Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1860, p. 4

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- 1'IQCê -,jî STRET, -WEiTBYP Ti-Smith and Bdll-HangeY, &, &c. AVE Trousgbs1ut55u on t* se attAmen- -E eau ans isuiafiimrovocistyleS, vltb Imon hlilstn. 'GalvauszesiLighistng rosi.,, <Ionnty ordefs tont by peat or tisor*IWs proumptl>, atteused te.841. BLOND~IIN" ONg1ý MOIU! o IEssbacibiequ'e158 public atton tin t0 i p<soc tspenlor 'e0 Tie,0 nld ts oUowing new pattrni : ',-- 119»VAINGOPF 1TOJ'ES, THE- PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY CROOKET, PROTECTJONISTe GRAND TURKe MRON D UKE, *. CalI kd examine?; JOHN I3RYAN. 62) Brok Street, Wbtby, IVERY STABLES. WOODSAND FORE BTS* CROWN LAÂNDS DEPAUTMENI. Qucisce, l5th June, 1860. NT TICE ln liereby givonî thsst a sale ofTiin- ..Nber Berthlis ntite tu ,ùdWing Territorios, viii bchol teMatthePltacessud fistes. sud aubjoot to tihe conditions ssetiosîod lolow, nameiy: t.rpper- Ottawa 1ýrr!tm71, ut tihe Crowu Tiîssbor Offco,M0ttaWa, ontthee loti Jmiy uext.' Ji-wr OU4ttaaFirUury, t tihe Crown Tiniber Cilice, botitresl, 01 ois tis Stxjuiy nont. >,,ý%,q0 Toiritory1 ut tise Crowît lTitber 0f- ice, Belleville, on tise 24t1s .luly set. $6.Maasrie-eTritoiîj, t theoCrowt5 Tituber 011100, Tltreco ivers, on fi 2th Jssiy next. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Fr8t.-Tlie Berthe ituttlicir cstiinated ares, more or lesgs, ta Ili put ut Public Auctiots, nt -âh Bsesloius, lit addsition to the orslissssy groussi ront, as .ny b. dermiuoed by tise Crownl Lands epasrtint. The lertlis to a.lidged te tise party bidding thse ligliogt stnonni of Bonus. Thse Buins stîssimrt senats's rost to be pqid isssiiiedlteiy aller tise Birtis l» ajudged, iu cacsel ise. .SI'crd.-P1artios to wisous IJertlis sarcadjtsdged teobliît tjiseexpeiuse or riussýng tise linos when tîisd sseeeessry, sn sccordassce wltls instruc- tiens te bic musc by tise Crown Lande 1)epart- msent, 2lyrd.-AII ilertîise diposci] of on the River St. Maurice or 'its 'Tibîturies4, t o e sujecet to au aiiiusi cIîtsîgo for tise benefit of 'the St. Mauruice ltsd Fsstsdsut tise rate of Forth dloilars l'or fil ty Aspisresils inii srosîf tiis charte te bo paid ovcry se sols, boforo tise issue of Licensoe. .KusrUî.Licciseetu ilaue to tise eeieftsl compotitors, witsin oiisîoutîs rms the day ot ssle. lVth.-Jýisii l totsr respecte tise Bertisa to ho mnsh>ect to tIse gesxersiluinl.er 1lcgsshLtisoitss, low in Inorce or whicli sua>' ho lserosxfter lu force. This ,3rtiss to a holored for-slteaOsu ho as; cortitsiised oisssd)( after tise fluest proxiiîsso et the respective Crowis Tisîsher Offices, an at thse Crowss Lanide D]epartusesst Qicbece ANM'REW ,RUSSELL, 25 Atisiet. Coin. 'Crown Landis. 1Woods and Forese, CifflON L4.NDS DEPARTMENT. Quebec, 6th J1111, 1860. NCTIC iCE. ereby give i tisas the Sacia(f Timber Berts., ndvertiied te Suc hetl asiie foiiowissg pin- ce, asdoits tise dates suostiossed bc.low, are postpesicîl lis Ïtliiws. -viz : Upper Otawa Terriiry. as the Crowu Tiiusier Or. '0e, 'aw, esît 601 isdisy or Jssy, istant, pospes- cd sutili siteIlistday of September sext. I.ower Ouaeie ?rritory, ai tise Crowss Timushr Office - ' Mîîssrcai.' oit tise i8th day et July, lisaist, xsisossesl usîtU-the ôts day of Seplember îext. Ount rni 7vj. attie Crowîs Timber Office, Ble-e