i î.uwq~sprvst,- ud ilestaut_ . [ ~ ~lIsf~4b~ Higi.. ada ia a 4,a more thonalit as, ~ ~ Io 1t,-Bob@g Dodds; ' M 5k4Ol~Divid.nd.. asaamia drUpesd> g.-_ *10'es and Idnrt'-Lcwes & Powell.' a i Fr~r0 e ncPruh'Piedy-C., Crosby. Te éetofte it î»inVOhISîPair-C.O, Dam Tlait, Pqâster appdopiation for-CHitstbill y Cunci-H J mtpessg, 'coîonission, Eor4, 't1w< Èesting of' o C ou 1nî LJ.Mac Iem r s ooê -Ià yos,> isa , doîusîl. - Temiscunt t urchuq W _t S1!aZlIs pý.~q 1fft Towns Lots for Sale. -Loves & _1'.y pae4 1arIdo advaon n~<e~ ~SOsPW bills ",Huftse Dry Gods,(ircen.., ,&c.Lovs & aeautc.4o ebrlea ad bof5. T Z%>ooleti. 2dct Powell. holiday sud" s e hpt hy RomaunCathlcio vsy Ooniqay~ Bfmaiqder cf full Spning tok-Lowns,à To roit h o i',Powell.Ourda'sd atdt vrabi, ilC.1 showIlnems. &.-mlton Robts. a fttiipiasmuereoeivé ovna the Oororatiosc Bîpi Boms &.-Hmihouk Bbans. third uadingi Ansongsî -othenu nus the Hamilto e e rworls cf Clsancry Sal-W, I. Trersybliito divîdo tiè, bownslip cf Bosch. The To prOvide for hq epaa Anction SalIc.-Wooairuff kTborapson. 1usory lil1io geix s;monîhs l1îôïta a à os Toronsto fous the, Uuited'; yoecf 5* le53' «Thedivision ýwer'e...osQ York and, Poel for jadicW pun, (JL Mn.Mana', aud~ci tui t~ rateo Tise ssng*ansd after.oî (J4IUreni~Jthu, uIneresi le 1 percecnt--&2 tea5liféso, ilegialative Ceusseil hbeb -_____ faffndnd*st u't inofirrt afcrwsifdii trongbhhirdimî "Wlbltby, Thiur day, Iay ,1 6 .bsudeaul i.dssu~a sé dei * bt t' ;bitl és:p'rs l 89., Amongut the bisepased vere P>ARLIAMENTARY.- Tho Bill ho ausond the'sot,22 'VSe.. Csp.ting ta il. ,Dpt>' ou Packages;' - 80, reupectiug the extradition cOf' fugitive ieu of Poétouborougli sud VSc OLTI OWNSIJMÀIIY CONPILiI> FONtfélcnons bl te Unioed States cf Amoîlca, 'eparion orfSt.. s' luc Tul~LÂT:ium I'.ELiE*JîNE. a rathikd urneMsd pasad. * the Londou Water Work, ut On lYodesda Nn. Mr-Drion p ThiHo 'ýt " u ent AgatiuInto commitle, cf Tii.Internationtal Rlliaybli On ednsda Ho. M.-Dnio lie- aysansd meaus ta niich M. Tltibaudosu eut -sonled a pelitin ' (nom William Pare sud ; cîlsers, repneucuîing certain bozdîciders of movod lis amendaiet t neetlng tle pub. The SOew IUsiee( G the Gransd Trussk llailwa>'. H. movedîlbidng <Otw.J,, 5 hsy tIai tle ietiticu le reeeived aud nead ait Icaeumutvs9u;udIst a h i. plcrdid noir mansbon of 1 onze, le whiels Mn. Caten objected as l Ioie t39n van lut 57. , . ,he"'1î' adn prtntetraigteptto.o omte nQËOtroiTe motion vus ceouscqnenîîy nillidravsn. .Benjamain SutLe clair. -pnouchlug a attecompiation. Mn.IlOrmsonpuiuned ptitc4 tru: The. Committee rose sud reportai! Ivo getteali>' bisth iir. nbeen Prose, tir Lod isiep ndSyud o Ttomoresoîntions aud asked laes teaitahe, l.building viii b. Bt for occaj on te suljeci rof Common Scloei Educa sd vas ordered to ait agaiu ou Teady. casing vinr; altioug l thei tioncsîtttgnvongtesl ai- Severai buIs vWOrO report.d froim Coia- bowed ilhe cuirsetors venu! c Th eiouto-e DponLigfesi Bn.miii.. oft hIc vol,, tire. yoars frosu tte cornmenceuli rape>'cass n-necoruidredSu ommtt inlurepl>' to IM. Sicotte, Atty. Osa. Car.1Orks fanlIeheimulerofet1859. cf il.evisole. Pue an iiing petliea n 50.lien stae ie tntPaliameni ncauld le pro' tics. 