Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jul 1860, p. 1

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0Bomi-WeOkly (hroniole ,,eiity N i E svsl<555 Or JESDAY &LTHURSDAY, tse )oai te the RegtiiCyofie u1ZbChi 0r, SuIISIIPTION ARE $2 501Ili udililecr, andt $3 50 Weui oîli t'I ic~lllt;....... r.îsioni (pur I1IIt) ooos f itîuiehs ~ 0 eîieeuuîsht tîiicWntl lu MotfuliatH litu râade.e- 1119 .îî.ge5 I lt5iiiiSî ii tli cîtt- oitruitttl cett yove-ysiiiitt ut iet nlWlîiiby n'id veeey WEEKLy OBRONIOLE UetiOilhedci .Ë tile mce-lltcig oi SAT:URLDA lu Ccii tveod, at DOLLAR ]PER ÂNNUM, leiSi ' c ontirl it e r ite ltt- isl ieetit Of nc'ttthile-ctteYItlerpîîiisCe it se ACi5eiitT[1i7 IN wLERI. ort, lilîtes;- - - - - :1 1Il ell s litles Ie-et ili.e-51'1i11, (Pte' ui11*« O i l~~1eeqittiitii- --... e....s 04 e-t Usrýwi lilciisoe-e-t-litie sntile-Iesut- lie U'.11) l.tr i vl bcNlit wthy, C. W 1B00KAND JOB IXTINti ESTABLISIIUE NT. îr î,loI,5CIE-TOîI OF 111E SVIIITBY lic lt le ites. 1t-ctI ret ieu of ltse lumttC te-et utilee oi'ile fe-0ttt Nete- Cccii iit"1 cil- OK An JOB PRINTING 1,de- c ipt 01 fi l is es esii tt.liMe-itit 1e uie l Ist-ee-1111, ilti sIalîlice dectlit, ccl lPtilit 11 fi*-eiii'elied uclîl li III Ilitie-ol e-> g e-lcd wî. il. IlGGNS C7tisc fiee-, Wiltlly, C2W'. j0tIN I L TIIOMPSON9 AiIeN 0F Till, COUNT' e-Fe OIN. ZýAcCIEUS BIINIIIAM, ilE1F-ile COU NTY & S UIMOI)BATlf NELSON G. JCEYNOL5>S, 1iip. -OFFiCE' AT.T11E COURT1 eh OHNICAttPESCRY9 îlIn'TitiC. OiFFICE ON BIili'R ST., E11K 0F TuIE 1'EACE. OFl-lClt-A¶T JOHN V. IlIMt tRic 0F TIlIE COUNTY (,COURT, AND lli,ty teo ie Bre--o eok ee-t. (iese %v. PAXTON, Jr., t il tSUiIEl. OFFICTE AT TuIE COURiT i. J. lIIAC)ONIELL, riCLEIRK 0 'THEI -'oU'N'f LICi I'tt, 0 IlIt-CtetI iec JOHON 5511L'lt 1771' ENteINEEIi. OFICI AT TIIE iL. FAICDANILS, i FIRST I VISION COU lcT. OFFICEI JOHEN GOitION, ET-ct-rt .,f WN iiISr & MEiASCEi, fur Ille Ccltitiy ci Otieo. W. il. TREMAYIF, lISTR ANI) C'(UNT'< CltiWh tetee-ly. olie--lit Aetititla Newc Bre-l -V-5/Scesîtc Fleur. P ctlEltON & 111ACDONEI.L, LIS, iMlISTER 11 & Ae-OsNEYS Af LAWI e-ici lîîîle-s 5 tîts Cs-uitly (stitil ()tlîeteî - mi lice-etL îles ('sithiieîe-8ceîtlti Cit.g. GEIORGJE 5H. »AITNELL, lMlbe-'El, AfTORNEYII',CiSE cN c e, c. O-ffilecee-e- ,tuliit e. ilitediare Store, Bocuel Steet Wltitlu.e J. V. ISI, iiIli'IE-til'LAC.OiFICIC-BIC'EI te-stt, CýlIilite- ' ' I S.1. eAIRBANKS, .ii'îu, N>eCCT' ItYUBLIC,L-&ce.o IîIISTECC AND> ATTOiNEYAT-,AW'. iCee- .1iei listgiutltY 0111e-, lMte-k J. W. CoRSON, lM. 1). bTCiiILY PII-iSICIe-N clo TIIIeBRIiI>E lyt Cse-tns - liee piciu ties tecsNe-t lt)iue-ttîtIImày; 1Icilutaef te N. 1'. A(e-'icmy -celiteI-; lieetititis ci Uhiie- Cîîîîîîîiuu, &c. ede t-ilarkiicuc illauge, uesutile ut ee-u &meititoiffit-s. SCOTTPS 1O'EL.# iNIASrlîElCT llI'BY FIRST DIOR -. l. CALDWELL BROWN, NcVYANC11IC, COMMIîSl4lONlhllFO11 iiltg Alicu ciîsoAestitc, Landu, iei luttet ele- Publie sid Ouie-l Agtnt, dte OLtIe--iiig Stre-e, ietcPi>'epuite ede--et Ouil. Bl-.Idl'bstieius atuse t iêtie-sn aw 1114Ycttlete tit. 82 JOUX IILLINGS, SCtt.NCEEI & CON VEYANCING dice, Pre-nuesAbeet. A. àI-lCAIC, . A, ')tiN1L AT S.e-WlSOLICIfTORllIl lte- ue-y Cner>ttete-, &0.,,llàStr îeet G. M. DARTNELL, UTREISTEAR, iiASTEB EXTRA- 0e-cise-ry, lind exstitiiute l inhatuory io- ""(tY oflitare-l, ruch-t., Whiiby. 47 latTJOUX NMeNASSe IISTEMi ATTORNEY, -&0i. Offute- Otereee-f Cieure-liasti COirustruLs, (cppîu 'Uast ani,> Torunt. 8 COLVIzLL & HAMILTONI, O1NEYS & OUNSELORS s- LAW d bliing, 1iIPET , M 76e STZET, OSIIAWA, CA36ADK op COCIISTY ANDO SUPCR utc, tandMoesuucr&0te C mtuy Csae- Amos W. CR0S,, BlITIOT, CiVu I NUZNiiEItlANLD, Is pAmsulWvh;etu- ]RONENT J. WMl.N TER&siCATItOIIREYAT 76-AT unr tha 1410e-es o ma4 uca. - udi s-, Wlth catm Prinled, uords, groat tlioughis ialna'nirieg industrye, wea idrocutu Pea ce, pe-gress, Kveosv e D, roC] VOL. IV. GEORGE BRADAZON, ÇONVEYANCElt. COMMISSIONER FORt ltk'IisgAfficice-tsIli te t icne lkileeeitie. C irI, lirn, C. W.i JROliT. CICECKLrY, Ni. 1D., s 1JIEON, ACIi'UlitiUIl, &c. COIZONEIZ for te Cuttitît of Otahirito. Rl. J. GCNN, M. D. Srl(e(iN TO T.. OUNTY (SACL, EAST WINDSOR 51013E, WIIITIY, te- il BYtiunrilE-tTOu. F Il E auleenlutte-Ile ýA c(liti les cillttuîtl 1iît. foreieitcilltî t raeline. Gene Salîilii andtî ttci o iteit - ei -rc2 EtC!iEIt IN ItUSIV, TuIE Torgratî, Piete Fçri-, 1 llittînete- -Cîetîie 1 tr15e-te eeiîiehiliretot e recci tstleýî-e- tirce Puiels litei s ietelce. 