- ImmN nly bave- net uqnd Fssiler,t slop tili- 5ir, eroucoldug i 1wben 'île> ilion, a )is.t ho silence> )uder to,îles -l Hopen.r l. oir, antd -Y of t!ligbhi- :~Idlitîlo aveu, tidt' Ifor gifla; u5 oc goct!, but 1 nayer venkt tedo went hom e. bus beart -Y fov veeku givau thte poar liber. i tver futC t, iii 'lîcir lieue lrntb. a-asd." ilg Ss lii," nov ,rissand- !v?>, ha.- vho loa -s - i - - r i Itpor. ~ ritonses -- ot off' i ai s aget.-. i ban ib. tl. eh viii 8 er Ie re tbe dant"'. on 1hs ava accam. To* Dm&the ura lb. os ils hl of a To the . go "bhibi- tbe ap. tppao,. sys lust uilettw i é* it very- fie palier, alvms l. w P thé~af bckà weaîvQ*,js- rm p~oonl. 4 thue a-4me boywhoJ.laIs, oo"f Md abadNaw Oblýtazadmotbâ am ds~~,~, ~ ~ use ofihe kind la aUiI*îal 4";M9 body n uoassiued phyuimil spaam wuh" e ov Dm é nX. ry .,d. l, i.-a 'aaao Iwl i s by 1 baoid> ItîlreIe ,elle lagp oui n by' may vosI.sJq4 hM inta , -aq *at À!- i't'étroniMe&~ jq geldm bisI.powe am4'broufl 4jsyp~pu~ wban iav neluthae "riihol, vbaas d la 11piaud qpataclsè wà preetted to e 7 tao 1 Q0o ti ~e~ bat le- co Ea v indov pana lu my Soonthaom oebsjru~re,~ orystal bridge vos bliuacrous ntu, b-seu nycanc. l mtêame if-v"hela boy!. - 'lsa rivean--§la tue1tfrontIeirmaus Qu"b 'S ou. pn te v r o§.;tiful s old.tomet! cannelas, or te uMountains ad, dasiu mengîl rcks; imn a otichange t 1.1:csllgurtion. 1The Colonelý Muodôv, ful Of ?Otton stumps Mat!logo, &av thut the ofilcer bWt!m~tis q ba %iih gk'. quprrel sisîing on p4rail, cracking rgoiet lafots. l. sgeadua.et ut uuis; nazi came an oit! minet! amtie, ni*wuiî 'fo lnsrmgtobstm>,~ u mauà tà lins la tle distance; nov a lange cran7ar"u-: l ooetY t e aly~1of spires ; thon a dense foresi vit-b ' _ ynir! xus teCoong elo a loC ug covered wvIl unow. ,On anotiior ia i " - aà vitose snev.clmîsl summlt, somo 14,000 îlot e*8s a frczearelcano m!and a te-sput.- br, s îvî saâoî sm lî Oua pane looket!as If a yeug hurricane nia itn.Ttsota ela hlh '*as jut starteti, anti anoîbor ba! an eaîtî-tmildistWean".seThet! fie Colciel, "vhlen quakte piaturet! ont. Neitu came a 1l fr aake t dte C lounel hoo! a witbbai mi (rte.lu, and boys skaing; netinig butsà hli in lte grouni." on aucibar pane 1 notice tîlot il great IPYramid cf Egypi vas tippe4 bôtt6im up. - SîxatriAISACeîu5y'.... eiaaaa vonrd Ou Sb. top ou Bunkeà bll imonument, andi unfota'nt. euaoiy Oeaurad t wà aal l umsb078 vers up LIer. ai a Peter May, aà (armer rosit!img oarPort plite;t Triait7 chureb b4d mde a voyage Dalhoumsie, on Saundsy lat.ith appeair te Raone in 9,balicen, ant! milghtet!on lb, îlot Mr. May andi lis if.re te ovaff 'acue cf St. Peter'a, anti bang out the l in lg on tai day, lte latter oarrying .&uevicsag m front thé capela. On îhe thoir Infant a fews months oîd, lun ber urnis; nazt vint!v, lte Capitol ai Wasblngîeui mndtpu neîarninghoit.iu asnaticedt ta vaïr proppotinpwitb rails, luke mu oit! lova, île ilw! u sOmevhat unaaay, bul-nel la keoPu f(ront falliag; aIl thie vinticys of aiavming 00. Wben they avrivet witila4l the cptel vers cutainet! vitit champagne t'aw roda ot theu iuAdpnkm th . n. - - 1 ima vi o osap, sisuplo mut!dbauîu'ui boroimetw "ih ta flu n. Ma.Justice