Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1860, p. 4

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nnj mis itWSa s> WiU 0be sold rmcosssbI, and,.on 1favr-1 - ~ J. -IL PERRY. 4 Ag.IQ1IV the Ouner.1 Wlaty Ot. , 1859. 5 TO LUT. 1Y5fIE Sto re and ddwelllog Ieuaànowoccuplad À by Jiunise Froge, and known msethe lu thetora 0f'iby. Possesion givon on te fat ofaeplcmber nuXI. Apply tc *hitby,July58, 1558. R2W8 rnt Muas TYM.r for Salé, 100 ACRES. rIRBE West hall lot No. 20, SudUonces. am son, of the Township o Whitbhy. The, whole aread and under cultivation. Weill Ihnoed and substantiel bain aheds u oa bufldhfga andi mot coeII neWly ercted For terms &.,P lYîlte Whitby. WbtyFb1,1860. FOR SALE. A Xecllnt naw Trami lottaro, nosrly ln £IL the heurtofte1wofWtbyan 84mmt-te r with tw-4lths of an acreoef hai attsc ed. Ths bousecountaliîe six apurt.. mueta.liseaua excelltcoller, and thora le ~u Jling cnd al ueoesary ot-hulidlage, cdapirP opfgood istor onthoepot. Fo emii.ihibhwili ho found cor>' le. ChrouiieoDfIEce, Whit by. BITE, TOWN LOTS, &e. FOR SALE, QN msproyed Fera iln Whitby, 100 OntemIuprosed.Farna lu Darlington 50 tcr"s One 1< mpoos 50 Moess.1 Wld Lands in Marti, somerville, Eu- phrcsic, Artemesla, Luther, Chathami, Doser, Hungorford. Miii Privileg0 I Hampten, Township of' Darllngton, one efthlie se bust Inl the Townshilp of Dam. higo. Town i Lots InJo Bovnll Brookii, Hamupton, Port j'erry, sud Sarnia. Al» Aaaibw TownLots mathe Town of For sole Looo ad on Long Crodcit. 1fechanica asud othors deslucus of build- luig en as frun19te 18 monthu ta J. 5IL.PERRY, Whitby. BEAVERTON. AMEILL P21VILEGEC AN» TOWN LOTS .1.contious o tha Beaserton Wharf. A bag sdproîtéeshaMIligbuelneu seau ho don lier. &uicsruleterme ma>'oede villa the rpriehor b>' cPratiital or. JltAIMARMSTRONG, B. B.-Thoee a afret-rate ocsnigst-Beac %ueron fer Che Etabalbmant ota non r>'. J.AL Boaeutes,îluySS 187.28' T.Â&WY£RS AND DIVISION COURT 5B Biais conbe h*eb" , eapçm thon at Toronito, aud vii ho tofuai-teW hoprisated, on btter paper. Buy t the C(urouicho offce. W. il. BIGUINE To lent. SN EXCELLENT CLEARED FAIM. of 50 as ul udrhpluh hr STONE DWELING -BOUE. Aise bam ndoteloffice%,suit a gleiorolier. ."s psuiasare saoidou lot No. 14, lu the hast Vof0Whithy, sud comprise the $torth po fsaIlt.The markes e oW bitle :(haaara espo«Ieleiothinu Ibese n ose sd afmilas o e ui, ooes. i Appi>' péraocall>, or hy hottr, polpid, el, D 1. MOKA1. laOW ~W5bt nuer tii. ey 101ao V 1494Ssa$>U5Io'nrk, rneh MW*s BynudPort Ptony. ppyte G. IL DAR"NEI4% - Soilclem' uut. IlPara for Sale. &Mt O F OSPLEI(DID LAND. LOT & V1 io l 1tiuConcession of Thosala Aessaea. Thia Fam nes e tuatas i uihii fb on thue trasel rond to Ma;the nd l or hasotq-Il ansd ltale tIa etofa g oud sé=el W Slay s elsol, adnà @aS. osaisimat. MMho d iins c semb la8tg 0of1M src* 12 et woledareeiegpI4soit *oeallsg on hua Iortage Eoeîi1eor Caer5OS 5MSL, ApI' » CAMBON. BeasrbOReMiOtaiq', 188«, PABX »IL SàLE= Tthe Towmohipo »sniugtassuielng the -1: eow 0 eras. withh sJo.a homme, bartdr vlng hesi, oa- ewàbeltmh a n MiBO u ôrohr'd nd aneve-sil pà 18 . Èoëff , èj;; CAR RIAGE 'BTI1DWE-R S,ý 'A"»MANUTAOTIRIS Op BUfGGIES, CUTrES1ýSR~F IGHS & mSt E 82'IERT, uit, laY. -o- THE Sus i hoe 4tiec leavo ta inforun tho public3 hat they bavo opene d busineslui