Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jun 1860, p. 4

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FOr(I SALE OR TO LET. FORSALE.- L Il. SGIIOFIELD &Co.a elwllhgbtuttlu ellie . ocaey Saple and Faucy Dry Goods t tlr ie oit all ae lwo agd an jtiy GENEBAL STOCK 0F ]FOItuInthr partulaie, appy (Ifb>'letterr. 1 *dLtW.e'o Felr, Towiu of Wiùtliyorté C. C. Keller. Cornter et Brook asti Colburui toliWît> TO TUEnIliL>ING pmuv. tatt~e toie aisudsuclause. tlow au ans' bonne la 11e, tisSeWettof Motrol.' ffde, «! b hpp <= 'a1n'e SPRMrn 1 RTÂTIONS andi Speolfaton té paxltamibotnt b liilti et or B"e oës "lvnti lm n iD ry Goodis1 Groceries, &4, np aiho otest ntiet. Aatneas UR1il' LAINES, ItoBsaRr WOOD, Plein & Faney Dresses, Chek Fiaisp VAÂLUABI.E PioEOPETY for SALJE» Gingitas, Fiain anti Faaey Shirtings, Itoo nS petiuec iseîyotepidb>Collt', Tîcitin.-o asnd StrpoulDinitas' TVr.J. A. meMlaa Uia i S ou-»eyýax Smockluag, &t. ohpoieli together wille a quarter acreo0f - s.l.CIORL&Ct ltittahetét. Thisustore la vor favo, i'tutad forte tonset.Tuie Vdie&t>5>'lot, 1h0. utieiaInîistceflbtT owUal thetrlavl on tliBrock oacI pusestar-igb ih. 111>50>Tweed, ChtekPlaids, Drills, Ttna it'llilie tado t sat uiltrtort. Ap LneeMolesUins, Salinotis. CantIon plt.ilon te ho made teioIs JAS. U. CAMpBBL, 1Felow ite ansi gro>' Collons, Vcslings 45 AcîhbuP.o., itestit. ladatiado Clolhiog, tle. U . 1SCIIOFIEL» A&(Co. VOR BA liq TUE TOWN 0F YUn>'16lum.O WHITBY. MN_ 2tnd 22. TIRI AR I U fOa lt L medon iili;,I Stretabsimer r.s, W-t'a tiLUMn(let. -MTweleds, _lctio ébc mae teoeskins, MRl&. NGRLINE WESTI , Md, C Lt a3, 8thoiteassonlDrltO auClfixsanOger lag't ple oat oto> ntiS furbi1. Il. SCIIOFIELD & C». FUR SALEIý .ÜHRITU û .LDEGrs enByCiurn euigStaitîttie hd,&.,adqatrl H. SCUOFIEIe» & C». efJbli . leo on -Ltee at liutheTwn Tht isanel wtofthoes in tht Towna. For &Tom aIV te O ola Tht owne, ite 'cktaz gP.Ow ýe0 Tu -e4zC - MICHAEL McOAlULEY Ten&, Sagaies, Tehacce, Cnrrtants, ai. ta tht Ijuun&»t Wldtby, Ilattit 8,1860. 8 alas, Blet, farler. ColietSPiee, seap, Cantles. Pail-, Carti- M L TUIE lItJLUIJ, e cWixsBin AXN»a-il F o TUE Ram, 011 VhiskteT, Tom, Ait, Perter, ~WIII~tEXE~ G inegar, &c, --o---- .:0: 1i. SCI101FIELI) & (Go, RBfs ansriittr hava*suted bus'.a1 M> lt 53) T ho now effaraalobitfor ntaMaforettrni- NILLAGE 0OF VROOUUNTON, 300 RLL S AND PAER Township of Brueci eohdt>tg of a LI. n ,*IOFItL>i&,Ct. SIXRE & DWELLINQ HOUSE, s'lit115 Wlit tite Ilitchets, a Sittu-noont and FuuSr etIMa Fmnnt Buldinigs. irlr, O£50, le.toue nd»nsle'.le , 11w,ck. lînoalla i rth