c -St. adrrn'aOhaob du VOuaIf.i howee n tle f men h rni. fteReoo teTwsi fWbiiby, lThe auainu.,ptopesed fer CounI>' Supear. Hast '«tut>' (itpari)...........8 ?2 Mn..1 ýp. , heL te m e ' waae ppos- Whaiby (Grain JMarket. (Mr. Campbell,) Messrs. Fairbanks, Rat. iatlodntui ereé-tor Nortt OeuiO, len. lteorait.................... o PUY> 1 t ii cntutig vemeles it "et-clii1', Kennedy, sud Lb. moyen. Ma-. ChlaenucJames Baird sud D. G. 11.Muraina-nda Rama, 1860, anti in part aine t 1 t co ieutlu 8,vaseir svi ml ly is eut lie d lieries etf ieat, as iii bc sm en A es lution t e iis effect ias eporîcc O Lt- For Sou t O ntario, Rov. D r. IThor -. f r 1859 ...................7 9 7 d in Svteigining reassenssds fl e rom cutiartaket roportbav, been unusual. ta-cm COirmitte, of the 'irole. Lon, sud Eh. Bina-mil. xdiug tbem votes, Il lu aunnearan'bLre FNNEADAOSMN.M.Celn ecvd5vts r e.$25 M necapialate t.earguments adirancedi b J>' largo the padt veek. on tire severol Mr.PINANCI AID A55therSSMe ft. ett 5,and MC.ehlauieivu ;the oci n. of he Sine helt anart $9296de bi , ays te quatit>' cf rteat takes lu ait the Pn> ruilu ierPortlcftitis r5w sd Mn. Baeinrd intert mtee nameeofOseta sumte owdu- Liliw ,mrs.' Fairbanks sud Penny ; îb.y vilI committee, vhict vas rose. Mn. Penny ite a hrtr nota utt eetf-n fouci luanoberecumu su ~ Wue Uouses avea-agedt on titousnia bush. deferreci Ibm going lutte cornmitîee tuereon ai CeunI>' Supeiatendenî for NeortOnta- s l o ieig tian a, sud ite Tav- ci r 'Iitomre ueîl~< ac ed.-aI,pcn 4gay. lTe delivreic ning the tonrte prçnçseu nluonden le expedite te ario. e.M.ltrîusnmovswî been pai inlufull. as tol - iewckapochsxytosn us.bsns.d ansd Ma-. flrrell',s iuserted. By law No. 78, pasieti lti Junte, 1860, Th n il enenîs te>' ere lofttunauswenoti by el.a-e wecgamprnohixi>' ,hois at i Lui, bsines. OTIONOlTe commilIe rose, and îLe rnoet mas pritvidei that the counl>'assesuutnt fron Con ambons upou lte floor of the Connal; h ebigmr iul ii atL ec-repe-teai miti t tese ameudmeuti.Ithe TowansLips cf IteoaatMars sud Rama triai il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e vo îbu Lvsde ~ ~ , c eprevo LItm uperiority or the WhtL>' Of Mr. RacliSi, to suspend ttc SSrd rane Oitmotion fcr adopîlon, Mn. liteapsut, sainîn'tdueom aindiaipayable ütîil:-aise idwotbnkitwa de Ã" heWandens Grain Marketeç. Oihthe .oencentr-a. d îL e es sin' etiputitioni. aliom Of secoudeti b>'Ma-. Veruou, meved te noter t.e 24ttFebruar>' lu eacit >ena, o-thatt dition tLot lu gining is casting nievot cfe-oeij Ltthpiaec it Cui>. AL OS5UNOTIN ZWENutAroTf Lt um t' ueitnig h ttidclus,4êalîbeî mtir.'alLr tilos thi otia ;~~m~tn tion of Mradke inngL. esin lu caitaa-cen Cunbsck te report mt instructioans Le anenci cenitîe coemmenai thaî in -the ercut cf ro4d, ineiple, budati bo i bis aasones 000 r D.Wi M. AND STHERLY. insleai et lb. ameadmeaut. Tovust iugLtomiaeu ou fn>hnupmelLa- Y r me doing ;.mort e&paciahIy vasuexhFnir>'avMr.gKennedy, secondoed b>'Mn. lFair- lThe y-mas anti nays wveedemandet on :laace shah co mmence îfroan said ti 2iFoL., ne fti ne"y'fr bs dlin gowbe bi ow li 'fa-cmToroute, viii lectua-obefere the banki, moredaitit te Corporati on et &tc Lhc motion, antuate vote stooci, andti iat te Coùnij Treauron Le intrut- b>' thi accssi>" pi is elas e vtonbIscm Mechauica' Insittait.. Subjet-" lfilaven>', Counl>'potiiion the' Pest-Masîea-.Geuea-aî, Yucs.-Sanugter, Wixson, Canipbellcc amesa it lo.iii .eoutranuety te aison aud Sca-iptun." pnsying for the establishment et dia-cet mail (Wtby,) 'Vernuon, .Gleuteiong, Riciiff, orcana-' ettIi ecommensîion . isbaûe, ýY emeso h locommunication beiveen Deaventon sud Wh-ite, ('WLiih>,) Smibt~* atyet t iet$2, 000 cul' moe le pti The persoan nsd te mental cilibre lTe cenuaisenumenxaon ast. Cathernue Ahnis ltptesesiigl b .' 'ceai -on speciai depoit,,sud 'that mui, otuîy m I 'te Csmilar a iaNorth part et lb. Ceunît>'ma>' ha dia-oct Na,à i.-Per>',, Watison,, Ganabie,Mur-f for 3 niantis, te ceuni>' receiving -r'a' Cnt theCenci a-eouimiaeaintupn usdisovne a IaIhwuu 07years cmmunication belmea» lthose points. ns>', Kennedy, IJatltt, lFairbanlrg, Camp-Iri i7 iihiLtsialm i To* uns pat-sutià n as meutioneai let veek) cf 5ge. Ma-. Kennedy, Ma-. Fairbanks, sud Mr. bell, (Beach,? sud Wbite, '(Reaci» 9, for inîeoreot inai obupenison .'with tLe lroÇu Uxbtmcj~... .., .1256,47 >c ~tereet'l> c6tutd *..... 526,09 ". JOHN IIÂTCLIFF,' .ua..434073 'Comnuitiee Boom, ' .ha-nn .fu ... .1382,26 Jixnu> tbx81 " ITbOiah................... 164967 The Wna-deu titan left lb.chairnuutiile Beat-erton.......... . ..359, 81 09lc e:or seig $ , 6,3 ' - iÉTI(DÀY Thble sale teo lc e I d &.ii or00 l o e l a , i e n r ~ ~ l à i t au o l c f'Om.w uS a tu d a > , J a n ., 2 6 th . ncai uzei xt e n fy ::tvbo1 , lvu :'hée - bldat 0te"'n t ba 'p rQ u due ,!n -the o utti , ' les)sth U U ot -t p 't r . 