Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1860, p. 3

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'jjrvtibjeëted tealiae appointment linspttctors of Peni'ontiaries andi Pli- for. Lover and nomt for tI)pr Cse. O11 ne suid a gýlntlem=. <rani Engîsast ionl jiramise>! a place as Chairmae ai of îoulbectosa , but vus reine> e voniti notitrte0 ýtl Iiifr,ù elecliLn Qs ~ Y. Cee. Catier deeied tise uatotmeat Ra,0 , caee uaid there ver. cçharges put1 t teWarden of the Reformatory. ah Aux Naix, and> h viste>! la kusov M he Goverment -inieeud ta do. ý ty Cen Macdoeald eai! the Warden ile>! satisfactorily several public sites ir. The. Goyernaeit hba>! flot selecte>! a persoeal fri.en>. Ho vas of the tle party ta lteçuslves. Ho ha>! net t 0 upeed >!sing the enquiry. 'is 1Dreanmoed ai>! te Warden bu>! ai- eO1 borne a itigit ehacacter ste> lte inves-' ù t ois -sioul>! not bu ticlayeti. The item an pte>!. 1t4 -item $4i444 ta Upper Canada Col- Is a s.trIhtt autanti $5,000 eacb was ScesVictoria aud. Quten»a Calleges; 1Id 00t h lisrammar Ocitool Fend of ltCanada. Iling laI th jiaepital oi Seurs de la orde% Montreal ha>! an.ullowanco ai Dsêmi au>! Duniu institution $1000. itm f$5000 for lte iloetreai Cen- flt opital beieg mel, Cu ~ Ferres sid it wau tuite dispropor. Ve in ta ils benefita., y% .-Brawe aj> tiat Montresi ha>! more ~5leyg ne-fourth ai the public charities an>! le ets atisiiesi. ulejei OsiGat aai>! il; a e xmin ta iu- nrs 1 lte grant inlik item vas adapte>!. uit. for Malden Luatic Asylums. uaa~ Brave objecte>! ta their pnrcbusing ud thle consent ai Parliemeet, Illcf lièe for particulars regar>!ieg titeir liait i a! buoilins. 4 bc G e' adnads the incrense>! . nodation vus absolutly reqiredand rchus bseied> been mxade with the ap. ýt prs of Dr. Workman. mies J. Cameron sak> lthe praperty vus ""i"e t mucii 1cm titan ils ceai valus, brick building> ou il, vitich ha>! 1 -liI 6 ly hiten mut for an botel. The vus aacrifioed. item out>liti aprpitions vere pessed ,e n 'Brovn >!esirieg them ta lie thorougit- pose the item for Xrts, Agriculture andi tl>aiCut tai>! in considerstion ai the in- ion ai Victoria Bidtge @Ma te con- Ipeut, iuilux of sitrsogers il bad tome>! adrissable ta appreqîtiLabo $20,- r s Pa'vmuctaî Exitibiti. ut Mn Wilson and Mr. MeDougali conteîid- Toronto ouglit ta have an uppro I. n ulso. mis (lit sai>! Motitroal vu the chiot Metii manufactures, aed the leut plans fers JS.Mcoadregrette! sucb sec- ni, an>! vus in &vr o aieue grand 3 Do xhibition. ,emé Brave sI>! Toronto, Kingeton and of, ha>! erecte>! buildings at leir ofi; t, and tbere vas no reasan wby ýfte vinse should psy for a building ut Oelt ual>! the appropriation vas wu11 lx inite>!e ta defray the coul of con-' minde d articles foc Exhibition. reda Brao can.iiore> suci a eues toal- dyil ent fac titat perpose. At louai wt oul>! ha uecesar. torhst Riaanon suggesed. tha $20,000 aOi ta Motutretal and te aine aua ta deldil West. B item vu tien utiople>!. Canamittee nase, reporte>! pragreus, nr e>! bave te ait ugain on Mou>!uy. eut House tien udjaurue>! aI 11,30 Whlsby Spelus Fair. ed Sprin Shavai the. Wbitby ice tluo1 Soiet>, ld Aprîl 20. 