tepromises foe.l-I y o: upied by Mr. Ira Be' (arpenter, -itiahcd in Brock Street 111heau l wo tas'or ÃŽ,th m à ilwith overy article lu their lino of buaineaa TesuLscibeue are proctiesi and i oe' et tyricmtn of long experieno sand as the>' uevotu tiho enfiro or thir own labor.0ir business, tbey eau produce afles of botter w-rkmanship, of greater dursbli ty, andI more eegatly fiuished 1 andI IW-AFiFORT), TO ;SELL THEM CHEAPER, Than-tboseoho lis. to hure the. labsîr o! others. Ail articles eéltTt the, iowet living prices for Cash, or on approved credit. Plusse caii anîd examine AU kinds of iSimber antI farmers produce taken in oxhauge. Alwork ycrranted. - DONOVAN, WALKEY & Co *a ef2 .no E.J.INAGLE'S CELEBRATED- SEWINGMACIIINES (0F SINGER'S PATTERN,) At 25 per cent under New Yorkprices!! -:0:-- T UgSS Mbachines are uued in al tho principal toarns andI cites [rom Quebcc to Port TSaeis. DoJ-They have nover failod te give uatisfaction.-4ý1 Ail the leading Boot andI Shoe inanufucturers tctify to their auperiorit>' over any otiier maîchine oser eld inu Canada. Nsgie'u Sewîng Machines are capable of doing any kind of work, frocu ubirt coloru to hsmnrcs traces. PRIVES No. 1 MACHINE $75. No. 2 MACHINE $85. No. 3 MACHINE, WITLI EXTRA LARGE SIIUTTLE, U~5. XVERY MACHINE 19 WARRANTED. AIl conmnnestons relative te Seaing Machines, etc., must ho prepaid, asu none others yl ho recoivod. E. J. NAGLE, CANADIAN SEWInG o M INuceE S-rÀsLSnUae, 265I Notre Dama Street, Monxtreuil, C. E. Facter> over Bartis>' & ibert'e (ansi Bosin, Metreal, C. E._llSeW-40e ]FOR SATla OR TO LET. DENTISTRYZ1 FOR SALE. -IVE AND Â BALF ACRES OIF LAND, DRS. CALLENDER & CARD FV elluatotd lu the o Twni cf Vliîy, olthae dyslulieusoue thercce, eontainieg ae orîcur, Surgeons, Dentiste, &c. dhul o recr 4 bcd recule, kilohen anaf0eeiur pauul uuiincC.ih togetfreitLia gond stable, Wood shed, end <TAKE 0plec y, e in cquiti ie s nl th esry îuoss; alfu e gucd an 1 bTte ,of Ity adN41 it hatthie ohhard cnd soit wsIer. The preullue ar.o oligu-hure tukeu tho rouais oser the. store of CA1l? lly situaled], sed weli celpîrd fur echureae 0r- LETON LYNDE, ESQ.ý, on un aus atreet, douer or hulelior. The aboue propcrty woll bo oirre oueind aller .luno lb.ilth, Ilie>'will ho slsi atc bergalu, for cash. feuund pîepared te uçd6i taie ail opruieus in Foi tortiler petieulrs, cpply (if by letter everY ' breueh relhiug tethoe Profession. pose ld) te' loch Iiledin le omut perfect manîler, and Y.it"lier, TowneofWhitboy, or te C. C. Kelier, nues but the O8t and, Oueoapprovesi moleriul Toronto. iecd. Wtb Fab. , 1980. qOuf Ths long ciecl oue. l Dr.Ceflender & Crd cudl thi l ~t oa kowidîo .of the. prae- ica Of»ontiîîtî1;o 6 ~thom tefPprceiltolbh TO TZE BUILDING PUBLIC. grou etouseCe o dericud iroina cereful proa- - sraiou f hl e &Icl-huuprtanl, sud bhoue tl OBEET WO OARCSIITDCT2 AND orguâ tho locth. Epoas heir preservutiuu c R Boulder, wil coha btlrnieh Plans greot aclelf tii helth, huppinose, snd ctufort sud Bp.cdlicattu Capsr on te edat meeliud cpeud. Thir opertileus lu Ihià csrsiodretehagi.branli et tb. proflsien manot fu te gve st otB. Ordare renoivea for se y quai>' e isiaccion. lue thhu sitd withhdimëud ecîli, fashes Docor ced Voueia Blinde, sd oîaecly visitutherni le hlma, hfort lb, dicoua ge up*tb cto irtesl notice. Addreetee