Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1860, p. 3

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b, a me on dech, preyiô7u3- t the culli- Tbey further find that tics second mate Was incoccpetent ta mnanage the sichooner, ad cenlsure Capt Malott for '*not comingto anch@r toaqeserttiin what amsount ai dcua«e s'done ta the steamner. The Jury are ai opinion that ail iaice passeoger bota hould ile haUt with vater tiglît caopartients, edaie Confident that bnci this baun the ese Wiith the Lady Elgin the concmunity Wouid have- been spareci the shocica Of this lamenalie difsater. Tva. of thce Jury 1Pr.Stes agnt th. vr dict. They ind ithat'-tce sÉteamuer Lady Elin sc iiiisiainged andi censurabte ir au insofflicicY Oi look-cit, and trom a"l the aridunce before tiiem. they are farred te thcs cooiction that tico steainr vas ie- adeqcitelY Supplied vith bota and thai thice on the steamer wure not of tue des. Cription rectuireci hy mv, that the steaincrs otit of irepreservers ceas fauli and dc- ýcie ohas regards -thei id nadopted, and their location on the bont. They ho- liera tînt the lmn ai so naccY livea ceas due tea cuipablo disregard of doty by the Mnl rile Inspecter, in altowiog thse humane and Wise intenta ai Our laces for thea anfety of passengcis ta bu d-feateci. À $FLwaa MCFLiXSLT," reccntly de- smased at BractUPoc. Englnd, us isid to o havre Icit behinci ber tîce extraordccar3' nauisber ai Iglteen lîîîîîdreci ilk dresse, .c saven hundrec volvet mntlec, to-o liccil Wc bonnets, andi upward oi one hacîdreci pairs oi aImas, ceitit icnuiier.tblii landkocr chiais and cicaricio a nl colora ai thce rain- Sboy, whlicla lied been pccrchasrc. by thce daceaseci lady A ittîtu ten ycas of bie- de- ci mine. e Counrucn. f Why shall no can starre on the dicierta of ahbis?1 1 lecause of the sanisihcich ia thiere i1 e Rac caine the sandicesir there ? ij The tribu ai Hana ceas brecd there, and8 's musitred! Ioînuls Pila-Ia dyapepaia, gastri. d ti,,and ail iaflaimatery nd rcnstrictive dis' la orders ai the stoninch, graucin- out ai ici- hi digenuicca, thora ia soairthiccg heînhrclty vi rung in the iiuids cehica shouid dissolve bun aud assiriathe i foodt. Theso sechicî'e 'la' pihns, actiiig' open the gastric juics andt na upan the bite as chacaicai ageccts, restera teic the onei ls solvecît propertlca, ndi te te icîber its aiodifying and tecnprriccg city qualities. Such scea ta be the philoialchy ià of aiîieir operalian. As regards thair ah- 'ibmeat magicaI etieci aud the i ver, there cai bcf but tone opinion Moin-, randit obai"r NI tra ticePntry Of the 'Seidiniansiiimua the Siàtcs ai the Churci, as an attacit opon interna- tional rights. Bassin oacd Prusela protest, a'in in trong erais,,but ceauld tahe no other stops. Count Cayaar hsd issueci n note cx- pinincg the nece attitude. ai Sardnis. , k h sserteci the Frencharmy t Roine, wiii icQ inrensed bu 10,000 aien. A. Pariali teiegraph ta tho London Post, dateit Wcdneîday ight, says:.---iTlie Pird- econtesu forces are sarchiigrnityo Gen. Lnaorcir's, amuy. AiegLagemct la, expacted ta take place tc-aorovY." The Emperer and Frcnch (lGoveromet hnd useci every exertion ta preveat an i-. vasion ai the Roman States. The reintita hetwrean Franco anadiPicci- monture critical. The Frenchi Bourse was flnt and layer at*67f. n 85f. It vas reparteecithat France reéfsed to malta the ohiviteat concesions toa nitzer. cceccccccrldeltheGicUccad'î"'iy ici, i. aiccr. vr iýSçc muiuleIct am caikuly abbI chYcricas EDAY ,eicvy lu teefra. 