Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1860, p. 1

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e?gCflvlàrn 0X TUE ZvIEU5550F. rED.AV &THURSDAY, 1,1, Printing En4tabsiliont, roclc Street, Whitby. , ext )O et -t*egstry Office. FTRMjBoOF SUflSCIIPTION ARE $2 o d «tnco, nndt3 50 won ine ayablo Wise. RATEtS OF ÂDYBOTISINO r e, linos.. ....... ......... $00 75 tellino,tiret insertionl (per lino) 10 08 aîlecqlt insertion, .... 002 ibrd dsocont llomrcd te9 Meonintsond &,tortieiîng by tine yeor.- papero 11a0 largeeirofilltion n tin Coin- mintle, and in rend by oerrybonlîneco n IlinWlitby. ad iinty. SWEEKLY CHRONICLE Iincd on tle iornîngsof BATURDAie in cccliwo1, lit DO1AR PIER AWNUM, 1etrktly in caoice. Wekly Clroniclc 118 1 ttîîgîit creli- f te c17oio enntry paper publiclcd il, 11WI ()F Ah)i-5lTISIT1 IN oucoLi-. to Cn lots- - - .............. Ceeu litIee tiret lisqerltis, (lie le). t0 05 onequielit insecrtinli...... o .... - n palier mill le diiconitintl lîntil aIl aretar- ors ecloaing conlu, if regin erel, wiii les et W. Il. IIIGOINS, lisileWhitîy, C. W j À a BQOK AND JOB tri' NTING ESTABLISHMENT. c, k prtOPREfR OF TIUE WItITBY iltosîttE," srtyd renpnclfnliy inforin the tîilt lue tiri% prîîcireo IBosie of tue eîiooct en strteo of Tipe freen Nev Yornd oîatm- Fojluiete ýIIdeiii prepird te mne K IlJOB FRINTING t-ces t'ressi auît ritimg Moelliluicey, ,,I i Bil isc ilorse tuille, "'Iid siieillir ieleori iilt4 ef irintiug t-ciruiirlic witii anî hoe of tir sederel. pit Wmi. It. IIOGGINS, iti XfiJ i i ttZ Qý jotuN IFALL TItOSPSON, ARIDEN or TIIEF COUNTYi OuF ON- l,5 tarnd. j0icceCuiiigeBrook. 1feot ZACIIEUS esU3NIIAMP Et 0 F TiI1E CtUN TY &cSUuittOC.mTE titIc- tntc t filer Court llîiiioe0., 1 ru ài NELSON G. REyNOLD)S, ce 1F.SF OFFICE AT ThtE COURIT lem JOIIN IAflf FERRY, immiie, OtS'li tivur icu. o RC.. uT cls f> . J. MACi)ONIET.Iî. EtitI OF TIIE PLEAIE. OFI4-ICI-AT cal IluCoirti11011--.t 1011 y. HAMI, otbl - ttit tiF TiUE COUNTY COURT, ANI) -q Cilf ei.iicr ofthe Sîuenogato Cournt. Ofie lit 160 Ois giso' office, Btrookt Street. % as 'V. PAXTON, Jr., dilcg iit ilSUItElt. OFFICE if Tilt C-OUIlT kcci1 il. J. SIACI)ONELL, ici ol ii& utfii iiIiE tOF TUEt (tUNTT lîid 1i euil. ficeimt the tCourlt Biouise. t JOHN SHIissu Iytuîn t r L\TY NIEC oFICE Af TUlE ci. C L IOAIthAN1i<s, .OFC I.* ýj ItOl uVslttN COtURi tFC thce loirt lImics uuua JOlIN ýGObtiON, or ilice (mll uf Onitlario. liecipi i l o .1 tO &ison W If.TESAc»NE. Icactisa IlEISfER ANDp COUNTYi CittiVN- lislt li.tc t lCou Arnîiî N s n 0 i >u GEORGE il. »ARTNELL, oiegimii lB.jt ATTORINEY, CeINVEYAN- loot p~ er ,tm., -e. eetiteouter J. Diimhdeoib' c lomi o:ltcmnutvoro Store, Brook Street Wibilby pitl -c-i idiiti MJ. V. autoS, d he iti -F IC -B OC iet, Wlmitiy, t. WV. h (iSe S. B. FAIRBANKS, rtfc ICITtiR NOTAI-l PUBLIC, A.d c CN. G. HSAM, an Aii .1llSTR AND ATT(lhNEY-AT-LAW. ~ fii lce-opposita tiltn icgictry tero, Itrorl $1 sulet Wil iitl>. d og,,à J. W . CORSlON, lu- D. IIEitI. l1I11YSCCIAN TOTiliEBOOR lyli Ilocpitkt - mite pli ecii te tiue New ne-O nýry l-lo et th N.roCu Y. AaodcouY rue îcuor, oli cll Lcun t i ppar Cauueula, dc. 2 IN ~ eîe-Meh u ollige, elle nue ulortb Il nieli SCOTT'S HOTEL, ute. 'ID iSSTiIEETwuIITBYFIIeC.TDO001 ooif Ea.itout W. ILaiogo Store. te-liv. ii ile W. CALDWELL BlROWN, deicisi0 IvEyANCER, cOMMîSSuONER FOI on-eut kinig Atiliaiti, A021ttoetnt Lmesii ount, Noitery Public ed tSseelAgent tcdrid lrtOfli-iii Street, neniy eppenite loged n-1tli llet oîitrocted tu lieC ce cvii 9 f ilOitti etteiideil te. 32 boitaiO ' 011 4DOH ILLINGS, ite ase %VW CII.îNCEfT dc COU VEVANCiNO Ir' ecO icie, Prieuce Albert. teeV~ A. MAuIR8, B. A., OtINET AT LAiW, SoLicuTOR Il Cluocery, Convoynter c. Maie Stre mse. ___ G. H. DARTNELLI l'UTT REGISTRAR, MASTER EXTRA- rdin, ccd ecceulier in Clsanry for unth ota etrio, B esî-t.. W IitIy. 47 JORN McNAD, c Cl oandj,)Torsute. COLVILL '& ISAMILTON, TceREY-i & COUNSELOM TS LAW ied Wing Minnesota.n IOLLIANTEmpESlT, li. ». ING 9STEET, O)SIAWA, CANADA West. 17 ISBNRTIUIIIAU. tint O)pCOUSTY AN IUPEBIOlL -orteBnd >ts8mooa ieCoauty Cotn- ICtITWCT CIVIL EStGIl<EELA"I (Ostete Agot Wtie MIhISTE1L a AT ffR1ý,KF AT LAYWe SsîlSu WIoIby C. W. > er t Stom0 tfR -ALEX. TIIOXPSON, IL- TlEE 42cSAZ0OO! RAILROAD MOTEL, BEAVyERTON. CtOD ACCOMMODATION B'ge" Stabling eand cefnl Ontiers alvo-Ye ~oînleo.C. J. 31. FPABElti Pruepricter. HURON BOUSE, T oEaiiersignned lins takenel lo noe lntel, T liiîhlnstîmo tly fStc il uil ichiuit moruner for thue oecniomluîiioii of th publie.