Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1860, p. 1

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.,ntE ON li Tz1 01 E zySiStios oz 158A Y &THURSDAV, ext DOOY to thes Rtgistre ofite. 0 ic allosisoeandi $3 50 coen pnynble isc. liÂTES Or ÂYIYtTSMt ton linos-......-$07r ton lote, tirt Inserion (per lino) 0 O8 ucbBeqÙent i ortin........00 boal diote aliowed ta, lectrhanls andl 1vert ilIgby the ysor.* .,,eohasaàlnciroilntton »ii liofcîtis xfarcanls an by eVccboliescc nion S WEEKLY CHRONIOLE liroln le s islncg cf SATURDAT - in oach weck, Kt Wockîy Clitecl blas tîtoljugret circla- f"iy otbsr coutry palter pobtîsce in 16Tnorc AeV=ImiTci IrN WEtai-T. ton linon .......*....... g 1 o ton lices first lnqertin, (pet li1ee0- t fi) obleeqiiecit Inertiont... . ...O 04 bco vl edieoiiiisd cuil all arrcar- oi addonllu WllbC. W t --- b le libt lie lino prouret coue0 nI et ttot I 1 r tlle clTp from Nov York amîm et- 55 Foimdriacdi preptîros to exuceto ~ :AM~ JOB PRINTING -Ney doecriptisn in n suerior aipie anud zblliltk nt i50 losectiuctimtiiitg t.nes I'rongooe sud Itricting Msceliiory', c on BIIR mlllorso Mille, mcnd ciiulr desrripu S Of Ilrimiiiig fliriotlicd coitilii nu hu et' l16 ordoreel- liè: l IltCGINiI, Clmeocidoloilcoo 0,iituy, CI. 04joliN H1ALL TIiOMPSON, ilO IiIlFiN 0F TIIE COUINTY OF ON- ZACIKElus IURIIAM, ut IlGE 0F TIIE COUNTY & SUIIIItfATE a be NELSON G. REYNOLDS, h »J EuîlF-. trOFFC.E AT TuIE COURiT lm touton. -________1 JO1lIS liAit PERIly, ciý GisTRAII. OFFICE ON Ilil'K ST., tt'luilhity.t fi ousl EilK 0F TIIE EAn-tliC-At ls JOHN V. IIAMt, Wedt5 FilE 0F TIIE CI)UNTY COURT. ANDJ t W. PAXTON) .ir.n &sol tEAst5UIlE. OFFICE AT TIIE COURT îiel LIfhTttli do CLEIII tOi- Tiii COtINTi f'Il- 'Otutail t tlies um th.n icî t lativo I ull IPNTI' ENtIINEEIL OFFIrCE AT TIIE lmSgq Cltuthlim ". i t - L. FAIRSANK49, c lI i f1114 D)IVbIION cmsLllT- OFF-ICEc J GOR D015ON, uSIIECTiIIIt f I(,~r dl; & RSIIi l11511 fotur attt.Cuuy et Olttris. cru Ll94iP inr,, W. If. TREJIIAYNE, haîci. AIIISTER AND) COUZqTy CRIOWN f 1t Atlermmev. tillete-In Arnitîl'. Newa Brick- t oao -ScunlFor 10 n 1im Ù CAjIERoN & MiCDOl4EI.Lg lýbIMISTELMS dl ATTIIN EYS AT .AWV, Ouyt5aiaisrsbtieCnimtly commîil Ontalmro- ct- otllir nt themouert Ilomîce-Satiltl Itiig. G.EORG4E Il. DARTNEI.L, Irctusi IhlIliTR ATTORINEY, CiONVEVAIN- Llie. Mnr, &c., doe. Offine ocor J. S. Iisulcot itugini eti. llofa ir estore, Brin-k Strout W iibY bioI J. V. lIAi. l,u4i IIRI5TEtt-AT-LAW. OFFICE-BBiOCE la Mit sirnt, Wlitby, C. WV.t iderbtP S. ». FIBNS i L ICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &ce. uts. ig 611stoami, C. W. (S®YN. G.lAi, RISTER AND ATToitNEYVAT.LAW. 81 oiir-appecils tins RsgiIry Oills, lImai d AM;d tt, Wiltlly. f »nI J. W. CORSON, Mu. Eid«P IMERLY i'IVSIC-IAN, Tti TutlJBROOK- rff i ift* bihn pia halo p l a,,io to lime Newu triittu Litcuitaieof 3I Uupr Ctnttàsi, do.- - dettes ~itlerkh illahîtge, one clse iortît L% t-l clnom ist oillie. ho Il SCOTT'S UIOTEL, ensui~ UNDtOASTEEEFTie IIITrB,FIliST 01)011 atîin Eof orV. LairIs store. la-tIti. it ofsF J. W. CALDWELL 0lILOWN, ,folpe NVEYANCEIS COJîtIIISSilONEIt FOR Moiez taniig Aklhlsaviiot, Acooinait, Landu Dit-i cm Cut otary Pl'ublie and tienorai kgei, M* e: iIge. onliro-King Street, nciirly cppoeiise âeuh Mludictil hiall. . B-Amil buciccesnutrumted tae e 0cilI dld,~ JOHN' B ILLINC-99 ,~e AT, CIIANCERY ch CQI4VEYANCING attr tee 0l P lrimiec Albert.5 wit A. AIRS, 13- A- cocu TTO>INEY AT LAW, SOLICITS ;Wd Cltuomery, Counveyatîcor, &c., %tac Strett ec05 G. IH. DAIRTNELL. g IPUTY REGISTEAE, MASTER EXTRA- nigmi rdioary, and examincr ni, Cmhaeee-y for i DeoM ountyof uitaris0 Oreck-ei., WhithY- 47 ntm ~ JOISN MecNAB9 r th g ARRISTER A'ffORNEIY éloit OMeie- eIij f orncro hrcl hb and courtlSiiest, (lip tOhtdi Cat stand,) Toroncto. dou COLVILL & IIÂNiLTON, i<I.ncI L S & COUN.SELOESBt LAWS Seul Winig, Minnesota. WILLIAM rBmCEST0 m. ià- ees INO STEET, OSHIAWA, CANADA of West. 17 lIt1ER Oy CîniINTY AND> sUPERO set5s'5 4-ortaa.d.aas<ate %ls Ceenty Coun- Iloil RIcmtrrwr. CIVIL ENGENE'A] selt ttet Ageetj Whit'b AItSIi&ATrOllEty AT LW e..f 3% LE..TIOMPSOM-o - CR.AILE PÂTRE, - UCTuoNm EI, MÂuCR", EAI S lutr of omtfie. l.ET' PA ah*xi, 5r. ~ iuljfl mt SlV t SoIIT.Ad WVth cmilm Printed ivords, gremi thocigits an&i enirlug indsiry, we acivocate I'e*ce, Progreugi KulepBoI5lbd VO-n.i TV-. GEORGE PRAflAZONY S'ONVEYANCFR. COIMSSIONER FSR )takleng Afilavit in tle Queon'a euionle.cà tek, fBreak C. W. ROSIT. CHECKLEY, MW. D., S URGEON, ACCOUCIIEUR, &o. CORONER for the Cooity of Ocîlorio. Rt. .. GuNE, M. D). i.7UNGEoN Te,,' 'lIE COUNTY GAOL S 1iyreî Stroot, Whitby.1 EAST WINDSOR IIOUSE, WHITBY, wil. 0500sf, rnoriOS"tO. rIlE abovo lIotol in oitoîiod ina plcaantnand retiredport oftfice Towen, onitheicfront rond. Goond accommîodationî or travollero. Good StiibUog ond itettve ootlers. 2 HII ]FilELITZ, or bs ecidrico.4r J. C. IIANCOCJ<, WBOOT AND S110E I1AKERt,..Ê5 So%[MERCIALBiIdisogi, Broce-mt. F IC Vlitiy. Work mado to order of gsod Mattrial, anod iy exporiocced work- mono. Alan repitring doncoihnans n AMIERICAN IIOTEL. W AL KEIi & PATTERSON hî1tOPRIE- tors , roroor. of Younîg and P Irout Streolt.. Tîtrouto, C'. W. 15 M.II. CLARIC, LATE filon & i'-, ljeCf5XNT TAILOR, No. 74, KING ST WetToronto. 1 MARTIN'S (Lie WàVsio'o) SOTEL. Ti lESUB.S(RilBEIS HAVING TAKEN TUE T zibve Iote fron Mr. 0oalco, id able to ut- tor-d tlie brvtt a-rontiîdstioo ii to pooýlnflo. 44 CLERIC TIF'iTI DVINCOURT 0F c Nttrttiburlatt d tol igiio, liirittes Igi t, ('o csîsr hire duro-williainq bîîrgli, aioib.___ ONT ARIO IIOTEL, 'BHYNj ,pllel',RlrETol1,BROCK r tle sulStelcgce at. CANTON JIOTEL, ('K IS IEE, Pl-ItRERtNG. 1200E n-ioîmumtimlotI- Vaiers ar W. CUTIIBERT. - IOA, OUNTONTAI y of t ie TitutnI'aI l i 1 v. 1 IENRY IXANNAM, PI.A IN ANI)IlOINAMIINT5tIPAîNTER, tîluiir, Paultr llotrgir n&e., lVlîlllY 21 WV.fIt. ISILLmN(uS. BAIlRI-iTEII dlAfTIOINEY AT LAW, B uliutîuit.wilCIomuroryt Iitlv, C'. W- JOH5N 3MGILI., IVNSt-D l)U('TI0-EU FOR1011CAN ADA L t-I 1.1tu i .- i auiastu thoito l. lttl tutul ltuutttud Oiliittiti otut'ctuso, t î- tu-iti Sîal ut îsttu Al tiiitlltt Ftil iuruiulir i-cei aumuiesrand -Ahn lus e tlîèi' tt rut -1I titulctir. Attrtuai8lu JOlN 1MET'AILF, C biZ-Kii )Ff111E FIFTII i VIS ION COURlT, c ussîr imîtttttutBritttiAd- FtRANKLIN fBOUSE. LINDSAYe, Ç. W. 1s.J 1 ET uuOî'uîEfoît. CI IJOFiORt- Be ttn utsttiiottdatiutt fu Traetuvln. Xý'ktlu li . i 21, IS57. - A. K. RuCE, f-iABINRT fit.th< lO, UI'iOIlTEREII, &o., lt t l,mmicgicouy 'd,tt anitd ci'Ikimdso f juht hiand ,îtmusmpirilug oh ruim muttre aetitmmtt ut Füti rituo erttliy remiocil. IRAIL ROAD IIOTEL, PRmT iEdty. 1)FARMRI, l'EOlPRETOB. Lt.-t7TIIIS RIliOîunnposeotgol îaccommuuodtionmfoe 'fout ilîne e o -d StiiigUttIa tlentiive Ont- Ir.c A.PRINGLE, 1EliCIIANT TALLOR, 13110CR STRtEET, - TIOMAS-DSLVi.îIELL B UIElZ , &e. o, o, ilEEN STRIEET, hib C. IW. LIME FOR SALE. f ONSTANTT.V ON IIANI) DUIINO TIE yctmitto 01cimtranouti ituer frusîn Birciti Lteuo, n-iluiii sol utrbcCusît sny, a icid pur Biture. ATIiEW CARL, l'or& Wltitlsi ROBERT SPEARS. C L.ERI< AND) TEEASURER OF TIIE Toumnschipu of Uxbridge. AlieUxbtrige. TIlE ROSSEN flOUSE. CO:neF or Tits .n, Iausa on-en-, TOENiTt. A C, JOSIA.N, îmlimPRlETOl1; TIIIS A s*hotol in tOe iîrgmic i intseI'rovinmc,Rnil p âsB cliiticc t'oc atorling &sorieir itesmi- M tuiuu tu the travellintg pubieio.eqcal tnete boci Eirîtictti htolo, seo tiu ly olthurenuthlimi nentotri lî limtrici Continuent. 23 TIIOMtAS Il. PORTAS* KIOSRE AST TWO DOORS 120 Ccai teCielel ~r nte utada IN*estu Aplniýr',Aicluoer, Arbitratoiridoinue andu fL-im Ag and (lenernl Ctnmisssn hiLroiltutiti tit te any ittouitviitd etc lirlailcFrnitnre, ande othur proprt taoigiateut se 0 AXES!AE! 1>ERS' uNS iii tvtiu t oo0 nIae, comml'uve p tino maeeolic tJly-imtg ttu tiuleriged t', tJWnotifcumissLrY. ÀxCHr~Irid0tu CIIAN. C. SELLER, ATRriNlY-AT-LAW. 8S ICIOfR IN A Chaner , &o. 11110- . W.LBAVENS. NMILLINEEY STORE, BR0011 ST. rMANUFACuTURER AND) DRALEES IN M Ciare, ced lmid Tchatos;ealue, Wbip, Lomes,&cý-à- John Street, Port Bepc. Port ilope, fMarcklnlt, 18050 -a y VINEGAI 1VIISEGAIt IA Tr-B'ulem4m-dt mre te ilaorminhe »hac e sstlIgeinnngwao a s,îrto qmali-hÃŽfliYPriP spt l0Y Wbol m4tgreatlyMilaed pts.TITmtlberlly liaItvWt". m* - y exle alasih1nuoueIe.Ees4 te. Auemet il, 150. s UURON BIOUSEr H'E a*i5gi5ed hm t&k.athesabovc JS00m, -Go infie o rsab n Wo 'aSR;d e A»4bore.ic The t f ~ ~ ~ ~~u theqoescwU A m WIIITBY, C.