Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1860, p. 1

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Wil "K pULori0 Tu&E Inos or0 jE-SDAY&THURSDAY, < M ispriitinig Elalihlmeol t3oo treet, Whitby. r ertVoor to the Rcilstryv Office. 'iE TfflM (OpSUI3SCRION A.82 rli50l i.. d orlO, mie50wlien 1i.yle "ATES or ÂDTEETISI'G nae ton .............$7 ýboc ton hunes. frit insertion (Per lino) 00- o8 Son sboonit isdriofl, .......... 0 0- A ibonill discount Ollosnilteo ylm ala 1oni odsniiFhy tlIi. vfi elii Iar hasailnrgonirçlinnl ntioonli- 'ofontau tdis rold y oyCr 'b esnIE je 1,i htbyuu I *iiniy. pnbuinod on theo monniugs f SATU DAYk la aci. euoci t )JR DOLLAU PER .&NNU, leSrCtl Iocola ns o gstcroa O of ny othor oonntry papor 1suislt iii l FUdot ton Uins..... ... bo"e ton linon fon't lSOiiU prlio.o vory snbseqnslitilinortisii-- ... .....00 1;o paper will bcitiseniitiiiioOd otl a"1 err- go0tm1" pah . if. isoroi, will lbn ni U.ttero oenctnsiing e" or Ïi nog dms etr.kn theoPn isîjrwvnairosi Wlîthy, C. W BOOK AND JOB rR]I«TING ESTABLISHMENT- IIlE pRioPRIETOR 0F TIIE WIIITBY .uConir,",wold rspssfîll> ninnIi pbie tînthline lsrrnoiiiiiof (ho e nt noleri notvlnn Of TYPC frouls Ne Yrk. nul nîl- or Fuiludriend il bPrePnrncdtO ososuto 001KAD JOB PRINING n rv dr.silptisn ii, asuperion -tulo mn ith olesPatl,u l I lIsowtroîlliuciniilg Fitla' Seq ai nd 'riting Mchiiiir3 net 01 d1sý* lo e l siin 111iliir .tnssnîjs ionis u t inig fitruà.ilîr wtliniln on nr ig ordernl W.. 1. IGINS. croiào Olhie, Wihli, C.W. joi]N HALL THORWPSON, WARDIEN 0(F Tht CuUNTY 0F ON- 21 CIEUS Broch.AM j (,E 0F TE C' iTNTY & SUtIWJGATE NELSON (.-IREYNOLDS, 1Fi IRIFF. :A41oFILCe AT Tilt COUCUT 3611-4IXIM 59RRY9 - EcISTItAIt. OFFIcE ON hlluiliE ST., RWhiihy. ~ ADNL. CA OF TII EACE. FrC-A 3011N V. IliA.M, -I L.EIt 0F TUlE COUNTY cOUP.T. AND) 'Jis_iiR, stilie Sirrsguts Cor. Olliso ni lio E.g>iiy 0Oltie.Brssk Surie. w. IPAXTON, 3r-, FrZ,>ll:LOFFICE AT TIlt coUlIT 01iqi t Ct& I.lEl»!E iF filuE CoUNTY - JOHNN11uIlt, IîiUTV EiIYER. FFItE T Tilt i"lEltFlR 11vISIO.N CotfllT. OFFICE jOhN tI ORDION, N-SPllTlIit .îi WEIOIITS S A'MEAPESUF *-i5Cîiaiiof niiîtaro. WV. Il. TREMAYNE, ARIt1ST FIt AND coUNTY RW otlhie-la Ariîill*s Nun Uiek lnhilC'iilFlour. CAIERON &IIICDO"%E"'Ll AIIUS'Ft'ESs ATTRNEYS AT LAW,' )SsIiciiorýt i n uicCiîity coiîiiil Ontario-. tilhie si lhs Court Inîo-Siill ig. GuEORG<E il. DARTNELLP Cn'. lirîlonrcstSore, lunch Sireet WIliih J. V. IlAi!, stmtossIi, Vby, C.W. S. B. FAIRISANKS, 01lICITOI, NOTAI(V PUBLIC, .te- tisliîia, C. W. N. G. lA! ARRISTEII AND X¶5f0lNEY&TLAWi Olis-sppsstlsit tsRgiitry Oïllo ru ieWlitby.1 STEFUEN sEARLE, . It, LIFE AND MARINE INSUIIAN AgetireRthie dolîtlY nIOniiri' tencer- rer bsîindesu' lruls rs 515llnek SrOn SCOTT'S JIOTELL UNDAS SlT V IEIn lTUB 'FIRST IM tutn W lnn'oSor. X-»'w IK INt ST E ET, 0SuiAWA, C.1N% URBNBX HANNqAxb RIKR118Op csUnTTAND SOpERiI 'J meut «« eheiEntotheoontE coi bR IN for P% DA 17 ouE Il- ANOS «W. CR011, IROSE? 7.wiSO- A TIOPISTIR *W' e~oo elh~ "' er. iaujW-i hmwa,JAROOSK ýWith cains 1'nintetl wossis, grelot thoucgits aoi uutiring laduotry, we atlvpctc Feoce, progresa, Kmowlodgeg Erothernool. VOL~. IV.. WITB'Y, C. W., SATUIRDAY, MAY 26, 1860m I VIEGA IlNO TIC E. CGoleORG RAIIAZON, VNGI rONVEVYANCER. CO!mtIsSIONîg FOR n5E oiidoouigiioihtalles bs-,o (oinfonn UsjJAVIXG pirrlinsebtieo crtire stockoet IL. L,>oIing AdthtauiIn luin Qutoon' ah, -q L iiiabitaen sor Wjutby, and i(uc public, (bal LH. lhuils &t35Co., %ville uaddition ni ,kte, BéîlIs, C. IV. IC&loin 000 nntinug Vinogr coit oke ROB. IICKEY ~»., 5shis-inîfinho o resaou ti nplîy'i'elc A New Stock,- .âeteldôroultcaiotior,îr-aIeb erd nattey niut rlresthat w casiisscatiraauiti'- ~)UhGE0,ACCUCIEUli &n COONER *iooo.ThlsiTrnde lihoosih' drt utu.AI' f.tiîtIo ni OIeno ny lavonriius it n cull. 0 o t he o Cety of Onîtario. - Irdote by in alpntullj attendoo li JSPIte.KIS& e R. il Guxli, M. D. NATIIAN IILT.EIt, 1tnsihBu, Nossthon lfltiu, 1857. 43 ý URGEON TO TUE COUNTY GANOI. IIiîlp 3 DvntiStret, iiity. rîtit i, 1c. - rit GERiIAX HOUSE, BAýT INDSOR HOUSE, WHITBY» HIIRON.IPQUSë, FRONT ST REET, iTNTONS. UN. .