0cr dai's will, ua u lime& . ccciith lcvvr encd Ilt.biitîr ,f hu Votre, gccit pc ccc twicc, wllgpui tiet i&ufuc.r %cchah p'rpin thty arurguarty ù" byd tcy eauiY ui l iraisiU. - JOBi US Sell~ e cpiiôr, ttaalcc.tur. N. Y. V',, $*le tup G. cl.iccccccc'ler. taud l. ut. el. ,Wthtc. Il. D. IthirliWul tahrldgec mcd ail nie cicice eIen. landc in' Savoy affaira. ' Scitîtirlacci thers. fore periits more hine nhaconidering ,NEW' ADVERTISE-MENTS. the question one for tho discussion ai Eu.ý ropae. ' Notice. AUSTRII.t ihiiai USATOrtsa. CAIINiAGE AKE.S Theiintarviewe htiae the Czar andi Elle- lE cabiciccor las c"0 Iciccllicciit icr Sale pecror andi tle priceca tegct af linussua T cîcc ienat ticitar cisff niii angte ccl, or by takera place ini Wnricw early ii Octaler. tic -cji.iilîly tui icit lipcIrciu.ac-i Thecaltetment of Le Nord tint a rusoDaFRD lioni vas formait agait France by Ecigisudi A po o aeCop Austria andciPruacia hi talally uifaundeit as far a Austrin ia concerneci. cL T dliiFcrbiiiissu PrOPiriv, c011i lriîîiofîthes tain o iii lcib - T'e French araiy is stihi encanipcd aut ~ ~ FDCSIiItR Ucyrout. Seditiais priaisa againit'Chriiti- iliaiel.T,16.T-i nos vers in circlation. Tiey cantiîlci'i'TIT>U kbe'houteit hy Drossa. No openci dstur. MARIN E O S NC barces liait accurmnd, bavever. The arrivai ai prisonera fraai Damanus - vu t1DEtt,.lOTfr. beiri toa cccccccIcccùoathte ut Constantcopecapi alexcted the popuis'a TdCe hccandc Wiit lwr e, ticra ii lilucsbeuau itclagetfuh h tion. The cnibiaaarshait cocgratulsîrd altfrii the Sultani on justice havi,,' broc, douea - s ïj ,N K O P N Tho Frencrh mielter itraiadritthattb gU N E 8 A Y reprenion ii dhturbanci ci Lbaon jccc 'liito, cii ci5 c0Vuiscrsicîiric hta alta In- shouli h' campictrit. àar:Ir a cc i , ;I, rgac.l, Zcd ,ruiglcici, cc Isdia, Chna aed .Autrhala cnacadwit ' 1 datea front. Calcuttan, Augusct hth, Hlon- LOW RATrES OF PRE1VIUI< Kocc.- Juty 26th, Mlboihurcne, July 2ith, Aganccv atir escpcliisieCîncip-cI'Y bnci reathrd Engilanit. 'O)LIUo Ut poh itl titb.TtiEIIOT Thc ttarle on the Teh ofrta vas ex- oD tIT. pectec ta ocirur aoaia timo boiveec tise Part WOI'hctlc, Saect. 0-6, 180. U- 2Otic ancd25tih JUiy. 'Uv_.13RID GE Thie deisy raeod hy he Frenchicere vs ï~îcfÏ ic 1 atili matter ai conplaiccî. ItA'11sF'IJA AkAI 1 T siue cas ripratri t anetonc ahoulc the Alier receiva aeci iheciath. Thea iiclf-ycarly uccLi tii hbcal3iclIe The rebeta hailtlincipaaaeoian aithe VILLAGE 0F UXBRIDGE, city of Lace hccahîg, eily 25 mihesa ittdflt At G. Mai@t'i î let, 011 iram Shanhlai. Ltrci-vcOt.MAESara. WedflosdD.y, otobor 10, 1860. Thcc'sa ccini liciti iircirs, îcît cti'lcpilci cli ca* LIcVRPOOLi, Sept. 1.Wcaacicr very' tan ida ahIici h ci s tVXV(tlil acîclcuIccity fille. Birait ituflariîniitdrmably oer.- tcslicisic)gcftico aucie. Uioaa'ciah c c.. c ~ . ~c ici.. rac'c'ticiiî scli5ticlc~ac~-iiL OI,, Gr, iaic icicuiiijisac cimacci îicc~iiaca'ccittltcccccîiici'iiiie1icsciioii AriO icu Aglu-Siauon. terri Canacl 30s Gditut 37si 6. Philndlphin hîriar ticic cii cli ilforeuccr cciiThofia cuii1 - nuit Inlticicia 255 at t,, Sa .it. i i c- ca C oiii I i ccihailtutiit cf cimy aIler and BatMiciai 219scdstu 3a Gd.ciciiiilti(, sc'licsi- -QUBErC, Sali, lt. Wtîict icimatoardeuni, and 3d pertacciiilicrîd'cîacru1 atgcc'ciicyDtt a Tic sraah ngo-.Saxounarc l biai-he Oî100)àower ocn tii,, cd. W"iiteoIliate ' bkli3c'iUai ciaoIcga. tlii mariag. 0115 ;Rd 1tii ta l2s. Diner un te able aîeni1 clock, p. cm. Lucfuacicrs, Sud.14. -ii'lite, Sut. 26,I-tuAi. The T!sce' City article ai TbersitiY Tie ofc(,cicr jiveiile reacer; onoa i i_ eeaiug stys timat the Eaglihh funits opeard orîlicgraphuiccny iit the h'alinig cci le- Leavihy this morningth ai anuesrtioîcnc'ccnniae lceniscrotki 0, - ihii sic ofUMaillei: 1 avisg aLmrctd inecased atention. 