ville, on the 24th day of isdy luist, postpossed ussii tiii s day of Scptemb ieiuuts. ANDItIW RU88EI1.4 AuasstComînisidoisen. MALT VINEGAR. SIALT VINEG*R eau uow b. lsadlunlar-ge or sttiill quasttios, at tise Whitbv ]3rewerv. ÀND SAT IONERILYI 0F ALL KLNDS, For S$RIOrt the CIIRONtCLE OFFICE. AROITITEOT, ;ý'144, fBay Etreet Toronto. OFcmTHE i-t~t~d 8II~,or- The CIRCOULJATION' CROinICla iS of the1 Than that of- any other local Paper ini the Province, ana FE v 'I Eî'~Anst~u IDuo Tbc, àud pjrnoun By the. entiro Prmocf tihe conntryto éb. efflBUST AN]) CBEAP»T woug,, o0 TBE KIXÇDIN THE WOXLD.1" misie toi 10 cents. ssbmcrbe te 6"OUT usicel Frlend," ororr it from tiie nearest Nwsdealier$,esnuonw have musio Çnougii for yoi entire& fmut~a ius *Iieca t; &dIfyon vnt MUaio f 1 thete, Vi6ioin,;Cordet , arInet, Acoidi« &cc, &oc., subserubo to tise Conwalnsg 12 pages, costLng only IL0 Conte a Namber; YTearly S2.SG uaîÇ.y.airîyt $1.25. AU tho Back Numbors ut 10 eta., and Boni d Voluenn, contaiulng 17 Numbers, ait $2M ouà eoustontly on baud. fhbiitoi ~AgetavatC. B. SEYMS-uit & 00, O 107 Nsssau St, New Yo rk WHIETBY POST OFFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1860a Wbltnq, a"q, ,?.P MAAGEL L. Dickson. I8IVECTO OF ÂGENOI8S-W.M. Ramnay Tih. Çklon1al vas cstabflhhled ln180 sud ft r.etInoom&is I efti.> lIwwarsJ .P0vusd Saerubod Çapita-On. Millon Sterlng, Consttuted W "Acof Pariament. Agen.ml 11tii. (olonied, viser. Preminnis aro emevd aud Cimas ttled.-, Agent et Vlstby--O. H. Dartnali. Agencles ln evory part of the world. 19 Brlti9k Ainerica Assurace Comspany# I NORPORATED under an Act of the Third 8S.slon of tihe Eleventis Provincia Parlas Ment .fTpper Canads. 0 ÂPITAL tOO,000.' Irsuraneae fteted on Buildings and their contents. Every inforsuation supplied on ap plicaittn to tise underfsigncd. Marie isks, for the Boison or for Pnrts. JOHN AGNEW, 'Çravdlliiu Agent, Byron Street, Wliitby ]Phoeix Pire Assurance Co. OMILtP STISEET ÂND Cmufla mIou08, LONDori ESTABLISKED IN 1782o NTTL fsrther nitice, Mails vili be coIecd M siË OFT&C. lows: Aguinte for Canada.f ~ EX CEED s JJ ausiluc or iEr> t ti__(isbacleWas 1- - LNESPagif, MOFAT dy IRE and ovuMutle oln Est vz 'Osiava w1 NU NC aeutOSEhyIEsd en. offeetesi(osa tIsemint favoma½le ternis, and manvilie, Newcastle, Clar, Kingsteii-5ud 1 LOSSESpis tsntrfrcettseordn ~'alIIOjOe, aussiotîser correspoiding efilcesý,-aliise iuon do ot eoeet h Badi hoe circulation of l the other (. . R i. travelling l'est offilce goisîg &st, n-W.WOODWoRD cinding 81l places on tise West of Kiingtiti, ntH.W WOD A , pprinteCounty of Ts.mu., tas]d. ns . Comminsioitér Merehant, Wlitbîy, papersin theDuo for deisvery at 10 a. un. sud 7 p. ta. .tidet, Couzity oj Ontario. Letters for Montreal, and p;i.ee Estf Kin5 - Whitby, Aug 16,:.1859 Ontario> unitedl. ston are oîsiv dettpateises b>,tise nsgist mai lssg *Kst, et h P. nm. Up msl iisug West, 1iisenldin$ Dubant v Pickering, Treisotesud ail pinces West of'10 rrennte,saleo the 0. . B. B. travelling 1'omt 0<c VEEKLYRUcit1RON ICLI gaiîsg West, closes at 7 a. ni., aud nt op1. m. Duse for deliver>, heroe t 10 .m., and at 7 a. n Tise Mails for Pickering and Duuibsstalon9 ouI' male b>, tise merning traluin s W ONLY ani al ae uairtise arrivaI f1 tîso train frein Terante, fer Bnaakiitm, iîsui s- ten, Port T'errv Beachs, Limisav, Manuflla, ka peil ft-qverten, Port loovor, Asqlsburn, Epsomss1 Uti.