4r J. C.II COK C li ele .Wue-lmae teie-t eteoet &VOL ittira, aneieeett't-ietteceltd-ece-ii- :eiiie. Aiss ie r e ieieglncise s l e-iiîe e l AMItRICAN ICOTLL. W AIZEER &PAiflSî,llill- W tors, comrt'Y-cîîg and Fronît teete. tctitc C. W. la P. IPl. CLARK, M sltlCN'r'rslt IItN-.74, IING ST W Vei. Turoîtît. 1 .MARCTENS (Lite Wicicci'ce> ICOTEL. cUItE SCB»I llý'ltdIA ViNu TAREN litE IîTe, eve Iitel fe-tiet Mr. )ile'ble tu ccsef- foed is --the tttitc tctl Ie it - eci. 44 JOSEPII NOURLtE CLEuII EI.lTII lDIVISION COllET OFe C Nttrtlcceiiiterlcttcl cendl Ilrlicec, ONTAIO lIOrEL, IIIICAN Je, P liUEiTtio It IiCR 0I.leel Wii> c i..lig iandelatit- CANTON IIOTEL, DUFFI.N> l CRiENý, leRilî .Ol)tD e ceeiitiiiei lf- c Trzv lle-e-e. w MMBIIEItT. r 4., etPreprieor. 1CIINstL LE. (21 iUNTY ilE-Aîllu, 1 Ie 1tî lec.icetct t' le-- isili tse M ieîîil.ttl~î- e fliet u -f t tl\VIl il 1-V- i IIENICI SCANNA3S, il IIM) iNAMENTALI iC ITEIt, P G.zrPaptr lowretc. Vlîilt'le w. .il. IILLI.NtJ. AIMUTiliEU & Ae tI'roINiE-iAT î.tW' B 1> etcii-rs in iWit- ,CCclt-,c C. LiWEN oiuti- ist-lt ue- tic tu-litalci teL IIF-nstitre 11ee-elIuttitlitee-und -cult e-e- e-tila-te-.ciiuoia JOIE SIIfTCALIO e -Ilticiliiltutl-c-el u Be-ck. Ai- leostCutiuintottt. 14 FIIANIILIN CIOUSE.- île-e-cee-, c.In. i F iW i,zieu111111. ce-iMiol- B). tIs-tee-titc ctstîe ru--isu WChitu, i 2, 1857. A. . ttCE, BGINET hiARte Uë Lli3 ElEZ e. C ls-e l'eî-ci, e-iiSure-i, IiChil. l't il& te-lttiiie ieti il e- Iet- iiie- II i tu eiciljobl- lI COAD SCOTEL, E 111ePiiultC 1 14Y- 1111,, 'r-sel-. 0u s Stliilig w tutittlIetCiei -Mt- F- RCIANT TAILOR IZ,111CR SSTREET, i il itby. c Ti]COlIAS DEVEItELL, U 1 1 , I;&..&e-., GEîEEN 51111111, B etlitîc.4.W tIM. FO. ie rfNilTNTIX suN CANI) DUZIiNbi TUE1 IuuIIu, te-liji te-ti bsuoldl ier Clu-c l ui>, t 2.le6fu pure 11eL-e-s iî.TIIEW CARL, 1E AND TEE.t'IuJiZCt e h TUE1 C Tmishi rUcuurisiure- td.re"gc, uxlrilge. 'THOMtAS if. ]PÃ"ITAS, Wsu,. Aierir, Alltiuic-e, Arbirl -e ane- Landtî l tiit t i Betue-t ii îui-iali M hileuit. etCluhtee-tu>' ueuuuoul it on-î ci Merc1.ItuIissu Fuue-îuibre, tsu elle-e- î p-stut-ie AXEjËS! AXES!!1 p ERISQiN-s ei e-f oràcî[t eust-, eaulierav thle usntt sauu ti telhnue tuîudsieitri.'li te- -s t't'uuiy Fioi . Aiia u rtptiel untile TTOIZNEYATLAW. S bLICuTiSE lN A Ulus &e. Offisci-l Victoierc. th. ug,~V5- 15Clrusiels Of- fie,)Brisereet ,- luItY. u NO 0TI1CE. JAVIXG pttreiused lie ititiroe-Iok ci IL ititlit s g(te,, sil ast addition et le- -À New Stock, -M~ wun fatter aouule-es tut eOscmagivOrliir &ui'- jOSEPIiI IUCKINZS etC. e-eeleNoatinber tbî, 1luI-. 43 IV. Wy. LEAVENS. NW EIILINEEY SýUTREBROC S CII M A FiUzRANODFEALERS8-IN ilasepd Liai Tobuca m1;selWhiire, Lmhi, &. & John lstee-CII-nHoe. Porthu1101 6lltr 150. c- c1> f[tEeet r.itbyOe-a"nteefuuen h hseu noc tanuri y*IevSo supbhe isI ~e~>TiisTsdmlibedl&dïmt iLl. AI' Aesg5aIllc MSS. N-NO-h. ILAILROAD MOTEL, B AVERTOiI- gOOI)ACCOMIiibl)ATION lu at 0doc. J. Mi. FP ASERC, 'ropriulse-. JIRITISH AMBRICAN MHOTEL, esiceCEauTHetOSHIAWA. llcIîO SîDOWNîsINGics i;.lrt Ioe Boud Stîîhlitg, naîd Itititl55 e-hice. 7 E DIV ARDS & II[ODDER,ý r.ALIiDSIAPEIIS, &l-. IIITFITTERS, lIGie" ý,Steeel.4ietitii. (4ltlleeî' gre- ine-uts teduup oid e-tiI u laicî111Auitsl clîlîîî- le ,tvle. E-y j 'TIlE 'TEiIRAPIN., rIîl ilPlhIETOERS OF TICîS lIEL. 'blitte1p1 lt itiie-ar eliste-mlii ee-eîjîotîofc te IdelT. NICIIOLA'S. lKing sire-eh, is-citu *lc-îie-eie- e-lh y 1Mre. lieley. Thes Icrendîleu citaeele.i tt-e'ese-tîhted thîntgittî, ande lite- il. tce fiiiîs'e-t style. Eesey lie-e-urlei eie - ili etce-sei. A elgar dicii'i'fîhecli p se- îiihe-ttcs iiete-Ilis h ittlite est brandit tirs pri-tittite lit eor, îs CAiIAL.E & McCI)NKfET. Ge-îuid TrunliSCoRliesnYSIloCel, (CieelAelef Rtilltti DépC, Portlrl7uîitiy.) T JE ZUNINISIGNFI5 IEGS TO INFCI'àl te-j fistcî td. Clind ttbli, tîttlie le înotr li possese-itttccl teles l i uel-, ltesiise- ti rîe-elie te-l inifitltuesecirry eutl niie ss liee-,îîeît. lieod Lie1tîs-, Itincosud Btjdce, Exiec ttýi -tltiîcî-cce-eftl-ti uttisut foctraiii tutd bore-e. JOSEiuIhR.UEISOTTi)Mf, Wliîll J i. l9t 1800. or AUCTION BUSINESS A TTENLED thoas îtisia, by J. Stcrlingr. L1Ail sre-erit-lîtliiig te Atusilsît sales by lie iui-i--cite-d