Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1860, p. 2

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Aitw10o 'loktitCauseil met, sud ru. sassai the cûwîieratlon ofl Bs repart oaI the Staninig Cosmittee ost Ruais ani saera ase4meats ere prapoudamonget 'Wllich sas une hi Mr.a Robinsonu laaledek- out,io Beack rosi -sud Simsa treet. Mr. Sumit.- coulessiedsstml> and abiy - for tBs Broc rouai. Tis a Wrea &Io supjartea t hu ropoct. 'be ciauses vccc eetally sgreeai toandam ois hu abject.-0f appoatiaumasti Me. Wrighti' srai - severat3-il maedm"nts, encramaisg thçoptportian teatBs Ceatre rondansd Simca.Ssroet, and dtlazeasing the amnsa ta tise Brack ruai. Tis a nai muts were Murad ta BthefolIqvhusgappas-- tiunment propasesi by Captis 'Buse, of $%,000 aon Simca. mStel*8,0 atiste Ceaire ruai, *5,000oansthu Igrock suai, masi5f00 on Bshe ebsu ruai. Mc.VWuomn a"a esmaesî&ta mendasit, apporauling$2,0El 7ta Simcoe Street ansi $8,000 eci to ltseallier tirse. asss. As a lt amerdlt, Mr. Wight mavesi $7,- M 0iao, theWestern, aud $13,000 IDalise UmAl ia ssodaenis- sera veînidose, aucdtBs repart evenluaily adoptesi appro- psisfiag tbea amunts racossmendedh y Cap- tala Rtowe, tisa.shhleual ta exceed $20,. 000. Captain Ruse usaves tise firsi Tuaia; of a by-as bandeS upan hu Ioragsiug te- part, sisicis sasacSnlingiy cesil s firat It biag 6 'clacis, hu Wsrdeleift tic chair for anuiour. BEIGSESSION. Tisa Conil aembici agin -sorUy> oms moiao.aIfCaplain Rusa icavo sas granimi ta istraduce- a by-iss ho maie ap- pprpesoiasthe lb- NarcowseBridge, sud tus appoint Camaiauonrs IDexpensi lie mmn of *820 hereon, pravisiesitiseCamsqty of Siaacoauat a lise suai. Tise by-las piai stfoé aglal its Stages, sud Jas. OmouseitJaisuHarabysud tise Rbve aI Mams seuilRama sera namesi Commission- U. White <T. P.) brongisl up lis e u- Part oI hia CammittewiiciwsasadapteS. Tthstaas hat h. finances of hu Coanty sera ia a atisfactor>' condition,,, he bal- suce ofIuas-ainaexceas aI labliities being *23,M3.13. That ï il lIbu ueccssary ID sais.0*23,112. tBs pussent finaucial jear. Au aseoatnioaIMesse. Cameoansd Har- mas, Barristear nutiisg lu $140, la, recoamended It a epsd, heing cos inb Bse suit o tise Couâty Ts Cumber. bsai mai Stueme. Ais asu aemant of the . Cu't'Soliciteesamouuting ta $20, fo ot piissd anuhatio swith Tusasa- Mr it l imeWesicetisse of debenfires up- a'* etrdit oai n-renidnt tend funsi. The ~bla.srwrs ucomacdel taoct aceanl- l4 Io Ma satute inlise casa of . .A. Sangtor fr ramission eI taxes. An accueni af G. C. UseS, B -giiar of Durhamx fr feas for «tiractas, amounting tw $i-.21 la recousu- useadesi ta ho pai. An accouai of Mesu- us. Maclear ko., ler urÂctiomsaurs license, sud a set or books lensiso recommandai A Isy.lsc loanisilapan tBs fausgabng repart sas pamses ta asssa o eCaunaty for gouaral punspase for tise yesr 1860. Tsen- Iy tiiommami dollars en Il he ralmabie pro- Prt oflithlonahy, binga ratoaf tva milles ani Ciry bendrasitisaof a miii us tise dollar, fr the guneral pucpasau of the Court- ty, 'useading provision for payaient of de lnuteras andsi lterest, ruais sud bridges, sud Conaty gaoi. AÂSanusofI$5,112 foc ps&ynau of Coamon Scisoni Teacisees, and Local Superntendenla. The ialiuwing lu Ibe scied'le af assassinent. 3Iuida5ba. Get'si.,- dufol puimsa. B ck 20223........... 643 ........ tg 46880...........133 R«eai...... 737 ........... 856 Sengs......294 ............84 Sui........... 777?........... 275 Tb", MI î 139........... 0 Witiy Towship.33204... .861 WhibiChy ut..2134 Wb»IyTosa ..seu1734 osnmotin f (apala Rusa ticaccoant of J. (iras, amonatieg tu, $186 66, sas ocrdeve10tab. poi. Ousmation aofMs. Reettsecouicd by U. White (Pcesring,) Bse Con ty Enginear vas dis"e to1 jmSbcaso as satabie Siag fat ibn Coauly balioag tu b. disaplaei an tic Occasionaai thrisa rit ai the Prince orlaes aussi irlg thec-Assises, Qarter Sesuboas sud meetings aI hu Counil, ansi on pub._ ]ehieisldaya5 tisa xpeue oC ta exceesi Os suioofluaiM. Smill, sarmstation Lamas.oluis npaai nt ofis1n0 amthe Oitkbaoset lU. Bmsili, aecaded bi peope" tOf M. sNW!ns mi Yse. Me tsi W.s sCnasu "titbotà perasiaeupssitisa, »«.k« aofMr. BlWh 101be Bs uOsO&aasisaOu tbs ec- for Upssode un as boc lucudvSeiu< 10 WWk* th* Cae"a WWbais" tis ai mes- moai persi dby tisePruti*g cosmitua fae.s~celioe5s55of tise ams& oe, wus me@& i »4 t tMatalenet P«"Cr hl bela»,Îm 1 . ODqus.afran tBs Mr- âm»BenchMm. pe»ssisas, Pb" bbo dkey of r. Wotisy mîex. w"w" a4 o».aa1u*te be a- éldwer, o WMma01 ctamJen 12. PR@* ù,ýT- Bn -eaa la lLeqschaII TW âaf »mt heTi L Mr iI'Campbell maremi, scanies by Mr. SAtli; tint sa mach aI Chc-report af tbe Standing Committec, on Psinting, su3sus aidditheusta, wsile Chu Council wautini Comnilîtee cul Che shole, bac xpungcs.