Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1860, p. 2

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Wuta v, hMay ,2 'fl smembers of theBon1 _clock, nt the Ton t Mr. Benigouibghlch •a met, Perr and Broan.an atsorn and Sprowler. A Ratebills for the ua e nd.li match, were presentedl fron bin street sehools, Thbat of Henry Street schoo ta attendance during, the quae tp. limount of råtebill $119.50'. ceived $43. 75; amrou"ide$5 The ratebill for John at% total' attendance fr the qu tý ,pila. Amount l$513 ee Te report of the Comtnitte,.. tors accounits was adop ( . The fOllowing resolutions' r On motion of Mr. raser, second ron. That- all uncollected fees and largeable to lat Aprl1 185i be st ie collectors rollto On motion qf Mr. Brown, second That Chairinan grankt his ordler on rer in favor of P. M. Clark for i king school census. On motion ~of Mr. Fraser seconda r. Perry. lesinding resolution of 17 Jal, d appointing the fint1Tu .1a ionth fur the meeting of the Beard On motion of Mr, Brown, Seconda r. Perry. lvo ai rs. ope fr $3.600for C hn Street schoo1. On motion of Mir. Perry that theC ian issue his warrant in favor p.. M, ) ol d llSl lrates due top toà PHnENoLOolcA L LEcTURE.ir l{r.'H elivered the first Lecture ofthe coNIa leNMechanics'liIall on Thursday etak 'h remaining five lectures wvill becd àon Frillay, Monday, 1Tuesday, esday and Thursday evening. T -ctur faw at ted ended by old and yo n shu MR. JAXES PtNar.9--has putt up ak tramte Store on Broc-t, eod the ray bridge on the site of hýis oldbul Mt oBrRT C PELLs -Storei ularged by t'he addition of a Grocery, ;how Roomn to the premiises,. The addi sagreat improvemienitand isfilled N il manner of choice od. The Road Meeting,. AlU friends of the Brook lRoad idouli nd the meeting to be held at Ashbm rhursday next, the 7th June- Borelia GrnmmlarScool. 71b the Editor of te Chronidt, 3a, in the last Senti-teeekly, the follar. tallement ec r a Thon t put sta aison $200 pr annum havee to the edneaetiolnal fulnd of the couni On the contrary, the qfleci of thie At taeon by the County Council, at it! session, as to the school aforesaid, hensnc$0 per annula to the ishmlenltUntil the present year, thiei uperintendent has been legally coie on appropriate to the Borelia El1ool he educational fbnd of tis counth Tin be ng in opera ionwas theresferap ioned to the grammffar schools of tie vince, instead of being distributed é those of the county, as wili b h hbis year, owingd to the late Redo Connei1 af resaid.Iam&. WM. McCAIL precisely what we have statelli hroughi the school in Borelia, not M put in operation, $200 per annulan lost to the educational fond Of the from the passing of the by-law estabil that schoql. Of course the action or' County Council, rescindiniteb-a1 cures the amlount. sairanage Elopement Ina artl art Of last Winteruji ing Indiana pitched their tent nea e ik lae of Enifield, and for severa oi d and pedled baskets. AmoD n # French F ... r sare apt to be.a food ga «o vlaeverbst dear andbelo hste i longed fer letter and "l w t tua a five doDar bill.ho*a for the *tite tolowi ggur mipkas h ipleae ndbur y sad tn ta Whoat leas Fsters &whà go 0 yanFrdy î wil eet you at tu e the.4 bc sure *Pd consn- tionatwife. g[ . r The Cattle Mïrrraan. Cun\lm, smewiatefffulyp(jugi' niet was oitherefore Poose dlasntil 12 o'le a 1 hecýitiiensof Massachusetts and the theChmpioshp' G .NE RA GT CE .Caote fr.seat areinse a ainbisCounscil, and was sieverintended to answer nbettday'Br. ndBM pk and adjoining, States art sorely troubled by the¯7a - -- i- . .... ... . fr7 he2re#etPeIe tsiii.te ours ap . EC3DRac2 S'reading of that foearfuil infection among .tur andaers are aredn aet gthat Hee.;EMpima lt,-- .......-71 20, p.in ae) eqiy gPen to be Sitting t the time of meetingof Tiwenty DWllroriverhipeoen toall e . stei1catekonsplr-emna.T suh F naa.nd;ßyersare ot t ' fght gain i l unt xt ...........".10 4, .an.doeemont? m a et M.-r" '. -- -eCouncil, anais frequently the =Os, the hoses which neverwonIa rae. Dshoe eawswoby ype'ecdicanxttha temldy rgesdtatW a;techonftthe Capncs it of hv n ... .m.W-s W ataeits contents ? Are inconvenience of moeeting elsewhere, andmile, .catch weigh t. 56, Blacklock getting tW . li Pas-an extrnvaasio fthe asa pohnesett Il it; he nony fc te prchse afnwi Mxend o 0.................