Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1861, p. 3

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eplc TîO iNEW YORKORMTa ih e~ ri;or of GéQrgia lout tp thé IMé Convon- !rheflio tientis mprniing the ttau-atniug resala- atadon ~ lmadopted b>' thé, Stàte ýcf'*New,-York id in bén end ruan, Toomas ffeCd'thé M h16lng :..tt Baolved ounaniinoucly, As a res- ______ ponse tg 4hv resoltu o tthé Loglau itli ~ -'--efthe statéet oi ' York, that thia con. il la voationblghly approvus the energetiý and plotie conduct et thé (Go'énr0 ér tu&îs4 glaîtt taking possession of Fort Puloici b>' Waias o'eorglattroupa; that thia convention s'es, i i ~équotus im ta bolti pascsioti of said fort ~a4ulitil. thé, relations c f Georgia tu thé Fode- îîic#1, -rai Qavarpntent shah ho dctcnnined, and lar,' *t, à copy cf titis resolution lié transmit- * t tt,ýed< b theOGovernor cf thé Stufe cf Now 4 on Yari,." This iesohtion wus odopteti una îof 1DECLINED WITH TIIANKS. sàarléétou, Januar>' 21.-Thé four sol- r i >rM, Fort Suîipt-r, as wituiesses in a inurder casé, on Satuardt>' tternptcd to os- cape by jumpîing cut cf lte grand jury T' e roantwindow. Ou lutvittgtfor Fort Suîp. i orter hey wro placcd in a coach anti msort- éd b>' a file cf Stute soltiiers te tht, bout. iro. 0oecnor rV'ticet n Su Siaysent a lot cf and i fresh pirovisons te M1ajor Antiersot with ies bis complimenats. Major Andierson refuacd ~ué- tu aýcopt theti, buat rvtiirged ilhs ittîticafor the Ile cauîtesy, su>'ing ut the anme time thut c i hé would Ituve ta doclîtte cccpting un>'- by ~ i tbing until bu huieèw ihal the Governmeîuî i aClWashingrtoii iritendeti taonder. Ever>'. - thing lé quiet huere thii morîiig. Fivu utIt. pris Ihuve beon fit-dorionthe soctiding 'Urt Stateé. Théè effuct of the sdcessian cf Gu-or. cd gin tîlou teuporluiivor>happy, but no tiainoinittnuoit lia4 yettbeout matie aotac- cousit of it. i 3IRNIMG Oit A STE.kMEII. Baitirno9ret Jttinury 21 -Tie steamer Wd'iliauîc Jertkiîaé, utthe LBalitioreianti Boston line, siutoi'hijî la tire Jol;,p/t fJ'/it. ney,*wshich iva charteued la>'iii.aGutreru. m2it, aurs eidonti>' butut etSavannah, EXÂINATION 0F A FUGITIVE VCveland, Jitnîtry 21.--Tlte fugitive X' irl Luey wns bhtuglat befîtu e tho Prohaita CoutithIis niotiîting, yuliouaJuidlo J'ldoîu odoi ertîlumdiseiarge timnthe -casteai>'9 thé shehoilil. Silo wa, Iktizti cuutody b>' té Uniteds utesiariealaild uitdî'ovcud to thé Unitedi suitescs ourt ulîecabcsue ltoiv uutisrgoiiuguxîiitalnaion. Oittu hé-tva>' te the Unied State's Courut, an uîîsîuccessl'ul *tteulpt unt netcuul was made.. 'Wambitigton, Jaui. 20.-V'ite nintaity repart frani flic ccluîtitecut'tlityît', uignot b>' Taylor of Lii., Philps of Mo., Ruicf Arli., Viiiuhy uot iDel., iaîtd tiinut law of N. C., tmiiruteoîliasisubstuancethie follcwitug :-The o meunt aya tlui-orsent difficuities caiti ii>' Ito renietîLtib>' anînul- tuent. le ture consiîtui, anud i balstua '"bVue ameriîrneute lî roîtoiei tiilite Criticiaden résolutions, if ndcuîtçd, uroul estto trait- quiliýty ' tthoeeuiuly,. tîti îlitu tirde Uli' en u ou sela foieuaiui t huit utcoulti nov er hé shakerst. Thueup'itout rea.'me?tdu thut, iaiiing tlii8,steji t o iken ftar cetlilu.' a conventiuon cf theo SteItous, withi a vicur ut peaceuaio e oîuniatioui, b>' puovidiitg fot ut partilitin alofîthcproperty of îàae Unitoed etates, sutliug te rna b>' trich tiae coin nuerciatlttea uirse itîuti tti sepurule Stateus shahi ho couducteti, anti malitittg a perniatit aurranigmtentt witiî respect ta tîtta navigationa of tua i&Nlippi river. < Kansas wuili hie admitttd on Monda>'. f'ROM PHNS\C'OL uIeORT PICKE NS New OnlcîauuuJ:uîu. 17.-Mulajor Chause enucer- baeugn ttulthe Maiyornof' Newv Orleans o gêna fer 2,000 nmon to take FotnîPilitus itlPcn- h'éard saicoau. 'Tho Maeyor u'u'poîtdc flittflitc usen couiti ho rabatd iii two dutys if Flonida ONul equijithîonst. To 'In ovror tole- ,ja< grapitetifotr tiautu ta iiiiuooui toituiglt, Anl i5î'lalit a t n iuittuiy bhuiiiiuli l uuuikt 1i'uvi' t tua -alan tufnin nlte uiCu. Meeti uigs wilI ho r Con. calioti to.mrnuaîuw. TIlii,i gha excilentent Mefiuh- promus létuougliottflitacCit. l>'.'Ilic hu- aident dtir etsrciiueoui tluir îuuy to Peasfiea ut,- j ram Mi.slasipil. 'Irf duo Ptiidit docs listur net ortider tt thetirtîuuuer of' lot! iekouas en tu greut carntage uili oumane. New Orleauns, Jtti 9.-Lient. Simmer, comniaidin, li'ort piticis, is tiXIicCte tot OVE,- suamrender. 