Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1860, p. 1

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enlino) eo os-J-- £ SoUaad B'A WIàKLTGRONIOLX (>nE DOLiLAR PRAIiNUX ti9ii et au>'other country pap! bih r,t * aL4ssci orpvsiwano hu< VEELT. um ten ins........... .è#..f......p$1D0 Âb>vq, ton i hues iret lusortieut, (per:liai.). o îM JÇvjry Sulsquiit ineortion..... ..u igon aTe pald up. TAttsrs *ncoisngesuhilf rgtte ,twlhl bwnt -Wlutby, C. W * BOOKANDJOBý PAINTING EBTABLISJEMENIT. ri ¶11E I'RopRXEToO F TRE WIiTBY. A $e?<Iommi, mwoulreufeettXlly lnferm the pti teb11c' penrt some oet tho ineaxt niodorn fstyleg of Typa froin New York unit th. or Fouiidrioss îuxd 1I5propared to oxeouti BOOK AND JOB PRINTING wlthi detipateli, ut tle, Iowe.tt rainuncratlllK * ~ . irat-lsasPrensses and Prliting Mamelnry, Auctlun 11114Is ors ie 1111, pmi udilar duserip- t ionst r ln~ing tîrnisimcd wltliiu irouir of bo.tig oxdored. W. Il. IIGINS, g Chomae. Office, Wlitby, C.W. * ~ rinuutgeffiters SJOHIN XALL THIOMPSON, W ARDEN OF TRE COUNTY 0F ON.- Vtare. Ilusldoiice-Canniiugtoi, Brook. ZACIIEIS B1JRNIIAm, JUDGE 0F TuIE COUNTY & SU RUOGATE eTCourtst.Office lit the Court 1hotus.. 1 NfEBLSON G. RtEYNOLDt3g S [BIFF. gý OFFICE AT TIE COUIIT1 JOHN hAM PERRY, JI EGISTItAiL. OFFICE .ON BROCI< ST. twililtby. t ilr. J. MACD)ONaiý.L n, LERK CUV TUE VEACE. "oFICE-ÂT the Court Iloiise. JOHN y. HAM,. f-tIÉRI 0F T114, COUNTY COURT, AND ~JBoim~rarotte Sirrgat Cort.Ofilce t the _Surrogisto Rmtigistry Office, lrck Streeut. 1 W. PAXTON, Jr., kXAUËEI.OFFICE AT TUE COURiT H. Je MACDONELL, ~0LkITOR.& , l1L 0 PTrE<OUNTY' O OITY ENOîNRER OFFICE AT TIIE c~ LEUX FIRST lIVISION COUtrT. OFFICE at theCurt oume, JOHN «ORDON, 'N81'ECTOR of WEIMiITS & blEASUItE J.fOl't10 CoumUUy vi OnItLrlo. W. Il. TREBIAYNE, BA R I MT E H AN1) (COU NTY CILOWN 'B Attuoriey. 01i io---tîi Arimil'. New Brick CAMBRON & MADOft LL, B AIMIiST14JCiS & ATTiOItIY$ ýAT LAW, Slcitors ith ,'tiiig~,îuty Cottuii Oturio.- Wi¶Uliee at hue Court 1ioac-Souhi iug. 'BGORGE Il. DARTNELL, * T)Aitlus'rt4îlATTrORNEY, CONVEVAN J>g cor, &o., &. 0111ce over J. S. Donuiuidaon hýartdware Sturp, Bunek Street wlitiiy J. V. HlAM, BAUIl:STR-IVr-lýAW. OFICE,-BUIOCK 'B tretet, Wlilthy, 0. W. 8. Il. FAIRDANKS, SOL1CIT011 NOTALY 1PUBLIC, &e. &a BARRISlTERt ANI) AT'rOItNEY-AT-1,AW. <>tfle-o pp ie liogisîry Othie, Brook Street, Wiitby. 1 * J. IV. CORSON, M. D. Tb-'ORUERLY IITSICIAN T g TIIEBROOK- £v xuHfospita PIrpllïe~m*l~cimu u i o mNuw YorkDimpntgay th N.Y. Acadumy ot odiin; lléiceitate of Upper Cuuumdm, &c. liemidonue .:-Murklmuuun village, vnittile norbiu oie mw vtmiggufic. *SCOTTYS IIOTEL, ]DUNDASS$TREET W) LITJ3Y FIRST DOOR Emusof W Lutng's9tor14-11W. J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, n'(1oNVEYAýNCJilt, C<>MMISSIONERJ FOU, ~tukigr Altidavits, A ccotultitm, Ltuid, Divi tilt om ,N hry Pulttic anti (»kumcrmd Ageunt, (Jxiridge. 1<>Ille-Kiimg Street, uueuriy opposite ~Ii l ediemul liaIt. Il1.-Al luies .nhtrustediltoui e 0wili *b. pruttmpitly uttenu(led lv. 132 * * JOIIN flILLINGS, L AW, CIIANCî'I,,[Y & C(NVEYANCIN0 .14Olice, Prince Albert. A A. MAÀiRS, 1B. A., TrToUNleY AT LAW, S<ILICITOR IN CUltmucory, Coiivoymuucur, &o., Maiii Street G. Hl. DARTNELL. EPUTY REGISTiIAR, MASTER EXTRA- *.Jordinuury, iwnd exauîmiuer i. Ckuliuîery for v lie Cotinhy of Otmaro, Brock-st., W hitby'. 