ltcibule-itiltiîreClîrunieiO0f- liee, Wltitltt Mecees.ttggiis & Mitye-iteifer aî- eirycizrselhttpintPiih Ill tiys refi s aaie-e-ei lt-ilt-e-elctilt tCe e y ac-isui hlit 1 s li e- 00011itt ltitl 5 t ifi il itt gesîiitli es>'e 7 tcci e- tteMa tybelttîlf. le-colle-l i iiletatbsof IthefCtoeut'y. J. C. S'rEitLlIO. Il. 1W. SOODWvARI), C n tMISihut)N lIICIIANT, INSUR.tNCE t_/ai feeeicilAgett. lltes-luttsi -cii- pid ct112eo î, Chi' I .V ereeîte-.s.'flctite Cieksii, Esq., CIe- cideut Blhccîltf Trae-is, Toroto;leNV. G. Ces CcI, i,. iiieer, Itîit B. ILN. Aucîe-iei., be-chIct > N,. .ieîtesîc, Esc., utlutuegse- Qetace Bankti, Toroto; W. (e-1t11t,10,Eeq. biltihilmirTo- reculto Hit. 1'. M-lPeentIi ofîk ionî- llcieetiMst;s-. heulhiud, Tyle& iiîeîc-îe Feccui ls11eos. Anudeson, Ee-ans &C Me- îîte-e-el. 1esee-. IW. 1Pe-îee& Soui,Qctc- b';le Ilte. J. Nsud& Co. tî-ly 1 Whitby Brewery. T ilCil )IttI-Il-t lit te-s unse piie-etie-i e feue-- tue-u ie - t itte-atto o li s tut iî t p-s uer. Si-luldîl, çqtttl lu i le itepceteci.uetices. M tit 1111 ET SOJU CYF tî B 'f J siufl rieitor. ieltactlottt lueco-si - uio.Euse-y attenutionti îu elthe couillone UNION STATION MOTJEL. F 0tlT<I VliifST., SECOND 1100511 f 'luitlei,t Uisî t Stln Tue-dito. lluugIV. ORBOENE, 13 I'eie-llie-o CENTRE IMOTECL. B RO suihlileEt'r, bu ieittiite Iituusiuot CMon B te-e-ci, Illl).luIl. DENt-sON, pro ti-br lecuIAc--oeiutiutlen. ONTARCIO SIOTEL, eIclumcvi cî - gs Coiirisf MAu l i e-iti, T ati t htili e-îu pîi u lictiîi ietsloiueut-- etIc t-l t ci i l,'ue,% til t1 e- an ru tsIl-r .i uIt tei.0,u ii-litee ie tob i i'es uuid foe- tuttiroti- e--îeîuuîfg t o mte rilu t % l i el tirpuiblie cuhi.udec, iîîî .iq1ttce- Cu til i etes. Cciin fe1relis te--saccommodaeiltinfor lieut cutd i lus - A.'Csttiietlte aud esîcuril ulsiure. S. CONWCAY. Ae-Ieliîuî-u, Jue 18,1,60, 25 RElovAL. &- CIIGiN&iAiI) NEI.LS LAWT 0F- Ste-uc e-ucut re in e-s e C u r t I t ituet flic ' XcFhrso u esiîgut,BruliSt. VclteJi týe lii, le-O27 N. Il- J. WVESTJIY, G ýERItAI utIiîhIislN AND INSUIC RCC' lc i 4 l-uc ioe il--oIku Cuiîrilie elu-ec u-iCiaCieee-oif filse ut lit eletf tit i 'ie-5e-5 fl t e e ish 'it 111 - ALEXANI>ER CA-MElIN. C~ ~ ~ ~~Tw ofE uNItL sun ltit>' i SE iDS!ETDS W"0IMPOEIED GAIEN & FIELD JAM1ES iB. GERRIE's, Drue-tomns Ciiile-ly, Aptiil , 186,). 511 'tmt DAILY & ffl TÂGE BETWEEN WIIITBY AND INDSAY «AND WIIITIIY ANID BEAVFRTO.. p ASENGERS cmn lrsrol C1srogi ironu o iliue- piuice- tscil us do>'. bie gS4e-e-s rouîtLhîedtay sud Beovre-on .5 rie-s in imeu QteellCougîig essi sudcet StAroIfice wl t * N. RA y S C I i t fin 5 u t8 o is u > , 'l - DBLACK.g IHIOTRCL. <e-are- unit'sibtusam uezu,)' uer by the iroe usopat N14~ sst brou sps-elid o lusuee l0e .11 o e rillo Tbitsot braeu u isLqisssl i Ruori>' ud caiteceloutshod, geai tlà' ali eleutiruotlce- Tblubf Whitbue tb 6ed.uey Ilise-C Olliai lms ou f Wiltby, uali l a 11 ud C e ti he SIMPSON & ,W-HITBY,.W., SATIJRDAY. JULY:21, 1a60. eT-oCONSIJMPTIV.ESDR. FRED. DEILLENB-AUGHI, ý[.PR NERYBUS SUFFERERS -cee--, e- lI StiISClIntI, forrse-e-uIe-us-s i- 1? UinîluC tîItu, fuisereiuvl n IC4îre, a - T aitis v-gculluetitIyeo.Cs -Iru e-lee-iletC acuîiîctî, -geinuirîu L uree-iît,~itrtorn c ôi, steétiii A xuu'e-e-s anIeiic orlice beuirf s t' B"Stiie-cu acd alie-ra eC'For lu eiela iiiisg le nlc tl e ieîsptebie.t 'Tot ICecissue cie-ire l, lis e-il ciilte Cre--t "eceiption itcliifuii direce-ionîs (te-rOfe-caupet t tlt îupetflien m-d'u i uetieseil tit aItuil itaciuiiîCto unilttiotui efEttirot iiltt P lise-lt. Tliiees e-iiitliult qjej-eya-us îbtiiu t il b it~-Cîeit il, by .cirri1u JE. CUTIIIEIiT,t Bstiuiule liuyoiiu, 1 Ns. 42C1 Beuidwy, Nu e -lir. GLOBE IIO1TEL, BROOKLINi. T IE UNt)ERSIGNED TAKF.3 OCCASION lu e elti iie silice-m tiuiLike tut lue pel usen, litic tul es iuie plblie, lo ice- lie lse-iti te i-î sde exlietl10 tiuîî11v ite-slice ttuutteud utlitîs îhIrklili. In d-iu.g 1rs Itsuec-uurei Ustlis . uuîueriestin-.îit nos cIet uil bu scretd e Clislsft'le-lipull tits i e-l cte f tlts lei-sle ies puet efîlti ,Csnutly. t hcu e-,lt gttane otte-, l ià ittliduitie, aUdi iililsi lit lu-C s Ute-ellî c itotit ringpil), tIlitlki ird., t ulîd forectit-,ee-soatuc t l iblte-. Tuite-sl ilu-eue-e-85, fr tics st-uis $3, einug e-ttlp e2, C. DAWES, Ilrccuiliuà. Msay 1800. 