Whitby Chronicle, 16 May 1861, p. 4

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q, 1801L. Jie laudi lun aine" ft.nlt squ, i qjpis;i Issu I1" eteoî«ck d homatitus JARM FORca.i..j.tI B ýi eketititii, u TiIsroute,- ufWfu-thtie Ciscs Ansd mostpiossunt ictermiinds _I#jg gosered wsubis g#d badyîod ter ever>' mee4y, Weduoi,îai is'*4 ,.&-olel nd'Ai as g u, t p(tlUnsctMdtbeport, 4lî"i~ope, lta ~ftom~1W1Itbyananti & lmta e ta n m kt i n p os1 o lr% O g o ra m o b tu b a . ~ T O R Tenus $2000 domn, tiso reunainder te suit tise: Iý perelsaaaor. For tuniien ýPa lrtllun pl>' li-A1» 2 Asishe S Whitby Race VI1E 1S1RN(1 MING OF TEX ,NTARIO, TURF CLUB Wlll coule cil ove? tise Wbitby Couirm., ona Thuruday, PFriday & BSaturday, 231th, 241h and 251h May, I1961. ri 1RST D AY. *iO0.Itosmusî ~j l wcs, lsai ai ibito take cf$1 5 ocmilelselli tt, blint ln 1 V (2.W. $80. Cuuàrory iiîai, witl umilnaldn'atake of $10 eau]], upeitu lluiii î'rsncsieoîit lutc<oun- ut O(litt!l ut tut. a(Itu, mile iats, bout 8 Ilia -O. IîCtîiPrima, openi ta uLI utralssed h rak.topt l'or tbuok lunî t rin purpoosuneai umIe Juela, e.:ela wiglits, pontet auco $8. 1Second D ay. $200. oCl:u ll'uio, witht Inuinsido stake of $25ecifr 1niitw ila iue'1' <J W 050. Uis,a' ukoi,ýoI, 'l tl su it5ite ai 0 $10conu , nopen t te i ocs o wneil ut tii (lote of tlai 11111 lta1 lie colanties of I.>nturio, Duirliaui,9 ý,ctbt,i n it, iot(or an d Victoria, mile outsh.4 S h. ,T. (c. W. oré.tIl~nl 'ulibE, witis An Inuide tiko cf815 ci, -Pl. tau it iTroting ilnrrses tsait nover bot tiare, iirtite l publie, sie hets, Third Day. * 50, llutt')Le 1401:l.'ctut, wlth un luIn- 8ide tatt o f $20 caeti, mile ltient., over fouir tlglltt 0 eîtrrv. * 5.l'tIOVtNc1 rItNtçiCAi Puiaeg, open te nvi avtice brou herses owinod Ilia Catuctît, muile lient,, tut 8tIlif5. 020. 8tiÂKo i>casc. oîqiuto ail trotting alla àuig iorden ttept to itic.andîitaria pliMoses. leXept tie wliiii oi'iite $1o trot,) tIle cuîats baie'Wt 8 ln 1, goas tiliey pieuse. teortry $8. 4% Kgoad buand oluisîie iwill tbc Ili ttsiiîeie. ltulo, andel legulationaa, Ttirse u oes toe uke a iiil, tat lesuthoin twi) su tib ýitriiiiî*e fou 1)lier cit. Titei abaîvo Vtecea lua rumil uccordiîig tc tht iecfo tILaCclub . Ail entirî to Sae aîclit %wiinit 011J utffer outil, ivîit to in uïetury, betore 10 0oou- tt.tile OliU~IIpreous t elcui a y'a sMIttriclirs wilt bc e(roi turi3ltî>rms ln; Jeckey st0la îccordliu, te tIle raies. Evcryg peror iti ntîg a horse wtlt b. rciýnuired tute tiiiantolut cotern. Tlie Jtidguss doeiluit ua tbch ittl t i t Il i i k J . IOWE, J. 11. 1'EiIIY, WM. S2)T Pi>oluut. 'roustîter. Secretary. Wllitliy, April 18. 1881. 14. IIEAD QIJARTERS. Musnu <ItiittAt. Qu.cî, S/s lprf,1861. Ulâlaexccllcsuc-Y tle io vrnuir Geuerat andI Commtusaner-iii Cîiltlu ;i îteu.ýt ta'dit'-Lotui, lu tierstiiisce ut teîroî'isiin ofuttht' Ilitia Luaw, the citstii aluSsiiter(A ti se Srileo-uuoi neot Oexetiptc-ul b>' lia., et18 )yelrseoftiugoauat sapvris,.bhu it iilr 15 iyeuarA, ltthie soveral Btttisîsî ttii% o Sît vlezita ir'alitia t'aofUpîcr <.isdiî, s'ý LisitCle tluca oit theaqueeui's Bitlts. diy.Fruaty, 24ths May', se,î. ?)tIleutrs costassuiidt'ig Battulieuu are roquezs- ted fus give utc usnotiez uccorîiiuguelyte the Ofml- cerusal)ssttitiu Cotuitiof tlie tinueaenut place etuctu nitîter ; îîîîuhhis E xeeleuiey re- Cooincsl ii uth s' tio taise lîce b>llutfl- aemui n r DLîsseofuititttllimita, except Lu sîmieit casemuas Ittissie ilei-,ied it ilrlu bthe tiof- fiter eeustatinîth ie Ihittaiîeuinuuu îteuuucquemsc cit hie îiisfuuceof the' Ilitiuof certîaini couîa-. ilib resi ths e îîî Quunr-ters Urthie Carpui, t direct thut thea usteor tias P lace b>' eoîpnnies. B>' Coinmisssîltofîhlis