47 * JOHNqMcNAJ3, g3ARRISITE, ATToliNEY, &xc. Offie- *'13Cote'r cf Cllturolu muid Court Strcotts, (opte q ito th. Caub stand,> loroito. 8 'COLVILL & IIAMILTON, A TTOIUNEYSd&COUN6ELOUS 'Ar LAW lied Witîg, Minnes;ota. WILLIAM ITE]IPEST, DI. D. ETINO aSp EET, OThIAWA, CANADA I~West. 17 UEIIIEN1UY IANNArd, 11 i r FCOUNTY AND SUPIERbE c cCoul -ta, am Meeutrer te tige Coli îîty Couiî- * AMOS W. citoN, * ECIIlT CIVIi L ENINEJiIL. ANI) SL am to/gomWiitb u.&d j ~ ,D. BART WINZ"IR>MgO1 VU. 6M33, lin EH a oe la ituat r ete t ftho Tpýwi Ganod aeooînniedatlon tÃ"r, Stabling maidautteutlveoatlcr M&a Ina pies mx, on the froù traveiîers., AUE INMUSIC, THE T 'lune Fo lorte Ilrmony - turog ~roand i ,kindis of frhug ivX 7utùrnei , apeurcit or fls rosidonce.4r JC. HANCOCE, aBOOT AND SIIOB MAERff C1(1 MMERCIAL Bu!ilngs;, Broclc-st. ~~W iti)Y. Work maid. te order of god Nftitr, imd by expriiiod wrh- mon. Aise rc.pmirinig donc with neutnesanud AMERICAN HOTELé 1ITALKER & PATTEIISON PROPRIE tore, corner of Yoting and kront Stroets. Toronto, LI. W. Pq* M. CLARK, LATIC Galu& Q0.1 JRUC1A NT TAILOR, 14. 74, ING ST Wcut. Toronton. - 10 CLEK T W ELFTII1 DIVI$I<>N COURT 0F CNorthmberlaund aumd Durliailn, lns,îrance Ageu't, <oioncner, &é. Atdmiress-WIliuilmîs biirgh, Cartwrighmt. ONTABIO HOTEL, Ir BRYAN Jr., 1'IOI'IUETOU, BROCK f y @Street,Wixitby'.Guood Stuibling maid utteuu- tiv Oiflis CANTON IOirEL9 D UFFINS CEEeIQ 'KERtING. 000» uccununodatiln Ier Truivellor».. ;W. OJJTE MERT, 40.8nt Proprietor. THIOMAS DANERRU. il lU « ONSTAI3LE, COUNW['Y.NTÀRIO d ndlnp~r of Lieeises nlu loMÃœnicipal- HIENRY HANNÀMt p LAIN AND ORtNA ENTAL ]PAINTES Glazier, Pusper lunger, 40.1 Whiby. 2Ïz B AitRIATRit & w4.ToRNiEy, Ar tÂweý .L>Soli!ct4,ri ï lCliioery, Whiitby C 'W LICENSIiI) ALICTION KER FOR CANADA L Vest, ollrIcra Juk ervices to the inîmubi huitia f Uitrio xtd 1)uulîuun Colinties, to ut- tond Suit'a by Aumtion Iloilseimeld Furuiture, Mereimimidize anid vîluer viects, ut a raonmulel Ootmiuîissoum.10. Omtauwu. Auiuu.'t 1850 JOHN >IETCALF, 1l LEIK OF TII E Fl FTJI DIVISION COURT, ~onrimsig tb Towiidp Brook. Ad- drus.; Culnmîgtoum. 14 FRANKLIN IIOUSEs ýB . LIN!>SÂV, C. W. BF. JEWE'1T, PPIIÃŽ)lETOR. COMFORt- a table uceomtnedmtioun fur Truiveliermi Wlimtby, Jitut. 21, 1857.I1 A. K. RICE, CABINET MAK ER, UIlloigTEIER, &0., (CrrcaHall, Byron Itre ,imitb y. u per Iimugiitmc muatly cJonc, allil ii kinda101).o blutir, laid re puiritng of Furnituire uttetided to. Fnriiurc.euarefnlly remnoved. RtAILROAD IIOTEL, i'OIT PL'ItItY. R PARIIER, PROI'RIETOB. M-TIRIS * Iltim omesse godaecouîunodittion for Tiuitvlirm. Sood sta1bing iand attentive 0.1- lo r s. -- A. PRIN(GLE, If UChNTTAIL<)R, BROCK STREET, .LJL Wlihtby.1 THOM1fAS DEVERELL, B U i L 1) E H, -&o. &0., GREEN STRIEET, Wilitby, C. W. LIME FOU SALE. nONSTANTLY ON 1hAN])DURINO TVIE Llcnsuing i Rring untlSunniier Promit Burnt LimO wlief wilb e aolJ for casliu enly, ut 26 fiLl POr Fare . iràrv"ýý& MATIIEW <JAIL, ROBERT SPEARS. C LEUu< AN]) TILEASTRER OF TUE Townshuip cf Uxbridgc. Addroe, Uxiîridgoi,. THOMAS Il. PORTAS, 2OKING STREET EAST TWO DOtIRS' 12Emtis olite Cathtedra], 'Ioronto. Cuiiadit Wo'st, ýAi> raisi4r, Atiotionoor, Arbitrutor,iîonse anti Intu Agetnt, mnd Gemeruil Commission Meüreimttt. (iasiî to nam mtnt advaxiued eut MiirOItatt(tise, Fturiiture, and etîter proîtert cottsiued for suie.i -- AXES 1 mntAXES cx iuv p ERSN nwn of aigeod axe, cnhv lte saine oumtmpplyig to thje utidrtiguîed -j WhiLby Fotuxdry. Axes rcpuircd on te t. r L a4I10ttice. Wmrruned Casttcutel. CLARK IIUi.CIIINs 1 2-41 in ettlîr Wtty ~AVING pnrehîased theIi.tre stock ef Il. muiels & Co., witli an addition cf :e A New Sto k, m, wo flatter otirs4elves that we cn lr test foctioxx to ail wlmo mmm> tavor tut; ittu a caîl. JOSEPHI IIUCK S & Ce. Brooklti, Nevemibor 1Thd1, 1857. 