firme abeid. BOBEET WOorDe AITIFICIALTEETB Inseried lun(iid, Sul- Greewood, îleo er, tPlatina PluIe, uiseo pen doe rlehralcd,and 94MoiPîekirtcg. justi>' ecmouscicd celaitud base, aler 0_o __________________________ abe M ont , lappred metheole adoptlS' VALUABLE PROPERTY for S tEhie proaceteil. Th operuloieOcf Drm.CalIe der . rdare crfull>' perfurmod, clce -~perfctin themn esc, huit net enly thoester- IliE Storeaud selsc Itel>' upisd bS i>'cexpecten ioprsr-cd.iittiieeaiîd ceai- TMr. J. A. Meelll',ut et ile, iu the Towin- lfrtuf-the wcrer fthcfiruiuifitial tceth, le pre.- eiip o eiaclatcogether with a quarter Isure Qf ch tii, sume Suce. ià the durabilît>' cf Laefd tWtihhereto. tiientorola rer>' h50 the naturiicl used. saI ud e hsrmuîîy in the ruh>' lhîiedfe uc huince.Tuie Vilage ol Llaudeiîîg elor, the greulcul sBatiefeellue iii tho travel ou hhoBrook roud pasuca threugli Il. 1 'ortirulattlention gicr tatehie cure cnd Terme will ha iinoe l suit purohtseers. p rgitl fbhlidrein'a lceth. Pmtarb hetl plimcu onte ha mode o atiend ta l"uis scary uIprtant dslty tu their J-AS. B. CAMPBELL, offrdPeig. aratd icletor>'. Termre 45 e.A,ou c 0,ec. aâorenble. Consutation free. 20 "OL SALE IN TJISE TOWN OF WIIITBY. T 1 â10 nadm5 TIIEY AXE SITIW Le slsd"oonDuuundeî street, hoîson Mr. ý C.oolomoes and Lyndede CrosS. TEISiSLIiOERIÂI_&J* Applicationi te ho mcdo le MES. ANGJELINE WEST, Ut ga,8h concession Delinlte. u6 Christian Oiferiug" piaese fopyuti forid' FOR -9-1LE 9OR TOULET. "WSEN IIOSS andi prendras in- TondngStbl@,Sheds, u&c.,sudlqare ecc 0< soBiO5iico ceenuly c seu Irci l luetedcon u Ddos Street, Iu the Town ofjhitiiy. Tii. prruîiues have bcsîi uewly hult, sud ern lu ait excllent smate of repeur. Thi scoslae ot e O l haste aTown. Fer'termj e, éaJpiCONNQR ote The owneurFiekerougP MICHAEL McCAULEY ~ WtbMari 1 0. 8 ShOri'. SaeofLe als. r (t of ~ oe Wrr: gWn ieau, Iàued act of tii.unty c rt of the Ceoty ofOn BMING TOUE <CAH TS TIEN CASI le or& aise o jb. GROGEY AND T"X&STOBE f. e t sSI e<John Andson, Pisie- ROW Gor.mDIN ltasctI lisrst othte ashiJonJmedx E.Wm -S lam .is la trog or pr ofla4ilg _ _ _ . e.i .of the s" otliot Nt. 0 ta spe'u -. Hlighiest ýCa-sh p rice paid for any quanity nt the stores of A supersor a.qsrtment of Gents and Boys ]FASHIONABLE REM>wIDILIDE CL O THIMVVf in Tweeds, Faucy Mixtures,' GJURMENTS MADE TO ORDeR. IIAMILTON & ROBERTS, 17 Nos. 1 & 21 TiFs Block, Whitby. SPRING AND*h SIRIRII~MPORTATIONS Begs to inform bis customers and the pub- lir, tisaI inle stoëck of New Goods je now ta muid, andI wili hc o slaIChesp fer Cash, coneiatiuig of a lumge ssortient of BRESS tJUIIS, BUNNETS, RIBIIIINS, PARASOLS, Gloses andI Mouler>'. Carpets, Damaslc, Window Notesud Mulins, Domestie (luttons, &.A iamgostock aI Broad Clotho, Oasimeres, Canadian Tweeds, Gamberson, rarmer's IDrinl, &o. in Menu' andI Boys Coatu, Vestu and Pentu matIe np on theo Premises. The s consierahi>' onarged, aud p arties tavoriug hlm vitin their urders, mas>'rol> upon hariug their arilaetu made up lu a wrrbanlike, nenuor, aud l inoheatest styleofe Fashion. A large stock of JUST RECEIVED. Pormy's Brick Buildings, Whihby, 27 April, 1800. 