' ïeuîisa Ã"Ë Ys À>g5 LAW, gro"'t tht o., orýýo ., rek5tf.eW1 i AUI8rER-AT- LÂWe Ol1iCf-E8U 13 etroot, M ltby, c. W. SJVJ.QFjINA MIUo a.& Nd.AM, UCOTT'MII OTEL, uNpASTR T VIIITI3Y,FIIST I>OOR J. W. CALDI)wLL DRÃ"WN9 0,DQZVBYANCKMU, COMMISBIOXEC FOR t41Oit ffdaiY , tw rtu aDivi- t, ege. Offie-Kiisg Street, zserly osite b. pron ptly aitendu'd'te. JOUX IJILLINGs, L AW, 1tCIY & CONVJEYANCING Moflo, Prince Albert. A TÃIe)ltNEY AT L~AW, SOLICITOJi IN Csarscry, CUSIOSIcyw.r, &o., bMain trect m~arkhainî. G.0IM.DAUTNELL, D l1>UTY 1tEGIS3T1AR, bMARTFII EXTRA- JUordlnssry,assîd sexamîiner ln Clsancery for tiheCotînty or nterin, lirock-e4t.,Wiltby. 47 JOUX MeNAis, 1 IARRISTEli., ATTOJINÉY, &o. Offce- j Cornter ni Clissreli asnd Court Streetii, (oppo ilt41 the Cusl) stand,> Toronito. WILLIAMTE P T, . . 1lN (f 8ST LE T, QSIIAWA, CANADA W4 I. TEMAY NE I3AU1I1PITEftI C(-U-NTY Cltt>)WN ATToli Cg r Lwess <l l'uul'Store, bMessin. MeP'ilor- mon Brick Illooc, JJsock-sI. Whltby, Aug. 9, mu. 40 AMON W. CRON, ~iCioiT , CIVIL LeNGIN[EER,1î AND - ArANUFACT[YIIEIt AN1) I)EALERÇ IN iNA' Cigssrss, and Lotst Tohasceoos uloso Wlisipsi, ,Tolin f9trect, Port Ilcpe. '0e Port uipe, Msrcls tis, lois. W-s W ly ROBERT J. WILSON. flAlll$TEUdc, ATV<)IINElýY AT LAW, 1Solieitor imiCh &Cry cc lsitb) C MW t,0ic- Wsllsce's hoek , 'oe trout «hith RBT. <IIIECICLEY, M. D., s Ult(iF.N, AC!0Uc"t I uIt, &to. CORlONERt usor tioue Cisuof> esttaitîio. R., J.G(V N N, 1M. D. ..URGION TII THÉi(CtJiNI'Y IAIL v~3roe ltrvet, Wtltiey.ï I4TWINDSOR ILOUSE, WiIT13Y, loTEaboye Ilutel lat aitualuutaluituteatid j4'e0rud part o! thuaTowtn, 0o1tsis front nuS. -funsmdateîsIonInctrs. oued sttctitivm "otiers. 2 'r' u<.î hELITZ, EACIIlt Ilx msiSc, Til1E Or 0 si Piano Forc tisrrîîeît thrssgs lnaîs sn.l l~kAnls iA stisll uti net ite., la îreîîsunusl tu orlt eciveý a 1ev nmone li'illis st tbisa AMJIRICAN IBOTEL. W' XTLKER &P1ATTEIMSN PIlOPII tont%, coerner ut' Yuisig siuiS Lrnt Streuto. CANTON JIOTEL, -'- WV. CUTIIERT, 4s-BissPnstpricton. B AHILItATLU d& AT'TUILNEY AT LAM', eSictnns i lîis rWiiiy .W.- Oîflo-WiiaesBeiIdiii, Brook-at, Wîîitby JOUX McGILL, TWENSED KTJurlN CEIt FOilCANADA .JUWest, ora Ilis services tute Isailisbi tatut 5f )Iitanio un d uIlslusîiCssssstti tentd SitIe by Asiednîls iiieîolFunuiture, Menelsss.odizsuind tlier clcî,a a nsonabtle eoiniissi4losî. l JOhIN DETUALF, L'ERK Oi' 'lItFI FTII 91 ViîloN COURiT, C t~nehu t vise tiip liruck. Ad - F'RANKLIN IIOUI1E. 13 F. JEc. W. B tissii issin furliti ton'Jnsvellurna. Wiitb)Y, .lia. 2l.18 157. A. K. RaICE, f'ABIN ET IAK Fit Ulî Lu ASIEiEi, d&., %,J (erriu'sIssU, 1B non Street, Vaib. s- str iiaui li ieatly cviie, and ssi k'illde ' ,job- lI'g, aMI tdreolicrinig o! luniiittre ttanded te. IIENDY IIANNAXY, O tEi F Cst ' NA)> sci'EtioRi çCouertsanssd Messeiver tsi tihe QCi1ty ('0(111- ail. lau [IleIsSI n isieiiîss .11piulssr, M' Ait by. fERCIJ4KT TAIL011, IJJlCK STRIEET CLEIIK ANDI> tRAsUiitg it F TItE C Tovîsahîiof xslIr Adsînesas, Uxîirîige. ATrOIINEY 4T L&NW, StLICITOR IN v1. ilsliesir ,onysicr c.(Ic-n Acoitbulldrý111, ccir tIse U/s>'eaklsoffic,,O 'TBreksreet, 1W Aliy. a sbrassuli çllce le la iuge o! Beaver. ~tn, Towua§Ihîîs otr Tlserssli, anS Cessity of un- CAM ERON d& MACDONELL'S LAW 0oF- lilm rioveil tram tjiseCourt Ilieuseta th, -é fcPhersoa Hualdiage," Iinock St. Whitby,-June 2ô1, 1seo. 27 A TTENDED ta as initial, b>' J. C. sterling. .I.Ail orders rlatIeg to Auct on miles by tlis utidermincd, sîsoald lie leftat thecAurwos. e <of- fiee, WlhIthy. Menssna. IliggInn &Msyerilsoffen ore dul7 auts4aed teaBpointmy dayo of sale, sottie' &od., aîîd,10 q»tcr Ihu muait utile? srritgtiânt risingta ni>' sectioinbusiness se thss g eenst4er repo spd iseeoasry. u. nUsib ce Én b ta a1 £D*an'greient ttsey BLotendd u il Hparts oetilie-Cotittrv. J. C. STERLINGa. IL1 LL VING MAD>ý 14 of n or utl o v p reosre ta ondù 2PMt a s& .rquirln prompt asud oareful attentio lu tise stove D E.DE.OTO, à , lii practice. WRems--3rysn's Ilotel 1 ?e ' lm iit.