Whitby Chronicle, 16 May 1861, p. 1

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a* ýfix'XoxxiXQ 67 Ï, 'i ic iý 144 mil il T &di.. ÀX$ _44 illoor to sbý iwgùuy looke, !MM X fý1' OJÈ ,w-or T Le va j y' ç. T 7, -91, GLOJ3Z.HOTEL, ATTOÉN anâ','Zot for, Sà1ý e!oolwtott th t1w çonnty C*dUou ont".- HZ CNDERSIGNED TUM OCO I01q zýj1 AT T to roturil WA sincers thanks ne bý Court llqiu" outh Wing. to. lId and the travelling publie, for the ]le., ptt.;7.; id B Ollinz*oUe i,,WO=U ëd la ayoy t ci mmeuw lui we Il go ý extended ta 1111112 oinco ho oc y m cet LI, P, tal4 fils TOWU ofM1 GýM ]WE ý busfnouse Ihi b bullinems ut Brookliiio la do 1110, t; ABRM £14ý ATTOItNEY, C4)NVEYAN, sera ýof,'Innd 7 fils mally frIènd»-ý-thA9 no 61TO WM bà-Nýaied lia ,_ ':, Ofýý,0-,Po 'I'l' - eO'ppri'cmoauà erf a5ýý gjuge over G. o. Growls oit hi» pot to jgeop Dulle abartour ri tom,#-- W& puin -» jthe WC re, ard a tÙàw on PX roi; 0 rcdk stirootwhltby. Globe un horuwfure, reinéat' amongr P J" ll, ýixùf- Nt the, Brocket, in -tg; îôt,1!ý xy e.mgi Ilotoinintillop t'ôfthôcoxIntry. son the JyýOffl»IrO "The Hu Wwd and 1 nwdiato. Naine roi, iiotel.,, 090 ()Btlct, 10, n itttügdab*, une rail jjj» Ipôr tortue a y W $ED ÂVOTION ERS, AJM TYPLÊýLAW. *itieApj ug uâ'biil. ni forthéli'pârtienlarsappý11M ta A d rite rikmt trottin« Pony 44BI 9,t»aît,ý Whitb C. W. for nioren thle *ange " sird »,stands poil Ift9 Col:rNTY ()È.bxýAnio. a ut the #table. Unââ toý1 insure $5, for tlie;âêmn 77- -#,, Tliùt placa hath abarale, 9 ictit resi)édÉn'll "ta retaru thoir sin' Oýd«eu Ce DAWMi n. OLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &a. &o.. tlmbit#ntt;ofthiCoun* jhaýiA 'ty.qf Ontarjp, lor tbe LiboraIýuePort they hav voti inalie rad 119 t Brookll.i,' May 1860. i"'Vedlrbm4homi;and wodl kindiLkuoit, %le friands Inioligst W Ne ù. HAN, fartIrgontilutntiqu,, ofthe,,oaptei 1 vipg a BING fof the North-balfof 't6,r thêý*Jjojù,Cotjù Il 4liRISTZR AND ATTOUi*,Y-AT-LAW. COMMERCIAL HO" t sthui ty,'t ey arc TEL9 coli'r»t Nd- 5, Ili the 2114'eoàcesslon ofýRéiéh P&Lo isttendaU ordërs, with ý44 culte the liogiotry Office, Brook taining1piftyAor(,15,wlthag.ood, liberal topus. Addrass, 0. 11ral compri BROCIL STUBET, WHIMqý Ort 1- West ýôîüèr Il Ga eglnt.incy, IMANÇ BAIL j "OÙ wItÉ toOPPOOItO Hamilton RobértsvM' AND: LOG . , JEKOUSE, BEkT 90)11 lionne and J36ru, ý and Je W, CALDWELL DitOWNP For putle;llara onquire of the THO$; MitERÇI; '(;roÏnbank, 'P. 0. ýèuÎ:o1Bdéëý l - 1 ý ý, subli -tïlifdl JAMES CROCKER, Izri!)ar4 1 ýý 1 t M atorf .VEYANCER, COMMISSIONER FOR 1 e f ý. ý W11 hyi, P. 0. 9 The prC u Rfb rwo and oit -là taklirg Aimddivlts,' Act-aûntatit J. S. X WILC .4wp4 On( , Land, Di vi - Proprictor. Whïibi. Dac. £6ý'jé6g. Qx s'inogi laititlifai 1 ý1ýjurtr Notary Public, and Uelie 1 Agent, D]RAM ,T]M xbri ègoie O11IooýKicg Street, ne.1,71loppomitu OMMRCIAL Tlt4VELFýUS WILL FIND pply te 4ud hrcehù!ý 4ear.ps ai liai i. c it C()llVeniolit ittopping ait thls botel, t4à4 L Ç4p b%É B.--All business diitrtiAtud ta bill eu a wili tileý)ctin leurn frein the Reýh4ter Bof.;lc Ie,.)t lit rrRE subscriber linq fur Sale nt the Tile Yard loïo Au 1 ÏK b# ni hitby, (linitiodiatoly Batit of ti o ar the routes talion bY their pmdecoi4,4iir,§. Ur. G. OgAtonli, paria) a qgigutity of Drain ron tbê'eriïiii!,Lq A U 0 T 10 N F, IE in. JI. xy kom The proprictor takos th!