-.. a. i:they, as stated by Mr. Sabaield MaCdon-, the diffBculty of anding aSuitable placeN. R s Mb as,1 ilny third, andClarion coming iso 1ar a enclldfrtepups"o f bae eiesra ed thpub e ritbon Exp ........ .. .nuteftr th- an @Id, an agreement to discharge the claimes must be anything but agreeable. This JanEz LieNDE's enny D ndi, Before the secondl heat a heavy u irsated e, sing enurestoircmci h ei. to this agreement being comse te'o hnata- Whiby rr rz, isxAts cLoaE fthSinireftoe åd, rmthe May be experienced bfr h e o ie 6 aeowihcotnelaii4eoy.Tessnwsmen cyeterday, gonst hd nwspapr qubbe n he putr OrndTrunk,........ 00, n. m. Pp ncialdest? Hein the Manorable Mr. wkiç commeceson Tuesday as ce t SEOD A 4violende for nearly an hour, mai;e r'Thsnd sonyapr ra tionmm sbe will bs e y tot 1haenof ttn to h 7ms éihwil d, o... ... 3 0, pu.Brown .actualI enteredintto a written agree. ed 'i'for.the County Cut n C hing uncomfortable to, a degrub and n . . r Oritou il p befun fienmt. They ar asfollows:-- W do. 10.....-.....a 00, am .Quarter Sessions; 9will be held on Tuesdayras nc.Jd cledtm hoe raerieape alefrs tatrmtaddcstec- e 'ver siS rvW a d o.$Not........,. c0, p.m et tod:yothat% h îalf îwhicrwhnp n f the esPU$10 wtxinioij tel il in il be taken. Reference is made toe Si EttfAW tAes V ap p FEa-Si Àýh n a. m. etrated b others, e hastnr edug oullowinendifthe deonsli r othe Court ToTS Us 10 of abotit an hour, and the bottes SIidavr aep teEgih oen $i,- ve sne he apeaacein Aslru ttinEso, sbie 0, . .denouniced as a ule robbery ? W a omwl aet evcte o hepr tk f$5 pen to all bhosies, m a the wet. he send ofet i t.heme13 w Cm ha acntrysicwenp yourpapr'o Ma 'lof te ltte ofTomhin,....... 9 00, a.:n. scarcly bring ourselvesto believe lit, altho'poefhodn thscur 3 in 5. Four entries were made fr tis Cainwatbehe ocoè e e 'milioadisasoresto ented itse, ando bap Sayers,1Ihave endavored by every means u m ari v tat ohnbu hProuto O U f oing thChur wl c re t.arneMad a b c fi stcoM e erto take i a snt a , my ow r oane in fte ro h nane sor er GndTr n ........9 Mo, P the document itsel vall fully sauti rte cpylertnto o heCuc is that Prank H-ryes and Black 'llnx. St. Law-ond place en the track. Bclottes rn which were effectiestnyar sting the course ile the edto f u a.Lfe,1wetherhenine(W ..........., . uliof assistiag in providing grounsds for the rence Maid wasfthe favorite, betting en sdeb d oe, laiagon nbouir" t a ppshrears eth ta 17 tahfamer eding tends to bid by the date recentlyfixed for Brookln,,riniee Albert, PortPer- • ~Cut giulaa oite-orth and ee nhraais h il. adeng aehoed. Tis heat as a 1 ditile- =s~ ~ ~~~~ie byAhagntemnorth camio'sr an Ma'soi,- . 300bpm.ThdQee'sBirthDyi Wib'souths. Such a step would benefit the Vayes took the first heat in 2 45, which It ey n lro ue uél tPpana notp w avsB belt and takes. The editor of Belfs fe," $cut, . ... ....... . 1 00,. m. ., Ara oa oite er uh n e mdth etngee ewe isl n ae fo olyad rig, to the greathe rt Papir oarnd whih w r nted w th e in view.Of the sentiments of thaet letter, Greenwood, Bouhu î...-2 00,nDoon. Her Majesty, the good Queen Vcoasrgreda retb y Btshagricu-maethe id. Tecn d ettehrsst itent ofmany ho habbo héemoathe ises.a rt wing fromthi in t, lw- h ooeowéåh eprpieyofuh nury NuN o mnataldey, was celebrated i te whle ount, asO' tur e daid 'oTh.,s Frn c eadihehengt o e Clof a nst thllb h ," son' trsnet, b tnor api s morenmeslo th on y n se t héd aloof sch roposed do e -b ............. . ....*.. .....',' unsual, with ait due loyalty. The Bank, only offer these suggestions in the dis.a gfnmil pdoff. Frak e dn tene Maonpas-rona.po ing dtOw i te nt Ifon rt prpagtionre reofferediotospead M cwâ iaeponse on lthirrfsa ye .Bd ......... .--.. ..... •,5,publieO ficfe sshops, and storesand places charge of rhat we conceive to be Our duty. Termkp ouigd nted ffter thlseoagationd b endth of theil and hahecol b lter adteegah es eaero...............-.. --...-.. èealée d tCürt aop teisdth tohola between tuare nd , but-ather threethorses were star v erui abthes to get Sayers here to, anever Rnc..,'..... '.... .'