Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1860, p. 5

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T ~ ubsclb$Troqnstnpublie $ttên ytlon t. bis e tc iSUPer1 &ove& TIao-*pcIudc tho followingliew patteMnB 771E KXJ&P 0F EY THE PIUNCWE ALBERT9 GRAND TUVRK IRON D UKE, 61/ Jrock Strcet, Wht4y. LTVRY STABLES. r WOOD@ ANI) FO1LESTS.- CROWN LANDS DEL'ARTMENT. Qtcbec, 5lthi me, 1860. ~.lOTICE la iac-eb)y gîven, tlimtaitg ale of Thn N ber lIeu-Liaslit tle fttllowiuag 'rarianios, willlbe laldlat t'le ta îan ad datis. anm iutmjpec te téoaallîu uauti'ebolow., uaanely : ?rTppe. Ottaava Trrity. tt the Crown Tliaben OfeOttmwa.itheLlaothtiL uly mexti imw o.QMttwar Zteritory, ant fie (7owu Tumber Qifeo,~oatnolpthtie 18Lh July ncxt. -7n"" rlo ~ritorl, uat te CronuTianher0f fiee IBelleville, on tîmo 24itjly nlamx. A4.. Arw4Iiau !srorj,, iattthe 'Cruwu Timbenr Offioqa, Taro RIivons, oui tue 20t1i Jîîly aext. CO.DITI0NS 0F SALE. Firt.-Tho BrLia at thoure[nstinated anea, moreonleoà, to ho puot nt1Puablic Autioi, ant sautli Bonuasliadd[tiots lieaoorduîmauy groiuud reut, au n tuy h,,o tcnniaed by' LimaCrowaî The Berthe to adjilmrial te the party bidding th iihlgiat aimontai ut Bonusi. Thus Bonus aluni irait sa3asreut ta bc paid lstanedatly ailler Llae BirLia la aafjndged, lu *aeh ce.- t - &wna.-Pairtle4 te wlaotn B3rthai arecadjudgeîl tô hoat Lthe expsjm f i nmiug lt li nos wlaem Aound noceasar> lita seardaiuace witILîiistnaa. tlons teo b iîed b>' teCrown Ltiidr, Dupant- meut. 27Wv. -All lieu-LIa diepoied of ounLthe River St. Maurice, or t4 Trjbiutiiots, Lu bc stabjeet to anamicarage for te bouefit o! the St. 'Mannrice Bond Fond, atLie rate of Forth dollaar fIor lfty equano tullsira ý1arat; Liis chanace te hu paId eV ry $se 111sola îiortthae issamoof limo. -.barh-LiLeI1140Sa to is4sue to the sosesafil comptitors, withlitî ouma uoutlîtroîtate day ot Ile. 11, .-Im ail otlacu-vaspoocts the Bau-Liasto ho Ub ct te the gèeoal Tiajut Regulations, aow lifreor wbiah nia by hohetuin uforce.. 'T Telirthat to le oftened for sale cainlie ai@ eortained on amd tftaun Lie irtitproxi me,,uethLIe respetive Cnowa'ir Tarber 0Offices, and tiathLim Crow Lans DeartientQtmahee. Clrwn aimda e1AirtÏuau ,, RUSSELLj, S. ~Aumst.(Joua. tjrowsmLatise. SWoods and Forests. CRO-WN LÀNDS DEPARTMEN'r. Quebec, 6t1L J3ûy, 1860. cTtllu vihýmly giveaatlltathéi.' Sttîi-Iaitf'Liaatter N BIerthu, taluýretisat tii bchilrat uate lttllwilag piaà ses, aauuosatrie datesmlutvimtte-lt. tit.ara îttmstnis'tao -sfoillwis. viz, '11t ai ýd thte 2ta ltyf$',usstcrat Leùe«r Otitat'I'rrur itoft i ttî 'tttrtt-r (Office. Matltmol. vll0o ff) , tia dy ta Jamlyý tattata. ittattttt't t>wanin 7tritaiy. it ti'. t s#i lttttr L>Llte,.. hle- aIeto llua a t:m 'îJtly tîita. istjstaird umii tl imslfiy c1ltt "rtt tttt ur-1 q:,t AI% Litit,%V S riA TIONY M sal~e at flue, U- 1'4, Day treçt Toronto. ~J. IA4,cî t X ENWOOP,#' r 4ifuo ï- 0' tu IO, 1' m - - tinth TherCIU9the Co thé JEKL tYHRONOW.ICLE. r t ONLY SEMI-WEER.LY '92.5O, PER ANNU3I. The Chroniclo is the Paper to -Advertise lu. AND~ BRITISHl REVIEWS. ing Ieading Britiahe iodicàlS, viz:' rIta L014DON QUARTERLY (ConservStiVe.) 