Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1860, p. 3

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dIeuw3m (prcu thic 'Lndcn Froé Pcre.) eail reooct lîcir311r. Broccucaca oiea tod nIamilten vitls- Mr. Hatohi, a ta genitleman., vas le bandu candt code hut litho cstrtch cf thei isagina- to ace bine potieg thes Boffalc Iraeol Il. thé clcng poin ta in, l3io report, ce ro- îfkiokcd Ont nE Càhongn. lb iesl-, elleci iesoallc.d cpnu te aituoce the apile _ foticu onarryicg itocîf te snob a peinît. rer te, caise an Part>' luceand 'ory, anI jet the ridicule ubieblsearicso f bloci.0 cgoea bcd ceght about, lhe Globe, ah, d b>' MGeorgco Ilrown,dcliberabely s0018 rk ta pt arguensa ioathe pioths c Ar eisen, -ta rcs tlione wtthi> wcp. againt the intoealaof Canada. Trhe re carronpondoncooroveala the facî that Unitedl St4teGoerumout snover bcd muater of the abrogation of the Tract>' or discussion, ccd tst nuy objctions ci, -they mnight nov bave againet its con- suce were furaialiod b>' thît gciét ccl aculate frioud cf IJplir Canada, Mr. c-ge Brove imsefI Wbthcr il je in Matter of tlî Seignorial Tcnurc,tlic dis. dIon of 'lié Unin, or evoc tie Recipre- Troat>' iacif, ccc ec that Mc..-.Brown boon rccdy te sacrificethle inîcrets t. dccc le Canada, if iy that meanne lie bctng himeoif occ clop neror the peci- lieo crclc. And yt thec are still a dladdomrtels abs ccc sec nothiog the psceet, Mot dislnlercoîrd cînîe- eip in ats 1115e Ilicai, aîd arc conil,> Il imca tetowcc tp tieir caps and rrala fr George Breon t" ]ExcuOption ta inmSero. Bill, entitled "iAn Atct ta Exemîpt in articles fro s eizare iii ontisfaction obt" vas passe1 leciîîg tIse tate nons- ccd incoiiecqiicntly coWla-The fol. ~ng arc the provisions f the bill. Chapler îîrcntyciglst of tic ardisan- of the Leelaluro of tbe laIe Province cvwrc Canada, paseel ln the secconsd of Hiec Mnlety'orige, is bcroby ro- i. se mccii cf Soction elle hondrel cnl d' -elle et cluaplor nîneleen oi the Consol- sou Id Ib* d Stalcîcsocf lJpper Canda as ex- la certains chules from, - cuce or -trilt cf exceeliien isee un- lptý tise provisioce cf that art, ic bords>' re- nd lbî led, ndl le lieu tiiereef tIse fellcving bcilfi e arc acbeliluted, and chahl ho rend er ecintel>' afler the wirn "exemptiiig*' Or n lue tii sctcion, înmoiey, i"rbnee valicli casn b>' liv exempt froc seitie roery, Sectioin tva hndrrl andl fufty-focr of 1eicddi plar iîrcîîîy-ont cf lise Conslilîîlcî fillil - bIes of Upper Canletuhr-ch> repeal- cul tlie felloaicg cubeituted the-efor, cI>'! "15-b1 Tlîe geel c onatclsex i-xci);tb>' ilaiI frem seieura, chahl not be tulîrîu ini ex- lieu celer an> arit freci oithic of tie Abet Sîîprrier Courts, or froe an> Cocnty l'li Te follcivicg olîntîcn lire leclaiel aipt fi-ou ceizere oîîtlr an>' Wc-iî icone1 tonide cf an>' Voient waleer lu îi provinoe, eh>' fluj -The bced, icdliîug cdie tîi-tdl ini -HI Tbe ceceserand cu rn-iinan>' wacong h re ofe ci'ue te> u ibcau usfneîyelr ia tie dobler anud bfi feinil' ccn; un ben, Oni- dioii cnd pipi-o, anul on cra fe uli - i puhieunloi o lbc ci s n se, oii c f ceebiieg cioînsile, one pair 0ricl n cgs and shîcoel, crue table, cix chanirs, e a îisn na0s si feris, nia plues, aie tri-- .1 suix ciseos, elle dogar basiun, 0one ar, tise t~ u e teus-uOt stc oiauu lu spcin- uyce whotn leri nul inu lasino le dicuas- ctl occ,aid, tes volsess of boolin, one axe, esa? s avu -cic gue, ilix t-rapo, nu'id otnl ceunlug cote Sece as are in commen usec efe AIl uîeciesaî-y fuel, ruent, SsIai, teuir s of île aegelnbbro, ectenhl>' protide1 fer fumi- bcc i ce, Lcot ucoeo Ilun ttubicient for the or-- hoe aui i-> ecoemption df thél dobtor aid hie rin il>' for thurt>' Isc, nd cotcccceedicg clie thue hum cf feri>' dollars. ne