(J I rdsrs1Jfi4lp~ n 4 r 1r 'r ;.-i~ ,t iii, e-rn~l rue,55 i ~I4~J oeii f e~as 'cala Iv % ~ -'l ' ?ý O i ..' 1 P UL-c,__c,1<.. C i iJlrcrelullnm--,ý d r i h -LAW. OF>. r IUItOK BTculIt, wii'aY ,- COT 'ii UOTtLfo ppoisà t bi. I a i *n i ob ri s.. D .O b o b fW . I A L D W Elo I to I V ,- n o r o t UNVTAtiIbt,>MPtISIONltFOR (IOMMiItCl.'e 1 TRAVELEURS WILT, FIND WaoMldmvmt, ecnurrntLnuid Dit-i %-) it olineernu-crrpuiur-tta irtel, ru.. 1ourt, Nâtery 'leuble o eund ot011e ntguu, t1io>' ottirbari r ont l ire tcgeir look kept lt lIîle OfloKilîmg5Cm-ct, tîoary Outpoditiýc brn is r id-ta tii rhbýriedir. Allýuoinmîiutrutodtq h* C o. 11 lts urrumrolrainnî)RrolS aifn ieurds rflure b. lnrenujîtly ftîaded, e. B Ilibera! peuîreîtirueoalca o iin ,ucsfihe JOHN DILLINGI côriuomourt bris irad ttuent-ivem1Ieritb iA.W CliINCEICI <t CONVItYANCIN Got Sabl ,gmm atotao tena. r lai ii?.,'Iuo Aiment. 5 W'lrtby, ir> 1550.. A@ A.MAIRSB.A.PIIRON J70uept A19NYAT LA W, SOLICITOIN1% 's-n rty. Li itncny Cuntymiurr,<t.,Man trogt n liîc ai t t ras tir ta nýoe 'Ilotel; >tuklrmt.T' ileliie lunbs nevly fttodumeinatîle»et --------Ã" . 0-)AURT NEL L- nuamiltter for theiireorurdatîcur of titepublia.- Oued stab!Ilng, hre oroomy liholl,, aurf ver - tt- IfPUT' ItISTIt AIt, MASTPER EXTRA- teti atl pr tmuatî rutnd lnoruee,. ,.- ~T)i ltocs SJ orlnanî-, urrual exarminer ln Chawrey lfor vine-. liqururs uogri t e lýin.., er - tir Cont> otiaro, irck-icl., Wlltby. 47 WILLIAM TLIEW JOHIN McNAD, jýARIBTItATTRNIý1 &o OMo--TuE TERRAPiX. - rui re)t Clir aud Courtîttrects a JJyý (OPPO ï l'1RETOIIS 0F TIltS wxî u1te tIte (lob sttn,rr Toroîrto. rj.knnwn Sateet arc nu-ev In ceeurstlôti 6e WILLIAM TEPESTÃŽi,M j> tIre aid187-.NICIIOLArI. Xhn5 strelet, £orontO «urruirl>' kolut b fMn lurrvý. Tire prembIses KIXG- BTE~ET, oshîAWvA, CANADI)a lrvcboa,, newh ý'ronovate i teebout,,and KWeliî. TîilTE 1flttcd i,)li te i an le.Eve), ourable delcyfllc êià ni.A lgr von d lp -so W.EEC. XA Eparnutcrl* IrntO viril il rue buttire hacst br;andi ýB- i:# o, &%!., )luuretnoved tu thtitrrn a ,rrrta IL -ut-er Lovs t 'nls Sor, ager. tel'luar- -- menia brick Bok, Brook-St. 1 (èraurd Truat Rselway llotel. mur>b, Ang.if, IbEoo. 40 t oni CijEoalu<, peP-iI'tbo) Amon W. CRON, ' EUDRTGF ICSOINFOIIM êECIITT7, CIVIL EGNi-ii.AND ilu posesrioun tir tilit rbove Iotel, ftire'Ibusirness _________ itiriru, 1 of wilrieh lie ii l Ifutuiro carryncn>big- owni 8. IIARINET-, & C. . acorurt. Giud tiquors, Wiraus udl Brandies, Nf AUFAIUiICI ANi l>ALEIcI 1- E'ccluî t biu-acruu ttuttienfor mat> Y.Cigats, anîd Letrf 'loirrccum; s lno arinaud hrme. >ples, &cr. & . JOSEPH ItUEBOTM, Irtrur t:Prout, Pert iîr-pc'. irpriator. Purt IlHe, Meaii t &l, li. %y-" W ' Wr vMr1900O. 8 ROBlERT J. WILSON. UNION STATION ROTEL. BaRRST R ATi<>INEY AT LAW, ~N~os ,IRODT. CIECSCLET, MDE. ).9 d# 'a ~& ~ -s. ub UJGOACCL>UCMIli, &c. CORtONERIî '<rso fr the Cuet>- or 01rtari 0. -.- .-~ _____ R.J. GUNNDM. D. ONTAILIO HOTJIi, MIIGON To TIIE COUXTY G MIL srbcîhrmaetu hrforte, l ie ndq$ý -SBaGonT adrIç rvelirptbic iat.