* occumion te thitnk M4, ùIl mizom and ut modoritta priées. Tho 4et, IIIAY -god pg JOHN BILLINGS, l'in nuineroniq patrons an(i fd(,tids for the T un have bc W- NIT 'E rat ' AW, Cll.%NCEILY & CoNV£YANciNo liberal patronng ILL bc happy to attend ail Milleât that lie - en, prononnud by compatent AlildýÎràày JW . i Rra bomtowca ois fillil mince the W 4.1 Iges to bc of the very be-t qitality, 1,ooo n'lY bc àvored with, and fliorn pat;t ex- . To ;nanella Illui E, 01fice, l'rince AlborL 5 Cotiitiiell(3einiirit of bis business la Whitiy, patience il es ivi t l,11.19Y 70 Rodés. )ft,ý Dýy'(icodis sud Sides A it( IMP111 ci A. MAI Coud .Çtabling, and attentgire ostiers. attendad lima Rgy B. A., mllort notice a nd oit rejisoliable Me filrml»tiel oncL ordors taken by te w om4ýlibèral,àalt&Tywlli tù - t ter=- ýârâ- 1111111110à & kâerts. Whitby. on, TTORNEY AT LAVV, SOLICIV)n IN whithy, ma reforcuO9ýlVP JAMS SifILLES. y tit-tr whitby, Alig. Bo, 1860" CoavoYancerb &êý, hiain Street ý6-t Dec-etiiUr, 18 o. AýPly te Box 181 6IstérAýbfiKérâe HUItON TIOUSE., 49 PONT IVII[TLY. O Y ST E R SI - ý ï 9 j9ý , G. H. DARTNELL, lef rjpllE underidglIed hax takeri the abovo Ilotel n EPUTY REGISTRA RqNI ASTER EXTRA- wbiell lie bils liew1y fitteil up in tic I)Otiï. if %YSTER8 orlttMrlor qijality recolýved frosh ürdinurY, and exiiiiiiiier lit Chaucu inantier fur the acroitilliodation overy dztv,, and foi êà1c by thé ma ut desfire» i of the publie.- _L1rIEýe ry for boîtriber begs te lllfPfm the lnabitantg, £,;ana, toit tom 01991V oi'()tgtartii, Brock-st., Whitl (luod âtikl)liiig, fine roonly Klicdff, ai,( vor BRYANIS BILLIARD RALOON ni ontli Outorio, thaï; naving opelied a ly tý'4vtH4 publié, that hà'ý new- 1 W 1.) tentionpald te tuait atid liorse. Thu ý, lit nt gPcreiV friii,0,40à thek, Ùsfiawa, fàr the -sale of Memrs. BIWCK 4, ITBY. t1lat t :rly oceti pied 4 AtlifiNT) and JOIJLX McNAB, TREET, Wll Paxton & Cos., celobruted Lamber, lie wiii bc holul 'Ji, ATTOWNEY, &o. ottice- ý%'ILLItlàf Tif EW Try théni, and gc.t un article worth lIblil tu 81111PIf -9116 lunie rit roasonable priéem iticoininotin 14111 , trYillg. 6 fur euh or approvtijoint notegé flou ýt niQIlçrqte-,rnte». The ï tâ the Cab xtulid,) Toroato. table la ».ýûlI 1 , luth ii, ÏRIFAPIN. 1 iôd witfiý ýejýùr .P , _ tr n,. 0,4, TU "Zr 19 ând careful os tlà Pyotecti M àigftiugt Loos and Dantage c),I,,w,, 'W- SMITH. st lu _yth tho WILLIAM TBÜÎ;ÉNT, Mý De IIE PROPRIETORS OF TEIS WELL by Pire. Jan. Bo, 1861. kijolvii Sitlooij,, arc now in oeur, owk Jitidt, ('t - thé foil ING STHET, OSHAWA, til, JOHN ztvlc.g£y. 17 Id ST. NICIM Kingntreet, tordu WÊSTEIIN ASSURANCE CRMPANY ottri'àt'h,ýýis K Went. flortilerly Lel.,t l'y Xr. Illirleiý'- Tho ;,rtinkîo»,ç PENTISTRY 1 Sadd1érý -andý S. lave bûcn ticvly renovitte, W. Il. TîtEMAY NE fitted il-) ili flic finit style. tliroligil(il4t, aied CAPITAL ýÈIOOOop heP'ttif ' tata th ut lie RegWer F a A e ga,.dývery iwo arable hulqimoৠin the ARRISTER, COUNTY CROWN A-17,1703 de-'liý-'-»,- i va, fittd mil me- ci il; rail y ta Rill)ply ô%*ciy in, 040,of th courts JU -iloy, &o., Illis rellioved tu 010 PIiItiiy , rit. M % let 1 iv,'q t lm d0o' ilito which nulle but tige bemt le in roultilq NbUliANlrk. týif(,Cted on Iiiiiiiiings and tnier artiel, ôvur Lowem & lluwulils store, Mctsârri. Mupigur- lire porutitteil to enfer, 1 contente. Ev ilsturniation onpplied on protnptly*ndwitipunetna!ity. #en