraîiaucf te h n t-c r ud tatri -ar ait atuluevS foisMr. lBrou-n. tieceut îor ltIiui, att aî>uîiîs-4 tii, uiiil cocluionitabi-i-u-enub -o i-it Ai, usu!cces.fuu uilemt;tmaie ta, 'tmpiMîsu>'4 is ànxlT.uiî "îo lu tr Cata~Tise exrxssiouis, '-Whnî t îtiremalterirti Taira Of tielleville,,for,-lise pressastcf a Frauce au t h e ý r . P e r r y , e t u r n i i i u g O i i c e r , m r as . i i ti I 9- ' r a tl > i t ; : s b n a u t , TO h e i u l f a l i te m u i o s tsa m i g i u e x e t at i r s t s n a t " " e f n - t a i d c o s g t i d i r e c t o r > ' o f l a t t a m i , a n t i t i e C o l i n tF r acc f J o! i prs.viltiyo, ig. t;-r r xe dth lt ie sm ecîf" luatakea flt(.pri Iattg. icetits eiio nilsiu cii- fius j fn-iin. elilsMn. James Car-micisa] &ýc. T'ise tIu-n-I-ilin tetainiut a i ieai isfiigoout xeîiuatlb oci- uice ta ms vprte noftheailri os- GergeUn!,nnd :3:1 therapyitng orThearni met ofOutiaat-wa-q calie-b tus tisa chair. uiois1- ortol. li,,iris i expectation, andt c tiac ndîuh f io-o aula ut rLi. wll verh-s uucc ta-euicuh tu i -cI - tie lu e tte cn~- eoge Hl , a is a puh53 î Cisuri for îîhî ý l'- B3roa-- iaî tirhe saînie scailel r. iii u ita il. a~it u-prî a g l 1i lit uifttio dd ine kcjiig bnck bt vil as ie tilfund iprv thesasilateiong cf t isa oniv l sdjoute atit Stites:uc à ritreotpeiMoroi eth,,vJai>'eprtubteguicaui fo- ucinvîicilii iCu partdit iuu c! dîxu-, andval uîl-u u-ithaite'cîniuiaioiailh avi-ty atît> ti li. uau-, aint do il î7liel'Utenionf le rsu eofcî te Globe tse at een yoars. eueqtahd-pe uiniittil lu. anlý Put>kcintiMtir be Paris f ffcorest tu te Administration ivitix o li ri> i îîv 0 ', (- rt- îi:ît ut uiafls iiet Candidate, qesin riiî nine, itauteldat il Par-131Vo We-ifurotti uaurt eh>' measures of tise Oppiosition - oe tif Jermiluui hm inteflinistvioi c tti -t i omouteclie iAt.tieniie letutaui teiueo e-uThe etU1 isjTuuxHal-o 1isacicfluLao t, Session, fi e-ign n ni]ia lji t u efii î l tîî tl ure t-b ukui Troooll - due 2l'li4anuis day r ,ug hý te CI36rai. 15ofcxktiu ut-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h limin>tssi wîtIts n -- a--tîe ta hi--luCl gorirea-aiille-uiacl i MIoEautai et deat -ri- tait tic eyreit, lhuiouyaIivlaontkPacOt .Sati-tai'nsi higus cx- Tise HMinutes tL-i nueelalngea thoe ia Iseic- nusi' lbeblui> ftu iiî ~tti uuîuilitul'.-s Ioac oul, 0 lstiat culemouat ti-rea-ied. Tise puiit-iafîxatîs Dan-in Alis own es'iiali on. Thie-great 1pi-ii-atr (-g-iord fr t p3t w i h-Presented' Sý M,; -Haiglu, ie eiteu îîgîu tise ) Wlit-n p t-i-oi :1asitintrodueuca ti jrQwtlbecai .1. i-i .. iaiie t heh-t-i, f a e 10wi al ter, astaorfn iucsî, mut~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :er niupîI~yoe ae~ u. tîiit d~t 1Iisact.ofjtsc(e, PrOcesci M, fliiî l st utý* 0iuatead titathe "e greaiL guins aud little 1fi5a s eely aidont:sie roui svee bota î , . c d -i ry tîsc u pî 11 1 , .tise - e u e lo t 4 a d 3 5 h a os' oe ' i- ?tid a med ttîuhl4ui-IuiLLe i t~~M. prîeuuç - T4uoW f ada W ot oS tiseasis tutùeulve tis e a r n MÇ-iohî mvs- eao etwdasc hre c nd for t4tot luclray t heuîtî *edan bue c s e; m i - th is -lis s - - c' ' p o ss e ltc- v ir o e <froniti o -4 . . -je a n , u n a ei sicandus' hhixt;i ii-rr <3 - f the riii-nu a!t1ti ur eah;.