Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1860, p. 2

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* re pitiiig of, thie mu.,icipality; ohsrge4] 2~bio own piriçq for the work, and for the. Ipresent year> gave himueif the. coutraci, st d~vs e 01 noro tian a neigýubor. Lng OfflOOfsâm tendt do tiei. work for.-, rThe facta t. n ledo, EtX.R sor and his aIly, the. Globendoavor e, jtiiy. the acaii4elotw trAposcUon by smer-1 4tkg hat th~e tbiug was dope for tii. conven- iq.pu sud '5nteret of the municpality 1 - Did ever brazen, eftrontry proeeed, furtiier -'#for -the couvenieuce sud intorct of1 the . mdnicipality 1l'yFor the. convenimnce and interest cf the mrunlcipelity, we Sup- pose, Mr. Reesor charged t1ir4 dollars "0 e tian a ueighboring 'o1ceJý for 'the lmre work, aud gave itunelfthe contract.?1 Of course 1 ji AswCremarked on a former occasion,M1r. Recoor's excuse is a delusioni and those who arc foo fs cnough ta credit bisï very disintcrested atatemeuts deserve ta havec the wool drawn ovor their eyes. Mér. lie-. oer la a triekstor, and a very deceitful oee too; sud from ntor imited observations of1 lihs pubiecareor, go far, a man thnt wifl notheoit4te ta prevaricsto and shuffln, in Oretot gain tis point. Iunte -pi-esouit case, ho furthstatedti LtI Mansfielti, bis fortem aîi, vie endet-et for tie printing,vas the. lessee ofthle otrl!e-nexh LiaI- ho vas usagent; -anti nn' vo have tic admis. Il vunover pretendltaI Mn. Mans. fiebti vu anytbing moi-e titan-a servant et Mn- Jicemon; but lu order that tic Town. ship Council mighitt cje>- the convenueuce af-iaviug ilis priîîtiuîg demie aI homue, ho was aîlowed te tender lu his evu name for lte priiuting et18610- 1t4is prieilege was -- gfcen toa 1dm as a perquigile, sud net as lie leasc ofe the office. If any profi's are derivedfýrom thre contradt, Mr. MansJieId enJoys thenm; 'and if logseji are sustained tlrey mrist le met from lads pocket. Mn. Rose-sr vobutitanily' gave avuy tLu litail butcrest sud respeusibiîity se fuir us titis -- eaitraeî, andt Iis ulone, la ctîcexîl -Vill an>- eue be sili>- eneugh te ci-odit titis statemet: ltat Ibis pai-Licuuian job, of s lte 3arkbc.m prntting n'as gi ven 1,>'lN. Reoerle lus toreman as a per-(1tisito ? Even if il vero, anti grauttirail - that Mr- Reosor ut-gos lu bis ovu icinif te ho truc, ve argue liatit is ane excuse tt'itîtever for- te sçatiaious part ite bas pisyct in utite transctoion. Wbeno la the soenit> te tho public, if lte Trustecs et public mcnoys can sot lu tItis manuýet, anti uutter covrofe an agent, esace, et' foeOau, avant thcm- selves profitable couti-sts?7 Mr. Resor, ve st-a glati te kuew, il lhanve to eriigo thie erdealmoi et siegtiinvestigation, anti iL la oui>- hy thitt ours tint lie eau ho breugltt le a truc stîse eoflis positioni. Exc!tiiig tînmes nt O0hawa. -The Oshawa Council appeans to bo piac- cd lu s particîîlanl> soiions position evei- dle -recoptuonetfite Prince et Wales at lVbhitby. Tii.> bave goete metsi, vo are toit, aMsteilisctus ver>- sorieual>-ant i ai- edi>- vhctber or net tic PimcetfWales -ta te Prince et Wales ut al I antioe ci-ute ceutucillor, it la assertel, vont Le te- leugtlt et queting te - ontie-ofethLie nrvispr> Statutes et Uppen sud Levwer Can. &ai umaiutainiig te ncgtivc i Tic discussion ai-ose ener te invitation et the Corporation ot Wlitby Le taI te Oshawa, o jein- bu Lie reception et tte Prince aItlte Wlitby station. Whist îtî decision arrir- od t' ahbasbect, vo are meut auxious>- vailing hotest-an. - Wa theugitî vld atiapretty amui-I lot et Coun-eillora ut Witti>; but atten engluna- Iting lime discussion et se original an ides, as ta vietior Lie Prince is te Prince, or net, Oshtava sui-l>-talicostic paît. Grand Excursion te Witby Ion bbc visqit of lte Prince. Mn. Lewis M. Squair desires Le annunec 4IS'iL-.Iu l Lxettn,ion eut boni-d the Muple £c«/ fret B3owmauvillc sud Osliîs-tle Vitby>, on.tho occasion oethle nisil cf IL. R. il. -the Prince ot Waics. Au excellent baud w-i1i accomipan>- tîtoexcurs;ionistà. Ilil aise deutiromis oet ifrttning lte public tat upen Ite Tucstisy tolîowiuîg tLuc iii Ibe -au cxci nion te Tornutno, tu-et itan- Ville, tsta santi lVitb>-, rcunabnbng al ulgitt ut To'ronto, aud Ilaus giving tes. on boastdan opportunit>-oftattending tho Bail, wituessing lteilluinihtiin,&.. Ticoso Exeursions offen aàtest vicit, almieai ver n>- oo ylbc e ious oftombra- cing. Fron i te steamer Lie ounhuukation et tlie Prince ma>- bo vituessed ti IWîttby, aud we believe tlii thle intention Le Mi;low bbc Royal Siluadîon lu pnocccetiig te Toroneandsud .histiebankatien liere. Thotiaire viii ho ver>-1ev. Fmull psticu- bit-s nili b. squppilot lu imely ativertise- bfa. RY* ClupunIl.