Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1860, p. 4

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PO~SL R TO lmW. 3TIWPROYEDFARMqS i.-100 acres oulin hait ci Lot . 19 sid concession of 'Whitby0 lcnoWn es ar t i h ARMSTRO1NG ESTATE,1 'Ocly two Slles frottn the Tow of'whitbr. ed.-.50 acres Souths Wt qu ro Lo I~28, Oýb couceesilo arlno, tnbout elght miles froîtllowmauville. Br.-50 acres South Euat quarter ot Lot No. l, 18, Utconcession uofMarlposi, about 9 Mles front Lludsay -Tise above aueuioue;d Lots are frstt.clsss Faims, ln'&a Îbigstate of cultivation, good Buildlugi'and noir ,Important Towns. -Wll bsold reasonable, sud on favon-. hie torms. ApplY te J. R. PERRY. 'Whlty, Ot.5 gat for th* ownîer. F0 LET. A hy Jantes inirîle, and buowuas te b ý'STONE STORE. lu the Tqwu eof Vlitby. VPeaseson givon on Oblattit faptoutber nazI. Apply tc. JAMES ROWE. Wbtthy, Julyts, tese. iii Piut 01888 arm for Sale, 100 -ACRES. THlE West bai! lot N&. 20, Sud <Jnces- sien, oftishe Towuship of Whitby. Tise wble eleared sud under cultlvatlon. Wel fencedand substail bara,,. -sedL, ou%- buildiug%, aud vrou cllai newly erectcd. For terme &r-, apply lu Z. 1IURNU1AM, Whlthy, Fab,1; 1860. hty ]FOI& MALE. A ecellent novw Freine Cotts",sro, ld ti0hest cf hie .own oret y ndl sithin s tew yrde of the bMain street- sodas IBtmet-tolber with eso-lfltha of an aore of kh Ue .Thse boutes tatains six spart- mont sanasuexe lent cll anudthere la gd lit)lugsud ai nMeeaY ou -building,, esda *ueror pump of gond.mter onthe spot. ForTotu, 0., whl vii around vory rlu1.APl to J le. Chronlle Offie, Wblthy. WILI)LMS W=TES TOWN LOTS, &0.. FOR SALE, ()NE Improved Farmimnlu hitisy, 100 Acres. - l aiuln5 One Inproved Farim nDrigon5 actes. Ont. 6 t Mariposi 50 Wild Lands ln Mata, %omervîlllof Eu- rhisuia, -Arteme8la, Luther. Ohatissin, Dove; HBuagerford. Mil Privilege lu Hampteo, Township of Darlingtou, oue of tae very hast lu the Towushiîp uf Dar- Town Liots In Bowmanville, Brookln, Hampto;n, port iPerry, sud Sarnia. Aise a *11w Town Lots nu the Town of WRITUY 1or gal osZoLoandccon' Long Crsedit. Mechaule and otisors deirous.of build- ln Cao bave frons Il ho 18 niontha lu m ate tirsa aiment. Seud for a Circular. Jsddress, pst-pagd J. H. PERIIY, lVhiebp. 1650rI3lS. 59 BEAVERTON. FOA SAXà lE CHAP. A il PRIVILEGE AND T0WbtlOTS conwM x LL he ii=-bbadf. A -4 an proitableUllr essomeau be don, lir. Fa-rl,.-tIae mb.ade with tho W71tojrtiu - Phatcfeal Muer. AiJAESARMSTRtONG, l. B.-Thoeo la a lenst-rat.e peniag a% Ba- Nrton fur the ZOEtsAbilsnleat ora Feandry. J. A. Seaverlen. juives, 1857. 28 JâAwYE»t AND DIVISION COURT iBlauke man ho ad Ciseaper thon at Tomnto. aud will ha bond lu ha priutted ehatter paper. Boy t thea Jricle W. lH. IGUJINS To Remit. BtLCLLN LEAIIED FiM cf 11h A altrea. Eeri' aii ltr tisaeeujh hmier %Aalue iore ETONE DWâLLNG H110M. Ae Aoc buasda0"t OMMic, end a geod orehrd. Thuet, et-n anoliuaile lt..o14,lctc la i o,,. t Wblsd an-pîn ltae ForCis isSpîrt 4i anu)Lt. PIe--1c1et. fWhîib ou lsîqtlame onrs.pertoly nýititn lateand cir sud sa h mites cf t o tremIe. apply j.araaualiy, or by heter, posîpatd, te 1 B. sIKAT, Pickrineg. BO ALE. inWFLOS .Whti'«nr tis eBe- T AAO, VtliRgu Lels at Du * C erokFeeh im a, yud lPort Ferry - tO >"Appt><) '0 RTNLL Solloltoi &e.. dune Il8. f per sale, or te Let. A COMqmaiDuloteus A»D PLEA la SRICK COTTAGE, vmi of iaacre«0Of landilu tisa Forth Ward of tb Toenu OfWitbhy, on diahe t aide er Br&-&troet. For tarepartletSmsappiy (if hy lot- ter. potjnid> ah W. 1H. Treipayne1s offie Wiitby, or te ties auderhr, Ceahili, Markam. D. 0. JENLINS< Wbthy, Jaes isSdi.1659. 