F.xceollotticy the Rielit Honouraible tisesGuirror (seucrul cti Cemuanuler lus Cýlluet, D. MtSCDOI'itLLa Deputy Asdjitttlei.8.ef Maitia, la Uhsîsor Caunada. *2 Lient. Cul. Met'tiersen 1(otnttînniisg fat Battulun Otstuulo àilîtlt i'lîîtuy. lu coeuliîsmîe w1tthfle ubeve gotesordeer, tise' ,sOvurul Cuptaitsua emiutlg censapaies wlttin tise ititits of fuis t'agiltiit, icre utui ta u iirtuetu tmeni ut the tisîite t o t ctil.ii ettl'on tbatpurlîtus itîtîitîsein soverc tocusil. A». MOPIIEIiSON, Liestt. ol. lat Bat.,Omtarir. rem,~Î fit- 'Ilù ¶4tOLEND ON ILEAL ESTATE SEOU- iEnqutre cf - JOHN WiATSON, - -Or rte THOS. IHUSTON. .STA GE HOUSE,1 ISAA0O FENTON, Pratirictor. tETê oand iuoro; sug crIssaaccoua, ÊJ.JmcdatisIr travellers; good abling ena' atteniiva dolr,- ilaed -FINI ed mi elu Porteut0 'onft Ji POR SALflZ. 'R, SALE, a Storp sud TavoruS tanud -a Fo ise VllIsPe'f Aiîlle", Lot'le rnts oerh .Tisero ta au cre of n ttusi oul, 2su whïlb lanagocai Orclsard. TheI ses gcapre botianewfrume ébuitduiigs. ,ýTheîciýi4,CRIsig' kept lu tise store whiols u la W , nd ree-my; tise' t4Crrlaaala wttouwp»jî42a pgbnig aud bola -9Éseob premisos are ineat deairb"; ul1tuntea ilu the heurt cf the r.euiths townsip, cf I'tekening, sud wmît te dlàposcdiebu't wvnry literai tonus. tea n uaîet preimer. For termus, &o., nppy ta tise prcprtor. - BENJAMIN MÂDILL, T ' .&tt~Adter otOl, ê iJUPPA LOCATED AT- Lp, ALBANY, sud m2aiu. 4 ..o.. rtdway. iv. Y. CITY, PPILADEIPIIIA, Cor. '1h assaiCiseaumasta.. - CilicAU0, Cer. Seasaca aMi uiSpeesor DETRlOIT NOLI 70; Wcedwsrd Ave. S Tç.fi . L O U tIS Cor. Clark sud Wsimg. ICoeror uisassd Vice bta tust dtreute3 1 GENERAL INFORMATION. Our stntudpdu' or f ca 10sMpluChe /mosi tituilotits eaucommncec ut a>' timno, ns tliere are liso vsctioss4. Tise Prntcipsals antd Tenciioaf tisa Jbluof Ceuollegen avaî'aituexteumice nequcinteuce inu scve- eni largo citiles, andi always cusIter Il a plaeaurs ta, furtîer te test Internât# of tiuir greduatea.ý Stuîotetiitenitug ir i>' one of tiîcetelges lu> tite Isynent of $40, bocoîne entitieul te thme prîvîlegus ef tise entiro Ilclainius," rii Catalogues uiut Circiaars, cali, ut thso Collego Itustîst, or sdîremas asaboyas, 86 B3RYANT I& STRATTON IIITBY PIANO FORTE 3MANUFACTORY, Mary Street, W hitby. JS PIF. RAINER, le tnteorat pieutsre a lu-i finit:g tise IIt)Ju tlfst lie hns iatcty *catredti uese oxtemui4e' premnîsos fornueri>' ooupietty Mr. 1. Forai as n Carnage fector>', uueusrIyuioîpoulteiBiurisimrn'14 i i tteso wn of Wlifby, ndsisti rera iso les low cugtged listtue mtanufacetreot PI'INOS, %mitis al tlietuîeuirîumprovcimuentu, cuti ivuictulise witi wvarranît te bas eqîmat tn rilliatucy o!feuee detieso>' of touuels, undt superior litiishnlt, te ai htu Ainrita. Attl'iauoà arc imatie b),' li îi ttafulti matai- tie traue, 1 it/s ecer sfrin17, outiie bout su- genaîl tinaber, and tuteiclis of tise flues5b scriptiin. J. Y'.liI's. lang axpcricnee cf neuri>' 20 yesrs, beth li Atatrua ats ai (crsiuuutiy, aim wii as iu tIse tUnitetd Statos audîil hs -ousstry,,omanhieu hitu te sttu with cotjihîleuolsuhtu> to give comsplote satisfactionî te tisa publie. gWrPrices all ttbe unal mach Loir. er thien those of liaporteal Instrumsents ef tiurior ntaseiactuure. Six Octav'e, (aqîure nie............... $180 ,6, dic (rotundicorner') .............225 1 do d aie.....île. 5 7 do (cver-utrinir,) ....... ........ 823 73ýC Octare, (eror-strtug duille reutidcurvoîl lizoa) extra ....... ....425 W~A guaratte cf six >'cars giron wi.tt eaeh instriumenit. Ait woi-werk lu tiheat rose mooti, J. P~. 