1000. c.fo tfotbviîî îsreiunas wcm ava>!- DaROAUenT STJuLLIOI. surie oie Miller $10 ; Su>! Joseph Thtom $rd John Wilaona S6; 4h Jamae MAie FOR OSSCSAL PTRi'OeS. vus eph Mare $10 ; nd Asers IViI- [lua. le>! try Bron $6 ; 4ti Williamn t quest sont$4 Irsiail LO<ir STALLION FRu sàADuL. iverjla os. Downing $10r; S>! Josephi ;t eau Or>! Dav>! Tuit ns $6. OSAUOOT nsaOai iiAuta mes Pile $4. 11 AIiF FO5 OaIEe1AL P0510555 nies Bures $4; 2u>! do doe$3; AMI m Sincluir $3. à TWO TUAit Oh» COLT. ilue Kerr $23. Mevo nWVAàu OLO FILLîlI. mestf ex Wilaon $2; Su>! JamesBuns 55'AS DOUÂOOT nousES. if rnoiius Spencer,~ 2ud James Car- buls haiuam Perry. sr la AG50 iaUI. Thotepson $6. oWW TVa TZAR OLOhpujLk illium Kerr $01 Se>! John Wil G5A05 covs. te tle huThonapsen $8; Su>!>odo $2; cC iamu Kerr $1. le Dinner vas hol>! ah Mi. J. st Gab ommeorcial Hotl, Whilby - it e mest fastideu ippetite coul>! Mok Ir Piekeelug sprig Ir&&s. uls cddie or crriage, Joseph Ast- 2nd Robert Ranala $8; 8n>! ganerel porpoRas, Simete Shonk, 1 ~ Burovu 8; Irm Broyn $2; si17 ~ t Sld Titomu Broya $4; Sebtt $3 1,Joseph Thtuiom u $2 t rriga Heres, JmspliWix if bit.. t*jen $2; Willam BunI- -Draaght Herse, Dvid Clark Migne $à5; David Strecisau 11 acJohn Miner 8; james bo $2.oep Vixus $1; ralbekre, 1859, George Hi*. #4;lUbàrd Ward 88; William etg5w Wonki Oxun lut. William àMii- ~ihe udn&arisPlkus, $1,M'. 'kHres.as, us Digby, I&, blai. AItizaner Naruet, Edmwd, Joextes>$I84M Deut4s flarmeg. là& Win" 1 a Tjarnip Baila lot. Ammer 00.M ies. Wuâa Speo 'l'umusxa"wu 'ny f iar. Johnn oIIs. *iau Jua., flvittoon. Sud. wllîamtwali 2,50. gr&, John Shannton, 1,9W 4I James Mitleton, 5,00. 5tK Char&s-* » nett, $1,75. 7&h James Anse;a,~ Tue NEYLY Arr*onayg MAIL COMV- -fie eneeary numiter or mtalilIs"for thae OltehiSteamemsarevwliap'ld !lenamnesare Messrs. IauA Virpn A>!s Bitla> et Quebo< Pot, ;lie-jamnes t>àuton,railvay mail ý c1Or bie(een Montatran sd Kingttoni ot ai Tarante Post CIlice ,and Yo. Buck, ai liamilton Pout ,Ofic., Ho01Smey PiL.-Svlmmiug ofth hou>!, nueae, >!iatstef'or fod, an(a flei-' af lassitude ant> exisestion,.anti ifjhIlbe indications ofta tarpi>! tamach sa il>' oral sluggishnesa ai thescretiva >orgie8 asdtheu circulation. But it la ne t 1551 fore u!cesesry ta senti for a dot'or., A course aof ll01ovuy's great catbath , aler atirsand tonie renie>!y iii renio<a esrY upleasant: sympton, anti imbue liot thBe bod!y un>!tfie nin>! viii unvonte>! 'eer. Ecory animial foo>! viii ho perifiel, ecccy obstruction- in te eraunsory e bowii5s swept oiay, -every argan megeflorgttl. Theso niay sectesta bu trong smatemacis,% but the tostimnay of the sick ai eh nalises la 'Jlr source asti b"s. Fanny Fcrn is after ltse clergymen nîv. Rer. Mr. Guinness displ dh ffilb deccribes hies lIses: '>Having aoihing te say, ho coul>! nelau ; a it e resorted ta rilimaga or te ejea, ciusping etolte bavia shaksing oethle boa>, asd.lang juosl tin- trialur the flatet platiieuaiea mi;it Iaugh ver. t nul sa terrible ta sen Cirtit aniîy >0 travestie>! sn>!protened. 