- Ooent utaltieug, fine romeyoedilo-ri t ttoion palte mtauuiihomice. tý Tiuo mnt vin,'. liuOTOamI cigare nt tie unir. WILLIAMTICEW ItutirIeu AlIERICAN IIOTJEL, JL-é 0OTICE. AVlNG pnreniueti thsecteire stnck of IL. I nolls & C.,w aBndditionu ot re A New Stock, _ff vo nlatter oeiieelvethot wvocarigionentireati- F-tionnto lIlun ony tai-cruesvitluas col. jOSEPII IIUCKINS & Ce. Brookil, Nooctoler tI, l1857. 48 BLACE'5 IfOTE LI (LTe eOiowmG'S,?t nO.n IOcn ee,) Corer e f ro l ndbonde, idreef, lf11dbj. T 1lE ABOVEWE IKNOW, AI CEN- EAST WINDSOR IIOUSE,.WITBY9 vni. .%aîeooi, ronrouIen. P IEubose Itotel ltutitdl In a plencani and J etuireni part ofthe Toven, on the front todt. Gonot aeceinioatinu 1r trîvelîe. GCentf Sttelieuut and ttentioe otlers. 2 RUGIt FELITZ, r EÂCIIER IN MUSIC, TII -LOrgie, lPiano Forte, lorinony tlrongtuBrusn md alkieudsofe String Inteoruments, in preparedtet reeoie a liw morneîenpilantathic ort netutue. 4r J. C. IANCoCK, fWltOOT AND 5120E MAKE1,M1 W'Iitliy. -onetîdeîte toerder oet zoeil Matrial, eand Iy cxrtteiesced veel-i non. Alec rrpiriog idonc iitii ieutrt'end a leepatelu. AIIERICAN nIOTEL AIE & PATFTERSON PROPRIE- mooý,crest' YongbudaPronit Strecte. Toouts, C. W. 15 O AKWOOD)l, W. BANKS, PliOPRIETORt Godlacctommuodation for trovetîtrs. 10 P.SIm. CLA4RI<, siio01111 &cC., h ERCHANT TAtLO>ut N. 74, KING ST ,' W est. Toronîto. le 3IARTIN'S (Litn WlhIic) OTEJI. y E SUBSCRIIIEI IIAVINCi TAKEN TIIE nlos-o itltelft-ouît M. te-le, 10 able t9 nf- JOSE IH NOUIiSE, (ttEtl<TWiEI.FTiI DIVIS CO((U= TOF 'n)Nortt uiiio erlîîîîil nd u Drtîîîîu, lniiiranect Cret, cii miieei, dc.A(itIrems-illinilo ONTARIO nIOTEL, *BitAN Ir, lROPIlIF.TOilUOiCI CsStret, itltliy. ti.00dtablijuiransiatte- TII E Stiloceeleco are nes pep0ie furtn 'ie T lelli thue Isoroies cf the 't, ei,. Brewury il ait oie uiht rtoricle ue ulit hq uIIitieul i' sucs htnucqummed, aeudlon tereni* tuosait pue Ilîmilie.1leotecqualtthUeeiie-ed atd!i. iM hmuîy, Rx.Nov 1. 10 .ti 6-44w'. ALBiION HOTEL, 'eAST MARKET SQUARF TOCEOITO,- EU J. SMITII, i'roprietor. ixucelleun teo modaion. Every attention pull 0thoecesuft et' teuiellere. il UNION STATION IIOTEL. FO(fOT n(IF TORKEST.. SECtOND IuCUSE f-nDepotUniuon Station, Toronto. Board, $l ParTdC>. ienls nlcte. ()oel ual- iiiîgW. OSIIORNEF, Rh Feaprieter SEEDS! SEEDS! F RESIt IMPORTED GARiDEN &o FIELD Lsteý, wrrunted geol t JAMIt L. CERRIE"', DriegSoe, Wtirîy, Apmi. 1, lu60. 6-11 MALT VINEGA. M AL.T VINEGAR cn nov bbadin horg or enocil qecntities, atlhe W hitbv l3rewerv. DAILY 'STAGE BETWEEN IVHITBY AND LINDSAY AND WHITBY AYD BEAVERTON. IlASCENCERS-emsa teicitincOugis (ra p it ter pîe the a»me dey. r;eui teus freears gomls« esiand vast. N. RAT tage mie. sasîyte c -ATLAS lIRON WORK8, GHARLESVALE &Co.9 B 1C o tefersatins pllieUathtUey iave t cetsree5iî.5sexlseo mat05u o rseyIniUse im.smes aate aow et-ary te og ee Is.lnamm c A&RCITE7CTUBÂAL WOP.K, Y of svey dnoêrpîea C;;d-àen aSrmi Buter Apea e5 a mu il I u eti . ntiI pmrs'iti01 oe ier, mul lauAlphibr caul laviof Cie iliolmeilAne iunin OLAR.e Ande ili t' iecnfitejrul. Ahr litian ssue or uî I jre nrote ci inrueilot le un0e' $00 er ige; $0 tl lint't nu ligerat fdr$20 luter Pe;tutof Ad aPagee, s'%nor ies orf l vii îe. tu portmuieiion l omii t iéilsr Ateind wiuit' s7 Tull-ueiniesciii euuueuuîu leto sin tuefpi itbr, muid enclose uîîscriptieîeo anud avertim aient$WteIL. IIIGINS, ChîluoieO tffite, IVluithl G.LOBE IIOTEL. lBROOKLIN.- TIEF UND)ERSIGNED TARES OCCASIO te retueu l eIuieretiml, tidle potinl maid the traehtnir Pnblic, for tIc lititroPaie' ae estodeut tobinusince le ceomoiecuî iiîliiso nt hlookiu. 1n d-uitg iso Iidnoou mei munt>fnion(lo-Olet ne effort wili lie epic ou1 is arot ta kecp op the eurter of cL (lob i; île rtofere, foreuiut eu ilifs lieote in tis cpart of thue Ceotr).. ins!im l eaine oster, i.. le atteodonce, 1,I laeid busoinen s oeiM VIe feeL lrîttisg psny l iiSuktlBird," eCci fereles Cie ciOUnetn théesîtbe. Ters cnrs i$5, fer tueloeu01, oinlîetoleop è% C. DAWES, Propriou Itreoili. Moy 18cee.1 EARTREWARE. WnONET ficonoPrsaott Offers1 gial inots ut' fartlmeovorseniet'iîc scd at hbl octtary ln Pçeecnit, At enSeity 1 Prisas. THuOMAS MOiODT Agen-,Siluette N. It. lerciute antiDeaeers viiilsnd it îuuesi alitage te iospüc Mr. bloogntS'Sm1>oo îilengest Il, WIuhIy5astIexumneMlis t efoc're rondlCit expesnipoelu WIiiIy, Nor. 17, 1850. 08-w o:>To the Af~td-i TUE CELEICATD GERM3-AN OIL "us drissoaiaitkmodm 0f 'rb Wa15 mescat » tesRaa a1 otiSm 25 to Sots EU Awsorditete s!a- Tiso0"1 vill cuesan f' osîssoI n le fiîseî lrenedy fer Use ILORSES & CAI'TL] HE.&LINGOF ALLWOnd Iatftotd ce atlsole.