Statutes1~j t' i'~ ¼'< " Il j', t, I 1. }}< /, s escob Etaley...........h owbil. Bar"A*Adm a é,*,,0 Jon oblTi........... PÀ1i tper n.......... onBob.......... mi stle....... W. dlso.......... D.Santry,,b.g0.....t I. Ntt .............. Gregor McGrégor. 1.Graig.............. John luahe........0 James Kilo...... JO Sinclair.... N'ancy Yellowheaii. Thot. Crag,.... Ino.Lém..... { ob. Dnary ' itot. Tetuy........ Rhoda Delong ... Josaé mcenld .... If. Bush........ Thos. Cléments... à toa eee f 7oaozoél aud disturbiu col..... Asasut..................... Forl «e~I uplynutý 1oleiie. Non pyle t f wagu........ Refaiug te pay wageS........... Réfasing to obey hMo muter'. Dr sne4l............. Tréspa.................. ÂAmault.............# Asi.................... Msar.2 18, 1 ÂpriIl2 t f Mar1, S 4ptil 12 4 ' eb. 2's, 80 pr129,18 . Keping boéuet fili'ItMo-.......My 8 Cultiug timber... ....4.. D. Spsulding .......... SoliUng béer withont flicus..... {0. Town...... Win. White. Jué. Triemblé .. JBrcwer. Philip Thora..... J. Sweénéy....... Jas. Msllony...... James Camnpbel,. Apri it, May25 Obtroctiug side*alk........... Âpnil A"Sant................. ... :::: i Inriaction of Village by.laws. ... Drunir....................... Infraction of Village iy.lawas . Halielous ijury te proerty .......... Infraction of by-laws4....- '-.. . ... Drunk............ 5, 8, 66 11 April May di Ietor Law..... .... Robt, F. Jardine,. ..Miadnenor...,........... oa20,e Alex. Kentîbdy ......... Ja. Beeaky ........... Brea&l of byl*à ........ Aprit 1,' Juo Hocad .......... Barbara Stott.. ..... Rtichard llrlghax. .,.. Mary Ann Silk . Chas. Smith....... Conatable Humphrey.. ChieS Constable. ... Consable Lewis. ...., Oco. P'est .......... James Henney.. WM. Dow jr..... Johna Dick..i.i...... John westly...... Mrs. Wallace..... jus. Gresg........ Thos. Gibbs .......... J'. Colvert ........... bas. Parke'. . .. .. Killing dog................. .sa ....................... Non-payment of wsge.............. Nou.psymeut cf wages... ...... Non.paynto f wsges. ..... Drunk and disordrly........... Dînnk sud disorderly.. Assî.................. Drnnk sud disordely........... Dýec. 28, bec. 26, ar. e 20,1 April 6, li 16, 16 18, ~r. 18, pril 1, ApÀ 10, Clîlef Constableo...jNoble Kelli .......... Druok sudisortlrly.-..............IÂiniil 13, il Cogatiil. Hatipirey.... JNoble Relis.......Druuk sud disordeuly. ..... Chiot Constable. ýMrs. Glass...........1 à & 20t lKooping homse cf iUl&.......... tMay jl'u ffe........Magaet à .......... Jueoffe..6c..iCfo... . ssl. Chief Constable. . Chief Constable. Chiof Contable. Q. orna ..... Ié*a............ leassé pby ....... JsaclRay ...... .. Mia. Ry..... Jue Crttses4....... N. kcdréger...... Gao. Eisenhart ....... Csroline Evenhart. ... H& W. Aunes. .... John Joynt...... Trho.. Joynt...... Johu Adamo ........ lasse Bsy. à é. .à . .... Wm.,Morton.*èR0. Disorderly &,& -.6..0...... .... Disorderly ................ ........ Disorderly a. . #e..o.é..e...... Obstrtxctiug stréét ................. bot rm [druuk Getting clothés sud bos ouhum i-hon. do. do do de do do de de Douk .................... Selliug liquon without licesé. ..... Jno. Cruseg .#i6.à ,0.Wm. Morten.... Selling liquor witfiot licénsé..... Jno. Cruo.........Ju. Kerr.......... illegally sélling liquor..... ... Jas. iohs.........1 f Roit. 3éath ......... Jas. Calloway .... Richard Martin. I.éonard Ungér.5 * Thés. Candea ........1 N. ]Boyce........ R. Hickis............1 R. Hickse........... Jno. Grainger .........1 Richard illanehatid.. Richard, Blanchard .. Richard Banchard ...« Jane Woodcock ...1 Malcolm Gillespie ... H. Bue,,.. . ..0 ElU Conuor... ... Wm. McLan....... * Wilson Kennedy é.. Isabeila Blair .........1 Robent Mathai-son .. Sanford Walktt .... Johnr Willid .......... Darwin Kent........ Wat.Cook.......... * OZI Jshora...@..ou * Edsnund Humphrey.. Kennéth dameroa ... DnanÃiMRa.uii..d.. k Anges Gillisa'ié. . James Fanewel...1 James (G. Miiller ... Mia. John Meeaao6a... Mis. John MeRay. D. G. Forbis........ M. Brooke... 0........ Henny Dickaen .... Wm. Pherrill .........j N. Ray.............1 Phulander Clarke... R. Vardon........... F. Dlong ............1 J. Thorpes............1 Mfargt. Dovitté ......... Corna. Meles. ..... Henry Sivison ........ Josh. Litte........... Elizabeth Woodtok ..... F. Ford..,a... ...... Thos. Jémieson .... Sidney J. Howell.. Non.payment cf wages ......... Léaviug émployméut............. Lésaving employmént............ Rlefusing te ansier lta éennamératen. Destnoyiug pnoprty................ Asasut ........a0. ..... . . . .... Trespasa................ . .. 0.... Drunkénucs.................... Drunkennessa............ 00....... Violatiug Co. by.lawa .............. Profanation of thé Profanation cf thé Sabbath .......... Profanation cf thé Sabbath........- Asasult ......................... Asasoit snd tarrj'ltj unlai-fal WÃŽapOns. Trespas............0. ..,........ Tréspasa...0 ......* 0 $1 9 dS 9, dé 24t £S24, "24t Apnil 8, " 8y "8, May 2, 54 6, "28,1 Jué 10, si 10, Jan. go, May 28, il 28, id 9 "14, "14, "27, Id 23, "23, "23, sol0 April 13, May, 3, Mar. 20, jAler. York ..........lAsault.................. .......MaXy 23, &' Milea Coigrove ... Z. Blair .............. SaMIÇl Délwbrlh ... Thés. 1'erkin ........ Wm. Stephenson ... kTics. MGrst.. i' Edi-ardSino..> Thomas Wilson... T ocua Whelr...: John Wet.herald... Robert Roison. .. ... Thomas Candon. Ronald McDonal ...... SHugh 0ishom..) Angua Gilipe.. John Conkan .. Duncan MeRes ... Michael drgn ~Ronald MeDonal... Hagh MeLso. . illiam McGillie ... (Ronald MGillia...* ,'j IAlex. MoGilli .. Samuel H~l.. SMichael .g. . . FPat OGrsdy... Trespas....................... Assaît ............ 0........... Asasult..,............. Breach of rodS lai-.. Assnit ................. .......... Non.-psytnent of wagés............... Asmuit........................... Assoît.. . . . . . à . .......0.......... Assuit................ Funicua Driving ............... Misdemeafte. . . '.'14.' . Threateuing.................... Damsging Sleigh......... Treapaa.. .;.................. Unlawfnlly néutoving timbeo... Âididig sud auistiug ln théebi..~. Msay 23, 5 Mar. 22e 'April 2,9S dS 4; il di 16, Il 25, * gay 13, ' '~24,y5 S27, ~ Fei. log ~S 19,0 S ~19, di Mnr. 1,' May 7, ' sd G.OçCrrlo . Jn A. Sangater. J.. K. YeIï»u.. 0. Ly n à è. iii. P" ,.. O.~d......... G. Cirné....... Ca.......... B, Crani. 8. Bu....rans...... . B.Fabn ks. ...... B. Pirbus-..., Ja. Fstéweo.- t . su . arett.. 8.B adauo 8. B& Fairn. 8.B.Firbuo . 8. .-albsks 8.B.Finbslr Jase MFr....... ditto ditto Th Mayor..... Thé Mayor..... and C. Lyd. Pi .. The Mayor.: sud The Mayor.. sud Thé Mayorn... aud J. H. Ferry .. Thé Mayor ......... dit.te Sitto tThé Mayor.. sud J. H. Ferry.. Jn.Idif ditto ditto ditte }John Rtliff .... sud Wm. Bartet.... John BateliÉ.. I Win. Barteti... John Rlateiiff. ditto ditto J. Ë. Vernon'... a.J. Gun...... ditto A. Fullerton. ditto ditte Robt. Campbaell.. J. B. Campell .. ditto ditto ditto 1 ditto e 60..41 diteo 4. 00: 2!01 2 00 2 00: 20 00 10 00 10 -bO 10 00 1 Do0 2 00O 20 Ã"O.I èo 2 00 50 2 DO1 1 0O Charge dlsmsed, proseeutor to psy the cCtL Feort.h .......... ... do ............... 2las............... .... †pie"........ TrosuNr Troaurei. Tean de#*. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i......s. & 4 Cotuty Tressur. Ten dsys ............ .....i...... COmty T5asuL,.. . Appésiéd. .é.'.a..i . Paid tavillage Treausar ........................ Paid village Tréasunér. PaSvillage Treésurer. Net fw oidÀ Ordoned t rto .te hi k4 k- Ouié mée& lzforum d h t*uolteTT. Bout te pnUoil; IMot pél& 0040 de# ide# e. *#es 0 Not yet-psit Mot Metpalidi Fothw!Ã...0ai s.aéé'à ... .........*............0;............. . . CJmmitéd fornone mîoîi .ea i. isiasag i tésue. .0 t.# .£.S...............................éns. 'I.......Ose podesto spemle b uane~ euuenà ...................ii .... 'a............... ....... ............. .................. ..... . FÃ"rthwith.... ........ To...T....a............. T....n.Tr....u..r............. Deédaut paiS Cous: Défendant pSCos96. Palèl te Townslp Fun& Défendant péiS eharge sudgos Defencdit palS charge sud QOMs. Deft. foadllfable to peur chargés& mceiî&pesls 'n'esOù Pâit ...... ..............1Conîmitted oS 6 day. bard laidr, ................................. ICommittedan bd S Id 2 S. To bépaid in thnééa"4.. ..................................iPald Town Trepsare. ..................... To hé paid in 8 days............. .rd'............................................. .'a...................... ............ i é ;.ý ...... .... i No.i t mald ........ o.0 i..... ......... .Not puI& ..... ... . .... ...... ...Net paiq. .ss........................Net paiS. ....o..... ...... ..Not paid ............ ...Ordened te nudemo bs"a~toue iùS psy eSt. .. ......................................................... .......................... ;...Or ..j ..dérdt aéiméit t.ial **"*........ ..... ditto l 061 Fonthwiéh................PaIS oter te Township Tremsaer 8 00 Ferthwith........0 . bg@0 ss0ii i............HaiftoluspeWlrsdWafoTowshpTro. 10 001 Fenthwith ..................... ............ Ixali te Inspeetor huifte oTownship Trou. 10 oolForthwutlr..,.i....................6 ,IHaf te Inapoerj half tb ld*bdhip Trés. 10 00 6 00 4 001 600o 21 Says.i;...é .'a.......» s ....... Forthuiith:: ....... ....................j. .. .. . ... .. Not yet palS. Orderedt tou te work sud payoeý ýRefuéSte pq14 ansuenét te gaet a 20 daya bard labor. 1AnS conla, to i. paidluCibledsy...............J...........1....î......i..ý ..... .. .1Iot yet paM byéfédaà t; .. ........0 q i .......o 22nd May ............ ..............~ ..... o; i .................. ..t J...........1861 ........................... Fo7th h'.e 11.......... .................. .... Forthwith..i......... ..................... Forthuiith............................£ luthit .......... ..................... Iu 30 days ................................... Inorhhi-......t................................. ÂStwt ........ .................... in 21 ayi ................ In 8 days ...................... Forth............... .............0.......... Foh i i............................... . Fothiti.ô ....... Twna hip etremasur. Township Treaurter. ..... .. buné hai tthé à C oauty Trmusrer. Ont haN te thé Coùnty Treamûrr. One haif te informer. County Tremee. PalS ovér to complaluanl. Ek Co. Tréas. Part te, Consabale, $2 TréSé. cf Hanicipality To Fromecuton. Ceanty Treasanér. Couuty Treasni. Coaat. Treasur Forthwith............... iConut, Ëresû . 21 days ......................................... FerthwitI.............. ............ Forthwith ......................... ,20 day" .................* . . ........... Not psid........... . PaiS .......... . . . Net pald................. .......... ) Pd.......................... PS.....................,... pid. ..........i. oeuuty Trasunr. Cetnty Treadîier ITwnhip Troue. Towuahip Tréddoe ro*mahip Tréuar. .Townsbp Tesn with cot$. Not paiS yét. 'l'ln lot enplre. Meot yet pifS, wamt Iaeae Nt et ét.