à Yýneh englis«. tiie Chevaler Dk con, (nvl.d batteres wIlb whtch ho, wu. DLARGE =ERIVE 11iM1i oein bc eonld capture the Rock. Ship't wereceut down and walled with timber, F 1 R E 0DE P ÀR T M E1"Ni> iiuge rafts vwon made otthebsane uolid ty, Ti ými ') Indeali'uctibl, by-fOre, llied.by ind and doMto frprty agngt MOPDm cork, andso arranged as tu bc kopt co. ÀZl>#,ot eioet 4remll .ttl$#lbotd utauly et~R~>I~ ndidesVt~UtObTO dntion or discourt, and wlhont roforandu te off theglaneIngsbot, and the latter moira-_Englanti. toM wltb bavy cannen,, wero relied upon Tl,,,large Cupltal and i jdlelons mnagement WItIl onfidenceby tlb. ausaant& - Afer ~~pry»ooîmspr aft nome heursflring, howevr,a raft on wh [chL IF E EPA 1RTM E-N T theincr.e of- Nasau wu iattlneclt tck, Larzeut »artlelatlerrci Prcdtso onatent, AM ,an~d the French engineer, who vwu on, uri WOuedJoerYnd c erybenufltom.- boad, porteivcd, thaï; bla urge. and' un,.by the Iteyai*ssrîreilre wlel1â umachine,- coerod "' I li bull cow Eoe.lpt.. for New Pollcies Aloue in six uronu h1d.. andi cx h ldiu,'ý'bigan te amrike, andic b pa .r soou mter the whoe le licolnd ideil; £900,000 STEMLIG 1 rab aandi batteries, vere burned or k'ok. Inceme frearm fl i ouroce. tli1868 ed to pleces. The raftsa'cculd net b. £285,889 .1 movred frou their places, and, bocanie the Exhibitlng an mcrease lioeYosr alon Ofc grareyards of thoir crcwo. Srrch wiii b. 2 ,86 the lto t.fhCharleuton rait ausoocc as It The- fonde ln bandi excocti la toeot, If il can bu, witlîin range of tire- £70090001, - bot &hot cf Fort Sumpter.- On selarge an Exlilbltlmiraun 1lua.Inu ene Yenr aJonc of objeci, every -shot viii tell. £0O &hnonne, conning l Ose Clentiars, wlth ampl dotils f te anpany!s opc-rations,tand Tue WAY re oPT WEALTJY-NoVer oer; rloccossry iufermation furulshed at the vas mono>' se soarce, everybedy say,andi IUo Yj1 o JË.NAG ,. everybody, we beliave, lo justifiot inlu nk. An frJ o n ofGNWiby lug th. remsrlc. Silver may be pientiful WhitbypcFb. 25, 1860. In bank, sold may b. abuindant et Fraser -______________ River, but neither cau b. pleketi up aleng tire strecta by men tee indolent te work;' or vomen toe extravagant te atudy -ccc-AN iiomy. - Tire>'will now discorn hat. , ~'Tis a vriy goond wcrld tIrat we live lu, B I IS I R]FYýTEWTS. To lenti, or te apenti, or te give in:u But te bog, er te berrow, ortc gel a man's ovu, L ON ARD SCOTT & CO., ~~ Wgis Iho ry vorst wcrlcl hat ever was YeRK, continue to pubiish the fellow. kncwp2' -iug leding British Periodicals, riz:-. The provcrb i; an old ono, butjwC.7 as appli. THE LONDOx QUÀILTeJ{y (Conscrvative.) cable Ceoour imes as those cf our ancestore.. 2. - Pcvorty han noî-uruch credit in bauk par.riuaEDIWBILU REVrzW (Whig.) lors, Clîough wcalth ix fraquontly ]es r- OR8.iIITS ME ORT BRTIS avizv (FraocOhnrcb.) lhable, unIess accompaniad b>' tonist prin. 4 ciplo. Tho only thing te bc dopendedd n WEBTMiNrsTER REvicw (Liboral.) upon lu tlicoday. la honest industry. Tha'is 11e best fineaiarl Institution. Il 8LACKWO'S EzNBsURtcP MAG.UZIN (Tory.) noverrfeus. .Aà tom iousuocssa nd frugali t>' are ithe .estbandners Tcy loaad. ft The pi-sent critical stateof iEuropeau somointrcat ani nver iahnor drft. affaira yvi1l rentier hose publications un-. dravu on thora by their hunibloat cuato- usua'll>' iuîcresting turing the fortllcoming mers. Thaî's ur opinion -cf the maCer.