1ciluiiiccîknui, %%ittcrigium, Genn Tie c omnts muai Parlaschour grat sagari..-iiciucAî cccicciicc cit dSalhalea- Public Notice. dutum aon tise Buni cîind afurîlier de'skai. ÏT1-11ci' e ccliav ais 'igicclcugai- denine ici Lombhardo-Veiai icairaes. Not' ogcènoiicNicccclilok Pitsîhciccicg' - ~ aOaUPUSET vîdhtanding tic diaCcîccitmaniféstedeit ocuncilivocii. 4-" QELSep. 80 the uiouia uit îrrateîcicg aceoucicafron - j-Q--it--S-p.,-860 Tui'n, a bllipicailciIhtia hre cl c ~ "i tliiccE nic'ciccc'iI.icc i i cii it,'red nos posrit rupure oi theo cun faiEurope, !T1îEî~l~ u*.î..itcl icîcIL.ilaA% ci'i.ccc'iltu cl cu Icclushecgcîl WEIIam dhi-O cW tb, n h ie or la .ci ,% c c'iii, . il' o'Cccch.in, Un and t hat the aîiaounccmenl nifaBoule 'le'a21,it îciic., Mc. Jahci T. Wcîhsnild ofa a thîclîî ti, iUri ci cctiicar it, ccctiii-icaiii paàsibIly ha reneinci duriug thae aticuci. gi. sl icc t he ic ai,icr l% , 5 qa iiii lic e Iird ald neya hluut houe 'hi tiat XN'Di.-Oci tie loch imt., Iut Wlitby, iicii'ccaccliii ucicract ccU n aZl.ucotlcav c nicof he aucpenilaus t Sidney w affasî cthe ia c ii i'ufr. cusýlsciL5id, cfiaisoa. sici iccc,hvsccîclici oclandci c,iiti cclîcccîg suy~~ ~ ci-cl lait u iccleS ursa i cccsc ibic iaidhccritne rus ini London or tic provincevs. 31.1 îuIîiirx a tutii At Melbourne, ,iotwiîiatuidi.i bcuicsa ltyitcd-LEwýIS-At Haiihtac, one c Iai DREWihtt RUSSEIL vas depcvcisd, itefrhe itra c iei sticAiîît.c liy thca sa. damas T. Byrue aAtm uiiâýo)r cea expertesi. occii lchy, lir. Juinesotlycccn IciMisa- C'Iithlicc, ait01 1psrylivre,.'WX rat va ~N ECS ZtîtAShi-lhi ol v-c vicri,'-: lacisai. N i%4 TU A N'%WZA..;. Si a crliner Leiis, b h iti amccuilton. cci o'cu' iVela4, buiiacr,; NN' 1 c5, l,, The paper ihia ccirniig cnanfrce ID i sa S lÈ IcI1, 1 cIL 'l1 cocîlain iso tmiheraÎr t WD.tiiciDvac' iucsccl.6li c re ci. panbcîlrs i ase hilir l Wîtdsrd 1IILL-At thebe latanj, Marihau, an cil cicci citlu ,% iiiCisaucI l, 7c-àti 1cuuil c The attanig para> coachotdaif347 u cc iecr"ccal l S i cra i in, wceeithe acter cas gitleci cuafix îsyo- ti --ilut, ldlo1.h aayi af il cc,,ei, N'B i8 0ý ,51;cli tre, ittcuit Wi <cri sai chrge. TIcnaties ic> osathe ltcv. George Hill, ngnit35 yra' W c1, hOci icsl, 'sc .1 iiisi5ai oisis 1 tilI thumen ecnelose laponlibea, tien ___________.--îîccrîîý. c. ciai ccacre. ta>arac pnu i rtof udr double- 'îî'iy3lhIE'ý. t icu. N E15%hicccci ucitret, iUndl cui175 thscri , pIITg l.ttiT 18, scia crs uavsc iui, c liaetici2'ad &dt iReporicit hy Il. R h i. P Ecc . îiq. aic ci 7,cluivsciaîc ,ii, i l i er a. The ntves met the hayonel celîhi the htmt in. iW licc-1 urure i .SE tomahawk, aîcd funght haut te hîait like CcILY'iiý0 ccrs.N ' l . , 1 curs.iti~c sldiana of aIrecmiddlte ages befora ais use Si c. 18, Oc.u ut $ a1.60 l'ar acra. ofi gunpuiv'itr. Wiect-Fali, $1 î1e..aiec $1 22C. d'h Cut 24, 2100 ci Tilîcir% a.,at. it 81.61) palr are. The retreni ceas ao urgeai that the deuidl )iIto-Slniuig, t$95(il $1 îa , o uvCoi. % Èilitt. '8355 caca, 8Eult c, 123 linre aud a fewo te wlcouiteci vers par force Feur $1-31 G( $6.S Etl4 141 arai. 6,c200acs,1,1tiCooclci 20 oic ~ ~ ~ ~ Cns libfainut 4l hu os u iiacc mitilcColiN % loi0 ssci, ,7tlc £an. 25,b0 uthfiladi sreported i ?eooe, Sn tarl ti 5 . acrea', iih cii. cii ul c 2ci. t irvuc Tl S 2, luic wu% left beiind. LOislIcN I, d11CO1NI< Ici Icquuc irs lienil1sauoil. Great campiluts are maise agaist Cl. îîye 5e Nar c i &cccN 34 IcI1-:,alu. aci, 13 cu. , ' Coldhiaat lin dit net bc up tie mn.