Fl' etel autittal intainitaiwth iterest aite lae.O Vîi"&t% Silio -1ak"l"s rite of eigi r cent ice au-nai, or à=ipar I- Il. îCIIhaFIEiL) &Co. liroditun"eo no iilee lia>' itlxts Mo ltlr, ladtrioat ltlilatin»là l a sailaient recuei- stondttiu. For fcrtlaer pare f pÇ te 30 kegs Cut Nails. ROSS, bITCIiELL, &A C, ercatC EtuKo, Toronto, on te th aubscriber en the 200 barrls Planter. prn- M. MePHADEN. le. l. SCROIIIFLI & C. Vriomton, lelîBrook, Sept. l1t,îtsa. 80w-tf Mal > It, iIlX. PORSALE.FOR SALE. Town Vila aid Park LUI in Twnhi o BxlyCo- FOR ty of Victoria. BUSINESS PIJRPOSES LSROIL o IDE AVEthe neodc1860t i &"Oroite te IN 3TETOWN OF WiIlBY. CA SIl SYS 1 ::4 i Whiauoiablo filerauto cI cciianh euet, Atit . . . 10 ant ipet goneral sactllci. . t s.1- . SCIIOnshx»»& Co. ent lii........... ....... 111gb .. ... ................... 6_ l'rtces rangeoua ein 91te60 hon*0ti. ALL thalle fit arc inbtedlteh ie talneri- Txaxan. ncohaaors ititadelyeta10bud, ttug Alua iiflr liv N.le ne Book acolnt, wdll trccit W it ge is-a t aIa toc rate ofinleret. e aulafior tht VirIil a>'el Januar>, 1800, Titie ll tbe .H ER. atndipsaltoir respctivîe ateuntal. UVliby, tApri 1880. I.f.& oil& 0 Wbltliy. Ma>'yo 1581860 le-ly COMPETITION. FRSL1O OLT T t ESU SCI iX5EI REPARI> bTO AtelIal ids of work inh lo fiae t oflini- tem tihosper t-an any ailer 3 13IPROY El) FARof %p ator bÏs oaa lisrîtecin tcsltar retS agitttufne-tivt. Fr eeacathe - O d0àEuU Mens' Ware. t- Lst-100 acres.uthlibaîfof Lot N.t geal Freonch CIf ioose....... $4 50 19, lrti concessinof et hitby,knoewn a ta ............ 425 partota UCe liido....... i3 ARMSTRUNG STATE1 .. ýi <Ilau wmiles fren the Town or Withb>. Ladies' Vax'e.. nd-.i0 acres Southt Wetlqutre LeIUaeBo10tt............ t00 Lot No 2, 6th concoessionofMn 4 augler 44 ank-t lus................1 3 bout coght ailles fronownvllt. an a thoEneaics....th............tt eor r&-50 lIacres South Eat quarter et LeI ati ma tbrtiuelo alt botBt1 No. 18, 111h concession ofliaripetalout ttaooi ~'t~'WJILLAX M tEEN 9 mles trien intsa>'. Bkoli eam 1 18M0 103 t Thte abovyanenioned Lots are hhtst-clas __________________________Farne. in a igh stale of cultiveitiote, 500 SButiletiage, anti noar important Towna. Will hoe tolel rtaseurabli, anti on foyers Um m L iD flAiU1 Me term. Appi>'i.J.H.hoMY i.uPROVM PARNS, ni ehlit*iy, oc. 6, 1859. 