Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jun 1861, p. 4

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goUiN XMLN siEgu>o e ie e UROCKING HORSIE. 2iiui boomicou oir SCHIOFIELD, s OLtiSTAND. HIGniTZ, roprietor. '-o- - gA dpublaliateus ta un>tale, Auss mark thegruasîs I bave Co? saple, AnsI tiei yoe-tltroietrls tise teuethy list A?utier hrurim lionld liait bhamisasi. wittiut sa ig-t of Inspetionss, Tinte My fassied rted coletin-- Orfevaryleiisiand iarriflo, Tpluseyier hsiei -ta andi beys oatisIwout break, nit are Worthisbylusgt Orulbîstop ail aulks a md cryîng, Ansi of tiseir iisat-be IL spokie- IIelnig ndian Rushes-, cae't Se breken. - Witby noers 5w tIse day ý Tieti i opeem'ci ser fai'ytarsiý gulilaai tltv olqou)eisfore,- Tuera sis-c aatciîcls%, heur bruases, sesi us., Asml i hab, ansifonnysoipe, uiçesi od Assd'nmlatsund sivI4, knittting Asilneattlslg, And i a4es haitoasndtipns s I n gs, Andssi 11W altier klisiio ils W Islt la Idtt'a nces lansi1alwi ot, - - n Wtsa mate l.ioan tsnontat le*. l've aislçetu, Lucrda fer vchcandi obeus And ticintisie,', sus 7oil raygisaens,' Withs ourais Cor plar muid conversatin,- Opuera gisussus fuir tise snion, J aus->'r arrasil kus1]stationi, Tuete c60 eluetcril cacasslis. Branslieo,.s'lsgo. aîîd ehiisiti, ansi penîdanta, Fer ladisoii nias lousml attondasis. lue etsmfotiies,,toc,, 'm Watt esuppluesi, Ai ,oîssewhlss cle, tue>' slis uitriait Wllire sue>'y iies,mere assis pleausîre, lly aimes isîsut Jrespor withso meastira. ISwas-tissualaà, ifici asîket, lsasion l0asdcanudies 'uitis luzaussz', assit srops csiîeîi "braladîict;", (oiuuaitm leseosu-lrssps. alnsi-ortickers, llcubv. isorersa, euts ai rackesis; Lrteissp on5ruigrcsala ti t, Apsplèm, euts, stllta tessiete malt, Ftutioicry tusu las p it>' Anuti ilopesi - k ais uo-e thauitent>' i Stastuja, asuaiuos lites ud, lueders;, i'orl s-oisisilsý, Isîcîs fAersl prapfutie(rs, fsr<ifor lnu'isss, asi isoo ka. tassît str>, Asî'ltoty-Iboolis. Ilisu hiirtgord osl litua-1r'. 1IlIavu t"-sIslssa, 1 !;s,,teciui's,- Ail tlisîsais ilus Wood.L nisiw'ilow-wsre, I'latits, dsiuiîsea.tîtssio, rlitand iposiders, Mnîf]Lst.'s-, rolliiiusr.piise, aussi soiutra. Cnuia'Is fuar lts-sStu, msel tby's siclîs, Caseradl'or iss. sistsa-dpciis; ltssnceis, hie esiaisctet msanusfacture-, tIf thisuot ail-iiurr. its-. t'tutpr. Toisaucam, toc, 1illuata îl store, Cipturs ilhui itît iroueiteist ucebfcro, - Asis itipem osît svis-y uizu ansi kîic, 'rs sis. st a usi s', îssu suud nivss. My iwrrsaie, iso anàssdistrumns, Il-atu sl cie sss-tur Comentéius, 11(411sg liv Iuse m'suf uilis are 1siaitsd, lNt5iic, lit risc huaIsny ltsuaxpecteti. Iliasiitise gssueiu tciedo sîs!> Miy etsoeîsrs lu uuasel' i1 ' MY y prtcî ue ler tuIl i 'iii Net Im.tusec ts e t bcusilu alla1 ln>', AussIl'os- tsi guaischeîpuaictf4vor, Vii l OLuu Irae' cran>' eus ilUGLI FELITZ. Whutlly, May 7, 1851. 17 A Store to Bout, N 7~tise vitlage or Dtlsei, le the ..Tow illi Ilf orlckerlisg. 55 à 11013T. DO>DDSI. 50 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE IN TME TOWN 0F WHITBY. APPLY TO 18 LOWlES & POWELL. FOR SALE. ili, iE lli.rlhitrs b linpe .1inita retire irsîi the Fossnsiry business offer for utale THE WHITBY FOUNDRY. sitsîsitei n le It' owe of wilîtisycptloth 1 C'ssssty o l e stsis Cpta f 1h Any pparasol of 'nnolsrnte capitail wlii Suid th. a fir-rate cllportssslty to ln"s'st Ili mearsifIn cie of tissi huast etflii for a Foutid;sInyteCana daitV iest. For terses and price, esîquire et C., LTqDic or Ilinhu 'esT. LYNDIt & POST. 