Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jul 1860, p. 2

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piainedat ues Pnttiaeatve cottuneato say "Dosti witht t-at - fi&%g,tatber t-ha n-Iet - tuit-I ly foeignqrts,'" chaeh aoîciliatt- ti tie great-ctoit-. ' As t-ho .busint-s cf tbe meetisg 'ras abont king tctlotit- by tahing the voie, b-hit-g thbtn bat- as uebiminutes ta 12 o'- ct-cet, Mr. Gilbsa asÉeoitpt-tmission te say a ces-i r t-c,anti Ocmmpit-lt-be meeting atit-heha Bbat-Ismomning arrivrti, cheut thbn fttlier proumet-iliega_ scre siopput. Mr. ihs'i remat-ls cet-e of a imiliar Chamt-sor, t-c tiose t-xpcessuid at-btr. Ret-- sot's tneeting, being te tht-eeet, that-lho 'rouit supporti bit. Pet-ty if it offic o r- ntt-nltht- enji . but- st-howleelging t-bat- Mr. Parry's axplanstiosn at alt-rat is opinion on t-be mbjeur. Mr. Bpalting aiso e aonect-aretk at- th ~- IaClose cf tht-meting, chicO exet-ilee-. consierable asgt--tt. It- cas tu t-le cf- fasit-thnt- Mri. Cartîebibac u-stno em - - Ibresamy et-intot-ulgett-mscrit-ebjejct -iq- spolia on, t-bnp is (Mt-. Spaliibg'a) hte-rconit taest-otne tipoy. Another rt-mat-lt- hico ce flashin car me W-anti hid bailarly escapeti as - Mr. Pet-r's reply t-o ae elector. chic 1itet im dott-at-ho cas int-seul- orct-t vtting tIse taverne inte Innatic asykînisa ;t-o chich lit.,Perry repliti, thiat- if t-ey tiesir adt-i o de sein (oýé lehobail et-objeti-on, at-tti ven te place bit.'aeell rit- t- bt-ad f Ont-. Roars cf laugistet- fouloeth-is an- %der. 't A voie cf tisant-s cas posstetotho chair- m tan, an tho meetings aotatt-t, it- hing than past- 12 oîclcli. - Mieeting nai U-oglini. Mr Pt-ry atiireaseti t-e lott-ors tf Pic- -kering at-Breugbham t-sTut-tday evtein. -lut- . Nelson Cbaptean hq., Townshîip touneillor, oit-aplatitho Chair, and Jolie Phil qtat--- s teccet-ry.Ahbsît- itty pt-mot-s cera poesent-. At- thet-en- cluion t-tM.. Perrj's ïatdress a gocti msny questonss ct-m astetly bMessrs. Taylor, An-dt-t-c ation, anti lit Datid Beach, t-o mvit-h lit. Pet-ty gavet satbsfaîtory repliels. Tht- adienne ltlt-se, anti past-ti na nanni. mnous vote is fat--croet-lit. Penny an t-li C"asdttLo for Ring's Division- àilt-isg et- Mtrtham. Ona cf t-eba tst- attingitht-id loybir. Pt-t-y, cas in M. Reesot'u csn village.- 'Thora cet-e apwartit cf t-wehuntiretipet-- mens ýpraýsent-. bit. Pet-ty oitquitt-rd iuaelf, Sn onhy /tinse/ft-mn do. Tht- adionco cas uataimeas inN.linfat-or. Mrt. Iraan ot-- tapieth -e chair. A retointicît pit-dgbng tht- meeting t-c sutpport- lit. Pet-ny cas oved by Thompas Milna, Esq., etostet loy J. llot-ssitu FOq., ant putsut-t misani- motuly. f Ftouso tht- Lmnî. t-Pt- cetlt-- atisattorj reports of tha o pregroscf Mrt. Pet-t-jin lis eoano ti f t-be ise Division. Atdrecsisg huhseit- <flot-t te tho -poopha, tt-etm-raIgut-fot-cat-u 1 expositiôno f bis views comnmende bîscf te thir goond cilu lîhlut-t-bs prncipies lis t-inniisiea anti thet-eaebe tiaiaju, tlict- taclarniilons cf their confitece. lis sstthisr respect, Mr. Pt-try's eff'ort-s lhnve alceady lSota f graat- service. Nsostij loui-s for * - fnrpiay, t-tr thotrut-l, or dccency, nt tho banditctt-be facttion bloy bse be bopposet-.j Thair pomsai-, tlit-ht orst-ora, Iheir lent-ar, aitbcriry meo-of-al-cort- have npst-ed ne painit toput- in circuation satemt-ets tesignee t tedamage bis pesition. Tlott tt-b., allegations ara faIlt, mt-rs n0t.tt-o ' t-m it-eose goat- alto lebtsgt-o biacit-i t-bn repatation f a cesoditle whicse loc-ah strengt-i anti parsemai stadting ara cettat al te their litingý. btr. Pet-ty la rntlesslj tIemollaing these fabrications. Tbey have t-tat-aitt-i fast, ne o ot, but- ho is oct-r- taliing thenfe t i bi exposorea cf their «4austnil nethemhave se fat- ht-n attentict 'rit-lo gtitiying rt-mIta. .4t- Oâh;-a, t-lot t-er tsy, lit. Pory nailie twot'r Itht-falmhse t at bave cuetâat-ei froue theo lboe int-, le-ot-e flýt- iest-cehaiebrantet- seuntrua the as- atttien tbat Mi. Pt-ry hOn Itela-Ired a in- tt-nt-i o rt-etttain is Rligitrrtuit in t-be t-cent- f lincleetio. Tise stoy-cty ut sv- -tt-ltltu epeatid, cit-h thie wdtNuîîhît-at- whîilst thaeisomicat-io viwsa p-ntibng, Mrt. -Pt-t-o-j ailquoteilte Att-st-c-j (ent-ri arosaat-hotifr s-tho egaliycof hie Purpo rt-l4ice, antiat-thesame ti e cupy a est-in t-be kigsat-ora. To tbat- again le gave a fat- aeiit.1. ati îli t-be CIt-is'Gii-t-bcot- avte net cea3edt-to- -prot-atlgale tho inventiion, anso te spatge upon es ts irpottansilati-atise f miniot-ari- Pliiq!iVin geot-rai, astilut. Pt-t-ty's de- p k4Pr% !s-JLî r. M l~-t- t-lmet tha mat-tment- btsa mannet- that asieta tf .om t-rpoeseptation. lUt tonian t-mpthati- tally t-at- t' ho t-ver ithall y commniies to>ia, verhaluy oan.thrciis, tirtly or Ptlit-t-ly, ytht-heo Attoney Generni, or 4 eit-b ny ct-ht-rmembot- cf t-ho Gocero- "test-t, ln relation se holding bis office." lioeathat tbis, ha tanins t-btat t-net-ate or qoeu-hre, t. utterati thoreueat-t-attri- bnt-d