73l~e THOMAS Il. McMILLAN IIAS FOR SALE Clover Seed, Hungarian Grass Seed. Turnip-White Globe. Turnip-Swede. Mangel Wurtzel. Oran go and White Carrot. White Beans. Onious. Aomd cil kind cf <Garden Sedq froîu te be-t Americen Marke, whobc h elliiug nt lîlireel-1 ilently Icw pr'cesr.4 Alec, a largeamocortaient of Fresli TTcuc, Sejorup, Coffccu, Fruil'e, &cc. Liquere, Wieeu, roobery and Gleeewcare direct lroui New York and Mctreul NMrlcelc AIl ind»ufo!Liquere und Wineu uldnltiMaufatures iriees. Parties desirit>g tlupiruhecu muy> thiug ili hie hune, uili du ccliltu gte bun a cal. THIOMAS IL. McMILLAN. lie. 2, Prry'e Biocki, rock ent., W hitby. Aj<VE recpived at their new promises, Brock Street, lVhtby, au unnusaly large Stock ot SPLIING & SIJXLER DRY GOODS, GROCERIS, BOOTS AND SUOES, &o. As L. & P. aro diupcîecd te do a lesding trade, tloey pirticuieriy reqtuet that intending! purchaseruyl lfaveur them oith acatci before purcbuing clsowhore, asu the> baveo seule rr oeties in stock, and art dotemined té seli their Goods at tho lowest possible price.LOWES & POWELL Brock Street Whitby. EGS w cnounce tbie nqsuemunas friends ad sueutoîlenatisAmta iOr ryiog BEG en lie extebusinhuess et UARR1AQE MAKING, IN A"L ITS BRANOBCHI On the promisse herclofomeooploulhu> Mr. N., RAi, 0on Mary Btwse tbonS Byrou sud Bm& kSimeta, oherehe is preputdn, as hentoforç, tueo ste ail9animaatseu tu his Cam CA11RIAGLS, BUGGIES, SLEIGLISi C1JTJISI C. ALL WJR WARRANTED - LUI7BR 2ecidJuRODUCE TO4KR. F RZ1- CHLV04 64MIT PMCA MW. FOISog experlenceof tlsrty yeuu iathe p dm X1 mbl5m of the Sttand sd-Caa sbu isen thut expmerism s vuuy bs»midt'mb«i*Wb &:* tv obeu"itetarrisaa4 d bA f etl S et St4 du7V, sd suhl&ty etfverkmusuip, hie wk mna« e Blini>', waatu 35a imm - umt JicIseecl. aundufer sada cery Ilu Whiiiîy, April 12, 18e0-. Queboc Government' BlsieseI Jcetlc PUBLIC DEPAUTI nteuilel te Alec Sccuireul luy tudiehuaciud.Aul tuuLd duliheiIALi 5.2, A11,M). Quinhor A-omcy for thme Trai BIusenU"S ,e'ti the (0ve H AS OPENED AN (iFFICI bec fer tLe Transaction nes. of Purtie rcuidiog li (h or elcewhiere, with an>' oft he Dopartmnts. Pcrsona lusirons of scr-ini Lands, or Sainlg Ciaim ofua su ugoinat tire Gornmcrinl, oi'ru information obticable ah thecUr or other Public Difficeu, tia>' busincess diiigcntly atttuilcul I denit Agcnt, wiîbouuit thue expe conuseniecofe a jcuimneyt Patents e4 Invention taken oui. Ail propaid coînreuînicaiaîa te ox o86, Post Office, Qucb toise iniuediate attention. il- Quather. Sept. 28, 1810. ~JST OPI, -]MIlE - CANTON T. C0O1P New RIereCl i, isg-ut.. Ent uce all, Tiucoi IIiE Coinrnuy, Rilrredo ur Ithe1 ITpiru Puie uiiuduteuuved 'lcas th" pIed,- cf grool,. îam clfdrt Boule iofuhe ict Spucuiulud Cie1 ecl iiiUCndaidu nt oh uecc tue I oilli iaocirsetoice atmy agicct1 icI prtie, wuuu lusse brou oillui coud Clai-searai,ul hcuvy jreili . lSiorueîprofita renI quuct relue- dtrie(Iy aoliurd 10 hy the; Ccmpu ho ret2Wau t W ilelel l'icas, ui partieete RUY FIAGiluTIt1 ut tueIet osblaeil Figuire. Tluc Comipanoiif houe Ltuau thecuigli Ibsur Agriiteii cliiiiii,, Ileruid Tom, coul>' cull la lic blin Lllîî Muetclsaouilioîeeuii uuîoutcir tbui Iceioacsue fusr cf Tue ma eow c u oopjlieî oNuthcacos edgoreid riculeslc. tWuoi.1%it. euruiscîiouv. TMieîunceâ will -uî Sive. Loout iltielsi Now on Sale, Five Ilundu« ftdaeh pec Il....-Suins. Itim e God ierpe l- 4rl."'