À L i11 - --- . - -, - -- a idOOtP, it O' NT tor fusres ts s»"tun sà lito o esdt sà , ,MIl* toY. C.'DAW~S,, exi4 l CGOMMERCIAL HMOTEL, t.i8u~~D wgVOpposi1ee alai n obet. iTAlIEs (ROCKER1 C OËMRtCI I, TtihAELERS WILL FINI) ai Wb ioia*~a th*. bar-the, noateý tstkeb>'tioir prideeeséavs. Tise pnopfislet P takeN titi.ocaention to tlisnlt IleuI terotia tpatrons ansd frieussia ftîltae ltbetal iatvesssigâe bstoed Un hlm aine. 'thé coltimeîtcamn'sit. o! iIs humlioess la 'Wiitby, Qeod stabiug, sud attentive Ostli-rs. Wilîthy,_Mu>'_1860. id-tf' URON oJIout . T IIE ndersigned lias llean thte save Ilotel, hi. l Ise ho linas uou l fteS upi le ie hst banner fsor tIse accomnmodation or tise publie- Goad stabilleç, finemrao lieds sud avor> i- teuîtlon iaiS tuainsuanS honte. RW- The. beat vinps. lqîtontsndctgara etti is. WILLIAM TIIEW TUIE TIIAPIN, r îlE PROPRIETORS0F TVUS WELL .1. w seîetalon"i are nov in accepatiou et tlîa ols $Tr. NICIIO14AIS. Kiuig street, forante (tonitteri>' kepi b> Mfr. lie rie>. Thssiprautîlisas baeba.evy roaovatad titgrouglit;,UseS ifitteS t-)In tisa fisust style, lEver>' procuns4lae Soale'i) esn A cigat' divan fittoi aplase- yanîi>lita wbicb isntbut tise hast braS sre porîtiltted t'e iter Ue ' CARMLEL& dc CONKET. Grand Trauti aisyM tl 7T'3E UNDE-RSICINFIS BEGS TO TNFORM X lti nuâsansd tise publie,' tis b aI sno lii pnoinesi o te th siboltet5the busiioms of whitlshawIlt lis futuire cairry pon iLis, owst aceouaut. (food Lîsînioras lYlues ausi Bnssdies, Cicara &. tixrceiii t tbliig-carcful attention for eau td liunsfe. JOSEPII RUEBOTTOm, Wlitby, Jan. 19, 1860.nito.8 UNION STATION IJOTEL. OOT OF YK ST, SECOND flOUSE Jing.a W. OSBORNE,et' la~~ lrcprtee 'N'T A*,IIO I-MOTEL, T 119 anîbstcriban eg a t tsferm liîIa nisisde, autd tlua tnuveliiiig p.tb)luc tlust lue lits. tuki- eut thte sutova volIcuovisIsol I sd tutes y sitrict atteî.tlto bushîsaisa%, siS b>'eudevoring te deislI lu liii tteôwar for the cosiifou nd su]cois- issotaot'gticsta, ta eîerlt sahania etofspublie [titrviitage, Coud Lîquers usui Ciganrs. Yçin romtble accanmadsatini orîti usasnd boÉsô - à tu:tteutivs, sud careoirl Cahier. S. COINWAY. Aslsburîî, iluita 18, 1LO0. 25 ES MRKT SQUARE TOB>ROTO,- ut trssvelorK. RAILI9OAD OTL rFlIIu bova bisa been îîavtyfIttedup and ne- A1 isîvitedl, asndl1lanow tslly prepAtesi for thse receîts t cfçgisesas le sltlited on tisa l2tî cuîemuiof Bruek, ois tIse Iîusiiig nouS bc- tweesî Witltby, llaavcrton anS Litidna>. Gioîl acmotstdaton, anîd attcuttivoueOstlers. Caitiîîltgton, Juil>' 28rd, 18910. 85 BIRITISHI AJIRICeN HOTEL, 15MOZSREExsTttr, osulAvA. GoudS tsbiîg, sud 'attentive ostlefus. 7 aSrner sf BrotL' ad uduse #recto, IlIihys îlIE AI3OVRWÉLL, KNOWN, AN]) CEN- TL traly isteatad otel lias bean uwei>'fithesi tie nil i rvs i u i nuit cotnfontstble naus- sier Isy ltepremset 0w»aeeiust. No Me11sse Iai' beeis usureS tu iissuie touu gecilesouc visitoni a honme. 'Vise beat brausis of Wînes, Lîqutuns end Ci- Iloosît>'an i evîueut stueds, gooS stsuluin Aîusl uttî'ttit'e estlins. 'nuls ollima sitiate(lIsn thc Ver>' heurt outftic Tcwus ut' MWlinî)t i suislil bte to ltbis tte inouswlconveiluisî stoplsitrg pisece r faruransd traveiluns. JAMEIS lLA'IZ. CéENTRE IIOTEL. B1' YiIN STRIEET, Opposite ipuitk na! ou- Lteal, Wilutb)'. 1) IL. DENISON, pro. Wlsltby, Jîttua 1h, 1883. 28 THIOMAS DEVERELL, WI E R, ha. d&o., GRIEEN STREET, Wib>', C. W. Hl. W. WOODWARDl, Ç <iMIStON MEItCIIANT, INSUIA2NCE itusi(lueral Agenit. liic-Lctaiy oece- pied lsy Jsuimes Iiidtdgu, WIiiby, . W. mioslslcud us] ! raude Teronto; . lits , isq Mlatiagen, Pss B. N. Ateonies. Tonuiiu le ,W. W.Iiissîsaom, E.sq., Mnager uaece Ilael Tronoste' W%, Ouisible Esq 1lton ils Tu12- role;lots. P. MGl, .e'dei tmt t11- tresl Mitrosl, ean.MLtlaid, Tyled& liietctll.iI iluiort oono; Mesris. Ans]eraoss, lcvsiurî bec ', Rctrea1 J'n. W.Pe. dc5o,lu EDWARD@ & IIODRER. (, )ItAI',E1S, d& OUTVFITTERB,, D Sng',treot, Oshavat. UeslhemendP Kar-' bie htyla. 