élii tk recaiva" a u'v uuraPnîIIs t Utii thédatin.Ec' w etultnis mu oteleoftrut to (10 bih-lneclmtdariaofur4the rtravor;and cool frontCANronTd..RcaiLR à à Od II ÇTEL. W ALEIIdc îATTRISN înîoîuî~S.ANI COONN. AY - tor, cerrua ut YuîtgcurdIfrou lIterat. Zroi l io 1, t'on. uti-tTR 1A 3NMIPE rErrrABI tON 1T IMn c.reian Qi Book, oiotiril.u2durg rond ha -sectutitlui u n,% r Iveilar nte. îweeu Waili rity batour u i Jnd ,nuny.mfi W. Il. DILLINGS. I.,__.___ E abVIrr long) 'ropiurtar. lIanft uun te, ar UFPNSCICEKPIKERNG Goe-c lrrrs. Srut'lemrcoenmlron 'rtr-airud-elr W.7011K Mc IL, - Geoi Uabliiinju, arîr d attair itntcrs. loii L I H. BI AUC INIt BRICTNADH -- - _______ _____ Ws,oSIers Iris rerv, ict aitby luob14.- BL4COC ÉÎTRlIOTELAW. terris e t>rntania trudpDiirirrruri('rrunwhicbceuet tWood Scias by Auctian lorrrrclold Furrrntnre, Crner. (.f Brockad aLndro tire reti, 1'A1gby.. MoerehâLjuatudaanlitr e uict L,ut a ruabnserabla rrî l 'Vle WELL KNOWN, AND CEN-, C01111111014011t. I tj rnnly si(unrute l rotaS lirns Ircti iuwby fitteal <beotrovo. Awicr-t 183t)rrp, rlirn-vor-utecfin i n u m uret o n raile nanr- ier mu- tirepr-accrut orreupierut. Nuo e;areeliras - JOHN METCALF, tennM ' nIuel ta irnsreatua aitgucmtre rul iritour, L LEISK O>TIIE 11115! J» VIiON COURIT a<t Anr eoomprirrg tino Tovunlipll rook. Ad: ' rahaibut braendit of Winare, Liqurts and Cr- L S tCineintturu. 14 Rg:nn,. - -- - - - -~ -.. - Iitroutru-arc ta mnlieiilut rideds,goudsibr FRANICIN I1USI~n and L nnt<-rtive autarne. FRANKIN HUsz.'rîia tlirt-ils cituat lu tira tory iheurt et tirs LINDSuAY, C. W. Towrn nrf Witlir, arnd viii bc ut trred t. bc tine n fJEWL4'£'T, PRItontETObo. etaMîdIt- Mnuentiorrauic.t pitnItrig plat-(-ftrr farinoe..andi .L v tabla ecauunrnrrrr(listloir Sur 'Irrtelaern.. tratabinrrr. -WiutY, Jeau.,2i1, 1857. A.uK.eIICE, 1.JGrlusIul, Ily roru titreat, iii~.le paer Iladiliaîtuert y J rrrr, anud rAilkiria tt i b1g, m. repidr[ng of Furnihturer cttorrdrrd tu. ,50ytruureeertiily reirrrved. 21ENUYZIKANNAJI, HtIER OF COUYU iyAND> 8Ul'ElIîfIC C ourts, and Mes"0rrtor t- treo cortrty 'orrrr- e Alà u plain tind urur.icutai puintur, W hic by. ___I iùclrC ANT TAIL0ll, lntOCKSTRCEET ROBERT SIBEAUS. £1lXIXl AND TREASIJIEiIOF' TUE U Toîu&L.lp orf'L'xbrlnlge. Addrunia, Lxbridge. CIIAIiLEitC. SKELLER, ATTO1»<EY AT LAW, t3oLlcîiluI N 1 ~ .Chalicrn, donuyarrieadcOfit-n NfwVi tî~bolidlnr, e r 0th .o A o ffeirce, ]3rock streel, Whi tuy. Aise s brrueh otfleslu h. village ef Beavor- tour TýovnsblP of Timonelu, and C-utuy of on- tecnl~u.40 A BRON &dcMACDONELL'S LAW OF. C IIe lm reunoved trein the Court laute. Cc tar. 'lllPberén B Juildings," Ilrock tt. Wbty-jonc se, 1860. 27 AIJCTION BUOINESS r~ENDED t e a uspa, b JC. sterilut. & Il endors relatlng te Auctlon sales byt2.0 nud*anedihould h.leftat thechreuiï01 UecMty oosi'. M gIsd ayeiofr nsdiiiiath'odtzd te appotin ur ilys of sais; ~.tua dani f»enter into sncb other pli s teuelaflng to my'auetcti hesîinesai - sa tubia cossider proper ad muida msa~. fi . uahi and, te ra uffrsy agreement thoy .. ssk ut behair.1 (lstoe4lnAU ;I prCs of tire Country. PJ. C.WrZRILIN~G. * CHANCERY. iKwo X.e:3IL"INGs k<ÂVflÇG MADE JyLanua auuet th viLlu iolitor of Ltre ô foEatioryl n Terotutu, la nov prepae to dld* ê mlituis -ad busI»ess roqeu-ig nêit sud. careful attention Ilu h. above U. P1 . D. MÃ"RToN, Âà O UCOBEDED DR. CIIECKLEY IN ~lbspractice. W'Býooim-Bryti1ue otel CENTRE IIOTEL, 1) Ytrr t~.