t-c bita by t-bs asulii ouneal.la15 auglit- ase l'y ray et-tenlel net-d? Ara ut-er Illoti-at-lcu. requuite te t-tablish t-be1 tIialoneat-yof theasset-tifap- ho la catit-t t- me-t If tlra baulbaee i oe. Tht- Globe bas lueiugnet lMt.Pt-rty's capet-bt-yt-r ut-fuit-enhiat-be Dit-liset-tnthagront t-bat- ha isa elar-g e t-ibaltias-in t-ht-Wii-c ,byRoad anti Rat-bei-Company. Thi#u againi Mrt. Par7t-yt-gat-i seu a flpbolsI. A raspeetaile lot-ai jornal,. thoWhiiloy Ctr-oisde, iti fa* verdi exhbits its hase oaa. . li-. aryt- mys Usaevt-ter,Il is ot- 'ta aetkbiioer, t-alent, a-et-tany, tii- Ot mratore-sitha -u in thaet-mpany. "ccmpty lu t-at heh oit-hiast-ebt-tostea Os'a tttMUs, a ansal amenat-cf stock-, «tatlilst Shat'ifsalet anti puothasat forî el ~'thisrty-fivt- ollaratt-Even thie tute-t- 1 sbmp la bat- t-tt-gre mont-Iss shtrat-on. PRt- hoart-lea lasscot eesuy le aillt-tha in-1 fÎuy tf sapp»eoa eaa h uan maiwet-a-t les.out of wsot-ta tlot-l, t-n on thbe- uasitfr-9 est haIt-bi a aspl-trctra tof tian&r-ai Tb$ uatniaa4s3(. Ressert- bu b-o "aa.an oèlded lot- i-st-t-ttabla se s*» t a e a MAifamsy cf tht- tlim Mehthe1aade g sPaf tthePat-y ias haidi ?wbmaai Bkvtv t-mpb t-la tbu e«mSabd- » asa iflto, wsoit.ttonseti bntly, twtee n o n flg-iss as bis advoeates and hsttleholdet-5? that, a a censaquence cf tht bargilain, ha end~orm-% ue sta-ries nas e baveowo* - ho irtelat-ed in blis behaîf? At atty rate, t-htse siandars nud faite"' bot-ditat-a but- a pasin; intontenjent-! te Mrt-. Pt-. They have tracled ib-ltbg t-be Division, nod bois after them, expesing they t-onvei, and ncqiring trongtlsfroue, the rt-action wbit-h goes on in the mintis cf t-ote wito bavcaht-en doped. To hc vili- fced la - Det plensant, certainiy but it- i stueewbat- coneolnt-orv for a candidat- tu- ltnw t-bat- bis antsgottiBts a:e oliged te falbat-k nonout-i-t-inventive facultieg for tht- iatèt-ml te hbct-mployed a aios nbt.1 Thbis astematie lying ih eqivalet t-oe confession that- Mr. Pet-ty bas oct-ing t-e appt-sbend froue the int-ple truth. 1< New A.dvertisements this Day. rire Pretectionist Coohiag Steve for $281, --John l3tyan. Cballenge-,Dartlii5SteflCricket(Cîlb. Notice.Z.R. LoUnd. Christophet- lodgeon'O ASSignulnt-i Rît-ctats meetin-J. Rl. Pet-ty., Cireus net-lte. Sheriil',sSale cf Lands.-N. 0. Reynolds. (qrowu Lands.-A. Ruant-Il. bW .SatUrday, JulY 21, 1860. ONLY ON~E W>LLR A YEAR- The QaenanSd t-he Pet-lit-t-. Tîte cultivaliien of tbe kind affôettiensce huuelly centtlte, t-c ba as efficient a caune cf t-be 'ralfara cf listionis, sa S7 ay t-ast came. We ht-lit-se moreever, cf politicai fret-dom te fit and disosae t-be nind of ail, geotte ns st-m-l an gent-t-es emot-ious;asti that hahit& cf lotnevolt-ncet-anti sentimeta of pbiiasitbropy, are t-ht- aeet fountiations ou wbich a love cf liberty, t-an rtt. A man ost love hbis "cl Wo"b-ore lot- ca loe t-ht-lt-libort-; anti, if hoe bas net icartedto -einterest himt-if in t-ht-lt-enjoy' menta, it is impossible t-batie t-an bave anj genuiso t-ontcrnfor that, whicb aller aIl, i a enly valuahia, ns a mentis cf atjpy' ment. They therefore seho set-k t-s softcn aand impt'ova or social sffectiona, are ht-st- fat-toçs t-eeut-r rt-e. -To tht-m, 'roare in- detetd for preparing andi fsstt-ring thso t-lt-menta, eut of wbich atose, a gent-t-es love tf politclta fret-dom t-an hae formetd, satnd rt-bail wmt-Isnu littIe prida, and uitb arnest eympatlsyt antI recent i st-t-tchange of "ip-taeand smity," wbic-b t-inese cousie- eously bn the t-baruing intt-rthange ef kiodreti thouJlate bet-sean cm.,Gre-ons Qen vit-torila. sadthe nallghteneti Pei- dent cf t-haeUnitedI Stateu. "Buckingham Paae juste 22. MI goti friand &ct., &Lr- "Tih Pt-ine Consort cishes t- e h k'ronly remebred te yen. 141 remais, t-ver yo.r geo etitst.,t- 0*Out-haet-ber "ôd se renad, uWssbntos, Jotte 4. id 1 at-tiinot ml hou- happy i s id lieh, te gsvil. ua s t-etiâaI -tore t-a Waehgtoa. Yom May ba assst-ed, ttt- v"erjuer Mi "blcounftry, h leha ierat-olnd hy t-he Amear açeiu s"th Mataumàcamuet iI W d e aegratlfi.kg ID*'r U iq. and bunetss," tant a Pcfrd lOf titiiOsml gocti-eill isbstrnci, sheilo -e'batas bnppily in onisonts tbtbthe-bsgnÙiiunQ ýPntiMtnts of t-be ujerity cf t-ut-bnationi. Tht- isimant- geot féeeibcg actutsiiy axistWgin la tath coeuntry tocante the otet-tr- csn itt-ti ut-b spotar st-e intle àI m a agenial Same ;anti [xIete wbt 'rlec é iii lottgbelijee-t,' t-bat- t-be teenat-boutst-an grec toget-her in catet-na anti amityt if ueetiutg amamligw- saisI spirits Wiitlt-et- "4'kintirati htsrts"-t-e th-okint impulse cf nature. . Astu t-ht-lt oçot-nai jt-aIeusy, it- a seo tIt-aca- id for tht-m ia ýpet-et- jalousyt. 'hem ,t-ht-m it net- trg nr-et-tI2î Ametica, amils- trat nation, le csttby cf is tigit. It- at-ck, andt it mOt-cias, in the- daceiag htigh è- nesuto etli.a tame m t-le efftlg-nt-e of tltdri-1 t-n'. glery. The st-effet- bas ladIblis day;i thet ime tf tht- nanderor has gant- by.