Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1860, p. 2

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aô. d . r-pot dot do. o ....... &.t DBfroh. PincenAbert, Port Pr . ......300, P. in. W * t e k . .. ........ At lthe Te» i Si, evrY ondaY Utndutig, t 10 o'otk, M. Mta. o EteTT Uoaday uvesing, et the "own 3sil. st O30. TFrson%non-At thlir liail Wilax'a Bok, Brook 8teet du the lfot Tluesdtluxevery Om~ .di i.130 areood Tniioav iti a- 10.Î4 flm lokBeokSteet. $og 1.0 scod 'ddlrei i e-v ,n'sLt, t prole iite~ Prthtby R. Sx $,-ertary. IL 0. . po. 107, intl n the Orangn lIait, nmol~ iti. the lee l riau ni ores iitsth.. U0 1_ No. 95 aiiL nin*,Ueue'alitel, bÎêZas sCraok, o iiheatestTioudayr la ever; moeiih.1 W. Jeùutiiti.m, Seereterv. Weueesdiy evoulome. bi PilhrmaoeSocety, Kt sole's liait, Mgnd*ytvuiiiSo l.flTeda vlg litiueou lOt UEtis. Etpienapai CIueh,tt. .oli',, iint lirot, *Il ooo, *. ta., aid 3 tu'ook, P. tu. (Aller- %e andaiya). 5E. î.rEiiA ND. Pte, ktetohit hreh, BMeehituieei Intitut,, uerjel ofpihînp and bMary Sîrti, Il ooek, ao.~ssii6 ItEv. T. L.OWRY, ý&W Advrdlsmcnts Ibis Day. Tii Protectioniât Cokiug Stove for $28 Stolea or Struyed-Smauol Long. Grocery aMd Ttia Storo-Johin Wetheral. Oreeaswood Fair - J. C. Sterling. Ikoitwo-4ohaiZwickey. ftay for Sae-Wmi. Gordon. Osai for Wol-Tlios. Mentiy. Notic-J. Frot. Vovu Lantd »paetuaet.-M. P. Van- .koîgnet. . issolution or Partsierahip.-Cros &Jor. 8ase Mil fur Sale-S. L B. Hayward. Ontario Rond Compauy-W. Ha RiggiU'S. Notice-Jas. Thonr.pon. Wbitby, saturù.y, 3laY 26, 1860. ONLY maLDO AIÉL Where la litiDoument t "Civere u ii the ttdkneeiiic.".-Otio. 'Ilii. Opposition dilsing the. rent Ses- tribu, (I&*ppitly iosd)habeaumle gond del occupiod with lie oten internai divisions. Tite quarretla, eatiîey stand, are very "ýpreîty qiîu.rreiti,i and iun would tiot liro- tend t1seteIrlole cxiiîg dilierencep. nor indand lto alude te Luin, ucre IL nul; that eeboueoor contention iso o s ingtherian a clîaracler au te challenge observation. - We rrftur t the battie-royal that occitrred betnveeo te miihtyGeorge, end the goni- lie Sanîlieid.îoward the oaimeor the Seson a Sem")sin.re iuay happlly observo, en paotos, in sviich the'bouineaa of the cotan- tr~y a beeo carrici through with fer lois ucriuiooy titan ntisi, and it which ne &p pulte iplîysicuI endurance, [nturlly ah- loy-vnt 10aLihe itrittirea o(suds mon of mont(# asSig. Benjamin,] have ceopeiledl * " aedermat." of 26 morial heurs i Our teaters, if ot. amfait, upon 1tite .ubject ni #iàçpute bel* tes te rivai ciielains of the 4' fiuttered" rils, nmuet bc infornei thon that uj on tise ,uch niooted question of aulhijeet iib an uumnstakeablms Plea of iit ." ifniueltigtttuf thse 5roiug »ud groviancas, about ririicis the leader oi thse Grils,, ha praus and sitl prates, arc n better baset, thon te sdnai charge gel up uginst ministers, on thisSeignerial qoestioin; as bodced tro fouiand know tbei -te be thitoîth.litc position ni- Mr. Browro .very.inocislkttsaWtth hoitrvt could f5Id ne ont10fi reiase tise scr-e of spoiled caua; ivîticis Ae tallai an hiaLeri- cal piesure, anti forthritb coimnnieunp. btridiii; Lise public.lor their Liche ni laite1 _No-nue--ht oit oo.-ILtenail veriyWeil #,o have an ltOpoitioniii uîd 10 e n watcisand.ti rm. -But titere must ho rea. non in tt«.,>sting ni egg. " aialtos. et on hare-laced, unmitigalci 'aaiu" 'GisE us thse hasdkerchini-the documents WC The Gril Meëeting at Miliken'a tor As vili ba con by out~ report about fit 1individuala wre present aLibhis mseeting: .only tbirty-tise isorever took part ini Lit proceediiog. and this nuinterirni doru 1 itety-tico at the close nf dit meeting. Tiscre vrire but two perseti preseni froa te Teivouip niVaughtan, tire fronScarborougit, and, Ire froniPick- e ring, thep-reasinder nf lios comprseini be- meeing (iviListlb exception o! Me. Johno Bellon i Torenlo), b ing reiM k -bain. Thero ras ne reprosetotivo ciiter irnin, Etoticok-e, Wlitby, Whitby Esut. thLb Town of %WhitLy,or iroin Oshait a. And yet risat wtubthj-poopîs of Souths On- rtarit,),andite unrcpesîteii inuninipali- îles hink, then ts ieif-cnnstiluieii meet- ring of representutives of Kinges Divisiol%, *tour upon tbitiseires, 10 poobu I pneu i a motin for aojourtment writlen bY Me. Phillips, andi for rliicii osto a seconder couid. net ho gaI, ho orier toeliaes Southt Ontario soi Etobicoke represeoted 1 What citreni lhe for consultiiog South t ari Were nlt Mr. David Senior anti hiti Mark. haut friettis quite eqtîn o te tashe o!fnîsh- iog ail dti arrangemetnts for the lection of a candidate for liiaDiuiilont ? So it appears, for they itot ouiy appoiotedth ie day anCIthelitecits iy wsehioicegoltes were te ho chosco, but llîey aise sppoi.uted te timu. sod electeti te Paceo here te convention rus