80 Ta=m for &a*ê. 200 fh oh mouuo hm;l "am earThis ua Fa % im haseS vIelu fmst iket ilZeversen, os tise travet rassI a N.eSlU5 j.Sdof thIle be ult ,sudla la and a eswoc5ond atoatvtheO . *8.Neeth Sufai Lt di t Itis0h Cas- » ilteDCAMEON- I - - -- - -- - -- --- - - - -'~,,, ~0g~.as~-~- ~. ~ ~ I BG00v*, WL~ CARRIAGE BIJILDERS, AND MANUFACTIJRERS 0F BROCE 7tREET, WIVTR Y. -o-l BHE Seiscil-to cc- have tu inforintisa publie tisaI they have opeaed business iu T lb. proises forai ýr-y î. upîed hy Mir. Ira I. Carpenter, situated ta Brook Street SeulshBsh otlheBianir, sn--o-nopposite lise Market huilding, miscre tiîy are propa mcd lu sutiply Il mise farer t' trm mitis a caîl, mitis ety article in tisir lino of business Thse subscrihoma are'pracical suid-cunapeleut îrorkmeu ef long oxperienca, and as they devota tisaecoUre out tisir uo Issorte tisir huainess, thhycau pradîîce articles ut botter w rktansip, o! greater-dulaailily, sud moes legantlly fiîlshed, and iarAFFORD TO SELL THEM CHBAPER,M Tissu thon. viso hava le iroe isaeraofutothers. 'Ail articles sold at tise luiront living prics for Cash, or on spproecd credil. Pieasea cail sud examine, Ail kinds otlumber sud farinera produce tnken lu oxehange. Ail werk wsrrautc&. ]DONOVAN, WALKEY& Co E.J.NAGLE'S CELEBRATED SEWING-MÂCIIINES (0F SINGER'S PATTERN,) At 25 per cent under- New York prices!! -:0:- TREsE IMachiines are ued lu ail tht principal twnus anS cilles froni Quebec tu Port TSarnia. C)They have nover failed to give oatisfaction..C0': AUltise leaing Bolsund Siset îaenufacturers testify tu tisir euperiority 0,cr 80>' other machine crar solel lu Canada. Nagle's Sewug Machines ara capable ni doing an>' kind of work, frorn sh4irt collars to isamneas tratcts. Né. 1 MACHINE $75. No. 2 MACHINE $85. No. 3 MACHINE, WITEI EXTRA LARGE SHUTTLE, $(.5. EVEBY MACHINE IS WARRANTED. - Ail communications reltive te Seuing IclitV ,8i b e prepuld, as noua altera iii ha rmcoled. E.LJ. nAGCLEI CÂeAutAN SwonAsBcntE ESTABLISHMENTr, 28s Neoeo.£>ànte Shooet, Usontroal, C. E. Fetory ever Bartlty & Giibart.'s Csea*Bua, Mcnhri1 ~ ai. 5Sds-40w Eheris Sae of Lands. J Counly of Ontaio ~l utee To Wt: Çm-Writs et Fiai Fadans, issueS ent or lier Itajesty's Court uf Queon'a Beach, ah Toronto, anS taenia directed agminst tisalands aud lenemnnl of James fBodgtec sud James -re .Arm- alroung, detcndauls, 51 tesdutitfte Bankt et, Toronto, pisintifis. I have seizod anS laito n ae excbohien aIl lise estate or inter- est oftheisasaiS James Bedgsntiand James B. Armstîrong, in tisaundcrmnotioued lands as foileovu Tan acres uf lacS heing compoeiofo!tisa SouatWest corner et Lot Ne. 24, ln tisa 2n5 Con. outhlie Townsip o! With, de- ecriboti as floloors t Thisnte ay.cern- meuclng at a peut planteS athetaSeotth Weet corner ef said lut. bisence Northî ses- enty tour degreoa, 85h11 six chaînsannd six- Iy ais links sudtboetitird links, tbeucc North aixtaeu dagme. West fifleec ias, thence Sentit sevefly ftur dogmes, West aix obains and .1517 six aud tire tiird lika te lte aida lina betten huts Imaut> four aud twenty tirte, titaneSontit aixteso degrees along tise aida ine fifleen chaios te te place a!fitagion:ug,ý Alio-Comenrcng on tho Norths aida of Mary Street ait'a diistance utf Ilve' chisa un a course Soth 1 4 0 NWest frei thinl- lorseetion ittis ary Strecetidtis tisalina helmeen tise Eat snd Wen s aives et saiel lot Nu. 25, titan Nortis 16D, Wes4t 89 chains 