Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1860, p. 2

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Mar of» ' - %tui oti, fa apraciale ibminciSent,' -1 16egen, yau must hnow my iristod. Re le thse mont isahil of men ans ieho tattera: mnaen tisa influence ai exititement lie c» isexily apek. Afficitediya ense ataliane Lie rouIS bu glaSiy SecS qdt>asiod. Ta ach men litf may lie a-sieaSly stnuge. 1nfrie s il, iisbltaiumisfovtuea se tia i vth'anlighiisqsrt anddma gaeatsape-- tiyi for ejoyaient lhoi , usptaîj as misqe abe as ay -Mmiebesau vouud 1nro mlgisht ed jyuase me xirarsins-ey, ilcen- uwres tbat-bave hoisiten hlm. Tis ns Laslait n 'Iuy- fiInS you m skow-nso n il * cati (esv arny Saxea-has- nýerf s-iable amateur cnisheten aut p( hie ban. Ree vill nae tisa trainsa /Ai1ds o'cloolgle tise. mxoring toe how ovndedtmiles sortis an vet ta s sisýIt On lthe occasionet iitielilertO ia dsaster, lisobail jou. - nyeS. bons nanOtis asd played"-lisigaie vus sauecen sandsatisistian. But tho - seownasoi e baS ta o u p in lime foc *ft« lsofficiailia hur ai hilanmk, au lis 'teade even nigis tsnS esesped lised et Isal-pasi 1la. a., brashiated bautîly i, 6 saSdiurtled ta tb e station, as qui«k msl1e, ,tould aa.rling tisore 20 minutesa to ees-y,ý ssbih cooled imsio màch an thatvisés * h1eesntere'thecacerc"age, le hosaugiiis tisai lie bail on hle igist crloktinimsroesers, aSd mýigisae vlt-iace hsoledaverso pain anSdsov lse e is e rclaeg-che tises s-eScomiani bis limbe.' lie resemieosialso tisati1.enisi snois appoas-1 ai bMsbaukn isa lis fitene. I hop oneassil so ajsaxhuminithai se- -salve. If Ue British pablici shoulsi suggesat - iitisr.sre moitentcav s ntise passer- age mgshowu, *yisg by, it&youeg sarrupti- le .Seifers, I have; asly to ceseark hais M. Saxon sas imuseS sboveere lvel c. As ht WO*iiiy, moveavenho coàd ot o ffesd the iaoa. (Of causse I aiane tise popniar hoe- liief tisa is e ers .bore le tronseuis, anS ne; v er gsi osi ai tise. Ivontd meeloy oh- srve tisci tiso ceas of M. saxon vas > exceptos ta tho igiS rote. Bad lie Sans Sal tha hanDrs tuatho rfaoned modesty ai ibs wlud-o uld liamsev fimte second- pie amoer the irais.I cme aly excuxe is oneraigisi by tise eclemsiou ushai ho iS soi -tinfiS fil.- n l7if4rinetoi tise tioughi of s- cisange - lis-S sot amos ntrsbisetul1lie d sal mieaS nome mtiles. And,, agais, rery enfortnnato- 0y-.0a s sy vise lie votad iScte lutaicos cicei-y fate, tise youtsg gentlematn took >, eff is tilgis. ts-sala hofore ho -apeie4thte * i.Saosnuii fsmewliethmsty tompor- gaia, aber ta cantcive-olaslotk tao-e.- witl 'isu hity islisoccmaoely leSs- 6 isbg tise irais îessnslhly alaieaned upeed On pocoîinig tiis aaieig'nact tir. lasqe poebas- lie sirops vils treméandous vkcç ï&e monitoranom, and thea moS as ot af he wndo vus a tface oaeivsrdly as- n camp"ieed i.mey eiWllmq r aeller vils no liurdee os hes mieS anS vith is othinig ta bislegs, mAyweru. Wbai tise feelings ai naheéshial mas sa piaced mui lare bee - - ý,o tti Ai if wevished to efezd im efoe ajus-y' aiprudes, n uiigel jutfiabe ,ibut you vWiiDnis se- quieil.t i r BSsa'a b gave c n Tier. vu s- lcy peddmleg tise guard> nvioupe*t&Àkmn bth *ection ai M. Sax«,baud-heas-itleS 1er viftly ai. "a. -s~ u &.ia -Uai efirit-u ts-y Jîislnweme isee tiser pair, gave don- - Pasiig ,ap, Shougisi il beaitaeblock phe niaés% u nSlook estreniety eninviting. n s-eauud nt blioe tiai bis fortune ceisîS 4- gom- cruel Mo te &end thi. lady traigit ta lin ýta sîtie, visn, viiisoii vishing ta t:s uneumsos, ise proionaely visiseil ler stc Mano i.Saxon sold, so Saubt, a - egsaheandeSwaa.ad the lady off. Re étut- --seas I1lbaven telS you. Be dd S et npsaisbt fa. vu unintelligihîe. . r4a-The Su" rresclied eaith. cer. tir. baroln tjjusitLisse ta ideStisanetlier.iai- Iiaaij"sisa'srags icie a lSprovidonti- - il7 viola hies,, - viestise Scor apeneit nd tIe bires ile tcompaleaz. Thairis thile thof s Waes-jW" t., Me-wa«my -imadBanry Saos tlu ses sieéaiitera it s- cariaus-tb"g that tise laly bfws a laInde nEle, begsas taregardn hlm sis soaa.uteg liSe ussaonlelsset.,,» ' mM-sSan1 siS" i- rqs sUeerel lu. ports-snstt.