%snsr, nrinro..,t lESeseitenbes tsîsîîîerlul ui Itîtaboe Xote.irihuates lus ponnutal nIlE snsisgnrb lino s uti eaov lte]n, II uîiaîsber eustturni' euote lits îln- A.L rtirnl 5nrt oftlutTssuu, oîhte froitruod. L vl hlie n hos noei-fittedils ii le liet c iîiiu int ditsabahaf ntcissl ilit Gontl auccommodsalutionu hur tnavllers. Gool amntier fsr tflric ,uîilndatio or0fthlinpubi.- ~i~ oni-iOsi i Stnbitig tniiuîthtisc Slerri. oio s abliug, fine olulshuynues, sud evruonrit- bus ttesi op teiieweni nu mnistaieso. ______________ _______ tentisu puiol lu titan snuo horso. te-The iest A Fiuai- Clouu alei s erreil et tfil Hotel. IIUO.ht FELITZ, wln. lquoris.sied csi nteuher.Ail 1.1 iurs hpt ucuiliu prisos o rof the rEACII tii IN 5tUSIC, TUE _____________________ u o inety, shuios Citharbaca-omss .u s Orgin. liiosForte, lînironse BITISI IERiCAN HOTEL, (bn1suîsiînitulnabohnîio. thînou tlmsun oral aIhitueldsof RL. es LÇ.Ctî.GISnu-ni<EiiATFL stniiug huîs1-tnuîîuustîis, is preliredta O nic(nos.cus rrecfivo ncre ilionp5uiis îlit ti IIO7dAS DOWNING,î (lis t iruofli lntel J. S. GERitAN, PliCOptlu lru scster 4r T- Wiuthu,) Prýprietor. Bot blse 1111iJuTrenton,îAng. 8,151)i. 30-6111W _________ ~iqiiors. Sup-nrssntîdîsiurtraeiersu. - J. C. IIANCOCK, (Inui t lbiii, andl îu(Ieiîiveoslorse. 7 BAKSHTL Wý7BOOT AND SI10E MAIEEI,.Ei EDWARDS & IIODDER, (T ovusu ie ioe, O7uIEtICAI.luuiBiigs neI-sI. niAIT.iihS, IltIAPElI'S, As OTFI'rTlTS,Corsnrf BRie nd itDunisiuuluislilby. %j CWuIthv .Wirk ilsisitetorderrot JL King rStnret, Oniunu. iulenisis'gir- - NWiADCN coo Iuthcel, adIlserrei wri- meînis iiadei aoietin ti hus tiseýt f!ue.hoinîi- îIE AJtOVEEI NON NL E tu. Aiserepairing done si li tirttiesu andtIllestyle. 5.0- î- Islvsiiaslloelli oî usl ltu dusioot.. 3 up, suil nvouîitdilu iousr(sifnoitiî AXEICA IITE ~TUE TERRAPIN. ien by thlu iresrtit ouicliilt. NO oi-coro blas - hIA IOEWbesii 'e ei touiue tu al gueta andliniioro njilIE lîROPRIlETOitS OF TIIIS IWELLnAs"O.- TITAEER& i-iTTRS(N, P(OlP.I- ~ ~usn~u ileis n uns ~oerthsoin, ou Tus -bnt randis of Wi.r, Li.quris andl Ci- , tours, cer oisrot suiig sied broit Strtce-. îuoolul Sr. Kîus,.s ing otrot, Troltoin Rous. u susiileudga tbi Tnrontoî, C. W. _________ spthy lie. lirîsu,. rlteproixittuensit uuoiu etin ouvient hdsoîl.ab tava ec', le%% I)Osvae i ron t - idî.bltint e s ,fîuî il, sellehusvenu lînirh01ohei OAKWOOD IlOTE!., itîsol o-inlutie i'nt style.tsoieu pnriroalbeTsuîl ithyis'!milin;nbt-slu AKWttD, W. iIANKS, pl;ohl'ItTO.dciay ps-t.1.1A iLeur diuîîtteuslsp"e- inosetcotev uisscit sîîîil' laise l'or ttiiis:*and 0 GOsh ne-,'iiiiidaiisuifeiii hnvelshs s 85psloiy ints sehues iri uubttlusot ilriltuo lui P.M CA(K -- iLýe ponittnd taeuente, -E.JAUES BLAiR.ý Fr suL-, TIsaSsu.74s KN- ST QUINN'! ROTE!., CASH FOR PRODUCE. WelA't ,FitAilsuU10i Ns. 3, SuLT-.%V-Ms.T ts-utîuus, 5IARTIN'PS (LteWhs ) irlulIOT7EL- Lo W-E R TO WN Q UEti tc - The Undcrsi.-nrd is prpaned te lIE N TAKEN 9r Cos t tTlvUFnt anin cvil P YCA il O T IISUhS'hiihitU IIAVINU s - mUE ie" r""etin dor-imik:upu-in13AsCASiFO ais-se Ilisel frost i ri. csnui,;isaulles te aI- ORAc'ELLEUtS ANI) VISITOiES 1tulinu Aut n uaiiy fond lî ie tae Itid îsiletu leplillie. 41.1 cini CitE rfe,iehrs 511h hfnd iuue urnas- nyq uiyo tosI1hdatio lt Ilii5 eeiisr5eos the nossWhoat, Barlev Poits, Oats, &c. JOSEPII NOUItSE, htl.V flitlis Smerluis-cote% i siîuateid i a (lýEItE TW EI.FTI il VlI.ltN CuUPZT OF -tiscai lus Ituihs,Stssuiihtiu,nt nuu pr~n~ ies- TIIOMAS )IOODY, 'J Niinthllititsurl.uuid nue1 Duînlu.î ia i suoite usu ci i -iiins1hunse ii 5. evr ',i.onuls As g hurngi, C(t i uiilt. îniuuihsaleuitte.silluiuhle. vi4siinili sALT FOR SALE, CIIEAP. Pid-a vsny attenitioni plidltou nlui l.ifirîiand ONTARIO IROTEL, cniunuisieeuui nnsititoniuuiiiusied udirectioun hitl, Sept. 28,5, 89 - URAN, J,.In5 l'Ulh'hiEfT4tl, 1Itt s itiu suu'rnuiuuidftig olilies, luiniulbure C I StrsCW lillU- lsuii rluihfii aîd a oe f fresors oerm%, &c. J OII.INN2s qUINN,. New Tailoring Establishment1 CtANTON. _____________________ SINPSON ;& FERGUSONX. cAFN'rN T GO( (nti nuh iîl p lui.PECTFnT.TY senounre te the in- DUFFI r TtrvcICEIrNGd . - 0001 ay ileRSEri Ihbitauînso htytnîtronii W. CUtrIIIIERT. fî,îsuus! otIAu.)fWliysu irudii - d liiPrepriston. TIEUNIvStlSUSGiFI> II»EOSTO INFIItIl ennlry, tient Ilîry hure opeuicul a 4s 3vii T -_________ lis ricul, uid ie l public, lîîtisai lue i s oI' T ilsfh O n B oc te 'i5iILAlNI>ER M. CLARK, iluiprs ouiiftIlu- ibuiie îîIol heiuisfuesi rnSn n nc tnt 1jîoaî111tONSTABI. (stCUNfV (iNTABIi, Ofihli le iil i ftu,îrre lI s 's i u1is,'uieoppos.ite theo "Ontrio Iloe],"ii oro9i 1nlu-peuofutLisnu-s i uinubl.