82 linkis mûre or les% le ths Norths anS e!fte Southîlitfut eiS lot Ne. 25 Tisen Souths 74ý, Wesl t ltng tisa North- arn beundar'ofethlie Souths haIt af saiS lot No. 25, 2 chaina mora or less bu a pont ait ltae ditance a! 3 rhumns trom tisalino hc Imeen tise s&iS lot 25 anS lot Na. 26, sud on the Eset aide e! and lice, lsca Soth 160 ,last 89 citainit,8in tksamniar lesbu tae Nurthsaida o! Mairy SI. aforc-aid, (haiag 10 chatnand 6C lichafrein tise tront ut tisa second coccession,) tison North 740Q, Bual aoug the Northsaida ut Mary Street 2 chaîns moe.or les e e îsplaccetfbe- ginning, sud couhaiuing hy admeasure- mont elgist acres, bhadesane marc or -tes. .àlso-Al sund aingular ltaI certain par. cdl or tract of lanSdmand preaulses heing part et LotiU lu tisa 2nd Con. af the Tara- ahlp ef Witty, coitmcncing on lise une haliren ltae asI anti IVeelhalvas o! selS loti2à ou-tbaNertha aide of Mary' Streetad sttse distance uof10 chis 68 licnke frein tha Soutsema huait et aaid lob 25, dieu North 160, West 89 chalus, Si links bu the North end ef tha Soudihluaf et saiS kt a tiouetit 74,Wast 5 ohatas, thoen Soudi 16<D,Est te Mary SLt.,lien North 140,Lest*lonag die North sidae o M*r> Stret 5chains te the pae of eth AIe-Village Lots Noa. 49, 50, 51, and 100 Lestof BruicitStreet u ia heTownof Wbibhy, accordmng te Parry's pieu ot lut No. 24, in die SeS Con. et the Township Of Wlhby. AIa.-Sectahasut quarter ofthe Suth "HsUefflot I9,1 inteSu d Cou. cof "hTown- mhip of Whilby, 185aas Ume or leua- AU wobla hshand tenemests lterie, or dm staid dotamdeW estate or interest dhiel.1["hahoEer W salaitPubli. Auc- clee0 *t M oiaUs<in - Ceut Besuin l the rowu et Whitby, inse aCoenty ef Por C. NSeemi Sheriff'sa Sale of lands. COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, . u-e i Te Wit: i5 rto ,e itiant Exponse, ntseS ont of tha Caaaty Cî,urt of teClîn c t f Ontio nIutVhihy, aSdte me direetad, againot tise l'auda teinemetl of Johnbu aîgoutgh Sefeîudant, nethe $sit et tieni-goWalact, Plaiîtif, 1 tavs-eczed andl ti1ea in exenon ail the stae or itctuotifa lise masISJohnBl»aggtî ,ilunal endS at1uger, Ihît certain parcof o[hand andS preiisem >-je'al a. tiseToma etWhltî,itteContyôatOnta- rie, bsusg rompened ottcsrt s!LaCta-eoltîr-ena lu theojtI naeorca!IbaTewneitp of Whit- by and beinethe Coulis ilf et Townî Let Ne. 8, Ia lok ',Iting ont he Eatelute efContre treet, oaddb'n ?trt.i battoot iiiîîmtnr nght, In lienk 0, onthua Wet ide oehb'iliasîreel, miietTown Lots are isartîea onîte plan of if Tcwn Lots laid eut an tisa N. E. X cf selS L) o 2 fnr healte Jobn itaenhirai, deaaed hy John huer P. L. . Ait -ueitlatnds ande leiuementeth ieran, or lbthetSaldefent'Sîîîe s- tata er islareat harici, t1atalh offerl'er cale by Putlisotin, st my Office5 la tha Court 11ouas, in hia Town efÇtbis, inthe Cesel>' «tOnîtario,cenCSâturday thae'rwenty-eighth Sa>' af JeîiyA. D. It 60 et12 oloh naeu. 10IILWON 0. gEYNOLD, - Sheriff . . Per 0. Nourne. Sherufl's Office,. Whithy, Apu-It 25, hi6e. 5ieerfIl~s Cale etfLuatis. Coauîrt ofOoteisit 'DY si-Caeosf ae et ofe e W uau jfi> FeiiFrci, isoîed ont etftisa CoîînCy Caourt oathe Couac>' a! Ou tarient Wiitîy, adlt a oireceod sgiint the lundg anS toameele et John Jerin, Sa- fondant, et theanaît e- oJiîn Andaersati, plein- tiff. Ilias- s iezed su.1iltaet' taexesýutina ail tha enlite oti treet oet Cie sii Johnî Jardine, lu thuilcetrîtsin ractor Parcel a! ]and, biag ctepoed ofthe cas haittof lt Ns.2U,1Inbah sttu Cen. et Brook, tatet>' aeupied iy thec lea Mi. Eelwarde, al mlicis lands, and.ieneinueat Iharcea, or thetaid defeîdeal'sn atuCte or iter- ast herche, t sheall fer fer cale st Publie A,îe- lien, et My of'fices, In tua Courtliontae, 111 tha Tomenaof.'uhiby, le the Couuuty oftOntarto, an Sturîhsy, tte t4tlu Sas-et Jet3, est,et 12 o'uiaek NELSON G. RECYNOLDS s Sherif, C. 0 Sheiisff'nOlea ' h rI..Noarea. Witttby, Api h, 1860. 