tobLeliend, ithout crntg te etsquire ritethtre t suitedth ie cooveni- ece, or, Cite risiteof any ont inuSout Ontario. They diii more. Tbey took it upon titenîsoive 10select te cil>' ni Tu- roto-a pbice outide te Divi.ion for hoding flitir conrentioot'! XoLrtistand- ing al lte cottretîent poits on te route of tise (Grnd Trunhe taiiway rititin tht Divisïiota, antii tàotithtitaiisig thuit tua village nf Markhaon isuateil nerlyin 0thse geograjiticsi centre oftie Division, pos, soises every accommosdationt, atti ru as c0vit5llttt a poitii as cotli be selectrd, Ihese niicious gentleoten Lok ih upon thcmseivcs te sasy tat.. tthe-.cnsxctttieit thoitibcrioeld i umiido tht Division,n mater ito ra piesci or diejilesaseti, or rito mighttbh conveneotd or incooveni- etten by titeir an doing. As re liave sai, uhat carei lbny about coîsuiîing Ithe desirtia, or lite sisites of South Ontaio, Thiir acte bave provcmtatI lite>-did tIot-- they rtm;éy pl itast tenseives. Stime ni lite annilin poilicians nIfLise meeting ioay au"Oit I l ny tht Witby chreut- jou-a Bitisteri.-tl pnpr jeu knoo that spenkni iiitissias." «Wltat e ~couhti yoti expet ? Ve cuit baek ttý yiitrsion in theo teelis mai hose rita malco h, anti ciaies, that sithou.-it despising Mr. Brnwn, as nere egitatter, uwte îvoa a s peken out in lavor of honest praclicol Refornu uesaures ani principles, anti lthough alandin-, alwaya t te aide ni lar uni or- der, va iave'otti>- uppoutet te Ministry arbore teir acte recoumeniici theasseives te public approstai, anti coniemathei ne tinspariltgly wubre those sels des,ýrvtni il. IVe n0w spotk nult because wt eitei thai Seulh Ontaitro lias been grossly itasultet inh Liae proeeciiogs of botmeetings bfid ut milikin'ttCorners, aini hecaitte vo e el quito certain thit theb insuit wiu ho reont. ed. Att. lirat meeting il vas sougIt te chisci ber ott fbar fair represesttion; and Liseiast ua vas jeered ut, anid te vire, opinions aso isobes ignroti. le know Mr. Abraharn Fargueil, anti5un féevi quise certai n that ho und tht irieniri rit t shualicisiIbodies, sid discliargei thse duta sfur tlion oas1-bill of M. Atiai Wil son, as peculiar ciretmastasce, as then-diaW hâtt reprenantL n.mgsa ariuwsîG - gutn tu 11gtcan. ,qquity s~~tu. eexpia- af Chief Magistrats of te Corponilhion,-ho dCreonpnsul hblbn the . seeéclicu Stuth Otarilo bai maslargo a population as. tire Çouncii.- enat!ionsrq rinhaving ltoprintig menvant- a rd Thkc of plen t. sthkesvbo.ok<iuinh ne experieuce, of course the Globte te cor- froids, aid thiitooi formai a prty eanesalNorth anii Hast York,,lie haii gone ta The dates atnd plauce hWQ siop>-Llrmst uehone ît1-it ree i is etiut oiMe Frry Âd î ageat ou-usa, M. e n, in00tatue Witby an.d oxaineît Ibuvoerin sta ihoilit euseluioî, adwoeia- Itpd, usage itoerti tilt tni cuntcn- theOposiioin os tiey-ves boy se i cnsoofuconiruediisin f ts aA-ndhe ifimaantrateà te lueisurie th fce ! ue)to-k Sitrit r u adst i te tuu the ise nt m oi bitter ireaxy,. dvolî .upon tht poeity of lie officetof tise Cierk of te Pouce. t--ThaL asetni. a u oti hefaceof hbo àktti.ît'ttl nt4oý'Upper Canuada oeealuch 't uptln te s' nti tht suspcion onipli f Vhitby inLo twe townsis, atlsmadmi ioaelo. << --TIno Pi-utin; Ceuniittet îîi ,a ~. 61 dlit L aluaiie anggesiiisaof-Mr. Perry, gison te fraunti; Iou virtuously tlîey Lsd asitija de- incorporation ofthlitsTolivoof Whitiy, anti A voire,ý"it seot siijii. 'test-tii 'a"Iege, Luit tîteir lppouitmet t u- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~s uiecmabe mso i~51 ncttg, ~ 5 tcorruption, joishtry antitheilnage of Oshýa li rstitse a iir egya,-tecwh ihi C.ereenimI In procuritrg tilt iitasureunit. aid novemiosee~o itogreet, ati1boy. usuikely il as titth ie intsuiei, in Whta v1ntheo d ownîshsip of v natsnenebinli orn- i t efntin.lrt l i arits le fIni is e. Faerry in s ettsilydent iii report ofon of ita ia-ig attemptedtia0W bity, anti hicb nécpit a teritory ne a.Mi in rs ufavur te tte sis,ît10Le tei lt f idta r er uatal otmore csaittiaee to os£10o £0 agrlo iaIo abatooreoMachhasvillage. tuaI lus report ni tiseConmititte avenuif tevaris tepoacliemi lIegilldoo-of 'thn'coali b.otruc. -Yeî ieitaunCes aenuti epurato-lista et volts for ectitasasicipa- Dt lsi o t in a -of.zeeLs o' Lie s alted wiYli pitstiouilifeenc -countryr, thitan even tIieietoriu.cuie ofthle tumaie st nîrgly a-ainitheue uiiied amtna- lily, ani that the naines nifmîtny porsoi, tation t Dmeetet Bird's tel.vetin uettitîg nul aH ile tsisuadparbitulars. Gloe u inoî t rut shis pariianeinary bar, andt te ufford hbina thse oppsntooity oni ir ise vttpropeety io tati ouniciplitly, r- e. Bein ondeastine tr5 ' int 1 havi use thetrister Me.Purv~sjoIsssi eR-tpiaiuiung tiena, hh ad lrogit Ilpethis ppearai'in eae!ioiftselis. Ta e uîigthr 1eidiul l htîklititi Mr.Ppemq 'yeth