Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1860, p. 1

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lie M4 TUE voissi; pull F a Registry pIrt qes JAR rER "je P ted -Words, guat thoug-htq -and uûtirjnNý inditq ýtttorg. VOL. IV. "WI-11TIBY,* C.'W,, OCTOBEi R 11, 1860. NO. 1 'DiAiU»014'EI-IL, G" BE HOTELýi Bl[tOOKILltlq. NeW Tàn 1 VA'LUàUSILE PROPERTY for SALE. ilit tish Ainerien ý%-ixumuce Camp 1 any, (Y gent frtewb; pair, I kept', ïif- ont orIng it 'ORATHI) damier ail Aet*of the Third sjoht es much -'as possible, wheu wu AT LA IIF M Rail lately C«111,ietl l'y ettýýfrtitýu Eletiith l'rovilbeud ï4clia ;;;îýpany, for tithÏrMm Lincon, or Bc countycoulicil ontari.51 - UXI)FRSICNFD T.IKES oce-AstoN' ebt? iott's "dr kitérim, ta tl SIMPSOX & FERGIU nient cils tu retuni x Xr. J. A. MeNfillait, nt utiest, lu illerowný ait&. Uri 111. Ancere tllaiikS te hiS Imatiolisl, 'Rico 3t tige Patron- R ESPECTFULLY anndluïce'to the în- il ýi"P o. ýoue ofthe L&diessmýhù Laid bien preli nuit the travelling Publie, AIr the libend fi( eh, ti4mb-Ëfýn-iti. a quarter acre of le net &Il Sorrow.- re exteided to hirit SinS lie conxnellSd thumto. This store jj,%ýery lave- CAP lssben, ilie si ebuked me wu bimoet am habitants of Whitby and ÉurnandÎn ITAL £100,OM - »AitTNEILIL9 et B.klin. 1. d-,itg ilO lie âmsilures Thià lire lie of ibe number. 'NTTt KY CON euntM that they have opened a À In Ids inally ftiende-tllât no ellort. Witt lie gpaml if, lu the celitrè of the ToivnhllI,, and ail Irsurnuec enéeted wi Iluildir and J4; pot @dl oOrs»wý ù1t bas sa b-pp-ened, thA lince 1[ Street whitby Tailors Shop oit Brock Street the travel on dos, Broek rond jNsIsý- tlirotlLItit. Suisse bzJlIbýý qbots elle r out way.,, office ý'Ve1r Dollal.l*t oit hk; Part t,. keep op the chanièter of the I'Pt thelf Globe De heretofjrý'I1 ïIireth.-t alil.)Ilgýt the TerinS will he made ta sait lis, e_'q - t te. Everv ilýtý)nllfttisk a led ýoB &P ý 0 relk"crà.' A "' " 1 a woma% art, Uncolà andl 1 hotthi in tl.i.ý Part ot le Voulitry. ISand', thu opposite the l'Ontario Ilotel " where ail ili=tluii Io bc made te P plieation ta the ýndermçiuiu,ýd. And often a aujiIiog incirrow JV. IlAm,* ICK lilkilio m-tler, ils in aitendante, and Ili* orders entrusted te thmein will Le donc with lIVIII fQuow à iêarful duy. untli recently, nloW in diffeïent circlés #,T-LA'%V. OFFICIS-1111( bliille-s es tisual. JAS. B. CAMPBELI, 3ý,tJNF.1f1 ý - 1 - - \_ I jý" op, ont- of ber obilerristion, Th ,,,tek IrlrdI,, noatness and despatelà. 45 Ashhurn P. 0., Renéli. fiîSt trottin-,, poliv Whiýby, OCL 20th, 1859. 60. Travelling Agent, livroil ltreetmý -Y mame&l lit la more than -Immbablé fi-' ait. - lit thÎ4 f.tir"woTld'or ours q s1z Lýaus ýe forgotten the incii zireS thiS Sisaon ai the Térins tu FAIBB.&NKg ineum ell, for tige 4ýumn *1, Miliffle Irais *1 To Carriage Builders. FOIt SALIR IN THE TOWN OF PhSnix. Tire Assurance Co.'4 --.i-%RlIl Iloise é6eli to-stiorrow Ch y 2e C. DAWEs, Ili, urn abelf iuto M t, - net even ýnow reulember mqas ,IT4)it Nt)'fAUY PUBI-1t', 'Le- tt WIHTBY. ibunAitu alrittr.T AN"D cu.%,RING CLOPs, LONDoný As briblit as fismiry mai 1 ET flS a lent% -if ()T*, NoS. 2. utid 22. TUI.Y AUF $1 1711- YsTMiLisfiLD ]IN 1782. Il lit titi$ e3ýtl1 WC tiorrox tghter , of ber Qld friend. N. G. UA31, L aied Mt fltisidils Iîtri.t. lýtveýil 34r. S- A joy front every, 0 forgotten, and am ý'never forge limât floIt ehte.