- Wb.S.UDY UE1,80 rjil 'ît-tit t a reon,vpoi.tenfui- LTllte o p ii liftshe IttIy'ties N' ti 1 t-11tto rticr etIn lii e iltî11tt ii" r u im le tqui-ud, andîdon tenus ta nui ttr lisitiati oie etiititto theIt tinttud artil. ALB3ION IIOTEL, "II $MT- utI i, leoprtuor. luulist amoli- îîîttsi-t. Evory ,iteîltc npoit te ltheconitîil- of t raN elIOS. 11 UNION STATION IIOTEL. 00lîT01F X'OItK ;T.,SEcIiNDI) 1100 F fraî fiepotî, UionS, tiottnTrto huoard, c$1 per i îy. tlclc Siiolts. Ã"ood Stzlu- W. OSBIORNE. 18 ruprictuor SEEDS! SEEPS! F RES11 IhllOItTEl> tOALtDIN eh FIEI-11 i8sui,I'urntid gooel ui D lriu Slîre,. tVlirhy, Aitir. 12f, 1860. 6I MALT VINEG'AR. MALT VINROIAR cue itonlha lied in large or simmimu ttiuutitioc, ai the Whitbv ]reworv. JAMN-ES JOHNSTON, WATCBRMAKE-R ut JEWELiEII, BROOK: ST., WI-IITB3Y. 14AS nuw miit aco a largo scortmeutlof bunpr'imdtthe bes noakes, ie o uil ttoylo oed.Jo trem oivd, a qcsiuty f tnvtifa tlei ftecl teclWatrbutrv Chc opany Si n as r. Spouniiclno tu Ili'ts sa lmiiuy as a wornkmao bobng 00oifl kîtutti, lu tas ty tc cdd ital Watches, Clocke, Jewellery, utc., entutec titis for repir, coilreesive tsume iie toetion as eitreolore. Apnl Io, 1860. DAILY STAGE BETIVREpqWITITYAND lýTNDSAY AN[) IVIIiTBy A14D BEAVERTON. P ASuENGERS osai travel trangin friont A itluer phocethelce ltay. The Otgn onLinday and ecvertoe ar- rirvi lieu teccars dCoig eüt and wcott .N. RATy Jîmît s s . 1 BLACR'S ROTEL. (-aTE DONINGe'. 55iAU O MOýùTE,) G- ut f Rrccl asd tgnssue $trouiS, 1 RT EAuovEwELL KNOWN, AN])ci treilly eitoalel hmsl bas leboc ohlyfil 1l ton esoraied in a nst ounstertabO nci by tltr ponent oconpant. Nn xpla Ien u partd t uliliee ailgms sIi a Soer Thte test trande tf Wi5ecLîqttrr and rire. , Itaem esl onvement alesel, <od mtal andl atentivecOtieca Tis iltul isItttàtéainmvery -haut el Teco f M, mcci ndutil bho fosel tes b iduecnvosmunt atppuug placel i Srseor trarelfiton. AMSBLACE New Tau1orugEsluh 81XPSON & FEGUSWL. "tethe ,o usaoeo t-erei stl.iart« i rho dtat înlîao (anal .,fit0P lustt OIileco, Poisot ese, bMtil anîd ,itr.t, " e stoo&e. di. T;,vo ,.Il-t till Coiutziim tuntu lstit 0In'tO.12 tut1--.jrinttld t itil lîlu ir Mllutu Iittu-tt !lîtdl uHIi so.tr lale it OSE DO(LLARt- A limit itrditmuuc-cc' nl sruiamenlo oiumu ho 111, entlitut1 tit rît .,t ) pur pige; $0 oo 1zlt pit ir, 5 5 i lites r mumdr. 41 l t't fit tIti. tis iloo oilI atteîînd it o N 'îrtCalmeuttii osl oiilîthe 1luttA- Ilt-td emîalaoe obncriîtulin adve crrtI.s- ilivits tu W. il. IhIGGINS, -- Chrlirîenlo Oiils-, IWlithy. GLOBE HOTEL, BROutLIN. T 111-. UNDERSIGNEI)TAK ES OCCASIOtN to rirturd hisciimrotltciittuu tir'puls thlIlet rtut-Ilittîr pubmlie, for the libectl l ptrirnu lige ex'ltlai ud uliliumcblu slie enauuuiatold humoitodut r uit liii. 11ut,ilgso'lieswlue ilis uuuîuy tciruidi-thtl mselfarrst ill bue1uredu ou hic ip ai wkeep up ite heruuacterorfthelt G lmuhît tamlicrsttu,e, 'lttimi tt itttgstItle uleii luibieItthnCmîtry. ltutnulv, the sieitiler, io lut t teitciuutm i auJmtutttin lie btt>,iltooeeuâi. Tue fisC trnrttlig ntm1Y. hîIltoek Bird," ttittut fitercsittreili.neanoilt tlttstable. Tennuis tu iittce s.-,for thlue ultooi$f, esingleo iunp *0, C. DAWVES, Preprietor.- htroolii,*Ity 1860. 