Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1860, p. 2

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>P-lr.-Mm" .0 ,ý . - - , - __ - . - ' - - - M .. .014 , * Ï fbouàlit' f0ý T. il i, Impossible ilitil the organist etre ho WltbdtawRi or M town the uffl ty inetoirn WU3 coligea %O assume trio uu- -- . ------- - ne "Ditmium --- ýrï_ F I ilý = 'OW' thé âssis-tance ît Il auvel 8ý0M,' - ,,, -ý . ý ' ' the town sud> O risiýl,*= «"" daug _1"ý ýffl0ý,0#_" J f thom through, 1 - r ý ,_* , asid, puy for keeping the *building in repair : reýquir4'*Is 7 1 l '. 1 'd' ,Md iLnà dîtried , ý ý 1. il. ..mé justice bel"" ý - M one 0 1ý ttipûMnt of the - Instau ý . eu. - -. . -1 "Il lrn!e or th- t--c- . - R- 'of bc*ýeOqtnty (Own- Other ;ý, - ,ý-'ý , ý, -_ -Jdt;t. ý 0 aigu 1 mil the building of Lynde ý , beau by my seid, the other was ce - 4 Noir, Yeu ex , . p.yýr la bc dette betIrten two S'il the .9nuffi hait Kg groNt ,,40O&I ow me te tell - MEETuf W1qý ýý i ý - ý 1ý? , bis WOU. . 1. - nicipA des ý , . ,Iiiwrilaàient, and , couhti',' > 1 1 Mil __ 1 1 reek bridge wbich con the xw 1 0113 thing fflld>beaet- fan, t 23,8*,c"ý1. w1IItVý _, ýýt4r' ýý'.àMeà the poMmobeing.toeentnOizep-t «0y-ý tho-, nets of tÈe case, "il they will , - ", _71f1% '_ - ul 1 ,lu on La Uven if t4cre wero a suc4 _ý' --ýïhbotý; theiff , " be,(Ur. rMý ,_ e -, 1 1 1 NW POi --& ,kG&UW ýJQ00, and how the Couniy ý 1 - , :4 thft' _. 'l" . ib th* p Y, is , 1 T-1 ý es hnd THE U*11#111 1 . -- asy. CR _ , _ Xiiiiegston the le net ho, vA-%*',*'O" Mrý'1 ne 11146- -1 , , -, ý1> , ý - two linultkeil Pounda, tient ]ff0d= ý, ý > a ý LoWý,,+ iqý + wenl '01 "' usiumbetween Tqr . r.. 1" - -11 - ' ý jéd in a Ériendly, honellit TITUY, boit PItry ssWJnqoýýjàg) belîoýred vrouldbo gteoing,,Àu ioý à ,- ý - ý. ý- Wý - ý ý' - ý-, , eý ' -r' i ý ý ". > , 1:! - , ý fdfId te give a single cent 1 e ', could Mt uàdomt"d Montréal. 1 will net here en , ,lonÈ,ýJýég mso.' Jý -1 âm" 1 - lot p« 1 - . ,WC14ibo.(Mr.,ÀÀ , à ý _ e 1 one , . , . -y little rnatter con, Il %iý C", ik ,ý irréel à , . a ve; .11 - - lempti '.. 'uttz tpX*ý"X1L truction; and aaid that aIl ý1_"& - 1 . 1 .@.» g,ý,ýý.. ý, .10111--l-Illielle - ý 1 le t v as - 0141là ,ý01 ý y iI,ýh J -, ., P'elé,ý-'opppg-ýp, ý ý, - . ,ý])Iȍ 0-11 _1ýïf ý a piece vith the .parsimonioo4,. maiMier _ qi for tint, . and where, il 11111 ItMgthy'-'ilaternent of th q ', , e ý _ , ý_. , .. d piration. , - ýwhe . _ ý th'e Ã"utzi il fillm ý ý . ý ,,, -1 - ýlu1, , , ., - , ý 1ý -1 ,i, ýf dý bad feeling coula arme w e" ne or il , . 1 ft ý'Dayý ,ý ,course a op] ý , , . ý_ , ý il, ' ý, - ý . au, ,néflier, onnSdeunt, of wbich tO tleck lor se 1 ' ri 'à il býVng with-Ik Party , ý - ý,, - . -1 1. . 1 hý-'nIw&p desir ý 'Nte Advad.ïftmts - - - i position tu ti- 1 1 ' :1111- 1 ,. , . ed to l'Fr - 1 vent in te "'et But il IL 0011ld bd ShOýyn' that the town - .;ý ý . ,, . 1 - _ ýisbû" Ority' the flouse, in whieh the County Couneil ýU luib4lý, , lin ri l ý. i bojil Mal, mention'that ,.of L - 00 ing a diýad" i of GRF.,kT i«RiLýprcýr ;4ý1RlJ3 Titr, en-,iin"l i.,Biïelow"ar- should ho fflumedt that al ý - -éôttl«bb9-wkrl ' idang -CID4 - ..:,..d, ,ýTh"wp,"«4b" ý, ; -il bÃŽ Mr ne ' ý ictedtowardaibe town. Bi 4 . i = 2 t ho Né lilit, the' schemç pro the Grand Trank Railway projAct hsd - 5ý - _ ' i h il. Tt iritigroth7eý--"-ýy, , , . -_ _ _.-f&Vfflýýqwhk-,JTI-,ýbs 1à4ý-bI_ -hafflOY an J -1 TM' irw Jý" QafIst toolring:, stoire, M ,-.*,.. f'.. - - _ ý lie observedg, , ýiw W te a Icadtni . . the: , 1 1 , . W- tolu_ ibea"ummedL41L A"tN%-Owried -8ainet.Myim-" il ,-op, --lu-purmn"-.,Of irmnoffl oeprmbtea . ý eveaing, wu,- . ý il7 at oince change hilil OPTQIO11cý M40ka BryAný ,, ý ., ý, , : r and anothèr that the position, wben thelibi)r-,k 1 -Meuýv", ýto-thqUayq t;"gef the ýate. 4ttetit Pet 0»,,týRp go.,Ie nffIiçý Il, 'by te . This haought ont a. frirther ro 1 froin lime Sition O the eoünb7, r'a P14blic"rmýe te , inÏ ý taxes o £à25- la lie It _ .ý flpqyq dia gay in a year there COUIld lie no , cou ire, ne apparently al it» strongent, wben thé lino payer% of the Town of Whitliby, was tonven- ý . . Ur. Diplow, who contentleXh#t U" fbr*l!bleL.ýC'ÃœiÏp'er.' ý' " ' 'ý pý'nàtruction ofthetworoaà w0uldhilà, y i.itiatzbry- enthing ý 1 4 - ý _ Own ý 1 . 1 and that the annotent would bc was therel il te the ratepayera. 1 ' ' ý in wilicit, 1 bad was femed, the ebartëT grianteil and the ed mille T R Il Sain rd&y- onning, withdraibral, 1 Libout sbmiLùný- wanteel wu n M'un lino obred Inte ilir >1T, Of Il ,v.i.ablo F"'m for' "., 0 -1 . al Adevaintage 10 the Lova 1 . ý 1 ,,solution pg,,ed, "il the by-law liwwvmldâ Ott Sa -'Win. Glenny. ., ý 1 - 1 iÉ460 Whou' £hé dointy * ht ho." ýti -Ilit the haute ý nd4h"výW&Yýiýand, Il 1 1 ' 1 flou N -fêt ýh4 iA-ý, M'Vulz i.v4.i,.ic. ýéý"d ,e T 11il W opg --"p money bail le lie paid, and ilq.w.rpl 1,1was ;% fibst ý WM pal 0 . m 'de, ,à- 1 V ý at, iý,, wi - M , 'Ilh = 1ý,,'a hi . entera par? Ir . '-'"M'%f sitéd th , épie or %Yè ,,y. diin Sxw'e' , JÂ"ýN., 0. Reynnidi. i, - th,&uth.ý i * .he'deaimbiliiy o hiâ'7ïu , fundèd ani ý r coina',W»'àld . ta the Po il r a .- t ri, ;ýd-1think mil " pect or the w ifilie court ry ration 1 f witharawinz the. hrought btô ,hé bmîtw to a vote, ý .,h' ..erchanta, an, mon' ' - - - - - , ý ý - appSl- idvâhéidï-ïWdtýifiýýèèàýédý,r-'Il býig . an ,to 1 loin, , ri rýo' the ,jj.j.,tzoý ýr-the'é-..et ïùiiii'iii,ïed-Orerfo-àl-ïr6nid-'Wè'4MM-Aûmiei-' . 