ýtwoltory and creek. ltltl',TER ANý lie IlrgI.,trýy 1.1tilitt, llnrL- COMMERCIAL Hý70 T par to tige Nivelvau- GILLESPIË, MOIIFAT IL CO., 'Twill lakis the pthigý frislit e,-rruNY, peuplé fait te tèinein r In 011W 1 , 111.4tine, in %lits -s ouchu , tfisat -irlsýàm1. boyihi;ve -DIIIIOSIte t Il- T.Xvil TFRNS LIBÉ[t.'Ll- _jRýj 'briog. %Çlàitl'y. BIZOCK STI:EE1ý WiliTui Agente fur t7cillada. Aui urn lIlcýurt. le-()Pp 1, Molles, and L9.-tiris ýnd,-boji, - 91 NMHANCES n,-t-iit.et lIq),S'.ý;F-I; ter FlICE aud IIOTEL, bIl latvlv.' Apply tu IlItS. AN wFS, ri elfectud eu Ille lu-l't tunnel stud TIý,,uý-h W-e ghoiffil ntir.*> our imorrow, become-Mèn and Wolptu. scoli',71S ossite Hamilton & Ri ti-1 . . , M.1 V IIITByIFIrL4ýT 110q alla 1 paid witliotit ret;,ru.tltýu tu thu Bourd lit year% JAMMS CROCKFJI, D&,rlilà-tmii. tg le-llw. Il I'Auldull. 'Aud tr'y ta fet-I forlorve j;ýt ut W. U. Il Witt fîtdu, away t6-illIýrrow- ciret or illy rýP ug= cë te mm Liacol IV. VALDWELL BROWN, 117hifily, Mkendubow Unis of mura. F(At POMNIIWIAI. TRAVEI WILL FIN Shé puÏllied -me away front ber ouS ( ', 1) FA I) I)iV! N olvl- iý,ht,ý>t PIANOS, &r- jýj Abent, Cojinty qj Ontierio. abc will nevér have &selcond apporter Whithy, Aug IQ, 1,45Q If wu wo uurTow -Lit el Agi- si,- tilt-%- eau leur. ast this hotel, amS uld have W-1 ,.oart, Nl.t.trý' Pid Book Lept lit dThe ebild'a ffl atinents should tic King tilt, lxtr lit(! rqItites taken Imy their Y-reulpt trous inuel. a]IIýy, , Street, ticarly (ellII,>ite company, intom after life. 'the ciiiitri takeS hi, ta dits k 1 atid '%Ve wust try te check utir morruy» ica liait. r ofail kilil), Ist.-100 acres South halfof Lot No. sa'tdý the fjidý AS Missi A lis il P ilir-qi. I*riýilil, II-r lhe F And hzara tu viirb our juy; ory, businesseutramiteil tu hi.*t t Witt ýe l'Ir the ft-iýti Ill von In whithv, If Mitical i, itiIv prejetred Io rv- lq, Uni concession of Wlsitby, ktkovti as F.rtuo &tittub àurrow will Our reaet J"troY censeil. "Mrs. Liucolu spokq front j etilleil to. ýi2 lillend patronage, et. hilit 'inc tige ý ""n"" '- '* ', 'uanu 'le joliN BILLINGS, 1 eeive, ilei e.xet-ikt" ail orders entruilled tu Iiiiii. part 01 the AllIl joyâs tu. oft roptattud, unis eloy. den sense of sirquissileil pride,'md no, Good Çlablitbg, and attentive Ostlem. All vcork 1nauufatured Il,- hini wili bc - gris, - i - repented, in tlhejnext cahassitôment. CONVEYANCIN111- 1 týeII of equal tu auy in the Il -M!!" eý1jiiesAlIert ýXR11NTRQNXG LIM ITE, maticira'teasoà,'your o rvà!ý C 11 .%, 5 M'hithy, àlav olfite. 1 ;bac uni VisIv theTown ofWhithv acquired self-kuôwleke, saine sel ilits, B. A.-, tyot' i ri-ht in this matter. Tt *as net tht et)lt-NFY AT I-AW, 89)1-lcllrtbi 1 IN l ýRT wiliTUY. Pimi. , und ut lier 'il nekul iit.,trtitaitiýts lis& v q-ntL-50 acres South West qtiarlèr of Culi%7uyýLuezr, Mais% Street r Il iiiederAened hail talz,1% the alve Ilutel, toord'r. aide of ber nature that preliented itsell Part Pavul.'ut tak Long IfterWardo,. but ber rst side perhapél. %VI ielà lie h- fitiv'l %il' hi tic IM't -est in trade. 1.0t'\O. :18, Gth coucession of Darlington, Ail orIýre by intdI dirveted 1'. ().'%VI itlIN' or abolit eight utiles frons ]'.owmanville- wo test Ir Iliý otv' il house, reur of the G remanier Srd.- il) acres South Last quarter of Lot worst. Bide, and show il, iIýéti Il Gulld àtalilitig, fille remouv IkUd t-Verl 11,111tE --%-Nli) ILI[r. E ineý% il "17F il paM l'. inail il ' I-e. --î;r The 1w'.st %lill 'se Int.il, atiýRlýlt:d 0. 