. ',... l .: of business in townwr T l urn t will be for te C unc i think opter. o half m ie o e and sicam e u o r sikt a tre thnthrmies w re st Tel u.dsryn udeso huad fctls Uni;[Saturday, however, it was impossi Mvoe*CUmW..»Il day. The streets were a ve - rnt.,asted dubrn ath last session otetafoile pole, whcae theslate ra b mre n in thi et waus beteenI',l""i'adonin ung its devatamg eff ilesth a b1e for him to ascertain, with certainty, Atthe Town Bull, every Mondy nnmmsrnesduigtedytercswich n natpassed uig fi t. ssio fthe• • mieiole • • helathibrk, e n id i' andmotunitgaîtedseveity dng et 1754-5. n wht ar of nglad Saers hen 0 o'lockon.mthe 24th, being, of course, Pariaement gives the Counil powrer teand the bMaidled home winmng eas ly in Blackl.ýock, Neuy keepm wa ndfml etroghthefalue f uc w. ço terr. cW4 omenc ted on 'tratinsincollecting Paylits members a fair renumerationfo 2 43; Shackleback distancedl. The bet- ace ilywo yaf -jnth in21-• Notwithstanding the deep and painful inter- eforts, I reëei ed infortnation à Saturdaye 6 3Ù1.Modyeeig ttefw oeo tegetatatosateQenstraveling expentses, and we am glad fi] tn ee okaohrcane l id fthe ortc e at. St woi bll ra nin.G, s hc hsdses xieadtee'a fromt th i di'r and referee, lit ho h ould sees rr . -so large a crowd. The dy sdohngcudyemreujst rune&onSdsa uc sa 10to1,ben ffr fr h hrehrss unigmulte et md y h ovrmnttstatt not interfere' further In the mattler ieblo -.tter liat.vallae 1 IlokBirth invariably torns out, was eli tiale than e to oplanm e otravel aed on telsadta$1te would in te same as the pbres. u es , Wonubyl th y rsadaes, i ths se Grne by oe ofthe owSir,'as 1 am left -si iýere c aûl BonkSvt hrt . boyinov r igt am n henadkp esit rsvnymlst rnattel uso- the ird f hetatcwoulse srts, 2,WoBnckock becme lm evuomssoesapineoivstgt h unas teritsbr e t .hrougho n The r y a n an Jsep ldthene bfinweemdeen n oig otesor es drawn.ien the G\ n dt. athni;te m tr tha n otingsed aone 40,-th a uthse mal te n a t a a mi ab h r a g e med n t 0 c n F i n e e r a a t n s m s p e Rx o . O t a r a s t e ed i f a r y n g t e ituh e t irii m , theJ d e s s nt t e m of c o t st w s et e n e y n I ut th eh e d of c a t e e is e s x m o t s, J M~~~~~ SarsI i2tte hntawnn n130l ltePrt htv R . atanWalc Hgf lo earshruhth.oue ran e adingthe M baidnet. o m s alcerde tercbt ore en and Cshi re uppwards ofte 30,00 in the to do. L L -MfNo. 67l eelllàlnokthekrane lla1, pnyouthe nu ero , , le of engthsbehindat theocore.Thehwel faggd. The startd fromthe " ame spce0of i:ne. y à spcialeAttofn arraning y p n h( iaementrAv t oldtrndout an pre t tong ndW. oe h ity Race orNrt crmad sed ank befcom oing to the unrchipandre n d letb ien'e attrtim n orders werd gie tn e :-- a nd I sh o uld h a v e a u u siabe l t -a U O o t e a r d a eve ry uori t 'in t e o na v h l i e p l , n o ea r m 4 w q a r e r p o l a w h e n e l p e e a l t F r t e k i l n f l h i f c e noealtlteiub alc ubå iP-D t B k ol helasot u av aven'Curin were seHiglndfot bRif ar Gin-e The ib y aeces thef asrgthem e teaiydistncing7bm. Te thhe t Off ot hewl ead, Lilly ail nder th ' e' shi, niabond oburying hem nirewitthe io e h tth r ec p n'det m nh J n no.31 blar e thern u of he ,citizens w ar cer u h ediy sccesul ohmmoo e Frank lan the Ma et T aonem rn n N l udrati htoin. At tifalf- dsin on h lsh ed fpwr ed o ta00intha e remaa i th hans:o Lh.edior f B 167,n*" m en ingthe.ra .e acecrT heereigideeokssme mreipoigehn h fnrhoafcpenesigth tatbTeMadpasd i ml pl Nly e botforopnlets hy ihtnt eusdfo1heprpss'ft Lif , o b f ugh f r a ai, he esrma n A.0.God i plrsat arre' ' of ,t e o a ndery rlianthad b atf ddhrses one theof ground. The attendancc- l" ell fa' ' e46 s t il - tebore tes a nuat rr athe "r teop oitiónaptrthaeirPuc I o..nda veg. M.78H mPe 'srsieneanncods d oldno athbeelsstaiGTespentitoea o te itl mr, omn t telat urtr ndsta uedaou Rueaiml'«.. n -P iid hBblr t ae n ood iTiie inla risontuallTesdeybenings . V r ry large, and . who dx- id edrausinesowthecarcln y a sthe u be d w and reainderlyse lLi l' P rd. Futordes eanîingend mg tgl L t and S yers tond ep1 teoula h" i e t al.:I 