1.3 wagon.mIak'çeit 84op 'foý 9àle--Chaýlc% e ý ollesgue,",Ilèn. jllr.ýjqdqtiffll if y m J Il y , 'Imed, and Whou nu .ý ý ý 1 ed te oný tb&xutdeçt,, wo.àld tallyou LITTel, I ihink sa a businesagnau whether I- coutil not Couneil. The re - Wbouiý ý 8(ý 1 . ent toi 1 to.nifxûç,-t 7a ý.;lwiffl "e lino _ éf', vota, ý dise 1 theinielve-% t 0 m 41r: Tentures ýtO the .. ý Griflith. , ,ý " ý ý . 1 - reý vre M ,pereonis . - 1 lâïéed,- jýe rUtepâyeý vould, by that lime have al Pr--ojPortywhnbrouebýtb. .., . liblé foug4 il, go stasidily and manfully.that. ve, Makis ', Pimhàeof "Préperty: at'some ad snob as -the ratepayers of tbetDwn IJ i 1. towil, uqa with thelrenterprise and theïr ,T'. a. . illan. . 1 . preneàt. The: Maýôrî t0à (Ibo. chistié -ut 8 thrôùgh the Courityl, W _ ý 'ýarr1 ' il.% . ý 1 7 - , estioni, lie thd trY 1 -, __ 1 the route. ý*1 1 - . opinion. 'ho built Il UN And Rot the PITOP10of MILS . very nq*dy.,Prçfented thé- GovemInee Vantellientis POintý1uPon ý ý ý, .Ieý,. W. FI - ithopt ,the, auW, the information te enable.them ;. ve ut 1 , Grocmes XcV se. oie Billings, Esquire wu.% ap The qu ý 1 il". rtp.tlt.,-d..ii" .- ! the ail t County. ,,,,,,,d Mr.* ýLjJQ.g with, îýhc an r»nyý poinw Secretary.. 1 1- - lance of >the County Coulicit ; or intelligent Ilmil JLJqmrsý- I . TII 14cylil > Z . 1 froM.c@rryiIsJrýJýTîtitIbO scheme. But drIl- ,brdinÉIý went-,;Wèstward,' visiting . ,ý,,ý' - Amant could lie saved and the lux. admittèd? ,,,, tee nevr, and Loo littIfi Tender- Ur. Po-ry 1 <1 . 1 . ýwas . lie decided on et once, PEÃ"Pe , 1 ý in thé aliiit plac ' lfe« IfIrult for Chriatmaq-,T.U.)Ic'ýmilla.n.i not-iths4adipt -7 quertions, 1 def"t' ,places and ounbug citherrit ý the town'of ;,Sàr- Hîs Worship rend therequisition, as also es lessenedjugt as the ratepayera, thought stûod te 1 1 C'llufiging Ibis position.. - 1 . .0.ýýnec1 _. ý ýý - *09- -ùiaonthepjveist.cilýir. Whilothere-I th' '26th,ýl,' entailler. fle.suggest- ,Mt' lAitig nid. t'ut, &-,ýpounias, ý ishilli%,* ýùffe ,çO .1 ý , ý """e__ýý ý _ýý ,,,tbq--Grand TrunlrP4ilwaY,'w",ret 1 ý e une of the Municipal Aett ,pro- fit.;, Mr. Bieelow R180 explainda how il aboula have lime ta ving. qfýetimww if . 1 , 1 . niteil by t1irelaier, of the land, and the Pro wal of Tawns from .- were ,ed that il would lie a sa 1 e Vielq et týbe-inàitër shoffid, nGtý , "" ý - -wu joined aoëordingto . previome : urrisagé 4idiný fMý the withdrà ý prei . ý -the town ,Tt ail - ahil- à riv'arda ho imid ' sent contýF"twu givelà out, , 4 of course . ý ., C, es -AiS calléd open Mr. Digelow, one - - . 1 the lime fur t.kin,, the vote *CW épie Il bu Lake, il 1, - 1 - - MUT .Ji. ment by Mr. Rollon, to Vitoria J ý . ocçurredýthitt the ý13treetS in ý . hi %t- ""' peÃŽ'c' ' ffii, _', (Ë trmùtlt.l - PURt lert unimproireel ultil ihýs Jute period of ille ý ný as the Municipal thr't if it could.l)ijahowtt tbat';tbe.ý'tren k4 tgeu4mi4 AS Io- had ýto submit; but ferred., .ýý,Tôxether we made ïnqý>,eo asi t& Oý ihel "uisitionistâ presentý (iù' tlie ah- Il . -* ed nt the salue lime, »t would il, ho would go AmE M e 4 , 1 , z _ ' year, au$ aLixibu" Ï6 répit to the muet beas- coutil makis a lino Of rOa ý týa Inct wu none the leas transparent that », ,Mille ana ekLdntýUr réel ý estaté for talle séries ot be'.'Éràuù a;d other gentlemen îngs of the couaty conneil ïbein bd ý il in élections 1 that by thât lime à , redýsêpàIratiot%., %Vhal, , -( . _ ý ý ___ ýg ý, 'ilba', c'bourg and Billeville, and with those who tics! i', Xing&tOrý -in" doing, asked, .w*.% thil.î bili'taking a potili(L-4, b-ri 00 W tý Submit, to a if, the loeeity; .iwîý fiwÀd ithbng éther whose namesprdeededý that Of Mr..- Bige- , I >r, certained . . ý. Jolie, untit -after which timýç »W aýn6où1t 9 ed by withdm"l, as well ' - bo' » bY, Thii II Y, DMmber 6î;ý1860., " tlegatwron,-. -Cheem) Inst«dotthet thiýgsý-tbwtMr. Malcolm CaMerôn,ý Who 'a lotir On the Trequisitiont) tu, addi;bu the . B 1 rillitend Say . ý shillings und pence vie4v of thesti.«ttter.- alto ---ý- ýý'1 .1-1-- Railway., pamiug thmagh the City aýd Isf" no* in town and -m-ftveriïy, the truith of Tut î tIý7ý 1 . ý courity taxes could not'bë'âaýiiWiWd,' and ý -O'.'[, for himseir, lie mee ng. ý . thé tovmto ý uneil could -no% &%certain , -what- as-other neceïsarY faetî ; But thn. question could lie followed op and eve ONL'Y 01« ,])OU aR,& TEAR f.rding a constant communication with the il' ement, bad a quantity of land ta 8011il ;, - . . > %$a il, was beart-It, in laver of ibn proposition. proven, tirit the town COUI(Il cOnstrllct a Oui 1 ý . . al . 1 ý Mr. Bizellow arluse und statethat berotre ,' 1 ---- -ý ha bGr, tITýJ station Tffl, placéd, »A JOW lit, handra* > ý. . Mount te' assesse ; -ý-pnd thewith de à ' r - ý atild tram him 11boughtsome nins,-, complying, with the-intimation ormiq W - '- 1 Mr Bigelaw Zerwe te ln,.%'ke Another Te. 10adipai r,).id, ývrith thq,,proýeýit'Ovett4tx'P'r ruil ime chargent xgestieieit the Attibruell Geme- teu Mileg ewayýý 1% , ýjoinîIfwiih'w; lloitoitm. , Tios, ý . 0 1 . 