-I 5 "f*andsi 'hge, cacs for al tise corneejioidiug f- lices. Mails are aise madç us snt sausetinse for Aui1 ioy, Brousglss a lsu rceeisoud au] Ria- PIRE AND IFE ________Sale daihy, and onTnesdey, Tît uredyal;usi] ville.o for Altoss, Cltresont andi Stan IN8URIANCE COMPANY Malse are duo fer dliver>, frein thîosae ll 9 i E  D SEW$1WEEICLY $02.50 ut about 580p. um.09' F NL . ENGLISII MAiLS.-Fnoî this 1fo f Ajîr~ PER .iNWUAE 1859, aVleittere for Great Britalus muaht e ps- 1?cyal Ingurane Building8,Liv-rpol Letee neidc frEuop isoulbu poit.-, 2,LôlAND uteLodn ed betone 7. o'clock A. M. on Moîîîlnye. fo.2,Lmad teLno. The Chronlicle in the ]Paper to EG~ISTA ION0, ,gf difofiRS.tise U-< E Â&verise in. N a enwtNot m îia d; TWOUMIONSSTER LING, meb.pps si 5 ntdSae,<" ~ AN LARGE RESERVE FUiDS. ~~j~l9u(lZIqBitago andi Inland(pot-___ 'là s ~~Te Y lcei;eBri6 loneso Puiss F IRED E PA RT ME N T, .AND see ctsi sgani îct- attbeopie- TisC,,mpgnylognuresi Buildingsansd nl otiser <To ý anice lu France, onotlerForegn ce;u- doseriiiîion of lrpern gauîst Luis or .Dcmae BRITISL REVI WS. ties, ma Elngland, an amotitoequsaltt'fise post- lcj ESe, oesttIse mot lbral Tede- PARCELS up ta 3ZIbe. weilgittcalsbe son vdUctW uon diecouX.t, sud witlsout refereuce tu j[ENARD ~CTF&o EÇpesttnuder reasirlatioîissut le83Bdtper 1lb eEtstlad. L prepuid b> o, issgtasups,ssund nsay bc register Tisarge Catîitiil an] judiciosus management Yomsi, continue te publis tite folloc ~pvnu dndtoa.u ilCupsiiiite ieioi ocstee> ing leading Britishs Piodicals, vi:- No inssise are despateos or neecive] an Sun e h osiu nue h ns elc aéy 1. I~~sia~~. Books aumijuintcd mattcnfor tise United AR rME LONDON QUAUtrisminT(Coiîaoivative.) 1Statos, tIse CususidsaulPontage muçt hocproid L rE EPAR ME T, 2. b , jpotuge spisuspe ,asîd ounsssclsmattor >rn Larest tf.mticiPsttiau et Profits eousifiteuu mrus EDINXI5I IsI tvisiv(Whig.) tiucUnuited States, the Cat.sdiaunPostaige viii hoc vîth isd suted scunut>,,and evon>,bonefit ecus- 8. toceilecet oit dliver>,. - bnisec inu tIti eience of Life Assuirantcettffuded rUE NORTI BRITIiSHI REVIEW (Fece Chuncis.) AIl traîssiesst Nem-epapers iiseiliiing tisese ton b>, thi Roysl. otl 4. ~. Euglassd, muet bce npaià l'y Positage stsuip Recipte tir Nov Polieleti alune iin six mutt 4.or tise>, canuot lue forwarded. cf thelastt"cer. ME WTNISTE REVEW Libral. Non»a ofr tise British I Wet Insdics, on £200 000 STERIMG I 5. Newtoutislaud, muet bo pnsyuid b>, Postasge BLACKWOOD'B EDINBUSOII MAGAZINE (Tor t4iip d sac;sand for îlndms,Cliie, Aluira lucoie from alal sourcesl in 1858 -~lia, ad cicrt~e placets beyond sc, 2%~d cacis. £28589. .OFFICE IIOURS.- Frem 7 a. ni. te 7 p. mu. Exliliting sus luneease luneote year alose ef Those poiodicals ahi>, repreacut tise'Postage Stamîsa eau hocîusrcisamed et tise fpont5,4 flilmo nýrn e f- 111 liA .pM e PIouE RSlO N , PtuM litsCC 1 Cii ~i5~5Ot liiikiC Ut .