48 W. W. LEAVENS. NEW MILLINERY STORE, BROCK ST. N Wiitby 9 *CHIARLES C. KELLER,9 ATTORXiEY AT L&W, 9SOLIcPýzon IN t.Chaxicery, Coivyancer, dxc. OfIle-iti Victoria builduing, over the (Jtroni ofhoe, Brook stroot, Whitby. Aise a brutiel office uInlue vililage et Beaver- toit, Tewiuiip of Tlioruh, and Couxity ef On- tarin. _______40 S. BARNETT, & Co. - ANUFACTURE'li ANI) ]ELEuq IN ('iaritndLoufTohaccosi; Lmuo Wip,, lohut Strect, I'ort hope. P'ort IlQiuut, march th, 1860. Ww i sete trucmi te eng f m ther-C oiu il o Arutîgon es riuttig to u'autin saln tinmmlbo ne d porimin4 esa f e, ii ty fi m y eMna oettle trnis,&qe ndmj téolmmlf. ., ed;0 armigiicitm oitilu t muR artsettic bCeuxin p allet oynixe hadgomtf , mitby C hW aiest ndotTaci Tnouî; liG.Cmlals Esq ~ ~ ~ J Maae,0nB . nrem Tute M oit~W. aumOl, aq1 ltbt Dllg T trtuMoxiSreil;Msa MEHANT1i, NTyl lhdutttiBuuon ofTTronto; osne A lesemcvimp troe, Momtrai; Mois. a.W 'i dxST ue- 3Nc: Moans. Il. J. Noad xCe. 5-îybeudî WhMtby Brewery. DR. FI T HIE Sutbicribermi arc e uewjropuired te fur- niali the patrons of tuew Whitby Brewery wlth on excellent article in sneh quantîtic% as inay bc required, and on teruni te suit;pur. ilottlemi aie. eqîl4ttothe fisprted article. Whitbyr, Nov. Ibth, 1859. 686-44W. EAS-T MAUICKT-8QUA1tE-icizONT0,ý- .U .STI, Proprictor. kxeqlienit amî- itoi]aloii. ery amtteatiout paldt W the eemfont et trmvollers;.i ONTARIO HOTEL, T 119 sutcie iegs te infortu luis frioi].,, uJ.id the trirollituw. publie, duit lue luituattk- on tue a1'ove weiI kuowilItoteilamncdtrumsa ly strict liîlOtîti-fl te buisiness,tui] Y>'eitm'rtng te do aIl in litis power for th i-i uf'orh tutli] con- veulii-tuc offolguts, lttueriî a share o? public pitîlronttuge, Goci] Liqutors imimd digars. Cott lotalac uceommodation for utuaiutuudliorme - Aîttittuir ivd carofal Osîlar. S. CON W/t. AsuuJiie 18, 116. 25 N. Il. J. WESTI3X, SENERAL COMMISSION AND INSUII miuce Ageunt, Comxniasionai fôr tmkiuîg Af fi vits Accsnat oyitadDruuuglimî- utîmn. <)fceWmlac'aumîîingm,Brook .8t. lloalceîiec il111Farto, oume utile Northt et Wlitby Corntera. Uivmulti.ett.~TieJutîlge eft lit O ('ttt C otrt; thee Blurili; tumu Wurie eot lie Ceutit>' hlm. Clerk cf tlite '-aee; lIe gistrmir 25 ALEXANDER CAMEItON. C1111F CONSTABLF Towtn o? Wlitby; c aise0 Cotiitly COlmuttd, C. O. a DAILY ~STAGE BETWEEN WIITBY AND LjTNDSAY AND WIIITBY A14D BEAVERTON. EIASSENGEIlS cmii travol tîtrouiî frouit 2oltîter place the gaitne ay. Tii. Stages »frommu ]Lindsay au]dBetiventon ar- rive m iiihue fer the carsgcoing emistmtnd wesî. N. RA Y Stm iit itur>y NOW 18 TUE TIME. GET YOUR LIKENESS AT ..A. Ciark'e 1st rrize Picturo Gallery IF youu deairo mu correct muid life-liko Atmtbro Jtypec, Cameotpo, Iettcrgrmph, -or Lctter rmmsrnor ua Likeiemis bin 'a Lpcket, Broutoluor Ring, for .1. A. C'. cati do it lu tueheso style, mimd ut short notice. W1LKINSON'S ;BLOCK 38Brrok 5reei Wihtmy. VINEGAR. 