Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1860, p. 3

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Z Ctai.' ;tkýtie ly ta Ipintiat,, t o T lire ta tý In, litait pOu1 f tipplies undl opilions, 10011 in Lad i ii goal 00qal]P iripai r 'e oif~, oIue i o baeki, es, and LOOOaive lobe. y likeiy ta 001 impm ay appogt 'ais Co. is-er aD lit rrep r. Foame lolleie, tain0, eto r egardi. iotaption. townsipLI. à Pickering, d r localike, ces at, LOl uOuiilLs weg 1 o' tiLLLIONo stery IL e I, anLd lie lbst of Sici tlis-L1 10 plain, Oulît 1, abis- 'aine, ta t isoolx love Il11 s-a pta 'akiîo of srden of wiltl net ke ire Dioisiat la IIAMO rndiiaiC.th rt Cuai psald ibis, 1 gl to do. btweeo 1kt ioweuOO, r. Peou1 ' P00" SpiiofuIlt net î uos î(New Y'ork p-unr.) Oe publish, eleherre, a fnl ael'r0000 coombaiotrountolfur roondoofatheladILI- y s lis-l theo chamîpions arrivcul 10hthon tf bangîu1d ryrs tad loody îoas. Il Ithtn Moun sL0osue ecccmos-o righttnr eni tie doa 'oisn hhse twoolesors ýt ltaruih: ruog, fortyOOiLCues te rain I. TiiL scene nmust hurec heu-an one. Ail cloias e o'e s-cîos-rsoitud. diol tOu glaiiitors stand ioui Rglitis tîh suclnoioun lu do their host. glIeniooi'ir, tra hle Vrians ot a' mw' lres-nunti taos by the ru- rcrin-rd hy thes Vanderbilt, oe ntust le eritootlos csiclusion that Jkenan ild te thc belt, snd if Soycruboas o, 'ut gonerooly 9 li lin, h lorolyield it "nutster ah arma.' By doing o, he gaun maieobatrels ilsan bu oil pre- by msaiistuiling' lisat rois liclo logr is. Tecloîsicatitico 1507i10 o kueecp tuerbsave Boicia ot of mo, )but îtoe publicoo pinioun iilihet bIbi the cttnpionslîp of thec oaci). ho sni)rrtoair 10do thoehotie, mc tolale ila upon bis itaory, and oeivauli) come ioue, atd i ie np like a gua) lboy. lHe caou sbilo y eow, oxcept une, aud thatone la f. Let hini cosîrol aiy quirir îroap- f tise laed, andtibue sastrr of is- lise futurse."t ta Ile Losdou Ner, Airil 18, o A narican, mne arca ld, excite) usirtoun ofbsis o1pooueun. 'I Bis yo irsa ncsrly lliiotiOtearby in the ;obost the 2tb rounod i k-ft n-aa t goiuug to sîrrp." fie bati an airfal o0 galles-y' ta boo at. ah lusaoul e that ut a riusgd od scr, an) bu bati gahers lu bis ciscl.-, but uiil be ý;hýpa.o. e b t b' blaws enre terrifier, soi.! sauodenl ut ofthe peruaora Ilhustheu crsck of ug-îhip. Tise rigist ammofthie ian, e ara tabt, mas disoobinti by -hammer blai ro-nt hie oppont it ise ixis round. 11e iras caugist rppos linice b1bisaddsotiuon aules-. o placrd Tum's iseati in cbancery, le etoouuoccasion scculd àuuce ted hiti u utngt, Jaada et t v3ac Et., Asdtisis atise 'sable art,' ta oh busoterue, Iie a aid lisoosasi ei tlire guneai a pece yestnmuloy. i tise ulys ouc et granolfatisera, thiss a oi) Coiutliiaus,'are ta oi Iere- The simple scoucut of tht mater te be tishlie Ameritisu, a mai in 'er ut youti, taller, longer in tise i three atone bouavier than bis oppon- ly gainei asnuldvantageovoer ayera eatrasgâtisabing bis rgitaron,and thûl time irecisg bis hios ntoi tie ide) id. What, bejondtIhe seeli- ine) fxtctotat ayera mas aman' et id fo litude, ai ho o l auglt by tht eÇo tio men neutaneqetualy aatcsei, Dao ooncive." epoodesces oIthe NewnYarklior. reibbi ns)you tise officiai repart oI t an pehîiset tbisa terneosu in ai >ftlwe fe a ILostoa. b alond E rlag. 1 <aw th isgial frauM ho gtoieD eandasiIhave rasaisg remarka m ian thi reprt. Ple 'end o f Me 4t Soertjv ,' qiofm in aLearlaam chesp UaonI al-bs. 1IWbat les tôld tiaimea lefoe .the O4U lIaItier not' for Ileenato e eperuittet! ta 1dUpg s as th ier gaamllersanas euiftions ofapoain ib tomUmbI te th eil, afair aaiei udly ~to ho expielteeL Themen toP lits tre ocaMof tha ring Md mai o ,h4 se i h ai bel lacgel -tlenesImeWosla t~ * O layera, an coul figuIer. mIdI. oloali h,,ýo ben losuyasteupeton ni, i.c. pors- h ad]te.1 Md froi .frlcobu of thescoppor hu, itise ahot fotY>ye709of tge, ira ai "boy (larkey,"> for al the Italo rreapCctiveOrcaigetira calluti 'hop'. oe becanso the stin4ggconsciecesc 1 ite mon, wouldl not portit' thota ila aoean lepti roe*u ii Iandaoge, ýx& more ira 1'îï i'st theo inividuas, profession i twt s canosd t oI mention luir coller h-., mrelY =ol l frota tise otier profession- er mpoed inu tho Iboge, ai I af- dela red tht I1 Joo1d gt ai leàla1 re ntthbe cilcaetftise hotl, ai I a tho harbor'us sopiut Irwai doosieu i of hotis,tlio harbser shaoviu S o tise if-7à conta, asd lise othor officiais in a irais I'introdocciiin hea tlo u-0 e ity" owhrbeauty (especially te- Sstandaunarlvaloul, - believiag tisat alI tation reapocing my wti ouioculo bo aptlplicatIon 1tu Meusr Docai, lBrown .hurai Bsolitios'e Y. . iNlCKER1lOClUR. e, April 24, 1860. (To bo continue'l.) Fight-W hih A h 1e bot mdu ? glvo tise.opinons PM landton005 of 1a r et jounas, anîd leavo îilo public ta iseir aopinion un tliia hessl tris tht, loadon Tînîco,. April 18, 0 a. To do theta justice, bath a very williig tonloave off, aud