> Cii lJ 5* Ais tU5(it litillU ACC (siuî-Wisig, Tory, aud Radical-but poli. tics forma oui>, eue feature cf their charact- or. As Or gana of tise moat profounsi wniteris ou Siieuce,. Litcrature, Moralit>,, snd Rligion, tiese>tand, as-e tiey ever have stooti, univalled in the venld of lot- tergt heing considoresi indispensable to tise acisolar anid tise protesalonal man, wbile to te intelligent reader of evor>, clasis they furuisis s more correctasud astisfactor>, re- cord of the curront literature of tise day, tbrouigiout the venld, than carn be possihly obtainesi froin ou>, other.source. JEARLY COPiES. The receipt of ADv.AxCE SUZxr from tise British publistiers givea additional value to tise Reprints, inasmucis as tise>,oa nov bo pîsced in the isauds ofsoùbsciibers about as soon as tise original editions. TERMS. Per sun. Forasu>oeueof the four Reviews... $8 00 For an>, two of tise four itevioes..5 00 For suy tisrce cf tise tour Reviev . .1 00 For ail four of tise Rcvi wrs.......S 00 For Blackwood's Magazine ......... 3 0 For B-laekwc.od and ene Roview. . . .5 00 For Blackwood sud two Reviows ... 7 00 For lilackwood sud three Review . .. 9 00 For Blackwood'sud tisefour Beviews.10 00 .ifoney current ius thse tate wolerc ùsssed ~,li be rJeived at par. CLUBIIING. A discount cf tweuty-five per cent. foun tise abive pnicos viii Se s9iowcd to CLUBIS ordensng lotir or more cqpiVs cf an>, eue or more of the above weflçs. Thua:- Four opcf Bieckwoed, or ol eueReviow, yl hset to one acldress for $9; four copies cf tise four Reviewvafatd Blackwood for $30 ; sud seon. SPOSTAGE. Canidian mail subsesibers wiii b. sup- plied free cf U. S. posage. Reinittance for su>, of tise siove publics tions shoulsi slwasba ddressed, post- psid, te tise publialters,' LEONARD SCOTT â; 00. 40w No 54, bld Stret, Nw York WIBY READING 100K.R THE WITBYREADING BOOM 18 ýWl ihecoufortablo sud vanm, aud le veli stocked vitis noeapapers sud peniodiesîls of sil kinds. Tormi : $4 per annum u dts n Sitnated in tise second flat over thse Chronicle Office. Entranee tbrouth ie Stationer>, Store. W. IL. HIGGINS4 Whithy, April, 1959. A-4 13W. DENXTISTRY! DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY. DR. C. C. JERO.MEÉ -Surgeon Desstist, IN roturtiug thssîske te bis nuinerous fieudà aud tht public geenssally for tîleir lilorssl patronsage sirtce lie canusesicd practice ins this Towns, wonld luectsske occasion ta state te ail titose vso sre rcqttiritgAtificial Tceth, that ise hum iîw obsîîssed s Machine for working tise vslcanised nsbber, sipon wlsleh ho will issort ail kinde ansd styles os Tootlis, IMc&eper lian hmi ever beec dones be/orsi1 vitis titis procoas. Dr. C. C. Jîsisoass wiii gisamautie ta, fit tise inost difflessit case with tise grenteet lrecisiais Is ail fuslii cuiss, parties cen have Block Toütli with Solid (4ums, wisich is, lis eveny respeoct, fan supenior to au y otiior kiîsd of work kuowu in tise. Thsis work is lighly app roved of b>,al ofttise loasding DestistesunNeow orki, ansd prn-i clipad cities tlsrouîgliuast tise United iStulo. owir-g to its beiug unucis ligisten sand of us nau-oorsilve nature, 1s3dit se, aller a test of slsrcc yeîsrs, deerned iigher an up iuro preferahie tan goid or ny Coen sstalie piaa. Du. Jxioxv woulul wislsi t te ho borne ilu mid tisat lise lins srestly renedth ie prices whichs isretofure vere tise standard, lie wontld .lso faero tate tîsat lue lias beets coisssusutîy uiîsg the sbove nasxsed muteini ton seovenssi mouttîs paet, durng wieh Utiue ho lias put up s greaî numrber of cases, assd lu ail instances thse bestt of satisfasction lues heaî u iassfested b> tise patients. (4oid, Silver aud Platina Plates nut up in tise Lateat Styles, Cleaper t/tom UgUal, andi Warranted. Ail Sungical opcnstsoum of the Teetis or Gxsmçi skiilfully prfornoed. 