Whitby Chronicle, 18 Aug 1860, p. 4

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'JOINTI 0OF ONTARIO, y TVirtqof a aWarrant issue- To date , y heToau rof tire Cour- t y o Oarario, beariugdaeth Fourteoitir dayoa May, one tirousa>d eight irundretid a ixty, and te me dlirected, for tir ëol1etion of rrears and assesemnents due 'upontire foliowing lande 1intho said County, 1 erialara 1VOND)AY, the th day of OCTOBER nexi, At theo hour of 12 o'clock, noon, aItirhe Court Bause, lun t Towin of %Vtitby, proceed ta thre Sale oflsaid Lands, or se mucl tirof na uîay ibe necessary fur tire paymenl t fsncbarreare il assessmnin, unlea tira aatne, tagelirer with ail lawful charges, aoouer paid. BOK LOT. c EutI haif 7 N4 E quarter 10, 18, IVet quarter 21, North harU 24, Northr iait 10- ]Rorth hall 14,: 8 Eat part 9, East irait 12, Went part 14, North iraif 17, Weet hall 21, N E quarter 21, Southr hall 13, Southr hallf 14, 15, 8 West part 21, '23 N E quarter 13, Nrth IaIt 11, West Irrl 17, West irill 19, Sauthr hall 1, S W quarter 2, N W quarter 2, Wet irtrit 7, Narth hall 4, N E quarter 15, Waortb iait 16, Souh hall 13, A North haraf 14, i Eatbal 1, 1 Northr hait .8, 1 -7, 1 7, t 8, 1 Souihirait 8, 14, Southr hall 7, South hall 12, North irail 12, ITrtir hall 14, - 15, South hall 12, N7orthr hall 12, Southr hait 18, 1 Northr bal 13, Brokeu 2, ýoutir Iait 7, No0ftir hall 18 South, ball 18, 19, 20, 2, Southr hait 7, 18, Southr hal 14, South hall 15, South hall 17, North hait 17, Northr ial 18, Sontir haIt 1, 20, Northr iait Q23, 26, 27, 28, North Iat 6, Northr hall 7, North hall 8, Northr Iait 14, Seutir hait 14 Sontir haIt 16, Soutirh it 18, North hlaIt18. South hlaIt21, Northr iaIt 23, Broken 26, Broken 27, Blraken 30, Northa hall 24, North hall 26, N W oftNîalt 28,, 30, 82, .tborly houseo 8 tiontir Iait 9, Southr hal 10, 143, ... .... .. .-.orth irait 17, gouti a irIt 17, East bal 22, N orth hall 28, Southr hat 21, N E quarter 2G, N W quarter 26, Northa haIt 27, N W Part 30, Suth hall 7, Sentir hait 8, Northr irif 11, North hiaIt 15, North hait 19, 20, j7ortir part21 North hiaIt 23, 26, ltsIhall 12, -Southr hall 17, Southr hait 21, 24, 'North lattl26, Northr lai! 27, ACRES 100 0 200 25 100 200 200 Ibo 100 200 12 100 87 100 100 50 100 100 200 15 200 50 100 100 100 100 50 ho 100 100 50 100 ..A: YE.108 01.11. AIIotINT. 1852 4 567 S9 _$32098 1854............... 4 36 185254 . 24 93 1854 .............803 1854 ..............8851 1854.-.............7 9 1852 4167 89....'14135 1852 34 56 78 9.. S&857 1882 314 5 6 7 8 8. . 25 60 15234 ..........25 44 185246 7 8 9.17 09 12 345678... 85 47 1852 34678 ..2564 1854 .............. 9 35 18523 4 ....19 08 200 100 uo0 100 189 200 174 100 200 100 100 100 100 20 100 100 100 100 80 100 100 100 200 200 60 100 2<11 loi lei loi 10( 11m 201 101 l l 10( 100 100 10( loi loi l(i lit 10 10 10 l0 ilu E 2 A2 8 5 4 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 S2 12 la 8 tuat prt 10, Front West port Io,, Front Io, Furnt 1't, Front 20, Front -21, Front 26, Front 2t, Front 28, Front 2g, Front 92, Front as, Front 7,Front 44 Front 44. Front 40, Front 19, 18. 