-We madec s great omission lust veoI in nelieiug lhe "ateo arrivai, ut hone etflMt. Rebei-tCamp- bell,- Ve abonîti have staledthaltIho lis i- pQrtiug dire, a large stock oftgeeds vicit1 ho aays. "wii tak e lie iis. eut ot an>-1 141 ugy.t bi-amghtitt m Wiitby. ILt lie puiblic ga soie, as udtge foon hemselies. feoypuswu vu w11 t theebs ti UU It WM4 UQon, , IIed, s nd fr J. Y, Dicksoa having been called ta thae hdir Mr. ReAesor cernmeuiced te speak,He pole for "Su' bour snd tlzree-quartera. - n iJi' JISIIal tbroughh io opesoç h l iumber who1waited ta isten tphim iiad 4windled 4own ta 55; sud it was flot uutflt Mr. Perry m' eoi ncued to, apeak, that tii. number again iucreased té abo O 1,. r. 1 Pevry, M ia er enèr getio,speecb, -$ho .wed iow 1Mr. Rei.bad abudoued tii. question q9< Repxesentsio 7hy Population, sud noir advocated it ouly in counexion with wealth sud territo.-, FAe aise pred, romti.ple cons several of Mr. Ueesor's faise s tatemeuts. 4ti1f;psst ,11, Mr,, Perv~ concluded bis ipi)ech, suýdt4ien demauded that, saýit wau Mr. Reesors owu. meeting, a division aheuld bo taken. À rosoIutiQnexqPriessive, of con- fidence in-Mr. iWesor wus put, sud altiongii the room was tiien crowded-aiiout 100 persons being prosent-only ,20 bauds, counted by the chairmau, were hold up in favor of it. Against the resolution, snd iu favor of Mr Ferry, were the. remainder. Nothirîg, lîowver, could get the chairman to give s decision, or even te, permit the meeting to <ivide off ta both'sides of the House. In addt on to titis, fully 150 of Mr. Perry's friends could not get into the roont 4t sll Meeting nt Malveru. Mr. Reesor boiti a meeting at lMaivem-u laut ovening. Thono vere about oe un- droti anti fifty persotîs presont nt lte begin- ing efthLie meeting, but viien tie voeo as taken te niimber vas roducedti t about 60. Mn. J. P. Wheelen vas chait-man, anti oxpi-osset bimsebt, ve undersanti, te- tl>- averse tLe tic dissolution etflte union. On the vote oui>- fremtwIemît>- 10 lvnty. f vo itants vere itelti ny fer Mn. Reesor. Prepurations for th. Reception of thc Pr-ice in WhiLby. Ont- tovu la quitc surve vbtb active pt-e. panations going forvanti for te recoptien et the Prince. The Executivcî Cettittoe mccl ever>- ct-oîing, antiat-e Most energe- tic lun usiing terwand ail tiat la niocessan>- te bc doue. Plans anti t-icags of pavil- lions, t-lumpital ai-cies, &e., have iteon prepancti; lte Iccalit-ofethlie spot fer tic roception efthte Prince sebecteti, anti a plan fer tb.e rection et a plattori ansd soats sp- proveti of-ail Le bo submttedt tetemeet- ing efthtie general i'emmittce titis cnening for adoption. Ail lnecnthu3lasm, anad eitertain ne doubt vhtateve-, tat nolviti- standing Ris Royal Iligines s>-a see big. ger places anti greaten thinga, n reception avaits lit in titis tevu et Wbltby, ici for cordial hespitalit>-, sud ferviti loyalty et fooîinîg lias net yet beau excelietiiluaal lis jrogt-eaa tireugi Ibhis portioun et ler Msjcst>'s dominions. Whitby, aud tic Wliitbjy people, as iveli as te wboie Ceun- t>- et Onitario geierali>-, ai-e determinedti L havesa "Lime" et IL; Anti sncb s "L ime" as viii net soon bie totgotton. Town Counuci. 'Wnrrum', Monda>- E 'g Aug. 21. The Council met aI Lthe Town ihall aI 8 o'cloclc. Tiie Mayor eccupiedtihte chair ; te oter membiers vere Messrs. Du-spot-, Brown, Camrno, Vail, Rove, Laing,Lyntie anti Gunu; fabsenit Mn. Ferry. 'ETITTOtN A<JAINST TIEFStICi-riE. Mn. Lyntie proseutedth ie petilion et H. Sf arr anti 163 ottei-s, pt-aybngLto avere n- mcintieti scertaitn i-i-olution appropristiug $150o for a view ofe t ie v. Mn. L>nde"s reolutien on titis S'ubject vas allowedt L stand e-rer as tbere vaut net a ful Meeting cf Lie Counteil. IREITzcN-rrOF orEm-nDNiEz. Ttc Mayot-rencd a communication ne- ceiveti fronT"homassGal, itn i-cpi>- te, a communication et His Worsbip; amid ktatittg, tint lie bati muet picasuro iu piaclug ut te disposai efthLie Council, au>- et bis lande aI Viti>, for the put-pose et Lie îeception oet lis IRoyal Highnuestu. A resolution vas placet on Lie table bu- struotinug the Mayor te invite the Oâiaiva Fire Compan>-, te te démonstration for tb. receptien et the Prince. Mr-. Laing queslieuteti Lhe prepriot>- et consideting "tthencsolutiomi , fi-st. becauso te lowu bat no ienecomiman>-ofut is evu, antd next bocauso tie believeti that thec invitation siionitipreceeti trot, Lie Executive Commiîtee, le viot lthe town hati given up ail its rigita andi povera. On motion et Mi-. Draper, accondet b>- Captai i lion', s resoluthion psed, plsciug tie sut etf $300, votet fur tLi e eption eft me'Prince, ut Lie disposalibfothLe Fi- nance commihtec. SURS. 5ttAWS Pt tn.nTIe. MNra. Sian". peilion ton aid wag consitier- ed iu comuitee efthte viole. Thte Ceint- init'co rose.wsi-lieut making an>- report or recemmentistiou. Council adjeurueti. Wo lave te tiank ont- tint Lieut. Coi. bMoPterson, for s quantit>- et plum.