-1 liblntijolies anti siate cônmmen places, are nec banisite tctho ignorant- ondltha voi. gar. VitltrisantiBucrhanann tire e li et- theit- respectire tcent-t-le. Tht-y bas-e again proret bioil teho-ietht-t- than cia. ter. May pesces long retigto 'it-bm their bot-bers, nutolplest-t-otsly ddt-Il lu t-ht- pu-' luctesanti bomestratis. VTbe Globe on Mlr. P-rt-y. tisalli ta eent-ei. ht-aten tioregarsi cf t-tut-h, ndiu ooaeoty, the Globe mat-es t-lie mont- st-meeossefflort-s t-omiamepesuenl Mrt. Perey t-u thaaiett-rs cf King Divioon- Thoe latest- assertioni t-tt-ha Gloe- fer titis pupoeo s t-bnt- . Pt-rt-y la Irge at-ct- hoider lu t-bt. Wbit-hy Rosti ant iRat-heur Company. Wtt tut-.ish ni aume lent-a.t reorti cf tbe pt-cet-dingsofct-n uectitg of t-be electorsa sttitessed ly lit. Pcrt-yat- Oui- aisa on lat Sat-nttIty -vt-ning, in cbieb titis sintement- t-tt-be Globe in most- laitlj- and otipit-ivt-y cont-ratiete. bMt. Pet-ty ko nsul a st-ct-t-oiter, Presideisi, St-t-mtery, Di- rect-et, or nnjt-hig tlot- in t-be Companyj. Mr Pt-rry'o whole connection cith tht- Cote- pany is tltat-lieholdoîs, as thettrustee f an catait--inmilnueot- t- uf t-c-t-ocli ai SOtriff'ssle anti pot-cluset for t-bt-onocf TRiRTY FIVE DOLLAR S. Tee incuthte ago Mrt Pet-oy htcame tlit- Tt-steecof tiis s-et-y valuale intereit. Wluat- tan peope t-int- tfsa nacspaper weiloparades st-att-- menssof t-is charactor, asti citheout a caral tf tealot, or qnaicat-bon, laye t-leu e lo-fre lt-s modems for fatts? Our cord for it-t-bat- t-be Globe anti its nasatet- ciii leamn in time t-bat-they bat-e ioaposeti upantbthe cetulit-y et- thopet-plie t-celong,. litfora lt-t. Pt-ry it donce itb bis caiusosho cii0e able to e-xpoe faiselicoe mreira n dsîu condti- more basse, t-bsn t-lit-ahote t-milu it-ice cf rost-alit-y on t-be pstIfctt-e tseo-tays-Premi- et, ant iebisminions. _______ ______moule- imE-îAoa'salL-rtcn.-lieue t-c Nttew Yerk-nonSait-rdity inth bil, lringingcithlm nettier t Tht- champioîîs l i e titi ct suthusti-iîtionsbcIt sas hot- paid t tht- uiaaatot-er wcultinet-lNi acco- tayst-sIat- Ht-tnoushbas siiel--hy mjice bis depart-tce, am t-t-ty giauitoli his ropotrtis, ast i -to be vr-- mut-h iallert if ho ha qiiret an EusIieh st-ost-ss ait 1 li ut t .1- .-,t A, t. te Faitetr- of theiet is. rin, andtiheît for, antt-at- t- 'go. lAn grewncouce- d is Dnwsa von nit ttm tu roeundtiy GZNERALNOTICES. t-.scrcet-ut t-tlge ..«720, P. o iiie do, u .e- - - 35, Ps-m- %lil ic poing.t-t-t-.it- - -. 04, p.em Ex-preas do...... ...-- ... :o9o0, a.. MoIlisîrel-tnt-, 12 mit Ut-S a fttttVlan lt-itly t-iste. v fini t-t-r ail Tt-ni'- ....7 009 a. in. t-est dt do. ...c. . S 30, a. Iii. t-Nest (do. îlne-.......600, 1p. in. tireslsIn. Prince Alit-t, NPott lt-' tr. ,and Oimes t-uu..-... 900,sa atuil u .i ....- ....-...... e. Fest ils. >l, 9O00, 1tin. Wt-tt--c eut. do - 30" 91.. Btroouhii lt-tie., i'ihtit-t-.15to-t-t- t-ti tit (utie Nrtl,-.....3 00, P.i.- A.hîhturti lc, lit-1tet-mso, Uatuiigt- Crstseccilu Biit-t-iluo -.. 009,l'non-l e soues t-et-tu" Pi-kitic................- Ju2 Bt-at-tt-it- - - - --.....18. tIi-iuge- - - - - -t........... . 30. AitItreToaws tili est- t-y iîu Ioy in- itug t o u't-lo, s. lt Et-t.'.,Mouilota t-îiuîg, nt t-huahocalait~ at-a 3tÛ. t'-i-tetSt-ret-coite Et-t Ttrctoay in very tý-)-iurrLolire. N.- 130 t-saiîtTsep-vtins rivetyiiiioth, tViite lh' ltiis, lreet- St-rot. ltue No. titl1 t et-t-milFrittr li oert tîueu et 1nt-s i a Not-si, Part -iljt-y. R. Lt-). I. Na. 167nmet-ii5lit-t-ot-t-t- Hall, Gi t-cîua-î . att -I ee t-Fridn.Int iet-t-t-sv ,nnthti. t.. t. LIt-789, iet-t the ttut lio ;~lIrittt, nlklt-itîu.tht- Et-t-t- leiday litude oî-, 1.. t.i.. No. 957, incitit ut tu-d's I15ert h),ti'.trt-ah, culthe Nît tThuurauîy iiteery ,eouit. . tt-Jeîîihîîco Seroiorc. tutu, nti, tnet-itity %Vsithitt.îtio NIt.A. il. ouiît'rtiptot-o, snt Gri'st-a llui, h iîultsmheiiirinc g5o. ,n eai al (jissul Tt.istpltie, St-sui 1,Tie hîl s tttslo> ivsingt E1tis.,oysi Clttrîeh, St-. John"sKint- t-tet, N - ý'ilc-us- i., uti 'tlot-lt, p.lit. (Attter 'Ilt EN'. J. PEN2T1AN. Fret 'eot-tt-lu Ciuirt-lu, bl.tei-hii' Iîltltîe, uirt. suof litt--..uit.r tot11 lneo ni.,and0 M-chp. lit-EV. T. LOt-RYU, v'tt.,rt-toitionIuiClitireh, eus-ter si lî'ru'utsand Chat-y St-ut-t-, 11c'.lot-k, a. us., aiild 6 p. ni. IIEV. J. T. BYRNE. Wi-t- loittieal littV!, iirei cornet-sfC-etrt- oal it Mrt-yre-etto , 10 30 o',t-oeil, a. ni., sti t- itst~P . lt-EV. t. ShUNT. titel P.,ettiyt-eeiasliut-eli, Mt-eianie$' Ili- ,iiî-,2 30,c, et-Nt-, p. iii. lt-V. NiP. LTIletNTOlI. lluptiot Clint-el,, 3 o'eîsob p. ni., t-vct-y Sua- ly. lt-REV. ti. LLOYD. 