Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1860, p. 2

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1ifiltby, T " y, r-0y, 1860. ,lte aoaneil gsav.buauuapautladeol aad firelaan lugliit alsl, anA p4ceedln acsg ONL!01« OL AUA t AR f thdi sgh4wcand s thesalocI ;.11P ~front ____________________ trls~5a~ ecee ivu fperq4si1,è'tatei 1%0e &gIata.fer, -Witbmrawl i fth e sietanf o? *8e, ie diltbo 'te5is Waa o f 860. W &te f roina rgousng t6 dis Theisp nly argumt ,ir - t y he. isnaite enereaed embut le aocient fýr à man'to .PppsýMtAele5 ýîî 9 gisnnin seântan a taýily ultis. .We 'ô ousesea fayr o plithdmwi*ulr.*isaj ua froua the t e e snde*stod. But diae jueiioQ - osue~rf6uaWnrlsBlI~IicaramaWi a my peueat bisait iu another "Moit. In la île -làt &)idisî ' r' ad&lettes cf or I ia aueoul suffidaen t isuonrio f or thse Chser MWpt -lidIntes o m s ervices peornees? This ste o .tç -(5a vldnlly 11551 1,1& fres and asS t tis- e SOWf11055 visit- ocouxnc1i u-t'ilîliy 4110WI14an uuioaleagsttslstte ia Ickïe ise mater. Tisà ervic eatequim ramers ofefitljupar on theisa& tactn a cu .opentnbusgsnd ciosslngthetbWn hall, tand ot tleei u'dai iléthiînga poblhia tteadiiag tise meohbàgs ' otte acou n'c onss tbt smiet vinl 'uiv kunoiiga. The a fqiti, arte is uaise Dow Iluet tbey "rter arguses"as olos: - - ëvo visn 1fr. Louis tGe)k office. lu tdiii 5TiatWbltuay Taenbeeaoncaueec- respect thor ne ncsneecf duim.... eousplant, ire tilal net ate uijt, te bdlny > On ths euceiy rýth e ssoain eof c otincîI >but v-e bli tietthle utmuoLt llPy '190iogaiing féer limu tisey v"se tisa revioms v-clS cl I urcsse Jiatiy ulladeia or tisaservlie" reqtubresi cssaot le nu - to th fra u île etifcu th îe Couaty Cu, roa.Tts ffcnedmpticiS oit-W. alre propanS le admuit tisa t me le - aaid-bîglueslu proportion tb ber mi attàendauee'on dacnig or ole.parties et veati thn ny llex setic c ttsscosu-tise bien hall, ubu chin lequite au option* 1. preutia 1,500 te *1,800 e yosufor matas. xith Mr, 1Avi andaufor ululis lié clinouty puupones, S, bayonS 4oetmoanreahaoui lock te tho perdes omployng ini thislsaueo sgJW tu PaY. Ttl alissys is an «firtmunanatious> 0cr Som blt loSe usaItomuws ara subject to honrier 15hp550- tenàdance on the vaigis acides, for viue tiesusfor couty purponan than lise rural Mt. Leuis ncoej dstattreuu ontb vntscicpaille, tktng tisa usai iortis cf tlisens vIib.uuaaer. But' te" lut mattaut èiifrent poilions mse tanedadl; and IL oto bvy-v aetds la paohalaly t tbes moen thaIlise nov ý, i ï.keepeersis ve ot no eu municaiepl &et proviuataor theoitisdMaa îlSeasav-doca of 10vn. The caisseaf" liais lsasty .l, tet W e tir st tou:offOic. ua0pyin& ai - eliosi. In townsphtiseqffala issrkO7aal ie-," P usseSosn tle renta or, lingal valse o e bahfiirstein aynl~Ys -hou, = wy ml te q w morppuit.ail et it.emogb tel ibske à livelibieu f 1vaitsle, wlelsfor=stse d ia t 1t hiéf aidfeall>-. ILusoyrcavesaiacle>! tba assmmetn t.h le ltt-ercftl!apV,9PO5l r ;«lalandeddia thtie emuoliente fions oci ty il Dtctuseell sameisai et nuci nègreanasotmtuolihsufbete u fla isif ts ctsej #bm~, lsIa a tossaport efamly; fer tle propos. datiez gcf Oh tle re-sal repeusastl, In aity osuae, relliy ison tian its actuel.,r2lue. Tis e ost, omfiet'raqusbrng it la coun1sardvoIYs4 as every ontun qan e, ta, ue greputY faportion c tme, t vanu pocsSta l taaid isies.for cou nty;punllpm uin uns heil-keeperasisould lie previded ulth nmv tisan in villages snd ti*sis. Or coorse odier iéaens of living. lu a won il vs tuis ougt coete . Tisa rascnsy vou itur' bteadud tist ltdiarac exit of :1 lia te mitaketise assassanenla In tbins con- cî f het1alh<e~osi uld lie Sopenies -" lusisaliy lever, - vlscb SuInfouinA 0tes u a pun tuat oeUes for tisa man cf puppoun diffiolitunties ; or for the (lmuunty Oe. e log isfeusly -,'btaibelik te tbariginXu dl thlis S.commttaels rtistesiallcelosvtise tcvn bell,' or otuos. tem porary amptl cf tle saecumcus, tt ake aIo vs1e. uasl istd lasus poeeues ea bc a Litr plcuwance for lthe u0m naoe- -let lthll rv , en aa n - riy omcaloned luy the isa.