56tc Ora OMS~, TOWN ýLOT, &c TO LET. FOR SA4L9, T torScil ad virlltitg lies c tîtttecopl on MI»d Irm n hiLy, 00 byJamiet'ritgie t,nakn o.. astihe .Acre& STONE STORE, Oaa hnpi'ovKd FUailli i fii 9»1 0 in flitc Tuan of W'ilhh>'. Poueteson gis-en c tIc40 £eat ofse1,touahr aet mnPrivlegel lI amptmn ToweahiP of DUUBICOguion of tever>' litin athe Tewohp od Dar- To-wn Liots laDwnnlkBeooklhnamPOpleor A". s j .wumIl tis mathtTWe Ne the itai ethq e«a to int tt tha IietJ IL ÊKAVERTONe JAMES R0WE. vinatCas am Èm for Bae 100 AORP.ES. ff HIE West balf lot Ne -",20d bhCoton tien, of tht Townshp ofIWbky.'Tit aiol ekared »dantiider motivation. Wel frocotianti suhotRtanieharosheds ot hoilingu, andti ooucllr aewiy e--lad Fer tennit".,aai>le 0 L BURNHAMX Whllby, T-Il 131M. EKINO TOUR Cffl ITO TIICAMI GVOMERYA» >TE& 5101 yu w lSve Io ___ STu. sague 2hUT1, . t egseo77Jnth 11*.t CARRIAGE BIJILDERS) AND MA. %SUFAXCTURERS 0F BIIocK STREET, PHJTB Y. lIE ubsezibor»- t -kt-inàt l infori thie public thal hhey have opoord butine THEo rmie o-lt--. -, «tîpiod t'Mr Imral.Carpenler, ihiaî n Brook SI South Lst of îtirBîîýOrk. in i> opposite hlie MtIrkct building, cshrt they are pi resi te auppi>' al colo» fsvor - ni witii a cal it evilceci> article in Iloir lot of busil The suie.crilccrs -ire j'raietie-'-l and conpç3int ceonkunen of long cxpericnce, anS as devoho tht ontitve üf l.-r eee'tlabor le iteir lusineset, ît>' cati produce articles of b, w rntt etip Q rcater daratilit>', and morttîeganîly flluishcol, ansi !ýr.APFOI1D TO SELL TIIEM CIIEAPELI,. Thon thocie esho iive e hlire-th ee Isor oi others. - Ail article» -cs s ct thoe 'luwesct livitng prices for Cash, or on approrctl credit. P rail andle xItiihie-. -%Il kititLoiiabcr and fIarnîcrs produce aken la exctango. ,All csork wart(ttt -DONOVAIi, WALKEY & E.JNÂGLES CELEBRA TED SI? WING MÂCII (OF SI'1GER b P TTERNý) At 25 per cent under Newv York prie( 'IEsE Machitnes arm nse'i in al lte principal lewnt and chies froîn Quotte tt C.:-They have nover failed te give satisfaction.-41 Ail tht leaing Iloot andutel iociiinufselurers estO'>' 10 Cair superiorit>' o, other maichinec eveýr eclî in C.inuida. Nagle's Sccs-ng Mlis coar- e apableeof %loin.-ove Icinci ofi eonis, front shirt cou harneehrccs.PRICES No. 1 MACINE $75. No. 2 MACHINE $85. No. 3 MACHINE, WITII EXTRA LAILCE SIIUTTLE, EI7ERY MACHINE 18 W'AiliLNTED. Ail commtunicationis malive 1» Scwnc Macine-s, ttc, îîuSt lit promaiS, others Will blie rcivevi. E. J. NAC<LE, Ceec.cou.t»Se-eve.MACHINEt EST-eî-UEneuîT, lit-iNotre IDocte trot, McteSt t l .E. F w't-i c Dceen l.