7hb Me Prcprsel-rs tfiAtMe.ssU*Ilo<e Du&ta &aaL-wa hava "e-dt s-maY expeeSoneOfcfls--f-aifo a, qu--rat% oft-tli tb à lseit- u niuaat5 matie ai yesr hot- fer t-ha aeomndti-oa cf the DIetaesbat-h ies-p t*nt lait-y, Whiseia- tenteti t-be symso f tisa iJat-etChut-toi - Ess'atst sutIt-iastheImm1..mest i i Toronto, %ba- ufO bdla bu osoy cirduhy te atid ews a iun«u t O%01,expt-t-sia Ont thasfer s-Yo s.m1h147 meting the- 'sba et- t-bs cornmttet utha auioli -esyou One atbe suRandait1-b e"Pain a44 "ae "g tco 1at Wbm fethodilasrti d ma d ou- hau WearteadmUO5, - TstraseemAd -i5ale te Lbe SIB juy-l :'ILmYI Platfonu. Tht- followig as tht-Poiticai Plat- orm aubmittad by J ORN XLII PEPE , the- Caitldate for King$ Dl- viln, in he-supseecht- t ut-a Conventiont ht-id at Markbam. -Tht-y awta11 trut-, pr-atit-ai, nht-Oed reforma: The Uion o-f thae]Provinceus. Reprassetation by Pppuiatiou. EtpurUgemettc t1gain F2lrît-Grants cf -Land-Is te -Emigrants -ti tan oaing actual matieèrs. à Nemet-tond Law. No expttelitareocf- publiec mont-y wltbcut thé çconsent cf Parliunant. -ProTincl woiks only,.to ha takéat tp by the-Gor.'ertuiett; attduo axpon- diture cf public moety te bc matie c0 warks cf a lot-ni ehartr- Rt-trent-hmcnt in avery 'doparbtont cr tht- publict-puin --Pa-sg i t t - p r u a i x g h o s t t h t ot p . " t SRedut-tien ct-tht- t-astomia ditit-s-The birdan cf taxation, te ha, pfat-a on the t-et-ries cf the rit-b,and net ou the t- tc coasario f tht-pt-tpie. A Indicions Bt-nkrnpt Ltw Redut-tien t-fLaw (Tsts. Simaplification cf t-he prootctiings aof Courts of Latw. Rt-vision ef-th- Coxrtofj«hsnt-ery - Extt-ation.of t-heo muicippal Law. Blet-tien of Rt-aveu antifapaties, and WardItus cf (Touit-tls by t-ha people, lt-e amaas Tlayora cf Cities nd.i Tewna. Assimilation cf th- laws et- Upper atiLower Cazada.- Tht- resliricting of the rig'it-o f Nmr- gageas te tat- proerty ht-t-d lu mort- gmge-withoutmllowngth-t-utho rigltt to coma upen tht- othar,ýpropt-rty, rt-si or partenni cf t-haeNtrtgýagcr. Holding ait- Parlimtntary Blet-tiens an t-na day. A bolter mode cf settling coutt-stedl Blet-tient. A Proloibitory Liqusr Lt-tw. Payment cf CFTt-na-witnt-ms. Abolitlesn-of Newspaper -Àostag-. Abolition cf thbé Prankin.7 prt-Tulega. - Lates- t-a-o çby Telegrapi. Bs- t-bt-Vandlerblt cth tarriveul on t-le I-tlt, st-t-.Ir iitt e t-ut-Napotit-ait .t-igtts- te.,at lt-ris b ail rt-s;ignei. Sine-t-t h îles cnt-ont-tet--- -t-ePt-us- sire1 Miuiot-eriîu'biststtito-etnes uvt-ll enutt Rt-t-b>rg. iîsvlng for iiaoh- jet t-ihît-iuegitog aboutcf a Mubre p t-c-t of t-uittria ant i -tsmi. 'rutto hletul -t-o fret-b .Iisiîta ntts- Nst.Tthe police satst-oia1sd loten saec renilpillugeil anitt naay pet-sotte killeulin iuîiriuisim T h-te Kiong hallat-ri- t-eut t-lui-oautdj utivitdiatt-ly ot-ierei t-lit t-rat-ioiîuu Ia Natjuiona luttii. ut-o .¾nFittdct trois Nuipia as-ms sn t-tpet-tedt-oat-rrit-o %t Tu-n citteo propoa- siticn frou e ui-Kinig oet-tli-fut-mi-t-fusr ss aliance wri-it Sardilia. Tbe Cityp <p ilimor s-t-t-il dest Nos Yort-oi t-tieu lt-oiwitb ulut- --s ostEurope t-a Qti-entst-w n th t-b li. t.(a-till t.s jquiet,TVte t-etct-est ton. t-is acly t-t-t. ,- of- Nupiet.bohatet- nitieul iitîtt-u pt-riptat.t tnnet-tion t-o Sardtîii. I is reitatteil ti t-lia King cf Sat-itiî tht-tlacs ait allianuce citloNa.plr.s.huit îNapoît-on amigas a dite uroîîidurat-ion of thett 1Netîpoîitiatet-vrt-t-t-o. L.at-îtJohna Riîsu)t-, in Parliasintt, ail- toit-lsd tit - iutd andl Ria.siax bati au- setitd t t-htle propSeu Eut-e-an -Çonîo Tht - iri-iamentat-y Contrat-Cotanîbîtea, husd tnt-ils a titplueentaryrt-pet- o-at- it-t.tngtsg t-a t-le Glway t-ont--L Set-et-ti istit-c cf Itoussesin t-lotl-atht-r t-t-ile are rcîîcttu 66No Irith ned Aiptly."9 "Edittr cuantet is bt-ho esding of an siilet-osint set-l it-t-ot-ht- t-jein t-le tout-lot-t-nt-luesof t-bn Glolie. Retadiing an, ce t-ni luaisly pi-otniugatedu "la Scotech- mas prefeceti" I Tut-t- citning, go It-isO. tandiAmerlean, anti Rsglisb t-dit-ors, anti oas-ej-ont-postage stamps. Nulo r -tifu00at--ilappiy. Ynn caîî't lose, sud hec, anti bow iweu-nnu--ht n la MitSj-t-i;bact, t-oplease t-be Globe'le ativet-iitr ffibro. i.A Seotelîman preferoti. t-Velu, t-bis Cana-da ueoves-biard, hIitity, pour Iss, boit beau me-t agin anti agitlo wiîh thse rebttff-t 1ne Itlrit-siet ap- ply. ' "Anti Pst, citlohis o otet ogue anti t-at-iv re e-la, in net-est-omett-o e mit-ut-t ithut le a iprt-a-tant 'iii ha prafetrèi. 1' As ilome1; h ll5lteit- grty ulit-o - ha placfAt-m o, t-lci , at- Tht- pery cf d oya-ia it-iiv a oip ohnartc.le ttoah.apa e-t-la' l css t-est- t ' - f ote tl-at-,( tut t-ion estt pllepct-lng t-Pcmayl- a tm Mn o rt-mut-y, "tit-Il s i ryal t-h - t-tust-t hn g sblotoesiî dm dayng -b at-bsulpcft-a0batlaTe Th Mtayti or Mt-lf-t-r. - esegehein.tnnb- Jh .Rea - -- " Xrs be tBay taWppom- tt-rs vI evll se yt tî- dcharbi llenge. The slaa U ipuII/s- nieTs aCOi defbet he lgteS,(mlet- Idi-lfrbiu u - prolsc.t thacsnteka sut osttr rW rmros ciatsdbgwioncfl h a tstn l que- s 01 ptt- i. feiyts bi h ta to r ernetftes, Pt-ne-tt- -oi-r-ots-,n tiite 'rib the t ii omn) ------*-*s sj covaui. .. - -t tIedfrbt- on epriîihesc *9"t oaer dvto te t -od auet-.dil, y appe-nepl i sat or-mark con ea v rdety-fc - h p apor t-a »t- ar-ut- q r t- o a fi h ea i p t-t tni ,i- -ms ossi-s -atstcsc ole--lttas-f t whte tu ' a e bas bat- fOt- ileisfumetî- sIc a-t-atst- 'rhaith 65a- att i,4 sonseion t JoaofSthe itmtof bemt udis ete e YeO tW-ase tau à*hs..astf on ef y lf o -st - e Bieslohr fol~~~~~ e,-etttsat t. tt tms en pet- th e books ofpdirectio s a a J W rU a., *mas ~ it m een fur a duet- f--w-th. ktdughu5 T5 r aaton fruiJon l stâe n t-a um nt â rwhut helh p g a el eCaoln - l îaihle Wo . 