~' sarliis sud A. ]LzowLme -Pislsrint,O WMn.bhy, .T&mL.24, 1800 R de m u ms! i iid s t ids ernOs rail~ Witin cales Prîsted worigroat thongints asduitotirtng lnd4sstry, ws atlvocat Posces,>Progireas, d froihsrhoot. ~T1T TV GEORGE SIRADAZON, ( 'ONVEVANCER. COMMiISSIONER FOR , tloling Atltdnrits in tine Quoeii'n Bondli, &c. tick, Broci C. W. ROBT. CHECKLEY, Mf. D., S URGEON, ACCOUCIIEUIC, &c. CORONER for the Conty f Ontro.. R. J. GIINN, Ml. D. ~URGEON TO, TuE COUNTGÂOL, S Btyron Street, Wlitby. T-sIBoMAS DOW NINC. loin Rcii0emid'Itioel iup, ciel eooraiet in a o Snt oniferiatte min- % Wltly,) Iropitor. esuct oints ccd uier by tlue prescrit occnpntu. No expeiarlas liines. Sproeeeemlioefe rrlr.Ieu epîred i tinento l gucotoandl viitors Gecon StsIliug, enud attentive-t Otîe-. 7 ao ctet. EDWARO & JIBUER. The lent brouIe cf tTiottiiliiics oad Ci- AitlDRAPERS, d& OUTFITTERS, an lemy ,îd cooenin ld. gndeîî T King Sitret, Oniuav. fCe itemee' ga- Tliîrt ioo itnîtel inthe cry lieort el tIc ioneell eenOplnnpcd eut iiithil miet fnntîiueus-Tonuof Wlitly, aoe il 011btifoîîîti la i c île Style-. oea- ý,nt eoenienost nopîiing pinte for faooer suad THE TERRAPIN. toveloers. JMSBAK rI C PEOPREÃ"ffO0F TMUS VEL înes-n Saloon aeme no tom. ptinol C SH F R R DU E tlîo oht ST. NICIIOI.A'S. Etegstrect, 0TASHFnReoteCÉ (forinerly kept ly Me. llMarly. The preoises love gien ioyrenoreteol tlroiugtout, antI -Tino Undeenîgeed mn prcpartd te litted t-)Oin tîhe lirt tyle. Evti-y urcuabllo detiency i nena. A igne ilions Stesi up c p y (JA S l F pni e entivlol nonelit thîe boni Iraus AA S FO nos pruu CARLSLE d& McCONCEET. OyqJOyc QUINNS IITEL, Whoat,1o.r1oy, Poas, Oats, &c. N.3, sAtLi-A-MT-î.LOi-MEroEr, TIIOMAS MOODY, î.OWEP.TOWN QUEBEC. . C~eomiion Ag Sgr eoe tu the Steasuleii loiodinq ndssii.te SALT FOR SALE, CHEAF. the Britligt ouerice.n )m4ree Qffce.45jl neRXVELLERS AND VISITrOltS te ths An- W!IitItY, Sept. 28, 1859 t c ient Ciy of Quelleccil Sud siprior ne -____________________ enîuî,îîodetioi CetîMoerto l îîrgeo nt tht ulbove liotlci The lînîcl îs vcnry onieitiyitatnted Ne-w Taioring ]Establishment! -eertîe Suîno,Sleoii ýa hr- adpein- civl lienspldrtu of the Cty. SIPSON & FERGUSON. filue eaille anudbar tire eîeîpliel co-thu eVe"- protiriiîloe iolle atiie drialcîtule. Violtoirs vilI pESPECTFULLY nnnoonce to theo in Sui ecery attentionî pid 1intir ole eeeort Raidi hbeitants of iVlitby and surranding ciiiiiltnl ery iiiiortuationtîuIld diruotioui as oetie riirrioeîiiig Incalitico, prinecipal îîliftn cuntry, tbit tîcy hare opencil a of et«Ori, ey&c JOIIANNA QUINN . Taiior'e Sinop on Brook Stretc, 18 Prseittoir. opcsite muse iOnario Ilolel," inlucet ni ________ - enters etrustedl te tîctoviili c donc w iti loromueTronk Rmiitiiay ntoto eaness andsi ocie. (îotidSe of Reiirehi feiet, Port JCABS1.) Wliitly, Oct. lotI, 1819. 6f. rrIEUNI)ERSiINFI) IIECSTO INFORM---- - L uc àfrieunîencd eîlttii pîulic, huttliiier- 11W nS TUIE TElE. ofi poiocel i la ie otetl, thue hIisîc-uuie if 11Ii ihP iel future ici ry iloehic owil GET TOUEL LIRENESS AT iecillotI Liqtiiero, iues mid SBrandies, Ciciieci&-3. J. A. Clark'@ Isi Prise Pictue Galbery Esclteni tiliii-coefilattetisn fe manîEî etf di deire aoosrreet anu life-lile Aîîute andlhliee Itype, (soocoti-pe, Lettergnepli.orse (thtI, JOSEPHt RUE]SOTTi)71, "Teiiiiife, oc iLitcrio luen a Leicet, Bronele oi Proprictor. hiiig, lie J.- A. t. ceindo it isntîoeluit tyle wliltiy,.111i ut, ot. uc6oeaniiintuort lotice. W ILEINSIONS BLttCK, AIICTION BUSINESS asBieicSti-eni W Sel/i ATTENDED te lsqisoit, ti J. C Sterling. A AIleor er. litiegilheuAtiriioil.Illeuuirche iUlIderiimeultiiibcltel nt tlitCiîroiietOf- D I R E CT O R Y ite, wI thtty. teinolicoîimodcMayenlioffer ord imtieuietuiaupoin imtuO s eoyufeale, O otere, andlui1 enote iuio ,S;eitti ecroriu irnmumggeieits relttiiig toine' ieiue ontoi,ile$ -, anttý>il' ,coleidr ropr ndIILILZI4.i lU Y 0F ONTAIO, shv ,îa,,.miii iiii o eeIicy oieeae eteomr J. STER »1';- ACi1îtedirectmrc of 'ut lotiity -f (Oc AL ion oll e puiirhp hytu e,,migc Il. W. iWOODWAeRD, e.1 dirilu Inhcimaiîîtt of Nouitiernemuent çiiliticîttN ItECtANTINeUliAtt ilti cilîl au lpîcottirtoligeC iiitte et, Ct) IMIi iOu ,u IECtIu. TItîc-.,UlelN r' hue., llî.uehetîlrms and tîndltietdLcrain tiý oB ilp;zt A hiit>' w. c -tmim cetilgicNier if the Loto 1Iloie i tiecoiioicoion, or eStreet in ilvilc cdihilil hcutiftruile. lice -e W.Ic. we îttirthe townsh~lip, theo odît K0% SI Manager, Btankl 1. IN. Aueueie, Torncto;mmmi lIme iit donef tut riminitroil A ie %V \. -Ralmoi.i,, Man. aiger Quehctuejuilk, ctiity'hiffitut rgCornueMilîers, Client: Tornto;iuW. <Canmîet, tcq., StihicueMille, To- n(euumt