> tc t&-ilhtrC'e Caou lutraC. E. TuIE MA'TEIIAL 0F TuIE OSIIAWA JOURN (LATE ON;TARIO TIMlES, Printiîîg Office, compriing1 prestes. necs, and Sjoie type, ant tiig cunîplelo ffor a gooti country papier, unS joie office. .Ippil 'vt W. Il. Iliggins, ChroiioleoOffice WITBY ]POST OFF , ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1 --------T\TIL I'ccltceiitic, Milus ai pou SALE. aIju iteS.fu1r dcîiveeyt thISa01, r'WNLThaWhity ntir the By- Dt,. >il 1Mi ci g F.ct, i,:-Ogha 1' Atu Vliae ete-- tuiic-Crensk, Fui-ich iîci'.Ie. S-ru-IctIîKligstn UUnoA aeY, and i'tit 'ern). itPcemil cicrli-trit.ling ullee Appi> l it.Il' PI. B. ;lrciellincl ledOffile ociip (I.l. DAPUTNFLL, cîcl)tcigan 1 -L.eesthe lcWest cf KE Blîet.k .5c.tIl Aù1bJý Duthiîî v nSlic-n itlà 1. us., inS 71 Jte14, 1557. - 22 i.i.ýlor» h ancd-ttc, cpi~laces FL _______ ctich.ae t cteie S i hcta L'ythe uigl raim for Sale5 Vp 111tilocrcîeIVel. iîeidlîîg 1 icercitiz, Tnhcithcchlcc,11 -leruW ntflACEEt > h-M'EN DiDI)LîN P. LOT -»ul. dc.. thce1G. T ii. I Ier,e. liig.1 200tee, cicos ... hoa eoToolcd uit,iu uc15 . ;--t-eIicl cuî.., anu futeoilit,4 flL te.11 eîthe tm,ctroc.dite The llil.t,I.ni'.t-ti,-,c ohlduil Marte- tht louiS levef lice le-,t qedlcicîl le di.ini c'iilicui-.h l' e twci.rtitiie tiie Ztttctoftt Pvol -.ccot, it o ie-Icu'.it, 7 \czI: llo v bil.,.îcc cc the andS auc-ciîii.iincnthce týi rctc tr i î, - likliu, AI.v.NIrtih l.,if4Lit 4 in tht ele 'i.nceev- te-r, 't'ct 'tnc, ea chl, Lî-l-eio, liai aiuctof Teh-, t.iciicltf 95arr--e12 0 ci elc.i. rt Ili,r. 0 IileuEpe 1 ldeh teae-ciend. ucfr..iîtittg Ouit te'Portage snd Ce-tri Ige.cah-e fur l l.he e-orep Rocuroue NUillire- TtuiC i titttI» c~ c 7î1ile ar-iciae i ctud i-cil eitii rF.m ii' lte, Dqi1cci.iîl- ice . -iit tuD CAMERON. tu IilancutiS .cTcc'.iI..c Thtur .Suqltci)fore Altiic, )lao1teian o - Nicuis ac .duc fr dlliecry feoii th, FA=M]FOR SALE. 5,,lto. p.ee li.. TIc' te Tcci:h' flO.Ii.t t' 'ii,-i. e 13-M9, uf i let-ei cc ,ý e tli i B-an mm elun, t.i.t.2s u --'t ùc5Sc-ie Llîi»..-ocihr FEcrpelhou i.oun-s tcnc, e m- T,,c ertre i 1-.2ictel, elcihirt .-31I.>cMulo jeUAeldon lie and.tTcrî,ttuil re-c ni~l'lo,"i c»ch le-tte Min1,rc-.--j1-ehit ii - o Xn er metaco Irvea titcec, al.1six 5firain -ivIinvtle "cctîlo et(niî-l Titho ie au ül.cdee»I.uofr-,.Tll tr tcclt- ctI»itc'ati terct. PIe-'o l,e-trsîe. Tei-.o .ic7.For u- ci» el4 celc»t1. EL1LLYWARID cge ItcletlînîiiSaise) 73mgd Trenton, C. l'. Tou»icy PL..ei e Iîtritiel tColonir, Treao, xhtY 14, 196. làt -'o.e, tetit fnci» Ftc-iad, l( louvtaith ToLi loue-*,.Fr.,ntc, orotherFice ~x'rruS~» DiISONCOUT rieti Juilce, e etttqall L =5~Sca tb ath Cheajiot' ila&ngrae aI - n u"m lat Tulaonte, anti il elat tondlte hoprinled PlAiICELS Opto 3lits. acght raus bmu blIer paper. Bay 'ah tht Cliritiicle rlot uatder e-tiloit ie Stad e W. IL BIGISLs 7» ancil scdesittked te reeive To But. feu Bo,.il, and pJrinted mnutterfea. 