11 BY T. S. or people ; and it, just the same, wie R FXTRA tetýiti-, III ItI Ço. 18, 11 il, concession of Maripos-4 about joltrv ood exztiojimer in Chaticery 1te 1 lie Lir. Il miles front Linslsay. Butsm neithér of us woulà like this wor arc X SU 'CE y ta -overn commoh estimation. Nu W hitby BreWerY- 1 -Cla'UPÀ'N' -'Your coldissess hart Mis. I:tneoht," Baid 'rite above uleiltioned Lots TIIE T my friend. Yen are wrong- in lettisil, JOJIN mcNA a Furets. in a laigli state of etiltiention, good 07 ENGLAND. one lady te another. LRRAPIN Buildings, Und ricar important Towns. &q'm sorry,1, answered the lady ta old grillages as ý,0u Call it jusin. I, c * re ýrý, t Il and C ' MI ELL Will Le sold rta"siable, and oit favon- vir, ourt., i)F TI;111 whomthqretnark- wasaddrea"d; butthe --Forgive auld.fut 1 IL knowit are now in o 0 W terin.1. Apply tu AXD admission of EC regret whs net made with be 1'.2letv" get, why, tito worid t J. if. IIER]tY. Tlici.,nrdaix ;& wildeme" loft Io dssfýnr WILI.I.I.M TEXPEST9 IIIIII D- kept tb% NIr. llitrlv%. The IIE,ýoI.>criberS are liolv lIreinqrt-ti to fur- for (lie Oirléer. Yo- 29, Loîje&irfl Simet, If the iloweri l'ut feulembersisi the a CANADA lsavI, I)týýn roitIvateà tlir,,qiIlaibtit, aloi 11.4. tlo. pâtron. ..f the whittly, Ort. 6, Why do you treat ber with such a dis- Winds onl.. ixt; STEET, - a: 1 -£ait the nu verdute for foui W'st. I-. fille'l Il, il. tilt- tir.,t k.ver% %%ithait m X,ýII,1it aitiele in uch quantilie (1, A 1-1 1 T A 1 tan I've noticed blortn. inay Ile rV-iiii-tIl, aied I-ii tcrias W uit Pur 'J'O LET. t reurve, Mrs. Arnold itI'Ike but the this a number of timeci. Sites au exSl- &il shall let ber go ber way ttmul aie Ç-lais] 1..!Khm. TW O MILLIONS STERLING, lent lady, Wd tilt jiko lier exceL-dingly." ,,l .%9 rýluI.vl NII-4 N EY. CI.Al. & il," replied Mni. Ansold,, coldly. -Il tO lit, lic-ilem. I.tely P, 1 1 1ýt.we:111-1d"elling 1, 1 l'v. 1 -lionv., aild la ýI., lis. A.NLD LAWIF The cyo of Mrs. ÀrnOfj fell to'thé Quý0-t, - 1 ý- li'fq - both- __ Thut 1 .,.,, erQ, t - __ - la wide enoug or us M reli 2;' STONE STORE, and ber face becaine -rave. net sought ta battu. ber, vçù wlit ad w. il. TU l"M îi ii-r. l'Art ou F 1 RE DEPARTM ENT, 111 wonder that yen do net fancy Mrs. fâ,t 1 hàe ever spok;n ut thià b t*ittbw.'Ç Vntbit STAGE ûrt --i Sei-tiiii,, r ilýý\t. Lincoln. She'à a lovely ehamcterýso in- and I have doue au now under a a L il N DEIISIG N Fil lil,.t; -àme_ýS ait ullother ýTo INFOI'NI DAILY mtc_ & T - IM - &J or I»inle telligent, eo, refined, and with auch a âWeet compulsion. ý Bu 1 sauver eau fée qI,,v hat Il., k, lo)IV AIII-1, tc 14-rt, lit ,fille Ille J'ire, vis tliv 1.s("I I.JmIr.11 T.Jjw. spirit towards erery one. The fusait muet s'out in her compissay, salla shali, the] Il, will lit ç JAMES lloWE. AI] jta.t llI,,es proioptly Se-fflud, switliont de- liriek Block Bn-k-1ýt- BFrý%"KFN wilIT1.1y AND I.I"Dsel 40 11t keep ber et a distant Ililbym Brandic., AND %%'IIITBY ANL) BLAVERT0 llec ta lie in yourself, if there id uny natural M Au, dueti, il aloi itisout retert pulsion." Afewdays, afterthis couvematic ytti ý%-,mos W. citox, attention l'or lisait cati Irvel thruiègli front CO M P ET IT IO N . of Tite large Capital &lait jii-lici.-tie %vas un intimiste friend Who 8POket lady friend who Lad tallzeil with ]IL akA nold Was Sitting in Company with Mr AND and 1> t lie 'aine 'la.