- lhcy $S8(0$10 V ttc ccc 6, ciel ucrecu, 8 E ipant6, 8S cura.c, l2,,eu Raee ern more tisa 1,p900 soldera lanait hînni 't- g0 $. cirMi. htciil çtcticc rs ~ aboou thaeTon-anki, yet lusthau 350 vere Shireli $3 0$1410. ie, aulu. e eict upu,, îuacciucîiiii,4videiioiliy eha to tope viala 1,000 mea coocernedin la otatoecc. 2,06 illiuiaifca qcuiuyi' hut ult hIici th li ihs ir. Tlssyceereasimpty ovarpoweeeit ButterSoc. proctlcsionc cf i culfs iier'u.e i Iciaiir bicu iy numbara, bhait he lîccin a aleader IEtus ha3J. dn iaflitcithe iaceeitii itiiilc4aaioraidpal iccg &*u'il tb reditei tha(ClaGuhit Cord Woodu '%2i00 @ $2 25 If corit niiuiy. ýDtWRSEL ceaitise commander oaihe aieIjestys forcesa? au5-4 is. iANDtiVIIUIll"oe à fortes ofneari>30S incandmit 4-pouudîr N TCS howies we raectuially vithin tva nmâle SPECIAL NTCS ofet h tuaig uta nijce iwheci auter voulci have boso nlalcile." THEE (iRAT ENUcLIS Il EE5EDy ax volmcioNARY sioSXMEST IN< LAi. cia JAkS C LAli Js -Publie Notice. The 7îmW rumarlstat " ctisecar i- twecuathu Pope aud bis subjects hefore the Colebratcd -lFemia1e]Pils raovxe LANDfS tcrrARaUEIT, Piadimnetee croasei t he frouiet ad Lais- aycululic Sicr J. <2ucke, Il ercierela d fet mmeeia.wus4 mnace fagodasEci M4,car (jil ue». rîEii Qecu,2îîd Sept. 1860. aid an insui to a aay. Victor £manuelIlr îis Ocith hcîoivi - unir 5i.- un iloeitliulc 1at Puble Aci,,cchcliah Laidee vilic e uteu fid& ia Garibaldi a formsidnble rpmpetitur. I buta t' cuina ccc*ctileroicint>fr Feaicct9 or ,lcscthoLiiidcic i tic owiîn aofmucwichi'nui aqueror oiNs- ld 'icicit lictioici, frais iai edA'ni w t- 'filcuriuîcy thea lihldc> ci Ocoscr'uaad, uciluî The momîettatithe ca uri o u ur;'uctathui<ic 'ssli , aie> lucr of nou,iutaIte apail Ipria"usel;ol nht Pltan ad Shailigebs gaIneaisecas sufficient Ià,ai itusici tui iiîcthe îcci icitiitciu. theci. gocaryhm va aftb nsitcc wiel Tu Xucicd 1. P.îî h aueîU.Act7 itui. lit cnliiitisica-Ouc-iilttîtae c 1d dovnu iitIc, 10 ary uaova al bsonsst chii vi, i a hort ti, bel cc11 e u hi taladtuaeca toiiiii t>four qtâ thieStatua of the Cinse m p a .0r u orilwîiu saiacuni ieamuitwfihüre occ&tu hrcsg hlm iti a violent ahoal lto cuila- iheccu. 'ilîi cl o ai-c110 kcciivtc1fuil ceteru iihommîae tue, e epht ju harele ulnCcoiu- clos iii te h.isil in p verluVrie- b direesîiaîaî îf t ua ut'îaxe or pacuitiluîca are taccic;I lieaithon 0arreas, whîtIa midihoatait tIc icih jmrinpoe w. o.Uîrvuci. - Ptae, re, f leriloiatie iaîa ut scia. Piedmtaiiimud, tiseefbru* etU alcvr coid 10r ifull tscriccctaac gt apai cai-c i ' ANDihE'iVItISSEL, akha- esef once mors misircas of the ru- t'O id0ce i. sauideleecic.tat umL»onr voltion. She 5 laci dtaisebMay nai oaaauc1urnaistul cu cr oac ahlsi iamiuiii li faruentta follue. filastreVohution- tlii lit,,.r.cniai. Fu alsi wiic' t ât $~s 1.40 pic sur, itirtoa. N L t as the apal Sttu in oider tatelle ayyI i i iieud W. t I. D.Il.>ca . 19î, (3cats); lTii ai. N. PL 4; th ict;c, etha ,iepnt' &xts laslertiai isemt unit Itodicias JoaliL2,(4ar», couIcoc..n. t. gc1, ti8 acres) Put hesetfin a pealaai ta &0rusl a danger* or&.s. M. I t 2è (Illuutr ,,..e 1 OU urevoltlo n ($il saos~ce-ucreg)~.i10paicrlst e.Lit- fia. Tisera lUatmc e W an uic tisittt A GOOD THING.-TRTit' terc (10oiaeccir.M; ôUilc ,,u. , lm uugiictee Tt tie Em peor ofisaslbheuiaduu - con. 1. X 19 ; iLI aCi. 19; uRh lts 4ciandt8 a cee thiça frm thhua point oa i cisand TvErCANIAN ASFACI ocTRavEa. (60 acres)l. iiaaoni edoa di aide diltdit $1ai61) icier are; ST. E. W. S. thuno daniger ca aicrehed n heaie SAà .Eh)tCINEC,riiaicnmelltand Pt-i. N.- PL of S N-,%2cù (litaoas), ai France." Ient removtai efaîîains frontathe ism len&maA-. 