108-17 ORYLIANIsM (MDTLAUD- SALOOîN, Victoria L>]lIulIdiD 8, Brock Street, Wlîit- t»'.oe Kxt Soon te the Rogin-, in>' Office, UÃŽrOTAIEt. ,OysFters, Cîgans d&c. NqOW 'tTTUE' TIMIE. GET YOUR LIKENESB AT . A.Clark'. 1sf Prisa Pictur. Gallery F you dolio' a ccovnoet and] llfe.lk; Ambra type C ' pe, Lette "!pb *'Leaiber Taaror a s u mssluasaLok.i lrombitor In, Jr. .A. (0. utsdo hut I . thesl âstyla, WILKINSON'$ BLOCK Sa .Brook Slrsl w iMby. J. 11AIIÉËGBEÉWOOh» A TTRNRYAT-Aw. OLICTORIN .~. ~iuncov1 lotaryibi nOueaci &eu. WItb <.W ie1 iu Vîphorisu hock IDR. CABSON, S. HcrPCho&Jqgw, le. xi', B AgRIUST;R AITORNEYA s 0 .iitor n tP(luner oVATLA',Q Street, W bi. 5"jbt4d2 LC!<tl AUTZ2ÇERFOR THE, then coutlntitsieof the Senie. Havsnig co 1:ty Lieeîsu, lié will punetutlly . ktt omosers, fà r sales le mny part of the Counie. A sale book and blabk:n ii il be ffiti»hedfreofeharge yernes, Op 8, 10 tg 19 doill'ars per day. TIIOMiAS MYis'3, Brook Mt., Wlitby, Aug. 21, 1880. iTu.42 PrT09eti on againui Loua ahd Damage by Viré. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP1ANY CAPITAL £100,OOP INWUIANCE effected on Buildingo and taler centenits. Erovry Information suî.pllcd on pipplicstion te tIse sîudens§igned. JOHN AGYEW, Travelling Agqnt, l3yton Sttcet, Whitby Now TalloringXs'tabliuhment 1 SIMPSON i& FERGUSON. RESPECTFULLY announctu- the ln- .U/ a4itants of Wiîitby and suriloidiug, ountIry, thsut thcy have epened a Tallor'a Shop on Drocil Street, opposs*te the "Ontarioo Hotel," wherc al orders cntrusted ta them wilil bc donc with nestnes and dcspatch. %Wliitby, Oct. 2tb, 1859.G. Whitby Brewery. 'C"MEnluà WOt>DWAZO-r T f£Stîbà scrlbcrs are nov pncpssnes te Air- Ioh t1 te pastrosîorethse WhsîhjyBrcwerv% witls ui ecsellenît article in ,Jsic01 qnsntiticess ti mnîsy bic oqui>cd, sisd <on ternu to ssult isur, Ulifemescr.. IIoutitla cqnîsl ta thse iin ported sarticle. Wlîithy, Nov. MII, 1859. 64-44w. Markham, Umion Lodge No. 50, Msrkhani village, ogi tise fiNs> Fnlday cf encli mott bsfore tise fulnimon. W. H. RiGINazS, Secretary. i. R. CORSON, W. M. r~commnicatolsi tethe Secrctai-y sliotld bc sddrctssid tu Wlitby l'ont COflice. 98-t>' IRENIOVAIL. AMBROTYPE GALLERY. a. A. OtSrEu IN returtsliig tisaîtksi te tit 'Publitc for tlite h- lierai îmztroîîswe clie liais nect-lvesi .inceCoins- ta1eiicing business lithl n. CstwIbl's iltBQlskhugn leave te liîtiiîtete Iliat lie lius resoî ej lls Arn- brotypa Galleryta the noonîs over tiie store esf Istasars. Lowes&d& Powell, Break,ëtrc-et. whacru lie ln prcpairad te fitrti6hli 4r'd1speLikenocic tn tIse bii5t ttyle. Mi. Green'& o4itrossara Iligitesi fros lteo top, are very afaeLous4, sud esiitaîn ail thie ap4nosfor.tikirirtheusot perfect ilfi-Iiks Wiiitby, Masy 28, 1800. FAUX FOR SALU, -o- JN tise Tovnablip oft Darlineton; beiiiSr t4i A isotît part et lot No. 84 Int tue iud Cojiseca. pion, coiitifsisg 70 iscrea, wltis 2 dwulliiig bouses, iarn andsh eds, utivig mîted, rood- shît' stal)les,&o.,therconi. Tkicreire - issu 2 weiia as plesîdisi oneliird, sand a ni-'en-tsi.litip strit vîsiolicrosses 4thse tanin. It ila hueutituIly mt usitesion tIha Kingstons ui Tunoi 1tu noss,thrue mileis trumie Oltvs, iii L Ix frîtisliîowviiii .ville. TItis is ait opetiiing clîloui offenol. Title pour feet. Prica Moderatë. Tenus assîuy. For par- tîculais &Cc., spjiy te E. 11. B. rLAWAi Trenton, Masy 14, 1 Tnni,9,6.0. ~ 1 POIl SALER. TrOW'X LOTNIn 'inWstbv near thse Bsy.- .1Aise, VIi a gLotit at Deiliîi'Crook,pneoh. niei'ssBey, ainl>uPrt Pssry. Gpl t . 11. DARTNEIL1 Solicitor dcc, Jîsune la, 1857. 2 MALT VIN*EGARt. 1ALT VINEGAR ceii nov ho had lu large Whitbv Brewerv. NIEW STArrIONERY. A LARGE ST C f New -Statlonery A ps reein diudInlng P prsand Podcd Legers, Posmonnaies. Playlng, Cards,' Dmns Ibij1 Books, Back-gare. mom Boar4, Bô.