'a. I'lsuos isavc takon firut prlzea ut tise Provincci Exiblitionus, andi have beon higtsiy recotncosdîle hi> ie Jsidge-B. lie esut aiea reter ta sevutriilai lftsitunVlstby anîh otsowtsere luithISe Cott>', %wtioiu ho buia the limietr tea sisapty, ns tethe îtîlît>' cf lits lustra W-ill ktuîta cf String Intstments roliaîre' .411 1'lius, of tty mautufacturo kapt lu tuno fan eue yeur 084171fS._ RoiMesisîen tise Asidreas, JOeSEE'Il F. RAINER, 48 JVh4itly/. P, S.-Psîrtica stjuslaibc careful usut ta croîlît tio stutetututts -cf tttercsteilî-personus wiu arc Agents tfor supptyltst feasgePiatuos frontsliteu tisst a distsace. Siupiport hmttue aanutmîture. DUNC-IN & CLARI'S stecîsU asot îuufaf di cmusut>'I's O ace nduî 'l'ssenuîis, or If mlii be sont ±neo iy tt>'gas les ucidresaj. lsnîsîurty milipi dertlmcd freo of chjange.- Pentiatuihuru ,Xpvaianet inu ctretsr. DUNodiN & CLA11K. 10 Yeîsge Street, i4 Toronto. MALT vINEýGAR. m A VIEGR ulow be ba! ts lrg W hjtbv Brewerv. FARMFOSLE 1"11TY trdo Lot Ne. 80, 4tis Con, cf Whty. About 22 aees clenreti. Tise tîmuiber ami tiseuleicîmr0f0,lande0l ta atad ' ei.htscabove farns la ituastd ithte a miles of tIseT-om cof WlItby, anti would prove a meut désiîrableilevestmient. Fer tera,&C., appi>' te pOte Whi tby5,P. i -R J. WILSON, Esq., lhsrrlster, Whùtty. i e<~Ï jH £E" wil lonee n' 4 rto:âsjub Theo ver>' lntreo-ivolatesigRa dvualus- bic lecru ontho"1Wqrld'ltsiwwy'-+tmde- expr;:eissi>' for t fe lceodfounia, uader NEWEMST 3 B )UI Bots oui ndlaîtrtimeenta-by -tÎe bot Amortetsuand Euro1peau composera, srjoair rTt- rIcs Four Caits. A new s cig b>' Stepiseu Tuose p-1sîtîibili tjAe iWst volume Iaresa foh wu- iof wdclsq4ti boûIlprteid -ret c>tocf o n~yuw.~c4 rto the 'Uuilts Street Lite." BDy 1. il. (Jngl.,..1Is No. 26 "Miationaetiusilau." 13y 1ev. Dr. liatullîs. . .ti Ne. 25 '.Tlsu S3ultan adi» ii.Ocriaiueii."5Dy Dr. Uttin ..........................un No. 24 ib6 Turtlsia Empire." By 11mw. Dr. Hase- lin ..............................In Ne. 23 "Thtêelle>' yutla4ay." 13Y' cee. V. ciw-- "À quuisei ina'y, Melo. y cmLf Clle....... ý........ ....luN.t ilto.......... .......In No. 18 or......................... li N'o. le M1121ua.ls lillsua." B>' 11B. J. C.NO 1 occ......................... ta.... nNo. 10 Dy iPro£ Fauay ....... ... Ini N. 8 ..Huan.$' aaitPro. Parda acaaa......tlaN. 7 a43mnaiou suld CoisesiUI" 3> m(Fuu atay.........................teNe. à '&Gravsstoe." JByPtoe( Farday ..... ln Ne. 4 Prof. Faurad(ay's lectures are ilustratod witia diVt-oue ougravlaîgo. TUSE 9OREAT lllUTUle9AL PriiRchE OF WEBSTER lu the SENATE Webster 'lu the Sonate, Webster In the Senateo luoitEATEBPiEau ON N opcur o te t it lai sizelinas ever boforo be odfreoa bts reus$6 ta $10, assa the. flrut copies of tise riork;"imo botter tîsanth ie proeùé t onco (nscwe arc 116w priititeinoinsu rOIoswoîltilsus), iiotdi rpiclty ut $10 per cooîy. It im îîeur y threc b>' fousr fret iii size, andi raspro- sent. Va chuiter toti Anmoccasion ivisn the w noIe nation,, sgitated, wLss waittng to heur filme taud- iîg li) tho inîidut of Il Id coiullîcord, CILAY. SEWAID, -FILMO i 1 CALIION 'B&NTD!>T, DO)UGL,-i CIIASE, 1_.BELL , ats n wliîetegalary f thecohoson statesmn of tise qcay. Evory Lngruvisug ilauccompauited weitis an oîtlinckuhy puistiri>' ont by iitinohoriathse locationsofcil cciioionr iîcetd. To over>' subscribîr te ttîo ttoitscholS Journal, wtin fei- wa-rîlmusuiA"$, %owe iilmuail thse 1lluisecld Jour-, nal tor 01e10cui*,aud atiso une coîîy os tisassbuive engrviug-Stuslîl rce, ai d tut efuti y put ttp wifit relier taei irusrvo tt. Ailîreus.4A. lartil I & Co., 21) North WVillisain tstree-t Now Yorkc. THE'EMIIE CITY AT ONE VIE W lu n siiieuud tjColcred Lesgruving of TE CITY or NEW YORKE, Show iug tIhe etitro clty, nnd tornintg A CO PLETE BIRDPS E YE VIEW of if fron, a shootof siuerflne