%. and thoclosingseutencewas utteredwith ri il titilm, le, fl.,, rar., C1,111g, cast « a amile. coin. Couversatiou passed frossa tW and W"I. IIF l: rit s. 0.4itNEE"r' & CO. Ill, SIG N. HA Y LIFE DEPA RTM ENT, qu tilat yen may bc riglt," B&id Mrs- thermie, wheïs, et what aftmed a fittit _17FACTIARIZ AxI) J)EAI.ERi; IN ýl oY, ati% I-ther ut PrIfite c,ýlLýi-4teut -Arnold, lialf amilin.- in retuni. nient the lady saisi ,%N TATION IIOTFL- 1 ý -à b. k1in' igurS, nad Leuf Tolm". ; ai-lu %Y hip.., UNION S Juuij I .m)ý là, %vI.rL i, tande witli tin.ba ted reuritv. aisli t-%er% tIt-istýfit eiii- -Then there is a ftIt rclbulîiou I-Dû yen maàcmkýr this incitle, kc. Çb ( , il eau 1s, %ýitir 'l", T %'1dZK ;r.. , t J.1111 Ftreet, Port ltffl 11, bytho years agis, y Yen made a question 1 . 1 l', 1 S-io. l% * ýo- "r"", XarkhamUnion Lodge No. 50' fý.Ilovikmg will peak: iý-r N,-w Pulicite âJ.Rie in Six aiiokttlib ili cati tissait sin- lar. Ta me il sectes well-kuown pomA, und ssAittlu girl col ItOISERT 3. WILSON. W. (Klttbl--%E of t he j-t jI var. %bat yen were born for frienda. Yuur yen in a single word.pl ý 'N .1. - ., Ef-l.ý.%TTIIE Ik't Vrencla ('.te ... ... .... *4 £2001000 STERIM G ! k AT LANV, 1-. Welliilgl-,It lv-wl zi ad ý .1 -. il% 185ï taste and sympathies mu in the samp dime- A flash of interest went over the 1 go M ............ in-itý &e. .ai Ille tiret lion ; and yen am intercbted in the sâtra' Mm. Lincoln. 01 T tIO IIOTF-L, Fridsm, eh ......... ................ 25 Ille full t.i.IittiL 1mfort Hi £285,889. germerai subjects. 1 am sure, if yen k-new 4myes, 1 rentexisber it, well." .................... -.5 ExlIiliiii.;.- ail il- sio ýv.ru!uie of Im,- t.. iklf,.F.Il hiI W ....................... 'I0 -ach other as Weil as 1 know yen Loth, you 44.1ud what Yeu said ta ber?" itt)lslr. CHECKLEV, Ill. D-, and Ille publie. iltat Ile 1.: £25,348, would become closely kuit to.ý-ether in 1-I du; and ma one of the re,, )VOI I'TII. 'Ize. t. 11- et, ttl,. well lzlîI.tvli alid Steretury. 1 l'adies, '\V;trc. The iii hand ý xueed friendahip. 1 must got jeu intu-6 ne&mr things of my life. She was a deai 'Il t', W . m. ",t' £700,000, relation ta Mrs. IÂ'icotn." girl, sweet tempered and intelligent 1.-r Ille q 'omily of t eolori- %triet zkttt-- li, ..................... mll i., Ili. a.. .............. of - -1* U=Uf$ ý III, t.. l'o'q q bu!-. ..................... 25 r0a or DII-110 ut tal-ivould'preferreiii i j et a trille forwatr'l, aildutjL Mt in 1 w; F.1 ) N Tt e (..r tI.;.gà aloi Ilor:, - ail 1 ;lit ari M- iii (lie abote fine tu eor i8o,00o distance," replied Mrs. now and thets, in sa mllita a iray, 1 tyroil Street, Wlitl.,-. L 1 N 1 si, c-W hy ? There must lie a - cason fer noscence on ber part soussictisaites smeessa e and crurul (lller. IL'al.1tIlitr«, with Aiiatteutl% ('l EN amplu 1'lai le et 1 Ill. .-Ileratione, und thisý11 forwardam. Yes ; 1 remember là "%Vl.»ZD-4onlloUNEWIIITB , .1. A.1.1,11r1à, Juile IS, 1113 t o. - - ___ - - __ 1 AMBRO dil don't like her.st rection, and that 1 lost tem si ' and -leatit and il - - - - TYPE GALLERY. ofil of port IEAI,..Ve Dolet ie .1tuateIl ;ua l'Il %I»lliolç IIOTFL, JOILÇ Arnzew, &tMrs.Amoidi Imm surpri-d tobear herMiss l-t.rýanadoli't knowwlu ST mmthrr Agent forTowil of lvlàit,ý. yen speak » decidedly. 1 Mril. Lincoln ad* 1 wu sorry and ashamed tbo next» E "I. ExIIIIIteut iiii.g. and qttt.titie oýtiers. 