- Cousislcrable discussion ensueud &riug shiels Captain Rua, Mc. Brocn, IWr. Smilig Mc. Whiite (Whistby>), Mc, ffaccltMr. ii son,. c.Witie (Piciitng), ansi othiers, tabou Che 9v , -uItishe resisîntiao lu tald an cotne tat h sslciesh mei MyX. c h on Chu previaus eveniu,isad 1501 altaetct lsais'-aplin, tisai tisecharges maiea agaiuse--the contraceribail net been sastaned, ansd taClise report af thse Coin- uitteeashauli bW coaflcmewd. -- On Ch. vote Che cocu lainlavôr of tise ussoluhian Mcssrs. Causphê4 ahihilliW, Gain- hie aud 1Hrt-t - AgaiusC il, Messca. Whsite, (T. P.) Bas- Ieti. McGiegor, 'Ruse, Brown, Hescît, Rtobinson, suilh, .ilxswnp, WhViite' (in.) Sangutar, Pint, HlisIop-13i Ou motion aI Mc. Smith, a rasolution pastsed, aatisociaing tise paymeui aIf oe dollar sud a a lfat aay ta Cho messeger. On motion ofms-. lBrown, secosiesi by Mr. Smitis, tise Treusuror sas ilustructedteI pturhase aie câpy af thse Consoahited Sta- tales fortiseatolhis office. Ou motion aI Mc. Rebiusson, secondeS b>' Mc. Hesett, tise County Eng-inee- sas bustruclesi ta issuttCh. bridIge acrus tbe Talbai river ah Cameromuîmillu, nitfus- niss tise Council aC ils uext meeting citis an estimata at Cheu oxpeuso of repairing Mr. RatoIiIIc's by-Iaw for opaning the aide-lino hatsccn Oàhaca sud Eust Whitby BawTass vostatua$20,000co'Fain OAs. Mr. Hesett aisteinesi leavu ta ints-oduce Chis hj.las. Mc. T. P. Whsiteoappossesi tCis econsd madling, ansi nîsvesi in amendmient, lise aix moîthosiot, shici sas leat ou a dlvi- sion of 9 ta 91 hy tise castinog vote of the Focrlime ameudmient seraMesses. White, (T. P.> Smith, Wixsams, Ssngstor, Pin0, HUilop, Hart, Gambsie ansi Campbsell; agaist it, Mesurs Wright, Raîclif', MiGre. gor, BarttiI,. ose, Brown, Heceti, Ro- Limson sud Wieio,(Wm.) 1Tise original motion focrîthe seconsd cumu- in., vas carni on the saime divisiou. Tise bill sas dWsussesi in committee un-0 tiI balf.past 12 a'clact-, chen tise Counebl IDaic recas until 2 o'cîock-. In tise afternsion tCisouncil passauh te isy.ias by a vote of 10 tsi t ansi Chou ad- jouruesi "asim die." Acrial Voyage te Europe. Ms-. T. S. C. Lowe bus sritten s bItter ta the Nec Yack Tieosse, âstiîsg thse ressnt sisy ho SuS net attefsspt a voyage acroaS Che Atlantic last yenr, ansi is adeteensina- tien to Sa se carly lisis timnuer. h1e ssYs Cisît lu comscqumeccc of insbiiitypecuniurly, Ca coustruci a tsalois last ycas- lie entereS int a ceutcact witissoime moniesi mes, b>' ichie LbcusseSindhsiscoifta mate pusbliicee- hihitiosin of te-, baloon for CLeibsbncSt, hc- fore starting on tIse contosuplateti vuyage. BrIos-eCisesse exîhibitionq cocu concu-ledl, Leavy'storms arase and it Lecaisie tseo lite * in tise sso iu stas-t, cis un>' prospect ai a sîicccssful resoît. Mrs. Lace con- cloSes :-- Mou>' persons suppose that I modle a fes-tune nt of tisa exhibition of iast Fau, but sr tac as Cis suppositioin fs-om the tîi of the case, tisat 1 s-caîîy receivesi no- ilsing. hesides the caste of a Ycar'n timue ansi no incotssisleratilc amount ut mouey, expeuSesiin'prelimiuary preparationu umsd expcrimeuis. Tite oapacitivciy ussîsîl subis ssicis sas cecciveS ah tIse exhuiiion vvcumt C psy Chas.ciso lisait luvrted nîotey iu tIse cuierpris. ; my coutract vrits tise parCies havlng baunul mata receivo no cous- penstion util bhey sere repsid for tiseis- outia>'. 1bm con 5denC ILat 1 ohouhsi have fromth ie pulic albundant patronage ou Ch. day af th ise msian, LaS h besu ahi. ta prasacuta my>'design u bot tisat reomains amua; fuCure pcobabililies, aud 1 Iosîi ot jet daspair of appreciatisin anS ample ce- *&r fttis*,tian nos left alour, ta accsim- pliiis ai I inCondesi ta do hust Fali. I Lhe promises freontishe partîles witis sîsaus i sas Iacnscs-Iy ussocuatel, tisaitise>' scaulsi ai iasst fus-niulî ihe amaunt noces- .auy ta pravide fus- tho inflation of tise bal- baon this Sps-ing, tisaeuabling mu e homuse nud us>' ps-amis.eItiste public; but tisaï prcmuse having failesi of iuIilllueuh, h Lave C:n itisocu vislly upon MY e05 smus- aS. Dy>'diligent peeseves-auca 1 Lice founsi Che chance visos-by h cou realize the s-e- qubsitp olles for my unsiestakin, aud Lave .anly ta amsure the pusblic, in conclu- sion; Chat tise voyage wcll soiundcrtakcis &a svery oaci>' pas-laot lupresnt som- mer, aud tisai lluses-al trip ta Europe cilî mon Le rodei ta tisa test ofac stual «pernent T. S.C. LO WE. Tsmu Loxcuas Tgzrs -Tse London cor- responscut af tisa N. Y. Lrdral1 ays tise fsct Las couse out Chat (ho Tisaes in ta a rat - exieni acisud b>' tis he otscildsu. fihc soya:- " iaela bis hat cUsi-dmI sslnng a con- - Ila comuca r ig hbiisais psy teir mapec t& Mls esisaihsranger. 7h. hanseasarma i omoeslng Cii BigibL sith c ouwsobSqaaougls.Iaimra Ia masu, CliiBratier Jeuntia bagan ta h. &aoh.'y h B laaige h. zeceirciBtIs aie day B" Yake% a, isnagpWaiiup a& nssissatusty liage oai, tbs C0 se laagus< stoppai on u ting bis felUd' "bucà germa a wtbmasaiuaiise-s oser üm doae, w" ho ixod to zn mfol- loasp-"Hata slig u h mm as-sal lie Nez* A",ri"; *a pealcf etasate rae iha tu enu>. Amimes oc t» &-PYaeh 8.Feur isoen, fimnB theuoasllp Of B yoc, v comued w l m Isp. zj à" t nn- erh w i ange tg bano hum cumsmi Rsrecff oingRA ....... *7 20, P-. n Mimnt ia.~a12, P.tu. 03h, ei.; 0,p.sin. V ou)pýal tllu , 221'îItnnte&- fimeitsta Witty tIsas. - Est per Grand Tmsnk,. T ... 00, s. ns. &MtC do. do. 5 00, p. re. Wn--do. do . 