Iliiip 1t icll-ilir. TfIe (ouuuy unihd reuîuî touion. .Melilil, Pi-eoimtei t Bank of Moul- ig - * - y .illiI ni tel, NltteI;i Ste-mrd. Mittoil, TNluo &dc dc A i-ýt f SuppreimtcnIenito. Gtlnieir ici lliitctinii,Torobtoese- ".Auîlcr;Evan Rcus Co,îàcSluu eol Triiere, Sehl SettliIc dCo l Siecr-l M stn. %W. I'riceo cBn&.um-Te"t""n" m d -.A Poileaîuouupoptilitii, lecTutcor. h. J Noil cCe uî ~>olecî îtoeultip, psnilmdescriptive -article ni i*uitIcThepopltioun of ttme eoeMl toumo au- ALEXANDER CAIIERON. rilaireil thc Cu niy epmîtirey eromugrdil - ltîtimîiticalil nier, wouu lit laietoiv deocil) CItIEF CONSTABLE, Tawn cf WlitIy; i îiouî e lmeMîaifmnetuiis of the Coanicy, Raid c al -iiCeity Coiutalle, C. . ci aet Cr on list imeaseulproductse Alco B i, _____________________ -- Of tlimelsot t-lice., Post Mimoic-, bhou îîi WLI+isr Dseuvse it0 rotica dc. &e. *Wîhiby row rylea'Boo.k w ouI -i oliet 100 ÇOlltc1 uts- . - .piuriofou cts-eiiiiilq1tIb-.. CANTON ItOTELe DUFFIN: CIMER PICICEIING.000f D oteciiiitiitiiiiiftr Triomllürc W. CIJfIIBERT. PIIUcANIDEitIM. CLARK, S(lt(-NSITAutLE, COUNTY ONTAIZtO, - a uI iu eotor et' .icouîses in tue M unicipalt- y efl tte Toocîl of Wliiily.t HLENitY HANYNADI, p 1..AIN AND OlitNA3tENTAt PAtNTER, 1A W. nI BLLIN<iS. RIOTEU &- Atf1EE'YAT LAW, lAi ii iioicrv, i Wiiy t-- ulie'cotiunBuildigoii Broîcl-ot, Wliitby WENSEIO ,tUCflONEl.ttCFiOlICAN AD.% IFWst ,lIon4hieosevice.toithile ilili --f ueiuir mi ni urlîî u iieso , to eît- tend , u>' tjtjiqin Iîîiertomt 5c fiirie ierîîe in m uid timon tti,,at a rcaeiumîle 0stiiie. Ateieit 1850 JOIS M ETCALF, 'L.RK <eFTitE VFIIi DVISION COURT, cieoemîprtieg ia heTôwlsvimip BrOekl. Ad- rte maueiiiu.14 FRANKLIN MtUSE. LINnSAY, c.v. B F. .1 tiVE~T', uIOpuifITO. CONIFOR- >. tole coiemodiinfor Tmxeiiere. WllCl,y,.Iau. Si1187.1 A. K. ItICE, G ItET MttUPIOL.STtItEIt, Odcc IlernIsailili, B]pnon Site eV l'by a- or ~ ~ Ic -Iegu~sai olnlollcd f jmîl- eiig mu nhlcIniLît t'Fîstilr kndsldt Àiiiirtcaeiingty rnu tel. t- RAIl IOAD IIOTEL, PoRT m-inox R. LARME,1seeniiliiiuitiot l fnav.lIe.liOmiStidîl1nulandattenticco 02k A. PRINGLE, 1EtCiANT TAILOR, BROCE STREET, THOMAS DEVERELL,- B 1 ID EtR,&o. dcc., GRENRSTREET, LISIE FOR SALE. OONST.SNTt.T ON IhAND DURING TiiI euiitinii.teand Sîeuuunee Freohi u Ri Lune, vhielvii 1 frCbc il, ic petrBarres. MATIIEW CA&RL 7 po1>rt W/i/il ROBERT SPJIARS. C IERKi AND TREASCEER OcFVill Tîtîîillihiot' Unrie. Aildesas, Uxîrudge TISE ROSSIN flOUSE. eeOILEei0or i-OeKANDRINGîdO tt sBse, vo AC. JOSLIN, PR0PRlETOl TI Aa lotel hi tino laZrtIOlnte lurorluceait, poesc ailities fer ortiig cporlor aeoe e19icot tno troetvolinfg pshiic. qeuat te th lýet omnhaobeel, or te &mDy otluer aotaàbis nient on tîs Anorlesn Contiuent-.2n TROIRAS H. PORTA-S, 120Eat f te Ctbeiml, iroto. Cmai westl.Appreiecr, Aseteoeoetr, ArbItrstoTjlos acd LamedA outantI Osuorsi oemmuoci Mereient. Ch stitny onmt dot-iucud o Mtmroîuain, Furnitoors, and otler prepoeu ceiusigned lhem mie. DEoONsi le un cf aegesd axs, cas hu i. tls oeen tue rPlyiicta île sndersige ec'o lllby FoondrY. A se rerd on ti cer i. .notice. Wsreslcd Ce teei. CLARK BUTCHINS 12.4in Aaeumakor, 1Wbitb. -WuV W. LEÂVENS. NEW 3lLLINxEy ITREý BItOCK".: SWhitby. 9 WOOL CABRDING. eid EetaOeighticikerinf. wool <lardeS nt Sd. parlb Wliil, tsyOdL. M I . K -hty Ma Smith, lut. 1ANUÂTUElER AND DEALEM 1 .7-lamn ssi i, fTebacos; ml-oWhil ali as nStrest, Pmsr 101 PrRlet M arel ath., la. v-a W mft-WUZGAR t INEGAK f1I1 Tu 55Z OS làe' saete lutibre. i.bSmiOPfItbeuilP5iO T, ,it 6d jid le Ia lse ou Ave ils I NO. 2 WIIITBY,. C. W., SATURDAYq JUN',/1860- 1 V iliLde 1 v 0 Criet. Crono,c lerniltîo,ICo 5-0e ltlni bCaoi. . DR. FRBD. DELLSNRA.TJùt"j'UT,-Boyol, o Co.....o0;e0Cenming,... l DR FED ELi~B tTU,~Meolo ,eon nt..O rMûn. O.. OF 1F fliN Y, heEdiior of Lite <Joktittli. G-pl&~. lteut . 0F UFFLON.b -sterlingj, tiitnped Cese.0 b Stewart . AFTER on xtnpreecdoeted eneeesn l pentice, Gibbns, oaltartrees,b Coc,oIb Ce........ ro aothIpnty ric nitng, ot t omrena CoySinnot ont. .......-5Ie Wholer. 5 cf vertlltyycss, ingtiootrotrin DAftSic Oosso ni b Stewart.. frionds liiiail parte; et tlîe eootitry, lies cconent- On Satorday iant, a friendly Crick--11 cit t e ttne toe edient prepnntions4, cpi't et matcht vas playod letvoon the Green- 32, Byck 5, WidessS. ..Il vinlin eh in asbestewed the cere and knoovledgick o n xrig lbo b Cie ya3 be1vdn877 ofh lneg exeriende, noid han lnft thcn wth o n xrdéCus'-nýteCikt yn3 y ,wds8 tise differoent rgristi, form'e. ,Te thes h roo eUîilg Vlag.At eleren a 1 are esnnidvil0lcDetrtebignem'coka . tins icicets vers piliee, Onoetoa........0 -emite otteers, it le lt'necessory toany, * Greonvood ................16 tln bls oryas pe ie o 1ù ,0 ad rêwô tigtente UOntUx lxlidge Total ................tic 11 te 5,00perions, ond lvnyovýA iththet ogretest bridge'i-.