ece. x-motion. M. Wilson roptieti, shatwvisnsonaine apeared l inIo.tlise, anti wusCarrieti on, anti sarse eai puOstil Mm, 'Major andtiGensitlmen peruco tilee iAnt iîi te t Reforas io isetîtise bill, te haulimarskcd severaisme ini four --ors' lista. Tiat in te sot te ic)tiokhe ia> sen iig .eu L ihRr rset if 19ttiarisea titis objction I Vie ils-ms isihlipetiil, wvititi rentî luelellteatowu oi Witby;-tliti vsnsdividedto elotictuire itko a flIof eseep. ho s-oit W. 1servaGn siieshi luie mincist te eMr. Feryenouti. t eiîon cithsAttoroey Genera 'esit, vards, nany naines appeareti in the lis for Aller considérable disettasions I- er he onoabl Gorg eta pbli mut-but viat W1t5bus surprise te inti a inotice esixis -ari, andithat the ropetitionoof te snstakenitiiifaver of tli e trdtpitces 1 o imtiono of Vu. Lysitte flite Cetîncil -;tor i henorai Geo t h publ mOL.in relation t10flitt ery bill, put tapon thtesanenains e s minicoutaineti inonoe or proposai ristthe foiiormnug etsuit.a- Z.meutte , ltlite citnmittof n lte riviteon nghowxohdrediy int et oseetroe-paper w-altin 24 oues. lie hilliravs net mures of tise atowîtstip lista. Thatun titis borts 3; Markhitaa 6; Toronto ilTe tsedîeportofifueS-inding Cumuitto oit -My1 t estum t bat sane youtis asti aï.tantimpespor one for lte services rentdrtnseuten, tise lista ni votera siiometiait stg- ettuttion rvest iens pusse.. Ointiusblon frer n the chnirt.scn patice. asti ho rias lsrgoiy out ni pockztl-for me - gregaeavote fer Southt Ontelo.-msrenthon lTe thuirnan nuiedlat custhtePitngot- neyos dvanced te iutarios.but tlu-titis il realîy tad, andii muid give il a reprena- b bts uto10procure theinse f:4 11 Q.iitet, on heing- askeiflite question, nttesnt- RexvýMa. O'KmtrÉ's LECTURE.-The nmonîteotainont ibeen sbie to gel morettion grenIer titan it ras entilud l.- fuorsai ssinioiandt'ivo tt h tt iten1ud ttlieprning mesuri re Ber. Mr. O'Keeffe, te beceming as dry tait-£i00on utÈcouîltt ai l, eveucriler il Ibut in Marissam te case ras diffrent, roolnsof nithe loformt ssseiatotl i ( rithnuat si.butuliitg lte contrantt nepapers. 7e p o p u l a r l e c t u r e . B i t e l e c t u r e d e l i s r e d t ha l lb u b e a u t x e i. H oe m s s v e r y iriri o c i s . m te r a i l t se v o te r a n t m s o r e c - e o c k i o n " e r e i ti e t e i n ii m eo rs s n eg i v i t l - e . l i g g i s e n o p p o r t u i y nr lit Mcinie' lsb a tti tto u hîs-pssiituIhiîh tatif h otllut bheesu- braet in tsesaint iIat iaflnltoa ieCitîtieutut so gare0ie-riliti iusking xpitnatiosmtbefoenthe parties themehaie, al i tiston n hoa.cessini, te aceount ou ithave been niocitin tiismnnae, Southb Ontario rosît tanteiîîg us tîte ituntses nithe deic-5 'for euîîuuloýnii 10 eeltite Lo niensuenatrut day eeigls n h ujc f 1niLiber- more prempîîj paii. Hotu.J . A. ijcDon- an ndvanti e ovor tise ottor portionis of CtitMuiciipeiy.-Erlst iîhtby T~ he repomrtvas ih oentseqîseîce ordereti sriject bcîuele rcfrett tack nu Iit instructions itu tfl îavusery numecousiy uetietie, M. nid repiieth bat ho vas nI smnaen nithetheboDivision. - HIe suvestedth ie appoint- iiy 5 ; TowinifWhtby 6h; Osits bvtit e us nune nîttîer efýrieritnucoutlpe. Sieriff ]etynoldis prtauding, aud lvoeare tlid motion for the productioînof tito bill, until ment oais Committes lu crise îLe votesaPiekering 10 ; Maeklîin 13; Screh' ltotparties lu Torostot, antt ie3M.iig ýygave tins gooastulsatisfaction. Wc fuel io bal seul.iL on thtepaper, andt iat ho listla foe tLediffereuit Muiicipaiitios, aiflVaughtan 4; Etobieeke 6 ,ilsu:t gins uc noihiiedta settîed at -*lte plier exceeeiingiy soce> ILat wra venpenvenieti bal askedthetsmorer la viiiidtaw il. Un- SothiOntario, ana ttrikeofofttht dupli- hiesuhutiona aecpasscd diretiIlt t e . Ibrougit indisuposition iomfînut aring te mtitis moment ho hati nadensondt i ouli catet usantes. Sece-etry tu iuroeari cophes if uItll rroerooeîv Reserennigenleman. nul ibe brouglittop. lu o csre,te bilil Ma. BeîL-Tlit'a lte iglît s-ay. hugu tu the GriL t si, îî iiutiriie Arpr mîîtn sotitelm gt t he uCeoir-, - rvas u exorbianttente, forlr ivasu narly Mni. hleEson enstittuedti 10 515e taIt esons Lu lprocure tite cuteslsy ui5, iii u"ptny st lnnsn thre epe . ; ia. Thmmmlnql9ad 1Mv. G anubie £800, sied il Lsd beentreisce by thetlas- tai convrsedth miisevrai parties utnVibit- the meetinig brolke tti. tllrecnmnamncndsiug te uayiitiu of .$4 h0 ta hsg- n.-lficer tb neari>- bif, btstit couuti have ty-fiudis of Mr. Faretel-as lu lnbinîg -sa*---nîmtly Leiehsr. 