Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1860, p. 1

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C-0 k Street, W«ýhitby. ext Dour 10 ties Reistri Office- TEItMS <iF SIniSORIPTION ARE $U in lu ivultcýallsud$3 11o iiseii pgjiu>iO t n lsia5mit .... îs...OC OSýbIý$ uraI dîsausst Iallies a nEehlissd pilertiheuîg1byi e yesr. i ilà taprliesslreealoe eitsea- lu Wiiîthy ah sd niuty llsblD n-lbsie ioruliRef SATU1»Â, DOULAR IPER A.NNUK, etretly ln edvsaee. Weekiy Chroalcls liAs e lairgiît Crcua- 7 aiy alier country paerepeblisloed lu 01,E 55 içdÇEiiSOuix sW trLTi t'oa linos.....................$1 00.O lon lines firt inisrtiau, (par ue). O0I1i nibRequeal iusetion . ..... ....O. 00 paper wll bedlaasatiised outill U arrose- emsîcati, i rietetrsd, wll bc et c i theaPubliseor whnarddftssed, NV. il. IGINS, Wbilby, C. W BOOK AND JOB NqTiIftEST ABLISH!MENT- I jpRPilE<b1 0F TuEWIUITBY lnt îCLn" Cld rCIopetfilly Ifarrc te , jlie liîe r e sicoftlens ni stlesocf Type frin Nes York sunl oli- l, ou re s ad lu prepareil ta smoete )I AM~ JOB PRINTINCG ery descriptionin lua supriat stylo sud ed.4ath,p li t the laceal roiuuaeiug i-las rîe5ai l'eisîI)In legEsliliery, 0iii Bilels.l05 ills, iîd isillar dessrip- of l'eLiiiliilg fieiilil iti'ul' uiOur 5f -W. I. IIiOINS a £lireoicle office, Withy, C.W. )oÏ 'joli e ALL TIIOXPEON, iA ARIDEN 0F 711E COUNTi' OF ON- se tiinio. ERollelse.-Calsuiuton, Beach. I ZACliEUS BIURNiIIiM, cIN Oh' TUE (OUNTY &SUR1IOGATE 031rIe. Oislc nt tiecoiusrt 11011as. I ct NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Md >IIFF. W- OFFICE AT Tilf COURT JOHNf lIAiS PERRY9 S (ISTItAl. OFFICE ON BRIllST. I- j. MACD)ONELLa ERE 0F TIIE IPEACE. OFhiCI,:-AT i. ho liortlt101180. JOiI[N V. mAI11, lob EF11 0F TIIE COUNTY 'COURT, AND ogisutrsr of the lurrogale Court. Offie net giotry Offcto. Set reel. 1 kiW. PAXTO'N, Jr., Dr E.PAFuIEli OFFICE AT TIIE COURT aJ. NACflONELLe ii ICITOR & CIER 0F TIHE COUNTY îîsîil. Ã"ýflas t Ibe Court Ilouuoo. I mf« JOHN 5151ER, mi i y UNTY ENOINEER. OFFICE AT TUF. h ort iltuso.i i- EllE FlERS DIVIhSION COURT. OFFICE tl Cor1Hu joIcS G.OnDON, lEITIIII ft N-ItEllIITS & MEASUIS or tie Coiiiiy of Onthario. ni -____________ - I. Il. TRE1IAYNJI5 1t S T ESTR AND COUJNTi CH(sWN 0 ittuiniiiî. Offioo-lt Arilelho Nes Berick i5l -~secoiul Floue. l fft AiEIION & NACIOONEIL, Ins 0 RIISTEIIS & ATTORINEYS AT LAW, e liollaca 6to Ilî Cauîîuty Ceesetil Ontario- lle ui tht Curt Ilosas-Sciith iur- liqs a GEORGE I. DARTNELL, RRIuSTEII ATTORINEY, CONVJLYAN- or, &r., &'o Office ever J. S. Deumldeuss elîirlsitrai Store, Brook Stret W hitby Iifi mi;j V. H1AllS loe RIISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE-B3ROCK slot Wulthy5C.W.- iqu Se B. FAIRBANKS, ie IlCITORt NOTARi' PUShaICi &ts &O, oýliziaîCu. . ' N. G. HAIX, 1111h1STEil AND AT'fOlNtlqYAT-LAlV. lîio-poul lhe llgislry tltiae. iBrook a, t, W il uîluy.1 li STEPIIEM SEARLE, E, LIhE AND MSARINE INSUILANCE i-ont for thes Cossîsî of Onario. Office- 5i lislaldaoe8 iiss-dssro Store, Brook StIesel i '- 7 st in VOL., IV. GEORGWE ERAD3AZON, 1I'O VyAIC4, Çommi8sslI .takli Alie it h e tsQaesi%'Bon 1 iAk, Brook, 0. W. ROBT. CHEÇXLEY, MD. ID SUltGEON, ACCOUCIEBUR, &n. COR for the CoulY of Outario... .i J.GINN, m. B. ]3gr Sdret, lasuiatle. I W' OAL ENT& PATTEROINILOlt [dtr, cuer io oeu sud Iroîitfanrc raroutea, fai. tia. OAKWWNDORD ROE, 0 Oag Geood cmaon lofor tavellee8 0 ELalý n teùostO ies t5. rLVIWelunTor Fortà MARTI'S (oto alîsnd 10l. l s. soeeu 1 foi Ah ye of H, tof I SCOTT98 JOELe JNDAiSTIEERT W11178V ÏFlEtSTDOOE Eat f W. tiuluglI toe. ula-Ilir. J. W. CALDWELL DROWVNt ISVEYANCER5 COUIESIiONER FOR1 Court-, Notas-y Publie sd ud enssmlàgetOnt rige. Op.106-R.sg Strsotn ueni-l.toppositeL IlalicaiIBail. iB-Ail lisinwa do essetel aabl e ilh osiltir stenlal a. - 0151< EILLINGS9 AW, CIANCEEY & CONVEY.S2ChNG Ciice, l'in-uesAlbsert. - A. MAIRIe B. A., TTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ciuuuiecy3,Conveyssusar, AtO lumain Itret ýEI'UTY iIEGISTRAR, MASTER EXTRA-f eriioiiry, andlexamuierlu Choueryfer Coslity of (saâinss, Bsee.k-I, Wbilby. 