'ei*gsgd i'athse Proparation Salanycofthîe Chici' Julge Sunliankrnptey rogue! ou Fnriday ýor Botarday nexi j pro. rials In dilbereuî plces, about fonty $4,000, and etfîteeallier Jadges $3,200 babl>' on Bsturdaîý ' hPt Constaily'etuplo>'.! Sn t4e esli-Tise Rouse then proceede! nit S.thfo. Of ties-ils. osI extensivc datai Tii. motion for. ltth' Odigc' l themconsideration of tbe- motion of M. Vatcumsngions ftIs alloged, on tii Jury bill produce! considerable dscssin.Bounaas fora coamuitîe onoutîe saîjot or continent. Tho changes vhich ha ..Mm. Walken Pewell moved in ameud. miatten Onuctod viiibite building cf pla.. nt.rnully inu the building s usent tu h ell e i hrefeîrned-bacli 50as Court Houmesau! Jaiis lu Lever ÇOsu, 'visitea!lit sonli».IvIe usonîls ag IIÃŽs MMg elabora. as! attractivo ci * o provide finsi for the doiug ana>' cf A debato anme!, sud vu net tarmins.Wo.te er uybr Counit>' ourds, saud second for tle selee- ted len, latihll-puit tire. the Houieads. WOOtfl vr uybr lion et tewer naines Su the -first instance. .curned. -- e! vil t ue h îee!, gniserven! ThIlHase divided-Yeai 38, Nuys 63, Ou Monda>', la repî>' taeMr. DorSon, At. cOfiigs. flot rmanîdings, &ac. Aud!sa An nureudment was mas e! b>' lon. Mrn. terne>' General Cartier state! tbatinoeotbrotugi thse vron-p0euaa 'FuIey'*pravidiug ton tIse reduction cf teea cf ! og i adt!s neySr u n f barre!, of piater ii! plasier c tle'lenIl's cfConuesin smuraiu j iPre vlo vas aeting on lehlf cf certain Mn.Ft'çusn ii!lir ou>'eflectcf leof!lt.ebolders cf the. preferential bondista! uu!. oiesoedafa ameudrurnt woid le te render tle vIrole tlé Cran! Trnnk Bailia>' Company' cf Ca. tr t-i usaunl rs jury Ian utiwonl<aile. nada, vho lad place! in is lands the drartfttia-bat desigued ta le couver ThoHoue dvidd-Yu 4; N Ofalme&sure-whiidh Containe! s Provision te cunniug as-ote sworkmau mta TI63 ne.iild-os 0 ays ta îlhe effecittat ithe Govemumet tshoul! gîscoful, andbesutifu lfigures. 13.1 Blre'.houWe....likq_ Boisf the lon. 1fr. FoIe>' lIen movo!, seconde! aahroiei10gatraatue ute b>' lic. lin. Mowît, lIai the bill e e shape ci' a boau cf tise Provincial delentun.bss. spot. lutheîlead eoutny, te be r- e, tetheamont o£50,000stg Atviaitors fdock ou helideya, Sa viail ferre! back, no asie provido tirai ithepro-.hos 0îe mouh nteotview lie h stg tol U.cnowde Sa îh localit>'-; snd ta tha b, pont>' qualifications le reduce.! seas le ai le.cutsoî cf îlepinterviewnhomla! tad!mMn lev tire sclectoni of jurons te select cempo- Pare tai il. policy of the Goyerumoniappontsa efecion, m oethu! o tersi. persans as jur 1ons tramiv to-Iirds cf vas ne to ebrninSuan>' meur.havingilecueîevdrcfitcrn thIe late.puayeris on tIse rail instea! ai'oee refereuce to île afuirs cf tise Compuri>. Jul>' 1859, vo bthink iL vas tisah w haifote 1.iiglist rate! on the rail a& ai ?-mtin0f à Mn. Mncdougail île Houa. the dimensions oethîe building, au! presorit, li adetisis uonet ie s i resolve! :o go iuo comsmiticeon ouiTsn- aheving the esti::ted qnantity of mu as I. lia! mad te wopruvicus oce, .t, fionagureio eatv t h aoi tes th sicerty f te Pstaltr Gner tin o th barge ton postage ounns- giveu (altisougis althe urne considoî aI, iro lad prctessed his rendineas te ac- papers ptullished sud rnuiled nitisin hi e xggenations 1>' soe peoplo), failiae cept any amenumenti vitiçir vers deman. Province, short cf thetirue queuhilios, In tii il.!. M. Sicoîte vitîdren for the preseut se- idmovut ,0 er onoeis, îl ei Attorney' (cunenal Muidunai! sai! the sien lis motion sffimnrg ilat measures ex- ona ,0 brrlteqatt course tlikon 1>'tise ban. incuber for Nath clusiveiY applyiug le eilher section cf ltae nus 1,100 barrets. Anud tIre tem. Waterloo on lins occasion vue a proofîthal Province le passe! ou>' b>' a majoriîy cf concis subble stoua, 1,500 superficiel lievaasio sitcane.If re e! cii>' e- Ic ecton a vicîîle' ~tî~>'. rock-face puinis, 2,500 culic feet ôCli lie useas t in ('tu tee ton.