16 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, usoce sTE-r, se-ie-nY, 0-OppusiCe Hamilton & ltnbertu..iR JAMES CICOCREIC C 011E(AI Tht'ENItCCCIL FINI) c te-îculsulte-uiiug it tItis liotl is te4-f --n eu ru feinie liegaer ese Iselio e-lt icd te' bar e-lrroule-, tles l'y litele-pe-edee-e-e-i'te Tule iropitr e tlsetitsse-eis t 0ltli lite-cil patrone-sutie isce'l ti tuliuîce tet cellinuieituuit fciiz; bkiîoleî-8 lu C"ility,. GGool Salbig,andu-atetvelu Ostlire. ItIlit>', Maly 1360. liI ATLAS IRON WORKS, tgr Front Street, Toronto. -esl C HARLES VALE & Co., B FG te iiifisi'uthue publliethuit titsy ihuveçru B oletiielle-d hectilo xenusive prtilliiece011 Fronut Stree, lfoetteely x5il'iCtts d iteOntario Be-er, In Cite ilotucut eilleicicstyOle fur e-te-- ig o1 iCe htieesof Iron Founding& Smith's work Tiuey iluuiei ie-pe-tinsftOue-r imeîuue-se-s ice- tielS cf Oe-itttie-îuittrleucFeii-'-t liieites Cat trCe-uoluuuuu, Wiiicu' uisSUIeStiti .AR CIIITECTUJ?.IL 1IYOJK sfue-ryiles-îtesICee-bgie, Pue-b- .ttindBex Stoe--v e-i-e -, 7e-î il Itiîtiits, VCciii et, Stlgce- K.ttltic,lin iuCisîlîte-randcurti ue-g, utl l e-ei t llur teIlite Tracte anutie. oecisutiid- tiuillsottili let. Tsoronto.e,: >e-ioise, 1857. DIRECTORY Or'Tiuta COtINTY 0F ONTARIO. A Compsîleteudire-e-ors-oute'lie Cotcity iiOit- tâic ile-0îl utbiIsite-ttCfoi.lt, tti-igil- eet en lu in ie motuIlîIfcci cîe-,uîbe- Il clii eeettdn ru lelsileitnl ie-t cutIlsee-i- dolsîc l, Cterolcieus sud Ltiiutiiiteýs inithes Ceulil>'; sltieuug ths Nituucier filits Lot uts itaàer, Ile-î e'tttor utreet lue tetui, eil- l'ue, se- Cîsucl*1iIule loee-uiuiîuî Iltsaddilti, iri se- , iteecuiii, lit-liee-ielee- rc itttr aiueîlits, it..-t osti eil iiiiiitti. A II Ccl tililsce, Coro-netrs, iitelcbette-, suîuY su 'tutuil l -'iie-litis 'lite Cetttiy Citt- ius,'si tyGitticie iiti ndCecîutîu'-ut Se-leuclu &e. A lttf114 jrluluciite- mîîccuitiand Csîîîîîtcui be-itou Il rte-tsîc- scsoelSaite ufletueiàt InS1usii . ie- f declutits are-leou caliî. lie up tocl~ n ftse 0-e e-4titilI u1 ttà eltg-etutct@Cotutsbye-lzirrtte-I3 -e-iee i oitutisld-t e-e, eilhitIut-e.iictci' (leleripe- bleuis Tus tiuiite-fctis itCliîy, îuîd s elutIer i il.s cdatiusipe-sltle. Aise a licI of tbe t otUees, pust Meuittue-i, ILLclisuai stagro utta &0. &o. Tic Booitill hlietîltlit u)lett'10tO ussec, 12 ,uspe-lîttetieut gteallueise, wt-ill u:I)l .l Ii ce t --i t ttestc1 lctîi ult icece ire--1 uhli uspudlitdiuttONE lilILLAI- 'flerueili Io lecci iesuo uf1.00 Spre-lc. jic illtiltLci tultuuiberso idveaause'osaeutht l bc ilîuterîtu lt IleCte iloef $20 luer patge;$.()for atuelf s p )go,*tir là, filleitse-r ier. A rstu làfri i ululic ilil suel diiea go cs.uiee in.itaii rems A FTER asu supretesiel suie-eefül pruclire Of ne-e-e- hure- e-ciru, ieiig ateiîti rie-iî C-i stivu e-eticutîthes eqtteet fute-s fiîttutsin î lptttiuïe lthe country-e, it suosenit- -le usulieah- t- tiiec-l îtce-iesutiit, 1upes silli luiteuas ete-e-tl thc co tul klottic tuilonug se-prc-lt-e, ittndliai, sf.tie'u i ii lus dilfurcut te-il glets fer ss'c. Tu e e suCes ir sttiiue a illi Cite lite-unr siliir iz tued se a su l-te r.te it thlîîtat ee-ceeue-yte usy, Ciel tir hue fo er ee-S esima fnr fr5,0 4,000 te 5,000 pe-re-uus, and i ite it sluh to gi'ritt $Ilscee. t(:tes ithiave lîfiled oltur isdiecid tîcut )letled rîeilie- te u iu t leuuetiuaendIer m;corneîm cli le-th1qicttreluof uiles toî bc aue-sese. T'C )itu toe, leu-s-r se tesenuable lils olîre, te uee-' e-c-3 htniti cite llu ea- 11er, boltîas luit l ii tedisile lin tueobohtIcs. telîlli rsen îteîîîbetsiuti,12litse iiîeslisr la IBLOOD PURIFIER. Siiperier te ltse ptire-et rute-ect of Soe-eîpue-illie lanude sitirviy n0 ruebottandl Ie-b rîci u iiielt' for tigu itrlie, thc Cîssl pe tt-ie- cf suluicl ars extruchtd by au rtitirstee- cituiipe-srtes. Il nesehii lsre-e os es so unttactiv e-iee, lu susolier eues u4aatss ereuie- e-rne-suv cesshy oit ltse-s»Ie- adciii uic'y,exeiiiig tierule-sut iii ieorbic inathe-, littîs bris'e-itg lito uctisti0e1 lis ce-Oins tîtinty blutte-bcuino îîlthîclîe, antd uuîcy bu reliecinsti tîe-ue-irer Otuisliiiois, and <.snes>lainslsift- t LI XleY8t, IlfnPlesi Cc-uc. ÊUIIjFlisee, D5cicio-,sa, G<nere-elJebility, OUie-if- cee-, Ç--rfectla, J'ud-tntr)impties, Sciea, Nec cua De-ility. Eu-yi1ijelcea, tudiücsuiuts, Jsjiaeiiia th aunl ~îd .