1 nut1oN o 5 , mee.T iIGS. wgr)tl, etrac e t o nards th& gbu nt " Qy t efrsttayham nghâwom i fpar e oule, a dwos the d ir tion of t1e upa nd rpossed he r n he oe a ga h, of ths F the ec., n for ltthsoun cte p îe !tl e nb c h e u b c r p u io n s ' l > D 'Ï n ,ë , , n tt o p r o vi d e a p . m . ( A le r t g e hect eQre nsio n s 1 ay w s n e n u b ee f a d e s w s o n i d r b l . s .a cole su re.N ll b ighc a c eypb eoonu m , a n tmbeu t i noiheno r t w m n h s a f e r t neci p hlf tha nd in tr hais w a hin t o n days).,o nlof cetr .ge net ra no y mortent, alo s as ho e it hmye r ro o o t , Lo d n o t ea sl k Sln ig 1i. T e f uri a t b o t efn ,1ily a ii e te he h e rean m aan of y uth one s e. e wi h o d f ein g b n ay b e p e s redt o bo hR E . J .PRT Aeo glo tiurteb , w i h t hroy lauj e tkKt o nd an dh t w n l o g t hh e a i T U L e a t o n , r a k o ns i iN lln ti r oa d idf e n . th e t r a . 4 t h For n o l r e c t o d ere a im a , t b e sides l- ryfoer1aglateofturigod andgraci SoQnenRalIove kemuteredin lageifocegte.stamer coB.rsNE. InS .he reneeMain2, ficoudwoCaCely e kepron hr feeiunt llowe tohg nearotheroforofmont af- I fu dà e i t h e rI f l s t e s e p o p t g o n s 1 r o c e ed - m . n d N . e l e c k , p. m h r w i e - p e a dbno rsn eC b ors, •r deodno u t e . L i l y wneh e s a t t e t s c o n l e c e c • i n s t e y o , f r oPE nii shsu r c s)n i e V . T . L, t O W R Y19 1 , kM ap l e L e aft- a itw h i c h st a rt ed r o m n u s u l y i R t eo . fMi n o 's t, d r a n i na y e s , 1 , i2 , 2 d i t-6 h e an c n i t e w h i c h w ul d , h a v e b e e n ) c- e mi th . a n f c t r n ea s d c tt et.b r - a ept ëo sieu ptral wrti i ào er B ad tVik f th couty crnea tht poi ng rngh ngAurer a e d t t bsNly' bt o te ccdnt ""ueFor doh e t ni-orforithe flesh batlema b prpelyreume. hogl WeleanMehodstChr ,eoneoren r . hJ. unm er S esin e Conty Croun rm gesurh ohetr c. ee T me 2.5is 2.43tin- 2.ft4e it24. EArrrti maren eatycate ob r.e 4i rnot yie t e edy t eomea e emo n d a y s r e:, 1 Ø oco k ,m ,a d cl c m e c s o u a ext. lre a db tl on ett hae row . ers eth . Ec ND RA E'u sn ALEIA hX nE q are e 's, nu,3 , , intred r ma fa rmo w eethea i ase h d h i m N A t b e t m y è s i d o e e u a - s i t u e , 2 3 , o el P . . r o e d a t he R e v o M r a a n0 0a m 0e c e d t h e f a r a b ld e , c o n t n o m e m b la, n r ss r C a i n , 4 , st . , f o a cA n3d l s t ,o r d erther e g ven f o r g t h e 1 5 ý u s!e . S bo t h t o s, i will gre e o r u n. . a. T i O R T N . a g i n b r n g to rw a r d s t h e r e o u na d e n t r - F o. a a1y h u r i h e m r n n h T u rf liern b u sei g h t r B y a . .n t c f a u b e k t e i m d a e y hI m % fo ot a cefrd 0 a r ds n te o v ie a I l op i tc h urchni , n i 3 o ock , P. lu., (e er u- d ue d b y himthe n e l s es i on. W cas n t m ro fo m adh e.tow n to th ie rac e rnd w a r een trib e s w erte d i, tK e n o te M a- n d a b rTi mh ne .5 , .3 2 1, 2 .f-,.et yS hes f c ar ers fo th r o per ath or - for hetaks, and belt, or yI tw i wre ste sday RFX.nt.rLnOYD' not seeuorsmembrs of theCouncilawho thabwithtasen era nd traveaers oftilda JodaneandMarksmaa Dmcktwoe ¡es.r g'ohnd f or the ybelt, or I illonro hina prPPTLLXD of ess t oynbetiavor o roai mprtII o- ro pToontoandbeoeto'cok aslinwotrgh eninhe eod Asddendrdewsfrdfor Inhe eonea rofthe hiresd.o h xsec ft t r I wI i tak få ce N e Ae rt huemet hie is tin•;e lne ntindu of en ing-nhelino fu easy hengrtnand nand eery availale o rhe atsdis Ane IbThU A rksON. ad .totters, bt there o n retre r tedies,£ 3,00 wrkad.u fte andes fromsoa hodsetenp with .htee»orl the ck, o mmOurg n ni ron ibetwee n ai te s a roChch ag od ve c ud Be . Sd . L w epeu 2 i n le public Ftrea uro a reco pe n sealfor the b et I alfthese afra wiins o teed- lu.$ The Proeco .nist ookngStoe fr 28sunt, a o ui th rinipe n oane d, ere uilfr ethn e. statwo RECAP sfTUelATetOp on heelatledkited uarcoding totpr escribed a a g ro e d e ,i n t w o m n t h s ob e ead h t y o e g h t - J o h n r e l a n o ya nr o•n t c lcat esun l w a i v n f r m t e J . M P A c oE , F r a t n k 1 1 a y e , 1 , 2 ,o d e s 2ri g t h y a , i, 0 h a d O th b e t fo ur n ta t cn, b e pr od u e Lcu re on h r eno og y -- A el g ar . mly oe1f r 6v ng th C u n y at o r D7RED s linn s, 3t 31 É . A b e tehpr e Š a s Ofe red i ofa t r a k ts f r t Éniad egnnngwih ayrs 1 ite D ntsty.