-noe.isiiol iin os, u à oniilànsihfn, ondr tinr utnusted ta Ihem wl cii o nc suih y ut itusTovuorhWblit hu.____________ Es & i î.îîug~os tlsîioîî Iour ,ae tieuîtiendnetidmpatlcn. J. I. COSON.t.end uîi ue. lWhitby, Oct. 201t1, 18519. sSRIEI.PIVSIiAN-flTIIE UPeO0t Ju Epil18 E17 iTTiuIt, jI .V li Iîsus1îis; liu lste ie u s liNuI VIIlu it . lie, lnI.ici.S OIIJCT IET8lE làn,151uus. -1sFeisssihaa - ilTViI IENuSAT oflh'.iriu; .i-suisl,ît r iiualo ~ AUCTION BUISNESS htesi.loiîn sEsuhaiiosvillauge, s-uitiule oni J A. clnole'n lvi t rze Pietutr Gallery ATtiý-ErNhDEI lu s tisus]n, l%, J. C stel«iiug. j ,lýi e-ire ornsel esi-h Ililo-lio Aluiilu - uII elsrlr rlatiuug l tu i s al res lutilien l _e UENRIOY tNNAM, uiunsf5uvl huuil lie lul lt Of- l ii1~i.,(liiilu ..isiOil.or l.nîtl.Ë )l.eI ANi iI~u.llNfAl. I'eINTE , licer, vr0Sîsn.linii tioir Trulisi-hin es, uunuî l.hs aii olue -u. trocoli et IAN 1u-il-ih h>iic urus.l.l . eauitit lii (ho les.s15le P (liaer PaýrIIâ1ýseuils leiilIY 1 utilà, ti ed toi l, lii nillu .uiuni- - W. H. IIILLINtIS. auunilrruui-iuIrelutingt t uuiy aii--iti uoufiî LKINO îLît & AlUSi-RSATI0iRNEY Af LA\',- as teihuno iiilnr l1slroose] id is.-ssuini155 linc/-i il/d D> .Ie I- se ii i luuîey Vlhi~t C . f i nt b l tliaoiîlil tii nut/4 nui5 guuoisicit i le Y l Olic-Wnlluus ii'oltili, bs, i-rWlis uisu îuuhsiaiiili hrhil.N. D IR E C 1 "RY' T 'ESOAUCTION EE JuUCANAI -1 il. W. IWOODWARD jWIVcni, olerd Isfs serviers tet ieiî O ISSION MEiCIANTIN$UrAMI COtNTY 0F ONTAIO. ru ui- s i Auistio-ui i Fis i..Fînu»u niitNîuAguli. it-Iullnei-o - Nivrcalize . iianud ouuhr nur, sul aa ruusn>nu 1pied hy Jasuuu-slldcsuuii, WIVli y, 0C W. C îilo direliory f files Contisî of 01 eaiiuuunufi.. ltiuunhu - i '~ A tai,,i ii lie îîubiesiud 1l" t(lisuuilr- tîolisOs. ~ __________ tq Mnager, e i . N. Auiiies Tornuto; d sris in le kiuii-li o f Nuieiurelir1 We. W. hansiui, Eouî., Iinnsunr qieeo hIa, lîlc isw 0i lhian l sti l t ihue mi JOIIN METCALF, Toruao; Wtiatiiblsi ts..Miltotu iilis Tu- osteuinuidns sîhLiliioid-ion ilt O CLtît~ifîîFît~îîI>iIO5ONCUW.roitol lon.P. Mlfl, t'reiident Both l\li- 2itih eluo~le N siiier if (lue lot i c coiuuu ýUIfsililie5Tiiu Ibiluer. A- tel'uoirou;sulnirs.litaitisuiol T>u n& 1h011-"è,tlis sisruor i t'ent i'et0t55wni ,lnrss s uuuiultiiinui. 14 uteiîchion,Torntuio; hic nri der'nnui,Evants liorluiii;is onuliu Iruhil S N',Si.ur-I lsn.W. IPiso& Soil 1ji- ainnt n 1 siu osiii-inhnssirr oe~cOisip FRANKLIN IIOUSE. u uuon. l .NnlSCu h. yuîd tlislelueuloecifututuii.Ain.,ü LiSiiOfs-,bec; Men.r.-Il. J.-NM & Co. ô-l- Coauily tIflerni Onuirn loui.IiniCoUuil FJEWM T,' iiollIILTOR ('tulIFO AILEXANIDER CAMiERON. o1iel E tlulsial uuii15r0.lren uiu hui a blera-.uiueliiiitrTusules lgs oul3 tniuriuiliitý aiouui £ti B C y an 1,1,5.IIIEF CONSTABLE, Towntof Whitbîi Cntnu S le. oi- l T1unsieii.siiIou Sci ___________ ~~len Cotitiuy Conistablue, C. 0. ~ Cniu suslTuiesShohSni A. K. I5C,- focu nluhi , uleuio.nllio nri . . .. - 1111.:.1. ... u-i f e i t O t ti..SJ ' u- v - Us",nIli-it-inutly doue, o'!hi indoo1'.e puurlnluiiiiiuit F uend A luno aîtouii Famufitiiiaonfilthhly f nsî u '!. dd t RAI KAlailTE!., - roui? rEsus. R.suinnssonsseniilumlatibn ir Tiuts-lletou. bueul Sîuuhuiug andutu totive t- A. piRINtLE, MERtCIANT TAbLOhi, BUOCE STRIEF, IVitiby, ____________ - TUMASDIVEREL!., - B u~ ii ,o. ucGREEN STRE, LIME FOR SALE. c ONRTANTLV <ON IIANIS DUIIINGTII: elJeuiiust oliiulir oui'! Stiiinen Fresli Buni luin, wliliwiIl b ll Bsn C"l ouId, st ho -i Pion Bars-a. MATIIEW CARL 7 1Port lie,1 RiOD3ERT SPEARS. iRt 'DTREAS-,URER 0F Ti. C Tonlship of tOriirn. des Ulig TUfE ROSSIN IIOUSEe CZAR£ &WOODWL1L. IlE Stbsmlerme orîn epiuetrlote ir- T s-lu ho e t,iiusof the Wl.IthutBren, r> wrtit aunexcelntt uilin lu cliq uante ils tnus> ho requi-od, sud pirua ir tlua lu ouI pl chaesn. iî t asîe Botil ela teutOi aCdaile WhuuluY. Nos. 151hi, i. 1.