30 , . M. West do. -doe.... 00, 1,.m. Brooklil, h'rise *Ibert, Port Per- rv sud tîfnheSo Xorth ..... 9 00', s.um., Asithici, Utics, ipss, lbrisige sana SctOOC................ 8a 00,, .ns. roenwsod, Beiiu O00 . s Eîsst uer (transi Trisuis.............. s Rst 1I, do, .............., p%,ni. West, do. do .....7 30,p.m. Weet do. do,...... 930, a. m. Bruokli, Prine Ahect, Port t'er- ajensd Offices Noth,..m ... 3009 p.Mu. AYbu tios Mn, Elseoin, Uxbriifge nadSot, ................. 1 00, p.ra. GrOasooduhieoichsni ....12 00,issams DIVISINcotais. hPickering ............Jnly 2. 7Vlstbv ............... .."3 Brook. . ...... 417. RItiv ............................Jîune 299 Uxbrisige........................."30. Atthe Tîson iliff,cverY ilonslaY useeniug, ut 10 s'cloa.ir i . erv Niooday uvenimg, ut tisa !'own Hall, nt 6l 30. Frer ssnns-Attflsotr Hall, WîmI Bs-' seL*, itreeliStreet. on the tirot Tlssràduimn laecrY (i-iirrh"exNo. 130 nccemid Tsirisy in evcry îssits.Cuslr l' oliek, Brovk Streem. 41. CssssSeerrrtry. Loýig No. 810 e sconsd FridIcy issN-r nîetli, lirsoleîs lotel, Port WhisCls. H. ,Nsw, Sccrrtssy. L. 5o. . No. 167 mepl imitise Orangs, hall, Orceisivess outhe liït Fritdsyisseeysmith. L.s.û4e. 789, saret ut tise G01 isel Brosoklinî, thsefirsetVrfssy in everyusoi i. 1.5.t.No. 957, sucet lu Itend'e I-stt-l, liittts'oCrecis, ou thislat Tlssreday lis)oey sîsostis. W. Jenstit.gs, Seerer-ti. Sonm.TmpeameWlifyi)eao5No. 31 S-use CIli. Wednc-ssiy evenls;s. Il. A. 'o. (lool Tainlsfsirs nt utrie's 1itou Wtedmmrycduvevssissgs. IN'lslthy sPhilharmontoiel tatSoss's liait, 1101sid y veninge. (tostTomuplar.e, Sons lsh, Tuesdasy evessingg sîtumoI IOS ]EITiNSi. Episseepal Cîsurel, St. J siili', King Street, 1i G>o'lur, a. lai., umndl s'clock i P. mn. (Alter- nute s ISmmlss. HEV. J. t'ENTLAND. Froc Scotchs Cliine l!techisucilnSitste, Corsne] of Ilvyren sud Mairy Sîrce, Il i'ctock, in. ad alüc, . i.REV. T. LOWRCY, Cisnsrnelutieuat Clsrcls, corser of Byrssn aud eMary Sîm eces11. Il ock, a. mss., aud Bp. DI. REV. J. 'r. SYRNE. Wesoyms Metisodiut Clisisels, Corneref Contre suit Mary Sîrcte, Io 30 n'cosk, s. us., sud 01clok, P.nt. EV. J. IIUS'T. Unitedi Preuhyeriau Chnrels, bMcellisics' lu- qtitnte, 2 30, o elnek, p. mu. lMEV. HIL.IOHTN Ilaptlut Cisurels, 3 u'eloelo p. ns., every tuq- dayHFR M I.L LOY D. NXew Advertlsements this Day. -Che ProtoctionÎst Coaking Stove for $20, -John Brysa. Fresh Teas-Cautun Tes Company. Freah Culfes-Cauton Tea Comupany. .Ljourned Court of Quarter Semsions.- H. J. Macdonell. Chauccry Sale-A. N. Buchi. Wistar'u Baluam of Wild Cherry. By.iaw-Cssnty COUUnzil Ontario. Under patronage of tise Mayor-Holmas Troupe. Impoctant Medical Testlnseny-Profeusor Hollosay. Wrappimsg PapersI-Yankee Notion Store. Auction Saisi of ValuaLle Propety-N. tRay. Book Binding-Yaukee Notion Store. Cash for Wsol-Lsisa & Powell. School Bosoks-Yankeoe Notion Store. Dry 0o004,&.-LOwes & Powell. Centre Hfotl-D. B. Denison. Surreuder Value of Lifo Policies-Joisu Fresh Arrivais-Lowes & Powel Blanis Boosio-Yankee Notion Store. Scohtisis Provincial AssuranceCompay- 1 John Agnos.- Loyal Orange hnstitntiou-A.hcx. Jacquses. Special Notice-Alexander Jacqu. For Sale or ID Let-Ilector Heaton, Sale of Livecy Stock-N. HaY. Special ,Notice-TsonsanHslloway. Pocis for Sale-~Chester Draper- whitby, 8e.turday, June 16, 1860. ONLY 01« DOLLAR  YEAR ri tisf C macl, ut i sinateets repreaa feosa tiat jutSi ensr. Thae cliagsces -aul tisaItise cooasnanl smhom ace a&Bd k aalIwuty Ofima ois issaem aiJanm s al. fae Md J. o. Dosmu, maitit wsiu-g dssOf mmaur kssthse egstOWsiseÇtisath rocukwie teou =W i te. No ansi t1lmaWhodiempcS bomsn a r-e 1Mise ta - tovaulo a csatmsud "- Peiter. f.r.dy thfflk eir aqm7w Pd'*b- f,,t ,,a» diéi b i c -dsltNajs i4 t t,-oiCh te 'ulstand uttise previota sessions vota- oceupied by lthe Counil-19 members ah $1 60 per ticns each,-$86 25, in wastiug lise public dînu anti pueio maay, d'scussing hia pols!y piuing muttas-, omsaccaunt af hu upr<msr rýisesieb1 besau peescosu. Well-usosiug mou sets led ta tiinl., front us. positive- nomsud peisteuicy, witb sisich Cisc charges sur urgeS, tisai thora miçbt, bu somneîhiog vrong, sud se agreesi la an investigation. Ansi he cesult bas prosci hat aller 1b mittial hithaQ actounts, ta cobmptent par-. sans; alLer hc IYotclosossn ud -huVimdo- caitas'aprtqpitoe siescend es la he dcgcu. datiomn of becomiog public proecutens against a rivalinlu bsines aflor hueis-ricI- Est cnquirj, and tise closesi acretin>' of eve- ry item, ASUM O 3 sstxesi off' TEE WHOL.E af Che accouis for 18591 *Hence tLe censuresofthChoCunil-uod no unprejudiced peessin ciii uaj but thas nlsci censura sas mont justI>'sccred. 0f csourse se diii not cxpect ilsisi tie dd- cision of lise Council soold satiof>'tise in- sividuais, sho b>' it, seeomuesi out sueh ctrihutive justice. Feeliung keunly Cthc consequences of their 0515_imfamu>', obe> procure a cu>ct-aud-htolh tory fium Toronto hrougis J. . Doensmu, chose cneS, os ta- teS by tise_Chaicusmi of tLe PIiitilsg Cos- MiCîco, uo elle kissiin. tho man s oulîl be simuple coougîs te credit. Oms Dornais tateenmt, a merorial is prescueto u ibave Os-s amuI Wallace, cho mode tht chsarges, ieard. Tise>' tnt a tol lu poor Ms. Beach cho cauditî>' actuowledgco before tise Causcil, tisai Le comes fsruacd, bLe mys, lecausr ire usnthse ediitr of tLe JS'iutt'i- .osuu ut ttim esi thechciarges cere Mae.