Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1860, p. 1

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pralOW Oor;Tnt XVxottouetor JESDAVr& THURSDAY, v. ~ -ý il LGIS, t hl.. rnti'g laliauitmol, arc>qkt Street, Whitby. -NOZC Door to the Regltry Office- ,BEICF !UBS IR ON ARE $2 RATES u OF&)ViRilsIN(l ..... .............$07 vetl line ir.'rinserltion (Plinîot) 0oo8 ~ry ,ithuuPlluentinusertion,..... 0 0 lbbral1 >'tc aîotdoMrtiiantu oni ft>utigtiUsrt by he er1votiuutt i u1jltý n viituty. WEE.KLY CHRONICLE ,bhlhhed e!tbtu îîorîîîugso f SATU16DAY h u în chtitwek, t1 DOLLAE PER ANNtJM, le C13h-oîtuitou 118 holargu-t Crculita- f lnîy otîur cunottry popur publisitdinto MORT. CIIECILEY, Ird* D*e SUliGEt-%N,.AC(,OUCIIERI, &c.COROIEC fur the Cunt o f tOntario. .J.GIUMN, M. D. s. URGEON TO TUE COUNTY GAUL, JBy.roSt Sreet, 'iltbh. EAST WINDSOR IIOUSE, WMITBY, mal. sonsur, ltnoptt&u-ruu. r IE ahovo Ihotls osiusloiIn a pieausasad r V'UrLi poa- of lte Tact., ousthte frontCruat. tout accommodauioto1rtravoiltro. Gondl Staloing uitiîtlentive stleru. 2 ho ri. etl'tr ut -hti le bio HUGII EELITZ, Ile 0). 0fi-u O10 FACIEN I tSl(, TIE tell t6 ...~5 ... .....o0 4 t ., tuîoV ru hriot ard 1t OP. oli -thîttî cbhSrug utriuu. lupreaei lien uiitlûoht, wit bu utrotifo eum t t 'ihilet lici u tute Pibliihutt- i dinurt t-4r0r b8tte W. Il. IhItiGlINS5, J. C. IIÂNCOCK, Whutby, C. W t-OTADSIEMIKR_ O KAN D JOB ~ lMRCABiiigrc-l INT1NG ESTABLIS11IME lIT. î h'-' nîtina odeof - tond uh1at-li, Éi.yeolrieticdworh- pIl REI O F TIE WhilTIinc . Auto trpotiritgdouats ileOsteàasaud ru lee uifiroi hth poe ut. 1 lflint le io ola- ýit-tut uie uf llitttet- AIIIERICAN IIOTEL. t- h tutidrie-;Ol ih pepri t o etut tu rALh(EIt& PATTERSON PhROPi'hl- 0K LAMJ ooun JOB FRINTI'T'1 iuv tro, utt.u0ottlàt uuey ioeunîîtiolItta uts pertut-sbtyuia P.M. CLARK - àd Iti l, te lelcui, t -ortiiig Lr te& u., utdlý rlin lulley ERIChANT TAiLuOR, N. 74, RING ST jtitiiis. Ilruuotti l'tîIlidtig i h lIrp- m t Torontuo. 10 if hrtttiltt i 'i-tihh iuhiiut a it -it f -ut J-OSEpi NOU -RSE, IWl... liiufhhNS. I DVISIO)N COURT OV C7imiuhtOlliIu, %Withiy, C '. CgtNortCotterland î,-, lu rhamînîuî, Ilutrutu ut. ict-ott'btttt1 huit-gtlui, attIteu ONTARIOhIIOTEL, ~ffJ'as BIYN Jr h'hbUhRIE~TlR, BRICE -~ patetW utby. Rosi Siohuiog oui ttut.- JO111NIlALL THtOMhPSON, - CANT ON -IIOTEL, ThîtNilihuCOUNTY l'F lN. 1h L'FI-NuCZEER PICKERING. GtXuD - W. CUTrHBEtT. ZACIIES BURN4sR, u îîu ro1triett-. UXE OF TIIK C IîNT-x & SUiIOATE -- tiiiut uuttic uttrihittut 1I T]110.1118 DANFORD. T1611h tU)NbTA.BLE, CoUNTI* ONTARICO, NELSON G. IcEYNOLISS, U-îitaiutotLeioouihoMtbiuh uii-t- rOCOICE Af TuIE COCRT tît iuiti 'iibu jolI JIA11 PRRY9IIENItY JIAlNNAM-, EIiTACOFFICE ON hiltutK ST.,PL.AIN AI RAINA 1ITR ~t- titiS- ~ tuhuter. iîuîîr ILvugur. &e.. WiiîltY 2h hi. 1. MCDONI.I.W. Il. BtLLINtiS. t-IF htK OAlE l>.hIC ,AT AliîuTER & uTIfiIRNEY AT LAW. t1, 1> F il EAE Fvu-TB slebltru !oiChtiiutrty, \V'ibioC. tW.- ho l- itite. 1 hfice-i'slu ifi Bouliigae*, Bt tehtt, t'hithy JOIIN V. 11A.11, utiit FTihE CIilNfV ChI'hTAND JOIEN 3IcGILL, iofilo t ie Suit-rio utrlt *OflIciti ChNSEiIAUCtIv)NKKIC tOoCANADA Re l - he, i t-eut. 1 L w et itlea hubo ,rut to Iîioith. %V Pi tAXTON, Jlr., tititfo utitei t irh ad uetiCouîuîuu, Io i- 1;.%*V'Z'. F Ii TlU C U T t-ti StlîslivAuclt h.uutaiFurnuture. t andtteu ot .ilrttii t.u ruoa Il. J. XIACDONELL5, - - - &ihlfi, tCLEhu<iit-t-ui .,COUNfV JOlIS IEr'CALF, t ilti tt ît Cttl huut hi ls IRR il>. tigtk bb-l utv 14i t-C lt'SuV ENlhNiE OFICE AT TIhE it- _u - C -i ------tol. - _ lottl htuu1 FR'ANKLIN atOUSE. t.. ltAhIR1ANlS, LItNSY, C. sV. 1.11: F R'r CO IT.OtFhCE riF.IWETT, l'lOiRIETlhl <'uo.N17-R . titet'I ltit Dc iiO tih 13 ,. t uub'l vcýuIotouitb u fr Trauelice. JuiIN (ioltCON, A < IE *,'tI,, ýtt 51 EtIIt-S & MuLt -iAt E A RXiC-it,oT lt &e [lIogit utl)y doncu.mitul tîlidSi tf jeb- tut- Of ur,îtîîottlidtd tu. RAIL ICOAt) IIOTEL, W. Hi. T1MAY NF., FA. itutui PRt-PRihETttB. rý Thll l) aROIER, e auouiuto for tHRIISTEII ANID (RUNTY CROXIN Ti, .ft utes:~o Stabuug tutti tteutib Ost- -mid uttîtltior.10- A.Ph LE CASIERON & IIACDONE.L, î1EHtthANhT TAILU, iiRuCK STREET, i.ioIuT-EoS , tATfIRNEIS ATILAW, MW_____. S,,ieiotru lot-tut Couîty Col,îu l'i tt-tO - TIHOMAS UEVEIlBLL9 tifficeai he Court lotie-Stuth lig GENSTET GEREIn. DARTNELL, -13Wi.y, C. . tIu:fRAtiiR ECoNVEYA'N LIME FOIR SALE. ti, bt A ihhttue utJ.iS.titold.oti iHridwareStotre,BihOthft-u 'tStreet W >N 'TAýNTL Y ON ILIND DURI NO TIIE J. V. 11A31, Lutte, tuhi c l tetuhIh or Cash Oily, iuse AIIISTKIC AT-hAW(ItiFFICE-BRtS? pet- hOrr . (1. tuih>,iW. iMATiIWCARL, - ----Port hitLi S. B. FAIRBIANKIS, RIOBERT SPEARS. ILICITtiR, NOTCIOY PUBILIC, &cu.ubit. AND> TREAShIREIt tF Tht C Tu own nuili of UxItlgt-Aululetu, Utiblg N. G. 11hAR, TILOMAS IH. PORTASe AIiTER ANI) ATTOtiNE't-AT-IIANî% - KI1NO STR E Et EAT T IO DOORS ttitflu. pii0te thte egiotty offuce, lerocli 120 Eso ile Ïet-tut u),thttir iÏo . itCanada un ud is1Agent, outl Gotooni Cuuistils-boi .1 .C R O ,M .M* 0.tiiuut. tioo tI au uoîtt adit-d co hII IOLY 1h'IiYSICIAN TO TIIEBELROK uerhtieiitoFuiriture, aul thtur opet-i lotihlîoîutuî - utt tti srt i lte Nec coubgued etue. cite fallu mil ERS-l in wolChutfNI'iaxe, CittihYv- p tht maune Oitet-iuyintt Iotfie tuiureitt 'iliiitioiIISt b.Nily Potuu>ry. Axs T . daortisut SOTs MOTEL, ur, uý noîhue. tîtnIen t- ourI]te. ÏN.uitETt 111fhY,FlEST DuI. -CLARK hIUTCHIiN' t-o-i i f %tt'i .iui to bre. l-lIt. h-4tu' Axc-tuubnt-:\th-jtbl W I. CALD)WELL BRCOWN, CHIA. C. KELLIiu 'oSIEYANEHISCOMMillSIRNER FOR ATTORNEY-ATLAtV. 