[forent modesecf Tt Os qeita alàtier sttatftiinga,, if 1f aMssiasmt tis a Raofuthuae otu7con-Leuwis casaebtalu no e ths.emplolmenl pchyp»toa dpt intlshe irnt0naoiolcpa. an tist blfaesly are bus e stete of dost l11i0& Thot e upbpslp psupon&te sbould ltion làs conialeueuce;but lettdis hoe u tiol puy sMoein10propion c te lta msusneaodrsi, ansi let any u- anece given t th=an notialtiInOInY JutsJ seilu ]acord- i- la (i andsIto hal luleabave net tle aigisto ane hhes v Itentijaotan of Ile lier.Oolin- objection,) bc 'Oýeadui on Iis grognad,au ty Couîssaila iruli> de velil a osrtuilantts a toueraaciir.Ts -fuel lInscSud, andi Se sure te doJtutice n ~sae ISIa tot S v-toi>wîîi>~ ' ~ tendanuce of thse 5eli.heper jinte *ayos * -*M'ih bave % isi sit'oagi- Court lenSbuiatrmtter visici soalalik ît tin, Mid phtmnt tenparahltjof toviss self rem5uu15ut 1fr. Lavis iOsate, troontluue -ci .Constable, andsi nt tgive listend»uSs Wletisy CasplsItssM tlhmt seo Mo uv aitei le t iveslru bis lfao. as nmc1. bdmeIqat rettrafo tiselrgeoounenof laI- sevety-ive dllars for asuosalang t et atmepayas ituctisd cottl t4MAei5T7o'If Townvof, kii'WOby s not 'enough. Il appvpyltlcu er pode bus asss ati e er, ait hesacousail allouaid the p b irdgs, tley ara geoelSy lçI"ti Meu- ' aà~-fuaeMetsatu-i visra ortsuaSislsle i bs baufco>d eoper, ilt*as optioni>! vitis tueaasaoas lrtescllu>tsegalea asingle fss.lhing tsr thcs isth qru local Suprovetmbw a j>q-th u.Ie iwL l sig ~n reaisucta isowvrraWilly Iona epao, Vatli ilfr1 alt I 5boe L W UIeuI ay hOni;a >bis. odr front municipalitiea.Pckering tnlike ise' il.iïepa., the seso;r blai *s dWluldsy tounalipeo bave r¶otutsooA 5perquisbtost"te esquct Theur" cae l -'a>rcismo~re forcoooty-purPcsUs tisietie totora adaptai lay the couad ili- ppderen, the Tà,1b";and eShave semrcdj u te t ii. cira, lan ot.ýv'8U*huailt, O 'heSuata* t#talIi>' oni ulujs.asea<ui.Tise allowance to an ofeer havii »4* ilin~~àt 'is t io tre 1ndte i oporant idules ofet sse;*ng tue 'tel .oSàtTri sdeu»ys dm octlsf and todsobcgo1aiîe*hoen and nues as wouldseepre Il servlce talua thufieuttanemoplsio.Buidro, oif.li estoagI'oe~d j R 9»frontda pot dastuaà a.d*a Ute- andfoly epuflula et dWtalm4. tiisiq o ,tqn ooqw cotnubntwtthe se qme letly. As il l, die&Munet-slouad iqs-ý4i ntda koe u> ire i snaa8s *ji7 tôo>lïà" 'sauoe île surviesa .r tiSa cil fl5O uatp!Pe i l#* h,5S la $ . thn, oftareeseq, sud cssuiseqe*ly the . sork fMfr sp eus onrotu. ndlft-ic ie jaartuvSod i Itnor aii Smoe xvMthnsthi, e nùi-n ot -tI paries. Ifrtiseremuraitioi .,IT1lý t Um;te andthe t4n .Metth*-iI sOei lil v baive a Chsc 148 e h 11 P.O» 1Itrm sblsa te hamaltae s.1.ulton. This lsa*s* ~ ~a " O i n"ý«èvý fé s <do ifapotW4aebusudotisasI larw M«Wm tg ib f favoeeltis tg'ie 0 . TmLa >&%. Wia¶l.ýj #i Aglt'mn b , e1 p etis, ,ihf senat >11e~ ~ ____~%--U w,.M be &s,&aie nà' mi as This-hbge utstso tW _Tbutér sud sJ4 biy'44 ù het~~ y ciaràetu -Ttabmr< , ssq1WM MOUYf iNfipar an- -i *U um ot*p4i,to 4..bis IraS. iifl -&'We iIie iùubse ap% st hicb A tp Miuiao grouin« do. tÇjpqk boa 'Tmàmmassf a tcorporaticn Mn slof his nemenom amanrs. Amnoogat likeï 1bM*feTatown cf Whitiy remirlentP the nov euterprtsem sOn euihmoivil, j1ik bl iibU'éi atetion, eny 4qayn.lage, s on e ofa oada -iet piatonev stre,ý 4isVSbePtAniefailin arhsmbog tisa uiich is iluêe elotfl7put in:operatiPUn>ma iatiw>sf tis clee iso das o~tb as. - is e acd toisbe erl mciineede>. *etqeg4ad coofleçtooe lsmsly bartally oni.gg- 1s 7bel, anics'.l[4itut# ta vieici iat. çdi- and tisoffilcere bave -bacomaiis 1trous tace& e vlt seleclaul ; lihbtery, isu vo are PIlai en orces aI emidoynti; - bt *the gatiisi Io.learu, in a Ver y louriabisise;ooo -Tows Tressre e aperumanenttfurtive la Stion i->dia lecture seesea bas oeneed-suj *se Coporalice, »d tbeietlses ofIls oRice tder ver favorable e.spicensît ir nouti geqireaIllistisa l diirstlsactryper- ectureusof excellence, liea cbeenaaes fursaeo. . mis vspojisibla postion ba ss lt ledelireer lecture. tirutghoat tise essois, for ueumoumat te be comopare<l itis thalans, altcgetiseri tise *orsasMd mental,,as of ausyotiner eller tfthciscrjs"éio. 