7The rery tones of bis raies are fate. I nra-5 sure>! binabetars ho ho ha>! tue «uuelg lte firt bymnu. Jie inapre" aimeusmaai egatisîlcal itunbng.>a BIRTI!. ROCHE-At Lindsaay on thoelîitlet, te vite ortG. M. Roche Esq i of s eau. SCANLAN-In uit, ýonlie lothi a., the vite of M. Join e Scun, market clerkr MeLEAN-On the 12th instant, te vife oi thse Rev. AIez. McLean, Pulinçi, ei a daugter. MURIRAY-In Brdgeport, on 4e Iith instant, lte wvue aiMr. Adasm, Merrayits dangiter. POTTER-lu Bcrlin. an the jiSi, lut., Mm. F. A. Palier, oais daughter. ., PIPERt-In Barrie, on tlit 1h Instat, lte vite of Mr. George Piper, nifa&at5h- SHIlr.it)-4nu Hamilton, on tbie ltt instant, the>vite ut Mr. B. M. Siepiard Of H. M. Cestoses, of sa>augter. i-~ BOWMA14-bn Waterleo Villaie; un the 1ttiinstant, tho vif.etfMr. Johul. Bovma, Editor ofthle CaaoNîis is san. TYSO N- lu Berils, onnlia12&h lstai, the vite of Mir. Abramo Tyson, btelier, ai GILLOSPIE-In Picton, on te Md> lestant, thÏ vite ni Dr. Gilespieofas)au MARRIED. NET SON2I-TERRY-At tiLe boue uf thc Brides Fatitur, oun tse 191h iseta, oq tic Rer. William Cile>!n, Mr> John Notera> Reach, le Miss Jane Tera, tUxirllga.. WHEELER-ARMSTRONC-Ah It- son, ounte 1 9tb lest., by the Rev. WiJlica Clelasd, Mn. Chus. Wteelcr, Scott, tau. se Elitolicth Armstrong, Reaci. TERPiY--STACEY-At tleb las> f PeteronTispoa, Esq., Uxbridge, on tie SSthi ust, M. Joie Terry, IUxbillgao lire. SarahsbBie>. McWINIE-MAIN-In Sbcffild, fa the loti insat, hy thse Rv. C. PloTomm, le. Alex. McWhinnie, te Miss Mary-Mai, bath .ftheb.township af Beverley.- SMITH-IIRINDANC-In Drue- mandrilie, oaste lb>11h ibt., at heut. c- tience of thc bride'u -fater, b>' tic Ry.v, N. A. F. T. itLion, -Mr. W m. Smilla, h Mini Maryau Breotiauto, botof Drue. naandilie. ROSSICK-MeKENZIE-In Pbilado pitia, on lths 101h instant, laY lia Re- . A hart Bernes, Mr. James Hosicl, of Qàulse le Marguret, eldest daugiter et M. 01er- les MeKensie, of Dausille, C.B. XAXWELL-BENEDICT-AAtIshe Wet lejan Paraeeage, Ottestu on the sic>! hati by th e Re. Jahn CarraI, Mýe. ames Iaz ,veil, ta Mine Surah, ongeal dugiter e Mr. Samuel Bcnedict, Son., bot etf uIt C.B. JOHNTON-HEN-IRY-Ou thns lot: insant, eathue Vilage of Potuans, t.. Mre. James G. Jehesta, morciauý t, Oi C. W., tu MIs Garrie E. Henry. et Pet- diam. TAYLO-BOURGHIR-On ,lit 121h lest., at Si. Gaorgetu Clorch, eg. tan, by lb. - R. Tionu Taylor, (F«aie etflIse Bride-grom) s> ssst>!bythie tcx T. H. M. Batti, sud>!tle Ref.' 1 Muech, Thomas Dixose Taylor, Euq.,te lue. Huima seondidagitar et Colonel Bourei Town Major et Èing5tou.' DIED. iTCHUÂN-In Toronto, ou tlb. 24b instant, otinflamain of lth engut ». Wm, Hîtelunanpraprietor o e itaRie et Wales Tbvcru, ugo>! 