îîî~:, <pirrrdtr lilrrik of Meut. 8.> <raWrtr.I'i.lEIO Pro plttr. Gtl A vru-rnflri ratjuurs. iiby, Jullil. l'or. 28 TIJIOÃXAS DEVEICfËELL. DUT11,i1 E It, <&e. etc., GUAEN STITEE, W Wlitby, C. W.' Il. W. WOODWARD, J-40M MISSION MII.CIIANT, îNbtRANCE %jah unri Garrl Agenrt. Ojfflc-Lutoly QCe- tayruliNua:-1jreuitiâ (leckn o q., bro- rielert Baal oor' c, Toronrto; W. (J. Camrsls Eaq .lrugr su Bf. N..A;sjrek ,Torout4; W. %". Rruurm, a., Ma) rKaQ naeoBanuk TurrrntrrWGn&ublo îaqa"%Ilt.à uMls Te foutu;lotn, 1'. M(1', 'rauIdost Bank ofr lu: trerul, Moitrutrea; M an. Muittarrd, Tylce <& Tlrtarirsii, orutr~Messrs. Andersonu, Everuen Cot'., Moutrvral; Mror,. W. Pricia <t bon,Qna.- bec; MesrIl. J.Noad & CO. 6- EDWARDS & HODDEE. T mAIL0198, DItAI'R, d& OU'UFrrEBS, LKi urg treet, oQswel. Gsjtthemena' gar. mentse made ep sud ont la th. tes4t fn.hleua. haie style. 103-1.v BRYAN's TILADSALOON, Vlctor&i try Offie., 131 S'AIIIS. (Jyters, Cgara8c. NOW M8 TUE TIME. GET Y0U11 I IENESS AT J. A. Clarks lut arise Picturr Gallery Fyudoslre a correct sud ibfe#Ile Ambre I eotype, ta oLttergraplu, or Teather Tranisfer, or mLi, oussiu a Leek.et, Broacir or ing, fer J. A. C. eau do Itlu t he beut style, sud ut short notice. 8$ Wl KINSON'8BOS .7. RAMER GJREEqWOôDp,- A TTORNEY..AT..LAW. SOLICITolt'i- -r <d - C d pd,. 1~, l. ~ QPIE Ao - --Fo 1fm.r Âtmair \Curosco4 en. ty nân5é 0rie'te-' rotr7r r, n)- Àeue -1, 1 O- - ic e . on t er c et 4D' i fiPt , ý ETlE -îtr.kOgteiu. 'u~<s te 1 iloeîÃ"nre1-rsouiretriet cli- . Wittrt - - - - wu thie heLirt .9,s h lv rt r a Ymn. f e,bsItei -car eidt*1O t nlr don.et oid. lilmrse arr lutl laC vîi eCsuuru Ml.,4 hbok l- e ih 1a 1e-mi>'pu-ef fires~ai. r $ r 'ter,,mn, ,,~ 10 bi ~h~n~,ofobrae I.tlr# neiket (prihce bore c Arrttoicn, ouse, cf 6Ioeti ladsy.te adutulasien, to tl! i 111eT., lTie t. ina>' h. Obtsunml 4em au~ fl.,~ f- WleIl>y Ang ~.185) Wuttsy oca cfehtiutltrîov. --4 0%ttcî agat:LMoa ad Damages D -byitre.- WESTERNASLACCOPN JNURNEeffected on1EBuidings and Culer Sîîgéns, feattle, . Rooma oveî apîî ~'e f rn sti Spplieti on iVi. arltbLynegfjoe Traelin Aen, JyOHn SAUN W, DUN»AsSTRER I', Wfll'r' - j Tnneilntr AgntBunonSurntWbibyr, rîî l UIlfilutirempitt perect mor 01111eri n butse I. -tefft ïu i N ew 'T ailO ri nIg E sta b li sgh m en t I ntrmL0 l one nup rluc onf u-. a o i ýe r d SIMPSO & FF1GUSO. Ueo untlcny, ermrlo rrat oc -la t he #é gre: I$ t h <lu-fe u-th l nt rate. - E S ' E L T F U L L Y h t n u u c e t e f u elh e n î - i e e t t IrO : l-i rt a î rtfë , a rti - rb u , u i u orgrrnia, fluec ootb. tpe irrpreiesrvretterta ouluabifths, o! Wlaveftiau uroudrggrut <lue! et tira lueritir, lunppineà and eti onfont cTutki>'rlet fli>' lnvopre a ofrmninmint dopnn. Thir oeratin. lin ti Talbr'sShopon rock Street, irratîeh ofet l prefetenoneaut fil! ta gîvo etnj Opposite tire "Ottario Ihotoel" whcrmr ail onu!