'IIs wel ns-the ise- seisl',oir r eUxlrig ýüfflp«î *s<ysmnflevof bis dut"as çquixe progrtsses mot tavoruabis. Uxturidga -le ~apeanoç.quiatfiction ef it-.ew and i cap- e. 701estine u 10 hoa place cf ne meanuira- city., ýe seietÏoa m i heir proper portsnon. ituatetI ns itlàt, nearly in tise diacJsyge a»d hmin as iseobliged te enter ce treoftra outy-pesaea thedi.màît mbt aacubLty i b beavbonde- 1' Iýpr a t'MW iiba.ss mnfctuigpii fîqeýr",e %b.l Iisa spmoambIily, su huo gee--ur.oupdaed bke u.icls fertile ceuntry, a. beaid eq c44t0gasltekeepepappasosace% wt à(fu iusutiai popultion te cemport'vidýi bispoitioe, -à aum of and possesssog usi lsg ce, iunsie note- $~;easas.tlyhMat slary. -The- rat -aivuategsit monst, in-tissanature or qnpt o9ipary dy godas cles.k ueosve a tsioneeAla rcspr, and thdat iun a Iper.- RQEILeat Wu trust tiseofono thaI repi dagres. -AIs.asly ils grietino- and in ei- ito couidoratioa ýtua - toua luistatafbesissenseam rgomsind very lien. halI.keeper's semay,dial the postion or vy, andth ie peratiocsocf umanufactuurera er- tha elisor offieis of tisa cos.prtiùa viii ho r, day boemibog larges. andI more impur- 4ostid i , sud tIsaI amoneparticetarly tant. - tà"de buL-tino locality are, vitisel tisa uPçrefft lsi=u etof dia-Toue Clerk'a 1eé,-uni iusbnens tocations eau ho pro- of wevircpeiveaI the buds of tihe <brti uÏa sossenaisris oru, 50otisat tthe ç#eunsdl,, snci a, ubotan *l cknowledge- ab~ittojisroslre. niec maets bis uosny aent4, eMa etiecy chaule, a ýmàesdesiralsie plan 'for settîl-1 derqaa.4o rosdoues elbis ho6 ment couli'sc 1arcely hobubit upon. There hau 10 diapisaiga sequine. ibluý.oae thi îglutnata ativauco lise un. 0 q- -'ersIsof Uxirdge, and that is goo nd JwsW~W~Wbs i Uxbrduav pea roads, front and Mur. Elruythius iv Evr: 1e4favisit Ublidge, voire m titMtspeopleocf Uxbridgb.ansd Ibsir morudmi mon tavoreisîy inpreeed uiti Conseil couiidaol odrcel1 htishe pi growor!tcedia ill4ge, sud tise, 1 "alda'thea-acesplsbuoenof c.improved *ienergy MWniàiisiîlley ispayci isy ils le- omusoltiou. babtesa ~us sveopig lse esorce of Befon diamisisgtisis hnety notice or tie eeaiys~iospgeaMseniS* Uxbrge village, soi s vo aneupo tise tWl e.i 'mseoialeg cmuneeagly, deo 80 b oe o f our M ettpal siecions, W a weetise gtestat dout e ibsave ex- àac'..<I,àvba a boidy 'igoreun totiuser iscgsts eussp ahr x stiisevttilg- ]Pasaing broogi. the proesd IaI lise proentc Iteeve, William )r vIlla ge, olet uetkr, ue noticei tise follouw Susitih sEqire, xhootl'continue te repre- bug saeuÀs nomesuss u lings re- sent tue Municipelbty. Ms. Stitls se- eently iieted, 1us"'d la progresa c1 f reo tion. quanasce vitb municaipl maltera, bis Eats.ig isa'etleo fou Epo, ý " clouo ttestion to the istereste ofthue loun- le msaang *ilage re ilngEljuarctsd ship, eud lis ganeral courteous benniuug ,te. b7 Ur.. -W. 8S- Baster, ' caipeaýar sud Isuilti- varda tho retepuyers have made bim an -« tr e.5slsusre r~ er o rniaeifavorite. lRe bu arepeatedly ex- bnhma rected 'a larga-tvoatry ifaembuitd- pressaibis ove siiucioatbi 19continue icg, s e fanresu ad cabinet vunerooms iu dia Cocil, ibut the, retepoyers yl amd a Ambretype galltesy. M. Tlsomasox scoreely bho sfieduisasyliges hailoaissrotptpgonsd twc. tisandielho ammitticktatoit. lu.1fr. ter7yon iith-esa=6 Suteeotut li eaadlor nSSngster, tho uortlsy Jepuly lteeveoàa tocs- baraseasabopi inýfeiolt. Adjo'llin eà $pa-- ity, imillar sentiments led axpressuru. y- c* a tuoe tory :baulg, bas-boue complet. a. rf.M > osigedrgil t, Auametz ' Vcb hWttby. i.' bllb*-eeno a-indao,frool bu vJig~'r. Hiberigtoe~ ~ xDuoueveror arvii. ua. sscu.xsào s n.a veli-auppliddreug-ent. On the eut su ide cf tisa sm astreal, déabeds, MU.