5 0, -u Par ron; 18 et os TiseAsatise oarmenticac daçdec lleaCaaualictsPa-i Datroer per acre, ai 60 esiaaPurc ccr, 19, 2ai unit 2u, acc cas refualag taosivt tise Ncail lue0-t, esa Bcaualhucuphrle i ui p nu eui aiaetc sreacei 1,1i.4u, iW5 geurc choit ie ingattiuma iav li~ide 2t%0 Cassueus Fa-is Destiroyer h1,6, i, 8j19, * W aed casic- 2 &*t & lan ta oan Anstreha pot etco..2, , ris i, Zîý R X 1iut inuit hlltehsdad îk ilam cte&;cci. 12, » m..lttuu.kj .athlg new relative ta CafiaIti's pro- DMiac:aoh lSIalatSs asaSi asus~5 ua -nt readnga.- ' i4 ces.diU Pa-i D er . 0,i uacres - (tt i u.. N 32, 84; S Pi ca. sASXANDSEtoNs ara Iitcilitiandcamp, u thedbSteuiccaielciicicitvc 11. sui ,ca. 2%uS,107 areai V 'I 5(0al~s -onai.El % ît 100 seises&' plifrut omm t iltis u are fol-wa 1,Mae teil;-t ;u ,wosr fiýaiDisita tiaepsasiac i- tr"'p Tm 55d FOiiiis Deltroyer I;ah sm1S" . 2 ge«- »;a oa.a 12,00 3a.i 00j svis j jý > e *» cnr5E ~I -X izI4 à,12 83 120 Gi» ohuWoeearaîa aisBll, bokiU56dtia ,ife.'I l à 8,% ,- J4 . inoà x &, biflW- M&- l-Msa _ _ _ _ _ _ __,CLlba&r .4 U Pope'& tmop.0 lWii new sithea saab of lcCsau <i'Dsryr Notie t PikPeke ticlaa, ai v aies ùssÊte Ta. làa03110, ta«fiesiaa =,L te on m a = 1ýd# nuîea.the kaaavalwidt hoc s&~vd ts.L' lsitt ple iUC L i m«ndtt.«"ntteuL Tise Gna zima d Oeleto W ai, jq Ns wiy valu val a "Dt a ilce ý s illuet ,eneîýicmml pbitg aail Isa~e. t~ba.dPBJ*BDogIiP5pV .tnea r= sapcma4 flhsyaSJ"Waemyu .i* .l WO-u wdo. 9ff &M itAvea ce aijeta 4b10rIW151 1 r4 iutt 16e- NEW ADVERTISEMNT CHANCERUY SALI IN CHANCERY, BETrWEEN IIENRY GORDON, PLAINTIFF,J AND EDWAICD SIIORTIS (Bev BILL') iAD tOSEifi ý V O UýL iG O IA RD M ILL E JOHN L. RASiN(hCY, x-m RICIUAIMm WOI) IÉZUFF. As va'voacSANIU EL -Utuittccturuc'a ut, zaucclDW i t c MILL FURNLSHING8, AND XXýUUACILMae s sUPPLIES.- oFFriVE.-14 ST. PETERI STREET, m STREAL SAM$, SAWS. 0f vey loartliaoa cidau Ruaisite to erder CIAIIPBELI, . C. 14 St Puter Strict, Piotreal. ch Jae'vrkaa', uct Idi. hICUT r Anl of the above work -executed with nelàtnewan sd d Ail crorkb. ceeruct. Cal and sec speciaiens. R.eadcer téaUehles 43, DO1!OV,&NIWALB UNCNDIIONL 8S1RAICBON c i tceocsai ccaijaclc cruchît, r ~f hroy B.. hall. Abcout oellecitai tftceii citrorly or lrd ?f caîacl and itubeclcr. Abuctt isae ect hîii ilIg ticI.'e cccart535etrr.w iccccactihe,0114iic 1iti afii'l uLotc 13, icciiccia ilis ot iiitiîi.i icoscic udcit îaîlcck tico. A tca o trc' FIicii lîcc14,ncc1 iacu.ctlor Fr'inuc i, csecciauctury iundîa lissVi t Gicsn icIc'ia ii lice "lcthara il ('oc"tasas i.raagttL a iduproiccaifrontc cîccacilia acccili. cTis, carêlcc-sCfOr r cierslilecoarcn, il ttc, ticiciacciOf Otaci caicititeccnit iin thespro- ptliifuic, tel peci f tilt hiireia.,ho l'cie t.cdc ticcîcicis l,r irlit îiluciâ adt cipay thc isciiccsrcll ics cis moueiaic-cciîs, ' thiaih- tcaccc lit ta aiilcciiur iciictlI liiee sitr.- f niomil iccci t iirtheltju.lii 0dc 1iai Fardcicer hccshcieliramii lliitc gcatisi t tthe cOhéicccicsre af ticl-sci ii cîcîtor iiit sgiaclcc ihîi, litcd îîcthecaallsa af 4Lsréa. 'liiîIihlaacr, ici i aI ci so' f aaîîfcc'recii tics Aciclioîcer in tic, taaîîwi ciic;.acOcr frocai Julia V.lhiiii,iiiq. icii .a licou ccfWh'libv. Datd Ph Spt.1-s ). A. N. BUELL. WILSOIN fo tlD'Ti 0 liiiia ciciauicr: I Kincg it.cW. Ticricets Caution. I cisia cciiiacc n itii O cccccii sfrccccci hcirasici la îcctccc' l"f ui sUceS 1-i.cii.tcccl, liOirciw' ci O'. c ia !iclcîsccr tcci ii. llcirick fcrhs dcc ic"u'cald Iiltelutcicc.2 bscii ad ChIAS. LYNDica W l liily. Ssic. '5. liicifil Strayed. c A ME icOtaîi tince, abt cciturne astosego .