1 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, igroppccile Hamilton & Robert..i JAMES CROCRER1, C ORRERCIAL. TRAVELElîS WILL FINE> itiramuteulisil uutslnittthul intelb, i teycu iriIreuin ilo Segieu or keihupi ct lits br tu oio slni yuir produeros. Tins proprictnor tellos ibis measimitt hubale lis ,mmuucreumo p.nuirtimun titi riauda fsr thte libtrtulxpttrole bniotuoird atm lulumu outice onim taiuttitf hie is ioititolut iluitty, Goal Sîsilini, snd attentive Otecca. Wbiuby, SMny 118. to-tf EA1RTRfflWAM. TOIIN l.ItNNEY tasci Irelomti off-re fcr mtlt,, tit i totartelhtmmro e mtuotuîqr- ed ai his piunry Il iroaeot limt ottcodiutrîx Io pricoe. THIOMAS MWODT Agouu . tcilithy. N. fi. Mertluamtt cmui -im.o ou11flîud iltn teuir adestuttgntaiiiie l uomeys.u-,u the ageniit ltittfentc1 vxi.tumi l i,; lint oh alero ueueteel. -Pc-lc eolae Whitty, Nov. 17, 151. IS-v-44w 0gTo the Aflhcted.-43 TIIE CELEBlRATE]) GEFRMýA'N OIL! Be, raises am uet 1kinda Off FIcn' Wossd' incnotte hima Ssteim. ' In ]BottieS at 25 to SOots Each, terodi lue. T1iisOil colîl cueAsU Irei coocoll, autel le an uiilil runey for tse' lief 51 ILORSES & CATTLE stsu 5 isýelio util, a"De ru HEAL[GO07 ALLWOt1MS, infiolel e albithsfIg- i t hll been ued eoueflli fr lte Let Seon i Vqm, mid ha onver besn kason te Bel. Mad lied sadI bY A. KnlOWLEis, :Pickering, C. W. Wbltby, Jan, 24 150. 2I LISIESE]) AUMUINM FOR TLE - 'S StI gLIS l inseCO5,u.d7v wMO .tesetité iu Ro, re, umbc M oftee bt At7the TUOMAMTM ActoliRo«- Wuig- ci~mlitiss for tins yemr 1860, mcd also tino I vmussqclieiy tine specisi Commit- [tee apitl o lt.Opst BeaIlty ndl'riome. W""' 0"n "cAsses. y T. oreoienluneot oe Adcl t portsd in Mote1) 'ii doptiug ow or.1 At s,,g tlnrocglt the luea mhos Mïîcýuh 811e >IV, anoog tl'c blcýoruo , Tbti, mont prnfsundiy lolpiogi l'%o lie l fod ohie iniono Tor liierMtutirlî'dol tino Te ln' rigit telîvl dioînô UicnocPius: aelglintndomiis;oe o, Ili syte ndftly hsrooiero c , C10ried cioity oniti re pa , =And covîrel his wîh roses. Timo wok-i 1'1 y~~h., kiotti Raid i "Go trille cîithlit e ccct , Yeu knirw tlit1wnciteverfmlol To toy ili hpretiy fiioo,- 'Tim plenoore c vo oued a ilino To rosi nohltofroto dltY t l'il seooep asutile more saiti&iinie iiNo, do wae op 1" mii BonuttY. Ileorosi' , bt lie waagriiioand ohld to ie et lier ros.% wtier, Blis cyte upoît lier hlirtitsetecoud, lio tsooDr gaois mdeliter cîiver; Bier voungo lieekcmlinitiik,lirhunir tirotel psy l)ltiriie licem lic reit lier ; And olietino0l i er 1 dro0 -eoir Il io the Itiiitrclc duty Beanty should novereiori wi'li Mince, Tiine alîccysaiitliors beuiy COUNTY COUKC'IL. Joue session, 1800. FOURTE DAY. FsitiDY, Jese 8, 1860. Tins Warden Iooekiis sont sbnrtly after eltcn 'oc cl. The liaI cf vmembors tav. ing bocu called ovor, alscore preseel and sncored to their eaeo. Mr. Smithn brcegbt np tins report of tles Standing Commiltee on Prleuing, roecosn- indcing peymeel cfte fleoicg accuns Gea. Bron $5 08, Lue & Orr $23 43, Jas. flolden $8 58, Wbitby Printicg Co. $3 35, W. H, iliggine $100 32. Report. eh adadopte1 cithotameelmeel. CON5TIimOENT ACCermeTS, on. Concig etceeces, mcdheontteio tins Coneig ent iost a nm oitle tiono theintu ti reartoa aopmtI ani in oi Ivicg the reor wla o peaindnrncihe.l $1in 50,dccle$1 5, Gi. Tels $16 &ICo -A Bltlowo $3 95, total $33 821. acancîra 8IDE-LINZ. Mc. Ratid'breegint enderts coosiher. elien of bine Ceunril, the sebject of open- ing cp tc ilo-ins botveec lice Mcniebpa lily af EBut Wtity aed Octaa, ie ocher- toa seorlain wcot atop igini b. taken for tme perpnnt. The Worhcis ceggested tisai tins ileoe of East Whttiy migtt meve lentins matter by recoîluion for a Committe cr otinercois. Mr. Batrlfi plecel acnbtice ofa biy-iav on tin suobjecc an line papor. The Warheît Itîn loft lime chair cmbl 2 o'cîack. Àr-FRLRNOol SESSION. Tine Wardee 'resomel tic seat;aiortiy bofore feur 'clocnk. A communicatione vae ceaI frouatino Coelic 'ClerIt eqeestbeg permission la re- macs inue office ta tise centrescf tin ownve. On motian cf iMr. SImithe permission vas Mr. Robinsonp broagint Up tins report cf Ibis committe, acdcemotion lice Conil, vent iotaeeusites miharemc. Mc. Hisloup line obeir. Tino report com reportei"d a aopbel s. folleon: Tour coamttos hmxviag srefnly exace laed thes seveal. auflusaî roe, recoce- mcml tins muiptin of