9iBrTcoth oxtnacted witlsout pasis b>, issets of elocticity. Particu Ian attentionl givoe th ie regulatiots of Cisil- iresi's Teeth. 1 Consultation Free. Ali wsork Warrantea P.S. Call and examine specimaus of tîsis work befoe gottlugýyott teeth iuueente-d elsevisoro. (~c I Li)wzLtla BLocî, &ver Lowàad Polîell? sweor, BPNektr4a, Wili4. Sept. 15, 1859. l-ww IPITING OFFCE FOR SAIT TUE MATERIAL OF THB OSIIAWA JOURNAL, (LATE ONTAMiO TIMES) Printing Office, comprising prlî ting pressest, news, aud job type, sud èery. ting complote for à good countryn'wo paper, andjob office. Apply to Cîtrossîcle Office, 95 Wbitb-'L £700e000, Exliibilurt an inerease;lu one year ahanecof £80,000! &Imntti, ContngHutte Caleusdare, witlî aple deMils of tise &unuY'sMeçuemtiouis, anss oery eccAsary informasution fusuile] ut theo oflec of JOHN AGNEW, - Agenît for Town of Witby. lVhitbyeFib. 25, 1860. Protection against Lous andl Damage by Fine. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL £1O00( TNWURANCE offected ounBBuildinsgs sud thlior contents. Every insformantionîs spilied on appliesiion to tho undoraiigued. JOHN AGNEW, travellng Agent, Byron Sftreet, Wliitisy E-QUITABLEF FiRE INSTIRÂNCE CO 0A1sfOfflce:;venrn £.0&-iWsLondon.' Capital, £500,000 Sterling. TRUSTEE4S :-Tie iglît IHonorable Lord Viscoussut Sldusoutb, Arehibald Csmpbell Banc- lay,, £eq. DIlIECTORS :-Anisibald Campbell Barclay,, Esq Clsairusssr ; Col1. Buzaigette, Chaurlos Bon- net keu., Jolisn bosti, Eeq., W. fleur> Plaseo, gtqyMles CierIes Setan, Epq.L Edit. S. Symes EsqM. D., ThotuseWest Eq., F. V. Wood- houee, Esq. Local Directors ai lSuareal: 0'/I io sue Mrcanta bIcnave.- Wiiliaîîs Lunn, Eq., Clisssinue, Johis orrauce, Esq. Jolsît Fuotlsiugltauî, Vsq. Alfred LisRopque, 2»~q., Boni. illio s, iEsq., J. G. Mackeuzie, Esq. Chsarles F. Tilsitoîe, g&aad9er. D. D. Mac- kenzieAOCooUtast and (Aikir. Tilla Offeiclsuros ogeinst Les. or Damngo l'y Fine. ail de2crIptions of iludîngs, îsscissdiug Rout,1 of tise samne, Mille asd bMatufactonios, and tise Goosis, Wanes, ansd Moreîsaudise cou teluesi theroits; Ships iu harbyr on le dock~ Craft ou Navigable Rivers sud U(isal;, u tiîeir frelght; and tarmiug ustok of ail dos- T hoengogemeuitscfthe .4'uUedarc gisaran- b.ed b1' -rosonsihlopropnaetsry uamnple snbses'sbed Capita l.ise iusured are froc froîn the liabsities of a ifsUscZIeusausc.SooW4, sud entltlesi, aceordiu te tise plan of tise Company,, to s rettrsi of lth~ ie profits. Losses are mae good witiseut deduetion or, discount, asnd]are adjîssted aid pald inl Montres] without reference te London. The Local Diroctors uneet weeli. W Agents have been appohsted tisrougls- out Canada. T110S. MOODY, Agenit W061it>, Cash paisi for Wooi, Whcat, Oàt0, Pesa Barley, Pcttstocff, &ci P.D.lèDA 0.,ZJi~ teldn àon4. r FOR @ALE IN THE TOWN OP TLT NO 8,2,.and22. THEEARE SITUf? .14Tsted on Duadas Street, botvei M. ; Oolnzs'ad Lynde»â Creek. - $* ISSUS LIIItA1L. HE-IIRStore andé Ape.leation to e b.made te -T AS>JameS l'it lIS;m' ELXNB WEST9 T (X Loot as, Sth concession DIiînog titoTone tCisnistlan Offenhw" pleoccp>, until ferbId,,hi finit ofseptem Whitby,Jnùly28,1 Town Villa and, Park' Lots, Tint C pou 1 AND IN TII.TO'WN OF WITITBY.' lekory > ."..................... 