2. rua zDiNaR aaviaw (Whie.) THE NORIH RIiTIBU itEVIEW (Fr. Church.) 4. rata WESTMINSTER RiEVlEW (Liberal.) DCKID'iEDINBUitOuIMAGAZ[NE (Tory.) These perio4cais; ably represeut th. three gr"eat political parties of Grecat Bui- tain-Whig, Tory, and Radical-but poli. tics formai ouly one feature of theirchairact- er. As Or gana of thé Most profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality, sud Religion,- they stand, as they ever have utood, unrivalled in tae world of let- ter,;, biug considered indispensable ta, the seholair and thue prolessioual main, while to the intelligent reader of every clasa they furaighai more correct aind satistftctory re- cord of the curreut literature of thue daýy, throughout the world, thain eau b. possibly obtaurued froni- amy other source. EARLY OIS The receipt of ADvAiNCE suzar froni the Britisha publishers gives additional valueto the Reprints, inasanuch ais they can now bo placed in the bauds ofasubacribers about as soon ais the original editiorau. Per tutu. For any eue of the four Reviews ... $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews...5O0 For aiuy three of thte tour Reviews ... 7 00 For ail four of the Roview ......... 8 00 For Blatckwood'u Magazine ........ QU0 For lllaickwo',d andi one Review. .. .'5 O For Blackwood end two Roview... '70 For Blackwood ind threo etewws.. .0 00 For Blackwood aindftue four Bo'view& Sj X Afoney current iiit itéState tlere ieaued x Ill be reaci'P at pat.' A disicounat of twenty.flve per cent.Lfrona the îbapve prices wil e aIlôwtd tW CLUBS 'ordering tour ùrtitoreý copies of suy, one or More oi the above works. - 1'tIuw-Four copies of Blackwood, or-ot one Ueview, will bit seant to otie ai(lrew.fqi $9; four copies of the four Re*i4ews anuafdlackwood for $80 ; and so ('au. ' ' . - plied (rée ofU. ,. ostago Jt 1 aiti ta!ue lo" 'azuy of Lhet àbibvd publica tioaas u4oulcl alWi'y s be' addreaiaed.,? paid, t tîtep >îia Oro, 46w 'leo. 54,'Godgtrtet,Yvttda WUTIBY RADNGROOlX riHE1w 1111»y JUAD1NG R00M198 and le Weill a4çked .wtti newspapor-aind periodicaisof aIl kiuids ý Sîtuatod lu -thae-'s "nd- flut 'oter the, Chroiicle Office,. Eurance thromigh-'"thÏ sttoeY 8S tWiH HGorç "TUE 1 itmyX1()) IFWÂPyST-WORR 0or TRE KINDiN TII-EKW0ILD.7I'1 Twelve f l-s gos o? efoe%0l ai i d v~or4~ - - Musee ter 1oenlse. It froni the n.srest Newodealeranr d von wil bave Music enougla for 7Tour entire famuIlyantaun 4lSWlIOPt nn id yon want <) go 0 iqo èontain1ng 12 #àge s , ooutlug -oul y flShIqO8TIeois1.25. b. Bsau o Kmer itlos. udo