Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1861, p. 4

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Fa,, ma he tabWlemn' muén-- Ungiyndytemoia a 'pairld- jnd as wooeVs t*s btyinië An tl ark ite wlld-tSowors mrlssg. An'y yeti hoir tae isvroek s img 'Thst e"0g Ihut tLerfe' arin'l. A4tt, san yrosie aur tryoinl'baver il'l imind, ni>'love, fer ever. Fpl' ait, in dreamni, 1 pu' toai fayots, ent triêva te m0e6teèm vitiera ,Wotrumcà aeeeue Ipgvehas Ait 1 mou>' s hope thon brielu tn bloom Long symto lu bloom vas bleitit Thte sun c'jo>' batli set lu gloont (Qarlvarld o' love taS Hliitit Fond mar" fatisel> reade te Psst, . Our aft estrengoment inisses, Or ishows butLiuo 11lk ant b utS In love'% raînersafît' cisses. Aft, rzft thronglî bliriditi'miste e' toare 1I mesthy <e amei bonnle, 1 mwer, My> love, by grief'. leng yoarm, Thou'# yet malt deerthtiaïsart', Ail' rgirer mciii. titan whoen lange>'». S Je. paoriors fair 1 woood ilio; 1 konn'di ri' titi thon wu at ' initia 1100 doop, 1hou denIo'ed tho&.. 1 tizolit forget thuegis]rz>moul .To îiontiting'rieuta coiiid penimh Blit whiie ' im mine te jo> or thuia Tii>'love mni>toîîl minlchorloh. 'Tlic lang. ny lova, -min' wu lice met; Lantg, leîîg mi' wu lino epokeri; I neyer $hall, mweet love, forget The vowm cstweeîî nit brokan. Love aid eaUampteil Sucided. On Mioutae vening ayong mani, nanted Peler Girey', rom St Louis, Ceuint>' Beau. hiarnois, was admittat lato te liospitai, haro, itevlng beau brought rom St. Louis for titis purpoe on Mor.de> moraing, suf. faing front-a wotind iu the troat. It seonas tntMn. CGrey', wvite la veti te do young mari; 25 years ef ega; lied allen la love;, end evidottt>hadlovad Ilnet wiaaly but toc W011,"1 ae watt shovr tirougit bis passion net bing racipreerate b>' te lieugitty fair eue, and b>' hl-ou tiiane- tounL-attemptiiig Le cuL bis owu titroat. I. mppeusrs i tat lhe coutd mnote at the mc. meut 'hoie rsolution seized hlm, obtain a ra. itor-thù usuel instrument ud oes clioce. cabions, ni în titis oxtromut>' made use ef a b lore-lanee, W>l twhiclîholade ttrce.oute li i& tirti-. lTiieacuLs wosldhava prov. id fatal had' ho lieSt ben diseovored as )hte lay bteedinig. Madieial aid vas thon Ins. mcdiaîoly emsnmoued, aud tise vouud sawcd up.-Tite suidel mt wus cornmmttod on Titnrsdey evaning last, anmin<ea t-It time hohuélibetan cloaly atteudad, uîulct and day,ountil haoî'eacetd thaHospital bore.. lHe aya, htevvr, tatLtvth ethiag vas quite unneoemsry,.for hl ietii neyer try tae sema triec again. Haesmains resolved te foliow tee aatupta of Boena' Il Duucan Graey," mndsing,- ieSflisil i1, tike a fou," qui hha, di îFor a lieuglit>'bise>' dia ? "SIte nay go te France, for mea I Ha, lin, tie weiîig 't.' Groy'm iove.iufiicted voumît inLtthtreet le eitng up, anid ha is out tfdanger'for te prosant ; tlîe uround riici the reieatlîas faroinîîî nflicted' on bie heart-jiadglng front lus proen-is now mîlso cnred b>' tits blood-losîlrig. Tio HM eu or Cniilýuoo.