7 hom isoa vas tltao uly abse ni là adjopu td utuil the m Ã"n IL h c ru h, i m e'nber. : È liuthe ac eota t' 31 b e fi l s i>'cl os eti,- n -L AîW TO ýP iE VN T v i£ c - On cuf.rig_ ilh-the Shaif, yonrr II iiiuaoacdb'M.Capel eo m m l u e e l n d d u e L t b . p a O p e n l y, k u e m u a s -u c d y M a m b e l Beavronon ai nt slai at tetlaisalemfotrfie principal provisions ofthe. bill are that waulofb'ddrs, ud hat he axesdu or heInaukeepers &o., sa-a prohibitci fa-nm selI. vuute'lmidensaud hat tc txes uo o the lîiquo--s.e sn child, appa-aulice, o - sali p-opnt> rmai uneticî ani npuii.vaut mithoul the consent'of parent or gitan Titis properti>ludividetiin-ob-lois of one*-daun. .i isl fi ft i l i o f a u a c r e e sc i , a n d t h el i t a i t i n e o n - a g s i u - p a - e f o ue ' Ig r e s a u n a d n î l mah ,Jt iii .average, abot $18.80. Toc nug;egli.de itabnc0fa iis s tan m u eL Le stde i xpense f ad vra religio s * m eeting o n' plac e of religions ver- lisngSierit' fes,&e. taakttgdu Lea~sip du-iug Divine service. Agii ta- tiýange tot *.5fo c adinvillae -lot.l noyance on lthe public Slneets. Agalint average bomut$22e'75 th ttc plagoti>.u-expesune cf persan in bating; agoinstin- You comitee eartha th prpery cn-decent exposure f pet-son on scandalens nteL ho soid aIt theadjou-ued sale fer thebhvor. gintupli>.Aais h amounlof taxesnom-due sud 'Iexponses al. kei- ofaiutippboling allainsglite -cuti> inurre. Youn cmaiîîco oulai eptie0 s ubi oln io' aub li-neta-.rcomwaat ltaIttc'«s-da liud - salnsahniug tablos kc., Againsi ['reinra- e sîtoizcsotars ie Cnu.wrîtuog onorprintiug indeceul picinres mordu or figures. AgtaiituL Lense-naci,iunu the cil la caeernea, te appaove f sd oar>'y aeîsLgtnime uli 0u,su unI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a au'a-ageitîltI a.Soîsant> tainst trotting races or matches. Agalit nke vtiht hie T ew n bip C o n il f T rli sut ,ag-a t a f r nu abatecacut et taxez, ad %itî the mendieas , a n s adidiers. Provision ihe-if' fr uy sa h wth re"ard te smllions. Penalt>' freltet- ine it ran opomise thlu say bor-Ou tolestthaut$2, uer more titan $20. isîat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O liemaîîsdLs e-ch es~ o t fMn. Campbell 600 copies et tisi-, he andsandbispopcentge eestheabone by-lsw mero orderoti te hopnint- ce. At ttc sane line, cane lu Le talion e o distribuion. ual Ibis corloraion viii nethbc inrolvet in ut>' couic or losinu thematter. tiL'tYTY i'bOPEItTY AND tJ.OL MANAGOEMENT. Whltby, Thirsy, AmIsy 3g li; - a" mut ~ ~ Of lb. YebGI Ai. biOaDï porI; ISv',t tUèof a apjerioed wreW." 9" . , »I . ow apotJnîà . cation; theê -ii4à l-of the Board ofPa men ofrthe, Town. fPIX.dents ta twof/9Intý' &upPiJtndets --one liec Tstruoction pr ?n,.f ,Ç.Xçbeý» ONLT OUIE » mjA ý , Ir= The ues<.runsbrogbî Outýh, o eeUin;-esit4 d amwaîOf .8 4d'u"ýjý te i thoe&presunttovards the, Town aad bthe - de O0 "l pa$~g~ I ~ ~ CetgM.eee ehuyip.udwtt. grb Coný+b mmer f aproicp ta btne k _1lifj of Borne means being adopted ta -Mnt blograptehieroaa ofthe Bidinge r Fs4>mosf T'hlIpSt.3'hn 1oe and 7 omJlimenting none n for tai.,gr hr.i msller, be dete vas n h* fillty ir B dthrn f C ana >frst, . iltcEsqdibedo:heýRbot Ou. is view cof the afib' redf*bin. in theKt gmlilb. amriable manner. Toasts and f Curieand deel fororke reqn 1Il t0eand uý Dcoe," a tpebutla onhqaee. t and jolw, .ud merq loagb" ver. bjet.-Mr. Ferry. e e .dio ia what, wusoffored by vest,~t~ead the s4Ùjéct ns pu tb. large osua.. oeenpkd' by Counjy Cou. etu ui aehuadntig fRVLDvdWto n tea ô IiC4 erfr tilPmflin4lIt rmam ve uti Or o ibe an thé harmonic«a s gouka li1k. objet.-Mr. Perry. bfe iraiTnar school bailding, and, ýti ilas - us ecnirnnà d tÉe propnt sesolon-, as, à w'ould 11021 ISSU, feelingwhicb pr~eiie4tbrobouî. W. Of the North <Ontario Teachers Asci.pidatedcondition, l'oTbi ~ t.M eur nr mtr eipdu~~~ f01 hc Ti"dtruhtt @tfea4î rang frd for tie purc"basé Cabe mas nod&ab& 1 l icoaumittee aho butrve, .on Ibis casa O0>Cooxg, .letter sud, otber matters noteîetoi4 ~fr vbîhi libiary 1Er. Tho4o- il vas carrying grîs totebis own iiil, for tue repot ta ,eseue rvda bi "stand" for theb nimai eson. va regret we canuot fiud spae.Bsel. Of Prencis McGowau sud otbers praying bis sohool woald bavethé e ndà tà ï,re o aCnîyonneils Con' only moite ýroyson wbrew ntietht1Vrdns ines htXMr;, Wya# b. -ippoInted tW tb. office the enoreasecinumbercf seholars, aud tof' C p aanently ad1e4laillg ý46 e xpensu, of - cf Local, 8 itndn. Monley. He agreed in uthe report:' atteîne«e. atheso