riselletbanî sait! bi ife vas very lcucly, and viascer, limitai>' anc>ring hlm viii. aurtain lecture 1f ,lie felv«Colap idi the1we too lit thai bis leg vus sevaîciie! The t!ecay"'ou. efflrscec' fîl in ver. ~ », i6f,0le lb . f afmmthe atone ceuk6ue tu". ~--île but - t - uhcviagr ilsaîf -inth ie roof and uioe-wovk ehnMunaathîn Oï St. S8taphén'l A curious ùMec'roiegieial plejo maens il meutioe n thw b-mlrtfor! Tintescf ti ou îlot daY, peailuof thuaden, accempeniati vilýaz In gbtu ipg, cOm ueeet, i pealsan lmutbluies ineveosing uin intity.-. The exhibition aoqunmeeifer soea imse. gef>alu andlt st Mesura. han &~ lve instilute! actiong for £400,000 each ag'ainat îhe Grant! Tramil ,4lasy Compa'ny 'la tle Superifor Ccoîa vul, i 1,ivirmatunce ne thif- nied' 1 . ".- boitteo stock full with cigar.îtoppors. its crying, andno further notice dwus takan Williaim fillyer, teclbae rce; t hougbi, these very quoer pictures,,and of it amlii they arrived at houge, vben on or, dledc'hle 8th uit,a adîn.H lupposed the artilt muat ha crazy to mun cpcning, the glothle& wrnpped irouad thi. *vos la the 41th yeià r, and vas ea of the %hingo up su, Whou 1 mv on aonîîa-r ânetaut the niother eia'ccvèrc.d to, ber horror best bovlars that Endland ever produe. a dandy looklng in à mirror wlth a nmIîkoey that she lad beon- carrying the corps. of et!, -ad quarrouling yulhlm about which face ber inîfantî, it Living appareatly bea deîd Some Of the Paris journals statea tn bec dte hlm. Poor Jacko wu very some M'notes. The cause cf deaîh vo have daputaîlon (roia South Carolina lad arrlae lzavilling to give up bis phiz, but the act lcîrned. litmay havre been the resukla i Paris, and obîaiîîe Iau audience cf day wvould claia h taits .own, se Jncko cf wrappin, tone my clotes abouttle M. Tbouvenci, Miniîter cf Foriega At. va waobliges! te yield. utile tbitig, anrd hin ay bave beau (rom a. airs. Novebldra, eu yn geiswho tba traI causes. -st. Catliwne# jour"a. Sieaof the a cding members cf the sl pitl>L 'â ak rot wo oti-Cabinet (maye the Court Journal) are ex- sly ponte a?'iiJckFesh e A LACE OR Eycnruîsio, ÀAN!>'Evcar. pected te assemible la îovn, (rom ihair re- 111505 lpi.TuIXO IX ITIlP1.Aez.-Space no pains te spective country sautoi, about the end of - carry this proverb ie a ffect; LIerac a nazi yack. FtIAUL AJCIDIIKT OTF COvES, TaiE OF bocîno such thing s a weil ordared bouse- General Cameron,. commander cf the Wnoi.-eaamLCDCASI r CP?.Li~ huit! or a conifortable home, if lit ls net forces ini Scotiat, who bas been appointed $ su ,X .-An accident cf tle Mest carriad out. Nothing con shov greater ,to the chif cmad in New Zealan!, lau revoîting ebarioter occnrved on Satnrda'Iy, vant of imanagement, thought, or arfl rlvteaLnoso u~a t h cn ~nde îl fo umumnci -ii.nais, titan evarytbing being out of place., of hostillîles. -t n Port"sfin sudh a bouse nothing is ever to b. fount mpdl lfi vlan vanted. The. cocker7 la ipoled lia%> -Died. y acausa tia ieusoniag ih milait!; one, tblag- At Whiîby, on lte l2ît it., of con. p rs Capt. las te bo uset! for another; aad everything. gestion cf dha braiti, Matia, Ana, vidow cf Z~~h.Y. B., vbo ap- oa ebndeep h lobih-l ,wd w b. in a vS'ry excitettcondition.n.