011 bringing - ri reparla, the repens on ou, . - ted . if this %véniel Satiery Xfr. kéow te your cost, il _ ores-theve ý 1, te the ellect that il hall tient' 'ta ptid the Catinty, 1 1 1 1 ail rat wellet et Accolant InIr, the 1 tj'ars, thât in 1862-tivii ihip lie would, for the sake "of Mgnlarity, streetavere thrown boule: to the.end of the markt ,voula create a nnmber of L-iing .Vr.Pt,,rryýittackedttio.it-tý,uttionts ,ý 1ý ,. was no u . m l . ý -1 _. - rit' Grand Treuils. - 1 se-of y4cetemlig,,thongh-1 did Yeu ileiblit 4he7 file sabrait a reýolutionwhieh would throv open - ina'týadý that withdeàwttl This of .Ntr'.' Draper, n'net a-tit], that his (Mr. IY,4-ý bou protest with ail eamestrma-is vu no nu leurs, be it remembered, beforel; 1 ënteW' . leur, of the 1 wu being dcne in the ju, ml atrugglin, apin3t il. 1 W ýoppose4, ,lhe. () 1 ý the discussion. ý Ho moired, seconded . by apring vibéni I and officurs, and encreuse the'expensés. persilins onts! -tu tend . Holtoü and myseit -men. wanted employment, case, and calied open the per- speech') %ras intcinied for 1 ovêrnment,-Mr.* : 1 e in. was net the lie next llý%lidleti the reasonitt,- Loi The following eTiMpletes denial orties ' &YOr-1 , lé Ur. Pë.rrli that i't'the Opinion of »Oïlle t- tailler was chimpli' The qnty "edi ho ,1, those statem-nt, in th, the tOwn- . . il front the bogin;ýIPZ ; il vas, Pot se Il r ,pù,ëUu"ii Sainia al-veri- ëônsidemb in, il vos deaierabie that the Te ' Coèýcil alitée] wu in a coin jute withajawýl früm lions Who Inal of Dr. Gqlnll, and Saiel that white the muet- the chargiii trumpeil Op l'ri the GlObt igainst il, ut , dn 0 ý V04 ? ý ý P > .. forward and substantiette tract, of-1» . - Wb mairltbat Barnielwas te ' ' . 1 ,%Ir. Bielolv':s lig- ,de'l ý ý courti J" d lùUk fer no fàvov'a John A. macdongla *à 9 bedIt from, thé è" 1 pu - I)Y.,Qr, lie Co, ý Should introduelle and pan a by-law vith- the connly. ý Il streets, te COIRC 1 iný should net accept ý . 'itke 15 the née. , t nt-ctfflý'- &O te the western tèratians.'ot; the liûit- we Ur* O-. the one aide, they billoulel not t lot 1 1 . .i drawin- the Town froià thè jurisdiction of Mt. McGillivmy desired te ask Mr. Bige. thcm. es Perey ,OIfirmed Mr. Bi -elowla the randoni shots of Dr.G unn on thé éther, .by Xr. M cdonald al the King.4ton. ýTsJthOu,;h in udi.junctiou-wiib Ur- couâteet tree's, in thàt : èýrént that thé -èeqo -of pro-, thti Ccunty, and subWit the saine to, a vote . Tt il livec, ý . u ý ý 1 low a question, and éÛquired whether the .11 Mr. r vray %Voùld al ý 'lit,& et ilbint, time Mayorla the ý çitIt. 1 411111bellind ýporjj would, increo"js% and vie theught un ' ,ment as beiný quite correctand stated and suggested that the botte batiqqsot , Comment lis unnecffl v , 1 > - - ý -_ ý ' of the rutepayers. Mr. Bigelow expressed county buildin.p were not in the rig.bt Statu t' - lit ordcr thàtir bc ixpla»tion» ý giysa, will ý amply @petit for apin and again, a»dmt titillai inj"teý lot ,eIitèýp" g1towft wotdd rapidly spring up, gaut that net a single ucw ellice of any kird be te adjourn the lllcu 111 1 hiniself pleaséd with'the. mçetin,-,. and et place; and if they aboutit net Iwect a * lion, but on &Il partios inay bc preparl anit ait inteill- %vote lire uusucemful. ý Th onty chaulée Of u.other-wutëiintownabaddone. ýSeeIng ý a esult fron, the sépare ý .. - q hé ', 'Ri* the propriety of the course' obsierved in or court bouge bandit in Mura, or in sonne would r -the offiners of ReLve gent decision arrived it lia ridiculcd lieu fon dignitaires. a rêtiedy lier the «ev titi allierge, bÏainéu ýwouId in ail prpbabili. ý from . the contrary, -leva that the %vithdrawed in. 'en Mrson. tained a position witlxwbieb,"Fu ecennOct0d, ty bo'déne--titeWwepurchawd a very con- eàlling it. The stop of withdrawal ' > éther part of the county. - 1 ý puty Rceve-less. Re rentier ur.-ed jetés, as prcpo.%teTou9, ýsSari 'd il ý %nul 4 * 1 Tou bieIl know boit t hava bc 1 the Cuunty was, lie said, a most important And Del et the towil allý)tlltl eau illy ilvil, la e iig like influence, àndýbad no long l', gr. Big low, lilial il liras il,. a ' lity. Il WUS ab BI) 1 - whieh cos't -us thousands ý Mr. Bigëlow answered the question by a e not 1 Il ou ally tmducied, and how thosse villa whOm l' ,Wuieth' .,idmble property, one. There coutil ho but one objet in tu did . bail friendï with ô,, ý à Board, and or f being an Orduance ,iw in Rd, ,bat the county might build just as tiocessary for the ', of surd ta suppose Such a Ittaiur,. , tud bave glejea lh 11w Gn""ment have bonne sir e emiuat the rend Tru 1 ý . < . etating.; wl, te est, leav. ý . ý PORUdis, iust«« 6 ptinýw senti a qýourse-,thèýlàter- peàled,-Ib twrýeelm.ôf>tice bu, lot ,,ld 1 . many gants and couWhoàses as they piensed. the county ta wil ,d,.,,v, Ontario did not do ni, said thai theru wali mure bosilà ges t1iôsecharges'ag#10êtý il-bon 1 Ap 'for W 7 fiiiiii pe ounds. There, sir, 111 esta of the town-aud in thiâ there was . 1 .W. Lii ý thi aseperw. Au-far .1 ý . Mr. )[OGillivray-Whieh Manicipality le, titan in (liait of Mr , mysoir levers, Omo herse., 1 felt they were of ýbabalf of ibis city. (Cheera). Sir, 1 W 'nO- ,ike liei , The first insinuation ta that the - - wheu sepamting front York and Peel, in Mr. l'orr"y's spee"c doi jX the ý a ý eý personnel obj < set Io gain. ý 1 vu a one Common interest amongat the raterbay benefits the most front lis conaection with 80, abat Whitby when separating from the Draper. t 1 lire tuait coullequencs ; ,for here, là,»O l 1 ý 1 Ot dirftb ý lot wu ýp«îtb&«d ý&«M the Ordnance de. ers -, ail were interasted idike. If il Tires the county? , . . ý l . noir ) of ivilitbv j and that the nuance- Mr. L)raper COTRIblain&d of Mr. Perry's .Who wem sequiiattd with my characlor, Il il interetteil în the m&Iter, té the Umm of a p4rtnibéint 1TTr,ý-ý& ýùTi trille Und that snob found that the matter van fer the benefit - townshil . rtel if 1 be Or liffle injury ta me. a ngle fârthiftý', i ,&4d thé Oeil ul"utffl il -pü,ýhȎ ;,"-»Mred thmugh the i - Mr. BIgellow ciatea tbat lit would laits 80 ion- u there W" habit Of imputing motives, and asse bMir tItel wùqIdý - Ai ý ý . . igu'ence or the town, il vas désirable tient the rate- lion should oaly last 0 thit the views out forward by bible levure la éther paru of the 4wuntry, hotroverle. .could pouibly bave beau ta me'WAS'One ,el âyïëlf u à Minitteiof the Crowil, the payers should approve ý of thé stop; but if some cime tu, ansiver the question ; but lie a rtceipracity of mutuat ihterot. But conscientiotis. 