tinsesuexl snaube sath ubtdgma f asméai for lýe serrent Iar. '. Tour roasmites voasoter i iat tise mancor j iniri tins maesem0role ef mine ieirent tvcmie ve sgaI te, afiota mac redil on thoederlaof tlimseMesii- pallies - thnsecieomsa erse U&r addé1d mol l*0 mvreg-t-lacvo elà oe, Mm amue m cli onamte othameo f the. Town o<f mtby, and tihe villags of Osias, vtieh Vers lid clhf5oreyJuw s.uulft ina Vser imperf-nt ffatet heréicy eus-g rent de- tee vfliclesol b. perfsuai >y sic. ciselaf Wtin isupeIiad sbmt. Mr. Campbnell seocedl y Mr. Rateliff, morol tiit tins protedlngn and by.Iaws ofj tins prseel, and &Wli seqecet semions of tine Councit ho pricte il ong primer and thens rs e eeanred andl allovoil as 'Mr. Wite<. P.) aPPOSAes!tiomoton, ce tts grountht t boeld interfere ville tins conrmrt. - Captain Rove ah Mr. Witccae opposel ce o similar gronds. The Toesmad Naye b.isg demadel linoe motico a lest on a roe cf 16 te, 2 ; lin o mer and secceder 201111 rcting le lies affirmative. Mr. levoIt, scredo by Mr. Robiesce, moeeltinat Il hc an instruction tbe iostand' ing committas an Roas anmd Bridges, ta dedie s erinroad or ronestireegintins Con- = %as cocil ppear 10 b. mccl condocire te Me tine coersoiesce and proeperity of mie COca- poses ty ai large ;alte recommonl ta this Cous- ing ai cil cotavaount of ail sineehilb. gire ltcenti lins difrent técosmiipe ticeceghin iettishe l i line cf rond so ldecd paes ocndliion tint atin tewnshiîpsexpeel mc equai amaunetU by by-lamcoterviaiste b. grantol by tise, SI Coenty. Mr. Ilewetlr, urgel le rory farci- Ctini hIe terme mhie cesîl)' forimprovwel remIs C andcl taiteeo for this rescflun tstabetepr meso f gatting orer the gremats lildeul- T ty ieretoforo inse oay-tbat cf ldelng a1 theaUBecs cf rcami.oe CapI. Bosco, vas BctlopposeelIo theo prso- Ho" rlplaef lthe recolian but lu e olmi dia- U russing tine matter la committ t o ça staonu lesicg lit 1tiste CousustteS eRusais ald he bridges.MO Mc. Winite (T. P.)> nid tinlti.e aubjeet sgi cf remIS hWnase massechlebefors tic. Cons- mest cil, "iatpeople hosme frigiteel at once, rI et tý~e tmsMentiona of tins amijoot. TIh" plan acce people vont se fr es teci ppumsy forea prosposition t timomde metire cf tic. yord cca derad mal eSmh uetvm " .tisa ras e I tmat ho beliedelif tis* oslyprapos e a rry timpsul a inosvy "m tin -somteote-speau mms'm l.scui levosl e Totil love. Th Bsà blissoql fIat -Mrc. NHotvu cnfsîolsg »Ws uptho privriple cutened ifor! 1 lim ai of Un bict l miem; Mdteat if the osamit ise 65lm au ssbommlidtinregh cli. pri-eiple 15r vu . dSalathe mis lnsof roai, tbey Weahl e- lente fr <m e "gemest mboeslt y-t Nt by seul Mr. Gambiise l!,sed.ie eote5.11 The miT m asS sc cdsi fO icw o r, - 'c oe~ ta ~ g o in~ cI ~ 00 faking a total mcm for ocatiomal pur. esof $6130. sinldel la tise farego. amcouels, Ine-q>cmitjoe tarefive per tfrcollertla anmld fi"par cect preba- otnitease of &pprs>prlaibae Jr. Robinsos brougntote report cof SCosncittoe, mad on malion cf line sOU vent bale Co,umitlmo Inereon. IRs- t reportol mm>lalo#tel e.foieo-. Mml y.or Cmmncel aesvisitel ths 4 edýhare greai plemsre ia buing able mate liatI h la ofelentiy caclooted. tor Oomnitlee aisevisitaI l.the Curt «esw ma i cua ensedtheevillc, of vinicn appo ear îra nlndorderly. qr coceceeomaid reoemmend tM , cOre af lb. Grantd Jsry cd Jury >m bpàlue ; aildlimaI lb. Cosety giner bu ntrurliSl 1 tare thin imre a offectel. aour Comceltee0inlg exenn hein m ol salimbô te tin osnby tgiseew ae.çuioleg ti.Bemra'c Lc-up ho.. [ybiltaetvthmmehuis dt andya t the Gtics Sniioeer Iassmried ta "ty lait-a peuid fedeli ts - % *iiL »moka ad Id fm" t c Tins Wardee toal Lii t » r Tins Wrle rend a pition fiowc-~ w.WoseaSMcd flmdicatSorl cou digl Of tins action or the Prislisg -fJoecitlloo, ad aéhlcg le bo tead by lýIýc Ç"4qI nol À J» 55115 - Captais Itove broogint up the rertcl tib Sommittee. The report tine expenditare aof $820ý on , the b ri d e~ , p ro id od th e C o Pat y O f S i ,0 0 , * IP peneeha like esux. -The tl~* repertel ilea "Iini on ý b e tt ér f o r th c o s Itt t l a c e g m u m t a brulga ineaa permancenl t sIe'ý M acrordance vill e nplanàduc x»ý thesoquet En n as k riteod votivlofeg iscoead & 08,ies e in terdears i.