5 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Qlueisco, 101h Marai, 1860. Dpetmet Ordar,t TO POBTUASTEDD IN C. W. -REERRNG O ATICE 907 TUIE tesxin Çau W.alat oiforied tithat sus> are raileaud froua Ciss obtugeions taen pon iwOt- laesfer the1e livis-r tetr 8. n ndea. 5-Tb. Ltter BoSa it e tba, f. flte r«t ne stkablm e keb.ho e fle ta e Fufrueet uS imes, 55arn diia-esdby1the Ra- paated dnriug the nîglator vhau 1the XoSasin a-Wbea nder teea aa-h rity ofIh'SaOrder, an (>8e lu Canada Westin leosetatotisa Pab i as Sunday, ib mont ta closedta, al petsaas alika, and no excelieeSh or patildsliveartuo paitifliar iadivIdàui Ie au eattond. SIDNEY BITIf. N-ain Joasose W" " ,tbabc-e in- asuO pe hfr t e M"et UUS*O&L.US Sq& A I -MX WUULr%,% W UUb. -:0: Higliest- Cashprc paid, fo r any. quantity* at the Stores of A -supersor assos tisent of Gents and Boys TASIRIORAIBIE REJ~D YJM«1DE CL 0 TIlir1VG! in Tweeds, Fancy Mixtures, -GARMENTS M~ADE TO OIRDER. Oi~A ~EU~Ç G AUAIIzeoa no SAU..4: HAMILTON & ROBERTS, 17 Nos. 1 &- 2, TilI'à Block, Whitby. SPRING ANDJJ lUflg1IMTifPORT ATIONS Bgsto infoirm bis customers and the pub- lic, that bis stock ut New Gonds ta 00W lo a bd, and willbcho ld Chcap for Cash, coneiatihig e! a large asertmcut ef IIRES GO O011, BONNE, TS, JIBUNS, PARASOLS, Gleves and Iloaiery. Carpets, Damask, Window Netsansd IMulins, Donicatic Cottoas, &0. A large stockeof Broad Clotho, i.assimeres, Canadian Tweeds, Gamberson, Farmer's Dril, &o. lu Menu' and Boys Coa, Vets and Pants made up on the Pronijees. Thse ie conidertebly enlarged, antd parties isvorttîg lîtînwîis thoîr trdere, May rcly apen issving their garîuntte made up in a nîorimaîlike bnanner, and iii the laelt styleofe Fashon.A large stock of JUST IkECLI"VEI) Pcrryte Brick Buildings, Whithy, 27 April 1860. - OIROULAR. 1 IV.-hr Vear- ~ ,...IT 25 T PRESS. PR INT iNIïga NEATST 'IDII T ' . Divitisa CC'art CllectlOns parti( i'1' pan n facY, ooery, pcrili untc. . ARTHU'R IL lion- can bhl liedcper and quicktîî Ah- rs lfrre edyrrite g planorud eSte Klp iaîn ene..C. P ChronlîtOffice lia n ly etl acr 1 ' . rn sql F% meut iu tisa lounty.W.1 IGC' Lindgny, Noennhr 501h, S1859. OUTR MUSICAL pïEvfCHAPCOL 14 U ýUII FRIEN»." s Pure C' t.PAsiouif.rtle ie lerMseth ekhs $1 25 cite. pr Gai SVr iger, Pulaîiti ol l o t Every Testt,1 I ise 4rt "p- teey' iti' "lit 10 B ES C A By iiteetire Presso fthie CoiitC'î"'t, 9"TIIE JIST ANI) IIAPEST suOF $1 25 ote. Per Galloi TUaE RitloEND IagEs fVi1su j0PeGeot Yules Telegrapb Tw lv fl i-it ne* lo 10 cen i zie. ot Meary, 5; lot.ir 10 mO ais l O '. A NE~W STOCK 0F Subliertlte ta"eer Mil trtFrîee," %. it frontsilite neerelt Nssdencotit lla f hec,~~ ~~ Metceieiiltryo Juel receifvcd, nt pricc fr.-,t,75î tntittifcant col; allait y3"01,o sel n os. thi't e ss, iita. Corstet, CIirkitet, i &e., c., os ribe Cate W~R Sobo MI tered tObUrn Coul C - Ialt-yearli, $1.25- Queblec Government &gency. Al liele tjNîîîîîsu e ct-,oîiiiiii-0 . Vsîiîc stlii)iiig17 Numnbes,ent$- UwîîIlî, Btisitaa coîntie lwithheî DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! PUiBLIC BEPARTAIENTS DENTISThY.attended le. Abusa - Scetreil l'y flic etlcoacriber. Adde-aspropsiel. DR. 0. C. JEROME, F-î.tit;IoIEXXTýcn SurgeonilDentîsi, No. 0t, Aite Street, .7 aotîinli iiti tst iK ii- ii-olt Iimis Quebee.eriiiaI lti ,ttioiiigaea ,iîti lia ciiiitiisiîicctl peitite i lic ý- - Teri ta e te osccasiota,îîî tii iii'Queblec Aeilci for the Triannstion ci fasns-s a.rc rciiiti rtti-itT-i'iii lis Busies sitil the (dovarmmnt holsOttilile elille l'sio x liii.lie t-ieititsd cîtlier, îî1îîîîî a-hi Ili l '11il.