lirick lilock, Brook-.1ý-it. 23 CARLISLE & ýfOCONjCFy. application te titu< ý"iiIdorsigned. RS. CALLZ.KDER CARD - JOfjzî ZWICFFY. lifflâ girl, whitby, Aug. 9, im1w. 40 _ 3falichoi5ter, gi isci. Grand Trunk Railway HQteiý__ JOITN AGNI;:ýV, - - &y la ed as &' Nattent hg nst,,wpdiiotiellý;w - Surgeons, Dentiâtr, &col, Roome over on trinl for f9jpny, ç MMjýted ýiEý,hQr AMOS W. CRON, Travelling Airent, 13yron Street, NvIlitby Salo at,ý,]K rt housoý , *0 _', 'CT, civil, L ý 0 gft 'N(i[NEEli, ANI) RCITITL - ri Carleton LYendels Store Il NoVýx Et Auclit Whiti) IFUNI)ýlisir.,NFD 111-A'STO 1.b;lloli.%l New TaÜoring Establishmëiit! the cýu1nîeî 1 T - hiA frictitili and tita ptll)]!,.. thist 110 i, STRLET, WIIITBY. pri ne Ne BARNETT, & Co. lit pommemmiOll Ortho libuvu bute], the IZO! BO' r,ýîponî aî ANUPAOI'VREIl AND 1)10,'ATEELS SIMPSON & FFýRGUS()N. ness JI I desire toi IN ')"wllle" il(' will 111 flitt'ru LI'l'rY (M on hls own T EVIII fllled in th() ilingt Perfect mann IBY (,'Igaris, aud Lutif Tutiaccon ; ltliço ýv ilipm, Goud Liijuorm, Willun sied lirjjjju, irtnt'of4 POWDr of maie colitailied in a 'the nature of titi R ESPECTFULLY annourice to tile il: and nette but flic best and iiiost appro, cortàiitýyýôrt es, &û. ik. f lue IllitrIe bY Andréiv (httltnnl 111 donji know whge,,yonýMeagi!'.,,W n,,terittl used. of Georirbiqýjn -ýjig Cctýtl1y of yurk, and. 41ro- ,'Tiill'li Port F'Xeûllctlt attention for niait habitafitti of Whitby and stirrounditig '£leu 11-Inx experience of T)rg. Callendur vince of l'art Ilope, Illirch Mtil, 14e,4ý. W-j4 W iy alid liurpço. 0(ilitry, Vint they have opened a 1,. Or t)l,) grill; part, ta simpiqýAnswer, allil titi ir tlIC)roll(tll knowl(.Clfzc ipf the prao 0% ti 'l'cjard of the Township of ' dé Thêrof JOSEPH litJFIIOTTO,%I, Tallor9a §hop on Brocli t4treet, lieu thellitoupproclute la Proelr, C(;Uqty (il l' Iýf the o our hon0,11 ImÉd the, c ROISEILT J. WiLliOlti. t'roiriutur, ; relit 1 eliutlts Io bc front sitil ProvIlico, id - 1 Wliltl)Y,,Illn. 86 opposite the idoritnrio llotc-l," wlivre all P ý-rva.i(Pt# 09 thomo 1111-inip a ejirf,-fli lire. In confildd, addýeiiîlïgt court, 'ifili jhieî I a& ît AT Ortalit', and beau !titi Witilinteret6tfrpm solieltor In thtilidtiry &e wlsitt'y - ordet-fi-ositriiste(j ta tileul will bc (lune with rgittle the teuth UPail thoir proxervation Ji the date thtrcort, ftifil t lint 1 t icre im'ilow (1110 Ji, foither'iidéeiorLry-tc, deMé1*trýwtë 4hý 001ce- W 1 aljrtco'o Bltxk, Ùriti UNION STATION IIOTEL. tiestnciii; and detipatch. 4 rclitfilal f)rtlje hélilth, anl confort maid rnor o 1 ty ofnly objdetion? This ;withe,%,o OOT OF Yolil -puild. Ttitir fflerittionx in thiei il i lie f a Ait the W Joie to te Je GUN111, ne 1). ffilititikilil tic ritlieli of Llici profe, 11328 .69, and be rejected; 440 docis, DO ý'Pndç ', SEX'OND IlotisIr %Vllitb Oct. 2oth, JS59. no. >Minn calinot tail to vive m'et. ot the Liboiýë a' cunt frilril I)e fi Villot; Station Torotitip. i filelioil. juttbý boti. tant* liait ltjuret, bc the nature of tho oatb*l . 1 1URGEON TO THE ÇOVNTY OAOI tk"4r.1, $1 par trisy. 