iustitictions, and 'vieb, - rades ay xpet se temas egiar Cuiry xaaga's Mr.. Saugater expressed'the opinion that in the oplnion:of b.cmmittee,'preçj>uded > TheCoudy.Eng ee'. epox t h ,stgv teConi uPOwer aven hob. ireiy maiug provision for one year,, In thé full report whleb va spply .of,-!, as tbe %aul dinucs of the Lord ùMoyera1he. Cerýtieifonr, u asreorstesu ethe ae erawtfud scotrpa"diM. cae7'psL: th onyconilfs proceediugs, the rate. cf Loudon. i ceii ftedr or utwr a b. onc at The dlausew'vssad'pe ihu red urfrnot ,ptto fL.1ot Paiyeru of the County vili ,find the seyingsmetOnai ýcers ndfqi he-o-t sund doings cftemoirrepresenbatlves dnly re- fSt. Aadrews Churcli. Stogbide n-sd that ha eubaoquently mOn.OtarheechrscAlautinthse let tb. vork tour-. ,Jéhn Carro of Port O h luer6leting te the manner of utittee recommended 'the establishment cf coideci. The session vas a very short -Penny for t.earnount approptiateci for appoiaiîing superlntendeaats. a liba.ary, sud necomanendeci that the prayer c w t ere oteno lengiby debaes-long À rissionany meeting viilbeohelci in that, purpose-*864 60. That tb. work 1Mr. Penny' eressed hiimself lu favor of cf the pet$iosnbêgrante4'upou ftê appear- speeches, vo arcglaad Ln. stato, wore not lu- the above ebunob (D. V.) on the e veng n c idbeeu doue inuas ssîisfatoq imanner, ith e ae t wocun> nprntncit.i. htba oh o beeba uycnb daagedm-sd L. pactcalbusicî b.cf edusds, te Gt o Ferusy, e nsd tue contractor settled with. That Htefre a the opinion of Dr. Byerason, heldiby he Coiiuty asleir propent>. Re. foe lt o ncil ve a al bnei subc lu i ngreuey, e t hfpas six oc o gie-Ad.Borne aciditional repairs had been mode aud Chief Superintendent of É~ducation, as bc gardiug tue pllUtons recoaurending the i precautionary ' meaurrs taken for the pre. ia ufre fti change, sud ta the re. appoiutmeuî cf Coùuty upenntendents, lu t g iostI buslneus.iie aanner. The verydresses vwiiibe délivened 1 by a deputation cf servetion cf the bridge,Wtu te tatount of solutions ttaased nt tue différent nmeetings iplace cf townà hîp aperijitndeats. sud aise i satisractor>' condition cf the County finances clergymen sud layanen, a:intcd by ,the $22 bO. Thot-b.lelid examineci the bridge ledb h he ueiticet nodr'h eiinrcmedn h ýapit 0lp a ldbth nexpCh ie n opeinaionî nodrteptto eonedu eapit preslentei by 1Mr. Perry, lu bis very able Presbytery, te couduet' the ýmeeting, sud over the Talbot. river, sud bni prepored aun e tana epeSIonc piinupon îihis ment cf Ibe superintéfidenî cf the township « report as chairmn of the Finance Commit- the intervais betweeu the acidresues viii be estirnater but vas unable ta ascertain , onltersltos w ithout flek tei tee, Ileoe ie ahst igratifying tacts de.- ililcd up vitb peictecf sacncd usuic. A wvbethe beConucil of Mars Lad yct cd- excepon r.in taer c h cagnn h oiincfte0hîmnofte oiir f tabliobeci the rond ou the north aide Of tire bl tD.Lyro, would have been pass. Publie Instruction for the Connty, couli r velopod lu the proceedings. Tt exbibias a collection viliiho talieu up on tbe occasionrvr htîefî~c b evron cd, but that the parties wlao opposed it did rnot nccoruneud an>' alteration ta ho made t sua-plurs ot8R,1671 üb the credit of lte lun id cf the Home Miss!ionatr>'operations Lock.up bsd been orected for the uiutsntbcueîc ao bu b toeMniipalictns ihcitbee dutisc Count>' fundi., This large Oum hIo cein. ofîbe presbyter>'. The meaubers of th£ appropriated for that purpose. That the change song-ht tu bcsmade, but tbe>' wighed cf the local supenintudt ta i ieen eori- mitticernornanonci ta bo applied inlurcduc. Cbunch, sud the public are generaiîy nvi- contaoct for making the alterations sud ilutee make tire bill as uaaworkahle as3lte>'cienti>' diiehargies dibut a whc nth or proveutents lu the goal libndbeen ltb' .l iteCto upnituien arigmr uiiaiisdu- eoti h tien eititre Cotant>' rates the prescrit ycar. ted te attend. tender-the tender of Dunly sud Shaw adrased thle change te Ceuni>' Supeinten. services ef une gentîlcmani, they' might Le f ver>' proper dusposition vo admit. But o-~ ~ f Whitb>-, foi $8040, on h oea dents, andc the reselutions pnssed at public iiited for that purpose. The report ne- S ast the Ceuni>' taxes are b>' no emes OP- TuE PItOJLEB'I ta Ctt - voaa as aocepted. Thot the contractons at metn neA CstSTu comieudin, it te bc a desiriable conimended that for the promunt year, in m People shotîlci know that greater bargains onepoedc ihl.vnsi u, sud thoso opinions coinciding wiih his place oftihoeîeirinig ti-ustees cf thse senior i pressiivel>' heur>', sud the neel ton good thon ovon are uow te bcb ai nI theaboe,!the vaîl, oxternal altenations in the build- oii, hoe(Mn. Pennyv,) xoved tbat the clause ranmar sehool, the 11ev. Keuneth MeClel- 'k roadâ ver>'giest, weulà net the urneisut be establishelant. The stock must be redua- iug sud îc.wer tien et altou. celle, anc now hbcamcndod, b>' sîriking out tho townshtip landisud John Shier, Psq., Le appointoci th inuch hester employed iniii4mendiug the cd, ai sny sncrii1cc, lu order te make recta neanly cempleteci, snd Ibat the vitole vonk superintendeuîs, asud inseting; two Coutit> For the Uxbridg.t gramtman chool,tDavid an vays"Ilcf th. Cotant>'?