Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1860, p. 4

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'i0UE1Y 0F' ONTAR1Ol 1Y Virtuof a a mnt imaeal To Witta bytbe Treasurer of th on- t yaiOntoroheala daa heFaurteenth day o! May, ane ty uadeigthudred and ilty, and te muteArectcd, 1r the 'solltotof a rrqasanla ente -due upon .théo foluqmiai latiiidsbtt ~d CountyI 1ahaît on' MU!NDAY, theO thday of OCTOBER nert, At the hour ai 12 otclack, mon0, at the Court Hous,in the Tow n aiflhitby, praceed to the Sala ai said Landaïs or ao much thoeol as may ha necmsary for the payment ai auch arrears of aumenLns, nlesa the sasute, together wittx al lawfut charges, s ooner paid.. BROOK11 LOT. Etst halt 7, NE quarter 18, West quarter 21, North hall 24, 5, 10, North hall 13, North hall 14, East part 9, East hall 12, West part 14, North hatf 17, West hall 21, IN E quarter 21, Soutes hall 18, South hall 14, 8West part 21, 23, N E quarter 13, North hall 11, Vent hall 17, Weet hall 19, South hall 1, S W quarter 2, N W quarter 2, 'West hall 7 Northa hal 4, N E quarter 15, 5orth hall 10, 1, Southa hall 13, North hall 14, Eat hall 1 , Northo hall 8, gouth hall 8, 14, South hall 7. South hall 12, North hall 12, North hall 14, 15, South hal( 12, NortXôh hall 12, South hall 13, North hall 13, Brolcen 21 South hall 71 North hall 1, Souths hall 18, 19, 20, 2, South hall 7, 13, South hall 14, Southo hall 15, South hall 17, North, hall 17, Northa hall 18, South hall - 18, sol North hall 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, Xorth hall 6, North hall 7, cNorth hall 'S, North hall 14, Sentih hall 14, South hall 16, South hall 18, Nortti hall 18, South hall 20, Northa hall 23, rjoleco 26, l ea 27, Broken 80, Braoten 31, -Forth hall 24, FXorth hall 26, NWofNhal8, 80, as, Àla.rly bouse 3, Soutia, hall 9, Souths hal 10, 16, North hall 17, South hall 17, Eat hall 22, North hall 23, South hall 24, N E quarter 28, N W qarter 20, North half 27, -N WPart 80, '6tlhilf 7, Saqua hall 8. N'oriha hi4l 11, .North hal là1, Nor*lshal .19, 20, North part21, Sorth:hall 28, 25, Shalf 12, otha 191 1T 3oh, hall 21, 24, Nortlsh l 2se NortishaW 217, 'ls at 10,Fron Wut pai 10,Front 1,front 1-, ront 21t Front 21, Front 27, Front r 27,Front 1,Front 8,Front 44, Front 46, Front ACRES. 10 50 200 25 100 200 200 100 100 200. 12 100 87 100 100 60 100 100 200 15 200 50 100 100 100 100 50 50 100' 100 50 100 Saut' Narw est 'S E'p S W S W West Enut] Sautt Nort W1est Euat1 West Pat 4ý tals!! 7, 'ortt18, ,h half 20, 19, 1,pat 15, h pvlart 19, rpart 20, hall 8 et hall 15, 18, 7'part 18, ýpart 19, part '19, rpart 20, ethaîf 1, haou 18, 14, 14, th liall 18, h hall 18, et hall 19 hall > ,1, ethbahf 1, 1852 4 56 7689 -.$82 98 sW quarter 1854. 413 S E quarter 1854 ..............5 O8 Soth al 1854 ..............8 51Sath hall 1854 .............. 73 S oUih all 18245789 .... 74835 a 1852 3 4 56 7 8 9.. 