- Hoe ponti., ansi fisunters theougis Doian'a version, cisicis is at once perceiveS isy tise Cousîcil to bic a Most imncorrecet tatrmnt of fuels, andi chichin i immcdialely met ast coccecteil on tise spot hy Cisc chaiemîn et tîoe Pintig Csosuittee, ont Mr. Beach is allo-eS Co sunhside. Time unpmiucip1si el. IosusilI go ta ces-t, anssput poitîical feel- mngs anmd pas-C>'leaningu ste l est Ca have tise damagisi; clause expuaigesi feomttLe cucordesi minutes of the Counil. Tbcy finS au emsiiy-persuided teol in a poeur min lite M. Rohart. Campbell, ansi a parttoau in hat selon of Scugýo;e, Mc. Ga mble, b ut tic Council are inexorable, and r'fusu ta reverse tise decisina already arrivesi a.- The verdict of censure is couilrmcd- Poil- ed bo alIbeir vieked attempts, tiseibase fellocusCh>' lyturu cosuSdtisroogh thoir vie- iios printesnd sabu the Pcintiisg Commit- tee, and the Couneil. Tise Ieeve of Ut- bridge cou ccii afford luensileai tise im- potent rage of Mlessrs. Dos-nusn aS Wallace -assi ce are quile certain tisut tise meus. bers of tht Count>' Coucil of Outacio, isavin- discisarged their daties Lonetly,snt consciessîiously, cure little foc thse barting ofsuch uoiuy cors, us belon& te the Osha- ca Vindicato-. aisi Wiîty 11lucloan. Party' qamen. Thse breacis secu the Leader andi Co(uniet appoes te o iseaisu. t. h nt n heut a Most siliy quarrel about noîhin*. it isnt ao very sensible polio>' of tise Colénist te fal out it iotis friendo about a name, ansi emsevor te aienato a section of hat conouitutiomial pamty iii sîichis hmcrged tise niodeeste-Ciitimsg mcamo of tise Peovitnce. Coues-vtives, OIt Reformera, sud Minet- sites, under tise Cousmon namne of Miodee- aCcu. We quite sgrceo cistIste Leader hat thisnanmo ws larsge enoogis ta cuves- bath wingi of the Coalition; ansd thît ils gseni use casses ais obtivisis af paut dis- tioctions tise grounds of sisicis no longer erlut. The Coionistciii a dowlnCtsiu llos iteif tsi ho ton cmii>' excitçd te ano purpose . Theeo sno groustii shhtese foc diferenco. Lot ail stend fisnu>' usited againsitishe common cnemy. As our ce- temporary tCIecFrse Prc.ssapti>' expresses it- People cau tell ou whieh ide tise l'once hey arceisos tisey ktoosi here thec fonce is, Lut os maîtees stand il is diSfcuit ta eo nny lino of demarealion hetoocu usa- derat-thining mies of aoy prtj. Tise "Joinst AutîsueiCy" people cho are Sîssol-- ing Cisc Unioms, Auseicunisin; Cthe Costi- tutiuon, aut piiyim tise ces-y Dickesu ith thiug-s goueal>', os-e a littie kuct of tseus- selves; but outsiSe of hat clone communions eluseti exhibited mucîs of business capucity, andi a gracing acqusintsoce witls the work«ng cof our municipal nystom. Tbe diflerent reporte of cosumittees, andi tie prcedings, which we psstlish at lcngtbg to prove tbis, and areli theiselves higts. ly creditable te Ctse Cour.ly Cossus-il of On. tarie. The mont notable set of the ses- Sion wAsstIse hy-lsw tsi raio-e $20,000 for tise insprovemouî ut le4dinjg couds, sud this still ho found in other colurens. Tise pese arm under deep ubligntions Ce Mr. Mac. donoîl, tise County Clerk, for Lis unvsry- ing cossctcsy. In hlm lise Council bace a valuabie ansi cepeshle ofOcer, sisone minutes anti records of proceelissgs are a model af Parlissucstary ordsc and completc a*c=ura cy, To Mr. John Shiei tise County Eu- gsuoer, tise press are alsoindobtas for tise aceomodation protide for tise raparteraan lu tisa offlSer top, tise Couacil Il ianuibis anxiliay l il Utise detalaaiof ds lwidgsm buildiM ngsd improcessats tlseislte Cttunty. - questesi (o " iatisat tise Revi.W=. ces- grase, of Brossishy-N. Y. la preparim fer tiàý rsa, osaintersmtissg suris itis ibi 1 des, sh" is wli)s éegamthy illmtea I - - ltusssllmlrcvorncutu. ai' A gsss sjuf msslim iu som-siniSutiay s,>i-,siîui Tissi mokts-e hrpio sit,-t1hr, linmCsre a mrreigris The C. m-i-es ,mireihiietie ra d.ý-d .d. Th.' wimai t.-su a'aii51-, ie peust-Ointkls Aaiid" l, ileismoud (t i i f .,f li 'iupms' Cci tuheurf-.k CssiausbouahsW Casusiss linsi! &c. fsisskumiih. tii.rr., And ssdaîg ulit& h.1dol tepr t a siuker,- Ilim sens s-mue, builiffsr, 5iuaO, Asît .oO-mi imisthe, camOcu, Cssit sruintiursKeirlsis t.it. .'nîCspisig Oms,4 Thus foidrohe ltiule-aei iVonis it noC bu only laie of o0e cotesa- pary the teneieuc, ta give theo proper credit tD Chus Jurnal for tLe Coumîuy Cossncit's proceetingu, cutis siicis Le fiuuo hiecolumus. Othors of our Tocwn auss Count>' cotemporaien Lave flen imb thiu baS ihabit of pilfeeissg, chosu se ailcise tu bave a cure, as- ce obahi expose tisem lue- fors the public. Me. flîse and bis "Amanuennin"y Subhed-Illow tise sncy of the Ratopayers of Roach tes epest. iVe publis halos saler feom Mr. W. White, one of the Heicîs Mu sicilsal Cout)- cilisies, asisresied te the editos af tise On- tiois lemiewa. 