- va-thlejuataEzra Aunei, Esq , cf lhitby..... leiaY ect condirstion,qured-a knlfe lu used mat f, eîv1ees' vsiibr5thys.To(n Capti. rtouenired i> river, a fork for ia orkscrev, the. poker oral will halte place -on Frid.ay tha 15t1 with d' gentleman about ' ieîemship,, stand, for a hammer, andt! taela for dusterq -iluit., frontlier laie residenca te St. Job,1'5 lng at tbo tima amioisenoar th. engines netiîing anaveri the.purlose, and aU av0 Churcî, ai Port Whuîby. the skyllgbt eoveiag te vîlel wuiahabut lajuret! by bolng madetetaserve, epida for »111 balf opien. Turniag round osenevat hi*. viicI îhey were nover lnteade& Aluthese SPECIÂL NTCES. tily be*staigercd and fail bsek, fslling eili , andi vhat in sail! vrsthb. petly. auk, A GOOD TUIN<r.TuîY IT9 ~1 ntbe angine, thvough the open por- noyances thsot1h07 ccuion, may bo endet tion of tle ikyligh4 i, rfefor ventilation;, îy having a place for everytiag mdkeep-.: mut '24AAIAN VAIN DiîoEi tboaramuk in vorkiag 0mev caughit Captain ing everytbiug lu lis place.J S A431 EDIÇIiriîE for 01c ihm,îioJinuîandilpar- Baroa, ami draggod hlm through the frmni. es aliait remaisu rait Jilin f roin the ..>.iain ing a to te elener odre. Tis u R Th ousi e it j a ttw "éCasadian Pain Destroyer lngouteib cleda cmor Tisvm b Te id"~prfajIs Tm.'ta.cure& BEoumaii,-poii tiAain lu the goe vork cf an insant, andthie machiner7 tered upoc. ha Tbirty.Arsî Volume" '* theBk j t o e d c rovolvlnà g one literally tore the uafortunsio 111h inistaul, luaguroîlag tis videuce of iii T/e Canadian Pain Destroyer. maous body te pioces. Hi$ Intestines vera long 1f. by sa-ntise W I.~~ relusle'aig ui ii h i îulud iic l i uache. Tke Canadian Pain Dcatroycr fruhed -ont hy the crank, bis bean wuandut four atiditoasi pages te lhs hetofoe raiBlon hi adCaoin006isc separated fromn bis body# bis bead vus large mndatatractive (crai. No papor UinT/te Canadian Pain Destroyer amaibed, and botb bis thigha broken. Tbe the Country7la, ibroughont ias manage- cures Ciilera, Cholara Morbuod, Dysentery and lover portion of bis persan vosuphnurt. ment, maintained a more tbcvougbly con- li"wclinuîint. Asgniigbî le supposet!, damîli va inîtaiu. sisiant course than this journal. Notwith. Tae Canadian Pain Destroyer cure Siddt-a Coldi ail Sera TIrent. taneous. The englucer, vit grst prcmp. standing the vicissitudes cf politis andi A- 7aardPi Dsroe titut!., steppedth îe angines dend, îhreving nies, it bas puredtheîleovo t tnor cf ils curer Noagitt, Tiioluioureux, ad Touache. ý tIom eut cf gear onsaeing tle skyli&bî vay, tavning neitler le tha righi nov dia Tlte Canà zdian Pain Destroyer darkentd, maid bearing oaa vilds!lriek left,annd île consequencais, thatit misna ure, DBuras, S3caldm,, roui-bites, CLilîblain ,Z"e.I whlal the. unfortanate Mon gaye. So taino lis populariîY la every section cf itia 7N~ Canadýian Pain Destr&-yer Bd quiakiy vos lta machinery stoppod, tht Union, at! ibis ncv evidence cf ts une-.111 omisean exeellent thdingfur Siraluis, Spruins, tit Wenudea mdlBruisas. U taks wma IlPaila only liaif us tom vas takon afier Capi. Bar. cous va lave alreadyr noticeti la ifs juat va- tIc intaneat lu lu appliail,19 ton feil tbrcugh.