83 57 21, 2, 2, 6, 19, 8, 6, 19, MARL. 200 140 100 100 100 189 200 174 100 200 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 80 100 100 100 200 200 60 100 2(0 1 tI, 100 10Q< 100 100 100 200 95 û 6 115 21 100 100 100 100 81 100 100 100 100 100 14 2 50 13 100 100 60 110 110 10 100 200 200 100 100 100 100 500 50 100 75 100 100 100 100 1;00- 200Y 75 100 150 200 100 100 100 200 100 100 RAM 166 85 103 91 91 s 107 84 84 80 200 88 130 100 114 124 40ý 80 100 400 100 190 0 2U 00 100 100 100 .200 200 200 100 50 100 100 100 200 20 105 100 10 20< '1fl8 24 5....81 68 "1852 8 4 56 6.'11le 18456 7 8...408 18465 ........... 1088 1852345 0..18 88 1869 8 4 50789.. 27 77 1828486.15 44 1852945 6 .... 8 2 1854578.....2588 1854 9......... 27 57 1852 84.'....40 78 1852 4........... 9 07? 185284 5 678 9- .84837 185468 ... 24 87 1654.........44 68 1845..:..........4 81 1854........... il 60 1854 .............. Il 77 185345. ..21 il 18S546......19659 1854 0..... ....... 4 56 1852 84 507ï89Ã"... r6118 1854506..........25 18 18524 567 8 .... 43 82 1852 34 56 7689-.. 34922 1852 84 56 78 9... 40 72 JU54 6 78 9 .5361 185)284 56 78 9 .55 48 18545678 . 1S22 1852 a4 5 6789g... 52 86 185458......21 79 18523456 ....10 97 1852 345 67 ...16 4 i1854 ... .1..........2 24 * 1854567,89 ...5605 * 1852 84 56 78 9... 87 77 185234 ..........18 87 41854 56 7 89..60 78 D 182345 ...... 0t24 1 85234 5 67 8 9... 18 40 0 18534 .... ........511l 0 18545 ........... 21 82 JGOO. 1 15 185456 1...... " il 15 1852 45 67 .......30 5 )c 18b4 ................ 9 84 3 185450 7 .... .. 70 ai 185456 ........ 5 O 18523 456 7 8...8601 5 1853460789....25 8C O 1853467.........23 2 0 15a 4 56 78. 45M DO 1852 3 4 5 6189..102 3 0 1853 4 56178 9 .... 5 0 1814 56 .......506& 0 1854 567 .........351, 4 185456 7 8........401 I 00 1854 567 89e......141 0O 15 1854 5. ........ 90W 13 18523 456i7 8.....91 b 47 1852 34Ci7 8,......265' 40 185214 5.........24 2 SCOTT. 31 200 200 100 60 60 100 100 260 135 200 55 45 28 72 50 179 185 173 200 69 100 97j 100 100 ci 176 100 100 200 100 86 50 200 100 1000 100 100 100 100 200 25 25 25 25 25 TIIORAI 185245 68 9.25 60 164 1852 83......25 44 South part 6 152 456789-17 o9 South nalf 8, 1852 345678 ..547Suthi 11 18523 84 678 ..25604 1814 ........ 9 55 1852 3 4 ....19 68 1854 .............. 4 24 Eas part 21, 1852 3 4...... 15 35 S IVpart 1, 1854 5 ............5 20)Soutoh all ?, 1854..4...... .*...r86 N IVpart 6, 1852 3 45 6 78 9.23 66 S E port 21, 1854 ............. 12 52 South hall 24, 1042 4 5 6 78... 26 69 SE par> 2, 1852 8 4',......16 17 Centre 2, 1854 5............ 18 91 Easide àN end 4, 1852456789 ..26 73North haitf 7, 1854 5 6 ....18 74 North part 8, 1854 5............S5 885 1854 5 6... ...... 8 58 Bathal 6, 182 4 5 680.. 1 8 94 s W part 6, 1845 67 89 ..81 79 E 8, 1854 6 ............ 4 69 NWpart 7, 1814 ........... ...4 80 Mibdle of E hell7c W part 10, 1852 :1 4..... 