*ie- e Sliudid per lt. ... -u. I'2Z. udd 8upren, mu lbR.... tuiot. Eiffli m. u IoteRcrepcra, Selucal u'eciurîc store,anud B6rding Honne cscrpt ffr Fortp pouIS Rdpackage c-cde of IRA, senut cicrise tf ci 'dail, oi ecept of th. CAsu de nol bey nu largo a quuctity,w to club -therbritlu thoir ficil Iàticlu Woruiteij. sCoffee, la n etirle aloit a frgit'ftixîcut, tlith peupileane e1. Theuo Cmpany, uloicousafet and unadleeted ertieleu r uendui delicliuo TURKEY Cf>FFEi-.ai ce -1i1guacantee a tretucsilont e W- iebhr thepunlere, Ivo bure frouem Arliet uquacre, eu munictathie ueoo te youuefrien,! Teet, Seb. , l ots, TISE STEIRE IOBEET MOOD, lMa I ZAVES ylone shsrot Who .dt huer, bell>'.fer the licit. Partiesftrcthse *ue Il Snaur ujuaeithy sud d iglt, te h ie 34 ememo J1TOlhSANDmLOT tu lot ià Bout $Looper fh.Appg Fehs<Oyï8.1880 nt 25e l uw.usxu n rot.g ue cîolad Wefioiî, OI> DIi Ki Gi5~li ieofDN m alediow~he mogetcl uinsgegnitalo egouacamsaltb>'thseoe"Mg ai it Iý"c, u t crocce The trumee %gatoduceb>bul5w youth. S aotse i dm.b lna iorderIeta.ith01 i(-i'y liserereoelraeaeieles, ohbout minorais or Pdolk 'nie.-~ d o h oiett l e es> le de uone, The filuitias .of! ueamenesuci,. thut Fm- piar e mr ieurah I s W luruitu raaeho md ah their O o niiuec outhout l itm>'Pro. n bl y eau hro C - "es, tuZ' ' nat o t.co r ei ce b. aoutmoy h a ote u t 'rtiu h a e t e D d e id m * a m to tl u S .eq b y = t u idIe x t r n i n g th e i bu d e W w s c t l l e e press. wlul Oserve tIuefàchhwi Md'ýj nt ln direfflân3. Ietuml. plicku aetcU effoota oressIod ta* Mii Le Yis aiuiulsmm o Se a r, e -u *t oboloeomrfl' 'luecr eni das W asitlugsdd laha.c.estelîSho e'reOa'. " r$ d'M&FM4 ai, , el 11 sretlsealo<tua EB es an e COIJEnumlutbT VAiLoN eer" a eeed latda ~ ae s.-And go. e i.t. " the wD IIlil 85 e fose.o i c d",i»m esn m opwL rfk-wo' "Capt. George S30u dermeuitlnesi ports el SATIJRDY foir ROCI . Via COBOURG : WHITBYuat 7o'deck a. tri.0511 oe'lck a ine DARLINOTÃ"ýN cI aim B6NDiilàb nt 8.80 o'eooek nUoelig n cI Ilter witlî Trains Ni teu Faits, Syracuce, Auluny, ItETlURNIN( *mil Isse Rochiester ccc,> Fi! direct for Witby cnl abnVciort April lgt, 1860. - A CAMD . AiIsON, hl trî.iriîîgCef D tire, sud evn fie om in Wohitey sudvcie-uity', ceenot t sinere acidlicari>' liaas for Ilîci lieus asuittheovr)r, lihorel paîracel cecivcd fSreincî, aculinlîac cie curdill1y reeoiuiieidiuig tu blic a PlîyuIilo, D)R. ]PATTE Rtý wii iciiomacluliai Lochiig19or huowo ho ho s stilful ccl oiicecoolit B , P A 'flU R SO N , l. D - , in ie ci tkrcan, wuull, aicatroopdctîtl lu he cilizeun cf wlithy uc icil le uow propar~ed o renttsl ilcii la th ulîmanuotctern, acorilliîr ftirinsaili cpcrciuoon the Eve ai Rrent seceuos. le will uttenail 1c Town or Country, ud theIbaosut n fereucegiven. *Tie folloiili rc Jo. 5.Su.Avcsi, BOIy'IRIIIIiiille- V.MoSCusa'E, Seul., .3 P., Bo' Luwii llIeras, Eeq., Whth)y. J. M. Loucai, Saq., U'ltb). Rev. T. C08ircuIl odnicli. Roc. J. REiscVBE iicicla J. Jil. OGruml, ilq., WliitliY. Z3ý' Oico ot M. lloili'u 01 Byronl Street, hithy, îîearly ojý liire'u IIde. IIlE Uîîicl hcm bgeta VIIi th Pneîloîî ublie gelir, liai Occîai]su(1111cfor ttc COiIl Paorties ciilriitiiig hlîli i wil i Sd ticir iilcrccic îlleiill: I iii i C ut Clllectio lui quesud, ARTHIUR P.S. Refcrcncccc huiîly i-iii Kolaipt Tlîîîc e Souci' T. I Lilidue>'.Novcîîîhr le-h. 1059. W. H. DOIEL APOTIIICARY AND Di 6 -M' o.16. ie!Rides!1 Rides!.gOCONSIUPVE8- unesge ilpsy tho hi;ghost ~~s'ry< jece lu Cash <or s> îiutt o otiJnalW St Il BE BIDES deliverei t hbis Tannory in oî Greenwood. Ail icldao Tu CSRIEIfr eIi la cptconuifantl>' on band fercsale, corY1w loanul ccle logelî...