Whitby Chronicle, 1 Sep 1860, p. 1

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VEUXc 155, »Ir- M.iIIGGINS, zhDéOite thie etl-3 Ee lilouS o' uISCRiPTIOfl ARE 82 seui $3 el1aviait 0ss 02l s-Â-1 e AVti tTS5 r qsOtt Ir 1 n -'ih Co ai iriuaotovdMarhat1as ,îsdneth eoainO f SATUIDA in WWels nesi, ut ,' *cJCeonilin~s tulai-ags cirula- a ie Clisi 5557pupes- pobiisd hlu as-u 0F sss-5-xai- w E55LT. io liies ............t3'n'(s-si-lins). 01 ,ps ill bedigcsntlnuoduitil alarrcer- ciitn:e ah, Is-agfgaera!, ail-bs nt kCOl tise P ie~yîn 8sasnas BOOK AND -JOB ,rlîqG JiSTA]JIIMENT. IPR EOLO'Tl IIB ROITBoiTso ilifr h mstlisbahs-roO-e$11 O i ns tl s- leof'Typa hlm Nove oAindoîteis te IS« oui spses-si-oste ecenomte An) JOB PRINTING -vdos-istisîs l11 a nîsperies- c8 5i5esn! "tPatell, Ot tule isot rosmintinslg -~ I - werds~ gi-eau thougits Bail ectirhng isulestos',. me uadVecaac Poace~ l5rugress, Kuiowlsdge, frottis VOL. ive RtOIT. -CIECILEY, iM. P., S URGEON, ACCOUCIEURt, &o. CORtONE'R 2.fer tise Couîty qf (Ytioi. 1 R. J. GU[NN, MI. D. Sa IURGFON TO TuIE COUNTY tAOL, BDfyron Street, Wiitiy. .14 2r lil Toi arssid rl Peintlug tieisuy iis-,Itou-ce Bills, iuuic s-hin iir tsses-îp- l'i tlU truiluid Viitlu ais saur ci- Crissels Office, Wblitby, C.W. bu i% UlN IAjLL T11010PSONP sDN0 EOtcoCNTY O-F ON-. t,. Is50udoiianeuiiton, Brook. te ZAChIE S DURtNIAN, E0F ThiELCiCTY &SIJiISOGATE iris. iclitc uth C osuCsrt lieuse,8 I SqELSON G. RISYNOLD89 14-1 Is-s- r4fs OFFICE AT VtIh COURIT S, u N I.AIPERRT, ty STt OFFICE OS BRSoCR ST.,- Ks~ tOs- TUE PEACE. OFFICE-AT 0 i-sus-t Glosse. joIIN V. H[AIE, K FVECOICNTY COURT, AN L .tro ~ theî suratccut oî . it cauialI XOUIEIS OFFICE AT TISE COURT c s-e. - il. J. 1lACDONELLp 910 CiTO ç CLV.111, (ol)y VilE COUNTI it i, su1. iôutoe as tissu Caliurt liese. mon,1 .TY ENfuINEER. OFFICE AT TuE lit Ileuso- K FIIL4,r IVI'stl)N CIU RT. tOFiFICE e JOIsPiOSORDON, Fs-Taui ifs çzs5Isud MEASCiRES dthu Cessiuuiy ori MOititio, y iIi u - W. Il. TRES5AYNF., I 1 %T E R AND Ca-INTY CRI>WN siri. oufce-lui Arulina Soc- Bs-lui týeoarou Clos-r. 1 - YERON & MIAOtDONEI.L, STEMIC &f AT-rORNETS AT LAW, u -uuo-sso a-le Csuisuty Ceuisoil Otaruio- it ilie cou-rtauioSI W iig. EoiCOIE il. DARTNELL, Il-TEil, ATTiuORN EYu CuSNVEYAN- i it., ai. lllce saseiJ. S. Daius oii HasrdwaroStoe, Brook Street W lisbY1 J. V. HÂR,'M ISE- IA.Os-FICE-BiIOCE ýt, li itby, C. W.i S. Il. FAIRDANICS, 17>11, NOTARY PUCBLICu &c. &O s-a, C. W. - N. Gl. HAME, -STEut AND ITTOI(NEY-AT-AW. e-apîss-oe thse 1tegstry Office, Brookj J. W. CORSON, 19. D. ERLi- I'IiVStCIAN TO THEBEOGIt- s lois-ssaI loeo pushiiasi taitheNuw ; Litoteof Cps-es- Cnada, &cs. M:Nirkl% se llge, cuis mils ns-tîil G T COTTP5 HOTEL, WV. CALDWELL IIOWN, 0 YiANCER, comiiMiSOSE s-OR ug Atildns-ll, Aesoiliist, Lnmid DlIs-- - t"hLe-Kicg Stre-tu iices-y ojpsite .011 buhe is e trualeit to us! e 0 iii 0tiY isttides! te. c'su JOIIS ISILLINGS, IGIIANCEIY i-y e-ONVE'ANiClNG pobis ci, Princes Albert. A.PAIRS, B. A., s AT L.AW, SOLICITOR IN0 WIl liury, ouais iceu, &-, Miina lts-aat j G.H.ARNEL 'Ty REISTEAR, MASTER EXTRA- suasy5 Adamis r lsm uisc e laileurs'foi- cO utrlo, B -ai-t., Wbitis. 47 JOHNM IRNADP, STER, ATTORtNEY, A&. Offi- Os-s ofCirlansicd eeCourtOsosCa, (OPPO ais cises!, Toronto. OLILL & HAI&ILVONt taxi-ES & COUNSELORS - LAW W vig, innsotoa. LIAU TEMPEST, M. ». G STEET, OB8UAWÂu CANADA RESET MANNAN, i Os- ctUINTY AND- 6UPEiOR 05and umeseKO to tCi suts' Cuen- 21 AK09 W. CRONP lThtT, CIVIL ENOIlMEEt AND1 -~Aent WhiSt i ROOIRT . .WtI.50N CITERt &. ATFORNEs ATLIT", sueluana -es-&o.Whisttiis'C.W. roi th*p seras Masa.WduostOf à ALEX.~C W-WPON Lt APIu8 MBE, Jr., 41FF Fis'»o DIVISION COTrT. Ad WThts, . . o uiST WINDSOR IIOUSE, IIITIIY, VUE shoe lîUntel le itmîssed in àpismantsand L retires! s-st oethtie Townî, snithe frentrosnd. ons accouimms-dation loi- trîssiboro. ond shbilg and attenstivei uotlo-. 2 - UUW[ FELITZ, T , rEACIIER IN ImîCIl, Tilt Sesglsontes .ss spres-srel te J. C. IZIANCOCN, rWISOOT AND 0100E 5tAltEI, rn itc iimis-k iîmdeteorseiseoe matsdu1ier M, nwdlîy essîieeiîsd vsek- ais Aesrûpaiog idoncs avlth iieîsiisosud AMERICAN IIOTEL. SAI.KER & PATTEIt'l&N I5IIPRIE. tors, ssesr 0f Yemsssg oid Proutistrtîs. si-onto, . . 15 l P . Di. CLARKi, iâues*osesu&&s-o., - ERCIIANT TAILOIt, Ns. 74,INO ST LWmi,Toronto. 