>ut rt xillu--t;c- e~ v ou' at'c ti enM ofî'ut efusit;l a i rou haue ttua G -l . n d t A e L ' u : ~ t i ~ ~ 1 ~ e 1 0Xrt î I y ! 1 4 t l ci a -i i- - h i " t » - 'l a t j i e 4 î b d o n t.,-- tiiî: ti -POu' irÏqt je t -îu-atui li! "at - -le f uî ".bsaCîdl]* ut i h- ie-edse wand -e- 0forew M Iinand. ittuI-i wtxnt un>' so, t>ii t i*utellu-.tl iul Ttutli,-t ly i Mt -ut- ei îit .ti-i o a tise irtpi-ocînn. ot a'.Muho'iltie uk c an--deut-;it ioue utceCriet ti iloi' s iti:iîtrei.-utrlteisanir nai ut-eii- 21-. ii-r-t ..d ti -aet la fart nîtoît> le (lau- vâTis nriaun mou-es-isep.fous iu p les fu r-.v.i.... uîreleu î tuiuunittg 1itiieiIi ai tsJ)uoeo nectii-nu, ueîaqdabcflo re ther. Claupus nan dhtte G5. lui- cu eti tut tu ai Ib t s rus bie peop e a t~ ib;- î C'ui il -< d Iu r take iui ti rce W e t ust îiî î t îju viii hua ia- tis cl ~ ct f c l t M r B. îîu îîo-fut-uethi iu ist uîg , g -nui an ci-en auït senTeas rer lu u v o Il-%i i10 "n f. ts.i-i- er' l uuuI ceetio at ,)fun et an it>grn 0uxa-oi n 15 a sulrarilu favi h uil le," ffoouit Hbsent, fanditistsunsicf $1 , being la Me tisIe ol-reutituemu Iatu laaI. isc Ou s. I rythe cM e u ,biusctatiu rlll l -tiu>'c as oit e roftaî£w l ouc ia e xi trotc e l uivl euu îe lerru leporiisa ccfvs 34uaunt 35, iendte » >'hin. luTheiug v c f n ti e r s e n t at > ( tu u s l iPui ta iit n i u. ui ui n  0î l, i- îcii-t uh a veu , M . Iu îî it o' ,l u i a n i k o u t s a t s e s î t u e t l k m g tt/ i w s u d T i h u ir s h tt ti fl a-r ufs, aip eb isou î o a sf h h s o u ci : a n - R ritectau-suautsiidc, butrSeing pnotiseiisuetfntheeTownnousectisethe-ecturButhohpuycaretise.tardertvhi ftifsha e. O p oin ainurp uMrh hoivieursimlit- ilsa îs, fiun, uîal fuuiiî. ;ei !,in loa-l htaîf bOuit aermuis moirredsa tisunotra>'nvhcla lisidits uet ise ic-cerscuiss themiante C* u ocfsuhbitprolama.tforlawI 9ulieuce houmaTovuf lHtsll- g ui] iuiiuîmct >' ue laali>'iiiivsics ac t (uit eift M r. ex ps h s eo lenid i t (l ausre 360, Mriesuni ila ahilutar e - kî v a a ddael e it uTh et u rlime, t , - etlJpperoi aBtadnib e t/l a d ll et ) suc/ vr co re 1 n usd î et n a e i 0 b xp n e u tis u t e ova bine rcdsuaîdteiifutes nîusxlcr u- ciijuuri lu e-ut-volti mi s suit- cICua shlo itts Cunaaiate ) l tisen- anOur unzntr T eauerinfao 'xaiteeut, a-. Boui-ntiseerimeliitiettihik unslnisui roult antitisauTisonas turatne ~ oua au Ouaii, ueiutrsae ftIe an o tse~Iuc iî eî btît îluat tlue l. Tieitl r e y t/c e rgu s cf t e las i e w.tu -aO uto-et'-m uei oW i î;en hoo te n lcaou $12 feroiu k e ustt tlî e î i i e co u îî e a y u i i le ua i -/so f ut e ra n, tours ? lfi l iieis p l oi arts b) su c . is insal. a d dib rate iho mIeje uihl h ta t Iisa C or p o rt o l u c e t w th c n u is i n r u c r i leppaountepl