Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1860, p. 4

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Te tise aracentral su buosa splaaafd nes Briais Store, ander- nestis tise L l lier.OMf W. . 'Ts- asastyfi Centy Attorney, sîtea on Daiuda BSsaC. Tise brlidusg Ia4p01 t'7; thera la a sos receas avec aihés hop, lrai r 8 'd eàafe la tise iliin.eu b lt its Sbfi-ntlitishe mot aoospienhO u faivlstua 'iasa essassions lasmodita- For Tensu, &0a., aPP votSALE. -TON 1LOTS i h ititu nar ftfe By. .AtVllagpe l.ataaatDtMIu"ree,Freacis- *5i' 5>nana rt Perry. Apl oG. H. DARTNELS5, i jai. sa ~ S ruetî 0 A",i PRZWTDG OYtCEFQlt SAML THEE IATEETAL 0F TUE ($LIAWAJOURNAbL (LATJI ONTARIO TIMES) prief4agOffie1 coaspriîag 'prnting prèeb% evs, aud job ty sâ aaever>-- th e)dle 0for s gOJal cotnt ne nsa- * H. lligglns, DAY RS D I>VIniCN COURT e a Ria:nkbee . ssl =les an ta au httes- ppr. By t tIse Chr-oie To Roui. A N EXCELLEtÇT CLEICED F A < f50~ Lemplser - nTonEDWELLING 110RE. hem a ist iai ecra, andtiàage oal reban. arviaasati On lac No, 14, in tise Ilil OfWhit, anti comprie tee Norths mluh" mr«epeely sitiIethOm-causs BEAVERTON. »7 R SALIE CHRAP. A WhUmim a rsf. A IDENTISTRY. DR . . C.JEROME, - surgeoniLasst Nretarslag tîansnltu80hi s nméraux fcieudi anal fle publiai ganeral>-fer tisair liharri oirararnasiinca ha commeaserdpreahea lauthuis Towna,woultiibore faiute occasian taisat te ail flias o sauar esairla ArtifliesITeatfl fianttle basoasse nisteuneut4s cinIe fe orkeiats valmenirad rubhor, clien asehhilhasf1[Msil ail kundesad stylcs ns Teetis, tfdA go tiSMon hl ces-r enoer tforalaista isspromus. Dya.tV. C. JIsfuiosa iii g81tiasfc te lit tise annar difflt ansse itis the greit pneeieioii Inla f11llaIeruen, paruies cli ave IlceisTeatis witia Bauid Ganis, hic iqi, In aer>- reeleitn for auperiar au ssy tetîar MIal et saris kuews ain u. Tîsirsertislahilii ppravea cf b>- où] nifth Olastling Dm-n lite un Nase aris, anal prIr-e CIPal rChies tisruaagint thoeUted StBte. osirg fta fin sig masefi ltter ad of a nncoSas satiace, andsIiC iî.sara s ferCitlres PCSJPs aleemuiti iiglsecandstoesr -ferebla tissu gale 'Ir sur otscra actall 1platce. , ls. Jasesue sru%lafuiaist a lieborne la mid tisat lie isua reanly rctird tise priesa viîri bemtraui'eecetaisotanaird.ile ceuldciao fairtier sete tilet ha bua haco natuatly nsi.sg the ebove masmetirasterial ir r rnrruMenutoaes puts, dsring vhieis iarahoebai, put rp slrasai nmbesfr of cles, anal in al laantaances tie t of geisfseto lm se benranlîeteti b>-tise patieta. ualai5 f ver and ]Platina Pistas nul 1 up io the Latest styleu, Chamiper i? s a arl and Wairran'eu. Ail r, rglesi calmtoanacf aise Tentiaor Gemu sWfll1 cIla id.l igTechei xrsucteef ensIULsys ~I. nanassa ai'fcleerieity. lportion fer ateu ieaste Chue regrîlutruu f Chul- Ue.,~Lftlo N.~ Il tock Warrautso p,S. Cal]ii east in "na" mieof Ciî% vomi. begra e igol eu teat Il u5naed etaireier. in ae L n jsss B.' i ares- Lamm sept 159SS. I>--ev DENTISTRY.' l-%L J'oursDentist>- Bosuka -'4O IM jLJ remineraraulte rap8eiOiruesom, Nhliner of llyan'm ilotel, Break Sis'eai. f ,-Fameecalleilied all lAesr ruiesoea T L WI VTIW. I - Y, -Itiiraal rmastey evldq Li'I FYEDIARUS 1"t-1(oO ses soutlsh afof Lot No 19 Sy4 cencesalsfl or Witb, knoass! ïgk Eh~ horf sa Sale of Lands. ,&ï ST O G SAaaEiCotantnI Ontareio Virte of, two ùnýtmilsfth tue T*of Wlitbl.> 1iB'Wit of Flan Soi-50acrs Be(i Wet qartrofFaciesi, Ise tof 11r MZuTsjty'e (ot * 20ot 5 acres, thouth sslon o qarntroaf orqueen'aBosch, nt Tronte, andi te iie, 14tNo,%8 6t cncesio o Daligto, drectedti galasat tise lacids andi tenieùtst abtut eght mles fr0555 ianile. of-jime lodgse and amsRAn. Btd.