Whitby Chronicle, 28 Mar 1861, p. 4

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JAMES H. GERRIE Coiai 011 wudLa p -Burning P1uid.& Lanpu, lîcaper han thlea uis o beught )zl>"here elwa.- Oel and exantie butor. gelng te Toroni- KîtwAhui ani a'rlôr Lampi, flat.p mad Chain llmiglni Ljiiip.~ti rcp*.pîdt bl JAMES H., OEftfIE Dmug and hBook Store. Whltbl, Oct. 3t, 1800. 41-4w WOLUn oh Cthe Red POUt and Mlortier. CLERK'IS OFFICE. LEGISLATIVI3 ASSEMI'LY. Quebec, 'Pe., 25, 1861, T I l ie for mceulngletitliîî ton Privai, 1111h milî expire oit tfiturdiay, te StI de>' of April, ue ioi eudciglît linidrod and mlx- y.uiuc. WM. B. LTNDSAY, * Clark Amcmbiy. OFFICE FOIl lItE ISSUE 0P MAItI1IAGE LIOENSES AT T1E C> POST OFFICE, WHITY. A. Mol'IEUION, 45 Agoni. NEW JEWELLERY. ENGLSII& 5IERICÂN Broaches, Lookets, aws.0 &ce SiIver Plated Forý<, Spools, &C., F1NÇ G'ý?LD WEDDIIýG/ RINGS. SJPrCTACLEI Ce FTIT ail SIGHTS AlIERICAN CLIHCKS 0F T11E BEST QUALITY, AT Engts &Swiss Watehes. JAMES JOUNSTO,, FAIRBANKS & MKACDONELL WENERAL AQENTu, Commission Morchants & Auctioncers, Bll(oK STICeL, WiIITBY, C. W. (Opliorite ifegîsir>'Office.) AIMtl 'îiîcodto attend uSales in ail parts cf Athe Cuuuutry.Jr 1. .ADOEL L. FAIRBlANKS,Jr 1)0.MCOEL ItE~ElENC.uS-zBirillinu, Esq.,Judge. Ctî'Ity Onutariou; "Nu.is.I zlu, FmiuiWltby>' hi.J.!deduuuiî Ii,.,Muayor OfetWhltby;J, k14. ;ua;uuil~i iluer Ontario Ilanh - 1) F. Biurkue, l ôuni Uaitwii; J. lliîlop, Eq., ôb 5W. Shoriff>s 8ale of Lanfda. Ceunîr of Ontarnio, fi N tluttirniîcy, tho Thili- 'Pil'; Ç1t . 0utlu tdaY t Mercis, A.1. 1801, i 12 o'tlnck. lionus%, will bc su,Idy I'eihlo Auîellois ut unr Oigea lauthli, Court linus'e flu tiseTow ioÏ%Vltil)by, tha nîglit, (iiei . i tirait îuhiil the l iiuilrmu1thoîiad lefodanis saerrill>' iuîos in tClii nderîîîeuîiloîsud laids, ad tiueî»tu tioIroiui, seixocl b>'main tdar mut] b>' vîtues et ertiuln Writs oet PirIFaca., lealte Court et Qucns lo nes, Elatiir r o~liihfva. John Goutike, Petvitilniit. Lotss 40, 4 i ail 42, 1 l slîrekîn Front conces- sion, Tuwulihl1, of Rama'îccontainîj 85 mri. 11l1 te Coiuit>'Court. .>ainus Wallutca, Phtltilis. John Grcer, De- Ail <hie $ahd deontîait'i, rîghîl, lCheand Intur. cal,in tlitat part ef this S- 0 oto27 lnCisc lst reoqsinui erthe Toiwnshot WofliIti,>, kixea sipos Johna Slieirti, plan ol'tle manie, ast Tuwn Lauss1i un 2 in Bkick "i()," cf te Tewnsot 'Whstby. eoitcutlitg hy a&diteaaiurcist.it P-BiLa or an acere, tmore or buts. NELSON G. li«'NOLDS, aicneilt, 0. o. alietir offcl'en C. Noure, Witiby, ice. 21, 1860. 6 0 TOY BOOKS FOR CHRIISTMAS PRESENTS, .Aè TME YANKEE NOTION 9TÃ"RE. 