1, Pouding lue convention muics la aitortly -hotu setleti mitanut thointeeferente oaI ttliete censtus nf 18ù2, ns telasis on wmieil, iro the Esditor of tie ullitlb COnsuilte- litetoîtiscil adjtisriiedi unîi Moitis> c- ta assemble ta iecide mitais le be the cans- hlouse. Tht hou. member tatiliailnotu oeleet isiogaLes, and Ihat lbey hall tx- - ee iu31-dJune. gdidata ite Moietet.inlemest, iL cannt graunds for gayiog lihaI if lire liai boonun-presedt ienselvea perfectliy ouisfiedti itîthcdit uiisii oscl r. bcregardai othormist, tishoite iigitest asîcesful the bill . woulti Laie been muretat tout-st, peneidetiaa uttle aloanîce sin Pikeie lItei Cmiil z- dogme reprohensie, for te ' elýoytist ta eaenly paille for tise hon. monditor Ilto rmecMatie for tht groseti of thetsorti of 'Ihrsu.lit 3ur palir 1î:î>.eî tii irrr rttut uumusiMt l S ýr cometforwrd clslmiiig tht nomination for dit ho (J. A. MeD.) lînti gises bill a carte Whi.hy, tiîcetbnt lisô. TlitIsnme of of eltquiriltrt-, if i ils he lity ft O o- AL ioGue a 2 80 4M. tsabit. Andt Lat ie not ait.-lThe <.blancetolacoudut tse prosoeutiotin the Mn- Farel's wrmseeationde iii Whit7y, pîsuiî Managees 10 beep Ile rend rit ViThe C(tunil miel pursusnttote njunît tlenst alkus upenu itseif, teamisparnge lise may ri-iicis ho . îiouglit seositi ho oost ci- expressei tiîmaelvoî un. Ho rerommenît-ii inte inils ni the ttun, iirin rt-- rusittnt. 1-clainas of oLiers, andta spoe asightingly fcttal. M. Wison ntiîtîed titis, asddtietiemeetinîg tu proedeet, iimin" tiatlesiritnviesutucsietitiitMenthnnulîeri ni Lta ualltetioa etas oî mo asMm.matie a lent ofitaif aprliigy foritis iii cota- busis for eecing tLe deleganesrould ho safel>-, if sou, hdirectî tirateir nrtioîtn lote Mintîes of the ut lmeetintg t-tatiaid np- 1- f hequliictins f s oo mn s r.siderti inunod, anth otitenauietvas carri- louis taho e sajue at lîIneonue iutSouths pnrtreuiultru 0taIpart ot tht earton inovdd. -GambIto.Tlisecenduet sel neyer istlp M. etd. Me.Feessou utheutintrotscet i ls ans- Ontario eouiij abject it. itie. iuniths lîresieunto nte.t 1 r'Dr'à o1 tîtillt Itifr.îCpbut llotepen> iuug Gamble, noir tiseParty, uni the Cieulitefnuai dteyunlite rs rdet tlif i.,-,td bo1os- Haieulsonby te. acimpîetlie peliie aresoistionton Reprtsenttioun ccnî-uing PMr. Ileesue stateat iaItec Lad ntlain-uî sbe n a ti ieyIleta ufrte leiuote d rn btwu R aitouiti endeasor 10 guard ti lel agaultt Pupuiaiiun, sheih lotita auusrstc o ei.sor ' os nuasbe atiasi s het ie c'I i iî it -tignilt'tjeroil?îeî committiog aimilar iniemethon lufuture. tl.M.Dmnorsr tauetîuoi ope h al iî l]ct - riit, tise mok iil luearge, i1tti -e lrtts 8 attdi9 imteriCu.aoiî3-. r --sperinus mntion, untetudedti rarra>- Upper teineti tte fuuioieg nuniter of vottre. tht relIîeetairitiy oui te tiare,Ilite rîti j ChittisltR epurttof te Cuoiuiir itnp- 1 Tht Greatl Moderato iteforni ar. CutinaaistLteCîdsliesigniWttjEt.. ........ toi e Putt. Canadtinediate relaie.airdattthd uro rxpeud $200 uitt lise...e.....ood riviicit mas ii inte lai-aterjuisuilike-to WI,itluy. . . . . . . . Yu urst&e., bll .t- tlOTue A iAEntt. the offeel that eircuîîusianîcetiever couli CII AC» 3Mr3Cr. i sunes titat the Ciottîeil An influenlisi meting of gentlemnofni seoln ate Lowr Cranardu cansentl Wibtoî----------o -t-îti 16.r-tieietiîoa îulofietiitut -the Party, cottmpising Libtmsl Consrts- llejresdSaiin by Puptiîîiu. ou 3l.Osaa - - - - -1 - . uuo. lti SititCiituu b iuirittutt. tirsz an Rforer, vashel u Mak-Cauchonîtols ientin tIbiis formee adeoer>- hPickering- - - - --.........980 TeCuclIinfridisl it tieatiRfees.mshtt thn t edotTneîte Cîtuustetai lurent fon.. ..........128 ilotetiMx it othi i2tl't;îtteofReis tan te sssse Rl Lhum villrage on Saturaj last, i t nt-nr'saillutat oiie widtdut irLitaucpu sktn-----------18 VîaMotuE- -ry i, - , " ias iriatfl is- i antttsut ieesessutl . cbhtel. _No business t mmasîenscîeui. A a-bu Si-br ..su.........990 Tfeîîtintîutil itîcui hatltt t G st itîtt --iisi sd ssei piaitirlid t d o eitelf0înk l ncr,un bal11 Seat-haro'e eltlJlý Vuý-, 'ite c' ini au rsutird Ile Rrtri e tt joturrmeoL Ioohpe tu Satan-day Jase Li tiînititVniauan... ieiMaorsn Ile cair place kinpoittid ot iht tic lper Canaii........... ... li..lsyt-halieti.in.stil ititr. 9nd., aI2 etcioc, p. es.cosiellisenut teute prnoposiioin, tient nn Etubicoite--------------................î -b. ui1nii lteieuti tint t ottitiltv-r tome ri-ieit tous-eCanaa l Pits. Fiieip sltkedd saI ris-utidcth e te ot 'r. Dlisqi ett.Curirr I luicipritl_: o rt-s-ucliutil andshiIloite PairixamtarsniCorresponiitnue. souli bbein justice bostî t lu ctRt i ce- dittoretice i inte sunter niftiiegnîrs. if fter a -t -iiiitin f liitie-ites- 1il tîu ti tttîtn aibill oit lte :utColi. sesiatiotu by Populations. -Utiterth ie guise te nesolios 1assed ut tue presietîsis eel 0Of XVuîî Scttlen--i tls ii t nsi i ttN 7 DE1 I. Qt-uec, Ma~y 16. of inedsip lu Lester Catnda, lie ris tîy- ing hllnticarriti. "ot l'uni ,hiLîra.iilg t,tî1iI-ius- tiiiet 3-le 3-eCri4it avivstsfor irînvti sitrti- Dîsa Mia. uîu~~~ig u gel ns manuy vntes ns possie for to Mn. îîtsoa' reusie