366 77 1852 34 5067 89 60 8W part 10, 1854 5 6 7 8 9.... 6 212, 1823245789 ...51 13le 18534 567 89.. 50 r)3 North hall 17, 18521 45678 P.. 86 08s W qauarter 17, 18545 67 809. ... 90 75 S Equarter 17, 18528456378 0.. 72 69 Eastthaitf 22, 154567 89.... 7é8 82 Wet hat 29, 1854 .............26 01 13 1854.............. 6 29 SE part 1b, 18523 45 67 89.. 55 81 le, 1859 3 4 .... 16 69 35, 1854 7 8 9. ..2 43 5 185235453678f 9. . 49 45 West part 9, 1952345 678 9.. 60 01 West part 9, 18523 45 678 9 60 @1 South part 14, 182345 6 7... 873 2, 18528 45 6 79.. 41 73 27, 18534567 89.38 4132, 1852345 67 89... 52 89 North part 33, 1853 4 5........ 22 40 East hait 1, 1882 3 4 ..........16 53 Sot hall 24, 18524 537 89... 91 10 Eassîhaitf 28, 18545 67890... 78 30 Wet hat 29, 183467 89 .. 91 61 West part 32, 18534 5 67 8 9..628 19, 18523 4 56 789 ..105 29 West hatf 20, 182234 57 8 9. 5349 West hait 24, 185:b14 5.......... 21 O9 28, 1824 5 6789 D. 48 58 Soth hat 19, 182 34 5 679. 48 04 Northla prt 29, 1852 -34 56 78 9..: 50 50 East quarter 15, 18512 314t) 6 7880. 0 50Wsthat 3, 18245 67 89..78 26Estat 34, 18545 67 89 .58 01 Eathlit! 3, 1 Z1345à6 79 . 41 39 Eat hsitl 4, 183 4 5 6780..115 89 Eas bait 6, 18255689.î9 4 orth hat 7, 1882456 789.29037 27, 185456789 . 4468 , 1854567808...4751 le, 185345678...57 44 20, 1852456 7 'à9... 54 81 21, 1852 84 5 689..5083729, 1853 4............l 33 1812 3456 ..... 8809 185284... ;;.......21 82 18524 6 789..50 99 8Epr 1854 ............3OS26 NE ar 83, 18246 789 20 85 Centre 7, 1851 4 5..ZI... 15 67 Southhbalf 9, 185234567 8. 5045 Nortl lIaf '0, Not at11, 18528485 67 89.:: 16 86 Nrh11112, 1858 4.......... 1 Norh halO 1, 1853 45.... ...... 51 72 9. 1852 4............. 6 25 North hîait 1«. 8 hlat 10, 1823457 9... 135 16 Sou if15 1852 848579 .1 07 32 s ou aitiaal'a, 1854.............. 88 North halt 1a, 18545 678 9 .... 61 13 4ort5i liait 14, 18545678 9 .5031i Nort i-a laf4, 18545 679.* 88 9 West halt 11, 1854. ......... 4 21 N W qunter 1, 1852 3 4 5 67 89... 47 28 Northl'alf s, 18-54 ... .... 1 45Not af , Es a 5.' 1852 8 45 6 78 9... 41 67 Sout liafIo 5, 185478 9. 30. 060 sW quarter 12, 14-3 5 .......... 20 6 N W qauartr 12, 18545 6 78. 38 West part 15 1852 84 5 678 9 .85 93, 1852 84 56 .. 89 20 South hall 8, 1852 845 9 ... 176 00 Ntrthltal. 3, 18524567 890. 40 50 10. 1832 8456 7 89... 46 42 Sctîth part If, West part 15, 182 84 56 78 9 .59 88 jE 15, 18:3 4 56 78 ..6748 U est hsll 1, 1852845...... 41 89 Northlalf 6, 18545679....81 1 North liat 7, South half 9, 1852 845..24..2016 1, 1832 84t.2.....2 40 2, 1854 58........... 4 47 3 1853 4 ....... 16 72 Sosth hall 4 Norli' hall 6, 1852 345 678 .... 42 24 Soutthlhait 6, 1852 84 .2....279 ' 7 1854 ..............538 2 1854 5........ 85 18584 .301Nort half 61 185 84 1 oaath hait 6, 1852 8 4 .... 28 87 rstit hait 7, S Wpart 7, a Epart 1, Nort1~hall -1828486 7890..66 77 18546 78 1 158 1852 8 485 6 7 8 g..102 34 1852345-.17.. 