>' t-tait <aita l11utlme, eoeilthdsira dîse:rso g orilers enfrusteil tn fluent viii ho donc vitir Co f in a iold. mtblsc h is.S4 oe usturs uiinuoartc.AILTIFICIALTEETIT lrnnto Il l1u Juil S- WVlithy, Oct. 2Uitb1359. 43()t-or, lltutoe qPiateialact-upot tira eeSehneate,ul i Oenoen d la iotzed hilemaftarlira utot atrd 1mosatro nvao utteodès adopt-aI I>' Whitino ewerof11-cr1ut. 1neo tieatjoetsôf Drs.-Udlur WJbitby rowery. iar - ri to're o attem'tly pcorurneJ, arrldc[e meutet ISurlsiorncclr's, tiret nefourn,*l-tie srtfn- I es, f orciffuire2 pr'ser%-ad.but the ceaincucon frtnti ewnrr o t<hein nirtifia-lal C-eti. ia Pr) rulotal t tre lilroisea mirte. limtirje dirarblity .,t iýaami6 lg & ciu tr rleri1 t usol. umrualtmue ignrrto e iin tine 11V timeie's PI,4ilierng rcolor, umna grertLsit ss'tiâeiirtiot ifl s Tilobt rreclirre I1mw Prepreto fuur- h furaI 8 utel.Ie prntracrreofet lei ittiv Braver> oi deiuu rarir ian t ieera>tn tti arr exellenrtarticle lurcuicli qrrrrita r orit!ia rf inlarar' ten tir lrrutah l p te>' bua requil i r id.pn ternas ta cuit Tente. si, nrl< - r1.rottmt u> nttrr A) macrlirg..l &bttlmi rsilro equrnl t irJr t rtl rtole. off»repng. - tuOlisi tILAII< cri rWAI> f 9lrltlne tarreuuted.euu6*cCoy. Tort, c Wirtitby, Noiv. 1tn, I1559. (18N.-44w. rrenruan n lel. CurrsuStatiori freac. kIIniTninLd r~ 10YDIU WANV 8T'U fi.TAT TiîxE ,0oi-t- P,____--- -- i~ -~ Iîeem, WaiirgtorltuliG -I lbrkiuti vilrrge. onut Ct fientCO T G.] B-, - i d a y o f a r r h r n u e nt ls r u c ta r . R I S O _N ' S e -W. ii. HIGOINS, -Vx opt eReitynie) t - -1 ,Secreary. l. R. CoitSO , W. à . 0 2 e ddoiua a in<h 'at fltre -btb ST, LAWRENCE FOR i$28 it REMO VAL. TÈE RING $25 --TE ROTECTI0Oý!ST (i rigiuei) Pl 'tMBROTYPE GAL.LERY. $28, TWIVO ai '11E SYLVAN IYrITC11, IN rettruiig tcharnkî te charim liiia ton rtalu li- berté] prniroiunre ha lirrrm-tived siireConr .îanolnte bennlresnthatli. lisin i i ioek.là *Air. aruve te Glrrtu tret m trunne nrthea bretn brocye (JilSet' tatire roar or ýtra s tr u lie14 re aie. t ti, rok trauvh-r ire ire îrreprene n rrrnr.arn-ye£lra ir 01tii. bo osit .uiiâtir l ta.c fon thn.op, reau. îrnrrpetnoisnn ouiinallfrohe tir enp, are on ' spakhirua nil.ri iltr Wbitby, Mey 264 1860. FAIM FOR SALE. TN Vie Tr'evriip cr (r Irnrnlr; bain cI a i urtîn lant or Sot N'o. 584 ihrtia fii C(orrôecte alun, Corrt.einrg 4lusr-, witl 2 la-tiirg iroases, lianrn onul stncrls, drivtrrg ririeni, wnnnn, a 1uiuudid orchtrdand anve-éi ni s eui utateal an tNtir igmu>rarn To'rntnr rorrd,ihraa nlia, frerru Osni-,,und ix frirarraiIruntuvria. Tiuiii h art oparimrig scinSornu offanati. Titla par fue t PieuMoarlou-t. Tenris e-. For p'ar- tieuiarâ dzc., app>' <e E. .SiLI Ali 'rauteu, May' 14, lr. Trattrî, C. i FOR SALIE. T tOWN LOTS Ilu W'ltby rier tIre Bay.