1 VINEGAR 1 I T pîE undersigned takoj I avé toLinform Vime i'iltabitanîs cf'Wlitby uand tiue1uibtie, tlit liei t6 now tnauuufacttriitg ýhiucgroa itupîtrior iltituîihy whltieis aprciîarod tu tupply Wlolc.. sale te uerolints mid otiters, at gretl'raducedl )riei. Tie Trade liberaîlly det41t wit)t. AI' orosby xmail 1puntctumll>' muteudcd te. 'Ades ATIIAN MILLEuI, - Witby. Augumat 11, 1 3 . URON HOUSEI, PORT WtiTtul. HIE utidona;igmoml intua tkc tte mboeote], T wtiehI lia s îewly fitted îip lu tic best unaumer for the mueommodutietî of the publi.- Goed stmbling, fineo rootu>'stiodIs uuandevery ut. teutton pmud te maxi und îhome.CO-Thiebest wimuss. lîquors mnd cigansttttita Iimr. *WILLIAM TIIEW BRITISIZ AMERICAN-4UOTEL9 MIxxcoz 5TiEET, OStL&WA. THOMAS DOWNING, (laIe 1droadllotol * Wlîttby,) Prepriotor. Be4t %ines ani iqions. Stîperuon tecooummoiltiin f'rIrmvora. Uood Stuibtiug, muid attenitive Ogtýler,. 7 ]EDWARDS & HOD0DERt. rTALORS, DUAI'ERS, & ý3UTF1TTERS, TLI<ixig Street, Oshawa. Gqithlumcmt,' gar- mèntts mateuidop and ont lui the f noat fashiomuu-t hie style. ** 103-]>' CENTRE HROTEL. PYRON S9TREET, Opposite Banmk of Mon-c B treul, NVlilby. 1) BlDi PîNlro- piclor. i-ood coiodîn. Whitby, Juno 1,1, 800. 231 fr AKES OCCASION ithanka te hiapatuenm, Fc bfer the lbeulpatron- 4Liee oh. ceiened s-ud)n oe eassures e-oeffort will b. spuired ý.up tlic charuiter o? the ÃŽ, l~oemost mmongatt h, !bn.'Cnutry. Sandy, tle dc, and minds lIds "Bk-iýj3BIrd I"stands ~ftIj~Ibie '±rnis te gâQn4&#ý J40Igi lap $2. --C DAWES, Prepniotor. iouL1odge No. 6f Byotomuiei utubebýtee tjlinuoon. - notê the Sbcretan>' eheu d, flL oê olioc. GH A cf oèr b snguaostl îetee9 1from mactive Praotktuatthci yequoet efnumcrepwý friotîde lu mil ppfts of tlio cçuuttr', a 4udf cd te make two mdleàt- ,rcparates,R -nr whliî liho lisoîed the, ogeuîid knewledg' of lis long experiecuce, an& hhesloft liem WeIr thoediffnoTirdmta fott'ron'e. Tothonmo'*bOp aren tueqaltted w1Mrtîie hioter nepthiuig ee b. smîdi-to ethora,. Il lahuit neemsar>' te , tlîmt ho limafor yeuus pe$crtbod e tfre41,e to 6,000 persons,; A>u à Jtýthoe rJa6sf iniÃœ Ylldodreaily e hs t entifffr-and per "nau, >'leidedfreinîl>teitis trdofmlen tobpe sne. s amad11>'re lindrehacfmle te hol cui]Te Doom t tr, leer, ngli oneen tubte tie btbas tt uire e e'tlîn itootir. , wltiol arc titituot ed 1 tîd 2. TVue nmber 1liia m BLOOD PURIFIER. Spoorthte puircat exlrmct of Sitr upurillia, mmuuioeitrol> voreotsandîi lerbs o? atliiaumit for3igul coumuîriest, tt esct îircpc-rtiet cf wltclt are uxlractcd b>' tuntire îew chietical proie.. 1h uietsit Itrger dosest as uitmctii'o litysic, ini muntloer ottesma t tt mltratu-. uvrkiuug direchi>' ton te hiver mand Kit ecxpelliig tI icreiroltt aIl imrbid iater, lttalrgtgît ite aition miii the. orginsa tti tti>'lîue becott, initititve, anîd tmut>hoiereîied ui) totre Liai, Conplinl., and( tontipiaiautêt f ille Kiiùya, Jnaupieit Con- saîapti4m, IjyspiPip#i a neral J)eIditzî' 0k? C?- cira, .%arf ailt-BlîeauyPiinpIes, XîCiRci, /r ]j ouf/m aZmdAqi, ummii]Il otimer Iismsos wîtielm Fttmic their orîgin mît mi diaordoreîi or iumpure statu o? blooi]. Il la cfaàstreuîtimolsning tîature, tutti wti li evor wcakcen or prostruite the bcd>'. 