721 Emtade' 1852845678 9.. 77 48 Water 8t. 18524567890. 18 07 do I 1852345678 9.. 54 96 d 185284678 9..54 96 do 185245678 9.. 53 72 do 6 1852456780..52 06 do 7 do 9 185t4 5 678 0.-44 00 de 10 184 56e78 9ý. 50.027 de- il 18524 5 67 890..454 do lis 1852845678 ...~ 82 94 do la do 14 18246789..4407 do 15 r 185284586.89. 916 do Io 1854 ........ :..... 18 84 'do 17 1852467829. 45 14 do la 18524567.._ la7 BEAVERT, one-fith one-fifth oae-fifth oeftfth orne-SCt one-SOUsh sase-fitis ose-SAlah ene-iht do de do do do de de de do de de do de do do do de de de do 18523436 7......16 9 1853 4 5.....35 2 1883 4 ........... 24 i 18534 5..........17 1 185 43667.....20 1 183 46780...28 1 1853 4 56789.....56 8 1853 45 6 789. 4306 18545361789 ....46 9 185 3 456789.4319 1834 5 6789.....69 8 182345 6 789..30< 182 345 6 789..301 1854 5 6 78 9 ..... 14 18523 4067 89 ..25 3 1854 507 8 . 1.... 81 1834 56 78 9..3712 1852 3 4361789. 09 1852 3 456 78 9.eî2 1834 5 6789 ...6 185 345 0 789 ... 3441 1852 34 56 7 8 9...1 18523 45 .1.... 9 18546 7 89 .......:4 1852 3 4 5 6 7 8 9... 4 18534 5.......... 6 1854 506789 .2.. 9 1853 4 ........11 1852 34356 78 9.806 182 3 45 6178 9 ..4 1852 3 4 56 789. 0 1852 4 .......... 1852 4... .. 2 t851 à'« ....6 1852 34. . . 9 1852456.. 89.....4 1823 45 6 78 9.5 1854656789 ...... 8 1854 .......... 4 182345 .........4 18523456 78.... 18 18545 68........ Il 1854 56 7 89. 7 18546 7 8 . t?1 1853 4................ 5 M. 18245367 .... 28 1854.5 9.... . .. 7 1854 567 9.... 224 1854567 95..... 2 15845ô67 8 9...4 1845 678S89.......r 501 4 3 7 . . .. . . Oh 1 50 16 79.....h1 1854567 8 9.....1 184167 89.......1 1845678......1 18456 .........1 1854i67 8 9 ......2 1854567869 ......2 1014 15 6 79 ......4 18541. .. .. ..6 .. ..7 18'a ... . .....1 18U54a7089 .......2 1854568 9. .....5 18524 5... .. ....1 1854 1i 8 9.... -. ...1 15456789......43 185456789......45 18545 67...... ..1 15467 8 9 ..... S 15416789......60 18478 ....... .. 6 184579 ..*....9 18A456 7 89.......2 15456789 ... ...2 18U517 89 ........2 1854567898.....O2 185456 78 9. . 4 ..2 185456 7 89 ... ...4 1854667 89 ... ...4 18456789 ... ...4 154546789 .......-. 2 MA 6 6 67 89.8...2 1854567s9 ... 44 185456789. 1854508...1 18543.89.....s 181456789....2 852456789«. 4.-l 18456789 .... 182845N. ....5 18545678. .... 185450678 . . .......S 18541678........ 1545678 ....1 19545618 .... 18516 78 ..... 18M546713.....:... 1854à 6 78a....... 1854a5878 .... . 18545678 ..... 18545678 ..... 18545 6 8........ le" 5 6 78.... 18"597.... 18"597......<.. 185467 8....... 18"5 678 ..... Io" 5a 67 86...... 1866768... ... 