-The homo of ciildtood -tow mari>' iallovati associ- *ations ctrfsîer urount i tes. word. ; wbet rantisiscencesi ara kinided et Lisir mention. F orgeL te l il i homo facJe&?"l Neer.- Asonuetruse itougitta toward tae home of bis iar>' do>',, ho seemsts Lubeitold tent agoi. Tiiose loved fornis seant te dlit bie- fora iiiu as inu'the viins eofbisecitildhood. Fetitor, inuther, iter and .brotiter, ara se'atod auuî ronnd te aid dontestie iteart as3luntuc days of yre.--And a housaud * expressions of parental Iinduoma, of rater. nul love, ane a cllet te mind with ail tite freaituese of yesterday. AndthLitacompeai. e nseof uue's cildioocl a:tae youtiful, mort>' band, with whorn iu houghtless mirth oee lauglied. eut sange, eut froliclced te heurs awyLtylive egaisi in rneînory's aje, adtituir notes o ec se ili lingers on me- mory'Lh car, Thomo "1 kiîid looksi kind bonte, kind words, tender gretings,"1 have left u impression theL tinta wilt naver ef. face. And thoan te seaones cf titoso cari>' daym, witen--oua pleyed nntong the brooks, tae butanflies, tae birds mandtte fiower- 111e titan vas a scetta cf eucitantmeuî. IL saarns that te sun inoyer atone se bright- lym thete reas noyer murmuret su-soit a me- led>'. Thon eh vwas ligit, andi lifa, and love. Cuireansd anxiet>' bad rietworn te farrow. ons their brow. Thon upon tae matermîmi bosont tea eiig lead <rgo t is pains, sud te youg litoart faIt its griefs ussaagcd. Noyer didthtit world look se leviug as thon. -For thora itet net beau harbored oe suspielonus theugitî but tat ait vms goît tatsitouea; but titat ail wu& reel.- And te future vas a brigitt treant of beauty isa no disappoinimntas uçldlmumed, ne troacher>'batl suliiet. Swot ad citorisit- ad receliactions. From t acesand bustleaneuturmoil of ifaLte teugh'a will gwliar.v .%Litante-iteacu spo lu ie do1. I. RoyaJiauaBuing,Li,.Woil Yo.2 Di,-Z4mbarct&i4t f £ondon0 S A PI T Al AND LARGE RÉSERVE F13iD. F-1RE DÈP-ART M-ENýT, This oîpaysw aldnms and6a1 ther ",creploof Froprsorcle t LosaoDcOg. b,, = Cz othe îicuâtLgra Tw, £1 el tlae.aprampti>' mttla$, withaùt do-, d ato or discount, and wtlîont releorenae to Eîîgiend. The large Ca#pttàl and jadîilos managenin of tisi.Compâluy Iinsum the mestposrleolmafciy. LIFE DEPARTMENT, Largest retlpctiOii cf Profits conaixent with amidon ted mocerîty', aid every ' b efiftan braed in the science of Life Assuzranoofforded c>.Iepti<for Now 1'olioies alone lu sx menthe of tho pamt year. £20()1000STLIG Jincomi from ail orceu ileU 1 Exlilbitlng an Inoreama in aine yeAa lo»e ai Theo fendsti hand eced £7001000, E.xiltinz ail iiorvamelgo Inoer clone a1 £8010001I Almngeos, couîîiig 11o13a Calendars, with ample delsa of tMaCompany'& eperations, aud ever>' oecemr> lufonmailon funnlilîd et the office cf JOHN ÂONEW, Agent for Towvn cf Whttby. Wh Itby, Feh. 25, 1840. NOTICE TO TEE PUBLIC. XAIILS FOIR ENGILAND, rlIà iuter tcaspime of the Cnadien Mal,% J u~r Europeb>' tise Couiltlonemti Miii Steines, çailug>every lttirirt>' roin Port. lanîd for Derry ud Liverpool, wsll beoes-fol. lowm a From Londuoni C W. PrmB>'Tliîrecliy