_ At least it might for-lange Springannirnla. Noia, titerefore, vilii ho lnisbed eurinm the Spring. Thot Snperniziendents,-one for each Riding. Walks, aud J. P. Hilburu. For Oshawa, woîl Le 'ivon in id of ietthat objnet teaimn- leote liane, vîile te ronds are god, fon the coutractors lidrecoireci on aceout Mr. Vernon gare ttc Concil lus ex- John B. Warren sud J, H. Woodn, it aiiiipallties naising att oqual anount tae tie litie Ilr i ngin in hein produce, and $3280. le report recoamcendcd a weil perience, related the laîcenrenieuce vhich Esquires. 1o approriatinur aeilaotto imphoîngesirq rnl bargamns te sud cieleru for the ggal yard ;-expeiso existod luntoe time cf Ceuni>'Suponiiei- lTite neport recenîmendeci the fellowing apoiati oun ta ho esf oi ovn obtain titeni. wRod iMr. Bigelow'ean. $80 or $90. The repent concîndeci with dents, aud vasinlu anon oftlite presci 10 h appointed saparinleiîdeats for lte pre- ledigCut ie frn.the statarnent ltat ail neceisar>' supplies tn f a.urn >at, i Mana ad amaar vey tnttuae ur iseinent goe.i lun icaeourdvtiig ch hegelaumCurnosehcbenpecr Mer. Stiitt epesed radical changes, I 1111atby, Bech andi Scugog.-James i ecfor ta accofngooton Titipticerearebsiîîcad thonglit ibat the loveocf Whitby (Mra. liaird. thin rchoie. cf a repneseutatuire. Tao uceceîq- voronever bofone pncmcnicd by liu ttle Ie ul>' cxamined sud certited-t# Wood Penn>,) vas parlicularl nl> îaappy lilis oan - k2qt rtW/iy. -lier. R.. II. Thoraîton. Tr <al>' take lte place et a gentleman tsa trou public for lite saine quality articles. Re- vshig ei_-da 200prc rd, inîent, as te the chiet Superntteaidnt ho- Pickering.-Eeezen Blirreil. in negaa-ded, end nospecteci ns the ax-Rkoce, ianr l Tue PIuerLuis'CiIZAa C.&IIi sud ltai -lampa Lad becu procunecifotohein utre fte hneso9i3tas oetat0lvrde. .C.Boî Mr-. llewot, ai lte Council lBoard, requin- STOICE," D)(11ua tisicet ltitby. Court rou.. muclias ih was weil kauown tlitilte bjeet Ilrock.-Ait'ed %Vyatt. fti cd~~~~~~~ nec-ea> ulae ubsscesn OK'~AnT5 of te Chiot Supeniniondoutte meetings iras T/ora.-Citarles Robinson. cd no ýdintogotupa -s i bis faresso. luis pl.au. A ara andi Rare'.-D. G. leireit. Ma. Kennedy, îhe paeeni brece, lias beahuuitmaiLeva T uî y 'The. Lilpaiseci oppointlng Ccunty Atidi. lachr â ât,,tepetitipus vere ail-ui tuarcthtan succistrul. le *nsexcoedeci The lecture delirered at4e ]eo M efha'ell tors. R. H1-lAwdoen Fà ,, wu# 4BPIià It« ' ltIýd - atsrbgaîtcl~rxve .n 55SMiT avn> opetoln bih raeec bs a-.on Prida>' eoniug, subject....kathe grovirw bbc bd1 &ýïh.Le Es q.,'- numbered oeuly 61, sud that Ilue>' igue I1 Ou.. l.t1n of Lfr. Penny', lte Conaîcil on 7a] on ';the longue et gooci repet." Andi sud pover cf tbe uiddle-class ini Euglnd" o0 .nmiaInc h.Wtdn them in overy capacit>' as magistrale, rton - wer' u onnie u ii obn.M.W lue goes back ete epeorcfis townslp, vas attendedt>' the 'laagst eaovd yet as- «zà l'Us *AK alygu BRIDGE. ber et Paniamont, Scboot Tnuîces, &c. 1ùJûtIIeL &. the chair. hsavlng, obtalned $500 towaa-ri ipaovin; i, Oied tW heua alecture lu Witby. The Ttc 'hornpo'n's bill W aid lu the cou- lMr. J. W. C. ]Brown obtiiieci peramission A fier sorie necessar> explanations by tr tei rnoanmd vit vit aoliaats te ~hal,wbicb iscapabie of coouaiuing sree500 siauction oetah. Blaclc River bridge, aud La adda-essire Conamuite, whici lue did ai Mr. Port-y, the repent was adopted fi- el l cenain>' t btanin cia-et'ai ce3mu pnsos, asfiheciW ts tanutcapcit'-amending a former by-lav passed. siea mugt, urgiag te nocessil> ty faleir- loirs calîtiof estaiîhed eeenai r inu.prans, autabllete faumono 55cit- OTIONS8. ing thiata le rmain as iLe>' une, lh. paseci Yeun cemuitîee fincifront the-repnt cf18 Atheni>' . ileavnton sud being ual ofind mrethon stand. Otmtonoaa.Thnpoa eou sver>' bigi enlegiusupon ttc leactors oetirue Treasuno tiret te finances of the court- iuug mnt. For fin heur sud a haIt Miv tien passeddirecîing t. clark te neuif> tLe the ceuni>'. t'Areinarge sls id r oi-' datater-B Twooflim mut u-mînutquetinsMcGeo tircîteci the attention et the outil. Clenk cf tLe United Counties et York md Mn. Fairbanks reminded