-a e /bea Colrg; Car. pontera anud et/et PenscUuulle t Pont, 4*ç.l *agreat ,My qçnmauaaa'a Wg gstick#. 'Chroniclo o0"c' Broak, OttWhitbyl. W. BAKýER, Patented 18b9. PEoà jsotflly solleits those dl'414eous oaivsecu- 'iog emfo!rt La hhir homes doning tIseincom- Ing vicier, te examine it, s&U d4pd t It ouly 9,qeles t o o mn sud tind" ointo b p pre~a~.snA Duo ee bowo 0siYO& l:a Wbitby, Oct. 22, 1880. imarckwqlôtb. Bab * i>i4, t A ~ thfor thé' Mar nigPt s. Subj6à t'<'FlenIi s> Minist titlose ôu, > t MWardsrd â erist eiii asas Le tr Bs O (rce 50 eaebr5> rnsiites course of Lectures.- '-e Tickets nes>'bcoobiaio b s tamano f ttse affi- cr4b Out tîe Stute. DEÊNTISTIRY indtltgmIIn i5l' wlllî r iAs, le a dvsésussing 41s prulci. telesea,1ul ttered, ftost udons1, and luIsilsile enae- v>asut, eIt de, %>,vastes .l.,,t 'a t h mUltv, lits. iinsî, pre. nit <' uvilsi q iiitIli.- m tlt#. Il ' letilil ssnd 1 Innr thse rt Juiita ut CO. Celebratesi Chalge Reâter.&e Iuteissitaiegerehs for eush vilI do velI te g u> ol sore golug 0lseviser4.N os i n t o vi t a e s a l a e p o r . ' ' TIIERE 18 A LIVE1LY STABLE A'LTACIIED, tinS Ueaythie; ta couctasi in lIse beut style Hfors.. and Canages A.GRICULTUL LPLEMENTS. G. U. usà agent for &alue of Patttensoîsam& Btioth- ans Agriculturu] Imleeoieuna of Richimond 11111, aud le prapaned te naeelve ahi endens. GR.ROBSON, ' Break Straet, 40 Wiitby. R. E. CAMPDBEL A U) C T 1 E E R. Is bcihappy te attend al sales thist lue wiybe tavaseivithissuid fraie pat ex- panesce soes o tveaslîn astsfseulu.Sales, aitteuidsisiut aisornmotice anS ou reussouiahie W litby, Aug. 80, 1800. 46-i JAMESH.GIERRIE SELLS3 Water O011 and Lampa,' Coal 011 and Lampeu Kerosene 011 and Lampwý 3Burnlng plid*I & Lamps, Ichhoaparé Ilsa it ase>'e a nught an5voq eilai. Caouasud examina bLiture g6slug te Toron- to te pus-asse'u. . ý :, lÇtsussansi 'nin~lturîl urp asid Ciahu ITsnlzi Lutim. Crobaies anppffldnt Whois' W'ms of 1 l iii1 i andsu il rs BEOCK STIEI(T, wilIB~,C '> Er, puît.Eitry Off"'i) tbeMission wblhis À 4 qt.-l l sorL4,l,,7qt~ m aPiw 9 Thot iiâ norWma1rb!ablonA coce rlio*l o n AdaytbIm P# . 4gi, IAso *ieds Aie, setîÃ"*bs'C 50o'ri 9 b1 s bastoluIshe me ofy nihtdml vey ransl, à o n ng Ou~ar n, hbrasIi lielnthobad oà asa tcfi -ag e à at -l 3 NO M ttI n e ul s b ît,, sttiip-U. niî Ise us AraiigWotidlm licegu ois *m l i Çl obrnss t senta f aage à fai ILsr0# iial u Ned mowa nstoîd otsgtaea herg e at node1 lise ieixianh0earimphssnRobin Tie *i bsee- ira tls ntie ll. ' isvs; ou ;.mD u~raI psedatulea l liaTiye: a nt vry oa Co ast Aooî ioillîîg Weth thoui a l tue III 1fbsa tite nanie eb1n.maufatu e viici 1 go a wqli 4esy ak, va oeamen ' pt' lg"n tet Av g-s iin our R bi ' asre tee comicstedy sa;tý- Tesaugitendyocritie tl ' ero eu * ' I' mle, ce ofliti>-.r Julietg tetIl M ilove ' esire 'uî" rs ic"ýëë i Tot Il Ileolld il "he sulltnc. srment bas reec onsl e ht o'er sg io tis It$ined n t '1larynx, w"an then o st"c Tahsu tryiitu 1hypo crtesltr, geat siernt f thej pio Noes do maeusie's" ntueRobin. ayx ii h ot Uit sigots, nous]tu te Seti Theesoivea examine oeatIse>'chidaï Ansi earn, a;bassl' t asaise isa stone tse>" ..Iiug ut Robin. To jùlsge ai RobIn b>' thdir tisai Or mactîty, verc sura ajeat I "lie prayetis best Wliù lovagishasjt -AU tîat.îs," aild] Ibis diS Robin. - Ih >nz ç Settanîldis hie ni To les'.'> Islin phour, tise poer sunug; Val, toier bionor be ità auj, Bishelaluna>'. ieved'lier Robin. " Sitgsle Linsinapitln rs' s-' ' I ~I ~i bsarut>' uciove nis sense liat aulalo astva *yod 'Prof. Tromusea';pîoed cet contitadictons, titati teen puaeduito " -te lI. orm an'ono aIe, nd ti tIser it oer youd te lts>' ave improvhngt 6 l ariginal. made cf ,operi ra>' hopetisith%,-" - iapjoýqyà t4 A ppgra. t4~t~el are ot t4,pepeoe lina.