87 jeas. ROCEU-10 Kingtea, on, lie in lait., aller a long Mud paiel nous, le. John B. Rogers, painter> 46 Jeamu DEBBY-Yotry ud>deuly, on lia. 2ý>i ial. et1thé raencaofther oulan, la ho toma of Moore, C.W., Maria Elisahahi Hie by, foruecly of te lavsulap etfllasus, CROSBY-OnaÙ l"11 instact, aI rie reuldeuce of Me. Ehea <oven nuer te- cevuiia, st. GialtriueU Mr. James ciii- by> agu>! 25joas. wHITFIELD-Oc theiab Si l g.sead cdely, aI Uppar Goucesher Place, »o Suaire, LAdou, Mne"uarer, at le jeac lihali ie w etfMs'. Win. Vit. laid> au>!daieglueret Ms'.Georeega ht. aid, saurcuat, if Ljae" OM Barbaloe, insl.r froua Ithe etet aofsmuclduu t, Crmii Veatua Bal'MMier lueee, k. W. D. Suceson ofethle lImm r.N e, B. Second> utfMe.0, Venl>'et luls.1 Duu evs t in de441h jeus. VATSON-AI Whlahy cm W«amidst,, 15* insa, -heu& <im aged - a Beus,daetwo y-1- kselW forrbang lia lii>! htw , boer, ga o euuml t u ý- Wasn The 0 P gadl las- o dit - a et s. dedc& 27lm 150. Col Om0i4 SOcd3.- *y bl;oc. coc60. Bif$4 $6 Sheep $3 «b $4 50. î POtatoes, Sfic. Butter 12. 0 15ce ZPM 9 L fdoz. - IS OC. 0soc. -lpair. Tourroys So. dC »QC. ct. Cross 25c duS5r. A les 50du0$i 00 Ilbasitel. %It $1920 f harrel. Cor>! Wood t2 0019 $2 25 cor>! Tiesotby'Sec>! $&OU 'Cos et do $ooo TUEGREAT ENti]LîsH itRESSEnT S1 IEJMS.s CLARKies Celebrated Female Pis, PPLOTECTED ft LETTERS BY ]ROYAL PATENT. This invuieemedicine s laneiilisg iluths cuo f ail lime puaitant il- uros tileutro ta ,rlieh tie fecaes constitelion asesbjet. It nodoisu s&Ilosu>! renovtu ail obstruo. tienansda@s cure saine hcpleti n.- Te Mrrie làdes !apeeliacly s eI!.It v'il], in s shot inîs, bclcg on ltsenienthly parle>! viti cegehait. Eaech battis, pire 6Ueo Dollar, blaste >.Gov,- eremolnt Stanup uf limai Britaina, te proveut coaeiscicits. lla Ucae oNenvons andti akssAfl'eclieie, Pain 'us the Bocashd tLhteha, Fatgo u eiglîl eserlalios, Palpitation ef lie lleart, lly.tsrics, andt $Fîhile>, tissue 'UtS vili ce e cur Cm e im ail Ceor nmnu hava fild, anti atthdttglta pavecialIal4y, du nul euîtiu irofi, èloinel, =,#moîy, or nu) Ihlcg hantai te S coitli- tien. Full dirreliano saae cicTiAiuasel Sels Agonifer lis Unaiftuttet dCanada. JO&. Ioshs, (Lots 1. 0. Baldine&(Ce.> R Ioceter, N. Y. Nrthmrpti Use>,Nea teli!CW.,Wiule- sala Agt fur Canaala West.',-D N. B.-8,0Ound 6 peatua tamps onelese> teanyîîtirlaeAgcu% e-l ensere abattis ni the ilîsbyraturnaal. Fur seby ail iitisit& . S Fermaei n Whilby- byT0; A. Bauidaer t)au dus stteei W. Hl. Duel, Brook strso. Ws cohsider ve ane >oing anc merchant readerF, vlio purchase*geode lu faîcigra markets, am~rice by accaionally >rsving ilair attention ta a lirst cle an>! honore- bla houses.At present wvoasolilouly no- tir. th1e od n d>! e>! esive les importing au>! grooery bouse oet lmmcas.S. . rDongh. ty & On., No. 26, Brsa>! streel, Ncw Yerk, for saini e ors largely cliguge>! lu a Irae vith Canada. Mr. J. lenderson,, lateIe sanaugeuti ai thu Wtcrtavn an>! Romue llilr.a>!, is nov pauing tbrough Canada West. as r.