4" À'sis 6 ".......... .1 Porr ............. . Elicîs ................... .... .7 >saet................ ................... 't l'nies range frosu $100 te $400 oaées.h Ty.uts. ireiseaer visedesire te buildl on~g creslit viii be givesi, at u0 1ev rate cf iltteet. Titie iuditipstale. 1 r >VU? BEAVERTON. FOR SALE CfE AP. A MILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LOTS Ilcontigiotis to tise ileaverton Wharf. A large aisîl jprofitable Milling business eau hc onoc bore. Favorable terueia>' bc usde witis the ['roprietor by a Praetical i 111r. App1yte MiJAIES AILMSTRONG,: N. 1.-Titore isa iret-rte opening ut Boss- '<ertots fur tise 1Est;îsshlàcert of a Youndry. J. A. N3avortou, July28, 18,57. 2 FORX SALE. T OWN LOTS in W ithy nar thoHa.- Aise, Village lxaet Dl)nu'eCreck, Frensch- îssasmî'e Bay, und Port Perry. Gpl o . IL. DARTNELL, Brocâ Stput, bhty Jîue 1, 1857. '22 FOR SALE. AN excellent new Yrame Cottage, ucari>,flu Atie honrt of tise iown of Whitby, arnd within a few yards of the Main Strot-Dnndsi Street-te et ser witls two-fittlss of au acre of landi attuchied. Tise lhanse coistius six apart- iieute, lias au excellent cellar, and there le good etabliug ud ail nccoearv ou -buildings, anul a gsIpe)rior pussqî of good isýatcr ou the pat. For Tonne, &c., wluicli wiill bc foundi ver>' liboral. A iply to r . M A E H F E l8. Clirouicle Office, WîlïY. FARM TOR SALIR. T N tise Towuiip of Darltugou;beisse t l'O .1. tortis part of lot No. 34 ilists 2nd Conces- sion, coiîttsiiig 7o tiere, witis 2 dwellissg bouses, hebarnad sheds, dniviîsg sised, Wood- elses' stabie,&c.,thecoii. Thore arec i se 2 wels a splessdid orehard, sud a uoer-failing streasu wituoh crossestIshe f'arm. It le beasttifully xilt tutcd on the Kingmtois sud Toronto rond,tlsrgc miles frous Oshawa, anud six from Bowunnvslle. Tissish ais opeuissg seldoîn offerod, Titie per- fect. PFiee Moderato. Termse easy. For par- tieulare d&o., appl>, te E. R. B. KLA YWARD Trenton, May, 14, 18t;. Trn0 .I. 15 SiW MILL FOR SALE.- .T I-IE subseriben offerts for sale tisa splendfid nov 8ev Mili ast]tousaceres of Land, sore or lest;, situute out Luit No. «I, 1sf. eouiessious of Wiîitb, ovcr 20 foot lisead ot vattr. Tiseuini is calpablee ofcuttitig fosur tltansanitcet per day. For fartdier informaution, (if b>, letton ipost paisi) te tise pi'opietar. S. J. B. IIAYWARD, 1Oelsawîs paper picase cap>,. Rga,1. Sherill's Sale of ]Lotnds. Couîîty of Ontanlo 1 "'IN Satunds>,tise 27tiî Tfo WIT: -"i 'tdy of'Octûhber, A. D. 1860, ut twolve o'claek tuocu, viii bo solsi et Wmr office,-in tie Court ose, lu tie Town f Whithy, tlise iglît title sud iîterest vhsies tise undormentione i defeudauît»sesvenail>, posses iu tise ussdermntînutued lansssi, ansi teoents titercon, sicuzd b>, use umîder aus b>, vinsse cf certain writs o f Pieu-f Facas, te mue dinectedi vis: In tise Count>, Court -John Smiths, Plsintlff vo. Nattinol Soanleti, Defesîdiut.e Seîsth East part cf West hsaîf of Lot No. 32, in tise 2usi coneessilonscf Uxbrsdge. Iu tise Cousit>, Court - John Smiths, Plaistiff vs. James moteo Defesudant. Souths West part cf Lot No 81, i tme $md con- [cession et Uxisrdge. RYOD NELSON G. SisEolf, . O Slsoniff'eOfflie Fer C. NoursO. Whithy, Julylô, éo.1 Toronto, aud viii bo foui to be prnted on Setter puiper. Bus>, at the Chiscle ;11 Ofome.