1 ~ CLEARE»FAR39i, cf 5 ls ptlug- bOpand et sarit ta 1, STON DWELIJG UUL O c 00- epc1ndyt 5- i. ao irsa w aucS coe- Atm -dt15E7Ià 1fr oCitth Wileat a tKitan i. e f gN.1,l h e mi - EltUll.romTs. p n.l y.W&%pgit -it bem c f lI A MiPIfS Uts h*, Aqitil, DIa. ______________SIJMITIVEý MÉDICAL iLOIJS t the Stoe f" 00kTAtLI,'Et> é un Co-Il Wiientldf sencd lit,,, P4. -:0:- DB. G~OODING;, (formerly of England.) Tel' c~Irit»î v A supersor asortnieflt Of Gents and Boys Nr.wsJ'y vreN» IOSTsuctusaitLedMUfl, clot, ~ ~ ~ Iî»5(lcOUtt'f4, ltcî-J- E. 3LrllltEi3T Lit' ieliqi ;Ilcciei' - -Z0 cel ir dv. c., RACTICAL EXPEiE xtu PASHIOINABLE aj snweiae ntt«ii Xeie d t lt BEA YMACECLeT t;tll d DlN<' ,co;c; c e t thtr t1 l EJ'a-n na Ieain Tweeds, Fancy Mixtures, -Il'ý~ [ h iu.e kei t 0t0 c c ultrI, frulit theyî cd elti$ u tthe.ihy uit ort JÎ1 GARMNEINTS MADE TO ORDER « NElIVOUS DBLT O~A ~ OR <O ALE ,,.îîî J,, c,trtl,l,l itt, wcîlessi IcisO er.l'u cc eIl'»î' baiellî t îiyklthtil eue MILTON & 1IIOBERTS,~ . eii ei~t',r rth LI..Wy UtUit 17 Nos. 1 & 2, Till' bkW1ibc w .;col t o 11,sllwr xw N.l ie.lclia e l11e" rLtet'y tterIN , itath 07.1 tllf :t u >e inFW ------------.rt ofl île ilt., i l ie li Co aud thectrcIl' htNcele.uii Fl e .' i t l ru .î,li, hp,te, 1cotlXTRY PALTiENTS.0 'd initienteelccçl it, e T OR I %vih fll 'irutiot4 snt tlijotite ca , 1ie it..., t.u.î c .'tetevc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "flie .1l St. b, ,îl liîet-t4ne .1- eccltel vllcoîl.e'd i 'U N G A NI) S!UlfflffeE, 1 ', Jer%. Ie w cuuSdec ,uî,,al1 eice. t h)' coc t Lee ci e , 4îiî l'e , le1.rer iioi: e l. iil.etig tcal drctc d ig , r ger ontol, C- W. V-- *l h.t sit,»* e Srofa, Erysiptias, anti Salt Rke pub- No e.trelieyhlnocveodote et tunch fo,à ock ofNcgs t O Icie to to I Jtîdciii hoS 11lIep for Cash, 1860. LARE ONTARIO. 1860. et"ee c ofeeathe i» tliiite. N Coisitint g of a large ssrttunt Of 8.t leîtîSury elîl, chý 1 o Und egs., ccl loeil, andl I.imho0 1J1 OS UBI ,BONNETS, R1BBONS, PAMÀÀSUOÏ 0 Ituti LCgS, or tslll, tlantis,~ CaptsD îsk -now Nets and Nitlnsi, Donieste ctlot, azL4 r~ rîclic t 7 ucî.c-rîtuenul iee,t, Oloves and IHosiery CrjotDorak, t.eni'ieeltect t' c i5 tuî*Itelecu.1JI &c. A large stock of Ic -11lelcî fld .ori t~u E ' miln o ttSia ~.Bread lothe, Cassimeres, Canadian Tweeds, Gambe If slton o heSka Farmer's Drl, &c. Capt. George Schofield, chroeic .eiec, art ertlietiled, nui i elenal SN'G J1q.fzg '\ 'l J'r l.t parI e l i.it u lt.