koou T elu B>'. ThuiredoyE> vaniug Train Reitmî Freni Toronto, pcntlil ByFnito>' nornlug Trollt Saturiira Frcm Kinugeteti, kit ., P, . B>' FridyAte>Aienooiî Trahin Tite Oecau Front Motîtram5, Steamer yl B>'S o "e lalTan Frite>' »Il froin Nigoltcie arrivai of Portltand lin- TroutouFnita>' fllyornlsîg ndiatel> Train. cftor arrivai FromunQîîbeo, ef Motîtroel #>, Frin'F.venlnr Trotin Train. corneltImi ant lchinona "$k" tt rain f nom Thto heur et wlitl hei, CurWaS fi5m vhib@ed at omet <lit>', vill ieho iotifild b>' tIse post-îm. tord. SIDNEY SMITH, Pol Ofilue cepartîieîît, DO0 YOU WANT STUVIES -e- GO TrO G. ROBSON'S (Nezt door to'the Ragiotryl office,) EXAMINE 11181 ST. LAWRENCEt FOR $28 THE KING $25 TU~E PROTECTIONIST (original) *25, TWO SIZES, THE SYLVAN WITCH, GOLDEN FLEECE, VIOLA, THE BAN, Clebrated Ohafla.uge Heator. &o. Iliouli lichsei§forcah illgi wlbos TIIERE IS A LIVERY STABLE ATTACIIED, AJ cverytlîltigiuscouducet in te beestylI Eorses and Carrnagesi At ail lînur.a Sueorîler, AGMRJLTURALIMPLEMENTS. G. 4l. la aentuLfor sale nf PaLlron9o%ms&d lrotit- eri; Agrieuituritl Itniricnei-.toof icihmond Iliti, anud la prepered to reculv afil ordors. - GEO. ROhISON, Brock Street, 46 Whit>'. (0M PET [rj4O)j T11E SUBSCISIBEIîS, Ï8PItEPARD TO salil aIl tunld of work lu luIs lino of bîui- lie$,% Clioepor Llîeî cii>'othar eetotllislimnt of te lelîîil lu Broolclhi, etît nta ui, vork i. numade up entier lt.ig nintruotion, iL cal, bc ver imnetoInt give %aifîîetioîî. Fer clueapes ite fuilowing prica yuil meoîk.a Mens' Ware. Beat Frenol cih hul e......450 66 Cali 61 ....... 4 25 Clo ............. ....... 82 Slrgîî.................... 2 -- Ldadies' Ware. BemI Lace Boots. ............... 82ao <'OliiiiiOli Boots.......... ...1 îî Bllckilis ................... 1 25 eud cIl ctîjer articles l in toya lina te cor- respond acili price. WILLIAM MuBRIEN !Brooklil, lteli1i*Seo. 108 t CH!FOR EVERYBODY 1 NVliro isites te bave I, BY turnlng SurPlus Stock Into Money Tite tinder-signaîl recelves coaslgumenta fer Whare te higiteat prîce, can ha ohîtanat.- A"l PartiescuOniguiii g getay>'rai>' on NEW-JFEWELLERYý- ÉENGUIBHEAND AMERICOAN 'Lookets, Sllver plated Forks, Spoors, &ci$, FINE GOLD WEDDING IRIN G S., 8PECTACLES to SUI1T ali SIGUTS AMERICAN CLUCKS 0F TRE.BEST QUALITY, AT Engllsh & Swiss Watcheê&. JAMES JOHNSTON, Wattoaritsnor&Jeweliar. Braec-st, Wlilby. 2 GREAT SALE 0F BANKRUPT STOCK! Stoves, Stoves AT A.LOA N'S, Fuller'. odt estbî,limhrieîutlBrook St. Wliilby. Amuple Pareaet Logolisâ noir 1sniiîîxunret7e iLow' itli wcre <o( every d stii tnoi, oa-pipas &CI, &ci., liiltart cvorytîiug liti t-'e aove eud Ldu lhtaent LnZaui'et. pT ilq.b£MZTZ3 CopeirPit& ont Slitet lopper for scIe. Cash fur E.ututleîîku ------ABRAM LOGAN. - Wuitby, Oct. 24, 1880. Thot Clebrated German 011! -0- FT1101i thloiiiît of tuptinitcîîîll as to the ieficticy of tlîic iîîv.lîicile rein dy, the fo- ioii ie' have hoti eels'cîcd: 'I liicv imcolvotir il l telaet ix ycarm, id tînt ottip.flecithct it le iînrqliot ec]for lîeeliiig