'fO Y ïs 1TOYSI1.TOYS!1 B ANTA CLAUS 10 COMIuNG 1 a CAMESJUST EIiCEIVED. AI tise YANKEE NOTION STORE. Thbe Woîxsun in White, o>' Wilkle oluîn, At tse YANKEE NOTION STOIX ViolIno, Flut.ts& Aooordeane à sisw lut Jiiet Receoved at Chue YANKCEE NOTION STORE. .ii.20 ThsOmr n *Il othor - ty 1fr, -on the. 7u 2;bi ow., AUJatbscs preniptl>' OettIle wlbout de- deion or âdiaeoui:at, and wlthosit r.Iereioe h TIse large Capital aid judielons imanaigemtaa ofta Censay lusures tise nost perlectufety, LIFE DEPARTMENT9 Lanrgeu.C paxilcipation of Profits consistent widi~~~ _a'tubedson>,anid overy baisâen) ci c I il u C. el" et fLite Asurnce afforded -j iti for New 1'llces #alonc lsx meuicibj Incme lit tuitir lxiiig'icore l surh4ueyor lu e' t Exlulblitng an loiseasse li oi er alose oi £8010001 , Almnaneeg, countn flieuse Calejsdaro, wtJhî ample Jetails e , Ciii UOiiîpa"soertlons, aîîd ever>' nccessary 1librsîîaigtl tg3ulaid et tise oflie of JOUN AGNEWt Agent for Town s o? lbi. Wlîitb>, Feh..u, 1860. House and.Ram -for- Sale. BJouE etIs 40 acres âotoh20 Brokon Prett WhFIlCb ltbyCIte h Brick -fl f llîs 1# sud Boris hereonl, gt«leseut ocegîpiedty l d- fre>' Cook. 1'ousuesuooio inia>' l'eispJoni tiselut Aprîl, ..'qply to GREENS à HÂWKINS,, Terouto. NfOTICE TO THE PUIBMQC MAILS FOR EXGLAN D. 1111i E "'Inter de4pati5hi of tIte Canadlan Mfails Ifor Eutrope b> h('afi adcian Cicoati Mill steameors, sallng vey, Sâturday frein -Pott- land for Don.>' and LîveriiecI, aHI C.cas fol- Iows : Prom L>ndon C0.W B>' Tirday 1k00a Trai Prom Iiaiilt'sn, If> Thnrsdat> Evctiing Train Eicachisii Froin Torunto j Portlang 13y Frld'cy uorciuugi Trait. Satnrdoy, Froin KI iwio i, et 1, 1'. >M. B >' rîda>' AtteiseejiTraiis Tié Qecan Prom M otîtreci, Steamer yl B> ""I ' a TeloFrl.la> sal frein Ngî,aerarrivai of 1'ortiand i,- Toý£ro1'týîtt ina>' bliung incdlsfely Trai. aller suriraI Prom Quoee, tliloiïiceal #ypri.y X' Vciiiiia Train 'Tniiu connoctlsg aitHiehînnsJ wîthu Slpecul Train (rom Montroal. Thse honr et whlcli Cicte Mail» vili hac loied at cach City', will CWc otif- t he'CIcPostnu.s tors. SIDNEY SMITH, 1'ostuiasher Generis]. Peut 011oflieCpitrtinuînt, 44'1('! ç,DcC. l, 1800, 48 DU YOU IANT 8TOYES GO TO, G. ROBSON'S EXAMINE 1181 ST. LAWRENCE FOR! $28 TUIE RING $25 THE PROTECTIONIST (original) $28, TWO SIZES, TE SYLVAN WITCHI, GOLDEN FLEECE, VIOLA, THEBAN, -: rchcaers for cash aHI do wadI ho lore goinzclu'cwlsore. Ne honse LIVERY STABLE ATTACH1ED, Andcreorythiîîitgo i.ouducied lictIse bout stylo Herues and Carrnages AtoaIl heurs teo eder. AGRIWULTURA.L IMPLE1ýlENTS. G.11.I.fi gent for sale <of Pattersonoloi & BroCi- cru Àgiilua ipetetse leîsid11 aidhipeaeteiehealcdu. GEO. ROBSON, Brock Street, 40 wblîby. British Anierles Assurance Company, TNCOICIOICATEI, îndor mn AofethCIteIlsrd 8000o01,eOf et CiscEhurcth Pnrvincial PrnC matent 1pper Cauada. CAPITAL £400,000. In-suraice eee.! on Buildings and hoir ounteuts. Ever>'iliîoritiois upplled onapi plilatiauti Ci tu etlrioigid.