eni, four clîcp, tira hege, anul MC)AR therefor, foc- thrt>' layes Toche and imploseiuts of chiattels ar- cil>' uuod in tht Ichiere oeecupction le etaîld i value cf niaI>' dollars a, ait - Neîlîicg in bis al oontnie shcih auue it froin coietno iii satisfaetioni cf a f thie cctratol fer sci ilontical choitel, r cii y> article, onuiernatel in Susecelion c sab , four, flac or six of Section four cf acton Aet. ho hylîn oet> em [g maln~ if aehisk« hilrn. Dr tht IM lait tna lei1> t#% vilier. ici oe i sa liet jatten t .hm lb otho if 1 it £ ed e9ti1 i (W« ti- ai < 1 St 6WC ,Ogw aw iegte sc teri-ic tisuder tri of r rida>' t huaI tbe schooner Haninl, Capt. hilu, ccas tecck b>' lighticîe, viion cI feni>' umiecshilau Iis pout. The inl clati-,, thuet aille standing beila mon at he hc cel lic tu a et appear- bahlo cf ino as large as a mou'e bcnd a e euanticuîsst cuit deceudi oi eing îhuner late t eck. Ho and ceca trs partinîl>' cucel b>'tle k, litoe recaercl tbimnorne, e- y, excopt oe ais tich iafor heurse x- anct d acsh ensoin shin log. lcoiig îîhnft %aban tise iees cre p b>' tise ighuuing<s gînro, tise Cephain crc-cltise mantoîpmast shttcored, -e of and bncgicg h>' lie riggiung. ber examintilnu led tlateiedineorer>' Cie electrie cnrrent bal peet lave lIce emat uplitting ta tise cetr-cicra decc. On eaalieg lise deois itl it mail but dil no furlier damage tison cg acerel hîcica litich plckîg.- hlope Guide. ucRET oloeccr IN cccvTii.-On Sec- the store cf 1Mr. Joici Gocdiog, N. Wesingîen.oîrceo, Boston, vas bc-ec b>' blguhars, anud a stock cf calchie jeccili->, vaue tc h$t,ISI,cacried a-8aY, tiiecec leavicg neo lce hy abieh tic>' I ho Ieaced. Tht bargîcrl>' acc m- ed about noce. Amoeg tic articles easac-a about one heelereel goll waci- Oi-> vluale nd clabout fart>'ilser hie, tise waide raîccI ntabouht$5.000; diamond pin, Woc-ch $160 ech; frocs lyfive ta one icnd-cd gel1 votccis, t tiecscame nember cf ladies, neck es, lie latter vcu>' loneg h Ivo eccire a of ladies' filgen c-lgs, one tray of tmiu<5 sel rnegs, ccd a -artof a atitîca. It la aurmiacolItat the per- ors ocf tibo hancd cucceasfol rai- belong ta lue City. lia vcrioas c>' d*pota leadlug(frocs Mct ei l tiens, aera ycsaela>' lj w atcee ectouse n -aectace racletdo dat> wiilice>'qe ccclnet gti> ielotl' 'Wtiea tha oetrbotio-boz l-asitc (- À aenerelpreacoh rait the. West Ueel a collection s omewlist ase fo E>' 1%yChisrlticafricide, acollection he tatieeup fr tic. bacifi of tbe e n n ibe Sandwih IslandsAnd t5 e, gait th too peneaiuat«I Lt is vrillas je a quanîtcl Jcvieb mansisript nov in the Britishi Maseni, Ibat dh is ccet cf msiukind, Meiliceanl, dil net lieefas loncg as lie migbt havo dons. The vrilcc sayst iat Doit promiocd ilm is us dreaun tiat if lie svnutLdrise p al buld tics a bouse, bic tifc cleull bt pralog.el tva hecîrel >'oare. nuitlbe replied that il vas ecaccel>' coclh irbile ha bulc busce foc so short c peried, and lhe lied befere ho vas a Iluocehisd ycilce ouI. Tue Qiiebcc coerreponent cf thue Spec- galor aayo ;-The tirct at Quabea le ecpre' coentedl>' large. Tue cy. liowver, te 'e8tili îlcy coure." Eccc-y day foc a vcak past, EI hie bean teaDuram Terraca. and ceeu wittuin an lueur frane six le cixîcen fine resiele coîîiîug in, viii al Ibteir chai1- ding-cailatel. Labou serocourse bigli, nud ta-day va havo a atrike-lue mon de- iuaniwig12s. 6. per dicîn, incical cf 10e., eaubichtby erc gttiiii. Ibeef, . col, freiurageteblce, &-e., ar i-eIbicit la obtuiu cnd oîîorinouey donc. ,-We le ocdcceeribhd darhie, brin na Ereter Juva>'ohidiegusl, teoit oncthe bel>' cf thuo îî,iggcr Siinuhn, nîu edoland goco befere lis, cuitbal becnsiahtiîî oi te lie o uiggcc- aforsil diîl on thetilgit of tise fuiteeuti oh Noembpr eame le hie