IJ rNTIL furtboÏ notice, Mallm wwlfl b. od ddu-frdelivery at this office ne fol- Iowa.,- Dowl- MiIsgoing tBis0ahwonç ManvilleNêewcetle, Clark, Kingston nuAd 1oi G. i vlPoiofni[o oliizrtu*n eluding l-laoSn on the West o ie , at Due for dïei.' nt Ic 1 -441,. Letters for Mnral iiîIo~stoKing- ston, are ouIy deapatohed by the uight mail go- '%pFrallteolug Wost, iueluding Dunuartop Pikrng, oroutoand aIl places Wes.t of To- ronto algo ýhe (14 . T..R.traivelling Pott Office gopinlgÏieot, ccss'a .. M., aiud*at 4 P. ru. Due for dellvery ho 'at10 i.m.,ilnd at? a.. The Mails for 1 ikorîugr and Dtubartnare only nxailod bythe moralng train going*Wegt. N orth MtaIs lelatte daly atter the arrivai ol tlae traiîn froia Toronto, for Brookli, Manche%- ter, Port 1erry Heach, Liailsay, Mouilla, Boa- verton, Port ilo'ver, Ahbun, Epsom ULticai and Uibri ige, acsofur aIl thé correspondfng of- fices. Matils arealso made upat maimotinie for And- SeBoahaim, Baleuam, Creeaiwood sud Kin- m aVe alqy, un, oni Tuesdiy, ThtrAdaiy and Saturday fur Altoa, (iaremont and 8touff- ville. Mail% are duo for dellvory froni tboaeoffices at about 5 80 1). un. ENGLISII fMALS.-Irrom the loit of Apyil. 18.59, all lotters for' Grceat Baitailu mw.utbe pre-. pald, by pnstaage otaaxrap. Lettera i ateadcd for Europe shoulil ho poxt- ed before 7. o'elock A. M. on Mlonsays. RtEGISTRATION 0F LETTFRS.-Tbe chaarec for litgistraation, in addMition to ile pose- nagwi afolowa, 011nach etter1 viz, Toar1 ')OIn tle Uniited st4e;y, potigo To a îelnGreait BritailuautdIrolamd(p»t.. fige unut bc prepuid alue) 74d , To amy place in tho Brtish Colonies or Possos- séinusesnt via Euglaud, ( postage iiiiit be pro- triés, mv imzEuglaud, an amoutiequal to thepout- fgo rate. PARCELS uap to 3 Ibi. weight eau bo sont by paost tder reaitlatianigaiat 1laad pav lb. to ho prepaîi by postiage $timi l.a,naud uay hc o neiater. ad bvpayuuct of Sd additionaî. Nô mails are deupatchod or recoived on Sun dai oks tamitprintod matterfor the Unitedi i5tateai, thae CaiuudiaimPostaage mu,« bcppiîd bypostiage stampa, samd ounsach mater (ro tLeUnited $tats, the Caumdiain Postage wîll ho to colleat on detiveny. AIl1trnaîaaieuat Newmlaipers incîuding thoaie tor Fil and, muait lh pnepsa hy Postage Stamup or tlaey caummat ho forwarded. Nwsjmaperu for tlhe BritishIifest Indies, or Neoiuuaalaud, unsit bc pré yaid by Postage SuttaDp, týd pcia; anud faor Iudia,Claiuaa, Atiatrai liai, anad ot iter places; heyond aea, 214d alah. OFFICE 1IIUUR.-Froni 7 a. m. te 7 p. mi. Pos;tage Stamnpu eau bo puareluaseueiat tîhe Pont - .. A. MePIERSON, P. Mf. Wlaitby, April, 1889. 