8 IlTIlb tiihittg Afhistiti, Aceuuttuuu, LandtDivi A Chatueut-, Coeitt.upoer. &r. Offr-l Coto , NOtluibiit u iuuue guVitrtt Buihîiiog, ýover tht Ciuronbceo0t rut iif t-igStreet, nuI opoeibo tue,h Be t-n rt-ut Ivelilhy. 2 ilttilliait' ;-A il ttt.i;tiu titooto hîbu no mliiN O T i C E. to.82 - iAvINa pnrehuvul chuouitre Rdock oeh. JOUXNBILLLNGS, il &>nucI C., ititisan addittioneh Att, CIANCERY du CONi.E'ANCtNO iktW A New Stock, -0 lilnue, t'iIcu Aihot t- 001 er lvrhatwema5giveotrtsaut- wfltter0s hu uuclatnt utuoru A. MAIICS, IB. A.,teI it)Iittao mwihI T'IN-YAf hAWl, ihiOLiCITCiR lN JOSEI>hh 11ICKINS & C. 1 :lotitt-ty, Couîuttyantct- er , c. ubMi Street Broothits Noucinher 10h. 1857. 43 k 'ttIt lIW. W. LISAVNS. G. U DAITNEL. uEW MILLIISEET STORE, BROCI ut1 F!C-TY It-EGISTRAIt, MASTER EXTRA- 'tithu "r I lttitVtii usillilue uClitou-y for ttutittnt'Oitet-bo, tee-t, Whýthy 47 8. DARNETT, & Ce.. ~NUFACTURREAN» DEALEPq Il JOHN MeNAIS, M-e-u,an m luefj*6IVhx utIIIISTE, ATTlORNEY, stu. Office- Luie, .&c. &. Citniet- ut Chlu ruualla CourtSî1et», oppo John RSt-eet, Port Rope .teuu.Cab ut)Toito.pOIit tulu. M-h ut, îu. ne-o n CIJLVILL &. HAMILTON, VINEGAR I INEGAR Il TFiIRNEYS & COUSsSELOM -T LAW - undeigne fites eaelt-ouinulutrlent th hvi Il bg, hfiuueeeta. JJutaitsnto oe Whtthy ad III. puie, di Il 5LIAM TEMPEST, M. . ho %àaune omniltrlg fa Ilm-e(a nt qsBynh z eo rpted te eapi-hy li h iuCh atgt-uai ho la ri ST. i imb mot- THiE TERIRAPIN.- [lE PROPREOS0 it WELL not aou tstcuee utition a ite OIiST.i IL S. Rngott oru iuroriely tept hy Mui- Haotley.Tu riio p utoly h eille'it butnne he bho ttu.du 23 1ituu A~ ite LE & MOCOINKET. (SttA jâe ofRbit-uihDqiot, Port lliUhy.) 'E IDRINFD )IEhS TO hS'VOEM ndu nittt ît th.o pihictehit hlue to t uspitteotiufghtt thoçe Ilte]u, lth uoiîo fohuI l10 i luofhti ifutinu t-nry uti ou i i-ttc-ut cesuitit. Ototu Liquoru9, Mutt aniBroiea, Excellentl uuoblbig-oorufiih ttcutl ur ît ises ani hioue. JOSEPHl RIEBO)TTw)B, Proprietor. liCtY.Jial. 19, 1860. 11 AUCTION BUSINJESS A TTENDEIS te osihoItuI, bY J -C Sterling- £.AIl-Iresrulutiiig te Autuhti ossbty te tiidrigîied, soiii hie leftat tthe Ci-on-it- Of- fice, WlIilby. Mcssrs. hliggioo & mu.yerhoffut- ane iîynhyîouin lue uppoitît uuy duty of uile, seuîtletenist,eu., atit tert-iuîtu suoh otîten nrnuugettteittrehltig ta uuy 0tiui uobs-3, ai lluey uuusy toutbnlâit-uhuroet-atutti uîessnaty. I chahl ho oui hontu 1mrtify oityitlgrcuututChîhY uuuuy tishsst cl tt3 buitutlf. Salsutteuin dllpathtof te Ctîintny. J. C. STRIh.ItG. IV. . WOODWARD>, C oMMtSS,,ION BjERCIhANT, INSURANCE andtut tittouil Aget. thSo-Lutll>ecce- Ru lutttoltoe i (Ituhoi, Eoq., Pre- ehdeusnt Bsltf Tniiu. Toronuto; %W.G.tuoi, Eeq Manattiger-, hBlîî B. IN. Attie-bcu, Teîruîîtt i Wt~ Ï, lhîuîruîui, Euq, Manatgert- tter hth tr-tl - ihutrid; McssrI, 5. Miiit liotih eut- oi tlutchiuuti, oritit':otttr. Aîuiot-s, Evatiet & o. a.Munît-t o; ituo W. Pt-lui & Su,Uttu- bc z o-uIJ.NoaoietCoi. 52-1y Whitby Brewery. New TailoringEntabliuhment! SIMPSON & FERGUSON. R ESIE('TFLLYanmueh tothein- ouutry, Ctt tlutuy have olierootua Tahier'aShtp ot BrecStrleet, tpoue the t'Ontario Hoiel," neiere Il copdera eatruchte,)o them inmli ho don utitia Wiitby. oct. lh' <1859. C60. COMMERCIAL HOTEL,9 "hauiIiLTRATELE.Es WilL JFMI) GLOBE MOTEL, DROOKLIIÇ. T TIE U I)DRIGNED TARES OCCASION to returu liolîmooeretlonhostro lîtutionu, andl tho, timuellinte publie, (uer the libteero- tge extenti tu himlice ie ocomîroeoeed hîîoîto t.- tBrookhjî. ta iîtgun lie, nounrea 11s nany frindi-thut ne effort wilI ho opotreol ou his prt w . hop qp thoe horueter uf the Gloube ait; hrttufore, loreuotut eonptt the hotelu in thio part ofthi, Country. tiottd, the sane otier, b i uattunduneur, 28i indubl The fivt ttruttitig tony "Biouh BWird," otantbo for- mares ibbo etton out the tathe. Ternis te iotre $5, for tI-e semai $3, ebugle lepi $2, tC. DAWES, 9 lirololi~, ~Propricor. Karkham Union Lodgo No. 50* F.MET AT TI] ELODG E F}idto);fenclt mouthore W. il. HIGGINS, .eSecretor. l.i.CROW. M. Etoînnî.oltht Serotatuuyshouli ho aîîl.ru'uu'l te Whithy 1".t lBe Ii hi p E S MI 011 ho B PATTEESON, M.t-IDi rinlegsniliigDrt. B ut-ot,tiuuiui, ti -ua- utltti uitttlt< te dtt-itieitu OftIhitly tuti iuiiby, tiusi he ta tutu pruenI t' t-coi oh11ulieuueoiiOideittul tu i ulit-iiit lt loitter loeeuto t auup.