~alu c- 2 Ad :1njI go m oa i. 1Iii haro setloddoim Dr, 'Wrdi cf ,Nove 'b ffIa .rye> cslf 14g5opicf Berlin. te vIlI ne idonlit ha le, lIrsilt; ilenmlw 'ani lreAdya ýquite s~tetv as irncteà . Ttc invem75 Poe b wregt itt' in. '-the. sindy cf tt At ofýdà o -oi'f 1h. ne longer denies -the, race. Qren in haying M îbility -cf applyin; a& ongan. To.elay il' shail :arrive lutisa qpeditiou and tIse )aent, sud oeecan «S vitan ha vefiects eare ad- tairit g, rfaimoed loudl>', with. iýtrobang neyer thd Ù7ÃŽYa t>' Dr. *Greeh*, lit, be -dcehted vite.: el .Nov, Isoever, Iuell on* Dr. Graet±'s matiag, titat moan ve rt'vwkvard Mun'te À' AadSictadbi<oin 1 Klgston, C. W., Jasn. M81., Proelamatloof et lKing cf Paussia.' À proclamation cf King Willianx. V.,, dated Berlin January 79,b euts publiaIt. ed. tt is hoaded s"Te sypeopla." -The, proclamation commences by recafiag lte sevene sufi'rings of the lue. king and gthe prefowtd grief et bis deatit; boy with fiee and oyalmuniicene hograntriies titu-. tLiens tihedevolopesmnntof vitic va 40 roalizo ttc hope. cte country, The pro., clamation continuezsà as flleva: To the king vito knov hov ta lay tise fcup4lation of snoh grot tingsý-aad wviee ne've-te-bc-fongottcn vends, "I and iy houeu vtiii aore'the Lord Ihsçtd ilIed glcrioua ranI. et thosa monarcsu a vsera Prus eesa t lgrostnes wbicitmakea bonrlita trerepresantative ef Goean tainsi. lI ii taitstul>' gourd tisai solemu hoquesi of ni>'aneestars, vitici tIse> bave fcumnded andi augraented i ithunceasing care, vustisahir tbest estergies, and ai tIse nisk cfteir lises. WiîIs prida I 500 ni>' sait ourranded b>' suait a brave aund failli. fui people, sud b>' se glenieus an are>.- Myi> band saoliprateci the velfare ansi night et ail in osery dams et tbo population. h siaill ho xtendesi te protect ans upport lie preciona lite of tic sation. hislutIse dostin>' o! Preasia net ta dovote ien lita te tise enjoymaul ofacquires geesi. TIsecon-' ditiins of lber pouron ave fanudesi an tIse axantien of lier spiritual'ansi menai forces, la the saniausss ansi the truthitetseof ben religions feelings, lu the ecrahinalion of, oeadiesca vitit freadora, andsinl-tIse strongihéeing f etcr nihîitary fonces. ho ti maunn atone eu aie takée ler ranis' smong" the states ai Europe; ,'1,reuinil failiu te the, tradition of nm>' boue lu propesinti;temyseif lb. rassion etfeevà t. iug ansi ai strengiiening tise patiticspirit ,of:m>'peapo ~Vitloi C asd'buld op therighscf i 4e tte q their hiâltoni- thons kc Xiio Klg Fnodenjik Will"amIV. 4gs b;ougbt-iatp lito, Faiit4fthota ts Ltok onasuahmg lAb. regena>', Ls&halli ,pv9ltet lthe constitution, asdaWs cof "thse' Jshagdqm, yZ iyy;tWetoriu a 1q Oed, swseeed iu leaSing Pruasia to nov itpqm. My>'dutiqu towA* a Pztia scoin- a, GermaUs Prine h am sbinsjestreu th. hgetok'egddrtus ts ily d i ee- opomoni cf ben nilitaqo"ci qton, è6i muet fonrttië,' goi0fai 1~o, docpy t AMMu tise Goae"sa te . Oofld1wuebin li tbp ,n c uopoU bke ~but haibsi : ~dsvrté pn'so,.'lholusoà fpeaee. Dum nia, oesrthoi, ' à rilsf«r Pnité-' Il grsg o td*biob. lW £niâ" ' J Patusslu lithen'ro t petidoï5 lii 2uif-st ' io e Lod hani>' people, sud nia>'the lai- 1t sorgeons, Denglttry & .,?omsee Kr, Carletbn ]Lyndelgs>9tore, DUNDAS'MTE=T, IVIUBy. T lIle lEAlfuioi .thsenmuit peO'toca mnner asîsi nette but tte hast suci monat aptltovre inatenial esio.' TIsa lqng excp enle. oe, t»r. dîlineer Cars] su ie t si lsroiugb kuowîetlucett th. prao-. tisse offleîstitvyonablo thein t aopprociste tise servaliots cf thisaslliuuiparlant, sud beite.tl ergues tIseteoiti. Ij Ùa, thr preervstlointi grasut elal oftheiestis happiea, sidcoiefoni o! iltankiasi ýdopestd. Thoîroprasln etiti bra chofet ise prçfemmlon casînot alegeas ilo . Ltthillft'liteivhsdisliucd teetis mîi>' vimit tbesîiln timie, beutine the eisà eSoi, toc fitn i ulo.0d ART]li 01:A L'îEETII inf#-îud Iii Gais], 811- ver, P'lassî utte aso on itihe calelsnted,and j stly nacninnicnds vu lyed