- oi Ihtpari liits. titlt ii adtt)e aTetîisitfcl', :0Cehiiiwriâ 1-- Ai,*îse ce tee., uelr /1s st tilis H 'ElJ. G1113BS Dri. C. C. Jtisa isil g teii - il! fils iost itrtiicaa cmii iii'e cOiatt Iii-'- i li[AS OPENED AN OFFICE IN QUE- lis i toil-tscitK, piei haveii' I he for ftiT 1rtasatio of uttuhou- cilii siiitil (iîît, alîtli icaiii ciii c cîli - i fat u oîîeer iita) ' tîeltr i i î, î ns-so f Patîie rciding ta Uhîpor Canada-l tîtese,. T1ccir t-or ii itîiii.ii elsesiiierc, nitil an ofuthebo Gvorîîîîeîît ci, te Io i-c ltg Piàttiots lii S iii kucC iil 1i - )cpariicts. ciiii des esîtltiIthe Vt îîiîI i t -'l Pe-rsootto esirnus oa! tcoriîsgPatents for te tt sîgtîîi tlitce n - l i Ia ds ritigCais fa yo fl re, îundîit i s nitucet tv t -i ' itl I - 1. tii rbîiii itn a i> lter kind atile- I"Ierfall iv-o bi ilc ti - ii tîlt thlie liis-rnirnt, or reqnirig an>' sei- sit itir ietilieptus. iriiýtiobtnalitiitilcat tiîeCruntu tLandls [it. Jeeeiim %oi l ii.kli iti'p or ~ei-ii i i otler Publie Offices, tua>'bas-a tteir thut lie hieto secil, recîlIc'c-di lei veI-i-ic i ltcetiilu't e-eilui sîîîîdar. e i-ildî iiitc diiiigeety etendoîl lu b>' utRosi f'iriîlî tltt lie liais )elî-îîi iiil d onit AgentI, tinthout tho ospoîîso atnd la file itome lîciteiici îîceial i '- 'i-cil cîî-citiiveiioîîre Of a jatîrî o>' la Quchre. whica tie l lia plt al lîtîitît bof Inventon lito ouLI if e (i ca- - tt i iit t , - of sîîtilsiktmi os leici tiiii cc ' utprep:iid cois iîai ca tiîoeo, etdrottrd plti-îils 10tos lox.36,ost Office, Quehot, sitiirua, Gliti 515e and îl h'itltîîîpitatîl d, cise tîttniate attentiion. tuistuhe Lant 'il stlus, i1i. J. e(UBS clitIer thîîîî ismi d î iii d Qiiebecýe. Seit28, 137w:Tî--1i-ly .shilitgteiil h%.llttillyiluu;ti-ciitiil FARItIFOR SALE. re- a iccili. 1N fici'tSýil)o arig *.liir- iiîi i - iiýL oeli partcttlt No. 14ltîthie 2siîîttoies- ititi. ~ ~ ~ ~ sm etlitii diî oîî tiiiiiii-oi teies4, silh l l seliig Si- Ci d]ii 2 Iiic lii.1A brit l ibllteii altr ii iv 'ii.41 ili-eiioa, njf..7'- e l', - I l-, 1.1i, ldiy ili-i c Ii t l i c ii.'rlee aroŽ .ii la iîlot Oeî. iu i îî î iî î iîi ieitgiiiiblaitet' fitiliiiiii.tr(uiin i-. lic iiir ieli 'fiitiaas- liiie tic TeaIii iii ay 1 .1603i EQUITABILE TIIOMAS Il. ltMILLAN lIAS FOIR SALE ýî111I S R N E C Clover Soed, (idief Q'dO lutsalsetits, stuuî Hungria Gras Sod.Capital, £500,000 Sterling. liunaria Grasiiid.gIZ -hoItiglit ltsîc-abheoLîrîd Turnip-Whito Globe. Viciiiitl Sîdîtîoti,AriL- IelCdîipbeIlithlre- Turnip-Swede. itîteii-XttiiîiCtpit iirîy Mangel Wurtzel. i s5 (tîilloiî ; Col. 1.1înlgcte llcu CirIe. lie- -Ilt ohn îîee, V. '.ltey plae., Orange and WhitOe Carrot. iiiie(itteSotEk.li.s' t.D., 'fltite.iVeel, Lot, FV. Ven=- White Beans.F41 tol rc, î.ii0 erhnti Onions. -te- V ttrl lAisSerauin, LOI.jS ieeffiitlks' And ai icît eoftGadendc e aîofi-cîth le 1liiol Attieut ret tiitts, wniie eiî i a iîg a ut tPipiOi.1.11i i icîttîe. e c, JohncIrîttiieî.C i îteîîly hos petes. - It olrte ied ic. Eiîq., lieaj. ihohîîîos, E0s1., dentlS oheibetiats,è. Est1. ______________________ Chattes F. Tllctîsîî, .Mfaager. [D.