- Mda Mtr. AteXàndect-'ir4nlui, eehrmittée of -the cltizanm -Couuii,'vasa imuued. His Wonaiip, statethtie deput4tion ta be ,u;nt-tien vid lte ceun>- ,Commùitee, lion ofet, .Pine at- Wiitbj On motion et lte levd.: coudeti b>--is Rouer Jntig resel!2hiea passeti that lthe j efthe Tewn Concil, sudî operâte viti Lb. Count> cq take'epart lu the proceodiugs. tien etf N. G. Ham, Esq., ht that thc Town sud Ceunn>- c stitutceue joint <lommittee, ý of makîîtg st-rangements for1 coptien. efthe Prince. Cspt tixen electetib>- an unsuimonu font chairmýu oven the unix! Dr. Gunu, Vice Chairman msyne, FAÀq, Secretary, a Neurse, Assistant Cemmittee A committLeiaving be drsv up s suhacriplion liat, submitteci anti adopted ; asu aubsenibei *104-eadei b anti Jndge for $30 anti $20 r Ttis liaI vas subsoquent>- lai proposition agreedti L, tLi promeut altoulti guarautee $30 et lte County, beiug $10 os bers etfte Ceun>- Concil. ing tic commiLtee taILiter, difficulinluptocuring au eq tien te titat b>- the-Town, si sien of lte Couneil -: Messrg. :aptais 'Raveè frem the joint nd te iTov of ~ l T he te ce0-opeFate fer lte reccp- iB.rnism, a 'mmittee hé Tc,-n ce- amIthce, sud Anti ou me- vus resolved ommuittees con- or lie purpose the propen ne- min Rave vas 3vote, pet-ina- ti connmittees, W. H. Tire ýid Mn. Citas. iappointedti o Lte smre n'a i a ton' names thLe Sierif espettull>.- Iasite, anti a oon lte part '; hi;Le ment- roent assur- evoulti be ne pal appropria- a spOcIi 8se- ýames Rave, Jas. Brns, L. H. Scitefielti, Jue. Aguev, W. H. Doci, J. Foote. W. bVIite, W. H. IEiis, Lukc & Ou-t, Wm. I cPberaoîî, N. G. Recynolds, W. H. Trots>- o, C. Nonrue, iT. Meody>,.E. Oliver, Josiu Wright, L. Houci, R.- J. Gunu, M. Fa-qu anu, Jue. Bovbes, -Peter Taylor, T- N. Sc*Mure, G. DatIndu, Jas. Dryden, Jardos Baint, anti Z. Bunian, en teredti bte îguarantec. Ou motion of Mr-. Win, h ite, second- ed b>- Mn. Jositua Wright, Reve et Reaci, Lte follon'ipg resein Lieu passAt unanimous 1>-. That luintirer Le give t-h, prepanaiois for Ite recoption efthlie Pri ce et WaleR, as respectable an appeanance s possible, IL vouiti requiro a jnnostcr smo ut et toneyi than vo Mu>- expeet te rmbs'- b>- ubscip* tien, lu addition ta thse a,"t rosc1-iy te leva et Wiby; anti vo conuitier the mest pi-opor va>- touitiho, or the War- don efthLiteContytecovete a special meeting cf te Ceunt Council forthn'ith andnti thIe Cocnil sheulti v Le a sutn for that put-pose, proportionate tÇ tie ait-munI Votet b>- teevuwn; andti Lt the chairmaît bce roqueste t Lecommunicinte te pnrpei-t et titis resointion te te Ward n. . -A Finance enomtlteen'as ben appoint- cd ho have coitt-l et ail tc funtis titat meh naisoti on vot4tifour tit neception:- te cemmittec Le conalab toLte Finance committee etfte Town, asuthbbcFinance cernmi&teof e te Ceunty>- Çouucil, aud- tht-ce etiens, viz T. P. Whiite, Joshius Wri.ght, anti John Hislep ; N. W. Brown, Jasq. Roeo anti C. Duraper; anti Dn. Gunu, Jutige lInnitanud Lte Shed-f. Thte follet-ring ver. aise n mndanti np- pointeti an Executire commýtteeo: N. G Reynolds, John Wstuoen, L. ý1- Seholiolti, Lewis T-ouck, T. C. Foncîn, J. Hl. Pe-r>-, R. E. Pe-iy, il. J. Macnctl, Jas. Wal- lace, Dr. Fente, John Sheir, anti G. il. Datfeil, vititpower Le atti. Fine tombera et au>- cemibitc te ho a quorum, sud te citait-taniut Socnota-y Le ho ex-officie, mentions of ail commit. Tiie snh-comtitteea 1e meut aI Mi-. Me- Pitonaon's t-nom, andtihie gencdral commit tee l ite Mi-citnics' hall. i Mn. Sieriti' moveti a i-csolntion exp-ess- ing lthe desirahilit- otfte1 pnce ofe te et te Veltînteen Rifle Cet an>-etflthe tovu, te receive Ris Royal Higituosa at the station, andti LtIa cep- efte resolu. tien ho fot-va-te te Captain 'allace, The Mayor itacigi-est ploasune lin second- in- ft.e -eseiution, and tiasdtthat ho sitoulti sec tat e'm'iything v dotue te af- fend Captain Wallace anti bis men ail pro- pet- accommodation Captabu Wallace statodti t ho expeoteti otiten een on titis subjeet wvieh cli h oulti act upon irnespechive et anytiig that mu>' ho doue ut bhc meeting. Ttceu-eaoiuhion passeti. Revd. Mn. Warner ant i Rvti. Mn. O'. LotTfe matie s fev apprepniate observations, on lte geedtore anti manne of te pi-e. ceedinga; afier wviietvotes oet