47 JORN MnerAB# ARRIBTERATTOlIRET, Au Qm- SCerrs-oft Cisurais usda Oe1tmi-, (opp the oCabistsaud,) Toronto. COLVILL & IIAITONI ,Ttt5ENEYS A COUISELORS Av LAWS SRd Wing, Rlnueeoai WILLIAM TEMPUBT, M. f. 1INO STEE BT, OIUAWA, CANADIA RRlE OS' qIJlo»TY AND IIUPEXIOR 0 suisl,mesoer euitheO Coulty laIt- AmnSW. CROSs, ~Etl gsIWhitel RtOulET J. WILSON. ~ARRITELR A AT<ORNEY AT LAW, suiionmOsSiSsXs A l a-ltb ci'W. use- a e tbseof xeenoo. asssiioea ItE SUIISCIIBRI IAVING TAR-Tf- -aIoe valatei frais Mr. Colt aSa se a-h -l hlie hot aeaouîneîunlîntoisiuepii JOSEII 1NoURS7, ILEI TWELFTII DIVISIOIN COU8T F 14hfi-tiîimberaia nd usrshuil, 4 uit i u th, Coartwrtyioi. Ats-e- i ONTARIO ]FIOTELi FBtyN Jr, iPROPIZERTOli, iSluK 1l*Sîreet, NWtiby-. Odoîd Sluhuisng asf18 -cia ov Osîtlera. i a CANTON iSOTEL, UFINS OsIERRiPICRIRNG. Ganhi 1 PHILANI)IER 14. CLA#1 JIl 11CONSTABLE, COUNTF O uMO Iandî Isponlar a' of it ut u J, W. COUtO5 .J ourS Il pit le il si a nlVi ti 0o f iiisi; Lieauita i of pier Ci oftls Loomist iolius. oe0 t- e- U1ENRtY IANNAM, )LAIN AND (RNAMENbTAL TEI, JOhzer aie lN MGILlare. F. II JEET, ?R1IiRs c10 IRBNSETARRTIE UPORT Do ( or tsegî an ie Joue, aîta i s! Je *lits u l nprii r iunuitur a euti suulercai-efs rmu1d a. rua 550t. - R FARMER MIOETOB. TU! 1 vsler.i diigte n shisu Br'.,, e A IA. PINGLOUE o L4ECINDTACIIoBOCGLTE iW hitby a.2118 . nBNTIMAS E EREOI54.0,&C Bori' 1101,B ailSWec Wfu.l' par esagis elyrsgsloel n ù Bii ot poritue rol r mATuIEW1. r- w PY.B Aiy EROBRT SLOEAtRS,ýtTEE WhTbE y 05 N 1 Tosu OMi AnS 0< 5IiOS 5Jt55, ta. ÀWit C.8LN PW. IT; uuodanîau tie Ianodilua uia, mY» Il Bt 9eo ite ili taiuerous fortCaehat. 4 t- R LRÂIADLRABU ROTE g oaln shi of asil dO--sfai ilti TUB SN ROTgE- Ç)z NTEErouxAD iGe ITAER lgTooý pmmy uelieseia rdIy isboî cla loaIoSestuse realmliruli, àl o aol Ett eo orlise se)5 ts ,ri. Eeun tr tlsuerilipl t rnc bou l *nsstO OT uoieul~o hese 0A tadyOsie srae1) u sue- AXESt D..Iii 'IB oud Stameut etand nilaxe, s ret otis srsldO NWOOzLz ON SAGE I±D 1.p 1%ýÏh Clui rin" wrdo, grt thougiets and uslrlng finulis WIIITBY, C. W., S_ -TROUIAS X1. PORTAS,, RIGSI EEÂEST TVO DOUES . fbi kit.tlrid odr asuoiiatsd Mrat Cmul' i uy sauttadviîuaSd su morshadiso,Furelties5 sud ather jxrsperty oanslgip for -sie.7 T lnE ousiersîguesitaiones l asselferm tise 1liblluatz of Wh12tly>and the pirblia, tlhst ho e ses eiaaufitorieg Visiegur etasi sorèir qssity, wiioilie Ispeeslta supl T hale. sol taeBereliseasfdothoe, sulgesely rcîoa prleos. Tis TraIe liissrsl l aI si. -MI endurs by mail pOeetnallyituLnel te. kATIIAN MILLEIt Anust I1115.. HUIRON HOUSE, rrHlEuiderlged lhestaken tirs ho-ve Uotel, JL Whilàbli li as nosly fitted sop luln ic hot ussuner for the accomnmodation of tis publi.- <bail stabling, fins rsemy oMuds, uand aver et- lentlon piltaeroseldherse. oW The iest wliieii.rlal.uers aud cigaeonttIhe bar. IiRITISH AMBIRICAN 1IOTELm sixtois sETRrT, oussaSeA. T IIOMAS DOWNING, (Iiste Railrosdllatel Wlîithy,) lîroprietar, st ,e suad Gouil Stablling, snd attentive Ostiers. 7. EDWARI)S & HODDER* rTALIIDitAPEIIS, & 0uiFIT2rEIS, J. lgffreut, Oshawa. Geiitlemeee' gar- met el psud eut lae 81103ct; feoiise- ble.9tyle. l08-ly. TUE TERRÂPIN. rflE PROPIIeTOe O F TIlEWELL lkuawn Saloon ereeow inlu aotofa th l.S1r nIIs.NClIOtA!>. King etreet, Toronto (foemerly kepthy Mr. ilirley. Tlise peuniie lisve hetu eeîely reeevated tlsrusgleul, sud llttldun lu tite first style. Every preenrable delicecy lin oon. A elgar divan lltled up os- peralely lioteo c ionlise but the haist brande are pneîuitted te cinler 28 CAISLE & MeCONREY. NO. 8, MAvLT-AU-aaavr.Las STREETi, L0WER TOWN QUEBEC. qàraviele îs.u thee &lgJasMsng end Wsceifs ths IiritlA'sÂeericanbprli4iyae fl J IAVELLERS AND VlSlTR(lS te the Au- dotCt f Qucbeo will ind Bsoperiar as- aoismodatiosi IhModeaocagsa h bv intel. Theoliaiel la vory cauveiiieally eiteaecd -nuerîthe llenks,Saiuliat whiîrveà nadI pria- %t tble an~d bar sire slip lied emît'r5 irocerahîs entable îîsîd drilksble, Viellors will7 nd oery attentiou pold taelîsoir corifert and .airlice O very isalariiaticeuand direction es te the sîsrrondîeg lecaities, principal places ofrsot, eocryg. JOIIANNA QUINN. 