[D. bMec- îsîî detoutsid iiohte. AFrF 11C T EDI-)RE A 1 1 kf1ictleiceiesgiiîtts orllisutage IvFiee. ait da-si iptoîcsofi ifIi- iiiî. ili Liqaa-, itte, Csel-ey Ei li.îlisetftue saine, Mille anîî iiiietiee, Aise, a ithre o seeetîos t fFrcsîtr'fiuc, Piiguee, Cîffecei, Frutits, &de. L C , icCoeeyEUR 0 P E'A N fii te Csod tsires, îîîîîtMûelteiais ci anS Gisea rSeoctfrets NewiYor'isuîîd MotrntitoiMirtsl. ouIirti huîliti3rrtiîe-k Ait lue Lietîteof uand Wiese sit il t iifiatieeres prieeuu. Parties deiritig ta parebtine MED C i I lute theen;igl i lîtoora uî sianu. o eny lth0 g inite, il o sieti is gts-o tiis a culti. itiereiglîl tanfruiig stockof alde THIOMAS H. MeMILLAN. AN D srits-eii. No. 2, Peri-y'e Bhort, tBrooku et., Vtitby. DOTAJNZG C RPRAPY1Thue eiigpgcitiictaofîthe Fquibuluear giarse' -a TRF. W-3T Tr.xTý, ted ho areeponiletlîairetrictutry, anauiîiample NoI o-i soe- a eo. 51i',1. W,eî sibtrieS Caitaile. "lite jured ere free froîiu -.. o'. a-n--mu e-u o-n -n lSsetLISIII t t heu n- ltiîîlliîiof etàt itteuu ai sIuiîau Se t5y, atnd DR. GOODING. (formerly of Egl"d. 'cltlllocct5orixn eiîijt'la lotnut tuhe ceîpaay, Loses, are umaele god wihout Setciin or H AVE recels-oSlet theur non promisea, Brook Street, Whitlo>, asuunually large NMîî'd'j j7 1 10IS cE 'ltIN ittt reîîctie aiteiLdi e uoiî-a turer l.î;lîîl îupp~s tuii îîCy-Tlîe Locaul reterse nst reeki>'. otfît-îsîîîî --il55h9 Ofleîi;iOioi'ciii Aeuils liaelbeau appiuitted trouigh- SPRING & SIJMME R DRY GOOIDS &1 eri,;e-cilTO.MOY GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SIOIES, &Oc. te-Nu ciîîrgs for Ailcice. As L. & P. are dspserd tla do a leaSing trade, lise>'particîîîarîy relquest tisaIiateadiag tCiii, e'neî aiidon.t Ceaaly cf Otitarlo.ig Dn ciOfImladis ithteioiitituccii1 purcoserfs wli taveuer tluem iils e cati heinre purohasing elsemisore, as tise>'bavs- e nuieec.Thtotcîi tt iuî 1, N î liiii-ici C tu 1paiS for Vuul, Wisest, s, Pes, rare nuseltiet ta stock, aud ere determined ta sou their GCauSeatlise lumest posaihble t tenbaqdot- lîs' ot-ît'eprIuîii' iiiii"h11 -Briey, PotsInca, utc. il Itis8e-sicui rriieie', %i.tht . iiiu rl, jirice. LO ES & ciTh iirci iie se-tlir iliI-i-i l: i ES& POWE LL te Tbca.etiicil t tieiîre tes sitteli~li Broc.Street Wittt. ne,-ir udsitiio li l ie h' O PEtte, ~ ~u 3I~. ~ ~ WUS DIIIIT'CANTON T. COMPANY98 Yug rieniuîolastriesii h itb if.-îî zetirruiliy eicamCuIvleld luitIi.11 ii i-iih 'l i Newus-e O151, Kiîîirt, EetnerhIkeit. e .e d e fi t t ih i fi e oa ilI o sI i g ls ec a ir e c l s l . o r t i n e rn , wo n kt e ttîî i n. he i î tîu uild - C _ _ _ _ _ tue,iiiofuioniiiof tutoen, 1ta of 5 îîl1i-I ttcoCeiýusy, formeS fortleiu 5no oc-lîiciils io h ct-S I. ue 'iss s ii pt ere n n sî dîie e t Tea s, ire t f in tloirdts.i l es ti_ f gravtlu, uîem ad!r te the p liie COUNTRY PAThENTit. edeii!I . on Sln ipie. oCashfiTel à, Cha Modeîiestiitti fuît]îlieec-lisucseuil tisuiscl ourt i li e oui"a-aa ry sgsinge sbý icrs- utie ViteotSiten lc piht-iîs ciiuiii~, .hi-ilparltes, a-ho bas-abeoautltillg for seasSe- tiie ru illi tesie l cI cs. iiititti.