Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1860, p. 3

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-TeIlnois,(Jenui %Bd iesahares N W ADVERTISENMT. ,0 dvane.LIVERPOOaL, Wedoeedy. - c p.smchenter 1smyhtola res. Breodatouff& , quit. C lticb&tlholl, 8Spauca& Co. olote colur- orn Bd~ tiomued.- i d t 2d ýSherËrS Sale Of LanldS foi Tales. , cee.E MIernf dnlamerot nsxelu, the Cour t . yçroviaos quietat'dnd ucaoged. Silgar e'lnuofLsieinTssl IeCott Tur-wwheloat the Court ies fusa. Gaffées uis r- Ihior hitui '15c*et lhi, latBlac 8h tead>aî S348 Gd ta BOir.ou-s50 nuit dutoouethe it f, gu WilTDClos l . P th ieSus1ih, sud frenthe olit athone WIIITY >KAlKE'1S. SthOf C)telur; sud frontio Ilucioptkouail unil Modny, s th tdey of iluell, 155, at Eeported b>' &. E Pae-, ESqu the ocî011*2aO'elOek, uoo, ell talie pace unt- - ýi ý ~~the Curt lieseinthe os tofi'lkitb)-, os ciizos1eLs colo, ChsILu u Clshoîhiiaaeuioind Nov 21,1880. NELSON G. RESYNOLDS, Thse idaeket bioa bOSt5 pirýgly supplied B OS Suon, C. . the pust fev dtya, sud ual mur'bgan Whthy, oct 2410 188 er 44Nîre. nriiîug Ths declineanud doseosard Ca Ctont-ropser u b ne>' of tise ew.York markets have quite atnt T spg r i th îelteda pratian. We oMay quate Falî ]Public Fores3ts;. $i iodtsansd Spriag î90c. Tise Park onsa boa just commenc0d and nmre Iota tl 0day at $5 6SOd, for benvy hog.- es general iiOpreBooon ini tbat it wil auot ldaI liis figure. Ditt-S ring $0 02e 0 $0 95c. luNirîSyinI iuir oi P~ubic L-nuolscithiot Pl 3 $f0v.i.o ut f LiSe, ii bu co l lpiis.hid sile Vlnr 45 & 5r- Lusse provideu~sohlis ioi iîbi udea Peo,4 ~46.Thuo theY nîod 10*0 osu reuuoeiuogn or' harle>' 5 0 50. cf ils ueinifeiore;an arpq-e1oigr ois 0e028e eanilg toto ,coeîi ioovl L-iicg i n olose- Oiti50.2Q8 OUing suAt liitrbontIolliorelsi.Oeh til DiSe Rly $600e.$10e. owb f tue De1euueluiieit i afCesss n uda, cujeet Deef $4 o0 $6. teIsois t 'lat f 3prTevt Sheep $3 Qs $4 50. 1'roo liuudrnliug ouser or c enci.S Poiioe. 20.tie Dcoariineuaot suCruueu l.ubuda li h;Odis- PoBttas,10c. change ol lisu(lute lun aeîousg 'rtuuoîoenillegol>' Bugg tte If0e. cti-or lukiiug:tlvztu-or eoiiuicoee h tko Egge ite.~ dO aosy, 0v rtiulur eeiz4 uuseer tue Ac 12 Vie, _____________________________Ci 1. 30, orc goiS3 s5. (if iuny. 1ýuiO. cittitiuucfillibr uî ou onelamul SPECIAL NOTICES. ly lucui oui roluoe;eiieiuliot, ho eu fliuetueuu c uuîg îlio'Tiiir,iuom feus- Rtelief Ilu Ton IIimdtsil. pàisors s nicuce. NiOGllu u t&50 iSS U S n idejuuay tuidy m u e ,io t'orf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Land s, _ _ _ fei5Diue8iotabIan uclLai. . ehui CmC~ ACilmM, itamu. BitOu.u. FARM FOR SALE. hlEeEWNAFHS g8 e he uiliiinleobu maluuAcooiLso.7are étonois iiaer fniltuo cfesea lpid audlailoinOumcor. 100 rie asutuihave bcsn eustiihuretopriel eath vionb tie îLu culiucelon of hickeriuog, t îecd ouerr miehuîvoins, tnemase 01011 u leCoouco ntaio,,nitli auo lihuoionuuoubiy are eusulrnablesonug oui a coc- exceolut Fuiniuliis,fLira,, uati out-,,ed neccced dspar o it uaOr uW iloug1 e i chbooe .uy iue leiouo uu oruu y uo- l o existiouol! ievseeet, iro uy li, previdou ligs; o les adbanucarluie%. A0ao lie sucureunrmdsfvialî0 ls M net!chope loo Oehrd %'h A, CPe u11111 ud ro VcCsu.nec ncnD P[au.ur uitAoss, tbuscr WOfiloi Tise stoci e f,, yh ciucd lit uuiofheu .ioruuiaruy valuaiuller cwiluînosu DtY rew.e u ollesCsuull het otthed, Temushl liblio Coui 6 iustnit-000ueoua iuîl rouuiinoceiiiludil5ii-tîc irOntuari. iu s euiti buual nlIs of che ose0 .oi ao te utoyeoil. ai an luniiuuuo autc ViIhw«,u o juof iluoro tb.es e miWO msnuMiu leeabiiSuuotieoea, greully * uuiuilo losuuub uuukmib'ccuuh, uu le,mou. lm niSOi4eoeanîcu for whielu piioci 1 ie"y ouur eiueii ouist re nd upiisuiii a hnlud 1% Sl.. ePor rRciee . Y cillago. LiboruolTernis. ir ent -rciiS~î.