- A. Tisa Rov. Ms..MclsAnssn, lte of Peisly, 10T. Bult%=bas 4o -course eft rectbcnt quito et C. W. vas iadstci ns Petor of tise ebovo id e piendid aev isildi.ig intuaissi for e pri.cistrcis on Wedoeaday aceniaz last, tl 2th - vatp a.Mieqo». Ible s nsliIantial tw& ewybt&mtot . 1 ; d b'm: oh isst. À arge nnmbeorof cergymen> front r'kn4 of wite, zàmnbWttsid iin eshort Tcrouto, BeveL 1Mr. "eKrraof Bovmes 4ilite f th.riks% u t licckyard of vle ed r no ebr' ed 1ce M.e oto r Boten' roidaos s ser 100. Is..H. 1c. Campbell et Brock, Bord. Ms. Deu.- o Weed" v 10- E Isms of Potenisouegi &0., &c., &c. Whelarba laalyorcle, e tsa prer, Tise Bey. M. Douglasa ýscacbeS as la. zerti ef-Piaok's lotal,, abndacuna store aloquest -3s.e r mon, appropriete-te tise occa- ,rs and transe davlltug-qubtu anu impVeu sio, ferwis FocS. Mc. Bain delivered îll Ummetwlotmapperaueof bith"portion eftiecrputlad.1.MLnaeu Su tisa hlptta Ou BrokMstreat, M r. Alcns ut- theanIuia jeOnat touati e Aonas o 4v. 1Mr. Campliell, te tishe grgOo 1cd fln àý%&ýopèe uftô1The charges bathiste Pubs. sud Cusagrege dupilisuri -mdait ea Io eastreet, lise old tion, ucre detivared ,lanment imprensive noÙr butrsitai a» assemai a muehi mprov- termi&, ansi von lastonesl te. yfiî lise ulmas eu na tspos.*Itoi, ansi buildnghoua Poe&tantionb>y tisarJue cogreation pre- lut 4 ucctor'êeilSbuidin, oa pr-sent. Afttr tise services vone conebuded lie tiqa( T" # Y-uied 4Mrj.< . C tisa rigist baud or fellcuwthip vas oxtended usc) us5 aastpsa satniinu by the miniso atue n4schtrnp-ent t> I*, uu.al.n su.e .us tinacoa ie thse ncvilyinductesi Pagten; ansidiahe evo. sco the1fr. McjLenanuaccempanied by lloyd. Pri aralt~ m~sincs'aasr;~ oUPil Tî5Barclay, ami tise .Myor of Whisiîy, gMi ~ 1p~uoc4sdtmprvOOfb*5 tamerIBIEa Mwaouoli, prooceot te tise eutry of the ut ba:inuaae cfbboteasbp Cseclclnrci, visen tise fersuos. use Iun fermil Who iersIIYsRppmresi&atoSseof400introdticeot liy HlaWonbhip teuý,isi0epeb - *50 coisultiut >!>! wLý 'TheThe Reusi. gentiem u van ansd cori ;5 is lsigu apanu the ouuek by>ac abagba atone amis0sasi~silils ppeasea ta s ibi ablly aiselen by tise bond tsacdstiiJietW am -n a itiéapra f cosngratulation--% ami gea I14sl qfor, la us4eiriug atfuere. Cre.ilng the lisisigeui sigees 'te. ~~~~~te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l do~aa ets u-atsiy i ourse f iba 1ay r neit e Un t. or se ra- ng tu cr. wucocpaitivaly oeuJt du inft$ firob *a0 oCs!oe f qb ind -1u if penalty. Thia" ocs Com) t0pp ied uith assotiser jut0r055tisocas dwilaàa vis GrndJo1 oglist in tise follow 1 pantiI-J.Wilson for iug.- :: ooohvn The jaroS Ld This beg bcvo osa othdwdh u mune bfbre t ecourt ilathe aturelo That ,,eraoxut. 1via of4a# àep ý pt4 14nicnOf the Court wbocomaitively e% cO-11,g 1atise, Maîffi&tl- a siî eee-Ti-a or offact that ttcnmse fcn* t.eWn vu oommitted ce-tihe led cf Octoiser ilutchichifor aatrivial character. on th epublie trft. by T5I1I550, UIoYip5; As reger'levisit of the Grand Jurmr tii.~ ~ ~ he COi5i uasd ak. Thse'te tise gco,ansd their eamlinutions t ,ereon assoont of fine wuai 2a GdIdnasa n!5 îbe af dtisaIthcy prisionOrs were genieral. onta. Mr- iglaM,1r. Âlra ham- * Dente. 17 oeIl sitiid with tiseir troatmfent J- viay, Mr. Scitc, and Mr.W,, 1 Blairy uete the roonrafurnittore ootisaî &c., yen kept eawmed u1 n beisAit cf tise ccniplainassi in dlean and omrnortalo as presolul cir. 8Popet Of 'the conviction; Msr. Thomas comsasseesciii aàdnitL -as aený oqiii- e4am wu aalsd o iadlsae-cation of teprisoncr5 oin tut»hc rOe- TJoe. aftuir! 