1u1.t.,4eam athpsi ~ s Nu. IL BY TEL-4 ODÂY. t5,'luuueeCl thewnutimyt im isiftg r ltw.n a Ishen i,,w . f Th-t.lih., tithe CIaNtir .it& ti, M, lit-e %ie .- .teeet bs"ienallie, The- ttordttiti,.,o.,sh the- 18114% cNt-t). MLF, s>-Prne t-usmtW, Clerrthe s-yPseix. .,t-stitM-. ý:mnt yffl>e ethe- CNrt-st-Omnm- oftttmre t he'Gril*, Sti. Dlti'1PesR p i-etbui i., Sir? Certe.rbnihtthisvtj Cl ttshesPttss-stt Dmxat l ou n., ite Cl ,et5is mite ('k'., the rit-'evt Cler the tn tai. »xi ,sîu es ne CNs-t,,il., nInuilg. P.,lT 113tiL- et., R.,.tatint, P', rt-.e Rt el r,,tmlo. Pe th~pe E,. ont t,-i- eniio, Clt-n, the- s"y-IN-r;,li castr. C.%m.,hel.a", ei '.,CI,,.oi , rilimt,s "1r.. tft tnI &,I t th.t-she iA eneLti. ir Cicar tht es.Pr, CNt-se thti fn-Pt-eyie"Gi nuii- "U-si't'oijlsv!" eeit P-n rr. t. 1j ,-pith uhot nigla t-. t-er ri i,'." VilUp al. lhM ,,".! qtht.' .svt - itr.Sir, Th, gaz etsltta îhscetrm~ ir.r t-uo, the oy~.P i,, I.,th, ,tv-lNVi-t ag - ,k' (.-r h. sec-t'.,n T i.,, î r,.' e.-r PCnqtàIY.ismi mt xL , We'5 rtie,,, - .-. ia' »ie Cier.,the-o1~ttr 7h the Editor of the iJ1ilby JVtlcssa. blarl.bnm, July 13, 1860. Sis,-Tn yonr pttper Of theth itaniit, thttee ppears n editorial vcry eulo.yistie of Mr. David Rt-esc.,, n much Sn iole.d, that bis bis neareat ncighbo-Sdon't recog-1 nize loju, mand abusive 01 bMr. John Itim Pcrry.. I ess-Rtiýy dissent froue the t-sYlc in' whico yoaa write, helieving that no gond resuits t-rer iSoirfreinpet-sona1 abuse. Tt is patent, hosrer, to the tendlers of the IJ'ot*hmati that yout-forte lies aolt-iY in seurriility. 40ompr;soüs at-e odios."- Ncverthelt-ss, tnking my cite frontuenc, 1 desiitn, bhmingoder t-t-dec the- tu-e tha- rat-ters, and 1 claint front yoîî the- inirtion of this letter. It shall be hri.f : Fiist, ynuo g, -"M-. Rt-esc. app-a-sns the nominee ofthe Opposition Convention." 1 uey, and seithont rt-ar ofcf rett-dit-tion, tha1ý Mr. t-t-cor in the nomine- of a paet-ed Convention, <cutely do,îe,I admrit,) front nt lest Makhssm, St-arboro', Picke-ring nîl Vangban, and you, Sir, at-e fot ilacare cf t4 t-rit-k. lScond, yoi 517, Il"M. .Pt-r- maies bis d.,bni as thge nomilie o fMiit- riai Convention." i îay. MNr. Pet-ty is lbhe n'mince cf a perfeetiy ii-teoit-lnt Coin- vent-ion, wbicb s-us net iiflier-e, l'Y '.1.,. isteriai or othet' wbippersim, h-o nnos fret- cf the !Iiînistry, or of tihe W bîîby Jlt-ochsnae. Third, yen Say, l"Mr. licee sor bas always t-ondentnedl a larish expt-! diture.of.ipublic mOnies.' (litet-d-epe cialiy when hp had no t-hance of a job - 1 say t-bat Mr. let-sor, as a pttthe cmann,as t-ave of the Towshaipopf ýlarkham, stand t-harged 'rithba a »1«11 4rci a intis rt-ar, print-ing for the- Towitsiip-of weth moret linon. Fotitt-, you say, IlIMr. Reesor sn a man of integty, uak-s 1"0 1,rOsfts"ions bv way of claptt'p, Lc. If, for instance, het pt-ofcsses tempet-ance, bis actions corres- pond with bis w s. s k -it' uYon, t-anl a consistent Temperanco-maIt enter a tap t-cer, step up lt tbe bar, andi treat ail banda ? Should ho dot ne? Ye4 1bit. Rt-mo- dites this. l1171c asom ofiniegtlie? I Pla 1It-. "Watcbm:tz," watt-I. t-t-l yeur pot-te.ge !hFiftb voit say timat Mit. Rtt-ffot-n a arattfuI anti pt-ud-iet1 1man, and that %Ir. l'trY bin -aît shts Now-, 1 sy, hovever rash a st-btmer Mit.1 perry unay be., and i don't tet-on him a! Saint, Mrt. Reer fstands ehanxious te tht-l charge of bo-ing ont- cf the tit he'artîcas st-ht-mers of t-be di1Nowv, NIt.-. Watt-h- mealai t-hgil.malin pon a fait- effet,as 1 have ne Morney te sport, 1 i lisiEt- t'ro canes, antd oniy tue out cf 'uit-E.xiec diée osnt-s in regard *0 Mr. ltt-tst-, one l% bis prieat, and thet-aotler in bii puliei capaeity, botb of whit-b at-e anseeptib!e cf preef. And if yen tcannhring forwuat-d any anaiegetta cameinregard t t- I e-t-,of haifmab jatt-ui alicaritss a type, 1'mll vote for Res-r, and guarantet- a stcrc met-o, providing yeu gaantee the Frme for~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~- PaLy h i-tcs stmtc Ijî li-t. Pet-ty .it Oshawa. Wheraver btr, Part-y, speaka ho mat-e t-t-bt-dn anti ailOtrets. At- Wt-iI's Cornera, Columbus, autdi nore esprciaily at- Oshaca, utas t-is bees t-be cnsa. Tt- .n]y oqoices to hçuy.4ir. Permya plaisn)loont-ot, stroigbi- foreard stat-t-tenia to becont-it c f t-be tcocte-ascf los position,atus - m nsso t-t bis polit-clta opinions. At- Oshawra bis triompb oct-t lit. Abrahate Faret-ll anti t-ha chamepionsacf Brown-Grit-îst cas Most- complete. Mrt. Farewell act-olly quaiiei bornoat-Istha catigation atimiaistet-e t - bie. lie, evidenily