- -- . Msariiie tik . for the Seeson or for Parts. JOHN AGNEW, Travellhing Agent, Ilyvresi"t tt, Whtltby, COMPET TON Tf 111h SUI3SCRIER '15 PIIEPARED To mj. sIail l<iids or wer n li* islino or' bîsi- nets ch7 or hai an>' allr ierstabllîhfient eh lise km] frnBreokli, ani susi*uork SImis np unden hi& eauxlistruction, 1t cani-e war.- îmnted wg0 o atmfeton.Frehmpuiesstise tcîlowing pnbccs wil sApaak: Mens', Ware. Bemt Prenoli CaîfItSts .. ..4 té "Cea îîide."................... 21' ~t 3~e5 oots.......... '6 Bogius...................... - Liadies' Ware Beioat jo..:~~ C'eîmou Boots...........1 50 and SUi otier articles lu- thhaabove n ocr- rcspoud aux prioe..-h rokldin, M arshl 15<0. 1,08 t GIIEAT BSALE 0F B1ANKRUPI3'STOCK! o- ,Stoves, Stovels AT A. ILO0G AN'S, Fulleet. 0141 elitbblishiuioiit, Brook Cli. Wliby. Apple Pairera at Lo®rn~s Ihlfuulsiel Mousures §ut Lo)garl. Grain Scoops et Logît', Tii wcrc of evacry cksoriptieuit Store.pipes &o., &c., litact evel.,ilaug h Lte store id tinilinoeut Logtî's. Co ' lhPis*d- sheot Cepper for sale. islfer Itugà cite Shioeîui4ii.. AA»gLOGAN. ýWliltby, Mct. 24, 1860. 40 The Oelebrated .Garmftn 0111 RI ouadii of testitmuna as te the eFtl of tlâli ivuluabile rem dy, tlw fol- lowl%MCbeve boeiiî slcced: Il1 have 1uscd vour oil th lie l'lsx yearm, !nl uni setisilud tiî< it lsu ui'q un, ll or luej 11ii j cuts, anîd citzi, froet-bitc*.. It " LflciiCy l cq uuily grcat tîj'.itd tu iit.. or bl*. .17 A. Kyowi 1*4, Eq , ]Pickering, Fub. 12, 1861, "Ini jubtico te yen, und U14 a lut>' 1 owi, thi publie, 1 iti li .k t rr lit to recînîna.uii your uiielruteil 44ulrinon 01. CL iu1hgirl gon se- vôruly 'itullicil, ?,0 tiiieii sol iliuut lie'r r.cnvcry was wLii blf:îI, but îîfter the frtîplîîiîiof yourt)l,lt, gu i iinîdiatc rli auîud woritito a gelifle 0sluiicr i PWO ipdPietiotubruiujcu:ed, cured ber c.iijdctciy, agis ACle lo1w ci ite MATTIIEW MWALLOIN, Jr. ]Pickerinîg, Jaiîuîîry 17, 1bo1. à& 1 et irouit bittii,, laid wca tuld tpWl@,:îisru u 1î 011 ; r4 tuniuîg dùiu iii>,1 ,isvue.I bl, utlî iruat tocs.' W.TIOMI'SON. "J sîft, rcd (roua îîi ,td rntîiigsore, (or two yeurs wiîl'î'iiiîtuuuî~~i 1 wits iiliud tu try yoUur nuluuraed oil, uîid utiUL nw £eupleîe 61 DEzU in a oîîr il hl îbeu'n tie macins el baviigth. Jietnfiy Jltte , lLLÂS One of te iftirt motical mon luithie CouLtj wrltei6. yotir jumtIy colobrueoa(uneru Cii deserves to ce kuowîu., t hîîsot lî>ooie a bîeiciyg Cipn- kund. -I1have useu.lil i thecure ut 4mitui, brui- xep,~ frost bites, &c., alliîl clou> eni sre, or loisg standing :k lis neverfeuîedtu cffoct a er.1 'ro be lied oi G.A. DANNISTEiI, 1Èrock Street, And et 141l the principal plaei.s ot bupiios Ir t u a lî 'u ' ee . t .aualeFws:for Sale. T OTS Ntî'. 