-. year. The>' viii eccupy a mitdle grounti betweon thre bastil> ritten nuowsj-item -An etYccîrral remedy for tbe diptheria io crude pectilinr and flying rumourso0'f Che dail>' Journal, and tho pendereus ni au quei mixture cf alt anti ashes in a ba. Toeeof thefuturre histerian, written after 1 dippetiInluot ic[near, anti appliadti C te eliving intcrest aud excitement,,cf the lirreal oveq tlfteen minutes. Tira Climat greatPoL iical onotg of tho tirue shallc have pass8ed away. t is te Chose Perle.In aise le b. gargieti with hot water d an C. dicals hat readers must look fer tbe cnly 0f carre pepper. Tis reatracut bas noyer intelligible -and reliable lîistory cf current 011 failti t efTct t ant radcaî our vents, anti as srch, in addition to tiroir ce]p faldt fta spoey 'n aial--uewll-stahlishcd literai-y, scientiflo, and the Viienever applieti. thcological ciraracter, vu ige thora upon chn tire consideration et tire reading publié. ant ' Durleighl'of tira Boston Journal, says:- h rcBt.fA ANR HET i-mteCnn But ritish publîsîrr gives additional valu ete CP -4 arn' informedati tiret rRirey bas ja the Reprints, itismuch as tlîey cen now hyt ecuapletd a star engagemeutl; hoe las con >< lnted 'rI 1!i bnde cf arrbscriber-sabout for1 tra'.ted te givo fifty lectures for $4,00,as 0 oiraýq L oinrinal oditions. anti*10000e ade as ecuplakat te TE1R,t. (Regular P.-ics.) binti the bargurin. *800 a lecture la uot For rrny onu of tho four Revicvs ... $3 00 80 bat inl those bard imes. For iny Cwo cf thea four Reviova- .5 00- ----- For aîry thi-ce of thu leur Reviews... 7 00 ' llAoD KreoCK.-.The colebi-atocl iron- Foi-ail four cf tire Reviair,-......8Q caseti-frigeto Wr lar itel>'laurîciliinl Foi- Bînckwood'a Magazine-.... 8oFl TVraioFor Blackwood and oee Rs-view-...5 0 Londion, la e bec aien te Sloobriryncas, Ce) For itlackwood nti two Reviws... 7 (>0 bo testeti viti WlÈitwortîî anti Aruissîreng Far Black woed aeuthrea ftcvicas. . 9 00 siti gunsof theiaorgoat calibre0, anti undr rer>' For Biackwood and tira four Boviews. 10<00 cei possible alrcumstance te which sho .voulti à r<ney curren t in the .&'ale ulocr6 ued oeqi b, subjected inl actueli battle. If hose trial. ilit e ee-ed at par. To PrOlve succesaful vith hia veà ïci, tire enire Cnde POSTAGVE. ct'F f Errglard will bc alttereti te mecl tire 'Gnd mail subscribor-. viii bc sup. 1-tv>' plied fi-e cof U. S. Postage. P1 1ev 'conditions of tnaval variai-o. MuRudCac s t, in ail casas, lbec c ta. rd-h ite Publrakiers, for at these n( di Ponti ToMay.'-..À latter fom, Japon - - commission cen bc allowod tc yenr the latcat dates receivati, Baya --c'Poor- Pi fil Cees., Cryy iy ail si 1 Oni va-it- hia kn kind. ses, fi stand Aui tire Il Fastail fairag iad ai Tairn Tomy l appoeti~ohiave moa nnuntimo- b> end.-- Tira Jepeneso Se>'lire tic']cfftiel!