îl e e pr ss the prse t ist ivh e Uiio n î enMp.v-. al ud'-l-ctalfgu e su-Ms(it $20 wvimei ilas paoposed ta gis-e LvCTiaa le nei il o msres tlat hua tirur ontnaciingmilon ditiîreanbu. *Te.fclowing Ibils neme rea! a Jitj, apper!Ou île WlSîby Cours. Sa s;iscos relîîîng tu tire seoction or tIa junSes lm at! IrsyLts.a-ei yona n in hei oontis, oul no bejjuficentta To amen! chap. 63 oetttec Cnsolidaio! e's Commercial liotol, Mn. Hogan, ci'fIM luy fOlei tJ c onn es, wO u d e t ir om s.ci e t tutes et C a a a , respec i ug Joint S tock tr esi'. stabl et 3 h em es, und on il. char îr~y tnnMtise. -eepy. fheleirsherses.PTn hon. gentlemanut lin procaeded ta cern- Cmais I' M.D.Ba>.Tclreasear To remove aIl doubîts as ta the volidf t>' AembUe, Vetrepide, au! WiUiamAsk plains cf tire pOsition et Uppen Canada, et certain certificates issue! b>' Jndges cf aclrk clesuat clar, Irorse. Wi~ vhiSaI>le ai! vas trampied un!,.- fot, Cut orsudrteAto 80; ::L ' sa r a* tbe;ad an! abuse! fin evon>' wey by Lawer Cana- Ca a>moutend erhp.10îl e Ct cf 160; e Mr. 5 aI M. y satheA b l nes;theud v da, An! ta atone fon nil thIsathe Post, oae!c o !da M- l.k ieca meulr (oueaIin i. Diiproose îeStatuteofci Tpper Canada, entitîed l"An ci ' .Liîlefield as-e "Yt. D.",La1 givate leaduai' in e peBpl, tiroetasActremfpcùha8paîtyt>' ipasses iSu- Uppen laitsad ,fcamrom tle stalles cf 1: tire hesgsuiof thes cf$20le te Rdive! Canada II Kinvun of Quebec. Bosides lthe abo amôuîg 11cm, for tetrouble cf travelling Te amen! Iau 1, fii.Csaldi!tIeae fCobotgck a>' - m etIl troim one endi cf ltin cuntioa ta tiie cîler, Statut, cf Uppser Caunada, autitie! "Au al es cf. Coa.oung, eson auf PaithRi ta ais-ire tle jury lieiHo wvas satfed Act respecting Municipal institutions ie. n e.Hnosnc'Pn o fIi b.pepl vul nye sucio vatUpper Canada;' au îleeIFld lrit4ia, a nthenos!; lte> afelei 10 leve anonge u! -,Ta amen! île Act respecting tiseamuini- stable ha bencengage! et Crockon'a fi wron tathegenteme whm thy bd cPalinstitutions of Upper Canada hy eau- .it.O. Uenotb>iMc e trvof a! vi appoinle! over tIrir municipal affsirs. Ho bîiag Count>' Conucils ta allori traveligvrunanoietearvicfBll aIs tit ur lIi irepoplootUppn a-expeulSss10atheir momiers > vile bars., cf vi e can ear en ltin, &]a flvou! jutif>thepole odont wîC. To xtend sections 299 ho 304, lotis la. axceisitisai ho la ta e enetered. Ti naa oldjstf te mndot h ci b ons.' laptupe rokrs.Sal vaswuabout 10 propose, nanuolî, lIai îe le uive, aE tiWtre sspeting municipal Su fer om amput up a rockn auii Bill le pot no nos! ada tiS.-! ime, lutï'lIsiitutiOu OfUipsen 'Canada ta levas as vol! otie Isuben eMng*oae! ihaIl !eire t ho rend a tirird imo bhis day six motîs. acitiensi; li or' t iii. hîSe, sland her beert Mr. Patrick socoîndeci lha ameudiat. Taamenicalp. 32 cf tle Consolida.! cireu baud vii le loeated. Aliogeilez The Hcue oneudivido!. 'eu 3.- Statut., ci' Canada on tle subjeci cf )AgrS. heve r hcttéQENSB linys 60. arDay <ails vil! b. s spenbing wvek. TLe îl iivsthon rsesatitrdlie. TGexpl84a pd amen! certain parts of tracis cf île sao curse wusnomiever u ot Thîe reception cf Lire report ci' tte Coin.thIe Bailva>' Claussqusp ae c. taentirer,se!dtthe Chiiiare doler-uine! ta mitie cf thceviscie ou tise supply biluasThé folloviug biblIs, &Mons eOes-a, pas.