4 i e S, 8 w- qrMter 7, leE part 4, South hall 7, S IV quartelr 18,. Southr Iai1 20, $outIl part 24, SW part .15, 47 W piart 20, -12, eit hal 15, N Wparti 18, S E part 19, S WV part 19, S W part 20, Wret irait 1, Eat hall 18, 14, 14, Southr bail16, Northbhall 18, West irait 19,' Eet balf, 1, West hall il, 19, si, S W qaret2, S E quarter 2, Southr hall 5, 19, South balf 5, South balf 6. - 19, 24, Southr part 6, Southr naît 81 South hall 11, 1854 .............. 4 21 Eraitpart n21, 1852 3 4. ....15 3 s W part 1 1854 5 ......... ... 5 20 South l'aif 2, S736 N Wpart 6, 1852 a8456 7890.. 21 66 S Epart 21, 1854.............. 12 52 Southr haIt 24, 1852345678 .... 26 69 S Epart 2, 18,52 3 4 ....16 17 Centre el 1854 5 ......18 ti1 E adcàN end 4, 182 45667 8;0.... 26 73 Norh iait 7, 1854 à 6 ....18 74 Nortir Part 8, 185145 ............ 5 38 5, 1854 5 6. 8 r58 Eastîbaît 6, 1852 4 56 80... : 8884 S Wpart 6, 1854 56 7809 ...51 79 SE 8, 1854 6 ............ 4 69NWpat 7 1854 ........... ...4 80 MidlWopart lf W part 10, 1852 3 4..... 8 77 1852 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60 O8S Wpr 0 1854 5 6 7 8 9 . T.O. . W0part 12, 1852345 7809 8. 1 13 1854 56 789-865r3 Nortir bail 17, 18524 5 67 8 q.86 (O8 W quarter 17,- 1854 5789 . 8 0 75 S Bquarter 17, 182 345 6 78 0 - 12 69 Eatelial 221 1853 456782.. 78 32 Wethbalf 29, 1854.............. 26 1 13 1854 ...... 6 29 S E part lb, 1852 4 5 6789D.-55 81 le, 1852 3 4 .... 16 69 35, 1854 7809. .. 2143 1852 34 56078 9., 49 45 Wet part 9, 18123456789 0001 Wetlpart 9, 182345067 8 0.- 60801 Sout Prt 1, 182345 07.... 8 7 33 1, 185214 5067 9... 41 7327 t1853 4 5 f78 9....841 192, 1852 3-45567890... 52 89 North Part 33, 183 45..........22 40 But bail 18, r 1852:1 4 .... ...... 1 6 3 Nortb bal 124, I 1852)3 46 78 9. .. 91 10 East half 1, 0 18456780...77880 West hait 29, 0 185:4 67 809... 31 61 Wesîtpart 81, 0 18514 5 6 78 9...-83 28 19, 0 1851486 7 80..105 29 Westiralf 20, 89. 532357 U.r8 49 West lait 24, 185314 5..........2 109 Suhhl 9 0 18)324 5067 S. . 48 58Sutrbl 29 3 152 34 567 80p... 48 04 Nertir part 29, ýO 1521170..05 Eastriuarter 15, M 102416î7 890..80 50 23, )o 1012ý1316 78 '). 7826 50West bait 34, )o s 853 45 6 7 890. 5 8016East baif 2, A 181 34 5 7 ' 41-- 58()lEarst haif 3, 6 182 3 4 5 67 9.. .41 9 astiral 4, 31 1852 4 5 67 89.115 89 Eas baif 6 kr 18524 56 78 9-11904j.,jer 1~- , 1 i0O D 1 r 1 780 - 24 or 27, )o 154567 89.4 4 68 a )0- 184 56 78 9. 4 7 51 le, I 1545 67 8...57 44 20, 18115245789... 54 81 21, -18528456 789.., 80 37 29, 0 18584 ......... il 31 0 18523456.... 8803()0 0 185234 ...... 282 0 185234 5 67 8 g..50 09 n 0O 1854 ............. 8 V 2 4 18524 67 89 ... 20 85 Cjrtr 7, 2g83468.... 15 67 ierriiuirîlf $1, io 18245 67 8 _5045 Ntrth itrnit10 Nit ]iri 11, [3 18523 4 5 67 89D.-18 36 NtrthirtrIIII12 )o 18534 ...1... 3 Il North irrli 18, )o 185345 ...8 1 72 9, o 814. . 25 Ntrthr iaf 10 10 18 24 . ........ . So t trf los 0 18234579 ..: :135 16 Souh ha îî1 o 18523845 7 9.1 07 32 outrli iait1t, S1854........ 3 8North hiait 12, )o 1854 5 6 7 8 9 61 13 Sertir "irat14, o 185456780.:: 61North irait 4, )o 1854 5107.88. 869 West Qail 1, DO 1854 ..... 421 N wquarteOr 1, 0 18513 45ý7 89 47 28 Northrlhait a, 100 1854 . ....10.4......ir1ira5 S, 00 18524867 89... 41607 EPutîht 00 1814718 9 .... sa060 BW quarter l1% 50 185345........... 20 06 N W quarter 18, 50 1546 78 . 2 86 West Put 1": 1. 00 152 34 56 78 9 8593 a, 75 18523456 ... 69 204quirbil S 96l 18M2 34 59.... 176 00 North half 8, LOO 185 345 67 89.40 50 10, 00 18ia4 5 7 ...46 42 Souith Pit 14, 00 1523567-9 ~ West pat 16, 00 185245678..67 48 V, ut air 1, 00 1852345...... 41 89 Northlhitl -4, 200 1545 679 81 39 North liait 7# 25 182345...... Il 14 South balf 9, 75 1$52345 .20.. 016 totrIa 1, 00 1852 3 4 ....... 23 40 a 150 1814 5--------... --- 4407 200 1858 4 -r..... .-. 16 7 Sorti lirait 4, 100 185245678 .... 42 24 Notirlralf 6, »00 1S52 8 4 ....... 22 79 7, 100 1854 .............. 5 382 200 1854 5S..... 39 85 8 ,100 1852 3 4 5 1tIlw % 100 1852 3 4 ... 28 87 îlothiertif 7, 8 Wpart 7, SE part 1, RAMA. Nortir iait 7 73 185284 67890.. 66 77 la 18"6587 8 1 158 166 18» 4 5 07 89..102 84 55 185284 5.17.. 721 Eest aide l 1 182 84 ô6 7 8.- 7748 Watr St. 88 1852 8 45 6789D.. 18,-07 do 2 VI1 1852345678 9-.,54 96 du s 91 185234567809.. 54086 do 831852845678 9.. 572 du 6 81 1852345 678 0.. 5l 06 do 7 do 9 88 182 846 7 89.. 44 00 do - 10 107 184 56 7389.5 7 do il 84 1852456 7 89D.. 3454 la 12 84 1852 8456 7 8.... 32 P doi, 1l 8o 1852 34 56 78 9.. 44 07 do 15 117 152345 6 .89 16 do la 200 -3854 ý........ 12 84 do 17 88 1852 34 5 #7 89.. 45 14 do la 84* 18528496 7 9...39 74 eadgilitk 130 1-85245 6..... 8882 WWg, 70 18284 5678 &9_.46 08 déi 100 ,18524540.. 22 7 -do 9 1J 185284 b ..1I05w do - 4 160 '182 4 5 67 89.. U 03 d015 'F'rde 6 1%Z 1824 57 89..120 42 do 7 3 >824 ...1i66 1852 845G.....851 1e 18545 078 .... 480 -18" ri5....... -... 10 88 LM824586...1888 --1852 84 à 67 8 ..277 185884 ô . 1544 1852 u4 5 6:... 18 24 184578.....w2588 154.9.........;275 1828à4......40 78 1852 4 . .....- -907 1852 a-4:. ....17 74 18%88456Q7 890.. 8487 lm 6 9.........24437 18545............. " 6 1854.5....... .....416 1854.........il 70 18~2Il.271 i 82 1 58...219il i18546.........49 I1854 .....4î5» 0. 18&4586 ..........213 -4rt85245 6 78 .... 43882 S 1852 34 56 7 8 9--84 92 0 182324 507 8 9. .. 4072 1858456789 .... 58 61 0 18528456 7 8 9... 55848 ,0 18545678....022 0 182 345 67 8 9...52 86 I 1853 458......21 79 je 18284568....10 97 ÏO 18M8 5 67 ...164 0 1854.............. 224 0 185456789...56 05 Q 185284567 8 9... 87 77 0 185234 ..........1 87 e 1858456 Z8 0.--678 ff 182345 .... 50 24 15 185334856789Q...18 40 )0 18584 .... ........ 5 il )( 18545 ............ 21 32 200 100 10& 195 5 80 40 .8 100 100 200 sS< 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 60 5i 100 200 100 100 200 200 15 100 10c sctfGoo. 25 91 100 25 50 50 100 100 200 100 14 200 15 133 47 40 SCOTT. 