the committee ulle;Alrgluplsieewe au ~ Wluih ocupieci lIt pratt ent etiCenseceiuig hi vn'synsb shePeel ofthbe passage of lte abore hy.iav. et the tacttlItiDr. îîleitnselt au lougit plicaitie fer coumul>' urpeses, sud subjeet lt wliih oe ,upid te atenionof ireCo admirab111le ilseoune.it eylecpture invas t- Oumotionet Mn. Penn>' the *Wanden lte Prove ia coclleol aIl the infor-mationa thîe disposai oftte Couneil. Cut r-r 'iii '&ning tte session, voe t -ttc appoint. dirbe louse h lcue a t lte chair until four o'c.leck, 'lunca-don lie could, luntarder le necomemane u iad- TLe aecommendaîioatofetlite CuI'T--han ing va eun>' 'tupnineuacnî lu t tndeci b>' lhemembers, otflte CecuI>'taenable the sevensi standuaag commieesmneatite Scutool bill. lange meetings asurea et cnuployiug lte upanetuatds iii ami piae c te ~cea, minîbr t L~l u-Council thon lut session-au adjeurnine aLepaepane Iheir reports. vere-iteici ereryvitere, sud at a mooîiag-purclîasiagth e deitentunes et the count>', l lae of 'oeudu ései ud the aoft etReevS frdepreeîkagpae tIecu tfu 'ic .n.Lt tcln- hld i iate Town cf Whitit>, vhich was yca cemînitîce Cautrat endorse. Thecr--tt peind enitptuand thoes >'ucdect vot e e iecuiuahu- ooetiakivs ede-d mmd. . r a ia-el>' uteuided, n neselution mas uit- ginal abject in nasiitg moue>'oatit teca-c- dec rpan ens. u V'. eeis nas rev e o he eclaqeqntlecaunor. lDY LAW TOei'tEYsZtT VICE, tmiLNKL-%XtESS, L. oitentory pSp rnccm endnt asSp' dit etthe cun't ous ndtt pa'uuue aoctp- th uopys.IeCnesomlest epiinetcfCu>'Spntedea anigih cenhussu goirstSp tare 1h chmîg lu ppeataaigscitci '~"iIndgcMecat,À'Ma-. Ctampbelli, <Witb>',) obînud louve impa-etement upon te paesent plan. The portion ihat itear>'expoaadiiuro, undilte oet inupanituof tet c ohae lpitiigia hopii lslî . teintroduco s by-.iaw for titis pua-poe. nemunoatioaî te local Superntîoadeutis ias, paYmcxifte ýt ne as eqititabi>' ns POssi- ahi, oupeitieiiont. W hav th Ilglioll- .Suggî-stious vone ot'encd b>' Mn. Penn>', te coiiteaided, insu icinite osecure te servi-.Ileover lite v-kiole ceuni>' ton a ties et in: Onu Of thalle boit aequinod villa lite mca-k- Uxitidgo, Jainar>', 1861. 3Ma-, Fairbanks, sud isovrnai mombens as la esou f te ruosîdcsia4bie pensons. lle, (Mn. twcuîy cans. liadrt cn-'ettced ing cf the Sciueei0Sy-stem iaa ils tarer. IVe Our MecLaaaic' Institut. tata-o, basbeen lt esaaii> teailu aetl> ieFibns a utrrca Ofuglie but nap that ut of e ee'otion ouseidte 0diférenticlauses, and cemparni the iact ah menston advaamingite causeetdcu aaplabn-fîfth ontctettc ie haved thb reoîniuionslassd ai the meetings tavred daaiigite cura-ont season, vitb te sîstute, se as that te Cenucil hululieri), antd. Lec aasidonutd that the prescritcoutybil>lnidintgsuautaula py n jusi propor- eu luelci b>'Dr. Ryenzo,onue of tue objeets et sereral vminable aund intenesiiug lectures, net exceed ils pemens ; aundaise lau erner difilcuitieâ mould bcho gel era-b>'ttheap- iue l iofthe expcuuou, deieuuturesmore ien- wticiwta vast ain ait expresision oteopini. viaicit Lavç been velstîcudeci. Oue cf te paeveut at>' Clauses chualtii, iath thiose o itmet o f Conu>'Supeninteudenia, lue cd at a long date, aad scitai iacoasidet'- ou opon titis ver>'. poiut...rdoiring t11e a t'en>'suluronchais mas delivereci on tLe et the Town et Whiîby. thera-c t ccontled Mn. P-nmy's aituttaibic discouant. If titose deboatiures moto chng. tmd urotu ualyoxueieaoerniagetFaId>- tc st it1.,b Cemmitîee noie neporleai pageacs, sud montI. noW lutachutd eaihfoe eîte>arc due, lte su cudageoAnd-raîo mnt baeiepienc e ereoafwu ieuse, bthe 1ev i. a ain Ã? obtainoci louve leamoiugniit. Ma-. '1loinpsoa u uuggostcd liant as liais t'en>' bjc-cîtfonrviici lthe>' ve t sei tue letai tîston, hi ncuine oru s to pp ao loScnouse, itetvasasoy.tJamtee Baer.COUUNWtTIONS. was a question wunît did aid dia-cuti>'af- monid ha deféanc. day detail tirentall, incline a tCmanuaaieaîieofsSveneoa-oaci troue K.tinfecthttRev réulcftheitin ofor Ositamar , â ltai Ai tt At Juare Juli iemion etofîte Contut oon of pa-openl>' quahliti Couuuî>' $npeonitîoat-Wni. C elaui ithe commtuunion. Tle MLenLuaan, andi J. W. C. Brome, iutrl- Cmuiaon e rdfrois'K.lite rep,na-esîaîaof etoe. uuticipuîitieu Couaicil, yaur comnmulcttudlltue prcpnrcd îuas dents as beluag nih paeenable le local, or uailute let ver>' Ia-gel>' indebîte It tirein taosciool uupernauendeutts. wouhd rfa-cfa-t i eu tiaag.conicdta tesrls ud i township supoinlondonts. Ttiii atoiiu o. latonr gentieuao tnttemt-m etanneucladorca niltn 'lcl e thear liat.tlt aerscaatrsimtitu> o pid eiuerdteiuutaa uni ef $15m2 12& le meel Luis amenut the Cotu- ,y Trasurer sud Ste-ifi lave tasI mitliana te lthe crodit et ,tiow-tsllip ............. ncludiaug île yean1859-...1259 0( Cotty la-casuers esîmae t' 1810------------------600. O Total,..