-, Aisoe Viltrolao'U tirign' rue k, French - G. H. DARTNELL, J une 18,Bu-ad ti, 1;141% JnuilT Vb8 NEGA fi 1- r v I il b [IÂLT VIINIGARBcuit now be b.d in large or a uiqn titlls, ut th e Whitbv Brewerv. NEW- S7ATIONERY. A no AGEsTocK -or New statlotv ý just;eShrved, lncluding Papers and Envelopes ol ail sorts, and sizes. Aléo mm Bordfs, Boza of ýut Colora); ar, penes aMd otI8r fpencils, quo#, a"~e Pesù, 4C., <n Êrfat .rdy -Chronicle offic j Di 'i GOLDEY LtEE Celebrmted Chaliange Heater, &. ,InnCoudiig p ulreerre for ecash ir wtdotWeil-te> rno a ]iibfuru j beinr.Nu brune rn ti rucrin seli cin.r. TIhEILE 15 A LIVERY STABLE AITACIIED, Aurd aîaorytrirrg 1us coundnîcteni in tira best styla Horses and Carrnages 1 At OU i ure to orlon. AGRICULTURÂL IMPLEMENTS. G. ILt Lre agonit foreor tl'Ottor;oîc're d&Itrotil- ors Aécrtctittural nîirru.errrerant ofr iiainurral bul nnrtcb leit repare d tu rlr mmi OUordone. GEO. ROBSON,; Ilrock Stroot, r48 IVlritby.' AUCTIONEER. ~1L b hlappy te attend ail1salaos tira i e V nu&y b. favnced vwici, simd frema prmet ex-. pernicce bepu te uciveoucare satis'fac.tionu. Sales attmatie ai aimrantntice auaI ndu n aarsorrrbS Wuiby, Ang. 30, 2800. 40-t JAMEil. %GERRIE SEILLS Wator OÙ and Lampe, Coal Oil and Lampe, Krerosene OÙ and La-mpa, urngPluid é&]Lampe, Cheapor titan tIre> car ir bougit nuy 1vi hre aIse. Cal muid:exanucebotoegolsg w Toroh- to te, puernumue.1 Kîcehen mui alor Lampa, llarp - C1El iepu-toas.ý ,I &qro7 , na a 4 -"4 ej IIV" (&r adb ~ ~ inr -Tbe J£ 11Io -rrlT Fo Iui, énotéor iueé For lI, noleud ,i' - 1,L'hbptte4ld1lqirunubl,;, *.-IL gievs aoC on te aannula Devtedlunto &MO Seurrch hbutory', eînb'corîcld ge"rojli.- I b s uo la ip i ., s l ag o n ~ r u ! But ft litire grdatelit lierrei - Arecie thos otuei,aoie, Ad battliugWith. omptaUeuu Wlin vict'rius suroe: known: Tinta9 gotuo kriglinlrd gave tir0oen wovrk tie,go Flisia1 the'jLeak. - Nov, wluat shall 1 dO; for your cor -fort or amusesntt tis evoning cld iudylP anquired Mr. Murray Cooper of luis devoii nife, askle bit oir4e end ef a ogar, et iimbled behinti au engraviag hy Leue for the match-box, that -ho aiways inalatci bu baving theli, juat virerO ho coldreatl "There'a tie Chrosuicle,buîthtat ' ne resut adi1 lcked trotgir 'arper' as I cars along. 8balUI cksap tntas? iti rmmmdi mefluai- j must, &etone o fflics( pa te n t le v e r. n ntra c e rs . 1 * 8> ' ' e u e 9mitir'a tdteY, eaagridiren, ti'e'tue03 emploeerrapgouaent 700 evejr av f fOinga e fek....ateiies fuameke ,and the u'avy li the. sane ie e I ietitestve d i sn't fwo yeal "iO, a dollar or à e suppose-a mo rie. Must you sev to-niglut? lvajra ht everiastin4 1werk hasicet 7 WLy îdont-i 'U bave e seanrstrem ? Hev muclu wulc ceat, now te bave 6il Chat pile soied ru1 S"A dollar or se, retorf cilMnr. Murray, myturl>; unI 'h iorev out har ftile id ueedie.box, tii. grecer'a C9munuicefion lu diacorerel cn tep of lier venrk-box. IlHai an>' lattera t.Iuay? wbo i ha t mt? I a, MaLtty, suppose ve sbould gmin 10 firiuk et a ihtIa Placa4lu'intire Duntr>', next ipning ? -Lerton vwas celk rg about thaf lot, ou* flue irend etfthe Broui;, au knov, agnt t-day.'. Andti tveoe iree atifactory pnffs 611.1 np mashort use, as Mr. Cooper fhrev-imself hack hi, ove partieulan ýeasy chrair. 14 Ve rat have oruveti aoaethiug tria year te. nil. if, you are sncb an indu.-trious liLtle oma, anti deserve Ce have a busae o un ove, aud everylhung ulce about you, anybdy ioes.