18 l-rapelitr. GLOBE IIOTEL, BROORLIN. r Il E iudereigued listi ahen peIeORB. ofîtlîe above si lkniu lînlel, shîc'ilîl ane coadoctcd as foriiaerly wlihluh strlctet pro prietlual regerd fer thi. onwfurt aud carviu usce efllîe Publie. Vie ropietir asurs hsmny filrais thsit taintfini it he lob 1atel, anîd thai lie sîli bu pereoilly probat ta give tlînm allahîas i- illas lie Ceehie a-nul. The honîe li; been tlinrosglily liaporel, pailited anîd mro aoed, saidle filial ýp hi esons-. lap it i s«l a îîîuîîîr an ta lueurcs raliofais- 1ls. The ber andîltailîle mîîjplied, teslîriîaly ,ilîh lue hast ieitablas sud deiikîîlea. (Calliîiid 5-17. C. DAWe, Proprietar. GraseulTruule Rsilwuay Mfotel. (Sasaih *ide c aZ-iyD pai ari ilhilby.) r.iE UNDERRIUfFI> IIEGETO INFORM T biis friesîi d dhe publie, thaI holaio ln puosolsincf 111e ibava olst he hîjaliiiems of ell blie lau iifisturo carry cii1cii hie -)Wu secoue!.oed Liqisees, W incc sndiBraniudes, Çelsilstaling---csraful attentlin fer mian* sud herse. JOSEPI!I RUEBOTTON, Wbitby, Jeu. 11),1(, PISOOI r.86 AUCTION BUSINESS A. E E til talsrarc ninial, bi . 0 Csterlinîg. A AIIordes reatig ti cioselîuese y the iîsîerslgsacd, shaîsld ho leftsnt the Chresile Of- fice, Wliilby. Mer.llgia&!lithfe ses duly sîillierlzetiteaeppoiut My days ofsle, saIlle tormau,ian sd latuner inCa esînliatiier isrsugasiellti relutiug ta niy aetiosi bosies as t11Ise se 0 slder prlper anîd iiecescari,. shisll onlia dterisify sesy egreesnut tiîey oint milie sun ybehalfi gaslon attendeda i a eh f h outy 1<0W.18 TUB TIllE. 4ET TOIl1E LIKENES.S AT J1. A. CIîrk's lot Prise Pleuore Giallery IF pe dis e asret sud lilb-likeAmbtrelr- types, lnieotype, Lcltergrsîh. or Leati-sr Tresefer, il sLlkuessla a Lekat, Broutitor Ring, for .A* C. eau deol lu tusheot st yle, ailad tssnoutie. WILKINSON"S BILOCIK 88' ~ ~ ~ ~ m lish ioiWkiib1o. NTI C E. W VIN qlýa,ý7t4eéoltck of s. s ANew Stock, -M: f-'itlota Il Who rmay lavor an wilh aucaîl. loBEpn itICRIN"S & ca. llrookile,Noeomber 101h, 117. * .43 P11055 STEEcTs, TIC'EITOIO. T lIE Subscuriber iega 10 olouneacoetliselu- lînuiasntAofciTrentoin il tlîc Trattihiusg mmutity tisaItuheabats fiot-eiaes lionstias11L beous fmI np îin ailes snd snnvsaicîut nianacu. A FIsrd-Cl-Issa lte <i es-aet t it sHatl. Ail Lqiiare heptoauthie pcesiiiioara of tise boat qîsîuîiîy, liisea Cesaso. Alpan, Luaccy stable luassîaeeliou situe tisee boeopriotse. J. S. GERMiAN, Ptwpnielo Trento, Ag. 8,18519,. 8-7611W CASH l'oR PRODUCE. STise Uldersigusb le prepancil ta PAY CASII FO:IR muy qustity ci Whoat, Barloy, Pes, Oats, &c., THIOMAS, MOODY, VEmair,i*eiciAg SALT FOR SALE, CHIEAP. w'situy, seti. 28, 18591 r'4 "QUEEN" Fie anid Life Insurance Colpany. Capital £500bO0o sterling. GuIsE OFFICE-Liceipcal, hPiigaiid. OFFICE IN HONTHEAL. DIREuORSa. CIAIlilIîAN-WMu. bMOLSON, EQ Itron. Ja5îs i'aýor, IThoies Ioniy, loi1. IlIaisy 'luoiio, Esq David Torrouiro, 1,-q. Aguant for Whithy uînd nîrroeuiiîîrz Dirliet. I. W. WOODWARID. Wtuiy, -lai.21, 1860. Il-lai. NIew Tailoring Establishment t SIMPSON & FEIIGUSO'N. R ESPECTFULIN amunca la tise lu- haibtants of Whithy anud onroundiug atntsy, tisais they have opsacil a T1ailorts Slaop on Beach Street, opste tisa hOntus-lo lotel,' siscre al on es-etrustele lu iuwsiol bu done titis -wliuîby, Oct. 201h, 1859. 