wuh b>'tatttiseeisCotpeo3rýaoai i btyntmui. d, lias ji11 those nterGlobe ncfotmoe ish tOct,, 1860, luapmtiseoro tcu-tTU Scen c-Cenueyila Nov&bet batothe I vii dis a lrît une olac tre- us o ounitireav t itu ew cf tiseld>f n>, to raadnat ailu ouoc-eiru aîe o u' puîr" u> i ttitatcîidauditelaiis 13 iesl an u sepybet lsi rerricb n vu a1hu-c it îttn rt-h uit ras ui ose st ti- c n-in,)da vBuly ul- utret b>' Ma. P rr "urr--n'D whau-gno -rsdntliaifotfThorininsresplts asu.Of abe ,a ndrou s hvl t cr uhe v a s SiHew ur- Oni J oi au ctfir th Ce gst o 0, e eeu; Wh e u i b ot beto>fuiu.tt hevac fOa - i'a-ielmi liun sitimn' ti inco poiouneit e n saWi>' fi, teiacu u rntil udj-wh h as ouneul umîli hnii ad gM. oe n -u t muiluc re frosideuitl nfl i-oîrs -tîla ticscf in culla' îîd rehae oaonslauper t' is prt' hosaleo n oftiseb is undyF' ni c3uia a n ' a c l n u i , r i a t ale r o l k o tae t e t t in t h af p oli u l n 1Tihr u u tis a s tin - u t X .nîhes pandxer notice. cruekeroi nht tif nuiticisreanueqence. Go - d offeret i-b j tii e u t a l a tu e r efsi t b cati d e i h n .v e f ! nitaîc a n adSuitn ;l tn t taag esc o re u-tIelut- îiseu v ip eti o u I. o n. Bo u i-m , fb u e n t-, e >' up Mn a-. D e ui r u th e a f lsu e rl fo pll e thi l e f - F xoio : Sut ise' ae prel' cucopionl, ut nua u siei-, f i m-i-e nec sutlir), tisu teu-. o fsced i osffia Wtbystringnich-l o-Tiseécaut oforMp olin msraepi-esen r 1 *býlrohr. pi haopont nre uavhc he bc, v n rs p bicbfcd ta o ie eea >rM. Pru>,i;iusîn tsoisfoilru>$fa1Mtra P tr.,5-N E EC0,.t a vo-' mut e re t h m l eu-n ise ds ' ca ci pai-iyasm, or local jeutoual>'. time vas notlaniIa utuuil cuit, uic have tuirna iasa Itebel- *iso once enju>ed-uagnain ~------ rcnb'tre of lise extensive vooblen Woatl i ÀNctiriiîg Itue lsent cf Mv. I a louguhi lics ettise Globe atlLae fts a oet-n-imna> oas aeou oefrCjela oieIirsda biuc ees abrBoiar u tel.lt 0t. M aLae fteItnuouis-auai vho S>' tise va>', muquite a Candidate.? ih.Tiectmi> care uSlut> aewe of at pltCi]iiiila ewaluitgýtom,ve vers- p!ea:4eii of Ottobsu-haut, giniiig ais accamuat cf thae ville.nuTheclînracer, parlichuri>'obutise prie t e o u Mne . B"' r. ro u-ut con e usît ial' in a t- n0a na i u for i- K i mgut D ivision. T iere tic o ld ui-hre isisfane >' rda ns un b -i te , 3 lil k uam R a ces. l st v ile M nr. W ur. B arbe t va s -lu W hitby.,l c u a $ iau.,," Il n ver>' ttifortuutite expu-esusin," uaere eleven candidates uouniuateul. Tlae ne-as viites tise fol!oviug preciua tnorceau-Tise Leader gi-es the, followiug pas-lies.- te $1 10 M .aridt mtie iii lll etao leuimahrîn ilr i uinb eouz iefount! ituUs lu-ceoSes pocket, lx>' iii servant TiseMai-kisant Races came cli' on the lai-sa- VheW f sympathi>." île catît nîs lai-e saidilacs. lime uiîovcd ibut tti-ecmintutes t a chatisogirl, m-so stn he dîtngwaonrtheis ofeus al3tliandCour se nu Th tîn> un Eai>', Thea fine vas fil <t 1 tise d eu-face Flou Tise Ireihorcus isouiithet ucedthlIe ti-eut, usover ant st>t>nuidetani alloîtedt