Ueo- ao anlud thal lan tbe lbt round bu nIl sec Sayers, balt1bit blo unnospot coad a treinendatis loe la the face, knorckd lMao irai) aver bel. Bth thn loft whîat laid ben thse ring, btllonigl nuch blown ansd distrcsaed, ug firna ndly ou d ely i sooy, tîcWo isa yee epre oaddortr. His riglit onroreriras belpirsa, is moutb tnd renoflly bouten, andl tho suie of ia nul toiciosl ad urispuislcoi-Ilrc. sali)fteronorectsgiizaltle as a un o ing, art dreadftlI bai) bren blo pua. t about tbe tace snd nock. Yeh ho 1as nrang 0o1uisîa egs, appartstly, r, Ianko teh s pertiêch traoikaitnd oanig tbe -field ot houte, bec 'n io as tny oftttisecotataro, tnd lapri) ir-a slilîcuge. Thi, baoeer, final effort, and lie al-iioi insttanlly becanite s nterly blsod Iut ho iras tlulho led ly thte bonsd ta theu train. hoe tglt noaldhlave teriuiated hut iliirterree filie police it il 000' ly qite os iîssible toit yor e rr oIe. At nty momeonnt BLyers monit e. a blowr noicit oulolhaveit;'o tuci Imsct arisues ilinif Jîrenatui have cloatod wiib lima te Ctîam1Lioti's 'ronl +a"-rubeen, perhbotisa oIor On te llier litno, SayeiL, O 100 clre- ooidittg tîis, totd Reetàiitoîn ighlt 0500 geuo Iloot int traor tlîretminuîtes 'bo -onoatburtainhat Iheu mrrcy outa Ao motir o suitand, Ithe figlit is ,cd sino die, and tise only isopres- l'h isonae of astoiuislioslcot tlaat Sayors, ne ir, slîold bave su long- cou- , iit soccras, notîs sucli o tornido- y tagotist, sud iliat IMenoai sol ortnelis terrifie 1uuinllt wt olîut roîgih or courage ta figlt givittg *9O lu te tirty'oiglh 10501' Ileoenna tiuSayrs' licol]under ho léftonu and, oolopucing limnofby he ost ý wni' ]lis riglît, lid is opponeut bent domw. s if he meant. Ou tranfle bin. Sapow-clLll no aîarenj'eec instf lth aon y ae sulii waa ou hitt. At last ho gat lis left arr but flceyan, ivitlînsl.,sclaxiug ha i-lin!t. turaed iiîfrsôlf ooa un ta get loh oîagsii seeck avrr the rape, oaod tlia lmot l 01 with al l his force. Sosyern rtopidlyturor* black in uthe fae, andl would bto ebce' trutglool on heu spot butOinlt theu rulco tlhe ring protide for whiaI iroall othiervie ho fatal cotiogenrion, tand bath theu uaipire otlid sinuiîaneousiy ta rotthe olecpe. TIi oaa doue ah ance, anod hat men ftll heavil ta tlhe grauîî, Sayers îariy lalf stringlL'c llrouan o l inîeol faor a'oing is tes per at the clase oiard Sayors andb ' h, coaul. But afterr olat ptorodes, lie rend' nolIl ona oor ta uxcusae bis nJSCli: torgeui'uloocss. Ilirnana oaata tîto railsv: statioaterf othe figlt iîloas nuh iti a if îîooliîîg hlldocrrrcd, irbile' Baye' %vos Sppootool aoo'y fri thetî placo by P' script mnld cuver hu ho slso reserseti for a liaitoo time that the, settler mig-hh hase a fair opportuoiîy of icqairiug il. by purccis.. . OfficiaI Appointiments. PutaVIsoIAL . usCEAIrt's Oa-rICS, (liASr.) 'Qur.s:, April 28, 186'1. Ilus iivellcuy thue Gosornor Ornerai is beco pleasod te uppoint Antoine IPo- letIe, &aq., ho tue o'ne ut the Pp'siiso Junlg- os ofthtie Superior Court uofivcr Caiada. SECtEA]r.t's OFFico. Qi-e, April 28, 1800. hua Extulloncy the(bovrno Goccal has ieen pleasci) o mare Itis lollowing- appalotaenta ; viz: Gordon IWatts Logatt, ut Osgas)e Hll, Barria!cr o nt 'v, t Oud ogeofattiseCOuurt of tloe Counhy of 9Estex lu tîhe roonia tnd steai) t Alexander Cboovtt, Es-qiire, re- igaci) MI.sIto. GioxtuA,.OiioHsao ACTITVE FORCE. nat, a y0h onn aninexpLkeiocod be o uîn i 0itoumenu nia he oll 80 While nehhiug coudn iti re a lhe'8î*,mt5pUUîno is rj tissu ~ ~ ~ . ti1 eorm .o ndil'.' lands Ofoce'nd 10501tathé <limita otthe sua ta tramdeplisenhegand il "'0 onteraldistricte of'wbicb lisey would bohats 4tyn, ro. he-e-nin î t bliiod-loisave eficliii-information ahoalti the fis4, I'prehuud 10087 Itatfont en )0~ done) by Iustrtsctiouu ftom Ihe qooisoc er th ist Iround ta tise clse, oaaît ardot Eol r tosnsnin soned insif tlac hoesuperer as y Tbt insàt ois rir ionda De irelI i0* tidurasscoas in atrenglis lei- -.ht>tateConUd e osaiabli. HoIra neyr irlocl oia prlnant houlil place nt tles .disposai aot once, moile ho oeil Baera1îto ,,,gT the louiniôera totoadoquale aumhnr ot fin7 shboot venty imes . al tise ëeDch* isgapsiiaauto-ry bew, urvoy, ai cd talla wmisi oit le, ce el soo1300as receivot lseplan cf lise Dnoi unolrhtonce. Ha u na0 t> thceldflakidped lot Dpartmn hw ncrsc!i oeo~tiss ~ ot! h dioitoi th ie pisyicul focures and nalaral pro- sttackiog rsril oconant ailleanaJdutnsitubol PriciAee sbomning ntanygond .hornor, hutl otiV*i.> usld ho ,uppindtPot Chtia n s chnotlvoftho gamo, Tise jgli8hso.