-1s0 acres South Euit quarter e1 Lot trong, deflndant, t tise suit of fils Bank No,1, llth concession et Marîposa, about :f .rntpanif. l a i -W miles5 from Lindsy. taken lto execittion ailLisecaattaorict.r-]I The above mentloFuetiLots arefirat-lau se t ftuc a ad James Hedgaon andstlJameS n 1aý1lstatue or cultivation, good R.L Armstrong,* in teti ndcroi4otioiied ~'kitallin and nous' Important Towna lande as folîPse: Wl C.sold neagonable, ands on favora.ý Ten acres of land being cnpnt of the ,le te'os. , Appl.y té'.Seutis West carner of Lot No. 24, lentisa J. fI. PERRY. led Co.oWftsa Townsip of Wbltlsy, do- Agent fir thle Osacasa. sccîiýd ese folînne: Tîsat is te esaycm 'Wbtby, Oct. 02,185. ~Mencig at a pst plantoal't tise Soatis. TO LET. cnty faair degrees, Eat six chiaîne andlix-ý TOt îl lnks ond two tltiinal links, t hisce IllStore ssiidrllas; lousa aoneoaeapieei l7ethasixteen degrecs, Westfiftee chaîna,' P.'y iyjamàes riagle, andsii es mths lence Souths savocty four dagrcns, WesL six cheles anal ixty six and- tare third STON ST RE9 links ta tise ide ina betarecn lots twenty ln tha Toisas of Whithy. pasaesatu gîlran Ou four anal twest fie thenco South sixteair théet i3o ptcaaber saut. d .1es oieg i resi inalfteechains Appiy te tu tise place cf etagnen-g. JAMES .Also-Commencingon -the Nonti sada ofI'E Mary Street a adistance ofi ivecana tVistlsy JoylS,15~S ~ oon a caasnrao Soutis 74 0 West fronte in- tensaction -witis Mary Street with the ina ?irstt Clis lTUxm for' Salo, letareen thoeflut anal West halves of saial :Lo AC4,RES. lot No, 25i 'thoen Narths 16 , Wet lii 100 ____chaifia Sîl1ismoîre or l1c te thse North 1J1HE Woest htou lot. No'20, 2nd (Jonces- aa fts at afc sdltNorth- lors, offthe Township ni Wbltby. The Tisen Soth 40ý, West iong tiseNots shoe coiret aal nalr oltvaion eare bianndary or tise Sout atiilf af mid lot fecal d~satOuni cu, lait ,ontNo. 25,2 'chaîna more or leas ta a post t buildlings.ndroot celan newly cectati. tfle distance of à chains from tise lice be- Portetma At., apply toe twten Lise sala lot 25 anal lot No. 20, anal Z.BURNHIAM, . on tise stida of suio lina, tlien Sousth 160Eat 80chains,82 linksamore ar lesute WhtiWluItby. . Lasolrths aide of Mlary St. aforesaial, (being Wtulty, Ta.1S, 860.10 chaîna anal 68 lankos tram thse front aI FOR SÂLE. the second concession,) tisen Nortis 740 voitBATI.Easat aetise Northa aido ot Mary Sreet A v $ af fusa ew rame cote, eriy 1 2 chaîinamare or leste lac place cf ba- i-ha. t ft own aor hiisaNM usrig, adcnntainiasg iy ailmenura- wtil ~ fsada ftle ltaii S1ea-1Dnndaxment, eight acres, hactise saiiemore or Mtmre. ieto raer sin îtwo-fifhs rof ena seaof lasa lend attaclied. Tisabouse centaain raart- 'tse Al an iglrfntctanp- imonta bau a ecllent ellar, sisalttiero anlnni;rtsi craepr gacalitbliig Rlanleeaoscy on -iluiiecel er tract of land andlpremisea being asti s seperior aiamp fgeed vafer onalias$pot part of Lot 25 le tise Int Con. afttie Ton- Vor Termei, ot., whcii will ha (suai s-ry sip of Whitisy, cammencing on tisa lise Elbesul. Appi>te A. W faioFER etwaeeflua East anal Wet luia c f saial J. A. MsYceROffie ht.lt2 o h orthiside of Mary Strcet anal ________________________________at fias distance of 10 cisaina 18 links tram Sthei Southeirn lirit of saial lot 25, tisan T ANT1 ~j~sNorths 16=, West 891 chuina, 12 links te WIL LAM ,M thea Natis analof tisasSouth isitfof raid à . 1 '. .