1(1 Whitby Browery. CZAR£ a uWQODWA&Mr lI aSruai eroornoiv r urpareî! ta fer- luhIslto f tue wu.ithiv ireaary oîthil iaoxeeîloil articein liseîi uuiutilnoia io.uy lus eequiiato, and euterue tla sit par- lloltleil aecqasilclitheisuîportouinrticle. THOMAS MYERS, LICEEsrD AUCTIONfERi FOR TIIE COIINTY OF ONrýARIO. FAltiitWS SALES lus IhsCosiltuy ii se- slve potspt attentinoino ruasuiîaIai tarin, -Lýkewso, (boiRa coiiignel a isnou- usslionî te lus Asacton oslauoniili bc lîspueu o! t0le h bt evaustaîga. Sales ait1the Auîtioa Roasseccery BTI.tvl'sio Dimunse of Ilor-ses, inliuguaned S1ayins are Iseutel wltiiperfai sucBie Aduirems v sioîby i'sît: TIIOIIASEViI Aîîttioa Scaîno, Wluihy, Fehllory 2ith, 185u. Pianoa, Nelodedns, &c. -» - TOSEPIJ RAINER iilithîe tas-or ai-Pianos, lsCeidouia," &ouan Igeruil %os-iaisfor tue repaie e! al Mude of luioeiî,iInulmient, ii asa ipure l lu roceivo ssiI sacete al te- lors eutrtsted te Sus. Ailsos-kinauioufainlrel by hum mmlil hc gsaresîoed s! eqoal seekussu èehip toanvîln the Provincea. Piansa -ara $1510 t soe rdiug le quali- ty of 1uutrunt. iace uia nt 1 necs. hsolouii-,a sIela-Eotlntu messemousufîcloreil teosdes. port puyart tabion un irado. Al irlera bhi ioiili Iiroaled P..(O). ViithY, aOf - , rFeoietha Ysrk Horall-J OnTsday, thise lt hast., a arg-et-- ing cf Use MolsIste Party ws bl tiEsh Éland bill. fet ls-porpoae cf aeganitisg rousdiiitee &C., ta net lu cssaectiau mIls, the PEstern section, cf tise Dicluhou, ta issing ont a goai steug mien to rapreseret tisehe rieseiluths Logiolsutiva Couueil. Tise meet- [ng wms chaët-ritedvilla entulsmiasie. tseWho rtteadsi merseteislently peepe- ed ta mark ia clgist good eanest - foc the goalI aise of Mudir atedreoileSîltuti-ý umal 'Reforus. Bousefes ultra Grilsmena' presait aud oro evidentiy uueesy etthlis 1 iipec cf thiags. We isail -a'-',s ik. liug o! genlemen fram ueaeiy every ses- tiou cf use Division, adtise dednsil ofeli oIes for joint, anitaul, and deteruisilnedk-o lion. Tisa meeting mss orgaulocil by calinig Col. Heilgefoil ta Use chair, M. I. El- marIs, tise CocreupoudiugSocrelacy foles Weutern part of Diolsiais, acting s ecre- tas-y. Tise firet neiso<io*as oved hy J. M. Lawireuse, of tisa Township o! Vaugisau, rend sas secod hy Cept. N. Walliacseof tisa mausc lamuhip, as fallouro- TisI atis e proapect cf elestisg Ia Usa Rings Divisiaic e mehrfos-[teLegila lita Counsil, it i n csnary tac ing for- scies-i a persoanmise enjoautihe confidence of tisa Modersto psrty to represent lise aforesail Divisiou. oli. Boreefard beiug caiheil upon t0aild- brs-s theo meeting saidIBe isliovei tisas tise course of ps-asecdiugoslaopted ta carry sui tise viamu af thse Moderato pusrly lu tisa Kingo Divisicîs, uoas thes ighs cu. Tisa canisy seuls1 modecutî umen, andilmuss sie muId gise couolitutiourel reforss -bhoaunecdod.-_Tisaecutry was-lulanirer of iselng rusînel sy sextemia men, eud lisese- fore bce calcI upo aue - a misa ovel tisa Dcitiuir Canstitsationi, ta mark lsard sud put mounsot tise ielua o! Blte-sen misa wuild ise preparril ta defesîlIBritishs lus. Ha iseartily missel lise Moles-uta peely lu King Ditision uess. Joisu liu Per-y, Eeq., of Whithy, itid -Tsat Whitby ansi Pickeinied ai aî-reldy tahen estion, andi mare aiÏ$5t soasa Misehaus ansi Vaughuanuelldd. - Homs deligistcd la se gentlemen froua ail, parts of tuîo Division ps-saout, ailtome misa livel onisida. Iu bis opiniau a usaderate party ula a derata manwusoue, miso, sisilst ha seuld vote fnr caustituliossh s-a- faris, sousi apposa eai aozardsa adiss- olution o!flise Unio. (Loud sicuiru.) Tisace sisuldbc o selaon autisis point. Tht Modeirtit ati nseuli soy elîerly saab uomisathou biy tisaI uo markso pl hisse Useis-vte %shua iII stplîdgs laimaeîf ta upholsitise Unian. (Ciios.) Mre. Pers-y liten ahiy seliiinel tue nction cf tise late Git Conuention, Joisî nt ulsosity ws-aall uonsense audl ussuiîie, rend ccouldhbctise very cosa suerc ta nidus of nue evila; fus-, livide lise Province isîtu turc, or eeu lis aections, aîd thsa ait cvonld stilh ise Ilat lise iastes-n Pi-ovince soulil have Use slmenat-haslas o. Whnt wss aulel wus ual jeiut autisority, but raprenenlaiin hy papusl.tioa. (Ciseere.) Ansdlhlastssuglat tisat m we sotelliIso gel it, boause tise da- ad is jest. Upper aussiLamer Cansada coul1 sas es-y qailo. Rush isalliab soot au equsil iais of tîsingo s tlîy arc. For tise firet feu yturo Losen Canada boi tise luirgest populationandnIfantise lest <os Uppon Canada iedal