10 JOSEPII NOURSE, C LERKT WEIFTIIl)I'N'l-,ION COUTTOF j Nss-thisssiieilmid amis! Llrbssms, hsîsmrsmî s-uConvieyiiies, aie. Aduiremns-Wi1lis sus-gis, Cartwrighlt. ONTARIO IIOTEL, liYBIttAS Ji-, PiuItIiETOîi, lRa-lUi Ssteect, W Istbs. tesods! tîshisg iatatteuî- se sussiors.i CATO IOTEL, L) iiFINS C5tFEK PICEING. GOL'D D accommodat ii llors1Cý necissdtosW. CCU'rIBPRT. TIIOMAS DANs-OR». -I GII CO>NSTABLIE, COIINTY IONTAIO-, ssii tsisptctue of LiocîsoimitisaMunlis-pal- o f tlie Teo nof Wliihy. SIENRICIIANNA3qt PLAIN ANI) mmiNisoi ENTAI.lPAINTRIO, POlîsilr, iopor ilioigmur, &c-, WbiliY i1 W. il. iILLINGS. R A &tuTEtd ATi-IIIEi-AT LAW, Osîlleitors lisinlsisiieri-, NWilitlii, C. W.- o555so-Wssllac'e auuldisje, iloosi-at, WisithY JOISINMcGILL, LICENPIII) AUCTIOINEEIS uit )CANAI)lý L Wei si-o sic ici-Siotheuic lsiisu isisto of tlîtiiio aid imîsi-issîsîs Cis-iusties, tiiii ousîl SaIse iiv Asoetiii Iololel Forsilture Moeelmnaciiss!and ii ci- o5iccts-, ut s eensonabs5li ioiiu.Amlis-ut se50 JO1îN 5METCAIv, CLERIOs-TisE EIFTII I)IISImINCOUîCT C Ce. iris-issg tîis 'onissis -siAd ures-co Csssmiiigtoii. 14 FiAiLNIIOUSE. LINDiAi-, C. r. B F. JEWETT, îstmîuElTORu. ClNItFOsI C.utaiseiiecoii aiiiilsiiiii-i-Tuai llo-cý. 'siluChe, iss , 1.57a. C 'AlNi NET lIAIt i-R, illsTItIAr Cso(;rrus's lsîfli, Byron isSsiiec, 'liuilîa, h r50 iîsuugiir uiittmi, rulu i fl ii lliilofii5P iiiisucd sîssi rioif Fssrssuua utoissios!t( Fsurmsue s areoilly rc-luiovos!- RAI ICOAh IIOTEL, J'siole-i Csos! Siuilb o suis2 suiIsiCOi A. PtCINGLE, -rERCIIANT TAILOSI, BiZOCit STREE. -TiI -OXIAÏ if )VEREL-L, UlIl) Et, A&e. &o~., GIREEN STltEE' B LsI MEC FOR SALE. (JtN4TANTIX liN IIAID DURINCI TII susiugsp-uu, S itin rms---cMusesu Lsewlliuiibsieim erCaesout2C-e WIITBY C.W.,SATRDA.:SEPTEMBR.> I8600 Cl AMsERONO & MACDONELL'S LAW DEF- 'jlion1ie reinovoil fsosetise Court; Itesmea to tise Il oPherson il3usldfiugesp" rosIt St. Wilitby, .155550 fil, 18,000.2 -ATCTIO IISIES A TTENDED te as useal, h1 JI C Berlisge -L-Alil os-ses reistief te Asetioli saits by tise uindsis-sigis.-d, soissi boiett tieChroi-slie Of-- fise1 WVlitbv. Messesi. 11,giss16i&sMîilieso- ai-a dsly a'tliosized tuapoinust MY dnys aosse aitîs torim, &., ses! to eteStciaosieîi .otîsc anrsgment%s-ltiig te ssy sostien bisiois1si as tus-y may esnudor ptoopor andes! ssrs-y elalel tcio, lais! teo atif),sssy agreemenst tbay sîay melite onîmssv habsf. talosis tiosdailuhail sscari- ftIsaCounotryo. - J. C. STERLlNO. ..W. WOODWARDli, COMMISSI ON IdElICIANT, INSURANCE ssiani Gssîos-ol A tout. Offlcs-LsOoly sos- pioed hy Jamssliodes, nWuitlsy, G0. W. RnpresFNiese.-Týliatsi i lskeis, E>(1.,Ps- oidistlsdl fT-sssToroto;W. .Ciol, ilîsîlslmNanagseri Tusnes %V .RiInEýq.,bltssssesis-u4ebe Toi-oto-WV GamisehlesLq tilton lMihIIslT sosto-oj 1,. P. t111, Prcsidnt Batikcfrois irois,ioitrcal; Moo,,sc. MStsiusd, Tyles Ilttlsln.qom Torontio;Sicssi e.rssocn, Evene; & Coi., lls'tirill; mtis:W. Pri-iSo s i,Qsie- bec; Moisi-e, 1. J. Noos! &"Ce- 5s2-) Whmitby Broery. MAXà woondWuL-.! T IIESilscseier;e ai-s uuosvpeeat-- si-IlutIse 1atsoior- usa Vuistluv lroevrs cutisa euacu aS srtuoe in iiiosli q muiiieiiel iia bch rcqus'es!, aid oruttois te s'lit s-ar- Bcuiivd ae qluul ts theîslo m stes! article. etlIAEIZC & VtODWAttD. Wlutly, Sos-, lIt1, 15. 6%-44v. ALBRION ItOTEL, -V AS T MuARKET SQUARE TORuIONTO,- uE .StmîTI l Preors. Lksenut mcesn- ssods-issî , s-attentioni pais!tute ia osi-r s-ts-si-llhirn T HEili ussoribhbsotsts ioros Ilul s uil-i, fin îultheo trave-.llling pubic hlhisit hlicm u ut- eus tiseihoi-vecli wlsu uteusls andurusue ruta- uu t3rc to s lis 0is- ici- tse sssi-reavo ii- icuulis i-uOgimsto su ilrei s ehare sof-îpuic pastrosnage, Gesdi i;us lsu sss!cigaine. is fortailse ssecsuiiuwussliu i-sliisis!ndIssu -- ýiisissuostii-c usnd cauil sl ue. S, CON WAi-. tshihuui, Juie 1,lo t0.1 - N. il. J. WE5sTBY, G ii-sRtL COuaMISSIOiN ANDIN SOUI suse Agent, Cs1,iiui.isiiiior taîbuîg Ai- tsisAcesinsuuuut, l n'uy id eus!lesîgltm- nsuiu. tulss--W'oluucss iisiiigs. Bs-setsSt. ituleaiuc-usloiHill in-u,oune ihleNorthIis- n-hua-y css-uss-î Iha.F-ibýsa- The -fscJulu ofci-tIse Ci-'iuty ;tIs e Shsrili-; tus'5iliumliii IO oto Coiuy; lus Ciaris C)tIs eiue. lsdit cis-trs-5 ALEXANDSER CAMEO(N. C tIElF (OttTAIILi- Tcwnu o- W'itlcy DAILY , ýî,ŽSTAGE titi- vl'F-NW'll ifOY ANI) ILINDSAY AND) WIIITBY AtNt)BIiXYRtTON. PA sSýes i-tusceus I-su-cit5rouîgh isuisa c il -r iss Oliu m55555 lis - ri-veus Sutissim u-.-iucar, gosiigsu audes rt. N. tA Y NVOW 184VtRE TIME. 0157 VUlîliIliENESS AT J. A. i-lai-k's ls r-e PicturoOGallery- I s-yi eusdore iuscoresret ud lilSlite Asmuuru yîiCaiutllie, Iiss~-ui or LenChcs- il iii imursulhcucsuu uLeket, llroaelu or Riss, i-ceJ. A. i.