1 1 - ý .- ty of Onýariù havin- failed tu, whesé 1 vas net Ibo well knowr!, their con- 'ebieh wOuld bc sharded *Y everY Othleé Pro*' Ordnmoe property being under the control il. should appear that IL vas net for the was certain of one thingt and that was that tient the Cou ý Mr. Bengotigil wfts for Jetting all the ü»Od and om"luç repetiiion, it vst, to, perty-holder in, the leva. Of,'Putlrlt"my of ý the the town'of Whîtby did net, bènefit the tu talle, une step to improve the roada, fillets, and second tel by Mr. <1 16,g.ns, glioved . Géteminent.' Why, ire bouglit t n'a advantage, lbçn, of course the ment. titille ait, being in Kineong 1 ' folt droit in f,,,, théi ()Id 1 . ow ý 1 ý : devellupe the re.%oureu of a postpoaguenent ut the ffiscusSiOn for one bis elepte", woold have soute euL.0t; but 1 ý 1 [Uïiîteýdephtttmont, long before 'ing would rejout seul proposition for the mast..-:, 1 Ieadiný te r 1 1 . ', obtilliain tboremedy,-I..wouid dm withthe h- - z ý Mr. MeGillivmy went on th show that dieir Own capital, il Was lime the rate- week. 1. ort am hippy te Say that by the, OPPOrtuni-, s . t eW property vrai ," gned overý té the ý 1 urpose. Il was for the ratepayera W ex- thom. The motion -19 Ine.gatîved. un Uns wVmb ha" recontly héon presented me xèýeraI1 PrcmPeritY,,- as -ý»ythlug wý,bonofit, ý]Tîàviàèe whetir thé ý, Bng" r dopa 1 i 1 tire ý env P to the the other muuicipalities in the 'front were payers of the Iowa set about deing go 1 amendinout, 1 . t4oOus to .lie as IL ý amille the lents of the case, ta Ioo1ký ý Dr. Outil% thon moved Il 18 elu,«bem in tTpper Canada,, 1 have,-in a Kingston vas as, sieliratil ni .hut w'mtiïlýmed'ibé InspècLive officers expeuses, and te sec whether the step ne) botter off than the town of WhiLby, selves. secoiittud hy Mr. Iluttq, that il % net ex cil 1 - .tý!m la 1 . ý , ' 1 Ur." degreebéin enubleto, dispel illWsOns- m ý îf the OÈd,,,,eW,'Ihaditand'maitàged il in- aýout to lie taken vus judicious or net. - whereas Whittil reapeil ail thé- bouteille and Dr. (;aigri coiiie;düd very mort, i Pelaient tell clittritain the queS(i--ýf Bepa 1 au PrOO4 - 1£8 wherd 1. bave adj. waslinwm" inthel;ýýUOr.., li*0&'ët*re dépendent of the; Prbvin'el4l authorities. - Bfr, geuil1g illto thut il, was important La bail the salaries of the county officials Bilent qtlpr,!ssiun of Mr. Ilerry, that this question ration train the cotinty. 1 ý . _*yý that ý < ý T, Board hait, bey W te WIÃŽ weat te thélàli ÃŽtit m" an effer' fýr the bout. in miiid the fact, tbat the Town of in the LOwil, . For those, rossons Whitby, wa3 relit ý very ir,41 ondffltuod. Re etated dresseed 7-«diée litre thige,- 7«colà-êÃ"W- of, ;%PPeAled'ýtO th "- t es t ' c This br-8914 Mr. Perry te lits font who gn OnS 1 h ir Opérations wutwvd ýaud . ý 1 sion de terdible and ri Yqýrç,ceiî*d Çrtending 1 si 1 IaUý ' Tribey, Elàid tibey did net require il for Whitby wu thé caillai or the Cotinty or lie guide qu'iht, tu ho satisfied. ý He would (bat the article of fuel and gaoler'a Sillery reminded the Doctor of ibis Own admis 1 robably culisimmil a militsry pu ' -sud that was liblat, il W nut ilicladad il, Mr. Bi,,eIow'sýftgures j that leu did ,lot undursLand tien sulejuct; Ili dhtibot aTI& emphatio assorancelsis ý IW'the .eâstward and woulil,'p, 1 rp«eè4andýive got il ýn advan« Ontario,,possemed one of the best barbera maire a suggestion I cru ce treffir, te gi vu soini cliente te Kin mou .1 ý Lot IÃŽ ho understSd that on Lake Ontario; and vas ait important wouldbe botter . io-dividetlieýëoýnty alto- thatin Itii oleilliolithe, appuititinelitof a that Jiu vçtt.tetIft8rther iliféritiation &,--., th, . 1-9 » 1 geLherý iCheeW andlaugbier- Ï'. . ' police niagiitrate fur the tuwn ut a salary alla now, whon a re.ïoltatioii was 'noircit ror oirptmatlins whieh ýI listre given. Are sait& , ý 98* lux -letîm , . fàeIqTy.ý - (Choem,) Au 1 gâté ýbef0" the et- tolthe.piâçelhsdeo long>'thehogtorýofý,< ve boughi èJîîôcýnvîl 'tract of land, fier 'ivay station on the Grand Trunk Ilailway. vote a.-ainst il and .en two ting. - Tbel du si subilà ý grinted whielle vol poid ýsoit* ough not being one of of $1000 a year w-culd be nécessary, and a postiloncinent, te . va lackik sitique rite are of a 1 1 1 fqId chotraciler , reprosec ý - , ýrrî-ô'iîý:s7àUds Of POunds- Tibet we irequired a good leaditi- lino of Mr. Perry, - allie that lie wm not d!isposed tu diâplace our deavor at a mecting where, theru were nul ..ààftý my politiW eondùct in aimiled And ibis aide lino> or brunette. , - Sb fier .9i» î wu And no the matter r'entained; and we Paid rend ,onnecting the northerre with the the roquisitioniits, full, as bedonder of the . .tënth of the rate pairtrs presont, tu W ý with i mi fellow-cîti- 1 _.. e pigea bis views colinection witil the eu.