'Wlîtby Massri 218411. I PI1C iE R J7N G T r sîberihcr w s îld taire tht. metlsod osf L c owe lgi stthossk» foi, tiertirsl pstroilage isa ré'eeved the lasit yesîi', andi woutd lsrier state thait lse ig preparssd to receiva iTo makcoIlis Cloth or IRolle, aLtne fuitawlug prices', liarneiy : Vor <Jsriiîsg iolis, il cents rer painîs. llpintisssg, Wessvisssr and»i l eing shosp's nrvelî't t 37,14censaper yard. lor enîsirinii tlstisstte 60 cents par yard. 'l Clatlis f0 centsi par yard. '.I'wce<ia, cvsîry styla thst my bc orderesi, 50 cent pV r yasrdt. AtIl wcsi Btseîslsata, 83 cente per yard, fatled stitillist 80 Centn per Yard. PltenFtsnct 21 cents lier yard. l>rtlaa tiast tsrizs 911sseWOOI may rot>' an Its buig wortei l And the lsteds'rf4lgiese(lîtuag81enta ive ail par- tien tîseir owsî wutgist of Woet . Partie§ laver- Ing hlm witttseir werk, niisy reiyon it hen weit donc. end iwttfrdempaitel . llarUles bringin' '%Woôi a dtstssse, te esrd iii italie, May havea IL donc ta take !îosiîe withtheIisî. ?cketngMey 3 JO1H1. IIAIGITIr.' -o li gC_ 2'P >( SiJU, !z DRr. .CASN B rOr TET OUR0 R hals e tlttWlb.Zeyatn tIongive la hrauo dseass, sd luma4 seawrstt'acreon p. î'àrâë-lseclcedthfOugh and, Do charge for biiid In;ioekats. gpod until noed.-' Tut, rortê,,afford.the Cdha.enlet, Qeocest, and mont pieanmt International ceonenion for Pip.ssesfsg'riorfleiglit ftom Port liet", Co, bonrw, erGoiborne, Ytoeli parts oathie -J.Jed atuinîgthe MI4S aJIilavO Ro4i1scsý te *r every londey.o W(au j tay, and , ptday ""en"' g t il ""e &,ad mwiUarrive ut WhiII fiv,',o norg ssd io pe. ln tissastae onnoct %4ti trin, 4tWt, and No~rth. Tavern San F 11Sl,E. %a Store and Ta,,re itana in tihe VilIn1g6 f Audley, Lot No. 2. in thu 4th con.cessions of Pickerinsg, formarti trow'n's Cornr).Thero le an Acre of lasnd attaobedi on wtsiet la a gond Orelsard. *The h1î"S e bothmIew franio builtdings. Tho Po(t0ltels kept le the store witeIn tlargoent Zo~; the taver» bl a wetl known stand lu agpoi slcaups site, ha. large abcosmqctatian, ipf and aliesis. Thèea prenIsuuaaare mnst &lestb y attelainhhated te the her ~ iýeItha y towbohull 0f l'ikenng antI ilfb M dfioVftdu'ery liberat terms to a oirent pnrcbaaer, Fur tarins, &o., apply te the praprietor. 7 Adiy Pont OecO., ettteliA t LOCA5rED AT Ai - i AtIlAis Cerner Beuascasustidia Ne. 446,.... Beosiway. Street#. -CLVIILAND. Ni. Y. CITY, "cCooper Iitistt,t Aises' lace, PPILADUI<taIIIA, Cior. '7uhansi Cisasîns Sus. CIIICAUC, Cen. Benaca an usiBpenor Bireeis. DETROIT Na. 170, Woodwusardt Ave- nue. SI. LOUS Car. Clark assd IWssing Cener 'Iii aud Vice Mis tonu StreMssf 1 GENERAL INFORMATION'. Osar statsd-icd of Z'aama.sa'kip la tho famowua Stislas e ars cosenseice at any time, aseithora are no vacaltins. The Prinelpide asand Teacleers. cf tîis Chain of Coltegea ihave n xtese,leec qntssiitsssses e tu o- oit lasi-gocieso, and i slwsy* ccssslsr il a pleasîire tss fsîrtlîer tise hast luteresta cf their gradaatcss. Ssssdentmcntirits£r ssssY one OfOjýheco. sllagcs Is. tihe pisynssîît sf $455, .lseesssno entittes t6 tise li ,riviijes.rsof tise entire ""chain l 1'eotnpa'ipssec cigptril 't0e imd ttbos'osîgb. entesete, practis'sl asus ppîlî llî.nsSioitithe 'eorlsi.c For Cstsslgsses assel Ciressiscriq, cai et thse Collage IZeuses, or airs éabove. sa BRYANT & STRATTO'N WIIITBY PIAINO FOR1TE MANUPACTORY, Mary Street, Whitby. sJtakes tresit 1îu.itmsisele-le < ~ fsrinisîr tisepui th iat lieoliast lssialy sesitres itoi' xtasssiva prensiseme fsrirsss'y oer)cs bseity Mr. 0. Ford as. il ('sîriatire f'ctory, yseri v oîlea4tcielita lîssor .lsilge llssrnhtsa"', Ii Town'Sveof Whithy, andsI wrsslise- tu ecw ensisiei 1s1 tlise sssstsîsfsss'tssres01 IANOS, witts siLtîse iiodern lrri-rs's'nessl, sud 'it5-isle'î wilt wiuracs it te bce asîsal tn brilliscnc of toile, dùletieseyf istsc, ud sutperior lti fisth, tin auv Isn Asserts'a&. Al iat Iss'sare mîssieb> him witts fsol]t etal. lie trassiss, sith ceres t, of thse beet s.i sgosses tirsîber, asnd materileisof tho fia". .1. le.1'*..1 i egexperiesseof cfsasriy 20 years, hotîs tn Austr a sud Osrmsny, as welasta lis tlie UsnitedSt istes ansi tiî s sstry siaseï im 80 utate witls eossiisîeisîs hal thii' ta give- comsploteaatisfsaction to tIse pssbie. r4,rPrfcen wattllibcfound nuuch Lowe er thonu those ai Iuiported Instruments of iifariar manuflaetsre. Six rOtave, (sqssarn casa..i.. ........... $180 6/ do (round cornier,)............. 