siiit, andl sa lths bst way nom urs lua nt jently, ani gica ts tisaI miisisas aur rigist. The ailveuage cf eucaeeagie migration by fi-se graute o! lasanissuniet abw. Me. Peenrr elso etesugiy asltocuted tise lesis-aiility ut chus. isg a loasl cadidate, wica mas cordialhy coiuusred lu hy the umeeting.)e hie U couclued by as-ging upen thein tise nees- 0111 cf ultiug ta bissg - out tiehe ongcst John Duggoao, Eaq'., of Taomnto, upol. giocit fos- addremsiug tise meeting, liinug as ho did ontaide, bhuiasviug cousidersisîs ex- penise in electioas, -andilohvisg tisa gresis Moderatoe'Partyt sol feeling confideut of ils ultimata asucesuhe o muhd solrefuse tctis a t ulreessiisem.'He likal lise resoiu. proposail, andi sgreed witis Me. Pers-y on. tise nesessly o! lte'pnentation hy Pella- Ontario, Scutisano, iftaiicskee and tise, t Enstenn part of the divisian, arai if pasl. Mse nuileitihthiem'in ~ilec'ing a fit ail ýprnpen persan-for aecuMaii1te foc 1hi, 14 sati'e Councl,Carriednuasniliaaniy., ltAtUsn movéd by BIL c4sreh,_ ]à~ J. P.. sended loy W; Ballon, Esq., 1 P., andiTi. B. Merlriam n aui ciried unima- ,iao oThat tise folloiug- gentlemen ho apponsed a coamitisee foc Markhaun, ans ihat lisey useet t Sitë's Hatei lisimon- tillé, On- Sdturley the 121 iast., ut 2 o'- abacle, P. us. A. "Backeu-, W. Boîtcu Jss. Ba*mmsn, Jaisn' Hunier, Johu Butltau W. 'Monieuan, A,, Arucîsi, J, Palme, H. Le- ver, W. Ti-olgeon, J. -1Nemhry,-B. Wiseil- e I. M1risi, J. Wiemer,R. Menu, T. A. Ulle, R Kli, J. Dtnoneeb, M. DU, J. BoMnu-u, John Gibsuu, G. Pringlo sud Miajor Bilhiken, Esquires. For Use hama- c! Vauaghsaliesfallasing Coussajhtes te ineet aistisa Inkerman Hotel, Berwick, ou Sstueday, tisal2tiisut., et 2elacic p.us,: Cot.- Biigefard, N. ýWalhacc, John Bromu, Robert J. Arnold, John il.kArnol,1Wm-.. A. Orc, Jeu Harvey, Win. Taylor, Jas. Gruhauu MichaeliFFsher, Jas Wocbsf A. MeNsil, Wm. Cool-, Ibm. Sciegor, Brya MeMaison, G. McPisillifs,Hobt. Rayisaousd, Edw. Siaeppossl, Junior.,, Thsa. Aa-mstiong,, Esquires. Motel iy W. Battais, -Eq., sonleel uy A. Bus-hon Boq., tisaistise msesOcf oasis lecaicousmitten useal n Saturduiy, the luis lest., fou- tisa pa-pasa of onganlu- ingt ehnuiug a chas-inu &c., ; unI tiss the chai-mia o! â oass ausittee shulh focus u, central eommulttee bu-coonastionu sis tlie otisan paru a! theoditision, saisI centraI cuaimitc ta meot on tfie lOthihst., aI 2 o5locle p. in., at loufas Maer'o otel, Marskhreus Village ; sosie centrai commit- les tuadalpt se huais for thea eleclian a! Dola- gales- tTa Ue-Couveti6aandul Uaistles-Car- reapoulisg Beeetei-y do request .tise 5114<1 by Chrousde. The Leîiatr ansitheaCl- ami-a tot puslh hea praseodiagu of tibl meaetiug, After psng a vte a! thans o atise Chiuimena tise etiug lissa adjauruel. Destruction 0f tho Steeaer A. T. La. sey by Pire. TWIRCE OOit Fi>7TEEN 5LVES LOtS. (Froos tise IlospîieAppeal, Stiauit. A repart mou Inraugist lu Ibis de.1yen- terdiay hy tisa aiVsces o! the Skylark, ta lise effeel tisai they oucounuered a wreck of n bus-t steamer ut tIsa foot of Island Six- Iean, Tiuseday aigisu, and tisa repor-t ws phaiaîy verifed lariosg thesa reernaun hy tisa arrivai o! tieseuemer Maesoliu,wsihi buaitiscaugist damu tis heiek, Mr. A. G. Cunningsam ) andlraut tiity survivisg pisongees froua the wsecek of tise A. T. Lucey, Captais (George Taylor, wiih boat wae dctroyed lay fis-b ai tle point liaigna- ted nisave, shoot 10 o'clock ais Tiursday cseniog. Jeat hefare tisa isun of il0u' clock, mies tisaA. T. XIsey wseoppo- site Isanad Sixiecis, a quanlily cf isay noar thesaIreoisel derrick mss diacovei-ed tebe ou fiee. Tisa alsi- u a gi'eeu ut once, aud lise hoat esded forlthe ms-e. Ah- muet lnstauttaçuauy tise Daus shot forth iu every direction, andinluthes~ pace of tira minutes aflor tlue i-s sailcosmuicalcul witi M is fard portion of tisa baller deck, lise estire saisin sas enctodlieik a siseet Marty of tise passesgers, about se.nly-fsve lu nusee, pretty siveuly diseied boives Use cabinansd dock, Wselreiireil