22 A. A. -a Whithy, mires you ; ilve licard ber -y -, often; ThAt aile feit it keenly 1 kuow, for, 1.1-ylatioll. paid ! - - - - ___ _ _ _ ..f insv.lier-. IN W t1w Puhlie for lit,- li- audwatýtato know yen more liq,'Git PELITZ, ýe 1 Ilairolultre lie 11,- 41.- ,-Rtà- tir 144, Bay bEtreet Toronto. Protection ugninbl Las-; and Damage i-ti-atelY &fier that, sho wu so rold -and l', CIIEI, lx NtUsiv, TIIE - ----ItAil.1toAD ZIOTEL- boýitie.,,in IlIr. Illoek, ImegS by rire. thau abc now does-" that 1 Imidly could get a Word with 1:119 Piuli'. Forte, llliri.liiày - &-That, site iiever wili l'o thinkiug 1-1 But that was more than twenty yen T ea,-e 1. issiiiicit. iliat lie Im_' rý-uiotSI hiý Aà.à- thros ý-II ii S- and all kiloie ol to site nýI.... over the st,.n,..t 44L WFýSTEH1; ASSURANCE COMPANY Mrs. Arnold'& brows begau te gýather Iler mother dit-J wlien abc wu etill ,;trittg Itir; rouste Broek ýt"-t. wlier, W ILD LAND'I' il, !S prepared lo \lm rc lurù 'ut'ilett tu fiariiilà dark-ly. and rhe thon passed front My obéies 4r p -Ive 1-w- fit't-Il "P 't'Ill Te- ili Ille CAPITAL £W0,00P o-Wissats the matter? What de yen Ilow calme yo 1 wto know of this?" Ilo. for the lire ult-I is FAM S, XnL knossi about Mrs. Lincoln, that sets lier- 441 had the story from ber owu lil A x LI à on the 121là the t,.I,. tsru vi-r% NiIl I-iitýiiii ail tige edt-elI"I on Building. and limier .t, 11rom-k, olà Ille I.,I.1ilIL ý II gallec LOTS, &CI Evý-rlI îliforjoittion ul-lllied ou beyond the limât of your friendly acquissin- i&WImen roiol Iù- 1« , for iokingt Ille lis ... 1 Irf,ýt itu-lik. SITES, TOWN ilit( tý-tu iýi1:itlbv, ik-4tert--tý moi 'Illi-el, 'If ail Lit.d.. application tu Ille tance V' 44()ikly a fesse, days aince.', t,ýý,rs el-ruur of Youlig and Tout Str'ýt.. t.ood and ait# lýdve Joux IG.NEIV, 6ÉThe troth is"; said uni. Arnold, "I'Vis d'And. abc hm carried the men 'OR SALE, t . %V. Travelling Agent, 11% rois si reet, Whitist- t au old gradge against ber. There was that hasty , rebuke rankling in lx FOR 14.4, LE. hitby, 100 90 0 CANTON IIOTEL, »RITINII A31ERICAN IIOTEL, - O\F lusproved Far- in W UFFINS VICKFUING. Got-D 4 N excellent liew Frange Cottagt' lieurly hl %cri-- a tirne when it would net gratify herri-ial e-siser sincer' atmitutudation f-.r T vellen, STREET. IIIIINAWA. _ýj thulmart &If L-l: If %%*Iàitl,%-, and one luiproved Farin in Darlin.-ton 50 pri4lý ta call rue ber frieud---ind aise treat- There xxis a loue of ilsimkSu in t] 1V. MCUTIIIIFýirr. (talc whilin a fow Str,ýtt-f)ulid" 1 acres. FIRE INSURAINCE CO ed aie accordils.-ly. She W" a woman or Mr. Lincoln. ans and tret-t..Letlier -ith 1 %, .-filt I- of Ili, aere.-l' 41 Mliriposa 50 when 1 was a chila." '4Ever since," said the laity. land attzmulted. Tite bouse e-utuiiie lx atlIur!- One chitf 0JR: CUAN&A Mrýti Il -d' W. il. BILLINGS. atild atieut ive (lm ilke.lat,, héme au exeullent and lisse, à, acrL1ý_ &-%Vell-go on. lier sensitive pride tue, degrec ths tiers. & x'rTiblzNFY AT LANV. St.nblitiL atitdall ou wild Lailds in Mata, Soinerville, Fu- Capitail, £500,000 St6rling. Mrs. Arnold L'ad p,,,,,d, for sho was forgetruissmesa îmIfflsiblu i and it hi sokit.-r., lit Cjowevry, Whithy, C. W.- 11LACKIN 110-17EL- ior ý;.9rr ou phrasia, Irteille6in, Luther, Cliatikatit, Tit UsT EIýS-The Righs; Il-1--ruble Lord conscious that ber checks were buntin«- still." For v I)uver, liongerfurtt Bart- Buildings, Pý-t and stýtý, IlhillIy. Ji Tt 'S, &e., wilieil will be toulid vun that ber voicg- wu. "ing its steadiiteýis of "Ah ; if we eould S-J mrAI OLL lleral. AIII.I.N tu mili 11,rivilege lan 1-1. ày theh powe rrilF ý%1*.C)%"F.WFI.I. K.