- rieur tremens (a nov American iutrouiue. liou) but vo ail boiiove bis Ireat lias lico onit off" Au IrishliPrinter uinov -eOi-laens once. pet]fi-cm thre mab-govenead autlicrities cf tbAt ait>' andtinoltho 'Official pa-aCca. tien-cf tho Britishr Consul, The oely charge egeinat lira vas tiretlio vas a Re- publcan. Tie Britishr Govomumant cen prcteel a Briti*l bei-n citizen cf the Unitedi Statui fa-cm Cie, fui-y cf Cha ime eai-s, but the Federai Goyermmnt la impoteut to pi-tcd iC fie. citizeus, anti ouly omnipo. etent Cc ara-est slaves. I u7ONARD SCOT'T k C0. f) r- 54, Cil, dtStreet, Nov York 117Y~ AN1r STOYE 8 GO TO G. RODSON;'S (.YNadtidoo- te tht Rua-ti-y ffie, ST. LAWRENCE FOR $28 TUE KING $25 TUE PROTECTIONIST (original) $28, TWO SIZEs, Aff NGETOU W.Y OpDESOYIG à GOLDEN PLEECP, OeeeeL-The river Inus, iu thre Eat VIOLA,1 Indien, vas lufstet bye9,lai-go oit ejcîcceTHEBAN, diie,'virecaried oiFftvcor Cira-ccnatives, Clbae Oa1areRa.,& . one 01 thour boiug e ivemetn, Is k@ in as onteîiipu-. nsfamtiWilR do) vel! to no thlck liat ne bull pon*otratati it, se soma 9 lIIino a ciiironigaieirrsr.N os ycuug artillcry oflcers foi-met tira flîov ine revu cen seu ahmapar. lug plan foi' dcstroyirrg it:-Thcy killeti-a7# sheep, ant i n ita body placer- a bmg lîica-I x. Ny3 3 .'2 vill gunpevaler andtose other combusti-- bic maLter-, jtevbiah a long virovwas attarh. TRIERE 13 A et, with daloualing povdor et tir eand. LIVERY STABLE ATTACHED, Prosuti> Ibmcrccduiosav lie ro~ antiAdeve-ythmnrgnslaoiduated la inte beat styla sez.d il andt carried it te a bol. vinici ho vas kuýown toi fie quont. ' Timo vms aîloav- Horsesauad Carnages cd him oWllo wal thCie *hccp, viron tire A t ail houtat orlor. - vire; vas pulled-thc veter tien becamo &G;RICTJLTURAL L1fPLEMçENTS. Violonti>' egttatd-a 4leutireport %ai-as hourd G. .lEntfraleo atrbl.Xs&Boh a meuiiur tho crocodil edaiant ie and i-, eprdfo roai ofviitorsonrss imt etomaeb blevu open. -euisarardtrocvaIode. GEO. ROJISO, $UOCmkumçc CALAIT.-On Tucasda>', Ive Break Strecet, .iriîirn, agonilà n!no andti tveoyeers, M TWitby. daugbleru et Mr. Hazo, of Yorktown,r Wcstcbes'îer ceunty, w-ci-obumuodt o toathitilrLsh Amerîo&-Asrsui-.nceComnparny# durgag tloirabsence cf threin-mothier, wvir ' e xa! o tieD vnhor nde ire Thti lockedt tieurup Ilu the bouse, - mes tttpp e ieveti Povicil Pr 4a-urw~.rptbeMisorhLcgislatw-e (CAPITAL £1o., r e e m u l > ' p r cp e a d t e m v e . L e S t a t e p r i c rtr n o e i r o a i o n a-l a a a r ! h i Iag-pWrimo,by coîè ctlâlbeur,, but apon conton1ts. lver>' iufcrwmgleasupplie.! on" iavestlpatioa t vas icundt iaItithre.w-asPientlon t til tuaýiQ~ met tlrir-andi nc'er 'ia!bc i-nel riofrn-s , eudS$ p-à A. nJTI GNEwVr Ibm- Tavllig au, Jvra-nm.whigl>, 'Q eotin a t'c", I git coic boili Ta-cu"Il ruto ' w - '_____________________ -4,1 -la the~ fcitire, -- rI8 UP6tad nfdnua By1' TÃ"ru-cîe 0'cuTa1 s~holtxrgypnt Tîbr spp6tau cofitVnT 14g111 ndC iXe vihJIavf b. m eh1ydut' Cc Mca-lt tir M.n4! ryaÉ Ylnrtlrin, Ptitane i eir ln Tg Dy ]venrV rai cbusies wik0to LWT.AIJiEY y t h e o u s a..i o e i r n h i lr n t g d a i "ý4nB di yAto ouTretirThs GOman PRAC.ITOAL OARPTRIOWMAE1, AIND uFLT TR EtJ8 0OF, -A L E L TH O M P SO1N , A uction een9tam : t e r c- ill - -~I w r B >' i33 e il i T ra in r t e v se I t , , P I E AD T I U 'm a *Half-ay He s cSarboro' 1Nl1 t, aler arrival of-Prîntli ff~ j uii II N LOCAl ~~~~ Toronié Yrlday Mornilieg'mar >'WJEI . OiMq............. .... ...... Del....