~ Wt-îo1Yply tu oilinribsr, suthe proeis, if For talc up G. A. auiieur.0,01 W. I. D0col b lte, pot-p.id tibr.I. D. eCb onjsu, tYSrid5s and &ùirue- WILLIAM SADLERl, lauu- Oaen. Otlecuucouul lP. 0., Conity Otarn. HiE GREAT ENGLINR RESIEUT Piscnoiuug, May 15, 1860. 44-Sun exih JAO*i5 cLAiKO OTho Tribune for 1861V elebratesd Femnale Pillrt,- rrjeed/Osa prouoeriplui i f SirJ. i.Ycl-cVif PROSPE CTUS, 1., P83uoioin £ctrortfieuM gofIne Queeu.- lts eelli lnowuMo eicin, le.uuiimpoition, Theu XXIb Voume of the WEEKLY hut usuire aund ecfe reuuedy for FiuuuuhcD1> Tiluun coisuecd mitis the issue of euicsnd Obsttoctloiss,irulu anvncau50selunat- Sept. 1. Dornmg thue past ycnr The Taribune or; and lthiecgh ut poenfui reniudy, tbuy bas been oliged 80 devoto qoillet a large iuuhu cothinq bri ~teCis e ciictititiili. urrîon of ils opace te Politisa,but mo Te bSnried Lsdieo It lc peeuliirMuoioed. tr 111 i asehorti Ci, biiîg on Ctus ioutbiy obafi îoon te able te, fore go Pohiiceal dhi- rsd riChu egeuunrity. cuoclon alcool eîtirahy, for nîotba if net Viens Pilla eoer uetuseste fail Ivlions for yeat m eoou arlsun r0o ut directions cf Cuis od Puage Of 1uuunoplubt arelinis ta suj-jecto of esu intense, but mono el osrved. For flibi portiuliircu cci a pacplîlt, froc, Of biding, ictest. Amecg tbose, we. mean 1 luei. 10ef5>' copeelil attentuinto. N. B 1$, iand 6 posa sinuisfo uiood 1 EDuocÂem.-Tie sehole oubject of nisutho *zed ageit ciii euucre n boccloil ranI Gnia bt 'lluibynccîon .uun .For oubciut Vhitby Eucatisus, beibiPopula ad enrl 0-. . I-oiiuieir adIh' l c.l . 1s.ihi be discusEed in sur eolumufs tbraumgh- eitnugiefl, U and ahle, su d nhicc sdeîl- sut the ycsr 18681, anodl muhope ta elicit In.. ut d oicusinsouteuof he rfondst lie A GOOD THING.-TBY IT h TIIECiASAOI.C5 PAIN DESTROYERi. S' A MEDICINE for tbe iuumelite sund pie- munnuiu reov of ail juins frouu Chus syniul Vi.e L7anaician Pain Destroyer ore euaiiiuu huconl>, d pasin lu Chus ugo Biek aîud !ide. de a /We Conosiian Pain Desfroyer Ill uisn Pilti lu ths bond and Siet isoadnce. sent Te Canaits Pais Destroyer foui. res Bilous Cholie aud Crampe lu tisa Stenseis t le !It. Canasiiaas Pain J)eaf tpr nt1 nxea ChiIons,1 heleo Montons, Dyesntsr>' sud ïBoeesl Cosphiut lIas Cauusias FPais Destroyer ui* ccle Sudden Colas sud Soe rents. B - Pm 7e Clanasiien Paix Destroyer lim cnet Nouralgia, Thodoloureuu, sud Tocthoebse. bi Thse Coasidan Pais Destroyer umuta Cnes Borne, Senbda. Frùmt-hiteeuVhilblânu Z&C. dlta nie Ccadas Fais Desftoyer alisd aItoai 010cxclluout thiog for strainu, Sursas, demies Vituodo and Bruineï.. I i takcc âvoy a 1 Pais theo muoment it- laspplued. iluis No Fiusuuhy caîsaîd ho seiiuont n boule eut nh à@ The Canaslian Pain Destroyer lPh riçe 25 cents îer DoCIle. Ait AIordere addrecsd 10 55t NowCTIiOIo& LYM/ArIS uhif Newcatle, é. W. Fo ,16u l WVitby hy G. A. Bauîiotirn d Oh ,5 In I.oh.il. D. iiethritueton, Uobrldgi, uudl ail iucdiciuoodeailers. BIRTE. SIIIER-.