'rime iintmsihen2 it a FEVER MEDICINE. And imitI mver ho takeut excopt lu concutction wituu No.]1. It wiIl thetu cire Ifhmmatm'y Iuiteu- maliam, cilkieuds of J4aer-ç an-d Apveq tfie waorgi elfeots (f) COidie, andmduail aine, oltit/îr Cîrîmic (Pr Acie.-Tlueeo zudieltues wilI ciluiet CUlM1, tiet reunovals froni one part of hlimebcd>' tutte olter. týîR1mentor teprovent coifaiou, tlt-git Med(icilies mre proarod b>' Oi>Duc-rux Fatuta muitil), ELLENDiAuremu, WIto 118 la ticOr in luiitf- imlo over 27 yemrii. Topeetfrai, a correct liketiets cf tVte a ou m nthe ivutpper otciettohbottie attîl -11)r. Frett. 1elleibutgt & (Cc., liummaloi ý. Y'. bleui-ut tut tîteitti. lDirections aoc-ouuuivtug etuel botule. No. 1ilas ol] for $1 per boitte; No. 2 for 7.5 cents. Witi titis alumpte utotice tLite> are o'ib-red 10 thee 'ublie, rcîyimîg oui titir irtues luireiteui u t ieiiql, s. For JAS. il. GEPERIE, -Solo AgenttWitltby. Whitby, Sept. 14, 1859. wvd - A CARD. D R. CARSON, in -i'etiring from ii. brae- tie ,aliîi ieuiing Jit4is itmcrous frietimi itn 'Niithy uttd vieiîiîy, caumîot huit relumruî Itis aitîcro a et.y tliitankafor tlitir Iid iatten- tions anthte véry liluermul patrottage lie huis ne- cceîd froint hei u, attd bits great pîîitstire iti eordlitt'ly.reî'ctînteutîting t1v lîeir evttiidoet, ias a llysuciam, DU. PATTriltÇ-ON, wihm wlotn lielitas beut long actlittted, id knowm t bu tuailftimuid succesiul prutcitivtî er. B 1'TTIS0,ï.D, in suoccedittg Dr. te the citizen. of Whiiy tand îiciuity, tittt lue la mvii'preiuredti btretttull disuases hicidlintai tv te littrtiti acysotu ite tor citrouu;c-ati lic-r- fortis titi vi rat oton ite Ey'e andîlkur vitb great auec-oas. liawii attentu bcmli; citlior itn Towunotuntry antd lte touaI realtctabie ru- foentces giveti. 'hime tùllcîtig are a fui- 1eV. .J. SLAYTEU BcwNtuu111V1tio. W. MCFýttuyc-, q., 'S.JP., Bowtîiatîullo. LEWIS Hc uw-e, 'Esq., Whithy. J. M. Lowýzà, Esq., Wltithjy. Ri'. T. CburoiD, oedorieh. Rer. J. UzuzXI, Bowmauville. -J. IL. Gutanuî, Esq., Wlmitby. OfiRc ut Mr. Iîeutek'soid olasidiunc, B3ylnnStreet, Whitby, nearly opposite Sert p tiîre's IbIde. 14. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, DIOCtC STRIEET, WIIITiJY, 10-Oppoeite Hamilton & Rlobert.al JAMES OROCKERI 1'roprictor. OMMUflflCIAL TRAVELEES WILT., FlN» C t cove snt topping ut Ibis butei, iR the bar thetotutes taku b>' their prcedmËîora. The. troprictor takea Ibis eetuiout luatîk lus utinîurotsï patrons aal inonda forriii, liberulti puuîage i'es4towc-u]onm iirn ti -ucedte eeottcucc-tîrtîof lhi> lhtîiem Ilt i Wi'itli,, Cood Stmbling, anid attentive Ouulers. Whtîby, May '1.360. - 1 a-tf uasît adunuu,l~te b> thc ýprotssli.'J. p- t'nCailcui don dxÇrc (imen«aso otNiI, erfermcd, amui]se' perfct tiÙ týuemiis6V09;that 4ii5toui>' tlig matur- ai oxpresslbu is ParllMrved,büt thle oaaëjuudom- fort e étîme wûaTOP ettlîir urtjAotîi teaitlîlMpro- mnotittýho samira tliê. 'i.Ijie du'nbiliy'ôi tlc matot-l Iused, '.