31d, o 25etit. ý1oud stab- 'ai li 0 lifflicted %vit Il di"""il teutil soonor pitid, wili, 01, 11Y visit ti-111 il, tillie, before the di»o:lt4t, gale, Lot me sec "O'sidtho judge.; >ïï 13yroil Street, Wliitl)Y, W. 0811,01CINE, Iwilitby Brewery. o finit et hold. ThurS4, ARTIFICIAL 1'£IýTlj ilimrtcl il, (jOIdý Si, à a7-; of AUýÛst hére, ni le. 1:, BANT WINI)SOIt Iliffl ilje WIIITJIV, rcpriet(er tilso Ji pont lie colebritteillin(j - o, 0 ri la orennollprnc,9(.dta sstiredebytthe kind;.t,6ne andýiÉàn d P Foeil" or go ilnuls filateur an will Wàr. DAIJAISY, Viti) l'ici ET019. (iNTAULO IIOTEL, 1 Atly VU142811iZed balle, Ilftur J41&ti,-fy flic, lbt,; t b mald . libqrtg 0, and 112,above lien tbe the Judgel, thO chIld ý.*Wpped î towarî wlrovril iiictlio(1,4 iidupteil hy thé in 0 nud ail lilost L le, and loolred confidin '1*190 (ll)(,ratioilii of Dr%. Collait otl, i&'alýit 9 travullur». rj1ffEý iiii4cribur begs t,) llli*t)rtil )lis and charge tl)ere'wlt)j. muid iiiortit,'t'- à in , k3 t a 1) 111 tg 14 1 a il t t g 11 t V 0 11 v rs, 22 -A. and tile ti-ILvi-ilifj;c VabliV, thlit lie Ila. tijk- TIE SubscritterA tire noiv der & t'ru - cartA"111Y perfurined, ni)(1 ma jred I)rcni:ýé,4 beilik part Of L,'t NO. 2 j in , efeitr eyex in a tnanner sa, artiel p r&ýct in tliellixelveoi, tlima not otily tise natllr- flrjct eoiw y the wolt kilowil jicxtc»l, ttild trIot» y T 1,411 the patrogis l:ir tjýo lir rc« Gebri.,Ina lis the. (!Oil'nty of frank, that it went stià1gut, 1 tu I)tlmlllcfqm, sud 'un exc ý""ry ùlex C-84mioti is blit t l'o to'hii héi 1111GIL PELITZ, witil -ellf-,Ilt article in %lleli illiantit 41r LIlme il 'Id cent. Yrrk lit Id hy ll'uY ba re(liticdy n'id en tortsw to malt fi) *t the weiarur Letil, Ili pr,, 24 lier" hè-sflyneýùlorc or leâNy nùd o iriqý'AUJILit IN MU614: IlE owor for thû 1*0 fid 1- chlixerq. Ptir. Fil)tr.ýl lit Ille maille tillie. 111 ttle ditmbility of dexellii W the judge' JL Orgail Viatio F(pytt-- Ilittriiioiiv 1ýoLtIQ4I aie ail iliel te the illàpgrtod girtiow, fil 3 ilitiferiA utied, and the hart., Mill girl É;tarttdbftel kill 1 - i Za lu Prenfilles. ý or 9 olly In the 1 il ils à o il hi elsdilqt .,,tl, a look of hOrfOr, and, the blôod mant kil. ri, a oruynodâtiois for ici hortie rLARIC & WOODWAICI). bi: ractjolle ýVpj String lutitriiiiieiam, im propsrud to Wlitthy, Nov. 15tli, a8w4.1v. 011004 rue-civu a tuw laure 1'tiLpilA lit thui Nd- _ 1- 4r S. CON2%ý'AY. .'itrtietllltr attention given ta the M. Aslibilril, Julia 18, ligo, 25 rfj,,"Ilittiol, of childi Alictionoor. She tlicught ho intended tý1àqujTo IR E M OVAL. tit'elifi te thill a» a vory Impor Djt4ý rock, thls tirât day of Aprii, 1861. Aà«UltleAN IIOTEL, ALISION IIOTEL, 411ring. tant dtity tu thair had aver blasphemed. W ALKER & PÂTTERSON, IlliolýII.Tie- AST %fAliKk"r SQVARE wisrrailtutl matilçfaetory. Temim j; tors, conter or yolilig suit Prolit Stret-t"ý. J-SI11,111 l'ri e. consultation frec. M ý 9 jk I do not mean thatl-, ogid the j 20 who saw her miètako fu Vitte, C. %V. AMBROTYPE GALLERY. su-,W Moanj, wer là lnolh - CANTON IIOTEL, T o F A R M E IR, S el never was iîn'coqýg bef UVFINý, ti()(i1) ItAILROAD HOTEL. GOODS AT D isecolligilo(latioit for Trievell(,ýrm. CANNINGTON. rettr'lillg tllitliks tu the Publie for tou fi- Stcrej Gre was the angwor. l1VrýL1 lie Iltl.4 j enwood Ho haded lier a Bible, open. t'Di N';. CIVIIIIIERT, 1.1(!IlcillK Nir. Jý1111«Iweil,> lib"'je B. SALTER, Veterlnary-Surgeon. Parlesln- know that book tny danghter ?1# Pr(,Mîvttyr. r has buoil newl Mive tu ilitillifito tilat lie 1:118 c.1 hiR Alli àtumlîtl,4, Glovem, IxkIium bloltiq, &1ýre. Aise, 'lhe Y .41t',ed alid itq now fully prys brotylee to the r(loiiin (,%-,r th, btoru of Ilirgest t-tock of t She look-edatitt, gndanswered ÉlYet W. lit 11ILLINGS. red fur the e. RADUATE nf the collètre or votertllat). l: reception It iK Mitil ottut ('11 the I*Itil Powell, streer, wh( -IN à in-the Bible.,, A'P 1 AIV 1 .. . . -r,. à _.