1 coîstaissulme stateîneslst reflecting anythin;- but credit open Me. lidu, or tise manor in shics Lis cou. ducts Lis Observer. Incapable hssoeIf of Iaying tic proccedings of tic Couneil ha- fore bis roueaiu anytîing appoachimg tD aecurac>' or cocs-ectnes, ise puhlisises garblesi sud jumiesi-up srcportusuwis wchs lise Cuneil, ver>' propeel>', ce Chiot, fissi fanit, anse8 censura bis conduet sud bis ignorance togetiscc. R. la aisa châred w iti "malcing" $40 osut of tie Teiashlip Ps-liting im ais Year1 Tis isb ces-minI> a haul, foc tise amoqunt of pcleting aie conlsi îhink a town- sip lii. Resais reqairesi. laS the Conty Conneil sneoba arhWgs eIDpuy foc its prlntia;, Meescs. Wallace ansi 0r, joined b>' Mc. ilolden aigisi ec t> out as tise>' hava doua aglna thBs "pouanti mysema. tic lesaIsof tise coistear." Balsa it b cTus $coà lica i ii nceasitenoies Mc. Hahiembas atey procurai Bse ses- VicesoaiofaMM gealus, sha front bis amm isg laubms*ius, va aisoeUisjaige teo1base obtaiuea sibo cam tacise'a certiflsta. ¶.iie naar hia sua." BS' imperlame fiu.see ,oah ihie*"igis s as>.hmassil Chair 7biyme soiemisaof L46 z ui. i -ntusie oe ms. auinthenti nofstheZ wai7 9m Comel 4stm bemm.5-1Pu-t s'aReidvseses aveux Ct>. inia aternon Bseiy-law fonualasupasu tise report of hu Caimitte oms Boai sud Bridges, pamd>uesiti.Csuumil. !Iýe gnout majucity nf tise people- of hu Count>' sili bcepleasod'to ]aratise Iai. B>ii a um af 820,000 in tla ha raisai b>' tebontus-es; $2,000 go ta Simacoe atuset, *8,000 te tise Centre roai, 85,000 tsi tis.Brode casàdpand _$5,000 tu hueiWestern. Tiese aumouals ire ou Cthe camitian, Cthah eqnah arsonille ar cissi b>' lie Municipui(ies, or pus-ties intoesatesi in these lines. Tise by.as sihî ha publisisci, as direetesi b>' lie Council lu ous- nextissnue. Tise test progressive stop loasas insp rusas-communicatiou bas, et la% be« a sen. Anusam meeting nI the soclcCs OS0 Firicaule. The annual metsgaf tise Society of Prienîts, tei place ai Piokering this yens-. On Sunsiau lat, s greai gatherbmg of meus. hae, ýfromu allparis af Norths Americu, ant u ismmense coacouese ofoulside spectatocu, -ssnuled ai tLe Meeting 1Hume, hateen Cha ocu -ait -DutRins'Creek. Ver>' clo- quent, charitable, asîs moral aSsiresss. sere sçilveresi, by beeliseru, sud sisiers uf tho Socicty, teas mont attemtive audience, and uerelistenesi ta aiti tise mosi profonui attention. The cougregation greupes inl aide hu Meeting Homse-CLe soisacu01u tise sgbt, sud the mon on theo ieft-hand aide of tise speakers, sbnsphy sud dtcentiy clensdquitu absorbin u ulet, tquiet attention, preuented asmumss-ed a contrast to the imdecoreas ligisotnes of helînvions-, uiels ce lave Lad occasions frequetiy tsi observe in tise ortisodex clsurchgoiug, popu- lation, as dud tise simple, cas-neot, and con- uricmtious tCanes of tise speakers Co tLe ont- pouringu of eut mugnificent pulpit-poon- dore. Mrc. 0'Day on (ho Rifle-mon. iVilI yez ho afttier obti- gin me by insertin Part One of s litle bl- let on capting Wall-Ass'a Rifle marine Cema- pany ? The Company nov msustiere o bates dozen, and somue of Chira haive gut nos clouee, clsuchifis site'îo cousoinsortte. In Itinie ballets, I cull duly cc lebrate thec exploite of theso iay-roes s0 tisat tiseir name ansi fume ma>'bcha Luesdcontu postîseritj iih Ihre spotie inimente. J. O. Docmin, tLe, Captittsg*s editîsus-, usabouC jinin ;ast if he keepu noher the Cspfieug siE irhis u ure! libesality" hus rumiscdl himu a newc cahîoo, and ta matee hite au edjesia;, or uomthimî. Wont tisai ha gete ? Your thu-socfrinsi, TLI O'DAY. Citxensm;astuidt Gise gm ue yon,,uiiu? Lieis iolnu iih N-Itrlul -sigoism uusmiainui'at Did yoes-iute ros Nrs dinni 's ueR rines! Di-us tse cs uic iil!' Caiti-sstis s s. iie cio r iuOii' ir u slin J l ii! Tu iile thau.usss wxsieii5kso 5 aIrefi. PttmePerry, Jue 5, 1860. 7VEsESsAv Jî,se 110 ii. COUNTY COURtT. McIiosh vs. Long.-Aciûon 5Prnosu isory note. Verdict foc plsissîilf for kli ri 89i. W. II. Tremasyne lfoc llaiuitf.* W. H. Billings foc defessdassî. Gibbs et ali ru. OUDrisces.-Aci.-ti on psoruisry note. Verdict for liifsf fisc $1791 71. W. Hl. Treossyssofor îlaitsiitF Cossspbeli ru. Ailkret etss.-Acioss on promissory noto. Verdict foc plinisti foc $20-1 15. W. H. Tremayne for paisiif. Barilit rs. Pringlsr..-.tiîs n vsa promiuuorj îuo. Verdict for pluimiilifisc $387 16. W. Il. Ti-emayue foc pissîsîîiï; N. G. Hum for defcndsst. Brcllsour rs. Bu-eilous cie,! VsL- by conssenst focrîlaintiff $206 25. N.t. Hans fur plaintîf i.1,J. 7Wilsons fusc isfe-i. de,,t. Murphy cs. .Stercusscn.-Vrdits,* cousent for plaintiff fuc £2 ' is 2sd. N.t. Hans for plaintif; 1I. J. Wilisosifur i!rfvs dont. Clsark vs HIier,.-Action os ses-iif 1for iscer. Verdict focr laisiii tir &nk 1ls. Ioisscdssle exceulson. W. Hi. ltilliii 'n Leslie is sLoug.-A tioms on Prrsmii..ry note. Verdict for pisinCsfl' for 8 1 ,1 à W. Hl. Tremaysse for plaistili; Il. J. Mac s1011011qur-scfesda'st. Psu1ssr ri AfeaUh..esosci n-vlr for plaintiff for £56s.12.1, I. J. M'iisos fisc îiiaistiiT; 7W. Il. Treresyne foc delleisiîi Bunchamnan ris Grtzhuas.