$2342 OC Prt-t iis saemoni il, ili ho oberva hat atoe dcficieu'y on Lte pari tbTent£ ýaccuit of tLe nn-resident lands ua- rii bc teuporay. NON EIDEaNax T LAN N a xu nitEXTUiies. The debeatures issueti ounthecaeau le ttui-ncujidctitlanudi unaiamountiaug i 9,600) trncduc oun the lut Jauur 861, Tiose aibeninea mceepayahe tth ýatk etfL'Upr Canada, Torno, and i r ie date cf the las ind uices os ta- eut lanL se deheslu-es tsd net been lyrnosotedail îem1itien. lThe ou-a-ouideîtnaund lunLth ind, cf thc Ta-castrer sud ttc Sitenlff i upi>' sufliciett teredeens tthe doonu-e flanti ycu-conimilîco roceom ai ttc '«andea take sucit stops as te ma i »cmu adrisable le asze-tauiluteito*dens o edeheuues sud ra-e ottc saine. lie rouran fa-cm the Stanifi ou aceenîil te tai sale iast Ociote-, ilsno etucian de tunt a mouth ater lthe adjoennîa sal Marncieact, Lut lthe Shoniff lias consent 1to etr ith ie miole or ny>'portion co eaatium l in is aule, Oas1the equei-ti c Wandcu, te accomplie ti te-teaegin.c oect. FiUTLati $AU.COet'LANDS VeR TAXEs. Accodin; te By'Iuw Ne'X. 74, thetr l-ca ren is instucteai -Le place lisamraant lut caadâ et ttc Serihi'n euttcsecuand Muai 'li Ma>' nex, lonrte saleofetal lnd. hiiu taxes ua>'litu napaiti on thc is flue yca. t'er cemmuttîeadeen itIL nadisable te die n second sale et lands ton taxes, un- te tua-t sale is inali>' cloucai sud mounai ad oulai theaefono reommeut Lta tu t c l a u t s ui t i hy -l u i r a s r e l a t e us t e t h e ne leca-pealed, andi hiînlaaby-lnv hlui- ducd imusincingthe Tu-asrer te place atiexi warant for de sale et lande or paid tax mes rain the « hancha etf the S ie if, o u 2îd Monda>' in Deceibern aex. The accouit etf'ilson & Hectos on ds neunaetinit case f Co. Ontario v. benîsat ai sruuaing te $100, yeuc eu Le e ao o m m caad Lu o ie aid tih t e bre n- a-. 'bat the detaileti staloment oetrtuo udi- oi' 1860 f te accotat outtiis Cu- fr 1859, ho publisiea nileut l inthe tral§ etfte pressentsession oet tis Ml ot mhichi lu espectal>' suhmittedý J. HAM PERRY, Chian. tuinitîce Recru, 25tit Jatua->, 1851. )n main et M. Peni>, seceadeul lu> Jîn34trlett, toe Treusaron aas dia-octileu Sthe - accouaI t o'«ilion & Hfecto, atntiirg ae ýo$100, ilu full, as, ecommeut- in lthe repent ofthe Finance Conumitic, lOAlt5 AXl( BRIDGES. . RaIdliS' brougtl up te-eport et com mitîne a i o u motion lb. Ceun. weul mie ocommittec titreou. The, i lltee sa-n., sd-the report mas adopted ulows: bht avi ng axamineai te report of the t>' Engineer, mta-ferencmî otel over ttc Talbot river, aid having ascentsaaud fa-m the Ueve of Mars, the neceiu n>' tops le e tub î lthe Jedinig tret, have nt een cern. id. roua- cimnttieawo,ùd'rëom'mnd thaI atraponin regard Iit, b. lken his Counil, fiithe rcai be fuhi>'estai- ýoua- ommutta. boavin g ceuidreth ie tion, pf Byrnn Merlin sud'ethersi 1pri' OrF-qiaite c Wtre acusi>'o ts ne Boadin-he 14h cnceuoit et the r o s i i p e t B r o o k , a n c i l a s - ni n g - f a - m t b es i Etiucr"'t atit woul4reuee s. Mn. Smithbrouglit np lb. report oet Lii Couamuitao, anti on motion lthe Cettail ent lato Ccmmtee ta-eou, Theopet ndentueuL sone trifliutg amenduteutu lu conm:te, anti masadoptei as toliomu: Ttc report ulatdti tthlie cemmutee i'isiied thegael, said tonalthe ltaraienu n-e-cunnded lu aie Juno Session pa-cgres. siaug ns utated lu îLe reportetflthe Ceun>' Enigiateer. thaitthe lomesttlender fer the work, us sînteai b>'lthe County Engineen, cxceeded île culimatoti expeuditune teulthe atua-,t cf $1040; tut as tene mas provi- sion muade for exceusa et the esîimatcd auati,there moulai ho' tut as sanl sun a-equine4 lu addition tte ttc ameuni sîreadl> pa-ovideai. The rnosit recommouded thai lite ternis set ot li the exirnet fa-cm the onden iu Coauceil forwanded i t>'hle Secrelar>' oftht Board cf Prison lInspectoni ite compie mli, acita utiile «anden make lthe neces ay application ton the amount, oqual te tal paid the coninscoîea lThe commitîco reconuamnedth îe suioe $150 te Ma-. $hier lu addition 10 is salary, on sccewlt et ihe addihaaaal duios imposeti upon hlm un pro. pa-iau lbans anti upecificatiens tonrlthe gaoi laupa-emeauts, superiateudin lthe saune. The coniiUee mîpressed tem satisfac tionniit tt-ten>' rlyanti cimani>'staI. cf lthe gaoh aitdlcourntenouse, eming te thc faittful' said diigentuishsiange ut tiistinties hy Ma-. Welton, te whm t hie>' rocoannendodti lt n g-îatia> cf $21 ho given. 'lie rumbor cf piiouers ommiîtttd le île gaci ta-cm luL Jane bo 27îh Dec.