druming pupr) 24 b'8 liîseu, sdi curotuîhiy einîtbcmuW 'ista lue cttire lim,4 juaf heasus pisîuslîoui Kt TtsrtnDallaru lier eîîpy, huit b>' an arraisgeinet of0te oei earecîsuaisheette ottr it toaeor>'lia b- bcrher tel flue ltoutaoo' Journal, wluo fcr- mirtis us $2, Isi refiru for miicis We wili unail froc, acpy tif tise ushov engrsurisg (dosie up wîitti ratier te proservu IfQ)alistialso tise Ihouso- haiti Journoi, fur auto0>'euu. Saitîpie Copies tif tise Etgraiuu a eaubc sci atut olilce. Algeoît country bilts, or postage âtamupm, tzilcous ut pur ans reunîttauuccs. Addlreisu aluit ttnicattieul te tise I'nîblisliera auntiPro- prietora of thIslîuscola Jouirnal, A. Ilantiîil Cl(o., 2o NurtIs Wilamu streot New rkn, Sewixng Xithines Givon Away Waahiug MuchÎiesi Given Away 1 BIuslcul IWenks Giveai Away t Illustrateet Worka Given Away 9 p artotiesi rons of P"eCtunitig nLiSowlng Pil- oio oiic f Wtueler & %Witeoi's Grever &t Halkc's or 1'itlte & Iyou's )tmnuutctsto, or 0110 O! O1181jL Utlia,îî Waýiuiutg NMacisInes4 eau île ce b>'stibscriinttî t f lUusehîli Jounalc, ut the raste cf Tii, Dolîsrs at yeîsr. Fiîikl particîsiarsoest flueaboya, us wcolt as of tIse pepuuiur INPIictu itanaiIllumutrateai iuibleItatis ta ho gîvonsisasiait .prcsusîuuîivu ilhocfounai iti tise tirst iuusuhr of tis ew omrlume of tise Ilglciaaeisiudutrisuita copi cf muieli mili bc seust face ttuîuny auirems. 15>' eîsdiîsguaf'irea cîun titr fîup ciio f the tinbie.-Iage bMata of tise 'sVùerti wlh haoe-t alamug îvthî t. Aduîrîts the I'isblishuor cof thie tlolssetueiu aoinAMicet. * lxtu . dCe., 20 Northu iilliain IhOUSIrýANfl Lo.V FOR SALÉ Ï1W JXBUIIEVLIIGE ~IEUuirulgned bus funsiiids s'îrge fruuuse J.l.lettiug .. fset b>' 40 togotiser mittu luttf ail ocrasof inil -Thuere Iluis geuJel l tw mter 0ua Torosita lit ,id u l~iuutoos stre-etiïn tise heur. tsiig Vilisage of Uxtricigo, Ceunt>' of Ontaurio, This pruPont>' WJII te eull ceup. 'Yor.furtter jsarfteulnrsen netreo! tieseaubsenîbor. (Ifb>' ALEXANDER THOMPSON, - -o Iallroadti idCeaiugfou. JOHN TIIOMPSON, 18 tlxbrldge. COUZqTy aucT(IOEERS. T E fliowlng la n ccrrect Ilot ofrtl uen 'lbneers mhac have teken out Lieuuasouutoe>. çif9ti' thse presee-Pyem~ 1. Piebnka e Mejcult..î o iat Count>'. J2. Meymis pnî. a 5Geo.l1odser--Brock.< 6Alex. Tisempaer.7npk.soriniz -7: Mardoek Melitia..Bck WM. PAXTOX, Ja., Wity, Pot. 21 -Onsi rasu,,- XNLJ~NI~C OMPANY OZ ENMILLIONS a au F-11R E EPb ÀRTrM E N T, Afl uil asspomptiy ettioti, wltisaut de- outc r diaicottand idîtisomt refoeosce te, Englaaud. - Thse large Caspital andi 3r crslous smap ent of thîs Compiany maures tisemcsî peneet uft>'. L,1FEDEPPA RTIMiEIsN T, with timdoutedsjlpout'u ol0,f Profits eousIstei bracet ian thae science ,Yi îîo satraiie afoi c by tise Royal.nieda Eecoipts for New Ploliciulone lu six usottlsa cf tise paut ycur. £2001900,STER=1INle ExhËfbltlisg an Ineranse ia ,one yasr atone cf Tise fenis in- hnnd excoed Exiblttng an incren a: n 'nraooc £801000!I Almananc,, Colsattag lline Cuiendars, wstta ampie doîssits of Chie (otuPunys operîtioi, atade e1112y neceasar>' information furniabeidut tise JOHIN AGNEW, Wisiy, Poisgist for Town cf Whitb'y. Whty, 8b.Ï, 18*10. DU YOU WANT STOYES GO -TO G. RO"DCON'S (yViat dooto f'thes Rgistry ,îm) EXAMINE Ilisi ST. LAWRIENCE FOR $2s > TUE PROTECTIONIST (original) Whiithy, <Oct. 24, 1800. 