-Acsi,-is fsr sages, Juîlge siscîsrged for saisI of «5i!Dc-. nient. W. I. Tremisyne bfurliiili' IL J. Wilson for dehit. Horris ru. Reyssqlds.-Actiose of Troi ver agaiust Siseril>'. Verdict for pi.iîiiis for £15. R. J. Wilson fur pîiifiW;7. IL. Treussysse lfsedefeislaut. QUARTER SESSIONS. 7tsesoiroy Jsse 12, 1l'(ii, Tise Court of Quarter Semsions andi ly Cosurt opencdti hie day,l Il îs, Jodge turushaus presidinssg. The panel of grand Jucors having i .ru calledl over, tise iohioig asaeresi to thie names, sud cocusoca. OsiiDEOT rEno-rsox, rusn John Archer, James Biatie. Th, ,a Burtin Jr., Donald Carsoichaci, Johns -Alex. Chisholmn, Win. [taLle, Robiem- rt t.., laflils Drew, Jesse Gould,F.s-' Keller, John MeGili, James Ilustiî, lien, ry Matdil, Coilift MCIermot, Air, adcr MeMiilaRiclssd Netherton, Wm. :'issh, Adams Siier, Christopher Wilson. Quers vu IJas dsss.-. c Truî ath Quers nSaveaiJ apsiL.-uai witb istetic Toisa Bill. Botlt Prisoiesara ser eg-wi-, sud pleslded"Not Gailty."$ 7U Quise s» semin ajs AmSalt. Ti"dctsa.tin tist e,- r.- edBsPrwMMW" âin&ZnOn de 13 Jaaary hastcounsittai lt ise r sethed bu tis proseelulix, Mary JànaWaeý Mary Jane Use.-M-aMdixawud ai isy Mr. Tsemyapu!o, abs lredcths 'sii amipiss, s "batie of tiso ~n_ oran " ou a pe*isma le le, in b-a itastiu% *6 -MSt -psieof Was .eiU.t4 by Bs"pri--r is h«ou[Ve bed ai, s àialwcibeî-£OL, J. rsWiil Lalld lbor s Proincial Pc- ysrnthliasry ForcinîvstIinal nssLctsreryrs in Hellrmal.oyi"n- a Court adjoursird. Miagisîrates Court. CSIÂRGFOF BI OOT. fllfore Jouxs RÂTci.rrr &-q., Hocco of Enut Whlby, JOUS LI L .THosirsoviESq., Warden C. 0. Jonx HIiss.ors Esq., itecce of Oshsawa, and Wu. BIITE.ETT Eso., Deputy IHocco East Whitby. Thn iformation in s.hiu cm asas laid ho- fore Johns IatclilT Euq., hy lRichmond Hlyland of Oshawa, aud cbnrged tisat on the 2iltlsof April Iast about ton o'clock ut Isîght a number of people, with torcescu r. riotously assomblod before thse premises of tise ssid Richsmond llyland,, and thero hurned an effigy, sd thore also tore down bis fonce and threse atones at bis windows aud hanse, breaking the uane and otherwiue isohehavosi thensucîves iu a violent and slîrralessng masser, ti the great harma and bodiiy fear of hlm tise said Richimondi Hy- land. Mlartin Bambridge, Win. llasbridge, Conu. (loifs, Goo. Wisnecot, Wins. Steven- ,ons, sud George Stevensons woro chargedl with being preseat andi taking part iin suels lirteelins. r.Treussynu attesîdesi to prosecute, asid Mr. Fairbanks atteuded 10 drfend tise prisoiners. Tise Town Hall, where tîso Court wss hlrd,wss crowdcd, thcre hein- an immense .stsrmgfront Oshawa, who came into tise Townln procession, thece heisg neacly a score of Csus, lsended I>7 a hansd of mu- sic. James Qoig.ley was tihe irat wilsess oeil- eI sani in reply lu Bir. Tremanse statcd duist ho Lad Iseard of the affuir, tisat ho saw tise funs- but coulsi sot awcar to the identily of sny pecson present. Mel. Trcmayne what kinsi of 'fun' disi you ste theim have.? %Vitsie s tlley Lad a kind of a 'ptay.' Saw no0 stoues thrown. W'aa thece the sisole lime, andi sweacs tisat hoe saw no Stones i.Lrown, andi that ho coosuot îdentify sm-q one hat sas preseut. William W. licssn sworn. To Mr eTremayue, htacoBecclad about lise ,fu' spoken of. Sas a gceat masy wSua lucre. Coulsi nuit swear tbey soie somseil. Thry were droisses op as such, sud appear- cd ta bho womcn as furai s ho coulsi jndga. Saw ail the performance from, bis îa-rasdab coalsi Dot recogîsize assy of tise pecsons p- sent. Saw no stones tbcosn. Mir. H.Ylaus tsld witusoatlsat no atones lsad beau tiscOsa l'y the crosd, but that 1h sas twa 'ClOck iu the morning vison tise cross d W dis persei tlsat tise atones sera tiscosu. WL- aviss entoced intlan auexplanatil, bas j1y- 1asd madee R part of bis busines a tItl bi neigishors tisat lho(wîtsse> wM1ti5 i kw4gfr Cor of thse shole tiig, wh"ciwvas oC Irue. Witum e ueso n ue hat wu 5 2eU5t s44 Sait no atones thîo*sa. To Mci.Farah.Wts5dtie ro eediagaIranth isaEt to itw W itatO5 Tisera vau otiginsotise p<oo&d»P " oosid caMa latisuisaias teosey b*- .Tise sus ne daugor-vbatesr ar 1e appaehesuded lta lire rProlerty. Wstsossid 5PPOId Chat il as George Gsrlaj Who Ia& os geuing ioeld,a d<attbs ucd vuet in cbm lu h W«.of s afi s tnthtes proosdlagamain avsie= - gilMa Saoysacetu Mr. Gariagam Mr. Lumbeu tia to 1fr. Hyl-ad Te tis agwxtm Thse row vu th poàe qijiBthe u a 1jf$., Youie, ire., ALots>' Serngg Vthen hisy mareison tise aîde-îocaik 5 indiUt them as s comusnsnuisantc ub acompisit before a maistrale. Quebec Jae 11, i0 jy Dear Sir,- Oase by One tise aid hais osmts Clous" of Chia veiserable oiy hl Wb S Chat boirmue, sisaca ou aO ur et A littie over auar& a*top sl~i Pdrisrae- sious i had susI 1l~ to bafoue latse stneè,4 n &etIt1, sudesshysi;Pped 1dthe a t mu&entérthe Bsbooer-8of h woe ios oOuntry, sisics'm naeB f is hi tahesB dar'kvi -f "0 aifm&.t. Tisa old geudBis--Se 'f &W6e m enshaaa' by 1 _ 1 1 some you disi. Weil this, si. e~ that siter ressihu; CLit Tory 12 l! cle, il pot nme cary m mc in i jspu- sun let in thbu Yssissh bi sun %ginesi that evertising ib tu'is1 e a sudtise creoka ccdlsept r gentlemnnWho assume lis it fr ai tise pres-o, ousisi'bumCsst M a -or aC the porpuso ofs-eflction, ba VeS, lesat, if ho bas -ane Muchbriez;S;5lie tPn fçsses te have-séë ha t Wsil is h i tsmf ta tako in sail,bufusrelie iloif bIrcwie. No doubt tIse genlemanu nsuv s. i4 slnd of advscity blocus; 'heavY cO t0e sis tise rory pleasauthcresezm tItsiîr tiI lalewatcd hie vessel alors- tîsc tsr"'en sts-camu of lifsi. A char.