- Il ....... rrnTrT TC! 1 - AL 14 fit- Vito hour hu ëD 1 ï Poin"d adylà ffflý-ibwarm M, - y 'Otdd blimige 014, Ré à ý bne ber IeM pmberi,ýnp., th Mé ýn in which he süppoâd tbo ille', w- ici the MIL -,Shé7 ý bea" d-ýhëè, e Y,Çàt anà 'ýremw Lýîù7ý dr'ew a d' bléody, bgýpointýinto ýdAbe bânàle agai"gsi,-tho ý and, folài, L' eued'her a It - is deposed by. witmeu (for le tjh the ý 4pot) that je Ermed, w1i e-n-,,jn ,, her lover trejmblý ;i jýë "gair'Et the Sandleî oË ibg 1 -M sbe could,_ in ordee id L home, After t'his P.Ourd ý off the Bord, me40-binisf If and sougm id s, > felt an a'eute Paià îrî fonild the poniard ttie4i l t laid it on ', ' - ,V 't on 1 the table, )Iiü on the Sordwhere béni,150 being', néw latb, the wàltëe eAoorýof the roojà,ý.a-nd ,ýqgtbýenPugh to'stretch, ont @4nd draw the boli. ë severel'y wo'u rere'reihovèdto e nosn M . ý et where Dénise in "ý fo 9 on Jia cary -i2t3th.- iciently-reÇoyerded, to, > také stil, vëry *eak, and iculty. Lýýnbove-kfnd java'. 'W riably aphant acquittal before-.it  courýnjariiàl, sed to lie ade of '6 iierpei case, however'the mnjority triblinsil, Showé-il 'itsýlf sus; 0 feelings which, tfiou-ù eivijiznd codé, ý gehàèàily crifiles of thià,ýýPi1fire, Iii 'd was aïzquittéà ýy, ttu His moiher, was thailléed the ýý jùlze -and emi libout of,ýApplause. Ltycirý-Among thé fédemf remissouri ' wé où;cèý with 11r. John L. Iiiýtinger-Id ýngt-6mee-a itltýgliVe and tion. 3W ùjttingëfý nal proprietors of the St, lulletintil vilien it wâg it ,el'i nnd (fid considemblê arly. ne %vas 11100 beed in party polit' - at- §j. 1« __. ce the nppointment. Not Il conÈiderationý, 4owetuf, ýisproÉtotiori, prinfer, iyho l'ai strýg gairst wind and tide fof Nide thlit, lie is a, ghoid M£Lke A trtWtworthy and là. the PriVate rgnreia-Y a printer. ;ident of Ilie Unitèd Stafeg, ýcneraI. the secretary a( IrÉthrir nr fl- _ - - ___ 1 '1,1( il, IlliCLi)F-. qL1o()ýj - -- res, leforia. '- , - , ---- . MER ()F %V Ji i t by, J il lui ýié'vi. ; ! ai verY Moderat---- 1 leilirried chat before 1 could-rend' Coli ftqftl),l NI 2j: le Chargetu, Ile, Coll lity -UPOck S11-tee, Jl'lielille %fi in a fiiaiiiier flot to lie Klll«pjlt4,,4 ( 200 lias anY Pno talkqd, te. jotIJ about Cçl Albie plaill gl)&l I)rjjl&iljeiit.ll l'ilititfl-, Ilvilit -Itille la, 1857, e 1. Teefli bi u 1 1*11031AN DEVL 22 fille 1 witit Gol 1, S 'r, Litanie) fOil, end banc est Ys Lot No.,' ?ý li ri here agafnstl this ma ell ELL, iive -in t e Imt Con. Fentle)t,, a witness In cou L 1) E Il , &- &a., UEUN SrltFtT, pre :lratiolis. Teetit extraet,ýjI %«itl, flic grejit- 100 acrcs4, Cowity ut' Victoria. whitby, C. %V. est -axo laid entilfort to tile patierit. Partieti- enutît I.-t N-,. 17, in t',o 1 Ith Con. Port - inquired the Judge. wi L L 1 A 11 KiiupjrjliiANix lur ttelIL1011 givc" to tiie etire laid regitilutio i of ilerom t'ontftv or It rofitelile. te Yes, sir," sho replied. Igy - mot EliCIIIANT TAILoIt, STREET, %vool)ýVAItl), Chil frens teeth. Mie ta bc a witue«, i ,tu ivork warrailtefi togive #Utig nt "§%l le, slIut U219tt*yl 1 'Ott 1 ']il it'rlot In'. C'"I hard they wanted 1V)NIMISSION ARCHITECT. Votfe Wllîtby. cition or t % lut Nu. 18,111 file 9th Con. De 0 lier roë. -retiS--afiiirtriul. lastnight abc Called cri' io la i l'y Jiltrl(!