tielnittere meultiitîtis uie -ts-ont e s ie ks -iiIes- a lt v îe Liwts- lu îuîîî-ud ii>oLare Ne. Sina seei ju tut s-avne Ildrntge tLeusseiries ngantiti. Mn. Beinîtsucarceîy be asy différence. icteproeu slii i itt 1 .3 otit5is Tmnshri- Caieiî. a perfect rosît of business in hoîb Hosset oioîîtns1lest, anid su t-os te onh0'iial, PMit. Mii.. ulatedtielitIMr. Rotion*s aegaî bei-r durng te rae sitlie1yLaîw orstlites tend ltie lire of Partiament, buis hy te Score, taring oVere:15 Upper Cstuaiutis, 1i os-une, inliag menaI moititiettI bulL reys, îîînthiers- tire glito iur.syi tire tattrlttin lul C and r-i been pasueti vus ecomparatively littie aI- for il. viulagcs iin thet Westnpnet of Illte liiii- tle rtisoun th ire er r-nu-.ttt ep I Me. Nlr('iei.-lt i îtuer,thtrlitcreet or tentionta them contents, ttoogh il io as YusIuitf ln sîhene te voteranainmes npîuraresli îrgrs in rat, lti,-t ituvr o ie Treusutre i faver Weil tosauj, for foier oi creating meng tiistii imreiîauueniteiutiyttsis- suc.ti Bavidl Gilchitsfieite suoinif 10 pressios, liaIthey isi ait hen caretuli>-Dr. Fred lteont inedsecoîtid lu>- Mr. at rîutriMr-rsers diueivner l te mnlutinof uthiesaiary as Aseesssni Dexainti before in Commillees. Aitu C ltnon ni eeltehe l n. ît<Ti'tt[itte. t -orte yetur ltî6O.-Cirrinti. -Pîivate Bis hart ta puasmuoileertserili- KING'S DIVISION Rea-Olesed tient te resolîlutori llattenul- OuiFirsyiii r is uttittri r., upittu- -l. le Creiglî mss-es tt tlite îietiuici cal tavetofhe PrivaIs Bilt Comîittet aIut mont passed ti athe ast îmeetinîg hbcresu-oit- e Itevies .3-lt- 5KtIL R runnîrtuVralsis-ol ie (rrtie lulirtil antîri tirt -r i -isrri tht esi oi wlich stands oneofaithe atolt t'RhI! 3-EETING A ;T ML.lgX COR- sidoreti. (us tînsen - ssi%% e t is- li i s-i is ts- Cruuriiioe of te 3ud stti.-Cr siremni ant imLen iightei issejera u inte NSERS. Me. Estetus, seetiieut ty M-r. Piiiiiiî-tthe ruitn>et "i : ltrus ttr tus-J Province-h renuterM. Ciruelepiter Duetl - murmut tituhe hsis cf te utectutuouti', ersiticitih,ch n-iieut-e tri Iet.i tsIL11.1i Nl-.Wixotttnvs iet ttt the it-e tdo - ki-vi - opiionîg'orod- -~. - (lite otiftuosesl1ilitg icit-it rvi, ki-hua-ioe l lel>- te aliose-aay wrcai- South Ontario pnininoid leguies focrt, respretie tiltrsc-pariiis i, î]ueî siî;rubil tir -ti m Dittuitt Ili rariitiîetier titi lt tstheinrveirutsut pineiple o aaie5or sany vreng liiieqoit>-, lu-titis Dvision, ho aSie deie-ate tri es-nli 100 the alits ~tiltfe iloiuusutg sttinte n rifNelsontittiit r 1 utie stit iniiSI00 rb. embnodiet i notoa.Thun ibe hiailmaY vTOnuROOrvtt Fou-iii tii r uE cS- electors, astimes-ne teodd intt ius ex. i russ-ccillt)te reqir fur Nies t i-(1 i iittetueith anduîttiaiset ait usise othue Comnscis pesitictiovrnby Lie Premit, VENTION Iceer ittI>, lat oa niiuinîl dreguut- tt.iutttnli s dlt ttise i' clit n'sILItiif tu$100 pluyaele 0su tIr-i-Lt-st t fNumenu- binisoi, ant tha eitor Ssîmiin Commi- -bteatdeul; tht nuisicn t b er f te)itsi jîf ltilei iiitr-, tttI'usiAg tslit ler teerxi lu utotitit i l nl tthe o-drt-out' tueshyme ni tknoledgd LeaLmtnuiu VThe atjeurard nmeetinîg oifte cdrmGriltrsuutl-dsutit e vo ters iis i-1S5 i-o-.iliint ti-hre- Ili-tu utha tlrîi %le kil%no teCmiursoir 1uriue yttsCui ttti. untîmenlite loit i urti nu--t-luSsi hn t tIl b siler l)i ed thisCln nes, ne tat itho Asittntlj pesses bis at Party-, ion tisopui-poseofetadupîiug u tasis, eided saiti cotent tiistolue reiset iX, d teint w- -e. tus iairrtus inil t:Vilt muiteni thetment o -*2 euot tirs te toi nf tin Sessien viti grealtiespaîcit for theuelrenuistnirdetegnîes Isa cos-en- repeoitintfnictîes Lu stueti el filuene- jil 1ii7i tkeIlekti- unitllîsi ilettrest i r teeits ultiil t Costteoiti. -Ciitied. vu may tes atislfiedt hat hey do 80 intiec lieut,,in aor du i sltit canidate ifufrnt. r errn-riiilionu. rndu Illichs-u rrertutiitiotis 3NI-. ttistteiltmolles taI Mn.iSanoy te- Lise convictionIhai tisey blisse mono mouKiagatDiisions,vsibteli t ii -iiin'is cur- Suret discossion tolamipnce,ns«e s tet elereictre reeluastsnuthlueswurisdittof ttuti vdIstitis Couiuiil relative lu te uti- sitei befors arriing aI Ihir fimai stage. ere, os Fridy lat. Besidetoe p eorl a enlution solud teltebpusseti, clin- I t niril uury liee dporitsiinte. .tiept rîuuîtlsslotDuucua ,"t'nuits-n. cupiera et' lundi, <aie having houglitliut ouî iticedt.ti I rea ons lpetu freien iolus meeting ni tLe ira i stance-Mîl. cale Ln3-l Ir- cIte1e. u1:re N uiîi 'I ini nc uIttsCotineil titi gooti faiti, Sidliey hava deiectiru tilles) Vuugit ss -errs. Bictsu uruitiLasu; anti ieesor eonîcndiiugLthaï. Itere 5Ltsld bt "'Y gerittitlit s-ti -itîr Iltstii rsa i.. I reutetlt usn îu> tlnr o Itront te baeiehip of bas-mg ta surieeu t sfs-ta Sarîsuro'lMesers. Baîlgero and ich tîtta resoîîîiou, atîti oggetîng atidi- scfrllulîh