68 18W. DENTISTRY 1 DENSTRY! D)E NTISTRY. DR. C. C. JEROME, surgeoun Dentist, T N retîuruiug uTiaici5to bis nummern ifieudà A1 andt he paîblie gattmrally for Ilicir iieu'l partaigosincae ecomnoncet praitica linLiis awuwould oieatake occasion toestaite te, ail tîose who are reqitiriuaý,,Artifliial Tcatia, t liit le hais uow ohtaaied ai Miciino for work-ng thé. vtilcaaaaised nauiiben, taîout wlich)lue will insert aal kitadsaiid styles a Teeth, [zýc.eapert- /ama hma tier ban drne lqfore I wltia Liis praaca.si. Dr. C. C. Jincamu will gnanaiutw! to fit tlae mont diflitlt csa i th thea greatest precision li ail tul ases, purties can havae Bock TeeLia with Solid Gmnwh iciali, Ili veu-y respacat, fart anporion to aiuay otiuer kiuîd no' wamk knowi tia lse. Thiisworlilighl1vYapproved of by ail of the l'>iiag I>amtmtail lasNw York, antI prii. cipal ciLli, ($tliainigliout thean Uited Staute- owirg, te iLs beiamg aunaiti liglater n d of ai Imtai corimav- nature, anud iL in, taller a test oft Liae t ears, deeutaed lighcr n d mono pretenamble iapn goldt or any oiien uttlle Iplate. -ic Di. Jauur woald wlmah it to b one l ima tlaaîL ho litas i gnatly nediel theuie s wlich lîenetofone woeetLie stanudarud. Ife woaîid .lso furtlaan statu tLiat ae lis beu eousttalmtly îliu Lime abomva> uancd uiatk-iil ton stvonail anuitlas patt, dînug wlaicla titue lie hais put ap a.~ea nutube nf'canses, anad fliahi ufstices tlac best of tiaifaitom i»hisbaci umaalfutçd by the, 1 old, Si Iver anid Platina Plates 'ust uap li the Lateait Sty lei chmoper tsait usual, am d Jarrýant6d.ô 1 Ail Surgical openatious of tîme Te4aLli ore-Gme 1skilfl'ly perfou-mnd. 7 -Teeth extraacîed, wthout pauma by auanauu 011 eleetriaitr. Ilaticta; tain atu'totla aet» thétaôrevulaaIo f Clul. P.$. Cal and exau4ueâpeciuaano of titis worla- beuegetlial toth1aaae§rted eluewiaore. -gepL. 15 1659.- li- 4't TlIE 3MTEzB 1.eW THE - osJL0WMORNAL <LÂE O1TARLO 1'IMES> P?$d~u~ ~lce eomripg pinit prissem,pewâ,,- and, job 'typ0, sud eryl. t~cou~Jqteor a o~odntrg -p, Me w lVb. 29t, .l0nbard Sereee, London. 1 TWOM~IOiËOTERLING, W SERVE FUNDS. Tlals Comnp nIsaweà Bîulldagidaud ail othor 0 ,e tànofPrprtraiut Lous op Dasucg b8i 1o >Ite th Inoae> 01 lrMa. 'a.ý1jaut, losois promptly aettlodi, withouît. do- 1,tlu or diseout, sud wltluout. reference.te 'fhi large Capital and indicIons mnanageenut of lii Compsay lasares tlae "ot perfect uafety. LIFE DEPA RT-M ENT, Liargest paurtteilption of Profits cntoiitout wltla unsutbid seenrat , aand oeryl bofit eau- bracod iu thee science of4.ifo Aa.iranoeasfforded' by tho Royal. oEmipt% for New Policios alouae lu six moutlis of tluo past ycair. £200OOO STERLNG! lucouas froinial sources iu 1858 Ethibltlng iu inoreasinluone year alonecof The fendu iu baud excoed xliiigat£70090009 Exliittine i erease i.