fate b>' fîsilue frime the sdiieddruser, char ce tindlie vue drooîuned, cul aftorcai-lesei sewsleud eu e îlicber ide char ire suppoe e hoe te Icfli 'The Princec cf Wale ilis cail cihi oco- py ahl ilii Jontrobl, lise rcileîuee of Gdn- ccci Wiiaims Sherbroeke treet. It 'le ho- icg fitiol ep for the reecptlon c orlte yei guust, w<aise sltcy lfor lcys lethe City. Ti e tecuea-mili beîcnguing ta 14r;T. J. Otyece, Drayto, cas bîîrcod on Sanda>'. An inuac-cecof $1,000S becnoat rover thee Tueleau f bc-.Jon Ilubbs, tcvasî cf iiiicer, wccc cuck b>' lightcitsg and bereed ta thie grocund ast Frida>'. Heugi ?Madonald, cocvict at the lenti Barrie Asc;iiec of tic mecdec cf hie aife, lias bol bic sntenOcco mmutcd te imprisu- ment for lifc, Richard Blond, a yosng mac, receeati> frocs Toreto, irai>kilîcdbIihtiiug in Rocsoba, Midleex, oui bociduc>'aftorucen. BIElLE. MeAf<ENZE-Oc the 24 May, lie vife of Mr. John Maenaio, uçcleant, lorîtcci, of c daugiter. TODO-In Feegas, an tise l9tb lia>'1 tié wifle of M1r. Audrew TddI, cf a son, M UlE-En Meetreal, onutise loch Mcay, tic aife af Mc. George B. Muir, cf a cc. AItRIED. TIIOIAS BIARPt R-At tuheo.S of M. Sinclair. Bcomactiihe, on Tueee>', lise 22nI int., b>' tise 11c. J. Smith, M. Phlip Thoamas, cf Eeni-ikillen, te Mis Annie Harper, cf Boccunecille. NASMTHMOEOWAtthbe rei- denecofthie bride'c father, on the 24Chinl- rtacl, b>' thc Rer. Dc. Hyfe, Me. Mug.o -Masmili, la Mics -Jane Maroi, bath cf thie ct>. MURRAY-flURNEîoiAcEcamilton, on thc l4th lmt, b>'the Eev. David Iagile te lIer. John E Murre>', cf Grimsby, ta Ixchfhta Vioroia, yccaget datgter cf hhe htc E. T. P. (brna>, Ecq., cf Grimsby. SAUNDESBRR-In Brokville, on lice 24ti May', h>'the Hec. Duncan 111r' rimonu cf lb. JI.hi a, Mc. Bolcin Baun' lare, ta Miss Ecîl> Bac-- DIED. WlLSONýISdd00i', oethle 26th lnt, in in ttIsYcar cf gm ith tic atcch, telic Hana-le Joie Wihson, cf Saltfleeu, farmerl>' Speaýker of tichaine1188Of As- seceshi>of Uppet' Cenaat, cf hici ho van tiirt>yeecu a meillbr. MeLeo-At tic realîec of Mcc. Cameo, Toi-k Mail, on lue 271h of Maey, ,cOgd 2o, yccr, Barbara MeoLIIwife of Mr. William LÀter, ced ccl>' dan.-iter ai Mc. Jahn MoLeol, farsuer, Ays>et, Stier- lad, Scotaie. WILIM,NONln ioroîto dc the lînt cf May,J. L.,WIlknori,,_ nq-, lote Pc-o- priator of ColedoolaSpri, C.W. MIRIT--l st.Catharnes, on lice lâtb Meay, cf afftwe onetce bic raie, ctie- qeacaeportia seccasiattack 'cf aplepey, Wu. IL. MacibI, Eq., cged 37 ye*me .EÂlCKAE-In Toota, onc tbe BtIn May' Irt. BoberCls- se, ca .7Y-a-e BR0w1i-Suddei>, c Kingston, tol the 25th iNeye 8iSaracaunBroace, aile cf ]g,. W»,. lihen ne 9h ni bf er RLLAI c aLondon, n te em W*c et bi gW . * 4Ecu nllarc o i th NEW BoîiÈ.-Ã"tOto lias ceceived a large ailPPIY cf New Blooks, Comprising standard ccorkà, and many new worka of favorite autiiore, ccbich ha ie aelling aI low pcicee. Ho ecuaIsoan band al Ibthe magazines cf the day. Harper for Juine la an excellent ccmber. fasht'onrblec onversation ccaa hcing held lut the MUSIC -Htall of Newccestle, England, rccutly, a malicina cag called onc cf thc most extensive lndieaside,acd tld hcr, as a pcofocd seccret, that a celehratcd electrician bcd placcd a paccerful usagnot in each cf the six beccîlful chndeliers, -wich ccculd ocue thPt dcel, epring kirt cf any lady pessing ner heru to ho invcrted liy thc power cf attraction 1 As aih> one might conoelude,' Ibis profcccd accret a accu kucan teocvcry lady in the m-orn, and prodcd a groat censation aituong *the ircarera cf etepl.rîbbed garments. Dcring the wlclce ecntcghot oije could bc in- ducd ta enture ilear the brilliccî mcdi- tunis cflight, acd coteraI timid occe clpar- tatI for Ilîcir homcina eîar. Wben tlîe bonuxiras proveil to bcc sch, thc ctcrm