çuc.cqt ,t ~~5 Miietotou1r. l1telf lantiechir.l ()a theclam srelmivo tothe SCU09 »D 1 ridgoe3Mr. Gambsieoppumd itusadoption# - ou tins groocd t it ileoici o ei5l9 tan greal a bordle oiM.os tîinP. Captain Bowqo rpliod ta the ismarira of bine itee O f feugog, ail vont over tic inayitem. viehn liis birdge ost hp mococdinp eer)' ysmr, mmd Vas 8" liho- ily te cool. Mr. Campelonlmia epliaI te Mr. Go., bis. Mr. ÉMegoas e«W lth"sfthe owîIà- of Roacin nWl -Y rigint a m mcus bridge, no =mors u Mmmny miner tw K.p lne .Comlho aleo doubta ed whebýtý dring of piles Oufisi eofrsy so, inà ÃŽ* lobe n t o f ice Il u. u - t Captaic love "l lat the 19 -r the piles e sildepeutd upoa h îl. collet teywffl din. - statod liat colIn regato the pecly, and ho amss ýmme -jng,ýý to bria'-a 1 R.AiLROAD IIO0TEI2, N O T X C. -ISEAvERTONS. GOOD ACCOMMuODATION la- d onlstobllngi snd crelel Ositlerui alwnys TAVING ptrcned tie crtire stock 0111L il ateuli te Dansietn c&Co., wiih ait nadditoni c n 0atndi . J. fi. EPLSER, Propricler. t~e A New Stock, _M.~ hBltiTIslffA.1IEICN HOTELn oieCinutteroroclces ihîsi seiCali givo etiro ctI- miutez s aconT, cîÀi. f--vtlii lxt) cil Who ny layor ml islitll acui. T HUASDOWiNG (Italinirei floll1JOSEPH U CKINS & Ca. lViiy>Proprictor.lIet caile nine lreln cocmc illmT 1 Scpsrlroorlacciitmvodbitini f-rt1857.or3 1,,dStbliig,ann tective Oeflerc. 7i ]EowAnDs & HDR AT LAS IRON,,WORKS, AIINDRAPERS, & OUTFITTEIIS, tW Fraat Strcet, Toronto. ~ T R'ing«Sreet, Oshawai. Gettlemeno' gar. meclo iimade cp cnd ctsin theiouet tiiolmit- CHARL ES VALIE & Co., hIe style- flEG ta Inforii-tibi ,ula tuai iuey thâve To TUE TËR)[APIN# I~con-uritl lsseiiet rlucco - Front Street, (forierly lermpicditeoue titrie cle u PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL Browcry, fiiithte nîot rempîce tyle for curry- I ihi ScnO,, care now In ociatiori if ing onutheo businsco f t b ld ST. NlC11USfl.i. ing cirnet, rorente (ferîscerly kopi hy hrt. lmrc(. The promisces Iron Founding& Smith'e work loi1rste u u eîl rttovmtedthireut bout, ced uuit r ihng 111 se lsioni. A elgar divi lttcd mp sa- Tliryinviti opection ofttmir nniri sPt- piito isch nett ut he tim obrandit teres of Ornotoontel Iran Fetures, Soleoitico, an-- prcittod teoeler Nt V'cranlii, VttiliBourut, Matin emnd Orocouemmicl 23p. CARMtLSE & MlcCONKE_. Cmst tron Cntntiiic, Wlidow Ct1eap, Sills duel (lier.d Trcck Rilway oebl. ilR (JIfl'CTUJUI i 1ORI, (siuih $iie fBaitte7,Dp«u, Poil th7.Uh.) nfoveey d3ocripien; Cooibng, Porter m ttex Io tnvoî; Onctû,,en , C o tutmu, Couildimn, Stgcr rr-I IUNDERSfIN FI) BEtiS TO INFORM t ltîr, Plain Cttigst nmid orgitic il ehof IL lis fricumutomalid tutuic,îttlu mtihe le iiNoi oliel i tiry oleto the Toe nd ci titertone nd- in posýýsýotit,tf ts tittovo hourI, tuheîuinessc nimtmigouiiu terntts. W Coiiiry trdirr pîlute Of NeitiOlu 1 -l 111 utrituire erry on st Ilus oll tunlyciteded te. aont. Gosel Luiuor, Wiltirel dircidiîc, Torsonto, OetnlorflO, l4f7. Ensieititit otaiing--crrtmlatetion fm lor mccan____________ JOSRlPIt RIEBOTTOt, NI sTiETI wht.yJa. 9,180. Proitriclor. 86 IE-'T VOUIi LIKENESS AT Witthy, cn. 0, ltO.J. A. Clark's lIs Prize Picture Gallery AUCTION DUSINE5S. T F yoî desireoerrecri mtlifo-lihe Amthre- TTINDED te tis itil, h-J J.C Sterlimng-i-iiiiifr, oriultut, uetcinva reisli. o eirtor A Ail ordorsre ritinl tut stmctIsll cales by the iu.fiorr . ct Li (o iu itheet ietleo tiusrimed iolildIre leil t thieiCrÃœvniote Ol-fml. ttttt. liii J. ..cud i tetut5> file, wlty. Iioa'.îtrtIit atnîyeritolïr ruîî%tsioi I~-LRNSONS BLOICK, arc ditmlv citl trrid to appuiit t o ltyosAtue11, w hty 8orilis ternisdle., utnudito etitior i,ùncumeli oter fi Ltor SOuceWily arie ii el atiottui ttY mtlt-li I tu tis' mýît malttiotîladr proîtor eat1 tiroýecinry. ill o itieoit tid i rnit ut gvsoci îty )a l , r i tattted i nmol tait partsofetiuct'o,întry.c U J. C. S'rERt7 il. W. WOODWARD*> COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. ZCoMMIS IO IEIZCIIANT,INSUEAIÇrI nttîl Gommont sAgenit. 