î eael l heî ,tqaà w\ ~ ~i ~ ~îiii, tîntil furibor nolice,lCi'vClte nu- ie .iitiettl cle ccliges Mil c r e a d B y o t , V s s a d P n S n a l I i 0 1 t e p e u s s h d c n e t i io t d p o li t s le e i t r y 1 ' c e , i L -lce c î aO n u ed I i e . i c i e o e in McsanBysCte t»nlPteîîd p01lîPctc.fi SATIURDAY for ROCHESTER utt3" iie-.Pie. andi Fîctula. 'cite I Lit Ecer f.rîctiidlhleeell eeice.oJiu ~ao eu nl T~iLT f~ fl. t' '1% 4. 4.-cI I ju 'V~~ îî~y , ~.,' - l. .. ttslAW A.tut 7.30) et.')toslic. urec eliecated letallyoda. ls consîdorably cl en l d -d alla iic tf c cn ititctirir e ter, nty r oct)or'i't 1,Trii.e I-r Bllcl)l. ,il'c y tlc i cc;litit» ouli ihe fultt le t t uh oda 75e lî.ving Ilicir garaiet'tsmade- i aie . ,aer kF-lk .cecne' tlS% ieeel,Že. tIvkib eti r ec&: * 'i',d lh,. t.iIVcl .. olA lthe ititae iIdPille ci.till esi E" ~~~ 1-t~RI.TURING, Je1.eocîo il N).SCliUIEI.i fl-lu rd.î»cOOî Pcrry's Brick Buildtngs, - c)c.îc. e.î,iw D.i.Icii Cm 511f Jel tt. et. ~E _ _Quebec QoVernmeflt &gency. tIcteveicceulec;I"ccurveui»î»ns tiit ttheei liree-îdi.1I llec.c."c r»t, . aNI ,l lt, -.,[ caeh lx,it r l 'or lkiltull l',p. -i v,-ohlkyl.ed:el& ticcet e'. S - 1. *A -l.c» le l.c)3.. l J- Ç'1ol V. uer Aocypo;i d rnnoomio t', tlut fTUB Bllr or ».i -F-- rt ouiti nra Pismi -A 47~l. Depaîtatontt..is uig iifsilid Pe nix BîBttdinti TIiIM lS Il. eMiI. IX il le i 11e e ~ ,ec Itre ilît i'roîs.ititi. cftiiclln.i- .l.,,. Sula ..ut Illee.eîl.cttr-c.lt»l)t nc. zi i'oi-ic'. eiitl 'to. . C toilu el-h-l il L ett~ , ce Yok,,tcth ile1ýou1o t e U t e - t le. itt i Hunann Gas Sed.i.r.eclits Turnp Whto Gobe tiîae (,nvruitn, o rt1 irfl t u el t r.-I..lie ar t tliedtu i l rie ic illl Orne!eîhtoCCt ioei epahilh t etiij îtttodd » y tRci -Lie illd Phtenixt0Btian Pateîcecf îîvcîtîtî .îke orec e c r ihc i itel alPosos asrine flg 001AN0,0 IC INQV- îifîîc , 'Ic it,il, l Att al ite THfl O MAS c t hIl.M Ft-î, I S.1 i c .clcc .t îe t e» 1311for t l lic f, l lieo lt itcdat aedn in 'So epilecrti Canaedaetiic Clovere-c-e, lcs-ie.sei lielc, ci1li ayiof.theoCveriiten ,&,j <»IlîilS -ot ti-k-i îcti r 1.cîiu i iteot lî l agaii- lie Ce rt ,iSIintor equirn -ia y c.rttr,t uch- e jNoet-- IIi " - goabet c)),li,iik àve t.t, liedci det gnt %-.lo., teDxesean n ie .rc'i t e.j. ttîec- S» ti.ki eîh [AL9 TESTAMRcl.e, undc» l'elîceithe.l îtîch' pri tintt ngii lguMl ,preipaiu-lt3»di_____ aî,liaciueiiire" i-et'-.l.s-lil-ad..l c.,,'sEAIi quaef.icofc,.Ille,.lNkcicnlicIlleiriec.-rwcmtt.n of the1. lc,ît.'l12.1it ily mails>îlt .,NIite i 1eq i.i, h ril* ing I.1d, e t go Ieblo Quelle, sept-28,it59. 3i Ut-er- rti De;et.