- Ta-i,,. a llrinrvi wltli'$Peof MTrain trr .- vith 10. otir eh î, i -OPPOSTTM T-E TOWN HALL. e Ai ordori loft nt tho C7cs-onwrle oele -fvirai-o Ti.he ur et wich Cîrese Mruiswjli 0relons a Ragisi et ail ele u nge'emoents la r-e.- St cadi (City, wii ir notifled hy the Pestit,ir i g l a r - i k o p t , s u a l l b . t t e n d e d t . * P - i e i n ti-gr . A u . . I Mraugad a ys fliretd, vthout the treabieso rit ,lomgn. SIDNEY SMI'TH, 41 of tno above worli exeouted with- noatness and uospaneu. scoiug ~ ~ ~ ~ on Irti-. Tiieeapson. as 1'ostmaster Genrra1rr l. i vorkwarrenitet. Oll anti 500 spoalmeu. Rm ?arts dZe Qrrecp e,»c. 01,1800.- 48 4# DONÃ"VÂN, WA LKEY & Co -Wagot-Kaker'a Shop for Sale flm au n l B 1i n' Tu11Bemmninns prend..esnt HUn-..Cor- ~~I 8~ J rArer-'si-aety ocaîrpied bly Mr. Jiiiiom Cisytoi as a wnLyon aiid ttrrursrg iniplenierit - -- ur iaurfr toay. Tirert ix slgond gai-Jeu - ni about a qunrter acre ont'erJ.,'. The preinrisas are rnomy.&nul sitnattpirrI a good eocrity fr mii.sti. LANI Y A * ¶ usiness, ntn-lji besoin ciot cirrreep. Or CIARE CTFIII lothing without dearn.made entirelv vr-thout the itA îA sf +1ia JOIOr-toF Caution te Trespassera in ]Publie Poroéa. hT'itE . nab>' rvan Ct a i pet etnrtCinz Tinîber cn i'mibîio a Lnt'.s s-itI ntinerlty niLicanuse, viiiliacpuoluicru ,ai; ew pirvide : Tnst is ire>' v ili iau.mr lCair'Tramer itnt r itn manrfatmrs-nd e4partiaaa -em~Qvl Ilri-mbcr eut (tthe rol -î ul leDepertmaurt t Ci-ovr n 4 t 4nselvos te a ouiît> Of 8i3 per- TIc, w l'a-srisiindcr-ing uy Otuicaor i-Acrul eo Dopamtmnenît et Ci-ewn Latin t u id [argeof blésduty inf tseRa-lut riinr ilui-g Ct-or Calin- ahvay--r irursirur Ce ha iii fa>, n>' riubrseizeti nrder ftiaAoct12V ni. 8, ai-cgtinîy of }rny tielni on; pretennea nitiattilnn, flt r -ent -r C Ire pnrrpnseofeiuttini- tire 'inbera-, neT. 6à ;rsaa-s sabona. P. M. VANI<OUGIINE'î epai-Cent of Crtwn timtîs connisijon Cueinca, 6lbNovenber, 106 i he Celebrated Gorman Ol - ýROIE Cliîaîrsnd4.of tetîitn-ý-rîsasoi citienrai-of tis Yivitnainle a-ai cly, tiraCo vlng havea- beu nrraicted bave Inia-cted yoe i ulirhe ia-e-a,'-na mritirifiend i i i it i tt-nll(k i aliani Cmr i- icîhil s, and eiuinii-frot-i)tieg. 1ts4r-fca-!y u'.lygrnet amrplioc ed nu raic- u-l A. Xr<cWLra, Eq,1 JAMES(;aT; 'ickca4ti-, tai. 12, 1Sf i. Iu juastre bl'onu, ni us n- I nity 1I nwa- C lie1, 1 ilik fh i-n-tC>ananmran - iti-rtedOn crtrari011. MY- liflîntgirl roi s( rl bltirh ut huer lira fiarit i.plieatiolui Ir ei,#sire9ti-Oiniiiatu, a-lief, mmmd wa-uC!it nhe s;lnmhta.'ravo iP licatioris a--Panlo, ce ie ar-Cmlpuaily, mniýto ai.ncrw quit MAiTTITEW SWALLOnT, Jr. cica-ri, Jenuar>' 17, 1881. R t i-oC t tanbitter;, a an-avs l i seara ni- ; iaf lui- dou ncie, 1i qua-a-d botn nrny ûan-e W. T110)MttSON. t suflred fi-nEahandiruiii- i-occfori- -, ri waittaont lcloa-iiistan. 