$ Whithy, C. %V. el, t> 144, Bay £treet Toronto. 100 acres, Courir>- Of Lanmbtoii. tifid 0 lace, lever, asked me te tell her 'the commafidmen Chirkson E-q., Pre- ép LO 1 W M PO WELL'S STOI&F, and then ive knelt down together, an LEUX ANI) 01? TIIE sident lijud of-Ti-ji(le, Toronto; W' G. OUR IM BICAL TRIEND. L() Brock Strect, %vilitbý-, prayed tbat I might understandý how . wiel Iir, bls, 1 Parle lot of 4 acrem, with fraine lion>e and ont- . lie 1-tio. C Ttjwiifiliii) ot'Uxl)ritlgte. Aildrees, Uxieridge. Esq ilatiagert liante B. N. Aisierici, Torouto, Roi. 10 êin huild mltimte on Ditiidnm si reet lit the Cen- fi wag to bear falge. witness-,,against Vv. EM(J., Maliager, (IliZec Mollet tre %Ytira. Aime 20 towil lots. For teriiiiii of neighbor, and that God w nid help me Esq., Niilt,,ii MIIIM, 'roi UR MUSICALFILIEND'l a Rare Coin- la, 1 or Sale. ly tu the alII)t§erilpor. CHAILLEs C. lil.,IýLEit, McGill, Buzik ýit'àtcri- 0 paillon for lie %ý'iiiter 1%fonthw, uM wn property taken In exc, little child, toi tell the trilic TToli4b;YY AT 1,&W, ii(i[,IÇIr(JIC I'N froid, Müntreill; Messril. Maitiiiiiil, T>Ii Ever 1l-Itnii4t, -var or Sale. ej irni) IlArgo li as ît was bef &e. (Mllee-il, Messrs. Anderson, Evans Ever S' Pliblipation ('t Vocal and' Nthe Tawrii4 ip or riciciring hein ild té y r the w iiiiils abave in4,nti(jnctl. Him. And wlien I dame here with eath Atorin I)IIiltlil.g, over file W. Price lit tiolitligt.- l'iano Forte Momie Comt- ici of part of Lot No. 11 i n t ho ;j Cori - and COMPOS CHARLES 0. KELLER, abc liifsed me, and told me, t& rememi Brook strcet, J. Nond & Co. F, JlfCnbnt 10 CEYT-Ï a NO. 11 in the 4th clin, colitaît1illir 121S acrien of Soliciter, Wliithy, Lire ninth commandment, and de .0 Aimé) lu brantili. iii the village or E mis )er, and pronoiiiicod Inné . Tire above wuli kilown forni file OMee in Victoria 13uildingfi, ùear the cnn«t- wo il toi) Towiimliii) of Thurah, ajid Coutity Qf'Ogl- El MYAILDS 110DDER. uld hear every word.j, said. By flic etifire Premm of flic Country, te bc pro. lerty of Mr. Alex. Diitilop, ci, tho CI.E t'Ince. 14 4v rr.jlijij:.ý, owrFITTERS, IMIE PFr XXI) CHFAIMST WORK OF é 4 ma wr-Il knovti ait fi) require rio Do you believe this ý;ked tbe'judj -1 Kille -strect Oelli1wa. gtr. firici, tion. For particulars apply fit tire Post Of- 1 -latened 'n his, 0 CHANCERY. inélélits ilifidu lip ý11d elit lit clic tilost fusiiiiolin- ME KIND IN TILE W01ilDil c %Vbitby to CASH! TOR EVERYBODY.1 wh'le a tea' ý n ble loýi-ly Twolve fiill-siy£-d Pisge..4 orVccalaild rianoForte lu ucprr£ltsox,. who wisficK te have if, lip quivered wïth emotio aIrrallgr!ln(,i.tA %Y1111 'l sojielfor of the -Stock into 2110ney end- ro 0 NIAI)z _ Milxig lor Io cellis. '-"Yes, si- Il said th child iwiifi, 'iwi Court of Chaitieuty in is iloliv prellarcil NOW 18 TUE TIMIC., - Yearly, $5; Ilalt-Yearly, $2-150, Quilirterly, $1.25, By turning 'Mânnéër thatahowed-her conrieilod ý1w te ý colldtwt edl stlitl4 aloi busificiés rtýqliii-iiig SijWribe ta 'lotir efniçioal Frlcnd," or orfier T.M IRIBANKS & MACDONELI, rqiPPL ond curofili attutitiun lit tlio above. CET Y01.111 AT It froin, flic nenreât Nevgdealtcr and you will ÙENERAL AGENTS, Vie nailorsigneil rocélven