-iity, fur the sake of one »qn -Y. ,Pemnal,.Charmter. N,%vr, lebel-. interestied in common - ÃŽ' tue menti fWthe land! onder the idez that front part of the Coanty, in order te en- re3oluCioa,, thathe ought te mille ftirther discussion. Was such a uà' jouie il NI, ý di*omloq and a fffl and 4elî- %e*!ý bütin. , nô w&Y wbatevw ý'ýVffl.1L one wew ld.'tntlteï--ý"tàlbliýýÎmrchase. But creuse the trnde and business üf't'he tourne ; on ibis gubject before the- mpptin,,. Ho ftw dullarà whieh would lie saved.' Thot course the libe-1 way tu set f [le could of ber&» ý comidentioný or..aU TRI polifical farthlnt,',,direct benofit-L0111161 and whien 1 vili té ho ,riàetstobi that 1 never made that-f6i a eh an objeut the people of the tas mach. plensed te see bis friond Mr. the countY .-ve a standing te the 1 net bavu I)eiicvcd that therit was ý - ý , " 1 - but Bot éculent with thieý My, pirivate Bir. ,Chàpmým makés %bis sl*»Mmt-*Mcfi, ý elr'té Mr.ý Blackwell, the town le u and takin- parti.,, the sied th et bot h were llov ettilig 01, tO ý'cI h- the nilinicipality that would O,-ject tri the il, .- ý nul ibtë *bàtev ý ad Ion., açbught and ôtruggled, but ;9e-Gillivmy pre3ent, 0 thuriucter, bois been utWied, i, and si dui: Y lie *$& uýKiogMa ut *11, ho coald 1 9 MPazTy1ý , m they %veto alw;yâ .ùè#t4ucesàful in entistin.r pruéeediii.tîs. of or oie botter ternes; and tient perhaps our free tlisctLsion of thiý. suleject %Vâts il. vain ý hwiï rand, Tm;k" idu .. or t-i Mr. BaTin-, -, lie (M.r. Perryt) was one log thé ý few ,ý vient dAIbIIý withiq. the4avery verified or proved it3 utter falsitY bi btcP-' and 1 hive not'illie alightest idea of the ne. ilbe ansistance, or oven the sympathy of thosé who, believed it, free discussion, for witharalvat %vo,àý-1 bc the c..%uît nt the cour,- rirlitý ho askoýi, L'àat thé &il iijrity oCme jâng , dé ,to the twéen Mr. j' erectillý a wivil hall. and holdin., its ritte-1):%)*ers silotilil !.,O treated tri thig làl'in. wI vallist hs»,ý been settacked, III, the leader of vu 1 -*$W-me$ OacIo'ýýl"b" ture "of;;tlte tillembaletions ho -Whý-n the 'People il Tires by that means the truth was arrived ,y ný& iuid a niere ni i N . ý à levrons ba"faimit me Gzo 1 lie Càuutý- Couittlit. îrnyl lueetiiqs e!â..ý%Vh-_-rc, Bis Owl, opinion was lier by Dr. Ou tillority. the opilositicts. («iim«). > 1 Bay th%% limés eoàimits a grest wanta vski, Mr4 Blackwelll Mr. Baring and sait, this, sud thut they coutil tint carry out ut. He believed, withl-Mr. McOillil lie appe-tlý--(t tu Drý. Gunis owil à'n.su of re ý . 1 justice, ibis m. J ln oth" ,, " ofAble court. forwhieh 1 mal hold him accouientable lie Ïho (;rend Truik. ý&ers.) Tri 1858 » place diat wu sliý)uid never have been a town, 1 fur publie propricty, 9 çb«gogl, mailé ý, thoir wisheâ in their predent relations with tient the Toivu of Wliitby vas just the -arc . imv bail no ef reet 1 but in fore m 1094 tribunal ln lkzl&M. (L'na m, 1). L. Mac-pher"n, Who was concerned the County, il wu& important for the _- for the couri buildings. ý lî[gýure bad that we were tau, youn., for the purposle. t tlb Pm-,s bis aillentimplit beforce the fuw 1 - 1 rUtt 'ýý,,Iy, thai and ùàt sci)aiatioià naw %roule] louve us a "" but tri give ail a W 2158 MI.'tý9*,Ri.l = le 1 bw gSile througb lets Cheers.) Aud 1 my, Sir, lt'wu a Obean, in ibis joint Duïtbase, made me un. offer, of payers of Whithy, and bëcam2 their boun.1 ,pointed il out asý.auch. But altho ý r.tte-lb.%%.Ur-; then plusont. pieca of Iiiiiite to laits Op the cryWlud à, dich f' * ' was the case, 1 ý jýifxLIitv. Hze lied clt:tqecý'of vôtitig uiidt-r.stittidiiigly 011 the Ji àt- *,#éig,,efet«6tb tr" pliantly, - bey Iudr base 1 ý ange o property for, tri,- internât ha-dettied that IL. wiu alky 'rca- dapendont llài.er2'):ý! ilitini . den duty te tudre auth Teintes as would dev- the millier, but ,;titèjcct. il %vas colitlitry te tbe essence SE td*lÀd, sild, 1 tire quite ýconvineed tient by him white by the illiétiltest, itijury'luto 1 ý ïéëýptea ý the offert tralisfèrred to lope the reiourcea, and the tralla ind il%- %,)a why t ho ratepayers of the town ahoýId lie au obi-ýetijl L, eo-.,,il,!r 1 one abri joli whoý dons Dot the fislète, the utter fowlýy of, the fflusatiOu býa ml Interest in the Saýo4 land- terets of the town. fleeced, supposing they we. c-but lie (Mr. t'la 6vac-W ;ý,::izm1 waï a stroil.4 aversion albil laffirit. 01 leur laitillicilb..l institutions LE Ill there la not 'id ha bois , use > nd ý Most wisely and justly . et high-h mlled manieur. il Wiovê -theut te ho falseboo&. "(reheëâ.), T', mima -»;.itis 1 ,,lier Perrv), did nul liteau tu charge that thev *lu sellaration. act ilà siècle . cou ,", Va ý a. ý a "ecýik *'tbeý propertY Ofinvred 'hl hlm ; the leji.,dature provilleil the proper remedy . . 1%Ir. 1;.gei,-ýv repliA tliztt thegaoler's sa- Di- tx,.i;elb arosO te slevak, insistilig that want of fonadation made çlearli apparent , uld Mr MeGillivray argue, thaL Wstht theu Weil 'ttford tu, pâti thetaý,.brib -, "nid what W" the nature 'of the or- for towils il, ibis position. Mr. Bi.-elow were. Wu . of Ibis would nul prevent a fur- . ý me a -nom- (Chelem-) ý 1, -ûever"- W - , Any iiiiere . 