1 witinltntOrll 'nana eîab-atenl (il, annci,,rin Iona-eruuuulen i-ad."l tirAn Sia,-Yurrolil irsep,,aitire tients rC. i- h Citorif ir>-liCHe boa.' IIENRY WILLIAMS. ne of theafiat inadiecu mnu tinth o Cnty DInrmn Sna,-vEr-wuêie ai aiunte mo-i jîrstiy Ceiatraaucrjairoan 0il tIcurveq lt Ulwu. It muriit prove n iilear§ini- Cemnn - 1 hiave aua-di ithe tira aunaeitrî, bri- a-ont hites. t&-o., iia-ilmuonoir sa-îa-tri ltînl liug: iC ir esai-cfi o lu lla-t acir. To bli lutofe G. A. À lgI-î Ba-odlaSira-at, ï«'intty. IC nt 11 aIl C raincipal pi1ces ouin rusir, raluable Farme for Sale. )TS Nos. 17 is 1lit tliiTawnhip a f wlht. tv-tere n-n-ur c-oitntuiiin'-9l te -u-cthe -Ia 1a7,)4 ocrs i-cmnti iiilttire Convnîsiiîrs ni1 in- ib'ert Winitby. tOntua-ena-ioti-cfnirtn arc i-ere or mactrrwoutdri, .11 im-Rhenuinartie- 'es; tieranra-irudrîr tniCie luiatt banhth 4 , i.d thei CiiZi igtt ite 'tufciti-nrlin rai-a ta-a gond-neihiligs, celehlrngc, nuodi at-hieema-rn rouin; &nfiitucyoeng e-min. utd vuter pnin'ilé-ges net te henni-pas ad. rliberai. A.fld tio4'PEON On fue i-oti i on tae,13.FAILiAN8 rq <)Sitîîin Or W. IL TRL AY e; q., WL iCli' Busiiness aonndatcuî viti Ciao PUBLIC DEPA RTMENTS. attende.! ta. AIBO lAnti andcnrlnt - PuSm biakrli Lnds. tirs yrerirdel tBOSC he Ci-urvu will tain- Notive oet Clin5ýt2t -nlCl ou qnf i r-n n~oei fHave jiet rccavd a sipruct of hi art vot > a i- Gac rd u c on= pu l an ds a ina- i nn l liiforce, S f A L 6MP ~ I T witx %tire gallo nr-itiitr. ýgA1q , , -S.r.COATIS- n n a -e r r t i i i ; l e , tr C i i t t 1 c i o f l y ~¶ r tcnire Car-irPian ha tle rs 'y i a-are lu eoat ririeotv, andi cf the uroat deirmabla stylas, and . - I tery t --'e. cde loth ira roII),catiat ClteIindrre ,l eh Id sCtyle Co se largu an oxtraut, wowni ld itispectfuiiy cati venirattoratron te cir 1'l. M. VANXOUGIIýNET, t befreoprnrchiing elieohe.ru. thle Daprirtierit C'i-nwn Lanids, £îiqrrioucr. these fabiaric n-ill vovnn utheWornl, vithout rnny Kaom, on tinoca-oFs fibre systour, QI bc cour3 t mvwii c catins tIie groatoat elaticit>', aviCh h uicgr-atess rnnd dirnniuiiiy;-viiir' nhie shil nai strtch out of shape nor c-ak; rand aloit watrep-oof, însl lu point ofw r tdrhltandi aIl othr desirabi iirr:iis uln' e t rI tuPero-C " be-tb u-noyt.cm s 'eio s u ey t ny :4e - t irr styles, as ail w ho test h m m ust cor ia y ad rit. 0i ~ .e - 1Wo camthtteSeamles Cet is waruar, anîd viilwcar longer tlin arr>'tu-o ordi- Le 9 tehe itin. C ats cf Chu elt styla & P O W V E L L . ~ ~ c ai r e iN os0.9 1 an ti 2, C o nin ercin i E rild in g e - -VBrook Street, Wititby, Nov. 27, 1860. 4 r- e- ith jà r i II t f G R  A E O 'B ZG S t o an n u n c o t e iis n u in un n iis f in d% n ti cist trm ai-e hat h is n o v r ry i ug l 0 ~; B 4N K R U P T ST O C K ! o rse tuuo btns r~~ Vie. CA R 1 Ale MAÂKING Zar (lu S ove ,St v s ntire novppromises latil ci-ctoilh3 liou Broc'( Strcet, (lierlqtaa uni-rst coi m'... A T p l e t o e s t a b l i s h m e n t i t h e r o i v i n c e , w an l ie- o i r e p a r a i, ris li n c a tof o r e , t e e x i cl t e a h i e:5 4 _ 4 9 . . ,~~r-. A. L O O-A N'Sr i-c- itrrrtd tCe i c a-e. ~ aIlr,4od O-,rtbighrert,IBrook st. w nitîy A R V F G I[S L I I S C Y T A I Appl Panreraant liai'r, q '11S9 KCU, Z r H a ll' Ile i ie l M on sirr e s t L o a c î' s Ir M n u u f n î t u r e d t n d S e u l rn t t i e L o w e