ý, 1lot 25, tisaw Southî 74:> West 5 chaîne. iBPýOVED FABM S, XILL then Soufs 160D, East te Manry St., tisen North 740, East alaaig'tisaiNartis sideocf BZTESl , TO'WN LOTS, &o. Mary Street, I5 ehainsata tisa place cf lbe 1 ,gieuing riOR SALE, Alo-Villaige Lofa Nus. 49, 50, 51, anal 100 East of Brocia Street, ia tise Townecf ()NE improveal. Faia in Whlthy, 100 Whitisy,iaccording te Percy's plan of lot Acres. dPr nDrigo No. 26, letise 2nd Con. of tise Townaip Onç ImsprovealFr i a ongo f Whitby. lAcrfuîoa.6 Alo-Saaitl Eastiqurter cf tise Souths O 4 4 6 hallîfofelt 25, intisa ld Con. o! li Town- (ces. .ship of Witiy, 25 acres more or lass- Wlï Lande 50 lMassaeaovlaE-Aitwhîch land,nnd fanement tiserean, or ;i irasîst, Artemesia, Luthser, Chathsam, tise sua etal nicfcntnfu staae or intareat Loyer, fliangerforal . tiserin, 1 sali afler forsale at Public Auce ~Mil Privruege tion, ait my afiler, in tise Court flouse, le Is Hamipton, Townshp of Daringten, one the rown ef 'aVlittsy, in tise Ceunty of oftisa va-y bust in the Township od Da. Onterio, aoa Stuacaay 'tise Twitnty third , lagton. day of.Jainc cext. et twelvr a'clock, Noon. Town JLots - NELSOD; 0. RFEYNOLDS, In IBowmanvulle, Brookle, Hampton, port Siserill', C. 0. Perry, andl Sarcla.. Per C.if s Office Alsg a 1kw eaT."Ltsesm tiasTown of Wisithy, Marailu 50, 180 10-. Fer salaiLaoussal osa Long <rdUt. Ndechianie andltlsers deairous cf huilai- leUE cwhbave fi-oms 12 te, 18 montisa fu imaakatisas 'tret payarient. gend for s Circulas. Address, ppapeeJ (. 3 J. HI. PERE', 1 ut oh es- 71850,ily Fa jfl1or @ale.. &CRUAf AOEF LENIDLAND. LOT leV 1, la lotis Conesionof Tlaora.i; 1 ieareS alescea .,ssFana la etuataiwiOlaîu fourstelles o e..evrten, en tise frayaI rosai ta , ses; tisa lad iof the b t qnaltyanallisla theeneof s graal ttleaie, wth a Seluolt, atis iBa*naIl eeaveau et., Aise FNorth iaf ailLot 4, la tIse lotis Cenae- cI tln abbi, oensftiiag of 955 çro 15 of whbals snueleared, anal frontiag onth ie lOtia itsf5s.sr <amero'e )4li. t*BXS5 LISURiAl. À" ' ApiyoD CAMERON. Eesyerteai, loiis,,1867 î Store1 to Let. - . î DEWn'TRR1 IWTTsTRY! UlJ'1ju1 aLre in receipt, perNovyAu SCOTIÂaN,:Of teranllsp FiJELD & ýGARDENM,1IEI13 andj,as formerly, frons the Seed Stores Ã"f te Ryal Agricul Soiety of Scotland.- .The« lst., 2udi and 3rd PTerniuSII Tunnipe lsst Year, In Township, *were grown from-Seed of tlieiifImportaution. URIS. ~Seinr's purpie top Slwe- Lfd9gS $iproved Swde Large white Globe, Lrge yellow globe. OARROTSÀ-Wbite Belgiain. a Ycllow do a Long Orange. Red Altringhafll. MANGOLD WJ!tTZEL,~-Isofg Red. yellow Globe. -White Clovorn Ta.res, ,C.,&C. 'this 0:>- GARIEN SEEDS, A LARGE ASSORTIENT. -ÇIl Ontario Seedl Store, No. 2,'ill's Block, Whitby. - (0F SIN-------TT-R-- At 25 per cent under New Yorkpic!! ABUIfaR1IIOTMON SarnWa G::ýThey have nover failed-to give satisfaetionl-4:0 Ail tise leading Basf and Slroe manufecturutra test ify te t'seir sarperiorit>- uvcr any otiser machina aver sclinj Canada. Nsgl'a Sewsng Machinas ana capableocf daîeg an>- kiail et noria, froca shirt cllans te isancstfscs.PRICES No. 1 MACH>'$75. " No. 2 MACHINE $85. No. 3 MACHIN T EXTRA. LARGE SIIUTTLEn $U5. EVEWY MAMEBIINE IS WARRANTED. AIl communicationsa relative ta Seicg Machines, etc., nîost bai prepnid, as cane otisaras ilI ho nacival. L J. NAGLE, CASnAiA-;SfEuira M1ACnerxrS Estcr.rîesrt,, 205 Ntra Dama Street:, Mantreai, C. E.Facor or>ner Bircey & 131h rt'o Canail line Motrel, C. . ta-ii *ONOANW ALKEY '£8 CARRIAGE BUILDERS, AND) MANÙF.%CTUIRERS 0F HROCK STREET, JJ'HITI)Y. 0 T 11F Subacabre t e'ý Irave ta inliria the public flint thiey have apancîl hasineqs ia the pronmisesrs '-, rpacd b Iîyr. Ira B. Cairpenter. ituaed an Brnck Street Sauth East ofthe Bank, ita î.