~~lilI for ash.ecOrplWfAOi%.a1or thelie" aillas. D. MeMURCHY. Bil-rpicoat We safri-,h thc un. Groenwood, Nov. 14, 8S. Ci o uîitliso mro itiie cill sol ii eOC o- lv--r sritien, ilth fîîlil irctiocu Illec ""R DR, FRED. DELLENîîlofinalaséaptieftîîeob.iOOI ioc lio' 0F BUFFALO, N. y., hereaiiosenui csl rlî ssî~cin ls [ANVtcI 130 i Lyu' J.r mIi , y ddeiT rS01 sme a.lurt &FTER an nupreedsent<dfonctonnalil =luJ E UIIEI or citerluuth1.0! ovortliity>'asii llouanhiit,reiiugN.botaole pluaiu Bu1,NWfriands ili al Pars Ofthe cosutry, iîus coloel*i-41Boouo~Nc' oi. clgrisaille ~otvo nelleol PrepeR=illues uul hcc lcliubstucrcd tue)ocmotend kiiowledgo jSTARTLII< a, or hie long ex Saietonirliu Ot limor ti erTiRE51 iiy00 tic d illecciit ruggusts l'or noie. Te thine ue1 1rîdFI'eI ccn Iuîîlted Tmth tiiaDocior uotiîiuig sueSdSreio rPoî cieCue accs tiliavo baîd uother rinaillail ilion, )iclad dregiS>' te i 1ls trenaie, ud mlper gocou miaIîl>' r"- luinrrede of ailes ho ho aila1car uri. TheDoter, Ijowerer, bheuactuentabonle.- oron" fuili lite elliere, tc cuiraeovoryliig wthoîîourreear- bu tiri ie in, bat bas put np lis cucloinlu o b<otle, reki tould- uTabla aim nucilicoi 1unIS. Theii. îîî1uuîhcrl go llie 13100OD PURIFIER. am canfiulduceaie peiar 1teIths purent pxtrect cf Ssreu ruli iaîldu uireiy ou routesan eu rurL of t'sis oid 1 IYLY W f 's SuON altr colloïdesccthe Lrst proertica cf mlîucilî IJiiI I 'ari roeuLtCucIOd hy tuntliaci lsiiîipaee 0Jil ga11 eue Iil ssAlis langer dteruase cul active plîycc,luT1 ion'c aiill îuaUeîcillir onces ai u rai rlc5rel ng irecu mclwganfitudiulceiiuog aitdheLicer mlKdevo epelsgtoerii c-crl iuoaseurenkîuccîu. Il et a h Ali ulobil nilittari, itSiuu hrcging litOie incfli urlittoil Sy nuei( nr, or c rluiverd facO 'I DcculfTr. lie Targuiisitilauy hav e coeu ieiiiive, eupricraofoe noionlue la ruuiî alie, alirýl"e land siac o liied 01lutcuira Liver l'Jiiplinto, jiuSi f etuiulele co îlu cOflaecu, ilie btlue oi andC,nplieli g/ the UlO54, fip i cauitr',-arecrd S~the lite cf dciluo,,,Il n ,offe a, ucmral PediONf1 0C- hbots nSluced iu ae of cay diccouf iar .«u4a u, 1Çi0at-Run Psieel, Sauna, N vcieelr. iu bge ce " Peudiceruçcre vlition ili insoutina de, .1. a Vt osLoii#Eyyb fdgsiIriiauuicaulllute ' l~oîIaers. liî~ . 1 tiIerc i/Oh aod'.i lid 'l thorr ,Sueoeca ulicli ,,,Il cichuîîu Yne"hi egnlit o dicrerel or uimplora Iitlitcrer tRi.oudi ',atak tilt le-il, o ui: eu l titoofbioud. lit isof a arugiuuitig natlurela OP *'V0l.. - clalvll. The lc. I Ir 2il tua, crie'laveuserTaibagiei,.p el ~ FVE MEDICINE.r Cdiiio uiucly agt, uiie o tl' V1 ïiuu ttlll Coî1,1 Andulu- ut oeercîîî ue tuurt ulietLecolAilue -t w lth LI U leiaau No.î1.iTtdctolethonueu luatlulul- > PI- or ell.