for. Use uighl, saud Use appallil enue icaen- seed wey Se fiuagined, but coald noct ho dascribsal. Tise ifiighteil pesengere fecus thsa caisin gisatereil, aonaise arisoard geacd isabial the miseel-isoose, sud isy lawerisg lhousaeviveo uth ie saler; -silisthe aid cf life preserver8> drift-hage,.andi tiesainig trees lu tise viiaity, tise greatît tnahbe galuei Use mso. Mr. Cunniagha ssIi- usateil Use oumbon cf tlsat ait tsîve or ifteen i but as <lue embire regiter, tagetis- er its illise clise bocks andl papers mère last,. tisere la no meisus cf arriviog procls-, Iy ut Use' exteutcf lise fatalilb'. Tiseliss cf lifema, lu Useusais, cauiseil ta thes decie pessengers andI suiserdissale emplayen W. WOODWARD, leSt il bIs -sIi uîeaîee rais-o l Osatiar lelsud au-tahep tise Uniointact. (Lud 0ftlie boal.Thome humtele bolest ana .miMIeON MEECIbANTu INSURA NCESeoaiibu -iîlutcdls. I ciseen.) Aboalt h iie soulsMY a ciild about six jears oe! ege, l'aughîer.o! Ce, eanil rl Agent. Offio-e-ocu ee- . tise Moderato Party, hkeopaUitedl,.-as Captaina1A. T. Lseey. uhrse or four dock Pid ilJ odgeea5 Wilhy, C. 'V. HAMILTON anceas strenglis. United ho ise111not isand%, Isseeees cisiIreand issu csiin aient Trd C(OLLEGIATE mSTITUT?Ê erius ié iol rstlsca . eR suveste tagetiser vilthtcaor tisue leck s-,r It5iB. N Ausira, Trto; il privâealscousnoronindividuel pern asge,*Ihhabueecebt TWst tuhsEq1itsIUsT-TEaioEOFE UEtO D ee for tise commun gond. Lut sikSu507ied aflenusards ils iteuraies. Trntoa; tmb ellàý Piltn bsilaTeis i I n atge o loaiapase t ar-parttlie usa Uat igstlise nasiatel.-MeOaagimracla dyisi Rleiueuat;, Rsr.Aaosn iis ioo n.reiR Mesrs. Rsutuaodu Tylm& latet the Uuitos'.lty eihr u a, Mli- Foc blo part lh. dib naishîsus isamiglisuuosltseaaUemf !aise &C Ce., Mora a isanar. W. PrIs & SInuue- A nrepsutuo %cUl1hac!as-was-dsu'ona ejpitr e- ho mînaîsd, but 'ble sas .preparal ta ite cf Ltilee R,-su ad brouglal ber te ibis àbo ous- Nail_& Ca.O . 5- thon 0t tie bie suppors-telasny man shu cu-olcarry ciîy yestaerlay ou board Use Megnkola. bina, ALbNcERcCMERON . - - rnipal' ou at ihose piinciples, sSii-lalho in cammnnH les thlie GayoooHousen, lo tugis AL tiuy, hloiris 19 11 . P IL-LI. vd esyBrillis subjeet iseluldean. Ifshe reivel uo sres cUdu, alliemas BIEF C TABIPF 'aire e! Wiitby ie iauted. pu; noble Provissce te Sl uied l eiaehatse L ie almecn mina80 I ce.ssitie. C. o. ri bHE'&R. lu er leursosetaIhume, and urspectd sidûesiinl à esitical1 position luat ebtDi5g. M I'lA. ~ ~ ~ETà-lrsettfir o broail, wse oueevote <ce a mmbesbof e! - se Tiaeril coinuoct cf a lady, mhoge, Jseieus()lk T iuss fpese t&stfor Raerats Party, wmihs he iePaety ta bnsuamemedisi ioaI euaeseves- mentios. AtLT AGRta osu ash Sd la ls-rgo sd sI hie puitery inPreosat, auîeuoedinly lot sigiaî5 laas atitiSilau s ooîîy jumpedo oer-icard, sam loor or ig asutitiee5 t tise PTOA M Y (Loundlclasses.)of tise miset, tond muida hen ay safely ta ------eoluWilîveiAp , sio lencs ae etaue shore. k i e a tci eileo in this tie,- p S B . sa mMdaln d espesubivo poi-bss O i e aiseans v upr ncipl a u e o tiof.tac elc I te rmite l ais ta n y, on is edT.ng c yvfs, 7 Wt1 HTY N LNBA i b adaapt.e7 ins 18Mr, -5-44v s o rs5 ssdentaassue tisa man ceWa-» oreslsn e!eeeel iela ta get c ïr oilent sane, maimilashl. Id goafocs- t lo Ne w uc Orleit heracaa 11 DAND Y Àît) IBAEBTN - - bun iToageaegista carryU iibàfolmel Sou, cci00 a e - safelylD trSo! tbeo h eai ' - e sua ecllcly amilset Ibabailc. sspu-atelyresc int eoieof li ~ -msufisy. tisl ietiihi esgceCNH D NS AYe o ~ M IL ous, it teismare titas lusaonps-t ~~~tâlou-R esei e«t (u yD s - ---~ Cls E-mis. aui ai luIis 0f F a g echsandoent lmas 4nd o b a 55d g el rlaxe.! eyta t soisefi f osor, se ,ANI) "Y BCÀMT but hen ase"sus ong e Slli - uac lfo AI- e, ndýM «zaél a i - moeul lds.btmsli Oui býIWÙ ath hr.I lemhè t aies. Tbl~OIh vi0,~sepirateltyiscegcoeela luitisaisuhors ser more sea TheS i »Mfal & M-TTL e vîemaos451 -aed~usuhe feerdslteoys-ie is.Is iela aýfC ge t u mo-y- union, Âb oI 