- t-4 ALBION IlOTE!., iiohiti. Enoryuattntont paid t h te -omort if ucoellero. i UN ION STATION ROTE!.. F O(F fOllE u$T.,SECOND IDOtUSE fo, L0ol est, ueo -unTrenhi. Ihoard, $1 germ u leuIs 25ets. (iodslab- iîg. WI. OItORNEF, [13 lImrpmitom SEE-DS! SEEDS! F RMIIPOTI GARDEN & FIELD StdWrne oo'! u JAMES H. GFRRIVilS, uuaKEonr -oBa 1&ND5KINGma n-RS' T*Tos-D >nuff stuir, (%JSýN, ptOl'IETOR; uTil Dnnitl trent. btltelargo-it (heo ino i.si, Wlirhy, Aprut. .12, 1. 6 -t =oeeat. brliOitfr afordins lroet/ MA T INE A itosatiolutho travelling pubic.lilr o t A ý I E F R mientonein uein Coninehnt. 2Z AIT VINEESAe nais mcvh ai inlange - 1 on einaht qunitios, tthe ]RAILROAI> ROTE!., W bitbv l3rewerv'. fBo. Sthaliigad*l- -ml is C. J. EM. FRAS ER, Pmojsitii. DAILYSTG w, W.LEATE5- IETWEEN WIIITRT AND LINDSSAY £%V ILtLLN.ItX t-TOEE, 180CR iT. A1 WH1TBYIAND) EKAVERTON. Wluiby. ASENlGERS csu tuasel_(hrengb firosu AE!AILES!! enalur placeu(ho »e ur 1 1ua Stagon Iloui Lindssy tid Boeotoxor pERSISNS 1 *ven 00et Xe$ cm o, oe -erive lu tlnm fetb*tino ots otgtad vesi t-Z naocufslng( lottete3sefe, mn, N f----C-A----- - eskeW*. T LAS JMON WORKS, W001, ÇARDINGk. or Wrot mStuemaltab M Il ,uboierla ta qw'dk O'- ARLES VALE &C. ou sistwnn.t ek1tu > t( th ublie ita(bt tinepbave Woul Cartiusg a 1. peilb. J112=trudaLUé mie teive poaima on LM ILE.PI]glE tset85j .fk>oensaVp acpl es th Ontuufu Whky bp, 9«hp SxtIn 455l. in-themt oniaGplmto st-le for corroy- 1untebadmomo et t-.urnmetallin Tmea lone% Ucar fop, amIat Tefoomsuns; ai 1 TROUC At. Pr.O TSop, KING uMEi T E15.&STTWOn I dmibamIBe Muffl e m* i2 ha& Àae R3Aaidel,4Tita l...aLiA iAx. mIîtl me - tituns. Thes luiufuunlrl oOf Iliiîle Diads ciuotln ui t, triai'!ndodiuclo. Ahi nliet1 of fi OIo antUNs-,b'nlSsoîm, hiailtl' T;ic Itffsh aihI nouillin a'ninsi250 less, 12 'a-uu, ~ uol ppr, ssitii ui ilphunbni- ulla'!D sul' iO poidhi litusONEt DO1LLARi. Theoos o fI t - uu f t2,.00 priuu(sul. A lhiie iituli'!Uîubr ., sdvescnunuulUs irfl'be iusni-rte sl lt heuornateof $20 pien pire; fil) foi li an pige, e) ton 15 iUnes, onr madcn. A perifosni nî îlisothsilinifl l ttalud'!ith s 1um1oeualla eilh iSiui,.ssnnutumusilufris i'einuuuar siciea .u uouii iein th tte 1111)- lisjusr, anti leuscihriptuoss sud al uriso Clinuuisitu IV. le. 55'ISiloy EARTHENWAU~.5 J(ui1us- WoiîI'Eb fusta reserh( rioffrrsfon IThIOMI.S MDODV Agnul -ti , i Et. B. llsrchhsala lunuenu Duhr Iit to Iheir adta, un' euusss- I. tnis r sei iiiîiutOWIliIbv, ns'! xnvoi11cisli nlt of tnru oreotsnnnailiil xpeltnie plnarurri IIhitlu7 , Nov. 17, lISo ---44w 0:>,72the Afiçted..4O -111E CELEiISATEI) GEMA N 0OIL! Cuat rufossam ail ImkadaetfFI-*, Sgae odnt 10 1b. In Botties at 25 to 5Octs Eith, ACe.mdfulOte aise. TiOs (oSllEours nalf nsî aunulai ho su IiudibhO npsnuy fun the "i- ilORSES & GATLE' UkAIM(;OP TL'WGUNDS, litelouiainnls. Z IL, hotn uososd aocellWfi-r tho Lasi SenJ'eau,.,autlibie nitrer bnci' hoinainfeil.MaLo as'!oli - Pickisoug, t.', W Whi(by, Jan. 14, 154). 2 -17 t E ides! Rides I Rides ie i a h igbett aIyu lt ia Ta-mi In Greauffeol.Ahuluae bPtcautlPyce band f«'s u Qoaat lep.v. 67 n- ig 111 th ry .1- .Ër or it ffl- 'lie or Il- in, Cr, .ï. ;ty (1- ele tid II.«, mil oit I!cl lu CIIEAP GOAL OILS 1- $1 25 etm. pur Gallon. BES-TCOAL,'OIL! si l25 ots. per Gallon at' Geo. Yule's Telegraph Store. .1 NEW STOCK OP Just recired, aI prirces tram 75 cts. to $8 Allereul 10 um CosiOiL 92 GEORGE -TlLE. NOTICE. TTtovSE AN»ILOT es s in Itîe TownÃ" j.w'ihiy, 1,,o.seslison ie iunucbluu(ohy, uel 83.0o prr îuntlî. A Feibmone , 8iota0.52tf THOMAS MYERS, LICENSED AUCTIMNEER 'FOR TUE COTJNTY 0F ONWýARIO, T.1PM ER'S 'AIME initho Cuury wl r.- oisvr prohuipt îtsiitiois ýn-us easblu ter-ls -Liewle' Goals roaiuind oncoltn- m!ui-unuihe lusAitîion ooums-Il hidisporcil of (o the Iest iuitge. Salen ait theo Anstii R sis 0est-eSieuRonie Dissuusi of ilorsrs, Righose uil Spovitis. Be r nue it luperr-t e uiceso'.