ýily oppasiteflie lsrket biidiag, where tiicy are prepa rel to SU alal who favor t# m wit a scul, viti every artilin tisir line of isîsinnae, Thoesuiscribera are practicil and coapetcnt workaîninifilog oxperiece, andase they devote the entira of their own lahar te their bsinegs, ihrv cai prndaccsarticleaof botter w-rkmanslsip, of greuter durabiiity, andl mare cirgaaitiy fiaisheci, and 92AFF ORD TO SELL TIE-M CI11EAPEI,ff Thon those who have to hire the labar oai others. AUl articlessold at tise lowest living pricca for Cashi, or onaispprovedl credif. Please rail and examina. AUl kînde of lanaber anal (armera produce takse in exchange. Ail noria warranted. DONOVAN, WALKEY & Co British àAgieultural Seeds Warranted. rflltE Susrihar la praparedtgi nrara is JL friands andal the faraaleg pubflie wita nl i tIs nadrmaafiosed mee nen rsasqeaitiiceas mu>- bc raquîrai sarrealpare asti freeis. at tha'prieesannoxeal. Skuieang's purpratopSaroeel 8 7j; rants. do green ta p Caweda a734t u Lafsr'a ,, dis405 - EestXsothla de 17%4 5asliariaslie visite giasa 80 Feeturton byb-faial pelleS 401 SCABIiOT. liang whiîtea5- liS er. LargeBelgise ahoare$. Losg ced Alîrlegluas f6nraiaaa. Pape 20 reaf e. MANGEL Tslciv Gleobo. 4n eats. L~ong reaf, 40 enar. Rlavin lmpiartal direaI frer a aBriipcisSacis- maL ettisaigist standang, tise ausiecifer eu, wvus confidence, racommendsal ie tek ai' scaf e te hacof tise vary firaf qausair. Esaary encoursgemient gIvran te Sôeietlea sasd atlace »ta- bleg glarge quasalities. Olars paanttaislly una- WRM. IIILL.El, Jr. irlngiar, Pickuering C. W. D vaiuable Prn for Sale. T HAT vralspoFrm aonpoaei of N. E. 3 ci ot ui o.i4, In tise 4tiscoession otfPink- Contaliflifg 50 Acres, About2ose sascisppel. inlscetaf Tfis abova Fuanua a1%s itussedInai cnreO as orselit viset-gmowisgi lif>-, atd i ttiin about sfix0milea of taseimportent Towna of whltb>- Teris modera-aiTle iOndlspale. AppaiSeCom te ba mads te JAS. SicA LLAn jAs. WOf ASL<GNn Loi 9, Brk.. FrOni, ora55 ate THOMAS IMUSTOý;, .luo, for Sale A quanstity ocf gooti CEIAR lAI'BSO. FORSALE- IVE ANCD A HAST ACRES OF LAND, F aitaieteise Tasoas et Witb>-, wvti s lsellleg hise mehr*oas, eaatsaiiag 9a1irle dilisgrss4 beti reca itbr s i la i ,giie1visged t ab'imvoed sîsalhaa Mter :Doee i ~ um;; a psaMidaea se l tsetmasdii vaaapteal forceltiser s am Sar onbufieur.w!Tisoe opropeMiaf>vil "I.Ker Ton ofWe.C, or ta C. C. £aSner, WRisif b.@Fai. .5t l'O iSam, orto LUt. BRIOC-COTTAGE, JAS. St Aei TO CONSLJMPTIV'ES TlIE SU5SCIIPRi, fer raversl rennea re- T iaieaala4 Aeil, aisýevsereslwilitliera, a sfiaple Pge.stle emeiy-as raare raîrs (ns Coa- eiMptsa.u. AeO.moluiiu, Csaigis, <ie assi Ace-nno IebilicF. Far thea taila ofisan. SIIPirer sudsl Fn-muse 'iafeaese, hte1is willieg a in0 ste Rnamne praflie. Ta. line vlasealr ir, liae ili apnatiesaPr,'- aserias i au is I'aidireiinae (freae fchuageî suas su sarapîs afta, nidalisiie, whlistise>- su Iad a icaasifils5 caiaisaoilun a tisre'a ianple lierba. Thinaf eeiriaag atsaea-moly ciattelta 0t la reasr im ail, hy iltIeeniran J. E. CUTJIBIOF 'f No Na,45 Broadwisay,liew hYark. SQUARE TIMBER. sTalIE aadoraraeed isu a large qraaaltv of al Iiiai'l.ftiaaco'limber o araidas, arliis ie aill diapiýc fia literai terme te parties ce- qauirn siaa saine. .'Pjplimasoifuus. le rtte-,s(post palal) ta h. JAMES B. CAMPBELL, 80 4in Axh/burr P. 0.u C. W. CIIEAP COAL OILS! 81 2~5 ets. per Gallon. BEST COAL 011! 