ad 'sa, sitar tlîe litst and iflest cppnovuid maîhoss soptad by tIse profesion.. The oponatlons aiDof ssli sien & lCaelar maretelly performesi, ait]li0 perfecgt fis tliamilheà , thaïtoi u>'tise nalur- alexlroelson l6 proevad.biit the. ossoutidean- for: s,! lte earen aifttaîn anrtificissl teeth, la pro unotted ltitheisle tne. le tte cirabitit>' ci Ite usust i tises]. ansi tisaharîîîeuy ln lthe ttlandsisg cfcolon, tIse groutet st lsfat&&oi wit bu fîstîsd. Pnirticultur attuilli",s gi'ven te tise Cana and reuliutsstiofa!chic uit usia ssiî. i'satstsa hontd atieîtendt tis as ia -, "jý i:;'nîais ty tu Ibein otfsprtiig. Ail clesin'usîsastîiafiactery. Tares. rsasisabe oesultuiatuu ree. 20 GO -TO G. ROBSON'S (e4otoL. .gi 1 ffu ST. LAWRENCE P~OR $28 THE RKING $25 THE PROTE CTIONIST <original) $28, TWO SIZES, THE SYLVAN WITCHE GOLDEN 'LEEC4 VIOLA, of EInglan4 bus iMW&VIthoSt iseffeet oaof .te G o'oraejt of iýîcij i poiti âIEti#W -S~ rnenMbe-qpY noble _44 c'are tlbst it should J» in ow Mj'gn ejtoti ft~BUI ao~mo4nd vJsatare lie sYýMpAtbies ndJeoing,oftho rxtioh dol. Lu bas talcea Place aitn Jis QflOof$te Mest sequ eaces on. cf t4s megot irnpar±4nt oveat recoikdeî1 inmodlern l4ii tHear heari1 0Woe ea ppleW 0 r B lOncourte o1 CePtna ive ben slitis-p sud divided int -joerentoumail cmmunitieop,!nAnyof, ;Aiî hveflor alongceur-e.ofyearubeen thée vi'ctimi of *Miserable, blind, and, onen-ý îpé t ra ris ins witit aie cammon..seRti' 1mentetrined hencefortk tg unit. ;and, 1 trust tiat !lsatever te porary.d!Mfcul. lies thejy may experiencs it vil l n long lot ryal of time b. convetd ibn oa s ,Cod'Iià bed fae . [C he eroeWbca ve lçnpw tite grat natuxral resonrees of-titpeiqsu.> oi-Wý hà nwe sue t'Ibo extent cf ils seoa. boaMr-the' number 'of its, e:tcdlnbutfanr- bQrg,-thenatural productions of the soul-, and','abo,'e aIl, when vo reniem ber the in-' telligence of thte people, vite not.wititstansl-. Ing tite despotiom under vhich tbey have po long' iaboredi-but who have notwith- standing , pnoduced a great number cf mon ..distinguisited lu every brancit of intellea. tuai. improvemet-I say, when vo loo0k, te these thiugs, vIsen we adveî t te isaitte Italiens have beau ln former peniod9 cf her' istôry, vien Rome vas tIse mistiesa cf thse world, and hecama thte cradle et, revi-. vihg intl1igence, I Bay vo are justifled in itaping aadbelieving tbat Italy is yet des tiled to piaj ea'grcat t in tIse arairâ of the venld. (Çite~ Not a cotiquering and aggressivo nation---becauà e its circura- StancTes'prlUde ils falling te these viclous W% contre of-, -lzbim t ted te tIse ntmoït Poss161iLty c'f' human J'a- telleet (Mear, %èarý'TIset Ità Iiani are eh- taiuiiig ¶ti viics Ibelieve te ha Ito best 'fern oet poitical 1goveinment--I me 1an a conuti ,tutional monarali y. ýNov, the third evct, altiteugh net elrcedy accomplishced J1 fear lu tee fer advanced, wvhichis tacii place in anotien quarter of thea globe-I> meanuinAmenia. We have tee emucht reason te fear ihat that Union vbiich hms nov existod, net muaIs leis titn a ceuttury which hmascenuced tu the itappines. sud prosparity of our leinsman on tic other aide of tIse Atlantic, is likeiy te be broken and, disrupte d.1 It is net our business te ex-; presu ini regard ta that aventanul othen faci. l e ; a i ~ i b Iis : t h a t , w c vo u l c l w is h f r e i n t i i. botteeg cfour hearts LtaIttosa dispçt@s,ý what evor they may ha, may ha settled lu an amnicabfr uuderstanding, arnd that vhe. tiser titai Union is destined te reniais un- impainod or vhetser the States are dater. mimcd taesepanate int différent communi- ties,eun fervent prayar istlat tita result may ho brought about by amicalile means-be it for maintaiuiug Lit Union, or b. it for dis- solving ltae Uîiou-(checrs)-and tisat the vanid maï, ho spared the afflicting spectacle of a isestilqç coufliat bctwccn -brottens and brothens. (Couttinuad