s C a - cm u n ir a t i g P r i o s . i G rini Scoops a Lnpi', A L W O iuc J tlN 'i T in w a r a o f e e ry i s e rip tin ir S C ve -e p liii g )V4vR R A N 'l T î)y ia .. & . lin filet v c-ything in to Steve and L l-U.LtD ±,R and P R O D U C !? TAfil IYn , nt AI i L R 7' Pr Ij C IE. roi--tit fie ri Logil). FORD'S long cxpoaicnce of thia-ty yeia-s lu Che principal lianrfactoi-ieni the icd - .TIO wi-amz-r£s Statceandi Canada hbas given Chut experienco luin -r'Ir waricli of the bulsiness vhIrcirDRS.CLr%-'r C e s ml fr f o i - l t ' s n d r p e a e r a l .f r -l l - h a v e b e a u ra b l e e f a e t , a n d i f i n i- b e a m t y o f d i ee c g n n c e e tf i n i s h . d u r n b i l i t y , - . D R &A D A B R A M IL O G A N I, a nd at- it >' o f w orkm an alip, his o nt cannot bce xcel icî. Sir g-, o a Dli Ci t - , & ', ,a i s e o %Vi itir, Oct. 24, 1810. 4Aflirc a Ji tnd sen Specin ans. Tllh NE ESThJL[SIMENTNE THEBAN. IIr. (Carleton Lyndels-itore,c I Whnl~~~~ thr, Sept4, snDU D sSfCEL, Vi'ny tr IrirIw YPIAÀNO 'FORTE -rrn IIIShi o h MANUFACTMRY,& NEW -Y I'ARS G IF IýS rTer Tld l a ed f M a r y S tr e e t, X h itb y . T~ ii-t ain ui c j ienre e auq f' l td i ni& tri DIII~~~JGAES il.GERRIEI, fietr i DeÎî l it,ruoevk;aie ttuanc Ce r f kes rent plaire lu in sgr'- o"BuI IOR , st 1 nliritii-sac 1ri-i irot ut lilh nnlýe iantyii- the pilicChat lire Ila, a- ima sthe -trir -.c- -:or 1liii el itred ex~a il rt i ii- nrnrnery W IpIT B ~Lt trca îtr rrtihin rii eraynaja-oiufo t oeeeario b>' li% 1 nirhoi-ie t rtiinamem, OFFICle FOR T'L'îl 1SUr-,0F _________-___________ hot lnin -f ialopatfson i cirnnth ii ! a in e srr ir inteTono Vlith)y, and siîilie ieilnw j A U A(- J ~ Sisiatioii. LtteAffliieted il Ilrrbr$et e tir rt tiigcd iu intaenrntnfacturi-aet llANOS;, -maitir 1 1A E IC N E niliy alit thirrn in iinCm,before Cira disaiagt li î e n n r e - r i ii p -n % ' e r e ct l. . . r d v ri c li t h a ( D g A u t l o i - i . > -C~t ao « i r i n ih u r i . ý l g t w il l 1ilîtn -a a i o h ennba0 I lin ha illiinacy et tonne, R1 dolinncev f tnwil aniri sinaIllrerlonlei in, t. A ' Ill -lE -nca- A CIrFIPl inJ(dd, i t ti- Aîlsi i- t yhtna-C r1 atl Z: 1POST OFFICE, 'VTITBY. iitti>' conai I f14 ttiurirsa- aOt-i Cire Aina-uenstCarc-iea- att-a n w it i-v- t *a- A aIE N, Sherif's Sale of Lands.- :LtCd t onI tin Ca o.(fl?)a i; r t. 1 ir *Pti lie ilit4 or r ire o t re es '111 A I VIlIlE IL 0 X ,t e p ofeesion . , o o r it-a-, ; o f I)rs. (ýI unhl t i i r-ovie-I titîheali nteidi f tineo tis, 41 Agent. dri-& Ciriretiti-i n-a-riiJv tir(iiieli J .1. '. i'.. n r Ci- ent- lmri-lti-a-- --.,Ciitv of)ta-ioe, (N tiair-rî e Ci r i - xpreieoi ir -rivdbtCr us d et h rCi nAusi- a I al (cr-uY, rit; a iil t tr l' r~ ic-tir ai -of ia-alt, foi-t t0ftire ha n-î t t i r irin-if.,C-I. tlnm tn rte United i '-unIs andt Hs i antn, clirnuIC« - ~A. TD. S1c, rît12 n'a-lat Ina, -iii e iin ha- Cirteln a-î;Iila-,ilote. trirth ir--ini hiiîntri e vit ihrOI-nuilîeù i- ii tiy teugi-e ,'10r e ni oin, t MN' lihl (, Cotra-'ta- ,.ethian e i ataiiiA isi. rand file hlnnirart in Cir, - nîrte atLaîrra-onn te î iii,frpb. .