- rs. Callend r C . tos w o el te seve.sha ai, sr . udg e ad oft o rg etradyan d neibos e LEoNAanEuls, a a od an2 dit borseys t furn heeeig atl eekild bcus o r es b as ofn 30 ays pr t,rly t e e lt . T o ld Tan ery.-chntTe. vi ed a un icipaity pa s b -fw p rotm nees mo e h w rd totm un as F .LoEusrar-an 3tdst tiber h we er se t in Ifwsore a d ealy do bl ha n mbrcie. a m I o n e i te c o u d y a v e , o ul da t h ' C ai. s f o r t i e ts . - - J 3 oh n T y e . p imi no e h u s nddo t o T h u s a n r g i v ., S ve n u r h , o e s t m e t ct h e s c r e i T i m e 2 . 3 .5 ; 3. 5 0 - in on6 .e ed t a IT o ul d b e a d d ed t o a F oruoa o f t h e dise a s e .b c e ýer otf ritth a S aneyth ilg lsheffutgSpcialPnoic- RertCampbll. dolarst fmortatop eg for thmprovn, a eadgote rtae , wn h c ws orThe Inep- SECOND ACE-unAp seep\xstake of $ ,100 ,1,each , pen a There havfein cse e e lsea lfl Vary il- ng,- drosthens sta at be Nws Boks.--J. J aOtt, ritlWI-loado r re oads, that bth County adsers' use olfine0, with an insie tao f LUB' s u sE o $200, with an insde sN .hos&it be run1for, on3, he, course inilarid i n Can ada, thoughinot tsucis- d e n rug te xcptonl %b.Mtin fGtd Ldeo .A -on grne otee s p n 1,each2;3and at the od o " ae ruksight of $ , een o t horest2owned he Moar. Inths ajce the entr 1,isl netn sytt .atvr eea t hin of Asthi e Brtishauhorai tie edeidlelyrqamrnucel o onis eurd h reetditeftnteegrintxctd 1thdyodApi, 80 teCuue rw DrMaks ndYra'tnin Bt n1re ha hsconra 'w dyt onias,1 an i&gre , adBtek oksadrttinrye. .Hi-rvdey we when appropriation orie ay ae-ors mCnaa adche hreweetheaetreraepb7plmnaneteLcscaenoth coe l l oldhewlliaal atl hih a b I h l e e e el at Rberty -Iny, justifi- gi, oa ds wr e s o ughw fr the reobjetion of r . y, f e er eeon any Tg rfH gl and Mi d, a d rsM an..T p 2 o N' Ck on M onay. The i st heat u se ized so ld bei-eith er e i e a on cefor soh s ed , cB a c hee quio t 1 0e o i *f4h e e a sac. pe i l Ntist cil e . -Th3 o malo llowaym .D yd n, a d th r t b , O , heSuont e A m ri an C nt netmv n atenrt e t ei g cl sey u he ,b w n ail b M rnn rnith59el e ke t n irly t t em el e a t re enh frthe, tksanWorlo ilyrsl ey E.il Y.d.'cme d ow hn t fl e ein th cn_ ondton for rnnitoherae aw ro m wu The Irishman came i ae, bu e e a ws utMaksankep te ea ad o tige welan fthre a nd ian Gement Oa C nEA .eetigofCunysonceH.Ma. hoao nemr s ofh umnwota o he t giareer, a s d a ul t toof b raeor foundl r in.Th i rd heaonT ting match1.59 was"Lso5 run by irli nifa or matutioe espe c ting the arace's el,wi advot e SnowhiblLn' dnelartoes; buin fvro ow may justly e, con- siwhihha nd etge. Alloappear. wasn won eaisilybytp, i g hland MA twendac b as and Sakeakt ioreadcuigaruevso ob f ,o ayr 4 R e n o al -A . A . G r e n -t e dert at1r . i w et 's r eobu iold ee d ooelo ckdoifa bapaM rksa n b e ngii s a n edh a n e s, miloe af 3 inp, S h rk ei k x e r is d v e r al c ttl s ug t t b i - and jump frotte a hAmbrotypethGallery-A.rA.hereen munwa ith the objeitonatoether. thegrenshovdotad eadMatiMia Kea-.bot ds abc n cArbellbaroisbs.nd . t o t he bthtre e raight ets. i me , otearettherd of the dise se savss's RErLYa , * Lectures on Ehenotogy-A. reads t hepus p c niespfreand Dich, en na Au lntsBhCADEsSep Ïÿ ,1 . .5 .akethrough Canada.e Just, 13,00 wec atis otime, hen beI a I n a hswe r ft m r. Hlenn ' s le teFrshTeas&C.--. .'cMlln." ha tisConclfeconiesth2pinbhidatth ghl nulew ot, an e N Ra 'sHg adM d,2,it. Thus nded te Whiby Racs te cou t 'slecoeigfo t eet which apearidin te bclime fgtisda' JpeiantiBrya on Wehea. ile oIn g a d for t e o tion, I rhotishan, otfily, an Blac Atck, olwig aoHNDwoN pn ageng cf 160 o t atro nofPubetresuryonad wen eeyn g pfromse s t72 fumbif set a b idu e i Pstur er -olm.an Troope rty i ygsipors vnteto ussa y laidto'close otheirgnl s On heome tch te 1 .56 si 1.59; 2.04. , a n kndnoraineaCcidet noriany att an abudant hrvesttnthing eculdbe t cn a m y b a cksý w ' i s eer a ' t " fe r - nit r y - D r . C a l ne x p