> de aUi la uir power ta hav* everyti.u opposîr! 1>' 'Mr. Ferguacu au! Mr. Mac.e- e! rough Comuiti,. of bisenab. peo off satisfatonily. of Dli o n à 4t 1 , 5ng couic. l4s . - upl. I*t '- siar . .îlîaI ito -d. -1 ,ýý luPoHundo 2~ I WU K tenfla.lu 854 y;Ck ~ U & n~ ~ ~ i~ arvIo ai~ii~~ , y nea I tlè 1 iufktur. au hoogbj4qu-are io $ $0pa are _i5 ,w fh~ > u r ai l u r e .d u -h ~ r.rf r g p ar pcf n d n d al i, m Étro ýfi he dv nc ie; à d be Milit" force, ient the ,it, and M t I i. p a I y e a , 5 2 i i G  W N S II' mpa tie n t Y . , ea y ,,- ar e m a2 0 -t3 g o v erz e f o r b4 .lir G e 6 1 8 0û î J f& .ted b ira pp l a u e i . ( l f 9otou P"O e% adrtt aî0' ioandber o Trio privdaendrcatur ed b a ff.1iOit $ e hnre. i4c or I gr ei oure e oaieser. w IusoIMLat pri d sd I t . otef io m of B4i h slip. i re hO lias b tilis g,' A lieuofito 1 gaaeeti t 10prearl pe t. aIsd uià n.,an,'on $1ig,-tepoablt t ru T4 tIt; nibercfya isned,' Th GTheruaet lad reoeved fr. . sud flue, Bbc will e iead> eat se s n e e 6 la n m b r t i y e e e l h l t re i i n t e n yH a ro orts . a ad fato w flttd s nar Ca.the ,eri tmnbhar it olerdyo à 5 ~Ir Inttt a beeji obýthe Au l eaagdsu t ci tedockreuse te lor ler o al io u ta eu qd4 maepara. U dril.,vas ce ' weIai 4) EZCcoa OffNCy tw e é Gcyar oiiitteeg a cknwe eqdaie nta pa e e'o fotbyprvdd fo. -.c No rtiït.n -. 50W0 poainetsun cf Io it. qesins ad ERL 9ba peadtoash ti givum ders, guieiite au tteiienstrucoons4o oat Tor'nr Unied Contieocf &r refrre taa odiied eontiutia sd y. orlt sda cf ii Arftil lerl co mplet. fro ie oern m Lr ge au brscft e "nglis Mini ii ieraeýsan l h m elndadDrt R rcid, Ares1u~a f ttan tiltvte bUtii us evry osibl mens e aoi tain andsnc Cnd thes c fNot n a. Bt tie1ed ra 1Cpi l du iu p e Ee r aiing the peoper D ,ýhlir l t e r e and b1î If~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . G.54i.folwn er lce oficera bar. iee t sud vjII-poneditri eon a bl d. eftta vo, gnorlsudailtit Vr. artin eld a e abl e combat. NoLiS;a ndcft hemshWadpi q, ecesi Safat~ rsfr l osuu ya. ito h le poirfl miitr rsuros gnin 1epress bardtrnîc ar. f recim rts oh ebro a mreulîof in gsîou but tIreitper-tieRduma. Cottener onH mrGe c P esde ni. cfîl d6tic. is t ttelu. ntresSaae îhey arltu e a tckd! , jife s s. lritra at uCekc TIeSîlregxnet foailie Vokm a s T3.Mg, n ers ffpr t tess 1 ionitur~ . tIr G on cti ner'nn ia l es- mCan Co unet At io oy cf île Pr*M ýttcgFsq.,therc e the a -nandtaobtsmNotsry claiug H. ru er, ibrria. 139,ecil tîegapi to tir Pot n sue seasestmatd ltaieheo cuidnot lafle&euicfCom ous,- ordJoh ba aie lel 'besedta ran Liencs t t] fo mte. C m ite fMbe $t.... osr.~ lAntraýif preaons Sdiaft t hér t r f e. b e n s and lvnî tousaln s trooadnti Ã8 U orucaGue rru on ar3Jhuie, D. Hud, M. arp;64eJ . ogrs o scutg i îW ,ic. pie ofbre Wd m s rlak l ceat;_fth tircsJo.Forfsu, . auumn. G. r ireer ry! days' ae fRîimn.ta îeeet ttahwclc frdpo oent R -a ndycf Nwis.Mae nket Es., nmeuî di uct Lhlk Willia Weir, f Toledoresquine M. 1>. tb cbu e Goene t arîeyd e. eîl e p oit f i he s onf er. $'îtcs o te terinale th d if ne Statîfe. iemetb i e caaoguee f 6Bocs, kc. i aid h cTheiIdordored Amriand bo'rtoüd ýbelianferete i4. Tebtol clte rnes Aie toot igqu.sasfcry r. ul cu va , o m i nrepc ba, s d il u i s c f ic . T e e t o d w i e i e Sc r t y c W n s d aPic e e v r m n a d th o e r y eo îo a aci4 n nd-acdntrat wsm.iesel er dar Gore ut nic -ananed btates othiers l ot IHr ousees . î nie 1e ak h ec Pid iuest. cmeda ai ilo no vatd latIreQue0 tTiserasseOfercd"eyod sud a drss tifco1 raînstin bd ben li. Àlnnic f ue dyssd en * ucd  cfu su a lo dî le Thieh Massatune tis quortS our r beV e bi, is, net 'ie or Ne o rsan d trîoym rue nd-a tLOt-~d Pom tit. ersanhi t dbe m eus Or ir.yer.rmi o i.dbn, o bt niehrn ite C riiddebyte cUi ed ta s o nfrrrycflt iscw u si aud.