- capitd tCrsin n .of h'cs=illamhurg (tise lter 10 lntoluie Brotas,> ase ai doisroo tiaI isy nvernai "nat. Liver1sool, aI miatever Iris port lise grit a malt" for is s ge, lu ail îteit.Ilpcs. usauian înu of uepmasîopmatolpor t ..of Anothiir Corr.podet call, and nt New Yurk (nlore 2,000 emi- 1 visihcd Hocoan ast evuniug and' touoI grants irore bot >ear hoobod as 14 boand lins 3nost cofortable andtInhoexcelloxi taor Casada") spirits. Hi in nxious ho tlght Syas8 VII. That lboao fin-e agencion sutd soan as poaaible. if hu la nul. satisiedut' O cfllod in accraonsce 'onihstise reuoire- tlie presontlti. Tise indignatioà'of 111, monte ufthtie Civil Service Art, tnd ltbat Amecicansbora, ad in at ha large 'porto sgrodutia;of etsaaries nhould made ufthîes Britishs public, is ioulyatid noobo accordig tlahieir relative importance. mtontly exproaseol. Tise ring wis.broL VIII. Finaily, tiosi an uolîtorasle inba yoopack of tlicre, msho nord lise ox landl script) t9 good for 60 acres ut Publie cane ta cois erory eue. Land is1507 part of the Provinoce ot Cas- 1h iras ,ll knoirn Ibat Mr. neens5 nada,' suud ho issuod Ibrough Ite Pro- oroulol notIse allaored ta carry tisé Chbm vinialoAIgonte.s-iroad ta intesdicg ûctoal pons lIt t ut ftIoecaunhry, and thne8 ocllutirâl' on cortiais conditions, tlabo fIfllI. lishilen irio Isbobt tiseir al00n Bayos d ilîin a opocilloi te, tnd tI iasiiar as saaîî as they fauoîd Olîir Champion.- m'l prucations to those tlikoou y Bavinga loosing, reaarrd ltise most nnfair nacdils Bauksbe bt alin hy tise Agents 10 trates kicked Hocîaiaoduipulîrd bint dowa. the Province frotimpositiontnd ons. ,y, thi ne ne t'O ell jeq of in PC eil fil et 6% th bing for eternity. But usualiy.-tloere are n hauis-freois faces; the heart groins ccoahomod ho constant cbangrs moi) learns t love mery superhbcislly, iond maires no clalan to any 'special proportirs insthe o o- soct of ita love. 1 h oses, iuta choire@ a Iteéreul, aud lones toucis as 1h is deacrihrd in romances, tiltthbin lovecouda sto poor, salair, miseroblo marriage. Thent either castoug or nintal gooi) nattre mahea lié enidurable, amîstilconient sudager isunge iltoa ell. Tisat loapeople, ster five-suod-twenty yeara tof msrried lito, thsuld loiîsk cacli other fairrc, tand Ibat tisoir love shouli) ban-obecorooi oore deep, andl gays- terloas, sai) gIbrios, ondaulsto the onoriti lic verieenthuIlsniam. Ahu, yrs 1 a love bhah is aftie earîlo taira witiî tbe earîhly foru. A Ion-e Ihal la of ties ontl er 'rama otnd usoaisolait ihbescnire BSieh'a o"Elizabeth." TI E YERY LATEST. Arrivai cf the " Canada."~ FIGIIT NOT YET DETERMINED! [Icetan okeirs to relew te contest. aý ili hour's notice. la dcicrmnsiud noto lertve Eagtlaîid u ll tige Battie la cosclude.. ONE HIINDIIED GUINEAS PIIESENT- RD TO SAYE RS. Gentleen tMb-seIul1ing, tnd ail otlsera ln the habit cf vietltog newapoper esla1uliaisý nenîni , 'ould do %bell ho poclot tisa ncrp, u tsiiîbe ussfl to ail concernet, as It bsheiatloplti thlie 'crot," tnd ase, a. ise Edi;r'a Banque," tnd it l is. petd"thn rül 'ai'l ho univornaly Ob- 1. Enter softly, 2. Sit uownraquiotly. 1. Bobacrihe for lthe paper. 4. Den't qunch theslokoeu. 5. Say sotbing inlurestiiig. 6. En.-age lu do contravoray. 7. Doi't omolte. il. Keep-six tcfrorm tise table, 9. Dont talk e 0tise marlomon. 10. Rands atf lieslaspers. IL. Eyes off lise intscripl. 12. Tocis noth1 13. Lt tise "devii" alone. Gentlemen observing tloese cles nhen cntorng a prinling office, ioil 'rtll b lige tise paiprietar,ý andl nord set tear the 0'ei.1 Tiey aisald alîrays gise ina (tise 11devilî") bis due. w 1 the ladies, Whso bless us for a fuir mo- reista iitî t teir prononce, are oot aspect- cd n Lbep tiso rules trictly, and, indeod, it mît hoc agreuable te us tho have thena break thesoaith cule as otten as coarcai- ont. Bt-Ye, onconpaied by tIhir fathers, are portieudg.rly requsted 10 beop thir' banda- in tIbir pock-ets. BÀ.ALA N MociAU.-fJrirohohavi beon acscotnied froan -thir clldisocd ta a oorldly ircle heur of bIlîs and ef lîe circumatasces connooteul niths leios-of falling in love ad bohtot rona an early perloo-as rottteru of course. At lest t by go ta bals hemaselves, atona succily ox- peot to failllu o nd bhoeagaged Rare- l' donsaV aaoiamaiden retura frora ber iraI hall witisout lier Ilicsrtor at leust ber faurey hein- accspicd iitis ane image. That it io sot rigltte10dwrotl upoli sncb fancira is liorer bold ber; itis theso ay eft bewocrlul; and, maroover, it is pleesa sit obavhon no mnd occspird. Boern imes, lodeoda Ibis firat inclination iiibecisheriobluaseiicred- Thenmonli Jaiueias arrive) nlsi loso iîug loeourusoosrul teboieuth isoi s towî - l date ta tis 2lsh. eris, h3 a very uimple reuite»t, olter loaliuîc Lin-es-poolatt 2stfred sovnrab ycors oittî iu oenera Lung Jdfo Nabig lioai >b ben duterasounda e cntmtoI %n0l tuttiisto kuionr,î taulie isls-nufcr tise igist ftatie Cluampîassship. tlots uesuitofeouru 'fooîtllb s'u esireit bieiil Tise Retereo mnillnot tsakc a fisalst-td acopytuf tue p.uvnmritotiuus utld (rlirof o11osye). ibudittotoo ifor tirepsrioog aîîîligilit1 ileciaion otir nexO aeeh. thine r, wuloîihloey %ill id sas is-e Coure Atoos- O.oi ApiisolLmd, Dne.chilit, duteTho oly it bs bmpoastiaili 0nar of baitiste mon objonrol lise adsertinor Ins euding the prorip- tisat tiseIhate shah hec cosidereul drains, olnrisebnoî he, lois rcunon ti o o l evetis andst is lal imo) for euacla Ilat lho coal) ntloin,i oi tas Provasba b ns. Poorhioe iif>lil5g the pmueiibtion ",Ili l tleao a tdrese have won bu a few minutes umore. 