a d .t o e n d o n h t h r o w n a c c o u nT t o t h e .m a m D i c k s a d M reme t a rd s o a rd i , nt h t e D F o raS l n n Th , l4 , A C. b o uc k g u a r s m , o fa r e w a l lo e d u p o n i a l mord e c a l a m i t o u s t h y a n t h e 0s p r e a d g o f a Be1wo ls LIfe Ui4 bL vendon o ueda thTe r Joi Te vdad hu gh paty teàn i c n su latintesrel ntheo eat"byonet" ime ao Tyss P RE E o $40, with r a isideord orh a ve we g he ardetia.compla- m ieaecwich woulddstoy re aori- l 8th of Ma'EM tolds furim that my ker pr yn cune nth e plia toth sin h .7.Alteote ossFeewti . e tao f $15 eMach o r ecn ,dls shores pickpoke rser nyting.inwthe sam,- e -tió n dof terlvng bwealthiofthneory.- d day liiste Te rige n dn e . - i tisCouty an o (h flmg wi e .d s n d pra t smen present, declared thi Miletaheats 3 inf5,bbarness'e or agit oe onT h eayT ungele brige and W h oi ce. S (R r ,t C 86 C e k ft e o n i e tii d p fam p.ll.Sh e he es o tetd he t admop e- T r e nristeo a T mp e adtaisatoneor s ecalsfocheorex ris dbet e f rm r oir vnnt e R stw lin ,o n tiFrd hey a n B r i eteo f o p tu-. .~.~ ~ -~ ~ ~ B yla w o hei orh ei r o w nshipa e xp n t oe e cou se so e o o r anci m ni tis nesm ladof o m ob t i n ng a h ad ay as h o ld ga , ell d'ofcertin 'um ofmone enramain nite ofmes0 t h nninthe laever wt li ndCoee.Tecatrwsd an wesaeo 10ec, pni,1 Techv ee aeW cro le f .e oelig m e ts er o d t o 'nownm ONY N E Dk.- . .OLttoR. Y r ond, r rondgh the onsi, ht-hthoneTeseod et a quly el h totng ws rtt ve ewenboshaebenpeae t akindn i nb etafimfotnteplge.ih ae n i d ,a te r o e g r a hm c p t o a l a . M e t i ni lfG r ai l l t e t h a i p r o p o t i n t e h s i r d e h I o d1 0 L D c I r $ isise e ttd h o c i n g t h e b r c e c o u r s e , u a dt a l l c o n e t la r c o m it s i i l a r n a d a g e s w i t u s a s i t d i d Sayers" or The isampon ofEnglad Tha Writen Ageement and n a in to he su so stofouth'in conteted, ennethCinniglby arelys Floa and the Ldyeiruesthlrmer with i. Thedecisontao the ud h od i Englnd towhich ti no f tdhae founds me t ith ie ner of those -- thn. éi e Tow nh ip eB eaw ; buts c h in r s o n gh , c M ; a rk m nb i g s c n , T m i h ui e si h e t ag t h as s e d r n n e t pc e bu ft no he a m eth nd. A gritha e No i e o -atnumber of r otem, p rM ie- owbe i s ntd ob rterCoun t ne appqir th n 5.ea kh m R a M ck b in i tan- pr otet a ntred18beforethe h ors iest r - g n al aisn to to a i ad wh eth we av rf re . O n p a ,t at fin . t e ridLt.aice utoustsgeshoo, et ro a East augnd e st , r e n l l, n n as a e. ish Nrhe d.in themousbe cdin thiheas. Thetrd henea xibted byOtheiowan eDrhoa, yMl giut, o thedeisown s or e halîrdlynpartiefr tction , sin oreommendeds caunreye. E x eh t stm n a a u s rdi t resandit a me t po òk a gly eSea t in ane r up L li - bsg n b tllheo n cipprosh a tein sproor - i mily a e-spl e i an adse r n n, a s be- gon T ha Fl ra ha nW .r es of ove idingT he fr e e hr sea s d a ru l d ig t ispsa ted t h avter b e n ftrid B l - with the efte pa t it lm erts, b ut t so m e ns . B o n trrdeet a rt en d c - t ,n %v r ot d l t o t e o j cina m e d n r . on tw e re c K e cnetA, nM al a, oM r ke - T hem oney was om b i n sqence otherw m is a ve thes t c h anect t e scofe innit giu m le inf52 ad th at of 600h e a n cl - good friti end qouinie -of-the-lPe, nac oc e me N ot ieredT oym rs olw b . y eandfiediladon. t, b c, 'b , Sn e h e . a n t e a rish n Co K ntnet . a B oin ith l d until ne tday, when the n er o e l satisfied a .That u on rfletin t .. ei te s pad ce ofth r lee mtonh rsatt e y on - -h a ,i nnocayenly eo hap ionr o f s ed , ai , n h ea m e no - B r . Bont ureu R m - Cs ou i n t" l y u s l es n ie oD ik tro s in the co e t a ead e t , Fo rathe f r s h edou p roof that s e h al d never w h oni d ered th e l ves a gri eved9 h ,é e p te i o treayte oist . mten s t m t p t h e o t i n . i I b f n h h a d o o b - m ai s " i l e n a s t h e g r a e " o e e ry m o s T h f o e g o n gh e o lu t nc i s o n ei e d o n a d i t tnf o s i te a n c h e r s .n t l y o nha p e t be f o r e . e x c e ed i n d , h au s e o d m i t st e j u is i a o r iet y o f t - i n e , n o n ft h p e m c o nt r