îCali'. T'ccii. irocii Iccîco the Il iileciy LotS 3i2, 401 ('ciii af iitby. ].)ENiISTRY! DRS. CALLENDER & CARD ugruacu, Deniite, &c-, UnounS avec .mr. Carleton Lynde's Store, DUNDAS STîTIET, WITUY. T Enil fildd mIcilii cat ticruec talmonnir, T n cui cuouthe tica aca ut uccipprevet iccirial ticcu. 'Sic'trie ispaxfrielcca ef Drm. Cuutluccter d Ouutrciiuad liir t icurouccrhibkuiiahie cl&r v hiepcc- iii, sfu])uctitry eiuble licîu ccpurosiacuabîl greit 1iotit.at, dcci irhiit ircai a araful pr,. ecri-accai ctîcudr a ciIiclal)rdcuiitc tulicci eucuc tru ia, tctel. Utucci îhuar preaiirsulioci s ecaccde l o catliicippiiecc, accitxaicccfrl cuiTa vàit nilluccici ite, beors Ilîsdiocice gcibi îitrcihiiahlod. AILrIIICIALTEETIt imsertsd ic tustt, 11- aeri,ltiic.c lliste, citia icpciic dhc e tsbiatt,ciicd jily recoluculalcuixccit e, iii'Ir the hcteci lciciut it eîcunac'd iuccellaicdictet u,3 a pcofucii-ie Thuaoimiti fion r cI . Catii cur & dc tire 0uic, u irfrli> 1efriieit, anditmu icrfcct iintcscisclucd, abtu 0iii11Yi>theuincciur- slox1cisiii pnaacrvecitt heii ie-sc ucd Om-' rtc if thco varar ufthc! ifiilhsiut !a ~chpr-n ilagt u saInc, ciie. lai ticsddrsllity ni liii, ciatcl usuct, uîî the hurccîauy icithe Idlccclicu eîlir, lice grcasici uifdlsi, lai f,,cccd. 1'uticadur attentioniigiveec tatlicscureanas ragouhcacic liautsti. iuucniitacihicuhi iiticiiitta thib ada sau-r> imptortetiut tulitbeir Ah oicerunaliiaWcrcuuticd autisetswrd. Tirune riuaiuubiou. C,,i6cltctlui hlccic 2 UIITION. MlS CAEro]LL RF.PUTt-TFLLT IN- .5.ticciai a r uintenioc e lraliig a AT GEIIEs it AI, ON XKonday next,the 17th instant 1 wlli cd Ariaalictc, -togciîhct WcelhPied, bacjiecc NSdaittcrits 2OÙ- S ic5. lraccccc Nigiahli i tFrùeaeh1 84- Chilitreclun scituic a"ciorf cigelic Ella,OS, puir qcsiunr. princtit crticai give ai Frencl le ladies. p e.Innainuamof Ta,%chB su'ii nccal "biOiu5? ers n ludIc ltuuý,t te nam lMsi*tic"at um ajhodr a mahumit" a- Un hi avachsvfilthuy y bte iuctu e attl aISiOluWlcllc jldltj, tiOIt.i, u56 thei hi. E M OVÂ L THE Fa"l Iciectng aifthe Ontario Turt Club, viii take place ovcr tlair Courae ai Wliitby, on THURSDAY & FRIDAV, c cober 1ISiland it0h, 1800. FILRST DAY. @50. CQUAicclc iircis uncin ic i itea lahsf ttuc icsic, icîie heato, oic ici ciii hcccr,s ccoit lciin Cciiy cilicine cauc.k jrahoue tu ciiidate oi liibihl.' $150. ('Sablitica, Nvcait ci hîcccîa taki, ai *-z:cî-ccsi, tiSi ciic m il et aou tu ail ]tarsas, T. C. WV. $50. StehacavaCo Fes ilîhian ijiet îcku ai truh, ,toileha tst, opcuu Iiail liacihiE muid Triuticg hriau. 012.Succiir n1ecî e .1 thîcehoiraccathat iicanar wunSticho, Culiir ariea, liiilfi'tiliuailo SE COND DAY, $50. IroviceaTraothing urse, vithcascint- bide iti,.ko ofla010tutwncie iaic p e d cctiaproevat m ci tI. niicc n'aiau 1-at icLeulccr'c Pcirse, %ciükîains~cid% ..tk.ioif 1$55 nîrli, uhIaiete, hat 3il cc%, rpn ts I alitcithîcn8lactaIoaciifor, ad bSoatimsarsa tiu ar, T. C. W. '- o9a. La(ihos Pars, 1 t an iicie take ef $1.5 siel, A of iti,cmâle tct, ihandiap cehtll, pccal ecrv. 0 le..tici Curer. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. Tlirnoc iurce ieakie a Rlrîc, nett ecs tican ttceaOcrt, nitraciseIci pur asciI. 2. Doahoicin of Jccclcrslic bolfical is atieccarae. 3. liitrkoia bc icice îiit hoSueccet'ry ut Siet'. llotsi, wcmu anîîk foraan d icci hcîrcsary icfîrcîca- Lic iion uiiccîcu l,u 10asa ci clcshoen ttc, icaoiiiîcg prcii ia u ac alc icc menaus. 