1EV. EDIVAID A. WItUN, Wilkes irrites ta ltho Tions e inying wi-Itn WiliiaaLahtorgli,King Cou N. y. Iloat the Retere otoppcd th lou t th e hIo D.GtmasOrcrc rraoW reqursl ot Hlecnn oor bis tiiesuls, endulas- ara otn thtiahabil, aisocreaýdera ara seoted tisaI Heunan sirtuslhy 'son the bat- amuare, of racnmnaentling or of noli.- tle, batl l ho ready tu renes tise ,stroggle oisg lie vaoions nes'rntms tiet ara orgeti in as bbar'a notice, sud accept no other apanthéis public attoiution. But Usera ara trOpv tan he oit hic hocam tooccasional caàeu irra adepartura tram, Inob1 isn Ie lsî inslcsse ame10tisaraIe seemà praper, andtihie article- sein, sud wihch, bh o oralill lhuhiescol, hoabore nameu proeuets a case of tisis kmd. i di) sein, msd cau in agein, an) moll sot This mei)iiehas acquired a permanent leste Enfflsnd dtblbe hriis otise ato con- reputatian fer the relief cf dyspepsia, hivero test ta a eaendt duo conolulsion. complaiiut, iseort hurn, an) ail dificmhios Considerablesoins ied becsn coîbecîcol in orignsbiig or proceeing frointise digue- toTo orgaun, sud, containg na alcebai, o, tise Laiudaiu anti Liverpool Echange& for minerai, or asy p(aisanass dcug, Il la one Sa>-csirisa inas ho, attend theo Lontin o f thse-mofeat revuetiai preacriptions. Fer9 Stock excissugeon tise 2let, la hoe presaI a tlaIler amoet hie rade,- le reterce) la ed itha hndrd guinas.the adeertisement of lise article_- iFeos- l mas thougist Ibal stepa milichoaioe r SPN' . by te athoitie, t prventanoher Fronperaonab kuombetige ireconifirna hy iseastsorhic, o povel aolieral tisaI is aiove stit iun relation te tbis tigisi. popular au) excelbent teaicty. 14 Anathor t lt oieen Lynche Americas, Face lr J "' R eri ruit .0. and Sair, Englisis, foc tise champOotsip «WLitOsby. a yW . ol rc o et tise higait seelgis, as nby BSaw. Tise Prnaceof lWalea s ta pected tlamil SEIL NOTiCEst fuc Canada in about atsiarnllTo118rtt.c Coaph Johon Vine Hlc alet bte gun-- es-ai Sce soBiip Cumpanyhad hser chosen )fr. Joha Wetluerid in epeniug out commsandec of tiseGreat bistcma. nuiVerssarte'! ntockt cf Grocaries la Cal)- weht's Blscit-pircma$eÏ in Neoirek foc WSISTB3Y IAUKETS - Cash-an)dise mill ilu hemfortieseime. Rteparle'! hy R. É PssSt, Eaq. No ocouccntry peopie miilsuve trou clut-act omiit,12J tel15 par cent by isuybng af hlm. Moay 4,18e0. t CatihMastceofr you«izeu Ouc mas-roI ias a fair atteisiance ulsily. .__________________ FParmera generally tisrougiout tlt Cosusiy boing engage'oaitetdîeg opcrsticînu, tise ]NEW ÂDVMRM EX N S deverias are* rot Tory b arge, averaging Shrf' ae > L d, about foot «r Ove buntce) buasels ot &Il SeR i ng kinte cf grati, théisecial portmin boiag 1 . i~rbi1 comilsastltan auhaude ,figur whe xtaasipbe colera. Buyers alb toeai ani[iO- htouscuor r e Co Wnty etOoi la Whofvan. t lots Offeriog t hoeebdvesi qotuatty appt uîtioni rTo u, anon fthé lty cour- cently baobng theicylir seitistut regard tu Of EsP OnaentuntOf(àto at W tiutua Ce 1 oait fcFh~a)* s directtir a<slnst te lesandot! tostnaae ~ken le oeeos oufa l .etata or titereal et cult i fr Ff;a$Sim W sprngliseual) ohn Bs-,a 1%0Turng690 fr Fr eliSn te aa em n IICutu aui d ;t aci) le-day at si 15, an) sincehe arrivalin h o 'oWdb* .%7dpe"&u tise Caniadat,there on a butter felig. rO, hetngéealaiýet!0 PanrtftLotLwtritaeo Ithe lloeootatio of meua lhip Wls t,-n Â( aIsexae picatifil ah iaahe cait u tL tarsinpreiralifs at in b a, dbii h ot ,afo puL&'u TisagesoatheiPfer 71î irbeal .aoiroa trtetl»dtassi Or1t h lait 0 fLot nneausihsaga, may Sso S5 e , 4othe O lek Gon tise We toiut W litunitot bals qen le p" ms iers n ikt son ate V e'as ielegtautu et <er -B 14" ~mIM ut on the IJÇ. y-st byJeaMd orla.S.0"laie >t1sg LotI27, foa t heaslîasss rinnde oran rpou UUPbPI ve' 18lu01, ofl ste seal lise%&te or kI5t thftUlal Shanli teafo ed. y llutter 2. ig.5c0 Bgý; pets. Vdoa, Fows Ë5c. 0 pair. cse 25e @15q. , - sso APjuls M.c-l1 sai$120 R artbL Tiaiotby ed :*400 Clo'cr do $0.00 O0 ego Plaiter 85c ahet act.,. - IUTHB. , MÂCDONAL>.-At Bronoi.,*o(~ on-th lie 4Tts lto., Ilra. G. D. Macie«aià -o àon. HAXTON,--t:Doffin'd (Cretok, Picicer7 nàg, on tise Ittisalto. lra. Audreir ax- XU?0iLEI-AhWiulthy'an tise, Oru loch., tia rancis Kollor-of-adaugliter. MAIIRIRD. go!s§iCK-hlcEJNZI-Âl Pisilselel- pisia, on thso ý9th inâ-t. 4y tise Rer. Alhert Barnes, Mr. James Heasacir, of'quebec, ha tlargareý eldeat tisogiter of Mr.' Chariot IdeXionsie, put DanvlUe, C. ER BUU1IROLDEP.