À:ed fýte" ito sret ne pci ve Oe tl ndforeh re d labYork'régi.lruld îct a ooas sumi e th o siin c o îe picpl ubeb c icsin aemd olr oea oea et T elf f t In stiuttt e uîe mo. tepnstve uTyecamponflrthed est lni nggessadyrs . T rn e tI rder ,"lie r ugr t Englnud chantcr bern fhean nan i uese s; sud44. 1i. r~~~~~~~~~~~~ w vu utastaycndto. Ti.rceps e aauas aij no n drot h'enr a. grfsthé gi voupotioof lte8en1Tc threrwriter aspoets.igher rtsê ae altrineaiîcsaeo ot t le " Par" ' Ciany onïdispxpre s'ta inrurunccwondgm etghd mssels'anrameA merSeau blet w d.r tSIcecau1d10eEruadeEof great t0a 60.PJi f bsliea t*500 s erT o béoS PEi ACEor vArnroTN. ppa rentai e da fhldnncm0*1 fe ins ow o k n I le 2 eii bo d ic£BfA mn h nlve ma eniau. am vr for aroa r udbasfor 03 fobr T ire icmcd WAg,î e d27îtfo., 1 na grci c stops by Liecuîn. TIc au- Cent. eatrs is dernandcd of Amenica Thé i c afraeme de.eip anor is cf îy n arle fliowgie e d aupaCmthe re Wa ohI1questiont e'i scediSu as ct re pli veslandiuI dM Cia,&Ina ass .g eor IVmam na, .. con ue lecnt ure tickets;iau 'helotréimntfrîî-Cn.Woth roa 2 5 arcet. N * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o t he2. 7 n e e i t ' t e s f a !c t u c i g a h n î n a n e o r - o n A e r a n v e s s e ls d e r t i e di Juî r u b a mif u , e ll e t , s u ei r e LD .,o m 'a forrTusdepartmhes ai ailiugîn nTar ing ire t u ecu ont h geuideanced rm n ta trucins tii. ntsCoroera atil'q 0obje t iso a o ncr ,Pb etngs, port$12.5 à .ils.aect tcamed tciaos. T o vn ne tain al e ar farc e s uo ade lpi. Tr edî lS ns laM.Cbe c neiîto i lennd sm ir T I e f re ,ain e cale t tadeei î 8 5 40T io e n to f v h e l tt r c urs tu g e a s uii e desr eOfnofN or.o;te doo asforreula reta Tic tta exenss tonies i îdi, f.fie ityu iig ren c lcd, titese es e rudm ua v iy ae te d istincii n ttryConcilomee î e ae vIie an cturifiedadgo laws submitsud -hfrgrec. Ond.oLageenumband oakrsgaadeatbe t,â- *13.5. nd artirees or ireema cdoiiiîle uetithîaîdsir îl fat trai Wasrin. tcominier fJte ,aval s la i tIcT ecityoh n vite m b tii.of luetr nou wnll% _1sOaoýfthn O)iî. A l e de te dr f él t hef eficias rsona b au lav g diale 5 afn d ue. e prlpwe flt oe uaainddrtesaltie 4go u h er, The nasts9me wu e *50 .8qLe ib e îamioera ied euti4aenpe vroe o a-.-vcste s cii er oopa defeuad îu lp have and tuai tire Ca itth ic vold nu aI îd;à ýOBumeslutIcer ecy aud-sbleucole Il tIn i ria r lu lg o uu n uligadi. lrîrc idne o îl dok ca mn- niîd lifntr.m nI. Mu f Loi ioen ns ,bcfri.l nof t ingU suded espC u les. o Thero hmur tIe nîSine c tIe Hll, Boc~ Apartu, ofwar orîleoxtrie cf fotres. îre Them, arîicin îyOfte en o r k r gi. luse l'ris orsil ewacfns t 60fd- îkntleaoecndabes sdc goy l X. T h e l i b it e b e t e fi c r e -wei u n .o i f i b u i l in g lp é o v u e a uery n a r o . tmo n t a o d i na f f e l e d , g a u r a f l e r it hei r ir . u t e rn tsr i t ho fhg l r f a i c d l t erueucdfrsoSu lu sdbcn il'h nun er u heiprtv uyý rtct sW iittdca li as uP n l t hi tbb c T e n u p of of u l l oi t!rP ue s. c u g i i s e e x p ir e s o vi t i n