--At Myrtie, au tise 158h Nov.. 1. e mifeoaf Mn. James Sisien, Tesciser, ofta o Com CARMICHAEL-0n Mentit'>, tbe 12h ot, tise wifa of Peton Carmicbaell Wic-k, sued- f t'son. MARRIED. feu RAW2ONR.CEÂRDSON-A-t Whuit- 7 om, Nov. 21st lest., b>' tise Rem. Jams T. :MO men, John Bammlon, te, Mary lticbadî, le e# MU t Piokeningi lid i DIED. nt,ad CAhISICHA51L-Ait Wick, an Wsdnes- p tel* y14th losi, Infant mon of Peton Car- se COWDr.-t Use resdeemtlsof Mn. A-. orna>', North Cajogm. Mn. John Comtien te C.t6 esr af bis-~ Pgennanl Ila&W. BUCIIl4Nln pr erto h ,miui tit at, Mn~ Jobn Bochanu, aged 8< ,e edi à 'DELL-Ii Oaltvile on Use 12ts intt, ajorO'De, fatr ofs J- E. Ware uses Alisent, aget 83 eas PRUDI4OMmE-B Pein. Mbllrt or $MW eIt1 d21b instant, Use lnfhit son ofM1r. ait. idon Pruommesrn. ibis*NYAW Bai! B k Streai, Wit ssal WAETEDa ans tsto.a,5s Ihinkers aou the ablest instructors iu our country. It is ai once our hope and our î'csolv -j dut the cause of Education shahl rocolvo an ilupetos froin the exertiono oOf Tue Tatmaîso in ils belif during the yonr 1801. Il. AGIIUsîceeort'e. ýVe ave been coin- polleel te rcotrict Our elucidaionof oSthis greot interest îloooughotît 180, and shah in enilcavor te atone Chereforo in 1801. Wbat. til ever tliocobery, deduction, desoonstirationi, l ta calculatleo retoder lho reward of labor do. devoted to cultivation mure ample c r -ursait certain, shahl recoivo prompt and full at- tention. lie 111. MAsUrÀCTIrlos, ot-e.Whail cvcry "Il invention or enterpriso wlîereby American e Capital and Labor are atttrscted to and &id- ho' vantageously cmployod i n any departînent cI of Mainufaturing or MOlehanaal Idustry hi as a ral contribution tu the Public WYralb 0o inouring ampler,steadier, more convenleut, more remunerating markets teothe Farmer, el with fuller cmploymcnt annd botter waess to the Lahorer. The pitogres Of Miningt o5 lron-Making, Steel-Makàing, Cloth-Wet'- 7 Ui ,d. e, in our country and the 7 wardshîi e mteocu sd reported by7 us witb an carnest and active SymPatbY. IVFoocluN Arr.uos-We eooploy the 1 best correspondetits in London, Paria, Turin, Berlin, Edirupoan Capltalsto tVans- mit uas eaely and accurato adeicca Of tise groat changea there silcntly but certalnly 1, preparing. lu spite ufthtei prosanro of a Domeotie Polities, our Nows fo h Old World fa noir yariod sud ample; but wu shalhabvestt render ît mura perfect during the uventfül ycsr juat beforo us. V. bac ENEv.-Wo employ regular paidcorespondonts in Californut., nt the latbmus of Darieno, in the ltocky Moun- ltain (id Itegio. and wbeor e ls tboy aoem reqoisito. Froc thse more accessible portions of our oon counitryr, wu derivet Our information mainly from tbé multîfa- nious correspundenta of thes Asscciotad0 Press, frem ounr cchanges, and the occa- alunailettera of intelligent friends. IW. 9agis tu print thse chespeat genoràl nova- paper, witlr lb. fliroet aud moat authentie sommary of usefi lîtelligene, otuat is anywhere tsllordod. llopiug toto. Malkeeach dmy àmentie on thse mot,1' and print a, hut- ter and better parr from YeitutoYear,mas aur means'anie steadily enlarged tbrough nthe gencriouo eo-opleratlOfs 01fOutMarlay ,rell-sr st. we aulici, and sisal1labor ta udeserve, ~ Cuntinolast