cf indignation wns ccorthy cf womanly IciNgu, ccd hod the' wag scen within rcnch b6N voulil havo pnid dearl>' for bis amuement. A cilly, ycacg rasci, passing thrcugli the tien cf-, iin Alabama, oct long sinc acîcd corne ahisey>, ccd kucaving il cculd only ho obtaînci b>' n pbysieiaîi, bvuate liiself an order, aigning it altli hie cvii heme, te which a lenrnêd M. D. wascatclclci. Ho precenteil it et the drcg clore cf a gentleman, aho, Ibougb, unre. cog-niard by' hlm. proccd te bc -ae cld c- qeaictance, 4<lHal,gcrank,îi cad lie îîrben did yoc gelta bc à doct6ec? 'I'm net a dccîor.' 'Wby selat'c Ibis M. 1). tc yocc humec for then V Frank ccv lic ves gel ; bat, dctermining tesînke the hest of il, pot on n tory innocent tonk, ccd imercI>' answrrc, 'Oht thact'efor Alig'Ity Dry P' 0f course lie got tlhc vbiskcy. Fi-se cb>' Jîicc Il. Gefrie Driior9 D1uieîlac itreot-, 1s1iiel y Wý IL. DuelB Wliciby T 0 OCONSUItIPTITF9--oa lcaiiig licen ure.q.-r-le tlicalt ivcisk, b>' a vcc>'simîplc routîn>, aler cItiled sececiul Coeairllitha oere u I.' l00.1 icaineea I pricce rangeol c $7 87 j.uJ i~:~ LN ACCOUJNT N9UNICI1PÂLITY OF] 'WooIJ.resetilly l~Iiititt atpltcelto t ieir NEW kMD El YIE STOC May al,; N Theul -'17*4a large aesucctut cf b îceceacted ou the IMrkttoda>', ccc elle itaencd- Fali "WheatY frc 1 30 t 1 42;'Spicg froc ta $1 ] 0 Bre 'aa-lôwti cf Wacl îmg, ahîch celt ut 25c,tho enera l ai0 bain.- that the prion aiD go do 23e. Whcit-Fiill, $1.80- 0 $1.421. llsclcy 510. ilc. Dtie 13@ 5C. llye 500..>'f1lt0. Ia>' $10 @$13 1V1ton. Perl, $6@ $6 75- Silîcp $ 4$4 150. Potat cc, 2tie. 'Butter 12. Q«4 l' Eggcout& . y day.. Fecrîs 25C% « 00. C-VPair. Tiîrkccye 50r- 0il 75e cii. itpplcc 50c 0 $1 O0"f buasel. Hfide *ii. Card Wod $2 I00«g$2 2J jý cei TimelhY Seel $400 Vic)vedo la6.00 Wccl 23c. « 00. onw.'PlcStec85e t *harf. SPECIAL NOTIOEiS Di. WisTàÀIl'cBArc.î>c or Wîn. ct-A t.thic ceecca cf the yoar, as at al coneasa, itl ie icîpc:lant te r.'medy for couglia ccd colIs. We foc tho hcnefit -cf or readors abiei coMmed ta, them the abare namedi abiicli bas heon advcctiscd in or pij dom0 ime- We have hal cocci i is ocr fencil>' for conghfs and clier clrectiens, ccd le al nucle it bas coie complailîl. We ccv dccm it an in ible artîlle, for we alwayn prefer1 c rcliiblo recsedy on bcnd fer îheiE plaintls tea hiole nIl are liballe.-C art Freecie-n analFaciily Visiter. We tube pieocre iunedocaing thb :11iiîiiii te icake kniin e ieîhi feluîa-.er tic ourîtîc ofeciroe clciu tccei u i-lORTE AMERICAI ciac c cipy ortie preccrilii .ete îcili/ee. 5 uic- cii', vii elî bc' ii «Icaesure Core ruc T11r ANNUA. EETING OPr THE î;-iîiuiipie, ledeo, usiurife,~.Tho ii'eonl RND1,tinar Fc111"151ee9U c ÀaaCia -lýji-ci u lie a-vertiiece i cenueliîg-lbspreerip. ai tuk ie litcu <e lte ccft t lit uîiîicite, ccd Ilehi. te eery cifl Sicf--riii te>' ic ;reuiny e(]'Nil.-i lil C'111tîcîuîIV Miing a .[iîl iiy lrovile a Ioeitil. i'îrlie 0N wiclciii-.th ise ooit i i le ddet It1. EIsWAliD A. W1ilSil>, TUESDA.Y, lâth of June, 1860. %V ic1: Wii licuii.ehirgl, Kinug Ce, N. T. lt 12 neiîiis ccii, ce -hici aIl GRAND OFF ICERS. 1LOCAL IGRAND CFFICEItS <and TUî1E GiREAT EIGLISH REIEDY CINTY MASTERS, cuil taise tict, cnl sim AmRsCL.%KESJ. 1ILLYAUICAMItO13, Coiobiited Fernule Pills, N. C. GOW TAN, tra Griid 1Manier. ['izoTEC'TED -- LETT EUSSi- _ _ - - ly CiMAI, PATENT. I'e'vedrouî )u--e-i-,iiciof Sr J. ank-c M.1N 511CR e luecbyii>ge i-, lit e thlithceai M', I'Nycia Lî k-triuirfinary tu the Quoi.. sciiiiif tie Caliicil, iiibe lîcl Iutlu lîcli ,-c liii. ui thecrcl.i 6llc o fl iiiciilicul~lc -jutleiiiiici, i l l-lt%ýva'ill lie ~ini ectahifiuti Tý.ii i -li od ie i i cfa-ilingiur nitlîe tue ceî Al-iiii nfcîîltriieliii, piiiuîIIucirli'i- cil i tliuui.cpuiliiii iîl d isu-zte iitc ili<ýeie . M ii tue tliCou. iftluc T ii-iiip cf ll'lii- ll-ll-ti-- iic---c c i d rriii'ua~ii il ecrei-Ba-uicdcr iftIlc C-i-il. ad il îiiiciiî re uer ay criilcitici% i.