-Tts iiiyueiwllliotiu'R',1ledli ucdoeergoasharc lcoif,çm r P.i. n ill. Baecihrlujretof.ousuun,0truuîluorcîgroieylipr Julriiil c eprepurcî laby OLT)l DoueconFassietitlesid yt'uysci. Eicîcc DiuLKuuai, ll muha prucicel iniBt enra ellt ndIoce liicle t, iu l in ulc er 27 >eerei. eraDbityfnWeksu 'Tli hhulle 'o precnuit runsid, scorrect llicc cf thue Frein whcbuer enuolemuicurmmof iii, ai Liefu2TlelNOF Doutr icleoit Liait npl)urrof ct idboulte, undil aill îer cmiescf a o uceccul lieu-.r, coul Oic -- "i.Frcl. IdCIlauhsiliglu &dCoU., Bifileo, N. Y,'4 Iieorguuuuizatiou of thc uyeîcuuu, vieu tluuîluîî Camuidu.iohu lululilsidtuearglace. Directiioueiaoccoiiipdidtiuug tndcuic ilu itis lail luacerftl&ci 0ileuuul cateeuchiieî. No. 1iilu oiS fer si pur baitlla; epIio Luudl drterraltreuuely ueruuul e- Na. 1 1r75cenle.- Vili hilesimple înoticec Sckiy Ferrilles lucy taeofuic e etheuuiu e i ca n idhr Slouîl clle no e lis lui l isiug s"ulu IiWI. vrttec4 etiii ecUteolàuilitl tidrileiO. For rrgîîlatiuug ouI renlîuucuuluiu5 rcuuueuy; wuiuiic OrI îu u u'uorge'a le bt>' iiuu c h their eaiupluulut, a il"euuuu hc ia Pi'c ii uuuJAS. II. GERRIE, eudfety ilu cliperflailmdohrdsra Sole Agenil IVlitl)-Li.tîos;îlae foot lie aitliaiut uduucueulcuuî. 43-111u w1lithy, tSept. 14, 2028. wc &u8e1-Y JdiulasuogePil areie b(lee u nouts lad c scriufo ae cfuulawiuug liîruîa à niltish Ainerican Circuler Dclivery & Aulldia,îo, Dem Couilainlu, tuuCc eil0 Geca dvriigAgcncy, 2 St Chiait Diceacoe, (ieciueciî a, Doi he tcGtJlST. *u m dcriig earpyIibilî, Fceciuurod Aguc, Fau FPruncois Xaviler Street, Mlontreuil, Co ilaitius le licuuieo iuieudi aî CaaaEs.Idfieniculii, luimuicul V oteci, laCi Canaa Eeh.piclaits, Lomicescf Spirits, lPiles, sioeu . - M1)ruvia, Stcoiiîury 0yi Longsuu, Ve-ceruul Allei î eleibscrhhcr realictfuully notifies te flicetioue, Worimaofiil'aIl lla. Iîulic, glatithbclu iOopm.rci i lutarecunire amw. ulcîcesfaorlriiaiiig, Addrecoiîîg îandltistrilu- l-ecAtITI(); -Neooure geuidiuaIsulat t6cui allua Ililla, Clrculiirs, &o., ulePMic-liruuahic ucerlaulsuuci ,jiwJ'uuck ac oul Jkhu, uuud neciiliz Alverticceita for insecrtionaî "ru dînet-lccce'i nela asli'eiiuun is iu -r ud 'lie____ al lo uiv ite eul taprev ierjul.1011rnafs. thue bock ofulireuticuis aruiiiudcaleld luI urbol; Agoncyl ic 1[0ili lites-ý ic ho prop erell mccivc, Raid StIecMaunila uy b lu lily cccuulhy oalulili luy auîcunus ci la.$ uuiuierdiiuAgents, arrneer li teleIehitl. A I uuueuluinîcruul iibu guu iuuarii , Adcrtieuiiità lisui ttcuriuîa Pdai le iii>t u y lua reuIulutiuulmaueich didr atiodeu ilo luruuugioit Uppur andul .e c Cîisl, thue Lcîc-lcuuulai) talcdor,',-toetuTcflyuuury or eTpies Ilu tilut r Pcoviciic, raid itluc itieuiSSte8, ulcîî fcr coulidulfditilultaSle ineiiuueuerrcu-udieglie , nof imilar li QInchon, Ruquctuu, Duu811110 111kuiig Illueui tu, lue îuirieuuu. T,,riit, llmilooi &c. thel fcrluug te dultci 4So SlId lt tire A Putuuiluclery cf' fu loiu dl au.rie cicdiudg tc Maddtrdregdslillas 11OL.cV, 80 Ididu7doi isu: ci, N orbk,uib and ul cstcreuuioiepi.liciiIu tcr lhcir aciiuiwo- i1nairuaa rgrîaudl hulr uli luuuI-u ceeîuîiitîlisait cpcclyeagta ;ouuo df llar M'oi, uiuu luruuugliuut tic Uuilteul Suicuuudu l litaOen Mma cinr illac, m.troubLlo eldepcic. liedul erl, ini boxelt 25 ouls, 032 euutuuuuull M N I i4Amt-iiuu<cîcriîicSniuîeiluplctcul, lien cccli. (a urge tii cuitfruisain iuluv aihjiiîerIu- 1ýTore ti ccuuidurablecoviuug hy tokiie eluuuîis, MNiiraîurtact îrors, e the I dKcp- l luniNr ouae. E w 7 î r utaillitl it be transacioet ail Matîchî hui- N. 1.