- one year alone of £809000! Almataaen, Oonnting flouise Caleudars, with ample detaile of tthe Compnuy'u; opcratia>ps, anud erynooessary informaution fltrnihed ut thae o rleeo Agent for Town of Wîitby. Wbitby, Feb. 25, 1860. ProtectIon agaînsi Loge îad Danmage by Fire* WESTERN ASSTIRANÇ-E COMPANY CAPITAL £100900P INbUXANCE offected op Buiildings aind taîler contetnts. Every inafornmation aupplied on applcationto tbe iu nderaigned. JOwN AGNEW, Travellini Agment, Byron Street, Whitby ,EQUITA-BLE- FLRE INSIJRÂNCE CO 074sf Oie.: (eacuma Street [reg, Loaadun. Capital, £500,000 Sterlinxg-.' TULISTEES :.-The Riglait Ionorable Lord Viicount Ilidauoutb, Areiaibald Caruapbellt Bairc- laiy, Eaiq. DI RÉCTOR8 :-Archibld Camnpbell Barclay, E*q. Claia[raîi; l. B.izalgotte, Cltaarleai Bon- ne,~a3,John Nfmiç,Euq. W. Henry Place, Eeq., Miles«Clarlai.Sat.otu, IL"q., Edmn b;.Strunes Eëq., 3L D., Thoiiaau West, Lmq., F. Y V ôTod- bouise, Esq. Local Z'irecorseaifnea:O>i Iein' L!cnw-WilliamLunu, lC.,<hairmau, John 'arrauco, Esq.., John Frotlaiiglim, X"i. Alfredl LaiRocque, 1-4q., Bcuj. lloliiaen, Esq., J. G. a&eoazao. Euq.. Cîaielu FP. 'ilaitoute, &tiiwger. D. D. lMac- keuzie, 2aeùount<nt and tùtliihar. Titis Office imsures agaîmuat Laos;orDamage by Fire. aIl daiseriptinuas-of buildtingsi, aaludiaag lieu:t of the iaute, Mille and Mantifaactriet4, and tlao Gouda, Wares, anud eMerchaniu cou taiiuad thereina; Shiin harbyr or lu dock Craift on 1avigaule Riversainid Cannlis, and tiacir freight; anad tarmnig stock of al] des- . t'oni 'c erofgements of the 2Equitable are gnaran- to.ed by a rmepontsible ropiotaary, anuda- ample iubsribed Capital. lime iasured are free fron thei liabilities of a Jfutuull Jasurae S&aid.t,, and ertitled, aicordnugto the plain of the Company, to à retuma of lu2aithtluprofits. liosseâ are made gond witaoit deduction or ditioant,'aind are auju;ted anad paidd lu Montreail without reference tu L0dou. 'TIe Local Directorti'meet weckly. L.*-Argents a ve-'boeguappoanted throîugh- ont t.;anadÃŽ%7a1- :~THOS. MOODY, W-hitby, - gâtul County of ontarioi Whitby, .<uno -, i Iso, 2 mets Lot $ 4R.ward! smaflBamawitestrindle ad g4, 4skiAuy pornon riogu lirôot, ffcthvent prope'rty'onè mile'aiortui othaTwnoz àf- by Il eceive the. above Whitby, WLRt .CR1~. WUEITBï. L WowD uaa f3 t awn ri. Çohles and Lyn~~Ceeokce Appllostion'to bc Mmaet MUS. ÀNGELTNZ. WEST,;.', p.. Tobwni" VilIàand Park-ILos 1N TUE cTOWN 0F WIIITBY. 1'ane Street ... . ................ 2 Lo<ts Ilickory di........ 4 l........... ...............g Brtoi :... ...... ..' j.âalsce1............ ...............s figh -id....... l'rlcos range from $100 to $400 each. Tiens.. Vrchamorg who dosiro tg, bnild, long crediai will ho given, ant ai low rate ofluntereet. Titl lnigpuabl. ý J. il. PERRY. Whitby, 9tla April, 18960. BEAVERTON. A MI]], PRIVILEGE AND) TOWN LOTS contgiols to the l3averton Whairfi '-A large aud profitaibleMilling businosa ean be doue here. Favorable termisniaiv bc nmade with the Proprietor hy ai Praeticail Miller, Apply to MR. JAMES ARMSTRONG, N. B.Thore la a lrat-rate opeuing at Bon- *,rton for thle Estailianeait ofai Il. undrY. J. A. Beavorton, .lnV28, 1857. 