- The accident causet yard. 0 K1 o Famly uloulil bc vittiont a boeo f eau7lne Canadian Pain Destroyer great commotion on board île steamer, In Japan, foraignors appear ta b. the Porie. 25 cents pcr Dattse. and the machlaery presoated a fearful spec ujc fgetaeso.TePia a ro drsdt taile, heing ti i yulblocd mat! tom flash, Amiwiuuj fgeatvrs ion. biade Poneia 1deryra ddesmcdteli J6 liie.blootof Caplain Barton actnaliy Amra Ilevlln ylIl id n dyNOTIJU& leYI ;JW. dr bolei n lecyiaer Te emin vrsat Yeddo, vu set upc. by a large 111b., For Baie I hi uihy b>' O.di. Blimunîster sMid iw and a bloody scene vonît! bave emund batà s LDe.i.1.t,îuuduî,Utrup eveanaly vgatheret! togaîher mut! sevet! up notet îl eera asti cAibis bock dealî la awumkeî, being aftorvards aded t! at idretersaplacetibis bac agala Llyde Fier, vbere doceaietireided. Tb. a Wall, mat! fonght at, suerd'. peint for SI G R JAESULI&SU B ArD Ti fatal ocorana. teck place off Old Caille soe tinteountil resot! by îhe arrivai of a StJMSCAIEî - Duo,- earNoria asîo ati ubonaposso cf officiailu, vue disporsedth îe m9b. Oelebrated Fenale Pillm, Hoa. TlaefWih. ocast!va h.Semaetfbis aida, bavemer, voire pralty u, (spia Erin; o me5r ;Can,. 10-A Rvee 40 mufigt!5y.rscfegamut! bc. assererely cul. Tiie. rench Minster lus n w6iInoaiïtet n pstm , u toe vifad 5e ea b fidrea , aantIcs - epoixpresaed tle»plinîlot lu s year jbut a sure maid sufiireily forFamille Di- Oun aimi7te nd - tIarevouit! ual b* aafneengubilivn-g la is hlmoulues5and Obsiuerlotî,,from an v causa wlint- cli thoa oud nt u foeine liin i tevor-sd limegli n a aWrful ramedy, Uic>' country. c,.aunn-thughrtil >lIme contîtution. T M Tearre lldesitsInpeeac iied t i SFazux»srn.-It lu tho peculiar nature Kig ii,,ta a short dîuie, bring onte.mthy i KigVictor Emanuel bi sesnt a pro. pciolt! ylh e ëf frlndship that h vii mnot be macket!. sn til rsta arbld' 4n"'r v Tigs les. ctaenykont>t, fali wnhi, sentto erei4 Gribldi& 4aghtr, holthb diradiiensof, the Cail page cf punuplita are eMIL £Il maRiner cf veakneandut a fearful nm ia nov vesiding vitit ber fatbor as Casprora waii oKet.rve4L. von of fousand transgressions, h la wvlliiag ho Ihisl a distend necitîmea, vitî .0vr;ings toiliPargei nt. lr, î prpmgif.,c a lor irtyu; but (aihfulaças la a roquisile match, mund vu te bave bon presentodte, fu alieteiA enWvl miabtîaa a :L-.-- 1,00 ad 6pline sa imunaleot!a Ir vithoul vleil la i ýimpossible it shoult! ber on Nev Year',s Dayobut tb. sta the1 ma bretors mail. For tsale tanWlîlîb Wava - 7 b . .BltnLtlerad IV. IlDoal. IL . continue ta ezist. hinl net noeesiry, la ses preveOiteti lis bolng recolvot! la lîme.- yetînniaUzbrtdg> i *anmI Medicine deml i- aider te le falulful te jour frlentis, îlst lu la ta le opet! tht no overstrained ne». , ___ 0___-___id_ va shonît! b. lvmys pralslng tient nov yet tions ef abiegaîlon May prement the ber. - Oe ~riXals itu îlot ve sbouit! praa. lIeuma re ilon 11.7 mit cf Caprera (rom meeceptlug a gifti hlf?1 'LtEcW St desorve._ Be far fron t b4a ve do them express«es iiWaria friendsobip tb. giver bas i#"0 aai ed w imf"' i mei iajatyýby tôoc mach proues, becauae il for, Ginibal. - 'items, cnssîiYsero~,4gR alvoys oeossous!ismppocnt n t iosa 2 ýqa J #C., 4D te, tetse, ci dvho oulilvto taoi s oquataccu apon tb. The Lard Mayor cf Dahlia -basreceivet! p«g« 1Ete uvi!