-Cce1 î ail cîllîce-tlise-tiseise-Vllielu C 1ult ï li te- e-gî tus ehleeiýilur--l or impuriie ettîte tif biuisisti n or l mef eireuigiutliuim nsture, itctei wilse-er ti-ecîliu se-pe-oiahs u hutbody- Tus ntuiiiber 2 ic a FEYEC MEDICINE. ciin No. 1. Ituwili lecin-tIci. ., ui tr les- lnirlt, ail kind qf 1;reruîtand Atiete w/c oue-ti erirU e fCuidga au au llita, wîter cChroulc ter Aceii.-Tltoeu iîieillts wialle-Ct CURES, tînt retîsovulu l ee 1s ari cillhesbsody luMCau utte-r. gpM Rcnieiibee- leerlt conitheion, liîcîc hlilltstirs1îri-îe-tcci 1v OCIL)ti-slFîICt sies DELEsisUÂrila, se-llites$ e lCel li t 1Bite fuis oser 0.7 yeuses. Te pit-eeiil tti c, sescee-ot Iliite.tu cfthie Ditlcr i ii i tet-tlertee- cie-elisoule, andl "Dr. Fre-d. Dcileiilsugl & Ceo., BtlLti, N. Y' blute-utl ii lhe cite-e. Die-cilti ee-esî~ i-sdili-hile-. Ns. 1lis c-Mcife-r$581er beele Ni. 2l lute-5 cents. IVitli tiu e ilfe l tîe le- e ir cldte e ets uittîe-, reile 150 Conte-ir .,tle by JAS. IL. GEERIE, Sole Agenit tVlitity. Wltly, Sept. 14, IS;Ii. te-&r a i-Y ROBERT hlOBtE, Muster. BAEL-S Yoseatrent Wharf rre- hait .5houre,iily, furcdies Clndt. Puteuesle-Sn l'us estuibe->' siitiug the ity, cis nsijsy t eastii, iuy duii i til treip ocress tbl i lute-i ý i in îîslutsts eoniteauluee, Faro Quelec A ency for tie Tralaunotion o f Buseneoss usith the (ovrnmeni DeIlnetmets. il J. GIB13S A PENE» AN OFFICE IN QUE- be-c fer lieu Trausae-tion of tha Busi- uess aifPueties reiiding lu Upper Canada otrcîsewhre, suis auy iof lienGoyernoe-ntC Deprtïusculs Pe-esoîus duuie-oîni ofsscuriug Patcnts fer Lani.s, or Caiug Claluns aflan>' othor kinti ugusnsi lIte Gove-rnîsseteb, or roquieiug eny infiormatciionobte-ulsuble uetIheo Ce-nnLands eue other PuicoOffices, use>' luce tîsir business diiigeuly tteudsd Ca b> s Re-ci dieut Agent, sithuit ie expense and inl couveniunru of a jelie -oCaQube CVsentseofInvuention Idlic eu. Ait pre-psiuI cmemunictionsi, addesseli le Box 186, Peut Office, Queieec, silire cecir inimledjalu attention. a. J. CBS Quebec. Sept.I. 11, 18591. 3 1s.-ly THOMfAS MYERS, LICENSE» AUICTIONHEEE FOR 117E COU-NTY 0F oN:1'ARfo. F~ ~ ~ ~~~h AMI'SAE lutsacoîuntry siIli e- tsruuî s-l.keaia, stu oie iuud out coel- uueciu 1 ueLiclu souieili bc diopo-eci cf ii thuebest tusiatug. Saluca u ho lit 'u Rioulasevssre- Sacutuite-. Ailc1ýe--e, Nveieit )ylutt Atueusît Bom, Aliieion Poins CVhCls, Fluruuy 111h 1019 T &T r 0 ?f Mfr. Perr>' nddr olectars ai Ouhas, Salue-day ovouiug. Coe sutmoss Caps nal fiod tandiug Chu Pasages, andt ing. The muîlit iug S. B. Taie-bei hasa estohîe chaij The chairman juil ai. the mectir sens the firt o ai a Lugilatire Division, said candidate luChu by, sud 3Mr. ltuî thaI; Mr, Rue-unr1 fore thora, and i preseut te give1 questions ai thu i od te came forei dross e e ector M1r. Ferry tlii rureived itleulo Ho commrnced1 sehicihud talion af hu Uppnr Mut ire Cooincil Art, elected hy hu 1 1 This uns a henficial chanige, ho obsee-ved, uhici gave tis people a îsee-per checki on the Upper House, iseed of haviii.1-eil cou- trolled b>' au' liiniste->, cho beiore ht' dîme, caeld have pudlied tie Upper Honse b>' appointing those uhoin the>' pcsed, memberu lu vole for their me-suers. Ho (Mc. Ferry) uns ose ai hose suba beiievud liaI ail govorumout uinuîd emanate froni tlé people, sud hlewue 'ad hat Chu Logis- lalivo Council bill psmed, alîhougli hoe us se-e-y Ite y, tIsat it'wns opposed b>' some nf Che Reformuru of tînt day. It sues, ho said, rigbi and propur, and Ibis dut>'ofni al caddtsfrpr0selr'bnr,~ camdde feu-d asd enta Chiosoain- t>' au iri>' uansdiîtatCi iew- leiubn slingCoirsufdfrule tsud liai C hue sleiuî bune eir. ureî;ndeg r esjci hieou no ios undpubling stlei ha pisrod hiewpuentcliemteuinali and pld bi. H a sedntetsitncul ak lis weadhocarigdonsiîh tolliugIbm netar>' lad e usssandanoith r lÃŽu Mslhm oY isnduha oanonnt su-lu inions f ; ori wesînnesudave other sotforpileoserte pesrand a le Divisiorn.heaFerrnm potonedfutheîlevUion,CuMreat e-su-om Cage ai uhicth llovn e-su lu cosu- mtaed ofs. ih ot oincestheratiA- 'ci d oen. He eIscthpl einrtes.gru i hat thing sud- ecerytluin-, homeofaitCe parC>'. In i eld île oun viocs, sehirb le blieved ta ho Chu progressive rieurs of he county1eand woeld ual alluse himset ie b led aWÏÏ> b>' hie part>' et>'asd hat pue-C> cry, and wiippsed juthîe trace, etChe caprice, and Ca serve hu selfisie pue-pone ai Cie Codor. Thile use the reasan, and Cecaueho élimesoth hinli hie