outil, aînd irii_ r rùýt-hite.. INe fllcey la eqtîît!ly grent aiplied iit tîi r i-st." JAMES GREIG To A. K-NOWLI.9, E1t4, lIn jilstico to yoii, ti ce c îafy It 1Own te piîhlio, I tliiil 'triclit lunrfýiîiieifid yoîîr coielrtû,t ec irilit ii1i. tdy litîl. girl got ec- vertl i Ollîlil(, em i-i , u, hit lier rëcover>' wîîm doîI fiib.Il, bhit îîfter ile irgai iplic'îniolitof yoîîr ohl, ic gît iiiiriliite 1-iîr. ondt -Ivert n c gîlirle slnîîber. Two aipplicionsii repetiloîl, oîîrot lier eDrîipletely, cini e:o lanote qnite MATTTIIEW ýILLOM, Jr. Pickerinîg, Jalmiîry 17, I1,81 . 41 1 nt iromt lîittoil, iina wam lI t bune Touir Ohl itiviliigdou ncs, 1 outil botlî rny gruat W.,MflIPSON. 1 siti md froin c ii ft7riiîuiiiiz cure nfor two yeara wiil 0111 iiitirinief,,i. wi. %icimitieret try 3'nir v 0lo 1,îod il u uîîs îow complota ly eire.*' JMES FITZGIBHiONS. 64 l3rAitSin,-*otiir <il loefins ei the inearie oi tiiiîg Uo ie of iMy litlulaý,." HIENRY WIL~LIAMS. Oua of tho tIrst ilucicul mon in the Conitt> wrlteA t 66 )EAn SaEvr lîee lioverthie world ynitr jîîeiy colobritreil(ic'îîiîtriOil doscrves to be kîîowîî. It 'nqî"t lroto a blooiiig to mani- kint. I1lhave nudit lu the cure ni cula brui- : co, frost bite. &c., and 1ci-4 on gorce ai long staiiig:-,It lite nover failedtet effeot a cure." £o behlnt o 6. A. BANNISTK1L Drugi & Alla et ail the princoipcl pleeca of buielun ia t tito Irevii,o. - a Queboo Goyernmont &genoy. Basinetie conîîecled with tao f)6 Wlf.Là0 and otiior PUBLIC DEPA.RTMENTS. attcrided to. Aime Soeurad b>' tle suheeribor. Adre prapald. B. J. CIIESLEY, Land neut Generci Agent, o.2,Anne Strcet, Quebe. Mai cli td, I1«A. 9ehe T la nneeiusa>' te ee to lle.a pdÉoedlaBritislîliartht Aniorlea; te P"ha en otla- Lionan Imeresdetce f poion osîsr4*ia s led Isnif sdhave ne Intention at prçgcftd- Cases firom the Bocks, hewing the enefitts cf 14f. Assurance, On 4tit marcit, 1800. A. B., aeat 85 uied, hitla ffaoed u Assurance on lits Li ta, on 2Otîs Dc.,- 18561 tor £500, naa Annuenl >ranslntn ai £12 18-4. Oui>' fouir Prcnulumie warapid te On-s aMreis, 1859, C. D, angod 82, tlad, itavitis' cffeced uAestrene onoti upLife on 24t1t Marlis 2808, for £500, et an Aitsial Promiumt et £7 lsi M. lie ouI>' pald ana lrolum te lte Thse tellowingesnes vilI llinntrate teé benafiîs cf Assurance, ia .roference more partlenlarly te Partiolpatlen'lu tihe Prodtîs of thee <Jompan>'- On 2ud sotatuber, 1859, G. R., dl-ed, aed 6M, Ievlug affetd n Assurance a-n hlis LifeIoIn 1849, for............................. ............ ......... £1000 0 0 Adthora van edded t>' Lite Ceirpipa>, freutte Profite .......... .......175600 Ou 26tit Augimat, 1850, L M.,di , ged 40, vIng ffected an Mm;ene en iî ita ii, 170 in 1849, for. ....................................................... 40il 0 0 And tIsera wore adae th e i Comrpany, <rem thse Profite ......... ......... 7010.01 Mekiîig thetOmniopa... ...................... 