-c lms.buiilv sutLemi place, and tise important ù-ct I 0i thctManvcrs liueof It-ailrad, -s0a'-- se adeocaCe af tise Port Whithy ans -le'u rou Hul-issm î uet non',liteo tiese0i, recede into his siseli ; for, sic, w e st1e 1 sam . boppy to sa>', a nsîlîlcîs fos- cespetCability sud genersîsusl ppIOs ancc, iill couipdrsu îsvsiumbhuî ithan), journal I1ire acqoaiuited ivIis .Yr1s- ilili ansd isaOb>srr rta tho contcrry 5ûs-t stamding-ims tact. air, lie s ussv liP" cîl ta pay "second lidolle" tsi yens--iuns- bic sheei. The cm>' tho proscrit Cusmuil d,) thric bssincss dom not satlsfy Mr. IL.. fcssec fessootîs, euivili net alo tise Totv0.lsls to bc gîsif cd by lsis or- sny colse pristers lIcavy bils. On Cise Vote of censure tie c, quests un ctph&isaCiom' yeC t t (ise S'sale tinue asis ia tCluelils solssidei msýil'u f rcîsorting. bsst. lie vlmsuictes Ibiau'Cise statims- his sillimgs.-sta0coirect ai, ertisr Milen pinstcsiout. 1 woub5isk.sic.,vlîs'Ilt er luis is tise usîtai csy I-r rAiit lds. le mute iSiiiikz.;-111ilthetîiie, st'-titues,; Isîc round ssd teICr11lise psublie tiist if iy- tliug iinisc-rrect hbcvsl re-toifvit in5ann- utCls iissue of lus pmper 7lI~tise' iig is preposteros. Is futurselItisbonfciliy ous- procccisege uas recCeinuleutitl viihe is Couiscil un tise rusolutiombu he 5cs vesrY socîsis nfoycd nt, ass diems t1iili iisEii tee tiheseport nl ho cosrect. lie i, lit 1iIlýrt taConi L -sus s Ise-S Tisat-tiseprisue[ "cantildteho <l ulatliie pieuse5 siCh ber.m' Tistabc misam ussted amusecond timu hy lise prisunr on Frsissy aternoi osi 1w105 ingi tis ac ai saarsssiui er feet ah tLe starandssi hat he prissiner i"ketcicd" lber sud itistrsced" iseraon *tise ses. Shs tison hundled op tour chothes, ata avany.foc about a quarter ofa muile, andthme prisoner fuilsisid ber ansi coaxeil iebec se t he homse, andi sais Le soahd sot hava shathoL dit 8Lukmosn foc tise socîs." 1'hah shen ho iLsc'>' hec on tiso besilLe pullesi up lbec ciotises sud pînortiebishamidsarounie sr wistt. Cross examiseel lsy Ms. Wilson. Be- mnraeuhetibin; isfore the magistrtes ansi tisen states Chah Cthu masat took in lce about tise 13th of ai suary at, as rieur ns u'ie conisi usmemiser it. Tbat Mr. andi Mms Camopbelsent asvay ou Wcduîndsty moreiug, asudisd soirfetucis entil tise SaC- uniay fshîoiug.That sise tereamosi lousi enuîgiste o' ieacd aitisho lins. That ,she saisi nothing Ca Mc. os- Mes. Campbsel abouotshah oceures, but tolsi lier father, ans i mothesisemi shcgot home. Prosecu- tri,, aise score open lhec ceoss-examiuatiou. h4 crut shig-iding with tise prisoner once or twice about ChrisCmueu. Ho took nu liihrtis5ith me obcu out slcigh- ridimsg. h-e kisseel mc tiico then, ansi 1 didt nteldl O-Y ,nsihir. I1 sda net lit-e tIse dcfemsdant, but still It deto objeci 10 Lis kissims mu. Heliesd net attempt to do me ujisars isenlise g0t me on he bcd, bstcause iehodtd net 0ct the chance ise disi not get tise chsansce; ise did est srute cut udord ciii- treat me.." Pronecutrix knes Mss. Dehoys or iireutliss, aud biSnsoconvecsatiog -witL lser, tha- he prosccutiolà sas hocamse, Bise (peoise.eutrix)was5 accuseS clîth stealing me- mcy fiomo Cansjsbeî's.. bouse, asîdi hut sis wated te extort £50. oc £60 feosa the pri- sasser. aund ooacer ID Guriey and sibh,f net asace tisat Byommd haitd r,~ site 1misboug' e tris eure.t T hae ltikgÉ9aboutsiets talin - say,*e hefore thma nccurrece o - witeesu *cousi L avèe r n imnu ioj<> wsisonthora wse « ad ù5mýyladis PY Mc. itatchif, are you, l5sre )-te dressesi isthu pcuperc chiisiOflise IWitocm,I sud net oxaminetliîu, ToMc. FairibsnkuiMr. IHyls,411ai Chat noi atones sers tiscowun otil4, parties dispersed, John'McEîrey, John Teûncaînd Wallace, secs callesi os situes s, prosocution, bnt did not mippeur. John Tisonsoss andi Mumphoi, bav~~e similset'estmsumoney ta hc.1 auj Of tise pesaus prescut, soi tChat sas uotising appcsebsug tsi a cigisi. toc consultation hoîscen Che u the cage sas dismijtsid. Mr. Fairbasu pplbml for cs, order wssmsode sitscos utise h oif£4 3 7&. Thse Cmtinmnlmtors Cen,,,,e Your Coînînitîec ICCnt close their report, wilhont .. pressing iîn the stroiigcest tmi their disapprobatioxi of thetc% dICt of the Priliters, 'I-ho utI t lase Sssion of the ol litA14 petitioti askittg for R S Committee te examine the coulith of the County Prît charged hirn vith beiîseguý Of ' gros9 and systematié fratd int rendering his accoUnts, lyii- charge yéur Committect hii Itas Isot been sstiitd, the sliglht dif'rreîîce bety-e01 ttie measuremneît of the Ctiity Pî'inter, and ',he Toronto