- proecuitire of lte houa.M. lil. is a young mue, ai excellent nmercatilauility a>! pleasing maners, ae>! vu hbave noa >oubt, viilfitbiulij carry osai auj e- gagements lietnia>. enter lista villaour merchanla. CArcAoîAS Màs-;tCTessj - Montrei decerves great credut ior lskiug tic lied inic oauaclare ni stepie unnd nse>aIar licîre ;nder tic prouent higu Tar«ilca- l pliaiand e esecane bt hoare use- CuiIValyd.W notie, ut prescrit tic broom, nmatch, pul un>! vwashebon>! manlu- iactory ai lIc. Austin !Adanis, o ait it >, and! te glu>! te uoolisat oau r ien!i, n rJohn Bion>, la on a busines loue thr.ngh Wcstern Canadia, us repregotas tire of that'estubîisheint. T 0 CONSUNPTNVES.-Tha dvrtisen Ilavicg iteen eslorcl tu -boeltltIln a few vsa,li a very aiîn reîedy, atse havitus' cah Irers!secerol yetim viii s sa evers Lig 4fc« .&c ulti that d isses>,o.Consuipton,-iia aasuuae te muaieka, uova>tu MRi>fellow-etilteroe ihoeetofecure. To aIl ihudeaicu lisvill tîtu, oa ce, viofith pescition sed utc aosusptioi, stleuS, )Jrcseite, aie. The ont>' ubjeof theia de-erti"ise >diîîg litapreucrip thee alutbeaiOt 1 , a ndltuoil a>!Itopuarcy %effarer viiltey io rninily, sait vili co8l tieni nolbi>g. sud eay itrore ailu-eting.ilualis vuilehi>, fbeprSertbt>eu millplans atdmea Dut. Ciss'uOxTomoATim Bmrres.-Wa are intle ihbitu, us ocr readers are avare, ai rocommnaedieg on out i- oing lie varions nasirum ltaI are urge>! uon the public attontion. But tiers are occusianai cases vier. -a depauesfrona thi tale seens praper, au»! the article ahore nanas>!preuentsa scaue ottiakia>!. Thais edicine bu acqsiired a permanent repuatsion for the relief eoftdyspepsie, liter 'canplsinly-heurt boti, ada>!al difilulîles origioaîing or procec>!ing frram the diges- tive argues, an>!, cantaieing ne alcobol, no minerai> or auj paieonens >!rng, il laone ofe s alost r..aedillprescription&. For atelier acoount the render la reterre>! ta the adve-tiueen ofet liarticle.- 57o,-ce Frana pemne kuoetge vu confirnn ail tiat la abare cal>!il relation ta tbk popelar an>! excellent remedy>. 14 Fer sale by James H. Barrie Brougt, ,tra. Bonds sirut, and ,by W. EL Deal rOo St Wblîlay. INEW .&DVETISEXENTs. c e m e Ir ILI 5,If m lit bd wû MTLI~N DitSTIAYRIL .SV tessl- 0WmaTb ALFuMou COIIITY OF ONTARIO, l1> Y rirtilo onIla To Wt: - Dwrit Of Ven- eitimni Exponusteseed oetiof theCouty Cturt rf tih> Connty of leturie,. et Whîtby, auts>t me dirsetad, ÃŽgeuit t he andlieds situiemnts oi Jabhnlkswuire . dtiatîlu, nuthle sait et 'J4AS it.n tuhie, a latrgeausortmnut of <egeaqe îapaIniti,,thave seireansd ..Eelleste avllery, whist ha 1f tukoi iii esecelien al th e scîte o ernuoet fbeSi persilul ite beât muchabisheoaaIZ the nuid John Besg,ucýlt, iiait sud- ait, liare àut erÈ-lov psltea. JuistreSotfot, a quuiy ef lît,csrtaau parcel cf rsud nid premit$ea ieg lu tie Towne f Wiiîhr, iutl>s Cotnty ofet iis < Xj ri.bgolu> pioil c<itart Of Loti etw-csv rineehylef> inte Ittmoiesien et il» eTown-,iipeiyV4it- '5f oeaeoiWtrja ho. asti hing ilthe uth tîlf et Tewn Lot No. IComnpuaîy laefuns ieti*los te 5 eBce 5 ing onte Eau tRidIs orCentre _.!ehl igus 8.inBocpu y z iiitus rhea cngovvî atîree, iths e ot-i hlfofLot iattalear siglit, U ti a lirina eignwwl la BincclG, o