cisc, and Cuacst independenît>' thatlihe une drummed out ai lie pari>'. Mr. Ferry conclInded b>' * epressing ubs uilIiuguucss Ca anscer an>' quesions tient me>' hoe pluttaohlm, sud ..ive ever>' qCier cxpanusijoe lubis poseur, CIsI au>' eluctor prosel mighC require. Mef. Taroeell tank Chu stand Ia repi>' Co Me-. Ferry;lie peaieed Mr e-. re-y'esseech se being "a ver>' gond aor>," sudducili hat altiosegi ho did flaC abject Co Mr er-c- ey'e iCornt>', hodoîubtedis ahilit>' tu mgiuCain the position af indopeuudgnenos su lit taok. HoIrNiud th'tt lse not sithin aI j o fg a ý p au b i l i l ', C a h o a n i ~ d p e m - dsd4i Mîle Sarne imes a ueimem- bser. Mfr. Farucuil scentl he-ugh i histar>' ai b)sOBroie-u-Dorien Adm - Clan,M3r. Brocu's difiIy, rmlug, agovrumeni, Chu ad j0sa4lue o le ru ceived aI Che hauu arlismuntin l coiE cou-conifutie sithoul hese-ing Nec, le <3r. Fore-y) stateli posil esephaticaCi.y,Ciat'thal siatuseult ret, eud Chut hlieese-Lad se>' cation eiter verbelyi> dueiuur dire-ct>' or loditectl>, uit! te (le-ue-el, or seth an>' othor neul Goit'onmot lu relation Ca beidisi fie-e, adsud C bielludever umeni Abtornsey'General or su>' otheul s Goe-e-moit!at'anem in cannection .melter. fie utastaid lt it hi of lie office sere coutear>' listhu Chu letter ai tie lac, if olce"iîod, ne olad it fivee iutuCa. lie uî main Ca esl hbie-iodeeuedeuca ar fC reepuet ai Chu publia for a palte' £30 ne- £40 a >'oar, ho simeud I sens weilline 'tta oseP his o1ý mour. Iu regard to M1r. F ce-1 tien Cea suindspenàdsnt-psslfe hMr. ceiicizod the pusiý thuu<atlihic1, mtr purS '-5iho vatod for i rigt auig.senad atsd bad,at i hid4i.'a sud eIprefurrod ila 4' 1854, between Tareuwel sud Luau Fc aroceuliasd bacho u sth lins for is Asïstance. berlu taenV ray part or ai MI-ý-'lUn' -s it- 'l i i- Iasictetîie - -uui-ses ,uu -- e- ________________tu____ miel Li lealuî ail elgitI. EARTHEN ARE. TINDI. lis sdi -i1e--i- -ts l itir, su trp prgreais ûd t iierliouk7 i slutse d p- cue, h st.dl Mr. --.utlie- ,t-ct u ut C-Wi tsdteOetsr prCnaa an-,sdsoltdruiCu s uuo oiott, Asitusgt prie-st..lie Vime;uyecelsctltfe'sth c c Roic , id . ife-tee is4u140nl ie sl 011N 900NEY ciii Sud su c Vi e e-salime- Upm n ým" fr 2 e3 per C sead , île adrant tges issu-h e rry Uoae in uadu neCaun su iCuCm iC lus ai se i u e 4Etriu;ifflu îo-Dîî ' J6e5- ne u e.iniiutt' elle blasl i to ry oftherlisu rodeeit1851 ta -diat4 %etit - ,i5itlyd 5 m10 luO tui Io 3 luer îî eue. Caaetda, mits'u epolli uatimde ta se so and for su>' d ll oe edoftePr->', c e" ,rmnddM isg s 110 intet e nt liue'clcne ets catrlvul"' R me- ve-ieti sert eur a vne ateohe.>H ithaugi wh gvetr. o thuret en yM . g N.B.ltCtEe -. 17t, lud en ier s-111 Ae ili ft ee-iur t uei Les siseesl ithllrs u ..e u L Lue-ert Cat ag aathiecî ta Uu po su s d» . Pra; inie onctgs g d ropaer et ethe-t u s e e sf t eqsBr -~~ _- -Xplu4 e ' sqaue-.fÇiniasless ovs u . r he mon expeni lis l rein Cutarse- hataunaide tsi publie et s a Chu, gave u inëSle Mc ae c i *émic pr..b Z- ,loug' h.i i ieuil lsir Tae cu l i 5 urUpe Csusdra îlbje ullta pefanaai.; Che o rsît e rs He liedh bye.l.rWu4e4ta.Nsuho%%wed Cose letor fterattChusadmttel, sokeaeosiy. iel ssd 3f-Coroper,-i su heiesel i de TEsquire.BRToTEilise-e deut » iell » cdas oit o h ilon pn ni prvn h 'ive utc so hétli p bi usarte at h d i rý ae elfo Mme.yNa<.1 oLnt i at iloteborneit gexpendiftro, si. 6tat sec ur ilingsportOa ere , 't« »ro u adis soltiod~ nftra T hc>' bo nd u usdiaeate iMe Célisa e M iee-it acir e - le- ure-jl en. fr seas oC e l dc e si, s co vui i rasspeC rn u;cl Pr-'eioelM- c' 0::ý- o the Afiâne- O bsi e- îne ib8- Stes o tbie- nel5wule r a f Li li bugeste.,utnfoeïr tm iinsta Chu>' usis tia iaive de niaisn , orpsudwêt am rt me sa ee-nsb-te'o eeg L sg.OsirVure upbiedbiforhatdigehu rad ise- C ure-ig ai ,egIvWinibaellioc e vathpoennry ocasin sUEe.. mue-"1 ; e- l a d b k eu ihn w e-du at ralths a m tesp k uýe by B siMrome essu. M d ssIîtd inthai. s Cuteig Bruisos ssndtre i iiï"-osetieattpot klaus M .-Brw s dois or doFiee" TERd uad oc teidMr lV , ds u c de t te le B u es £ ce tae iueL nfulhe , ci rou u m ts>', on Ct ie le a s cocte afoare, ciii "anme jo int uthei e -a," F uerry e -e uli r b>' Me. v iA ce-i sî ler bh9 rS nul supol de-ng le chuermaCheeue-S taugllae Cos Cuecl aClr.domnoi] FOSeTs10.a i acP'7 eu"orr Btseeltts.bsei u s, f e b' ding heoloCue iUnj s ta -thyFrartics.t d see u ionaCu gnd sdct-ca4fs Aoee-lie-nelo ue01 cîl curesu 1mi teceqi T E~ Ru .Ile aipisz . Putuf ct (he cp bersud fcries i ldng"> t eGrn de bae theu vaCns'o<a gie.