-euuitc o t lne hus hatyle-u, lendi eot net ie. asKISOI BLees OCKwis0 VINEGAJI I1VISECIAR 1I1 T EI uiie8ugiucul tuses louve tui sios'm tise flahtotsoui - and55, sss!hliipublie, Clues liise la n o iuiuturiis i ilguis-et acsu Ci-ra Po r k.ey l eet l we trulisito kimil aii- -sigt15ssi il e ei 7 ossiu ~ lus-ses. Tîso feili bse erub i- h t us l ' A ROIJERI' SPEARS. sedeee s ysuat ii tîiiii1 uttolided te. CLERK<AND) TEASI[tER 0F IlE Adlrec AIA ILX Towsuhii sfuCbulelter, drss, Cbruie>. IIA lIN /stlis. T1101MAS H. PORT&S. , 11utl, î1-5. 80 R2 ING STRtEET EAsT T 'iO DOORS - -UR_ __lUSE W LtAs-iasis-, AuutioiieOs-,As-iltuî olsuiOOP -OR s-s1use. nat iClie Ageuitt, uc! oss-i oî ,îu T 15 I l E eidciemed isso uikellfi thaovr [lte]c, Marcisist. Uslis Cuamyasoqst su'ieo T vihiliiihuisaits es-s-i huiusiin tîs lisot Meahueudi, Fur e ,ai n, s a!llerus-prpestý ioumur-isifo ir i iuîiuu of fl> isepublie.- Cousogue osas- ls. Gusd itabiîug, lusuesssss a iiete, issus!os-ey t- AE!AxMSU wu!.lqurienigsss-ssutt Cîhoh es-i lERtSONuz;fsunit tof agoos!ae, in i uhasWILLtAITItEW Cluescamue on ai lyiuug tCothucito.idci-cgrad t M ail îtîsFoimmudrus. Asocreo-n! -i Cic BRITISH AYIERIOAN IiOTEL, r- ý a--utotice. Wsi'sus-s-usmulîd ( 'nstee. csnUCUE a s-aa-s,su-um. CLARK IIU'CiC , IOA ýINNý (at LIodIoe 1-11Axo-.nakilrs-'Vliitbi-. TIIASDIiIslmtlîua-o!ter 12-4115' s. lliitisy,) lPros-s-et.e. Bot a lla su i0T ICEiqusse. Siisiuaeusioltuifst-s-l-s os! Si4ihliig, ands! attentiveu ostiers.7 AVIS <ipiirllesh i letisunstirectosc iiof .-- il t)sisrus& Co., aith il eusdd!tion ch EDWARDS A- RODDEIR. Stocu , nTiAiîOîS, BItAs-RS, & 0U14'!TýtESS,' gis-sNw tokJ isiti' Osisusus-su. entlmenta' ga Broklis, Nas-esubOr 1 tiu ba85. 41 CENT RE ISOTEIL. W7. .LEAVENS. YONSRE1, psta aaketli- ET MILLINER STORE. BROUIt ST. pieCo. Gonîd Aocomsiisoýtisus. IN Wity. 9 Wisby, ls5, 186),h CIIARCLES C. ICELLER, DLACK9S IIOTEL. TTORNEVg AT LAuW, SOLICITOIX l, (LaE os-mcoUS, u It;e OE,a-usoa-) A CaosUss-causss-&o-. Office-te Victoria bisild t-ir, oe-r ftus Càms-nf ctSba, (lis-es- f BrocS iaed Ihos-sl ise t,-es, - Ilokt.m Br-ook auses %)It sisviîsa t os-i-. ABOVEWELL K SOWN, AND CEN- 5 hi-5i55i55 fea 0 fon- fJLuhil-5mî tostedl uaclhlabeau ns-nly fises! tnTennîlais- of Vismiali, and LsuaUts0of40 sus, u2is!rsOvm-ts(lil'i 9seiOoiiosCill smn- Can. - _oi-r by tise pres-,st oralîs-suuus. No e enmas in s. ÃŽiAftNETT, & Co. bho oms rauc sne tie 1ahigcu st, icd r ~ANCFA~CRER AND DEALERIN Th2 ~e tet aid fWnea îto n i M ..Clsai, Suis!Lest Tushices asue MWise, Issuietleissc.Vcs iui me u Lie,&C . Jahn Street, Fort Hope. Rosses' sis! cosus-ossinet s-isds, goil etbl*ui p'e-Srt1 e mMrais8t lt, 1860. m--o 'aiult ueiCttivsOe osies-. TIiî hlote'àelttustil' lui les-ey lusrt nisilue TUSE VIIRRAFIN. Twî fWitby, sujd iii bc fisens!t) c e ts Msta-Cusseauiont stoilpleu le -sta-uer.,t sud l it pRoI'EIETOES Os' TIlUSWELL tras ellees. . knw Sv200 fm )10nine eutlascl1 JAMES BLACX. rïei o0 141 .N ILS iStreet, £Os-ctc vablu ewY 7010*1 hrugou, ndNew Tailorig Estab]jhmentl1 ettad uj-inth Ce trtstyle. E-rs19 ccol deiayl'tasMon. ÀA giivas S cp se- SIPSN EFRGUSONf. tpastaîslot issu>nmieum sosbut heu ban RÉPEl'TIULLY asous te thse in- i-eEBL p&-m milcw .i~5 reOKtT. ihabitents of Witby api surrsoenading as dTik3111-a O# oontry, tiet tues'Mhave op>eac a l -,wàW*ae 7>myDV4Pus ortI-S Is-y) opposte tIse "Ontario Itotil miereaail _J£UNDrMUIGOF D BEOS TO) IN<ORN orders entmMeo tthelnu',avie >dso,,nith T bis friend md th ulsi fni os lîQw avemnatnisaaanSdaspatcls. orleh s' il5 in future lob.y0 Cbitso n Witbr1 Oct. lOCh, 89 ( ; »sesO. Quan isiq.uaeoFa. 5W1,818114 Brandies, L & bog,5ruttIutia fur anKUkhSmUni@on oIg. êU> sscI hsse JOZPB MEEOETi AT TUiE ODOI Mar - WWpIuta.ise 1WMit5q,J5xl- i, 1860. hâte i-abess-3lg, au the àri t~~" -of""nemeesc sca ioO5 D. .P'RED.. DELLENBAUGH1~~eP-e or B3111i-ALO, rN.v, 4e 5 e xtract lb. fcl! A BY-ILAW, lhi-is ais' sony f onethe suse of 7vec. t1-Tllcend dollas'andmsEIntsrest pay. alee n7ients'pesrs for tise >im-oe. ment f Rounds ilahmughosuitthe Ceunis' of Onlerie. -- 1 tîse Caunts' ch Omîtes-lehave by reselution cf tise Couneil resos! Cctaoxpend ce Certain t rcnds win tehe said Ccuety t.ise sum of T-s-enty-thcuaaes!d dollars, ans! tut tis aid sum cf Trecty-tsou.