e,,lIsWesî de ct Willigiet otreet, nevu. ls.assIvste aiUctl wiiiTown L.ote arec srko.l osnlte platscfW or Vo ni Towne Lots lid outonihe,>ti>N. E..X erseil iIwde Lot f, for the isto John Esderi, rwnied&eacuîlluIaifnrpevircie by Johaile1P. iL. S. 111 'duel> -lattis antiiie&oiatsatetein efhrrepfere lrmv teaiests Ilîcreen. certee sid tirtetotoitq os- , h Pattentinasou 7fre tals or interet tiacii, 1 sicitiotrfer erstit y___________________ Pebictie ti-,-Uî ,ttu-Offilce, le iit, Courto î,i el itse wtt ci WliitlNins- le »Csuty ',H D it itci, nia 'sterda, ttii, tetvgthy.g>~day .f Jcly , A. If 1h0, nia 1'lî,k-,tit>. sr,,v- N NEL'I o EYNLD, c.OTMASW-e.A NDI DRUJGGIS Sitorili Cý . O Wlîlt sOfice ll5~o0 Per C. Pleurse. A eupply et<warucueotiIreala> Jusirtreçl. aittilfor tae vocy luv. NOTICE TO CMEITORS. Whtti, April 12, 1860. i Ses ltse Eitts ci Tîotitîs oors setsJoh Jb,> Tiwn Villa.'n t k L , oftthe hjnsip cf Whitiy, tIr Cîstîtv etori Oelrioa>ef fotrer thle beit of et -uci Credulure-, ni Ulay iccomtîs lrtico le thitk h fYTVXÏ> fors lte titday cf Je, 1500 Sid dee D UÃ"LJiof PU PUS S Aeaigunent 'novwliçe ai ile>, le cf N. G lIste, Eo. ul Town et WLItby for &signa MA" .m op viehIl part is>itores;tetiare reqaee-pfv.uas u um u . ,Wte late notice. * GEORGE WVALLACE IN TUIE TOWN.0F WiIT.BY. * 1..liAitorA&e- Whtse. l'its Stret . . ....... 9Loti Soilortellît1 jiko-r ................4 TOWN 0F WflITBY. (SiCK ihersia-gis.e,,Utit thtitu.Court or N iLosuion fer tias Tue,> ut ttluatby, vuli lîcld t arteu-lattahg un the Tovn UUi, àun se> Tova, oaa THLJRSDAY. 8th May 1810 At e tuur of 10 o'etoc, in lis icreecota. THOMAS RUSTOX Town Clerk- SPRING FA JR. T(JN 0 F WHLTBY. TnesAttiil FreFoin of tic COUNTY OF ONTARIBI WI5LL as ItEMI Oie Wednesday, may 2nd, 1860,ý Town of Wlîilby, undor a commtte appoint- cd hy i teTown Cuintol. The F'al wiII Open at 9 o'clock, A. M. HOMSES, CATME, SHEF OF AU. KIN-Da DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, EVEy KIN» 07 PRODUCE 1'ARMERS ua>!d ealera iBureauwCti £Oiiesp, iage, te.abovleh «te itii male tli aier aus vîdiet>'knevuu s spouauhîs ameong bayer>. The Pae irlbeFRE 0FALL CEARS 0F EÇTRY. Tilt Tovu Cittuaicl l aaing pas se> a I-lav for tlaaiperpcse l-The WIGI OÇALSFRER 0F CRARGE ontbuaiday, anti Vagi Mueiter un atisenal,. Iltehlapo> thal lts intelligenut Farnurs cf lai Ccul ty viliiusce teet endeacura tb emiate sFuie suceafaL. TIIOSAS HUSTON, scrotsry. wa li i*,a licn. ]EQUITrABJu[E FIRE INSIJRANCE CO. duf0 0j»» (sse Sblif r. Lesdit. Cq~ite ,£MO,O Sterling. TRUJSTEIS :-Tlîe RlgtHalerebla Lord Vipmuuut -Odffioi, Arehîbal> CanpbUBar- la>, "uq. eet--- ohineM"ieE>sqw. iseryPlaceS, aq, liiraCharls Selun, Eq,Ett. Oane Fasq, M. D., ThuuusWe4isl5 oi.>F .We hous, &q. Lioi ,PeOsetgai Jiafeul <vi.,As0 ' Z»iauq.- Willam sLon, eq., Chuiniai, JshnTtuTvS555, co-,Jha Fmithlaii, Eq. Altrad i aIEteilq, Boni. 110 es, Esq, J. 0. D. D.ocstMat-q ahmiesuF. fMistelle, Jtoarp. 3..Mc haustoAwmwaaa awlmd .elus'. Titis Office ilas ginalissam&or Bunag b>' Fire. aIltie-eripllitS cf boilinlteuoluullng n'a fthut «Maeu)MIe a>!M-UtimIt«Ii«4, au> tseCGouda, Was, ai»! MOrhandua use taie.