Ilauka vere passoti te Mosrns. MePitoson and sîmer for te use et tic respective pi-e lacs placeti b>- hem aItichedispesailoethLe, commit. A resolulion vas ne *t pse~ Tuestia>- uct nt italt.pastl 7o' ceive te report ot lb. commnit Tic thaukg oethLIe meeting voe theii Ciairman, sud theo terminatcti. Theo Priticeat Montrý -Tic fruit la tielicious, an thLe be't etflte Ve extractthe foiiewing set kini viticit vo bave accu grovu lu thePs-iuce's lanting, and tihle- n'bol cocunIry., aI Montresi fron thlicPilot. About ton o'ciock Rlis Roya Isutti d v as reccivet b>- DANaEitus. -Durig te fnring efthlie amitisîtich thunters et a royal A&diuiral'ut sainte ta-day, consid-erabhe dam- ail Horn Mnjeshy's ships lu tic hu age n'a-.doneto the huusos in Saltan Mate- yards more ulse manueti; und lot Streect. Glass vas breken lu gresl pro- beautitîti anti test impesing e fmusion, sud tic bonse ni Captalu Thomas Royal HighnosR, pnci-cdeti b> Buns, neani>- Lie whole ofthe piaster cei- anti folloeeib>- lie Duke et liig luneune otuwaa shaken iovu, taelt.elite Est-I et St. Getans, Got- gi-est alarrm efthLe itamate-t.-Q2nebec Vîn- W. Headi, Admiral irmA. Mil cator. Sir PF Williams, sud" s brillin i sppeinliug, cloek le re- vene thon receedinga HI liîtessu lte May-or, ii sainte-tram t-bon. Theirm bhîs bnci a & ~e cl H i s Il ic M a y o r , r evasie, I noSi BGenenal ai staff, Ad.i- r eeremn o ued e uwas ecrt.d ta the~ Goveror's tate st-rnud at once pro- eceed bregh he~ri#cipl -troees ta the. Exhibition l3uildin&' lollowed bj' the pro- cession 'etot thediffere1W -Societies, as an- nouunced lu théo pi, grmwe.,.Tnis was ad- ntirably uiauaeed; iudeed, such a proces-. sion'ba hunover before ,bocéeci onlnhi er streets., The. carnage whbicbli entaîuced, Ris Royal Highniess ivasdeluged, noýt-witb water, btwith 1bouq uets, ricb, rare, beait- tiful *ui1Id'at is <cet by <fair hauds as lie passed aloug. -Uauddkerchifs -were wavingat everywiudow, sud proûd, muîst have een ho yobutbtul Prince at receivlng such demonstrstiouno of respect snd regsrd. The followiug is the sddres-ethte May. or andi Corporation, sud ihe. Prinei re- jly thereto:.- - ADDRESS. i-o utsROYAL 1IfGIxNF.%4TIES PiIEOr t IVALER, eN TIIr OCCASION OPr11ts TISIT- IN« MONTREIAL. ' Mlay it plea8e Yuur Roy/al Bilnesst;- ce, lte Mayc, Aldermen, anti Cttizeus cf lte CiLty cf AMot'ol, test respeetftil>- boom Icave le appremîchiYonn RoyàI i 1gb- ness te telicitate yen, on boitait e tiC- tizens ef Mentreah, ou yotir safo, arrivalinl tItis Province, ant o effert- 10>-ut- Royal - hincsout- Mest Cordial antiheant>- veicotie e tciisCity-. We avail ourselves eft tii propitiens ce- escsieu, cf a v;sit fremt lhe lin Apparnt c f Lte Br-itish 'Tirotîe, Lu express tLe yeît Royal Iliginesu otîr ievotet Ioyic-an sd attacbnttho te pet-iou anti Goverument cf Ont- Most Ot-siotiv Sovereigu, >'eur Il- itîstnieus Muc.her ; te declare Otur hnumble but fervecnt admiration et hon vistiet, tuederalien anti juistice, as nuit- Scvercigmt; anti eut- love anti venercîlion of Lie vitues aud graces whiici atioru hon piivate lite. As cincumsîauccs t ifi mît permit Ouîr Beloved Quecunte l oner this distant but impertant seceLon of 11cr Empire witi a persousi visit ; ier Majosty lias been gra- elousi>- plcaset Lecontier tîponIlier fuititul Canadisu subjeets, tic next doit-est boon iL n'as inilber poîver te boston', b>- autiior- ising thismoe-t n'ecome visit et Vomir Royal Ilioinegs. riis gracinig umnite;- taLion et Heu MaJeca.v's cousitcu-ctiou anti tregardi, iît ballet n-ith iusnlIculîi)eîsanti jey b>- ail Il.t- loyal anti devoteti sutijeets iu Licite Provinces ; huit o beg mostI rus- peetîltîloL assurte Yoiir Royal Iliglincisq, tint iîy noue atumongt, the million..; who compose thoir nutuber, lsit ILorcte iighly esteemiei, more ftiîliypp)reeitl, or more ou thusictgticaiiy tel t aud ack uon'ledgcd. titan b>- 11cr Majesty's dovoteti sud loyal subjocts,, Lhe Citizeus et Moutreai. Tho immisMite ehjct of Youîr Roy* 'l Ilighinesw motst gratityiuîg vi4t Lu Ciacat i is te open Lie Victoria Buiti - tiat u'g nificcut monument cf' cutet-pnlisoanti ukilî -vitl himici lte faine sud prc>gperity et te ciL>- îiii eveimuu<re bc utc-ct itit.itueîv1 countîilc -uuost cermnaruen (> tly ieitiri ti. jl fl titiis s tuipettîous trotk, loti- iRoyal Ii inessu wjli t14t fini te obscre lion' uuttît- t.