28 FOR SALE.o T OWN LOTS lu 'Wlitby near tho By- Alao, Village Loti at Dufilu" (Jreok, French- main'i Bay, aud Port Perry. App1y to - 1Juial,1857. Soliian L. A N excellent new Fraime (Tôttaatr, ncairly in the heart of tue îown of Wlitbv, anud witluiu a fewy ardu of the Main Stre-et-tuuds Street-togethier witlu rwo-iflths of au acre of land atahed. The buse containu six aipart- monts, hais an excellent cellair, aiud thac i gond staihîing aiud-ail uecesaiary ou -buildings, sud ai aprier pump of good water on the spot. For Tus, go., which will be foaand very liberal. Apply to .A AFRI)FR 10.Chrouicle Uice, Whitiuy. FÂ]ýM YOR SALE. IN the o Tnuhip of Darlingon; heohmg tile îuorth part o! lot No. 84 inthie 2ud a;onces- sien, couutaiuuimug 70 acres, witlu 2 dwellitig lanures, hairu and saeds4, drivirtg ihoal, wood- slxec7 stbechuoaThtre are t. iso 2 Wells a spleudid oncuard, and a never-failiîug atrern whuclt crosses the tanin. ILli boautiftully sit unated ou thae Kiuigsmtouianadî Toronto rnad,thrce tuilas froun Oshaawai, aiad àsix fronti Iowinaiaville. 'Thais [saiu opeuiuag seldoni offeneti. TiLle per- fect. Pnice Moderato. Tanuns easy. For pain- ienlaru &C., aipply to E. R. B. r.AYWARD Trouton, Maiy 14; IStO. Teto, 15.'.l SÂAW MXILM FORD 8SA LE. T RF, uhaicu-ber offere for sale tha splendid uew Saiw Mili and Ltai acres o! L*umd, mre or ou, ituittion Lot No. t, lut concession oif Watvoven 20 -athta twtr. Thae miti l ai cisie ni etting four thoisauta foot per iday., For fîrther i nformation, (if by lotionpost, paid) te the propnieton. I.J. 1B. E Oshawa papenr leaue eopy. iAY WA-i1, Raglan, P. 0. Shorifl's Sale of Lanides Counutvof Ontario N S8turdaY Lthe 27t1 fo WaTr: fUd'aiyofOceber, A. D. 1860, at tweîve oclock noon, wiaî besold aut mv office, in thae Court houaso, lutîme Taivn of %V1itby, the uight tile anud intereit wimicim the tunudemetinned defouidait t svenally posais ira tho undrenetiotîod lanids, sud temçieurts Liereon, siezod by me under simd by vitiie o! certain w rite cf Fb.ri Febiai, te me diu-ected, vis: In the County Court John Smith, Plaintif vs. Nathaulel Soarle», Dofendant. Souîth Eust part of West haîf of Lot No. 82, lu the 2mad concesSion of Uxbridge. In the Coatnty Courtý John ýSmitLh, Plaintiff va. James Motealfe, Defeaidant. SoutihWet part of o oSli i. nlcon- cesio4 ci Ub d' ' 1 0NO 11. SherifOffice Per 0. Nonu-se. Whitby, JùayS,16(38 S.M ,toebas beeùnuewllr ýflttd:up andne-, Xt, ulôrate ,and innowfuàlyproeidfor the cotoofpee Ijtls qit4is nthl2th Csnlngtouî, July 28trdj 1860. -:t85 c1Oramaîll quantties,, atthé eÀ b' Sefouhd ob pthn a ous t-btter ae.»~ i.h d'-ril Olicc e.t' 'pri yrW .Ht4~S Agent for tOwn 017 ted of q TO LET. -oilot ,plgStore nnd 4waluqg Il e nowoohip!ii Uedt rpJ~ai r1g] pk wn am4hl,, STONE STO, et nt. i In t4~ Town of Wlaitby. 