\éb% - , - - 111 Ilia-béy, telle. wordà, as, te take aw J( -o filto,! IS. 0flieu, W Iliti.v. rli Usd as veil keelb silent," site lm JL iliffi, itii;mttl 1 ... t,ýl h&ý t Inllaiiipton,1'0%%-[Isliipofl>a ng-toil. Fq Chttirillau; 9'.1. tioli- 6-perhaps 1 fi W, Was a bltssw thin- il woulq 'l ut, il,. %oj rývovate-i il, a -1 r in theTutvilsltipof Dar- llut,»k;ýi., Johil Mý, F'q., F.x SI Eri. FoIt C.% lisau- -rvt(.t.., tu 111. il.hahi soý.; l'y the NI, Ille or the very Les said. -The sulÉIject la net apea-ïallt But ait iwpulào alice giveil rannot 1 it move-i ý0 guod, happy are thel &amis ri, as- Id %îSitt.Tý à FOR SAILE. hes-ii -ilarv.1 t,, ili.,ule t- ali a Fý. III M. D., Thou.m %% malt, Furtittire, a Ilou , &-q- 'IGO OU, now. Yen l'ao.Iiý-alld othur â 1,1w beet brgilile of LiIjn-ois and C%- Port Nu have exciteil my it in motioli-if tu evil, alaa 1 alas 1'l', ille, lirwllill, liaissipturs, C!Oi& Ife"-àaàdtg lu N 1 T -l i ý of I)arlllt:!toti; 1'lilait t i V lu %IN*gllalV 1,"L#ý#xmtorx ai àt-, i î elty. 1 would lîkze ta know exactly au evil impulse in motion, and it ia 1111111,11- 1 y t,,ý,ýth,= N... 34 il# Ille 1210 q'ou.ý-e- lierrv, and Sarnia. NvîllLllà I.Illeik-, ES.J., Ci.ýdnm ellin, jZ'..t.ky silo elluveu, 4on, M'Iltuitiiitit " o aum«, witil 2 d%%*Ullittsr of '4-lui Frothilà taux, Iùýq: how yen stand with Mm Lincoln." still. But *here is- abc ? 1 mu latrie exil moieils, dri% ittir Shed, Town La q., Ilic-11j. Ill, tilt* el., 66Tbere may bc pride and weakum in lier, if possible, into a better Il jui N 19ETCAL91, Ilot'l le 010 w,...&- Aise a té- Ali'md L&M-be(tiit EPtK4)FTIIII*. FI Frit 1 bl%* ist tIN q 't)U]tT, Towo of Nuit will 2 wll,, '%VUIT»y .1. G. Mackeuxic, F_ýmj- a eldeudid Orellorli. aloi ImInuats r.0sey Credif. chrle_ý FI TII.ýtone, lite»«Mor. D. D. mo,_ the cm," relurissied Mm. Arnold. d'But mitid.tt Brock. Ad- 8411ti Loir ifffl, #)Il à us ný-- the fîtrui. Il i.ý I«Mtitil'Ullv Sir si aoàfr. nomatteir. Th itatands: eWftS&qUiCk 4ýYou have met MIrs. Arnol(t." ijarkts 181 Porize Picture Gallery ..4ztr VTý te, Y« bave. SI a ""Irsoct mad lif*4ike A"I t FOR SAIX ý1 _ sematulit Pmviacial AsmemmeeComp*UY imttnace glid with m »M face che àkgw " -A beart XII & )XAC&MELLS LAIV ')F- 1ýaàtI..r jlf£ERY GIVF ýNo£lçL q"itiet. &ý i. VINE (IAIt., ýuâid. eti fivul tIbb Comt 11.-e' t- t zr _Tkat fr aumuder of 1'tJicies fur aise et in as I.-Oket, Un7 tenta Bmidmg94,, kj L ;4îaIr,-ýr a Likeut. ýI - , Irloi Perth 1 " barrier wem Y" xcpber»& k Stý ]LlgS, for J. A. C. Cm de Î% in the [scats Tffl Vdla aUd -Park Lots, lkte, C-treeLA t UtI prt4ilI soit] whicla Sut friemais.'Il and ax, hors, uotw,. &LT VINýEGAR - nots, be basa in #&%,0 thrte yt-ur6 in sats- 444tS "tt- or Childma fibellid be 0-, M4 beanL 's Br.lm'K 311 or as t1le Ltad> 1fý.ft le - ý.1ud "t -tutunta re- e PIW AUCTIOlf »uiixzm erwm %vïimy. si ami -04d wiii M mmuy 'ttm 4 r - rabbi. 