0T"lieFloriuie forosbuvtenî- ~~ ~y-fivé luoevy guuit n1uteitd, tutticarstalute 11bhc Fort Picluteus witlu a lui 'aof' 300 men. i a Theto mmitteacof tho ls6lipp1ti Legis. frem -luture on tee oulieîeay have roporteti ru- j téré solutions ta provido for a Sautienru Con- f'cdenacy, andti b culiîiua îtrovisionuîi jovernuaîcnt for aeotuuîg States, anti Stateé hercafter sectinîg, Tie propasoti Southt- -ouConfctcruatneot ut Moutgpmcr>'oi ~licauthé 41h cf Fctrtany. gland, SE SS N0F EOG . ted lu,OFG RIA ineoint iMiiledgoviiîo, Q., Jan. 19.-Thé anti- nance dclelning te seessiôn cf Goorgia fro th UntedStaespasétheltéState Coae a4o t two, o'clock Ibis p. t., by F À pêasé208, lnys 89 Miiletigeville, Jan, 1-9 p. m.-The ihlips Convention has beau in secret sessiona near- A motion te postponte lt.eoperalion et' th es-téerdinance was lest b>' 80 majorit>.- ps-sou i x1ixAîe î iOiH. 'Stevens anti. Hersechel V. tala-t i JÃ"olion, area aoug thaaae wba voteti - i flni the orclinanunç* *Sýé ong roaaétl on parobeý'- o 14 signed on Moiida7 attoo.. 1in' 4iébmOndîiVu., Jan..19. 'Senste.-The conaideretlon of th e M port on fQdérai" relAtions, contemplating a Ns4tionual , Convention .was reaemed. T6é Mr.Bri. ot'éédthé foliowing resola., tiont-Rsolve~,--tba ff Borts 16 ze- concile the diferineu betweea the îwo sections of the country' shahl proo abortive thn ,M'o ycoaldesatioi ot Loer and -in. tereat demanda that Virginia shah ubits ber, destiaies' with ýlier , sistér ",slave-boidin Istatua. Thé resolution wuatdoptedunan- PROM CALIFORNIA. Ï Fort Kearne>, Jtn. 18.-Thé follo *ing us adititinal per jîony express:. San Feruncisrnvas thrown loto unasual excitentent ont Naîti Year'is day b>' the kilit ing of Sumi. LJî. Nuwll, editor of thé lt. Democratic î,;igiwl, cf Placer, count>', hy Iroracé Smith, si lawyér of considarablé, position lu hie saune country. -Néweli "i chargpd wihlu îving slandered Smith's FROI, CIIARLE STON. Charlestonî, Jau. 19.-Li'eut. Talbot ar- rived ihem, laut night, wlth gloomy tidinga. Thé Govca-nmntn andi thé metnbers of bis Cabinet weré lu consulaton thé gréater part of last night, on thé intelligetnce comn- muuicated b>' Lieut. Tabiot. A. white flug camé from Fort Sumper this morning. Thé object of It la mid ta bée that sauth Caro- lina Coago erecting fortifications. ALAI3AMA. Montgomîery, Juin. 19.-Tho Houge pués. ud ta-day,, a bill ta provide ugainat thé in- vasion of the Statu b>'msen. Il mnakes pi- lots liablo tu fine anti imprtisanunent Who b)ringé, vessais ln the harbor of Mobile, andi althonizuis the commander cf Fort Margan ta destr>' the beaeon anti inndmurkcs ut his disetion. DESTrRUCTIVE PIRES. Toledo$ Jan. 19-The American hotel wsburnitti thiti marning. Lost $201000. Ingmrd. Chicago, Jan. 19-l'ho Raunti Bouse cf the Chie'ngo, Foart Wuayne, and Pittsburg Railiroad was burteti to-day. Tua locomo- tives andi puouîrty weme tiestîoyeti. Lois $20000. No iusuî'aace. Arnivai of lie Asliti. T1he foliouring li b> teecgrapb front Liv. erlîritl tu Queenstowtî, an Suîuday, Januan>' Lth. Lo~nDoi, Saturda>', 5. The Corkhu Examiner suates, it is rumor- cd thas. the Prince- cf Wales lé; ta bu Lard iLicutonunt of Irclanti. It la nt mucit cru- diteti. Sytiîy Herbert retires from the Houari cf Camnians anti is te reocirt a Pecragre. He retains the Secréîaryship ai Wur. Nupaleon's New Ycar'a rcmarkui 'ta lie diplontatiata bshuadtinoeéffeet lu poiiticuh cireles. FRANCO. The Paris Bourse la dull4' Thé reortéti carrespondonce hetween Fr-ance anti Englanti relative te the French fouct beforé Guaeta is mail uisatisfaeto- Afflairé ut Gucta remuiin unuclanguti. Il l13 reparteti that neoaîations are peu diuîg for cxtending thé armistice. Th'lîo tauiuatiauiuof Prnce, Ceniuan as the cKit'sLueutenant îc Naples lui con. fitntal. Couuut Traptîlît li saiti to bu haaUduîug a retietiotiny novement lu Ahrazzi. Tito Prnie Riegeor ut'Pssia camnuanu cd biis roigu uts Willamt V. Tîvo Sardi-nian vessolu îith wum maluri- ais woue seized b>' Bussia ut Calctz ThueiBombhay'inuiltolathe 121h Decumbur eaclîieM ei~s The ilucomo tex trouble caottinues. Breadstulu closed stuadi>. Provisions cuasotidui. It lu sbtatu-dtltit thae rngliuh Governntent bas sent a strong note ta tue Emperor cf F"ranceo, priotstiilg aguuitat the extentsion cf thto occ-uption aofSyriîa b>' thuaFreonch farc- os. Nu nepl>' itati >'ohcut reivet. - et*__ Arrivai of the Marnthton. New tYork, Jan 22. The steuntship Marathon, frot Literpool ut twc p. m., on the Stit, urtiveti ut ten a. t. Financlul mutters feamile chiot' teatures of' ler lucîs. 