1 transactions of sale by He because the scat of goveraiment was nt Ot- lary, ziii.1 du itcai., uientionz(Wby Dr. IMY actioli oit another ru- cileffl -, bat" as 1 bave bellère , ý ý , , al, rangements or explaineil the provisions of the act : ý Guan, were iý.c1 .il -d in il%,! $7000 lui' lieu Iller Iudujing beLig c-Alled up PèPier, C" Uetadý,blý'thb ablej'ener -ýllèn, incumbertence or gis, Gzowski & CO. 1 - the assessment in tawa, and that the lýeý,liilature, the cierks iluisiticilà. ni e ë-but .,raormg% Jud onty know by rumor and ý , ie'tigeitliýýLi'-Itii);l o: p'tîe,., gave the figures shewin, *Io« ý leader' of1W Op- iment-In tbiltproperty fôr, bilno-le farthing. fr,, tbe ,ýÉtatewentb Qf-Mr. Chapman. 1 -1. the first year the -ttnenut the reprezeentativea 01 . , ltl.'Il took the floor nul was put îhiýoughly unscrop ItIS Coutity af Oltitario, of the dotent ,iu,:L,,i- '110alit ilite ýIec1à le., . lui dite nid ai-' (Laie'appi" .)- 1 eurs. A. 1 ý a a,,ý e1.1""ý1 l"., ý 1 1 Ï,D. Shaw kn-iv As a raittér of course bat Gzowski & the încorpoiatiou the people, kç.l apent thousandathdre il, t ltl;tkillg,' Il;. zk,-,I.tiý)II,ý. Tilat as te Llit (1t)'vil- position, bringing-lébarget, OW 1 .gi was set off, previoud to . 0 nfetotl LU Speak 'A fillicting rny'per@6nal chin 1 racter-ýcha" ýbOnJht it frOIR ýth* iýLU Mr.« Garrýtt. There Co. sold the property, but w ' hrit ' they sold .of the town. lit that year th3'whbIe-ýof Ottawa abouti] pay for .the Iloîtiaiiient ,,ibllditlttà&Cllt ('l a Pulici Magistrale. soute Mr. Draper mext &elle, Il and éther incum nd mure thaù il& just $lettre Of .& tllit%., ".)ý11,1 liýý'. t'l'il 1)1..Ct u:el(ý.;., c .tlltilt.;t grtat cunfusiun. . doiTsirri Pht 'wu a mort, - il TT, to whom, I bavé nô mous of knowing. the ait IVITitbl, whicIr' buîltratijýe, a by Lit vbIefi derire theirfôres net by 0 7age uPOý ý taxes levied on The Seeletl&rY loft Ibis post and stated 0 sied charg«;,but 1 the taxation of the county? Did Mr. Mu- .ii)ccii ruliàu.,t of tikd fow.1 (Iua;àcil; th IL menWnýbut hy molien fusinuation-_ýýJtalve bm"éi4. jà4moýlâ, lot i oold'0ut ml ln4'rui *'D'il tu illum, and 'jacluded Wb-',thv, Eut %Vhitl)y, and the tic, w per!urtit that lie coula act no lotiger. A itutuleur el thienti tué ' 'or.- .one ý'ëf-, ý them in . eau tu contund that beeduse the tile 1,by').. wa, .1 &;le eJe.Juý Vie raw-payers hall. gaite awav during V thsi e&rly opilortunity, the earliut:in f"- 0--et ý »b W'Ëai >ihiy bave durent vith il 1 am m igno- Tvn or Wilitbi, were $3,148, 41. Ili Gillivray m Il . < . '11 t lu lit t""tt" ' a 1)qls'leu-sý', :t'la L"lz w1lua 'If ,wbiçbbubeenprésenW to ]mie arreply-, whiéh 1 hud Ibo idîibffl or m»et remette ralt Re Yeu are. ý . - PO sincerely they 1855the whole ameublit of taxes fur the loterie capital üf the United States was nt Wasti- ', ble tu atte.àd tu il, thure werc the discussion, leavDig the rouent ratlier ,1 , ý jeu prdoi,éf tIMý if « Il. Il was a Most of Whitby were $1,169. At th - bare. The $cet f do go Out, for your satin- inter«L' -Tite 8ýtïoi; bave initié a profit by 1 al Lime ington, where -the pu4lip buildiulra cost ut"- , ety ut il, týistrat,ýs in tibu town tu do so. bu tet them. l . Io 1 thent Aý 4; D.- Shaw vituble properq sud Weil worth the money, ý ment roll for lions and where ,Millions were 1111PInd"d, P-21 ý by lavu vras %vies the signA fur Lhasa retilaining LU rise 6 " Ion, bot&- Rot imagine (« & dlo prouFbé it(ored., ii . « , 1 li ad tiltt t!lu .,,I.krv- allowed Lieu illý.-etînà" 1 ý the promrty fto Il 'il,>,' ,'bave - beau disposed loir el bad Leu go te the toivii-" ýthat Washington should In mot that lait wolibla tbink î 1 tt'be. te ated and niake towardà thu dour, ( me gidity of gave *ýmprtpge upou a it id représente - - z z0d Seprinte assean 2àr the lica"'est E 10 a voir, iI,,,,.-a. 1 of $ 1 ûi)0, as et a ,romuto, ivail kpé*n te, Ur. Brown for. ýWhoever Use 'biýmZIàt the property ghip assomment roll ta Murrive set the amount share of the tùiaCion of the Uiiion? Ytt % break- ing nit iii the, gNatnat ÇqP;'Wit)n, 1 **m, Imtýtake thilie the finit pubrit'oppor- firait 1 1 - 1. 1 , ý .)v Dr. iilaii. le-ivin-, the ,%fayor in . the chair with the 1. tbé«4 ln Meurt ý-Uâ*,-, Tatý)41 &CO-w te néca"S bat 'dons it Jý présumé, ville thé saipe ideà of the town's proportion. After the systein il was precizsely the argument made use or, 'Mr. 1).-ýi,)er -li.1 tint came prepared te rts i "ý si quite confounded touitj'o'f callling y»ratmtiola dl firm, .àéà , ý e Coonty otfer an qyillion ela thi., StibieUt; il Vras, 119 lutioits in tels hand Ongh the medlum di the pris« ibeir advaliése, a"Ib . i in pmeïr La - 1 entertat wb'êiý',l bouglet ît froira Mr. of takin, the animal value bal been ilitrO- when il was, said that becauss th lion of the pro- order tbbt thr whols, people give- titie tu Lise Grand Truck, foreclow 4 ' ; ý . 'l 8 t-JWII twooftliusýLllk-,-r.,Iiýt(lu.),Urvel tooliciv i al, the tintoward termina -Cameron numily, for the'purp6s'of break- il und with the incorporation oi4the toivii, buildings würe erceted et Whitby, th q tiiere ébould go farth tu the , &ad evéry fillerthing of the log IL op intë lots'and solling il to thé béat , e. In should beurable undue Proportion Of the tu the 17.ttviqýqvrs, a:lj reillairuà tilll, tel eeedin.I-i- èàs 1 of Canada MY short but comp4teteratation the mortrage, , . , 1 ' they fouiid the town taxes encrons Ili j ':')-'le tu il c,.,ýqpii. lie ýtditiittul that - ofthem, , ý . 1 the sale huit go- te advanta". q but one-fourteeiith of taxes or the county. the L'i'va r-ried jq COON es coititfflpoxDzlqcn. 