-. adCetaigiO nvle............,.........4 acesn. Cerstiethtare hiOed otler msellant b gos, nt-tovardte tnd -CGre tng lite - foeTeftxbig mari, yilded reedily te li n taitlent, o arl oslat cdnlaoiGreOTbwlng Wlen thne matcit vonbeoken op. Tins seins cerne dily (rots heodreds ef tiles ta be alterosteiy. Stewart mode smno good bat- poaiiinaela revo ol enreil. The Deetor,Inooveri hanot t ba b eg to tins cfar flac-eewod wul he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tn tteet e sethte tîîenî~extrao-dinary bowling o ac lave been tins vineere ; lot il b te le lo- tion, bot linse put up tilt ,odieiie ln tw tt donald, vIe it mot be adeitted, lsa agood eeîo a o icdrtnigonoe wiiel are noinleîoed t andl n. The nu nnbor 1100 bovlor, but msiller deceptive-to the latter. iave occurred, particui. Arly et tinis stage of BLOOD PURIFIER i. Stewart scçieîd 21-and vas then ron ont the m-t-h.Ilaaîe innetadg Snpeier teate pneet extraet etf Saroiltio1 -Cou mode tovo geodý bits, aid crigS vi e ejennnmn Malle entireiy sôfmets andbresbe of tlisi wi finii -prmnetbot. thi arl for -igi oildiitriem, the lest peepeetici eof wichi vas rmn aut-Basconoand Wieler voTe inefriendlymoait esay lercaeafie bplaycd le. m r eetnietrdl by ile.. îtire ev ateiintes] proieces. pnssession cf thc bote, lut did littie eccn oontnstoeon mt 5,l o !inteslo.reione as an a ctive inyce tien ; for tino former vas caugît oit by tics to Greenoeo mes, îlney leboved thIces on the Liver and lKidnoyR, expelliog tereîroin île liMaby7 iant"asn le vas,. facetiensly selves rcry Mailly-vîils tue disconsion wvs sit morhid emtter, thus bi ging into action ail calicd, vten le ladoit ade but lore rc. g go betveen tins Umepires and thoso thie orgno tttny lare come nei lti T e slatter wvouOt bon and moy bn relied on taeonre irer Comepainte, w"legleforepale inck- and emipair<s of the Eîene, leeie n- et." Hamilton andI Basîraes nov te vne enka p rt in Ct. semptils, J)pepiei. GeelrolDetslyl ou m thîe bas, lut tley fsred1ittlo botter thnJj-Yoor C.tr ROWN oceg, 8cMfoie, .-RdBeuM Peie.totrme, i.W .B roeDefliiy, ryqqiefne Iclhglmei,mS, 3'Wt deatieir predecesr-for île former vas fine. Uxinridge, Joco 4, X860. f anu d oilAqe5îand aoil etbeinetn solîchlc y cagitby BoytIwiee le lad added jont . -sae-- Y.i1Vî Obrhir oigîli 1 nadanorderait or imopure 2 te tino score ; and Bentrano vs os le ITise Cattie Pitegue inle 1w )ngiaa.î- oInte ofblood. Itie of a trengtllîeling ntire, bbnocdy.eBl' so ble l lr- its Alarml.mg Lteracter. mît owili îDevoiroenken ne pro t totoe ld-out yonofMcnad swbleatr The nonîber 2 le B innhlamde 6 rues, Steiner ano Covan FEVER MEDICINE. ~nov took tino bats and came ot nil, the (rn h ecYr lrii. And mcont never le tokeî xlt inconneettoin tiret hbisnoagîit lyCrane, Bnd ttentctinler Tn atedsaol e in oito Ne. te ilI th. i, RateîcosIeonee y RA IDI- bwe yMcoad uoii lwihb xselteefruwrso sotatise, nU kied of Fverleai A osa te 10"9bvet yMadnad nmigand visillsonxinst dtai hee e - UCaidc se#kM f (eldg, sidl oU îanec, v4tîee Càrocie iarreikeyîainig theIbts, commenced ayeretlcnieoanItnta cn "Aoir t-These nudiinës wyul affect CURES, Tmn frets cee cf Cimn* i u on alarming extent an ta cail for an extrg ntrenorîlo frontîoeefort oltCtîe body ti atae oovthdiene a re ad enogte Manstinstsjegi om G -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~mn *tUnr. Renicislo andhomme lits, o Ce-m eeigcin ascbsieLgca te eecs enfilo, benie out-Charles Goli 0evtank lis place-acra esrake-on temnjetingdaoneoy Nbtesieilic oare preporeet ly ( LD i for aF001>added 2 ta ties core, and Barreikeli 1- vîloviBnkbs-aonedin origcnist nuce DoLLIENoÂoUG, wobas Inntiuid inleBui-fihwl cfud ncrClmst Slluovner 27 )-cnrs. vben Macedonald sent nee of lin ligining morn-ing. Tisiprac1ftn c To preiînt troil. a correct likoenese of t'le balle into Barreikcy's viciet-tnis en a dome impcrtTnce ofth oa 1-Dnctnr !in o tîo orîplîereofecotibaille anmdom i. Temporaneaf tin ov 1 -,Dr. Fred. Delleîîbutn h & Co., Sulto, ;4. Y, ded tbe iret Inninge àkn 44ruee 2 llyes Ilovo ln thcge D ~icetiioii , n sveîuamk as a doneestie animai, for itesepply of miii emcli lttie. No. 1isie ciiifer oc1iprîinlii* lutter, cleesoibef -ed'voca o No. 2 for 7.5cents. Witt, tîîiesin ileplnotic Greenvood nov, vent in-Pcole au lecoerestimated. AI'diseuse iberefore [i tlîey are offcreid tînpbie îlgntheleMacBdonald taking the bats. Stewat-t suniovicî oveepe it avay in oocî oerni vîrtnes je reeoiiiiieniig thlclesi. For Coe bowling. Polo mode a fine lit, frets i atIcnm nietagrstebu sl y JAS. il. GREUTE, vinicin lemode 4 os, and tIen anotler, aofetîle santyyti osoncl miii, r bace Sole Agenit ltiltty. frets vîinieh omode 2, anod vas immediate- &o., in trnly formidable, and '«CeonsIon - Wlitîy, Sept. i4, 1859. vWi& 8 1-Y ly aller stomped iny Coe. Reiley lIen-n.te ovcry man's business andI lesoni."