167 8 .... !.6878à...... 1824 1800 1824 1800 ii ii West al 20 67 2067 Eathball 20 67 20 8147 fj 20 87 Soathal 1 2047 206« 20 67 20 67 20 67 .0 47 .5.20 a m « do 2" do 2 do 24 do 25 do 28 do 27 do 2 sthada do 4 do do do 1 do a do .10 do il do la doe 1 do 14 do 16 do 17', do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do 30 do si r dos 32 do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 40 6 do 4 0 do 5 ý9 ý6 do 6 l4 do 7 5 do 8 6 do 9 S do 10 S do Il s do 12 i do 13 57 do 14 S do 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 S do 19 Z9 do 20 4 2 do 21 16 do 22 7 do 23 O do 24 66 do 25 M do 26 8 do 27 oi Southa ide2 9.1 do 3 36 0 do 4 2i do 5 97 do E 90 do 7 U6 d e 8 34 73 do 9 97 do 10 33 do 11 33 do 12 30 do 13 2 do 14 63 do 15 97 do 17 19 do Il 15 North.aide 43 99 Victoria st. 94 do 42 do '3 do 5 do 35 84 do E 78 do 20 do 70 do 36 do U 36 d 24 do 1 Sooth aide Victoria ai. 70 do àî 9 do '98 do 52 1'67 do ' 72 do 1 s do 1 65 do 1 18 do I 8163 do 1 '46 D i 77 a6 r)7 North aide l 82 Albert lat. S 43 do 9 0 do 179 do 7" do 844 do s<3 Vi do LDu do 568 do 836 ý035 do 1 43 do 1 7 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 2 3 4 15 17 17 28, 28 35 27 37 20 3 '13 14 18 la 20 20 26 26 il 22 24 6 17 19 SW part 5 14 En at le 1 23- Eut ,alf 85 37 ...î5467...... ...80 'do........... 20' doe '183656a.. ...20 do 14 5678... »....201 do 184567 B.......20 do 18"4567 8 .....20 do 18" à 67.......... 2 do 18"567 8........20 do* 13"56178 . 2 do 184567 . 2 do 183567 89. 24 do- 1854 5 6 73...... 24 do IM55678S.....20 do lsU6O79.8......20 do 1854689. .... 20 do 18q0 t867..... 20 do 18565 678..2 do 1854 567S. .20 do 1854 56 18.20 do. 18.545678.20 do 18545 678B.... 20~ do 18545678.... 20 do 18545 6 78.... 20 do 18545 6 78..-. 20 do 18545 6 78..,.. 20 do 1854 5 6 78...--20 do 1854 56 78.... 20 do 1854 5 678.... 20 do 1854 5 678.... 20 do 1854 567.... 20 do 18545 678.... 20 do 1854 5678B.... 20 do i18546 78.. .., 39 do 1854 56 78.... 20 do 1854 56 78.... 20 do 18545 678S.... 20 do 1854 56 78.... 20 do 18545 678S.... 20 do 1854 5678S.... 20 do 1854 56 78... 20 'do 154 56 78.... 20 do 1854 56 78.... 20 do 18545 678B.... 20 do 1854 5 6 7 8. ... 20 do 1854 5678B.. .. 20 do 1854 5678S.... 20 do 18545 678S.... 2C do 1854 56 78-.. -20 do 18545 6 78.... 20 do 184 5678S.... 20 do 1854 cî6 78S.... 20 do 18545 678S.... 20 do 18545678S.... 2C do 18545 6 78.... 2C do 1854 5678B.... 2< do 1854 5 678.... 2C do 18545678.... 2< do 1854 56 78.. .. 2E do 1854 56 78.... 2( do 1854 5 678B.... 2( do 1854 5678S.... 2( do 18545 6 78.... 2( do 18545 6 78.... 2( do 1854 56 78.... 2( do 18545 678B.... 2( do 18545 67-8.... 2 do 18545 678S.... 2( do 18545 6 78.... 2 do 18545 678S.... 21 do 1854 56.7.....- do 1854 56 78.... 21 do 18545678 .... 21 do 18545678 .... 24 do 1854567. . 1 do 1854567 8... 21 do 18545678... 21 do 18545 678... 21 do IS54567 8.. -2 do 1854 567 8... 21 do 1854567 8 ... 2' do 1854567 8... 21 do 1854566 78... ,2 do 1854567 8 ... 2, do 1854567 8 ... 2 do 18545 678S... 2 do 18546 67 8 ... 2 do 185456 78... 2 do 1854 567 S... 2 do 1854567 B... 2 do 1854 5 67 8...2 do 1854 567 9... 2 do 1854 567 8... '2 do 18545678B... 9 do 1854567 8... 