'l'ite actioît cf tîe IBankt cf Engianti ou Manda>' ias sutidetaanti uîcxpeccîod. Consols feu 4; Railu-autisoouuitîes canai. denulît>' more, anti Commerce guncrali>' was cheokuti. It lu belilaret iaI lthe Americun îîewa anti the pasitiatncf lte Bank cf Franco weré th. muain incontiî'ca. The Bank cf Fratnco on Tueada>' foliow- ed* lte exumplu of th Bank cf Englunti, autd ativanced tiis mtes fram Di te 7 pur cent. Theré waa no pressure fkir discount in Mondon. The weather lu Engianti cantinues moat savcro. Snow "-as sîilil falling whén thé Marathon left. The sitip Saratoga, tram Mobile for Li- verpool, witich put int Crookitaven ou thé 4th, run uéhoré, but uttr cutting awuy al ber maIs was gaI ail'. Thé Paria Bourse was dépressoli. It cicésecionthie lth ut 61 20. Thé Daüy New#s annonuces that thé Franchi Goverument off'emoîl tewithdt'aw ôeiyi tak IG i toM À qtïesoaabei ýpW itlt , elpeu eaèý D Ilal. aIdIeIEM e;,Ëre cÈi ga-hoati wére *recýcd ila a hu cIiane ;Q$liba is 'rW- Ient1,b1the ruor iluncollSfhlW.' The Parigs eorres qndent of , ha n ic6 I!aYs t4,Eng~lsb. GQvem1!uweailsn Strootg note tÃ" the Frèùh Ovenm gal4atoe PingS7ýa for a longer perlod thatis warr~Anto y trç!afy w#tt Forte, Three new iràn.auaship ara! ordered te. be comutcnced at Toulon. Thé He,'àw', 'awrie orespouetuf that by thé _beginnins of ü -r&Th lËraau wil 1pasesnui arin f14,0 ee ed to march nt a Jfuw hour'. notice, !bide the kepton 6-a wr ooting. in addition,>400,, 000 mou are under arms, unbrigaaed, in the garrisans of the Empire. 14VlittIOOL MIKETs. Liverpool, ha. 8. Thé ndvance in thé "rate o <f interest pro. duced gênerai dulinesa ln breuâlsaffb. Plour dal, and Gd Iowor. Whaat quiet and eua. ler, but qnotations unehanged. Corn doui and loWér ;mixeti offeretiat 38. wth no buyers.. Provis ions dtill and unchanged. Tallow firna, 58s OGd for American. Sugar steady. Asles-I'oîs quiet ut 28a 6d to 298 Gd. Basin steady nt 4à; 5d. Breadiituiffs firra at extrema pnieus. Su- gar diali. Tutiet. Coffeu fit-m. Tai- 10w firm nt 60a te 60s 3d. American securities 'ar-Erie 33J - New York Centrai 75 to 78 in thé London Mloney Market. Consols wcre quoi.d on Tuestia> noon, 9 11 ta 91 , WIIITI3Y MARICE'rS. Ciuistctaî vt'tyoii, Jant. c!i, 181. The market this week bas been ver>' au tive, andi thé deliveries large, amounning ta .or ,00bushuls daily. Spring hué ran-cd to.day from $1 a $1 4e, anti fall sol&L'ns higrh as $t 24c. At thé close, thé market pzilous were sontuwhat lower on ae- couQt of the downward tendency of* thé Englisit market, anîd the auddeu riss af in- turcat in the Banit of EnglIand. Porlc is coming it freely ; prices are about the saine as inét wuclr, except in light weighîs wlîich aruentaier. Peas arc plonty and imay hé quoteti ut 56C. O ats ln good requcat ut 23c. Poultry ila tirceaanti ligher. Caîti Wood $2 50. SalinlaNoir% York af Chiiaog Spriîîg ut $1.20, and ili Montrèai Upper Canada spritîg is quoted $1.17. SPEOIAL 1.NOTICES. Rclief lu Tua Minutes. TiiMt teiirtaini and stî5retnody oeurdis5eaepinL f, ail of the.a aftA,(juiand Lua 'a oui a, co!lds. l'ihtia, C('ati~piiaa lrtme/tii. Influ- cnza, Jloar8eiuct,. Dtýcatt Breatht . n, soret uoiîi, 4ic, 4c. fil llflSit W MAFE1 i'.lSgritue mu ai itautiatousaatut S lîr-uri nilieii ii itrait-i peaitîeted wiihacenrdtîîe ii îniurti;îi. tiiver fait ta offert a rapid stud laiig mac. 'lhiatil tte toeutrestitred It. purecîheuitih whct hatuaiii iuter truia iu l-iti. Ta ai l uit*eu and .It Cci,iatiia)I« liii>'art rqiity a liîitaiiig antt a iiir,- uînîîî it-utilee oipeur. lin toner Itîî,w liuug le cikelase Inny hav vîtxitl. or hut- tu areuilu irlay ié u. ruvited the, tarig Lli iifiiriiitrti tif flie vtLai areui etai upe. auý tulitpatitIrial. 1,ita tL-Ts uar aePre cSprAîa.hene ifr art )ecitiiirly tutl ;thae eyI-lit iicxli ).Yret'voe rite uuuiti si-t- crsion !uuiuulit anduic tiroir rega. bar ilalt Air a f-i w laya tîlut. ut ailt ilttea. iterae the powter andttie llt ni t he virie. rrilunlmproriiegiia tutue. rcomp;-tsuîti ti ariuftor whlit perixis, tey ri î iritalimui iv îîîauy profainaitîiuivacautal. Ji (H Nii.St. lProprietor,iRochtester. N.'Y. Pirrc261 ilie tr Ilex. Vir catie l rii. A. liiiiicr. uttl W. IL. Doel. 'uVliity. IL. ).tIletitiriitgtaa, L'xbriigo. anrd attrite- uicîta l Daleitrs. TUE GREAT EN<.LISIE REMEDY 81i9 JAMES CI.AIKE'S Celebratedi- Female Pilîs;, !>eiitliiita pîeiutuiiîtitin q/ S1, J ?'arke, J! D., Pli u1iptla ~itrinuryta (/lu. Oacc. r-i 111i9 uellI iiit-ii tuuiie io l siiuupoiîtirn, b uit itilie ut smite rotîucdy tlaireuui.iu, 1DI tfil] i suil ai (. i tua i ri li, trîîîîIlii t-enuu i tl WIlil tuver ittrandtltisglu a lutta rtîîl reuiiîll t, tluîvý ajotail u t lIlitl-uta t uurttiîi tra tft ie t,.t itulifiui. 'ro MtîrriiîlI iiîietit usmîuceîîiariv sîtitte.It wiil, li it shuort finiet, briîg oun tireinctituity purioti it rt-giiiarity. 