47000 M4arinacmra ucli exemnples miglîtt bcqoetd, bitS Lite aboyé a aai are suffRjont te illustrate the Jprfvt and atiofector>' nature of an Assurane Provision fronthLit date cf te Pelle>' belng et- Dy 'Order of Clie Diraclors. JAMES. G. DICKSON, G. -H. DARTNELL, 1 Agent for Wlitihy. Manager for Canada MANCHIESTER"WÀREllOUSL.- TRE subsaribers having opened the Store latelyr erected at I MANOHEISTER, the' now offer in DRY GOODS, a -choice ssortment for Winter. CLOTHLNG,-.vercoats, Under-coats, Vests, Pants, al styles. GROCERIES,-A. fresh and comp1ete-assortment for family .use. CROCKERY,-Direct from the manufacturers, Stafford- - shire, England. HARDWARE-&c., &C. -etc 9n w Rol ALL KINDS 0F PRODUCE ¶'AKEN. HAMILTON & ROBERTS? Whitby and Manchester FALL& ~RDRY-GOODS. Would ann.. is dustômers and the public, that <now most compiete in làEbE 03'*0 ,SI W S Mantdes, Furs, Hosiery anid Gloves, Prints, Factory Cottons, Stripo Shinting, Cotton XVmup, Carpets, Damask, &c., Bread CoLli, Cassi- mores, Conadian Tiveeds, FulII-Clotha, Satinette, &c., which ho purchasod per- sonnlly in the Biitit ndî: Frencht Markets, muid which to is determined to sali ut a sali advoiîce on tlîo Sterling COST FOR CASI. Ho would cail spe. ial attenition te his extensive stock cf 07:' RE ADY-IMADE CLOTHING. -fT Being made up onl the premises-the Fit and Workmanship may ba depcnded ou. 1,000 Meus ani Beys Tep and Bedy Cents. 1,000 Mens ont Boys Vests. 1,500 Mens umsd Beys paire of Pants, of every price and q uulity. AProuh Stock cf Teais, Sugars, and Tobaccos, &c., juet recoived WANTED, 1,000 FERKINS 0F GOOD PACKED BUTTTER FOR WHJICH TUF, IIIGHEST PRICE WILL BLE PAID: azr gALIL BEFO0RE PURptHA3!ING ELSEWHRniu. REMEMBER .,. PERRLY'S BRICK BUILDINGS, WHITBY. Wlîitby, November 7, IE$51. 42 K EýGS te ennounce Le bis riutiru.ts fniends and customars that ha te now zerrying n> on bis extensive business os CARRIAGE MAKING, 19 ALL ITS BRANCHES, On the new promîmses fttely erectori by hlm on Brock Street, te largeat and most coin- plate establishment in the Province, wvharo haie prepamred, as harotofore, ta executa &Il ordors eritrtisted te bis care. CARRIAGES, BUGGIE S, SLEIGIIS, CUTTfE RS, &C., WManufactered anid SoId as lthe Lewest remenerating »rtcoa. AUL WOlLK WARRANTED LUMIILbR and PRODJC'E TA1r'E.£V IN EXOHÂNGE, at >MARKET PR.IOE.i D. FORD'S long axperierice of thirty yaars in the principal Mintiuiataries af the StaLes and Canaida bas givan tat axperience in ever>' brerich of te business which few hava been ablo te arrive et, and for beatity of design, elegence of finish, durability, and sclidity of workmanship, bis work carnet ta excelaed. r4rCali and soc Speetmons, THE NEWV ESTABLISIIMIENT NEAR THE BANK. WlîiLby, Sept. 4, 1840. BL>ONDIIN UNCI;MORE! l P, suisriiter requesta publie atten à,tien ta hlg newock"aif uponlar Sioves. Titi> include te folawlng nov paterns:I 77JE )UN&t 0F S7MVEq, THE PPJNOL' ALBERT, DAVY CROOKE Te PROTECTIONIST, GRAND TUPX, MRON D UKE, Cali eut examina?, 62 JOHN BRYAN.1 Brook Street, Whitby. TO THE INHABITANTS 0F THE COUINTIES 0F 'VigRE, p11E b-OUWaEsIO 1N ttoning ni>' stimîcre thanks ta