-snd dollars lbe ssised bys 1 Yebenturas cf sisiCorporation payable le Tîs%-cîts' yeai-s, s-ms-ides! Chat tise Menu- c(paSltui s vître tisa mocy us Ce be oxpendes! raiso by By -uaa, or oOhii-niie anï equal ameuint. Ro it tisher o nect-ul is' tise Municipal Corpor-ation ch the Colini- ty et Ontario in Ceencil assomhloduani t us iserehy enicteil by thic auetoity oftîe s sanie, tCis hail ho Issful tes-tisé las'-9 den cf tîis Couets' te esais' av ay cf loin fi-cm ans' persan or peesents, bodys, ni- bod- ici Cers-ciate or politie, si-ho mas'lbe avili- I ueg Cea usviico tise sasse upnatise cresIit cf Chus CosmOs', ans! of tise dobantures isere- in msntioaed, tis use et Taenty-tiouad dollars cf ua'ftul mouuey cf Ceaada ans! Ce cauise tisa sasse,.to bc pois! inte tise isd oh tua Trossurer cf Chia Cocîts' for tise- purpoos ierein seted. tt That 10 ssîal boi larful for the Wardee cf Chus Ccunty Ce direct ans' De- bousture or Debsiustmes toe allsae out fer sîci s essor soins cf monos', nct ics-tisn TavenCy-flvo pocneda eci, ansd net excscs!ieg in tisesi-iole tieseuse of Taventy--tbousaed dollars eitb i-iirits tisereon, as any s-orson or persons, bsody oi- iodles,> cerperats or politicmay sgree ta en oi!or edesece us-ce ucis Drien- turcs t anal sueb sais! Doeentir- hcull bc le eucb fori-mastise Wsii-In cf tic Cossusty sall dee expedicuul, ands! lall bsc unds-r tise Coi-somis MSeusl ci lie Couse- Is', suis!uuiislliabc ignes! iy theo lVs-s!n ssni Trensurer tisai-se, ans! tisessaisall ho naleopayablsent scIi tintes seul inmuui aus as s-hall coeso dssisiitis, a ses s-'iI saa-isfy andsîschasrge tise sais! Ican sitî iaterstîshereen. hi-s. TPlat tise isteresC ulapnstIse s-ail CDs- beetures saol he payaisle at tIse Bank o f Mlost-cis, 's'uitisy, o* tise tirs at ly ci Jantssry lnecaci asus! s-ny yesr dusriuig tus currenuis'oet cis!Driec-us-s. 4ii.lhsat tise rs-sct-s- îuISoleschai rates lu tise Sus-edie issreaftes- siritioies! ans! ios-simîg parC t hIls vl-lsaismll he mseds!lus-ludî aoliu-ceil cei-ans! sîuee usîl otesimirats, four tCiars-shsoieisissm- 8tiuses!, us-senu slateaile s-roons' lui tise usa-l Coutsty oi Ontasrio, for a-lis surs-ose et payisug tise sais! aussi cf 'Tseiy-ttseessiss!d dollars udtisaliterait tisoesou, ss sore- sais!, andmithic procecus o c h urs 1ecal rouie s-isl i c sususiedleehul-hi Cm cie ps-si semt sues yssstuzfuetieuu of sui eDo trs ,ass!the ilu- tr-st timers-on, uniltise si-tse cf scci l)shrssutires, uns!tuaelutereat timrece shîli il bu pai cuintfull Referred to in thue foregieg Bylar, and friunig parCtisherset (a ououmiilire ùlsol,& s-suviuhm furuui, 18U200 il1Z21 s- iac; -s mol; i uaeu, su 2 lstao 1565,20201 om1871, 137mous ss s31as uss s'IM bMuil îaMW 18m, 1360uuss 775 «. sous, j ,11 ulmilieu loue so9.,112e i66U53 i t l,5o M. Thatthis BYLaw oi messk adaer h ieth - hilb li Mael ggd t tee i o seCu is CsasI si eilyt uc idfrtepr s-us eut ubise, a sd oc t 'i-os eh b« S,àtue, u iOf samus usth es nt Bous int us T s, liasî by i te li C)ut, on.th ess, ea afectof eins ie oera60 tlonei tous l anisti-Cs iesresasste COUîi We i Candciape lîs ' )jtoe eid fr tsesupS- sah ca ia mdpro-ids! Tis.ôe ass- s i-t e ps' QMWWl cf urpecail DR. 0. C. JEROME, Sergeon Donlîsi, TN srmriusiiius ehl imsu-il fieui i sui tus- 1pulie ic oersulliN-fos- tîssir e lo vaits-r. ssuirumu-Ol hme ciiicui!prneoii lki li. oi,,.î.sucslul elua-o ucsesoi l usio baoaal] chs hus susertni-qsiiiiz.-'Ar-itieiuil Tooclu CUnat lin mueus- liwotiillssla a ischiiinori- nii-hing Cliie ruus-iuoilsuîei-, ilspou -ils-lu ich ieailhI usos-i uîui idse and i siy-i su -ci-h, tjsMch*tper tlOusi fiecor h i-obOefci-si! eeiul Chia proeii-. Dr-.i'. C. Jaissies-. Neuh gsl-aiut Ccit Cuso lissiý îitoîueii cuisesiitila hegries-te riiol tua sulIluiS cuimes. pus-sueosusu iss-o valBlock fiectiu ct fbs,lish (;unis, sduels A, lui oes-ry resipect, fi-sr ouipeioss-to oassitlior hu liisi- famrk i kusv in os-s. 'siu svorli in iliiy uaspros-os! isi- hi-aai o-f theo 5s-uuuioii- tentieiuSc i-si-k, Undelpss-lus ris--sins ttroîs-eîîurtstie Unitred Si'- suris e to its bol usg uuuusei lglute- sid lofixu siiia-c-o4uivs ssa i i l it fe, ailes- e test oi- thlu-iiyoes, dreses! dhiiglies-ani rl uro rei-si-che tIso gols! oriuuusiisli-uuseiiCildtoX lii. J aseiu iis-suil ihu1te lieborein ios miuu Chut lis suis- us-eutiy ruhsuueuleu prfes s-shIi huu-tototi's-eus- os-cmihurisdehus-I. Il- esuhivelsslm iosis-i-etuits tisuit lie iossus ueiiou.ii4tuuisiytimifng tliailiiio e iel 5miiteiistl huis- s-eal sisuis liant, ailig whiOh iilla lie limliait mi ient uuîmsurutie esoms,esandiui%;ulhistuscstf icest cf s-tioiietleîî laits heet uuisoiu-y Clos Patens. Geld, Stîs-es- andulPletinaPIntes onl alla inthe Latent Styles, Ciseapsr tsai imii, assit Wiirranesict A-si Skis-gil operlimutsoftsiuo Taethsor summia folrily usi-siuiid. 