-BRtOW-At To- restoi-, au - ise' 2rkst.a,by theo 1e-v. Dr. Jenninge, lUr. Joisý u'Brkholdoi, farinera Cbiuguocousy, la bis as nnssisBroirn, daigister off t isete Mir. Robert Brown,, ot tise saine Toirshsiip. CALEY-At Bt. Catharines un tise 23rd mast., Helen Joatnn, relidtet oftise 'lae Robert Caley Euq. Collecter oftCustoms, at tisat place. VANSITTAT-At ber residence, near Maidenheod, Bucha, Englanul, nged 14, on lise 25tisetdor'Maïh Hirriet, yaungssht tougis. teof athlie]ate Georg-e Vansittarta Esq.a etf Biohans Ahhey, 05to07 jara M.P. for t<S4 j Cousty; andl aisteo eie taVioe-Admiral Henry Vansittortn fartserty of Eastmvood DuWÂJItEStN'P-On Ibe t1ltis oruary 4860, Margaret DeWardeue, rcdt tie laoe John MdacLouglalio, of-OregonCiy SIPECIAL NOTTCES. TIE GRIIET ENOELISII RJMRUDI asoJAoUoS CLAIIKie' Celeabrated. Fenale 1rs l'ROTECTED LETT-RS BY ROYAL u PATENT. Pedfrmcani-soeilioa qf irJ. faSrke; - IA, lhiigon aEofreurdinaee teé #*Quees. Tis~ iiosotablo osilorlune l Inlllliisgion tise vOOro uft ltlosooupilitotl andul daeaioea t ita lool îtefosînito cooa.titutionl10 aubjot.1 cioderatra ail usorutnâa tnd romanon ail tosrue- tiios'ui)a oîoody ours îîooy ho replied an.- To Marii)Luîea it 10 petlliarly ouited. St woili, in a sbort îiie, bring on the montbly period xitoregiIoriOv. Eal boule, priruttioe Dollar, hamr the (jov- uriotooeut Stienp cf' ornaI Itritalti, ta pfovniet Io aotllenOfutNcrsuot nd Spuinal AffcOiun,,u Koîi ontho e ak sud Libn, Fsligte n liglot F01î îliN.eiio ous atveci ptocksge. Sulo Agentrth îe Uited(StstcnCnoit aasd * -' JUil. MUSES, (Loto L C. lleli)*io & Co.) Rhocheaster, N. Y. mie A set euti, ColW.,âliols N. Alla ôst 8poategoataltîpu oneiaeed te iiii0 atltriroi Agent, il, eoare ahotha af th ils by reuoru misol. ForiPaenby ahi Fui wsaliWIitisi' 1)y (I. A. Bosusumîtes',Doua io strset iW. Il. Ila-l, troch otrunt. In pitbaul oliaI unryFi fBok dDAWE S' GLOBE IIOTEL5 l1t f"Èl Uiaas Ltq.,inte O la.11,'Ti 1 itoy for ognat buire; of*5heh ail partieÎffnterittt nr to -qoe- tedt 10 ll'onnoticee GEORGE IYALTACE N. Go AM . Aol'tn Slidtor &o. Wblthy. T E PRNO MEETING OP IT Tltarlu Turf Cluib, wotît oeoooff WVhllby Courue, on- Thursday, Priday & Satt ý94tis, 25gbt and 20118 itay, wii coti,n ail Piiabtll lO iait 51o 1rothri-' de o' 16ijd.Iadholden iiithé otinly; uIîoWltg i Ntuhabr rot théLUt or woua lon010u!or otrot latowu, vil- 14eth obà lut,ilp, the aclaitiont eii. orbii awhetbur owneoror ocunoer. the ste ib or u Cblo nhabitant AliParot otint OfIt8rp., otm6jui o, teacoupn a.nd toiltuilnltl" ecutyBi logo,ý OunI yGro'itilararol -Commnn Boboola &eë. < A ILt of,2opeïinteod1il, Grgimmar anod commnnScliool Tr-4at8oaOhool Seolidn, eaolers &c. &c. M lo the arOiisu)d population of îauh townablýs,, and P duoslriptlvo article on cool. Me ppo aloüofttïmooal tawuî and ,.l*Ouftbutig u arongod In alpbaloaliordo,wlrh troctoy deoclp.i tioni. Tho Maoofietorlenof the. Cbnntv, amd s obiaptr noù ta tradeand prooloofaliA)go a liâtr to ole"fcc, 'ost Miostuls, Mail àd. .T ;a, Book wahooceta]n bout 20 bgtiu, 2 -u.arttuon gool papar0 wit aorliool cul1,,*uaq cuoitcoltatand buund, an bourde, and w*Jl be,.pub)tiledaat ONE D0LL41t.ý Microa rfiiainesuacf 500 joroitod., A lionalicid npml4er o odvortuaoioonta wll ho Isuorre tud taOopate çi i 40 per page;i *:0 for hl a opage, 5 Xqt 1lMaUesor under, A poraun froti',thisioffioe will attend mitI a' lrespectais, and ol oioft«aubourlptlone In a fei oao.Partioo Oas cQJu apilt prll lub-' liolio, aud ouoilooooob:oaip na dverso-, ine0t4 te ft: -1N~ Chratîlîla Oilice, lîîîPy. Notice! ~i THOMAS W. CLE(GO, At Mot'lioraoai'a ornitarqsa otsoaneut, Brook Street, Wliitby. % l-Smn ALBION HOTEL, Jj'AST MARIKET SQUARE, TORONTO,- ..SdIl, Prpritor. Excellent accoin- ,udatioon.o ry attenionapaîdtthé e oiot of trao flîcrs.l O NSTINDAY tlie adbtorcoWitb ad Oelhair, o OATHOLIC ]PRAYER ]BOOK, Witb eltoop. Thuioftder byleasing tho sameot theo <Ptroio O (ico,ill ba aultably Oowrted4 NWlîity, May lot, 180 .il JAMES JOIINSTON, iVATCIMAKR & JltWELIER, ]3ROOK ST., WHITBY. ilAS flai on bond a Ilrgeo usortnuanit ou- HFuoblounablo e Icbollery, w'ooli î bvosg boula pttubaued it ctîj oIioýarkotlo,(ié eau oeil at Very PoW puuu Jo0Jut ece coo, a quaatity uf In variooo o tyltmof thîe colebr.iteol Watcrborv Clok tCompany bOaulacuro. Spactaules o nulit 011 oigbteo, kIloi4 e onbie a W0orbuoa.n boiug 10000wfll knwi eh ny te add tbat cil Watelheo, Clocke1 Ieowellery, &re, uutruaiod Ouelini faorr paIr, *111 rocoira thu u.auu attoaita a loorttoforu, Api 116, 1860. BIROOKLiFAIR I STOLEN OR_ STRAY1EB. S TROAYEDSfroin the î1railaosotut he othiqri- ber on tho 2 1et uft t o proent muîtb,- a (ý>W H 1T E 0A LF,-4: Wltl rail spots. 