-r- oreoto 011 out1a0l tieut a"(lu reice ur j îbîîsttilvuîîîilc attI rIt- uigiiti ru- t--u-ngiotu. Thjtà eîihou ur u-e toc t t-.1. StoAvM Oge acmtnVbiie. W. MutF-soLet, petit, J.P, lotnnvile Lto t [ueun, E-,thîthu' J.M ot.tt ui'liitlly It.T. eteut,(leri.' utJ. Rotil Ittutie SurunStOiteti. Wbilvi, tîcorly oppo-te it-p týSrenilote', 14. Rides!1. Hides ! Hides!1 TpHE undet-igned wiliipsy lise higiteut A pulce in Casdi fur anvquIatntiîy oh gond BEEF BIDES tIt-ivet-etu aIhi& Taaucry in Creenwaed. Ail kinis ah liet erinstantl on baudfut - le, very lot 0 A VIT » 550W OPEN, DR. GOuDUlelbt)uî%uuenucogediu nutuu&tlg it o f malade- utiesito iithe itutor tutibibtlig alitem. ibTh.trotuaIeut ui ttel hbvii.,.,ha uuo itoht- ltottiiofpuibvi-là u mli ee diecv1l eru -esibomtnouuut iereoor poi tuf iefivhur u-lie rut ,iteoutlil,.hu tlu CiuCiclotn r t-tiulicii uttihitts itu ilit ep ulltu titu v lut-tutt Ci o counîtry', trousuit let trute tsoit-ii ltt t ltui guet0ht-luher, ud tole itioiiuil tuteutttiiby umtai or os- Itreot. NERVOUS DEIIIITYm Yuuing tumun thtorc trouhe ici ubihutiteotu, gtuuunuleuu îbyutsii iîuht bîîyosut, theu effuets; oh oielu o> dmbuotpoilu, trgeotuu- nutoe, "lit ilttee itt ,utiltuosto, tet e>.u, utihire btththotn oI luiet extetutu lu t;c, tu ut ion ihout;, lhutuefuuieinnu%, Oc11h ,ui.ulu'Im>bc tureet b>- mia Ne lhubouie COUNTRY PATIENTS. .4eictliteeaîul usl dbrottoou mtltuony part othiltei >.îutuuu i' et uolt Buaijui eut-r.pg. duaaeo ottouelt omiS luliol u'direos, hIE. GOODING, Na. ai Rutltt-roadway, Necwtt-hk. Torono.uF0hu13 I luit. 4W Question. Theso fahtuiug, frein the Cork 'Reporter, a RoanauCathahbc jautrahul, idutthy tise put-uul of Romttan (Omholic ln thie counstry, nhotootiehhy t-il agiset Cle Bnitisi Go,- et-amont on alh occaions, denouneing il me dppreosivu, tyrunnilo, Ac. Betet-neiat thein sensiblo feitam-countt-yman andeuc- É"If ce mere asked chat ce regarele a lise morttatirent Chut cauldi houffere, 10 uar. country, t the ptrast montent, te mauld eoy tise insnultng compassion ot- aut urt huse mrerhed seriishlem nebo doua tht ditt>tntk of Frenchs Imperialiain, If te isuo sutk ta laur as tu need tacis compas iant ce moul desenvo extinction as a t-nue. Tise Nutpabouic ayteu la roltntorely a des- potiain,butl a despote. cbicis enlies ten its atrengtis an tise pt-fanatien ot- those moue- rttIes sy miic i htasufonid)> Lape tisaI freeotolua uldha bu entntaintshued. Ita g«ttauni apaboglsaatm nuettott wtis tnuarîng thtetaune tof libety, by mlHtise -um'Cus e 10cmstis th"t Caresort, batt le> iulil the henue of tisein iiy jihesa tnd ntackery. If tht peopleofo Franco cisosse ho endure hie, vo tanunât hello hut. It la tibe aAit, nt Oum ]wBat may sure- 17r asit, isanebave wt omae ho em e i-m aulitg liCy of tacis e eaeé Y ThonS ulit one àmaner--wntaoftself-t-cta We oae raï old vrytling zcapecting ente i I ~ D E N T I S T IR Y !1 ol i , e bo h ,. :.ka, tiheufn;trot e weoNraou 1 l la .ole . . y pce. Johu, - sOi h pu.nl le TI i reiugfor B DRS. CALLENDER & CA1ID But: rltru~uerurlme, O Surgeons, uOntate, &c. Luha AkhuhelteY'Jüe, Jîhu, aie ivehrtotg oth1 T IcEptatre i, aeqîîidiîthuR the inalai u un uet Ml nte eul, Jieu, Wh uitolWlitlu, itudet viunby, hi.tthv Au llotalo ataknciher. h ta ;o A teiot our flite toro of C('£*l£o .muet tiujibtle duwwn. Jutni. T ET7LYDE, EOQ., it Dutitilas treet, 1thui h ta"dWvgii, I e e ce 0n1tI furhittti uithyml bue - Auil I it baccntufotyourlttli fieontan percaftetJulit~the l outt otu10 Joln isArcahlmy Joue. d ever.y;bi, tit u t ailelt1rtftouit. sait Torti tuttinb th in-t perfcectntomrale und Uolbery of Weth. S&u fa-goisEXpreta. of ntten but hebst atliati tîta prydintro . The long u ottf Dru. Cullitîtor uu WSEiteuOL6E5Ae>IIA Y0 Cari and tîtrir ttuorouitiliuoitohul ut tepe - Tilt aooss.r ticuo f peilîistry, t.îell t tutît toe pproeriato the grelat le tiit.u tic bucilrivetrinitat. ireui pro- Tho Son Francisco Hrald «ivea the uet- 8,irva.itut t tliu.uil iitpurtît, aoduilltiftt orgiilitu, te tutui. I i-ut ttrir prturervatiuu o joned tecount ai the rbbey h gru i falili.i ltiî, l andpbiuttoi ufort nr6i- lu oftonlin endii. 'thirouetoiinulethit cotnntttod 'y for tgttwtymtefn e cis, ni brattrt h oteproféuim atit11out i aive Bat Fut-go & Cos. Express near Chi o Ofo hsuetIiOi. Lt0euliîitb ltttdtti.Butte coîîinly, CaliforrLia. Tho 8si ni>- fà oily doit thci i t iie, îtvbloitrothe diaclaoe gut. ou firtu a bi. . tainti aas$15,000:t AIITIFIC1ALTEETII luotrîlte!a ld, Sil- Theotaevsccmie Eabu le Ver, Phlatna Ploie, li pt iicubtlitid Ootge aactmtiahbutl huturutîuuiiv vittit îuu rat i ine o'clock lit the ovenîtg. rthe nigitt Il bt-t '1ocu ,îîot o rive IthatIîdu opted liy toIdark,- and au thle stage coa nergfiig te the profoootiotî. T rallitî'ons of Drs. Cîtleit frit a wood, snd about lu descend iot a b, dur & Curilurovoeour.