îi obstacles, uti tuost umtsrnoîrtîuîbue t1 tiîo:n pcndI-,-,.c 5ts--i' «fii(]cl<ctmphc1tm tnit-iI>, have 1l m tuiuili-îrtîrovreortie b>' teconiblîted pover oflb-t Itenter- p)rise amui capit.mtfil Of l' tli<ltCyt*V andi siili. Alid WVc beg to massure mr Royal ilighncss Liat. ltk '%vondoirfuuî actule- ventent ofet eigledtirug ant i rec!iucal pu-r-f fection viii heueefcrth i sessnanew cim t on etirte-testgannîiregards, mssc atet i iL mnust ove'-mom-e Ie in omît meinonios andî1 affocîilus titi tItis muspicilouis Visit et leuir Rl Illigiiness, andt lte intet-esting1 cet-c-mo>-of iLs pet-feL conusinamtie b>'r Yotin Royal Iligitteis' lianilmui.e We emrniesqtu hope Y<tît- Royaml Iligli- nesit' Visit te tit;is Cit>- n'ill bo one oetiut- mixeti satistaction anti deligiht ;sud We pledgo, otîîm,;lve toi- tic Citizemi,4 et Mou-t t-cal, tint te>' villioue sud nulI, otecinu iL tic litgIiemct gratification antihonor, tLu ise evon>- meanus lu Liei-powver, tl enederr yonn too short 5h>- amoniptthLie ,a-ce- able. happy- anti coîfortaiie. Wo pt-ny taI Yottt Royal llighues- tvill ho plei.scdti tecotnnuumtic-mte Leoour HosL Gracicunuq xlcen, Yotîuroal'oiatîci Bovet Mothen otur tcciings of ai-cenmt loy- ait>- anttidevotion t10 e11c-oyai Person anti C-ovu, as uiteu-lit-ci>- gratitude aud uckuwicugc-mntsfor titis aiest gr-acictusc cvidcÀice niIlier JRoyaul cî'eceîi on Il layo-lotir Revu] lî Moestoutwel-V coutetnh grateful visit te titis City- nncb P>rovince. 1 Gpx-mmtPz, -T'ic atitit-cs yeti have j ut presenteil te me, in wich yeu pt-clait your loyalty ho tue Quieen an ttu tachtue-nt te lie Briticdt Cuowrcntuus iis t>- vitrn- estmiin-luemmf. 'hio iutnsieimiie spexi.me hv Lte kinci andci coî'iml teci-ptiou tviicii bas been necorettete ou ttiis fit-st visit Le Cauna- da emin tii-Ci-titi. t-ru nm>' nind ; sud teîtl> w-iliLte Qiteen hi- gi-mitficcib>- lie î,root vbicb it tuflorîs flimut Lie itmtenest vîmi<ntsIte tmksii<i thLe velfane oet tIis por- tion et hier Ripire, nndl viicisic tas hbeeut auxiotis b montk b>- t>-pu-esence amon git yo,,ist o n their part b>- foc- u;ngm of aflectieusto devotien toIeslf suit ber fa ii>-. For nîyseîf i ru-jenie aI Lic oppnrînnit- %vlihhait licouaffortiet me nfvisiting Ibiî CiIy-a greal emporinumet tue t-adeofe Carats-anîl vhoe egroîvu pt-cpet-rit>' of et-s se stiking att exatupieetfvinia>- be eti'cctet by cne-g>-sud .ntenprise un- det- Lteinfluence eof(i-oc institutions, "laIttis prespni>- mat>-bhostiilfTnnthen onlanget i lat>-cannest, visb tiorc onu ho littue teubt tint b>-the cemniltion et that s-tpeutous monumntulof engineering akili andi labour which 1 bave corme lu Lic name oft the Quecu te inagurate, nov sent-ces of weaiti viii be openetetayou- citizeus anti to Lte ceunît-y; nov elemonts eor power do- t-clapet, anti ten' links tonget Wbinte ctiîein lupoaceful ce-openation lthe exen- ;ions et a viube-spnead sud rapil increas- ing population. The Exhibition Building vas ct-e-tdeti vNtisa bitnliisnt assemblage. co>npnising-tite elite of citizens anti citoy/ennes; tic legs- laive body>, aud a numjbëof etthé aloi-g>, nembens or the ban anti chers, The Prince on enteriug lie buldiugwas greeteti witi a lIcysi Sainte, sud mihbie suite -tonce proceodet ie sroceptien neem, Precisol>- aI eleven e'ciôck ic oenedtihe it May- il Plots. youn Royal Iliglinesit- It is svitb feelings eft tîniiglecl gratifi cation sud plemîsure tuaI vo, tic vorkin(p mon andl antizmns cf (lie Grtand Tnuînk Ra-il. n> Coiupny. cordimdiy wtyccrne te titis pet-tienoet ler Maiesîy's TrauisaîlsutieDe uninious, coie se nearly ennectoti vih tont Gi-scions Severeigu as yomîrself. Altiotîgli separatet b>-lthe vide ocesu tri-em te handt viicgave bit te mst et uts, ivo yeî hoir in our imeumnts the vatitie.st love howmttds it, andtihLe teepesît-cnvet-nce tut ioyalty tevart-hhat bciovedi Mouarcît woeppsoucc bu-o to-day Yenr Royal Ilg nesepi-esents. Tic uofîo strutcture ivîicit Yotîr Royal ligincss bas inauiguinatet bas been le tna; a>- et u.4 tIi.scene et aur cmii>-tohou; and vhtilst cnnnyîng omit the gigaulie conception of Lie designer, ve have been sabue ful>- Le estimate te difficutiesa, hict io had th contendt h sid evercomi., sud, nov Ltat he bas passet awa>- fremthis îupbore nt ex- istence, vo ed elprend that vo posseslu these -Ion ?Jaqjesty's Canatian Doniniomu se tuagnificieul a funeral mentimeut et eue ivie roe iet oour vu cuass, anti vha shanet i tihmis the pniviiegti et bcing àa BriLilisubjeel. Befene e Yu-Royal fHigineusgdopants: 'romu tiese shoeres titere wiul ne doubt be i-tn>' oppot-tuniies - affot-deti yen of judg- ugS or tie loyal antid ivototi feelings it ut- tacbîuent genoral in thesc lProvinices ho- -antis Yomîr Royal Malien, anti vo st- sure tsàt whalcven spot yen n>- riait yen viii mun oe eeling cemmon (we arc prend tioý ta>- lu cvcny landivhoeothe Englilshtan- gnc la spoken, ant inlu hiab vo eantliyý loi) et love aud attachmteut Levards taI Lady> whoso vit-tues arc kuowu anti so-' mnoviotgot inlu von> land sud in çvonyý homne,-Yonr Motion anti ont-Qucen. Wishing Tou- Royal Higinessa ever>-; aleastire andi benetil (from Yeun sejournu mostuùs, anti a safe fr'uthn e pst-cu lad.. ÇSigued'in bhfoit te orkme:,of tlis Gt-sud Trunk Raila-.)