'flse cuIt la abuiet 11l nontîta olo. Wtîrever oit rtarn the o 05 t, ieut Whitby, olîl ba auitably rewarkied. OTTO YELITZ. Wloitlo, i pril 7 80tiOul CQMPETLTTQN. SIIE ItSSR15PRr.PAliD 110 'WEDNESDAY, gay 16, 1860. svT'aîai uouese nrLilobleaof isuela Batyeraor of heS to.fchkuatdFat Casti e ]liavet citeRper tisa euty' thur e>nttOr01e ixpros the ltir iotetoot o ng prourat, au t oe iluIun 18soairliii, Raod uoe l oi.kmonolilnon t bhey ilothee ran qtiuiioy e0 lte tockt to p siioliotasanti, iostruction, Il. oas n vil - sr -Ourad net lido-For. Foarnra ebtoali)holdono ' lio1ta giro sannîbooeioia. Pur eisopmuealt ts-I i it nd i ot do s o f utieir seck ta llowoiig prileen il oprai t ipihr.'anieits1iumetis asnd al otiscor Mens' %Varè. rticlos MIL filod io realy shale ua Pair. î MR. J. 0. STE RLING, B.4 CRenI WCIf Bté .....421 Vic Aactiooîoor wiit hocuts1Il'and, amul give Ilis cavelip ... . .I5 ervies gs-ntundorioog tintFFar Day. 10Cu outélLe.......275 C>O>D 1.0 vm'ri'l -ta Q tifj10l14 Br00 s-u..u............o...uS01 Broin,, Aprul 30, 1800 0. IWEl ]Ladies' Warte - Dent Lîtei- ooto .......... 01 '- CometBootes - - -.......1 NI i té aie - - .0..125 Lu0 S T 111A te'rl]Bltteab'àln ocr ONh __osu lospluriotuny, he 2a7tiocf April, 180, a irite Xi - fr nvstl .nt tiii oýn.wtht aririua ie e O> ia ue nlrsotA iîîlles, olteona ine ntuMr.Es E5RL ThosnstPotxudsi, iiunsunt 0 Iiroont, Ittorris 1 o0. »844 on) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t, poalo masrlse'nig io mu4eohlire t.ynd0ta rto00, iitbc uihby rorsded, 11 2oabusnvrplaooaeiaby Mrt -_________________ ________________________gage, n t an to y tnk1ýr t-, Yh W H OE House and Lot for Sale. 8-i Monotrt suantce O0t1,AN1Dcei~. -0- - CL55 eAlley, To~ruoto-APOTUIOARYAN tUGMt. T 17 NDERciIG.'ED offeabstacorsalu a aew- hooeotuti ndlot in Siroo treet, nh le E SJItB Ea uppiy df(îirrae bi) Vila t oosuThohbannistuansda1,1< ahc- les hîgh, amui la2- X281, coto;isig'-Roed 0PIDbI? IlICTiDAWB rouns; It in irel fiihtoed isie sud Maaille :n I11t 1 INE ANC atracujeai, n' otr eobovery Iisé - e et usturoaof excellent lad. Ternisa tory CZhef <,0 .eo Oaoaoa sote- Ilt c t , Lo- motsArt 8 00 liMSm ly Capital, £500,000 Sterling. TO THÉ ULDlGitii~ otaOshtawa. n-O'o TrTSTltS-Tloe Ris-lt Ilouorabie Lord) [ OBUT WOOD ÀtCtlitlt 'A1> W. il. IIG ISIioeooiît Sidiioutt, Arebibsid C.iopislîBire- R Buildîr mwllt»holno.aa.ino to faOul0ul'hum~ t'sroilicla office. ns, bsuq. adi)Spuséfcoi ta tu %ho %e aoat tu LbolI1l'el I-w-o--lîsboWhithY DECT(R -Acîioi ooaiil hreay,8 vollra li' g - Rq toirtuCol1,. B maigroons, CtiiosleBon- geB Ode', -kIvcIf Ï onyqastity of FOR SALE. tuai 0q. l,Est Plce ISeonDoorer and *oeila 1Bliede, and male btaq.. 0.1b isarit;e Sctoso, - i. 8 8 %edupaîie steh' .dr~ne%@ Eaq., III. D., ThliioW ent, iq., .F.1ROBERT* '. R hous, eq. Y. Town Vfilla and Park Lots, Luomi etonMet aioerz] ~h.efvetal-m ' 'lar u )tuli4asoe- WIl7iLtin~os, -]£q., Chiana, FOR oioTmIorrance, Esq 0Joii Potilisau, irq. 8LAVE.og.uj<>TLL. Alfraeasdirq , Inq., Boni. 'HOaInce, Eaq.t tT 0nS'.5ÀLsOu?0)- S Je'P G. Munkiioe, Enq. LT WNtim UIE[ V4 181USINESS PERM ES M~Cbarca FI Tilsoon, àaeaqertDl Ma-C&e.,ar o B'.rock n iniéiéft1ý-W AlND Tb lIc snae pint4seaoae ïhABOVEWJt'-LL j<NOW1N, ANDtICEN. Ths ffceInugeelUnt o$ irD=90Ttnîhv it tateulhout ttho, bs-eut smlV ivfte) l.lllg l» y Sire ail deeoutiptionaofetbuilîdins,inctii iilripé aid rar o tia bvomont ettutJSluoo ReteofIV sbr, iléeao b&n or ir yh roln repl TIIOE TOWN 04 F WIIITBY.. adtQý00, aýadbir u'11 néredtaouileu IaoitKesSouaklkfh. Iliee Street ..............R oe CatBimona a le, a litiIeat ad c -et te, I- Y ut C IliikroY I .................. - toir tright; ant! Osmois n ut >1 aIc - g-r AMI ........................... cript1sure ,-jK' IMsY tod oesrîîinll aheds, gesuâ*l ' Po .... ....... .. ' n - - - - - u, Tiseten ueesaetts ata'regisa- asI trsleeitle. L h ef bincliloo- - - - - tumeor boul Capittt, -he o trerc me o fr nTrou Tan et W itlty, n'Ili mill ho the, Pulablce .........er ....a.......... 1 10 à boea, osat cenet etaoptlit oae.tu lac r lad . 8 . lati t orin 'tapan ithe a ti .0 . meon s ngeo froua $10010 $800 esois. Ltuaes are maie gau) mitsoat'-dndsution orý Testm as.Pre'aoora %oh o isî , builti, long discount, an) are adjosted andutuiol .lis Motteâl oroott W1a i o itenunta lu tte olitrt IttIoouh rsfaraee te London..Y IN TATI!OI. 9I Titlo blaiopltatt. Tise Loeid D(OreotaraIac mee i'klyi WlityOisApI, te. J. IL PIERRT. Sor Aguonihast besa u éoce ioog- eie tonipt d io m i o ut Cuisuulsd.ti'cnuIr O'rb ute' 's ~ TIIOS. MOO)DY, taiT MeýUb tlaste tub S 2borchy giv1ithat Mary oCurtie, oethUe 4atCunye nsli 'irai iOet mByo Towoouoip o Ptliitng, lna te tJotnhy f au u belo illaiIo Onario, mnini, itentit tasirtg ap ile.%tbontte Ca lash rWaal, Wisoa O Gaainca-s, CTUEiybOAT- lfne ltb 0 the Jonige et tise Sui'tWte Colt vt ic ns ous'-' ua niet Courtine, Ithoda i . . çw l1dToma, CavaW87'8 haY-ul eloartione, Aodrew çJames (Ielirthie, jetanal cour -pu»tW n WtrMnoýt mmf' Toneoh 8 Ytr uslaut ebildren of iad- -l k l Thosa Uoile, lBoettheo"<at!Tevsasip or TU E oirisne&ireejieoanOta aband, uiimO- PlInlg a" eoonofe aog!.taiti P ee ni MARY COPflTICE.tac, Uat suad WatarLidne.leaetrriblté'-à prle1, 1840. einfi 4b3bL h4Gberm;c Whitby, Aipru 17, ;sac. I7--31 t SERDS! -SIEEDS! riiB ÂTIILeFor lise INS ;W JAMM H. EREIVR, FENDT.