1i ee-tu atssutes! wiluie aîu li uiuofiio i-eitielty7. Cl'Unionî lus- .ulsihoigis iiito tliii eegrsletuous cf Chl lI-ciseti-olh. Coensultaion Fs-iee.AU t11mrr' Wuri-aiufee P.S. Cuill sas! exansnîeqrpeinn oi.-in r be-sogrlufyutiiimo -Ccd elosîlsete. C5Jes ia ssaa-a-u'eItiiru, oeLouife posîW Coe ciask.5et', 1hiiay. toeps. là, c8li. hi-cm n G--LOIRE 1JOTEL, 1BROOSCLIN1. Til UNDEIISIGNED TARES' OCCASION la totueîuluiii-s uuuon -hiito tain pâlisiso, suis!h tsa eeitinie s-îulie, fi-ithClus ihs-IpuIs-on- sg exteoils!toe i mlie soccusuou limi ejiiut Brocisîm. lt d.îIug colhi-s asoses lis issnusiysinds-tiisue effort null lie spareil oui tai0s-eas hor- ss-a-lithecshusete- sf till GOilsobas liieoi.i-s, oi-enmst auit huIle usa-ehle s ifs part si-tise Couisuts-s. Se!yitu suea ils-, fo ris hàattauudaîis eUld uainuda huis bii.ieiuuois miral. TVie i-s ot etug siosy- Blac i iss," lotl-is i-us uirais tdasresoont tisrabie. 'Tes us e issurs 5,fu i-o-e sesisuiui$3, sinîgle bas-$2, (J. DAIVES, Bi-nakttu, Moay 180. 10 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, setocr ss-T, meus-las-, iWG pp"teC Hailton & ]Roeteu._ JAMES CROCKER, Ps-os-itos-. CnOMItMCtAt. TEAVELEES WILL SlND Uit cueaien-stsi.stoeteiietas a-is ibott, ns tycImebsra n t t hiCe i*t ei'r Boks k.pt na a-be lias- a-ieoutes ti-suberlu' hair predeoecNosas, haIM praa's-tctos-Ckes Ciis oselo'n Ce tisant lau ie INosscpatrons ans! fricsla fus-tise libéraI pata-enge beutoe en lisemiumetise WliOtly, Mss lues.'O-s- £"RENWARXu JOINVO Yfon 1 eb 'nfer adit ba hin peoters' te Pru500t4 utsaeuiuusiy gw with m~-eui . eiait5gii j tiaUéflerf!» Ocaft DO" emecstam oet he t-ue Ofsi 30 &flêU~u~ A PTECase sapreodsasîted sucafiul pr-àleeio of cf ees-Cis-ty yar, ssingaost s-etisisg foin active rpetica atfise recqosot afi-sisssisio sioncla itneil- stoi fitoisestry, flis esclt- s! Ce maire, tws ooidicîl 1 1 lntsss up-, sliiel lhi s us oîtoeae lic tuac-osadossle oflil longpXgriq ulsiend us leit tfiloni aiLl rc a~eolntsIitit ftie Dssctee oingiss- sid b adt ahrit l sit lcconssi-y ta ai, shat ho lias for vs-ses preoseilus-a foi-frein 4,10 I ae 5,000 porian$, aatiasys s-su %isatIsa a i-ilssitp semas. Cocon tfssatliavé o bsSo etîs esiodin, aien, yildes sudily tislla; tseniesit, Riasîs!pos-t otno ine dauly*eonis basials-rdaililes 50 lis cil.a 'ieis fors, honoras-, ls ise% t crsihis E te tlaor, tre eover>,tig-l* mse roa- issu, hs iaspt upIliie iiise ilitu-s ottsss, eiiehns-eusbout ods1 na'ti eeimier Iis IILOOD PURIFIER. 8spesise Co tisfe isss-t esai-sori-Soaanilliai imdstrls rootlî andlais of t i$ils-1111 te"! ut- oitsi, thse bst pi-olsos-tieof Nr slîsali "'a" etrta b11LOe en e55O e1olino esim-o tlatls iul- larl;ee ,tooeRl] ii soiesphys-,le i 1 smailler slies anit 1iatoiive soiking miI.ectly oni tisa Lis-si-asua-I idcinym, sxpsliisg llsoesso ail isorbis! usmetie-, tflans bs-sîgssg itio ation al flic si-guis tîsstnuai-lbsveobosois iitiastiv-e, asnd isay ibc rolios! 6sstato reLises' Osijsloisie, mndt oisîplil#tsof the rKiieWs, IisiiipitC,-s suaions, yepqowin. Gensest J)eiity>, Oid Ci-. ces-e, Scrsfsim tif-tssi,1'imss/stee, Sûire, .Tos mous Deiitms-. ri-uesprioe, /siWgegtioi Isliiities th ars5lueilve4s alsis!ail1s-tuler ,iuoiiqe swlisb Irs- ilel e-i imlis t iodedo-ispe satu cfblasul. It liocf'a srs-ag«tieuinature,55 iiiiîll n nor aveakenor pi-sti-sto tuscbody. V is noebse aile a FEVER 5IEDICIXE. Aid misusooer hosukeusisscp t e oiocltion elle No. 1. itii5litonscusre Ia/suamiiiilom55 ROsies- siutieait, aU i siadeuif e-s-eiand .omm thélise mesi efacdl of 'alit, amitail au aieswOou/sîi COsossi5 'o- .4site-Tleose uicils -oci-ere t IJLES, lis-t romiios-al frontussesuptsit os Clic bodly te tlisa , * llouiocmnLers-to s-civomit sonfi-siom, Vsosm 04iesa"'-oprerasld hi-(Li-, DI)Ir-osi Osî anse DELss-cn, s-rlî o lion ps-ssoicinslsi5sf- faoe oves- 27 ysaeo. To peu-rut friand . oremct libenece of tie Dosis s- esîmaificsusr-ispsrer of csli bsiile amîs -Dr.e, Fi-a mllol siagi sCii-, BI5sstso, î,. ,' blis -it i rillhes. tlis-rtiiiiioee-colimplsîsyme eci bottle. Ns. i i ssld l'fume $1s-erboitis Ns. 2 i-si- tOes.o, lii liie simuisle iitim, tliuy tir osa-s-rd a-smtise pililie relonso oms asstmltineurcomisoiihoctlsssssilioi. For oale by JAS. II. GEiSiII .Sois Agent iVliitliy. Wliithy, Sos-t. 14, 15. IV &w i s-Y A CAMI. St A55S5f1lit itoivinsr iront lisileo- JPuis, sîandulesisîig licaisilerosiifs-ri-lo ici i.sib, siiisvicimiiy,somimot lit rutso is simssoresîiX lisosry tilsoîs ofr suieiîssis ttela- lions îsl sss- evrliasl spatronaoge loie is sael- ces fso nt-ssiClen,îsamd is riofso-t 5s fol coin1s-sec)isiieossuiig to tisali-r siseai - DILI.PATTERISON., witîs wolie hobas lis-si lomîs us1 imsimsieslla t ,issus ta, bc a silfi-sl suind suce!3isil passiiois B- isTTRSO, MI. D-, insicsi-setiio Dr. mumIrlii-i fliiilsi sslseiui, iiliot iii t'a o-u lieissofi ssW-iiiilbysnd iioiyîsti!luilit- i now ppired asysto,,sru l isenela 'lcOli tal t:telklmusllhi i ocie u u- t i-i - -icap-ota i b11 il iises-s tcol-am ilsos- lut ssijý %i li iis-salts-e-îm iesic le -o T.":Nýi- vii i e slsc espectabsleur sssro ea. Themmm ,11 5 gliea uv W î, V. u-,Esîi. ',lomsiilo Li.i-.IrIa, E-a-,Wlsihiea .1, us. Li-m.5toi, 11 a t y. hs.1 .Usas ,îeîs iitl Mos,. .. T-îur u ina- -s11 J, .I (liso il., lol ,ills. (Ilmiclimt Mr.il-.siicli eoui reelsîîoo, B-rosi. Crot, 5sViitliy, sssssrly oipoits Saris- 11ENTISTRY. wordso un cLt thonghts, and untiring industtl,, ý we , advocate ace.j Vroà owl 11 L. . 1 ilr.ý, Qitlyq£M?ý W-wo amonget uo, and a safe rtur tte parenit î erholand. NO. 33 GrndTofk talwy. J1. CInITIS VLBUK. at Mfoctreai. littiee oibt ftiat by Ibis cespletioa cf that 'REPLI'. - stupendiitis, mnnment cf engineering akili asrsmas- accpt iLth6 'js4iIi Ilorlng-acceunt of the and labeur iwbklt s bave. cea in the namoneas n dsss of'artizans -an wrk nio thp, preocedinge of the Queënte iIàgurates new sources of ing mon who bave by theà woat off, tlelff * wealtb si-i lbe epened, tejeur citîzéns and ii-<w,:, d' tho skilIed labor of. many à lus te cocuntry 4n5hw'eleients cf power de- bard day's toil. ccntributed te erect, thi i i Ral igheess veloped, and, new licIta fctrd to . bind to monument te he greatnes of these' Cocin eîvoed by tise Mayor, gether in, peacofsl-coopertiôn the axer- try-a structure soîarcely lesas onorable te of a rcyea saite fri-c tiens ni a wide-apread and-rapidlyisCrea5- the baedS- wbich executed tban te 'the, is je tIe harbor. Their iig ppuatonmnswhîichconceived it. I meure wîtla mcd;spd bis &d 5 Tho xhiitio Buidingwcsccwd~ yu the legs- cf- Robert -Stepheneds îr impesing offet B is is a brilliant assemblage, cenprisisîg ieux, regrets yod, bring te mind that tt wai -ieded b the Mayor, elàà cf citizens anàiosne h oi-f-s orcai ths, bis eminent ftter h licIteetf Ncwcatle, latico bbody, andanmie tUolo-y _le me.luiuser remindyou that' -mans, GCvernor$ir E. members cf tbe bat- andi thers. -Tho Englad opens te ail ber sens tih.e hue Si-A. Mile, General Prince ce entering tihe beildingwss greeted proSpùct et asucesa te onius, cot.em d ia brilliantstaff; sed& wih a Royal Salute, end wîtb bhis suite wîts. boi1neat in'dtirtry'. -Ail cannot attalin rkcted cea the ;whaaf, et once proccedesi te bis receptien rocm, tisaprize, but ail may steivs for isuln Iesfening ees aPretisely at cleven'clèockhliecntercd'tbe ,htiis raceàictory la net tib ltiye r the cfpol.Tseý Mayor r est Hall,. and tcok up bis place on a powerteî, but, te hum te ýWlom Qed bas l cf Fi.syCe-fte epeiedfrbi.Tses-ol c-given'intellect, and bas implaetdlets wblcb bie rsad se En. pany rieing, and the choir aln6gin. Il Cod bearts the ssor'l qualithas wbicb amrS -e Tt waes, railber a lengthy gave the Quesis" tc tbe pcaling notes1et qfsired te censtitute trc greatnegg cd te witb aons me pa- of the gre'atomu*an. Ris Excellency th _. 'î'ongratu1&te ycu. upon, tbe completlin fi Higbeess, boweve-, G6,ai-cor thon preaented thse following 01 yeucrneq.I carnsstly hop@ tisat it' inflictios with censider- AddreessMay prosper, and te yen who have raised ad fertitode, and res- ADDRESS.*. it to its pi-osent grandeur, aed-to yeur lie- ysetnteneMsycrah ethe lay itplee olur Royal gflln- es: milie, 1 beArtily mdish every' bappin"as sentene by agentîsThe timprossin c JydbyRIS Roysl ed. Se mclibas be Thc people ef tbis Province are arare Iligbeens' appirance suid:manneis le ci f tise persoal op- cf the ietai-est - whichb'lier Most 'Gracioss deed it ould net héo cthorwiSs-,-mesh fa- ien, that bis felaturies maijosty nad tis*e Prince Consort honcred vorable. - bore is se air alike et effalslir cf eur readers familiar tbe Exhibitions of 1851init1855. - adkndnm igli ihdi iy Witb a quiet dignity They keer tbat ameng the objectes rsh tMcdondo flssls it int te bs frcm 5~ xcitesi attenticoon ci hose Osi:aics,ont ho sd proper sonne of bis posito la tebuepectcd Il avina al heurts le bis favor. In, bis tes- ,a grave asd th,.ugist productions cf Canada bols!ase imisirtant turcs and! bearIng suite ave tracs these-m eJike bis mstlîer's. ail. pisse; and, tbey ventura te bcple'tbat bluscbasut motiier ; snd ave can- wceld charm e oen if ho Your Royal tIigheessý will, en tise preont esltbutanticipat:e ilahi future oceepe,~ ~~ ~ sn~~ ccndesdend tsi eeet toirfvise e t h tiea aisnever it may occur andi cîsh ojîose fsosýsîtivc; w. i ening tisq Exhibition, which, 55 te te a distant pcried do ave devoutly hopel it- Sto n i deatc place in thie buildinge!