511i50ui0c f tIre. ioura, Pairs aud additions now .going on in tise eG. t lIsi , id pa e dscbaged. N. ganul being a ditlicly almoat iusurountn G- Hiay Or'-PIàmü . J. W!lso, for nisc. defeodiat.Amoogut the primoera in tisel get he T~e 5ftsw. . .2sisA...frrcny.Grand Jurors noticeti a womus of tise nansa cmhu ns ths e iaooarssuo-indicted for cf Mra. Dea00, ubo nppearcd btuite jorors steluusg tst thog0 bproperty .cf 1Mr. ta require soute forîbor attention, leiog Ahksniracof'"ii hi u obi f WitbY.- apparretif of unsonsel mid, and ausot 1fr. TruS"yne riWceCûtO4 où bebAif of tise deatitute o! clotbing, the Jurors ucoldcon. CrevaF Xlt- - Wilsondefondd0iasPrison. sequeutly recommend thse clothinîf aI the ®r. expens of the Counly. Mfr. ÂImblrack, tiseprmesecor, descris. Ttc, Grand Jurera isefore losin.ý, their au ho" tisa PÎ94 votedr'ir.ea say froui bis preaetctit bc, Iravo ta exireas tiseir door enfli5gvtiTDy tise filsof De- nited obligtiuntu tatho Coumity Attorney, -a,-ber,' ubila abâfent; how tbish>littho Mr. Tremaneror hi> ossigînoce, kindly boet sa ausa iing"tcutowards Oub. rendcred duricv thsir investigautions5. nuea; ho tsIts rieso edono of UOlERT BIGIIAfI. ti-piga e bsftsrin-aisw, Mr. Vau Foreoseai. Cu Pp1 ism Pinaajocpstaken on theo Ttc Court consplimouted theo Grand Jury roed iue Raâgluss itl i te -otir two pija, on tte close of toir laliors, andI bis isonor sud isvin1a eg -Yled, wusbroagiît b.e. xprs-sscd htseif jlesscd tal Mrà. Deane's fore Luther Hasisen, J. P., and the pige eueo ha>! beou preuented. 1The petition ho fnlly identifiedi lsy Rt rmscutor as bis said ! luhol> te forwarded te the proper PrOPOr>?. auhorities. Tthe(Grand uer. lthon dis. Pm>c< m t» se uhd bai àluew hu is Ttc Cuurt adjoorord shortly afttorarda. 'Prouautr-it <bd biemylsaut, hou -%v deo1Ikkncr my Oua ibaga I Didn'l 1 ieoWtitby, Dec. 17, 1860. thef? HOu do I knuthent i Hou do Tto Ccuncil suet et the nuelaisbout. 1you knok 1ycuc r iro? [Toa ooe.] ruii-ei5ltawe, Pte-rry, Drapei, (Laugtiger.) Lysudo, Brown, Vals ansd Causerou. Abs. Mfr. Wiisn-Oh 1 .1er, man knows bis&5tnx-Dr. <Juan and! Mr. Laing. ulwfe by lker longue. (Lauglter.) Glu s.rrTITOrio r . a. L&Wis. us a description cf tise hega?1 94 ttey Ou motion of 1Mr. Draper, tisa Cooncil .auy msark$? ,ucowet jta couciuiteo of tisa uolo on the . Witnesn gave a doncription of tise isog. aboco reiion. Ttc petilieus viicis uns tieucrihiusg dihom m ked ultis black and presuted inu Marcis lsst, pryed fur an ou. ubwiltre als. -A. brother of Mfr. Alken- creuse of ualary. Mr Draper detnied we .bracI VISO iduintifiesi thse hls. the Couneil s ouater of nec dodos inupsa. 9 Georgo Barudes, a iold-feced youth of cd upon Lewisanu liait Keeper, amansgt .about twenty yeare cf age, uith n mali cbirb acre stecdiug the Markcet scalea; .display of impudence ini the box, wai orxt attu:ldhr; 1c h aIl 01s ereninga, and oit taxaaioed for dia prsecutio.,. Ho prorool daasciolpartiuts oocupywin lausd attending . tisaI ho had couves.sed uithlise prisoner, tihe Mayor, Court. b and uhat th o prioener aeknouledged ta have Cu;inauRancess'ued chether Lewis unss 1 taken nuay the pige, andtb tisIit wu a bnd provided ,rithlighs a nd wood by tiso Cor- &job. poratio o; or dia! te pay for this articles . Croso.exansined by Mfr. Wilson. Hou ouI cf biàsauntry. P usas it ibet yen, gpt mb coermxstion yith lMr. Perry state>! how tisai et tise time tise prisones.? , ' s is uatîlsieteul, te soties of hall- %Vitae"s -At oxy fatier's bouse. keeper and belrin.-er usre discharg-ed by COuust---Whero i# haîl7 When vas ssue persse and! taî il uns thon stated oue-W atla jpur tauber. Witneu-'Wimu - je y tatier ? Wh,- boua emua.(Laugister.) couuaut--I vaut 70e, Sirt leanaes.my quesion,5 intea>! cf endoaoricg te be ueiîuy oee r sea serians a malter. Il uould murb hotter bocoane ju. Witeum-Wisydea'tyou asirme n rigisi question thon? Coanset-yoen sçtanirani my qureutilsu very uaIJ. Wbet iyoar flates-ahat buiess dosa ho fbllou?7 Wiads-ess as au IM toisi you- bas&a fermer. ., Counsel-fa yor fatsan a magistrats, ami vas ot tisa peluosr brOusgist hfore Witues.