82s, TWO SIZES, TUIE SYLVAN WITCHI, GOLDEN FLEECE, TREI3AN, Celebratedl Challange Heater, &c. IuteiiduitpiirchaaOrs for cash milI do malt to fiaal floomu uit oi ewhsere. NeoIcuise ai ti IAIN ti kU tià o~ Ts ES QJ.LIYAT JAMES JOHIýSTpN,- GILEAT SALE 0F BANKRUPT STOCK! Stoves, to-ves AT A. LOG AN'S, Fulier's olii cîtlubiuuiteist, B3rock St. Wtdtby. Apple 1'urcrs ut Logati's lltilf Busliel Mcasurer; ut Lcgun' UGrainilscoopsa at Log~asis, Titi wîsrc o( oi'ry &sertiptiiiu, Stiîve'plpen &o. ., iii tact evcryvlîing in tte stove untd tin m hut Logaus. Cîi~r Pitâa auii.Shect ('oppcr ,for suie. tm if o'r M u g aiaît S h e e is k iu :s . ABRANI LOGAN. TIIERIS 18A LWVERY STABLE ATTAOIIED, Andevoeryflabng is conduetoti la tise best style Horfie and Carriages .At ah lhourd te enîler. A.GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. G. R. ta agent for smie cf Pntterseias's§ & lirotti- ors; Agricuturat Itsmpteiuou-.lsoetichonseud Iillt, and la prepureti te rocîe-ioitUordorm. GEO. ROBSON, Brock Street, 46 lVhitby. COMPET [TION. lRE SUBSCiIlE1I 18 'IEPAIED TO Tolitall kiatas ef wentu iin hiu inoueortbuti- tou eu epr ttuats uuy other cstaLjtleiiuît ot tlîe klîîîlinuBrootullut, andas iots work lu tmade up aader th ivu ttîistruetioî, it eau bc wusr 'ý.tutito tsgivo Satisfacetiont. For chîcepuoss tIse foleowitîg pricea mili speak: Mens' Ware. BetFrestets Ce]! liootu;... .....$4 0 " aad C 4î... ..... 4 25 < K ipti ...................... . r, C1 (Joirlte.................... a 50 iLace Boots ................ 1 75 B lrugaaia............. ..... 2 Do ]Ladies' Ware. llcst LnueBot................. 2 00 Conianu Boots ............... i r)0 id Buakiiua ..................... 1 25 and 01ilChertor îtclos Ita the sibore Ittie ta cor- respoWsd iel.,price. WILLIAM àMeBiIEN tirookius, Marois 1 '8(0. 108 t DO YOU WANT A BrUiant and-i Oheap Light?7 0f tise rer>' bout qîutlity, $1 lier gallon, 2rd qtulity 050 coents. BEST KEROSENE $1 26q., A largo caaortmont cf aïTÂTIONE RY 0F ALL RENDS. GEO0. YULE, uî,, Next uleer to the Pest office. Wliltby, ApritlOtit, 1881. 1 TlESubserilbers bolng tieuireus te retIre fnstheme unatr>'baneats eder for suIe THEWITBY FOUNDRYa a tit-raiS. epppýrtmijit>' to e otbIs ums lu "la Wut I iez-tona muit prbee nquineoet C. Lysns or LYNDE POST .W litby Matchis 2, 1861. ilDE&POT The Celebrated Gorman Oil! -0- FRMtiuousuiti: of tcstiuuicuîialsaCus te thte o41 eue], of tlisi4 ivultuiîle rests dy, the tel- lewilitsr 1Lhuteicil cteteil: I, 1 11Ve uusieu yuti ouite ia4t six years, and îo attitle.tict ittt us iueIîiullcut for ttctuituig Cuts u, esittcurilig froit-bitect. lits iluicay as cqîtally grouit apîîied te ittusi or es. To A. Esq , JAMNES GIIEIG 1'cîriul;ts. 12, Iu61. SIni jiàtuce te y ou, anud au a dut>' I cirethte P iblie, 1 t4itst< <t riçrlit to ercîututund yeusr coellritoîtGerutsîs ita lly deîhsgirl gaut se- verclv scaeiit, ts8tî0 l s, ittuer redorer>' is uiusiiubatt itrIt tiret usnppicationîoet youir îil,mstuc get iisiiic î e f, uîsd ist iste a gîten lttut111b1r. Tivo appitinsu repeutoîl, ourcît lier cz;tîplettely,ad msi-cilu)îuoîvqîsito ircli." MATTIItW SWALLOWÇ, Jr. I got rost btont, ttid ias tcld te use yeur 011 tî-isgdouc so, I1saved beti ny greca W. TIIOMI'SON. 1 siulecil trous a all stît nisiug sera fer tiro ycnrs îcvitbluut iitcritisuiiouî, tic'aitiusducod ta try yeur colebrautuai cil, atatueniow complta ]y JAMES FITZGIBBONS. Il Drm Si,-Yonr titi tuisboan theomeans of suviuug *he lite of My litîle tai'." IEN It4trWILLIAMS. Oue cf the tirut tuedical mounlutise Coutaty irrites : DyIAi titt'ri1c ail over te werld ourjuîstly eletruted (lenîtîtiit 1 desorveis te knnd. nm prose a btesasitg ta mnan- tuiii'1cbve ii-uldit ita theecsre ofcf tt, brui. ses, <rouit bites, &o., tusil u-o ou mores ct long stauîdag -,st lins auvter fasled toef eet n cure." Ta ho tuud et 0. A. DANNISTEIf, An1.d ut ail thse prhîicipsii plcis of buic2s fl the Praivir, ce. 6 Queblec Govornment Agency. --:0- Blusinsess ceunocted with tIse and other, PUBLIC 1?EPARTMTENTS. atioisded te.. Aise- Sçcurod b> theo subsonibor. 