-- AduIrinon, suhustu hyPott TIIIIMAS MYEW3, Wlistby, Fnluiiry 5tUh, 1859. Britisah Amonlcan Circuler Dolis-ers- & 'Genonisl Advemîisimut AgencY, 22 SL Francels Xavier Street, Mentreel4 Canada East. r 1ilîie. Ihol infie iil iifrepareil te recin innisr hiniuiiizigAdnsiing au'! ibistrihu- îlot Bis, Cf nnultuus, Se., allie lstiug Placards ouiî rvnfneciAiiestieuuuiatof torlmrtsl in tlis vainsCiii uunl Pronil Jsinahn. fis oi likosuui nte prepuinsti te recoins, nut by ilussuis of 1liiiiilies uiAgrti, anrou-irofor insertni, Alhvcnlisoinnsinhoeh uniotllu 'upot tlîniiuirloest Upper anid b.os n a oda, Ithe Lus or lProiuirs, andutflic Uîuituh Sti-teo uulscfor the uliiscîv if Cinciluain uQuoe", ilitfn Tornot, îluiilliitiui, &e., tluun offcrisg tua advez tusrs, ol il i parties sihsu tenocumoregMulu iIud sousinislit o i.hiciIy ton tluoir atiouuc îîniis; l erntsii oui1 opreeuls cau.s ofdningeso îl iii i i 051s.f thuiniitbesud ospon lii,Arrîiitcuiini iss ion 10WeruII~Inilet ià bes tu solil 'it i ul n COuuuPîuîuuss, hiter slime n olhuuuuuuuireru. Tritueiscuuii, hînol toci ens. an e urs Ithe Iuoitsartiulo uil lli th b-"s ion, eil lueh-rn 5tu assureo thiis will lt sînrictIli 5h eiiàd t15. nitlu uuuioiality nd-dns lusllilIiuites iliuseil h uit tr.ln ilit% lue Lxv1eniclici, il' Euiiielli l il iUneo f B iosi us si-il elis ii ns.îîei-î ith iIle Elontr lissu iii Le cuuubicd (stugivo cutir.Bati lactBu lIoERT S(OiiF L l G-n ' sig U1,Seroi-Y uf tlic Bous -r uîul. sulI.oi tiulî' lxeiiuiugs. hIlIl îuuliis.iî. Es1,tus,:u a le ruan iuu .4.eislt10àlie C(r -isi Triîuuf iivay Coi. F. IV. lteiuolîussE-u., Itecneliut. ,lsîuws Dîuiisili, Enu1., NMsr.lit. E_ il.Pursulun , ,..liton sud Pmrtpioton Coliutcis!zl Aile unisse. Quebec Goç'ornment &gen1cY Bustcsi goinestedsethtfili sud ulluer PUBLIC IIEPARTMENT, stisuidisita. Aise Seuro'! hy ttlu ouhncibr. Atitrcfâenposai E. J. C-IIEBLET, Land u'!(;siieralAgonI, Ns. 21, .Xiuo eStreet,' Qnoebee,31acînrelr, loto. DR. FRED. DELLENBAUGI 0F flUIEAlo, ri. Y.,l A FTER lusuu prenselouuts'!neoonéfit paclie of osrsntiiry years, hig about retin fuonactuve lnnnrtifc itf(tu e roquent ufuituuiore fnienil utsitI eni teu ntry, huainsosent el tn îînhseo ineusuilprepoosutiom, iup sulueh liuo abas toiscultheuIcuireand kcouloci otlis loiss-vretnne,sban h et thustu vi, thea ditikimn i, ungintl'olr na'n. Te Olioso are a.-quauiin. eil nia lttC outornotnsuuug ne ho sIu -lieurs, it io bot uoonn ta oi ibust lusehuis for >sons gunssiilefo fen u4,0t te 5,0sf porecouin, ain'! iuiisuuyà vith t(le greuil cnns-es. Cuo uluthaeo hoflol nîher msn"* ulîru, î ic'!sb -einily te teln tros(oiuin2sandpit sou us uîelaily frous ltouhresla of uleate l nuinot. Theluo )is-or, lunemor, ine, îlot hetol litre olhurs, t0 suireoer) tliig vlh euieu tise, l'ut lais luit up tl Iiein il Ii 1 mihiee uuiboi od t and Il. TIei, nber 1hi BLOOD PUREPIER. iiSueisrt erq1 11 uroesetc f Sanon '1i lucîie sutireby oI muets an'!hb oftla u furrtigu co tithe lshit iropertiben.of wse arcoxutnsbyune iutirn nîv ieiln ri-e it adt n n argir duleoas ahai opi3Si uuuueshlsruons îeaitau alerativo vorhiig dire&] on thue Lienand ti iunssc oxpoilsig tlnutlilroý aitl iorbi'! motter, (lins huàiiutuu to aerà n the ougiiithat uuiy lashvecme nitiutiîi nîuuunfmho b rehisd oit tencreLiwnOspuois and uý;nsis f thot5c i.A7nsqra, JepeiCe tuspiio, )>sepganu, Guîsei Ii ulj, uI I non., fi~oaSBJa IoimNw, e'IWWn, AR of 1>ani lqe -ti il othor.fonnsb houuthsfririià bu a diurereot or [Impur euate eot blond. It !ho ofta tronhtliestg »aa illidi wiii esnn uanen on pniinctrae(ho bc>t IThe'nuisber Iha - FEVER ME11I1CINE. Andul oune er e hfaisoic t Inu nmeet wiln Nss.1.hOsuwillItheuOurss R ,uAnose-Tlieme nuehfnoite wivi l ffiiet CURE not-vemiaraho trossinn part ci th a by tuoU ottier. jýî Rinerntfen te pnss-en( nofatuion, the Udiiàlhsanrt puitroul bp <SrsDo-rn isFa taI suer 2T705eam1 TIo jprovient trinid, o oorre( hhumnrof it DuscOuir iton tiieorupo-or ut mmcli oSeM --Dr. Pro'!. >IsllnouebOin&ulny bIso ie inthoe iono. hruotus aoeopmo rene bu4i. Nu. IlagolaformS41emp bot No.a fl7$ emnha. With hibs ssmpbas tuuoy iretollorod te lte ille.nn.iugesou UN sais by L JAS H. GKEntIE Wluitbl, Sept. 14, 18»a. v a NO. 19 1. oM-.iukiitO o te eusof bis rage; e eo omebui~ lienate ]est ittie Tos ail- of 'Vies Dlscnteniod. Hlîheio, -Il Are 7on u h>entleman Who bougint fmv- s osAth thint o<f ibis o; e.te ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ %es fnao SS ady, yeut rolay?' l "mem i v on .