îh , iffJd AlsP,à laro îé lkkrlllleot k4 Fre'.1 CPI I T-11, hy WILLIAMîreetW 1,cr e-c eM.î»î Sind. (ilI i,,îîtri dclimie rtic iclcdm . .hii, 'iîulc l el . lîtl uits, Lt i'clc»frititu fctuiy iilii tc hy cdilty lfic.itiprivce'.itdldtit hIee lc cd lt ioc lcu iI lo, îcelit» roîetcstio.dFoe D . AMStu le»~T IO A Il -cJ 9 aaioi IuIX cin v NOFI>T 0ICE. Nimer sl, T ii E i LV lityVSê;,andjm i Y o -r tî r e Jla f e e y l a t t f E w i ciat a it r fi h e -l ' m litA i l~~~ ~~~~i t e u i n(trylu litIith ue'îîti t c.c,'),i t î, îeig itltn , ut h te eIehr!i Xýivy S iaiilt i a e titecciit. to it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tii alsL &P r oiiuei i ii lalig iccitîy cri12,r14oiecIttt ccîii, cot. 2" oi>eit .ii AMi, OS c O N, t iidt Dutiiortt' prchaors ill avou tiîîîî eiti s ccli e Icîce iîiri.o»ng cscwhre, 5 titi>'icsc'ecctic ~ '-H-InE jîcicce.- fic cI-_ ilceodwlhuti ttt o t es. B IE0 5 ce annou n' e h bit tn er,e.ts friend # and c stum er s hidiho t»t p ernyiog el iîe i c ie» tu ig iott thtUnito i aed. = Z ir-g yoat . '0 & go ,l r e ta - # w o ort o biete ive btusiamet ot ng t»uli tie--li neb li'giter andiof&a Oot-eato*iti Dr. Atu e4 ASon, l ns b ttpre-onAsR A eotatre, à it le, ete a lest of tto eeYas, ,ýetji]datet ta i dtig eO M . A ligher ndui auoprefél tb - g*Chat t.» titMaletthaEin la I7, Vi :0oraiy ýti7 etl' pat.t Moy 0 uât i, ale Iti., tca eta toa ~ltborneinîd1 CZ h -« h "lit sea b>1" tiat ut lino ieatiy roti the iipruooa wh ,,roejti odore. , lw r L t e L lie IN IT S B A I F %h rotu h îro cge é U t tatn -iac i I n . ase i lt ti to e o n s - h & o on the re»Fmim erocof«oo ccoopioniby Mr. N. RAT, on Mary Street, boes-l iyo tue aI aamtSedtaiatli- tu " tovluentsglaitg reetiS tOtPweke ~~~~~~~~~~~~ e e B y r onot h A u . B A N I F , x c le ~ ~ r fi t lî r int-tale th a t h o a ht â à P uio tt 6 ~i5 w tl a ol a 04i an 1i S =g ureh irePard, aslierotofoe, ho ctea od ituse a mbetre f a l a = ý Croe. toton oUata tho luteti 10 ~faictofacttO boti m tOiit la>the b. tÂas 4>- theUntedteId en. " u bau01 ~ ARIÂES, BUGGIES, SLEIGIIS, CUflE1S, &C t .eAaor y W s tatje d a " n oe 41 t the ycar s la11,e aiunatiMn ri, ae* r na Thas JandotilêoLbc-.4-ftbo& e AU qargit* qpewàIim ofethe eetriorsco ial thec>' legaty t au'prm Wolmt_0 10Md iLO UC Ui i.1 um~-ati baty f cs Lélepoon G e fhs UKLij wji h>' p w.s. Lnmt. ofdectitbwoPell ..1b.l-ra. WZoo b- P oc vAainallduty OIC wc'jisaenhua theentool lit titilla.. b u d r of. irWititb in heAutleo =lê 5.,01 of-he -ew o et OU. ruilJletWtM Fort etith SirtshU1). a?. long et QW erce KtwE

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