-Wircm diI yen say fief as fnrm?2If'. fime yon ireurd froun ycur Cen iîu't ifAndia a eud vas otrotclel ut ber, a, witir tirheafostuplaccnt air, IL&sife's spirirt adgraudally been siking since tire epening cf- tire ork-bex, ase knew perfectiy voiS thet she was en- sidereti respinsibe for every item et the, accourtif as if eoc baroIl of flouir and pouud et cofféebail beerupunchaseti for hon sole iudividtual benefit. Mr. Cooper'a face élouideti witir the directions of Lire letter, clouded witir breaking open tie enveicpe ; tic ston ubunst-with iris firaî-gbanoe st the a'> to tal. &À "A oadredwd i-ÃŽfty, dollars 1, diti ycu se t bat, Matla-a hundreti dollars anti over, visa ili ougirt nt te have bcea thir- ty.five, vitir mli I paid in Jo!>'. Wiat la te venld tityotr eder vien Ivas away la tefi al?1 I neyer had fies. Iluinga -'Nacessar>' I I ahouldti nk si, vifi al tii.v e hs t gois bon luihbatkifchen. I - wa cidse 'after yôt'cu0ok a$aas I haie tÃ"Id pu ludreèd'timea'. lttw ould b . aà é L g . i csa é -tg p t o i ! aevxsiin gt âû atn dmore th y s au.~ - - -r - - -- <ne Co yc lu mi jii va pl pMr W vsuTm o aOZ1856 1 bottle e rn'...... 125 1 box of cigara..........4 50 1 galln et brandy ........... d > o I1 demijofin ...............1e0 1 -bot'of elgà tru............ 420' ias oÈtiaOf et ............ 500 igallon et Sherry vine...00 i b z c ig r........... 4 5 1 box ef elga*. ........... à 2 40 Co0114 not, udçrtand it à tailt firt md clesu-er sMd, lae,-~ Coah4sýqotlhave ipilveç tbatfief feslittle "rusf,u-O.llaid-i fçoua. stue It ime, for his !fa iÇlpçq«, pv4ue msse- custotuctite, "drap le," sconlil amomnîtet sc much.,' ris.Cooper titi etdnk bran. chy or.1 Whrr ine, rsoeegntcfu Mn. Cooper, 8 it~gby the.front.wbnd4 ut 12 o'clocç, 4 q~ ~~'ofc-boy Arrive viti a retura despateb. It . vas or. ut. q tbu ie eit SWihont Enoambruan.e@4kli 'jsrà epa and- %;uiq&431u amu ra'eeui..aLu wa>e -an equai division betweeu tire -two enmiesl wluiclu gave about 80f., C.e acir of oui mol liera. Th. division antong tire xmcmi vas, matie by a, commission vicirvats cempos- cd of ail tire chiefs cf cenps,-atrt--f tire jif, féent branches of tireservice,anul vas presidel over by Qetieni Jamin. 1h. com- mission iraving deliheretti,in the.neme of peror, iii. express, sud tii. prqim rpori-, aI of ithe whoIe cof 4h& 'Qriou. arieles WooanFRCAýADt.-We *neyer ried off from te Palace. o;tpecte& Ã0 yoke togeiber the Lomndon The. arly wus un nmu.Coudt Jà urnal-and the leew York IkraJJ ing of ibýis offérlng W itbqcif ai4, -the arWLsérýatic iimd ib.democratie or- who wilIconsder ta...m kgà i. But for once théy -have-heé'n l à i!oe of bis soldior orhvag cnp~q i Tio lfôtfing ïmotemaenig iti Affd for Caua. ~atb prmpnèa 6 *bh' e xcites omir d otfistant expeditiunthat Waapvir aéu. -dertaken. mmiâ~'i~ 'pwciilwotie. Perbaps" the reader re. "dAt tei om ifbédiiio b.memberu.tho famouWS j~aah(o tweenIAthtwo anales, I ini&edin, the formcèof jwéj~~lte a eIy czt came cf tueemperorthat LordElgib sbouM ld rnd fhps!siitee~nd make -the.firstchoice -fur ith. j "n bdCoond ffce arera<i wr elnd. sýre béfiig