17,& is jus halowiuulip of Wiit, b84lv-tlie torissîr coiuuiiiiuug h90ireit.i thel latter tO7,* acres situtated i tîVie illpce Fast and West «'iihtb>'. Oun the 90 mec aris tIseeare 10 acres t fwoots, aciiistheii.aCier 5S-acres; <lhe ruuîsuiuîorqfhftise land onuit bh tenusle uuider Cscihliï4tate o ut iitioui, aid <liane arc goodiildi I a, cellorago, sheds au&dcrut-isuiseton'botnC I.; do fine >-iug onu],- ards ais] wcter priritgis -net tu be iurpua cd. Ternis ibarciP-A 1 or- - or WoS,Bl. FARBANI8 hcq., É. .1.'WILSLIN, Esq., WIite'. or Wi R. T1EMAYNE, Esq., Withy. BLIuse enececd wIlh CIsc PUBLIC »* É!eP RTMENTS. - athended ho. Aise. Lsoeurd Is>'ties ibsrlbar. Addrsas propsld Nc.i2i,' Anise Stt0t' Quebec, Mrb~t,1<.9 Thue.FYom Pt hoê1ôAjii f 1hqqspuy 1 tàe boutrléd la4thc Issportantespouts, '., 0 1UttMerQc1r 9it, Op.,gstiesid,fàtvne'îiffectedfti Aéabuce ounlii, Lie, 0 2«h Msroh i i'1*,ç A~I4J Pigimin ot£7 li8 Ud. lie O t6> i~oe'1'o44 he TII felowug 1sc vii lntat h o bcîdfits of Auuruee, lisar! ý eewîSropuP!loularly ho P'articipationî li lis Prolit 0f hu(1114 i> :- On 2îîd septenuber, 1859, Idid ioe, lsavitig ig cctéiI ù, uruce- on ils -....1ck iw 1tsesu paid.. ... ........... h7O0 On Bi Aase,1ee,.~. dhdeg~d 44,Ilavin iig eufcàte d iÃŽ ssu on In 1849, fer ................... , ui c nlsLle Mddicr cr cukedýsythse Lieiîlaus , ethe, Prft..........70O ilckiîig Clip uiin eid .. ................ ..... Mfan>"ga>eau, examplt iusîlit bo quwod, btit thueaboyeums aîetrc sifficient Ce ilînstrate tie perfoect aai sttuoactor>'iturooft au Aeisraue P roo'mlii fr6tii'tlici dt tîs"ié>jii BX Order tof tIse Dlrecters. j JAMES. OrDICKubZda ' Agent tv~ Whitby. MKNII&S T E R WKEIOU eý iiedthe Store"Ilteiy erected at' DRY 40 DS, a choiee assortrnent for Winter. CLOHIN ,-4Ove-cotsUnder-coats,,,ICSts, Pants, a4il styles.- GxROCERIES,-A fresh anîd complete assortment for -faril y1 CROCKERY,-Direct froîn the inanufacturers, Stafford.- shire, E ngland. ALJ KINDS, 0F PlIODUCE TAKýEN.ý IAMLTON ,4 ROBERTS, 1?ALL & WINTER.DYGOS Would nnouixc tohis. customers andithe pUblic, that, bis Stock is now most complete in Mandies, Furs, llosiery and Gloves,,Priints, ,Fitctory Cottons, StipSirhiting, Cotton Warp, Carpets, )uarâak, &o., Bro1 dcIoJCsi mer£-$, Canadiaîî Tweeds, Full-Clotho, Satinette, &,-G whiuli lie purchased per. sorally ini the J3îitiz 'h and French iMairkets, andI wliclî he is deternined to sell at a smaladvance on the Sterling COST F011. ASIL le woul -1eaU sope- cil attention to bis extensive stouek of1 LD- READY-MADE CLOTHING. --j Being made up on the premises- -the Fit and Workmanshil, rnay ba depinded on. 1,000 Mensanmd Boys Top and lBody Conta. 3,000 Mens and Jloyis Vesto. 1,500 M1enB and Boys liairii of l'ants, of every pricie andI A. reah Stock of Toas, Sugare, alxd Tobaccos, &o., juast received WÀNTED. 