-o vhicit woma rt sue ed as T he ate Pr ii nit. Ye, My tile man., a ,okca u oilin xa1kios onir X 0llan w om JýB lfatst, expresses bis, 'W el, iee's neveu penc O <countiug Ot dsabiïiiîu s *th viicn aine vas unitustly , bruintant ~ l liexhibition ilthtfol- dintinicopper coins), adYCanaer ;btretedn1 ceeuien o te Ïmoa îT . eantn andi eantl doplore I day,oand brolcca bis le.", and, lont bis bon-.it or. shee o, leat; bul a %î IoUl i e t he ho nbnniO f glth ,1 net, m nd liii foe mt., and jour four-pence viit ent husb ztn-_% t h eo ubjoc t co u~ And loiosjoIo ice od a blsno vel.. Ris 1hiolu.i s; i'trqeOs mch Ç i luloGeste fermer- Oh Elghl, 0mhaLnot.UtOes 1 iî ing-_the bînai-tho j;.,rdl unI is tio-tor nys-aasiecdnl uioii-wopwlii.pcagd « Th o n of'h g meZn %< , aid- nd tbut!o a cnt g l on noo' And o o efr ru m iu inu & 1ga I~Uiiii~ toir aune te por cilIconnonod vtinsoi, o l tos for ier wlre sain 1* not repnesnt- Ohaanie etor iniana, d u re it of cryiug. cd. W. .chuowledge fthe jnallc Of tat Tu tarnilnEgaat'a Datme 'Witin , tùxng-b4olti andi goaiaI O orro>w vosfuit enouglf, bis tomacli 'that ain, under tine usine of- Woman'su Oh1, shuninte (o io o nli an mpty, ns lie lookeeti vtfully aet the igioï hs oubi attotupt unettie aijuestion .witii moitIsotfninndiy tou, lisploy ef the tea-table. Of snclivital importance tb ini -,,MrhnOre-o . Liobroibor nsotiuug brotnor I tAre jon Saulpia brother ?' tn)oodstêoeywmifr O11, ltiît e t eotor'Ârp.y, ir;' audlthliflooti gaInaet oftlà once. 'we>bellee.iuo.Womawuia Iltlv W itin uturdor it he et niibea t agaie Ope od.i ' lane o tie c nrictlon o t h ie rigitis of tbu - w i h Itoi t a g lt s cietc on tiiotr p MW e te do jou lire ?1 A re jour fath r an d n d sî ives i vo ar e t y etot. e con- nd blo fag oov doo7j Say Vîcury 1vîmo art tuogl i 'W e il le i Blackfra s W y d in thé ailes , on lu co uider tino iglo of w ives on Asb(ltetin ho Eajrland'a lonrol Paood(loogate. My miliners deuil, and father's Upon esach ioudy bosuI aandnl b i e ts vour gndetni- aometbing apouit foom tieeof bumliods. TIîo - au,' "'autonlinoeaubjet of 11orÉiugm and Ti eb u ll fg t ,nc of t li n ' l b îg't l il .D ivo rce , hv oin so m v ecy p osiii vea o j in - ar lI us outrage ot t 'W here doi b tig c id nt ina lpe nu o s uIln i t ey t e l re t . 'r ) Than mèn sWho, moue'! yios adua e aeNsprtarwl Libe boc l bil ioagV .tino Collge, air.'nnosun. But es-eu vere inoy les, pou iiv T e l, suion ono c ho lie, c nig a ca, vote qniethy net duvu bu mld ixl, velsinould n us e no lu protest b daendan gono iofo t s....... I snW - [ibad nover peneraI- oaga inte swe cincarcter of te T- Mdan tn hc juilotiallitlrue ,sourisrsyn. U p on t e j dgm on day. cd tino xrr tcbeduos of linese ouic îiit C .1OttO ol ti cte iutrol tc d ut te W om .on ls R ighta Bs euot,,uUtOtme , byday, andi herm Ientene e-i noby ulgit, -Ci uention on FridybyMs.Eizbt 1ybellln lîtgb-tonosaplaso aImtuo alerne. Proeddt h y litleguide (aySatn ecuo a iy tti cînd's iuigbte4 in e, Ir ontred a dss8, vrluling itara untll clim -in arnboge relalt on asof no more lnling By Esgland's iîjîîrl Isu,, g ayfgtsoatieitoa dkes, ore" h Bls envuirdicen i sasgmlngtso oam' u oaldrboo- w~lno b iiçina a ne uay e.alçe a ir ou rf fa lsîy tuin d be openol a door, vinence a igint ni ainl- viti , p tues- for tino s ffhe f dry go "il AIn iots e ho ebd ib cole a fesoIheneequat stmngeff vlwth, ttin < or eor ao ngeuagemeo n siay Ant hmo uh ihnhl h bamoi! tbick, cloe.amoliug boany gloons. My cnrsivlnosloînaeo oe Tel F.nr& anu'p oiuait Qno, courage uearîy gave .vay ns the spectacle eou. Surin doctrine ponmsto unMàavaimply Tel of the brutal 0ment- a, of iths uebrtpnm.l nsat hk -T.I ToîlLoru inti ouîîînn go roou hrat ponme.b onspat- aochur iluimale relatione eiatiug GEus1telrte oChnrcb antiState, net etanyaa in je ent but hoîveen one mnadouvoansacl totn nov (hoe Crown li sncu Ansi (hune it iiîtcoiimand, sarucely mode, vioile oune gnttciiug .con-fiel Iy, eai eng, ftin emoty of on onrly T e pt t koe neira- o n- le atuche lu a b ttle, voereau o irn m oud- sud ainc re affcitiou, rooderpolyo m " c eu lit he n g elnulannd'land 1I cI mae of inmon %beinga sleeping on mis- inyfinepeen, od feen p cnîren, Boîtanst, lIaI April. ~eiil ooar otue iofor ntino fruit of, tinal o , illoved by mony MIN qniteol or reciing ulpon tIhe COld, unfinl- O ssd maDys<>5,, h-g,Uiey-ine ou- inheti b ards. 1 ly c oe ired jupu lad o ro w, v i th o i h r Stcpping bver a proutroto quarrelling it~att:cub nooi u soioh timnknol Ifonslutie aud iponO olte be deutnoro-.