't'lîtîtta i'illut lhave ievor knout 10 lii licre tuib dirteti')IXî(IfuttII, Oîiu page cutpltîile iritue wel itarveJ. Four tutU pîrtiatlinui, get a paîiiuiîîlllt, Nrec,ut' dita agetu. ta) uttt- tîitorizîîî IAgtent, utili.etitre îî hotil0 of dia, lts biii,. rt n til. l'in-,sall tiW %Iit1iy l' l . ,%. a r-II ilisiî, andI ".I l. . D tei. Ilt. 1), fl 1iigta iugo, uxhridýltitnd i ail uiaditeî(lilcitl- A (;OOD TÃŽIIING.-TJRY Ït'! TuIE C t;tDI.tN PAiS DESiittT~ItIOt. T13 A yI lIN ftrtbe litaniîe Ilue land per- Iiuuiiit reinovi <ut ai! painîs huuoiiu t lie syuttit 7t4e Canadian Pain Deast rayer etircu llciuta Iiii, ietin iatl pain In thé Back and g ida. T/ie Cunadian Pain Destroyer reiloves »Pritiliutirua beiaiand. Sick betidachu. Thte Canadiaoa Pain Destroyer Cure$ Bliions Citolle ucîl Cranpm !ut lita Stoînacli Tne Canadian Pain Dest rayer cures choiera, Choiera Morbux, Dyseaiter>' audi Bll ciCoipiiit. Tae Canadian Pain Destroyer cîirte Sutiden Coltis andi Sor, Tliroat.' T/te Canadian Palit Destroyer curer Nouraigia, Tledouloureux, anti Tuothachu. T/te Canadian Pain Destroyer anurus Burns, Scalds, Trost-bilos, Ciihlain ,&u. T/e Canadian Pain Destroyer il; also aian xeeienut tiint- for Sînaitsn, Suirtins, Wotmds anti lrtuiso,. Il takes ilway a i Puiu tflic oent itllt appiieti. Ne Fautil>' shoulti bc ltîtont a hottle cf Tne Canadien Pain Destroyer - PrIce 25 cents par flollle. Ail entiers tuiadnosscd tw NORTHJROP& tLYMANS3 Newcaristic, 8. W. For Sale in Wiltby b>' G. A. Butihittur anti W. Il. Doal. Il. D. Illutbrngtou, Uxbridge, anud fi modicina dealers. NE W ÂDVERTISEMENTS. $75 00 REWAED. L OST can tue7tiiInstp, ottPortPutnry a Wai. lelt--çcarituuiug'$156 00,lb thefn cr inay retitt Ibi %ycw r >'rmittiog the balantce lu a ngiteed aterte G. ARMSTRONG, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jaît. 28, 1860.281 English & wisÈc Watchest zut LO8T.- ueek whlteonb llý ore -shonlder, andi about tell. ' li a litlentmeo n one foru-foot ln con- scuie(iemofolîitiing a cla'v ont off. Aiitwers to 1h4 itef ~o Whioev8wilb4iîui tu tb mitl;crbcr w lU hc rôwàrdfd. , -11 1WILLIAM ELÂI. Whltbý, Jan. 28, 1861. O NFriday, the 8thisî,ijnt, Ã"onthé KIng.tou Jtoad butwcon Lyede'à :rok, ldi4'und MN litlty, a ditrk -bruwti l3ottitlo obe, ývlthout liaîng or trhiomingo. The finder wtt! bc ..utiu4- J 1 marded by lcavling it nt le' Ilotel, JAMES SMITH'Sý, Lot No. 9, 4th Con. Plekerlng. Otlit Ja t,, 1861. 2 - 8 w G. A. OARSON, X. D., T lItOUGII theitolhiltiutin of lit.. nuinerous j. rieondd box rLturne tu toWhitby to teunie thte pr,.ctice of ,uadillc. lia lu agrttduuto of butli t ictal ,liouls, will trent ail disealuI thu muât wcicutiitciiiunir, ausd q.rtorit ali - opertltiona ntt e yc and Ear. ho1§t100000 whiolî Dr. Carson tact iitt whieit provloîioly residing lt- Witby lis the host rocomnenlà- Mi. bu vçan glvu. illiîuany c"Cas ho warrants a cutre Or ito puy. OFIUE.->pignsite Suripturo'm liotei, offIe lieurs front 9. a. ma., tii 4 p. tm. %Whcîî inot lu tlei golfice 1ho tua>'1,0 fuitut the liltel. Whithy, Jan. 2.1, 1861. 2 8:11 Shorîff's Sale of Liands. ('ounitv ofr<Ontatrio, '.(N Stîturclit>, titi 27tb 'l'o IVit t.10 dity'utApril A D 1861,1 gt twî.iveo 'ciucksitoon, will the.ol byltbo titii uloit, tirty (illco, lu tlit Cuirt Ilou, ili tbuo 'Vowil ut%%,Idt1by, Vieriglit title, anîd lîtru îlîirwtcrîwîîiîo dîngia ci ly piostli l! the.underineuîtiîd liuas, titutu îte:lelîlts 1h. a, ciï4cd 1)%,a.no11- dur and 1 , virtîîc id niWritso' Fieri Fiat)i >O l nieîîlviz: lit io . ',iiity Court. J oinllt VantI c, ptitiil, v. the Wlîithy $teltnt 111Miîpaiîy, dtl*iulattit5. Il) dit Cuit oil Qo1coîi's B nch. Carlton L.yndo and loai litiii l'orry', plain titl, vm. the whithiy Stolin i ifi compallîî, dut- fenîdants.. 11 lu aCîînycourt. Carltoti Lyndu ui Itirainl'est, pilutift, va. thew lîîby Stci.iit MIii cotupan>', lfduî. ln the Court of Coiniton Pleas. NicouhaWood iirowi, liritin 1Post, auJt (ani- toit L,.iîde, plaiîetiltt, vA. the Whitby Slo:m. Milliii tpuy, dufandantu. Ail andi sigului- that certain ptroci or tilt. Oif landtil id pirîlîlca utit te. 1> ing ont! otiilig ilu h lîwi'lîî WJlitlî, lu d ivCînty ut (tulattiî. int îhîî ruviîîcout Canad, l cing oti- poscd oft it:,t îpart ut Lot Nu. Tii iu-t.ix, lu the seui uii l ee sso of si 14 t ~ î: F. il .up ut intilu by Jg)Ilu; - r,1,' ii .1111dati Sui , P.ir, a 'ii, . .i î îcîi<,> It>-Liii, ut buck Stucul, iii titu Toîvia of Whitby, un suid Plant. Iuntdis Cotrt of Couinonl'leu. Robert Javiical, }laintitl', vu. AtmJîynics, Aduî!t iiratrix uofI'hiiiaîder Jatyiie,dufuindaîi. Tho Soiitlî-littititiandNorthi-ccst qîlarlor utf Lut Numîhor SiN, the Titîi: 1coneesi4bun utr the lwuhput' kla.uîh, ii] t> g. anîiy uofOntario. NELSON - 'MY u)LDS, S)îîtril1 C. ttlîorniTs rtlo, i iZUotrme. Wtltby, Joli. 23, 1861 Ç2 TîlE Ainnual Boirce.of the U lIed Prouulr Tterlan icongroïa ion will uetic o inti tt vlittrcliî,;(uv. Dr. Tio rnloà'.i Un the oveuling or Wednesday, January 30, 1861 Tuit wili bc soi yod nt ô o'clock, tîftu-r wilîioh duira wîll buoa rariet>' of' lnturosting antiin- ?,trtiitive Addresses by able Ape.