the 1imuise- bLtltsone,othe Ccîîtles of ycrc, Pl'e anmd Ontriro, for lte many i> sor.t ceuterreri upouu te turing pmitcrtr, 1 igîttut comae before yen poIielittg yotmr fiirtlior support aud confidence ln tht frtiure. Itl over ho ns>'dut>'te inI it at enngfi Aeuee yoîî bave ime clsearfuilu>'confltiet lu Me. Prompitude, euergy, nt the strlcto,,tattention te bueines, vwii ha lie nicens 1 atall toke te teserve iLs eontiuiiîuce. ALEX. THOMPSON, Jucticneer, HIait va>' Ioumc,Scarboro' iun. jeux MOSAn .................Clrent. Il T. îaoaoes ............... .Brougam. o. DÂWIS ............ ... .... Broo ina. ..cm]. :.. .....Whtby. J une 211h, 1800 27. Ail ordors-laft at Lhe Ch'rontcl. afle', vitera a Ragimîr of aIl salam euan ige.cmncum la re- galarl>' kept, shah beteensdéd te. P74008 9r. rangami, auJ ,deys fixot, wititeut lteé trembla cf soiug Mn. Titonpson. 8 TO LET. A W STORY Briok dwelingln Porr 'o t>'a . .DrtiEsqThralàstabling fer' Swo , iesu ad eac=bouse, came e largeoger- Jeu, 10 e'tesl sîSApril. Appi>' te R. E. FERRY, 5 WhitIsy. Wrnesl, &e, Acwhich be offers for Cash on1y, #t,,,Pres,,.which t cannoe be competéd *ith, eomprisimg in part, $ imiâ», FI1N-E YO1JING.IIYSON TEAS From .3s.,., Gunpowder-.Teas from 3s., best Coffees fresh groundva every mornlng, good 'Currants ,for, 3d.. per po 1 nd,. or1 221bs. for msest $1, good M. R. Raisins for 721d, perpound, bright Musco'vado Ae Sugar for. 5d. per pouncif or î3lbs. for $1. ime A LARGE -SUPPLYIN HAL-BIARRELS mra ufemme A large uatity of p ie Whiskey fromthe Celebrated, Distille- ries.of Walet, Maefklin, Thomas n odram, wieh wllb Ris stock of Brandies,1 Rums, Gins, Wines, &c., 15very complete and will be sold at Montreal prices. He would cali particular attention to his scotch a"d - w1aU Ff M8key'8 A quantity of Window Glass of the following sizes 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 12 by 18, 32 by 44. Which can be bought at a bargain a8 the subscriber is giving up that brandli of business. -o- Will receive the First Week in April, b is importation of Fresh Field Seeds, consisting of Clover, Timothy, Turnip, Carrot, Man- goldwurzel, &c. &c. Now on hand a large supply of Garden Seeds -c- D 9 1Dlm Will shew the l5th of April, a complote assortment of Staple Dry Goods. T. IL. MCMJLJJAN.: P. S. On ail accounts over due, interest will be cÊrelath rate of ten per cent. 9 ~reda h DONOVAN, WALKEY & Co$' PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKERS, AND MANUFACTURERS 0FP BROUK STREE T, WIIITBY. 07: OPPOSITE TIIE TOWN HIALL. -Jý Anl of the above work executed with neatness and despatch. Alwork werrentcd. Celiand sec specimens. Rememl'er th6eaddreeu. 43 DONOVAN, WALKEY & o cèf2~ E-I 1861. FÂLL 1I MPORTÂTIOINS. 