ar t i r eo dna t u e a t o it E g n d c sr el yai nJoh n , h o d G o c s d l g l B o e eg oJ oh o m e.r G eP ro ov iPr s i d n t .sf 'ort h d i t ryc .sBo tn cet etsu d S t e a n d e u detd f e r tcnc u acI h e fn f i L l n e s o f a n t t $ poses, sd fiel ud pork At îlewindows are tireciieY sacoatpcteke arrjusdefies eEe Stance.ruweoeossutfLawloveo bc*lieî liefS île Su - seen iohenn thing mim lt r7 ialdes..y . thfer ia odno'o ad G oviinuldi iad nl'Jrefuit ai. e ource . hnfo « 'rasula fet sd wii a e hv ee ce on artiden Pi box tr,- tepescrit dna outibysut ro ainne lav seifor e ual hae0 lad eau inaples. pnhd b nt tV8031JuiilDitit o loa ueïd a. M &t , e ovu Hr si ed nney. r, Fr nî otîe ibt 0te NartirvîSd.ewart 'motiîy 7> oof eh free Tnesday Tutheheg Ps i ske p î out o ît. c oo ting . Hi sFraser, Duel, tedlieuck, T e ciN. y e 2'imes o t heîuray lus Ie ar ialciemnsrshv io its CU ThE OlE. SRGN I ~~~oo1Or mobn ftr Ior, atned sdd sei acftInsépaceins iae ht j aknd lt wuis Le oe hundtre lousad l i rte ui oiugsre ofeCoinin ofd Jnpbatesi f a e M. baird eTOvMn lip Snut e . J. r 0w-i e l ~ enrcn:n dbyi. neie wRus selloeaid >' caeusedte9a0a- Te U in (l isi se it at pper) L >e icI detbust iii tir. abnce Mf .le er H. vf of ttracgtiong edt- racotn ncupresa wnt husn rop itientias cf frigu pulli s in.oW e ui.o.ToedoF.u irconfIdnt cd.ess Whtb, Ie la et neeindntiervenitiioSanaisl I td blet .Ademon, c adplîm adD.F two.dsmu 1 le hesEo xpresai y oe. othieuTISODI caunOTUsE>' i Lîn S u- pevesutbi C t gainsi îlt il'li o e tt. ft su i il- oî sg as on e. h n aov eina nw î Sc rtâ iitrb pied or îeîig at Thma Mon tg rycorrect.dent "K the gc ni la reasugretd l 1 80 sVicier Em- (moîl Irof Qtoia Victia) siea Surpi ry lie îhle BordnesCharlesfuurtdonf ureC-Harerieerr, it îe eidntdesgaon Nla I e lr : -8h. ve égcii, a sd td d i dy efor irdul end ing. M ndouclvouestan fla - lid t posi eti po hc ti omnd tr o nC uct.Rie pi 1- aia ing fr- yII atbl 1 piet r Caramotsu av ir t ito ige 'alî edns deariuig teh îoe sd ito atrcfi u tIn as ui haMoey E Dvig s ey 1,18anxiu f vr rlgon iiniusS e- l kt'nm ale0pc l Qe hat twen Den ark ad Holsein, suhun ::C omedrle fcila ai îe nmeureal." eutr e- anmi e rcady lethe sipsenu 4t a in e îa ns oba c o d h o renf me t oifrcm e. hC pimt a of yo r ii le i brw, t ermîater a igb> rcu des pcîd atvek Ieldesôrosoeor a 011110 W f oo ojAc. Tb od outi ll eu Pau t leasu, e b e bs be for er GaunLytîdesud baîsoa îimo tOW e -i;Tegs thaiasfouesirig fc reped astivcîousenaîmr eis c olrs t e sa e t eu e c esV t O m ti o n , g s e i er n oe i f g n ta s th c a s v eo f e d 7 a d d iT i o n s t M i n u t e s c f l e t e A r ne a d u p i f u o s s i n s a e a i c i e n e e q i r d - - - - - - - e n y o u l ut a n d ré o u i o nsai î nc o n ta t v it ir îl e t w a re .i V a titw erehe Btiti.Mrl cfa T iteyfjheoibn e t o p o seil Iy ulso a tleed b y th e m im e cfar iv e u Ie ladiese ea h e 1' ouded vetgos eîeprsnse- ter am n uckysu Mer ylade.pr. proved. itr-ieslin opit r o Ro xhr eae l si ue c cresetI scau epeses ad ivelb psiianiteb i e trugon. ad anpro C JIhaq e r aio ln u pn aielbey fndlcl ,fîedytCorlsu uhd wiricî 1the1, tIoirt biart r s sud r arl d tus ou0 w l eel fîeadîoe aain el eLi giuamcrspro oc. lare o cd akD .Gn.lsgvrruiîla aieo l in Ii are c ~~~~~en ~~~~~~n vay. for orsolf pasiunauy tre ol' . m e dfai> vlints - A itîta o-sra îrgir tIre o 1 >'F a h e r a d s le m n i>' F a h r 9aip m e tat a i î e p o r t c f sUCHUE e fn n>' fei rinorcemen ýtor sdREPidORTS..