àkîurs. An cx- 4î4ellcîît Vocal Choir will Éaixo enilven tige oe- casii. .idnîitminin 25 00h15. Doors open ut TiI*xETruav hao otai!leglut tihe toros of Mu-suru'. Jats B in atiJ. Il. tiîrrie. Wliitby, -lait. 24, 1S61. Dupurtmént oet Creuv Lads. WOODS àANDFonaKutsif Qtebee, 18t/t Janiaary, 1861. N lýiih-. in ierohy giveît thuît i'aruhasemu et' 'tilile Ltiittli t u iulr lCuiî,bii Iui tuîl-uttlf.nr, witi urutuiti iipruveineuts cau oiin i eu-tc t'rouien tas tpectii'a Crntruî Lumnu tan rCro iiiie tîultr Agciius, tu 'and uti iiputo af thet iilit grutvitg cuti ttcu ta piînolitmteti b>' tiie!uu, i1 provluteîi ttc VA UXE ouite tinuuuer 00 cuit tuui Jis;oseil ut, ix uprlia ilutpuuyîucîut uof Uta' pli;î elie utones. (1tuîetîmaCrowuî>, un Ilucir Wouuiltlvi- itcitîtcunteLitttcoluditiotîs uhitcoa tut Ieiéc rîf nu yriitted Fonutîs ta bh tiiin lteu 011k-a ofttuic Crownt Tiuabcr atuti Cruwn undaît Attutit, u it ut'evury P1ont1Masteaud Castoun2é ttfficcns liuruughouot the lProvinice. 11 M. VANKOUGIINET, PUBLIC NOTICE. Caow'o Lmits Dîni'auTmzzi, Quebec, 171lA Janisary, 1861. CERTAIN 1Pubuie Liands urilhacufYeruti aI Puhie-icltt, as fuîiows At Sanidwichi on FRIDAYthue TWENrY- SitCON1> FLIMkAIY. At Cluatbuu, oun TUE:SDAY, the TWENTY. SIXTI! Fu.L]ltiJAIZY. At L.ondon, un FIIIDAY, the FIRST MA'2C'H At Tron',, on TUi':î'ifAY, the FFTH MAIICII. At Barrie, ou FRIiAY, tue I G IU MARCI!. At Surnia, oit WEI)NESDAY, the THIR- TEENTII MAIMCil. Ilisaof thuehîtudu aiçlotiier particuîars tua>' bu ubtiuaaul frouu the reepeotivo Landi Agents- Exeeptitti it T.)toiito whérc linse y c a troinaMoesars. Wtikelteit & Cc. ~~'h c P. b4. VANKOUGIINET, Colt Strayed. STEAYED troîn lte premnises et R. lH. Lawr- Iuiwder, Esq., in thé Toet hitby, on tlle evoun of etattirulu>, lb.elitt iuast., A-SORREL COLT, S >'aass olti long main andi tai. An>' peraon reîurnl itMe sema, or gîving sutait infonrmationî amwuiIad 1teié recoetry, te theo untirlijuc, wiIi ha lihérally reururdea. JOHN KtLLIL" i il~~~~]edibtr>'Ofc,'ht ~uPo~es, ~lvsr ,,iéh a lm FAPBÉ A £'E?ôjS nii'at. TUESbAt A WEPNS~~~'i~t~ THUR8~AY, 1' '24ih. SATURDAT, JA-'"U.IRY 201h. Great lâlutàne salent- Stbscnlber@ Auc- lion Bi', &V11ifl 2 aiti7 o'clockloacb day Strelu~préattend ,1lîs~, Groae ntewa ts l éofroi No Il.euerve. as ritdétfr Ladi.esý ; FAe»A-NjS 8 iiAODONEILL,r WiftyJnor>,1861. 1l-2w 7,WltLVE TARS A ROIMNCIATHOLIO -PRIEST' fartr titibulieitî ef luiswidcw, the Attoblo- grapyftr et é REV. V. P.; MAYERLIOFEER' M, Ai,, LATC i MLIrAur ltHAPLAil; mc uE AUSTRIAN SERVICE, A.14) O9At éXi V1N itF<exrviz 4E" OF e FREEXÂSONB AND ORANGE39EN OF CANA4DA, B. N. At Thit B<,cklit couttalunéani>'400 linges, i12 ieî., btnd ii cloili,.pricu 81. Tii. above work wilt contuin an ecellent liketnesa ofthIb ititor, togetiler wlrlt isa autto oîbnaph. iis au'.obIugritph>' cxltutis avur a pe. Su e.seyetl>-tivo yers, ao utinutaiui ttsan>' liteIresltig pariulith cottcoritag the Ware of Napoleon thée i'rat, Witiî ulmeut oer.or>vant cf wltlclt m. braver- flltiiintctiÇhiiitur>' Chaîalalli ta flic Iltitigarlan Riirituent e of tatat l guuutz Gynla>', hou ias lime- tentl nt the fluratng of Moacow la thé year 1812. Antiwas with lisr megintldtirthàwttolu cf the ctntpaigit wl iI riacti téhite cf Dnesdcn auand Leilîusig,, After thé I3ATTLE 0F WATERLOO, Andt dowi'tl nif Napolcion. the autitar wutipro- sutitteti as a reuuird four lits seruvices witl tire Pariait of Kipcuuutninsur in Iivurin. uhoeeho réîuîioed tintil tlas dop,.rtnuafur Ainaric.t ii the year 1819. Titis wo'rk, treatiitg asiut does onia peut gale- ratioun. autof <ut u vst'itului ,intthti, ecanî ex- S-titlg wnmtuIn Eiropc,) luieobcotîpuntitilly lost ogt f, puttuss uuuiiti -fetttucetiat il rentier il itigiy ite'tuin tu t he ruuditag public- Ati.aciiýte ft' l itaeîricihueiir enof titose da>'s, iittie icuowua hbc)uiuii, lte linuiiilitloca- liieslu ii u ihtiey uueiirned, ituonuîi'tbruugb- mtfil lie hula. (iariout ttacoiils ufttest-lavoj- tule alla> othern ltiigiititi tribeis, iever yeltpub- lislied,,lire pmsoiutui lu filue icater. uhilat te tha P'rotestaint ituirlitthestopl-a>t%-iita higit- ]y