-ft iy liurforle uti ieiîlo cretk, file bed uf chièittrois dry, srouie pur- B g 1îoarfuut t ntiiîituulv iît, icl t io ti itecttatr- i iiofîîu Cocsc ai exopruý,oiu lu prî-te iit lt lite: tuucelai- son at oeilte 0ficus uedriver, r tut-tuf lte uuorroflhuiti luîii-lîiop t ba landivoico. a stop. The driver .nop- stotdiit thteotsai u. iiefi ltoiiîutbiitiv i.posti that tuaen or saine aller obstruc- t the mult-ri Ailsiti. andto utltrntity ti'thetion aasWthe Coucvi), uan uiitîîiy reined il bleilutiigteofouitur, te gruttuot ei.itutiott cilhluinbis bnrses. Oulit iiokiuýg round. sottie- kh bc fouai. vatahsstnsuethodsv dw iblitilar attetioin Igivuil t teîtcre allha t isettisuteth icoo Lruui.tioît ut tiiilrettu îuuî . itîrutltitoulitltCR0 mon witb doubhe biotreliti gutîs level- la comtte lu Ilîla.iuao uit-y intitrtantttîlu thulir hrd aut Chou pa-sigero on te boxserot, sud c offpuiug.. nother cith a simrilot- teapon cuverit.-& Alih oftuttiuîirorintui ouiti,faetory. Torîtîs the four or flou put-tonitsie.F ntcioutîbho. Colutlularee fc. 2c The roptalu uf Chu gong, coth ta cochrd i revolver in bis banl, tteppuol up ta the - driver, undi noiriuud itos n in o dear, col ocit Chutie lutCithaveflie mn ney f ice t - 'u.S fressure box, andti ClîtuCrtitgtg a Bt-. 1 huten, lIte express rnetsengut-. sui, Chaur- t loy, i;it vill bu of ticoise.o t- e-lot.Noboiy shah bbc aindifilyot datait soke any tdte robber, .' gentlemteno cihh l bîîidt IN CIIANCERY. uuoughl t boiet up tueir lt-nd." IL iii Butotu enJoLît W iitiot, Plibtîffi ntOtflicssatt- foîr itCay titthe pacscra- Siluu ltti d fltl Rthoobey-ed, flitedii berdropliei the relts, il Sielolu liwei, lcur Ilwel, Jhn it uni etcb ttrsutto itgers pinted bnttntiy to droit Trruttot, WtiMtei loiin ii.bven. tlNow, then, Clsarhey,"tuu idte Jamte Mutbrutn, Joetit G. BoutuMJin Ilth, Louhll oîioî w l riiuu oti ber-, i1 tust have youit-piste] 10 ptr-- t-y, Roco.Il, IRobt ffL. Brut, fiCom,- vent accidents ;" titilho proceeici Co tus- eturidi tofîth u tillioni dDitrhît, aonu thltexpressînun, ttotwitsianig thîe Efi leuoltvuli, titidtii-tubBousonrthu, outagei mn'sntrettiinstt-ances. .4u ite iJiuuioit.roblier Lok the pislol, witb a native affec- - - tation'of su-iriuo, atdianu otuinouti shako of ite hlîtt ie ho nd, IlWhly Chatloy, he Npi ruaîtusofuthîe Iercq oi ec,î ut-dur ofrobtlb a toh :ckd o' ufoii IliticCourt oeCuut u for Cppor CIlta,pitii;ituly1ckd n'bcfosi itiate ici itlt li"ve iiuittltid cushie, oidboit-- Chat-loy." Thereupoît Cbarhey immeothtte- iiiotdtu rtstpciholy ale 1i*ila Duciubur, 154, hy tubsied, citb the reinark Cit, iilvc'on , th titltit JzcittOi, 1 ili. uittl 0 ithi thet tt)vory bird dtah ia huould ho treateribn 1irb-bîton c elo o-i eiul, F..qq,brtsutoît o utt imer. "Nuetl i ai, Cltrlt-y,'t fcthtIiteror f aile suitoh cvu, ilit fih.viig roithati 1 Il Rtoti, uil bu soies hi Publico .lotiuiu, oit erelflicnrobber; "IunioehE, b ngî cSaturday, lSth day of Augutut, coutipitty uivertisei haI Cbey have a capi- ilet, itIll 1111 o 1 n 110u ta sockof$500,000, and $15,000 taui trO, u hiu iuoi ohi2,ti 1001, vide oanionc Chué boys 'voulu nul bu utiseil. îli o,,iu, itvM trtue A IZEl.ID, CiSATE CJigle, ýu ktîumc. ' ly -yof it iohhiy & iaAt-tiru i tltvit- to'tiooOReotuls, iuug C'hîuleyto heuingu, thueiigbcaymut o iilhlu ,i.0' Ilt ,tt u 1v. poittel)' Itu.tlt-Ot i i t ala m ftaiis o o a s-, au 11wiit-io-obut ifli')'t'euitiN if"1' h'11rit"ciii lItge tteino," Ciott u wc oit a omut-durer, I ,ittv if taio bo îu ltI7 toruertf ti i o iutoCatqA adollar roui hhurofi ru tohlIl aite-11 orîtt tt- iilibit hus. ony person thteitpresetît. te'lhîbo Ihui i buubîit ît uhi a tutie uf the 'illage At Choi ine lt-. MeDutIvu suggestei iloti allatttui, îîldy.ivx.etilfilth thitf Cr tto eCok Stutiot, oh' titu Ut.it.Truîtk hRaih- ht'l Cut-oace istui tôa titolutis nueostuy 'vufor thult-ge gentleman' frienis ait te hvh;~i40 nrsu t-euo îîuili ruvl, 'nliteladtîirlaudtapert-sotlui holdinîg hoir gant hnusi i. if goo u altit), ui il adaetei itloior a gnîto- oer),direct a lins ubilois taheai, aâ ie bai iig accrue, at veutu idin tîi -lisiuhituihtg throîgh knooituen oier Incb cbtcutstancea ouft ale loit. TVi trthlt i , tlit thîttim of ouaetu puy fer front net-nous excileent, uni, aiîhou6h colvu a oitlofaidi ir eit, uP !1 iierb opur bu coulaitout doubl hoit-peaceful aittut-auces uhoises tiaw3, t te acVotuuur ur t t.4Suhittror- u-VieohoneCy oi thîobr inteutions, if lte n ui t nIllettiht iîtottlCtît trig-;et-tchanctiCaoot - ey itiiy sol,aut. Aaceiloaure, libe to o cuottul. titu t5U'Whu tesexplosiont uiglit Coke place uncouucioitsiy. couuîphlceui, theîuriitrot gie'iîîg a igurî"gttgo te; Thereupon Chu robbet- hou-t-i paltey, ani tu%% utb-i-!cil, itlresoli t tChuendoi -iirecîc is itsnota1keep