-uc arelation, vo aie ___________________________ of carpenter'm abavingç on tine floor. Ho eryarbsoeot froet~poi An honest Arab. vas itihi in lis regs, and a tor iedi acanttyt-nture titan mineme wviicibelong to tin oia cos-elethbd been.Ihrovis ,cr hlm.Pouer or tinocouutiuiàeuae In our uke, ®r oW bldbonn onanfising tour lintine lad 1Ibho voseou cbouged. i i abarp face tino baloncendluty t e trni1k. ri Highalandsa of Setlanti, nul, on routele o vs clammy mol cold-bes.ds of avoot itill tine bilasce of 'o mercenVllo ttioel er b -f tois, wveuilling a -dey or tino in tino grcy standing ripeu bis broin-iis iruised andl profit mosuaod sssnl'~lbsnjmc H, motropoliofetrion Nort. 'Scotehman, mntgbud body Iay motloinles andl atihl, e iox- obsti pn nÂ~on u r Xprese, Merrica Fvoes-tisday'm Scetcb- cept'vinen laborel ,uuatieg beavel isin onlbci o oin ve ni cor aimou, 8ir,' ainuated nainill-pipel, oaggcd flnttorlng ireast. A isipat el vman cinon nu îa ebni eW I erd rat , littIe imp, aItinhe fagcand of a coîdti, unl mandli unmnneos1 (bis bouisbtîpfia. noiiî(btrolimenmey p'. "bitter day in 0c.er, as Ilestpou l bwing tbona oscronidvifé, moldfnot bis mother),totin et a ud moralitter se ,Ib lip.aita vnisey ouoor rlo tfiono motrIliftors 1e-a r- oclonl aettee or of tine Nov Royal bunisuinandi lben bathot is is î*t.hse i Z- Prince! streeoL aud vutor, obile sine opplied mu lier oowaprined appelitos of -tino vlemI f et'lIs, al '1 No, velnn't 'isn7 n'Iay. inule of spirita te donev lte grief aline bic- vmu lwn(h ijoooi a nap bc Fewzees, penny a huîtrinr, Sr hacuped anti ansumeti. A luclor front heteorin.glealoanicli mgoei. p moinda ng day'a pagier, Sin-unly o beobeo ; persist- Royal Iutlrmary lied caiîed andleift ance iel u oobr oetr vetuul AI cd tho joue- countrynsan et Adamu Smithn, melicino te aootho tino pourbesgoy o.SaunblsI vpltvlliu lit as tho marbet ahovol ipiptutus oftîcclitn, (for bis ce as shepehois, ocen ibongin ho Mm iat tpogcyncn veÉlo,ày bt reb1e anul tlrcotonotite close lecidly Ilna. bal been tuken aI lirat, as lie ougin te10 iavec oucin umtiulracnolse 'Got loug, Binti'n oyei lou'I van't aupi' bleu, te tho Infirmay in tino neigihor oinoimoiltaSu oellctl id groolel Pitillipn. boul), bti he nynurse _S.,rtf 1 n . '. . r~'i ~- *er 'Tin'ntguide fosuxers, Sir,bader anIdnituinister i.1 . a pplIef -. ' vtnn lek oi rogetoie fr -a-vcnty fur s genuj, Sr, comiug round on plattod uR a lema misr d I if aili ls.,t ta ue iup flnuI. sud govîug anme moucy teo ar -u st.o wec 0us ioalt, inentin tf et 'Do 't suas ou ejocctupent t oftheno omesubatnksIn ievui~tsmr iot~ip~ Thn en inalue face,mnd benfetn, b.inr. g ielhI game wbu ines' orîî ba eversirsua ~tI Fos1' - graine1 init dmt, man binsle a coutycouhol, and lieft the degestiol, aqualii n ul. f m r rlieaSoout'f. FUIs i s- r. rage lueha pitiously up te mo,, mes-eloff o home. ruo maiel ti, co nu paren; 1111e' bol atili ionrol round n. No, Next, somling I vus in Biacitnins wynd. ton ldarp ie hsi;I edn whinn1 put lovensmy tIretsuhocriptionie 0iso close, pestilentai air, anti toinring, lm- tino Icaresî worid -bu mine Bone.tôlngu e a tie 011 Ton iagged Scinool in Wostmiula- tique dti-latcd muansions (tine obole efnaununnouigtrsItsuhale ) Iote, i (oeIs omontai phouige te myseif te the poorage ilefan-off timo,) nor truck a"que d-folî enl ntreis , pus uipies1 encourage ungranî ciiltirco luthu atréels my sertîts, Ainune a dooer wv acrrelop aIbtevu iniclu d tirnomierelu&ilt no moeu.Somebuinin tiiinstance, (hat on tino atoe-'Htpept ye Lues!lu Izmiht je-inth etes-e or. inov oieu oaiys of' S plolge voull'îît tand by me, inut gos-e bouse, je inildona buihi in s-sun.'tinum"intugforce nofionWaiee entierot voy. I 'l in e recel ias spacioes; il vasutctîuiysdth roomnop, f 'Gine me a pen'ormin, junng 'un.' noble in ils proportions. The volu vore outitngce andbotheof love.baci M 'Yon, Sir-tnej houa smidi.t of ponuelleiomit oadiy marneti, a massive otigel sef olv. ad I4f tine, Incitons douut, tho son et lucifer, mamile mastic pilce of cunuiug canving, ---- loua,'tinhrein in Phillipa. ruthtoehsy brokhen alnd diafignool, ensunel uscle. 