udîtcaîîdîtîuiut utwho for 12 yurs uhallci tta loioaillanist bucatne ut couvert te ltae Reforru cd Faitit, onut ahoint with.it ituroitt. Tîte wuio e o;,ofthe work *a Ct t a gauintaUn TieoLequittauaca cf tha autitor lut caniatia tsviiag bhenrtvery extensive, tlucre tareItuonu- J5..ls ultwo syil rocogniza thé stle'iuand intinner ou the atîthor in over>' part ut the boioku. lis hiirb Protestaint pritaci itles, fouidoëi us. thcv acta up ii mttero anticonîviction, tvre wéil kuowu toa Iilis brother Oranginou, of whieit lrut it'ue lad itua. lotor out' iuug Grandl Cluapit tur suturai yearst. br. htaycrhutfer 1tiiltot Royal Arcli Frce blason, anti for soute10 'cars Grand Citaplain cf tîtît Ordar iu Canada. In a word, Ii. s -ord will ha fotinti anc o! gecrttl utetct te ail clastsesutof retis,ututin wili go t'iîther ia exptositug theabsairtlpreltoui siotut, itattoral pruoticts and îuaeî upalutîs de- captions u' lte Citti if ilutathîttu alit>'yet presenleti te tii. publie. P>ardion wialtig ta soutire anun .rly CoR> of Iheo abovo wcrk cuit do u h byrctatluîg onu uollar te MWs May- -nuoLtur box 640,1>. 0., Toronto, C. W., wuhn the Look wili hc ott frea b>' poal t t> îuyart ut' Uppar or Lowem Ca- nadtir.- Toronito, Jan. 15, I1861. BY-LAW NO. B ly-4oto t open top andI estabuIshA an aioance for road t/rougli t/e centre a] the /aurtconcession of ttslowltwu/ip, franz t/ce side lUne betocen lots Yo8u. 30 ant I 3, toit/he ttown une of Scott. W HEEA crtinriuepuyes of this presentoti te this Couceil, prayoti that un alhowauee for rond shiaulti be establiheti iu the contre cf the 4th concession, ti the side line bet-weon lots Nos. 80 anti 31, la tbu.tcutn lino ai Svott, and as it!ap. peané deiriable thal the urayer cf saiti pe- titian shouiti ho grtnlad athe roat os- tablished. Tiucreoaro théeIMunicipal Corporation of tbe Townhbip cf Uxhnidgo enacta as fol-« iaws, vis: Thuil thé saiti allowunce for rond be andt ho sainec is itéreby, estahiished andi conflrnîid s n public highway. T1hnî lIs toay>, contmeneing on lte southonl>' imît cf the suiti lot No. 81, nt te centré cf the taiti concession, anti ruan- ning thunco Xt 16 W ou the centre cf thé suiti concesuion, 139 chuins nmore or ics 1 the southerl,' limit ofth ie aliowance fer rond, botiveun lte *'ownsilp et' ttxbridga and Scott, The' su airodtietabc le links wlide, andi thé àbove duscribati li-mo b bu: te centré tbeetf That the sn$ti prapageti rciat.lWinov nmaketi on the! grount b>' posta plantéti on ltee atemund westeattlimrité tbereof, anti a blazetiln'in nte cenlte wheré il passes titrougia bush landi, Aud it ha t'urther enacled b>' theé itllri- t,' afocsaid, that thé repaî' anti diagrain of saiti ailowuncé for Tond as sutvoeVd by, John Shelit, Esq., P. L. S., aîîd hel'etnto uttacitcd, salnitfort part andi ho a portion of titis By-law. Notice. THE aboyé la a thué copy cia pruipoacti By-Iav le h. tuken imb consitiemation b> lte municipal Council oi thé Tcérnsbip of UJxhnidgýe -t the, Village of Goodwood in saiti town'sbip, on 7tueday, I t/t Siday #fFeburary, 1,861, At ten o'clock la tîte foronocen, nt which' tinte anal plac e itémnthrs et l*ue saiti ,1utnicipîl*' Côutaýl ar hereit>'reqtiired te attéittifor thé purpoé toresaid. ROBERT SPEARS, 51 Tewnabip Clés- ro~ni i0r'~ffOt r~e~z~ch c t i i-. if '~TE1~M$ ~ t Whîtby~ -D0o. 5, L86~O. hftuiiuiaii i ~i4yiij~i~, 'q irîtt.îîififta i iii,~iut fifi AT THE Tè~i~n ~feeWaae1ou~e LAGER RAISINS8 EO~PIL SULTANA RAISINS, i'RG VAECIA RAISINS, CITRON PEr CURRÂNTS, ALONDs, BRZILS, FIGS, . WLUS& 'L1RS The usual spl «etbrands' of --Braneis, ýWines an Royal Loch-na-gar, &. c HAMILOIi &ROBRS cf) "THE PEIJPLEg' COUP -CASH 'STORE," JOE L B IGEL OW- M9IRES te Intfinate o hieléCustoeés ,audthetucpublie, Ihot héohbu matie Dnmre tatt utai!' tos'>mporýaa s-u auteciputiuia argetrude uný tite more than usuIl. gft tma lUlung Purchasara i pe.exaiina blé abtoie, and iuc donivin2ad ltat hl ai ibeitl empiaial t>' IMM lIPEOIPLES' CHEÂP CASH ISTORE,"-~ The followlng Gootté are wurth>' ef the tipocla attentton cf intoùdingar ahasersts DreWsGoods, Rob Roy and other Check - o4printed Casihmerés, Cobourgs la ail coloura. A large lot off Caaadlaa Tweeds, white and zed flanéils, priateut and sîz-speet Shiztings, ut a hargata Ta'peatry auLTwo piy Caz-pts. A laige lot off DIruggetiag> Ilemp Carpets, &c. Ladies' Feoit Rata, la gréaI variety; Houiez-y. Ladies' andt Gentlemen%. Gloves,'Pur Capoi andt Gaaatleta. La- dies' Viclozines, Cuffs, Xii., k. Teas, Sugars, Tobatocos, ia groat ivarletyq , a abargain. Dufaà. Io Robes. Ladies', Mdisses' andt ChIldren's Deots. and Shoos. Geatlemnus India Rubtez-and Iluffato lineci Over.Shoes, ai a bargaiu, Ochool*3ooks, Diank Books§ Iaeiading a generai stock off élu. tlooery, at Fublioher'é Pricos. Goodà5 at tiLis stablishuneît mareuinkalpain lt,(rr ethlue t utCASHI pricc, frein wbleh no duviation wull ha matie. 