thîe enemy mcii ellu e Or feîttt y oit toit. coee-. Afler ible unbitched thseliar- 'hî îîr isulthavthe iî- oucýilitefondtohen, fsîruci hem ascturely Cou ltit-cerieur ai oultit pehu- it o hi hîo Otl expthto, .. . and thtt.'uud for --ith V Ttieier cutiilbyd iig i balciote lunguage Lite titîtouoh saleuaut-te ho iii tu omît tutthoe ht actting msstanco a' oh e driver, tend druw froinhe tootihiitnor uf ~ httiheCoutîft'haîneo(yr stoge'he box of reOlino. h'tut-roiili iitiutOtt fsil vant u la lic wuu tabot ta epîiîopen the hox itis ulitte Mout itti în,ogbtouit lh, tlatdut lt 'uluc it llSli of IMoutru. rtithh, > w'ut, an axe, chen utlie inarked Ca «,Cbut-hyui M-t-o blonpiriv AWihhuii it-. iVyniic thal it l ait ha pity 10 spail thtfout-nb- 3 Lunt, lhift t utu, coutithi tut OiiOt-. tuirc, andi usked for he key. Obsurving l>oiud tllioo t ,IJîîe, 1860. atoune Iteitation oui grunthhbug on Ctheipart (ihiil.l uttht niesutrger, ie brougbl forcari a d A. N. BIJELL. bumiliaof ot candeîiexpt-eselsed teupinion Toruntol, Joliet 13, S6t. 2 ChoC bit ouldibcho cceusat- tut tilnt Catic _________________ - "hat-ls,"uietc a lking a great it-ul A 17F ,L1C'r E I-) R EAD too much. I"Wbt C couli )-au givte kuow tue, (bis face c-os unauakel.) Chuirhcy ER R Ilh' A N ho askcd. *,Two anuitabif." cas theosul- heti supli. th, your iborliby mIilbu - MEBD ICAL Il O U SErithse itoli f you.t' replidth ibu tîbvay- ANI) uaito, c hoitetu very coehy opund C.l X. V& ÊI. I S 1 PIKqAaRT0 testit-o box, ihted the poukets of his coln- liu51h is *-toV'Tt CTtrî . rt-oes cuith iccottentslaxuced "Ctariey'iu" pistoh iinîte bei of Cie coc.aefisteneuf lte ~ iii - hiotssgoiitaît hie stage, cu1ot-euued Chie 'eDR. GOODING, (formerly tf England.) dlig litlie exput-teucedinluautolbuj; it ni ~genthetîten wcoblîî cera 60 uiexceptiunabhe: EDai AEN' Dueeo ÎoIOlOST eoU.îOMSo uin 'eir iepot-titunt. titi halle a gt-cuc-i asA fn ,aàu..,.uoE.,.î14a.ti ... çadtet.-Tlîe robiberu heti leitl h Chie i kml iiiioti ibo ii.itg rvo.4Dcchii, wod.--During thetculae 1itoceiiugo. Ilt-ou talpgucollant . net- lau OtChi tanhiari tulat t hetcaplitioi ni motile.ioîuLix-uîo'u l h eKhiluttîo Cisc gngdîiti tu litot, 5535 out- inuit-- u- andIl tIeRheiisiu. 'iiou, tuat otoul, C he 15e oh Chie posen- M heilth ihe ul.-o.. i Ar geru. La Qoeeian Irlude.,me or tis I&c., Watcalm priflted Word% great thnghts and autîrlni industry, we ailvocate Pence, Progireus, Knowledge, fleotherhoo,1. VOL. IV. WIIITBY,, C. W., SATUIRDAY,) AUGJST 11, 1860.,N- ~ eTh tut 1 fil put rttit oofoth q totîtîtïtu J hty crequied, n tu ltrîna lu uuit pur Bottici 1 aleequol te, ihlu utrti Irtiele. CL.ARK & ý;VttoItWA1D. Wiltthv, No.v1. 1050. 61-59. ALBIION IJOTEL, E ST MAIM1IiT SQUA.ttETOROllNTO,-1 Eerylul ltt.utio i1tliostt iuf.-rt of trzii..u .Il UNONSTATION1IJOTEL-. 0OiO umzrSECOND flOUSE huard,$6hl'Cr :Iy. lui St.ou it- Il lrjîiît. C'ENTRE IlOTEL. 1YîîîN STREET. lt -kl.îlttk of Mon pitot. Roi1Aitttit>- ONTARIO UIOTI.L, ThIEuîiucri.r lgutu inftrttt himfricît-,, T n ie illii g pubS.Iio it lihli.houi ru te itoteeilut ivwa itu tel, andtol t-htu by 6titut tlet tl iututtic tu adIet u uo ritig teodou liblIiiipowertortfltcttîtîfuit tuicot'- tenimrîte o'gu-t-I, to ntrituacsitr of plithît purtou iiLihliutru titi Cigrq. tut.. futile cuîuuititifr mnî uidhoreu - Atntttitlii au.] crutîth tutiot-. S. CON WAY. Ailibîr,Jotît 1, l160. IIEIMOVAL. c AliEltOiN & MACh) tNELI2S LAW OF- fIvt i. ruîtie froitoflic Court flouse te te *, MpePheon Buidings," Broh St.' whIittty, J tti2,I, 1104. 27 C ENEIL tiIMISINANI) INSUIC T airo Agetl,C.iiitîubooittutl'or takitg Af ffrit, AceIutiît, Ctupyilt an.ottd rîlits- Ittit. Ohit-wtibuo ot idintgo. lrock St. ltutc -iil 111Farîi, 0110 nlia No.th ui Wlibv(oriur.. lrunou.TeJtigûOuf ttl COuty Ctt;t hirtl thtWarihu utthu Cututtty; Uhi Clcrh of ftiut lc;tuo keut rr 5~ ALEXANDER CAIIIEION. C 5111F CONSTABILE Townt of Whitiy; 019iutiy 'unttie, C.O0. I )A.ILY î STÂGIE BETWVFEN ýVIITBY AND LTNI3-M AND WIIITIY AIQU BEAVERTON. PASSENGEUS eu i tul titrouglifrn Thy totai"filou. Li.îduv tuttiBuvertout r- rirutAultfini tt, Q ie io guig calt ao u ot. N. RA y uNcIIURCiT. Qo.ec A eam er arthe Tementsel of )IcMRCII. Rumess w tlltmhe Goeorament Mil. 67Dpa-ut. -RIDTýl- OPRNED AN rOFFICE IN QUE- hue Iho Trfasation offtiseBush- TTI CSB tiet oh Parties t-esdissg in UpperGmaui oret-elsere, w. clany, ofthe (bverutuont TRI rs"ns dehfl f et' owing Paltet t- 'ID ~< Lande, on bavinit Cliu.lof ay tnyener kiiol apt E guint th ie (Goye.tnint, or reqtcins onste fto. Otus 15 iradotwnsmi20taluUt1i ý.s TO be St,or oisr Pubiclo Ocammamy h4 ibfr wMir ;lqa.Owe .-É ch-L ith=t thiemioti Ipand ma tepeheheia- 1 810t. ehs ituImeeaou .0- ý..-- 1 ut rpeat th lic ofMS7îe!&. nebastishe ovn,hthe bettit.g au 3 andte one %ait lihiehihood. lme eXctse misicis theY oun1se 'prefça4"tslpuayer, mnd-tehe ltor - tve not-th excuse ofignorance. His- the gaine, ml wilU ho seen f romnthe subjoihiti1 t-y truiy telIa lM of a perla4in ewhick endpartioniaruhtooreol îiaC.