-a th bu "'m untli bieuidiug of celer, tho '4ttsute iwtlë be;foumd i partteular attention, giveunt9te tre muid reguatlxf"f oi iti rniatethParents sheîild uttendto thns as u ver> importat dut>' te tîoir Ail opormitieme' warruittei] satistecter>. Tonusa Teaeeflnuic. omsuuitatiom tre.20 WRAPPING_ PAPE RS TUST BECEIVET> u ni misortmient et COM- e>MON- GREY BRIOWN andDMANIIiLA W'UAPPIi4ý> PAVL, US, ml sizos w11 ie osold hamp as th e ntreul lor Tôrohto 1'rtoost At thé YANKEE NOTION STO)RE. At wholcsmle pnices SàtndOad Mlbwollaneous Books BIuk ookop, Riged & ound Teuan>' pttern, jBOQKBI'NDING * ,1 l itl braxéioe nt the- *8*-7.YANKEE NOiTION STORE. ýAFFL1IOTE1-) BEAD N4o. 51 Xxx. Srutxxr Wzou., TonoNTo, E5TAuiLxSuED tDY DR. GOODING, (formerly of Ei 0,C. W., Dgand.), AN D iîED, N)MOST SUCCESS Liai',.Cîmpxtit, J)yrztipîea, eraoas Dlii Mttra-qtmlld (r haFian *utCnt-ua2duou4 Sai-y malc-Iil *t'zinsg, Liaaes of tU idoineya - anti iiadc-lr,!hewtuc-rSifL, Salefelhtrn, Mircelti dC71remuie Compiainta, c, de., d. W-~No chat-g.,for Ai]viee. DR. (lO)DING ila noîv iigmgcc-i luitremtuxmg ttim clamsof tmuluidis ivit theotii txtoruiiminug suceus. Timetreatîtutentamdop)tetib>' tutu isnew it i. baeii îuptîtuî ciemîtille prîciplos wilt uew discuvred reuutedios, wititouut mimeraIs or 1101 Mi) lis. The ftîeiliiis of sure tire nuh. litIpl'a tieutîs etn bc cutroîl ut their oîmîitbouscs witltouut xpmslu,>'paru cf tl o cotutry, fronieut acc-urate detucrmtioui of tîmeir case by lutter, axtd ittuir tîî mediottue sent te tlteîuuby- utail or ex- preas. NERVOUS ])ERILITY YoiugMnuiwto mro trotîibleut with wcems, geîuermuly oamaci]luubmd lhabt lu yeutli, the aifetsuh of wirlci tr irttstîimas, paiti, fîrgettiui- netia, sounotites mu riuginit Icmecars, wcak cyca weknea tt lte anuud loîver extentî- tue, co unioiof bis, Ituscf tîutîtmtrv wiili ulac Mo>,ua>' b. curai] b>'the KNw Iai COUNTRX PATIENTS. Mcdielies witiiIîl lrotttt eto1 u>' parI ofth Uttutolilttes b>' patients couîînuîtieatiuîg tlîoir $ym uî'tints b>' lter. Biiis ersîn detuce sîrichi>' confidutntiaL. Adîtres, 1)1<.GOODINU, No. 81 East ]Broadway, New York. British Americau Carcuhar Delivery & (Jouerai Advertiaing Agoacy, 22 St. Francois Xavier Street, M1ontreal, Canada Eat. 'T'liE aubseriher zespeotftuily iotifleg to flic _& publitc, flint lia ta now preyparcîl to recoure Orders for l'ritiutg, ddresiutg and ti lbti- ting Bis, ('irculmurs, &c., tao i'îatitîg Iiteo4rtlia aud neoivinq Advertisononts for lmsrtlo~lui lte vamrionîs City anti Provinîcial Joutualg., lie wiii iikowisu ho prepared to recoure, muid b>' nietuns cf bus iumtîtncrouiaAgoufitirrtge iLofor inttartioui, Ad vtrtisemnouts in thte vturiuuu i 'tper.i tiurongi<,tuî Uppmur anmd Lower Ctnadtdthelb Low- or Provinuces, aund te Untited Stutes, also for the deiivmrry of Ciruimuars lunQtîebc, Kingstonî, Torontto, luuiniltînji, &c., titus ollering te adver tisorsi,muid tilt1îtarties wtitingi to secure negmltuî anmisystematue puu'iity for tîtoir mtm!1cimue- xttomt', mucertain and speedy meami f doimig ,o ah tigrent suiviig of timne, trouble untd expetîse. Ilits Arrtangeuetseuîa eiugig îow cctmîîied, hue "eg to solicit freun Rtuiliwav Ccnîmptiffes, Mer- citagnts Maunihuîrora, Trtidesiei, 1lotel Keep- ers ati otitors time transauction cf al] snoitbîîusi- ntoms, wiltieilue begga 10 asatre tlitet will bc strietly utteided to with punuutnuuit inaud des- pth1ttintttrsittmsclf tîttt frun' li, loiî oLxpartatuco in Etîglmnd, in tl-.i i. iI Bsiness as well toimii evumoohiu with tiie Momtroûl i'rois, lie will bc enablod te gii'u uitümmtatis- Mottioni. J. G. »iiîlig, Eq., fiocrotar> of lte Bomrd of Trado andtlMeiîta' Exchangeg.z R. Il. lNiaiiilton Esq Cuateos muid Forwmuri- ixtg Agenît te the àrtmicv'Tritrik litiîwity Cout. F. W. Meuislumw, Esmq., Morehunt. Jamîes DoiguliEsq.Merelîmut. E. Il. Pamrons, 4 .cj, Udtor mu] -Prcpriotcr 0ft Conîmiercial Adrertuser. JOHN MOONEY from Freseott offers fer s;ale, likindsofEartltoîtware îiminituletr- cd. at is potter>' lu Precoett, at cxcoediuialy Iow pricesTIIOMAS MOODY Agen', Wltiy N. B3. Morcbaritta mndi] Demlers wili flnd iîito thi a]vtuxtage to iàiapoctMr. Mçïotieys toe)kiîti tbe agotit411Wltitby, auni] x'.mîitie beilist lot Whilby, Nov. 17, 1859. tlSs-w-44îu' o-r ruIe-Msilil keep dewni, netwltbtmundlng' the xtnmuerdédutiy, mmd« théetrouble l u Chinap SpoBIa<m dg;%? lb .................a13 d Y*G LÃ"a- ý'de 1b.....". .......210, Fns mQdo lb...........1i'6 Gren Theb... .............s'9 FiosI Iontedlb ... l......... .. 2 Green bu 19db................2;a Glolcdad Fr191?,....R....-s..... 8xOd Fineot Imperted 19 lb.,.... ...... 8s4Si] TNIE FINEST DESCRIPTIONS 0F COFFR uiiwmya on hauic,froah ronatod, and gromuîd dm1>' Fimoat Java Ceffe..............la itis Fiment la Gutgyra...............a 0Od W- emembet thut dthe store ta tw o deors; from Mmrkç Squuare. 2 Hides1. Rides I Hides 1 ¶TIE underi;tgned wilI puy the highest price in Cmah for an> quîantity eft gd BEEl? BIDES dehivered ut his Tmnnery li Greonwoecl. AIl kintis of kept censauitly on hand fer mule, ver>' lew for Cash. D. ?MeMUROHY. Grecnwoed, Nov. 14, 185P. -071 Quebec A*rency for the Tranbnction 0f Businies with the Govcrnmient Departments, H J. GIB3BS HJAS OPENE!) AN OFFICE IN QUE. A.bec for the Transaction of the Busi- neset Parties residimg in Upper Canada or eisowhore, with any of the Govcrnient Departmeta. PA.eons desirous et secuiring Patents for Lade ruvinýg Claima of amy otherin4 againsr--une %luvermetIt,,er-equiring an>' informaitien ebtminuihe at the Crewn Lanud. or ether Pulicl Offices, îiay have thtir bu4tneas dilligemtiy atteud ot by a Rosi dent Agent, without the oxponso mimd ln cenventunceofe a jcurnoy te Quebec Patenta of Invention tuikeo ut. AUI preapit coimmunica tiens, atidressoti te Box 836, Post Office, Quebeo, wiiî t-c ceive limmediaeattention. - II. .y GIBBS Quoece, Sp. 28, 1859L. 87w.1ly THE STEABIlER ROBERIT MOODIE, Master. ' RAVES Ynuîge sîreet Whaurf ever>' lîmîf I.d hiîor, tlailv, for lime Ismni]. Parties frot ie cotîntny- vitiitiug the Cit>', Cmli 00101 mu litaltli> antd delgtitfu trip mot-osa le baY ut, titis litiltsoune inotu steanic. Fare tc an-i fro 1I2 cenîts. 2 Gapt. George 5choffeld, Wi, p ntil' 1ftrthcr notice, Ibave the u- dermentloued ports cvcry, SATLJRDAY for ROCHESTER VIA. COBOURG: W IIIT3Y uit 7 o'clock a. mn. OSHIAWA nt 7.80 o'cloek,1tm in ARLINGON mt 8 o'clock a. tný'B1) li'EAD uit8.30 o'cîock e. ni- Cou- tec-timug tut Rochtester îvitbi Trainus for Buffalo, Niagaira Faiiui, Syracuse, Albauuy, Bostotn, New t'omk,liîiladeipuu iii ndW'asl1uLgîoui1.i RIETURNING AVill i ue locluoatc-r e-r>' Frida>' oveuitt direct for Wlitlby mid ûo prts A1trii Irit, 186>). r) Gtn REM0VAL.A W. H. TUJIMAYNE. B A-11111T1111 COIJNTY CROWN ATTOR JDiie,' le. .., lias retiiorudtie min ens cirer Louves dx loîreli's Store, Messrs4. Meî'iter- mont Briek BIoek, Brook-St. Wliuiby, Ang. 9, 18650. r40 Farm Wanted. W ANTEM )te reiA a fariu o? 15ô or 20n acres; wlitimuàfeu' tiles froun the Town cf Wiitby, lîiasaiotu otnlte lat cf Septoumber mcxt. AppI>' te Wilfrod C. Sobireiber ou the FmLrquurscp« roî)etr Witîly, ttg'. 9,10. 