- J. CURTIS CLERK. REPLY. GuEs.TLXu'b,-I acopt vithlà peculiar ýlea8Urne a ddreasOet artizans aud vork- r' s If ( p on- the pait, îbreto're, outhie Provincio <&ver teut, I prsy-y vQr1 Higbuae Lt do us lth nor eoponiug, lu helb ., of Motelil,-ltis Exhibitioîn, ti r r lbat~~ ~~ ~ ed~eijnômyourPa n, stimulaI. aur peupl'e le t-geate- exertieni audtia~y b. loug reÏànemâbci*'d aong I graciaù tis 435 ici are destinet tama the vi4it OftHein Apparentoet le Thr4î" bbchIaringbenu clbiviedti-ta t PÊrince b> ir Eduunti Head, and h4nd à b-him p t l ieke otfNeccate, -th . (o lewmnÈ rep>- vas retu-neti by Ris R> 1Ilbuss -il"&a 5weeL cleat-r Vobe, vW1 ,Mach ieeling sud empitaI-S - REPLY; GEsruxi-Most, nead.ily- UseBnti.t lte request y ou bave ma&, a request th, more sqgrecable, because ILti114cenvoyeti me b>- t>- -kint i n, yeur excellent GO orner Generi. -i I agn nel ignorant et tie higi potioi attaineti hy Canada ilu ho.Gi-anti Exhii tien ni 1851, wiicb n'as openoti nder tr happy auispices of the Quceri andtÈi Prince 'Consort -anti s carryiugeut- Lb deiioetthat ruomorable unclortaking th, sînalier, bul La Canada mert intestin; collection n thLe proilt iyeur Lqnc, and of' norks et Art sud fndusr-, bas nýj entine fsympathly, anti clalutls My best wisfi o4 ton INs succeus. 1 honpe anti bolieve i ill i ealize ail L t ebj-htx for vbich it bas licou ticuigueti.' The Lord Bisliop af Mout-cal, (Dr. Ptil fondQ oflereti up a bi-tifiîi îira>cr ; ilu voice andi Maainer at once cie;tr anti soiems sud, Mort impressive, Huis Royal Iligline-;and uitile itavin' penuî,îbwîbltteti thc Building, atiiinrpectee tho varîionsu articles tiepouitcd, tormenl>- <l ciaretilLige Exhibition epeneti. Aftcl %vhici te choir suîig the Ilu;llelujah it lcr 'Thl- Inauiguration of tlieVictt-i;s B,-ritb11 wis the uexteeinoto uwlic L te Pr*uc, proreeded. W e qiîote fîom te Ti-ansc,-ii whlat took'place Lucre - At tlwo 0'rkc Lte whle parts' prececij 0(1 front lthe Exibition îb'ilidiug'ho i'oiri St. (uiles, Ln wîtîim-s the l:tying oft1hý coru'ir stonc-etftthein-idg" tw- Il. R. IL -ý At titis station noue vwere alloweci te entý1 exccptioig thoso havifig tickets cf invitu, Lion. Ail aloug thc route b>- Lt -.!de the track, xWord seits filloti viti eogauti$ dtessed people. Near the portais of tLb biithe train p.usseti bettu-cntiplc cf locomotive whceeu sud meeiianicai dcv' ces, sud il paniseti just before onternug. 1h tube, svitliiii the massive n'zuls n'hleh thonF enclose a, comiderable space. Flre Lb* pa-seugers, chiefi>- ateitibens etParhiarneuf, anti thali- frioncls, took thieir artsignebsraç; somue belon' on a bpel with Lte tnack, som :,bove on the top nf the n-nl.. srogue u nea- te ,littorm, n e il1. R. Il.n' t) Inoutit andb lety tlit. tone. 'rus was in Lhe C'entre o f tlii asoum-v, mit the entrmancv of( ie tube, ut tie top, *just over Lte If) sCfljîtiomi witichl tells -n-ho huIlt il. Ti ,uraed, the Prince. in a carniage, tii-e te neatht ie spot, eutercb lite spice above intionei. sud aqcendli-th ie step et- the Plaihormlon. Jolin 11o.« e-î<ling the way. Oc te piattormn, whili nas covereti witî sc:inIlet cloth, lie-w-as receivoti b>-Mr- lotigi-, te btiideofethLe bridge, trim, ai -on s tic floval part>- nere gr)ipeci, handeil hlm s sut-en trowel therewithtn spreati the int-r, wiich Il. R. I. titin n norkimauliko un-tner. Tien fi tn îvhich hîîug suspeutied, vas lowered. Tite Pr-ince thon gave il th-oc reps with a Mai. let. wih compleîeti Lte ccenmen>. -Te Prince thoetn tescendeti anti teok bis sent mloug vitit anuumenctus bcd>- et officiais, in a beautittil car built especial>- for Lie pur. pose. The englue sereamnet, anti the part> %vero driven n thle contre ef the tube, %riiere Lb. Pr-ince placedth fe mlsrivet or the bridge lu iLs place, %vîtici n'as hàm1nc- ed in b>- a cheten bcd>- et mochannilil.jAf. t'rds j;tic>-nt thi-ougi htiiitue, ann rclurued ho Itincion at Point St Citls 'Ti. tollewiug us Lie Atidress premeuted b>- th.e mpbnyees eftIhe Grand Trunk, aud Ilis Royal lighness' repiy :- - 7'o Hia Royal ,ligltneu, Albert £dicad, pis>- cost lie Corporation $1,600, yen vii lb o lite Editor of Me W7iibj CYroick, bave some ides eofvital it nmut bave becs.n Weha ittisme buntirots et rookets, that DA I-O oi~apie.. ln the. shot out stars aI an, attitude et 500 feet, Iatekiman, efthlie 283i tt,'inrotreucO antilu u cler; martrs iaIsen uPmont ;-Sr,8w n trefrain <tram litting i areils viti aa sroam et fiit-e nari>- a thou- M~hli I<u pen te show r uthe.