lii-tecu cMlrient Paîniot, etthenmin ng on tise isuiiik cfutr deevs eb dnted rmon n f lruast ec fth adiae. a il-potit uus is iscît a isanu-el, ex- ver>' gnt conittion, atatdvu liai quire ea d 0iin tS-minbilin bobure vas a decune t ie enuaact i-m uecrt f iale t ecl c tsecadiats. For ciatimnw .itu 1h etenîloriai luies - mumber cf lhenses. Tise vealier vus firue- ii- 'uctp I iedsr>ing le-a t s. tise Province 10 tise other. J'lut people thuis 'Mr. .Sicrifr Ituytiolulut -u-icous i ui ta-,ni tise rin- gotu. nment vas eonifined for a lime luhetisale- fleur ut $4: Ilbel t s lv ieneilda.laouae, uni gi-cnt hopos vere entertaineJiauiFo & ~~~(As w unum-iipv iiprip tut>' FIIISTAY.tisattise fucto->'would ho saveil, but, net 3 5 TC is Mr, lbtavussrighî-bani man, uanc tie f-Leader, "fori- l at urget, 4"Sut no vos. tft2 etrn!~~îutiî Iîon P'mtsmx OF'$30-4 Enties. vitslausing O-or>' exertion, the ire cangisi a 0 . A l't i cii are homi tise editara cf tulue Globe newepaper. tictiOli boom inýpose thtie praceaintgu noua on 'g htteya irlirau-o nu1 it gît, J. Fenîou's J. C. Hleenes..2. 1. 2. inth ie ove aI tise roof, ut, instantaueaus- unîiiîcbr si-le tiu.'tuborder, A. GranmsMiHley Jtiley . .1. 2. î >,auotts a-sl naams ffass uth 6. rnhCnda oiain, udidoulut momit bai-e beet pmolougci tuntil 1 nlý4ut tt 11Mlitti initte iuîlih, Jtlbîas tetat....3 . IY, Tis bui,t visicix ee abmassof lote,. rulig iscisCandaania rencautortonnin-rsiaoalitxn,"afer.0 nsrll;art.r ]vesiuodor pe.rtolaupuon'altotfot .......i.-3 3.the uildnloi-c hitl wutoruli f sore nulngUporCunudauîiîî Ireacs taout-r itit prou>' clap. iVîtii îtîuvîeau iloe itîi ilte court, JPR. Miilat'uCalifarnia fiait.. iut ansi the muciiner>', vilb li aer>' a LotiailHn-y'Wîlii tics " "buu>'btug fa-its fou- thse Joui-i-Cana- teap spu-ecles." Tiiiut mun la it lu e in'vi-an. Tinte, 1.516, 1.518, 2. ics. ' Thse stir Iasotshtn tjns vitli Upper Canada moie>,»" atad i a S il on.F ul.VEI uu C-, $5-4 i trios-s a -. wta a ifling los to the' building; On Tuesi Troopsfur Caada Bt, 01t-ý i-il) ni ilie tîtut. lçiiled"greviiesl--epate b M. Te . illr' Clifrna isct hestock Of'-yods vas s-ente-dantitise Rev J. Penti Brou-nu,anuittiseGlobe atît u-futdfor tise The Auglo-Sexon brin ,ga intelligence of %ioPaiainn îD 1ilr lrihmAad.us ilne evr get h-iatr(-Ms.sd c aYoti- iouioe aiucut>'iuir cuirs.la icruZsrkrc Mid îhousauîtt ime, vîne next iwe!t upen b>' sereja lcsOtf troopu te Canada in the SThulliiiiebtebils auuliy 1ituligil, J. Fotuitniis Wuifa-/is vainsureaidbth $2,000,$S,000of viici 7 MNI-. Brou-a. H-e aiselauncueict m a lus- GantEnst-cruuni tise Golden Fleece. Tluulisatni ar uuieraitiem, . s>1sr Lpaie. iiihoit i >' iser-me cadcasais.SE trofteGadTuki detepooTise numbers utc net startet ; but tisafflet And tiihil aul-i ntre iai nuig2t m i ha, wen b>' Wa~iîaolile. Wieilucoseti that upu-anti of 300 ta w eesoeo ic cpbe Ani ttî1î1t a14nope uiutsidcr.saulsa were daniving tui ilvellhoisu- fous - TIE(. toer fse rn d lTu-ofktha ai-dn la ove tsI