gof through,'theo Cïlnadiuî;ia urne "ilord Binle elected abto~f'o.gmto rranged, nnd at~# aturned mand cf tbo,nperor 0cf h a n Wti Ine Irn . u l mrie i jade cf: groat vaue, sud maomaied d 1rp i à fih md olev niu en " l <ol. ~ aeen baon, ~ tt"bbwh dà np enirder-t hatem- respect baving been foun4,Lor&Bldgip î bacdii.sooïing seve uCvrator, là tura »WtW.4that it hoa44 b> ser?44 îtbiWhiti"tbatthé addle bail galed'Wild. tiw ýhoEmperor of tb.e a"q1w ,ThQg* ire ak . dtai~ms'cwsidwt à iý. horfor., perfect- equliIy ýin ,tib 8ont ývllegM Bttbore b the N. Y. H(à 1d, choies. ~ reêdyoiI à tsov led prà s éà nbeto yon, Monsieu le t*ro eq" ýÉfeofEn1ndtùt manficence, of stM' f f*51f T I W' alioÃ"etber. whic~scceed ch~ol~ oe~ a .~.11L yuiâlk4ii*t ý ¶irr4m fC'turn~ Jff<iI.aai.& ~C exponeris of t8amm ce o;he Epýero, tii. 0ýCo6hul Offie and tho Colonies.-N. auccuionof pagau, al41n1 ug gô<ý in gold, sbiyr nt brouse, of gigan. "Look welI <yurduhte sut ai. ticà ïièa'"6 Ã" e à itîyin',broire, -a ling uon yo 1 r bousear oftr 1es.à , e. Bouddlia, lu 'abouÛt meiaity fei' hibii ;jani rous han thase coming lntoil bris Party, te -eéMuncpate Chemeselve;i retm flue cvervwhelming influouce -'oà NWien and tien go.. on te relate- inztemnis 0e* tiret monenei's bad feiclu 'an ,d pu-op nuuism. Mazzini vaut. Ce Itahiarniza piedmuont aurd tc have a tratunel compact Iuanmourizirrg tiio vutnul ndinterestaetftr! tire Itrilirru pro- vince,. Tira Setter laireeuHiari>' irurest- iag, since la etnaaes trt tiragr-enc Irral- -----t--~ -~ * i tri F F'S~ -3 mirrIt in~ un andi S, andi loeverà urel Iutillipreo traltu q'e0l selt. yed ci, Il greil tllacl ited l ) t'hoin y tilemuso of tha *ruchaic. !ÉIthe fn mar ngcor v e of l a surauce Co. 'ta C<05, LONDON IN 182 r, AT & &ttu<, ' 4 11e1 ~for s4r vsiel e çup l Cmoi. 1wiritby for Sale. Ct to but m i rpmS 'e 1Eilso N, N, Erq., WilIi MILE. c.olnty OntA ror Sale. 25 Woods Lt, l e"rï'4'1 Rila - 1 - - - 1 - momm moïl ýjý 1 "And butte P; o44 tbqpi tLuap oft Wmnoeh do yon týh*m'r'e hat i shce a Co lns *n.. - ti--L "<i~ îb~fYitoa»4d~conem. ExcuugAarqaj 0. n 7ouing hmt c ~~~~~te part o1f thepacr4oudw; odbutter fromatii,41irt. om o A onu st. ld ref itjT0 e , Egis fI'dé ement from a. botter frot be:hotu eha te ean een ever remove4. g'ir tlL u'I~!à e j 'ow i.. Ie4ab"ana itlreenu-l 1v J qu ç- x , w O~ere içrlco StbaîWn 1amcnp tii esu- i sü d lito hat the~ eeO me #!eake te go pcvlie e7r nIna0~ aOry baveol roe:nltiébl~la~ vnbr,~, 9 f~ iee Llo'e:Af~ en~meetsef.le(af~~ ad atenethy Bchi tviiot. coMifred, s itub mo phra as attace v a ta bulsx an bae r.y ,d ~ r uî o k 1 a d s old ul tet bnt y a' ~ è b ph r w i hi d dn d Li. ". cus fîl o11 iokôpaa, 4la 'u he. insecin fAmis npesekiIowrd 19i t4"pla~inionIitheé. lVbl ea efm t e waoe ch, t aieunly aliù,# ei caidoed Tlih a n o fi ek, lhéýîgvevr. tva o lJ Luh.trs, 'Penape lvra h e onosi.e. e ibaes-1 d'rcda9w ientyo1e 1e.blng iren andt4ier m, bee epecalytionAn on.