cnnoigninent*'fer perfect. Oto J. A. C,'Iark9s Ist Prize Picture Gallery hava Miieic enotigli f or Xotir critire fainily ut as) "Godýbleayou, filmignilloittit eost, and ir yen want If sis:c for JrF Yois dékire iL correct aivi life-like Ainbro flic Fltite, Violhi. Cornet, Clltri')Ilct, i, (10111mission Merchantm & Affetioneers 13 A ui 1410 z-4 M Tudgai Ion have a good.m.0the;... ,Tl JL tyLpe, Varticot 'I', Lettergrisiell, or Lentler &e., &c., j4nl)meril)e fi) file ROCK 13TUERT, NVIIITBY, C. IV. where the hi g*,i,.4t cati bc oblained. witnces la coin peto con;inyçd.* flwe 1 N»ON TriitiKftr, or et liv(ý,ileXI4 lit lAwket, Broach or Q Ring, i»or J, A, c. (; , t 14rgé" 1 1 ,, itsigilicerg Omhawâ. (.*Iiiirelicis, an do it in the bellit istylo, «)[,I)OmitoRogii4try Office.) A Il parties; Con.; iliay roi on -me; 1 1 1. Id, c n, ria or my i . and in n ocent loir ' il Ilotimes, &c., demigitud and mulvriri- nitd'ut mlivrt notice. charý,ë égainst won W ýojý, ýd un treustilli, k-le teriti». 3 din WILKI-NS04N'$ BLOCK the COusitry. 0 M P T A IivE S for th" Pl ýâýj Coritaliiicg 12 pagen, Cestiug enly E prePn-nfl tO Bttend Silles lit all parti% 01 p Il such a witnesif kg, isji 88 Brock Streei W74itby. 10 Cento a Number ; YearIv 02.50 L. F AIR OAN XS, Jr. D. 0. 31 ACDO.N ELL , 1 A Iii) Let ber bc m ininedë,,,,*e- N, Il- COCHRANE, L. L. Il. 11afferearly, $L.25. toid:her,,Btory,* TTOTINRY-AT-1,AIV. ROIACITOR EN Bitrtil)illn Elle tic gu e.lg&llVÀU ý alivultus. ith, the ýamë1icjfy 1 A ' Cliaiteory; Notary Public, Conveynticer, AIMISTER ATTORNEY AT LAV ýj %; * fildge. All tbc Bock Numberg nt 10 ets., and Ilonn.1 Cont ty Ontario; 1Vm. iftil, Ï; &o., whithy 4 - %V. liaoufoli ili Victoria Bluck B liijjtor in Ciij&neerý, Nofarï Public lie Volurnuis, Containing Il Numbd-rq, iît 82.50icach, Il. I;htacdoncli, T.,F. NicacIL4 (ettice-il, Bigeloiv's Cw ,à coiii4toixtly on hand. Hilii., z'. el"y n or of lithy; J, ess about 'it whiiýh,,.CN d' IkgiAtry ('ýilicoi 011 rock ikrà-ek. Building, go ýu . ger Ontario B;tllk ; 1). Auctioneer lit ýGeB0Tâ1 Cominla Nerchan leill Street, Phitbir. W--Agents wanted f;jr tt égla publicationg. .4 ngi Mus"FOOTE & WARREN C. É. uyllouil & Co F' B' rke, Emq-, Oshawa, 3- I11810P, Poq , Otlh- Peterborough, LI. Wý, N. B.-Thiq Towil in a(,knowlediregl hy the BIZOOKLIN, 0. W. si, BARNETT, M Naééilléan St., New îlork ,or CoMmerciel Commniiity toi bo-the beFt in clic with'infinite and ing'enfou questioniffigi bc 'UFACTURER %ND DEALEIL IN, r] CAL 9 Pfoviiice for Il at5itt"%. -ber, first,, W V% IR J SS Elili abc varied front.,, J. i00TýE, M. 1). IL WARREN, If. D. Cigurs und Leri Tobaccoii; aiso %Vilil,,t, Brooklin Rouse. Peterboroy, C. W., Dac., 1860 Col-om ipg..,: T-he tmth, as, a Olten ýhat Chil HANIfING Jolin sirect, port ilope. rpHE Submeriber baving lonoed the Brooklin rj ir F nndergigned P-PrictOrn of flic abovo W" sublime .. .... 