31 182 200 18sa 200 1813 100 1853 50 1853 50 1853 100 1853 100 1852 200 1854 135 18M 200 12? 55 li8? 45 181 28 185. 72 18M 60 1854 119 1851 185 18M 173 185 200 18W 69 lot 100 185: 97J 1851 100 18& 100 185. 61 185 170 185, 100 185 100 18 r 200 185 100 185 85 185 50 185 200 185 100 185 100 185 a00 18ar leu 189 100 185 100 185 200 185 25 186 25 185 25 185 25 18n 25 18. TIIORAiI. 50 18. 15 10 50 1an 100 i 100 1 100 lot) h 10 1t 106 1 Il 83 I 83 i 88 M 88 la M8 Is. sa 18 100 18 10 1i 60 M 100 la 100 la 100 la 160 )8 w la 34 18 200 18 100 18 100 le 200 le 100 t 100 le 100 t 100 t 100 V 20() I 200 100 100, 100 200 200 100 100 100 200 80 200 100 185 45 67........27 181 1852 4567.......30 53 1854 .. .... 986 1856i........ 7 86 1854506......... 5 13 185345678 ...8601 185346 789 ....2580 18534 6 7.........23 29 185345678. 45 1853 4 56 78 ..10234 1853456 789 .... 505 185456.......... 5066 1854 567.........35 13 18545 6 8 .....40 17 185456 789....1410 1834 5......... 9 5 1852 34 567 8...9151 1859,34 6 78,....1657 182345.........2433 23 4567 .... 194 53485.........35 29 5 4...........24 14 5345...........37 12 5345667.....20 16r 53456789 ....1817 534 56789 ...4680 3456789. 396 46 189....46 90 123456789..... 30 E1 j4 567 80. ....... 14 90 523456789 ...25 3E 4 567589.....1 2 123 466789...3721 23 4667 8 9.0 9 134 567 8 .... 6 0s 153345 6 78 9.3--43, 92q'3 4 6 i8 9 ...31 7i W23 4 5........ 199 645 67 89 ....49 3 314 078a9.....9 3 S52 à45 6 78 9. 4 3 M3 485..........26 0 B54 560789 .....2292 r3 4 ............7 B52334 5 6789. 6 523 456 789 ... 4 1 523&A456 789 ...08 524 ..... ...... 8524.388 82456....8.....504 85334 56 789...- M5 85456 789. .....8 8523 45........443 8523 45678 . 18 85456 8.a..i... .115078D ... 7 8545 689..... 17 8534............ 8-5,845 67 .......4 85234607 9....8 854 5039 ........7 345 il7 9O....... 4 45 67 9.i .. .. .. 7 8:t24 5 07 80.... 3 1854567 ..... 2 1854567 ..... Il [1t5007 89..... 19 is545670811.il.. 8 85456189.1 1456..........l 8545067 8 9.2...1 154 - --......... 154fi6 9 - --....... 1 8"4507 809.......2 l88 4.........1 85245789..._"' 1588........l l145678 9.......4 854567 89 -. 18545678 9...... 9 18M5467 89.....6 185478 ..........4 1854567 8 .......- 2 18,5456783...8... 18456 789.... ..2 1854 5 67 8 -... 18345 67803....... 1854567891....... 185486789-.... 1 185456 789 -..... 1854567890....2 18545 ........ 185456780...... 1852 3 4 à67 8 9... BEAVM1TON. onc-fiftli eîra-fiftla aire-alle eue0-fiOle oe-flfth do do do do de de de do do do do do do dg* de. 1545678 ........ 0 78 18545678 ........ 0 67 i0u5 6 is8........ 0067 18'45078 ........ 0067 184967 8...1.... 0067 10f55678-.....d ... 2887 1SU546 7 8.2.... 0 67 105 678 ........ 0067 18"496 78 .2.... 8ù67 18.A56 78 .........0 67 1834à66768.20.... 067 184507S8.. ...2207 18 à56 8...... 17791 7 18 5 6 78 ......28 7 1046678......2007 IM44478 ...... go7 124 4561y8........ 0081 luts467 8 ........ 2 lu&5 4678 . 206C 18548 678 .1»67 la" 567.-.2lea 19&45 6 Y -8 .2-2 67 18" 5 6 7 ......... 