*lies n',&" ceî bi sandi <cet high, vhici lies expiodeti, ailtaI part y. reuiulue-o aai t. iu stars sud golden siiovers ;,serpenta'tint Recsr the e.eeqion. -Nqw, Sir,_ onth veut sinuoualy mb lte air, and t-rev ant, nigil ref1&teé"Mr Pe-, ineses pee<b.h w as il vere, a brooti et yeuug ones, in al net ver>- plin; Dr. Frecl wam thon,,; sud directions-, Congela ligita lu gren, u, ciiisdlt. ke-y's add seuscfl.- - uby>, gelci, &o, viici, convetei tic multi- Ih.Mthllbtlt ebid - fo iî tgüehtlemanuy héy a cted. Inde,th hionss, t-ces, anti etytirn. ele Now,ir S, lte Ite4ms>uta ie .b tiei . _ 11colai-,lumteuse vieis, te vote wax tsketi bt-e wua- agenonal vilitlurueti int.o besutitul flowersi tien ns Ng- othiiiu 1 tibp~t- u'e tie Princc's st-ms, sud ac.mollo là ail- tôt-thoiee>was 'hôtthe 'oue-'tlied' ofethe l. ie- ver lire, - the letters- bcing tva .,teet -tenu 'pre-eoul tciod u, d'Bmne of $.boiO lon, "oye l Binveus, .ugîoe bewbe did, haci no vate. Hsd Nr. Pént-y »ew veleome -," hben theést-ms' otLiven-be rpo 1ece li.ut aeht h ýtelai-gea tnbern is <aven. And&Sfr, pool lu uilvot-, goldianti rab>-fit-e;tien tcltosreu ee'e e itn Lies'of>et licst-i8t. germati, lieu a vsr- ameugst tii.-beys, vas sot l ite veau' loty of t tet mottoos 'sud devices sud fin- vihen lb. -vte ;ras talk9n. ail>- tiest-ms efthle uniled ti ng-dom wvil- ran,8,yur, legendas; s ship roprcscaîing hthç Postailsor. - - AIR PLAY_ 'd eid it couli Ot' be' 1othrwis- ot fa, ) ,_T e re.' hepol 55vorable. 11here- ls au air alîke ofsfubili- -* - titat Yty, in idnezs, minglod with dignity, ngtta i.Pi~w~d'aenx !t sudajprqpenî pense et bis 'position tht~ittt oiiga10o1e -ntset2ute 9Y îWius ail hoe-arts in bis, favor.,In ,hi 9 <di- after11eeu1, aud the-chtange of lthe ur net 1, turcs aud bearing- alike we trace the - iem- beiug generllY, knOwu. till e- 'near the. e- la n ce . o fh i j i-u g u s t , m etii r ; a n d e c a n - ti n e o f e i. rc t n1ti . v e o is p e e . rik notiSutantiipte inhis ftt -eecoupancy could net musers vs A iIitudd te tetirdeweneeriL a' e~cu, ndhepeoplein ttis oft theussnds etended to, a distant periodde ire devoutly. ho.it ý h'e îuay 'bedïfeie d--tie-iheri tanocet tif t ue Iùdig pis..y, , o ps e l selveu id' vIit'tués along with, teé p 6 er ;o(tfttàev e blepOSI ýtO awiti the s et. )l- crcign wIîloniw h, ioldsas',bgalu te a dOmin- and as lte -day va exeedingly flué,the over, the~ of.y*'bor atibject. 'if ay.COl£VSizwuasstrikiugiy beeutg The ~bthtîîg werowaplîulg tôa strongtheu the. de tht-e. war vessels, the. citadel, tie volonte., votien whieb. as Bnite!ts,» w. feek4 ý0Oourril pa»,adb rmpra ltd fatwitla21 spd ber intitution4,,thêe sit e ~aHsRoyal Iîhea ol îpply it' 1uu, snledyti.Pic . --------riveti; the yards.vere mâuue4, tiiels e -.-..------- vvedthe i people citcered, tii. bsndp pay - -Ceu'. orremôsdece. d lthe national sutiient sud tiiere aecmed r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Qlio Ags 5, ~ 1 e a univermal put-pose ta do th. ilium. )n DEAaSin, trou Son! ef England ail posmible banor SUnless I amn mueh mistaiccu, eue of my snd bornage. The Kingston.ý-in wbh lih ïlettn e ~ bv ~ ertbarked, left the wharf sud& taok a long :ol may be that I atidresseti it in errer ta some stretch up tawards the caVe, lites round cotber papier, as duringr the Princels visit 1 by Point Levi, eout>ng up in -tii. offing g h'id commissions to fily in the w riio u as if te affordthe. Princ s d bi sut , 1for five jeuruals. 1 amn under the irnprei,- prig u or e ifulviw- Of the city Vsehowever, that one of my epistlc-s which et that time vas respieudaut with Y iethe'rayaof the King et day. The boat Sshoulti bave appeareti in your issue of Tues- Y 'day, sud I expect it vii yet turnu,,ug Since til h movedeute sgt sd>y o my la8t, vhicli uhoulti have reacheti - iii sferba« ben lest ta view,ltaI lthe pee- j.Thurmday, lus Royal liine.qa b" taken ou ipersing. , It tm itardly ne sbis <leparture front Quebec, bnq stepped acsayft et ayta-ti mrain ni nArh at hre Riarsand I sppoe, i eft upon lhe public mmnd by the. Pri nS na i Pubhie rins, ntIspea, wlias is ltat ois inevery. vay vartiiyofii1~ mati -hapuble cui-y u Motrea, ywere d position, sud I amn sure, hhat herefter,, 19 a-, yen are aware, immc-se preparations ilbvneturelvstrabnle edhavê ehen inade fer bis reception. The 'ho wil aen re el ihr; h Quebec bail, or raLlier halls, for there were izesothanetmtrpl fCn. Stliree, came off on Tuesday niglit, anti vere da. The Kingaton with bier preciens ft-eigiit 