80-smn-w TWO TRIPS DAILY. The, Royal Mail Steamer -'Zimmerman.' Cl APTAIN D. MILLOY, ieur.. CuIstt U t1otuseWharf, duil>',tît 7 A. M., and 2.-20 P.M.kfor Niagra mni] LewisLton, conncctig stiou Bridge, Nitigmrui Fîits, e$ifl'o, and' ail points West auJ S ýonth, aund vîLluEriemini] On- furie Railrord nt Niagara. ]iohurning, h eures Lewiston mt 10.15 A. M., =n16 1'. M., on arrivai cf tramins front Biuilo, New Yorkc, &c., muid Niegmura mt 11.80 A. M.,y maid 6.30 P. M.' Oui sattirtays lte "Ziinmertnaun" wiît muae -a Irtti utîbî,i . V)wiil 6110 baves for Torouitu on Sxîumday uvoaing mmii6 P. M. .N. MILLOY, Torouitv, Atugmt 2, 1860. 38 May' 1sf, 1860. .BroadOClotho, Tweedo, L. IL SCIIOFIELI Ma>' Lt, 186(). - SPIRI N6 MPOkITATI OP L. IL. -TeitsSugars, Totacco, CurraaLtq, UIai. sm.5t Rico, Barey. CoIreeS#ýe, Soap, Candi ,, Paile, Cord- ageyoq 1c, WaesBairudy Ram, Old Whinkçy~ Tom, AiePorter,- Vinegar, &c.9 L H. soirOmIELD & Co. MAY lot, 1860.- 39000 ROLLS RÃ"O0KPPER ALL SIADESA PR~IM.J, Ma>' lot, 180 4' nà;oà, Spr a1qtyles Cl U T , lanas mnim; Dnubtpa, BIltîk BrLw laid 3rýb, >'A Ika, Wiitte andi BhUe Slk ILtZ. Ma>' lot,1886). 90 kegs Cut Nails. 200 barrels ]?lauter. L. IF; SCI[OFI ELD &x Ce. MAY Lit, 1860. FOR SALE. 1,800 Ars fLand irithefast grow ty et Vicor-li. TVie. Snlîacrlberellt.'eresîcg(ICl0i] o eonug t1 theo vetir 1860O, te tîttitero te tiie CAS H SYSTEM, V'ltil)twilt entible tltxn to soul inuch citeaper, miii giro gcucrut sitisfiltitic. L. Il. SCIIOFIEL»dx& Ce. L. 1..SCIIOFIEL)Dx Ce A M, ttoqe tlîah are iudebted'to tie mo ubc- bers eiter bir N'te or Book amcutt, wiII euti after lte- Firsi day of Jannary, 1@60, mud puy tîmir respleetive ceouxts. L.H.L Schofiold & Co. Whitby. Mtay bit, 1860 8SI-y GRA» D PROVINCIAL E XI*B* TON ON TME OCCASION 0F TIIE VISIT OF 111II- ROYAL I1IGHFESS THIE PRINCEI OF WALES The Board of Arts and -Manufacture 11AVuNo TUE r.CO-OPEKATION OF MUE BOA&RD 0F AGRICULTURLF FOR LOWER CANADA-. ARE EXI'ENDIXO TuE Str FBETWREN $50,000 A N ID $O,000 I N re t nkct n teriot tcomplote ex- ever gtîtered togotmer. THE EXITIMON WILLRPE19 ONTVIE 24th or 25th day -of Augut. Se-Goodn for Exhibition will hc recoived ou or iteforo lteo 141h duuy ef Aumt next. ]iy spoeial arrangemnt witli tbe Boaird et *Agnieumtire, Agrictitural .Tmpleuntms slmewn -it Cluebeo, anid oompotlng for the Monie> Prizes lucre, wiil atse b.c ecived uas lute am thue 28rd Augutt mthlie Exhibition Bulding i Meutreai, muid alloweul te coumpete for MedAla, &a.,, AUl articles rcprcaonti!kg the iuîdut;trimsi ne- sources etflte country, bciug'tii. 'produets cf the. Field the Foromta. the Mutes muid the fisli- cries eftÏlo0 îrovilice, 'as weîî as al, Articles DIanulactured lna C anada, Will be reeciodi, muid alloed te ceumpote for Meduis, ]iplounit, îîand Prizemi. A mtemun cngiute wili furnish i ditve power te amy Machi~nery îviiceh it la 'desired aheuild bu shion ini uotion. The. freiglit cf mli articles cxtiited tue mai from Meutrel,ovor the severmdlitîes eofkaways muid Stoamboats, will ho paidov;thï t Bomud. AllurtiecEpfvrwmurde&lo th6hord adulressed te thme iuderigen td-nirkcd l PurExhibi- tiàou,71wifl, if approved, bu gpiaeed benexhibitloii frce o cfiii'cumrge for extry.1 Blank Forma of AppliiitiOr for sae m i Metîtreal, Jffly 19,1860. 8ere4r - V - ~ -- :'e.ýýày lot., 1860. 1 1 If ay le, isci). 9 - - - - 1 - - -- - - , - - - - -

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