> H n ed t n evbailse s e ion a ce $ B e on n il n s o l s d I hag eig n osu uatd n--h> ie pr ricu e ai fJtrt u Nti Luironsic SIuSC 3 P LIORSES & (JATTLE gogel Tuck t&al hoCaîernId divelcîslti a-losal a fedrewt outaIe oit utôr- moau. lResait eil h" ousai rniLd tit. fl u wàn e e-xismcltfrct Nao Lu le fore utrl u a>' sinsa oeelntl e ésgeati o, sudleChm nat rsp e suel&lO yW.a hu csp-o eptey niss dits olu to ,dcl- . ru m. lutelias a llse a t at- g HEALNOt 0FVtA25ta Wes a,0 ' UNT.DOIM6 éd, nrvethe C ls oto lave fe e- "oBaut it' wusatCat bis He, r arqe "ylsae-sim a.i, Isiss se a i q ls, wL i b,"' RIIgro' ýlo teli C o, a d, e & fci N>' o .") itn*at w(Ap e, îts i ai ssegay l>. cagli Re *e t s eeoi,»l r&a% di aes.tieSSSlhe Ste- pISuIfu) Bat marna i leh'-efjfpoe'1s saiS Chu Hefurestealiblil, sud hiC satlsorjsiii tiSteMe'. e actif boue &I tun ace esat ticose>'su tei n ety e faun e srone s o B'itishec o rthuifs eistri lisiba, e-M. ç fm A. ge-ES CAWLE, K e-t teni-iliutist sulw t o A '& Tle c ,NO..W.Ais is ee fors, sou s o i ut s.nh r e in ,nlt sac l ue - ltr a liace b>'r Upc o r gi R s r z q es i n WhitbyJsa 54 1515.t.1>' auemsasaeaug I uIê.u CaaSnsdvtSd uas b>' f . 4ue# BLi a- B EAU G OI AI W O M Sedn m e u t a nbe --Petl ever h of ahées alio. iiU l iH.c iudsii w u*ta s Su a l c. ot ausîje- ¶dil rite N W g lt b'fI elleInluJut A iea ,nl mn a"- widet Zho =,euuuWsl 055111feri. t coUs (Mr. e )4 )j ~ a T sl b péaile) -B t o e scof e Cpoues il it e o res.ýýl, a udbla 8l inEolla b I A.IM lc.in one la l, haidthe a..olyinî stor - s <Wrn ademK w5es rcer Or asC5e wLi~ a th sem' cijo itssli'oan. ihichbc Ni wo'ntrod db pe ovpprg aotyi S s 24er l -ageau iters Casi-ane. ad fr el owà byLow -'A e7 th __ý bc aked te d th -jint Si.. e ste - iCi i- Meeting ai 1 -1ý lw 1 hechorl.Mr. iCrmicusui sais - ho eau so.nneu Clone ta put ta Mr. Percx', and Chat1 -principal one a w ether Che chairge N O * 27 te &&oft Vy ha r.Prr - which uns iu defalltt the goernia rs MI'A S. ter.>  dissolution, "pure sud simpleIl vs true ? would bu sttended with Chuescoret sud musC - Mr. perry ruplied Chat- the WiI W'elle's Corners.1 d2ssetrous conseq~uenee te Upper (canads. barbur stood second in thu liât, isu î -"It would cut us off frans Our seaportu on rew4atto ita-e>i"""- bi' ýfirat'electionmet- theeEp44lnd leave us surrojended aun j,, , titl mure, 9tb concessioun of lis oud a nsd t'e ultimt es s ili-euh lzirtau 55005155h co, ay uvenuing. The nme t. ost sursit aud certaluly wuol , H Lue -us.-l'bat Lebu set sà [ysttleuded. 1Mr. Shier, ttion te theU inited States. And taloout sltise Cote *iý osr h4 bub ien t t icpied. the chair. Mfr. snch a disolution fron t tu most 'a,11111u yearilp&4uýtùm boet-tua mai4fi5ý i~~~ ~~~ xpastOiaperdPoint af view, sud' without retgard t r-.hobu bcarceti~' 1- atsato athosue pre- mute consequeucces, if un psy seventy pur huld stock in te À0 14tce tiicli acent of th@ expendituru now, if ue contri- ,ssginifl 1cent sena OC . ..* 8h Ii, tM- 1 ýe principally Ã"id refor. bute scvuntiy pur cent of the revenue, îhu sud that ect holdin- Chat- intru mon et the' leit electian. rug. i moad bat sue %sund huve ta beur uebed na more trestmin the Whbysy TwelCli of July, many tht lergesa ebuofaithe debt lu the soreubar Comparny, than George Brosrýù. luebae benp~rset proportion in caeu of a dissolution. And iafnd OuntChia greet bu-hbeaes .vs vàbê, rsn ta use ,thuesearduaiofMr. George lBrown n prdeitlbs paper. e3r. Ferry cru îtegtin e>. heful.the Hanuse of Assembiy je 1851 -" Who o htIi ttment une like mnssu cet T'iu l thu firet gun wftnted ta bu alittis Province, iih a littie [schepae , h uoos ite à* or? 1and 11111e notions." NO onu. ntteri ntu aiunfounded. Thot si *uMFW-islier o Canda couid. (lp. &I se ireckless course invariab>' pui nI Volumbus. plane; The adoption of Chu Principl. nIwb'3r rsutsad poetb cepresentation by population, scouid, bho md a mie s atementC, hbee scesed ~ 'he a ceir fCucouteuded, settlen d regulate ait aur dif- oudtd0ti.seebis pupae. .