-s inayb eerdt i ieritance cf ëtbs, ocs : my T1'îýnvO.z iyblivSieu a on hr! virtues alenit ritb tise.power ofttsaov- usoco c$ tises Juiicntet e yeur notice cff o eeign rbe sow fioldase oabsolute a demie' Unneo h ilno h;%evsidence ofthe industriel progresa onso ie erac ersbetIf any iceds e das, ands!osine promise cf hor future thsing rare wsntin .g te strenigthe)n tii.'de- 5555ninacodq s. votion whlicb, as Brihope, ave teel te Our' csjsctiseocf s dividins lillo1 n the part,. therelore, eoftthe Provincial fathriand and lier institutions, tbe vlsit ef r ands LoWor Cana .5. oeelt rs u-Royal Higheot s Rya ti es ous! snpply 1IL ragosissit te. nlnrous the honore f Ã"peîîieg, ini the city ;rits te senÃŽlgratits as a loitreal, thie Exhibition, ans! we trust getiilittics. condesceesion sei yeur port miy Dkss;noeo.-Duriiig the furing cf tise seiesii lsv.ulate car people to greater exertions, A&dmi-al'ssalute to-day, ceesidorable dam. :pciditire of iuhblc 555O5)ctri rsy bc loisg remeiebered amon& thse cge was donneo the bouses in Saulisu Mat!- isent osil>srliasosnt. 1sisiiusacte wluch are destinied. Ce mark lot Street Glass rai-breken î in t pro- chiria oS lY, tsi lic taiL5i i ---t f Iai pprn u h Tieefusien, and itbe bousie'cf Captain Tbomas %ran , %ist; aislIric: espelîîi'tu reat Bi-itain. Soi-so, nesrly the whelce o the plaster ccli - I ivt1ia , tWe Ill ichs bavisg been doliveres! te -the ling le cee rocnu ras sheken dem, te tise blh -fiPrinsce nt rsceivisg Prinse by Sie- Edmuns! Head, and hlsinded si-eat nal ocf the iematea.-Qsec -Vise- s ot respect and regard.-isy hlm tc tbe Duke cf Newcastle, Ohe fol-.siicator. - the add-ess of the Maly- lossisg reply ros returnesi by Ris Royal l, and tise Prsnces i- lij5hness le a see ear vekce, witb The Globe'. AtOccIt on thé Rt.,C fiEle- mucs feeling aid esepiisia - rerehy. DDRESS. - REPLY. oGUseas-n8TE Prosce. 0 F GcNTs-rasc,-.VOSt reîdily 1,aseont te (Fi-smtise Prototype.) OCASO o i OISIT- tise requeit ycu bave made, a roquait thse - We regret te aee that, faithabais moe agroeslsle,.iocauSO it le cons-cyed te feen! by thse Gobe, Chat the aslvisers et of MONREA. me iy my ksnd fiens!, your excellent Gev- tise Prince, ansi ecisîfy tIsa Govemnor ýr Royal lliglnce,- ereor Genosil.- Aldcmess aidCaises Iame net ignorant cf the isigis position Gleeral, sissils! have iistructedisibât te moît rmespendcitfzEssly ttaiiiod hy Canada le tise Grand Exhibi- henni- tiose institutions aviti c vîsit. The ltreil, etrseful tien ni 1851, whicls s-s epenes! under tise qeerelces spirsit dioplayesl in tiset journal, acis Your Royal Rugis- hippy auspiceofethtie Qusen ans! tise the eiascte- cf bis criticisse, tse attrillt- jeons lil of î t he ~i' Prince Consort. ans! s csarrying ouat the inget biicrty ypoc-iey addaceit te ,, te o)lir teyoûri-Royal ssielici-, bisi te Canada most inerossting slieocdt ieCtci rni~o st cordial and bearhy collection ni tisa products uf your Land, drsadt h ahleFec o ty.- -c i fsoi fAtss nssrbsn pelatics,ie mont centomptible and bsue, bat Ies of tis epropi ticens ndo ostr yonpArtîasnidaimds y, bais- qoiet ie kcepisg avith the spirit et tise con' fose tise Ileu- Apparent ci for ltesocceos. dnsstors cf tise Globe. Ilasi me opaue -in hrose, te express te yeur 1 hope ans! believo il i-iréalisesali tisatisis article, me aboulsa atteesîci more fnlly on d t ld loyalty ans! ptsfrwhc t lias icen sîesigne!. te tise Glcbe'a criticisam, but this me sha - -0onadGoveremant objectaLordwhichopoI Mq Tus Lord Iliasop"-cur H -o treal, (]?. fui- 5ua-s f r anot hro cca sic . Tise iuae avio ii So-iegnsyc ord,) lercd sp a'beautifkil prayer; 1in aIsoldà bis seat je peailiament upen thse asia-é ;ta decIsuro oui- hussslel voice ans! scanner et once clesrn slm iriltion et ici- whsdonî, ans!andi liepressîv, renca0cithe Catholie eleecrq et Tormato, satice, as Our- Sovercige; ad l tu pesRoHiieas n!sit svn nd rie glat1ly teck shelier oolar tii vado of a h- lits pei-embulated tise Building, and lnapocted mieg fi-oea thee mdiMiatin etthe 1'rote4-- ý donlirpsîvate lio. tise varions articles depesite!, formcrly do- lan- osescenidesce lie bail forfaites!, oes ddflot permit Oui- clîres tise Exhibition oponed. -Aflai-siehld bave been more jase inefbis observa- s henni- tis distaet but wbscb tise chocir sung tbe Hsllelujh chorus tiens about the royal vsait to Lav-al ia- c f lier Empire avitb a Tise Inauguration cf ulseVictoria Bi-dge vcroihy, aes! more jui4t, te,to tse veisérable s-r Iiajosty ban been gi-a- ras tise next roremony:te ricstise Pi-ilso eltans! professera hy avions hoe'mu au conter upon U er faitistul e e . % e ute f im hsc T r ia - re . l e a, tise next des-cet booms. proccederdals!.oae ibuVmreoqtiis&in r ebseby aulisor- biat IccIt place aiscre nsp codilyrecmsbumoettR a.