Ç3t dire Ti-rof Wttthe Creigit, ritalne,, tlr indni Of ilo-,die g-aetst rrtiietoîvii0 - c nilltc-ce-; t ir!ali ttt In(Irlo I-u IIioned nlil'citlriiils bc fo i lfai nto-wl f id CW»Prlos w libcbo eund mach 1Lows,* , evca-aiy Po-ceas 0ite inlimniinn euir 'iîi i1 itaîlt i t er hau thoerfmprten Instrum ne s nr aneeCa-ontsietIl Pir trdi a-eIin r tiîoilnic ii . ijl t il 3rt théer i of a-rf i r ft ta to e e t i ihir i.r f ie r ! ilit t n d n hti 4 s-I T Iy W nTCU1rP a e ne-s h-r - sp n N E W ar-b a--traoicrr a-t n' ie ata, ttndt Chsp i nasrivi- irnnrtt t' l utoireir co 9%in dane, -<rirînnare ......t.....522vAl nrerti-'lIrv.z. rovtri --- --- -- ---allE .ÂI I E Iu - D.ni- , Phaiiili- ve Jauni Goedike, Iti$tfl-ctor~is doNENQL1811 & AHER41 42, xi ... .. t 21l n 440 4 ii(-ind Iroki Fi-oint jdonceq,- 7,1'O ia-tua-, 1oeaitring dicil . aricvenl sn, ownnip of am, ontanîing a.5 an-a. , ÇntJ1/ ,'1a î. leie ext-an----..-...............-4-- )- ,Broachcs, n i , W A earantia ut sixyc'aisgivan vitir cadiEaîfngin Tutira (n'o)iiitt Corat. Ai worwk in h ot-srosa ooi, , .a1i5 n la,,irtii' av,4, JaiiG-e, Do- ~ f C V 6~ f~ J.Flrs lnr u- -kn ias iie ILoo1kets, aCtinl.- '1.,,Adj .7 . W . P a c e n ' ' i o , f " r 7 s tA i l t e s a i n ein l t n n l a ' ,4 r -l i t , t il li l a i ti t e r . 'T Ia Provincia xtilCxhitintif,sil hve ha-eu &CI, &C. rt, ii hutt prt aofte Si<of lýot 27, inn iet sTA t - r.r iliîarocnrnardtl by tre in-.Ho acrinr .earcceeii or te Townsiip i'Vlitn kilonu'o -iirt i- fa umsv4roiIi-lcrrins 1 ' i Il tysmd çivoîrr i Paic Forks, 0o01s, &0., nune JrnStici-'s ltialoftle ali Tm own i.~"' tht;, -alrer-lnit'tet Cîitrty, anm i ag ir bta ire T'jets 1 and iii.BinaIt i (,fie Town ofr 3 iiria- 0 ipp>-, ris t, jetirqait> trio ils iista-aFIN IE GC>LJ) eV litry. enitninninug uy n&ierruîsrnretunt ' 5tit She nelit il ~T~-TTi' ~ .. oan acre, mra-or les. 1lîAlIirs a String intrncît nitxriop i-a >J J [Jr- R jj N LO .IO O S -A i i'inos n M y m ai-iifrtirei-i, ht i tell a SP E C T A C L E S to SU IT il'irei-nCi-PerC01.LNoureeA T 'a orne yrr R TIS. ' il IGITS Pa C.-Noice,, W - Rm eib'r t, Airos, -AWhi <r~ irli'. Ofeo, c1rnr0. 50OALBANY, JOSEPU F. RINER, O - - ET U LIA T~ j»~11.- Sre~~ mt t-ir N.<-3 a d y 43 CLUITUEEES QULTT, A P.S.-Pa-tis inuilberi laoa Rnc t ila reiit ~~T . ' - Cr LVLN, tatîaents of intreisteil. reoris wlora ij'Coriinstiune,it Agar- i-inai Supeloe- A gen ts o ti p p y in g for -aigu an o s f on ho n . - L O -- - F O R CII R LS T M A S P R E S -N T S , L'nca sCa i a a distan e. S u p p o rt hom e ln n ni n itt rio n l s w s ' t h e . i- P L D CP iT -D TROITi JA M E S 1H . G E R RM E j'aV OXNSON, ÂK EE OTIO N ST OUL C ar'nisriC.an O ,'. ~-- Pl SELI,8 W ate , 0 1 a d rW at hm ak r- e el c . " E Y O Y ! T Y S < e. Ch J A O, - , ST .- Lo i s 'CF I WtrOl-n-Lamps, Break-At1 WhltbY.