uoveslu n c ihiSlucpbl ilstriisr li iri atieatC,. SECOND 1D1Y. tiss ctabllshnsu4 the losi i be sava'- 1sno tierepnuiiit'cftsep-ucl ofea a utyiug Ituntixousani, seois t ia ititdinio clm-usîe es y w hji~tt iîti tiirsuau rtforeroii ndF out Pc'BE O 503aais y efbyà-h mciit for tise untertakin, and tihie course guaranîetisat the number mi11 be consul; Tlsa urees-gl ýBriiluis gg ond!t$- ntia > et eoits nterpriuiug pýroprietors of bi remanks lue ilenouniceu 1he- oit>' cf erablé. The objeel cf seàding tise.rein- li i-üv'lcnqrrfedn.J etusJ .Hei.. - ; steot1eeti~ieî Aswvo iuavL»t doue t etore, AThhms Wu . 2~2 ie heatiuganidî vrtoevtssuieouar King-Stoo ais lia ratten on sugla," anti tiseforcements tut reorted, la'O beta place tise .tuus se o dia ut Gsa.a'au iiCt, .ndontubnyian.-, *ere-ens. Tse bl - Fits "sîcougis of desponi. " Jeing ask-ei hou- Province lune. Positionx ho comment resipect !liud am at' ;itiuere.- . JnailVaitaite . 3.3. uauta i >'reguatar troopu that mightî lie [Hoeetise tanuscripat licanue sô biotîci Tise, L58, 1.519,2.62. Proof, à saveil uau measonable couenult - ~ luie much hs two-ays, Aministasionsien eau le camae teas te ecause of -lebu.1 xn isten bal mmiiSi tvouiei dmnitrao c e isilposadtetamake a desoant tapon tises. usat it ih mnpossible, througs auuofiu, sAKut PeSa, $5.--Tlh;src rae ie Sc ciet r nngs 0tnatl Uite'in tutti canlay, lae ensu-eredti tisait ut! le gt bts- The Frenchi proverb, ta nqeacseest tlsautd but tirliograps>'ta ,tecypher au>' quite an oxcilomnt. Thee vas lu al S tis'eonorgies cf mVst people, but aveu 1n0w' akee by Pregusa seuf vas a vanta tfor $70 %aiisbaha shil mere de seculs,-itis laesaféoneOuandeututmore. This lu té le regrettet, for it mu>' aulnes for thi usat I ue 0vn iiets iel muiiigaii ie a r c a i n e u l l u L is p o s s e s i o u , a n dc ti u c u i c t p r e s s a I t i e n u m b e r tf t r o o p s i s u f a n l al o u - h h t S d v b a S e t - u t u > V n b> ' W i f - a - t a d a 1 e e e/u i l c .- - r i n s , t h es a B a io o t e r a m a i u g a i- -a s - s n .- - - a g e à b ui i g o v u a s a u - h e ir- Io ns t a Uis eil -- 't ise n an a!s tan d a r d . T ie r a is n t i b g lu t ie r, v o m u >' a v e b e e n l t in lt isah se c re ts H E R A R e n e a t arb e -la noilt ,e u t o o uare m aW ui Casai B --o ne ut iret. (eut augsterant not fe- -tise sendigugtt-of tisose troops butl an unetvisicis are- uuquesttonubl>' kuova 10 thisSeetr' foemu>ioIaexreisbsicfie ortf.tIse cOntraçue8t ut mous necessa->'pre- Motonus Patriot. Great pi>' vo ca't i-est - loomnth ie shislle vil! be ageaisant,-_Csns..e were eccuisiauci b>' no setate ami cincuns- caution ; and ti l ouult- ho abumilte put everyîiig ueât. Vt frCptstRovtiefiade vsi- vr>.liugl so ui-a-tsl a1e t a ache Ion as M . lB a-a -ut ueutiu îing a n>' o h r i it rpr tati n tlion it. - N V o t I e p ot ta 1 b c O sI V t h e ut C a n d its - e e r l-ion. - -u -a n - e q - ie sg a u re of( I lii -i a 1-

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