0 aIffs a.. ....207 1854à S7 8 .....-.... 0.60 - î645i678 ...220 7 7u 6781.... 906 18" 56Ir8...... 20 7 île 22!!M! do 154878 207 do0 22 do 28' (10 2 do 25' do 26 do 5 do 7 do S do 4 do 10. do.nt do 1 do 10, do lit do 15 do, 16 'do '17 do 16 do 19 do 20 do 1 do 2ô do 21 de 22 do 23 do 24 do 27 do 28 do 27 do 28 do 31 do 32 do s3 do 32 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 36 do 39 do 38 do 3 do 4 do 2 do 3 do 9 do 15 do. 6 do 12 do 19 do 15 do il do 17 do 13 do 19 do 15 do 1 do 22 do 28 do 24 -do 20 do 21 do 22 de 2 do 24 do 25 7 do 26 do 27 3 do 10est 36 do I o O 1 -~do 15 do 14 ,a do 15 t? do 10 -3 do 11 3 do 1 21 do 14 3 do 15 D7 do 17 19 do 18 94 do 42 do 0 do 4 76 do 15 à6 84 do 6 18 do i7 20 do 8 e0 do 9 36 do 1 24 do 70 do 2 9 do I 6 do 6 S do 1 05I do 8 750 do L 8 do X 3 53 do 1 a 77 8 49 T 2a Souiaad 3 do 6 44 do 84 do 3 ou do r5 54 d Wet o83 o 1 Eaat hait 17 W e stt lit 17 Est irait 2$ West pari 28 East bailf 35 E ofE quar. il W ofE quar.Il West hait 27 Wethall 37 S E Pt 20 W oflEball 3 Parl ot E Wat3 S Epat 14 ,,ai h ail .18 W N et balf 18 Euatalf 20 Wet hait 20 Euat hait 26 West baut 26 East half Il Euathaif 22 24 Eaathaif 2 W e ait '0 Soth haW 14 17 19 8Wpart5 14 Euat Part18 23 37 30, tg 84 e1 84 21 1 17 85 1 q0 19 06 45 29 51 19 4 100 1852 3 467 8 959 15 4 100 1852346789 60 89 5 100 18523456789 55 O3 5 100 18534 .411 5 186 18546 .17. » 7 65 6 100 18523 4 8. 33 71 6 100 1852345 6... 2670 6 200 18523456789 1057 6 100 185234 5 67 8 95167 6 200 853 4 567189 106 79. 6 no 0 185567 89.8633 7 Ji 1l 54 5 67 8 9.31 3 7 20M 18623456789 10399 7 93 185456 7 89. 40-43 7 200 1854 56 789.. 93 27 100 o o -1852 3 4. . . 9171 7 -100 1854 ........... 702 8 25 18523456789 24171 1ELONI G. REYNOLD,_ F' Oci,J D 8 80 treul WitEE I1]),n.E I nW4haby, JrLaseeI, 1.i. do 33578 26 do 18"358a76 . 20 61 do 1s"567 S ..t.....20 67 do 173486 7 8ý. ....80087 do .....56 -...126 do 1668........20 67 do .......... 80068 do 1854851678......-1,826, di 18"t5 678 . 20607 - d o 1 8 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . . .. 2 7 6 1 do l184c6768...... 20 67 ô ..... 417 do 1.46 7 83..... 24 17 do 198 5 67 s.......20 67 d o U 1 8 4 6 7 8 . . . . .. 2 0 6 7 do 38"5a07 s..... 20t7 do 1845678..20 67 do IS545 6 78 ..20 67 do 1854 5 678 .2067 do 18546 78 . 20.67 do 1854 5 678 2967 -do 1854 5 6 7 8:. 20 67 do - 18545 678 ..20 67 do 1854 56 78 ..20 6 do 185456 78 ..2061 do 18545678..20 67 do 18545678..20 67 do 18545678... 20 97 do 18545 678..39 43 do 18545678 ..20 77 do 18545678..20 67 do 18545678..20 67 do 18545678 ..20 67 do- 18545678..20 67 do 18545 6 7820 67 do 1854 5 r,7 8...20 67 do 18545678 ..20 67 do 18545678 ..20 67 do 18545678 ..20 67 do 185456 78 ..20 67 do 18545678..20 67 do 1854567 8 .29067 do 1854 5678S... .'20 97 do 1854F)678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... ZO 67 do 1854 56 78.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854 5678 .... 20 67 do 185416 7 8.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do' 1854 5678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854 56 7 8. -.20 67 do 18515678 .... 