Ilefr e t etsf tlt- CriIlesino oryDolrsfi cil ws ad ut i is-ktra tus-tii -uesti - îiproseiueit ouf tu esmstrn Io-idine 1tieteaswituont compensatian fan thehe nra Mutler. Etebicrake truiealtogetLer titisepre- lion La Me. Eutitets nrestion, litItitr re- -1ihave ini nui in u, ruttiteliefl t iis Toiitein sintienlt William it isies, prosemeolai lbas Wta s geai aucteSwin theittot. t-rentomte viole ni Soursîtrioii, solution atiolttiaI ite latumeetiung, tus- t)ssîte ta smlitissegrilitedt.i li:M-arîtn Nighswnîer aud Vhos-.iu IoLisoi Ltgîsiative Couricil ais a te Assenntiy, tiîert sere piseel but Me. JuohniPiliips ofnf g thtelctintofi elteils toente ceii-permuissioni, lu sîuy rîligirnus,its ir îuîîîriorCouunisniunueu-s n ts1tnd te snesandt for aithougit Mc. Vonkougisot laisiured Pis-ktir, at tise peisg outhtie iicetiiug, sus ni 1852, hoc cîncelîrd. Te rttirman t1in Witetitl-uurli tItrie.r.tiuorle a eîît lltitis Ceuncil titi o ne lr the irs biad ntswlitIevery man rhtuu ie aend 3Ml. T. P.'Wite h aranived miesgave itt is opnin, tuaL te eselîttistu r nil.îerei ande-.lotl iusg tietu, 1 cit tusfut Se tîler nex uet ritici tlime lte botugii laid, vaas hoasi te set thal thet litethe pnnccerdiutcirtLa steVtelr-,cieie i titi- ul itiuqt li %ilin le tErs-l ;le, vas goit and tadthle optuon oftaking a sip ni Witîîh. Wbitby easa, Wity Town, rctcinded ne ropeslithte ftstantcesîrre ty liir tuie t tt lu"It it eItril, ilnis t iii u teconition ittise Colli. geaoantee frotaste cller liat ho resu hbcasdthîe vilage ni Ositawa, Lsd îuu rtpre- Mrl. V. Il. Wite-of Pickerisg, enutered Sut1 uttiy.ie pimifetrt c t riuuuoftiu tt oiiof u Iln st oupu ith s..oalesa in aseuit ilseaafteewîtrda Otnittivera ueset. The Clene .njt Pnes during te diecussiioof tittpoittoai nder, ttiesutit uinîee ice tiurteil îîîI, te um oun u urtsht Dfllanîtunsespti teoutidefotivet hocoutintaLt prenatu 1Peut Lad s i e s-y nepresotlalies o ;antd ii asti ras usisetifoc hie opinion. Ho stutsusge.i tnuniihnothie prescrit leurarmutite Cierk isj lime ileune taw l i t lOUI.Hq mont tue. farti se except Me. Daviiidtesr-, riho ltaI lte motions b reossider tasriiug tees 3-lae- iluIxi r.C.nen esitt-t lb>- Wrinn -tny requiredto1foirwardta n munit>-n ti, hIler, asol ui liaitishe till moulti apen mu, peeset as a ciaddat, ras mitouttcanreeu, teho onidOitti te rtaoiuîhoa psses iS.hnug unI n T thuit tteTonIL 5sottioniitt u lte Clerk ni site Copuesuiotèi t douer te fraude, aid liaIibagusaiesiofai repeesenativet te meetiung. Me. Esi- a uit ast neeting, uf stîlcitmeetintg suith siutg Ilit ;rols-uty tif t e lie> al , utf -arinhatu. preperty mol ovuai i7 tht prenenieti tel- marîs of te Vus-k les-mud, atdutIr3-e Hig prescutitinasan adjosrentoim in uite epètiiîîî tituieti ftire hc t rnscîion M. euîî -ioe ta ti ou lors, voude cmaie to enable parîte laglus oni WîarnCuiînuicn ereonthir et- sate psaitiu iontatitliras in halo-c bois-,- kitîbîts-ists s ,ilittulti 'ltl'Iburlusio Mn- M eiinnoecthda ihis Cs-ttil taIke possessilon, antidlta udomani lie saise senl. atopted aItIrle instameting, asdt ItI en le Dr.fini iii1%itti t ieti sseri.tc ulie %% thenuns a fJîusn tiittiixti arired li of aitgei improeieots * liait il asti Titere mre altugmten Sfly pereons jre qitîntl tnoloion ta roschitne orepentit c aru i i.utthelts uisiies hisuuoit tueur tend tLemateke en lie bantnt caroiese of sent, atout tict>-of uhna tssk part in tmrssneuteseary ;thtenmntion tu recansitier-iiin r-gte nuis-tesuitjîu l:ut P A R IL I A M E N T A R y tLe rigi valiiy of teir iles, anti uata 0tito proeetiisgs tendite drindueti daonhssing bets carrieti, eu; sutiiult. deounsd - ilalcre ailireligionuie mis ons -- ouucb iti.-io ad expense, atililthe ns- ts f Oenhlins alitte tisse. Me. PMiller spuke against te mntion. He eqinit lrsiu.uiLtt i t iws nloedi rLegusatime Cotnîil. -- rînidtt the luti,i lg itreti for nny muilier puepmu.> jort, seosutiharoelise bii, snd il rent Thte hinimsnifîLe presios meeing, muid etuaouuse it it, Me.Ittesrad e i liarouthle crutucal otage, and i aupposse Me. Dirison nf PRichmndIdilii imesitict, them n wuitcamne la tue saine îhisg aslise uibus t- nsuitthoeibltluimeetlisr.QLlt,3t> 9 80 aIl ho @ ea thiri lime to-day. Tliasd Mr. IL. PCrasýh7 velanine nmtnIiinnpsei t estions mr rt.ung, ris eeusv,eerii lît nntiote sIiuiiauey.'y -kir Canaa IbiesaereInluthe Asnembiy vs hocsens sure thistn111Y fur tht raja, theresime and placéte teta convention îha.îî t-rate tehm for lte unniirg ine1have. "" t is-tiosiru aranteailt usnahi reedom ian, rulaleti theins s ass8 My itntianio .ti managemtent ai aur owa aih anti a havei, "ai averai inatinaamen; lie- a vesitilie man ti, ol in te aseance, liaI neeb. adtihthenm1 t o u sLnents ai the bu -k Bit s jes-I bovung a couainsfeeling1 emeo aiu-bon a mooion, of Mr. Bt-Sat ioknoseTif perss fusn Pickering, via Mrell. lit imefrlutn t 11epanciatgiintDess hcu itOoL0LLfonaofieEmr, fra Cssitate iao srraitgeouenoiafoebai promiocdtuteattend; anti heuhoghî iL ive any opinion on te malter, but biii;jblas tatouthe ai",..pape liageti ferrkiis ins si ue v tamies ec the saep" tho ie Prinse Of Wle.