-a poa-iod cf 6 moattls-was statedti tebL 78; 26 fonialea, saud 55 maIes. bthe trtal nuî- beoa- etays du-iag lthai penlea ou ubicit pri8os earcae ougaol-alcmance, vas 2095 -699 on temale alleirauce, anti 1396 on male allemnte. Tlitotal cosi fer foodi, moud, ligil, c.,,Iueitg $339 Soi ; or on avrcaago coel of 16l cents per day, cnet. The rnot enacoamoendcd the paymeuî of vraions ucoeuts, Court lieuse expeuses ameuaintg 10 $188 92&; Guet oxpeumes $339 80J, anti a teourcter items. TIre m pont cent taies by raeconmanaiiuig the puma, taid cisterunrconimended inlutceCeuni>' rnincea-snportî,tonrte gaci-yncl. Mn. Fairnbks repea-teti ta-m thir.com milIc, a-ecommeuding paymaietfaccetats ut James Holdeat, $4 80; NY. H. Hugginu or.Couniy Pa'ieîin, $154 28; Luke & O-a 85 28. AIse recomtuendi 'ng lthai the dot-k forîthitt advrrize fer tenders ton pniuîing for lthe pa-eseni yea-, liuiiag the liane tonr maiting due Joura-nls te 6 meeku fa-on the uameut o etc uncil. Repent aiaimpted. - îItSOELLÂNEOUS. On malien cf Ma-. Smidu,a reseluhien pass-'l ai autheizing ttc Wuntien te moemonlal the lovernor GenecasIlu n ucil agninut ttce appeiunient et a Regit-ar lac North Ontar-io. A ty-.aw pasaed appciuîing lthe Reeve sud Ceuncil of Mars suai Rama Commustonerra Loeoxpendth îe a.îpacpria, P on cf $500. - si Aise a hy-luw conterng a shunilar ap- poinmeuî upon tLe Ceuncil et Brock.' Ma-. 'ixion in course ofthte pneeeaiugs tuiluese hy-lawu, mxpa-esscd Limiseit in veny s heral terme in tarer ofroai improvomeuis,' ina tiesineai Ihat Lte amount appronlaei -liethen $200, $500 cn $900 sbould Le suffi icît in cacit case te. muke a permanent 5 uhb, anuttitthîe iioney ihould- not ho ;etit onun>'temperany voa-k, viicitonîc i-I Je piedoctiree fit lîheon ne good. toi et Iere, said te, ha e nouoey -apa-opriaea,' n lot lthe anicunt te enough Iùci omplets,~ geood job wirtee-lu4i4 ut, bTe Ceun>' rai nov stuele toapprepriate moue>' for, im- )reveunh, andl ho i "4uutahat ilu tho ap. )repnlulien cfmoneys, local josicuaies sud ellugu meulai-be et an endi, anti thot lu G alune,~~~~ th lnmtcih'ugested moulaiB ) paursucîl, LtaI whea-evr Ibm 'r ' 11,~ Finance cOnlmittee, repealingpn cf hy- J.aw 174, sud:providing jor îte S'aie of non>, residect lenh dï r a' wu PLIgo passïd..... Undp ýthi$ by.)aW44h Connýty Treaurer i& to isse his*ant to the SËerÃŽ , n - pt f December ne#~ pvelpd ft wi Mroct vuPrugt îb. Coanelcould uWt e 1o mjoI n d ~jtommittee viricl a v se>' Wthlb.u.stýqnelitièd aongst Ihaja.. "1if yoa'vote fon' yonn5elf' e,7itmalca ycu aedin eom Re 'e.an Tbere vas se qunstiba but that scoonnts amcuntingtIo thlé pninaiple embodled ithre chauff~e. XAC e correct oee sud moulai b. tonnai te BrnVrIgi KEr. Pary (nIl>' egreacin atlb remaris ibe commutte. reaomm ma&leb>' Mn. Fairbanks. If lthe principle ofiaceunts cf Beturu Le core'ct tocana-y'tlb. vorciig ofLthe lit o $77 50Cui. Lmuiticipsi 1ev ta the dccii of tha peoplo, n~sioana îbqre coulai Le neo doublt IbIhs change b..C ni djundu inyaiesiabie. Thepeple wbo net I blfpet7thel ceunciliens mena fui!>' quaailfed le eleetiha. Beeves sud Depuhies vhom the cuuclor Exraordisary Mardi electeti. , As1tte necesiat>' for lhe change~ b.ae-ddeditis testimcny to ta giveaLbythe' ee'etOshawa; sud expnee of thea ~Th. Glnsgc 'mwInIer, vorkiùg'of titis iyem, ddvelopa esimilan - on PFia-lais'sd Satua state cf thujugu tita-oghout t le country->'..jaung men, tuaxà eai job Besidms iq Leonten-leci, thà t tbelmation cfr-. as nceusedoflm'i1g1 tb. peoples'repa-ceentatives tLe LeCou' guit last, on Ibm ,scell t>' Council. mouIci alaidiguilta lb.theoffice, arr.lde paoi1 pince a grealea- ameanulof reipauiibihity1z f upon tLb. representatires, said renaier *e-Hulebesontovu, 'Glnsgo position more resîectabie la eve-'y..±... ý . amed Alexander 'bel As to4ttm peculiar mode -or ansner oftmalt. aboîlf y-oaa-i oK f~is îug: the change, ît vtýas for the Iiue,-da. cf a fa-cla, tr ta4ioos hure. ,There mu a-e ho saiti varions wvs by sasboiknbefst vieto e pa-iaa-ipiecoult Lbe-cana-led On±L Que masti 10ehettLe Reeve said eput>-- -- hia alt rvr ns Reer. lun ddiusto0lte preseuit number cf ~deep vater -vidu s long Cenucilors. A.2 >tben vs> vas to, borelte tandon mater 1111 litev as Beeve se 'a!ecîe-liand-iet tLe Depat>' Reeve, sonar, vite bnci e dm11, vbr s nttuici hi> vasentiîma-to a . paession of countenace, Depuîy Beci-,I1)3eiected1by tLe, Cuncil. Bilter etof -- cplans but0titougbt, vonîc' Jeans, altbongh in appe over.ccme il-o uiiculîy, 1wb.rea Levgn ~semto bc u>' more- I itappeuted le lie dirided iuinLe vrdi. oe TMr. Fairhn.u. luinaddition, wishedi W la appeareai fa-cmthe us>' aise, lthai Cue bLo f lb.Concil Sslnnî¶ay,-tise 25tb et At moulai ebL L te reprdsenistîÈve ofthîei Muutioipalit>', imil net of Lis ove patLionlanieccok utcalr '«ard. j-ciilti loft iâ -5parents bou Mesurs. Baîchifi' aud Smith ipoke iu fayor cf meeting bis (ater eut et lte principle. 