8125 ets. per Gallon at Geo. Yule's Telegraph Store, A NEW STOCK 0F Just raceirel, it pieca frona 75 cia. LIs $8 Altercal te bur entoaitO. 52 GEORGE YVILE. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Depart aen Orcer, Qee,1t$ Mrb 8o TO POSTMIASTERS IN1 C. W. 1 -EsSirEitilE ,Ti ARTICLE 9 OF TUE 10 Eetalatinrae ni' tisekparnmeet, Poefntman. tees. hanCnada Wet are lafurceaiithmtisa>-are rliaval (rom isi bigteiaanete ropen hir Cii- aes fo tisaideliner cnf leitens r&c., as Suisisys a.-Tise Stter Boa fer aise potoge et tera muMert em-ccabctta hlapi aerlile tea Pablie Ai al i uac,94andi, se tireet's b>-thLiseE.- geltioe. ioult i ane u pessg la tise rasti or stsectfr this putr1aanc, #eauts lttera 55>-hob pas.tatdintg thein glu, or suhau tise Lililesla 3a-Wh isrnodr aise atisiity t Aof iS r&ir, 90 ois <fil'u CaalWaet is elasel te fis.PeaC lie un SuasateY, t mnahRtb leet tera&Il penoeum eusik,, sa nd t eZaiptoior pZtahdelvm"tg aý, tishe t UuelanOSis essawnvil] aies 4 oe snfisctise deS5veis ai of Ies-* e0 OfcwfaiOiy, No-h19.555. ' 1 Begs-to inform lis customers and the pub- lic, tisat his stock cf Nasw Gonds is non te anad l ili be sold alsup for Cash1, - conslstiisg of a largeo aoitmnat of IIUES tG8OB89 BONNETS, RIUIBOMN% PAMS Glaives and flosiany. Carpeta, Dammuk, Winlow Net.s and Mussues, Damestie Cottens, &c. A largo stock ai Broad Clotho, Casimeres, Canadian Tweeds, Ganiberion, Farmer55 Drl, &o. irr Menà' andl Boys Coats, Vets andl Vants -#ade nip an the promises. The ie considerably enlargedalnad part an tavorlng lana vith thoir erderri nay rely aspon havlng their garmants mnade %il) in sassrkmanli kc mnner, and in thae ltest style of Faho.A largeC stock of JUSTECEIXD.Perry's Brick Building, Whitby, 27 April, 1800. TIIOMAS IL MML.~ HAS FOR SALE Hiingarian Grass Seed. Turnip-White Globe. Turnip-Swede. blangel Wurtzel- Orange and White Carrot. White Beans. Onions. Anid ail Iials ftilardon Sec(e rat te beci Am,,ricais Markaets, ,hinia lia i, ,elling at sapreci-e dnaily ian pricma. Ai an a large apnorfmnent ef FasslisTen,, il ifeFruiiin, &o. Liqisarg, Wince, Crocliery andi ilsaitmaredirect (cria New Yark anîl iairlMre. Ail kiiidm ef Lqiar and Wiara Poait ntait Manstirturea lres. Paies deirlag ta purebasa gay thice la fats lana, will do woll an give hon s rais. TIIOMAS H. MeMILLAN. Na. 2, lerre BlocikBrackiant.,Whitby. IlAVE recoivedaia their new premisea, ilrack Stref, Whitby, an anusuaily large SPRING & SIJMME R DRY GOOIDS, GILOERIES, ]OOTS AND SHOES, &e. As L.'& P. ara diaposeal te do a banding trade, they partiatsiariy requet tisat întcnding purchasers will faveur tiien with s ai cl ore purcliaeing eleewbere, sasfbey bave sanie rare noveltias in stock, and are dettarminealttaBsll their Gands at the lowet posaibi. pricat. LOWES & POWELL. Bfreak Street Whitisy. a nno=aCe t. bis nsasset%» rafiendsnual cuatomer tisat ha e srv 3 armn>-ng CARRtlAC;E MÂKJNG, ontepseîmmlerétohn occupleal bjrMm.N. RAT, an Mas-y Sretbaisses Byron and Es-sei Siseefa, vise"-eobosspreparet .as isaretofora, ta execoto IL11oreras nfruste te bis cmma e2uIRIuÀES, iBUGGIES, SIBIGIIS, CIJIERS, &C., mml .14saC ls eset m reaaatig Frî.... .4LL WOJtK WAMU LNTED E.J.NAGILE'S CELEBIIATED SEWING MA1 INES t, F TEIt an aanpreed n te mir e ots fi rartre e of ai er CkirC y rs , hrii a haa t raririiag z 1"1s1 icive preetienet tise reqaiei i aieraim sa-ada lnuas] pari ntItaIsenuisitr, lasecotnset- s nu misis e tan maiil prepsinsaluara, ipn .hieisb he sbrtaveil tis erare sad knoleige halo ng ex5aericiarc, fi iait le ft thuans iitli teliffersaît .lcrgiatm facraa'r. "an oesain sai ilq naisinteal vita tIse fuciar ranrhi gr aesi r assa-taofarsa, if aitbat nrceasary to a ar a at i iuns for ycare praserilaci fucrIl-ans4,W0 1 5,01, prruse, aut Rasys vus hahegresirsi arceps. Ciseitetîsafhave ufl tia our mediati aras, yiaideti ceusuly tu fila treatuassai astipar ,nis ecameaiuly froaa l,,aaaretof uiahestaufia rat. 