9 do 18545678... do 1854 567 8 ... do 1854567.......2 do 1854567 8... do 1854567 8... do 1854567 8.. do 1854 5 .78. do 1854 567 8...' do 1845567 8... do 1854567 8... do 184 5 6 7>8... do 1854 567 8 ... do 1854 567 8 ... do 1854 567 8... do 1854 567 8... do 1854 567 8...1 do 1854 56 7 8... do 1854 567 8... do 1854 --567 8...1 do 1854567 8... do 1854 567 8 ... do -1854567 8... do 1854 5 6 7'8. .. do 1854 56 7'8... do 1854567 8 ... do. 1854 5 6 78... )67 )67 le 0'07 067 087 .17 '67 61, 47 .08 67 67 b 67 6 7 617 > 67 467 I67 e 67 6 7 677 )67 )67 )67 )67 )67 367 D67 067 D97 S7 067 067 6 7 067 067 067 ýO67 ýO67 ýO67 iO 67 IO 67 EO 67 E0 67 E0 67 !0 67 10 67 10 67 W 67 10 67 10 67 10 67 10 67 10 67 10 67 W-67 ZO 67 ZO 67 20 67 20 67 ZO 67 -2 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 07 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 69 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 32 20 67 20 67 9 00 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 5 186 185 46.8 6 100 1853480. ô 186 1854 ... 6 200 1852 3 4 78 6 100 185334 56... 6 200 1853456789 6 200 I83456789 7 61J 18"546 789. 7 200 18523 4557893 7 93 18"54678S9. 7' 200 18 5 6 7 81... 7 100 lm3 4.. 7 I00 185....» 8 25 ISW 345 67 8 NELSON G. IEIYNOI whi&by5 Joue 21, 1leu. 10 53 5 70 3 72 47 87 46 os 4 89 2 60 3 93 1975 50 62 140 1505] 593 37 65 25 30 17 60 2036 1242 59 15 e6089 D 5 03 4 il 17 65 3371 2470 10537 P51 67 i10679 86 3 31 39 îienc0. 1 1 ow ay's O1tnft CONSOLATION ;;TElU5FR~O N EARLY Ifify ýc'a aOItbaaat aia i,,0 or p a t o h llabatttl n globe, fi aie a, tl ea v e rsan d th e e nlai zbe ol alik e, li er 4 0 ' t simle rti,,ion,, 0ana1l nrcc ,brd titinos, n r s M n l u sa fI e oI p e r,< t a t so f n l l .ta a d e , l 'e e :a es, coas. cOlt, oaaad, Aiai, l ie'9Vrd. 6v 5 i7 s1 a r0 jn t o f ia afl to to a ndalî t I, I i o'r wrbethor lu thea, i, t he flaoa, 0 10 9 4ot,,o maa tan aai.ls,clin lit aaîîeAactrîîoîd per mauently carnt, iitlaatitnifngeraîXa ratîîîalîlu andasl uaoo aarssg lla is ()aaiaîebi tuent. 8erfla, Erysapelas,, n,,d Sait itimOsea N'otoedvtoao ver darran si-aîari. for tie tatre ofdîratsk Oof tlanStalo a' Iat (.;tee$ a à laay "Surait, as- tiab.ýo ittolaft. nyý rla, O Eryffipla, n oin g 'ttaoaî'tigîi'îî'lIe. Baad Legs, Old Sore, niiol IcTS- Catet Ofanaalv Van?' stsaaaiiaa" ttoaepe tinacioaaly rfaodtoyel atlN* irticr ,lel or trentainaîit, lut io'rialla citaî ii a0 flwapplicntioaa ocf tilb po'cra'iil OOIl' EroptionS an the Ski,,b.lo Artrtng,a,o a La tc l lch~do cron, irroe,olire ariietttc, a', cîIa'II o tran@parraot.orî'lie rega.iiid hlith dtcosaitaea' ala oilaer tiiit i'41a.Or il power te dipel 1rec sauttîaiOiîiîO of dtnface. Pi e an st fl E e r y r n B aIi a c r t o r, f ttil , s . "p l ' ir 1 ' t o n t] ,îaberaai lisorders la rrcîiitcl i'c eti,-i trot) y ttfilaocc ottb î l mac1lik'laZit r, ioln t t o nb as e l i o a a d ire c e i f si t t i i l cli t i I l . I l iî t ta3'qiailitCos sailîtc te fi, blh' o I .rciifiiOîIll Inaoriabler. llaioaao, Baaei 'l I~î'îlli'it. 