-Yss. ÇoîmspolWns if uhous. tb* priaonos.u browIsî hofon yonr tad.th e t 100 got in- le cosnrorstiee vuisim. Wlsis.oa yfadiar i<slime thal 1 migisi put coMquestions te bis. Coomnal-Te il yout peactien thon le pry inte di affars cf prisoonre brought hofore $,Ou tathor, Mdaimslo eecntiante yon ocaminor-ineblef 10 freet ont tiseirse. eneta, mai tison sons!eonbre te preecote thees? WisaI indoceri yen to entas. bobo cuoraamtîoq vitis ie priaccr-u lbiuui ceuqnuàea et u îetjor fatier bld yout W1oa-rIs M ssl "leja te Wtaie Donsl- ies fetiser for sena, Dlias n ie »% su, hosethler et. Iowabbîm to ocsasiuPrsonms-erbrouglst buieru ehies, bi ndos. te ouse>bae tegive .lm e gainaIolhmi! - 'cdrd~ Woasifrialaos tîho. anS te priseus lisursasdasine aidrosa to.l1 jury "q yeioqsent aP. pu a Sa L, 4f. "0' '- - r"ples, se atmuib,,Ss el.t.i,, sty,.sJe vu" 0 lti sllbes-u ebutademuIc -' - - -f -t- ing the oefies ; tisatMr. Louis bei spant ments rent freetedallte psy ne taxes, ad ha>! cti, peru1uiuilea. If bis du>tbes bai isena nurease!> isetaud no objection tu the baIt-teoper being remaneratesi, but nteni or inrreesusgti te uatary, ha (Mr. Ferry) woulul te iuuliacd la givotaira, a perceutage aupou the receipts for tise hall. Tle SHayur reacroed hat insmucs n ho cool>! te no caodidate for unicipual ho- aors tise ne ut jean, ise nigit speak bis asisul. [le bore teutimaony te tise efficient manier in oticis Lecis dissuisarged bis du. tira; state! tint tisa tees for tise ihatl era more tbsîu tuey bal been durniuugaey pre-iOsyeor; tisît aller consuttiug witis the Irruorer hoteudtedIItishe hall te die trac a-boascal;e> tisaI agond Seat land hesi ieid about che dancing parties held inbu-theo isall, by ou s>soeymouà acnilihier, vise va afrai>!d1,tte Ubiicnete ub at bu vrosta,in a isiacirdvl lset, (<thulVafchnsan> - in tise ban; tînt ho (tisa Mayos.) vanpacson. auj cespouutjtle for tisos fves uad tisaI thlue atould ta tcomisgbhote on halut ont Ofoffice ns>!tisa arsu haocas oscerse!. outtiaig ihould romain unsettied for bis sumrrs, ausidiehebu-ceuine;Cessa- cit.-tWs Wersbip cooprod dia lettisu; of tise tal it c that of tise ilobsaobes'Itti. tite> sudnd sis at uiith le latter vas lot fou nousy suabing! tisaformer uns lot fer tise benefit ofthtie ratepayers ; adsudsiSho consideed, tisI itisout rotonence tel e per9uisitea ttc tosen hall Ikoepes.'saer, shouI'tise euteens-d tc $160. 'TIc Msyor Lis sie axutujsed, in tho cocrse cf lu ramant the oeceajti fur tise tecn.sll.i4»Oejs ukt- tendasco-la tise toupet cf thée loei-pii the .M.nyo eCourt. Ceptai o w moraemaieW uleels be ba- u ng tuattise tati-teparru, e ltog«th« uisnî vasequivaileto ý$145 pes. aaneuîs. efs.. erry ro-aptroul tise asmault eis- wtt'ytise tovu-ialîtesper ubîtn lt salv ai isj the useessor $75; soidishe*toua cet lleeter Suo, ansi asguoi thut,-utheraou lia îlte adntage iu îlev"y oet pay, oves th-e *mae~ofic.. 'm ik ttisaI the tbotter coaurs e uli bol ta nit the offices aa'SAti, au ns ta AUrd »ersan a ffise M --Yurugsi as-bat & i. th- raeistafor the ]Sal lasu & IN to ffive an opprtusjiy 0qa$* guun.ceeu" tu his LWk U . lma Mur. Ferrytak tis a r ï &aulug a m- . IW iOIiiientIy deuwgIe4 for tise boOofit jf iw le oft a ntopayers. , te[ yor exresaod hinaseif ia seveft " 'a ost tise$'star basber" pvetieo9 orà t4fppointed committee et the moce'. nics all;j ubom ho douitad sucis-rendA 1bO'~OkI~Obit bOîl-UrPrry ;,Pç1 tiseir pMaident, wbo. wusatise pinciplt-- thse iramair s011001, and themsselyez wold nover have pQsted/tié uOfàqmlVto# inso ft ius end uLUS.Cd iftical redointon lin or- inSteMiolof ronaffiugt10tho WAtlcs-POOe pie ho 1lai theisi ,thise l41 'n< uk b.dasi"uo butiaI the ou ceeugel *Oo fate;ts luld haýve aQ«ed âabec"~o, tise isia of a