4. The ceoci drticisandcclc-.rcidli of tie Cub catit bcâiv- idàrutt.WILLIAM SCO'TT, &éC'y antd tTrcaca. Jýrecc4lcciif.1 W liyc Cccict~ .it crt1 , S c.17' 1860. se L-v. uri.ucac.c,,£$TON.aiftc tReici ,fsier bTj.ioicvqiei Vhe- cîcq uca aitcche yuaew urLet aET.wEEN, 'aý caarcituihicii F07 îesiteoeuf Ice cuii'K saii qcar ing hihpabl.h hsmr tai .c"I 5cicedue Oua, asI clciilà awt cuiouwlu bsie eraeà it cchu auii cht hsait cifomilcv ad, n r iniure Ibtheveea«Ieec de if 0cuceru er ri.x m. r dOmrsie iio aepkuii" idlu- Ai, ila iorech Ila a mpif Ibisne, eiuW etitb îhe ncicuiarecuiuledtihe nrm.cui rdaO lc CtTiho.teputbi la inthe 1%'a iCh>' tomsilehidihid in thie Tow C v.fWhi Zct- ,,muru -a rarh vertiae Ociabecea. cheic ae antDefeiick, Tak i <sce "ih opus 4 Dai sulacrero,idenicvsInther1 di puiai tîosliccar m ie, ther ichnelilarasy iu an mc.cceriasallr hu bllim suu- sur~ie p-caih-eo i Oua mciiehateie -. Icchainihdctinatheiiaic WILL ho happccy te atitd tahi eWCs luelit ,. watccîri iol, ucit fracs pont iex- .P Icueucci ergivaeiclisi utifacuiswSla utudail ut cit' icteu u 8st unccusblha IVhuhîl>, Aug. 3% 18M. 8- LOVAiTEB AT, it,. Sqes4Uo saic w pac hs.ui,' Au 8 7 ana -e b Our tuburd f-p s, Wi sddm Acea -ez,--7L ».4 »YT., » mena ma Vh.tfatUck u- 3m. to&ssia ffLID OFFICE F01R CANADA, 9 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, MO.NTREAL. JA31ES GRA1"J, AGENT: wmTBY--W. Il. 13mL.sos, Batistmer BOWMANI% LE-ll. 1R. Loacolaca, Berrlaer, NEWCASTLE,-SlthitL Wi.xoT. PORtT IIOPE,--W. F. HARPER, Mnnnger CoameracalBoni.. OSHLAWA,-AmuTEL CocasANE, Ja., Bcrristor. uWe e E.JNAGLE'S CELEBRATED SIEWING MÂCIIlINES (0F SINGER'S PAT-TERN,) At 25 pcr cent under New York prices!! - ô.- T EEMachinaes areuaed in ahi tise principal tovas sud cien irec Quehea te Portj C)-Thel have nover faUied to give sasboton.-Ç Ait 'Chu esitiîg Bout andi Shiou ianuacturrs 'tetify lisCsitir sapsirity cver aay ailier cmachines ever seici in Canada. Nagle'acSceiag Machines are capable ef dahag suny iiacofah rn, ftos a shrt egrst harcics traces. No. 1. MACHINEI $75. ýNo. 2 MACHINE $85. No. 3 MACHINE, MWI EXTRA LARGE SHUTTLL>$. - EYERY MACHiIE IS WR D. 1il comnincations relative ta Sewiug Machines, etc,' muat lie PaeP-a sanoue ethers wil ho reçeive&i K .NAGLE, CasàDtÀx SawIRcOM4 va oruLA5Uium, The subsoRibers iv'I1 pay Cash for any quantity of WIIEAT, BARLEY, OATS o3& IPEASe Whitby, Sept. 4, 160, 4 C-Cu Tube J"be th" L'ivmot*«, TOCONTRtACTORS.' OatDrday, SepternbeT 29,1860P Phn eieoni«aaiccixipcea and sci a- f làuatuc niaserspooetiascervcr Ut tisa WhibycSept. 18, 51860. 'c cc. Fuirtucar iodicuIAcuhocarnhy givpac1tIsb4, he uU the àSDA pcs atof OCTOBEsci, ail12 a'cdmek, cno. i. caiay iMeetr. NEW ARLRIYALS At thc Gtonary uid Tec a to, In 1 4hibati licacl, oe ., caliobll cit lssalt&.*1S aary toce, cuilland axicuniili e eto.uli , Wtiliby,, August i !O, u,5- Landu and Saw XiII for, Sale. Ortho w(Lýt lm ulotNu. 7, in t slud co i'ifu.elojai tlerr vittiun ecceeit c.c NlSi ai ive gnai l i% itvc l oubicce", wtih ot bi -to Able 7 acres adjainuilti'eac - e f.ent Fart cf Lat i Nc.'5, 11ci ti'imne c, - lihTicho A iue Prlay ea paimul. d do ciltill i -t hducrt a c u i tou ; su a Ocii.V'hsg itocffvhllc, about IIY Oaa. Uardcatug,,iand lmie,&.'à n1 i W u I r , l e c p i à d t t l i uC e O an t f o t a r l . Tho0 r %vll o »ldvalrelelto Oril tr tgd*loý13 f 47 Puirm for Sale j Oocpuat cfltuIidsn t0 th sdC,.nil.tc-àuceîahl îu tuea ,111o Co ti>c l liicTcc rI0( , PO5 hocit,, tram'dtry. ccidaiser o Th;è laid Ile eitlc, vry bcai qus'l c b>nye Buthtic ecp4ngc : à oiu tcgurched. c - mC nil ait îie a iiii. Lu ilI I eye NEW O JLPEWELI lI.,bunnhier ce tuec. T u iucp iccit,-vetoko Silver-plattod Forkn, cie.1 nillebuel qoihty ba Plve 7 a in:c, r S ~m Io&ah nd sCl &peeaiis, F owu,r fi r EtIdMERMAN, ])iccea --- a, AMi tN '4ccvtr aod n mm et acr iicsls CccîyO11*t~O IIEAluis ricta i cci .SI ü a ccrrtitud g_____ .