- Britnin norrcanferad îleoarson, bat linandtI, oisared no in a rcry prnper sobject fer a Coiorner' Brien erte Circuler Dotiuerv iter fate, fcr le ladoitCoy made 2, vben message, aed il becemen a mattar of dot ry Fac advertet, Ag o, 22 St.inlter akiltor vent lin vickets before one inîcet to tino vIole qommocity, 80goas thn Franois evir SteetIllntrelof Stsvart'a roond band iballn, viticinvery vcoe lsdoeio aeieapi a- Canada East. weee lcdSeprmkat pe r -cadrbldnm'ctiorscfîeance is aporticolor îocalîîy, prompt Me, Ilstib-oriber rcspooîfotly ntificsotate loreevwoodies. Cranen tankReiiey'n place, ocres may le taion ta arreit its pregreci p,lie tliet leo ,învpîeparod tn recoure bMacdonald gav-othe bail a tinundering batA r4 e ti efedt 1vEga itriers for l'iîtini', Ailddremsino înuit Ditrihii- Atîle air, ovinero o ew ngan îiu Bills, Cireffiere, &c. e to ltiig Placardts seeding it coursing tîrooginheai, o e d cliefly 'Massacbunetts m;lbut none ci nIl reecise qAdvrtikcînento for linsertion in' tt wvsîvery nsml cuh yStevart.telhwsoisrags j xen t tvnrione tCitr eni Pro ileiol Jounnns. By othebiat.oThey cooin y alonfnontCrvreanyexen ,l tue Bcyd tîs bat.c pTIcarattiaegecfiCratan otiner States, andI ati, tiefore, ougint1 Iy ileoIoeo .ltbsiionissAgents, ormi 0 l'or vas very go nd flo t onfortnnate- le prepareti for ites frttappearanol isiiii t*er tiie, eli, nd tevoyiosre y ferline, le roîsed tine baliigi totearsnA inl orintsbgiiemoex teoigtioný Upper sd b%-rCan,di,tln.w île Iteefortineneo, antI ieyext ser l'raviné", and tenUntot it.tc;, ansonfor tehaeaditilsdescent it feu inoap 0tiep u.Tiog 0tntefrsm the dolivery nf. Circuaitaon Qiiolee, Kititeoe, tins bande cf Hlamilten, vba iteld tI ilrmly aqhplgeTegrts fotsm Tîîorîî to, inîlton, dc tîne offring ta nil-e wîîtndu shec it bas spread orer a vi le exteet. Oamang lin fingere, nt htnigthe Tedsae nIc apaaeadefet ticte-an i]i-Itrliso-Wirli'ic tu oteeroregellai n iodi.ei nntpeeneaaoe lue %soiii!i ii eliciOy licrilueir iricic- tioging sensation il pradoced. Cranîe ad- remblea pîeura-poeiimaoia, ovhich in ili ,noitil o eriîiîî i1 epoeioansi efdoing e0, ded 5 te tino score. W. bIcCelloogh o kte s c ioe eîaeo ioIn ci- litîlcgeieleie ig Iitinie. troubele asd epoue. ldrplace oneadf motion ofthîlnîog mmrn fh u ti.Aeieiiitobeiîîg now eoglelted hoe ,plaeBye made adiv a ne-.ctendin-' te île substance cf the lion OC lego tosolicit froine ,iilciy Conu1înies, îter- Ce'a 41ffnzy balle,"' and sent it lad lno t Ole.Te euirt o ti h i- eliiuît uuiî iiiorcT oiee _oe K -Coe nbdimcl o beuechagrin, andIienle.Tn euirt fi ai creai lotcotlieoetroiiootiionof ot ilneOlibliii- J is gei seLerifgiu r pdmcdm ur coc, itelie îgg lo asoirt iotes il be c 0WV édeffigit. Gree n exi toni île h in h tn er e, ieor erai,and mcvr 1- iciil ciesi-i i. oiii;ocisiiy nildc balt, andI mode one 2, tlree l'e, and a 2,i itamnbrusetîrylo cn sd ItttoroIiisoil tîltt ie nlis10 loang ogi a lbr"b n ,fo's ver, or tino plogne. It appears ta le al i eicll fi l on noeciiii ovill t e M o nere nti 4"fancy balle," oedisg lin vic et to tine veli in nve plagon cf lin vinirin IfS ýt Pe,s- iltbuiinoablloilta given ortire satin- groond. Sterling, (or île Baby Gient, eciea n ftn e lge a- lationii.01t ecieasoeoth eplgsc nie ROBuiERîT OiOORE. novr toci thc bat. McCullougI, after md- Et-dgmonts on Pinarnain; ccd if w id iuEcn.N*Csn: ,ditg 2 te île ncore, vas rue oui, and Gilla 1 s J. ODi "iil i' E1, (eeriîtocy of the Buoard toni ben stand. Netler le cor Sterlinioere supestitions, va migint regard il Iii e t' i eîîîilirimie' celumq. . mode anyîiing. Caseyv lianndle sescboett seWeDvi on tî.IenltnFqCeio ud evad ce nIGbeo esjudgenent oneue cpaliticiann fer setticg i nil uigAgri toitueùroid rîî,I Rilieiy oeî nnvtin las cf'~tin folicon"le i t and keeping op île anti-sllivery agit ip W Jitei8DoitEq, Nltrctoîtii. ioeings. Thîe latter, aflr l re nn tien. Authoritios attribote iýmut i E. il. Pîîeooîîo, Roi., 1Editoir and Prepritor ut van sent ta tino rigin-Bbaot-facc, lysa round ln otnaneo-r eahr n h 1.tcommîiiercial Ai ertisce. viaid hcnl centnnStcwaofdry weiinerbantI oin id _________________ inetIlaitfroo