1,000 FERKIYNS OP4 GOOD 1'ACKED BUTTER FOR W111011 T11E RG10 PIE W1L4L BE PAID. BU LL BIEFORIE PUIUUASINU iELIIfUE IfEMEMIBEIt B. 0., 1'ERIIY'S BRICK BUILD[NGS, WurmTB. Wliitby, November 7, 1860. 42 I>BO io pnounce te his nuinei%..i friends and cueftomers hat bc is now icrryiiîg 1>G t on bis extensive business et CAR 1 A G ]E MA KIN G IN ALL IlS BRANCHES, On thse new promises lâtely erected by hlm on il rock Street, the largest..and nsost cdm-ý plot. cstablishmeunt ini the Province, where lie is prejîcreti, as licrotoforc, te execute ail orders eiîtrsted te hil care. CAURIAGE S, B1GGIi$,SLEIGIIS, CUYT E RS, &,C., g'arniUfeUe ua oat, the Lowest remunorahlug Pricen. ALL WOILJ WARRANTEI) .,rUifBpn and 1'JDW TQl' 'KEKLVEXIIN lit 31Ah'KLT rRICE.sb D. PORD'8 long experionce efthtbrty ),cars in the principal Mlaiiulaet 'omies of thie States and Canada bas given that experience in oery ln'aiscli of the businecss wblch few have _been ale tw arrive ai, qnd fqr.,euty of deeiizî, elegastce of finiush, durability, and solidity of workmanship, lit *woskvatnot bu excelîed. r.0 alI sud son Speciniens. TIIFNEW ESTABLISIIMENiNEAR 111E IIANK. Wlitby, sept. 4, 1890. BLOND IN., 0tIU~ B' gOVI> 0 ioe.Thèy*i hude tse tlowi[ig new- 7=1 NIN& F TOigp -THE PRINCE -AL BERI, MRON DLTKE, i.oeiu aiuu ltA>iuiittiC r. 62 Bnock Strco4,,Whitby. TO THE INHABITAKTS Ibhiiîusàqof' Çbe Colilities of York, Peel, end Olitario, for-Che maiîy fetors çQîfrredîipou. nme durinîg ppty"cairs, giiohe.or>o .ulctîg>osir ftierpor t ', ald cousfldcD'eo in thefitîo 1tw ~c bemy dut>' toelierit Chat cent,- ilelèe 'mît bave 9se0elicerfiilly Ct'nfided! !ü nie. prosînpfitudotýenrgY, ana Che ,ttrictest.tfnUqs,. te0 biuiness, viE 'bt the nilàîi s halfake te *ALEX. TIIOMPE301,A iiWÛîeu, mit.-owrf VMB ....... .......... rmont. ". , Rsi. ............... Brouhi. ".cew.............. .. by Alil orderui loft et the CkrOA1cl. offie ',,ylere "Um ,J;pt-8s1àll tte .tô ,ens ar. thse saine tetofl u ndersym =z (o 1Clîen1 fst of Appl, i61, ln eor Idb e*,jYdéi., t* i8ltiihtIe Estate ~1peuuI JNO. SPURRILL,n Adminîs rater. iWiuutb>', March lot, 1861. 8t Yo1J bwNd Mt i.w 'iJiéy> ý or4u1ci oienBi ns i.' -jSuar fort(1 ipoUnâ1 ires -Wal, alnh 1 I cr B #1-'i i - f E Ries ofSt-Wk MacIininhma s, &c., ~$aafwi hîicomlote aI' soda--;P " an d #iI .E 1 8 1d t on treal p rîù es - l e 1io ul dc l p a d u r A quîiàtity of Winiow Olass of th e foÃŽl oWi;szs'0b 1,T by 14,12 byu18- 32 by- 44. XVhich* can be ýought at a baran Will ifeCeive 1c First Week in April, his importation of Èresh Field Soeds, cons isting, of Clover, rTijîntlîy Turîîip, Carrot, -Man- goldwurzc-ýl, &C. Nciw on hand a large shîpply of Gardc'î Soeds Wil shew the l5th of April, a