& ceramitted te guil fe*r dstè Fine rnsitted on secount of i"ailty te psy. DéfenduaebonuS telkethé pue.e )efeudaut bonuS ovénid6-1,d pesé. Icertify th at the above is a true copy of the Rèéturne of Cuvnv.ictions, made to the Court of Oenera1 4uartel' Segalonig of the Peacifi ti onth ini Jupe, 1861. IL J~ iUÀCDONELL~ Clerk ôftbe P~acè, C. O. il Office of the Clerk of the, Peace, WhitbyJ'une 2Oh, 1891, 1.f Thcr ré rewo tramé biih4u niZo th land; thé âne Ohéagiédb un etal for £80 par annoni aSd asef, an(Mtiothérb' J. Johiston,maa , Wétbakensd . aD belng One séry lgi sud, Toutlugfor£1pô annuin. ýThe- rppenty will b. pot 9pa b The purebaser or pannesrsécf sa Ple $hall aI thétimeof sa4le,,py down. i dilc tan par ent,et thé po relmsséxeConeé Voe dor orhbis Selficiter, and thé oa e ft purchasé money, with Iorteüitom te 4yaio salé, to hopalS wlthin fourweocfomth daÉ «Otale, whon thé- pùnéhésér ilihentlladto a ceyéncc. Thé propérty *win e pIlaà utF ?6thrights ofthe résa.nt tenants, nu 1 outil lst Apnil, 1862, 'sud Johuaton héig a mouthly te.'nant, lu ail othar respects thé con- Sdit.OIen eala, are ahase conté,e nth é. oral orders oftthe éi4id 0i~t J tégn ocr nrt hrae7uhirsipaTte é .îtr ïc TM'Hrs.véudor'4 3oîlcter ; Meixrs. Rosa, Cria*ford & Crérnpl Sohicitoré, Toronto. and of thé underfflgn@d L'as toi of thé court. May, 1sd1. Iu.ii THE AI3OVE SALE à 8 PO8TPÃ"iNED UN'rIL. Saturday the- 22nd insiaiui; At the hofir of 12 o'>ehlck noon, J elt,1881. 4443 INgHANNcER JOHN HYLÂND, Pisizùtià ,ý John McNeil by bill, snà -theIi. Hon- orable John Simpson, Jehrsru IIueh Fraier, Mstthew O=71:0sn eron, John Hislop, The City Ban1i of Miontreal, Andrew Brown , Huri Brown, Martin J.- Bor t OHur Swift, James M. : Swift,, Wilhisi Ross, William Rusdi Rose, Roberi Squair, LewisMIL Squsir, and Robert Armouir, mad'e parties l in as teres Office, Defendanta. P URSUANT to a decc of the Oocil'of Chancery ruade in thié caus" bearlng date the eleventh day -of April, A. D. 1860, and an ordor of this Court hcArlng date thé thlrtiéth, dayI' oApril, A. D. 1881, withi thé-#Prohatlédl 0,olG11 . D;trtnell, .EAq., Muster oet theé aid -court at, Whitby, wiIl be aold on-the At thé heuroettwelvé o!clook, ,néon, b3' MSSR. FAIRBMIK8 k MÂODONELÃŽ4 Auctionééra, at the Leckart Roua., lu thà OfILLAGE OE1ýflWÀI, the lollowing propertv :-AiI abd iingulair'tis certain parccl or trait of tno4 and- situate, luig artl Ieine inlu thà Townhipo Darliuptn, iu the County* f Dur an, coutain, ing by udrneuaureîucut tweu.y:0,yo creè9auJ asixteen perche«s, h a ocan m~ orI,l be gconiposcdcf thé north- ~.~rof lot nuom- be thirtv-four i lu t, Broken r tconéaaiod ofthe Toýwiahip of' Darlîigton, In the, unéy oS Durhlam, particularly iialnéd on&4é-fcrÇ- bed-iu thé deed or donveyéue théréof fron David Bachan [IBuroar,] to thé defendant Joejc MeNeil, axcaptl abot ><bcba'Saéa sold to thé Graiid TokRa acompsy Thé Gmiand Tnm' ak w 1iv é : j party, thé preissaéof ré nudé i. witbin ébéutfiyeaes f ho ViUéréçObM *Thé purchasér.or>,urclé Motr*th~é "aidp roisés, shah atthé tineé qf thea le, psY dôwmt a dopo*iteft tn per cent a ep , rérfrolraaey ted,. Vondor or hbi iitr tihe re»uéla: der ofthe purétehésé ioy W1the intéreà t ironS thé day et cale, lo'bé jil dwitbin -four 7f frdmo tbé day ot au-e #hen h hé entidèd te aéonVeyanôé. In, afl h peathe conditions of thé iasal6 aMtfhbé one ta nluthbgonéral rdea o f thé sal1&Cà nrL- For b 'rc appul à r bks& onéhl, Ân uroue -W 1 a.8j- 23. é1rauk 'aç1, édrôle a w.; Wm. M hihlgt W t . LoséMbé d lw ,jud laen .: linuS Msatr othe Court. ;.ý Ilesipi. ___________ c v Bols, ice socle. R JULY, &ods GSKT§ IU~ o tzlpauobe STON, & Jwlé' s it hile Dot, lu .rnshl pane.-'I ors iet of -»- 1 1 - 1 ;., 1 a VVI 1 1 1 4peikd