Stoai, onetieglis can bcneno daubitnt mttat im nnheaitinyf _________________ --et. Caney aIse mode 5. No. cf ruos 32 ; lînil man andI beast. It Manoclosei 12 THOM.AS MYERS, lyea.3 ;ieg lyco 1 ; vides 3. Total 39. Bd&o elnignrly l et a, LICENSEIS AtCTIc>NEEIt FOuRTVIE Alibande nov odjaurned te Pîcens ha- tmis Spriog las been dry -ioyoed aIl pi - COUIJ'TY 0F" 0N;iARIO. tel, and tlere pgàrtook of an excellent dia- ccect, witie lors tins season for île p le -- ner protided for tin oeccasian. tva esettes ucen île meut rainy eï or In th' e mesecond ineings île Uxbcidge ms. Wobrîedogti a a Frieprompt attenîtion onruesmmmmtle in o~e ac itl atclry e-clonettis las laitanytling te do yulh kwtric-i.ikcviec,God iiýzi nci- art, Barreikey, Bascan andi Cooming, buI~t toding tle diseuse vs caneet determm oft t'le îîîeîont %atue -iiiioi scavllea dietenAtestlo nprirSeegc îeGrewrees, Bot It dosenoct appemor te haveoroigies in ttlon o i t rSnTofoA. Slso îniiei sent manly cf tinenoadrif t vitlent odd *g it, se iLniode ils oppdarece oser love Diocufo ome hsee, liiocbonce andl Spavion, anyîiing te thesore. Tise an rah.,.mneîu ago. On ils 23rd cf May, 18câ are treated iitti perfect onccooo. daersig evioinyrntîi i7 Ailreon e In y Post: dsereinhHwvrte o teràseema te lhava bcen broughint miet -ITIIOýMAS MYuýil , scre op te 63, mhis tort 72 for tJreeevood Stato vitii an importation of colle fri Ancejoîn Ecenis, . ta maie, if îley vold vin Ile-gamo.. -Hoaot. Il hld preeioonily ravoged t nsu, uAnav. Casey and ley teai tine bat-Casey continent of Europe, parîienhiarly Geru ON Wlity, FsIruary so 89.cceeilen makiog 6, wlen lewsnbeau- l ns 0,i dbnvr on ifully eoogît ly Wbeler. Reiley vas sont stroctive.Ia cCartier aoem tei bc as mye Cod TO UONSIJïPiIVES acgee Iy a hlitfrots Cee, knocking lin rTien Sidtetructien as cîniera. irsvieket edise. Gibbs andI Sterling enter-' Tn tete fmeMnaioct lhe ed the arena, but tbeir soccreusevot vo- llainre vu a Bled taithesmotter ie its il the E V U 1JF~ FR ry flattering, for tle former made only 4, nie be hstws asdap who iitetheleaister madIe but 1. Boyd and igacmiso eivsiaetedsi Crans commeoced bttieg in grand tyle, e cnoeiotelvaiaeîeds -:0:-and initaomeasuren for ifs extsrminati Cts T11ll SUOSCRIBEC0 fer ctver.il pacocoaaTe- tefre ig1 agt h core, hywr moee ekl n ir te oLFdeit -t Asia, deseovered wvIlue elere, Ba efre dig1 oml ioi i f~ eeipvrdt iIadbr imple vegelîtuin reedcy-oicnre oc for Cu-, vas caugît by Stewart. Polo taking lie coule viiciners diseaaed or lelooged ontwma, Airtin,e, Uedihe ioCohÏ, Gde4, place-battiog beautifully-Craoo sent the dineanod berdn,andt t appraine îla valse t. andlÀ -esudis IteSiUty.Fer îebeneo lanf Cin- bail inta Hamlio's bondse, vbere it vas tins cttie killetI incinwore apparently taeineopthe d rinePue.Scfeesl c le ld i l dorone ilet"mecd Crans lad te frono dineae, in order tmat lIc owr - To llioiee whîn dcire it, le vilt seol the Pr- bave ils field vitinoot adding 007 te the migît le paid fortem, oui cf anxalp ecoripio, yul ffiît drections (frles e/ehargee eutog o nerdwt a «Ii'. . enmptc of thoenedioiic, viciehth aeyv il] ncore. fcuprgnnoîtteoaitnl tionof $tOmOOO made by thseLT fo uid a beauiiint embinateon oef Natiursa miiplo in bnd, andI mahing ocee3, vas rues eut. ptrotian 'o on xlas fur terIe. TIose ieeirieg the RcmedY cmobti acoadtuktebabtlottefield stiare ulthcoi vas r-or84 10 it ly votera malt, ai- ,ddressiegSfreal oitnsbblId îe O a Wd.yîecoiiacar-o 4 WJ. E:CUTIIUERtT itineut making aoytiiogfor Stevart sent e 21,32d Iltt lysiais, one cf lia "4Swillera" loto li& vicket, undItn om-àiinc a oo nyi N .41uodvy o. - ngfine eein, he t.Pmae 9 U p y raa ubscripionof patriotie VflUNG SIR TÂTroN! hos uncamgliîy Bascon, vinicin tinoGreen- pSe mapte foi u .11 fbutO$1,000 adi mone vooad Unpiro dispuisi, ieaaiiek s Bas- lcdtthdmouofherrÀisn . W g a su l 1 1 S i r l i w i a nit ' vee lu w a m no mrr e l te a t Ih e U x rid o l u b , foli e li s î- d a l n w s a i e o p s d n S c tîe ta t l c o to W si m ue : i r B ue Ie r f ~ t t hds ca a c t ti a tb e rq ase a i TtJ.SDY.le itpeerei t tiea asl ieu alac is imiin vat. s broies .Ion Ps- -4-. an cf LRg1iature teanlexc th rier li eod*dh% 1The- lateat neiva from Sicily rsprsoots ly theo NeApolitan Gcveremnent siofficial prorlàised the total routqof Grbllu forces, ly the royal troope. Â-furtner ielegram fromNiIapiles, a- nuances îlt atit. as te Neapolitan aeiay whidibldbouc ictally cdefaated by Gari- laldài; that theo Neapolitas troape bail aitondnned the provinces of Paierme andl Troponi, ond retiredl vititin the touas, mman tinot 30,000 insurgents.