ofapuoïc favor. TERMS. DLsTaiUNes (311 issues per annui) $ SENo.WEs'y (104 44 . )$ IVKZKLY (52 44T S ToeOttUU- SatssW#64 Tva"Opi' ,nfor $5 VFive for $11 2D, Ton copies te o09 raddresa for $20, sud Samy urger qumber at thse latter rate. For aclub of 1!sroty au anetra rapy milI b.sntFor a club ai' Fort>', se send Tas DAILy Tausuv graâtis Wae*f y: Thm scopies for $5, Eight îlcopies for $10, and aypru ubl~t *paper tbe addressed taeoaCi' nuOihor k Toe _bu ls tToent>', vo moud au axtra - "ftsoty clpes faote s fftflfor $20, mil Snu xtra ta hlm Wha manda s> the - lub,ý For «Iacl ub 'of (he O udpsd Tâs Dà.ai*T wa7Su il bo ment gratiS fore»u draf &tsnu u o prerd 't'la MU& - Mbrtl*mm to remit Ihoik WS 11. Tise 11ma90 of th& e SPom S acmndstats *eux lia al Pmt4îS4Ti1U N. ,354., m'mseu tent, NXV ITOL DoJStEVUâ r- ]» GREAT Uit- 0F BANKRIJPT STOCK &oveArtov 'AT Fml lstaid esthbU0008Brook Ut.WbUt *1 ovadt"y ey mlsipuoo, atome-pis 18 ry in a tsi AU&E JAQ&U r.,e on W1, IAM Jich wiilha B&h s red cryi 43I j, Wî Ki- i Dcel esto Dm ti ?RA FIRST RA TllY TRE Teaà and -C( FIGE-TO1IZOTO, 43Kl treet lia8t0 ithe Paatsedlicollio= ' 40;z * 111011 Co.d Ohi>' 55 oscanin. par gu nut GEORGE yUIl'S, Jr. miSOn ECOAL I bL IA ITII îiusydcti's 0,W patent Bornera, al coîuiîlclr. oîîly 6234, nout , efflORE lu=ESJr. A FRFSII SUIdpLV 0OF rue tampet, llouyiiii and Bido Ltuipo, a cloolcetifour .îiffrerit leutde of Barnuo -nt scry 1, wPr ce5. RoomLamp oii Mi55cents oach.- me l'ori.idKeraos suad No- nwiriWlCk lire Cils lwarsonn oofai IC>Prioss GEORGE TULE, ,àr. A NEW STOCK OF EEVEd F11011$1 to $30. Ct 'Ilotidiogi fur 1pîeture Fraesu SCtation- î'ioliiî sirugs, &0. »ERM8.---STlJcTILY CASH. =-ff GEORGE YULE, Jr. kMES Ilf. GERRIE SELLS ater Oil and Lamllg, 'oal 011 and Lanpis, RorosoneOi011and Laznps, Burning Phiid & Liampo ,n1er tiuun iîry clini ho boîoglît ol5VWIiCn (ail nailarexamine heforo eislg tcoTOrOi- wie iiîi.1oalor Llumps, llrp sud Chah lhiLiie.Churches8ollodaîWhôIO JAMS H. GERRIE, Dnsg sund Book Sien 'luiiby, SSci. 81, 180. 41-4w rSig ai thuelied post and Moa' Public Lands. ETOS the Croon lwill tairo hotu, tiil igi'tiens ,reqiiiriUI payinot rif dues un pooblie lands arc iin fusll fore it the ouooe~,o ofloiîooot osqutters line rc!iiiiiile duCiot tlîey inn oui claireo n rilit ino Poblie nl.sdol'Y Percha iloth crussei, alil thst Chesonu dsiuliarcaou lie fiSea so1licssot. paricoot cf Ceomis Loasd, Quohiec, Oclohenaloit, laie. ONTARIO BANK. TOTICE lloie loey liivlo Clii ics1,0fÀlbOmli .qsalisoilic(1 teqiionid, ulisees linClstheui uitk or Cielianitîiu on aocu eu olar idat pyil toicIloonkor iii briaoelî i:A hRI eill c f ion linrccent. On ftle 1 e,oohlerii-NC. A sixtil caillof ian per coi a te lsi ItNiiorcli nexi. liY Ordu of tlhe Biotril, %he lune to 3u1. D.b ISIIlt, Caslln I ooinanslle, set.S10, 180. 43 i 1TIIITY PIANO FOiRT MANUFACTORY, Mary Street, Whitby. I OSEPil F.RAINE Pil akes gesci louuiTc h foriiiioug Ctii public thC lnt n cly reobilou tlîooc îextensive promisies foriou ectrriedby '%Ir 1).Forcos aCaritorulcin il te Tooselo c' f Wlihy anlad wlioro libelai gogeil i li e îsuo'ofaIlANOS ' % ýi tli4iuioolrui ioiprovuucioo a od woiîl1 iii wàareaitl bhoeqoîal !li rilîiiooy of Ce 1mars evof bouh, nd tsciuer ehî in lohon, si in AîserIuro. Ail Iliaoes arc modle b>' hlm mlth fol] me oe fronces, taL4 oser string, of Cloe boot of m od Giaober, aoîdmtonerinas of the Sinost iriptioi- J. F. R's. long rericuce of tussrly 20 yai bothit uitcnOLa .,IQorco iy, am ll ,e sfi United Station snd Cuis esllusiry, enal uin sta club oli suîeluet bic obiie>' t1 suupîeo saisfaetioniCte epublie. igTprices Walllieho bod rmeuh Le r tisa thsose of Inporled Instanou of inîrior mauoiofacturne. sit Octave, tusquaire Csoc,)......b 61, do (rounad corner,) ...... 