- . lEI i G5T iii Maitciii- il i i i, i-i'-i-uuicuc-lc iited. hTcicciiti-O ciii, iin i ocu ilime, iiilig 0ou tht Iii0iithil> i lriicisl' Mauy 2!',, .a5 !cüi i~ii, 1iice ile Gîter, lucr-,iithe i, '-ruit teiici Uricct liriti, ucl Icel lit clli rce cf Ncracîîc anî SiiueniAffcctiuic, e iiiciîiiia.ieicteuit elî.i, F atigueanitîclhiu- a'ilrtiin, PI'eitiOii iu ilu HIeut, l>.tric e-uiI l ites, tlucco 'llc ui-llcifftuuacsr il rei -i i]] iiuliir noUIa live iîil , c an dlllirs -.a eýN(ýri ii ru i etly,'(t î\ c na iil i , aleîîiel, iiuiu l~~u uurllltetudmsaiiu WOODS ANI) FORESTS. 8ulu Agenl'rt he Uidiiiite aîd tCuudn. (Lt Ro . ùchester,N. Y. Nîriirupt- Mcci, Ne%-tnile, W.Iil elde ii *Aene r caa elat. IN. B.-$ 1,(10 nd 6 potaiee cîcops enclcccd toii chauthorizcd Agentil on siroa botlelofc 1i jhe 11 byturn liàttl. For sale b>' 011 F. , oSae in Wlîjlhv by G. A. Ibîclier, Doit da Stret; W. Il.lied, Brook atrct. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DENTISTIRY 1 IRS. CALLENDER & CARD T' AKE pli-s.nrt ir.-ncquuuisuitit luen lhuci lutOfwilhv, cuuivicicit>', luint tm ii-iu.ue sun c oin oetthelie tare tor VAt- LEtflN LYNOF, IlQ., iniuDuneuxietrcei, muwr icce an iii usblr Juuie luiti,thiseclheh foiiiiiu pirpered ul oudctsbe cil ocilco iii ticcucclu eelenticg le the proeforiou. uWcu>u ilhluil in the tiisî t etecuelia c, uit eue hurt fluc beet cnl ucet appirorti lftuntaciu fVie lonig eahcricnceocf Dec. Catller & Cci-îtuued tb1ictiscmnh unahedciteot tichem- tii,i ('tiI)Cktiyr, tuubi huenitoe ppreelat the giici1 i uite te hcelerireu trieea cuecuuh Pie. ilucu 'iino ilefIheeclh-iucpcrtctt, ccd hecuntiiill cicmfithteliu. Lpiu tir irpeerralicut a accu111culent t'lbcalth, biPpin-no, atd COetIfert cm uuuuu.iindl di-uasuu. ThiteîrucrItniieie lt iuiauinli a01lice preeqecioue ceceot tsihte Rive clt iiionu. lietutho cfflicielwith dirnsdttcchî, ,iiii dicit bteiin i ue, bhooe the diccect gete4 t, irin acu hohd. AuIIFtCIALTEETII ineted li iild,Bih- i -i-hr in lt aiesutpcnti Ct rebrated ,tuh ric CecreamoICct l'prtrml ul Pcict in thmoicelv il thatcloni'Ileusi lu i Thecdrrc lceee l-Ofh Ict. Cle pro itii-h i orhe snlmluue dnr01ahiy e ihi- uctciut e d, auulKthue t nuuueir la thc ai t1pefoioe, ic got-t ceienudtei -h P0ru itteharainilce.giontthe mcc yor thinatiîicîel ,iilseinteelle. 1eOavuuinhe, lidrieil ilareaceenteo e> ont > te the M rn il eiitions vrmatal Ptetiaf.ucterc. Terne. c-d0 ble. Cttlucltatto fi-c. Cash for Hfideg. - T IIF Subitiehobuc onshtethy on bal ca be Isetcttkof Ihich ile vilIsait cubmp for CAISII. JOHN TTIe. le iiiyTeneer', 20 Mny "t, 186,1. L,2 STATIONERY! 0F ALL KiNUïs, CHIIb5HI-CLE OFFICE. AMBROTYPE GALL.ERY. IKqerng thnk- tothe Pfur he U- TCTICE 1,lccu icsit C.lu.cirq cf 4.011iuuiiuirie.iteni-fuice rctcio tIal rue- scAilinig i ui ii-ieui on iire. îuuesefif-nO caiea are 1vnee <ucil- tlelhe . ti- ueremioul1 frtuu the L.ie i Cuc r'iuiur Arouiun, uu tbucth coi h.uiivet iisch 1iil<iuuu ro uuu i'j Or seum, r uticlic uie-iIioiuc7 ho t s be p-. Ch . Nitlt;IeIN ET. Ceuiuieilimr iCr ( i l.ulo County Couuicil, Ontario. T 1F- -crusehucf-î,r Meetiig cf thei tuuîîe tIil nitl ho hluliat the curt Làiis i. theîTownuof lVuhi, etu Tetdisythe01b0 thdaY Of Jane acxt, At aà<,ei o'lock .'n,, uunt le cljciriuoiciit. CletI of Otiro. Coitl 'Cuioil clinnhui-Oo, lîlui>', Muy.>' Sruh, i81u. 18-1111-S. liteV. The -,wcCelicu.dc.'