81-oltald -ue Devez ossar or baud me la th 'f know et la 4ýrfi- kW *I West QVtý irith bot rhftk. PEI) te se oseil, t'y J. wlùtbv 131-ovverV- q il1ýV Itàve îtw- - 1 in enlisa, Immé, wal bave Do Il ordm ieiaiing te AVAILWIN "le* hy Ille -4 -N D -sud he&d full or plain and bittéýý 1 tenS, p»Ce be IcAas thOtýbruui-'la sbf- 81 1 gmmt-r- Wu senetg,,e to a famit, and " rebuke- wÎth the «rth, - 't wm My î :E" T£M" ARX ut îa1m --urr-ader vsaluc WU bat nuihWmd te appoint rnY d1*ý'5 Of mde- IXTIIETOW-N -WillTny. WW&tb,. M~r, rrggi- ktffer» for *= M lgau» v NEW < L. IIXAD OFFICE-$ Street, go unimtIy girený buzt me to a degree buM it, and MI hm& ILII&U tl "-%N&44 mi bu enter iota ellt* 0 hie potwry in WIUT]3y» ther, th" few trouk! imagine. 1 nes;-r meutie- 'l"erl sIo" of uoeloorihtilm." f«]Wth« Io My au-tiun b j-m F4 met ....... ......... Of X« &idiots" th" - Dur b&-e,&, tas -av Ils na consaljar prfflw und pri- Ilick . - A )«.t i-audWq Pap«* aRd JOUýX &UNEV, AgýsL 011- 1k, roi, ed it tÛ My MOI 7 9 -'There is a lady M'";. miles, Tuou4s U:Xjl)y ....... ml"befum t1kis tWe; and it in vrer ou tunelyaàtv agrmmo" thel A,,.., Wi it I.V. Aeh .. :: -ý_1 ud sins. AL5o Enveiopeslatim 4mu whitby. Jame IL I"U. 23 me. Dermutý COWiRg tas *0 d0sar Of 'r' dePhpsella. sr lit »,.Wý ý"I fir:d à to tlm«t., ymn miwS the idiglit oce- L-a MI rescas. -id L ý - sbe 'boa -fllo!- ý -- 7- Jj-Dc0jaý Bjýo 11a% nni, nus,> Mý 1 8-indictite ' spiet tu C"h-. w-will -,Oy"gh, MI 0à»Y It cost ber an c«orl;to uutir it xâ3,"iàý - and inçttlng intist, - ee Place. she aAt in (Luite 8; disturbed, àtàtè,.tbr timè, before.veauring- tu go'dowà - Tic. with eint Ibo B, MUi,% abe weit te =eh tke who, twenty, Y-- &9ý4 w0endéa ber », deVl.y ffiat jýe pain bail ,et yet died etit 38 of ber couseiGuaneue- 1 ý.i - 1 l The t*o I&fflesstOOd fece tO face, and': ý or handin hNOjý, The naffl .0f..,4m ArnoW Itad lied been spolien, "tunly 1, that ot xre;ý 59 1 me- ýxàncoja Wih -an almost repelletitc-oldùtm eSut. lib6re Wa4, but 46 fýw inuatents, BiIenceý- Ùrs. linwnrýakl- ý c473ýQùr inother was tnZ best friend- 1 < 1t, beý lo"d ber lu a sister. 1 will you net fer ès.= hurt plitle sent ' thoughtleely fmm dl IýPeà-' andýrýgrei.teýdmany,-iaany titres?" M -via7teg, of Mrs. Lincoln trembkd, emory With, the deep feeling ilint "Wal in ber a the hoart have, tioh, if 1 Iý%ad tlreaiuL.1 of their power to get - - Intrt deepty, .1 would have Souglit jeaft âgitJ theïr tu a zne-ý ýXbis was ý unexpected, There waa no b"er'wliieh 1:încoln-ý had. etildeuly, ibro*ù dowu. $0 the 1 ne- tîme, tu. galber !àp: the bruitent chain of W - olu- e ; but true Îu Ïlis, -,.ArnolSs hSrt ýýr«rOnded-_ ,,uity.,i She was, softencé to t*aým ý -ýger motheed lot au- name bail toueled lier like 4.t81IS11iie-ýx mern- «,My begt flriend,;. 1 lovât] lier ag i aýster." Arnold, These words . disarmed, Îer.' k a sud- 4ILet the wprds, bu lforgouen 1" she an-' ) ýiýùbt sweredt reBolutel ossho, inlqýed lier band 'Yogr tightly on the band thétyas clasping-herit i- ù1ýyoUr &iFor.-,.,Ùeiý .4 f.igic. butI4 . tny déxi et Yen Mrs. Arnold, . so, Ïbat wn']May Le frientis id ho best the tcue acceptation of the word. gy beart, 4(thop, even witbýut rccognixing in -you, thechild,, a" my of un old frilend,,has, Wài drniving towar& t-ý oýih-' 'you steadily. It perceived in "0 seme, jth)ouý thin-owgeiial. )rst aide Site frum yottr lipe ýa kW of forgive- %. %hat 31m..Arrioid lý_nt tow" ter. 4-liet Jt bc gent»»Qý said, Mn. là-çoto,, d wot#ld And it was. fil t t. kiýs, the old paià of wounded pride was çitiuguiabed. IIGW làdiling long it 184 runt- jed 1 ar oftbe ainZ!ý ill-spoken ý-wozd,,- -741. j retire of baie may, it Dot gile te 4MW, ugh, the weak- h Î t 1 te fiing our bard senteucem Y. IlIt in the heat of audden angur, and, Ma'y huit -16,.