-ronedîî Cc N lises Toue, u t.ici s-s-pro l. Tuaeseo te, deocetotiy eiu'outetiii. "Si-et profit.s and qale treas," ii fin Aulcir-unAIicltis adieree to hy tit Comîpany. Tees mlii liii ,CiiiitNrettiisi.h et Whote Ptatrice,fillîeesitag Ne,.51 Si Eijlte re ~ atil ¶ctiea toc BUY FEA<RANT NEW TEAS1 Inrel, Fis 8,h i 'r oii-ot.)i qIV-ai tule Loect tPosibe Figure. Toront,_____8,_154._4_iv Tua Conpuay lhavesbenucareffta t sletu - irouîtthîctlir Agentso liu China, sanie thco ýIeI,ltd Teeo, ehy seuinta heIIba oneand 1860. LARE ONTA2RO 1860. DulinuuNtîtrketoutuaIt onflumere, -WhIo ro- Capt. George Schofleld Wîi, amuil foi-ter aotarp,ieas-e Ib as. dermeatielmed pontuemrr SÂTURDAT for ROCHETM VIA COBOCIUIMG . WPhTBt 7C l7otnb. n.. 5Pi nt ?.Io1 o'eluurha am., DAIILINGTONn e, wNicrra ut Rl"er sewRith mi,* c loi-k, Pbilaotp lu sndWe1l Cî RETURNING, WIloucve Esîtceiser eseri>' rids-. directtuSr.Whitiysad atabo ruu Aprul le't, 1lm. S Sehool B AT inte - l ll' thnt ha ,ttesded te. id ta George ?triek, and )ILS! Ilon. a at h Store, clut. 10 $8 kamp (MORGE YULR striamet fbr th.eteofthe ais ee ln ba tat'eshcled te a tutotis h 1e o5' duecfavui lstrOeti a i 15- eura of Sautit.aWookmas, cran>'d,5ý .- . - ---i h. he mm sur asacîlNsTha rtcle.ce ini aeat frtion D Ir. AmosaséSou, l cnSan? i Loo sîhemese.j',ltaste Momailzaof ItheOb scielse. Lo at r-ae ti n heStsi ua>'15a ar INOW on aIe, Fiveo udrtl Uhes1 t=¶! o" u t er atw 511,1 Per t lb .. Ifetet. eaaas a. ... ien'i btrumouta goltti r te bs80 idotel hle*pors lebeol Propialsts. Cusn & ntnete ea1l sadalas. Store,aiaBoardlgtOra epemOlLVE Ani eor MN "I -maoftTEA, sent asrîufree te suy part14 ogMq i. Sl) ot buse ia.ýg a chsetit', uaiS doe .As Mom aOa la t~rat bsmthû imlt ibeir frieiads. &or SasIW ba einî.utetina&Uetonut CosWsrusuted. ,=-n tuhml... n.el; a igtOki e teu tI epl m. r u-asusimate or i Sefleteuis TUILE VF71I ase.ii 'seswto g t» me Wilhhresra esat m dosmie& i» SffBê r Aet bis o in adov' glue. "ÂTI toni lin sbotur bder d ffdtairlie la IDOI Nveeklj , ay O t on tint 1ton lin, snbseq' pael'w tel cet kh et ti' Bc INTI? E pRO] Le that 1h rin style -ery de Of Plrît erdue BEG ou is extensive business et CARR1AGE MAK1NG, IF ALL IFS BRANCES, On theapreinises iscreboore oeupied b>' M. F. Bu; ounMary Street hatwen Byron and Brocit Streals, miere lha s prepareilas iteretofureto «oacul&HIl rders ltusIeS t. isa cars (3ÂRRIAGESI BUIGGES, SLEIGLIS, CUTlTERIS &C-, WMaaUd1etured and Seld auth Loweat reanetatiaz Pides. ALL WORK 'WARRANTE»5 LUJtBAbR .dutPRODU-c'BTAXEN IN RXCUi.N'G. A KRKET PRtC,-S D. 1'OIUS long experienceofetthi-t7 ycsms l in the pr ind liswlt«ofte Sltes anti Canada boa given Clat-expmisuce lu everanr7 of the u m vhict tam htavetbeableah. asarrive at, sud for hauty o e iegamc ofetfinaish. dm%)xUl, sud sclititty af mrk-8sslip, his votit cantiot b haele Whsy, Amemeb 4.15h5 AT Tiln Holloway'sOiiç CONSOLATIONFitTE 111'EARLY fityycî,.àýrio lli îaeiss,' 811% aeeanld tise eivtis-zd oatibe, lia',' eaitialleu arcchnes, aea niela. d1 oce, nttietir, ai,! wîîîdslud, In agitI el'eoros or t il'limlla lltînîae Oi mlilbciei tiîe 'ti ltfilelCt Semofealu, Erysupelue, anti Salit No reitîrd>' haen-erdoett lne ili ceufr usse otholitaSbî, vites-ortso lIu. tes>50111ils liMtho liintitîîî çaNe,~ suit Itheninî, seîirry, Soetilati,, 1 Zih EO shipesý, nae tetîg entihlenel ils itiille ult egs, Oiti Caes, sud Uioe, Cuises t o ii' e atiy y t ooîtlit, tittitre P& tiiiîsionsiyrefumecil heyie-id »$coîîy iee ortîîrtibl, ]lavetlssiitîbi> aaeeuei.b feapplîtiicationsa etfttis itesi'eifitk i ut Erthplconset 011le Stin, Ariohitirfretiiî sbulaliste of Ille bsi ciîr'îîieît'tisLe, are e"otitjid, SOI erînta lra!lîi-iclît otlritteceigtilicdIt',the rne:t Retî,'lîfatci lîtoOiîîiîîîeit. il selepisse. tliay the t'omuîetit-sund îîei Clr teilet et',-iliiah lion-r le. dispet -stisanîd oie i'io ai ta ice. Piles andti Patois. Er-y tertàild fei tre ifliît lies-siete litîîi'erît isor-ders tlerî,îiiet'tid1sîttesola .lkuriniylitaîs t iieîahîat'it oa m4sihe ooiiliu-eî t d siksctraiuisil hîlti iîî-tîionalde-. Clliý Fhttîiît, it, rîL itiitit.c i ctl Eatitthi Pile-,îlu(aiLîîîri.. orî-îtrSt 1,rcen, S ,Z*i4l lttnî i 't'sies, tîcweîd (Ikltît,$na i.egc, i iieeS osa- ticoits. Sore Dirai, UleartVettcros ireWatîd î otb tqrcAttTtI(N t1-Nontîeare ocîiîîo cQ ilsa thiîeis-,atc Ym'r.l 5 .e, 1.k ansud csls lir als.littro 1e l'-gn4iriili es-er)- tlesf thw tir.ei'ireîieu,%saitînihecfot îottu-, ltosailtîsc lie- îlîaitlilî s-i-c. y h iItlei Io Mal lSiAt. 