- îuteei-tRevîca,' Ouhecca Viuliecftuic.' and4iul'siiric î5bccer e i ie Otto iirrioue. [IOLMAN'S PASITOI OPERAS B? ý'rz&m lIOLM1AN TROUPE These WOiderfitl Juvenilo UîInediluSs wili oriit % itbvb. Thuin uhe> cl havoie lie lr cf pre4i-uti11i tbcim New and Nova-t EnteortatlDtfl Adniil2,u:Thovisafldt inte inuciaii'sitioih cf leriec.FOIu no- tie ciiilnuille- t Toccro lo a le"", e. 1 RF.B Solu110,011 peeco tt ag&Sst pur I iug tic fullovi otes, Vit * A ot, of btul laieeh 111h c f Apeil, 18.%7, focte t,s fLllC 18Itli, maude iv me in lMeOr cýf E. Aadrait, . Voand poyehle netacteco meetbc afttevlac- À Anoteîcmode hYmela fat rcfc te rePi- tico% cf the ceunie 'tcelndpayablhe ;cuutn menthe after edate fur tisa ane cf £51>. lire t ttae elsime it trer df teliiie, fteti-m £o5ech, ate-I Aprbh ust, 1 "drll 'sptabhle c.vcctaen mîis dfl- Rr doue. AUt the &ehouro having beaue fitll u>'Cectraa u Ateebleer othcr 11no tr .Mer eh ls nde 1 lnlaser ocf'E.Accr;oa n îuînt Id 1 ,.a ee>'uet eal.n moussliftuic date, JAMllS TMfI7.tlaO:8 17 Beebu P. () WOOL CARDIO. ~ te do nIlid bhcecbhen, ihet ,o13, cielCon- Iicha, Ideg col"entot lu lot, koôta0 £&eg At', îP59. s-Sta-WiT TOIINT TUIFCLUB Wmossf5be ew m t - Bl k', 1~ oulu- ci-a e, B' The tIret clîip, tu aoiImtum Pl'srtsfort iWM. GORONe. in1 -w. o. -ele isiu eleetioel yile, Wlullby Me>'18, 1801. 17-sic. t> G L A 8 G o w - ierciltehbc, forer iucipliilonof FisclieCOMMERCIAL I4OYEL, Ai-, acer fenitrpalececiBeonlMccltcaee ",h-<'- 11>' Lot Ne. 6.-Ne olîlîîr cîtoil isebaltbecel anthîton & ailiaouIle ecy .atoc le cii> vaervlîialî icy Illîvccccii icceed cc-&etRbra.~ opars ha ttuCrwc fri s or arti mielpre- - JAMES CROUKEI, WAGGON AND J3UGGY AUL 1aton u fi.ftlb xoopb by 0olprecc sanictioni ef a Pc-priclcr. Fintîe>' ttilicr, or tîticece B oN. 7.-AIl per..ecc cre forlidilon to litke Sdi, foi, up ce f bi'adetelîlil teIl-îe it'At. RAVELE0ÃŽlI 'tt IND IloXES, S«'RI#Clàiý citecuvreu ~ i-lce, roît cieCttn- Ci lltcvîecicrcnieut clcpplcg at thiltbetel, es icït cillut hi-iten pcriiicioiio the Lcsecs» h cyc c refreic tiie oimer eek kett c lyi Lo It. .-T>îe rccoipt, gizt, pîîrclua$ec îte bar tIiroues t teen b>' thoir ptceeeoeec-ius. ke a d I sice or piveeelen, cf iilIe lcol din entreacia Tite preprîe to lesthie omcaien la tbcîîk s o7)0 n Hu lon cf tlîee tciilaol i luuîllthopeishb e- hl uiscceloic troni t el ul-qule fer 13e i-rLutea u tu udiccoblenul il llaral p«teocutgh iestoccolenon ioi nlo bhe ucaidicils i f ilixvfttllv iItl cthe r, ehull ise commecemcient of is bu scni i Whilb>', Ocll*c, lia>', 189s0..- -'uni- eitiijoet 10fcrfeiiiuro and d l-poiel ce lhe Gond Stabliag, andâ atluhaikve Otlern. in~d cecRier oir sirc wiell i h-avenrf_______________________ """uel t-sirer i¶aiciiedhvLi. roi> u tr r-ep- NOTICE. TO MCR ETORS. PA S T E3 iait. or vlo it4h Samhae hcti-cii ereelol. BV-l.i.a Ne. în.-l'cr ccv cciicl-' hi-B-uth toTitîe fdccà0tcraieesà t e otoNg -TÈTFTA NI cf t ie foregoiî' ti-uehiihiliiic tlie l'oiuli eîtuulî iiiLletelttetll I> fSîtmc 19 h TI'E K ATETKN cc dilihoa aOO~~' b'lida'c-oui Stiuteuueericuil ans dcl itulAcgscfo 41iuîire. AlsecSanSiBte fer salô ciisaibctisectacl hii-c rccurc ithe ccecthe Eelttu cfTIioion. dltoîc anà alu ohîî Jcyoi1te itig ioroeal thrrc-i-eIHIOce f tir Teirccbhip cf MWithy ilia tJoiicty n pjl ploieil%-na euleiicctc-icit%*i .a- >cai's uacielluteree. fer thue bêmnct fcf eihW RDC CIIIlEIBt Te cl.iilel îîhFuot i.iurectegcc: b ihe Creditcro. ase tu e>'hueoniepaetio,.thon-to he- Ui the 7uieuiust'ecuuPr6e DndàoNUBe, telusl hbc sffiiient noticoe te fAoethua isat de>' cf Jtoo86). liS.51 deeil of Wilisy, Ite>'5l>t isho i-gaI ell'oct and Chic pi-detion of na ui.ciclemetav, let:et the tle of -N. (G._________________ porirtoLeprilt(lhyth Qtco'RýT pr lae, iq. n the Town of Whtty lfor iena- gltinna ttil in u orc': c, îarucîî Re- taeeke ncer. fI Anud ctaitcntravi-tio of eti> of the afore- GEORGE WVALLACE -Cr ecid By'lccce inu ci>'hi-ctoil asanne cithare N. G. 11.17.1Aoclgnec. eigelcolthie Fieliprie Ait. Solicitor &o. lVhlthy. h Ft.. ~ s' M. P. VANlctîlNT ____________ i17uoicoo. eserv, rce~-~V5naah "It AŽyt± vp tzýow±uu± 2.. -- NOTICE. I.