- .19. H(GGINS T .Eso ehu. bm n ne'l ritted, up a d el- a oàé1 ud is now, ftusyprae for tIsQ9 coucestn c Brokci ndttise e a iug ossi b twcen Wsib>,BeevUrte u ids E ST( te novocenpled j ivu as tise s.D.us Wrhitby. Uosscsstof givon o n JAMÈS 1OE 1858.29 0- ACRES. BR-oOK ¶'HE West haif lot 0o. 20, Lad <Conces- sien, of thei Townshsip of Wbitby. Tise visole cleared sud undor cultivation.- WeIl feneed sud substatiibarn,' sbeds, eut, AS nosoneha butîdtngs, ansiroot cellar newly enectesi béeen purcel!ai l For ternis &c., tspply te et ver>, low pnicce. Z. BURNEAM, Whitby. C Wbitby, Fcb.213, 1860. T aiu tls Cloek CompainyM suit al t,§ighte. wii1n AN S c99w miaçabilit>,m 0 Watches, ( IMPROVEDIFAIMS,;e. MILLitd e SITES, TOWN LOTS, &c. FOR SALE, OlNE Iniprovesi Faim in Wisitb>,, 100 Acres. One Improvcd FarmimnluDslingten 50 acres. One 64 ut Maniposa 50 acreS. WiId Landls inu Meu, Somerville, En- phrasiia, Arteusesia, Luthier, Chathamu, Doyen, Itungerford. Miii Privilege Tu Hlampton, Township of Danington, oe cf tise vcry hest ln tise Towusbip of Dan- lige.Town Lots In Bowmnvilî, Brookln, LHampton, Port Penny, ansi Sarnlis. AIse a few Town Lots ia the Townvuof WIIITBY or sal> Loueaiudon Long Credit. Mccisauicgansd otets desirena of buildi- inîg can have frosu 12 te 18 mouths te inake tbe first pa>,met, Send for s Circulsn. Addres, post-paid, J. il. PERRI,' Wltitly. Octeber 17, 1859. du~ ianaL a litige assortissentof Jeveller>, vlseh lnavsng thse bietst arketà, luee au soui Jui;t receivesi, a qnentity of oftise eelebrated-Weterbnîy siunatr.Speoteeles Io aevonkmn be!ug tsow veil ýy to asidi tîitt il Min*1ork' rei.wollryiv April I16, 1860. 7 Oj-To the AifIctod..Ç:o TIIE CELEBItATED GE RM AN 0OIL! iron ME CUE xor Catp Druises and ai kinds of Fienl" IVounds incident to the lin In Bdtties at 25 to 5Octs'Igac4' Aeeorilissg to àize. Tliis 01 i ilcur a.idl front wounîdm, ansd is an iriffliibia remeIy -foi thse rd-, lot of H-ORSES,&CTL HEAING 0F -ALLWOUW»S luliicted on animais. r1w-Tt. lies beentU'ed sucesefuly Tr ti e stven Xeurs, snd ha» isever beeiI-known teSsM. -lMae: and sod by Pickerinîg, C. W. Wliithy*.lan.24. 1860. . iy- T A LL TIIE WORLB,1 T IE suticrienliaving tsiipelesl usinsses lie ow ofer to elfor Ilei:t for a terni of îsrcînsecsltfti. VILlJAGE 0F? VROOMAKTON, 'ilwntilsip-of Bnocki, eonsistiug cf n STO'LE & DWELLING HOUSE, Wits t+ Kiteheus, a Sittissg-room and Panlor sud attilied te te tianei a well funssisiseci ofieaj Wnrehouse. Tie buildinzgs are firtt dises Fme Buildings. Prico, £250, in fouir 0qua liiistaiments, xitlti !itexcet et tIse rtf li ye cenit per alsuum, or £25 lier BrcýcitOlievitteu recomusicdetiou, ies iudnstrioas isuliabitliuts ln a essficieut recoi- monl.atia-... For fssrtiser particsilars sopiy te BZOSS, MuITIIELL, &c Co., Mecrelsauts, Vouug Street, Toroilo, or to tise suheeniber ou tise promies. #. MePI-IADBN. Vroomautou, ýoek, Sept. 17, 1859. 86w-tf Forbale or to Rent. IExcellent twe-story iuew îbrick Mosuse, contaisiig 15 npsntmietts MI! witIrnrten of ais acre ofsaî gaod ger- a c entiiniug fruit tros, isîso e good stableansd vod-sused. ott-lsauses, &e., unds]ais excellent wxellif %voter, eitssuted lu tihe village cf Duffsst's CuSk, aud Townse'uip ef Pickering. Titie indispýssblc ernToselib raI. àtply tu) HlECTOR BEATON. GEO. BURNtI, Pickering P. O., 28-sw-22-tfC. W. Sarre*,îvaile Of Life Policies 14E REGARDET) AS A GRIE Ivtnceilt, losldcircninetsise