1 (Cheëm.)Well, in ibis cOPI Of tib"s mouel atéruinýg. from ,> (Applauge). *_ Weil> air, bers 1855 th, innocent wu. repid La the as. -if Iv..iL!,Y colaributed, lai ,,: ment the ongàgemiu*ý of ý A. & D. Shaw. l litÉièhîrgý-ît'insnldthatll '1ýM""S the whole; in'56;the yeaeof the first sessment of towns, the whole spirit of the tu the t-',Iti;ity rite, - bat su did other nid- 1 - i akk wore me the firot thirig tbat appeau , - ý . 0 prov . 1 pée, ýt-d eh 'ri ý This, sir, in one Or thlà tèr Of ' ' Crown-', Rand My -influence te gel ,qualizatio, on the surtout valu il vas one. législation on the subject, went IL ' ttiuip;tlitiv..; in (he SI.,101. and lie instancluil ý qtLngc, Dec. 4, 1860. in a report, of à a eh of Mr. Hel-ry Clé&- -V -) the e, . 1 t vorchaPM&O with fflpectto the Grigend ýcbtrgu-broq&bt 'aqeà" Me, Wdtýkî4 telle 110016 PrOPertl from the 'Orduance départ- tweifth; in 457 il had enctemed to une. that property wu ammed et nearer its full Loweship ut l'i(ý>-t-riti-,. wherc lier aie apprît- . ý rpool. gaz. "av" 1 mAlté -tolit., 1 A celivellesper 1 tenth; and il% 185s, ville» the value of value in towns, titan it vus in tOwnShiPlT , Priatiuil 'If £-'ý)tl il% '%il-, Liiiiisilcii'ýs lime, My DEan Stit, , , , I, , TrllmkýRètlwlày delivered in IÀVO . 1 ý 1 ' ý My ipell of luisure liva; ýouàdeýlf bieind. 1 wisla tu gay nothingfi2nhe-iragaiàat -Iîsh"ý itý.Ïýýàtý.-w*ll »mark-ed that:theY' it 4îg1TIerý and, relsping tb4'beiiefit %tly every and the leýiâIature haviug ibis in view, that tulvil-illi, 114111 tu p2% £ý6()O. Ilu ar- , , eov, town property tend decremd gre, rucd tikat aIth,)uglà Lliere .%Y"-L-nu lue-il bu- interrupteil juàt when 1 w about WFWIlg . r. ï- et tient l;ý ksbn -Te quille surprisedt,&-Ifain tient Miniattre *&à IsSwer ta that, 1 say I wu in n'hurle- where, they futend thnt instend of recedin.- Most justly provieles. that, rond estate in . " or Wut M ' Ch% ,12lan, ex-T ý £10$0">; te playwith. 1 J,,ýmiiî,ojîty &t.'thé time, without the Most towns, ehould not bc, laiton ut il$ assessied Lielit froin ÙIL c.,;I)caid.ttai-p-.'Litu town Tt- youb a week agov and having lo.,it the Op' ' - ' - * Intima à very Pénaliser course with rep+d litre ln obi"& 'hm ý. 1 1 the asse4ed value of the tamils ]TUE! swell . cvived ail indirect belleilt equivilent te ail née héfè«ý er, assid 1 thiak ' , chaýce of beuO ýuJ à M'n'atér of up frwil ý ion of ton te six ; itp,&i.L llýaýluIIc pottunity, il ,was of course useless te send *9 Qrand Tronk and in This gademesit ut- .1site, air, goi,,bmkl il remote $475,168 in 1855 te $997tG33 valant but in t'je proport Il as the agitation of the letter whieh would bd ton or twelve bellema' Ili Win tell Yeu thm.thoýim*,ofmy beint quai' izedp,ù, -.,,j,,.t coll&.Dc:lc,.d with ourselvuse lit UMP4 tu, ittitiry It. He made, . 1 a lits Crevé, and Ur.' noiton'and myself in 1858. Evert the repre.îentativeg of that is liftier ail the rolls *Te el at you a . linitime my >etedit.ý" - y"' t se aný oie else a. £100o in tomate, ought tu, dayà old whient it umWe. itd,.appeamnce ait TU ta this country lut entamer, but Il: minla« ditest Il6% ik boui'ghethe properi à" l the townàhip municipalities aek*uovted,,. péril assesseil levu t%-cro d-.-licimuli t a 6't a . urrW lùi4 St&tfflmenin this efflétry de net findît a mi 600. why Wà# ibis? Il Cou _ .= oie the lumilà. Howeveryo aW notPut ' -lit huvé: tougbt'ii ý and open the same ed the assessement of the town tu, have butin , ý . simisl *Mantly ha" been a b ý ï bu WuSd te £ > lai tee (NIr ) llzta tiot yonr co nul ha" (41160 jute the Most profi"lt bulmm---lý é«rtâibsIyý, ha" UOV tertu. 0 Jaýtbe second ýlaee il is auerted thon tee high; but whîJeý acknowled.,ÃŽng VIUS Prout Positive, thot ,the Lugistature givice, bleu sullicil a grcat deal of tousidur- on mourniui, for a Io" wbichaMýQunts in or be wofflt) . s,ý4 ilsas . 1 hi Th. atiole, lie woul 1 bc tILý;irutès of "king fur- tact, ln fittil More than the tenih f gure onord and ridiculotes S*or% and no one found Il sô. - (Chéel* . Strier.) Tbë thal, £24,000 have bute ýp >4 foi, 540 acres the fuel they tend net the moral ho. kuew that luira property wu amemed A ý 1 Il refevýdj tir, lit met whièh vis bang tilor £240,e'aud il% repiy La a il rer il&' acta"I value thau pro ther tillw tu ý,,,ii1ler the in.ater. The of the nimberais with Rolle 0'.1ber before i14 IMOVU thm more tbor«,;bly thélit yourseif, cellier eb&Me ln whieh gît . es te do Ili W&S just on the et, and lieu I qualification of tuvil,,Itip ,If ['iý'.,cri:q,, lie saitt Ou4ht tu fur we bave tend in f«Ility an abuadant xr. c6àpman. ýThi4 il the portion of the made on the watboritl'of Ur. Cbu"*% but ibgi* 1 suy tient the whole of the pruperty equ.alîzation of the asses3ment rcII._ý péril in townships. Tiu un t-'iVidcý1 into ter-) eeparatlb muliieip4li- lack of incident and news genérally. «Yeu il of ut. chap . ou le wbieh 1 -fer, directby Mr. Brown; and, ydu -will--Per- P'Teuricha ý sed froin Mr. Cumeron, the Ord- The total amouirt which'the toviu hud pàid votera further want te proie Ibis, fur where tius, aad if il tv,:e, and liait, twe illore ro- *Poo othert As m ý value, qualdfied a township Councillor cm tel lime Orange meetin'-'i4 Qom& con- la& 0 1 Baturda, Instive tut 1 gay U&Imore th=ý tirbmýýie oni's, nonce and h been Solde as r a the Couaty in siý years -wu $11,9019--:-be- $400 Pl-e.iet.LL[i il:.;, %ve woolla bu able te count "" . ýý Ille înrorVied^ for illeut TIQUI. L Tbird and lastly, il à "uired $1300 for a tétera Couueillor; emaing, the ministry, and Oi1îéýîi ciihdeým - n- Vit lob wu copiod by the 6 ri 1 ChWrX* Ji,. Bitva ' The divikion of thu i GrA. George-BSwill Any thj pesper qemes out and ý of M'Oof, Who il ,&,,sü- wit s the Nirtli. last, and cc ing and uta*i -a thelug 1 bave oeirer as, a Minister of the Crowu ,!g ait animal average of $1,984. - legislature knew thait the same tuvii.iliip't)f II Le ýcià, lie tbnuý_hL would aljo, lu*' atich-f-pndLmatî r*ý th stalotissent, tayîtit thm lit vu *itkî wilfully hbùù»ý. , . ý ý was for the ratepayerà té consider whether because the te , . ý hunier tOý ho file% ri Iship, et $400, would lie holp us. lie culi(-luýiin -tic sailli, titat we elcmonstrationst calied, et the Installent of I.