1861'0 JOEL BIGELOW D ESIJIES toeluiîitete suisueCîtotonier-. entdte pîslie,ilIant liec3ba maile iuinore the inauauly iiccay uunipratuuue-uu aitioipîîtioîî of alarge Iraeeil titic mniera Lhînîan i'god itiiiu. lIiteniiug ptirciuisiomawill iuinscerîtminiuo hie stock, eud be eouviuued Liie liste aeuliunMent la mpliîtically "THE PEOPLES' CHE&P CASHE STORE," -Ç TVie following Goode eoro wortlîy of flic epelal attention of inîleîding pur- chasera a Drae Gocils, Rab Rap end ather Checks, Prined Cashmïeres, Ceitoarge tnamli coleurs: A large lat ef Canadian Tweeds, white and red Flannels, prunled mue t srtped Siturtiagm, at a itargatim Tapestry aud Twe ply Carpets. A la-ge lot of Druggeting, 1Iiemp Carpats, &e. Ladies' Feit lRaIs, ln gnons variaI>'; losien>'. Ladies' and GeetlemCm', Lfloves, Fur Caps aut Gantîcs. ]La. dîes' Victeninesi, Cureâ, Mita, &c. Teàs, Segars, Tobacces, tn great varltaiat a bargain. Dalla. lo Rotas. Ladiea'. Misqses' mnd Chllslren9m Boste ndSluea. Genlieman'mIs ndta Ruthar and Buffloielined Ovar-Sitqa aa bargacue. Sciteol Books,-Blmnk Books, tmclmdlng a genelral stLo araa. lieneny, at Pebllitber's Pricas. Gonîla et 1Iiu;esetablishen iot narked lnl plain figuras, nt tIse levetsCASH price, fret vitiolino devîition viii t a o. go- REMEMBER TuIE ADDRESS, 46 TUE PEOPLES' CUEAP CASH STOMRE,"y JOEL BIGELOW,- Whiîby, Nov. 15, 1860. Diitas Stroît, Wiiîy. r.0o'renier hoe has reinovec]tIisto liiw Store, on Dîsudas Street, opposite, Bicck's Albionri tItel. 1 CLOWES & POWELL Nos. I1& 2, NcPherslon'sB lock, BROCK STREET,. WHTllBY.-, Are in receipt of a quantity Ameërican og~c sib1e for tii. sea"", v=*z. Denime, Drille, 'Satiue'tts, Doeikins, Caesi- meres, Devon Konticello, Oliftou Sheppaxd and Wash- ington Checks, 3eanes Se0' se6 g, &c GENTS RATS IN VARJOUS STYLES AT LOW PRICES. The. largeet stock ever hold'in ,tii.Oounty. LoWES &. POWELL WouId emnd har muus frieandmd cuatoreo, tha having cingageda flratýclasa Taller and Cuttor thay ara preparçata a'xacttae rdara in thte Tailoring Lino with neettileas and despateit. LOWES & POWELL pier Que>'t Pha Dr oeîiii ea atLis, oraU3iUs»of ex Il nr 1 U, mea~~the>xcre:. habit& ai Ames & Somn, lu rder to 1aLt>' ltha mcm àal as tle-themnarits of Ibisi intrmat i Ltaniselves thast lu an>' lataewlere' iy prevoe ntolfeer> ater a fefrtrial ana>'y wll te refuunded, yrtnn h nent in gecd order. b>rtung e rsons lu auy part cf thse WonId nisy',besue Il>' trentedb>' forwar..fng a ecrigt elotail BIrcý cae itt arenitunce for Medlclusm Idreias Dr. Anice & Son, corner oet jmau $treot*. l3utîtic. N V rmix Pire Aesuranc Co. ID evuILXxiAND OUÀxrecEu Lue J GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & 00., NSURNCES Aganta for Canada. egairiet L<>SES b>' YIEEnd I ffectcd "vu the moict faio a'ter . su# tnd LOSSFS pald witlîenit refarenroteh eadI London. ncteteHorai Abent, fontye 0 ntarlo. Wlîîtby, Ang 10, 1859, Sheériff's Salé of Lande. CountvOf Ontario, Saturda>, tlis 27th W' Wit l~day of' April, 4 180, t tola eelck nomwill Id bPlîbie Ai lotion, et sn' ofe, ittIseCours lnume, iriaeTowu or li.,h4#t5e, and ititerest whiols i ta nndermnentxoned Jen dents, ever'ItY P6aams i; t e udernlnenuoa Inndo%, arid toueiciite th"ereon, seiïed b>' me In- der encilmy virtu o f certain Write 00: Fi Fcle terne directed, _vtzc Iun teCouîîty Court. Stephen Groxe, pluiniff, vi. tae *Wf Steens 11111 Comrpany, detonîlents. In tise Court of Quoco'iBoîtai. Joli VandaI Ilsun, plaintif; vs. lte iWmttby $tcem bMili Coipuy, daféndnts. ý In the Conrt'ou Qucen'. Brneh. Carlton Lyndo and John namn Ferry, Plain.