225 7 do do do................5M 7 do (orer-strtngl .. ... 8.,25 7,Ï tîctavê, (over-strlng double roundsesirvei logo-) extra ....................... 425 tWA piîarantcefo l yet&ra given with cacti Ail woi-work le the hast rose woosl. J. P . R». Pianos hatve taken . îivtâ prizesant tise Provincial Exhibihtions, asîd lhave boi highly recommnandai by tise Jttdgio. Ha con alec refer tsisevorusi faceiles lne %Vhitty andI elisewlsereisa tise Cousty, whom hlie ba htse Issssor te suisply, as te the qnallty o? hjis lustra ~A11 kinds of String Incstruments ropalrel Ail Pianîos of mv inaisufacture kopt in tuuca for one ycar CSlS SW"Itemoembor the Addrems#, JOSEPH F. RAINER.. 48 WAitty. P. B.-Parties sîsoîsîsi bc carefial net to erealit t-o statemene of ltitrestesi peracuis wlsoasre Agents for ssipplyirsg foreigia Pianos fronu liou fies ut a sittncea. support hom ain sulactusre. .&DVERTISZBMT. DUTNCAN & CLARK'S Cocutlilng the largest li.4sa01 Farms%, Xllia, Fasioriesi, &c., &ot., Inte eProvince, oeuho s;eau at moit cf tise coiinty Iîost fficesands Tratsrns, or iL wiit hc bentlrce I.'juoât te my Prît iihea asvertissed f&eeofocharge.- Partiesutar1s explaniasdin lucreiar. DUNCAN & CLARK.' 50 Yenga Street, 14 evn. MALT VINEGAR. IlALT VINEA aunuowrbc halllu large .LLor smaiiquantitigs, sctho W hitbv 'Brewerv. FAIRM FO0.1%SALE. F FYacres on Lot No. 80, 4tli 'Con. of Wib Aboult-20 acres cletred, 'Thb timber Ott the nsîle8red landi ts suotty liard wcsd. Thse abova farci ts ituatasi w1thtn3ý miles of tlIe Toswn o! Whitby, andi wouid provo s moslt desireble Investineut. WM, ýBAKERý, or teay .O B J., WILSON, "Eaq', Ibariste,, Wbitby. j1 ~ 4~eMeuê'y c c etviscltsaitu a-'Vff ces-tale stade 'n ta'atsi *5xt i l hrssetsass situais fylusî simd tin.. leth 's'~ :. ha c fsgt d.' ttweust cf art rrsa51e n te ý eioessan heA ucinBos Isscrithe mtd1wtli.us u a h ie S etsls coe s. or, F«L l cs Utitjssie lat ee.o! he aid awnist aiWlaihy sîs ~ai1= si.r t s tisitlo. liccst ier ccupld ios.sin d r.ah otherwlee kro esow:- n ll par t iluita » feiew s, itlesos t i .ats r Ls il X.. f cetan arelor t i e ! e s lnd hand u-st Cnaf îttlefin teralistr Cianidxe iimkhtDvid da7pi~ atee eatpr 9k ud ues> baet. Wfil m woitre.Ilql im Cstifn sq., M.dt y téb 4liYsýI * ay. 1.ae "ied f. or belle'Ki., a i e e fe ct - luteiïsnyo lmta o f runi t tr d a lt, Peir e attttc ur sseaIO fis a Wfer tu hêo ensst;iii! 1,ot n reu'i ree ts le wlsm'e fo 5ti os adait o du ied sni 5, terate it iaarhrl iui 4 sJo~e f ot mitra ad.ai fat attencthr Imt f obon Sret Iauy~stesylssfcmveasssive 4lit mbead býh xïèsuro or t tîe e ssbon at u alore cu 1rT OIsslyasiueiu rhlai<,eueie Ilmit, 21 lîu al -4s, Sat'tns. e ,Ith é stxtrmislncruesiiss. tuand cgt b isue l a U sd t otest s A supcol's, Id the ael otnsio f 8 th iots28tus bess 1efOOcîs sutte-af elou se .yedlem a r dctudl N 174 d &greesi lw th ace.. àthocuro ! u nthe si 'à Du s ie v..31nP.air 55705i5-C(ATiD ogtir, Mr s O'îrs lmte o Bresute tt" o n srekSt, 18 <ie ltaas jilcbs. our e uare esslnetgfr'ias,. t %goL.est6 nc f , M n.orly frnta tephls- es vezani itur-, an tà esse sesîtsya sans tescinwt henrhrylmtup Con c sid e ste acai~lsmsis eiftrassligts tse, tAnd 01e eistito e l