a tan>, tisne rnuder u iot iuTà or dettinsble tt a Piolicy- holder siuo i nsit't-tliuli hsaessuruban. ise r e is îie certnj' tisst sa-%in (if any> value wstîl be iliowcdfon it. To v%-t.te tii objection, thse DiroctoM cf tIse Sootssh pfuiifcia1 AssurniesCoi!rpasry itREI3Y GIVE NOTICE. That for ieÈresder f Polieles for tise lersu cf Illte, effectede\ u lniforusipremitims, aus whieh. have beaul chru e yerlulnforce, 40 Por cent-. on Leani>, on,4lts of tise amot o f preiussne- ceivtud viii 8sisin e iobc rotnrnod. Sbotxid the I'olicy seiii inrea.ci] iii valtue frôns parti*. cîpâton in rtfis the surresiden value will ho I{EAD O1FXE-9 ÛGreat St. Jantes, Ùîreet, Montreal,11 WRiIvnTBY: JOhIN -A<MeFwpAgent. Office-Byou Street.I Whitby, Jne 1il, 1860. 2 BRINGI7)UR CASH TO TlUE CASH GROC ANDTEASTORE- Brok 8ile %-wbee yn on svcfroin 15 te 20 Tubs, P1dlisBroons, Tobsoe, ie cles, P>ow- I and'stexsiuiàô for jyourseves q Prosince veoii>, * - -FreisarrivaIs of yocccnies§ - JOHIN WETlLF.ALD, W'hxby, day2,180 Prrunitor17 ad other PUBLIC BEPARTMIENTS attended t. Also Sccsîred b>, th mi 1 se riber. Addrc us ;p apid ý, E. J. ci1SllEy , 1- Lail iastd Generl Agent,, No. 2-, Anise Street, Qisebec, bMercIs Srd, 186. IPEACOCK9S8RESTAURANT,, WILL Su PPLY BREAKFASTSi LUNCIIEONS, DNNERS, 8Suppers, ad all Deliciés f thsesotji~, SUI>1LIED TO ORDRE. 0. PEACOCE. Trasist Boarders by ay or week. 30 STEEIL PENS. T I1E ostîcibor bega teo uino' o otei LTido tise arrivai fa ver>, Laige Stock of Steel_ Pena OF SUPERIOR QUÂLITY., *1 M a d e e p r e s B ly f o r h iu n e i t -> y o W < >î f t o m s - ominoffi Engiieh Manufuseetuo Tiwill ho foid equafly inuaiytets best usually issportedbor, a tone-saifthi priees 1 Tiey une described "as fOllws 'six Govd&ninent;pen, GrandTrinik peu, Wh&'reisfoPueps, Greaàt Western peu, O)ntimopefil Masonie Tpu- St.LareCO o, eroatl e., Aud iagu nsCorrespo1 ndoneeDan? sides eare e > rtulesst oîlmiacellanoo worth a attentioncof ail perýties in tise trai.>'l- wiio AILE ONLY. S.]Ltberal Dise 1ount for Cash. M T pcnsem bbild ttie IHON1CLE ee ,ph ,n fG UsETigspsofficelu W tbkaJnd al Bookeollers àetàtio7uerasu mson. T-90MAS 1MACLEAUi ,.ýW holesale Stationer aâd Parà r.D g&ieî, 4ssid1msorter ef tise-Patent Washable Pieture Fm otildltsgs, &-ô.,- Toronto St. ýneartise Torouto July 6, 18§0. 82 B>, Mort« e rotherise areclsereby ntifie&i tsat, îintss1qiatepsyment lroqured; ad ait persons hvnItmaa tm listàt, are [nnrt ui lv ..,i ..kted tes Is d th em tes tha n - L. FAIR, CLER K FIRST DIVIS eit tue Court Ilane. JOHN G4 jfrthe Coastut-Yo -W. H. TRI M =c-3second HIce CAXERON & 3 1)ARRIIITERS &d-,AT i>)SOi!CitqrsAt Ise C-ou w"'0fice attieCourt 1. GEORGK H. 1 dcC '.lendw re Store, - - - J. V.J1 B Streit, Wisitby, C.' sOLTCITOR, NOTAE Oshawa, C. Wv. N. G.l BARRISTE ÀIeDA J. L W.C OROe OR M1RLY 111IYSIC -F0lYi Hospital -lete 'lork Dispen.sa-r>; ioilo Ot Medicuxo ;i iceitsto Realdee .-Markisustum of thse &ouàm W office. SCOTT',S T-%VNDASSTFIZEE7.E L.Easftof W. Laizsg's J. W. CÂLDWý C tàfing Affii]svite, ? aMoinCousrt,- iioiiry Pn1 lie Medical Hall. lbc promnptjaý d~t t JOHN BT -A. MAMR A TTORNEY AT LI XClissisen>, onveys TIXPUTY REGISTR.i tise Coun&y 1 tise aluoveE&ta .te, will Lenustilt ' eter WhthltJuy, J. il. PEIZiey. fil 1 Wlsitby, Oth AprIl, 1860- ý TA 1

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