- titi, va. the Whitby Sîcans Mill Company', de-, fondants. In te ll,'unty Court. Carlton Lyride ond Riron1 Posti, plaintift; Ys. te Wiutby Ste,.rn Mill Company, defcn":àtâ. In ta Court, of CommoPnrî. Nioholas Wooil Brown, Riren Post, an4c-aj, tor i ynde, pLIVAiiffit, vs.thea whitby qffý Mill Compssuyj dofmndemîte. AUl and i sligila.' that certain p.srl 'or ~~a qf lanid aud premisos sitn'tte. Iy U nd coig Oni. i nwthiPov it i0nLaoiCont>' c. Onro. iomi ar Ltii rnvio 0f dalîccizi, bin am seoned c tcterof ot No e ntyslx iil of secoýnd oieonnddsLiesdo wn lùtp et madebykJohn tSîîd dc*s.runviuthrf matve b' oimm asilt ar, Eiq.,Provielel ten Suvyrc lg tka nberj youenstywo niBoc treet, ain taeTown of Whit>', un la tIse ieurt afComon me ic RobOrt Jevue,, pliitiZ ve. Aun Jeyaes, Adsilandart ;xJelias,da<enGant. Tie Soutb-helt eut NorSIu-east 3narter cf Lot Nutuber Six, in te Tîcird concescion cf te iTovnîihip0ofliagueit, binte Conty.cf Ontario. NELSON G. EEYNOLQ, Shoriff's Office, 1 Per'C. Wôurse WhltbyJeu. 28,ý1861 OU~R MUSICAL"FLTEND. CknUphMUSICALFRIEND"'lnaRare Cein J.F ,poumon tortue Waîîtar i. 1ouLIsm, EvoryPinist, $I Site-tprýocure-titIslvcekly Ever>' Singerc Publication et VOcansu Evar>' Telier, IPiano Forte 111amile ofiL- EVan'PpiIiug but 1W CENTS: à Ever'Aatu nunhebr, anit prcnonued B>'te antIra Pros, cf ta éCountry,-tLebe "THE BEST AND CHEÂPEST WORK 07 TUE XIND iN THE WORLD."1 Twaliofsllî-mIaed Pages cf Vocmi and PimaFor&,, M&uala for 10 ceuls. YearIy, $5; HIalt-yeary,P..sa; Qeerter>', 81.25. Subset Le'lotir Mnsiai Prient," o or are it fremInbit oareet admaler, and ,von-viii hava MuAie nogfo orel ar)atu l oinfiat ent; 4le on > vant MUOWto c tha Fifie, Violin. Coriite, Clrinot, Ae6ydiati, Coutamnlng 12 pagees, eesing nul>' 10 Cenits a Number; Yearlv 02.50; AUl Ibo Baok Numbers nl 10 ai., andBo a Volutuns, comtiuing 17 umborm, et mIaa aenuîhentl>' on liant. IW'Agoiite atLet for Il- esq plblica"eso. C, P. SETMoIJR & GO., O 1ù7 NassaiSt, New Yark Valuable ]Parme for Baie. L oTs Nosî. 1 1et1s'luiLt eo*s'sblp ofWhit- Eust and wMt WhItby. On' Iho 9', imar rn thcoa re 0'aëcrsof Woodsa and -outtieotIso 6 acres-;theSinte àminder otthi lentdami bâtis tearnis lauteêr4te ti#IiestaLe cf culitvIitmp aud tera eogoodbul<l4u-p,;alrg, hd and aut-heuiýs ou toth ; lfne yuIîng artels- arts sud, w'ator pri vilegas netS-Sasrpes ed. On the premiIees or te S, B. FAIRBANKuSî7-_q". Blritish Aumaeiea sUrance CeMPlâtlW' mont of UppecdarC ...4¶ PeinlFil -Irputrautiefitdi onmt ulinlana timetir conteÇats. EveryInlnatiomn, sppliet on &P p1ýaL(ônou Le h ntcuolingua4 Mtsrine UlsIe, fer the géàon.er' ifT1 t- Travelinmg Agent, Byroni Street, Wtié1by -~ i ~ - - --~ F <1 -<J TC moLi cem ci paru t>'n Brea Lau ' unders ieI F9pt ATI

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