- 'a lit the >fof-dtit that Buck blow.1 ««xý ilim But before ; 'baye made ý menin '- - gal t M the'y ryi ous lob Liud'.0f tentivé 1 by pwo. MI ple%- emfore, The Holy R»Iaysiia, Bavàdo. ion,, the A terropondeht of the -"jùa describà RM Ar, the holy phiys ai oberý,Merpj, in y Ira. Lin- ria. The lasdions-Spiél ýQJriîVînaiud la à hem, tu vow made' by the iiihdbito»te 1 of 'Orberank. . in 1633 on their d eliverance front iug Mo. tuergau a plague which rgytiged the wholle -of th« [,Ut, Of district, but féll.v4ýh espoeiàt Yfolence où t frein a their viIIge-mýto represente 1 very tést feardi, ®rrectd for ever, the but scènes - iif the lilà of tbo Saviour. The following am nome of f6w ý face of principal Scènes - . 1 1 tg 1. The triamphal entity ' ü 1 Jernialein -, the children and ple about, inb, 1 Hosanna l' and StreVi"ý clô , &4 emtied branches. This introditeed the Saviour and mr 8 little the Apoatlýsi and formed in'itscli un qdmik [Lt-but, rable introduction le the whole. * irberd- a word were certainly uot legs thaUI9.0qmoeue bat in. the crowd, inchiding 71) or- 80 îlàre11.ý- md lik, 2. The Ion.- and anirnatid dubatéw id tkd7 ber CUT- Sanhedriniý iiichàding the furfouÀ*éîtý ýd.,êajjed of the expelled money-élalüger% àîd làilWeý" bat bc. thu, interview vith Judas,* wlàûï tîît Sutract ,,menL was rntified bttween bît« and the priëMo-'by . 7 the payment of dm thirti picces i$r.àllΫi ditmt, ver. h ter.- mal, and uiàalftcted'theu théée. 'S. The- !WM a.-O.- Last supper and the waeliiiig oir the Apow Il yu% Il. tleà' ftet. Here the table was amn--ÇÀ ervation. oit the inudel of the «ell-kaown pit«wréolt Leonarda da Viiei.* 4.,J4,11 the ýs=e& ýrf lips." whirh Christ wtis brought auteemd4ty b«--- fore Auiias, Çaiaphas, Pilate and 11;rýà The , Ecco Homo," (copied, itatruck Me, ,mory of frura Vau Dyck.). Tic Scourgiux, "ý- lier hart lu tome of thm as mmy m 250 pertang wem et once on the the voice of priwLs, motwy changera, Itoigau " iert Le.; and violent as stem the Passigni par- t4it. burl sonified, there wos net the leag &Pý-mi. bat inade tu ranti itur. gie slightest, transgresgoui hurts lier into irreverence or ' impro.bability. Ir- In the course 0( these SSries'a etgisi« èë- u, býjty eutýretIL-e WasAhe Cont fflit of Umbb#4--ý& rer lo de :utai aud aqualîd Ajure-with the noble MI b, 1- form and cculiteuml£O 09 the "Or«d 40%- t die. If er-the latwr formed more after the modd who set of those of Albert»umr thon of sur 91M e! Iset paÎuter, at leug »Ch Yaa, Mr im ptýMioU. id hurting noth Pilate atid, lierod were admimbly re4 just bting pteseutedt but especially- the former, & efute of The whole long 'Procewton, et the Iloweet puce, freui pitaws honS tu Golgotha, *- ' 1 Lord &nid the thieves carryin,- their bue h- with hiertiother atA a would ký im2tl"luf,4&wk&- H*waâ But as a-nnumau-' s"I Mr,. ly tak-è him tu le, kt-mi, Èbr its thrQozbouý 1-he l t id or b4 %peeçýý i lom ràzàmow ha" uà. dd. i [ant bai, ho coex.*i"d ta ba gb»07".- e-, &W atm.- kr a iï; e, Ott" omw ý 1 - - - -- 1 (:ae fur Wbeat, &r- r:aýtý&Zmimnàul. ý= P«tmonoawg. rà«r,ýg poaw &ont cok" ; Cà#, . ............... bw WNck pencitai Que sted mmge fi-um ttiqe to Ugo Mgh. i* groat pëmoý 4fl ir- eurdumerà -ýwb» dani- ý lý-;Li 1.-- 1 amam"% wakkic IN. IL mt!rltuuýil- *.- - ý- , . tlwtadtwlwe, »r-jd"lýwy le whitby, Nov- -17, IS.". Ua-ur44v

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