- r t elovwi, t orcAt two c'clsck tihe wmie sparty proeces- wýIcme isi ofYou dfs-sm tise Exhibition building ta Point Ar-rivaicf tho Vandarbhlh. Thsis gracieus meanifea- Si.Clu-les, te -vituess tise layiig ftise 'osty's consideratice ans!cred tm fts big s l 1 l riti thanofisnes andi At Cuis sation ecms avers alleavos! an enter N Es ut Angest 26. cil and! des-etud aubjectsexeceptissg tiiese bas-lng tickets ci invite- Tise steanliip Va-.Soi-blt ciris-ad te day ,s; but n-o beg mcst tes- tien. AIl aloîg tise route by tis aide cf et cee o'clock fri-ce Sosuthampton, on thse se Tcsss Rle-a igisess,th rcwrsaefldwt eonl mngst the millicns rsotsw takWo-esi ilidmtsolgstyevesin' etftisa 15C aiti 380, passogers. îubydresses! people. - Nero-tise portaiseofthe imber, is it morcm gl bridge the train passes! ise-cn tropiis Nos-s sainly seticipatesi. sslly appreciate!, ci- more et locosmotive missels and meacial dcvi- A resoîntisa for raisinig i00,000 <fo feit ans! eknnsricdgsd, cas, ses it pauses! juet bafore cntering tise Indus mas agrees! to in the Rosse fcf Cen- ity's deotes!end loyal toise, avitiisthCe massiveails avhîcis Olers mena. scias cf Monti-eal. enclose a cososidorall spam c e. ors tise Political diatrs-st pros-ails in Paris on tise ie ebjeet etfVeci- Royal passegers, chielly mniuhrs ofParliassent. Syrien ans! Indien questions. ratifyîng vsit Cc Canada andI Choir iriends, tosk their aigsrs!ssats, Theo Respolita Pai-iiametasy eleetions iteria Bridge-Chat nsig- soiebelor cisa les-el witb tie rack, oonne cmec nte1t.Rfisaep lt et entai-prise ands! kil aioes-encetise top cf tise mailo, ssine -cmeneoats Otsinfg a-ps ýfaime ans! propority cf near Cise platform tc nids U H R H._a ferres! iy thsoe lootore, -nu Ooely decla. rmoi-o be moot intisnstely te mouret cnd lsy tis tone. This mas ie for the-annexatice cf Naples te Piesipont, tpermanontly identihlsd. tise centre coftise masenry, et tise e anes A Naples tslogrcm aetsote tisat ths Gai- bdus wrsI, Veur Rtoyal cof tiseCuise, et tîso top, jst ns-ar tise in- bsls!iass ttem?ted te landl, ans! tisa$ wer ;feul te cobserve owenaitsi- criptice risici tolls rie buiît i Tisarepolsoil. Oî.iy 200 suceasuli telaniig5 lost iisuoi-5Oi5teblO te arranges!, tise Prince, in acarrnage, siroes- il thie aers prsueit hete isaetelo-. - strength amid complicste! te eatishe spot, eniere! tiesepace above an Rome as qtrssil. on trinnmdhaitly os-sicoma mesticîssi. ans ascendlosltise stops ofthtie porer oi Britiish enter. pîctîiose, lion. JohnItosa leaSing the wsy. Fo'arin tse. di-ta tise exportatiois 0ot s ans! cf Canadian eoSrgy On tis aitterse, avici mas coeres! mith corsrass proisibites!.- Wea iss te assure Tour scarlet cIsCS, ihe ras receiued by Mr. Ie waa Prince- Dceslo avise mas assasi' ChiCt Chus aviderful achie- Hodugeq, tIea isilideofcthe bridge,.avise, as ostos! in Mostercegro. orieg ans! msciîaiiid Pcri sose as the Royal psi-ywcre groesio, Austria asouls! sbansdon thei idea cf peu- eforth posqcss a nom dlaim handes! bise a ails-ci-tramai tborss!itits~ssing Vanetiasnecguarcutee! hy Germassy. ans segssrds, associatsd as apraead tisa msrta-, nîicis H. R. Il. did n Griad wse ledt, tak ets obuanormmre n arorkmanlito manier. Thon tise s'onv, ausrî iais! titeck Vnics100 thig suspicie'sVisit cf misicis iung oisspendesl, ras lemered. Tise ÂtiiavlI canisiceiltane - maneg, andI ie intrsting Prince tisn goavc l thiceri-cs iti a Mal- againt tly. ersct cossausmtion tsy 1stI hieh cosiplete! tishe emiony. The Pi-uaisavili romain neutral, mule cîlser h b' ande. Prince tison iscondis! snd took lus seat, pomers do net intertèe. , . iso Tesr RoyalIl11gb- eicng mits a nueorculs body fcf fficiaIs, le Thea mataial at tie Anstrian ,arsenal ai City avili bscee cf ce- a bosutiful car bîshît ospcieliy for the pr- Vanice te boirgati-asapstas! te Polo. en sud ueligît ; ced IVe poe. Tise enginý*ic6àmed, anth ie party The steamer Velsai bas! enteras Castel- ci- Cie Citirena Of Mon- mr ru-nta tisescentra of Cie-Cuise,.asr tnie~tc Ie14,ci!S-i

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