-lhajoined Gari- haldi, and Ueat Palormo- b.d bees invetted. A Vienne lotter stotes that tîrséeAusteain men-ofovar lid been sent to Naples and it wuesaid tboy >wcO' ld bring away ste Ring ine ocf a revolutico 'n ý1 Capital. The efibetive f~sof, the French *ammy L wil le enecesed b7 100,000 mec. in cou-, onactipt ocf 1859. Thne Parie- correspoondent of the Lonidon. Herald"-sayn tha theb. bject cf thse visit of. the Grond Doke Nicholes to Napoloon, re- lated to lIe:conclusion cf th#e tréaty bc- tween Franco and Rospia on tinoemteru question. andtI t this. treaty va. aigneil on tno lOtit ot. An important ptimpbIet_ vas to appeariia 'fParis le a day or lo e'shiit ey le j,' garded os an exposition cf tle vie tci cf the Hungorian leoders -on the preserit nenve._ m nent ogainst. Anstria and* tbeY doclare ltait *deolato tbot any reronelation uil tb.m Bonnocon f Hopninorg is inoposible. as Hungary henceforth monu foris a free neif-governed and dependent Stase. - Tno Turlisb'Governiaaent *as nid te b. tlking moanores ,bicn donotea semoione proencuions -,mcd vas garrlioning oea porta ,ei ie ld nover been donstinefore. -Theo ininobitants cf Nontenogro woap il prepared t9 toko op arm ta supporttin goncrol revoIt agoinst île Turks. Theo Porte questions the cotepetenice -of itheno eers ta institute theo inqciry*prooet a iny Russie. an In India the ocly political nova las.te- ru féeccota <Le nov franchise subontes whicln ir woro being extensively canvassée. r- Privat, telogran of île l4tn April bad 114 reoched Etiglînd, carrylof important ls. li tolligence that theo ultimatumn of Englandi- aand Fiance lad boen roýjected_ antd tltsi )w ilockades cf ai tino northern porte1 uiik à,tino exception ofSlnangbai. bied oonoequéMi4ý DY Iy incen estaolîbed, and tise*vIole sony e, would bc ready te m eiocMoant tlt oi f - rat April. at Ofl! Appontaenten Tt Saciaovaorr' Orrîc, , n' Queboc. 2Ond Jiane.l G p Ulic Exellendy theoGoovernor Central. bt bas beon pleoned teaniako the following mp- e.r poifltînenta, viaz:- eu- Alexander T. Bull, Eq., M. D., Associ- e9. Rte Coroner, CitycofLoedon. ad Jon %Y. Sontincron, of (3anvifll, Esq., ,u te e a N 'ciry Publie le lUpper iCon4d . lii Exccllency theo GreetePerGntral te bas aise be pleneied te grniot Henry .War. te rinofWitty, Frquirt%, M.D.,:'Cinaris et Hernry Donclly, cf llamultrna, Enqultr. M-' tri- D., Thîomas IL .Dz-puÃŽs, cof llmewsoltb, nyEFqiire, M. D., Edw. rd WilliselfucGoime nflBillont, M. D., Jenathon Woolverten' Marlntt. cf Jords,î. Fo-qitire, If. D., Adoi- ph piRIobillard. of Ottawra, EqjnLure. M. M., ansed Loisis ihatiel, cf Ottawra. Fi-qmirs, 'ir Nf. D., te enabIe thete te prarties PlYstle, 119 Surgcry and Midwilcry le Upper Cana- bat da. g fu The Ropr-'Wnlkosg ai. ta tnd Mons. Pe léave, vite. follcewing_ le il.e coak ovl f Blondin at Niagaroaoieee cf Bôm0e netoriety iy lis feaie ai Rorbmutr la- re cronnieg Geeae Falla onea tighit ropsé, thbo e 011tin 3ii 110gavesa ainsilar exinhiiW e in t Pattoroon, N. Y., % bice vas vias,Àc on by many i tonsand persone. Thinste see.t-, ýt. cd for tle Grand Ascension saa belov îtisg a Fall swbere tinsriivier passes tra iere gorge at lent six bnedred fret iînwidtb. ##e4c for ncarly îovco indre.4 fret deep. Tic'roe ,tts wovinirin vof nanilla, aod of tins seineo ter an ordinary inawoer, vans teetcined aqrom" 011e chlsoss frec itenar i.Thee otug ow Ma lte CuirtI te ttrp c"M'rs o loe tin." On tins ciLS' side it vs rore tîroeul' ns- a atout locri eurthe top cfa irse0tù,ariv ex- iltinhereqsired hWleint or level, qd as hli* ý;e boire tangbt and ftrlrty oocured Latesai. ledà nd perp,-nicolor nîneys cf maailre s-esv -~~~ .Ie nîno alinceil te nolar;oe cte reedet it 39, firno iand prerent. it-from i rivin ! r idr the lhe feet cf tine performer. In order te soies rom~ theeafahir t e esta ei ncibro" Lino fonte prote: ted tineentracre te ths grostnêf ina- lut vinilo inondr" la pad tineïr quarie', de. tlonnands vite did vnt psy, vitrmueiéd ith rte. fent fenoS proininent'paots le inlise elielc. horbttod. Morris! Moontitin wuacsr 4g u is spectaorm, a Iaere pc-titin of tItis lst bing ladies. Thin Ilan«V thîe windowe uia- acd top-of tle gneo-mifllte priait vares e an i machise-siop, ccssmanii a slow of th Blsecne. sors aura uwtI pople. It wu~ ail ettimatied mat ooarly tto ionsi ersona ,d tu itseàBe e- saigt. ,Fie t1iing frineç l Xe cf readinteus, Do ýLare made bis appeurane , i slorîly a&fer four o'clock. and miseatalt* rar IsMeer ubiol led tte startine-pnint on t5)W ppro- rapt. Ho vas greetel vitnieftrwlbLu

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