14,4Èýhoýâ ari'à l'art Ilope. Starcli 8, 1940. ly -L Ifont-C, aud Iltteil it iip as a finit Clama Cé edher Thé pri net cri "ItCWINCIAIý liand f4iir%-oyony Civil SM E AND ELLING iý é n Med 11O'f PL, beg rcj;pectfuliy te aFprizo ittidý]ýditid A Ciiiif. OtHoc-siext frielids and Ilotel, in itow preparcil. to occoinmodute flic tiroir doice toDrlloidlooCliarcli-§t., Bownianv lie, WHISIM, y! P tmve)iitg Pnblict wlicro they will find the lient futrong, tilut they have tilo- hi" lf'-iýn Il rong] ]y renovate their extablighnient dur, 0-N * :ý tiality of liquors, 4udhl* table providod with the - -ler, whioli onabi ng himselti wimesm Im"fý ý43fN1xû# en tbom now to 0. iié. L.m. B. IL VONIER, Y. L. 0. DY TIIE AT la best the iseanon.adords, with carettil ootier the 1 fie4. facli for Deadis &awn up ut rabérg or the lAgislaturè, and the Tta 44 simre VVIIII Publie ouverio Élhoit tidtico., 40 Oin tronàgo. ûîý dit FAIRBANKS MACDONELL'S, aénfdtlh"onlpsnolblriaclwpanymoâ h4wd'*beop ' llcltm s'lare ' r dit n to flic aportmontot flic et _y hâ4'lant Win- Md f GEORGE 3150LEA X, ey have no'w Piorlors -and Bad-roome <in a caity term4- or wiu ho ezehangm roï. f«, ore ber testimony Éaloýhoe& wero seoitter ý,-w,# Ou MA@TWOOD# A. B. M. D., 0 otlier lîeûl Fqtate, t ý . ý 1 Superlor article or pamUy Fleur, (;Ilonp Prorrictor. listire oume rieur flic 1194121, which, for éconifort ed- Il Thé A for Cash, ut N. B Aloo on hrnil Romps and Bnggicn to Aind C livenience, arb'linsnrpuoqed In tho Cit Apply ta, la tndt'e"' bad payi3lefAN, SURGEON &o., i. fi-*r à ed, , f6r - gih 46 bd driva traroiem tu'any patt ai the Côunty. WM RUSSELL lit gox,. JOEL BIQFWLOW 1 ' Ërai Brooklits, 31arels-21th, 18151. que 'Marèh 11, 1861. 'r 1 ràý"t1 ' îiven her te apeak ïf"»ýbcj 0 Wiftby, 2nd May, M.I. 1 #3 'tore God, broka the'curminz devices of rciýdy ?" iLsh-ed bad" said the reporter. au mure you'ré intirely r. min,- excited and ICIPS. Dy tonsience, l' wonit ill tile- honorable gintlosi sintircly ready-" alloiller moment or sdf vd ; rpeis glisteneil, ýeaTe Ind the reportorial pplicil ý Onê More benignant ýpoAent, winked nt the * delight, of ait Kerri e horror of the reporter, cch in lhe Iriab law r occurred in, Cayng-il , in which' a printee ýbed a Per3cn of the 3ennett hu-Ibdeij coal le Assizes, states (hatý' the ler front that viëinity )ce this ý'year, bë cet ; of this àboutý llý ,el, or loi e will bc front 60010où m and oaliý li report the destrue ?r(107,e, with a Iffl of- )0,000 franees worth on the 29tbï' Wed, in reply ta . w ývernment reeo,-nited t o, interrere ia the nmenced in Alrn-zrical Dr er,6usly signed'in'mom- ier's bilîýforreëtriét. d appeal ta the Prilvy gfteh Xppenfs - - Ar THI? with to 016 ýpOrj)lCj. m"quemeuii, Uit lit llatlarýdt fuel lormidable cite. te lit the titre eu. cos ait do,-truf--ti Va illi, drâwitjg lt* il few >earf Ot gritvU. It du- TUI)IJIY, wastea Uiý!lltU1 dUrângOý elupuleilt ül the te, baciv't)', 'bel. lempi, alla Ititives allil iiiiiid, lire- it t-lit uf Ovil* VEN T 1 ON. Jie hnd -lart-d the only ented for the ly tliâenxg of tjj#ý 4ýCret ul Jiii. 1 1 L*trui, a lit 1 esbtillie 1110 te tiur il tairtrial -1 orlti ylgnv bo mue a eorroct detail J foi. MLdieigtem Street, S rt rance Co. r ýills for ý:glindu. -;S jy Fll>'Leujjdý 'ýlu t1ýrT11«' alla tu 010 Iluard la ý iv Lands. da> L'A » thil iiiid iliterest, lèlits buverally . aljtý?# mi ' d tue jar, *aljd te na by 2o. tlio 12t NOW11 lin Alm i li'l w t1le-li wi'.0ster maiti lowns, 1111) wit1i thUxw>0ý .01el ivitil the Imi, tu the place ul mUeut, belli il ',lit v truet, bCsllgý1 't #101 U081. t rv. , trver, imu) tell Company, of the ThIrd ým and tlid,ýir iliv, wliere lurits lK re. PrIet-A Af. t 1 ýr, 7.1 d' tablisig for a large gur. RRYY dd'y. 11odjitu 'the tid ilea boat svided w1tis rutul V14uer EAN Propketor. . Buggles to,

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