'A lindsoîib"tsîîîte euni a-ut bc iSi tesai>- eleremiluk-i gteltinfcrtionsc lit toitS lte dre-uliil tiî ny pro' r pros ieiliterfoititîig htl ît-li tarîtroor setliila sasin, ln.-,ia l a iaho i icllî t-îiiîllit te iiotlitry (IrProf," cil eîilitsîîglti li ie Ciitii l t'ilt tio tîiï- "l l%.'ot , l\ r t 2't, ri t.t cite li i tikil Nh1- 1ir tc. ,îîs iii, for t.tie s fi ointa iu -tý,y-ci arsr e'rocilixt-,l toi-bh,. C PU5IRFY TIUE 1I1h.OOD.i hloffatly Lita Pillsansd I1hoesinihîtttu Free t thui ail Mitîcmai Poisns.u rriEGI.Ezi ,'l&O'UL.ARIiTY WlII IlSN Litt's Lite iVillauanetîti liiltter, lîeîîît- ueîîîîeîin 1h e.îlleîjlec loftlteealresrdiieesltum etreclei laIhiai- use, reldersilt sanc~îyl lit ttitite nt rîer tîhel î,îrieuttstiBains os iteirnîieiiîet irtîles r rapiies- lnt lîîg lieetilmore thon, tmaoli y -yet rc irthlt e. nit lis-m ic tu îtîtetil,li el hIîaîîit trt-e tîîiliiîîîotif icreons o lavae 1 realere l O it e eîîjî.î îîeîloifperfect ieltiiî iiîeiii, il ige litoîi idotit iteir repîtisa Olt# tes vaet nedeile I. c a lis Jîti villaîge ini the Upiîîli3tt, thcii re nili!il ni-me eteseil's fi) tueur etliîty liti role -it::rl, icrSroft iai-o1 seloelrs-s-or Tr tioîtsofcf iteeskiî, flie eitili efthte lif ti- d bina l rihciîsioiiig.tlleu reniisiOll Ier liavse-er) nq"eo0a' î0lîoe isueea - etio,Chyiijtr îiît\*ie fee18onosthe bi Oroser,,îiAgneuIe lipeis, Drelsite. 1 11004W~ iii elîatrla it-et 0ai Sisiîtsc, cocati elistt litîrî O N o îîtlisittioul ile l ,aloi liîeii, as hoy ttierîtîaiy is,.teiahl h'r-isra, iî WIItui>lerra, hC.D., bel y o .îe, îîîtu for Sla hy G. A. Beesiistet. Fbitti BUFFALO, IIEDICÂL DIIi'EN5AR ESTAliLtOItti FOR TUE CRE OF Ihtgeîlîsîi, oe-t #lI>cbilitt, Fer r ,and<AMI, &îsfsl.î. OUe Sie',GflcISmpamdlzfw Sçau 1ARheu, ,plet, flstet, , tE AM"i D.&itttàt, /seruil.r* ,fyiutà and VUilîttM ;ýrf1ca E U tsîtiY tcaEi.... Dit. Amtos & SON. teasatsor tUIM ND tieieU As., so13UAL IL ARETUIE ONLY Pft'sShCIANS IN TuI A LSTATE wiîc are taruiberuofat hb ell Collage et Surtgetonus.Londont, nae>'os csissOt<e fi-utal olek tie ii îreig aoutil 9e alg leaOs-ry atoge andS eveeptena ot'Ihitum The Iroalleeont tîii cpt is% Ch'e rviaiIIIt P mardi of a yearo' extenive asti asocuaf'tle 'dca liaLontdotn. The ment t ivoIec Citai4 Diseasueesdiested hain58cr9 55711, and 'l'teti à aligtcnturen 2er 3dit" a tnuodOetls e pense.. The ci afî~efeced wlîssut oasli-w or hhndraic flra iboettine. atrea uMSe vAsu tARTict1LAu OTIOL Thor a i eu' êilithabil sematitnes haduelt Dy ficYa, it nfaitîîa, aione"u grari-l liL Ibein te onsihue; nt si mhir. it ot in due.tiate lat osaly boeessnosas a tbe Su tîonrca btlytivl i5t "« ittriit Oand un uuhtahli anttasns.sS< -ase a C. d. - A 'r SC 015011 mfOTaolOi An iîtrumtenet for the cure et gotatl kW«il or Necurnd Ptshihin erl:~ 5, cured nt ufront 15 e 2CeMSuie a7 of Ibis instrnnlteiw hen asecid t~llY' talcdiceO. S5 E MMUIES AND QîlîCe 0a55 Dr-Aen .SCe-lbo -lesr 91u111iue YANKEE NOTION so BROCE STRtEET Experimenlsi enece.

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