>! tlagraîi; OhllM in hsbniyh ce iudoeel (>«Ai seoan sltsRivera sud C>u, t7J ltule W«tm teeghIani rig toil el'ulides- -b nggnila t . Z ad aamOS -dot b>a resasusbl4>Ic , sn>M.auslé ti stitlitls e t a" eL~~t>sA a, n easite!ueuruute piua Of ltse opmu> lmua raletbufiarî Losu asackuadne dîeOucut ,vi Uoi ln aiaure5 vititeut Io ea a 1sititn. bassaiettani trtigi THOS. MOOBY, Ba.aisrltOSua ................. B'rei ...i.....................s Kenhti ............... .. Ittels i> ........... .5 Iligi ... ............ i>nceerangs fr-ofu$100 te $400 assit Tise. Perehuasere viedesirs 10 bull>!, long oredît vwu] las 'lsen, tsà 1ev rate efinloreai. Titteids utaile. J.I.ERY Wiltby, 9th Apu-il, lit>0. - 5 Whitby Races, T ESP2RINS UE INQ 0P TUE ON- luneriTurf Club, vii oma off uvur the Thlîitby Co.urge, onk Thirsday, Friday & Satukrday,. 24tb, 255h, asd 201h itay, tSlm. IS TD . *iO. nkeepcm Perse,vtha mud s'tabe of $15 eautî, fer aIl " aglite heat% ,it a in 8, T. C. W.* 0100à Trotting Po, ii i> h uid uak et $15 ecrouitOu lu aIl ttnttnghums, muila huents. boitt8fil 5. OU(L- Silvr Cul, c a o *ilhoe isa mate ivern a ate,deeb oli ümrilcatch Vogsit. SECOND tbAY. *M.00,Club perse, i ii u n iside ulule ef W8S cecI, fer ail ugoi, tre mile hats, T. C. $M .Ledieà Pentres lth an Insida utakae o caseah, ops» cr.ly rtel trceë ovosd et le. dateufci i 111, letheCi'ceso font"ajeu Dit.l>e,mleah&.t, boit 3 lu 5, T. e- W. $40. Troîtiicg Perse, viii, au insida atake of $15 ceci>, fer second clamu herses, ihn% ne. ver wonsaeIperse ufover $40, milte hast boutSa ie 6, ta harems TXflIRD DAY. 01306 lttile lias.Perse, tmile ibouts, ever 4 luerdIre, 8i tet haches. Woielitt matie keovu ieight of 1uiry. *15dî Province Hansdicap Purse, open to @Il l'rtcvisco b- d hereea ovaetile C4nutda,mgll lirua, ali>5. $je Sdia e Brid.ievilaan insid*e k of$40 rusi, fer gros> trottang hors t lat nvr tretiti tbiaeey, mile hleta. beet 8 in 3. A l.tberal lisiten Perse Ir i i ieai Ifur a1t hersee besaeu ring the meeting. A UNllOP OIU5SIC NWiLLDEiUATIENUMItCIL ]ILES ANI), REGIILATIQUS. Titre, Iles stenlibe a fioltiBolo suthaa teeo te siurt. Eotrasce fe 10 par ent. Tha aboya rsaces tu becen teording te tha e[cu eto the club. &l scierie> taeho ,matie la vritlt alldaiteder OSi, wvath Ie Seetaay, a eti sul Iit, heors 10 a'cleok ou the aevaning jrs viu-e te oac> D.ty'aRiresl. Ail ridera vili ha therui tè trse je Jecoy style aenierl th Xcl e. vry jieren eeterieg s lieras viii bc reqeireti te ian» hi, oelariLThe Judas. dcioin te hafinl ihait1 cusa. J. BOWE .1- ii. PEitY, W. SCOTT, * ~ettTrecar. Oeortary. o F T. XAS FLISEKI Wlho 'mstIy ataie ltut Sn1, wbon b herof tho.Vas. la Cbihgo. Ait>' ilsa,.ati s t e lise viaut.