~siummmasu stiagâ sof amy aovidance.Ila Ibis faver. an offii atlmig on front pthfeBarilofhCar-bem pesrrdwlhledtmg t Nov la itneeamry Whoauva erh batir lise that hit iual lb.helitention of gavera.hv*eohausuvi. Tlcsuosmduu ILs Eor *Ij%"0 'Wlîrtay. tm rtfenrlncu.. Crealisai ttlij ',Iate CqwnnyCort - - by5 o n st ih@hst iof 12 o'cluk. tuon, 'tf vîicis ail Coeruj, .ustiom fae tùt c, mud onxtatîca suit! #IL o0bev qniva t! Iiake notice, -at! g av e r a t ii e lt i c u v a a i e a n l y . - - NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Patnsu cf K li acaun ii in l tean exu Silcrtro 01m0an! siii si ur iri iae per.a r Anîfly lts Whitby Pisb lit,--di-151eroaa."snaoueate nt " hcl ivii i -ce it Jg aly n te re sî n g to th e t e îggi mlz - u. lie - * Kncuoîes of thei rînîa:-*ihl- iuîii t i,t., DES FOT kIVA~E, WridsY, tltIdevr Xa à grol eb, ~- 1861. FIFÀL IPR-TO9.- 8 1 dsflaitJienowuibrt-di DROOICLlliC.W~ Av WhSLir O5CLOL *6 ~ontftc iele. (nsuswn JF0 Y>'&M.D. I.WREM .By urine of a VoWer cf aille 4oluilail,a Imu ca C-IJUA!*r ù- gg T il. W aie mdM.ti. r iiliugmrit- nt:!,a 'ÀV-lv-le , u~sm AV ----.- ~ - 40tmaedPro't-atan t -,njtu ,,5s-s- - een rtinM rigca e m. ,U>' t catr irair J onatlto to>ir '- -, ~R ~ 1 RED T .&.iE coilld, of the Tov cfwnW iîaj, blcant, J O LpIG E O W crs l an iatesru -BD sit! vhtct sat!Monhgaoc lut! au-iLuBîur gmLi0ait thereof, wi h ibupo;y t tmile, tc fol- 4. SIRES tea imtimat t hie Custenigi.a" ! thea bi litb-umd - or oig r ehu-Dyoeeran tmucinavyeto prolarhy~ o t-bse tori ~ 1~rsalonuln uiisiimlom cîmarg irsleiof the-u vuue ,r1,~ lu g éPARIT'OP LÃ"T N.6 l ni uéaëel .Hfl" ;atini *itsstock , ad-b. coailn2acgj The, noqsi4iit!-nrit-.il;h.4 r -PIW R , lte th loal f esch, t te Cont>' o On- s&à uti, n-lic mentl6voui--!usz. tario,ionhmlinialg sneacre, morsecof lass, sitaat Ta te und 'Oi' i yhav gbuil-a- --w-reluouis-, mosudvi eling, t present orempiîd -iti er: od'un ciyc the upeaisiatte~ntion of inteida pur- higli Il t s esvTaiC57t, b> Msur. Di-init LT 2, ~Dress.Geoi o ,' muandojber Chocka, P'rIatet! Cmsîsdgp sknovn te ail lmiss Iretigar gcw - PuARe T ui O LTuceap t lath, baurga la ail co1o0vs.A large lotof'Cmnaidiau Tweeds, white 1aratcrilty hiiiimd tiih oiic .1 - lPr . cil 4 - Chapîsula for Nseral ur. M v.sirhui la he ildcou otheTowshi orwhthy. p anyod Flanuali, Iprîuhet ad strupedi îrÃlng, at a bargala; vms ml a Royal ArcsJu ree'.us no7fomin a prtofte ow o h by'Tapstvy and TWOply Ctrpiets. A liat'golof .SflDrugteuîng, Ram-p onyeiaOiuUu-i-scf--ts -l eotil t ra buimoregr i, .Lona Fiata slo ~Carpots, &. Ladiès' Vait Mais, ta gremi varleîy;losiery fffl Hou.sa, 2-taries 80c>' 40, yut arnanmai out-. ", Ladies$'anmut! ieemts Gloires, Fur Caps and GaBluhetoe. * [n a wofrà i, tlul îu s. if5-isrý balilhrut ,apaesaenocpad by U. W. Wod- des' Vicharines, Cu!l, nis, &c. wl gc fai tigr i-s is-;vsir Willi0ni tbhySoe treo v , 1q. ensa, ummocaupli, mt!abracne, " Toat Sgars, Tobaccos, in great visîr, ahlita bigali .Bure.ou,înn.