complote tLsgdrtmeîît of Staple DPry Goods& T. 11. MICMILLIAN. P. S.,On ail accoulîts over due, interest îvill bceffharcd at the rate of teîî per cent. 9 DONOVAN'WLE&Co PRACTICAL CAUP.IAGE M.iKERS, ANI) MANUFAdTURERS OP BROUK STREET, WHITBY. fl,0OI>IOSITE T1IIE TOWVN 1hALL. -M9 AU of tbeiabove work executcd with ueatness and dospatch. .AU ivork wàlîrt:uted. Cal! anîd sce âalsciuuienis. Iterncuiebr flic addr:uo. 43 DONOVAN, WALKEY & Ce CrD 'i E-i 1>8<3. FALL IMPORTATIONS. 18631. JOEL BIGTELOW D Mllhh.S to ulffiu uet, C, Iiii 'uuîtcuuîaî ' uuud the puiblic.î(îuthu le lifuteuuu1iI hittuluu jîtrulusuiu il plcaec ctautiîue Iiït îok, aiu and cuviu d Ch lui,.eîtlhuhuu, ipi llaticaily 'i "THRE PEOPLES' CHIEAP CASH STORE," . Tlue. fuliowitig (iudiarc wurtluy ofthte ipteçýal asicuhon oftititeuudisug jour- :eliuitera: Drcîs Goudi, IRob Roy sud otiser Chtecks, Printed Ctuîltmencs, Cob ourgsiail clouni. A large lot of Cutndiau Tweeds, whîite ani4red Fluiciti, prntid and striped Shurtitigg a u a bargniit IJ'peîCry and Two ply Carpes:. A lIaýguc orcfDrug;Ictigt leîtp Cibrbeto, o&a. Ladies' Fait Ilais, lit great vîtieiy ; liiury. Ladies' andîtd lent (it lorca, Fur Cap@ tidi.! Gutunttî. Lua. dieu' Victorittes, Cutrç, 3lits, &c. Tes., Sugars, Tobaiccaâ, it great vuiitîhi, iau bargaiuu. Iufl't. AIo 1gobels. Laies9, Missîes' sand ChIsdren's Boots sand Shocal. (iiemeu's JuiladisItbber anid IBuffalo hincul Over.Shecs it a BçhluBoo3ks, flanck IBooksiltsu jing n geuruil stock 01, Cli. tlonéry, at Publlsher's Prices. (olouet ulule estulli,.li.uieiit iiiurkuud iniplaitiullurut tbu<la i c CSh! loricu, frouu ici ui uiti :t wilh bchauicl. rlLrUEMM:i II1E ADlmESS, 66 "11E PEUPLES' CIIEAP CAIISTOE, JOEL BIGELOWV, lýJriwenoiiber iie Isu ruinoea ii his lstw Store, hi u ltndas $tr-ceC, cpuute WWS & POWELL Nos. i ê 2, lllePherson's ýBlock BROK STILEET, WHITBSY. menti, prve utâ the propu iehv l Cplue, i t Utthe ymsteni, diàla1ustI4urwarruge, socitt, bu- a lc a ud iail etirtl4yinsppiiblww, -Aoc loutes Cie snifer,-r ;wfruuoked Ci boJy sad iitid pre- dlipceed W eciusuînptioiî and al trslli.ofCIevila luesut e h odr(-elcd thma îdeîtl t1>lk À XUIT Ç ST 58551~C INVENTIvOX. tDr. Azis pi Son akhip1ealtre ILi&mîmc Chat Qc lue ilsietia, iii .. IL ui it lu- struilntior the (liror illt~e îliVO Ii ocs. ,Iî h"u bU(its ubjeotlt o a tat-àiby te usocieuliîeaî Rl>sct U.ls adoîî l'Uria lbtluis ehtad RI w Y r ,it luu ,§ Lch o % d's1tise oshy nactul iualruine1i t oyer iici'Osled fër tCII cnre ofSe(Iniia îkioil), iydiliocéUr et tIe gçetii uriit, caîseud bu' the, kscrut isabits of yu Cth. ,'i .yltal or oer~s r..Aiuos & 'Sols i ii rder ho satisI$' the nio.t s;iciniuts M tIse oferts cf iisoistruinenî PICedg0 theinueves huietliany>' ltanlea-wlere it unîty >' MVo Uisatiifauutory eltcr a lair trial thue msincy~ will bc rc risîa7dod by' rutasung lte Iiistruîutliutiui goed order. Co UNTICY INVALsDS. Poneautîs la ui>'partof ite orl y a'ha ste ecîtahll>'treute _' furwisrUuga correcet4oà eotChairécase,-witi cruiiuit>cfor Medicinux. A.ddreucs ýDr.Auieu. & 51>41, ooniercet Maiiand Qucy Streoluo. Ilui dl..N ' Y Phonix E're A suranjce -Co.