came tht-m vit-hlis folosers te eut--veto Mrt. Pt-rt-y, anti br bol tho tables -ompkt-telt-trsed upan Im- aelf. Rt-et-y ose preahat- eppeareilte ejcy tIse tiucomfttesotf tIse elfcnnstitut-ed champion et- Clear-gritbo t a-Osaas. Ilt wms net- aene bates ai bis oea erapono, but- van aosntly trabls-sion bis cen favot-- iteO temp, and in t-bn midtt-ef-bis t-sa fritetds t-anti it- wasds in sut-h a usnser, ne hannsomtlly asti en t-Il, t-bat- t-ht-ai t-nos fairly laughed and gigg.led, anti tht-tr- t-t et-lit. Abraam'& predicateto" Mrt. Port-y, aicaju a gooti speaker, andl a vr-y raady tebater, nurpaisset insaelf on thaet-- casion. lia provet blînqeif vent-ly te ha calia t Otib on cf bis fat-horI' andt tt vbatover bis ont-mies te-y Say, t-be oit bîcetu tho ire ast enargy, antitha poser t-a gt-uple ia ui, ast cenqnet-t vers iluin hilm. Lt-lt. Rt-t-sOt-but meet M. Pet-ny face te facesila lsait-uvnts, anti se cas t-tanty thea-uIt- on t-be oming t-oct-est- C>~Wt- askthie attention cf te tlt-ct-ors cf King Ditisoate tht corcenpondesca ne- praducectiin tht-se columea froue t-be eork llercLtL Mt. Rt-et- it phabuîy cent-lt-ed cf t-be iittl-nt-s of "s'ti-nglett-t--te ite- self uttor t-be siensdeyplaue ct-a iiMeder. ate Dtlegat-t.' tIt is ast-ny petly anti con- temptiblo part- for a canditate for Legisha- t-e Concil hoaora t-o play- "mnuali Metit-ng cf tht-Grand Latige et y. andi A. Xl. TIse flowing is a e petîp it toi t-le Olilcers clrt-td et Ottacwar:- M.Id.tV. Bo lre ibatîss. rond.lt-st-r. R.L -Y' --W. Il. Sietps,îatD. G. lM., 1). Gale, u).S. s . T. R. Warren, . .J. W.. lt-osUm. J«i. Pre-sstt, C. Closp- Iltat-sheId, t-. Rt-tlar. H- mlens-y GroS, G . Trenssortr ut. tiT.B& Rat-ris, G. Secrt-taty. 4Clslas Mat-l, D. J. 0i. I, Hlamiltoan Dist-it-. P . 'W. Thoma.%D. 0. D. M., London District. il 44 0. W. Whitehbead, D. D. 0. t f, WIf*=t District. tg £Eailils -rvin D. D. G. IL, Ht-rau Dlasabea Otaio-a itarit 44 - - () s at-l . D Il 4 ereP. - lasert, -À). Ix- as se A. &8t-s. I.- ta propecs onstct-tt Tht- fitt-Mir. Ediier, lu a - t -r - Th l lyoidyi It-1 prsecsO ueres. sr hegina t-o st-oin litr. Perry an antage- t-io tr-y nisi cf ne ceOt onoder. Uc l(Mtr. liee- Jt- t--B toom ti det-t- It~~~~ ~~ latatygrtifît-t tt seit) -) lss ttnt- Mi rt-y wdlicommuandJa t-ors cf tiensGt--t- Dtct- band intelligent-tetf .*4iaahTeou.largme înajorlt-y cf t-ht- votes cf bot-lt partit-s, n s fat-ns mont-yt-e- Pt2 oef t-be C-,en ft--t An' of- er 't-o kos bim (lt-r. Pt-rry) etateeict lninb; j'ht-, Th dant-~ ~ ~~ 1 C-e otld ctI ~rlit-e-UIp-r I.ro. «Your papier anti Mr. Pet-ty t-cc.bMr. rent-sot-le tet-mus u CatetNa roe b-t ptosnt-tîît-t- pc"Inutt Edior, wdli fnilt teoit- cy t-oa 0, tnjriiy a pt-csf tietlithle,wîl embnr-aiue-ni. The ncOso-5 frie E t cft-i- erai rocitt-7poi-i cf, ns tiNS poil tîtinit-tiet-e i$ rcuelrît r - t- liet To cclat'si' cur l-l. Tient- nlegate cat it-M. t-he deiakin. A rafpe, t-ciifaveur tht- ilt-en t- 1.tetraitlcaobra comementa on tbit-ta0 Is-te ltfore t-ht- opt-sls, cf, pt--ts ees t- urgt-oct-N,stls tî -t- ppît- s-t oppression t-f Priet-oitand pWe0lime svili ho at-lord noe-etof Otur ineratwtet- commuion.it tt-be de, so o-cilI utwOovPnt, lie évid.et-- nccessary prptraiica ties ad te eciroctyTteaty, tave the y dined off iîtavy breaintid pickîed t-a- Spet-elations are tonJIh uetaascfsupigtil bo-l Il.,Eiipansd ciuehers - disorder-t i ct-ouesth - rt-ue-y at-i cafrird Ont, Une I lii Cen-in-aI mt-h-tens<lietes-ltti sle Bitteand Pet-t-y. VWe, iosevet-. fally e.t-o IOhe teit-ot-. It- c55S Coni-entat ets ,f-înuille tfarkets -ldot-se t-heopisniotn tîtlit-. Ptrrys chat-. a rlhoe tient tht-et-i-or cil ter, l hpuleanti privatleit-, hyond fort-ht-ouing rnet-sien. protlco cf ce-ty kind t loe t-t- orreproad a- but . Rt-tset- hy be enlsiîi hie t-o cOvt--t-tiuat-o t-a ,pcttha îewesîtvîîStates Of t-le tries t-o divide the pariy t-a olsain t-b en t-a ttIlltt 'snsirileurts L:aited States eau giva thrml. in respect lisect-Il knoivs lie euaent- by straigîtifor- tcountriy lîY the gre-tati cf è im t-tfrmaliket, Caull sitîtIS St-t-irat-ns. Wby tit i Ienobtocme-out-* ntre jeate bal i, dit -oxiîsEyP lle s man eilit-oridlîy, in t-le place cf dira- vitle tivilizt-lcn-, caly cel situaIt-tianit--qe? i th- giog le sud ti-ociiig dit-rsst- os-et-the tItle a ~totnasfocin teint.- fore, selt-tet-ritut ,>Jî i gates choses run tilmteiRt sc nptie ii --îcs noe for lttisnyj-eas t CoieCot-inue asit- t t-ly dt-ey havieg at-tyt-ling tado citO iNtenaoiiaal t-net-eýt, t-itty htave ihelrNo donic, C* t-'sîîità sailet-t-lit-t- lIlitcsor or but ecocoteising me. art-tost- dyfo t-rmttOiitieŽ imnidtt-e n:ît-c Foi-ces cf irdî,a i c illaeîPaier, t-ontluct-cd compare cct- ace pro gr l' i I i i s e ls t - l i t -lvtfi a li l i t y , a n t-l ie v o t e d a s i i i t -a i n t - ît -e s a ln e ., t i er e ti-, î î t-ait-h. Our ta-ifr, liivctt-tilyisili-,o. Ot- toîîdtverpt-et-cnt acyIlet- an ct-Il ne cf distot-ati cirtuall pt-lcte u. is i-t a gt--tlie-eneioy t-e Or Moderatoecaise front nsing giîîattoiwt-h île Fii-e, petus -o eaufat-ot-, l rfrages coa- t-le sheet t-bt pahiisbed the- productions caswst-etUito f t-bat- c., t-mue motierate, no duiilt-ett bt-3Il elle-in.cf Sîîîit-l iit his rtest-hi, t-t- hat-ce consiti- People. Wt- laprevet, lie tethriv. IL t-mpur i-r bis cavte r, is an et-etlIent- cay cf celit-ici,andtiWC- ili sti dustt->ci ltlitleteCitu-emin ho clittliiig ihiiogi t-O nipcint. lne ciit, cf oi t it wictat-s lit-e-. tant-t-ne fatraisol a etttoî - cot-st-, have no troubhin 10nsv:cting quels.