- 22 iChi-k nmari Wshing CComr 7r,it adVce .l> C eai O ltu d L m ps, S N T  C L A U S , 1S O XI~ N ie -r Coa and -an Lam m pe, FAIR AN K S& NMACD ON L AE IS JC W D ~ A ! I< 1 fFO . - -N a d &Mp ,GENERAL ÂECTASB Ut, Ce uaIÀVn- - . K e r o s e i l l è Omî fM L a c i o e r s - ,r A t o a O mth ea5 i . -Bwing 714d & Lampef <OR ecLRnS&YAXE.OTIjN STORE, S I 0()itme4 -cf P .asle if(~, Cluespr tan hey' eau ob oni-li anyhra EOl -1R,,wIr Wy . , Ãœr-srvlnéýtfni. - itrn e~--, tatithere, else. calTaaud examine betorgoing te To ma. n -Ops±'elty Of)~ToiiO~ pd Tech,, n ifîbhirChi o -(poioRgityofc. Coi ,tr4tast~ ennsîuna~ r e- te te purcaeme. - - A BE preNaïve an ttanni &alIlu in parts c Meuge Lnruh. c~irtsrppiraatWluio- tu-a tnuu tb. - - - - -SalesAt1 à ,. frtifuirthehoscTifis tfi. Pidçasar' eatp-o a- 'L'à :îKfJ- -) M C O E L - Y~ EZ ero T IR tetrt n o~ilcinia &t .G R T 1?- ~ ~ -~sCôl ilr5catroaigrast X I t* n I i - le1 E L i- p - o r 1efa a a st ti noA iéini I à 4 A sbcrbrrcqlnaets publieà tten VYL' ALT3ERT, CROUKET, R 0TE CTIO0N187, 77M, KJNG 0p - 1EPRIA4 Pls JOHIN ^BRYAN. 12 I3rock Street, Whitby, L ywtf l- London, 'raruhje -ajre X *ol;it hrns bee tcaee Owiy cilsofrl iiirnrruent ylav ý arîra oSrLîrinaiuekn 1q. atie g mfor C geufei rgae, srnsd ly he recrec habite cf youtjr. Prie-o*I10 t-y IraiI or express. D>r, uu & Sus, inu ordca- Cesatigfv thera4* jriiaste the l1'tusi OfCi.tliirstrunent tiier lir t i a, ) n.m irrrrtenoer stE ruay prove un.ai nArto- rr afa- ta-w ,th, eeue>' iil he refundl(ed by roiru-niIg tRis tnatrmmdrrîjugond ,or-dur. C!OVNTIZY VÀi.q Persa-n« lu anv part Of CtheWorlil na>' be im cesasîiffl troated hby fo-wirt rrrga correct deuiîl of their*cnse, viia ronitince for Medacies, Addrs.. r. uioa& Soea-uer Of bairta rd Phoenix P ire Assurance Co. OUBARno- TaR TAN: i, rrnAresxeOOs,ý-oc JESFTmilJISU11-ED I 72 GILLI?4Pmj M OFF AT NSUCAN» a-el,,: Agt-et flor <'rnsdi LOSsi 1vFLCEsu Aen, ouuty <(e Ontrri. WdbAn- 10, 15!b Lands and SawMilfrS tjr i t îiJ>o ii-ttaraa 01 Ya--chap for Or Ce Rirtnoîduri Sherfi'eSaleOf Lands. 'l'ai Wut; -J 5] titi' %f!triR, A. ID., ntp etvelal-a u'aiock o a 4 od ha- Prlhle A'ctio1a et 2n Coc, sfil t5e soînlT Il-1 ,inte, - i f iRc mua-Ie nirr- leijo.ilu iemr r iiRyt!,e-.iudiit.tiîc - ailnt merlay î-n îernrrnnrc;icn eer li - '4f'$MII Otes l inah lnde-ncanmninnen "ilna renemeitrl ue-on ldmi -a u c- mti hy vatatfit" u ins Wr- i e unf r- '-rlas te nile dia-clt, rz lu tire Couut> Cà n r. Sîerinr.uGro. lii vstChe Winitlry ;ceallt MillRC ipuy 11)rfic ciuyulr;Oiseî.t elin Mlltua nrnCe eot' 3ua LuCr ort or1 Qacr'. 'tB- eh.' Ca-ICoe kyideani jOiin It;m Pan-,pii andants. < 1 Wniby Suant Mliii Coiopuny, de- Iu the 0'Snnt%. Couirt. - Ce-taeLnde anal Ilir-i 'e s, Lplnrill, VA. ai WVhiîby RSîa.a MIlCmndtatul. i-a- Cie Crirrt cCeCmmoiPns Nicluolrs WoolBon lr ru1 Liairce, <oil 1 "Ilnuu os, i ai [IlltitrV9. tnhe rîb t5cm -In the (-oua-t crti hon l'lemt. iobai-t Jr-mi .ie -intr, Vs- ,,inJnvynep, tffni-ntA-.C opfiuilnndeJnrsaret The, Snntbelii'al ntil -Nortin.c ate~r n-s-of tiXumuiher Clix unlCh. Thi-nI oucirnîM4)nr ti vrîsihip otReacr, in tI-se County of Otuii-îc.l *NELSON G.E~h1t, tri2's OISee, i Par C. tmzo W hitbyJeui. 23, l1861I -2 * ~rin .Msrkiranr I ABRIS lieCornet dItc e al KING KWest %xver Iwl:rýl . AIINIJF JujSuitc fu thfle 1s Uta- li a ndira A2 - y1ALKE tcrrere , c L (eRdSik - toruSalesdi cil. AiowinA Wlnitby. la C LFRÉ AN -rc trect, Wl ci.Aise pbîllin 9-V, Tomnslrp~ I - -----1--~-~-- - t 9 p b ti m ]K BUILDINGS, WHIT'B.y. a iî---Y ---- vllà ti"V"to LIUC Uliu ui tau needle, 0 er an atta&-,iing buttons & bueton holes