'llue Sinator,isoareser,lisetrnitieri ablte. le, nalcei, teuaureneverytsieitCiaasie rapsr- a u asanepaîtrp Ille iediinfsla tsra flttia. assi, bara asaurahanel i anti 2. Tteiuasuhacilt JJLOOD PURIFIER. -penne Ca tise funt estrt of Saurgit.rnriion% sle csticl> cf outa and erbeas fci l.l àsa a -igas cuarfes, tise heet prupertita. f orlaeis &r rrarsucaia. fy ai, satire, us e immi rraisý. .n,inialarger dcera a s ait fctîive plsyie, irn aaalirnsait;u an aiaairutîso wairhig dsuceai> s IsleLiver and Eleiys, auupllisg Ciserra, i saiiid motter, tCui ra inglnia let on a ai ala raseua Chai nus>-have hieaisîtiastirec, uid anay bha mîleti osto cuara Adeer Ooaeplaie, ast tiaipldetof thra Rit dXdeqe,Inaieot Cas- nlanDtsspepei*ra (laerai Dhil Ol 01 fl- mrWSaF'ls b ÏlA#wme Pimplitu %se, Nr- DdaauUyXi m -u»ssslw Jdiginsies, Ju.jlusstes aienit a;;7 ge, snid ahotisar ,laqnotssiih Ira thele orIinalau a disarderetior Imapes île ni'fbloand. St le of a tstresgtinlatue, id wifI naver seesieor praefet le beldy. n0 numnber 2 la a FEVEIR MEDICINE. 4d mnsut neyer ho taisais x t ila canecalas 'au N. 1. It afll thiaa le*eslrsA- ilî ien, aU i Hdes f V.cartsaia elhe imrlsta rM8 of Cal", #esl ailPaie., usiimea- Chsse tMmha-,.'...ieâe modielises vii lfetrci CUItES, i cronaovsie trons osa part ef tisabeody-ta tisa W.' Remembar tei preveni eesf.usion, tises' ,%isie ire pireparoal b>-(riDersnu Fsem sraasiasu..RAasaau Iso Ias* Lpelsealeautlis Baf- fa uar 27 ),ears. ,prevent, trend,, scorrect likenase of tise ra,ac la ine. tisa rapr'erai' ch hotUondsa ». Fred. Dllenbasl* 4fo., Buffalo, 19. Y,'t harasin thecglais. iirecfiace acaamparyis esîs boulte. No. ila laifrc$1 petr. batle E. 2 farts5 cete. Wîilî tîis simapleanotle tlaic fferat te sepblie, rralylag on Chois Vines, in reeemmoadilng tisemeaves. For JAS. fi. URIE, sols AgesintIuits>- 't nitis> , S ept. 4 18 »9 . s & e -y Sheriui') sala if Laldu at it ir 1 B FMarieFaeLta lued T55,t, anudtyCarefQe'snaa5ooute mdireatal agsinai teelanal an-aemeista na Charls W. Lacenud SG JjnPI5inCff-l bava seisadtd lissateex- eeua, 5f ail the atate or terotof tb.iseilCis. les1 Lsuntfand GT. Loess; ha Lot MuisSel Falý-n raa uthe sa;urnofiCouaeeios. 'Tat YmCsi'afo»t Nashoc Osae ntiseyFern Con's,in---d tisae £nti at of LoI Nambel T5sao a is e ThirCeentaiCewmesson aIlof th' Tosaalip cf R. <r i n tCie Co nir ef9o aerl- ~e:lat semfen-hiri--euean tise Brase, tse 5iaaasCe cf Ontario ; an whléh lenl4aux tenCsani tiserenor dit a *i lsfhaesUs estas oc isteremt 'oSreIn. Imisait asDkr fas mut public Aslias, aitlasOffice, in fis aHsasa, la thse Tona ai ht yon S -eifâ l'orNC. BE NDS aWhbldo! m .. Eig AI TIIIt YAluKm E bOT1OI I BROCK STRFET PRACTICAIL Xstl5 amrI EuistElt , -elaa s Se te ý umesldiat#OsClic., &aa &01-b jarNo esairgas for Advice. pi)Z GOOODINIn la asik sadla iraaliug l'ls iaass af maladies sis theismet t airislng aacaaa TIle treatssantaolted h finlai le ua i1 asloeselatifiai cplpis, sish none 19suri 11>1md es l bwtlosutiaanerala or paf.- as T9ise fuaalltieatof sue araeasilu, tiait pa. eas C n oh ent itisais owa haussas sitllui ipaslanaun prtof Lite caunfrvbeas 6nainarainrai tioftisairaiee ,a ett, anal lic seeae 1iiui nseuLtethaini il t r- ex-, .zFRVOUJS DEBILITY.1- me o Ij o e oised.wîtis seakaess, aie, Bon' aarign nte nom, saab y, ma bc uredbY tIl a ll 1otisaia anciîoyiaPtaaseisy l etrter. Basiusese cacepaa- Maie êticly eôls6deatusl. Addrras, Dit. GoIIDING, Ne. 51 RliiTsetroeart ent. orante, Fais. , MS010. 