- righl anti jasittal ait ajuoretnt iiould erged tat.sa thi ite la aP"ie t s iietiin tSi cutratta teifsom n- ic lievat luis vsit of yeer BOY4l Higi- I 1-màa ies va-at hetaiui Comiiltl a sitisttata place, in orier ti bave Souti Ontarioe meesin avoirome ng isthte iiy of ha- danteacelt Idggiens & Muyes.îr Lx w hehb e be egqxndin sgal p1~aisrtanstof imes represenueti. Ms argeuli ai feruthe skerouLa, &"attiaes t Yaii-is a nile. Mt- pressesa noîbing u thelincontrat- lir es Il stlesgthethe lielis seht ia qine.. e aiside ; la other ot o f the n itajy, this ongit tutlie eanseoo*i Bell thou laitthelie utg omteeluectultii sdît etrleSvriusiln asds On ~ Wsitasetea- dcasg, dîastihsle 4iscm.epsacy. peuopie. gw <itineou t, ..p@snc.a- uy oI. iirte . ( motinofiMr. T. P. Rail nete. Mig n esîldoti i TeH ue t t-dy at tléel lia oss , v .abiniiSie ueir fat- Du. Fout. imuisted ipsuesgoingr etadsud ai y r. Doeroty, 8 pý i .le 3-eut -Cooumitot- tit-aka titas Oii55 ste loiiimg Bibis e arosdair d u a ji t k th e poiton emmaed cecotenidd ttttht logfe tint>- elayedn qquestog 1tho Referai eleeLeisitoetLon ehuta bcsoraîhtpeossseetesitutturire;;-tinte a-aipannai jiýrly m tbrcL Rue.MrCaile ltit widéi r t rah roild behcome V hSot t dlof j -ey, agreastthe th e tisaitiog. ho lias iir a-suraire uit 1j uipl adBe e,ýLI aaa "1 «J, kse ha taed forlide gillr t, e 'ni. Osiie. Re cautmati tihe aiimaver- ig,[ alaJtsci ;=eas ltheteir Certificates veriutihav" e leus qui. r Quic pi -ni osai 'QÂctcLIver-d ye.e Bk t e teexomOfte iiios fth ulic esithe preen4 tbeuns peueso"ged inreTspe ote 10liem e4tLTa-Em Qsb. or the LesatiVe ouilc 1 b 1 Bxetlqncy W113 PIeuseti the attnninne of theo ansd thaI flotseb la p i- s t Bils rote ausnted ta, ititien h nanne, ytise Galvernor (;euer After wsch ie .cii,1 session lessed b ith the ixîli Pr it Il Gb e Gntleiîîeii fef i £buicut and U einm o1 fte tire AssenstY: Tht >linie hlia cpit 'eu reitusie votafrom the isitors nf the and I think it I 1MAY express te tise resuit n of.eur deciberoiDt. prorfxerty nf lite countiry is revili, The nucasitres wieh enit tibave for exleoding nur tren d tc 1feeoittrigation nirlthe St.Lare vin- as they do ssiueosutrlflrt ojil h, utelistishe.ena tuo herSaiseti, The, esïtahliïitii rai iFrte, p0ý Estern and' ut tht e Yë-,,m,, Canada, sviii atîrset csaiserr'Ibo ashore;sadmtluiaisteiîlthe ek Districts wa-ste asii onpro.jscti M 1Fisiteries oi thetC( allasudthet i j 0 eresis of lthe Upper Lakes vl getly hy thessititrerai Ilessures. Yeti have derttroyf d thteisil rau tirt Serigînriai Tenure m-bieh real,, férr fiefs ii he diâc or fhsil Tite Att for iisprueiirt thte.Xdu tinofn Justice ini Lerer Canadia, 111j tire exiieîni Jofncris to be demY local funtis.M Tihis change sud tire comîîition Qfr systeintni Lite registratîtinofijl stiectiig lnd id ulisteave rri ast? ther tht ssiitiîntionno irlaits is tin eititer sectiO f tt tiretrilire You bar-coniueed tht sîeps for odliiîg the coioiidsied siatu., er Canasda te tht hody of the SjtzL, Catntda, and L"pper Canada i mùîiigttid in a comspaci t frnalaîi r breiight loto s mure coeeto mirocipl law siTectin-ire e asiers *of tht Provinîce. Ail ihese ire si slrongtiien ltat bond ni uuion shich i lievo 1te ho essetitethe tsprogroisWus future grcul ness ni your cttlry. 1i. sdd taIt te ComonitiiSchoni L.v set per Canadabas hceîî nînendei sW prnrtd, antt lt a b illi bcutei for the sset-tof tlier M(scrrGrtjoi V, ty providiàI~ for lthe future adauiussi ofi littdiitanat&i~ia y tire prosvstciai lient. Tite tenus out tiis etstossi suri lis to sitew ta desire lu sphoid iteaniy cooccnied iirail, atit1i i rti! but that if saitioned ils proîlsiot t 'cýiriedt ra pi tect oft it1 ik Execuulve Gosenutei t Castoa. Gitîflinîttof IlieLgr!treiutlr 1 coitgrnitutinto ita ristite si steps blieu for cnsuiidtintg the t t il-hi alti on the saeitî, siich oiihoi liii tty tcireîveslnîei tiof tite sitttisg ira tite seuties ni a duierett de'riptsL i ihank you for the supplies vhith grtterifor lite puic service, nd 1n crîiy hteotitthetputrmriri- &p~rne* ni eut-inanstcesîitîty disspîear liratheLe r ni lte currettvenir. Iettîtt(ille est tnd (tenflets Týîetc ix nue suijiect otn ui-lt its tatil tt ttits, ad itatisthet rouns vizi tri alti.,itrovinteof ni s iorai lii ittros the lilrie ofiWales. Your isiua las lviniIîoot giiiciîusiyressoided toi Oue Qitret nid yutr rerelilion of ber tutu rsew tht iaiîth ni titosofs-ti rebirît diciatilte tutdress of bust .ts andit lie iiep stase cf ios'aliy mn the Thnn aatf niotefsorethetir aead