- . ne.pacseigainsi eccclfresi enerpris, 4 b>'by thOrnc ler akt-DNspa kiug arcOuýernaircliugeut ft rtram ash Iton re. .vrii ii obligdt>' vas utlucked, Ilie S co ndgay 2,540 busbel.a ptnu î l r e Pr n in A la ny t e a n k e t Ir i r il i u o l u i e y e h o f 1 c o r e . î e I t n d in g C o m m ite o o n P r i t in g n t t ie le s c îi e d l e k e a f r e s h p r o - v I e t, b y P , E . P e n nY , t o bruluiae, le sets do vu acYrs sscarcey possible thre efore, rai broug t i a report reoumending payment test againsi îe e hic e9leS u. otei k-he q santil> cf butter parc aae t e . last en. Le s o Id have sent o le s iroop t e f $5.00 te t e Pre es, for 2 insertions f sar the ebi f -h i sa tle itismi, ctrea nl lieF ,7 ullsnn -k-O TTuseui ape' er ths oepotdt e :DngBy-aw. Report ndbptedsuane-r lIeniu' teOb:jlct Ceevîeib' . rapn& Co., tb Nen York, tu ret3 9 0 C , T h s w ul a r e 's F r r ,.l s e x5 e x t e s ic n r s, lu m b e r am d p e s ta , b f' Prince Albert market saas goond as au>'port tlem, or ai al ovunts to koep openon .tthe saocithe cf tre cssndessou o l aîi- Scr Cn nadic,, b>'C. Draper & C&, ba' le rcountry m uarket co ad e expec ed to e iem li as o f com m u nication. W . ave O n m ai n f M . L ynde, seco ded î ' u on ' c t r ha c ud î e rig l t o lie 'R.000 bitu sle i ngw,4 t é ï IY , a ts n t theo dveîage f pou. ne biable information as to enunbur .Wto l enilva i Cr- SvnitPui ivntr Ptioy be ;but t là Mr, atsn, te Coneilwentint Comonk.r gSpning niteatt atrion Nork j 1 esMintte moi rel le newapaper Su the e trcps no under arma in Virginia, non m uie fii Ilo I okc f . ntincandcsta Y recognize« at il tiares Seamer AR VA Sfo w o rla . f th e p o in tsa t a h i c t h l > r m i î o - J o l s to n . M . B ro w n in th , c a ir. C m - fe s u n s.-a d ' h n e i t t w , _W t e r h n iz o ,ee"" But mainly c l iers. rduîi sttIc ieKÉgrtfla>' iiuGndXe nsq . Fr - , mt le c e . . B u t la r g e b o d e s f i e a * Xtt e ose . S' M T O . a b w tir u t l i [o ly a l Ieh c n y e r io n & R o b e t , o ns,- H a T ue CcNsus.-..T iio L eader state i t Irîl Ico vu te le at'R ic lm ad, P eter burgh, ti e iîr rf S >dssi a roates >te rim se lf, Schoo er # 1 kiteyo 100 b rrefs p itatr îe tot al population of C anada i ii n t ex. ynch b rgb, sd t aer point. C r on u 1F or l ave t a introdu ie a Rny-la rv ' a L t eîl ice t îru tletu S oPp p ed ot ir to justie , t e . D raper & Co. renexi meeting cf tle Ceencil, to neuînuin a nîd to te sacrud pnapcnty cf ti r Chancit Ste m pl4 Leaj merclaudise fo r ceed 2,100,000; sud thut tle excesi cf impression isa llt lIer.eare ut loai 40-000 hne u iarniu iin.ao .Net lcu>eau lce ual recoguriso it lut wsoi C&.,hovson, E p o p u latio n o f U p p e r o v r L o e r C a n a d a m es, o rg a iz ed , d i9cip i m ed s d ith in 3 st e e ts - D . G un o n far in ai o r ine r e g in sih s cir a so u rp u ia n d Sa e r & o a , a v l . c n i a d r o w ilI net le more ian 180000 asul. If dayo' reacir f Wasitngton. If Part Ocfo*r e umanursigi arin u hal Seupgrotsnyce B ma vl4 m rc o " o t~rso igues e crnet, ls.remt vii ISafone bcdle lIownafrm Lynct. ((M.Lynd, secnded b>' M . Watson, Sîte egps >ur excelleuc> to aiai kow u r ov d s pc.1en a iu n .burg ît sd Ia i vicin i >' upon I Harpe 1v s t Irt v en thIS a C eunil adjou n , t asands t e 3'eango îern mn e t th is act m ade ia th e. r . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F r y w h l h e a n u h e t n a adjou mned until M o d y, eveni g îe 27t 1 a ur fJ i ll8n< 5 , e li g as aed th a l n t r I a ., a o C m e c a I L. H . a i s u s E Q .- N . ( o r n e v i i i F e r r y , v h i l e it r e m a i n d e r1il r e u l e n W a s h il a mi t t I e a b s l u î o p r o p i e t y ! f i , O n t eMiL i ,AR R heD .m m r d Pl 5 cei ou cuvegoin o n in t m gt n t e easy fr u. ~ mta fpth7ecGoy-ckand that 1 joinng runsucd a- deioinae otel,,- b>' bhe:Re. . M uclenua% o f t. f M n Devnili, ecnded by M . Bron, tienir il vicontribute 1>, u inaù ce , dre n,'.,Cuc, n hms Sehn E ro p e a n p a p e rs se n t un sd uri n g b is trip 10 to re ta k e-. th le F e rry , hi u e m a îe î e a te is ep ote a b atth e n ua eo t o prim e . et in ga b u tvi ici es o i a t lon l n h u e jýa h e.1 Ile thof I i c P e a Eulad.genenal impressuon tIrai Gen. Balon iii mises evued by. Ueo. Smith, sud now occa- desnlurted the unfontunae Italien peninsula. T h a no no m nh et M n o~ en W r ver 7 soon m ove b U ards tha t p int ,and . pied b y M . B lack i as a ot o. I 55 y u t c t f e lings, & c M A iS E T 8 . ý r o hs el u a n no î n c o m n , isM r w e v o r >' a r . v î c p o p e r y , s u p p o rte &i tt m i St e C n n e S ! d j e u ue d a t 9 o c l ac k .C A î x r. & T s a î,-O o m r , < , , attenticn of t e Farmâ â, sd o se keepers T Ic prin ios of,N ew York cil>' are join- A u AiWa,îl orf 0_110 er.' - . , ThIe n ent rach ctivt>' o u thiii . m o f the C unty-more especiali>' iase iSu sinsrirxs w vraoixl Â. in&, fo a van tle enthusiaialy. Six -biyt l ami r'j a> th mî~ îlevicnit' c Brclrin.have eereut atirs 777"es ffice, six frcm A duel isareprLd tj lv- t enplace 1 Slrould the ssa evcsame&Hjb0 yoalerdsy a11 tevintofBokn.TIhe lien York Herald sayar lte V2îl, w Ivee à tron e-Tribure, tuent>'- between HnrbeMr. -Dsues sudto-day, Coniefoegh.rtadaslg- Ie. roa tie Wrd egtfom î@ SiESto nraI re, kiniforeiug- W leamu front a eliable gantleman, Headsx ro ls-&aes cgrtfnmont f nte'vlleqi.hoai vi seag The (loerai Committeeofthbe Mecan- vio as just.arrved !S tIS i l7 reC i c1Ilh ag six fro in tIi Gema n le s, and m crrespodnce 1i Le Paiis sud La ein. I at o ugh wt btsetis, ici! Iastitusîo, eg to acknonlcdge wnuL, moud, 1]tithetopeople have begua 10 coun- eigît, or ion from l soearifC m er e -e. - - . ITIe Tec he: v"ivj of île £np etzb titnsu-a donatiea efour dollars tnm pree44w at aeant ly tha ar ~5 u ors.Teem ktotai cf c iît'. Tr fii a eotcross t ehé uir VtrLvrot à . o~ klet,-ool James WjllaEe, ' five. A l told adoinî; w ei undred mempn n.Rms> u on. Me. ienkevri te ai ketu.ie f cxîd, Oi- f pro visons. The iruririetr probabiliy f f Le c naîfthave eliétecclfot h ie canpaign. entre thei cod. "N oboî yhat[s- cout of îe Persa la'auew, hih aivi s - i cc PSi B. toi -wt aue bad te liu MESSRS. .&udîioum Tirai.parc inig eo07po Ne. 15, inu' z atueaguri tre saine inr '&Bd beunde nikentà ng w. rsonîrerr b, fs-cm île n mentr 16 det bewsanee for tience sont] lîtuka t a aPi icne or leà ChAlus, thea be tire a1ow 2mîdî-eorî. ai tbime in u vest 9 cliilr Ther, i. a Baranud Si Durilt, Kirg ecellent., The paroi * salil, aitliae it Sun tire r Ilcudred 'uu Iveudor on hi fmth iiiel iit-tiie pur lux huudred, a«de, vIii Y>' a mnentgt Three nit ii ati auto ar- tr.ouiu stid Court. Fon firtues sers Messrs Vandan'a Sali W.IL TIIE - Ve $hMay', liS fus-then sat Tc akc in C ptessisue Feoloring l'Icloth eà centspeyad and nspped. .ud uher udez vi h ititim Wedoeand, doe.-&0 Sakeloe * z-.4.Y~ 'v