'tlico,-Iitîty ocatu- piedbvrtili s Iodgttit, Wluimluy, V. W. A Coumîre irectotry et$le <tittirof On- Itirrîosiruc-Ttniuo lturtsoout, vq., Pro- ti-uitill Ibetltioiulty Mitstfdogt aidetîmBIfontd ofTriileTorontou; W. . Cc elu doIeaivyin te inotuto f Novemîuiîi m iao l t q E aqUititgr, I]liumm i3. N. Aneri,, Toronito; wiill cnimtitiaitnIpLahetirol liai oulie ceoi- W,'.W. Iitîtîoîn, lurq., uatmgr Queleo Bank~, udent, Ilitolîoldera ndut odiold-ccitu titMis Tutortito - W Gillithto, Rq.1 Jil uîîumRillit, 'bn- Coiiirly; oeuvng thre Nueuumr ftutetaLaitior romîla- lilet.'~il ît(11, Pracudott Bmtk ptsf Moi- lotie, lite oitiesion, Or îreat t isumu. i- mou 4Mturcil iat. ltltîtd, rylee & la omr lttîtI tetow,iliip, tite addition, llilsliiuseTttottlintsro;. Andler, Evoi euorttctmtut luiercsrorec1ir dlUn. tmrel; bM--srm. IW. Priso dmSonu,Qt- us iels= ot tnlnslott l. Atin h-sbe; nesrs. Il. J. Nontdo C. 52 l- yCotuity CîSee, Caremr, tgiîtroles, Ciuitl 1 --- - - tud Mutfitipal Csimiios. Tite Ciuomtly lIuiltI' ALEXAN4DER CAMERON. ttgla'oîu011Imtv t'rotutoiovimudColincîmSallut-I dot. A lit tf iulitrlnrtlc(,icutmîtean t, fIIF CONSTABL.E, Tswu etrSlitliy - Ititittistti haitosiTrustei, SiotI Setiosu i c ainut)tstmity cemiettîlle, C. . T-ulcots.do.A-t8u rsitti~tpmoiu oflerus olttitil, itd rmltvt arti cleone ______ - teutoil imT e pliltiu o t h Sc-n ratl lto lu W bitby ]Brewory. tiligetif t. o utlimpircttly aercalged ilu .rdeo ln httttrtntruitto oo ittttl 'h ooà1olÉi. f i ý l ieoidI Tins CdItlil met agasl orlly afler ,-c - sovon o.cieclr. tA ~ * Mr. Wbite <(T. P.) lolltii? tiS report' a of tine Special Cdmmttes ,i4siinl J181lmu-t Mr. Hecosit brouglit ep fgto O e r w tin t e 9 o li J e p e - T o r te jilrt t h i s C o m m illso , a namcd o m e ,b à M i reccendoci a sein cfÉ$OOll ta - ': b ëtic Isud, t*a doptsd m t oilloe« nececcaréy improveccel in.aamrod tno I. Tinat à ~peasmta o y Cdct tu5 gecol buildling. Aind recocmeeded biaI a- mai linsAuditore iwort àa qoie' etisfljto. soen ôf 40î10 bc vaiseci by. tio COunYtyy d ulo'id l 15<1 QcthIift ioi oul libe $500 ýmorsthan thes CoW eccurscy, didein le: ~l tio*i1 i stPrortiocs. ta menitinoe Gosemient -2i Tbat coIn rengard to écitslinfi8rffl Isafihtlaî thesurnplus cf $500 coonîcien- ciscovered by tic in e t rseirer:it ri creta jurcinue clotling a&priBton,.etchitey rc o f &mmil amclcnl, 'ià dof. Z "."b e h te . à plan , alecin q t hn e pro. sncb a tic a tto; as iicm y em ilr occ rt Po"ndu1 atcs andi improeomonite - uvas ve O e ajtt& . 1 - mauie biitisiracoitand prepacod by Mr. 3. Ticat rcapccticg tins dia outn dc*$ Siier, tin o Centy Ëngleor, coiclt as ex- mresbills; coisen, ints edhlou'oiee~, aimices by lice Commities mcnd approri of. tmers score mfficîhit ficela lenltend tor tMi Tins Cecceil then cdjosreel. purpoas Of thes Cotcpbrintici, our Commit. tee conceive tinat smcii ft jroeedig vas net juctiiabe. Tins slplaation of tIcs PIFT1I flAV'. Trotinerer le to the cfi3ci, tLuât hin4in IIâ - ropemiddly ad cceiderminly ifi lice tu Saturclay Jmcy. 9îh 1860. thes Cocnîy, linamigint b.ieeeti for tmml tcmporary ccoinmdtion; u bt tit.eoiOlw ÈniccLldi.millees ftinm t te Coucty basbencartmc~ 11%ë dounseil imet sbertly IefOrO l Oi3 i c oic lino diecouni2, wcicaj.a incigetinei (&cloclr. , icjcst, mI theo aienocmuetna e. flcclecl Mr. Cau Pise! , Bsecocied'by)tr. angsei And forthcr,th ti otccciitice cancent but emm minved tins1 Cocuccil Imb Olemminites on tins pzrece tinir dismpprobmtoof . ,w s vn repeht of the standing CommittescE lle.Mi malter. cations mcd aller doale 666 spent tiil 4. Tinet -wilin regard tiilie âppmcef*l tins report SOL seoptos i rcomtnendlingl tlctrspàintoe ins he ount or inonel ie nofetence ta tliiq,slltn f ic > ,rldiccoscled ut tiens imItof btstri, md ifo Ontario Teacicers Aesocilioic aslieg for wcii, Mi. Tmylcr bm Ibeev.