£LL cpplicalicee fô eesao Otn L.dk qn O- or.tiur i, Die, IScîcit River and l cAe St. Cbîubc ne ciutauaeim oclui bulroel dtc uný, nc Ibîmiltoul j cuitfer Iceo apce Lakea Supeer. 1Iiron, ticsone tandITr!iîu.lcrv catere, n1'pietiiiun cucl becide te Wci. bibbnarl, ai colliiîgaol. ADEWi UGF Cash for Wool. THOMAS XOODY. 8kW Y=LLFOR SALE. tTtIIIE ccile'rîicr offen faortis etha upiictid Ine Sa Millu ic ito crce f Lenu,mocre ne lec, tsiteatel oui LatNo. 1, Isu conesicioeof Whitbynve eôfethted et wAhir. Tbhecil la eale eof ~ ~ guiitoutuulfot pcrtlae. Fr fither cu iforis, (if le> letter puct polit) to ttisa proiter. 1Oshawa papor' Plume ccpy. RalnP.. GREENWOOD riAIR! T IlIEnoel reetilgr QnteryFuiof Green- ,%-nd, wcclitaake place aut thqVllage, on WEDNESDAY, June 6, 1860.ý Fkring tlle.flrmtl1dcede l'à' the mentht. A mor thm no I ylare ttendsnce of bicr je expcc<cd, and yaltiefltare holding over their <teck le eider to"dilan the tbeat prlote t the Fuir. $mm of citbq best trne]ellîrdthOee ntp t Gccecwîacl, and yl 'c onld At Star- lic1a on the Fail e y, Lonaen 'tain, andl Ycung Seiecl, r egged te bo in siiendance <on Setmay oI lho achi 'er eillXie la he rver i tEa ci>AIcIetiorçr eLtI L-ite o f Stock, lom pclemt, u&e. fcrefr lb. Faim. 1 J. Ci 5TE10LUnO. G roeuccood, May 2,1880. 1 Dissolution of Phrtnerahip.' NOTICE ld heftbvglven thce.tiý ti e uCroene ae mâa.ornemiental pintetF, h»c barnc dlcolvadhy iamIcal citeaca WihLe - .1880. rIl.CROSS. X;TiO:4Y LUCKE i W. JORDA'N ln refemrce 1 ehaoice, 'W. Jordaon he teappricehis titicde andl the %bUr, tht ha will èentute auT>' ai t lii, in,.,tm ihie n'ntheou 580ld S 00w I'YpnT.4 te Vndave Sq»fr k"aaof bon-e, igt. PMd opne fmeuta e atieg, paper hangumgaid dfceetizq WUitby VogetalGardeIa. rrirM baci e i rvnlenmtiae tce A. >labeada t n% hllny fhrIbathe ehc4ie. base&çed t their lteand-.c.cca, tle thnt ha b'. roae4. forai.eanclwfa'. ment of Plta lKEAyrtc.ir mil ather Cab- hm C«lva P Ipr 7auomoetuma wlhi, VatUmê 8- 71.1#5 BISINO TOUR CASn TO TIIE CASEI GROCERY AN) TEk STORE Brochb tewhr on muoecae foi .52 ai 0 Teholehln, svecp, nqa Pou-> dre, unIle, acd:Ia to'b ot ite e dw oh,; hich ulil h.stolfIsrCntu a h h rue entoe, lIneir thansah>' heieI- Wlithy. Ielîcondeamine t'on ycicaehcm1- Pc-clerc boncît ced nol. yc-el attIvele of rcecries teekir. STOLIN OR STRAYED. oNetttlav thc, locf Msay, NIfius epro- ueJ clcof t1o eaiuhcert e1laCt1 2ocen- aiec cf Ecot Whthy, One c ,irk brave, aii a thlti s pot an fore-' hend. liaeithcr whiute and ced. Aur paccea civite asurîtflemai>entci h11 Câmlecal.i tee ir 1 tateanhbecihcr, ctwilîl lenisIte the recovar>' of tht e aiealIl ha anitRlah>retardaI, Eue Wlctb>', Me>irle"50. I NOTICE 0FP DISSOLUTION. OTICghctlletecb>'gl..nhe thaope tner- £ hlp Iemt'on acmi 4e t cwey Che nlerlo<tl ittat' th it tyl it lt i froet m tl k c o mc e u m m I I e t l i > Mr. Mavl Pl. zNima t eupew"ieltu nll- chinuaead pePU daIl eeadueates b>' the unid »u-prube»mhp souci.. it&elaet Oshua, Ihsitda YeloMf sr b D. P. I1URU, THO& McGÂWc In refermesuoiat.thé, aiea., notlsion6.ob glaetthst ail pensuece hevlege&"yetlespar the lutamSois, ltiplias.praseohe alea te ud fée l éed aUnI, ced tt aIt te tlae &rM,.anart l atul maIke "ovint of tha e, aiec tbith t e b cacaracu l hcit clone cothoiel tu recle. muyiat <ucteii.e. And tht aidlaiets dia h i e, Oir u eone ec.ches u t, b cldo>',Jnne cpxi i tl hop1md licebuhsa"cfm o>'Slliaor fer etolecio. ,SIURE Otileac a 14>'*,e. 15 hTTC t horetîT ghne, nt at à alu'e of th FlM ~ikbileeq,cl citherwIstetirea Inte ca nva lamrtu Aiic ak lnc ,n l 1%srmccyo the ?tis daret J.que, 18@M0. far te 15iutti5t tif ni Itantiib uala.an. : ~W. IL EISSGUS<q ONiTARIO BANK. pla CTO aet>. ntbthehî ali 1 o ni eTv 1al estel wili theÃŽrefoe Cake nôtscl, audo am thecuoeýccori i - Vooma8hp Cleni. rmienl Brookl To Cash froin Clergy RcsacveFtind, 1858........... $147 40 B>' Cash paid Tirerr balauceof 18518...........