8M t Sey a"nt l a -coai - the raiss sd boerknl ity th gse 'rue i Stopi netstàooai3%uanyio 5 eeiI 1 1maiv - - lhe WBV.tak o esuloe, wh _ ood bld ft asly, a it ESIeretiy u gil 0 - '10ý "'J> . -- 1foRo di»MüonChem. Whâ - w i s ad usýd erua i àbussthaYu Leutisu *ee deûe unýoUCsTl -ohé'a dstl f3 Ysosrîeeis! airved bore lansdue 4lm wiis about25 or for ssanninim' t'F(le ' 30 passe.lJgOrs of thse 11-fIted ves-iTsêUeeLî- le dete- o 1 Thse A. T. Lise! mua one of the SL LouS à exlla, Ilowhilis ire to'e té seuil New Orle~asB ailltad lino ofutstel> <-ýabcfrm,, ýh, sud t the cî o sid sboud dowam eltime mitle.acir- egail,-op. oeeed ta Tsùobbé*ooi ue go s OternO prodce, sscouEs5iilg i car 81 aile . te un lt paèrle, b9ru, oas, tha!, itoue whisky 'and,. 'k areé miebis içsen lats.! eittie, thvu seof shichisaùtmalod nt, I eridt ofiies-Minierof Wsr te $120,00. Thse bost bailnoe iornce. xpenseces :pou ber freîgh sis îlot.Tia cem a'about .TheÃŽ Par ia rÈ b oslfif the two Jeasal, rend is salocil sot $6090001 sisye that Ouhestinsfonrr1ljieeho uipea vîsichtfthero is ineu.see ta tise anout ÈýisandlIt t ri gisîful nn'rbs' of *20,000-half lanBt. Louis oaed balf- in drs aveb<de<'ôonisted dbtwi il, Pitlesurg. - - feir montlis - - Theedto'r~i~tTie OlC~ -ArrivaI of tien Boheslant. rie, lues beesuoncelrssld lotýiwl -impriseumeoln andi a fiue for rebli Fiertier Poinst, May 0, 4-p. ai, raenful sarticeso agaiap thes Emp The steamer Bukeuoiam arrlvcd nt 4 p.' %isencfaoie mn., an lise <1h. Sise brin&o 3s6 puse- A comumissionu faliesl smulnst,1 gors. Degy cf Tua1 bave du-ainre -,ifi mdc CRUT R a5ITÂIl. - tii!apicis, afler rece4ir th --tarcs ocfthe cliergy cf the .lingdrm lu ithe Hoose af-Loi-d en uthen 23rd uit-,.bi seultaelies Vatican. Tiis dn tisa Marquisoaf Noruîaieubirotigit fueoti dPlaceso eface thse eeof 4ui Ëbliï a resolutilu cemplsiuiug. of secret corroas- daagers of tise prsèsnt poicy-'Of li pondeuse havisg baeu rrcd on botikees pitu u tesrn neno lerd Cowley, tise -Britims Emis - gi te' ia oet-,mle rsi Parls,-and:tUse Home ouverumeils i eei lirîhe-lêller of Ring Victot fisrsinee ta imporant ussiters ludreatioa o- - tise Savoy qaustion.ud -decliring it uui05 - ItTlOrC. ous o lutise ublIe servicesto bave. questions - LIVEpooL îîh.-Breadgiifri.. cf usomnut reoeil la in a pfilvmIateoDSOs- nensspevt9derinçlise seels, Sair pouseuce, uilsse ese wmis mis a aPublic Floir- bossamptive stemisoilFi record cf tlisaie.s. - o ugerhêd iolis. Western . Ceusi, -2& 'L-ord (!omloy stiteil ktisai ret te Philaelipieansd Batiosore, 27& moion.«a a ceusti-e upen Iirself5 andl bail Wlesî et naderale deaed. Wbil ceuie frrin Perla ~iM resoW ta defeud i oss a12a 6d. per 1 0 Ibo.s Red- 9aSi couse. nHoe seertel tiaIlis 6 atinformoa- tr tittîu Corno-transais na tion reative'10tiste intentionasof Fraeusei dvisce of 9d. te 1le.ou tise, meeir sas receiveà pirvately sudei mua thatter cf ilîs a 41s.per- 480 Ibm mYelnw.z opinion fu-inaiConne. Wile*sbl,and tiaïthUe 6d ixeds d a 3e 7eà fo --Comeuicaitone ssorf snch mnaisseS htis >$sPlp oe 2A od289-6 ho wus louable ta nluIoe il lu a publie des- gar 1wtotcag. jaile pricis. Tise Seatofficiai intinuation hoial tsdhssn !~4 i s sas lu Pebremry Il, -n ieosiho ies fortissitis 'Cnssl 91I. 9 leai it bcfôre lise Goveroinal;Ihe denel usl 95a91 tisat auy casamuication cf imupudenuce hall - V ry LatestNews. been'withhéld. Tise Marquis -cfNor-sneby Enally-wlor, -Avrmateflise Slqs<eec orsI Kri Irew hie reàteltsi. .m> Tisa London Tsei, in saneéditoriasl opon -Mr. Htalibarta sesech- lu the Hoase cf BS. sitS swotiral4l comunas ou isohisf cf the tim7hor teade cf Tieseamueimr Blrui fron4,'0illlm Canada,. Ceneorés tise êavalier ussouer in an Senoiylise IDilo ulis,, .ord'ar moiit Mne Gladusone îreplie1, andosi soets tis port to-çiey. Bise ied 526 pas ibat ltho Eglinis jublc ln no parVty a aoseisfor Noir Ynrisfocr-viicli part> he lreatoeat, misiie il îiks tuantprove ory -sIte atismilniglit. offenusive tetahebsCo uy. Palisiasets uscapatot.. 