clseers.) ~-a* - The Rodeor cf Coiten, Norfoile, En. landi, vas. fineS *25 fan a brutal asauet on a broliar, clergyman who basi kind>' pro- tectesi the, defaîodaia's yoesg daugbten vbea deati tad depnivesilhan cof ier radier. Tise Duke et Cambridlga, Commander- inCiiet et tic Brillith are>', ba st issueS seme very 'sensible endors ton, tse edeciion cf tae expendes. cf yong officans, aspeciall>' e Niaja lieniug.tesair' egie -Fns Tios o Nn ar, v&it ut Jne'Embas- saa ath h'ee'ad arS'a rJeeldo oNet 'York o! aoitundreasi sdtiiri>' Ivo d:ys sopgnt vrous pois.,Tisa voyage ter- minatesil ao à iihfaae'a coû,ls ho desiretl. TtoCapuan o sDanisboescooner vas kiloS, ashorttlimeagp, b>' a4heavy saes wlîca carried nay viel an&drotundioutai *nS cre bI9oagainuat tIse syjigitiRa ~it~clione va.crosie Tyuraath~bar, ,Onc«a:the most, sickly ait>' in _thse venl, Eiyçrpc@0, bcu iow peComoabtsoseut ie* b>'0ý la;;.ausequeno! fo. adoption! pf'- psç>iigeo sreu.' The ieasbeeeau n dqptioaiOi i0,pçracot. iii gIe erata, lm;@ uiilifrallieat capital cl>'i.tl ba iaaigrathosme 12Rtosî4êforeigd. ns, it, voals ié o peduly &pôpauà ted <lot ton ~1seI74,thei proporlienof birl b l4 estbihesbe Ofui Mr'# 7. us i-ut unds>'least. Losa $600. Ne inuurane.t and,-to Irketdt-' it aiys. Mo ptb j iio,ibr*è4Ikt ,ib1 locg"joirey, 'sss',~~~ bas~ ~ ~ ~~g a saill fq t uibir',novals. ,sequence cfte deatis cf thse Dovager Eti., pvpçI4,LdyQr*rapton'vas ot,6lièedte ap- pesr in deep meurning;. Hor dreis vasý eeompoaed of a black cdot robe tbp 0to-t cçapa4 'Maria, stav,'ith £ politeciug's that.ibe taresa strilcn ing ëýne totes laieu~d ueuMaris; Stuart& " - Prince l!urabeiï tÉ heson af Visiter ut. manuel. sud htit-s eiai te' neW. kipgdcas of'Itay,'hu '?a1Ã"ut te ladbétr6tih lo tte eldest dangiter o! tIse PrinceaMa.'& vie cfLenebtenter;ý. Tus ýalîfano. v'itis tise irpenial fausil> o! RusassisvUsplinned bytie laie. dovager Empresi, Whs LeÉites fzq4oqtuqîvisits' te Nice-and l'oin, tad -foi-& inos s 9 mreat atactmeat'gtothe-e ablidren cf'ý liosKing;of.Bardinia. ,Tise' Eraperan af Rassia, Isovever, htas te be, cosisted, an4- tisa greai ayepathy b lri Ies for ltee in# of'Naples inducespeople ta leagltËta tha oyant, cannot talc. place,,aitan>' rat* tillth tiaevacuatil o e stai 'Near>' sî tise stal? cf cloes otità eà Rd Ses Tolegrap t Cmcpiny arnived at Malts*' neconti>' frein Alexandris, l ite'Euglluh scrav steamer Ritono,' con'jhei i v'ty tome' vards, 'from wviicis. ircurastange it vnuld appean titat tite cabie tas beon abýaadonod for ýtie- presant. The Univenial Pnivate Teleg-rapit Cci"' .an' et o London, tas teen ettablisbl e furisit virea ileadiug larteto ia oumag c ;tber custeiners, tromus ny'k'ivea point."- KA~ui ù ueolCin eega itl, ilà s te b>ý .aregistering vatér ar M , eter, itirty. five feet iih, more tiatahie niekiliveï Sbatsameter;,vet struîhfnil dsplyltu at~ unaetfa hoa arvèlîdus cian;e whZâ the atinosphere *ovks on thée tuais fthe' waters on the face of the esirth. A ter-rible explosion took place on the. Ttit o! tiis monili, at thée village of Lan > I ton, Yorkà shire, England. The'feed pipes hadbeen!1trà zen np, 'ÃO t 1slt ne water could bo suppiied ite bolier of 'a steam titresh Jng machine, viic ie braI, killing onean'lad on the spot, rnortally weuntl iing ranotbers an rgtflyscalding four aLtanrt. Jul'e Jnnte 'eihcii sta -copy bihs translation te the odes of Ho race te Lord Derby accompanied by a note praisiîîg an Englisit translation witich hia lordship had made. Very eveet wards passed between the statesman anud thte liter. ateur consisting. of mutuel praises, Iltee ranch honor," "-highiy fiattared," '~ poor eff'orts," 44 valuu your authograpit," &c., Ai r. ate oSotapoEg an Baçnydea>, Sontbpto 0,u. 000si frteblydceei bdequowest of590, 000rar inriutebid in s c ssndaTmeet cf wuliteran> inteI rto i tti ci>.Ti eaviii Cva sete, atdic 9hticreunio în oursctes theanc5n>,0ani0i etdcimicton ceunio ti $500,o0 etaspied ovît te 200,Iouth titcis isdtehaspi. acarh; u éeno't desige.ydsseshaigtr Rpbleceniaillr>' sasionshvibe; tn pubcli attensetiongos is t ra bitise sbja t coller>'inpatin us>' lb nreadin leé gisaents atricsen wiinfre rt tho arangemenothe air.I u ac er ltea prtesutin cftie gniluand hiaens6 cbat Isearien tl Egîp43anin alc 46 7o8ee, ainSaotl fuS2,493, sdl rl hoI Denesnk, tbatmgh lie Danes are vîll henfernie in ganeral, -aà tacihaIsnation pro. s'aim tisaI opuilep>' le curable b>' dnaing the iboSde!fan exeouted malefecter.