a cd h i• an vn r b prehaewthia anx. Bienur k. Madoaldstted dqitabe picpe, an.1 detwetindrpedalite ein n hsaetbs-o acrtIavo. ainsarie a. A lleens i lsas.Aeieaeofafaaodsritonhs best me n , m you try,- an wt ot, i - S ig o aclir n ofates P rovin i mem sbers see kin sapp oratonsfrthe ir ' .9 Th o rhhet srn i 153 rJs . a cme 'sn a dyti ute g i ent 2,2. sbu rancett noiuu ke th i b ut ict i lmpar t b rhood o f Auhe rnadrScolan, w ich telRNing to east the sligessuro my cestat he tmofsthefomtin fth(ownships. W ed s tht Mr. wn ee tt."sr, ic nd a lcri rks n heing and epn a.B.c',Codr rw.jsiewl edn nteWib ahservdsvrlfreso erya ydintoppnetI ay hatnoAmricn tron--Droof A minstatin ian tht nd thr rpreenatieswMlabeprparitneatroud te hol curs.- Time 2.55 ri 24i 2.56 Course1.4 .heret k.estepidnitem apeatobe $ &td cn '&o fea g u e fro m n o h rlaL n d 're A t th e i r b -lw s, ansd ot e srg te nla pp ed h i y rar i rw rna d fi t e r ce f r a t ri i - T e t i notacr tt n at h w s i e'u b i eu a i g n o mh enre p c i h ho w e ve r 1 4 .Bosr a n s n y , s a l b a it a r n ge e m e t h d e eaentrn o e bof t o e w h o a v e a y s rtly o r e Ty he h a lt ea v n n fa v o r of M a r a a p e d n o n i h b u i g p r s e , w or t e b okie of t, ro m ld ngl n o th lat efec . T eC l oeet s iv ly a temp - decl d th M sleves in are o f ri o d im - wha bo ckon by a bt a p lengt wi h not a won sira b f n pas exitelad b la c t e BeiCTRE 7oN là ndRaEN eG .M r. ý a [ d severa an d m a s iave als rd isiedn at er a v6He y a m a d he rt re apab e o de bed to ep l ,lhaery I . Ga n .ed acd ir ovemnt s u nthe b i nasis her i o n. re nsh ve to a onpare p to th ,E s*f h e for a shake-p rs. S x g e n ho s s s a t arrty, te% wâ el -ko wns nd î abl e eur er ise dys' a ilnslT e malady se e i r t e ' tomigh.- Inan d strtepaMtrw. and n fruine sl nd." T.he Montrea Ml nink edrce t h cn the Su- e re offerk, e ng Dick.aInthis et tboe oe alprtofth'crs, some. of.live a9sre f ýeue a h-Mehn sortt imre. The spepdemichiseasbed ra n e b y i n ef as bl r g h ; a n e e n at s h e t a h m nt t at th w rd " ro e o n ma l othi n g t h acon i s then tsta i an d f ro m th ii s lleat o e n ni g o h e i d w e h r t h r e c oth e i venodT h rs ay ve i ng ne t t e n i mC a l n r o t t indb is ieas ed u np , not é his. H e woin dT h v e t o sdoa s I ue d iM adosý- o n t ald aga n r peats of .xpe nsea n idi the con t nuto b e between Da i ck l and kknartA . D ik took ad t ih nnng ai enoug , dbetween M r. siro n of p eas ig i acke s or ,th )co, gie o n trw ih ref er rn te ich arac et of h a v ie n e t e ve r y t a spr ira n t o t ep a c o a h s J a n l t e o n y a , u l s t i a aoàn h e t i . 1 e n t r w i g i o o n's g rey hs o s é a dr . i g g , inast Bba h n d e h v o d u t a h e d s a e o i e t f t w t h a t e S t r o p h y . W hr a s , t h , eoe i s i o f i t e - 1 a s - ro w o l d e c e a p r a d b t ter oute.C o u n - s e a n td is t e . OM a t i l d a h o m l e w iset e r , M n i m l e s b i g s ne .t h eg9; 2 . 4 .r . - i e n h a t M r . H a g a t s f u l a o , , ,p e s sora d w e i v r t i g p o i e e belvt is qay l wne d b hot office- ce 0 t ha we M.Jhd n, an u t onethan toemaNbres n ig nse r, bt as heallo. TIRDDAY f l ie justic.Th ollwng isaw4ht abudn a sntigcudb s T h e r - 1 oso]m u h eq i t y a t wi l d o S anreod . ng t h e C o t y i t a on s esa in o fa n r da . tsiedT nbid eonWe qýo e R ctt o D p ty R«ee f n ewdis t oan b t heg Judg â esinconeqent c ev r r n a c a .feof urc ntem orares0s 'bochm Ametigionte odeat RfothPe- hou t'lejusticeho appen désiret of dé- ý 1 .$fflinthe wey 0 ---- im hm o newW V . i t h à f fo r ja h ,,il of the dead heat. She was however ruled Hrl es f$5,ml etoe "The best Lectures we hare eve,r-hr1.tyitobhedaMr'soela o.Tu rnairc, or wrestle for the belt Sgiors - As paaof wehr the imposition oi a anMU toll out after the sixth heat on thisgrouand.~ four hardes, 3 fee, 6 inches high, handeap o o hiuhet.