0REMuEMBER TUIE ADDRESS, fi"THE PEOPLES' CHEA.P CASH STORE," JOEL BIGELOW, Wluitby, Nov. lié 1860. >Doudas Street, WVlitb>-. r4-ltiinbenhr ho bas remeveiltie isucu Store, nul Danu Streel, opposite Binuk'ts Albion Hotcl.i i MANCHIESTER WAREH1OUSE. TERE subsribers having opened the Store lately erected a MANCHESTER, they now offer in DRY GOODS, a choice assortment for Winter. CLOTHLING-Over-oats, Under-coats, Vests, Pants, ail styles. «ROCERLES,-A fresh and complete assortment for family use. CROCKE RY,-Direct frox the manufacturers, Stafford- shrEgad IARD)WARE-&c., &c. 0 01 ALL KINDS 0F PRODUCE TAKEN. RAMILTON & ROBEUTS, Whitby anti Manchester COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. A uEEl'ING ofth te Ruoveg anti Deput)' AtI Rcevei4th uavaricuus Muîiiaipaiiles ut' the. Couti>nt' ofOntaîrio, wiil b. hlcit he ii Council Chaînhor, Court lieuse, Town ut Wblt- b>', 0o TUESDÂY, the 22nd Instant, AI 12 o'olock, utocti, in order lu forîn th. Couti- cil cI the Corportiont,for the aforemaitl Coîîîîty. IL J. MACDONELL, Clurk oetatrio. coaute Clcrk's Gifle, Vluith>-, Jau, 10, 1961.- *5Oeait Vitîdicator, Wltttby Wateltinitn, Ca'dutPont, Ontlario Rcevlaw and Ontario Obiserver to givé une inisertioni. 52 A Stperlor article ut' Faiiy Fleur,. Clieap t.for Cash, ut FAIRBANKS & MACDONELL'S. Shrif. Sale of ][Ande. ' Great .Auction Sale 0f Furniture! 1 ceunî-etof tiutarié, O'\N SATURDAT lte' T O; ,nbttcrlbers liave re.eiveel Instruuctions T0t> it. N <1 ) Twentietb dît' uf Tfroua J, Il. l'EIIRY, &q. 1 sel! b>' Pub- ±prii A. D. 1861, et tlîelvou u'lock, noon, wi lic Autotat t ltt c estleuiia uë J. Si Doneluison ' rVublit Auj i tiati, atm> in t- , inthe cuurt ou«ae lu the Towtn o tWilatitby, tii: ujrg, titanâinterct;l wîuiit thii utei-in- BYRON 3 R ErPWHJI BY igtitifnat oci.,-o;àjI h n ON dotiuiltoned landasuiid téenncurtât tîtureon, sulacti byina under sud b>'virtua of sertalu l4hursday, -.setu lanuary, I I-0." At 12 oelo1ci faoon i te follo-viug Furnliuro e lnthdIoistPlin tltViCmitp UtOuitîtty Eort Tn-a - Waggottr érfataditut. doni»ýrit f Sf",Ch i'cetre a" ! (a&ra anti Lut ic6, loitheb£thu couestsioof: et' Iige,. Tablett, Ata Ciuirs, Whaluat, Ottetijanui, Vol- i - ,teCoOflt>'est anel Camtsiî-s '1hpiti t,in a To,*hréhiim Wé-., Bide- oar ,claTaî esp, Diuiiig Table, Lontire, Village t L oî B4,teolrC.C U0 id Chanir;, inat l oéiig Chairs, Cuirpotu., &c. 'But lont Furnutumé0conslaling etofBlik _yh.ÇnlCous-I. Watlîuut ni t àaitoan>' Bedtsteads Chairs, Bu- SainlDdePain tfv.Crtpbr raut', W.arcirohos, tsh Standsq, ~reoi Ta. etSlaobohyDalooeu4euî tvl.Cbbop hh-u,Ca'or.t1 Mttrasuses1 a, e froeyula , v, antiÉih n lathe Ceurt Ïof Quoan'n BBoeh Infries- Jorls-' Ulnsfla IutMar, qaddle BridicHuîmnoés, dcln Catluî il - ttiuaseylotberatils ufcs y* hrjbe Alcin a arlc Muio tei>ubai5 P'uuaô. ishéhy, D(ondou TERM5 S ALtE Atlthéîl, uit'1 tille aninltaootith bove et' C oés' i ta$140 ~--'usméid oee Jnu-j'aà dtaeîlot INo 19 sunthe iTuith teil 8ad 4 100, isimiîloii r 041cf»roia, 4la lia..T) wnsulp ÏeiEaacbi diwO noett0pér oal ou- approyoi ua elaa avro gWýSa1o ébsoutea, sun#éérvod. " ~it sitriff,,C. 0. FAIRBANKS & .MACDONELL, SbspsQfiJé' t . 'e c. oruu I Aucliouécre. Whithy' Jlan. 15, la1 CASH! FOR EVERYBODY! Wbowilîcle b ave it, By turnlag Surplu Stdek Into Money Thte niticeroigneti reéives 6énignmenis for wltere iI.llghest ptr!«i c ooblanula AIl parties consignliig goois u=aY raly oùi P-~MT SALIE S, AND' Auctioncar upnral Comnm'n Morchanýt, i Pctotborodi d f. W. N. 11.-TIi, 'Towu' i. ueknowlel<el b>'thie 1Commercial Couiuiettty to, bc thé béast lu tihe Province fur b tilte-ot. Polorborio', C, 1V.,e>o., 186. M m. -- I TArRBANKS ,IRAOWBLL- "(Opposýite Regimn7y Office.) îAîIRE proparad tuoattenti Sales lu, ail pudiis'of" theonntry.. MCOE2 BBF1tECE.-Z BmbatE5q.,Jedge C0 £uatle lîutuiî %kEs« hitto>-;. EqMyo f %hltbyfl.1 rraOntario .Bank; V Ba.rkuku.çuîîa .Ill Esq., Ouli' ,Wlth -the .Coinp1ments or . the Seaçon. wll fouittd a c& isotntu E~T~-~0TNDBIBLES, WAT'SP$PAMS AND HYiN'L. COMPÂNIOXITO0 TIUB AlfAR, &a. Bntâciao fr Prosontâ -fortte sonu ,ui Cez.iut i . . W. H. DOEL X. B.-0ottint IlariaîArro t Iie, -zii Wîizb>,,Vecoînbcr, 1960.,i Valuable: Farm for Sale,0 1j50 Acres, 1*25 unard tîi25i w(uiLot 1 è, front ut' thei Ontite ijt li Toit!