45v SJUST OPEN rCo UÂNTON T. COM¶PÂNY'S .,w Store 151,9X oc-..,Esut, near tise St. ~arnehlTorlilte. lIE Companly, facincafofr aise liisnlaufbtian of un fi ara nalaadlfetei Teae, dirrct Ictain se o pi of groratia, a lefr ta tise Public ,me aieta the ut Splendid Ccep urfeTas avec pid ilaiCanada;I endl nrprimas farces e5,asa iiiha sire, tai ae sa ry nlast ara hy îiferrs- ,rrti, wioihave hert ealing for peara Se- -aShorsstals riatd isvy -rotirn. 'se i c hà etailai et WIseIuIN[l' liccetisai. enaislisu il a, r t î c a t a B OU y F l t A G Ei A N ; f N E W T E A Sý , t.inv»ent Fuasa$lflaFigira. Tise CampsiY )ave linon csefel ta select, rncititit Againte litCfhusas, msouse oatihana lae.îid Tees,iilyePont Ota elasisîsnansad ashina Mrkesi,aaoelat oaesii nae, visace- acasshaC tsa deluiaaaa ;flav r ofi'T aus alti t h oer a ,ni ilow bciseaîpplied with tlline Ceiclisg auras] s-sIgarailgarsciili'. W'e haute a trialsinit a cr sseotioaas. Tise prie Ailejscs, ufr iluais sie.Look t Cisoau ow 011 Sale , Five Ilun1drd Chests 1 ris ^lecl)..40ci. j Cerraper la-: 5i.. ., s ,i i r a" t 11 .. .. is r r i t ia c a a.q- i ' .. s a al a i e pe a r s . iS e l a nt V r e p r ie tu f s, a r ýe ForCir Pound packages, -anal up. nîsiaaof TRA, ent rernriaea frep, tauanc purt assjuasta, o1, racaipt ef tise ISI Thune vis sane u)higo slage a q1asasity, M'aii (0à-ula a i alistagethor n-ltilutlrir frisauuas. te-Saabs ltins 5Wsrrsatad. W-Cofeea, le an erikie liaailired toa ani eciltftal eteat, Ciaunalla ara gattiiia isarm- . Tise Cmpaaay, aireirnisef effolag pare Na auadnlraOed aticiesa aqsestAi risal nf tf i ,aiisTUlItKIY CtaFFt.E, ai 25ce. nad aici asair utresa rînldisas iafyad. Fin e n~lrcikr isereiser, 181 King-St. aamr am iuaet squasare, aunadipliwnaseem- aaici" hsis uiee tyisr friousalo. Toronto, Sept. 2i, a8-59,. sa-s-Y PR. FREDf. DELLENBAUGIJ, '-'f Bo NITIIS ie VtOT tujat lia ni atylea acry ais ais ilsl Of F'r151 erderca AIDE t aria. ZAI sCIE 01 ÉltiFla. S JO %liihby. EPE C, tr fgitry l iICITO sUNTY EllEz Fi eaicaie n'tiils A Il)i crer, &c 'a.Lias ÇONSOL&TION FO10 TUE SIFF TEAItLT tlft>- pesa% ninueslasa, na i~part o ef taialebgie, ia, "allend thîecvllued aiisc he,îîpnz simple oraptilac, open acrest, haisst aaraffulea afvelopemnantmeor aslkislara ses, esacera, caiSocude ias aisA erary spealas o0ifammatn ansusn salucîler lanfluemsii, eflua , hilt smecg tise muscles, mneau n a n ti, maeîutly e ema, sitluautden rc ha cash- anti uisiig sil a dresisg, Chia n%larls5rss andueait. Na rainent>-bas ever douas sentt cure nfisse etis fte Skiauitacear fnarq may sausse, an tll men 'Çaaa t ia t R i e ain s, Ss ir XIu-, 8 0 lia s i , tem t Eryspalas, omai lon'g ,;Itiisst aiia5 Biad Legs, Id B o e a aiIa cases orfmasyyeara sand~inag fie t,,, ttiusiioiei3a rafhaei toyilft aaynîhr or treataneaft, have iaiaufuy aacaabj fea' applicationsaoffalule poscarfel ingase Erupetoasa onltseSkfia, Arialng fronm sebaisstaeoffls.ia elucenie dismast, ans eadicec, aal ailar etraparent tsairins reasiaai hy i5e m, action ef tiis fitltiaacuauIt ssrpsanrasas ditu coguetien iadefiserifolleRýfiaaiiam poseras diapol malle% sald olseraligu aflflacue. Piles anduPiqFuae Evra>fofae isald fasiaraaieeanen nstubore lisordoers euimia t ais lirel> yfa> tIse o ethiema]lnii;ana t e asai l a ld p rec a n f a I , l is p l tn . lia ails n.1i,,,a ire vili fie fo t iteta' h --as invarusable. lIcOufle ic mt rlsadPill a