'Possession gîyen on 8011001, wl Appl'y tc JAMES ROWVE. 28n,1a~Pr~ifr'aI, *100 ACRES. ~ Wet'hlf'1tKN. 20 2n Ces--c <i n i M'on, -1 h -b ohhçi'bty The: *hýoie cleareâ zand under cultivation., WelI fenc4d and Substantial bnraids, otic2, buillinge, and rot ,cellar . newly, ereeted. lIn B'01 For tdrms &C., aîpIy tô Z. J3URNTA, ccrJn IXPROVED IPARX-89 IILL S.TES, TOWN -LOTS, .c FOR SALE, ON~ Tuuroved Farm 'i n Whitby, 10Ã" Acres. Orie Thnproved Farm, in Darlington 5b acregrp Olî * a a' Mariposa, 50 Wtld Landsu in Mara, $omervil1e, .Eu- phraàisa, Artemesia,' Luther, Chathani, Doyer, IHungerfort -Mi.9, Privilege In Hampton, Townsuhi p of Darlingten, ore of 'the very beait in the Township of Dar- lington. Towu]Lots In Bowmrnville, l3rooklin, Hlampton, Port Perry, aud Sarnia. Aioa few Towna Lots ins the Town of WHITBY Far sale Lozo and ont Long ('redlit. Mechainisa ard otherg desirouaiof build- ing cain have from 12 to 18 mnthai to make the firaut paymcut. Send for ai Virculair. A ddrcss, pctt-paid, J. I. PERRY, SQçtoý;uT LT lt,Ç TU ALI, TII1E W RLB, A"ND UÂLF 0F THE8 Tho now offeri to SelI or Neut for a tern of yeaart, on vcrv reaiqnnaiblo torn hi.' splendid premi4e iu tfýe VILAGE 0F VROATN Townslaip ot Brook, couiAistng of a ISTORE & DWELLING VOSE, Il tii two Kiteluenas, a SitinKz-room andtpairler and attaced to ftie store fus a eRlfurnimlaed offi) îaud Vare!aouuse. Thebaili!rtr re firt elaiss Fraime Buildings. -Price, £250§ iua four oqualaaniamal aaitilmentts- witit inboremt ait the raiteof ceiht1er ceut per-aiinuil,or £25 per. ]lrock needai no written recomimendaition, itai induitionsiu nahansiuta l i atflicient reconi- mendaitiran. For fnrther pairticulair oapply to OSIM lTCil I'LL, & (Co., NMercleautg, Yuu Sbtreeti Turouto, or to the nusutcriberou n the 1'rmuaes. M.: MCPHADENý. Vroomitutou, Brock. Sept. 17. 1859. 86w-tf For Sale or to Reut.. i NExcellent twn-i;tory uîew brick witi a otaiinsrJ15 apartientat 'Wtqaaartr of n acre bf ai gonîl gar- eliontaainiu'ar fruit trée, aloirea ao istable an'i wt'od-aalued. out-laonses, &c., andj au excellent well f water, mituaitod ini the vill ýgc ofDiÏfln', Creok, aud Townisitip ni Piakorizag. Titîtaiîidiiaapntaale. Terars Iib ral. , 4pply V) . HECTOR BEATON. ou-to 23-e W-22w-tf GEO. BLIRNS-,7,- Picering 1P. 0., C. w Cnountv o! Ontario, C N Satiurday the 12th Tro it: 10 jdayof Noveumiier, A. D., 18c), at 12 o'elock nooni. avilI ho sold At pnb- lie miuction, nt unyatie latLIe Cournt lliase iu te Toivui of W Iitv, te tudeuniationad' lands aud.tememeautw tiieneon, aeizod by une un- deron d byvirtuo of certain writ ut Flou-! Faiatau ke me diroctatt, viz : Ili-the. Conuty Court. - George Sonly, plaintift, vu. William MchIntosla" defeudlaut. -1' ý-; .1 Alhe me aid defemont'a V«riglit, tiLle, andilu- terestof [n an&t9 tue soutl hajf o! lùtNo. 