e ils 74Petiîz a 'cis.pre1~ f5t. ii -tt.n - a 2 et to Ot 6dern nt7a meo éyi le Ihus fsve pars f sa'rasebl <fout y to ere esusg t o r t b ot rnsîs aeStresets; Wpr eiara ilsessa. emfom namintw i tVr~i0peasssîsesasît taxs, assi isa tîs r hy î,satie.,.. iettinlsse imGies, for 'ts eir . m 1)10Of Jo ilsIon 41s4.0 W otoisNser 8 atlensi Jewetle, sis blie r'atuslitflorere aut. ste ssenguit isieeqsl, idoeg 5e starne>' isigs usin 8l uîg f ore5 p r rc lsuy;as tisssse ui spsute icar.stts 7 rsses.'rlsajs rou% i; tlhe onptru Is ru.ugssisofcs. lersthesiJ àDC UBG i ssas tu e G IIbLr etis lTise pslVelsandrorlisce iasr o.aid prtoey dorae aIssablre pa'vrls.znît&We, mfto cotn l n t o i f Brok s ie uy .wthoansic1t l til a ïft cf s tfierst e tsf tbe skliie Sanet s. tanevi p ar 62ii.ni s, tue osrclsas lsese te tn e l a is ha4ainsiaetcuretCcir ail afries l'tr â Tlw*âe ýo-rai rabirnusisro f iru ace assclted, &e. PeIsnciue rlie f sd 13e bdsr tg ureWlsus s lo c',wu i e '4 ttfrl eit s 'a isy ut nt suie tabe aisiwieslnf ois weie ~l the heay ri e ieaitUtheBBcuri osA tN, nDleX oic salre, scuc tue purtosIuch wil is ýan enuts to IiAraATImm. a r £80 ier sao.Tini eand t y wiIand be acisi s. I- NweU siff as n. ealacu'cuis asp. tle sitred s'&ce.a .Jjoo ise iit aa io hé1 s rrscc t e we leus sienîtr iasil roeeed E igrvsmay (il, jis tiitbllsd ïIt ng01 tI J. Jl i iuetiensai lufor lîsissgper tcedy ; s i ioirato itebedr u h asl ls.TheApnil, t usIl c ui tl isîi a 90" Tu ris. e sai t Pleettd. lfs eatf opr cfui .fths .susip'îirs isé il oess- a is'- Iervsalis ii. fraus di s e nss fthersiesi, sui s lisuisissu& M ssvi(sse-ll;-Y te ilu s Vu sirse x pssit e ru a ltes bic5 es n1 ct' iu'sins 1 ousi isileca Eçstu iecsipsaussg îuisCia siloiuniemas I irs-cissuc-iY>'1 .siie, or; ,p2d i thinrs. Io, ruaset t hs~ I-srbe iswsgti> te i'se e dy U cOU8 l,81.R u -us sert-AND suraile o ;Iic i osui , aisi e? isrc e ussenvt t wesiiceliis'> astr luessiyrssvuoi s a ie f Tis e rrCosses-. s told xae- Nsa i ita .'us rcuu n1a.n e.ilutae! 0 gUEie iltbo o l.p IrestTenaEIl, ll Alailsci ole i i tsi. uai nste susfsise urerici, naster. EX ririlT I'ffleu g'niiJi-twllENT t'itit<Na Mtotil s>' 1863 1filotrrrspic f l fii P r !fi O . 'ussliniheNiir,-î'i rres s tnie ntridaec For urth r perfi-tilsrs i pie i bf Âgt . ii>l.- e et. o . yitii. it mse'rîuc'-uictoita esIml TUE BANK 0F MONTs?.REr meLtlt'tat Pliif$Cs bai ain4àltioell "son s n iir4 T snii s' trgl emyaiigltsidblt John B; ltitrt; sd t i ës iri M orure g%1,yilx iiinÀoople p e' ltlrbe Jouie hase of the Wtlltan Oct t mitj ie Eatod on'D ien W li s aIle idfo tl gilsilu iteofil ok, Ilaunliton9 PierlI.,iirilrliii.iTiseire ttankf orIll gudane o Tenm OrnsilnJ àinses itarvlay iiitohertieN UUargIli for sit Sage. Jolie B.. TS.ge, aussi %Witleato rC ATîcnsD ss t, GeorgLe 'rayior, No. 1. Inaui trrancc Iutl retLind'onl k5Jenj sînietc LAY os,,1Henry LyssiaueStreet T)UE B'ANK taOFc'u-es sTitEACueuiifîrs- Caer nri e T s as a si ',hi Mar l' its s cApîrA msr-uisEaswou.l Costhtn liisya, wluauad Hamlto ltiise BnkofTis Fifeoth ayofJnenei I R EARTM1ENT MESSES. tisFAIR ancis kMaGDNL, icsrpieo uoîe-vrtuut Li s sas lim siil J nts arla, obrt I S-eus is usI Its CRIM PAerce. 