-tiu-i~. s-s ' mu:lus55 WII hasal uttuaStee0Sorecf30r,xs ,rqi t for , mi n b rick ioae captions of thse a Smti e i-u nn tii-rilu.; A B ilA. MI O G AN, 4 stou'>, 2W by 86, o.ceuplie by Mr. (1, lI Rbes. C do' Bosm~prasinteduthe puuîsc. a i-t ury~ BROCKSTRET, WllTBy ON uÂT ART 0 LOT17. _ Cb Geuîlonmeuvs lais Eubber sud Buffalo liait Ovr-glieu, ai .a îhe mbova wusrk ta-:du êo .ny -5uUursu BR C TR E ,W I B ,ONT A TO O 7 b aran dollar *t0 tir. XMv-riater, usure I ls . , 1 lth- sconî tilir of the tiarst range cf lots sntal Cgain.To-oittc, C. W., wl4eui . hçt k Fi Sug'4u0 etB-okutotl tg sll ~~oktîb _go ieslhuRDcs tcmda ageneralsoko f8m rie >' poLte oany part of' lp~rlr rasrCa- Thse extensive Sttnck of Stoei-, Pipe,, Tim- maaiuriig 25 fbet ia fronmt, o ou te.,tEimiety,* PDada.kvH. Pnics. ant wane, &,,naiîy Ilûfie Su à b 1,fltem ta at 11p mio Coihonemastrict, wyul a large 2 Msica->'ut hl « blishoin.lî rke inpanlgrsnthe-o oC S t'r ,ie 'tl m ii t-S o v~ ~ old n c ntr l I sur ~p nlc , fro i *n b fl t o ,a l * îh u i landg ra ,uot e - o s ' À R T r o mslii î 5 î 4 21 ytllva n Ov ns,oinpnrising Gode iscec, l sattLOT S NOS. o AND 7, C e>*. - TB PE L S'C A? Al S OR ,X N Y M NE ! 10 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ u Citt1 l S" ) ni!~ o. o o 2 at o!Ci. P-,ZM - 1 _ 1* -, -JOEL BIGELOW, - WhityNovýl.' 186 _andas Street, Wbisb>r. RE CANADA AGENCY à SSOçIAýto«. an lot Nos.situ7 amnd 8. ln the. 8vi Coai, o etbarmuo , "va]o. I ' nw180e. -a CruketSuprio &- 1& Bemn .ýgaa&Rraa, ,ppoite eà o Dgociutei oans t 8 p;r censtltrsu if- 40ieai iif, c litéd u ex alliff o m orosi heBt&i Io IOon impred Futrui-. Thsamas- cuiti bu ûis- ;igrKtldfrnaizos, aboye aln aa - mînata! mmi sr--aine s eout t> tie pro sudyi-sb,-i - b;iux anad aror Sties, fram 1 tO a faci long, ami -kliowmî te bcaîuiamila'pîmiî a TJ lITpillepried of, &W lntl toire pe, Unifier.U Il. tiI-Ç ~ jjFor Tîrtsof application and atiser interna.i- ,0 E lb o w s, T erm a it m d k o v s t tati e i s a me,1 'L K l u a p 1 set îaev Bob Bleiglus, saltable for pedling, hi lSSIL,3. MORZIRIas& gSAtIPSON, :o:u- - A. R.lA.ACA. wititi a pga-iat msny othia- articles tee nuuliiroui uso' oiioiW ligtns.na Jn-t oolr Vejaomentoiont.s, H aà bsorbers having qpened the Store lately erected at Dec. 26, 1660.0him Weilingon-aî.Torronto-.t.HTr'ustn TERMS F SALE: -MArCteSTERosouta. T M A N C E ST IL, hey nul offer in M!l itîumu under 810, Cash, frcm4 i to e, Massa,.FAIRCBAiNKS & MACDNL §%l moitià ;ove $2, on noithxcrdi l aonAnctioneurs, Whitby. DRY GOODS, a à coice "ecsrtment for Winter. furiiiiimîug joint ate, iti lterert. F A R B N S ~ C O E L , T oron to, Pb. 1, 1961. - d n _,£,OtTRllï(;,--.tvers, Under-coati' Vesta, IPanis, al Wlmitby, Fai ). il, 801. s-oi, 1 e jutlGROCE]R1ES,-A fresh and complete assortment for familY NEW JEW L -R . NOW 5 TE TIIl O SEURgCILEF ~ - s.~ iuse. filBOO r nm HoEo7rgà &âlC OCKERY,-Direct from the nianufeicVmrers, 'Staifford- ENGiLLSII&A EIA - AT 'VUEshire, E nglaud. TORONTO BOOT AND 81E STORtE, :~ ~HARD)WARE,«Dj-&c., &cEr-igs W :I ' U N O N B L O C K , o k . s BROOK TREET~W-KITE. 0%sOb 00 cis s.' .deALL KINDS 0F PRODtJCE TAKE-N. Sle ltdFrs IlE t mlîr§gnet ber* tu In rn g hii l a ues' X...