- abeats, M l e t.iaIfiimedvled 1, laemi EFLANSE)tT t~tale!Stile.Ppes. vii eenfe a furi by sepeing. Emmesào ant en ti al. r UNIODESIM oséselira a»Wau TIss-u tmalMotlaahSum ilMsea, lu VillaeoetOshavu. Tl ome& Mr,'i 1<utn les h. ai t erS ustld iau us' llemdhbem W. I GUINSe MIECHANICSI R4LAALL Uaturêy a m J&y Ih 1 lît11the bisi stock of New Goods lu now 16 h"nd, an M Ube, col4 Vboap rr 0ossting of a largo assortinent of BRESS Icotrns, BONNE~TS-, BBIJN, iA'ASLSL Olovesanad Hesiery. Carpte, Damait, Windov Nets and Mulirn Domssti ett=Z: & Alargestookof Broad ClotUm. Ca8simeres, 3ana4iam Tweeds,- Gamboun, in mens' and Boys CbItsVests and Pau smado ponhe Pro~i6iues. li lce SIdeal nag ani parties lavoring bu im t toeir order amy rely opoa haaeg hui gimeus md.up in aworkesanlika munner, and in liie atest style of Fhonm. A large stock of - JUST BEOEIVIID. Perry'u Brick Buildings, lVhitby, ST April, 1860. -7- Cive sud, WImgariali Graus Sod. Turiip-White Globe.- Nangel Wurtzel- aOrange and ffWb'te Canot. White Bosus. j -On ione. Au>! ail k"ifaadue eoS"Oeasronstheb. italAtuerkmn alWke,whie bhais .gaugnpeesi- dsaally loy poisse AIl Manduet qoa ant i nes sel>!ai Mauolleoema prIcu. »pLmrlu.ds!llig le purebsuS auY ting iIainswitl do vIe 11e-ie him aqeaD. THOMA9 IH. McMIL4LAN. Na. 2, PsctysaMBleurmak-ata5 Wltly. CAURIAGE BILflRR-isi,% TmSubsciibari t 1ce Icave tu Informn the publie Uimt hhey bave opened boaniss usn She promises 1r:»2trly oreepied by Air, Ira BL Qurpeeter, tuated an Brock Stre«. South Eaut of theBank, %n - -t; ny opposite thea Marketieidi t weohey are prepa re toeipyilwo ao vhacl ith every article anthbsir linsorfbusiness lertIbo entireofnititeir own labor tu tbeir business, theyceaunPMU"e articlesmofbutter wv rkmatasiip. of greater durabiltty, and score elegantly ifnlahed, and« IWAFÊFORD TO .SELL THEM CllE AIE11s.- notn these Who bave le hlm tihe labor ai otitare. Ail article@suold ut the lowest living prices for Cash, or on approved credit. Pls.e Cali suad examina. ARkn uoflmber snd farmer produce taken In c«cbonge. AI verk warraae.d - DONVAN, WAIEY &Co 'in 'nh o B Ste annouce ta hispe p rasOe on>!s antd cUSe m Ïbratlat betu -Wv- oSnI$ue UARR1AGE MvING,? On thu e ufl u itboRne occpia!b>' Me. N. RAT, on Mar Bluséb"4 lwuari t s un>! Bro&. SItai,w v oio s ta rer>!,as bereokefl mnarsit *. w 4*calnhxul u te lia Cas. WNasIothelait soiti ut le e vea u uhalg ALL VOltE I70 T WAf If rgdr&,4 Xd- -- Pjue n uRDaRs u PRODUOR t.&KFN' 17" Tlit te r&a apmeume , etz* t> Otmd sAada bus girme m m«"ba h t hébutm hk aip Ruumiu hma h tmmretou- 'A be.bateuhti- - - YOUJNG - TUÉ IrOVNG OunAITOWm, 4" er*a8e5c nx-0 i uvd ar ,ue iueua =d arouiuharehisaslo NOTICE, Tow»14 114 elcpl MItaav eunie, P $ý Iantri-.iilstlel, lgai uth> faplan51s - lb. Jad the Zlas S Orru uà-llt lie Cette- ty odteutav Ju a a 4Wara, -~r CuThen as Conolicon l etlta an ovuro im ma lgya aEnodeeuste l ofte-sa A1efsi o 1é. - 1Ifat 84vdenor X e>!,Warants>!goe>!AIt ]gémi, for nsq~% hOe1 and! epavudelt ssenre b>' Wbitby Agrfiolfturl Booloty. ssrite lith AprIl. IueO. beig ne amy1 show. - nadër " mu bi4unem si , ;- ., lPu * pu G ...Bl...........4 v .... .... ... anIeheaD"ies' hiChWmoe a* e. e Wlsua Juste CMleOt Jues,.>.,,..,..,Am CYD

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