8ir G. Clark in Ossetteil Goveruar cf BoieaLiec outalus a formai Bombiay. - fensu Heernu for the-1lelt. tonoou ;h Tisa volute farte uow rentiss124,- tien t t i wou it. uBen'$ J 000 moen. - îisethécliv 5espreponleres, aand nage Tise fraude casumitît tby W.*. iPiîhir..tisachanésses ere ité-fivor of gays ger, ehief casiier of lies Union Bauk, Lau - lisais hait tise, refse mlifssueédd lou, amount ta tis enurasus uicf reu'un', ha maul Isve iswaded bim £26e, 000, nariy eue sud e quarter millionu tory. - cf dllairs,vshîlhsplaceto buat tis eaoucf Dales freins Lootisn op ta tbo 2Ft tlilo tias af defisîltesis itIculsn. 'The theapoceehiugo of Paeliamient taiho entire lois li lih et fr (oiss. -lies baink'A setusporismt., proft. -Tise usforaibill mmc fuether soba Tisa Bari, cf St. Goeisau'm, Lord Stewaird no action mAs tilcniseu oiait. of lise Queea s iouneoloh, gesa ta Cmmds The Princesc f Wales wiii nais sv la tue retions cf UsePelues cf Wales.' ,. :ada befo<-e tise firit mquis it.-Jiily . Lieut. C(l. Desaiecle insta h ise ètiiarj .A meuical çartifiçae Pdclarpi; the secratoeey ta Lord ElgIsi, ounhbisaMlohn to . mlI suaI ho aibi# te0usehbiijiti for 2 Cishua. - prtsbisy More,,i Tmq luocntedpou bIt is staleil tieet £10, 000 bal bosapaf1isp4 ad q ncplloçied lu îhellose. froca Lloyd'saunUseesip sud carg oaf-lihesMusefor tsebeneft o f 8uayoesm steamer Huitgairfcsa.Th isetug il Savcy eili 4W A report -tisAi Heeeus an t9A dilof ery- 14nlister cf sonselles, wit,.Q oupehia prove1 tai Se ustArhy nfoun",le 1. osys ran1 300 o soiw4 Hens, u he 2Usd, irrites ta tise Lu- "It mua reprîcit tiâsat. ce o don 7Vtisu-I nea loy yoùi r seuf Bat- beeu mode in -Pariaus nau«eo srdayttiyau miscadesaad my wisisem, disovery of a plot by lTîmhfeuW- s sud il dises Tise gest'ilju1os. . I iave ao Emparer. ,.!Iisateneaof & pie differesçe toe> ule wis SBayers eicépi ssçi ed lu France. asu 1 t-eld t eie, vîtia bleaun lise 1Otis- uTise mails frisaiCelrimta IMarrie aud insteuil of ilg salled 9a iy, IosiglilUHog Kong >Iarcis 13th> ba reasel te ha termued a baby if, allAer Isaisug ýcame laund. 80 fisc andl sois issing soaI-a etleest, 1I'TisaClamses sers nuiling gtré çouolil ho iliug ta reliuquisis uy prrou-psaite pS~paratslohs. foc a. fuiv goad-natured petsauntise back, 'Il meu cusoreil, 4f inût eonfi i andl biong 1to4u1 Il afinfelo lom. -ttc Esglisis tsseio hld baeen, eis1 1 bave eeceived sa great ny aeay- on tise ,Peihu river, 1Le Ç.i41à inas lattera uiog if Inmisot isuisssed cf bail tlieeeenesi tise IroIe of p8iu myssîf, a gréai 1fellôir k. ome ta came -avenr Ariein luIndigo listirt8,6t1i ta mlafp a ltihe aise like Sayare. Uode fsr-a lime quile sen-ins,ta -q of aîndiug a challentgeltsa amae s ayer'sc'aepil fa. sses tvssiqotit# site, but Baglasai irs Lon b iig sogbinclus u n- ta defeultise boit. 1 tant it sud ciaucl Asoth.rt caffle5r of ibe UnsIir gel i t espt tiscoagie hlm. .1 ' Englen ait11"400 .$ ar .ie4on fi Thoeuclssed lellen miiela1seul 1 toe aali 8fiift of1200,. TI B9eiVa L<iobwhonIiseesieltisaitishey in- nes edtIiiilo-eews~t. tenleil to al < n.1 u uesrgeoa ainee thse Baron e k *tII r8iisl6 ite lsyiefou-e miicla iecocli net finish e ispeê d- e y 4lc iug uffe i, sebM sy. pogltisunt adus w vvi ts. Ie#i~ BeMl Lsfithu isot p1seishledfi, yenais mlii freth-fi n iteyîfra ce do me a gi-el kiloeass y lettiog tise EÀtiISgý SIéf-a. liais people bear mlut 1 bie te Ia7s If Mashaci-sa llwuabout the lâtebale la ioIl*io ho ed, allatO>5S lise bellfint ta cnte tu-rue, fuIsot bqiua ralready, takes place, I olaim. ta hbe fiatoun oai~ ~..ili5 Uste lîlt ta meetlBaesra 6agforfe tise resut veteuslsbas lils enmeA. W. -1o chariosette nqisi I:s hambvser5 Suoe. ande fi-cm foilo su v in. teu, tis e dsitoa % ,gtop Ilegraph$~ioili5eu fei 0args jolta h oe fialseeec~ itiin TI iuuusrct 5I auste prsto f ue. I lutir1 tsie tdeuio- r ey! lbreilTilugetYî ee and rgyou a 6 eycerpmrttia is I in Th but6 iinae Weve-iy bs . iteBayIs __4 feT -1- linrecaer f okas iner! a :1 Il if~ a III w r Me' w

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