1 Asss'Iiouss'o rsttherSroges le tie AîJui oac ro1-ti1e.lswiisctce Id lSncrg te. J utls.B. taeiruterfletaitîsCc07aiytissseNGA?;esssturutaiey Nu.24.isi ssusityco. oe Towsas)lofRjlljétcle WiB enjam55uin iCiuig ait a Henry1 Lst i l tie LtD etusîhî'ameîrser tie sil, tneariesiin TMENT fli ahe1r-s' si tr'snlffi Zs t Isuai Lrct pussts o. 0,LoipSic re et 5s Los ndon.atst uttat la isidi tiec e souris 7 si-g ris. te roaiueiAn Pios 1ouST Auurcs1 afos 711,aisas ofsFsd u1 80,i»~aet ii - si. ofi isskcou >'t teoal - tiesisusete té 2-eço Iuotf 4 tei 2 SGusnda eOs'ctssferIwloiic Te oELINGit Woatith t e ieu'elssso o, G ss l. DanesdeIltiE 1 fhejate elasute Ithe inci' outissMitf. £200cO0OAN -AMEFUIDS sAou ihit usrrer ce a issue f-sin tlis >eon oFu a iésraIuldl n 91cle Tousa0f'c Iiltt' sc l isea s fueb' e scriin oru îrom ah asereis laic 18r58 t19 MSt'li' StRStFAIBANKîs-S &, ageoNicfiELL yF £2S01 ie lot eno lsueausi(ta5sle. o 'riatte ctiur, ahul euAl 880 fueletli, it'Ot o Crose it asis s ts, tsir14us.Bae feti wît a xtlltInn o itorsL-,u dwols e r aenacft ho.sc24,suitfic 'aid rcon.- of2ie5.348, o Tisi ic tuSlia-at eaise iplae, ithe 1 ie fîd tsiit ,ca c4,lsse hsi t Cpa> troft n elepost lue, prsspss irîls -IF'us cfE N tw1 uther a Das- tlle tchpseli it a stesît>', lusu1)vl $eil £700,O0Oevr, ble is weit1in ue men i it li 74a>cis, a * vsteaffi. Exhin fticg atm iser c a is~tst au bua chteut m s lr îîg16 i Is t ise ofea it 'ska l l iyl t7hemdliie baisuece iluetsu24 roat25,îs eue 'es (pt fr N£810.10100 ln 1 sxMu msoit 16 iilsa, c ise Osse dysorepsage of Alma ase o..ositsg lcae loctrtis Thises lo -i o 4en e ,s masti e rond, ictamdui <ici sit ft ooo ssspîs i M' pertin ss ea o t irros isile r ahevetlre f e n ueeur iifrsaisfssiled tth *is'î. r hu ;tg'usi t gres n tatv cft isee it ssr fe~ uc bte candluestussîlle. ieist u î ej25 lustuCsblel OHeN W vis.0f ttîsaiTsste'ssiigtp c Itilt b rocsai tghe Aea o ou- ?W ib' atsleeasssruueemnid ue-s xr-osugtueassprdWst'y Fi25948 # eltiss er o t, olti ususieonial ro t i toft<e -T4s1 ai.1) aattfe 11 pi issrt lra s d £ i70,0009 d~1 èsedi Kîsugtonthassi th e o ile ansi a biigFisIernûIl re e Cliea Tiu,isia s-etus t h A hos aydeoit iepomilite £750. y, atsi wittsiicîsîsunuthlis frotuettî st> f L uialiliss-'--oklsti lec ui betwees nitl No. 25 issm 26, auss on Cime ea4t ns aida of rIte sitisi line, ilseice soaîh 16 degrees an faEctier articles lenlice abuse lice to cor- aussi 89 ehaiucs aussi82 Iitikstt otis aid sce t4respous lld pu Pree. Mary Strert aforcssid'baîueg t10 eh-tnxandt 68 - WILLIAM luSutRIEN tinks fs-om Iu-feîto tssid 2eidce.,thesîca BrookliteMarvh 1 's:o. '108 t seortis 74 dagreéées t, aloeg tisee ns-ti side of Mary Street 2 etaîss te tIse place. o? ieephuîîsissg, DO0 yoIJ WANT A axcapting"tiscreout*Cestain ou-ice;s saIsiansi iitand'-?hea .l . it cosvuyiclteJoh Arioic Jhn Welton. Brilij tad uepsLru I Tiii, pivece tulaid cettenTowe lots, snd i iel> -- a fot neisutea s'alk troin eiecentre eftlee Iota The lots front on. Yos-1uStreet, a gine sreet cf q onea ehai in le t1ieand are valuasble building.U 0 a lts. This. pi4ep wcl- be saisi by thoeýlot, accor- O iser a t qea ding to a 1-41 tlsereof -Made b> John Shiert, .18, 1pa gden 2. Eaq., a cipyof'-wlsie -tii hapr'ssiieesiut tiseqtaiy10cns sale. ThéaFeurhater of enotslot shllpsy dcwn BEST KE ROSEN E $1 25, adpesct le ,propertiou cf £10 fer every £100Alag-o o1 111% purcea Mossey, sud'wititenue eîonthAlag sotiîm f finie day of aile, etisuglî wlth tha depomit »:7~T 1~-I~ te maltaonea haîf cf tisa piiroleaie omoeu, aScd IE 2W12TC - T ie balausoo uilla atertst titiione en cr 5-oun 1TATIONERY OF- ALL KINDB. tisa <la>'of sala, 10 o secured hb>'an ap-prcrcd' nle, or nusiggoone îpr-uuu.aneusVuudor'a GO.YULE, JIL, 6 loitemy Blor~~~stage to e e b. t h ot lee -lt tiltue pl6iSe-6ftisa pacmséu-. lTiiplalutlfia - <reedse et NPa Ms 4U1 b~81lowd-oe rérd-bd. - Wlcitby, April '505h, 1861. -1 lu al other respects tise conditions cf sale, 'te b thesetahidirgwecditluea of the saisiCourt.4 FOR A--L E. bae. il.ssa pyri tite sait pali0- olctr-f;-Maol , .,ablcito Venter'. -PAIR of mnei Pentes <blacte). Teriama Soltites,' H J. aioeou~el, Slleaor, hlt 12 I fîe mnîîs eredit on sipprovusi joint notes, ~~JGiO. 1.~DATNEL, letereat if net paisi wen dune. îG -J- asratN Whth1'. 