prit. tors, might have easily occurd ivititout any frauidulet t t. tion." SueL wus the desevesi reboise aniQoi leresi by tise Coussty Coussci CaeTMss, WVallace amsd 0cr, of tise SVstchia iauu Vindicstor foc tse fîsi ansi safouaisi staememls mode hy Chein in refserenre i the Couuty Pciisting, May sst hope tic the leoson sviih have ils ecfevt o t ts peroma Who have shesa tiesem so tecly cegardiess of ail trslh, ast a supriîcipe inistise cecktcossness oftht4 oteocious sfatosineals. TLey have &dmj tise Chsanges" lslions"Peiutisg jobs," wu mode boîsi assertions Chreugis the Cosstt1 shics maisy lersous frous pecsosaiad party predjsscie-3 gave a wiliug esc lis, W F lsicsotîscrus vire issdoced tu holicvc it the vcry comidice ,vith wiviih thise sItb meits erre iput forward. We wecentii liedl voitihiis asinmpse desîlal tisMi aiîcgaCsonstorest undrthe suspuiatiis ogaiisst us for a Cime, knosiug tisat the o suit of the investigation soulit set us3mio hofore tLe psublie. It lias done so. %t resui t lias sssweediî oscettprctatiss»Ài cesssfuisssied our caiusssiatore. 7bi tihe Editor of th loeS7ithY Cituuisit- Cs, yomi toli meif it su iss orefortn WaerIen to slluuw the memoeial Of tise iisi tomsiVWallace ansi 0cr, ho ho reud client sud net contoin tLe signaurue Of the sm lieu. Mausy olidcoucillors secofosinin Cîsat it sas inspropstc to ailoso te Ise nui hot couse bofore tise Couacil. Voure,' ire., LOO EI<hON. 1r WC agreuin Opinsiou ritL the ciimi cilles. 7hblire Edutor of thre crmoick. Vhah ccsanges do taesplas tîîius o-Idto ho sure 1 oc I ahoulsi ,slh aj chsangesfnot lif the sorsi, but iu ttcl ecsîres Weho crawl go hasoly on tsitf80 gof the fair esrtb. 1 sas ansi beard Ir- Jamnes Wallaco---tbe "the caiîtiu" e o lis Ride Cumpauy-ou yeuterdoy evetimi stanmdinsg -lutho midsile of lm theet" upun asr preceeSings, but svc arc rs-rtsiul' Micliacl Mc Gswam s «C alles focrCise îy ppscu i seisg nsrresuîuioeoiisl u-fmce, testifscd to bis tuowîcdgc of îLe votes go isclore tIse pubtic insomaitloerrr prties, that tisi coeted fuc Caivii- Camp- sipe. hall ut the lusse uetioned b>' tise îcosecu- Ilus unjîmtufiale ans i unuiitnr tIsili.trio ; tiiut Mc. and Mrs. Campîbell core upon our cleet, Sic. Chiristie, 5 ,to s'y ttsc bo'utosime durisg lise cîsolo of tîsat leiisC, snpitscinahic. Osur- cr is a11s ftnoissuscuilbvebe Wvhosilmîses feiscpretensioms, butst i-sit weet, an(tsa s sul ol Lc em Gos,'we hlieve bistn oan onesomscs miss',coussmitedcisot bis tnosleelge. Tisai ansi qoilecapabule 01' fsttimg tise iluportanst t cas lise test neet in Jasmmurj cliot Sre. anel îrduus office vith is iil lic is en- Campsbuell %vas aeray foc a coupleo of days. trstcd. IlI has, I1nus surs-, the cossus- Mes. Calvinm pbîssîîell teuilie dtisaiaie deusce aussi respcct, too, of lise iisulu Ctiss- wsflmaot rous homste ut tise time sileget, cil ssiprietrmrksaotrpr-dialthe prosezutrix lefi ber situsation oms a hlm imr perentesrerbais s %otrisc', illmals', andt hat oh e ,iî,ness ca s omo the author. 1Imust moss tisaI 1fosr oz Il tewe rvos n httea-a wouid mot lite tisai genit to s-epos-if tse coss1uîssiiud Of cou nt sb ave teten place enerul impession lu correct. ansI 1 elsu'C siîiîoutsi erktssocicsige. Sonhi it, tisaI he caut possible tLsake dosi s Calvirisu 'usssll gave similoir tetimony, threa s orts psopcrl>'. t Ir audssi uvue tuat it cas tnot possible tise as- Andsri irutIs respect 1 s- 1srst sni oitIavzec omsitel isu vuestimi; Issscat li diseCousîscita ý, oîî15g-stu tioulv hetige n omtei ih ssoOtica:imuithtutil suebi verc tiseru- e tiat d ts feui îsi-u. oulîl soom iclia stotel Mes. Deisoy tises tise parties, the pros. s-s-ecet" Le iispîsys, or ramller tilI csutri.v visitei l ierbouse and asinitteel hat su>' Iiis assiuinsis, , suv.i-l tausiln f uî-suie toukthtie mney, amiS tiasaitnie saisti lluscesud assumsptioand t-, Iîlece e, t egt £50 or £60 froos theise 1nmer imi-or- itrî ritsss'Sfor lus insolentusîreursiiiis- ider lerusitoexpouse im by iastitutisig Cis He ces-taimîl>'unietaktu a grest iest suse-pru! ui tisais is letelos- cmli v sii-fresmina sis b>' theso onsisipý h suppuse, sicr, SMr. Treusyne prunecuted ou brîsaif of tiîsî lie is saielty fr.sidl uîaî Ciie îovi>liiui e Crocms, Me. tWilsons defcsSed lise pri- %ilu bec-mse aun-csk hetore le tir s-sus sguii er. The Jusyfe ranitenuasbsensce of abnut souke $mOwe-i-,s s;is u Isc le teCru muuits retured n verdict of s"Net (Iil- cl do evel otend us'ohil asees Cezisl-'. mate business, mn ois siitu bîso>' uie.l Geo. Jtohnson, vas aresigîses for breaut. sis soultes-s tisatare ftic be-ovesi>s--ss su~mt h huoo e 'isIicas preiieeeion. 'T'he ides of a.iii ,s;t n notebueo .VnVik n ofue-r>' emp:iblit>' tsi co~iistet a d i C .p Ileadesl mot guIt'. Tise 1ricitrit flot prisst. ting upon lîlmseltita rail stiiec. o ta upeariimsg 1sisoilsee cm dischafcd uccoiimt, fur eccruneosietIv coneise-1u-u--,- ie Qsaeen riz. Ikserp in Lsru s oiusitîing I amssuisvilliiig tobrisi. L.oesy remaumi, ~~, Tht Gransd Jury retorneS,"uidi~ r .aii, 1 sscl- J.T sthralNur utcaiin , tr 1 k 1

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