(Chue thithy et tjuluiustron ficulties scith Lower Canada. It vas a e ecu' _d M r.Pre 'and -if 1I eust. Upwerds ofaixt7 correct u etpicilsagettb 1rev, up iny but sud eried hurrah for sent Mr.Smih, Twn-mistakie had been committed Chat it se-es Brownu i ecer>' Cine it u$, uuceenlri eut. fr. eit, To nent adopted twent>' years ago. This prin. scanid bu Chu beut fellaw in, Chu unr] cupied the chair. -ciple wne aireadl>'recognized b>' Louer scanld theh bu thu 'sou ai my father, xpueition Of bis princiPies Cenediae paliticiese, snd bu fit quitu con- malter wbat Che JJ'atchmas seid j le scite Chueheuart>'approvel vian.od Chat it scosld bu nolonger delayed, cannot descend Ca (10n CieL" 1(t7iering sud su unanimnaus vote sud on Chu tahing of Chu cenaus uext yesr, (Bir. Caresicbsul w4te pracecding tans usvedrdbn ould bu conceded. But if aur politiciens a speech, but vues caiied ta orsler; nes îupportvia advacate Chu prieciple to-day, throu il Purry only gavewus>'to ellou bloctCoa ai Chu proceedîngu. up to.morcow, sud rap allafer "joint autho- question. rity" sclieres Chu uext'de', vina, hoskeli Mr.. Ferry proceuder! ta repi>' tc mting et 0Osbawa. ueta blamne? Just su longs Chu people Farewelîl. RHo sisted Chat bu bsd - sllowed themseto, 4Ca u dped by desigu- intureot in, oi cdaim, upon Chu prusent à ~ ed s meeting. of thu ing agitators, un long would Chu>' Sud Chenu- ernuseeti, thât-llO neyer sked, and a la,4tth TwuHalausuIves placed et a diuavateluoeiig received a fijeor rn lusdC 1~h bul s-s th-ouedail Chat wuejuet sud ueeescry lu prote-ct gaI bis appontmeut from isie Hiel ,1 ha Ileu thone thuir Crue intersts, and nde-suce Choir seel- Rolpb Administration. He appcaledt acity, an un hu could fae. But insutead of stoppintutChe Uni- as ta Chu menter in subici thu dutie e-noom inside, blocktd uP an, or eplitting ua ur noble Province ino is office scoire diucherged, and said tCl aerowded round Chu baud- petty Municipelities, ho (Mc. Ferry> slcsired Cee choos» ta mai,îtuin it hcousaus ng vs organized by caCi- te advance a great deàl:fither. Hous pendent of the Administrationnas Chu Ju .ke, Esq., ux-reevu of .0.9 fer from wishing Chat ChIngeshould romain an Chuelleuch, sud Chat lue cuuld noth iir. s hey are. Hoe laoked forsuard tu une mue-éd b>' John A. Macdonald, or fit r. grand confeeration of -aIl Chu British Northe Brown, or an>', other part>' ln power, In aller explaining Chu oh- Amurjean Provinces; ho looked forwa-d t, bis political opinionesu ad -ont>fac ug, sud Chat Chu pres.eut the day wlîn sue îould becomo a gruat feisuncu of office, su . iulestçee occasion of au clectin nation, sud a happy -peuple-Chu brigieteet fore Chu Granid Jury; Chat hie offce ve Concillor for King- gemi lu Vietofia'ediaduns buneati- , neirel>' buyoud Chu. contraof ef i Chat Chure were Cwo cru5anltimee lsued>i, istratlinof Chu day, sund'Chat Chou. 3 ield, Mr. Ferry of Whit- "The lean thle becrue." sapoie suausuch about itdcispaedçIgroI ter of Markhsm, village; (Lodud dpe-oiougud cbering.> The euh. no,.s ere,or score guilty ofuiliel iimir had aiready appeared bu. ject ai Emigratueî, sud Chu adstantsgeo -of ttiCn. He ceftrred Ca lbe caeuotf Mr. that Mc. Ferry us nosu Freu grants of lauds, Chu encouragrement Boltn, ILogietrar of, Northumbeorland hie viesn Chu politicai nf Manufactures, sud Chu subjects deCajled Durhams, seho voied sunau ledepeo day, aud on whum h call-in l Perry'a sdd-cus, suere next Caken op sur. meneher aud againut Chu 'Administe xard ta the stand, sud ad- erail>', sud dieusued b>' hlm; aud bis able The Oppsitulion pros hud,he muid miai rs preseut. exposition ni Cbem received with. hourI>' eted himlu Chia malter, and as ho sn came forwvard, andas cheeru. Auy miuietry, Dr an>' Party', Chat rs.îerrscutatiesofrom thueJrindiatur id sud repested cheer.- did ual.sulvauceCl nse mueurres,sud Logis. IlVatcdean Offices prescrit, bc asked by explaieiug, Chu change laie upon them, lie (Mr. Pore-y) scas pe-ta do Dim Ihs -justice ai repurting hie: Iplace ini thu coistitution pareilta vote againut, sud lie soulli do un. rectlin tlutis iîiîtaîîco It vus uilla Duse, throuilh tie LegLqia. Ro uns onu -)f Chose Chat Chought for him- Clisse papers Chat lie (Mc. Ferry) ,inhavisg Chu memberuselof, sud ho cuver wued 'go for mo srrtated aI Chu Marihami Convention t people, instesd ni beiug mensurer., except upos Cheir,ynoritu. ReHo id Chu opinion of neuAtorney Ge thatihocould cuisit his.office, and,

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