iiteMI ', inttticon. Ho g 1gain si ateot tha L the bail Whad seat otf tho benefit antIaÇem :mcati<sn of tiseraie- payers. After. a poid deni of further discussion oian irreicvant'naýtnre, tise*cotmittee, on motion of isr. Draper, rose, reported pro- grega, and obtaineul leavo to ait again. Ai report inlroducod byr Mr. Draper,r. commending Paaient of -a fitiw mmll kt. cnta pmsed. STRZETS AND> nlraUViUenIS. On motion of <aptain Race, seconded by Mr. Draper, thse obairman efthtie cous. milIce on streets and improvemoota cas in- structed te advertise for tenders for rubble atone;, ten corda le ho delivered ett1tue town hiall, and ten on the county property. Council adjoorned 1t0 Baturday evoning, December 201h. Wtthdrawal cf WihtbY. 7b thec Eolor of thee W/sby itCroir.ie. ltt méeting, to censisirts.tie propoual te viîisdrau Wiithy troun lie juriidictiux of tise Couuty Council braire np, I fendly bepe>! bisettho agitationion lucut subtjent uculsi be diâceuîinued, fur bise pu5oaeuî nt toast. lu htia, isonveor, r am diâa~pebnted, for jour. lest issue contaias aueotiser artle oui Ihat sulujocl. If lise discussion is ta ha continue!, it ia desirable tisct isotis aides et tise questiaun shoul>! be presened etbeth public. 'aibis Ibis vise, i nsk for tise in- aer.tieo of lise sebjoin>! tatements in your pape r. Furos tise stsstislics on chiais the eu-n favor of a sspnration is lianci, tise public aie cisieily bussebto>! tau1r. Jligelow.- AI toast, tisar ue emisodie> isi tais spuecu s-b thu latu mcetisng iansu fuso as stisey go, 1 betiove they are geuuerally- correct. - Our taxes for coumty pssrpossa imureante ram $1181i ln 1845t, ta $2801 ina IdSti-,u bt tiuoy have decrenso! every jour ainro, a>! have retarsesi ti year lis $1731 -boinug a sis. cc-casa ut abaut 33 pus. cuit. !L wonld have boesn volt, havever, lad Mfr. Bigaiese aIselà stated thaltitho taxes oiflise other meui- cipalities ai the Couualy ouscrescutfor dis tiret ysan or two aftsr tisa fsormastion oftisa ceosai>, ia ncasly tisainn-3 ratio as4lisat ç?f lise ' Gg oVîNitsy. 1 frely conceda tisaI Ito macis toc tisa Towun te puy, 1tdeapaîr asf smoinj' ample jussties frou.Tl.sCousuy Cuuncil uben pro- pas. repreontsutions are madu tlis l. Il is madea nmatter cf compiaint, I.îo, thai vo econnut gel anytibegfor expunditure ueitisjitisa lbmit et tise toun ; hut ou ex- ambeatiou, un vilI Bnd tisa al tise uue- palitles in tiS outh Bidigstand on machs th tsa me tnutiuig ansi ar e in dia towue bise parties tisat absoutsit iret compin ?- Siglon 1855, vises Wiltsytire ait it aki pearance me a tocu,, about $136,010 have huen reine for Cuuîy purpossa)n, igan- Oral imps.evemonta, asud oftfIislishe muniý cipaiities la tSouts Ontarie,hava Paisi neer iy $84,0 00, aboixit61 par çent on tise uisoee nS Piciereng han r9coivoi anltail cs isnor, joîl$800 for iipproeens 1, r.aians idnlges, MastholyWilTowun- cbips $100 1 la 1855 tlis o vnu$1400 ap- proprietetilfor tise iusprOvteu~ts cf rosis anS « bridges in the 01o11ty. Of Ibis vu fiosi tisaIPickisacaspals! aemrly $407i Wisitby buownsis $378 ; Wbitby Towu Iess thaeu$107 ? end Oshsawa Village $11 The mouay titbi eer cas 1expadid ns fo- loues .--$10OO on Simcte atreet# nordi o1 Boarelia, $1009)on Scuo;cg Bridge,ad t$200 inau.-aremoi an s-m. in 1856, ë$967à vaoreappropunniesi fur ronds andti isndga Pickas.le sg peof Ibis sus $2492, Whitbj Tosllo$2756,' Whituy Toua $*824 u Oshava $328. Tis a euti*prpaatol ves exp4od . tdiiiyer on -tle foltOiul tucnia :-_Oa the brigeanssd bil linth Noqusa rivas. $1000;, Centre ecOUis hi twéen &Beach ansi Thora, $500;1,-oa XM MdA Rama $800, on Brook roaS, FPichesr lsg, $800, bu the tounshsip of Tisoe$Mi rlelusu Uxsriiga Vittaga -sudSct $M. 0; Vatra rosît, betusan Manchoe sud toun-ibua cf HBi,4 $3000 ; on the roui batueon maseisataW'bat lxh i Rae 01os tuisits Ceas.,UxbniJ $5 " udi iath.tousebip cf Seottf je 1859, tise Ceonty Canonuacippeopeisti $4400 ftheda nimr0vaeetOf inlait a Iseige,. 