'Audacas prepald. Land andîtneral Agent, No. iiiJ, Aime Streot, Queoe. Quebece, ?slrcts 8rd, 1860. 9 Q CP'S Ê TRIE TOWN J L Ailof ii abvework ezecuted, with neatnes s ad despatch. REOS te amnounec o his fnemt;uàms friends and customers thai ho -la now zarrying -IN ALL, ITS BRANCHES, Os.thé e peIlsu.tel eeoteëdby im ons Brook Street the targest and-meut 1ceom- pléta -establisburant !i fhà Provi'ce, Ïvhere ho is prepareel, ais heretofore., te executo al erders entrusted te his cate. CÂLlUAES BUGIE,.SLEIGIIS, CUTTRS-, &C., ~Manihouredandbldat the Lowent remuneratiag Prices. 446 WORK VARRANTED LEJ2fBIZ and i PROIiL .T AK-rjV 12V EXOHA.A[GJ3at MARZET PR!OE D. FORP'S long experience of thirty years, in tho principal Manufactories of the St >ates ani Canada bats given that expericuce in every braaîch of -the business which fow h-ave been able, te arrivo at, andl for'bcauty cf design, etegadecocf finish, dur abiliiy, and soliest>' cf workusausbip, lais >work carinet be excotleud fl-PCaianud oea Specimens. THE :e£W ESTABLISIMENT NEAR THE BANK. DOOU WANT WHISKERS?1 DO YOU WÂNT WHISKERS 1 DO you WANoeýa HUSTACHE? DO you WANT aKUSTACHE? BELLINGHEAM'S CELEBRÂTED STIMULATING ONGUE~NT, Foir the Whiakcra s ad- air. Tise Aîîiîucribors tiko pîtasuiras lu eunoumsting te tuie Citizen,, of tise umiteul Ststcs;, tîsat tise>' taure obtauiîud Ciie Airetie>'fer, uad are nom etn- ubied ta olfor tae tie Amoeniuspublie, tliucahove justi> olebteatc nd mrd-rototmsed article. Th $uIý .P.lalgngmue le phsiiatiofoilnsusd s. wurruutîîi tusrinu, oîst a ttsick set of 'WHI$KERS or a MUSTACHE lu troi tirce te six weekas. Thuis article us ttic ouiy aiseof teC discSsi sscîb> Cti Franchs, mand in Lonetctuani Paria it la in nirersalue. hfisl a beautittut, econctusical, siothiîîg ],et stisuiulattiu coîspoîsuud, ucting s if b>' isusugie tupous tise rote u aîsli a bestaitifil gromtiu tif lusxuriant lunir. 1tapid tultCes isWcalp; ir titi etsra Isaisinesi, unî t usc toî»pritug uap sn pIsse et the halai spets a filleu growý&tii of itemliair.- Apjslicd eceordnîlugte îdirectionus, i il tttru utc er tawy Suuir te DAint, anai reutore grayv huir te its anigissl cotaur, le.svtaug it soll, sisteoth uaid flexilse. 1iThOe oueî is mi inisipesabhle article ls ic vr>' gesttlinaii'i titet, tunidt aftcreso'e woolî's sueie> îi'wuild nt Ifor sîi>' coissidera- Clou bc muthuontit. TIse siaisriiers mro tîse oiuI>_Ageitts fer tise article lus the Utîltti dStetes, ta misosisaiI orîlors tîust h abc letîd lance olse ]>ltîr a box-fer unie by ' ah Dreig- glit n euluers ; or a box of' tisc f tîgueuî" (warrunted tt iare fsteseireil effeet) ivili bc sent t fotu>' mîs iithoif by miuit(direct.) me- curoacikeai, on rocceipt o? price, $1. Appsi>'ta or ucdreicu HIORACE 14. IIECIEMEN & Co., DnUuuOtsr, &C., il-sti. 24 Williaiti Strece, Noiw York. MESSRS. T. flICKLE & SON, Getieratoen C'or teCtat ci et la C Go Co -- k el Q Ç - t ci ~ ~ ~ O- co H o H o Q z o z ce~5~5uqQlseq OicsO5sc z 0...~~.~ IO o Eu ~.a. . : ~ ~ 1: ~"sI u-,~ i.se~ o B ei.E e c FRESH ARRIVAIS, '&T TIL. AICDTI aTmur, iiiJ alwher o ll f Blaok Brtodok otf Teas, Ooffces, &ugars, Rice, Muuoitssse%,St, Vtuogar. Sonp. and Cisudies, anda a large Stock of Lltîori, bt-omcaieo, &. &o., wieila witl be sald tt!oromîte prices, onît 'lnvo peoplos oxpeica Iii eog tisore. FPuners ant! ottuens -wi t do wol te cul) nnd oxausitte botoro purchustng lsewtucrc. P. S3. Proîlti ouglisînmin sia. JOIIN WETIIEiIALIJ, Wtitby,,Nov. 1a, 1500. 4 Bakery -and Oonfectionery. R ICIIÂID SNOW dsires te luforsu hts 'Rttuicrousactomorsanuad t ubic ,ttthat 't'oýhaï reved <ý ram b> i& old -prdintuou utthte Day, ancile ucirlecateel osnDaunnte t thte promises Intel y cco plstt»'àar. J. Arisali j> o lnr lu is lune at etsdod te witb p.uc ,t ei y eprà attend d a d44 p led.