7 do do do ........ 7 do (vecr-atiiog) ...... 7, Oceboo, (over-.eniug double rouond crv lepo)sOxuia,.............. tgA gunankitg'f six yyesgiven voit intrsuent. Ail miouc-serktiu ithoes rswoool. J. *F. It'c. l'ino iv oe taliioitire% pria the i'roiiçinl Exhibhitionsc, cnd n-o lizhily recommaendadib Che Judai. le Smoc roerieu10 oerel fé.11ileoloiil îiChy ,lseilolae t0hie Coolsty, wliolis heul boul hule tCoIlËply, as tothe qunlil>' ofhia la igrAll kiisaof String Instrumns rap A&Il Pisses cf mir nasfi>eturo kopt is tir sous pear iSICtrs. gg-liesenalhor theoAddrono, JOSEPH F. RAINE' 43 WhA ORE bis esbabliobiuuot sat e ephatiomlly co#D O:Cp-c TME PEOPLES' OHEAP CASH SFTORE," .ÇI Tbuo folcwiuogGoots nrc esrCuy of hc slpeoui nttention of intsndiog par- C D ~ lrcos Goodt, Rob Roy and oiher Checks, PeintOd Catshtt'5C5, cu Cobaurgo fnaail cabours. A large lot of Canadienu Twees,wite o sud red Pînonebe, prunil d stricnped Shirtiaga, ni a baumai 0Tapestr nd Two pby Carpet. A busTge lot ai Druggetiflg, Houp pCarpets, &e. Lailien' FeltItas, la groat irarlt; Hiler. E taies' and Gete naGbve,, Ftir Capsanad Gauntleti, - La- Sdiea' Vlolorinea, 0055, Mils, &a. - Tems, Sogars, Tobaceos, in great arielv, ai a lasgain. flEt' Io 10Robes. Chôcolate, -Cèoa, Toba<ioOeS3, <VarioU braud$,) Wine an Liquoru, London Porter, pale Aie, Piokled and Dried 1%sh, Herringe, Sardines, Pickles, SPpleen,&o- L adi eis' M isses, an.d C hiLd Iens' 1Boots .ax .d1Sho .- LOWES & POWELL. 05. ou 13. Id md 1..DL SI, )rs eu S I.kRariOlL5 . <1.Stripe Shirting, Cotton Warp, Citrpet tD",ý hb u omoil pur BLA CK TEA, Choico per lb...................... S re , Canadan Tweeds, Fl'u indhm Ss hidfi lie h aagni oi sel, Pl ~ Superio......................~ osonutily W the British and Frenchi Markets, tn lail t.I nfla Ce fi ~5; ~pro a 'auiavnoon the Sterling 0 .5 FOR ,$1si. lie -ouloall sli pe 5t .0 cal attton ' bis artenaiva stock Of, OBEEN TEk, Goode......... .......................26 g7- REÀADY-MADE CLOT IN toG < n Ohoice ...... .. . .w......................... 3 0O e eung m de up on the nuezises--the Fit and W -rkman hll>' Men§ 64 C Exra oi .. . .. . e6 ods»endod on. ,1,000)bfèna aa4jBoys Top and Body Coats,100Mn %t Sprio.............................. d&6 oysVebe ,Bo00 Mena sud Boys pairs of PasaOff ever> PYlCO and () 44qisianIin>o'. et -e Imper orte............ .e4...... 9 1 âiy>'s:SokpTau aadTobacoUs &o., jutmeeelore Finet I p res............o COFFEE, Finest Java ..... ................161 WANTED, 1,000' FEPLRIS 0F GOOD PAOKED BUTTER 2" <~La-guayra ............................. 3 FOR WHIOR TEE HIGEST, si]WL 11PAl HIAMILTON &ROBERTS.' CALL B&FIUiE P11IA4ING «EIIlE .le REMEMER R (kPERR'BICK BUILDINGS, WHIIJTBT. and w la w]Et MWWbitby, November 7, 1860. 4RO Just Reoeived, Payer, Vaientia and Sultallc Raisins, Ctirrants 'w o and IAm,3ILTON & R0BIURTS. ~~ lJFRESE SluppuzS F .. ~18O. tis, TèId, BanktsFlanel, CreyColoe, Cotton -Ch 1860. FÂLL IMPORTATIONS. 