0-t-O.H. DÂRTNELL, Sîy'liner t WitbWitiby. WEDDJNG IRI1N GS. SPECTACLES ta SUIT ait SIGIITS cMERIEN 'theUcKS OFTVIE ]IEST QUALITY, AT English & Swiss Watohes., JAMES JOIINSTO'N, '1 s.'--' ., BAN K' iý --Pi'ST1OCK! Stcoves, ï:-týoves A. lOGAN' S, A lTii 4ture -a nil Lptss' lll L h t" utrcsi a e< utooUs ýj Co per 'ts nei dShect l'iespoýr for siis"â- C.sis f,Ar Rsp aigt-7§411,1 i1sIýkilSs. A tLlsRA M Lt>Ci'n.1N. W Il iby, Oct. 24, 180. 'ls The Celebrated German 011! Mtiuiîsriiîd-s c"sidsl is u thtis Fieiii11lc'ay of liits'.slîicin (sicch.tlise lut- loiisiisils' beis ssl s 'I'l i5'c't'liseu1 i ' -sil' i i sit ss six cari, sîid sans asIli.n i tFlisil i s5'sa dis tf;r lteslissg dîts, iiiiti esiirw is. slsuc.. 4s.flitucy le eqsi. usat lacîlliu, in m eis sr 1lis't.91 JAMB31S (IlElU To A. Kuss'n'sî',.itÇI 1 le ,Itiatece tci 'ets i as i;a ltîty I0w. tîse rsliiu i tlis-.is il ieitito i l iis essllcl yeur Gees'iclitrissiii i M.liblittîs irl tgot 1se- rc iy tstîaisl, an usuelis a,'tliast liser recovery w'ss 4s1ts5sit's, Si- 'fier tise tIras.ippiiesstici cf Il g(sIsle sunssssr. " Ts s-îsIp 1fliiissrapoisst, estres i er e tisi-,iciey, IlsîisIi-4 s sow quiite Mlt "TIlIFW' SWALLOVi, Jr. licesiig, Jaituassy 17, ISGI. 1 topeturosct bilsesi, stsgi tis' dtoli to issuyossr ii;, tsssviîsg siue su, 1 aveu1 botia My grueat tocs." W. TiIOMPSON. 1I sîfi resit rssesius 'soi rsliisgamore for twc yeusai'iit iiisserlnstscssis. Iticss isdtsies tu cry ytsir ceu(,iuid s'il, asiusen iow camplete ly ui-d." JA M S FITZOIBBONS. l DErn Sn,-Ynssr s'il lias beau tth meaus of 4aariuig Jac lite ut' ialy liffleit. It[eNIV WILLIAMS. Onecf the firidaudiesal men lus tha Cauisty IDFR nSs.E'rwivalloailcise world yrisr jis-tiy i's'is'iraîti tir-rissus Oilt ers'e te sec kissiiti. I t wistiprus'e a ie-qusg tea îsn- kindt. 1 itai e cs t ia tise eusseetolciats. brui- lles, frost b'les. &c., asîsi LS0onisumoresi oi lsong standinîg 1,St tsss e ver fa&ilesit»o e ta urc.'" To bu lid o 0. A. BANNISTER, Drugiglt, "e, Brook Street, W httby. And nat al the principal planct.f businetis il' the Protos ce. Quelboo Goyern-ment -&genoy. Btusiess cousected with the and othar PUBLIC DEPARTMEbNTS.* Seouresi by Ibe sebscritw.r. Addreas prepsld. B. J. CIIESLEY, Ladandi<eealAet Noq2., M"ne Street, 1 WNan&ufacturedandSi lId ai the Lewemt resuuerati n- i ALL WORK WARRANTgn - D. FORD'S long exper ience of tlmfrty yasin lthe pritmcipauil tne Stategp spd Cainada bulagtu'en that eXperience in avery braiahof.dLthei fat have ýbeéa se to-alrrive at. and f(or hesut> cf desisteleganece-flni aud soltdicy cf workmanship, his work cannaI lie aeilesi. t~L ansd sea Specimans. - TH{E NEWV ESTABLISHMEN,,T'NEAR THIE BANKý WWt'y. Sept. 4, 1s660 Do TOUJWÂNTwEURMXES 1BLOJNDINUU DO YOIJ WÂNT WHISKRS? DO you WANTa NUSTACHE? DO you WANT a XUSTAdiE? BELLINGI{AM's sCELEBRATED ÈBTI1YJJLTING ONGUENTe For the Wblsckers nuiad Ilsir. Thisesulscribers tako plèmaaassot lueannosnceieg 10 tIse Cirizens o! tte Usitelt tieas, thtt tise>' lssv<s estaiued thtie Acene> for, seul are net eun- alslet tsioih'rr tu tise Ainceii public,thie abavo jiusstl>es e anit d iwcnli-ranowned article. -The ýtimulating Onguent is prep.'urcd hrlsr.('. Il.Tts'linrlitp,aeunmissent iuh>'slciain e,eiancisu, saudtt1hiarrîseeite te riusg out1 a tiîtuk su.t Cf WHISERS or a NVUSTÂCHE ln fracsti i-ctsi six tecîs. 'l'ut articletsi tise cetu'll si tuftise iliîsi sssifl es aFrenschi, ai lInust. si-i ti5s-ls It lain nii rsusli isse. Il t.l tesitati ecrsecuussieat. ssqiotttlli îsg t p.luseiiluCils«cutusullessnt;,ssilclihusa'1us4il, hv luiussri 11,01aîs t'lie rîuuta4 'filiiui ais ezissifi-tl oticf lmrtii' fin ir. uet tua pit- îîucl tc)ttisu cesutt, hit i cutre basitliesand, ais imîeho sipriassu e niii place of tisc hîciti s 1usfillu es-suis-(rls sftlirs.