- Orange rlsCadesu _fctcy cf at kisu< 11-1y' *ANGLIP.ADERICAN 'ITL <plE sthcrîor is fiteu up tseaboya oid L.,"Establelîeddaetol, with tise vicir of ationulingi every oeoomuci'dation te tlïe ,trnyellin$t-public1 Giî'o iita catI. Good atabttii cîsl ostiers. le TtIOMAS UGERIDGE. IILONBIN UNciI. MOREI Tc RE subseniher requct public atten J, tien te bis noir tockol uperior Stores. Thiey inctado ftue falîomixsg noir pattcrns: 77'1E KING 0P ST0VES, THE PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY CROCHET, PROTECTIONIS'T, GRAND TURI4 M ION V UKE,, Cuti and exhAimne?, - JOHIN BRYAN. 62 Brock Street, Whitby. PjIiItuoftistetueul Patios (b]uek). Ternus 12 1 sotithus ecit eut napprorcet joint ttcsy G. H. DARTNELL, îo-etWhitby. AGENT FOR VANDEUSON'S WORAI CONFE iTIONS. rý-1I Ail osîlers I.>Jeciter cr oîthew rm t 1 valItetu(eld tu. Addlul rcpa id, Irook-Iizi l.OC. W. CAMPBÈýLL & CO. liiitiutiuctiircri est, anud dealers lu IMILL FRIIItS AND MAxtteACrcstta Sts'tLmES. -MONTREAL,. SAWS, SAWS, Of eî'ery dcsicriptiois,esîîluainiti uîuîslmaeto orîler CAMSPBELL, & <Jo., 14 St. Pater Street, Mentreal. FILES, FILES, 17ionues Fiet/sli &Sone, Juetd.i/sase dlSOi, S5oear et. ,Tîckyoie,anduuad t/se,.Yaker.. Aiseo, eerr>'tcsrlpficuu 0a File«, IIECUT andt muirrautcul gocîlus tueir, ut mi rery manchs lesu price tîtai i tsutul i>'uuifor icir Files. CAMPBELL &C<O., 14 St. Peter Strcet, Montren.j OIL, OIL, 01LY WSperun . 1aVîti , eesiu n, Eicpif, Lard, Casai O i, & c., &'e , f t'en u ing a làit ory, cltlie' b>' Cheia brrel or à to 10 galtin kegïq. CAMPBELL & Ce., LEATHER BELTING, P'atenît Stretelu cdiWaterproof Cci'uinteda i,]svit- cd enttýtitclseul, wnrrantod tas ovrn>'respect; usn furuils cithier theo Tratie an Consumer. ut -a lamerptico tîauu.suy othar puntes lu Cannela. Senti for pinted lItts c! pnicem. CAMPBELL & CoJ., 10.-M 14 St. Patter Street, MontreaL AND l IE Subacriter luntonding bts tisante for T tise liltral slupjsrt iutuartc xtsrenda t Sîtmn uusinc% es, el xtottod t ree astidh tii. eticsrt. oocquiniutenâ -Cultivatoro,- Ant il nlothcs kiudi orcf aruilt m Tmient P, alt lis placee business lu ABIIBURN AUl urdns eoecutedti mfispuinctuuiity anti titupatel, ami comiplote stautogaaei iA»srisur,4.prll 0, 1861. - l TOSEPIL MOON LATE OP TUE NON. U qon ia el, au<lformni e,,f wbitb'L'mn uoasqcà oulameu4 ant tàepublief tishoi hui n.sctd'fiso sbOvewejl-knomui-iso.i, miici la Inom lauIttrit rate ortier for,:-tis :eeptou6 tuesta. Wiuea, LtquerA ant i Cgars. Gceul Sablittg amaam attentive Ostior. 1m y h yie a tus in-' n dù ai a s P hflal ad lh6 a d 0WI York;f, - 1 s..ela red tle osi1y usodful haaotrumiiont 'y i$..ztlWpnted for ti cure of Souminal WOiakasos, rany dliseaneo f tise genitul o0 8i, caused bZ the seret habita et Dy. Aînoa(& Son, in order to satistý thse to steepeticati te initi§ cf tt is gtrument pledgo tisemgel vos thâin nu>' lOtiaisce#ere ima prove unsatlsfaauctory ùftcr a tain trial th, .Cuy will bo refunded by retarnlng tise Iustrumient in good ordor. S IOUXTItY IXTÂLIDf. Persons inan>' part of fic Wonld issy b. mass, ceiisaliy tretod b>' forwvardini u correct dotail of their caue, with A, emIttance for Mdicinet I AMOS & SON, 48 Ea'5t enesso Streeti tirec deors West f Ellicotz Street, lifWal, Phoenix Eire Assurance 1Oo.