-Sice tolseoclkopCng tS au ,0a conventiot, oh- e ize rlg is a challenge sa eminmently M. B rowaaMr -would mn o eadvisable. DI this eans The sirth and seventh heats were&aso won èeght,. Three etriswere asade, Ma- iRsLcuesaeptool ib noe o ootingthe lectimvOfsf acni- a"t1 hitolevn adly iaiei ei ied iy one can c lo uBient mighbe areabrzed ta pay for Ire- by D"ck, and were well contestedby e a gM / Verksm lassand High- srcie uau .'lt rKn to.The attendance J aaof inind isa eneranlystrength- traldiet oe, ket hi do it.'. Alier having pairMsuad those who used the bige neah to the end, there being in no beat lead jag; erksA&e &Msswas drawn. "Mr. H., asa etue admai is likely to be numerouIs frontbothedomrn ene b l prpoalto am of ahose wate s mm oets without rCM inag a ol a o tisteald oftin-owing temore than two lengths between themloppo- The fast boat wuaiS wnby MigAland Mai, eidnlysans atýtehead ofhispa portino h iiin h redoofthe top. The -mapropoisition was one made umwer, ho rep..M i assetin with outbrden on the County. site the Judges étand. Time I1.51, 1.52' M(at" aa»molting at the fourth har- on."-Indépendent, Prt i0tissetin hol lme mu#te y aL U.mLte, who met his rmedical atipe- "b eig ntradie" d"Y m-Bsdstheordinary bninsasof unig Marksmn wasditacd in the 7th heat de. Thesecond eat Mate1a took the "Mr. Hagartycan have bat few ,l5 trong at the oeeting 'Uneatudonthe roadothe aylu , On thisvidese, Mr.Browmis akà teA...,oc rll, xrantgThe following is a recaitulation : ed, and ke it te the bast, wiswing ",-as Ily. sPractical Phrenoloxist, or exp u d.tctor with a liresgrasp tjur a o p gne ta net n o#,that the subjct of a Jas PAcE's, ef6nieick 2, 4, 1, 2, 1. 1, i, The third hat kwa m tookthee&'%-Of tesine"ygr0 Å Ron but the inedil aman, with great presenceto e - men c uma" n M atGenwoor D. E EmWha K•••A4, ,,2, A sad althoqh she knockeid down the Grat their intention to take UP their reidence of nand, reiled, *"Nafley body could sigu." Now ithau ocnermd ta ci Jnis.dthat establishedP. LowEu a ràksaan,. . ..1, "X,5, l, hrd signbt b er place, atnd led round Read Mr. Wetherald's adver tpermanently in this toÊ4berswen thY Jars. du wu ; le&wu go inwt thestreet and php e ilsisteQee WM'at M gt4-aw.eed .3,nmwhih o te innngpo. TMe. r i esCfes uuad usetepatc fter Ja . up.' Lke rddythe ile, I ao t" L**dWr tBaaith y gmay 1 NAan ÜmEus, Mtidàfed@. ..ThMe ity and price tout gie Surgen-Dentat. Te a a*,nsd wie 1a-- ioalconlolis, proe s'erss, Ham-ntm 71A ag threugh the GOso. H a anskamas »".... Te dw-s the favorit beforetheon outoa &Ugood judges, and oc experience in the pr bung pnfe ad" "eiemman isa obriek" I hope al- and various other of out *oranea ba smblédat Be'r-Usamt beingPUt 7, 5, 3, 6,4ds, sttated.oW" s-e--t of hàr-eihtsfe- ouhepes. isedm Cboug h as haW ip asay wih tradi, a- Idu may not hav eendu » prdern $eo00 per oxaunm, arabeen Mr. A aLE ', Z,6 , ,5 is 0 gtr hanMatâd, but after yen".' -he med taLt.1 ce * riokà-ar.The oser oft th. iefof the GiAe--thAt i04 fd afthe County.1 ar.asMr Rmr ...GtsW'sA xaaoTra Gauga tsdaoa Md je i nac 7in fat, he Dot tales the trashieto Pt"Ti - idet b Mga per N.5,det. , tehtht lA. Green ham rmoved hisl t h *avm of baboasei nwthMsd ane, iàPoms- tao eswu, h nd edtabou couafstâda. Neuroàgae o«aed. he',n IromuraAnw mne semli essme e- es nry attenti y, and thas ubeauss OacRP" dItwas nealy six o'clock when tis ex- "1118mm vr oesu'oe'. hs 1ee b àîy r. John Te si Port Ut** i'W abe Wkthe A m aosk Io the allusions leat unues annumet: iblyas anho hsies casciting ram was cmeluded, ansamqu-"" t " --ThoSerous are Eghted fre i ns pm. Mnd the demand fer i& eedue6tia s ha Win lmei sveygat y"t a"s t sartaskorsaemese f r mPsiffl essisemp09t OP"ee rtau . panan----yitbalyaMd in MW esemed buiBobt-s.As kt bewer spaoma a de =Mca h 10 rtig es.Th rtin esan Previe 4edhorseN ewamedin CanJad ilkinds of Rhemesss. .dMWt » àtw ks e c ve hec m e f t ME m Courtswo8os Mosaan& iset mu Mote$1thrtqpro.Te thig o.hes6 pses po e'-l aes bil onle is faction7 rder to rt the r ings had Da by Mi aganst United jnatter [r dis ch they lance W, aculatE matter ton of Treaty been 1 t dear bring- 1 Mded the P Shipi urrah f Bill, in arl obtl ofthe iwer of IL ed. So n .ne 0 ts er he Pr ed, ai s ar eriate sect pter tutes an ] front ton u Supi ael <- Onle n sea si veg, a ne SNo Act ty C a ne c te ,Te No ve n Ath< nme hog t C à ; ý ,

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