180. l ketdL o tus »QFý Cttl Ugg the Yamenstriped Slurtsn, StFédLlesOî L ruge au r l dio,]reds odShawls, Ce. àKattis,I'ud t4 s ~ ,~ J EL B voitO WfeU atsi, (voxious stylos,> Ladies' eaéDresse, P f ,. DJ) IEES to isimateCe b is Cuaoiînuru and t ibuapohilefinot ho bi9saeSlk elti ri>iis, Ribxb, eth rs. ~s morsCha siaS> b Y' oratioos-il anascipatiels 0f et largo sl oPlumes, FlOWeB", &C.,&o s tn not ner prIVII(gea uet to bsOa->m5 cdi Teeah ferl. PIMON - ortm Ol.F I B n Kth e sq -r.o i B J - ~ .Frýont Iiliio, Soisusecllo,- j&xCdnu.t.y of ViaterIU., 107 4uerem.- j5prOt'$84 poerau $110 OehIiais anlo, 50 as.Pi. 5ptsr,OntoCmalt- =bi00 Olt tinoh 4 Both, of thicbooveLots ors rüt-.uhmi roui- turaI lsuda, and ais osflyno\otforsed at s tom nosc nuaodfa order teWaois sa tais - Whillu>, Oet. S4[th,1860e. 40 4w vii in utho fluiloelusg -isSde 110ho uqailof cfovembor, 15eit . a,9Wo- he1U BonIs n t h ekmaaa: . fsi oCi> Prises Albert, Anglo-,Atrcnie5 0eiOi 24ti and 201h. - Brootîlin. Globe, Roccli 11h. ' WhiCby Croctce'o IoteS l 2b14and IBtu - 'Micro lie oins-bbcosultd 0on a1Il krt" S 1f be1¶rPenen ktspaà $0il auppl>' of 9bim JAMES H. GIRES 4 D orIeWlt> IRE mOVAýILI1 JETASCEmôvxrD bia Saddhé, hnain-sd ai foout,om Biatai BnioCc.C>mr.-sta ,t 13raises&0 *Liebc howiill O1 b,eiuSanOhý Siari U dou -WICl0 uatuiiaandti epoteh. Wiy sept. as, ioa. .-t jNTIL urCh« notie, >fella viiibc OIOIBQA .adduo lor-4611VOo'y At ibis OffltÛ ab fol- Qins Varb &0 uosds paStm fui AP- top, BrooighMBam âbusa, GrtnOd& n mais dm&ly, anon Toeody, Thur m d mab m- oroat dlivry frçpa hose o0es. th-i1 1-f u lt Of Apll. ýýSO5, aU ittèrg for Grsat Br5tain #xumu apso- elehar(O lieinltiOut n A addi&f(s a me Id.g ÎQMe ahlatter vis' Tû S..aPlim lu mtho U r' tis.rsI (ldt% To soy placo u tho VtdsM&rbiaia,(pt t ooeb posd aléo) i1 eTz ayploosin thse lrit6ols ioloiiijir S OMW »UIatastM p- a t s oge-tb mgo rats. 1PÂlCGLS ap to 1 Ibm. vslghtbte-tOmu peot undor. reglatloiiâ i ape b t ; Ro eo donpawhosd Or restileiod 6o u druBooka ad 5 td matterOJwtl b e b ' tageteiPe, &Ad Ou aotol ooatt 0, m;i=t"tehsC.mod.n0* b Nom, tafor tlooBrito ol.uZr8t 1 N Ooo ai b pro OM 'W t PM IN 1E4 Ie-DUR ttiî tif it, or m. BulIl. Thora. aloi Muiaotim,> -vto andI Puy iland,"o-Taoo. h,4 lite conleariely t1 of eanSy Canu-. seusoos Phonc- - shunt, »). D- elbtou,l-leavd.- liarosoope sud the OroÀSt,"- îblily la-ataf v x rirasntlou S i> couestitoCea odttle for the untitishlm Ce nlrod u ablo eotlsar mornhor oe theoneo f unts> coattuCes mrlaaisc, te the au>' of tas4iS 42 je he ucdermn- hlafgabio, if ast ary Ot liapeuo f b>' aCthe m 40 AMIES Blàn tti., issig WIIIBY bargaia.LETRSTBEEVS 1Sc1loal fooka, Blsat DaokmIlncbIdlt'g tagsllral stock O ai 8Cm-T B.DEIVR t ioaery, aot;Pnhhishert'a Prises. . HALL 0F TUE- INSTITUT nGa list ho oostbilientuiiui nred in plain. figurea, ui the hoest CASH E T N I EIOTES-iSN Spico, fesun shuucloîss deio in ilbcimade. E T NSV bN R.BAO"l O 4on tTHE PEOPLES' CIIEAP CASH âT0RtEq' AIJOTION SALE Nv 8d ujcr-Cintt J O E L B IG E L O W , N ec-W . d. '9 b to L A .lî i5i iO Whtiuy, Nov. 1;, 1890. Dondon StresC, Whthy. B E AR Nov. 1ih. Sobjea ut "The itt t ý1oocrsnllue b reiocoul te Ihai îîseStore, o s u tsi Street, oppesle tA ~ dlfficitoec bledt toau esL-t ~ lat0 AbiuIle. - A U fi. .11 J. -i-t- 1>1 D eo.Tîhi. SoijOct-IuTbO Brute VILD LANDS, -Ray. Koberi Barna, 1D. 1). {~ Ds 14db SgubjectcniTbe <ho MÀNC ESTE W  EHOTsfîýRI e of Chus midtle lacolu inEngi - : 0 : -e rffi g have P t to o eil -lin. John olp , 1.1>. 