àlip ut' IVliitbtv, uuitntetd c.xacîlyitl1 wtty betîveen tiheihaluuutatut îarks-t towiîu oi V'Iluth>' and ti tiair, ruil ut hit à15 iuninutes drive uof cithor -p1ace. Tte Lrat il, nlt!i v itiitot tatao'eitiatu~tuun îait.ifreu troua* stûmjus. Thatre&itra upvirda ofut'ete îlianci rodat cf strait futtîce ou thn .eý ll baing nt'tnl.fur, er'Sl To orchaiîta andi gardonts tire vcrv uxtui- uive, andi titafe are fftit unid ttir trtu, utofcv- er>' description it, Te6tidu t.co l suituuiittîia liîatdsoina tWc-stony uoîeitoîi u01tli i t te out-buiiuut8e,\wiloh tire rouit antud ustu-asivc, lu th hast oforder. oepîtciahu s- roe iunîaking lte whoie ui ttuft'the mo.ut cuin- plotu Itoiuîcteads, aittitiiort)ugll.if uproved tamnis ini Ilu coùntîi aeis~Oua cre, onie,tliirdl duwn, balancé nia>' roantmaa)nan îaîong;îge Iront one ho tittut>' yeuri, as tnai> le agrou-d upun. 4For tailhur ii;rtioalarâ, apply; te the pro prictor.-WM.0LNNl FARM TOR SALE.' B IGthe E:ut-hîtlf oVtlîc Nortb -liai? ut' Lt N.5, 11 thua 2ud au iticesuion of Beatch cotttaitaitîg ilty-' Acs, witi a god FUAME BARN AND LOG IIOUSig Fore ptrticuiara oiqtir ut'olte sultaoiber. JS.M. WILCOX.î 'uVhithy. Dao. 26, 1560. MONEY' MONEYM. TH~E CANADA AGENCY ASSOtIIATION OF L. tNIitN, ENGLAND, are prepar- edtiiuugoiute 1 iii ta'8 r rcant intereSu Up o n i i ro v d F r in s . V i e m nttît t >' 0 1 0 b tîiutcd au 1sooi ta the rproupeLrly bag beoutp- provtul ot*. For Terns of ciplicîtiun and- ielior ma lion, alipi>' tu - Mina ur, C. . A. Du.2,Wcliiiugton-it. neur J.îiiitaî. Tor.ot. li £51000. WANTEiJ-Mortgugec for altov. amounit Won first ciîss fit-ii proipcit- .,pîîly ta 82-2w. Barinnturi Clinuic!i Stre"î, Tvi'eutui. i l IN CIIANCERY. BETtVt-iN ELIJAH 3OHNSTON,Plit? A." W'illiaia Fowsoti, it-litm Cti-tie, .Tituullhii and ithe Corponau.ioit or L vie ultî,i atîdiJauni-g Sluuuteui iui-aI tt l arhiti lu; the Miter's 0111km, Peolutiti P ÛRSÙUlit'T lua eea n t die m' I Cbanccrr,nl.-uluu oit hig ciiuc,. ho ri t-!â lte Styeîut)dii t>' t lvI>' ii g111u4îloi ;r thu utaitiCot -tri.uc -biýteiC r1t uf Fctiruarv l1861, uîa nil t1 t ot GCooguil. Iiutîil, qtifr- oiit L1ourt ai W'iieuy, vali!n solti in oua lot on Satiîn y, tî: 'day oftJuînary, IStIl, a: tlîuî'v !-Or :'t t î «: cittck in th-ta,ifnot, tut 1R. Rliti-il' ':ý- li thuVilluij'e of Miitiicutcr, inii ttcla -' et leeh i> 31m. Chatrules iyu ,Aeiua that cirtiticce or Iiru.îti f ' utle ti"ili ut'Lut number ttirteen, in thu tlutîlu ittCi ut' the saiulTo.wnshiip ou' lieîîh, tigil -'ctsriui as fullutus, tlaat i ho ut .Ciiauiie ii post now planteu oui tiu trineiif lie atul1 h i flIN> link, oita coUse No tiiîîurutir du.i o saitiLot tiuntibc-n ttiirecux n 111.1tt! oct Nort hieuovcîi- t>'-taur deucruca..East îtiuuc lita Iru t ut' hue eant doîesi fleur ciiaipuu tuttisixi>' i uku, fbc thu sta more ou lesst,toa Utc entreeiîftiloumcu thence North thrc degta.i, West iveu ch:dnu anittiututy-lnee linkls, outre un l'aus, tu at ru ncîw plitnet uit ttue E asteriju iititof tie iu ,dain; thuue ttloutgtueiterti ant d Nurli,,iu limita utf water, ti hen ±t-dti u uà ;lii.t h12 lito utehrk ni)tua. atreaii, teut piiiat i i lii sel 's1treauzn, et a distuîuouf t ietv'i.aiii twclve links Iront the Sotituti ri, ieri g-eo: tte etîlti Lot; tiaunca serveu the sai IrL'tiun 1a. tiie Eàtia lca tunîtmoftthe ronîu dîusuuatc c thé sat'i Lot nunhar îtrtce., umdulLuifttiîb'i Iwclvé thenuta South oixloelt ilugruca, ib ioug tl te li iia of ttth Ualulruaad 4uiiow anc. thirteii chalts andtrty.e&ix liaika l; tenc Norlt Seviuty-totW itliér,;tEds, afuir utuiult atît fifty litîkit; tietîca Sourit six euti degrs-ots, Ets1t uix Chuittutuatti.-ut>'six Iti stii jtuti, pLu ef, hegiuîniug, toutiiik ty imsuritu saveutcu tacros, bu tua 'a îmie mûlre or lems. A part oftuutithe iutucr- o a net' Luiu d oitt h. enutre rouîi, amati babutîttour milies und ut hultt front utu ilia Ilgit ut' Zutnciuietr. Tutoi e in a PriioeDwu~u lîiaIlotuec -ipiun- tta auldlandl, ;1180 a utull s;.tcuvth anauolti miii itpouit *,ý Tilte tauroliiu i ie bu11, eii teF iî-tame tif uttatopu>'dîtîvu a deposit oc? ttpouatt,.of lS puruiio moule' lo tithe ujdir r l So! mou>, nut ih .iitarot, uiiaie Ult t~itiur thé w yet e ia. eTlie hrcidi nt t' salearc- Chanà ud>'. oniio lc heàaid Çourt Oh Funthar ptîriiaulurs .ou tibltninta uit tt of- fist icfte Uîteltuniquùdti tiihithir; alsu ef Motr.Iud& ltitliags, Prince ,Çalbert, tuti - W. .LàTtnuî> -nt yia ot atniu>,t61. _î I G l. i £ARTNEL-, t - i iiiii t, 4t i - lby.. Hu & itoti i ' - 10 ut ln miles ti par- Suli> COn. y and tale of un uan. es uh- j,-of' w pro. se vwu lu s-ti agath- flte4 O oae' -au 1 1 Il. ROWSELL.

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