âa oýint1eii id ta establisin a library le cocceciion sien cf oe per ce-nt for iacldoraini lime ,WiitItaI Association, yocr Commuttes af. Coecty "pe!,' and tin s Amesntof th* tar cireftlly llicgijetéacs a hrt6e z Audilors, your Coicmiltela liion r5fettuic gërd to tics povère of Coiuily (JoiMIS t ta ten Bank. bol,tlîat tins amuent dicng, t gran t m oneï for Librm ry pirpS oe, sfl d w uma $ l6,900, n dl it àt by s isnetcim lcciui, bel' in apro-islocvinicin autinorisl repôrtleg Un tfinsMalter, th ice b's*c$ mioney ta lie taisei1 for a Cocssly Cocteü nonlitte'a e rport vas in errer su sam -Scinol tibrikiy. $14,900. Tinat citln repect ti0 ie As3 regard& acceincts presaeteh for mete.-uMissionpabd te Mx. Taylor, i5, appoes ulca&h crogicml apparatus for tins seniur docccty tins icresrer acled u0dlrmutlcorty, ancd m' (iraminar achicol, tins eommaitlcs recOin- tins moccy could'i6 e boblaicei lei'4m$#qc m e nedd paycc e ct as tin e certifita t O of -th e term , M r. T aylor blip ea s t -e ndt, l eo d t e -Trccstees vas appened. a commiosco. I Tino Comiiettee cllel tics atention bf iYour Cemecitbee s s o illon th the Finance Comniltos ta tine icec'QsitY Of Treaurer migl<lou ce isppiladon Oft tic making provision for edectical purpocosAullitr ae tblec'intiensathe iBank bolrj aed recommecded ticat thinsmlob etins coe hicin lieder i ylmv No, 61, became stbeddle iereedder linerai9ed, bMstifimI docuent vinicin tinsy vrg entillel 5tea - iiet ta mccl tins Goesrcir.nt applnrion- amines; and yoar (Jommttes sreport Ott, ment, and tieni ant ta Local. Superliâi thie thatin le uumthns Treuatirer wvltecnto« tendants. stand lieut aIl books mnd veecnemr rlain' ________________________tu lins Coscty mocolceite elcotcld pri e i vicco of tieâd noAltr.0d e4IthQ u oUde -où o '-Y s îî', El g prevsous arrangement- bit BankIOO4 bien privalo d c m ee ts tins o er m-r' f S c ~by.law minoe referced ta,,ii1aigd the nea titre cfrctme oiligatlicl ? 6. TheCommittse fiel ticat las é$ium __________________________ber lant certain debenlues finît duo's1 tin4d cà e w Bank of lipper Canada, for whlicitid prà/ to CD tzvision badl becmalle aI theinsEak <ecàaý qreeily lino Coety vua ciargal $l&iSý est, aluna' il al peurs tmore vas, Iton i5IlIl-ý thinds laof tins Tremeerer to enset il me deinentueesat-tins propesrtins. Ail vinihb-l fc slersapsclfitlly sebsmitteil. . ssD.QG. Revoit Cinm SI ~comsitiS Rocin, 9 lice o1866. >a ot$60 ta ovin cf"ln.Aùdlisr for the pre« liins'M CDi Th 8nel nadjourneeLi BIXTII i>A'yi ing re-talla a sonicotat ludicrones tory cf moderntinte, colire eainosI inopportune miracle oies ogllt. Tîco oiell-kneoin Fronce misoary, Patter Brileice, ucas alcecyn paci, for linssample ronnan tinat hce gave aoiay every îining te hid. One eve- ing ho sel-oh for e sigint'a lotging of lice curaisetfmc villaeirotirotigh chic lie pas- set, asdth ie vertlîy mac, inavicg ocly oce beti, steretl it oiithtien. At lsybrncak Fater Brideins coe, accrdisg te custoin, and vont la gey bis prayers aet le neugin- bcering ctercn. iitureing freinice sacred dciy, lte met e beggnrq wvinasckoc an 8a111e. tAlan, my frienhi, 1 tacs notiig lsaithein gond pricol, eccacicellc putîing isiebtnd in hie breetinto pocmot, coiere, la biesmas- intenc, to fend conistbing tard coritppel up in n pIper, cobict te Inew bie b.d not lcft tece. ]l c tily oeneti tho pape!, nnd coebng four craowilsni it criol ont tmat, it one a miracle I Ht ga ve ttc mono)' te, tino begg.ar, and hbssnod inta tice cinecnto reteri tinank e aOnI. Thetcralee oen efler areleeti thore, andi Fatter Bridaine relmnted tins miracles couthlie greatost non- tin; ttecctrate tersed paie, pet bis bnand lu his pouket, ant ilenunInstant perrouvra tlFatîter Ifliidaine, Ie gclhiog np le tte dcrk, bol takithlIe cong pair of breoctos; te bcd pertomd a miracle wiutb theoce- ratls crowous. it ýiý le ir I- n ýr of Yý ,lm Al la M p- .. ' 1 -- 1 & 9 Co 6& 1 *ààw, sith, l"s-

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