1E sosribers having opened the Store latey rected a -M ytC am *heiosllmekarosi 1881. M.&NCIEST-RTowa of uvisity, on J. t.ub ojmat-*uu3uand M ANCESTR, tey ow oferin or,'"-Pov. J. Siulîhi. DRY hey ow fferihiWediIeudaiY Doc. 5tli, 18601, Jan.18th. Subjet-1' Veulce TM GOODS, a choie assortanent for Winter. PftfltSu To.-A. CLOTfl1NG,-Over-coats, Under-coats, Voat, antsalLTONE Fe. lot. 8nbiot1' Sketch h sle.Lot No. il, Otb Cou. Mars....... 100 asaB.DpoSp f Edecatiossu GROCERIES,-A fresh and complete assortme nt for family u l7, Frout Rltismmorvliec 10f Il - % u se S 8 lo I & .: 100 o I. Feb.,lst . Subje,,o I. o hnI.S froa the manufacturers, Stafford- , Tonusn. Ous-fiftb cast, balanceO on ie. J Fing. CROCKERY,-ietfrip ots t 15h doi.. Marr>..... 2 oaa tFeh. Snd Soject-i TTtcMi shlîîe, Enrilard. N 4îSlbMiemosespiesb WOnder,"l-1'atr b 58 10, it tiClark . .. J< EsqqBarrialer at Law. - Touas. Cea, tash. BrghMSret. h ot.'pi IIARDWARtE,&Ck, &C- Tccon Lots 8 out ieafBigtSroLRV I -16> ~~ ~ it O au s h aNeCl uo f Cocieren Stret marais stis. StblctC-.î id 554- 55 ffl'07u. ouualToma se Srnia. thisigal-ifey. fr. Werer. 04J oC. Mou..21Ov.Lot1, lBlok 1, iseaail Simpsou's Marsît 151h. O.uL.uce... Ans Flous. - turreia a Pl l i ftnlndcf ALL KINDS 0F PRODUCE TAIKEN. Taondtuwda'fsl..A. 4tll V. Lots, 84 and 85, Piiery'a plan of the vinage A mhnoohlabp TlsCet <prIes HAM TON& RIBEo, Usei hle r a mombor o a i 1 44MITON& RBEETS T.Oi Brcth .~Cahlances Infouraussl Tsar andin ~e lS,1861, sud W b t y a d M anc hles t o r .a I n T a l n . t h u n u f la Mb a t Inetilsuonts. to admbosoto&e Bhrwii o LOT TWO. e thosi *thsmyorsnde, ON St/t EORJIRERNEITruofiolly 00 telEsta e ftChe lais Peteiseca THE NEW sOHEM[E of UYOCOYDITIO.L ASSURAXCEsS Penn>'. A Lectmr Ticket (rie, 50 li West ,C 3 O th Con. Chsatham..t.. 100 acires tise hside aud oneUo el reeenfly aioptesfd S f/se i u,31 db u 'i100 c orssseor om. ytooud Rea V,16h .... 100 uTiTetty e >obteh to mo '~mvA~T~ Lot4211tetails Bldoon St., oe. 14 cous of the lsstiluis. IFE ASOC ATeO81Or F SCU.LL&1ND. 1 t43.4.4tt i 4 44ia .100 Il Wlity.Eo&.7,1860. N 380u,6th n. Euugerfcrd, ....50 teli W-~S ts Edsdha. 50 FO.R SA I EYTR.4Nrste ftheAoPROIIT OL-oSS. on or 5</lre f/ouf date,, wili bSeneoiîfecf to almo V17mgtutt 41 giaFlood op 0-whiî PUL Y-sR 3 BNUmsoeftas lofer Entroa.hltEan&ueetoro«ero firusoh PULLaEARi.ONleur ail Londu lu Lot 1rmo, Cash . T fliud propooly t' Pivais AiseTown Lo No; 62 eut fPertJu8treet,add =mobdbffre t>o pR.iffoP-sL FEA TURES 0F TH.& XI W 8012MB. Griot MillTowen ofWeith>by 611 tOdiuSSrWul to yF romiscos Sp oerai g/tf.domaneft a l /a aioette.asitjirInust8. fayaor,papotlf meVbSiufentionaftly Poafpouedffora Vunr, as and S lefa - LOT THEBE. li rpn> liie of mseollimiue9sqrpu Ta 01oi e. 5ta aiioftha lats BctsrtSpr ,¶' NO EXTRA' 13R sdj ost Oeeopiffo o N lit 12, 12110 Ceu. Collinimeod... 