*wvaVWAWflja ndontlduetisa 1ati tuba rira DE, csn liatcacaaMil LUi cice iha ~E ASSOINTION-0or S a LEW AMYUi- Pt, Je nPoi CJLMPBELL & Co, * U YnA." T ' '&LAuuliNroi9i) wMclientiriy oh. psud Ullali ict il To be soldbPblc ucon 14 St. Peter'StreetMoîteal. SCIIEME (If UN 130 O afPecerflag, Iio-t cW INý, E LOT, viates, tisaobjections ta the'ordlcsyuytn fthrOfos.ito'tc si avau tVIIiIiANT to ~e~irsae ic tlia 0fL, OIL, OL ieu.. .RhUlgetir 175aiiîtan arder oflcthe o. Vice Chan-- cSircc-Wicila.Sabr Siure, E h',t 'OMIBIO-top!I Peaaieamby Lardiga*1fo'ssot«Jee 14,i 1860*n clotllor ciidinfcccicde iihl l iiinacu, oearjîg ijI &o., &r., tir fliricicg o lueliieyaic lera$ hase <ymft May dcciinetntionial olsndo a1er at'416 date rl'Acc'citOIaY aOùlice NIc day cf Jotici, 1859, attar ec'yth l ir .5are510 5galloan leg2. ~ ~ scietd syItitooot custoao e an h 2 c i iaccal, 1860, eli tics ccjcr- CMPEt a. NorAS(fE hinhcîc i'ira ftàCouNrt,ci Uat .aut 14 St. Peter StrecetMontreai. sidoace;- and 1-01 o F-V.7. PB~EXIUjtJs ~ceca bd qaya&e. Ooar.tv aiOntario' ici SD cricrY he1Cot, cc oOt. 't 1 . '*To.Wit.: *i. TUED. Ytie 1tkfa! o Oc. iXt LATHER BULTING. Tlw tASS UBI.£C.B i8 uirtallY Nonf0-forpiiirablc «ndE lT>geut$isiO>ubl. afthe, Quarter busse' AT VIE lIGU R 0F 12 O'CLOCK, -.\OON, Paaî~li Va f ltUct ~~~~' ' 'nifor the County Pati orlniteha csiirprictC i ery raiuceicRivet-au pvLI o urresi ring àPUj, O c i1ndr(w n holdena t tle Curt At theiStatiocin iaaule af the Grand Triccitilt- icicer rire ihaiacîy allierr ttes liCiiata. a a ccci t2iComùly, 011 thcs prcniiae, lic tca Tacec- Seuilîfor tiriutaditslit o ricics. - hiey for double tAs ainotunt; or lC a2 ayithdrato thsm aid M& c'a oacndci ONDAV, O0t9 mtilc of t ickeriiîg, about ccaaî iil frin tlie CAIMPBELL & C., 8il oiit,the P' ' .for the purpase of' a vil[lage occfllCo., atel Polcc"t.o! Gunstibîca, dia frntic i fiîcitrs, ncfiait via uity of30-8m. 14 St. Peter Street, Moctre. osals c fri li aic itritcc, thui ouiy ' -SaCOIIPLETE andi SATISFACTORY a aystem cf UncoadîtionalAsaur- i. 1- 3, Valutîble Prohold Property, FA:LL lf 9 Ei (N G acca lanet ta ho fouac in athe arrangaunnts of asy otisor Assura nce Office. 50 ____ COIII'OSED CFExplauctory Panmphletsa may b hatd on application. NIN'BY-TW ACRS 0FLANDENTMRTS TO TIIE PROFIT CIcASSon or belôre 5Tai DECEMBER Toitan ar letiigtata os. i d cul arlydNEXT wiil sacure ONE YEAR'S BONUS more tisan will h a aoctad to trim,, i ii icaa crain e dat m ae y tiae cuit tîciry (icricancd ]lis ii cata thecilsaimd'inter-entrante. day ct Fetcccrry, 1856, Oic',and eXieptrsrteici imLIAPE ASSOCIATIlOr 0FScorîiaaiu rt u unein13,ad lias imsaa ceru iuii the it itî dondcacctiocîci. ... Tîcurer aicails sabvarefarrei te nare lice 'upwards of lYdrteia Tousand Folicia for Lita .Asursnces, nmounting ta liailcvcy St;ttiaci graciit hcingthua ocras litci.i UFCU tEMlie oo' lito uit lcciland ie icifarchtic racaliofitics OETRIO TP LB nearly fi ilo onbSterlig. Tha Amsssssi ,contàe le upwarda of lIUils'ay, cli rl ma cras t ai t id . k Aiec ciii radilcn1caré o ai ithtct cr i (> £160,OOO storiing. The Policiçs under the original Schiomohava al»c>for mnany che tirîilissarD1'11111i1i'aCrek, rart of ~~ ~a naauvfo rt etrcin a ucrntinsdtoasrc huiyhici roaicl Itce iglt c cciiy cvefr ,csa' ~ ra lae'Ii utcr c 1-o .riloricctSI cciilsiia'5-1-1aerec cilrg pait.Prospectusas ofthis Slccumea lscý Muy ho had oe traaic ,,co ciihavecreccc viili1"c ciii coaonii 1 A 1

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