- OBARDIS TISeT A2eis C.Il Cacas~f, LONZOOO EUTABI ISJIP. IN 1782. Shorif s Sale -of- Lands. Count of Ontario É atus day the ta day To Witt. l10)-of Jiana, A. D., 1861, ut 12a'cieck, noats, mill te sold by-Pubtio Anc- dons ut nîy ofIMce, imntIse Counrt lieuse, iuntisic Tan o! tYluit!y, tIse aight, title, sdintereat, whi luic e umîderuigîsed doeiùd uts s§er alI> posseeî utis nte umtderuontioued'nais a ad ten£- uttentsttereen, sc-ioel h metuenuuîcand by vir- tee et certain %V rjts of Ptari inclu, taunmed9- neeteai, riz: Iu tise <Jetnt>' Courtt, Elritlge R. Irisis,-Pluiiataif,,vo. Noble A=i& roîg ud E. Andrews, Detamalantu. Ail ant igulgieur oie tiat certain panoeIt.aq,Ç. tractetflutundutelproiuisss sitttelysuorandibc- inez uts tise Twisttip of Drocte i tise cent>' cf -Ontaio, eontuiuuiug b>' ndueastmeusent une q turtr f antuAcre,ho te ane nore on loBa, beiîîg cotifosoti of part al'lot No. 20. intiso l2ti cou,.oîfBrook, aîeriuid--cmmenciug miser. a post-ia piaitea inlufront cf salaiiotj'n onsu'a sida o! tIsa fit-it street iret cf Chales Gisha' store, onu sula lot, ccîtunouly kuemu as ui strccet, aundiut flic conClu aent angle of ait quar- ter of amdacre cf lndt,tdieus pîrtellat with î1le utile 1111013ef sal con., eielit roda, tison weater tyîaraiiol wlth> heces. lino of, aaid towsmhip uve reulcteaaontîîerîy ParSilel wil.i tise aide line Cight eils. thon cmsr>'pnsll iI ) Cous. ilu c nd TawnaiiYp aae cattitueuth InuhlioCoUit 0et Queen9tu eucis. - A le x a n d e i r M I a su c tl s , »1 i n t t vi, v . p o c ,yîear7nd Arcllibuillliefiulilis,îlcndannî Lost ie. 206 scuth idaise tSinîcoe Street, being a psart uf siortlslisait flot 14, Is 8th cou, of T itruiaisumsed rvaissne 20 iacre.) Lot No16, msesusti he es iiucoeasneet,beung a par QcfIlortis lia! f lt14, jus Stîscon. cf TIseral, it, esueti al isu $80 (,];Cacre. )ut XNa13l uouuCiaide of $Injcae Street, bcing art nu uboi.'c, ssasseul rulc$260 (X acre) all sa tise Village of Beaverton. NELSON G. EREYKOLDS, olueritf C. O. sholif 26,O18c1.- Per C. Nourse. British -Atierica. Assarsare Company$ " OC I'OIIATED u tir anA cetf tie T iird ..Scîstieot.oftise EterenthauPrerluojul Parlia meut f Upper Cnaa. -UAPITAL £100,009. Irsurance' citucteai on Builingmsandti sIr eossfnts. tirer>' unferiatiosaaîauppl n plicutien t thisosundernaue(ol. pidona Murine iilbton tise bens;onorforPucts - JOHN .AGNEW, Trarellhiitg Agent, Broi Street, Witby 0W TtlE COUNTIES 0F N S" siir imcere c-haulca to tise Isila- Ibitantço t1i&Cou Ilttoi ef Ycnri Peel, sunt Ontaioi, fer tise namu>favors ccntisrred upon mie dtiîng pasat-7cers, Irgain coine- efoeo e isolicmtmusg yoirffentr supp»rt anti confidence in tise fut-are. If mii ae.r- teote>' ait>' tô nitnt >aIcoudl- -ulcuce youî tavo se Cheorfîtl>' ceufidedl in me. P]reinptifutie, energy, attie striest attention f0 busuluesa , ili bo tisemniis lail teke te deserrc ifs, ccnttuuauee.- ALEX. THO(MpSON, ÂnctiOneer,ý ea. TEnuIOMOAs........... Jiin ouecsi, 18ow. t , Jun 2ftht 180.27. Ail enters, loft t tie C£psoauZsfldo', w:li4ne a, îegistr-et al sales îti dexagaîcoutsla te- gularlr Ykopt, sisbati ho attenaind te, PrieiAri- rassgeîta a duyg dxcii, 'itiout t . é trouble of F'ARMING IMPLEMEîNrê Ka n g le s , w 1 4 X o h n u Ohurns, &o. <TlhE sad.rsgned begi' 'te itnuie,.nâe tI bis .1 CiastOerg,1 e p ubtlieCit Ilue lianatoe- useoveai tl'us lis elti stmtlîl Onulunelns&neet -60 Brook Sîreot, co-rziere f Dmsmsop Stnofs a- iO roda Stttiof Creelce\'s flofel wbes.ohaile ie- Paredti teex-ete aIf erders -in hli&lltneaiith PrOutaptituulo and tiltiliand'at pioitlfat Wismel bai Ilithta >tte4çedî>hs6atinvontloaa:ai4 workmnaaslp, <IaviDpgtlioen pglent uniltths Shoms wllienuutIsey e ohibsstedbe bopesta8 matie, iwChr ain . c, Brocok Stree1S,. made A .e oc terSouth sof i.rocker'& luotel I J t N L MA' D ite t K ceor iscs orabit -W LE cols dresa. Ftb ClRIE]] cl. hi - by.T sicra 1 1u, Toms Atuadcmi "te, WIsit uext to Bq J. JOOTY, H PRNI door to Dr. C. G. BAssa qWle hl Ud a iu~ i c' 1 1 , 1 ,

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