20 67 do 1854 567 8.... 20 67ý do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18»5467 8.... 20 67 do 185-15678.... 20 67 do 1854 5678.... 20 67 do 18515678S.... 20 67 do 185567 8.... 20 67 do 1854 5678S.... 20 67 do 1854 5678.... 20 67 do 1854 5678 .... 20 97 do 1654 5 6 ... 12 92 d o 1854 5678.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do j854 56 7 8... 20 67 do 185567 8...920 67 do 1855 6 78... 20 67 do 1854 56 7 8 ... 20 67 do 18545678S... 21 59 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 07 do 185466 7 8... 20 07 do 1854156 7 8 ... 2087 do 1854567 8 ... 20 67 do 1854567?8S... 21 32 do 1854 5678S... 20 67 do 1854 56 7 9.. 20 67 do 1854 56 7 8.. 20 67 do 1854567 8S..20861 do 185456 78...20 67 do 1854567 8...20 67 do 1854 5678... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 ... 20 67 -do 185456 78... 206'7 do 1854 56 7 8 ... 20 67 do 1854 5......... 9 00 do 1854567 8... 206'7 do 18455678... 20 67 do 185456 7 8... 20 67 do 1824 56 78... 20 67 do 1854 567 8... 20 67 do 1854 5678S... 20 67 do 185456 7 ... 20 67 do 1854 56 78... 20 67 do 1854567 ... 20 67 do 1854567 ... 20 67 do 1854 567 8... 90 67 do 1854 567 ... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854 567. ... 20 67 do 18545 678B... 20 67 du 1854.56 7 S... 20 67 do 1854567 8 ... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 dQ 185456 7 8... 20 67, do 1854 5 67 8... 20 67 dou 18456 7 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8 ... 20 67 * Survive r roriala. .ieetor~iefî îie; lil T ros iýiieiti IICI 1ýtitt O îiirtory world lis tover k Irtrr t riïîlfoCthe1 w r itt e u b > o î eel e , o e e r iI e l 11ltionl of testîttîi ilt î r-oi 'et~t-vr countroI-itrecorti, the lt-t et i bolon locodle hvtr ga it> . icoor . D i i o l i i D i s o r d " Irs . In wîrrtever trcr u Ittlrr t,Illeunr, i1 l r11lo etiortrîîîî t lv r': l ri actitity to111 ir tnvimrltttrotil Dyspe 11,111 Thre griot -orrgo of troottt ueoe1rtitoOît~' t~ folle; tretIII) - - r .il ati o creritte retord (.oneritI Dehiitl' rand W enti..eCîo i Frer i rrrtet er cause, to ail tro ri retr .1tr oore:1r dirrorirrir. tr t ti' Cr chy 1lu0tC 1. S I t, lootru:111 Bcgre itegdtret re--v siylrtttor oolttrrl itl ci int * tonOtlia 10L mt in r l i ua ltirr r Cr, Bîr i tIlc iI, ire lDit alîr tririe -r trithr ad te ;irr 0.trtorr, i.111,rti lit r t Ilrlnciray,l.ttîr t i t liue, Wrrr... rtr P.,rt. r thtv, IrdttiHîîrilr.'>il , e tens, ortiirtrtrrrr ill s tht, book rirr theirn e o trrr lt te ivt. A IL:ý te aeyotuirer, - i lird ttrtte lot, rît, rit ttP r r r 1it,LLWOY îtNi-tji . Cie t.rrrriiîr tire toto--';r- 'N. Il. i - - -,1 - --'1 ' PUti fIl '1,100 1). ftioffkit'u. Lifut-Pii ttii 1rrr tr@ Itrec 1-iroru ni Il irirtri iIer- o- eriner l, i r tirg'erj il -i - i etirerrrirt), ti 1 -I tri 1rIl rît tr.i i, i t ttl t ie t rP.iI- lre rwtr l - tirctr, t1- Mr diiirtt- ri cligrrtii-lit lt ir i , 1rirtîri - leNi.i 1) i- tiItIr- --~ r- . A.ri% Dylier i I . ir'l r NU11i0M IERCit. 