-intte - uidn depreriate. Fat-eut-ale Ils wente- ituait-l lios.if lit- aztora It mîiseif. Ie Rt-(lc. e-t-m5tf apet-masotfi: ri% te agricultussî out, ncalaiOnsr ar iettecmuicto sntlocality nsay lot-. The with oi- neigitiri., i t il tîsat b lhto~a--- ltItten in115 mu- t-liecandidate in tNe vs- aae- a aciie ti car fat-ners a let-farithOe '111111v r îfEs- t'Iiîajici cf tîNt-Public. ('-t net t r. naristoct-ey, weusj'hll trope t Notetcl ctl .ciit-t-l-5tt i Rt-t-sot-, io u al ointenî,ttioni cf toing a d ,n; bt-in Paris t-ho taestltt-i Co,întm-lt C.11,si - -uit,-is said. tiigcf tet-aort; buiremNehbet bit. ltee.t--tiiislt-liO5t- b pott, ta upp y le w lit ofthc ontne t n pr ceq sur Nfr P e ry' a i-cte t- wtsstsno os C-siOna lY f r p o-pose, imttsttirably ht-tîtt-ocra.Thte etOn la îetiog; Itit tidil, î ute-erintes bita- se wchit vas Not- nt tht- le t-at- of cat-es ti-cep raid rates t-essed i -int-e Eeonisi stoitld go lotta great t- allgcf er wselr, WCiitrusut,cart- îIthîtt-htCrIe-a ihî short- wai-y tosvards placiiig'lit- on a gond bîiîîit- O xpn long lot- ho a tcondition ie rjat-t. If t-i.e festdatio. titl--ath liai-est- it Europe it- shsîltl is t-fruitfih ns la cocluhîsion, t-be Modetrato -Part-y do Public Oc-t-ooicssly fi it- pt-omise-ts 1 to.iOa tthi i t-ît, 't s feel Uet in th Ie justice cf tht-N.,cause, aui oswe.a ni quit-e ptossiblet t-ent the diliiitri- ot-ur-, 'lidit s Illevotes Of tili -s-'tme-tifot-rt-r. A C d N plut- cerenhsOlnav t-ioeat r'-it ec-txisi Pst-ty. t-Vo sîst hsst-st mnt e .0 t-t-pt-t-ct-utin onîy et jaees riiiiis es tt tr ftiis. ht miel1 itot- holitit-Sîadvt-ttu-t-ts' t-Vo etlîl (e tleNtN muti e hosnte bin î,,joli, lit1.i Il.îîd and 0150 gh-e il tîs;or St-e Opinione, tint-tht- John HamtePt--iy, France biave 10 pheîîtîît- yt-st-s t-iOughi toliiiiiiilttirts, OZî a "Mottîtrate Dthe- Pt-rt-y, lias cet-t-t-til il, -t-cen ciîhintitîtr i mita tO t-tPPIY ths gus" fr i-c thmtotndîl il I, o-as st-t-itt-oIlyMMederuats l'art-y, for t wanîîlî tf thîtit- votiiiuikiltt-, tl'it-e lat-t-e"tncothtI-rate at- ail, for tht- fihhcsaiigtgrt-asot-ca eiîsKilii' i'n1sion. cent-ry htsi aN iiînts an srilhit 'ts t-iltt - -.Our- o5twlssht-r' t- ' ienst ns T-es- Paty hy titis at-t-, have Possilet, i-t, tîtet-WCe ss inhet- on îî-tif pellile aaltiet- a-ithie E'atoiîis. 2n-iiî t-y, naîîifeotetia adli, thet E.trolaa iek tiîndliait- In reiy 01cie t- atiltil ,et~iehitusstt-ii tînt-rî*ti",hî lat-niuly ijh thiey tit- Unitedt-î Sot andîIllie rîçtliotlta as sat- elisplisticahhy deny titnt- Ilqestionila , seill isecome 'Rt-ot-t site suiîpjt.O iii soudeîihierttteitht-liet o f Toisisii anraiseicl nt-aill ;îîUns ta Ml'It- ilIttof Conset-vat-isei lu-dît-b. Ailti--ofa,., fr-a .ilî'lat fticiCtie u Gait Ite ttivii ie, lilusiaiti Iti-t-tifre rtheicîîted Contserva escess. Oui- farineri itu, 1tltlitii ni froînvoles cf ir e. rrtty, iviicît 15 it- leni~t- a thllseato tc hîs îc pcea--it1eat-a t-et- tiy t tutltt- si-it speteoniiitoiity. :iîi. No tîtriu -i~~ îdhat aih cofidentcii tNlairt ;t;îltit- ftri-saile, ielegtii eîîoldhaltve cîittt-o tIe lt-tt-r, tt. rtmtii its Illey voitîtiat sitntlqîls.la t tt-i t-clset-ttts t'ostttrit iat-v cf i t-altu-itenîtion t-s dis-ie tht-t---sOies 0o Intini. fo ptira-s, s i i tt-il t-o re-îlist-e a., otui- tai-t-v.AndiI las th se-chalienge MrIt-. -t-r Re-itiuformser, ait îles set-t-t-,starOr tht-eee' te teurit-e us bis nailne, for -John hIula etry. -if adegtiil-Islie lu a traiter in the- cttmp, Tnt-su <Otiiet N.andt etsorte-il te f.isituittl, aswt-il-iy tuiat Tue(ir Ea l- s-i- lite' u- Eisisl, îri- ~ any dtletl-itfi-oni tichmoniili liatunît)my- Nit-el)' -ettiti tth-b Tht- Conniact-t tti-î vettig piit-aant lin. thiu-o -ed liitt onîuîs-aniious i teNst- t te nîljîîîtrnment, llii Woiiî eiti i Myer inO S îc en-u-bi. iîtîli av ill iu-leîi j ' the- hi-bit. D. hititt-iiitfiluait, Ctvenion vsînigt- 'a-t-ii i ifrt Tht- ftihieing nfltt--tti-i r tt-Cprescrit~ îîit 1BE ÏIl SITaî, atisi ntttii5te5iilj taine, îyîtit UnItîtos-e- CtnOnaE . i-itatt-eAi t-ht-t-vs lu FIII A\1 WALILSatîit-ty, nîîly 9,417, Tht- Cio-iI i-,-t-ièit-dI ii- cîîmlieîcof j.liIîîtLt- lt-U ~ irîît1te îtta ife tIhe tht-le cie the rt--it-tf Ilw t-'tiiiiiihttu-v i)elegts frnt-eRichoncd l thntîviri-- W' --so n ltîrsly ji lceier ii.ksîI iVtet-.Nlr. lt-i-uv iuit-le-chair. ait-y b îelle Con veniti on It llet 'Mîtodieri1t IIse-t rji. t'rtai 1 Ant-t-a short isit-ai si-mal telle