$2-49 07 Landl improvement Fond, l188 . 85 27' t ii Auditors 188...................... S Il8 o Megislc-atts Finm............ ....... 12 00 " Globe Office edveriing 18,54.... ...... 7 73 tg I iiuty Troasurer, Non.ccidnte3aet1.. 200 00l t P. O'Douuel, au errfoi llocccd 137 <oancil 4 24 MOST O' TItEWK 44 .& niçco ofr grccling Liceea.- . 1 24 #4 .4j Jôin 1Prnce, halaneot bicci l lor..25 90 tg: Ilaclear & Ca., ix uumandala. . .12 0TO 1'1 IRU Mc. Sacr)teN, 1 . S., acrveying etîTreela15 60 IMPOiF EDJ I REJ4A CT * Johcn Tiodal etaccycoce1862 end 18W6 9 15 Rephir of Roasis..,........ .... 44 0i) FR01>!TUE Acccmecodctlcn to Council -tfmetings 140 < Jo a c ciller s fer c tte u d rc , C& . .. .. . il 0 0 E à 1 L l - i Tonsbip CIl - "c .c. 0 t S t Ilitggins & Con S. De, Andcil ac IsamIe tiat lte>have a.led eel Iiir cg .9 wRournal -09% prtviccy tiysýatic dte the prentia Retcnig O~..................*Vmla e cOpied by - ' e 1.ic-ceic.................... '£S60 arbiii M. hr- .. .. Il . . . . . . - î1 0 VANOAMP -& m0ORGAIx, i l whiétwlbe i afound, a ra-rate aaaort- 'Toal..... Di .........$.45.1. meut cf. Wc hercby Certify that we bave examined the/ rs for the sanie, v ell as and find theni correct. --INYN RADX.?> 4T.IG bave a ELDE1 » MATS1 e apecl 9h rcmedy _______________________. aper for pil c 10 see NEW iÂDVERTIS]EMENTS. Crown J .tîay. fft~ c red- the Loyal Orange Association. ' b odiopen. ISorprS ilhoftiàloiMI h e 0c m - i A s s o r m e' S u p e r io r t n Chtristi- fCtntho t»ty i lente ltmielfeillc Qfr ndeu g iti lie, we 111 o lt e lsa t s d m pbi e esatr1e ossedi ns tho3cj I V îtai uo'dan)prclh pr s rg tt l>' Io l r It Ihe bt th anlok, e - ~ oce -.ta- ivrtiier - - Iaai ili a feni il ccciTheli 'NeW Stook of Iron - w llvitc 0 l'tît- U~eclle l-cdiccc1civiup~ni Te rndLbgecrtih - L. ILi 8OIiOFIELl> & Cnt gay lat, 1980.a B3road ltIu, L AtS, iÈ mes, yaObl6oi L. IH. 8çIIOFIELD 4e MAe lot, d19.M Teaet gagas.,,Tobecco,i Cv alimp Itia ameD, aoRàlm &e. COffe-I",4~ ddp eoam e, 11 WiabeT -Toua, 48evUPortr, ma1l lt, 1860. - - 3,06 R0LL8 lk0U. ,AL sl BtÂES ÂNI1>ei Maylb.ot, 1860. 4 cutice,9Srinst1tChic1Lg hoI' M ' l, seo, - ats L. . ndl 81t iqOXI1>Si 30 oÃ"fOtSalte. 1,00 bar Ols Pl toi - >I. L CROFIILICo' 1,a' t800rsfLndl - efsttW 1) Sigwsiprarabcccofltel ai Geo Ibm o icriat nhr a i. CASH 8 YSTI w hloh yJUlenelio thete l Mach051 Ir ohode.14 WCtli>y c>' e4,.55,> - A:- AR», bh r ~eiiet'thicki f« ini lc.c Ioitedta Iu> lhl MIpetronga hi ctéfocsol, esa nd e @ggt utPl 00 mou to t elr oni DR. - >ATTEIRS vitel wuam hoi ~hotin Mloea "qi keea 1tobebs akifu.aned ecoceftli Bç nitc oecdea rececesllye Ca the clthaneof Whle' oiseiyl tee nntnua, càteic,tl 4luiinfà fbruee mli ophc-ton ltit ma et 1aon, MiiKa 71atnA tielilý bctïit d lte lot eff furea givarten roa fehIltIL 1 e. JBc.arxa , Dem mucent1. W. &-ceenEq., J. p',.Beau lisa Bsncke £.q., Wbitisy. J. IL LUceý A, - Wb#bl% Corner cf Broê and Colhorna StmetiiWtDj ttccthaove GOdit.diret ilotnth miausolkct oriee%, And a%é >1.14 ce loY am eMI honte lit the liche Wet Of Mtootrcal. flyGoôd G 4 --PRINTS,, DELÀ1NELý igulie.s, Robes, Orileans, C4 i# pelin& Fcecr Drcaac. Cbeckq8U Gleghamab, plain candl- Feey 8hirqinip, tottoar, Tiekine aud Stipedi lie I9crry iad Stlhbebnt-9 *0o - U .IL 8CIIOJEIuD cbe, May lot, 1800. ]UI ON Teêdý Chck'Pleide. 1I0i LL-JLI&q Ir tI d 1 ' 1 kf

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