-I irtiuaiioe guiduuanc f 1luuhlui noa.ms liit.h icrauge le "miiue tiucun eill bc icran>' diurlieonufixeul taeemoi.huux. I ue cîlsuîiu'îly ultendeclto cdtli junuiicaliuy iiui d c des-_____ pluiu1luîd ilatcre lfneSu hlit fr-n-lisîleonig PS.IFY iE Ilu001. tuul, e rt îucnunoeiii kiglouel, ilatla ligieuuuf l iiiiitu hi h PlcI" , i oirewl ho cuiaieLi te gie cluaire ua- oiiitt'e Lite Piland ';,ocia5Ballon - laclicFarenucfrousa ail Mint' Poegna. ini.eln l o aor.u.cea. frllrt iSSAi 1c lPUI AeI. - -'ilCllM01a rumientu 3.. .Diuîuiiu, Mou., uiireudry ouithUce iirî Ltu l'o iJIlil idl l'luui iiituecluuui> ai' Tiîiee, anou Iutneoita' Eaelianige. îîulîîculli-uc acuîdue eiiL ttluactaorliducildie lit l 1iiiilllcuu Sq., ('litoins anui picurdiinl- ctilîcul lu i t ie , relers iliiuueùert- iuîg Acruit toelucÃœr4Tiid'Truiik ilva oisci. U th uuiiihuue uîepulauculîu iS F. %V. Miiibitem, Raq., Verdisaitl. oci i -iadiciiial i ucccor 1raperties. lime 'E u QE I uNcirl> euglli soq berclisit. ig bluccu îuîrc tisssî lcty cura eoaeithe Pol 9UF .. PIrue 'a9, sfiuiid i'npriecr ci lit, uuuîl huvnig this Imtaiteulsclinec3d f cm c f fluc Ilusi 'auuCo uuercial Aîeeut. Limai Iliro îmillionsuof Percns o avdieli fppcr Canada ___________________rciired tlatledo cu. )*a sonit of pcrfLeci iioull lUOvei-uiiiinl tranit ie holit)-obeS lat Itliinrau il 'ion.ait VOIJNQ SIR TÂTrON 1 Lcot eegctlîLiiuciiio u o c one poL gPatents for - uuuuite i"f me diapute. 1 l luaitî cery ulyl iy Tilie etkiuueid c gSr Teîîsuî uc-lsgrand foaceionestii onuu lIlcgc iutiî UliulSta iler Blur sc cluy v Tm coul en ihiuuuemllie moule utibre eldyte teaýti(blc hir e la'y lis resort tquicidur acly u"'O"'AV v'niMoil lmae bhucua elle. Bior-l duuf,esadSgivilîgloîithc wliole sys-AIncIri roMwi ds l c, uîrau lluuieos! sMucus, c tcul l. vigor anou hu. - OVaucu i'. coai, iilu, nd ci uc 5l nrce cuflUrrîtuc utl r Ihveuhin 2 W brui% tece Sa tViq ysoa4prince AlkI, II uS LubyilResilai einaaih5oui lsyuca1 iche cofthue sciiu, thue perniuauf ut I du a )caset cuul iUEISILIAY. ho will pecruil ie ltISesasld ,,P a iciluce io IraI' esyuulu110ollcurIi le ucdreabrnt<ra12 i3 ic t, u hir etïgcai 0 lcoitc adlcc l IDNIESDA- miii 1weeud IlencinIlr'uo<euclnutivecpropellieu.~0iuIsîilI ,ber, Wll ro Wiiteudmid mifrooki2te alies u'rl ten ilurIil a ehainapte, Oliss, nuid teraeinitiltlii4 Tlon ~ouIticuc ytoltusyoecch hilcombind e tda hOe m 555i5, tiOOcSîisC Iioci'siil.J aud î Oili iu iai à o al. i. ('hlis duanuddcaie snse. Prcarclhby WiI.IuAai MQoruNi-,1. h, 50 71elIy VTHE IYOUNG SOIt TATTON, Von,,seul for Saeub>' 0. A. r;iun.uei, Wh*l jl~ e escnid,lmhiea- sinuihul larv'a-li bacrh urge, UFJ lEN « 1-6eui c suî uhs uidhNiseieSq. FAOM EDICAL DISPENSARI iuf crrmmsgh,aeuf mesicel by OuSir Isa nSykse. ETBIIE oeT UE0 Ilicwumeorfeuu1mist uîe ibis CcuAryey >'Gerge Cclier, OALuiinatiucii15 Esquire, u< et 'mise, and rasM at a crse-hcise fce Dygeupna, <JaraI Dohilily,Fter andillai o v % rovd ihe iluest hcme n yikOd kr ra i u u.of ~AN ~'l~ Ci i~uerîlge8uoved ulet, cour, ai Mci. Sulal, 1 IrrGm ipftO h 1, nle ie h mvohr oge aierekilo u Salt Rheui,PîfilialhuPiU. e Mtblaith re sl e si0iobe. 014 d tyuela 5 gai and I&MMSa, Iejm of oti yadl dOc aiis lieyer. Ycunug Ss ir ai u1countriy id DR. AMOS & SON, mcii ylduuuuhy le (ir iy iy (macotU 0OF MAIN ANDî411TieA eS. cITe, ie la lueiuu IiîetI e. la y ,Vuiussletgii- e. SATE liu.ne msohar cf he IN lU

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