t-auses tifrlParty, hlid et- tht- An li -li-I iii itti, ('Oitiij toca crit-atitu tht- reportt- sert- -Iiu4t.t. he lt'ast- Mît-hin Vlh ct it Satutii ly Juiiîo 1t-b. tte e h-tttiigs frt-ltt w-uh t-îî i -tlî-h te-ty hi--to te lf)I- 1860. [)elleiof reapet-t tii a 1 plka I îîtt tii-e iieiti- lllîoî ~~l ljagr;ict-ftîlly ut-ditni1 tee ils-n tose asti rt-joried ilit- ert-ttiat s - -- .b _ iiuvitatijan -tuijtahit îIiist-tili, andlit-ea- itto at- itîlitt-d. T-,tie iht f-St--ittek li-tituq -ti"i L t -)t le eîtrolted lîya maun :as E îau i VEStn-Ont hceiing at-et- jonrt- otit îeti's ,îeat-jîelleorii iotnit n The (ticijrestîseteicrnaiit5e t-ofptapei-1 finit tilettert-îneîlfrostttiis ilîtra itin -a-t îthe.tat the. shltîe on lit-. ort-\It. t-i-t- li upiirliting, to e Itrite a '-MotdteroDite- (r-i Baf rtîiur refereneîto li-t, lt-se, lit e t-inilttt-t-gate," ,h~it i i tty Opiion Undtitlthe oin. u- iii<5tve t-dat-, s1Sib m-ts uItilt-aîct-attîia~îlîiiii,-lI~yit-ion cf t-ecîluer itelcgait-s, it a failt-and,î Nes çt- ii . And tti .u îaioîsfatîtictieN. 1îîeoc Itosv ail li-tr frtte ithat-tt-R'i serredt-cntnUtuesitst-i ie tushicvut-hli îe tleitt-ifronîîttitis village o -e-dt-on- bIt- sutneegdt-a--- Stt--tta-y t t-sir..qt-ttoittly tht-y rentîdoct ct-bt-e as jeur pc- Pie. Wutrust-ttlsni t-siitii 5it5t r.t--. triatic te/f sty/ed iloderaie D1)'lt-elien ,!-saeit-u Pt-rt-lad The fo'tsiieitsuoniilei.,ctans litre cfrtrites, lt-t-m eîy ncqiîntance seit ail ocut onîîect-d i t- lt t-he citote, oi tt trpotfthe cceiiit-ieo t-be dlegates ntas ois l a-utbt-emet-ttig on (Cunadla. If it Il. on Fiante-astnd s-a-it-t.Mr. Lyndt the- iOtil uit., I bcosv et-nce0e1e Who C oîî iîi supaipost- t-intW-t- in ltiheChaijr. Saine ieaitîli-ressots wcet hogaihty cf snobi a prodtin ofecfbher- itiytbinii îty nayc reecnitteîîded t-c ut- 1aid, saddt- t-î'csntit-ent- nonsenat-. 't-edelegaies cf ttebic- lictiissst-cpro~pose t- itee aiýse andl report-rd t-lit-eptlitt-ijli souteilerate Party lt-cm t-is village and itirinit-j ttttt t e- nt, 1noiesdineits. lliere-tsthei îu-i dcpt-rt-qui-at-me, ans unhietiber tai jor paper, cf t-hue puiic frutî ti ; ei, andîl te Tt--ssret- ias iuili rit-t-ilt-o puy tt-alîtcuî j-you, Mr. Edt-or, fos.,tite nmue (cf t-ttc lisýsi.acippi wC ;' tic seeat-t-aist. of t-e lt- Mo lcre D.-leguUe Carrt-pendtm et .sreîeo tlîriag (t- Lt- O-tEt-S ssi i "'i't-T .-i i~ f jur paer et- ut- week, as th-y are Thit-lir-arth te tit liebt-imgt-tb a i.,eîo f uit i--ou a t- tnase luhc f t-li-t-nstnes 10 inîîguîngt-tijl t-ente t- '-Ti'm \U"i n- ni fer-iet-otrtpttfincthei Ctjoy, t-lit-grand bl stîi Iii:îti-eleits. - Alliîereicopi tpe." ias th t-bt- (cil eoit-t ils li-Iftii'ly itîerttng titis hanj-cr nstctisue ait N te nf the salue theceita Ut-siCot i ii utst - tito i li matitObli-ge, .%I. ti) t gvin th'Uim e A o., -a f - lie t-hait-. Tuettet-t-rt-e-tutid-ieb- CRi-i trpiLIS Fcsts-Sa 1atC-ehunsceOft-thettentiers t-t- \lt-.tWin. Ccc- GEORGhEcîî i, byit-<IIL<> Tht-rnthe.New c n and a Mlr. lt-sit-mt Wigattitefat- Ilut- supply R- -.. Hll s- i9,86.neittihmt-itpreoent $1f.75 tt-,tt-t ic i petr- lte nest- VThe ChamiNeship cf 5met-cstst Welt-s a very nppt-ti p1 ,000Tettfet -; îtl lie- isp,-ntîiitîîru t-f $35 Oide enlia onte(-at-t cf i)ulldes Tht- champiocithir ils noet-ttcitet ;noi estive 1produttion. 1see.Tht- lest- aeia îuîe e- itiiln-t- utic Rilniane-e-cnkdtis Mtloe Coînintd o.-,ddag as lb : t-lit Coutimaujîteit -te anutd-t- t-ltht - ce liinni e fAoi oisy Iýa lg n pst-t- as aentda,-tie, - auls d. isp1utets t-be riglot -is sileocf t-ht- 'atCm-.aniimal appoer t- t-ig oct-h -di 0 ,2tb A-t tb__ >ftut- Mb -- Nf Vhî*'1' saisal btt o n4 t-o 1..tiull Ilhe istit- rit-i teaut ho Srv~ tis Ii n tej- esth u i n a a, t t- o the iii th eer e t.'e bf t'm -i t- tlîi' I1 la t-ho i lt iisiore ul ueiai, aluC 5 )it t-rtIt(t ute- o utut1 lirat-l i t- Otis i Pn. t, son5 o t- ut- nomtliati lt-e Ljtper îH The t-a e in thet- t- Mîntîleeute 1T'a aoritteti e bitloîeh ot-ils tilig-tly t-s aski attil"p )r the- ittti et-r mid solit ot-aloe RN. -a it bt-s ie iretlilsîblé trip1. nuttit-hi New Yorkifh ina tstort tint tuan tit-he owpil nuins aliteil the -cuit- tii t-ltp 7, ini oul hsi )Purlasîl. tiie :iet-e uit- cet t-i ilît-leue île gî tlu go t-sd liti outet-j, tir Paj-nml t-auii-yOWhtt t-taitil slîh fi al iîîJît-ry 10 îîtîî ais , otile- il'i rtti. t lt-il, o-uit- ii.t-M itia tut htes t-cicn ituit are 1 Mivlr ht-sla irte hilug lii., ppli , t-te uhîip oct-ho illoveitit01o hV ilt-jginat-5ut-it- tith l e G a nd T eM uts EugLih i- at-o cotet tl tfs-Iu tsI hio., Theovhiche ,hlorte- th- lth cnuuisg se"S t-dit cf oet-rY tlisi ta escet t-he t- t iiay of-(tit fr t-ht- rsct. tig t-o t-ht- PiO t-baie Suiecibeai A fuie hat-t- t-t-n mîet-t-ti t- id t-o haro tbiu th hit -,*Y 80s e tte.» 1i In Bien vote t Do i'itboî Bei ritt. ilccpi Bot-le Osis Iltse llfty ltt!t-f ie OTw litn t-tlit e <Alst-. t-lt e tt tti Alit tiltrer Nitt

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