0f tis uPlchoring pais $"y WtbTaveahilu$103 iWhibl'fe $44; »anwA Osses$193. The aPPreluel %ldemu - sexied'Aai the fbouairg yenis 0. 0et.BSek «ds, kf- tisa Brc i ls t ssai tbu u ugis low 10çen %WG ir teoss, ismxabemOis a tbe otis te b. thu -geai 1ts he %à « eud- re witiin têe the eit M àti tg uc o econcedsiOn ait si4e -- Town of WbÈiîiy' anti the ' 'l tisanthse Townisîc i ob,,rîks"i>, W hitbv . - C iuisiered i r tit,00 Ibis point n <aif thepeiosv vouisi justify car uiîhdra o rn t, dte ot' Cntî 4 n~ YG he rame COI.Sidsrtien jastir, ti,~ dliuittof, ail', lcth erj -ii 1 South Ontaro? Migl it vo ]Pickrering sitiuas mecs Propricti 1 rt or, UrgOPieseparaton, spptylà. laettia saloxes)te thse Çoticî Yorkr, andI Enst WbilsyadOhs ing w ti eanexesIt iee~st costemplntiuSrto oustitm e 8.1oftil Rtiding cf Dorbun? iren N»bcn hoe or Conty sudl Conoy Ton? I î u $s in ti ms a te d a t lise p u b li0 Cle by Mfr. Perry,; isoughIl QUI tno as fs0 »q ilainle0r report of th isateesj5 tise orpenditore oit rea3ndu sibrfe North Ontario, ,"fo Of but litilo berlel tise Tocn. Tinat dom net apper loih& been alenys tise opinion of ttc lue judgo.d lit the 1 Wton of ils 'bers aMd putY Brave in, tise Ceuinty Cemneil. la 1855,1fr.-1419uas Reec f tous, And. ons. isbOSn of June nf leur, aeblAi u$nsintroduacendus witissut dideomion fer mnigteissIp tions for , cugow Brid%, f.i-am. remi in aMrsandliane,ad fos. ispms, Simcoosstrect. Mc. Lain',&naueý ns muebng one of tisa rsibutions, Cou cd witis the passage of the blu Laing aiae look part in aqnaiicug the aseat, andseaqeitacod le abat irusl xitis ragard te thse Tua. la b8iÇ Perry andtlMA. ltoua vers notusen "d C'>)unuy Coucil, as Iteeva sud Dopts tise Town ul' %Vhiîby. The apprup ' î for tautyear si oe b osIb1t inu0ou th cf Feborrr, anud wu ond hot à riamnsrecodot A navot of ttmia oinS sessien "svit$ î luslaJuly 1836,j bd extesive rond soheme wcpi th iseidstt delîboration, 1 fini -Mr.. Ferry notiol suoment, stertoudrd b, Mr.. Ews,1 tbis Counl sapentâ ils lira couït,* lIant in tise adoption of any scieuse for imprronseat of ronds tisrou.-tont tise ty, tubergi-appropristiouss for tics localàh of Mua, Thomr, ausdiScuàgcug, arc cf iret inuporteuice tu îhense'Towul!ips, icd geiueraf beauft tu tise Couuty." lse nous w hat hao oaidemrliteraI sp priatiens viz :-ýNot lesua sn *110f Mare i$1200 pu tise tuesalins eetm Tismra sud Mua; $2000 for Seutgi lt8 for Simoe tsteOeî, urî uf llurelis; $1000 ou the townUne uwe Isluea eu a liront, in OntariOand Mariposai it t Cuusty. Yet tisa Tou auis tenpi as nov, siure tIli Ilsgitiauste miSs -tisa Coonty taxes. 1Mr. Ferry vu duIs mnemier cf theaIlEqeelitatisa CouunscitWi tisaI yeae, and wea 1usd'bols hies adt Rowe votilug for tihe adoption ofthtie tiseseby apptcviag of uisat wu>dust o f tis a muasnt of taxes thesa qov uht puy. JsIB fr odgsenansd 1r.K ler agpreated tise toun ln lie ctsst Cossacil, sud tisebylaw maiig dis à -primions tisaI yoar,UMems e o a passeil vithout a division. I1migtî4 sutd, tisat Mr. Bodgsoa uns thua ar memuer f thse asiqualiuing Cea and bts cibaa-sssd tn ht Mr. Kelter voted fer tise ýadopties Of, Srep.srt>. thep appcssvieg Of diahe otm taxes the tJWU abould suas.The mii pai>! iy thea Town imb tisa COantlrs tbsyear, vus seoi bages l11-isit h hkva lita1 but I appeabeatithtiert' -alion -or pnopety, by our sleie5,ssle Whai ovu x aitrl 5 inatadto l rajsreastativea in, thu Cous esu4 V mendi ade, Ocli th" àuaay>l tise part o embm o f dia Cou"et7Iô te do tisa Te bjus1Co! le4 1 1, oiand aoW. ILTnO re ~ spsoe in ia Cosety CeStcoli0111 I fini tisat on tdia lof e f nia tl* tisA iuspovama t et rosSi bd, tir gent denc leyi very and & ne part dia' toum T beci and out cf 3 te Bat cou stol ro fav Chs tic ics

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