- HA . ( T o N & R O B I T S , S o n , & . Ton* rinu uanto sii, duit:le fineWhilby mut! Manchester IPINE GOLID - sito ndShe Store,"isand tîut hio insZ1spit'iartiata cf Pmuuilly Flotua, Lhetup CS!lO VEYOY W D IG R N S r(x.ired 'r-sa tisefient mamrket», mn axtansis-AguiCs, tB'é q-38t 8UT-i, 'GHT uri aru --k tiirt lmu. G0o01, wiilm lie u-Cita PIIANS& MCO<L'.Who wiâhe» teoaeIl, SETCE oSI i IIT m u n l t g f r y o n rvîelvsu s. C DA -C A ru nvi as c g o.uuîli muajuimus client! fla-- By trnng Surplus Stock nto Monoy A M R C N ( O 1S ictga n am u c. O P T E B ET Q U A L T Y , v r Thme atteimî t 'ion uoutry cutoincos l»luia-. Tisa nidoraigmiui vInas eoniignmoants fer justeilt tetu large stock et a 1 : :-' ~~" ~ ' Lip Cowhtdes,MIoooasg,&eâ, . PUBLIC No T-rICE. ~ ~ ~ on hbot!. A large sasortugent ef Lauias' CîtevraLiXimDIDEAIîTMxz, Wimerc lime lilgbeat prYIsnes aboblainaul. Egih&Swisa Watohes. iNOW SHOES RNLA, 71t.ur, Ail parties eanà lgnluug goctis mmy rely on JAMES JOIEN7,3TOY, l3ALMORAhLS# QAITEM, &c. il-* 1 0 C(ItRTAT.N; imblui Lundi vili bc effrai aI& --eler Tige ~ ~ ~ 7,' suFbrli mlyiauîrîe-st ' Public Actln, a* follova î P R OM P 'L'0S A. .u E SWt'sgq.r S Jî'9 Thobcie a;onlydainnec 14 0At adih nYL Y hWN-AND, Break-st, Wititby.2 '-k wil bu excoud lna îlentbyea nthcme à , SC hî PBî re ises nias Iae au afimo n Atleu i ~ ~ ~ ~Clatimn, on TUESDAY, the TW EN'à TY I E ' A 1 I O N THOMAS WILKINSON, a: ~ SIXTîîFEBRuUAY. W litb >r. a . 9, 1861. ~~a a ~ ~ 5 A t c u lu, ean F IID A Y , the FIXST M A CC IIT. F X O, L i ~ .:44~ ~ ~ i: At 'ru-cuite, onTUESDAy, lte iIF Auctioneer &Giueral £'i=!'>u Merattaut cuinallesu,-ru u- ho~~~~~~~~~~~~ OeeIaeGra Ptmeogcw py Party' or parties arodit mpUt-iv Sasitu11 WEDK~DAY, Cli Cautma bsthe tit. athe1lthLiteaima in atigorizail by a Writt >is ors r i M'OU thousands of testimonilsula s to tho At Samui, ou ZDMA ,tha TUt- rvnefur b tulssuo.me effaycofîuuis larsluablereian ilys ditsfuI- LEaLoIiZABETH,,. S.,er aîiamlaa Us> vinir have bea omi sei-betatpa - TBElII--MARU.- Petrbaro', C. W., Dec., 1860. St-om. - - eLBETH6o.I 'l reuaatd ha fil ueult ixZcrs, ni )eutiiidfronithti eastrespetiv ! adAents--- '___________________ tus, mat! arlà j froat-bites. I tée ems>r ta - lao tiig n et! . Plcaring, 4î Pcb.ctOf.int oul>' grns app ai te maiors t.99li froua Maisa. Wakefielul & 'o. R ADi E AL JÂMS Ril 4 e~ P. M. VANKOTGIINECT, JA ME__ Canna îTr 2O ST hby t e Pilckering, îb. 1TOWN --4WHITBY In' S0 fLtdg: atimt1.,0,;ea oal aca flk5t F11., lui.romvccac et bock, coutauumng ui-:r ltie be OU su d #à s~?a diii>'1 o nr thetTCE bromrrn ison, payab e te aie; aise eauututiuiiug $2 lu5( l i i , 1 i l i n k ï r l i t t e r a ue n e d OU jU B J C I l i b r e v o n t a l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' . u ai s i î e a c u > ' a d w i i i j ý <>1 41ig.t bt r C fOuttar, N tSATTIRIAo, ibmstdtal ahi d evimd lu>'veniîag the uucauj. rl uddnomuat se, bt bar oer oWitt wnet n y fPplr, sedutubtaller ttri a i u foreà - *m.amffp92 31 011;A. D. 1801, ntewola ' noon m, île IHAMILTON DUl:;L, ', irclllîagotmmmmalot. rilef I ito _a pu bleit ti -- 'kist o rdnlealuuubil. T' P n pie, For ti i dig x fiamléa'a ilesdeafor Court clion>',LI Il.,'~~~ - Statut 23 Victoria, Cj.o, - oua defniants foraliL poesla te u- -'CIOIL:ÇrC. M ATTIIEW 8W LL O , Jr. By adore o r oa un ei Oiv us AND O 1t2515 iaru ntiouiisiland#a sind me isPre , P ai" 'a Jun.W 1 Pickurig, Juniar> 17, 101, i une nadir suaiand vite of srtafufi .8, 81 tfront itiua nt! vas toIdtiteune year' -TairaClark. -]~' .