insitiis Great i irjitalît hithit httte the yriz ni Canada. Legtttive Assenibly. The Iluse itet sI il A. SX. V'ie sttteraduts mrie hy the Consaît b the tîrloos his rere Atuttiîr. The teidreis lu 11MaRoyal ihighsrstil Pritnce nifVslea oit the occasion ofhs o is-e.ird elili is ns folisows . Itire Lisgisisiirt Asseobiy inPN îtitncasieti. uiproatlt Yonr lied gigitîIcss iritit assurances ni nur enua aîîîîeireîtntai isiyaly to the pents t&À - -i-tn neMst GrletinsSorierrg The Qitiett's loyal subjecls l in dr in ue oulel lavterejoiced bhea thedutirtif .Siete 1ieritted their soguil Soveitigu à havte iet-scif visited tis country, Alld n huie receitti ira ptton the expressiil Il tiroir devotinteluber and niflthe adionitW The upProacainrg ttpnnhng niflte Vitt(oit Bridge hy Yeur Royal Higboeumlias 1t lthe nuorei maeditite cause ni jour ptt54 visit to Canada. and re trust, fou viii Wi in that stopendOUS vorli te ast 9utulq evidente niflthemaOner in vlci lte e«M ,l and akil Of the asotier ceuieS kW* United wîit lthe -WMnerg idvterni Ibis Province iu overceinof041",Wab*' CIes ni the msou fuidaitle charatIer i W as trust liatin afour torter prOgotte ntoyai Hîghmo iii n athe Peaoum ani pronperity Ofthe people anix lu ittaciassu t e tlnei Soverws il pceiof flie alvungtit Of te U tm do Cmaadae,0the motwherfny &W et itutual sdrsutagea to the ZEmpirene Ots Colnyfroni the . rt-tio.oE oum wuieh han hen augtwtan h sb aid benaireaulla.L W. p-.1titt-Y. Rolknyui be inleaaed toeo-euets', 08 és C"~ th, feehgs Of le" aUaJ al7y Of ler MO a ghr- hin twaiosea ai Wl Yoti tise ofS ýq PACai' MainT 2,2,2. 3, % di omt 1 3, 3.'4, . 31 6. 61Ldi G,5, diL The Ùi roru Dit Tltrnty ie, Catc ý- It.tr's, The loo id racefil ig nui TROTTt peu 10 a, ;Co. Mx fi$. FAut Timo urf Club i-lo, ni fOtîtarl 5i, T. ( Le ofk hich lt ile itent st. Cuuti A iit in of ilt six il Soti Hutit stock E Mir. C stinit..' retient Tot. jsrily ai luiti Iniieti bere lise pa-Jent Of the Segnecur stoe a dus- actt oith in, have too muet spirit aoi nuhl content, - aubetreen M. Browen anditidhtepunienaco ta sobmiît oauci eatent. )l.Smilleld Macdionald, in ohidi tis ech&- rn'sote ieleader e! lie Opposition is 0 Tt rlPes udM' Prr jnOvolvÏai, i 10 mnder isi eicape inupostut- il., if Sansid eil tahle tvtt. IVodo nLo Tht Globe tsetxceetiiugly ftoubici a hmaiite L'Obeibe* Mmr. Maciealtifoc ve lin liugXî ofnIrM. John Hani Perry ieing do not tltok te Giengarrina deul in 'lie&' a&candidte for igs Division. Asa mat- Mm, Maciotnsld Matîltaina li"aI . Brown elujito isviai> ssepvatesa.oiulsimigtee eftnearete Manhîhan EbouoauisMe. Qton4.haUs5 eiergeUcie lotpami ttet- ont Reeor'a miaet, andtitltettieted pmeimumu vaand voiible sinaofnterrible Internai tien ot M. James Wallate'n lie Wnitsy paotetua. ntid asatt^umsoertng, as to lie Wtclsea.,foliowsamitant us lie big ieg îrronsr gd-tauee on Upper Canais by the grevia, iemctskecp sp tnyeipiiu. Mr. &etliean of'i te SigoovaTenir, as e eIiyatUa wat, a-is, ni nckite,.i~ [liai la bu Bruwni vasl] 10 bite tain liaIt e i 'isexpaeneed in lapolitiesiife'l. otroltia tSirsifieii.a 4CO.XSETî-G soidtat lis lagilty o e La remnaous pansee>-, [he li.48 hoiwr i@dff,] t'Oteicrime oniaug s-Young muai What a es, viilimt of said, eamtioa n iii iancetegevy aioffeiueea1 M. Peet-fa priscipe Gitilan ewrainmu ofbistm lowe if h ua-e H inthaile, a-es preciey seh"îtheia i gfll pievleg mils vMWMga.enGlu,b«asperaistoutly prenlndeai ta a-tire vadl*snypttetat,4tewMaItd¶oWto ente, ssii are jut wvittne trucitaadi for ati ketttfug InthoaIe i o Mieu . Ietemer nei beasfiiqeti toackatuieîge. The set-liportion 44 thne hososaiie Geore9fta e busstrong aisocatè of lia existing tnmot te linoeamuaouien, ilas, o ltsuiUsiona ailie Provicesa-favora, et Fmu fSltii5, Aat.t8s feca y by tiis or-, graâta nifiadâ t10 aLlers, asteonger lhicon lie part eta a &fl1 manil of Immigratluen, anti an aivocate of th te- s-oo ce ofor re. y the engllueetot woekius- ont ofiBeaponible Goveen. hw km um aao ioosoelp asl aas a lilmeaile," *. Ferry -Bat s- d& u ei au tte i a eno be tai v -vasmephenaiky te te ciarge. Ai Uft7-.gbdalmsat éragis se a ~iP"Mer' oi i!iepeLt & -. mi is*-M d vont tesig la>Gou sa cry te 4cet-ret- therss bb 0" e n a -a ebU5greeettse s 0othm pýi*ti. Il ma>'lit ta q-un 46 bse tbowy ueahot jneeny tie vhutter &a geatleaniof craeci iilty 'y tuati t b ms v, e t hilS4 yj fs in helits aU prime sud Vigase - - sàei_ b*%»te upbra-*3ng, oet tanîooti , =y cemt bu anso.sple bis Pou" lms 'd .fi ucn sud iai1i e uta M st à"sud orret-sdua a bskaeeipoliltciau of -fumv anulsuxt>. If saudoaoeasa t u ll!<ofsena publie teife dmeg wbich tyn Na- fr- ]PY bulma e i$d t e tpO > àà& _ pouitio Mu-ils eva lnflituM se s mobe iofteXmneil Vesu- f d74 ýw cla gtxTown, Tnsnuslp ani Ga.iy

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