'Ait, I bav't a eopperlittlo'u, notbbug tilus aronue fireplace, once repreonted loa thon a shilling; aenenver miend sortiee Bible-atory, nov Bre depoilel sied ho u mncnblat rengmin of tino humau iodyp 9boy,lil boy fromt jou tu morroi.' cracinel, amolthe ceîing festoneti vitin au- lu vouderful. A Tus-binh porter will *tet - $Bey Ibmntino' nicit, if yeu please. raz tique freit anti fiovona, abarel inohegen- etaI raptid pace audiary a ieor: . six [J very ing-groy, Sir.' oral Vanlal vosclo. Witi t(ho exceptiuonetfiunrel pouds,. Milo, a Celebr*ate a.Je 'Ibo'i'l gine peu bisachecI for thoeibalance a brokeu. einrfiuniiture (here vas noue ie te of Croietou, lu Imay, aceatmoueol inielf Ger. tiat stilling don. Its occupants ail (ho te McarriegrtettbutIonsin, b l l. Hia M ittle, cold face, wseiinbal igited. surgeon, vinonsI founî aI(hoaothesfrrabel, greel becrnnewo uonastor ine nei. It la lux op uov fell, fon, front hMIbondie of po-arono echielly 2f our Citypospeansd the peur muil (hat ho carriel ounhabisnbuIde5ai, oze )IL gens urovthat bis sales balboots foin tital d'a tep mnsero-who h las! tahdn iitufour ponts old, v.ighlug upwv$* -or oue n loy. frens the rag-gel arbool tinal aite migint titoussisl pourdoI 4trso'tlmêitlr go -'l'il gang for change, Sir.' dlnk: h is pititul earings--wes as s a nje isinoua ble«'-6Pbis batliet. n H o tui itht nie shillBng--no ca gool bey anti btng me Theu patient medical abolit vo at uint, mix at Olymapie- He .pmosa.md bmef lit 01Y he change to-monroin momnig te(hoeinotel for ho eas iuing fast.The mseul oohiug seveut ime buto1 no ne eauinl tbq tirgu ent --»klo fr Mr. Trnier.' ftona bis ligint bîttoejeas usvlp oieing n oentr mie list ageinatbhlm. He, Wu, qa co 'Clire uMI frlonljVer vord of bonoer, ns ot, lis psu11 cieeks ocre seak anmol mis, une outhtinodisoiplel uof1ythsgoras, aud - m ®ra geetiem-nas aerority for th et.' but coauanne tiuIti, and bis lauip bis unsomoon trenglin thal preteptet ssud le. 'As aunee sP death, Sir, l'il brio.- (ho vas ficerngai~ before il muhoe rver. bis pupile uval tinir lives. Thea pliear ir- chnge tin oun,' vas theopromise ofpyoung Ar I tooho his tonibe liau in mine, a amle ininb supporte1 ibe rooo te o beàsud- les Lucifer belons ho izs-suito1 it the abSl. of recognitione neemed'te glsusco accets bis louly gave vsy, -but Mile potpported 4 e lulisp - face. % s-ont1ottiofe"building andl.love Lthe piilouo- 'WlTureor,'yas ho itrulleui. (hrougb 'I gtel (h laBge, an&vuas cune" pinor tasteuacpe. In old $8. he ai- b Princes atroot 'pou lo't oxprot to, uee 'My poor boy, pou ans evory boet- Iempjted tn poli op a ire.by thlin te andse to jour innlnsoone trieul again, do pu?t Have pou auj wiuhiý-ýnpbiIeug Ieaude for lkeak IL Ho ù potW*ahip olihted it, but hie s. 'Ycur tnient i viiiduaunor is ia . OU. riu, pour cilI? I jirotumo e- atnae eughing, gedmulpexinato1the îy nssgans as-----'itnny,rlm seel'un de&W in at vilI troc, vers cleft, r eil&and l bW bondas 0 Well, 1I in'I grave about (ho mony talooni' jouenon f-pinâchoil bin belp et f, il. vu tltga , b u t I Iiik [tac a tru st th e o b o y .' - U t O B o b o u a s i at i ty lu a fit o f &t o ,ad, s db l i i u s a ile t se i ag e i m . 5V &Caot Wby pou have treti is; sud crjin, sl tinrewme nseif proulit uoa ei,-ie lthaposition., Haller me. c - uit pour Iclibecotimu avrs renssrkaiofet(he thoe&, 'Oh, Sudy1 Souly 1ISmtiy1 *b- idoonnstai ho mawasosmon, vinomo e ige vý isdonso e in istorical stable heepor, vine belbis Sie heant. sgbt lu'a aChain et tine imttom ofe a mise soc eps mu(hIa efhotinl iso-bo (ho- ' vii mm f0yg lih rther.' y hisorepzgit-fortiblp bhem, zupponisul by ti te t 1 t

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