-v rCoaar slst~ chsrtB. PATTMRf4nlVT UAl! AU~tON SALt>, ONTARIO AND VICTORgIA. Tl" wILL BE SOLI)AT TU12 Booms -1. 1 .4 ,' iO.....u ~sk r~ 'I NG f , u Ijs offers loe bis eéa tocI C9cer a 0omprisingilt,,W ie a4ii ed Chna Te&. SetajaioWht and Colored Stone Tea. Se1,a.nd 'a. complete urtetof Cm mou Ware. Rie Would invite the immeÃdiatie attention ofeonr Dea*lers, and Hous ekeep'er',, as the, whole ofthesokmutb disposed of by th FIST 0F FEBRUÂRY,SOý8 as -10 leave romfor another branch ot' business. - ls boè ndfioflusIda v~4~ j hyofib41 OF CANADA,'B. N. A. -- T'heAQBook viiicontaIq aaiy 400 page,1 ThMwir1e' ,-iomntu,eexellent - ikas fitesûaiô, togolilervlii liii luil mie . cfseroniy-Sra yeaa-a, aidiconaim as i iptOvesimg prtieuas n eiring tle - -- ýary ]sn tnth siruatiiu i - >u mettf Ceont IgnitzGyUn>, luoe vampa-a-e "sont AP ii.the -Biu4bit Of Moscaw iit e vmir 181. 'tie camnpaga vhli tsurmlaated ho jtFssu issthlv-S - 7 - DTTL !0FWATERO, sreutt i arant! (bisa- isr ire fr,tlas s-ris tis - . ubt L fd, i n d ve i.ae, t &à T o uter, tg vsChblthe tiBOS tesa o W l l c n e f rin ii..re p : te r iy i o le r , i ui f . .t. , , . n e r s iasv r gso rte î uhiius1Iw a , v iilL -. For Bale.- ateal seusursviii crtaInCaofiâtment. m l . t t .c Meeeu olo UicPuble ilaAt'esu pr A I R c m gnt 4. oha (blom). Tom Itpror iba teVALUZ f îhe timnbr se» l heoput *r.ý.- - - - - - fttjii zrn t-itwsg pro- raua - guged. hjoinnt tsai Lin Caries 12 onlu ceii n pivemileaiacas oni'pesaaii f, le applelt Yhaipymouii of -?los asi iiufv.Arbaiwi. sppreiCtilise inbsp ':s t î1 t r r s « 0 ; L , t m p l y i o g w l f i l a i v î s l a c n d i t i o n s , h l v i t s m n s t o r s u d GEOif DA TftE [( - helinse fprnitet Fem tmba iithae li9! > UC HcEhJM oIR 9ARE pAÂME_. 44l'ai - Wbiiby~~~~ Offic f tei (,'nc Timbeendmt!C'ron Lon!dsi Wll~iit --- -Pé TipbI hf ue rurn uaf «' -ysi4 e os t P u ter matOustctsvlnmiprtaisimulb U- T~~~ LOIO;E Q A DA OIBJ .IVANICO U E T, Sel>,Dfu!t. sud-diva t Oshases. Oltavebascoitmtsllsleaev@. ltaeC eu c ue .>urt of l0roiWl YciJn.31à 163 ou isseabll.vna. - EOnt- U EBE I U M B R i ameS i ug - S~Liôpsin Hou . a d Lt for Sae. - ALE N T IN E S.t oilIeWs, la ltheseau of - îé-b,Ta te Sof whit ,~laiel> lut cocu-9 - OatX o- fvidonfoci lb.i ALA aGZrAM BOTMS!T AT Paxton à Ces., celebvaat!;Latter, h t U e . ~ a<a~ Rms. able te supply thé sIm i a aoauuable prie..rrieai, oi apyt j - BiIterMIfi*romi. o. a-r- eJ.qH. PEET C. 0 D rug amh-kok Stor 0. W- -SMITH. &lerB D OfsS , - P.a- .Nou" .J. B. WttilY . ]N',~b,#, 151. 4-2BO siga, Jan. $0, iss 8 WhLby 31,451041'- ' >I Phruuy,7s.î W. TIIOMPSON. I nlt! dfaom btd ruaing aseafcr ivo ws tboutintraunr W»Ivisuducot-toý yum caebrata aI, ud ami no v im uplte JAMU FITZGIBBOKBl. Dge or ti.Iriedl meu bl .a =OMMCw* u s D&M ,ijs e Aliuefoeur W4 Q. .ItmstPoea BNs -é-tU On gs~ Isa dri... b -i - d t r S à Otey (p r5 o il t- I. 'i 4 'I a s r- ru ffl-oM4t