4~,aIlcmitiet]> suceufu. Tat n ta Ln-reaehed Tht-ce Rivera about tlirec 0 cloec, tic lalila utit by onnseur W avesd His Rayal Higrhnesî;. laudod -ounltesas tbeen thietnomet perfect t h lhdîn gîg urposely erected sud beautif1yo. ttiiig inend viere bie recciveti the stidremu of ii ever held lu Canada. Only hiait an bour 1th a,ç a->o gentlema-n of extenîsive experience Corporation. la. tii. eveffing tiie place vas it-i ,mn u eumne ttePoic, ver>- finely iilumîusted,aud soetevery grand a )w, -to the ar-ondt ofuthe asrovinc e sire-works vere lot off. By te thi yle a display of firc-wonks cemeti te b. lu great ~tiîit lie had liever known anythii gso trul>yot b. eautitul; 50 sirupl>- elogant, go ricbat oe u s ieel oiigo mucit 'f tstoful, se w ll m ana gt, dl rsoo cti-el>- lu calculated te please the p e p e su as i y brme>- ithbisitihiet ciic~îitîsetcati bc donc at moderate cuit, 1 suppose il Switat constituteti tho Perfectioni cfsoeial in- w0 bca agan ete.lthe, Prine's. tercourse anxoiî,- eli broti people. Tiie rcceptieîîs. 1 suppose you cauld eaaily gel ¶Prince danceti ail niglît, sud exerteti but-upaubritnut$0luW tyfo soif te nuake ever> -one about bim, tee en-thal purpose, anti I advise'youto ny- i.- tirel>- At Iis case, lu whicli,7it aîipears, hl ie hthtI rns r ucould -make a suùcceeded Losdmir4tiori. Wthfw x ep- goohovr. s, tions, the ladies wore pure white, witi sim-' Ysedy',andMs ftéa'n h Pt weatfiflwers, or pearis iii thI u ontreal, Mwherel- >nneas te Iland pin et at 3 o'clockthe rai art utI~ w - n ai, and with ver>- littie ernamentaîion In t 1 a determent 'tite wsy orjeweler>- or nibbous.. ",% few o e tthe nisaaet-s adfri nte marnas wore rich silks, but ail the ttl to-daY at ton 0'elock, but if lte wetii- >-ouu er damoseis preforredth lbiight cgauze "' lte samne liere ans.ber.,lte cene- ,s tlibhiis, tnimmeti, in seme cases, witix white mo> utbv ol cnpt o fefr it lsatin, sud lu othera wiLh fine lace or deli - d anioug nnuly inemo bas bstootinueus,. T aine. menu- escti- embi-odieries; anti the c irs tt eoîg hreWsmremiatalre about- the tfleecy robes, vitit tht rich reti sud oeold or oscort fbas lob v. ere to attend lte o King ston some 30 mlgblw otei -the inilitar>-, tbe ne legs ricit bine anti sîîv. miebbo Mnte, or ot the naval officers, andtihîe gîessy sud the>- diti not jais tilt 1hed. a rl blackc et the civiliaus wascamu' utereachedth etcly. - 7 highesî desrcehTho rooin he- Obaeaio Some questions oftp-e- TermitieiS pronoun. hv ocaused trenhi,, but iL la ced by the reporter for lie telegrsph, as eb.i edscbenidrîiu iii net n the flest-to bis knoîved.re-in Canadam ltegrcat pageants efthlie Ucemmer- vas docorateti viti a chaste elegace-,cisi emporim et Caua&." e fine keeping viti the ver>-select Companiy. - ~yourse -There was nothing strikinîg enoughinluthe COON. arrangre enta te arrest tihe oye ver>- nîmporatively, for ail vas se sotti>- beau-. bt- diroft- irnce *titul that amiti the varlet>- it wouiti bave 7bf dorfthChmce rbeen diflicuit te sa>-wiat cliarmeti met.- SIR Thon the music vas et tb. choiceut, the Iu ioolciug aven lteé Whiîby Watemant l iglit se eveul>- distributeti threugh grant et yesî erbymysenenvsdaul sud painteti shades, sud tihe refreslitnonts thte taIse ene-sideti ceunt lunltat paper, go excellenît, sud n'eu aci-vetiup, anti vithal et Mr. Rceson'i3 meeting at Clarme iý,I go abundaut anti accessibie jlît tlougb Ibhe vsp-sn Iha etnM- ei cempan>- uumbered sompthing like a ttaon-. a bothi hr el îbbs pe à siund, the affain passeti ofF more like a n'el 'when 1 gelte lithe meeting. Tiie Watdr- ordereti farnil>- part>-, titan a publie festival. man gays Mn. W. H. Mitchell maile a In St. lRocs s ver>- fine hall n'as alzto eli, agrange speech, t-neIspoe eas anti dhouoh net bouasting the pnuseccelui h. desi royetithe shobyDse uien noyaity-, or thnt et tb. ch:ef eite, iL was e t lie Uhin"byvitcitMn. eesr ti Lions, te musieanti tuerettshmUnion"ud hictay ep cle.elce e mua , cati r*îi.d' tender te inu vserdt tlenirti1 der bel g nee t*a witb the. equtraCto l. obtàiâed ut tii nt the Utile of th Toreo4Au&r 0134NT AI parts of the C jar, with thie~j -Ineang taken 1i complet. statiitli ewitb their ustTn Aill edeN loi a KOstir 0ea ,çeip Mr. Fà4r soër j obi The same of &YlJs by t] fui. Lt is believe ttack Ant4 the'tosian c p-oyo*e a revc gay befor. p 'th le efamts wer I mperiàa ct-ise The Gra ndi siter of Kin~ Ditto-pir ~Peas, 4.5c. 4 Barley 45c Oats430C@ 'Bay $10>0 Beef $4@ Sheep $3c -Potatoes&, 21). Cord %Weool Wool 25ec, NEW AD' s S EALED TEND] >611 ,'crvic,"vii tu,rfe, reig, r 1 REPLY,

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