¶théast witisa rali n: ti oüntq mua, a galhing cpnîin os u andoo. Tht voather lue. He tahtes ni) ewspsuporeaof the ottP sre-ytpa heut tise origjpu))y.txodtl' aî-tuneaau~ dey eprsett hée ol!siPJfur commeneiug bise gaino the-rain fmllitig eîiý,of thîngs ua notlsing btt- thon uiih.ssjuui4t senntVcietred OP;4t4tl ibish tisesunfortnati hrenailed.' Suè-f ieveosmr icse.u ieEeoe~ eprestetoulu n uit bsptpoao 4Whwinnisg tis estais put -ellEynn fre. t- Foui tMay have his ehattits, and ri~h.ntua o'cioccttli ;buii8 ptst five ahjids- utqbte. as Ce Choir trnîh, he la net rep criptin ofocug orie teaginnat hibe for-Chtlr falnehood. Thé cir-culation* offts's saorbin gtIc eroudbn, ef he alanior uits the put-poses of bis lin- der bad- uk tend slow, ai tue tm Wu triai snastet- why ahalt ho hesitato ta cir- onintuisi, q lshlrd0> sst tuInteit? Wiy nsail heotlexpaoe tht hi eet' nuno?îî,ttia te rievanceaof these uvnhappy islanders on eail lutd ot, mtr f o n suru aCumaging îheïr nttboiaiity. uni peeot- a pool as 1eopece WntagluuîChoC wicktt.t ce# .isei. ct-coul? A Frentch pamsphlt essours. T: Colhins, W. Colih[tîhe vte a ires -q t t, ft-i ieuo- o c e Id u -1 th t o uif r u e n %o w' j B . s herry tend W . P o w ell, fu i -- ft Europe.Ni<Zf it coniise maie the mediuin hut,)ea ch usher miti tise bailt, and Chen. rkt- cireuhating k-usuftl Irish lie, the tnCamp-T: *Croîhita t-lea gm,fa iac'ai Fuit-tho stion tu thostae' uham tise lie in uefiai n h ao ihu let tls in tonie l son.(n ilLe u tionu, iltuii'Colilis baitone mot-otitii tend Ireln&iè" ssus fom te tbciinpresnuceeedeo cith thet tiird hall hbelweul, la tsham nitEttrand wstli tiseesiiistut ct-h,, y a romud-p hit f l-los sFtt~~.geltishe euîuh.cîtei titteo down. Duinnf by trmpe-uptai, f Iishsuferiq.bis îutîî.îsi'oCalynroeeteived 417 hall$,,iso lut are Itlisimno hahauttheir cuîntry u-or te hc obe nifttto ige tespect Iheinsehues, ta tohetoto, ins ilence, evérai ueî titit oiî re made, àtenhsu&hi th circulationt cf soçis titruths ? Aret4 y did not iosat, same tremendouts ilboft' thcy tu, he ueproueutuifmiueiy teaail mon-er"twdshe eao-inte iks ki a tuaely eotuuing o tabogovort-nntt eut- Thoru more tItiteen 44ucidest' antd eh.ch, if il exusted, îhey monli be honnit oeîi o a , h aîî1 niaffysi's total by cocny principle of hurlor, ettt-y impulse nutuison tirty-hioe. »TJhs elovea .tis o cin if paltotiSt andi inhuai, ta revoit meuci tieir liraI ings. and.mi-4 tise aminlut b'la Est-upe to ho tuformei by aa southi more mawt a laf-paot aii 'cloclx, renc> -eenîbhien, ate tbiisg, ar tit seve i is> bail (talin for trer n lus connivo,îuo of, lise inost luabious of seoTue ane sn tirsue t l sououuiy lu ptsetht-h t Iedinbl'ouiWeiusesdoy, mfttt-noon,wchen thesehvcn,u [(thtosl tact toe t a y thon mouli ýet [aft-er ashort perli aforpluyI fe, if te fletwer se onwbot -uld-t ithouemore rua masile the tot4 score te disaco? Ouitise oppress 0îsy 4. C&Ualitesuneaunoo tht bal, outiressor. Iglus not o - ime he c'as peticubot-hy unfontu' non a gruator ins jored but onuet-un,. lutise second themx thut t)tey rtise Eheeu their auccussa uta uhaues; tant, 'if lotit-its hattif'tho'fitst-Thut hrigiuiothe ui tube- of inons htirog.made. The- mns houldiu ho lisof tise connt inla8asfoihouts :M riultnist innings, 36 * 2nd do I--Wtmi Stndng36-Tse Eteven-lst isitiom, 4 1 ad do,- - 4-01ith f. à StERVtIrii nis w& A VATR tBIS NAiTtutetS ehtOnthe uave".".. pe icted te deà A FTEatIuu uupretedtled txcSstfiili yit-uhe ut ovet irty yioors, bciîug abutt etirneu froui ative pruib ut Chut uquteot of,îkuîîuîuot frtuutu lisil 1 iltlu01ohie uoli iry, lits ou wet- ohii te Cc-e to ituiituh i,htlitrutioito, ui ulhihliteilut.- beutuethelietu-, tii h %v.ui-lgo ut- hub lontg ex etic, sui huit heft thueun ebîl hue slitrèuet-r tt-it tutfurm'u t-o thue Whiti netouquttititod it bh lie hiotor ntihig 11Pu1 c ,ii-to ottuto-, btio tbutu t tlu ms.y huit lue ltstu fo ert-ut- hruut-i-t-it-t-ouît100 muit)t> pnurno utthiucse it tituor riitu Cu5t, ero t Itiutl %"ivititethe r iotes muortt,>ut ýtlt i-tiuiyilubtt im ldute tI, u put lute 3-iits ihoii y truuhi., teti t tiet ' lape tut clausduit ionttout ii-tret-, iiuuuuthu- 4 enhsd The o tuttrueveiiu t b eetpoe bout, lut to 1ttiitehn re tit-ihin it itueuuuiu uVhietire ,uuuheil iu1Iand2.Theutitttuibter 1 i BLOOD PURIFItER. OouptOeriolutepu-ut extrugi t-fSamriîî ttbha r.irgi nrutitutu, lt e tu lit-tiiui-tueof ttlitu ir-e etriuiiuthai. uutiri%-outhuih alptý--. It tnetsail, hui te listlit] OulitO phy-uie, but sitarou n", tutt i l ait îciituotrhkilleoirouui> oui te liert-untd Kiiti-> e lngu ieutiurett-uuf Ali ituorhib tutttet-, itîhuutîrii',it&tt-tu t uootu i tho utotirthutitit htuolu-ttino iuubti tivu, and ts. tutc rtelbruh.tttuoureoLie-t-.,oith.on, and(itp 'f'ioithle K.telot, lttoti>et G>- Giutthtu tteoi eseuiihl letulit!l, 01 t-l- t-e-. ,t--0fl., vt-Rleouu liouhes, Soeu, iuer ef ouisiantotd Ale1 uit ui shuer ie-uuu wi ttiihetirohrtgtit hLoia isbrt-vhut- itiiitit- tubà, vili i tr uiutbuuor prottu b itodi Tho îiuuîuu t-2 ie a lt-lVER MED)ICINE. tut triutlveo at iohttt euut iis tuetittioi wtt NOl 1.tIlhili dieu uîrlituteti tUkheo- ,Jihoit. aihu,i/ lt-ut- to-"t.1 ithiett ,,r AtuOt ift-fiae,eiii oU Suie, wtu efi tt-CUrtb utit rnitzitsiorouîttueiattheuu tutt tissu gtr Rtreiheeilu trevLit t-ouufarivo îlot.