77 resa AtBryouu'enoiisla Th NO EXRAY1E svr/tiIUual taâand SepsyaSeu ,uio Me uSmsun iîred Toma Loi 867 E cf Iiîghot., Town ciWhi 75e SURNEvis sinMe eoft uof ehbSuiciee asof -- A4tIB1171ýýý » r The pofyorLDon 8rrOunî /inAePoliegi, cIOSO sitlorats a pfeot andi uns- aigosthdds odsrlAt l'hokam ssally lruporton sf Aie aytspuenfo, uor tfo pi psotul ceder dMos/oe'LOT FUR 5VOMUL PARIE 0F' ouoisf; or ho meVeif/dri>t u n i a s a Looin, <aussicontinue t i> - Onuamesat of visonIt nos>'coumeea lhlns iesmdFen OMS THIRD 0F THE PREAIIUMS for f/ejrafflve year#ia oy r min ynpaid Oie»IxlB"rod Fnrss lu SocsI l ong a o su Auneeutslooaem nttnd tuvo ae aANoe ra n OR Ma t "/foflosa- e 34 dFLoraiInSbMa=t IOià SoutrDtofa. , t inq are Eeupk 0a o!fr8tla ent ontaiia ssifm :- Ahout 35 obsareel sita ~ O5 au t.TW SIPB 10__One_______but____ CUis'ifatise' eau 1001na - posa poins0f£200. Peucur st£500.. ,acme0abou Bor e s IUtom bh, - Am th .s Srsitueo. Srmaco ipemi, hstd el> soplpd for aNfOav D r.Tisi.les the boatou- sae I 1cisil Viiiagsof Oak-JW SHP WIT90UTWorm WmfOtPuv T Wurmord. PRuOMIS. I1. POITtuei LÏ s n1adotW.4 Camehoer straseot.BiIS the North-wast curas -- itpii. SOiSu Port~port P ssi s~e ese.con. f-WtFoi C.- - - -$th-0Suet1is Ma ses lu thue Toms ofWi' $ c $ . e.$0 . No. 87ý'4ssnentsAtetsl140adurs l4a" etd2OsaOook Ne. sitith cloceotilak lit V 25 18.62 15.98 84.0T 89.94 AlSo, HauttisudjolelUtc ldni 85 15.'k 20.69 46.29 51.11ot9ji yen a- W ~~~45 24.98 28.14 68.45 --11.88 inhWLt nBo ss 8686 4120 oî~ osîThe fohîomlsag Toto Lots lu the Toma of W ilisnSrassi BuoI.ý 55 6.0 4120 1.4ii 10801Whitbc iFetelrme of miae a.,app 65 5. 6 80.02 1189.92 1157.l5 LttNo. 960, KesI Pontr BIts-etber, on ta juut»..5 Wio 518, Westof etatkorStnet. viiti'. leut ', ai t oBrook ateet. .polivqe t ooie N iSnhec h eW e"U afsi ymfasn. i177, Ilsiho-.186.& yO RIPBNSE do efeeainoq as ol cy eceît hdPriiOwÎ9.&ti144, West u 4&U199' Wsit PO sreuaest se S00mpLETE and SATISFACTORY a pystem of îcnitom Aaatla net 2a0nmt4, t .~ 4ta b. fonâ in tbhem"rangmentsif ay>'other Office. Expla=mtor>' Pamphlets m#>'I il. BoEat pameeatnett had oa pplictieli t Tasie&MOcuÂr sSaovLtx<0 wufooaded lui 188% Aan i lmd < aOf lpur aill In 18Lot VFour, gâo-IftI Tu IFEAndc 1 J ý1 ce b- ia c nte u a m nuol lutalmMOut. nirtemniioseaosiPoliceaafor Lite AsauranceNa, mtntis ta80nurlju 54w .N<îjb aThesa sais miismeuo pnatualS>' ai 005e o'sbmit, r. W., et' - Departmwitofc Patf fnug.Theas joatmd ieele epomrde Of £1800,Wiarlngt Wed1OotDeoember Os186 A itvm. QsdGc flgEAI> OFFICE IN CARDÀ KONT£XÀ1l, 9 G N peapounoou et'metout -f vahbs. OTICE laàlaenoby «Ivan SasseuGAZ .Tise attentioin of Boulea, talora, Mle"hImsou O*Y f itwa t' - -- t aîm sltelimta "and speolt5f4alarme*umlfosly for n aai~~ tr eno Invitas e t la i. blo n iâsofth euan oloate lbci M iti, fur a a p Foxr~z r P.Este oie iso Ci wmy-.EL BOMs.uNOa.Batriate. Jmo -Cria Lt sdprtsim wIJfor firth« Fse fori&ianANEMEW 311 BOWIL&IILLE-E. I. Loacxos, Barchalerto-if b>'eterpnepad, teA» NEjWCÀUI%At. ,6 'Wnaoor. FA coBn KoS h IM CDobnE PRT IIoPEý-.W. P. HmStras, xasager 2- WliyNov. t, 150.L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Notice,. o..,s.Chstas.ru= Of a"?a ofTICE. taKthe ltitmetth Ëiotajn My."aALel.= = t .-à at Ai d.p4y-Dau OmtofCr rkg. 19,1860., ana dW" *ow, mi» bé e pe ofi lot.,ma11, on Plto thesaohert- »S , t.oTo*a of Lot Dut. un Uny n w, itli Lho ýte etal- de- car8, la iw- atm .180 te seu losr cgtro- duib t hi .Sle 46- No. 2, T*LL'S BUILDINOS, WII*TBY. r ar * B Valuable OTS Noe. 17 an LÀ, batlforj# ira eam 10 nersa il-

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