-Ca-ý pital punisimont in Denniar is ab>'decapi. tainb>' vo rd; andi block, ani ý5uiten' au .exeasties ltaIes ,place, -c;Qavd& cf epilepties stand cap la band &oandl'tIse scaftid, ready> te quaif tise rosi bleesi as i thIovi rmmthe sdif qaivering bol>' o! tic mletacor. s Soc ie riisymerder-,cf XMPanâot, on. tise FrouaihEaslertRalva', tiers bas- bonu a perfoct poue Waongli raflvay traje,' toreel an-unocetîpied carla in igit hlta,. ,Àttiteînext.station,' aother travillor, 'mut. #Q4 to ILs. aezs, etak bi#st.aI' ,sBach'y MeJ»a' r stbonuupieulwy, sud'i osat unvelys' r,.abmatà , fafoe' tniisson*'aad, tic' .k >s i94 i aboovty luoita ttumir =uf s sa mgof Meie >s b. Dr. osems o. edicie>. Dr. Four-emntiie vhîcb, meenu.s1ta' ate' a i b'essetell reuien mots. .1 cnstt resîo thalstrmeut funten tian'fothe ureûbles 'Lalle a' porecahestium enartIenth anka tienCU&iteininaeatariesonà tisa larynxe tis inn oo > taidase evo tise. pt cçtuaofteo, apl mi eisvsnthi airs. pou '.vo ii. mad f re rliefa tisar pono hein; o mafodie e«;ticfcfto ia 'iret 'otaitheas f adis l l o be rrrg wr ted ital utIs es aihea!arnx lM intr madicalsebsiaucca lte ary tas no ta t 1 ooradaitie ad aaed pen AN EZÇGLIJH Dà scnTl et or Ta a. aonxr Et~cr Abrtaam, Lincoln lu a; gun, giant mare 5tian six tiqe n:,Isi ht, 'tren;, andi long.lisbad. Z a ls soî,, and, ,like many' tieugitful 'mon (Wonds. vosti ansi Napeleon, fon exemple,) keepi isis isepsi inclineS fervard andi dowuverd. His bain is wiry llak; bis ayau are denk gray'; us mile, is, frnk, sincene, sud vin niing. Like meat American gentîleman, lie là loosoan caeleas lu dreas, turns dava bis fiapping vwhite ceiiars, sud veans issbi- tusil>' viti voconsider avanie; dres.- His boaS is massive, bis bnow full ansi vida, bis nasa lange sud flah>, lais moutit coanne ansi full; bis aycs areasunken, lais breuzasi taca s hi ueasd dnsivu dove iet sirong conded i iics, tiet disclos thte ra- 'chiner>' tiat mayas tia brae jaw. Titis great leader ofetia' Repeblican" part>'- titis Abcîitionisi-tiss lrron o! thIsa ~De. raocralu"l-tiis bonest i aidlsyar, viiia face bai! Roman, hait Indian, go wasted b>' elirate, se acannes b>' a iifa's sineggios, vas bore in 1809, lun Kenieucky, ,Bis grandfaluer, wluo came Çnqt Virgisia, vas killesi b>' ithe Indians. Hiu ftlion <ied yun;, leaving a videv ans averal cils- ren. The>' ramosed tole ana, Abc bain; aI titat lime ouI>' six yoans-aIS. Poor andi struggliug tis usotiier i cul>y' af'rd him ."e elgut montia'rougi schaootnï , sud4 ihae elearlngs'of llt u ew, enuct'ti l' coeUty, tIi. itietst4ilin; vent teWiDi tobv bckry~d gtatroes, ;to grapplo viii remenstratig; otsi, Uni e 1oo,ôt' forI t e id' ,froqneut sYatliaske. '-Taft suirongt111h6 &à ilâilifig, Abe toiled on as farra laboérer mt "rvt tefeo' Idaon klIlW"4oôdmùiir,"d'lsatiy, soih'bat. man a hib"talrs' othé ÉWb 1 'ad lthe , îd the sa tif l'ofttà t êlfi 'of ii provido for th.ealter parts.- s'h 0fipropè5,'s sd'iý, ommarence pafMUtn6 osaINihIc's, el i~rà f i îb -Rciddd opus '-Ma urileat novelticu. Ânii"n' a cs, nit Aie Milncr lu botter I1 l. 1 r. Sale., ji>, aiI1lat eSa~jsles tiste ofTe 'liaIp on In ht'onis. B le. l V Ililthy>, sWihîaof u0 icrul'isrel u tle otîssu sil tivtiusst L-nige, Msid L lssi., 'N- i. itsys 7oaarea '15, iss à Laits' lu outatia tise pro- "N LI, pe«à a 1 ýý j 1 m'à - 1 19--j .11.1 1 1