'ilîirs Fiatulai, Gent, laaaao11aîIfali'i PilIcs, îtlleiiraotcd. ii li Scald, Ski ai.r a oacli I.i L g ,Sore Bresato. Sire iat e ' t iit Suret ofaol kitA,ala, Oareio,S J 'for UtcersaVeasrel Soeo, O"oil al kh-d' teCAUTa]N t!-«liiaie ire gcîaiililîiess the corda "Jd'e1îcaril Si' rÀ t id .,îia arc diepolile o ~,a'Oa.. ' B in cveutai t h e b ao k o f d i r e c t ' ai l t e r aa i ccl it ,I P ( Ir f , x theioe ar aaa c, ho ililiIi seîlct.bNhi.l li. laOd tu the lirjl. A lcîoaIîId Iccrcaiiill l,ii',' teoaaynoacreilerlaoo sieia iat'*itaiI IIcI, 11.11Y tendt l l00 tatetiaiac01 a)' ria 'i' ira coaaaterfeitiaag the aaelille tair% 'r i l duileba sme, kaoos'oitl1aafil lic iirIis * *a* Sold iltfia le aaa -aaa %-y' ill'rfea'or IIOLLeOA , Fo )lI id .IIaa Lic , Q a' c ih cia leriaîglaat aIh.L',îi'îld ca. iil" ii il« izcd Coilla ia bixecsliii'25 clia. a13Ic'iii..!i"l tlliro 000 N. t.-141ei, ci ii e fuien rgcIi.,'cV' c.i'a in es'ry diai'cc e. iali- ', r., fi b' o. S zpuitiF "rIl E îci.oo». liofft's Lie S'illa ,li lînaslia îaooîcra Free fom ait 3incrl 1'oisooos. T li Ci501.o't'i'ltl.tf 5t I I S lit- T foataLit'tb i i'i i' liIi', nr t Ictal la Iniraii,-,' aid I ,i it il Iil, ferc".i tih 0ro ri"t i aIt r I Il :, 1ç d - ÃŽ .OftbIie antoi ir a, iar aviii- fil 17 aand huai,, i i il.,ii ar etlo i t - ile li>,!i1l' tacli, la - "i iia tL,' l1,1 , -1 ie bent argacil1, 1.'. admilt- "ci - i'au I , erio roriaa ai t.' l Ifi 1 -i 1 ,i i ,i - ' , ' I arn rO, s t"1 a , i v i l i...... i c i s'loirrial'l la .r 'l curative -th-i eaut thi 'aî, Il iiiii, i i .i i, -1 i i L r,. ing - %, NVid .a a11 aaî 'i o Ni.,St Il_ Sac fo h aa îtîîrhoale l) . , A.biaaiiili .y -NEW TJEATMENT IIUFFAI.O 3IEDICAL DlSP1EtSARY ESTAn[lOtl ouraoTata, ca aREi i D~Aethiio5ltl, eoa,altit.fcai4r; of/paaitha.id oldaalie,a4'e Dît. AXOf4 & SON, (on.Eaa OF AINbAtrNsaT S'tri., oBiI IuA. . A RETIIE (aNLY t'l'a IlI'i.NSi\S 'îlEI ASTAlîl ar iiIira aoao'aoa u rlit ' Collage ef Si'aia',tal'i ila)i'" ia fotho 8a Oi'elairii ina thea ai-iei. inil c", ,glia, lu erary l tegriiN ililiaoiilaaI,t-, The trrîlanierlia thecî1111-114' 1,'fi e .. i t1i tiec bas Bora;In sîd .%naaerie_'.t. À MScT SCao'NTIO'IC IaVETaIONiu. Aaaiiorriiîaacltfirleccr i clIi lity or Nortaîricail Eîîo.-lraiî'î, irtr i a it lçIwila amSemai o (.l ritaer-',o ;' I,, iî'i.c.1, eaîrrîl lu frac n15 i 2aa,1" ;,eh 'I a ofeds ieintuIeiBIi i_ yOUNso taNsTAKal .aaoTCac%t i Cee, r. Dr. Aaaaoarý& iIii.i'li.. l i,ii"c.a8 tilîataleale Iui c,;ilt ',. i ' o'traaaloaot ir ile elOaa'.if tîiiciicL ,i.i I, l h1asbaceisi L,'atIl , li.il 1nat i al'l ik il hleii eIrc I :,'iilr'l ii h, geolicagiaa rooaî Dr. A,,oet & ,ainiî in, tai,ifacI ,rot B otuir ic oi te. tile iccaît '"ItIl i il, cri p'lefi il t)l 'eial r ilai t i iatoiic i e îr$ ait Bloy 1raaaoiît.ii' aailtrriiril thu eale)cilI 1-e rci'iIilcltd'3 'rtoi,,g lot, lorroiiraoiaigiiii Ilar.v "tl'l 0'n brei ath *iftlelaaaa,'iiaiii.,i, ng direr'tieaît scraaitclŽ î..ichi'lîadîl iiiq, prs, le toaidat at NE0W booaan:aaAs'ND UaC Culrs A CURE00 tR.aîso'n. On and after Monday, July 2, 1860, tise subscribers W8ii < mence selling tise remhainder of their Sprng and Smirsok0 At, gretly reduced prices. 