à hrRsl0'PaCLir u "einaria, h fat theafrauss i m dread;- but W',even thyat irl'e. rsromprcidehwo'rd adde. Ll hnaots.th altli sbe tai4.Tfpet"ohilà l&1dhingPaèousekes.feudfd'w sry. lut, aithfully ste-.eec bor vi i t ho h sag ii ('iso aes n ilr'seiaya Te. A f n* ~ ~ ~ ~ u Hekue.d lti i.lstpe~ ie declaroti, con -iPg u té Unté LSistesrvyell -A le ,, ybrumsinte ilmgî aeb.t 1'ino uehmdu hone f tesahiisad ruiiiteriy sc enue ~r.!'r ofse ti nt bi Ptifs e he liii fuir urnnelrin bond, ed ëlfti i 'à ê à <il& lîhero îe m ,4rnli uiet th bodonc ian o le Lai e di ofurein o t io j, uy ndor th outnu helo hWis ýI Chatset- à d rei î0 atn i f r pubic dty,)îti- l a reettaC. fole n s a esn, tnd ext mrnbig... silkn rere n ru pin trf itgsoq as s, i, ren s e e ju dtan ' ,,dot. Scni. esss1the a>r.ee ýhr w h idlnm ftehefor Lie unuownthe tnoedré,,n eng, hwa.ngt 'i ce noÃŽhn ac hpreised sb much losed v E Bin's d tre unerhe l Wesrue bides h Br a8oledwy i o pnywît, l ady of9fh 'bPacL 10.e..notO bigcgdrd seured,hoier vtodadcn m#ytabngmad4eîm0 190 qrcomft> ..uP,îy, sitngava s le nce;Atuld h. rpÃŽse h utln ot hest on. . Wiotli fer useimpulse, Lo-'th 3à ekunnd uAef u eenta Toelq oge i e soevr d u de huan ta Llthnaope.th ill tdd a pt dwi, i ogambuse. B Au utAee vcn hi, lîgîri bcd orherf tne.ti lte perledotyeaitf Maà ' tor .on iueortbsang tte irela dir hilà ofet ber cira-itn, o te Ile 5 husbnd nt i teembracifudt hor.elaed toretcerr itae n it ,Saer," ifl l iretsam d a. er , alon issio nd ha vet migperphe e n " i lusa ir eu thin t bond ilic i sord e hdguei locauare o era fybis sh i t t t n esg, era V tr eed. he - Lolahenmae- adloe igt e iabyireofoar=ae.hoî inished presflnt etebisofirem.at ip e the palae,ovf c.erI urerd y- 0a3 ;de n Mrae t o ch. F i ntýaa n eceer irness md ent inel>' r nd sveu eîSong aftrpssiag rgluee rel nnt aai-Cor c te t#gaieterlbefore«eie (aho accsmoanioopbir, ad W k1wjîg ro hetbl- ktl ept eroestrent u t an the ibe eve ngsud iibl ae e ureal -~~~bsad tha at, iersefttht eveing but wîe Englan n h n éediunder he u i. o erwoienhis emait a t vsutltrarvsooGt.ea-boo ie~g hterd- eulc Jndi - Auti fei n ie ouaide tif, wss he as on fo tr , mm odiaî el tain oraie udrbsptes ns office tiforp1nextc det,)anti eOnu pd ckéî o W&er a cea baere, lfor ta Brgaie Fîti. ucs asfoenshin etinbSricra1ie sayeý - drssc hip mied b ah. os ve cnntdvriw albîerd iurteanxtouofCnr!Iay ucpci tt~ws 6]~ P lu Ladb a ltiriiend edvketi appitdlire. cQm tienoeBroad aain ct inytrie -Tluyoinita. muao uerse ahntin, hiusncio " e h i,m eîton iurecie, uvîtlimou whiuh, iuty ico ndrabyernxui ber, o n 9sene, - te s thettemojeta of gthe yat valeasirealga ilbr cnieAn vr'fndsr vs cn o i ntie othegt reqe uf ai'o mi l a for G a be.Tr yu vfen one itcaly re Poorchili I o wuld venlok e riate tiuaYtheca>'ng aay il ii r opent>', ut the c r bert arintirris,_ta o b ac e ,iero.t onc; ad 0 h bokefle sni ot easf transort buigver . imiîed. en iceh l,la vthoui Rora. Lbaeçthn-ai He tiougutILwaMaoaenbi, rt ricumbrane, alfuter seerbc rted tire tltatGarlualclr la ýtnoweu!y eat.V'-~ glanco, nd Chatsire li dheen taid te icvr f n faot$0,0,t la endsesselo I . i give i1j h t hm, ttr ui.li nbn b t se Wo ing t h e lad â Sile n Tesamo- die n nbtena oCpoa i a ifïïog va n rs ie' an.rilg af ieti tu.*-~ 1 ed- 14d, 1