1.. îîA,î. h- il Dit1. MOS StSON, (\,!,l.tt rt 41r1 i ' r l T-- rt i ti ticeili tirI Npti!li iort~,r.r - i A t t loai \r -:iii rin- erelr-tii r i Pr it. iî t îrIt-- - s.rIR îuorit thv l'a YOtYii lt-r uti r\j-r -ti it- liasrbr ti lI,,.r--r ,I- i.,-Il - %i cr's r ick B H i in r OG.I TIIONIAS il. SIefIiLL.,N jlIAS 17011SALE IARVEST IIYIPLEY OW ESRVINWIII I I EL Ittl'attOrdtîritg elplt minIOttrowiio drrt rrîtr N-toYrir itni iUtitflti il cI' o ,i'ere>o t, oh toanouc j bsnullel,.Is irrendir aud cuetamers tirI r 1 t ~>EO teannuncota 115on bis extensivet busies ai CAIIItiGE MN K te lis o=m CAlIRIAGES BUGGIES, SLELGISCIK W .O U yrCI 16 ana 8 ,4 t t e L .W88 &L L W O R K W AU U )jT E D £U*DIsR isd PRODCE BTAKI-yIN EXlB .Zai D,1) F081818lottg experlence of thirW Ye"M "'thet in States ant C nda hs"u îveo tiraIpreecI e ý few bavre lieema tbetoariv t#4 n frttY f 19,el c an4uoli"at of whaiai t,18work atStb -I V80lby, u4.aw2 . 1841.- On a inenO E Aut gi Nus] i 17' alld a.fter Moditdy, July 2, 1860, tie siubscriben will 81 ýc selling the reijaititer of 'th ir Spriîîg atd S l ùner S ,, u greatly reduc'eti prices. 7 Vper centdiseoii i .l be loy Caelr puirchaes ov er ai e lol. rSaiel erttîemtinefr two nmenthe Ofun bu clcarod to Inako rtiey for FPieu riclîrree îititeresoerlre ti me '. f biirg i n i a -r 'b co'qroctcd in L adre , 111 A.TS1 , BONINETS, JIIBBONS' gins, earages, Delains, Shawls, Capes, Sknts, ie trimmnis Glovos, Hosiery, OhildrenB anid Lttdîos iBoots and Slioes, Gontiomons Hlats- sudCaps, Arapaoa ana. Luster Coatings, -Cotton and 'Union Tweeds, &o., &o., &o. ---:o:- Cir' The' higliest pricc paid for ail sortsof1 trSiers Producc. .LOWES & PQWELL. igliest Cash price pai(l for any qquantity at the Stores of -o: A supelssol qi~ncit of (îciits a'md Boys PH7 & T5 uW HAl FAS HI O NA BLE RE.ID Y-.JIDE CLOTIILVG! iii Twceds, Fanicy Mixtures, Ue l GARMEN'fS mAi)e TO ORI)ER. IIAM-ýILTON & ROBELITS Nos.r1 & 2, Till's Block, Whitby PRING AiMB SUf*!IîTEÀ1 PaUA1ONý legs to infori nî ls customrncr; and the pub. ic1 tiraIiris stock of -Ne' (loodji it tort tr tottîld, artdlttilire soiti Cirmp for Cai. -censistittg tf a large atrtortneîrt ont BRES IBUIIS,,BUNN1iýTS, RIMIO)NS, PARAS8LSII (Iiavcs and Iiecry. Carirets a, )rnîsk. Windtttt Nets ant sisii, Doeotie Cctturý &C. A ilarge tstockr ot Broad Clothsi, tassimeros, Canadian Tweeds, Gambersîn, Farîîîcr's Drill, &o. ian Mens'a.d I îlot ntttOIs, rtrrîiandrrîtsi ititir on the Ilreise.Tire is consideralrly erlergedl, nil i irtti,ýfos trii miii tpff Liireir orders, .ay reli ro Ihaving ttirir gareitomaiettitie rri rrt1ta , rrî~mote andi in latmst atyle d Faroiion. A targe -stocîk of peryoBICh ]L C4, lege, 3960. At his 1 RNOl 15FE u sa 'tewie athere a erhto n t Ol Ior et alu eemflille tto Oft tho rîoktel lt BC pitrCrllilr or Freil BOOK J titir dot,i 1îriceSr mition BIU totrrof lri Jelgoliu z A NE Ji R titit cl lire Sî1rn.r Ji.-lVu i 1,re, Cl8It T U LERZ Ci th.- tNk1, C

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