Ï-' i Dit6ine tca- RETTYM WMtlby, Ap4t. l12 . t-il TOWN, 0F :WR,-1YI'$.. ~JOTICE lat hs-olîygIn on, tisaIlise Court of $10(). JIikoopla Porse, '*îit os nlouhà lIas-unotr tha'Tomsn cf Whh, "mîii takeloof $1tniesh, fer,-htngc8,oiilebogum, Lbeat, ll Ilbfiret ittihtg in the Ton hldl, iald s ino o, T-C. W. $101. TrttInonure, nithA is ta e s pk. TIJES ÂYI 8th IIay'1860 -of $id tiocb,1olonto ni-trotling iruce, uMilo At litsfleuofut10 u'cok In the forenabon. ~ Sg rcdsof olI catch vtigbeiie1 TtIO3ASiUUSTOIP $2û0. :clubsPurge, witiu on ineide stoeit $a25cati, for üail au,, tbirstleo liette, T. Or' 555,, o *$60. Ladio e init on Ineide ttire né ATRY otItûeiope cIý-Iolioncuro-osnit hlie -a b e edpncolfthio blll, lit theoun- tlrn ofttottsrlo All&- ~~ioso. tuile iciite, bot-3lin À, T. C. W. $f10 sanît, for ceceh, nol canherote3, tlitel e er 'won a pturg 'oo e oau04, milea heals, beati i 5, te liarnuns. la THliRD DAY. *idO. Ilarolle tno Plume, mililop, eri 4loutdte',, a' foot0b iochoe. t'egi adi kuonsu iglit otetrvi. 0150. 1'rosinlsnntIlic puPrae. oupesid aitl'Proince biîtàlooretc oid I~n aide,nale liOOti S3 fol5. i d1.Stilil& ioiàe is,. îon ensoloe atoio ut $5*rarit, reorst lrouiiughontes hit never atelfrnonY, lusltin o0e ba lut f' A libetal BOLeto ,Por tis-obnooli u tsfur I horBsua'to tosrhloptiLo uob-tifi', A A 0500F IIU5IC 'tlLLn15 ktEsM14à1qCE1 ______________________ RtLES AND ItEGiJLATOýsr t R E- Ï 0 A L a 00oteniart. Estreilce fcu10. ieor centl.Tise < lrehesot sbooIsb,îo ssî~ tate ta hol'e rtinaotinte atheai nîc et t-elioolib. Ail oîîpric e tabc tmodo inlawrisiq And oonoer Seuol, wtiithIe Boercory, naIScoit e, I) R a (J 'n'î ui'tofro 10 'cooîo n lie uvousise ras-., lies a'eioosd to theie buse luotly cuoîiud by reifiirrt terus hl .Poobey style acCOuinq MI'o.1'ercýy, on the reltgo En-oy puteoiu onteilitg'to Iorso wl, br.qui) ho'to i MAenlors. The Judge* . ]DUN-ýDAS STREET. deiinti4dlt11atdfl Wlitîttblraît 2686ot. RowÉ, ,3:11 . p le ; WSCTT-ss O 1rcsidtut. - Trasrer 8otetý, Information Wanted ' O TIIoOAS PLANNERI',V Io o tmeriy r resioteolIn (irrenwuod, id meot ta tise 00 Cicg.Any laforLiLition onu taeIon iiuro--4- CbhîirulI i0etbaahfalv reenolseol1lt s wiful 5 ELLEN FLANNittY 't tg-S ~ 7 Greoolrood 1'O,.1C. 'W g o F !4, ~ ggrat.itel Statets pupera wiît coator a faver li' t hy uopviu.g. ýs.'a~h*~~- cohecwgld eha Plhdof 09a, io ,îa,,st0 seconds. 'No. Sâ Fro:oo BlloKT.f lit AlO iot. Witti reference ta theoo OneraI Order No. t Rlom Tilt Pa014tCAMEIx.i -Thq poli-of1.utlitho Nosctîiler, 1850, lfisj Excellos- ol tis um gI cnner thcre ou rusLo the oinaun der-iui-G Iso iýths"i)i erdéf 'd ai hi tniego cosr, hee as. a rshlitlîat thte Voluatoco Artillecy Comîpanyt the ropernt Rushides, att) ie, lu Onq, tîsurebos uutlorizri) nITorontho, aailIbc ft îsy wib tholoor, incidiag tise reto a ir 1c dîgi)into ae 1110e Company. complrteiy siutoat Oifroutthe Ibo s-iy. WNae. aira intaruuied that tbe routni enoledin bot lu purotiusice ot Section 26 etftthe C£n- ,oiug ta gras at tise rpirlâtion of. in solidoittoed Mlitia Loins uoftelProviuce, uournRui) ix moiutes. We Iha4is ottIa sExcelleuey ih pleaterulta constittite ln- that îtsaemen ouli now Lvborebon iii tus a Bottalliots -À11:1kues tise lallion'iîg sn ît rtetu sa) sca treulPsoîsix Ceiuniea of thte Vlanteer Farco, i)ron, a h elrcLdbe fro rinoiv nrviîsg is thse Stis iliîtry District his post, tnd thie plice moeeClose- hy- of Ulper Canada, to ho tyleullte "Seconid Thso hithle sa tr al;it rany hocalleti aobuha Iotaolon Vabitteri iillitia Iillros oft hj.-F tic, oastas- the ieune a-r, auod tke e a aa viz shouol Lavboehe aaienuasay. w&aTre il The Di'rie Rifle Company, (ttiral) ftord, louto-en, 11001altlioa8gli tlerefao Tise lit RifleoCoinujîtiy of Torono(Soc seunl aidera for cessation af hisilitles, fil ai-o.) mosr sa-callod s-oundsn oerc tsugist.i 'n eTise Bcd d (hîsir.)) pltty equlttohai)naage. 'lie riaJg _1l'Tise Rille Ctsopny, férîaîrly foot Ar. hail faputeorple, 'Ilrr a, nd.feuilLittiliory, [Fiftlboj mnati Ladi)a fais-chance. Mneb do>wa'rs- Thes Highland i) 118eCompany, Whitby, 0 .rot tIoe ulntoot daly liat noor i l is-[Sixtloj tord tpo us of filoding ruait ibibtis eflu, Viec îuîaitors in a îornthasal oppoite rus Boty for cantîdt st sas net oly UT, ta cacis Conopai.y, designste thico psitiaon tnoausy, hbt quitot agaiuîaî tise.usaft iloby aeniusity, hut tise Higlanod Coipa- ttiig nu Iooi lse ufrrebrn posuLn ies %oill aîooîys taire the FlisofutthseL wvoliuovitoly have Iash bita lise baIlle. SecoiulJaeu'aloo lelututcerMiflitjo, Rflei A gentlemans connectel witbî our afa u, f taiosdaoni -,Who was pussent, adonuLo ud rndoavurL ITe ho Lieuhtenusilt-Cnluncl lu sop lostilitina, linformasus Ibat eîtbl] Lietitnat-Cooarl W'illiomins ,itîs, Du-d end) ut tise fto f tlose supplemestsi rie, fraui Barriule CtoCiiolany. roundls, a-tila SaYersiras an Lis second' To tue Majurso ircee, llceoLoOrualtid ah Loeuini a vecy eN Capti George Brooks, tcpns obRifleit rîtro stute, lt fly left atnd riglot ah Tom*o Comspany, Toronto,a secuods, Ioorri) Ibro, asti