- tIothvbichýhe 1 - - .. Iý Illy] ixertea aboy. 1 dueune with the OrduauL - 1 A..A -à .r«i,àtion'ýot. dm" as ý ý ý 'e they could reduce ibis large amenant bY PrOPçk'tY ia a towl .. - .--- -----.---Il __ __ - . ý . . . - ý -..-.-à -6 tl'Illib in a town. Eveu the ouk;h.t tu.bu tile;aý,,t I)e,>plu in the world, bojus nijnom, boy& and non-electom vilenie 1 (J the C«*- roaIL Mar- or vas %»t:JbTu ci, Obi *,;àum$L a memb« -f 4. dion . 40«mmat,4 in emnexiim with the thk im W bm ti*Mved,' ibe re Juneshewed thât tbe mSu In'-emm ît, b4 the lSzwrw-,* er the town jloý.d Umwem oi 1 beanch of the Gmad Trmk - meni-J part-em wu the nu or the land bave to ümk the PWÀ;dm Xr. 0» oi c»W be witildmwal il, , ibuualda tibillin and enuumt4> wtlb6 grMad, irlit:1 refbrefte to, tbe purcham of 538» ibn town wu le «aliled m te lay pence 46 for a, VM bkrlà sou. Tbe *aJe was Tr«miqsX for a éopy of " voli.exeeutwd of the liabilities or the Omaty- wêre adoi, befutt dter "-mmu rit -110W yÀeý ropmerty by thme Cole a mdQý we were ià%nua »t the timma, to )L'J' It ý,,M te tre «- ula to its pro. produced, and he womid 014alia the potut ut iý, He sbould %ilk: U rite of a mmm irbicb premules t6 be fût0i di il 1 W hall af portion-ef thm amets, -«Idek it'tak» - lu- before m adjourned meeting, ikt WWch heur Ille ettatr eij, *and afikod Umt th" or cogne» ceam tbe &gais y busimm . man in the one O&M &t om teutt4'f« CW U" tieu ciber neceuwy uà empare th... let eme offa t",XîWc Ilan, & p 1'w liov oi 'ti eopo«atiulm mm &JOmd es xeum I%àdul W £36,00 «rmmq.- p - ectpJ it, idionU bé jurOrmmfijjý iWd bg, f6r.' ahould laing 1,ward their fitüv" Md Pl the proper- Ever eh&" be Xr. »biekwel4 and 3oantjr sbould ha- one, and it coulit wobidawbeo»4eu*cf" vam ltbù idaled. Agrtotami hadb«M wîde Odebrîty bu lhat the 4f«fbubmiqk ILIMM ty W" plu 1 ilwara, ring te t&U it, ne f4il toprove àla exceUact 4unct to ibe w-14 be nier md abore our fiaWity for ", illbout ibn - bad fý,4ýg bet«= the cause ed the ruq«Wdm. be *mm &M'wu tbp, c-my debt0o thar in Cam of se town alid the" mid.,a of 0 ault seboola or tbe emati. m-ti-z rxtion was nie which »ed uot, t* ym, wha iau irem tue çu t: bo" of a mmeer s4 the laud »w ýW" to Oka Trmh CQM'% WOSW be -tkW to reWive immediate- would give riee go; bat, be mked, &d my cum.,j by tI, od beccum he reât ULM it cwims a prend -"-y in re tL» hSdita &4lam -de of binbolAc *Omgri Awlîm &W "Pav. Orm this in a abotit ýE&xlLT F -en.-liam-kupmin Il !ýqW tbe Cýuot&tY in c"ý a a= éftweity- badjec4a.- * bet" ,tXfq" of beliaved that th,. Ctmty Omna did " gard sa the Qwal And we wowd: Lee et the Daim wkkà un" avulôt, be ommb 4qum- .d 9e8àvkW111kýd Mýté" k" e d'o jtΫ» t- 11-- .1 Wbitbyj Aie md ma we, ilme Lýr& 0 .1 dm ç 1 an ,c'au Or tW &1licle vdi dO w*U te &y F&h*mwk& alm be entitied io the eno N-8 and "'" ig te te k,,,, dut Aibr good or fer evil, ha" Wbiable weak tail Ãœwfû%ybirthsrullýl -r'.Ood th"" Vri*-'00*'Md mesm whick iaterpéele irery ààght obstaâe wil i tbe àmxuào»iiý, Th.,,--tmt-«Uiem vould have tel a»um buis, the &lm et ]Wlevidle, Dw" «M dd . , _ Our interest in the cbuaty A»d why «J& m ve moï mu ilât. -0 I.M *q«, ne., d cbourg ? , ffl a WL or Ovtr shoWd 6, il% Our cocm» ta PMM*F . . . ?-.0 ------ wOuld bt $5,100 to begin wWL 'And' dfflld there ? - Ibo S *Awd a" be ilbu 111" th'm auto y" mai reu»-am Cam mmk v> ým ew Po-km, bave à Ilew'y liraiie ami I#A d» poéât -ouM be stit ferther !iý q touidred jà Lhe eutfflty cq»Ma tbe amomt of tbe valim or 9m ivéWs oue wbere ùla cou»iy Illa ettib« count v tLe il skum euler part bomm qmqlmàpaý»dw y 'i0m imnâ md ar««imal fSimickt. j bu: of opom W," coltiributioâ for makinq ruads md brUgu may alirbutal -e over the ta*% «,*W.bvw towm would Tom* 4W fmqxq c< LbÃŽ4,-»-"4 -0 abanàmtly- 1-P" Ili t" de rad.--& hir». io@Awl.gwbm te p- TO comewfflm iba &c., thrfflibout the CýuaLj for wk" the o*er the comol. - ý IR *td- Mr' U'pl- 1,1 thlst offl reglm, tàwy Made ou *b ibut Slm à law al- pron" that we sholild rocaille umm =der " *Pà imý Mr. ju%'duw ýr ýiUkýàrawaI bi »Wond à" u0unts W,>.,Id tmt 1 WR» 1 "a **Oý ne -qa credit. Ur- Bîýe1Gw went on te 31À* how, dm muqw*d, borý,-ý N low in m4kiag W" L bhitly *@ it, pàmd è« tw ce tbé SL Ai muid èrew'à Soi *0 coünty c«Ma W" tkemm, Md iiu lu -Wbr fam h-M., tbmfÀm the tu-m, VM lagmeed M lm jamar in *W ý»WOcr. e-mima ai X. -a t4m îd, nm-W* C-mi gmomar âdom, *hm$, at &hum mdy pf4àà11ý, *W a-bu" l'bout àmmm 1 "y $19«L WM and the bidit %lSu in lium y« vm à0Z U*,.èm»44*- th. MI,", .2t CZ Y 1. dW p. te thacit týkjm& wereru- mat totimm alie-was in op-*Vqm

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