- Atplied l ucs-isrcitilir(ltstiw55t 5, l vih i le.sî Dsfr tee is s- hise sn .sdrotmosra prev hair Io il-c nrigiusa' cslsss, tuu' $tg ii scot, airiotimIieal fluxiiele. 'T'he'tS ur is'e' s ai iidispoesatsle inrt'iss'getis-s!fsuaui'a taulut, nd aler oi' ut'euk's isýe tsu tlàvo 1il;itefr iii>ceusisicra- nusi bs'e rtisussî iif Tiu mies-ili'cs sae tc oustu' Agesra forr tise niliit it iUi-i Statu ho in ell aIorsers Vsire onsci lît - a bo-fu)i at i u'al] Drisp.- pista assltiiî's-alrs ; sur a has tel' i isulit.pi41,113m' 5 t'55s-5555 rusi t-, issave Vti ls's's-s'5le(t wsitu te assîit toi 5v wtitise it, liv muait (dis-ct.) a- vîs- urt-liced, ouareuclt ip ?isicot . iApply tcs or acîsinuas 11 t A lEi1 . 1iIErE M EN &Ce., 11-2111. 24 W illinsobsr-.cl, Newur sk. Gs'nerai Agenets fies- tie Censdie. - Oci au- el~-..- el.-'el ôZ Bakery and Gonfectionery. ussîcsersssliq osîatossers auithé tsissite, tisai lie liisaisuoveistrafinsim lss iipraselsies ut til ltsands ia noir li-m ict i a islsiss street, iss tisa premitse arseiy voeîspiest tsi' Mr. .J. Arîsill %ilt nrslers tI lits fieesttrîssesi tsiwith paisse tssility buSnppeurm attesis(lsd an uss Ipsilst. Orasscett. Fruits, eCauîdica, andI <olfectione sy DO) YOLJ WANT ST0VIES GO >TO G. ROBSON'S (Kezt door fth e Registry qjflee,) EXAMINE 111s; ST. LAWRENCE FOR $28 THE KING $25 THE PROTECTIONIST (original) $28, TWO SIZES, THE SYLVAN WITC99 GOLDEN FLEECE, VIOLA, THEBA5, CelebratedChallange Hesa, &a. Intendisig pneisiscre for eu.h witl dus waltet gire us cuti %eroe roiugol'aGwlire' Na houso iii towss ca sesit cisper. LI'VEIY STABLE AflTACHEDy, Andi everytbing is. caedueted in the hast style Horses and Carrnages At alilheurs te ordar.- &IRIOULTURAL: IMPLEMENTS. G. R. is agantfor sale cf Patteruonas & Bretîs- ors Agrieultural Isnplceeis cf Richmiond Hill, andl ii prapares i àrcelve aIl erdars. BrackSîrst, EAI) Wih.A fiÙlI aie - NO TIýCE wnîituy, bindis ef Csbhsge Fiauts, sulîifoiou,moe MotnCaimers, Tosuatoà, &Ct., foc JORN WHITEI1. J Gsse »-4. GrdeerWhitb6y. Street, Te I Pt' i-e f s 5qJHE suibacriher reqtleci"'public 'atlen tion to hii net atock ni- supen 1iar -S'oves. Tliey include tise folloiostg naw TH'IE KING' 0F S7YJPES, THE PRINCE ALUERI, DA-YCROCKYZ PROTECTIONISTi GRAND'TURK, MRON D UKE, 4-C., 4-.14c Cail andI e-sitle? 1 r2 1 JOilN- JOHIN BRYAN. ltrck Street, 'Wiitby.' DAWES* AGENT FOR VANDriUSON'S WORM CONFECTIONg. ~ Uorderti '-y latter or othcrwiserm~ 1vtosds ts. Adretib prcqiid,=tro~i CAMPBELL & CO. Matssnfitireris et, und d qler» ini OFF[C.-14 ST. PETER qrRr-,T, M ON T R E A L. SAW-St SAWS, 0f vcy dsc piouoehsiss asimadle ta order CiMPBELL, & Co., 14 St. Peter Street, Montreal. FILES, FILES, l7toinas Frt5s J.& Ros, llraadsîuw J. Rimi,tSpear (. Jad-sr'#', andi(Le aea At.evs.ry dctariptieon otFile-, IIECUTni wsisrrsssste,.t gool lonet, ut fiverv issli Inc pirce itust 55s555ly p:îislfor ne Fic-Fie. CANMPI3E]Lt.& Go., - 14 St. Peter Street, Montrea.1 OIL, OIL, OIL, 41 t 0ii, &a., &-ae, foer ÏBrniuîg or îlsscht:îery; cither t>y tht. barrei or 54u 10 tdlien kesos. CJAMPBELL, & Go., 14 St. I>Peter Street, Mlontresdl. LEATHER BELTING, tsi or tsised, rrsssted i) very respect; este flirii i ihr the 'rrssde or Consaumers lit a inwer p ice tîsan ieny other parties ten(Caiada.