bisuedti Tboo Captain Alexander IMortimuer Suith, Wn nioise gronsi)l ia dsperate style, o: (ro- lHiglabnd)Coitpany,, ¶'otltual tehie boc elord wisthiSBayera, aand, sPts- -To ho Piti -ifaters : a mnilti rally, tbucy teli tagetuec. Tise' fiulj Mujr lRobert IB. Deasan, trous unai' 1 soh is lt.t rae t u ll. was enocreiy mii samble, il1 Tu bcadjutant I ouhri hîlitol.Tis rteneb7 ibis imný Captaiou ltmry (boodwin, fions lahe Teet8 iras able to gel ner, and arderri)thbiseas-i Atillory onp ,Trt. ta dsist tram fighling. Immediatoly tiffel' u sater-Mastct t- tis if enan mausl i iay fsoui thisn'g -Majar Joisu 'Niclinson, trans 3rt i Ble andil oulsne distance siti tise activity Compaony. Toronto. _ a deer, ..pras-iog tts, as fiar as nrenglis aLNou natCae3.GacnT.D 1Psis coatoruodisebcwas-oe fit ai nier ;bat i"' ieroisy appointed o mmiatndant oh the hLad net huen anay troam tise rinug osons-j e le ot tise Vuuntecr Foree l is e ùSIlo m',nuhes hufore heciras totaly blini).iToi, jIîilitary DietrichtaoflPpper Canada.t Sayeu-s, sîthaugli a ittie irci), ai) siaffOs-oii froum hie arm und tisetesperats bng cf tUsi A scw Lime cff teamaersa 37tb roud, iras ùlao trong on lis ipiLO and) coul) bonve tougit samo tisse lon&er. A correspondient ofthIe New ;Tarir rnc 6 aid ays, I"A nom buse ofetairu is about t Iteconmpuedation ad StiggebtilBs0 o bcheetartet! betmoon Great Britalu aidE the cammittee ou Emigration. Americo. Thin lime Liverpool tnd Newr - Yacorkaeuelected s tise ersiel. Tise Ou a careful revinir of thto cvident Galwray lino findolalui traffic that thah takles, andl lu cansîderstioio of thie ie<isotise veBssIs nom lu Ihat ervice, onder tise muits blld ost Ibo arlhofeatafortil anticlRoya Mail Compansy, Anstalain cabanirs mmd tie s f ci) 5tby s11areattnable bo carry nesallise pangera i yurCm nittes aceltboUni)t ecoratr tbat are offerng. Tise lait Galway oteam-s ta the flause tnd tise Gavertimantt ou ert ont oser 600, atinacmra tisan 700 adoptonon f a soir ystem in relation1as re roadj hooket! for tise May stemer. EucapeitisEttigrtilon. Tiis ysteinec Thea Uhe Liverool sud Manchesteoud ad ual entail ùaîoy siioanal expendihuru qtraiBe rmantmore tacilitieî lisa aru at Pmo thue province ta that noir voted for qsas-nnsent ta e hiadl. Thse iae is undertairen hyt tine aund emigration, sunce tise prOestM. ot itel ee-M Pat itcltiuof Itie establiahmsent auid stafft LTiomaiHoma-i, tise Manchsester millions- Grouse Ileie ll place tItise dispgUslr arie, andthie vemssetu hohosaoul ae a part Gorerument $10,000 pr aniam-a TUaf lise fleet ofthtie EMoepean anti American equal, if uscoUOIaicalîy applieti to'-ilo . Stennmship Coanasy. Th irs rstaeamer praveosentg WCearco ahoft ta eromms-oLd 'il e ho ie GoldiesFleocen micis leavu t. As ta the Agencie within liselà,_ Liverpool oni Fitiy, tise 22nd of May, anti > vine, yaur Comittce are deairos toeb se mil bc folloirté 00007 alteroahe Tues; .teruofthtlen-rions classoosa t0poofll dsy by lise'Hydaape, tise IndianaAnd tise 1Popsluatsio is e genecal anjeq', litoL Jason. Al ottissaeamsucanare0.0stop 1engage tise CO-Operatlon oattise V*dass a ut Gialway, for troisa sixte hmelve homlos .tioaoihics, raupecttull reaonmeee s,h ate on or diocisarge pasuengera, tisA tabloismentil hy sof ota Board 0f &us'.s-lî tishnonlayposaily stop atHtfta or St. -Couismiuers rt Queho, 1tahe onpo d Jaisa, but 1 do oct helieve th"sey mil el atoftisePresitienta tacrtise timo hitàg ut e holmeets NoirYork and iGalway. The bul BtS. George', Bt. Palrick'a anti B*m., ~cabin faces I understauid, am tohLa16 or Societiei thoe Mayor of Qoebei, Teno 18 guinesuad ta bc isoôled ta or trni Chier Agent. Tisat Use duies ind ;ijal principal Towm in thé Uaiteel Zog. loges of tisaBoairdlabouit ho ifintd, L- dam -m iti tise pivile ofetateppiog at OaI- f oira bot Uat ane of is niembet, eus- mwayOnt tise joursey tis iraY, »aist em ofeocerse tiseChiot AgenI, ihoitilrecr'u s fiee ticet by rail!1taIivltrpOély od j comapensation for bi s ervices, - o tis o igh s omo,'! l-Coasiiirlug tia ai equI a fumber t o ensigramest einarrive b7 î97 ef Nem Yok Thse - Woodatocli; TYsacaOThesmly e andthie Btupeesa'Is idge in Uppar en, gives a repor'of thse trial of Vcauknoe 4da, the formnation ofta siaiar Boueti a oewadJcalol fs ae.I s i contôa is a a lloiO5nddO. t. MI ama-»dsaed h8Bireomi". ,ite lad 0 I. That a satable asting place Ir t"uto---1ne d rel ustlaeisr*elhtaih gmigraohi, iita caonent auisoMd w - Woéare asèbeos et the denmitatioa oall- o Qosgzo eebibein the rISSII t eutil, Bibl h1e Obclstass"nd a eelie le o Qubec-âsyon he Ilan QýrIoâ heoseîvea M the psailesthai. Cbritana d onshe saine jPlan ai tht oliienlietfésma l rm' h 'Caatla Garde, lioi York. e t___e d -îrfae wntt Eo-' 1-abeliéhét, and thse dW;siomq ffâoedthab" To fyhe Cr . tailr i Ume yagenlJi*ts -deta - j , o o *n yfia u 4l h 3r jy. hbafr Iletie .c"0 tninteilhtudM élta*of gi

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