7,1 per cent discount will be 8110570 an al Cash jaorchaaose 'er ana doltar. Sale to co3ntions for two montha oaiy; au musat ho cleared to make way for Fall purchaaesç withio the prescribod tia. of bargaina oaay toc expecteol in Ladies. HIAI S, BONNETS,. tIBBONI musans, patages,, Delains, Shawls, Capes, Skirts3, D trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery, Childrens aànd Ladies Boots and Shoos, Gentiemeus Hats and Cape, Alapaca and Luster. Coatings, Cott~on and Union Tweeds, &o., &o., &c. ~rThe highest price paid for ait sorts,0 Farmers Pi'oduce. LOWES & POWEI --:o:e H1-ighiest'Cash price paid for any qquajjtiti at the Stores ofé A supersor assortment of Gents andl Boys PASHIONABLE REJD Y-.1M.JDE CL OTIWv NG! in Twçeds, Fancy Mixtures, GARMENTS MADE TO OlIDER. F,-* R lW VI[T- QAZAX i1':XnOR NO ~u. HIAMILTON & ROBERTS, 17 Nos. 1 & 2, Till's Block, Whiby. SPRING ANBS11DE IIORAi Begs to infoi-m bis tiîst.oiners and the pib. lie, that his-stock of New G<od s rrta n O bnd, zuod sillie ho old Cboap for Uoohi, consisting of a largo arsortnocot ('f BRESS COUDIS, BONNETS, RIBIIONS, PARISOL' Giovcsanaod Iosiory. Corpets, Daniask. îViodov Noos and %Iusti.q, Doinostic Cotos &c. Altrgc sto-k o! Bread Clotho, Uassimoros, Canadian Tweeds, Gamborson, Farmer'a Dril, &c. 1in Me'Od Bos Co sV' 1"nd .smae pnthloremies.'Vie s considerably eniarged, and parisro rit' hiu i th icr orders myrly, o having theor Marn ints made up in a woki ilke arner, and in thoea=o î>oc Fsiton. Alage tok of JOSI REUEIV ED. Perry'a Brick Buildings, Whitby, 27 April, 1860. iRLESEB B;ROB IEES. TIXOMAS IL. MIiLLAN (IIS FOR SALE ÙâAR VEST IYIPE1MENTS 0F EVELLY DESCRIPTION W111CII 11E 18 SELLING ÂT UNPRESEDENTEDLY A,,, aa. V0j, 0 0 0l< f F o hT a O 0 l l ffeei, FritsOO, & 0. L oqu a" ies, ilt oc" anal 6N0,.nWaO dtst (am N,. 'frt aidllooto deoortol.'. Prabla Mil kinAs o! Liqoors and Willeo oiiiso slnC Muut u n e.P.io oiigO aoy thiog InlisIýno,' wil do 'li ta gira Ii iiiancati. 10 A .M iI L I T ilM A I. 0 ItlA No. , l'ory'sIBlocBocl t,- BG oansounca oohleeztci1anOMOba1ers 18 11NAL 87M BRANCE, IO Onti reosaheeoflOreocsPied by lt.N RTaI s e m I anad Br too Oet, hso ha-apepid u eelftW (JÂRRIÂGES, BEGGiES, SLELGIISg LUABMBIid P.RODUCR TA4XY L1IAXC Iken. ',Pre,. 28 5 50 100 100 100 100 100 166 835 88 83 88 83 100 160 10 100 10 10 50 50 20) 200 100 100 20 100 1040 100 100 200 200 2w0 100 100 100 200 200 100 100 100 20 oD

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