- M-thuineituirt- - euhItu tut.- 1huttI it i-ttt fit otter27 ovoirm 'fuovtt tuti1,a reeuer-u it.e-ivsoftf lii peut >rtiii tthe svrnupvuertftuu IOuoi -Dr.titý. )i tiibatlIlIrtiu Nuo. itn:irto Vihha btptuiî thrc tut- ofutu It lie pouhlicu,t-uit tttg0ut, thttb viitite-tii rtcoiiuitutuldiug i t-ioutut l .,l y JAS.il. GtREilE, b uteAgenit Wnihl. WIhuitbv, Suit. 14, VSSO. t & e - XVBAPPING I>PAPEIIS J UST RECEl V 'it ii set-tlui-t tutf0 e tLION, iho i uottE uttiIl 'iii ILt' Iw R'esPPIE4h iAt-u, tii icut cui lu oui. asthiotip la tho >loitreidor urctuti 'iut, Aitush 'i C'cKi-h NOThION ST-t R. A't witioe hiricua of tout-y dutoriluttin Standard amidMIscellaneohIs BOOks 0f ail hinie BlanIc Bloks, Ruled & Bound Toauuy poulet-s, BOOK BINDING luiso ai l ittotes, itu hu Si YANKEE NiýThON STOIiE. A CABD. S Alht iN, ii etit-ttg front Ili.-brute h.)lie.u tisud îhîî h tuiniter-onsit b-li lui ttIithy,iud tbebintyt nti'uit rtui-tul riliereait) leuts-t> thins o tr thui indtîtiu' tbunsnut Chue vet littorel patoise ilsttu Te uubi frot lui i, Atlui ha got-u ltýtr0il to-tiaho reconuuibttdg tu thurir cuuiieuuuEt DR. PATTEÏRSON, titI. uhuon ie husbutsîlonig auqtIitttd ini kuntugtuu houatiliful atu utc'eil Protttot --A hale nsmiser of Chu Brouhelin a !atk in aminninig lise toutompiatiVisitmOf tisae, chica.ego Zouaves tu New' Yo-k, ths hwtmot- uolwy desct-lbiptlisaI ho cla a Ifene af theit- Ordnaety hbovOmeitaoI ",They fit-o svoh(eY,_ aumul inau instant uacis ns-psttutàaa ck enratil4 t-clati. tng hit s mat as ho l u i - utndcontes ot ho feet t-eady to lire aain - ieg -- a cuhtumu of lnhbhtry, tie osis p hp tweuuly botil t heoair-,tend ,coàntie tho unuay'o broda tits terrifia forc in- Cheut cenaîletulyuidert- hu groati T-' .o17u~ -nQtoilpe ntl ut. tti tat v'ttoi lba wi Ahyueeîui to)f catt.S , tSq5gýuaftes tett ces iid l t ths uo îj eb t»ai ouotthqpt-l; Ub, anmcii a um 1or sulh ovor t- isir 1tou,1s, and imepud LitelJ foruiug on tise athor aud4jmisefol pour bu a lire bu the rear offhc ca- o Thty drill on «a11 feurt,' car-yiutg tlhoirttua keC bu thissinteelis; go througstheaisetckot exorcise ostnding on tisoir beudi4a, md-bai ndt lire miti thisebiig toe. But Il id le te ose of tise. ayonet tisat; Chu Zo*vp in musC terrifie ; liitung on an onegny neitL a iuoutd, tisuy tut-be tise bhonet,-ns9aket toi oh eclesurtisnourish lutend ttt-ning a- ,ameruauit uver huissbeuud, lhay drmw Chue ureaon ouIato eouher aide. IVias thuy o caine tu antts. tiseydrap te une seritt% teitilinos aven, utlusl3lundin-' Wienobhet- vaoîbsof un ettmy's country are oeeotd, a Zoutavo la put in ua akyrokot, and, lserut up tu a sufficieut altitude ; hting sepplit tits the necemauy maprteut ho ties a iuujrapoh f thse landueupe, teand ly tise tieo he retceisero-lait-ia, h. busteà «u. plte sot of ma prepared." o battu' Knickeouckr, telleof a diaLolical, 1terfutu>tee nehici tank lame inlisait city, Iha-gunet Utehe-, it stys, receaitiy bit-aiont O fritta au luttohtixunceouffie ln NeutYosk*ta .a-uo u abt-e. u uIduelandmoitinied, ben due Sottement titis the tripi. At BIff1o atbe eogat-ooi it tise Coptaln ofIbo150boat t"RoaDocte"' ta coule for hlmn durttug tise trips ta Albany. Thu Caplte'. sson c.a ône, of tise crene. On tise passage dom., t the sou, bu the abseneofuit- isa mIer, gue- ceoded iluoutragiag tise peirean of Mra. Tboher, by thtruatsand ilencce. Whou tise boat reuceud Ahhany,'tise utanea mu houlird suni)is te embis bythesaine vile wtcs, afler tisicsho mont tobore Pad bu-augit houletwa aof his coSuoatie, wIlu tise1 otterei tis etasin, attmolmei hlunlaet, muuueusndt, notuviîhstadiog hutr t-ois- tance mu idet-e, aiR tht-o.