* Seild for pri»ted lisjs of prierai. CAMPBELL & Co., 10-8m 14 St. Peter Îtreet, Mantreal, PARMING IMPLE A"s 1S T fiFtl)iE teariber le tcncieriiig hia thasîkao for thse liborid support hitherto extîsdeil to hlmt ie bsiessssdestres, te aepiitLits frieussis ansd the pule titlie 11 continues ta, maln- fiacture Iron Ploughs, Harrews, And ail other kinde of Parminiw Inipoieueîs at his place of bliicsi InssluASIIBUIil4- Ali srdéra excented Witt) pytnctcîality and dispatch, and eomplete sAtiltfaiction glearnauteed. JAMES WALKER. Ashbern, April 80, 1861-. -l ROOM PAPEIRS ANDi - J'.etreceivcd ut tuieý YANKEE ýNOTION STORE. STATIONEET,. SCHOOL1 B0OXS1 2 0 Par ceet oeper tîsan an>' 8etv store ir YANKREE NOTION STORlE. Ladies's R et icuIes and 7Sat- chois of ail kinds. Gentlemeni Caues and: Wauig Sticks; al the YANKEE NOaTION 8T(RE. French 8'iawsri Gtalia aoeog!Icr fismer>, - Stapsq Coualis., airBruilies YANK(EE NOTION STOR -Phocenix- Fire A'ssurance OmBAs L TP.ADAusarsz re usRr<e oitM", I (; iLLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., A.rL.Ijt,4 for Canada. J~ ~ ~~ ~TOS NbUNFSaaus CStSiy 1IRltnd ,;rcf.]ul the losst dvorale tennis, aiid LO>lS-SFSpisid uitllott re-isrece tus the ILBafd in H. W. WVOODWVARD, Côri niiones. Merchant, fWlqy,' Abenti Contsty 0.T Ontario. VALT.ABLE TOWN PROPERTY ioDow 'B Co ite thé 'lw orer L sous Bs-S Wbit Parti1 T oicBs-oct rî*,reet, di-ectlysoppo. tIt '%lsie Irlesa otel, asidbetesiz BYe 5C MellilltllgseGülsesal Store, a.cduo101- Wioss'sLirsy. EAST Tîsis propert>' ut auînet 100 feet front-oiBr-ook S !#litaîtOtafis ceup Io fa lasse 120 foot wiuis. IE 0 ralse'sîsîl titussi, ors-a fit'elâls IiOtelI j s-t the 1tuscatiass)i ici sutrpassaithmLseGoant, T OWN- bF WH ITBYI hblc Turenia.-Tcen ycsur vsoc',it for threo-fosl-ths of tise purübaau usissu>'. analdibut bre 'pe-r'essai intcuretfoir the flrsit ve c"a- 1!1t9acesrisu-to Itt:linhue net-atn pper4 teits-or pts-lia&lng ise prcperty ats Iow puteou t.a, ' loncg crCdit, and r aciterecd iteea. -- - Appi>' la J. IIAM FERRYs uu Imiportant -to Breeders of Durham StockA - fic- t arila c i e iniorteal Dnriamlîtcc.u.,.-ko 'wns a T I<sus g lucegasisi > procured tittusend $ài terrk. il';m--For M e zen-(jrade Cosc aaus $5. Triscooiglu bs-e t $1. <sa Musustserstsf tIse Unisse Asirienltuual secioy- 01 lieu Tsuut'sss.iill u tftVIýillny"'asi Fast V.hitbyf -iil oîiy bc ecisîrged $4 for gracie cous'. l'as-ne licst inosirnrast s-ales Fur pudsaerec muîî tussilier puirtieuîloirappil drapa; ta -rm KVIJu.Dti iMILaLERtI Wliiy, Mss>' 28, 1861. Ge-h. BJritish America Assiuranuce Cesupany, T NCIS'>IATE1Ysuuitear an Att of tlue Thtitàc I.Ssotsof tIse Etevouîîh lProvinctal pargs OAPITAL .eîooooo.i Iraîîraeee etttei en Buildings an dsfeil cointesîrus. Ever> iunformnatidonsuppliesi euspc pli-eaatioîs lu th isaiudermiigned. Marine Itiata ottie 2seson orfarPuirts, JOHN AGNBEW, Travelllssgq Agent, tyros iStreet, Whtl* TO TEINIL&BITAJFTË 0F IrhSECOI!NTLRS OF fN toneearng un>' aiseero tmante te tise lilsa Ibitisuetscf tise Cosusities eff York, Pool, andi tintas-to, fo«tise mat favors ceniferrati open- lnolurngpwt rs,ýrgticeint, heforeyon ,4lte tue fautteno. e ppprt and ofdn Itustiui aven i Moy cl v ta merit tbatr coul..i (ltiuca >'ouu haros»elieorfully cionied le cis, Pruomptitude, eccery, andct 15e strhcte.t attention te bsîallssesi, til otihe iuteana 1i$alol tekste degserue iis custsenc ne. ALEX TIOMPSON, Anctioneer, I-lf lia w ~HailiaSerbro u. sent mýf?çA ta.......-em.n» . soce............sMn.m 66c. tittuA........... .....,Brrm'sa as J. octiOLES........ .........tuby J ue 251h, 1860). 224- Ail os-des-s tft,,"t the £Yo'osancilleffe,',thies a itegists- of stit sales nisiga"emsunts. la se- ,oulas-lv kapl., hait bc atiendi tot. Frios Ar. rangea, ansidusys ixeti, mithout 't"e ctrouble ni secissar r.Tscsepusi. U FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Igang1eisoWagbing Machines, Ohurnu, &CI ma 1ABI CGol eil AI b>'. CTot Break s tous, e J. YOiv rdeau-to' C.G. i W. sf caf~ jr Magera 1

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