ols it-ee~ /attearaeg rme: Diluioens. flarîstlueppeuIlaniaCli hii Fiqtule. Cassa, Laumao,Marciel a ili e , R i rn a m s a ti a , it ie g - n a , S a i , 1 8Saliî Skîain saer, SscleilIais Ï.ega, ýl aasr l re&q m S n tif eSon ara is Sueof sul iiam,ie aînuu, Stiff.isiaie Ulcara, Vauereaflamae, Wsauds ait ail -li. îWCAITI(N 1-Nose ans genunln tia avurd, i u,Jlmmy, Nlva.l'en and Ls atra nlîeeerilbae as fl'ater-mas-k ls nvryi fliu o CrMaNahoelahdiuFenilasabra igfds fle Lie light. *A faandaaaauie revaca i el las e ia ansy one rend aing suleilu ltiaincaisurinmer mad au ta ecrien rat" ion af'ay), arts nr rasanuterfniiig fltiseiuirîcaorcita saine, knawisgtsiiateo c Ipsaiaus. $bial at tise lisiiau,aiaani' of r 80sLa .v ba liuaioi Lt eEu rYaakris.l ail ceas-eishin llriugïi li Deaaillm i'n y clie 1lsrniigfsaiaf nue Ialiltra OninurS l ineal nerll, il isuat 55cesstas. 63 casa'sam esuch. -llare in caîseidersblr cariai' la dio lsruer siansil ina evecy aliescer ar fi filnita ,iuei- ai pURI FY TII E iLOOD. niffaf'aLité, Pill sad PhesiuDi Fprea (irom ail Minerai Paisea,. !rlI l OI eKP OULAItITT WIIICii Ritts i.ife l'Ille s,,l leliuelsii lre IuM ,s s îu u a î i n ,a a ,, ,q e n e o fts a a s t m niac s s s f effeta by tiseir sac, rentiera sraa Q aei flac prepruenr tes enter intoàpatculqai et tlseir isadichaîsl viratuals Or Pm~rs rin eemr e ta tnjetymenfrlllIalt lt sda. ii.islte d tist tetr rtaiisaOf fisentf atble rad liînenosbco hoeasii, &amieof oadiepute. la almastevery ailîsuga inthse nitdStatio, tise artis1112i4 ara rends> to fasai-te tisair eluley in resaa disesara, und gliiag teathais e iite cac vigar andi luasitia. Is euesa 8OrSairefisî, Uleaea rarvy ria flnuas orfiOuae kn, th isaajsretuas of tise tihl dlainea le fcî,f y satOnucliliF, affea remauiai rose uavs, avc v estige910 og e. oatinsm aonsseaua>tiseir psrfflisig felleeonatheii 1utever siuaf AgseDyB-peinarDras ilCý la short, nueti0il -dieeases,gnn)II rarartiisa prapecuina. NofiiilI> hOasitiiaa asiC hne, sas b> - ir fimaly ana msalsoil alud espeaca May be sveti. prraacut i>-Wrri.laesMer,r., M14.D, 8 Y a ,c lati fo S a e is G . A . hiiniaira DlUFFALO MEI>ICAJ DS 1PE5SM 1> aqiu, ema i l i ty, Ferrasti Srfl,01J 17('lers, Oref a$ P'ilSl Sali RAsera, Paelmp , pMmlii, l'ieM o D #M lU t,, )s e> ssu4 das f pau làS a d d agfisl DIR. AMOS & SON, o eauras aop uaAHO-DQUAT F UF ameisu ARE THE ONLY PIiYSICIANS fi, a s ITATE wsioara, meaisieraof tu M Calleoga of Seeafs, uaitun, =ylisu- h ae (cons e oeock inctlue mqralsg oat"i#let b in suery stoge ai)cmptom i usei' le Tis treatissha tis fi leueliait ti i rda of 51ysae' xt6uiieivsusd asace"~~ S'tns t 3-aduc Tie mof ivetateaiase iDiseseeerailed ina8or 9dimyi, 5An i *ligisfnastue sin 2 or à sYs ara il oenst epensea.Tisa sure alffeteil sitiseet cesSais ir or hiad mne ie n tm ssiee. orToSiqa MM TAIS iAfaI'iCaLAR Tisera le as an vlihabit tsomethm- 1laîaW Dry boys, sn solituadi, oltes grassn r.f thom to m snsoodv*siawich. if o r insd u e t i m e n O C o isîy i e ta 1b4stiî e matrniall hspseaa ivel riint, of rotraeieiliaa ia, il tisii Fos of tiseusegs Wy 0eii cm en uetise mi. à N05T aCMisTrTiO aiessaxia Aunlainsmntfefr the Oaro ofai el kWm soc Netira lssl rs m erst prl ft csanaInfrein lit diesal tu imoleitlie! s8 ef ti Ianstrumente vis asaleaat Dr. Amos.& Sm tk pesnfI r- tisat tisa>-vhav âventea&aMae lsjr nr framens fisc tisaees eof f1hé s5aveui talo eu ijed e t"seifsn5 rluces"ioras55 - esai a a-rsu 1-aaver tvtalf sirrA JY eýXUIfAXQE, at AfAi y ye&m in ihe ý principal ma ý PRICE orim of ti

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