-out-ged hur pet. sous, anod iL wus a aicttiphiaed isy mes 0or tise Mt brutal violence. ,We eoly hope tistt thest pt-etbisva viilimua ouay reosiva their fuitluhesets. Mît:Ia AT StrienehaO Younug man named ubahnKelly mu hui et Suspension Bridige nigiat before lait, ln, Sa fi0ght trii cincur-edeamlageoo h oun, hept by a Mru. Hmset-. à p4sty of te-uans and i hcaCantelusms ihKelly and a friend,neere engagud in tk ise £LI Il grene out of a refusa)oesthe paitt ofasoc» bine to pMy Chueahldy for ibio " tuW boom ut-dorai. KeIIy,m d" mi4 lom front blocs tits clube., four of vbieb wu* uftflnardis fooci t! hs smo f th .1 trimS W.aut aho te AFItiow* evti; tishe Chromide affic, at Qmbee, ou T ee 1 Itigit, nei'alb igt hs*vêe ousroa i u fon the ti«Welp ertioeeaiof -te bmaeufin- thse offce, amd i m inmam a-n ieS noomes te i, atefen. uI*theodmary NOW 1S TUE TIRE. GET Y6tîîct LIKE>PiESS AT J. A. (hark'sItl Prime Pleture Gleve Tr F yvude-ire anoeutudesiilfe-like Arbro AllCau.euo, LeJcterx Ilp,.out-lentl,-t- Trt ofr e-oLhhuees tut o Luee, Broatis ut htuu-g, lor J. A. V.0eudo ilin t eisel >e, ud uteàiuort motire. ILINSINS ILOICK « hiLACK' hIOT EL. (L.totou uooorotso's, utuusoouOris) Corner of Bt-oct andtuit dstulatrtt, hAibi rrit ABOV 'tN-ELL KNOWN, AND CEN- JLtrahyitèedl ourîl uthha ou ou.utchututt niu,.31tu1 reunu itI ii t inot cttuifortIeloeu aun- ntn y t e ptt-uti t-uîunpîuuîîNoo tlieuha bootàsrer ti Oita 5ail guesti uni lettro a Au-oi Ttu bsblirutuiluof luiuî, Lqututoad Ci- Roouny andoi iteiibout shes, gond stahh n aund) tulîr Oive n.tiiler,. Tub hute-i b. ittiutedlbu intae oumohest nielthe Tutti ut Whtlty, joutil bl ho fottutti lubu Cthe ,niot eonueoiteit,î avîiog pacefre iufltier- aud traveilero. (FrontChue Cor-nwall Freeihbdet-J>, Il b, nul eften me t-eat Out-r redot ti taies -oh infiduhity tend eopentents, bit-hi» eoek il foalIo ta our duty tu record Onie: Otf tise meRt cunuusghy canent-ted "Iolitkents- ce houe evur huard of. The parties in thdt e afflait are ?4aty Leulla, wife oif t-. Tisaulp. san, misa reuudesout Chée 5îisrange of tiss îamnslihp, tend ose Louis Kiui, misa, fora laine mants, hansruided miîh Thumpsun, t oui mas tC eeieivo a Chîrd uf iho produots tý of tht furin cotisiierabun for'his set-vices. i Thompoon ii o maoft-about tifhy-atx atm -1 more, uni huis colfe, ta uhot ho muvin a-12 t-led about fit-e yeoan ugo,'io teyosojne. - ý Tise eg of hen partemaur it telso bueuty- t anc. Thte(ise Maiy Lousot as tise-tC cuoud tife of Thouipos, ands bore hm Imu t chili,es, nehtch aise tuale itishohrn - bhon tuigiht. Bse la ldisct-ihed au a isandsume- F iaoking French moman, and) il lu nul ta ho coudeenitl Cat ahi tould grue tirti ut-f an ohd man like Tsouipson. Tht puhieuhura oft-hie ehapemeut ase. ihcoe :-On tise 121h ut Juhy, King juifurin-t ed Thompton Chat he cished ta go îa.Corn- neahh, for tise put-pase of puut-chuailg sote agriculînenli bupements, tutiubisci ttakot tise tesam for Chat pst-peo. Thiu,luit-. Thutropsunt tougisî muuld hecte fine apput- îue'ity mu go ta Toct, as uho, poor tomas cas ttdjin lautt of a pair ut-laies'omît- ors. At tise stane lime, tise lufarmud her hasan a sho ultttokIh* uhihit-tu lut Il allthetn tn îeasstise Oruogmco cuhk. Thotapson thoe-ght et-eryhiuug cas tiè,tl, oui gave bsis connent. Niglult cane, but ne dear cha-mot- returned la heolo hiin coin-1 pasuy ttrugi tie ban"g iiia utthue nigst.1 T-ht trotistlhast fi.osed sulbisThatiouti'5 miusd ;u t auppoiougtisaI Chuty issi toeis tht tcam ttillehutla to h LUiteid States, ho remained nt haine, uni maude no effort 0 Crue the guiity pair until Ssuîday fol-t tawiug, mises ho Seat-i that hicst-ouna cs ah Carpetur's tut-ernu, teaiting hisoracer. Hie came tCa Cowu, plai idsee dollars (mur tht release of is Ceuà ibut (ae4 t* abtan tise niihteLât-clue au te hie tobf±'s tisen- abouts. Tise exutiteineal ou tise at-t-aiut tise Oretigeen bail fateeidtiheî it- hiait, and nu ouue pou tell chicS directiont tie> îoulc. Probslh> h Ciatinee Csy are afciy seîîiedinla&aquiet spot ou tise Sauth uas of tiseline, enjoying tise -eaibtics oh 'iaove lu a eutut teaf ned t-huit-eu bu pt-avide fan. Thompon Soya ismi-ola l touty dollars of his mamry tits her, uud Kin bai about abxty of isaomit. '%haî auseeudrange 1tosin Chah Thromp- aon ehouli bote aoihwod Ring a tu slan ini bis hosoat-ter ho had boul petiot-of hum ta.eachery. When w ae ud hlmt if ho bai not dbecot-et-itheir cuimiuualily pt-oviOth bu Choir elopemenh, ho repbuidtist ho ba.- Wisy did you nat; (show, Chu extempie of Blicole, me replie,), and oreat hlm leu a dots of- coud hemi ? - Hobai tisangit oathalt. but n deuiborution came ta tise .osclu$ioii Chat bt mauld serve o gaol pu rpoae-u de- t-labos cith wnhiciswmes- t cnceur. Tht trut is l, Thomps tsamn essy.-absg mon, misa tak-es everytsibg eooiy, ouitIen soc is uahy concera seeno la he oranisachil' dren. Ha d:oesnet raresnehat hocutes ut- ciieuru and rouantie lors. Thmpsce, au long ahe once uore retains isa? chiudres- A mau fohosonae jore ni.îhl haro fuùreosaon hiseu e oma-t-ed a wmnait o, yaung undi bi-suitod ta bleu. WamUUMla aa alsutagu hoing. andi b. mot uaahY pde5a'muld tapon te ave neitis aatqaated ci huilows, chues ehy aduualtage ite Possession of b ome. Behltonu'.P6U.-Peaaan looy, tcisetuur oh. restait of leteese appieatiotu biautfoc living, or amy exhuaustive le. ay la cihe, plSysical ma t etatl uergies tteteeed tae sitamIi-,i acigt-, hi - P-r-torniof tua umtsqtmahtei rreausralh. The tomd rilera uIll wirs à-" enumars. 1 or.

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