20, Enokei'r ont, lu Lthe Township' of Wliit!by con taiuiug 100 acres umore or leu«. - In-the Court et Commgup Mens. Donald Cameron, difendumti'aiLs Alexander Camerni plaualift. !- _t I . Ah ;thaý4aid pl<mntifid irtem- est of, lu and to lot No. 7, liai-(,sud nortla halt o! 7t ln the lotla Coua. ôThorùh.ý. N£ Gt. . RFYN(LDS l'or .Noisrso. iloi's -OffieD 89 ALKRýGI-STOCK.co New Stationevy Envolopes cf all'sort a and siiés. --Ailsô Cà;ýDoliWnofe, 7lb1 Boolca'f, Bd.4 monBqa& Bxesof but ColM; a, prstad otet- Pencilh, Quùi, 8tee t' (hvoiêie office liok~,Whitby. and la aail [l HORSS &CATTLE., HEANGOF ALL WQUND fc<aisiiyfor the iaat $luova4 uuve hcu kaoîatolii~ Madeaand pold.»y *A. K!NOWLES. Wildtby,.Jain. ?m, ayo. BnWanes counectod wîia tfii anud otluer :PUBLIC; BEPMVfMIENTS ait¶ended to. A.lo secured by the Içrscriher. Addiose.prepaiâ., Laand andad <k.uera Agent, No. 2--,"Deêstreetyt- PEAOOCK'S PESTAURU"1T, WILL$tJPPLY IPIi-NICS, JeUy Ureams &o., SUPPLTED -TO IfR0 iTrnpit Boaurcloru b>r-Iay or, wcek.l' --- STEEL PENS. T 1IF. suhecriber bearai to annunc to the TraidoLthe arrivai of a veny Large 'Stock of Steel Pensv OF - F UPERIOR QUALITY. Male cxprerslv for binioît nyneetotLb. mot m euaifit u1ng u anaactrn.- 1They 'wil-be f6tnnd eèqiilly lu quaiity to the beRt uIRUally ,ýiportoed hcei, ant one-half the'" pri= eai my ire de4crihed asfollows vs Gvernuteut pen, . Grand Trunk POU" Wlaarohnamse peu, -- Great Western pes; Clarirkt pen, Toronto pfu, Ont.arin pem -, Scaool1pou Bîk Eagýle peu, 'Guttat Pethfi peu, (Janadiman'pu. Office - en, - Mstouae peu. Universal Peu, C: St: awrenepu, Mereastle pemu, Aua Mitnui oaùunCorej~ondene eaa aides ai large aiasortmetOFail iscelimeons wonttanttention of al parties in the train.- WIIOLESALE ONLY. MT A Liberal Discount for ýCush. .A Tlepens maT b o hdbittî ÇlRu-lC* office, atid.of,t. YULE, Tel t IîofTic er; Wlaithy, ainad aIl -jBnokallois aztfatioe lum- UperCauida.THOMAS MACLEAR, ,Wholeaaie Stationer and Paper-, Dealer- AdImporter Of thue Patent Wasbabl9 it olae'Mildings, &e., Toronto St. ieur 'Toronto July 6, 1860. Executous' Notice. 't ALL PA RTIS indebted to the Bstaite of JOHINGLVIY tuatîuïatdpaiymen i rr AIaî' âpirtionlilrly'reqtiegted te luuad-*lîem ethe nia- deraiguad by the flfteeuth day of Augast next. ..JAlwiS ANDERSONq, GEORGE ANDERSON g~ i ortgagoi;anad Notes bel'uÈ té- dueabOV6 Eualte twmIl ftethé--top W. A bprons indebtod te the lirn of Il. Dan- 'AocIs & (J., or the assignoes of H. Daniels, are roqnteated-tozottlê t.lîe aune witlt the un- dersignod abyl- the 'fiW-t t-Octôber"iund sate Whtat, Ag',1 80 -,-*- 8- BRING Y OUR CASH TCiT6[E- GROCERY ÂND_ bought ai 'Whit.by, -miL ai j t Maiy 21, 1860. '* i Protunim 1- t - t - t - - 4 4K 'lai- ---X- q . à 0 1 1 1 To mg b" VA mç".ýè >.Qçtlè Ambçtqal;(t i ; Il ;I 1---

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