- ËSTABI ISIIED. IN '1782. GILLESPfE, MOFFÂT k 00., 'X$URNC'E egeruet Aieuiutiî for Canada. Icicecd 'i lueîiuI.ICSSES b> FUIEaid %ru.see ltsrdinM , Lutlîduri..U j i 1*IV ,.WOODWARD, .leet, CAsu- t, 1859,.taie Shorif'is Sale of Lands. Ccuutm u('iuituri, I(\XSustirdaîy, Chc '>7th 'loWit; Ç0jday oft, A 1) 1 iai w4-h1i%-4 urlQuak 'ouun wilI besol blbioAutuin,,ii i.tr (licv.,;Ls the Court IIino, ii tic'iuuuu t 'u'lu tt hie riglht hi ucise Ctu s edirct ouL , ivit ltt t lic ic iiity Co 1m t eî il ;i Cl ui , phtji it . luftic C.uirtutlLioiu .s SteultiMiiiltliti,41uoî Iii Clie Cuisît ciplaiela titi, il Ma tnl o i dei ?urÇpa li1 tIsa C,'!iiitty Ci4 Carîwultti13tdo uikI lirusnc Fo*t, plIntift, va. ite Whithy St MIL511Cumipai, deteudacnts. 1lsChie Court <ifCoiniun ole.s tofet Lyuuido, pui'ifv.Cs WsîyN~ m11 <JCiulî'u.iy, diosdtm Alad iob..Cii.cîah îco rirse hilià,iwiîlu u l u iifl.t, Cui.Cy'0£ I.nuuro1 uttCiii.IElir r fLot N... Taeity-stx,ii tise eoiuiu oicteoiuior c tu said Towénitip-ci W Lutk- ,tais !deicriboduvis Ieu xro îilade by Julutu imirEs1.rovincialUt.! isigli siS Udeig<lI -vgl ci uï l lie Twj2iof Wiitb'y, ýtun L theIsc ucuni et Coiiuiîu, lMenus. oiliiiuitrugrx ut i'tilmutdu a. Amtcki Jamesi Luit Nutuchtur Sixj, liit's Turdooc.so tise Tuwllmlitip luiiece i,t. huCeint>' oit uarie. * NELSON (iG. REYKOLDS. pet C. Roi. O. i.?TU£ caldwels Bloekj Brook Stt, Wluo-rc-'ou wM illd-alarggo aiSurtéd iko Teas, Coffees, uasRt Melatios, .ynup Yiucgur. Scap. aid £ImsidJ.-, uc.d alcrgeSoé c iar. >ciwum &e. wicswIhosoid ua! ruoeprhoca.~ Wlifere purîius ela .40,iere. eer 48 -DuS. dALS TER &CY~I SUlgeons, Deathsu;, &ce, iRoomia over CM, arletonLneaSoe DU-NO;ASiSTItEEr, 'WflTBY. ,A~~' lu'rc~î~ f a quantity Amorican goods suitàble for the orai Season, viz: rla tietDokisCsi -si mores, Doen i à cello, Clifton Sheppaxd and Wash- uy1 NT,ýATS IN"VA]LOU$TYT,7rS -1w, PI AR. ui ! lj thse'i IiU~C M0i I~LU1jart SEE ~alexpi jj ~ g g ~ ~16rtf 0 kpOWELL oulia remund Iheir xxunrous friands aid cutoes., that of Ikvrgàgged a firet.cdus Tailor aid Otattr tbcy ara prepmred te eorocutoeores j~leu the Tailonit4g tille witl etcsat cpth fete LOWI-ù IW*U'Y i L..Y.j.J. eto Streel ci01 itibri Matrk. '%Vi ltt SLly ;or Iisî t- LWi u-tantl Merltcu GLEP drf.t WliCl LOI Geri ACil. I b C lEbIýO Ae s> I "uto tare showI 0 CuIynial Laleà AU tu copdnt prmp e rv 7<1- - 1 14,.Il

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