1 dinnen. The chilci aid Ma-. Sanguher epposea ilt searcîî 'urs the 1n matie, -i lTe vole vas 'talion. ' ltai the paisonr lad met Yu±s -Messrs.. Penny, Watson, Gamble,- Banticît, Faia-ban , Smiîli, - Kennedy, Bat. mneactia-toaai, Hutchesout cliSn tutiCampbe1iÇ (Beacit)>- 9. isas;santi carrioti Lin Ni u ru-ess-s. Sanguter, Ver-non, .*t P- 'OP - Clyderale W bell, ('«luth>') Muraay, Gleudeuning, tWliie 41 afa=lsrp ('«hilu>') 'Wlhie,<Manch,) Wixsn.-S. -lThe '«ancen votoc i th th ie neya, sud "W .1~tinovn Lb.m ie L he t>' hi,» casting voie deteatoîl îhe motion.-' beoy Undenneatb Ibm vami coNncoaxaasyoung masnirbo vas resti Mnr. Campbtell (Beach) ba-onghtup Ltre n, on the oIbm pnuoua loï repent oethe Commitîcerecemmcndlug tLe aaliser ud hepio as -bo paymouuî cf o feir Umuil accenLsamonntiugan mgeà 'cws-b le $37 94. 15s' iuhng. H., thon saw, 1 The dienen houa-boe.internenedi, saidat abject lIe Ibthemateront! tmef 0'coehen tbm Ceuncil reassembleci, ' aesiici4anal b. Ibeugist te busnes aviug been ahignetnoga dog. Aftete b e a iiiiî,gooti-hunioreai discussion vas gelo tetJc suljet n 0dîg abauliment, aud to-ai1 thal s vemlan hati da-mni Ma-. Smutt-moymd that the Ceunt>' Engfi. -' l.>'carne Le rveairnsi, teer Le initm-uteai -le propane a pion analdttcplc. H i estimnle of sucit e building, 'wtl it. heviem ot baviug'te same placed ai lulb.Village cf off wmuhthde chilau e llxbridge. Mn. Smnith vas loudai -ua elo- not proceetietifer viten 1u lacent liitis praises. et the important said moduer cf the boy. S ising village vhiclihoe bas dtheon lte u t ucea' -epreseut, saiditopea i t moulidte selecteai, - auleti im fer ber chilti. as hein; tth e noît jim pertaut place i lu Lb.n ad t ro n i Jenni>', le Lt. tom of Wbiîh>'.'- evmnLdIruLi Ma-. Camipbell, (WLiiLyJ moulai attribut. Thc paisouer vas tLen seit ne ilaîloesîcai motives te tthe eeof tii- - man, w L ad ebuervoti lu ba-Mgo, but ho Ihenghi lite viijge et Brook.liufac tteopioi lun, wreo hene mas a townshtip hall aae 'e me psudoaskthdohum n Jy luilt, ant iéîlolu ulai Le obtaineti ' iocld te selecteai. Ie replied thal hh aci d Mnr. Ratolît salai îLot hie lovustip had s ten beiaig tali o Wthe îp chter township hall ai ute village of Ce-. dcr a- b eau commutte,' imbus, sainda- ged te eh aimg et &hat vil. ho lta-cm ttc chila il Mr. Campblhl veut lu sLa-oug fer Rénds. it ~ iin - TMr. Penny cencludedth te discussion b>'a prtuonp r bni been previca ,encrai repi>', which vo do atot finai ou oua- cbii-sýa-ppinganci, atten s lThe vole mas tuken onithe motion, there mctolbfor fientan eingt but tta-ee >'ca-Messra. Smih, Sang. . otipaesium étcuton ututheVea-nen.of The Couaicil adjourcoal until fia-st Tues, htto IIb xi-'c a>' lu Junei 7mars. Ha meulai nel I ite, non meoulai ho leara Towtn (Jouscil. - 'as oethlie niit violent Sevenil surgeons vere g iug Lis seuil>', suai tho geî presetiva duat, aldhunl lue mas&netinsane, buik, mr sudam ias pea-tecl> Tbm jury ltsving been î prosocuullon saiddetouce, a harlug summeal up. The jury ineturneti e ver piscner guilt>' as luielleti, mg himnt tazenia'., ChTe Jucige tten prcone 0 Ieuth, t10 b. carrimai ir Gîsagoir, on due l9bof J iiSe bis LeA-dsbip u née4mnration ta ore>'C boul though proper te hure verdict meula i ediaili 10 tise propen qpaetc,mis duhi. moulti receive tfa vila- vany'desi.e ounthe pa ef the Creva le give it mile nseeof due prioner's Intel lb. mcii dlstrésaing cireux ense, 1: vue impossible lb obip) 'coulai look, tab.hee cttonrngntghude.neit s .lar, but hefelt it wcld be >ùazu apli oervationi bThe Counoil met stot>' ofter 10 0' clolc, Of John C. Honcock, anti P. M. Clark, a-aying torttheF alpinmeuL t fCietConê Mr. Draper gave notice" of moving a, re- soution that tha Conil m lemorial the, Legial ature pij&lyiog for -the \ehction, of Reeves and Peputies by the people, th« lme as Mayors of <Itis asut, Towns. Msoo that he' will at the next meeting or ie Counenci',ivea resolutioth-aving refer. woe te the oa I»trQIAýof ei gravel roa« Onmotti ocf Mr. Perry uiConded b$. r.Drnaper,a resolution pued jiving(f~ ;oodinau liberty to occnpy a portion oof ýTo street: inth1e bXortIi Ward with bnldý Dg material. STKalemTS AND IMV5OYENEIT, On motion of 1Mr. Deverel iaconffl by &r. Perry the counil went into Commnit- ee on this report. The report, wbi.@h w&4 Iopted withont £mendmen4 eooumends heconLrtoncof a bridge over 1the gra- te Id 'i ite re CIl Wj p au moi NOTICES CY MOTION. WëRýý 1 - - -l' 7 cn 'l le nn-rsidus saica-u necenur thea-u TOWN piw tramp "Ai 1 483 00 ýý i ýv- É n d bi ist di PETITIONS. ;& wt