- n ise ltdy reliboS 'fi' an «Ye«.' fMe ClMN-t ictl ieatatty, but i forgat. 5 n 'Ra. . . . ha-art yen gong tlie niolo " sy ta T.... .Towne? ,id Rmrry, gasping *oAS hoidinZ an iiss mg w vusbtSh'anSe. 0 'No ar,'aid lise lady ianghtitycoaidîy fWhit c beaiog l thoagist Hnrr, sik-9 Tihe lady opoaed c boaS. At;the ott-Ilarry bcehedstliser rtinaI#e ry. bse, ouiS soi go. Perbap, ontem baiba thes-misais OUiEueOut .aadnsp&k ta isE he user Ont"litiia mrm =ctu"aii laithi MtsaI ilsia a Sls onîdes-sue ruten quonnvines, *aa h 5.. ncbi ffWIII jet oblige U% air ?, sid theo sli* ue vitisput saillif j1t voýldlet is hbave1 tuf. 1û4, iy gelting ontiand spesking t0 t J ',hse oth e (l* iI_ roi th1e -cua rd~S 1W aSgor r in Li -',-eisi ndiiot Shesaddresseitpuer Hersy. nIteiooes iamy preseice ; diasot 'Mr. Saxon grimnceil hacriily. 'E aioulS lie tisai lie admis(stered tise puers, isst le h ....bappy,' haebegmn. lie taektheiesnllk tebisroaonn; CarolieI V.Tst ausk itItif tier iaayappreineer- S mItisvu ile bis roao, aedSmmains a sie of danger' mii tise aId geaàliessase viile lie vas tsikiag about tise povdoms' tilakng tha ibe Waitpoke iin st ntsg Bare saiS îaat tise pao za vais ta e t. fesse. al l1e lier stomacis mysef anSd susand, - 1' k... .ceaý ;ess lksyespaie-MisaS fmith, Mr.. Woodicihi(a lireS 1mes), iag1y anS tise ciildren, composeS aour famly ai *Iselaiessisgoned iim vitin vwonder. htilme ; Mis Smith vaà isy yvils tise ,Aý1 Harry'a les vers iliat fisey waouhitget innér 'j Hnrden vent ta Andersontoors ai- oui andles-vohlm. ýDager, mui, dreadiel toc iniser, and rsiussed âbout four octocki sashies o w i ldliffent; asxlisig vuMr. H. vomit ei ey aftan tisai afternaon, boiser tisasbsis pissent tormoi. Ltisametter - isg ,pxeipally vater ise 'Cant break,, air Il aya tise aid gentie- liait internaIs af rutianS saiSslise wsessy, r~maa.excepi tise 'icknes aitiser stomacis ; 1 'Oantet. . more' aasHrsyý. wvuoaie-to'gei etsasbie roase, and Miss -No legs- eh 1 Deai, meIlthe atinai geai. Suutist attendedS t liersmenhat ; Mss. H. tlemas aiserreelAndI 701 ho rssg Stplay. Seanir a.great Seat ai vater ;I taiS ber oit a pae le otine. ' PaWab-lavestisoaies hooald bavs a dctor ; se surais. limbe ?-Dear me l1, -aoitse tisa semigisi rupture - iersîlf aise Sorerat people vie'outaof tise traienisy saiS is abwutd isave a csp ai tes, anS if 111etiçe.. Tise aISgeetlenise aiS at lise tisaididat seuleie hr itesacisb, sewoudS lafis eoat ton'. have a ýdociori enqulred visere Harden Wrd ero pmàedithat ere tatleave vas, aid I toI5 iertlisati voule bond tbeý CMy, 'Woa for hlm fUe vas mails, anSd Mr. Han2ry lisarS tise aid gentlemanel W Harden took it- ta, isse E suppose aise mutot'ilesv. tisaipour isilav> va asuai rank t ises Hardes retumnedlise islp blaeout' -braugisi a ii ai Godirey - cordial, open- - Eeaaéiisilie wva t Mhieàcrirt ag oS t in tisekiielies, ta$M(eofai h.Mise Smith agin. Osas lsaminte ta iusel, ad aslustafit, aiW ebffreditaoime; hoesaiS Hàrry wauld ho a mi. Ho caeS flot te tisai lie got hit or Mmfes 1 meeiioned tise rak bis lifefor osee sa. uappte ta isinsseh. suiject oiea doctar tg iii,- but lie siid tisai Befor>aequarter ai the ises lied expiraS hliesd cordial, ansd .ti onîd seule ier and wiite thes gaisent dasglittuailled, tise stamach ieshonsaent ta bis room iBIar- aIS gentleila spese the odUr, and in- don saiS tisai Mr. Rasay, wvisa liaSisoon farineS e h i lewu preparod ta hel( as-ny tva veeks, voultt rturs tisai evenisg, hlm 00k. T iaIs toitiseladies bais- anS ai sight M. Rasey asse; i 1taIS M. isg e04 mnt claixtahly. lteinsaey that Mm. H. vas sick, and lie aiS- '3i .a p.. pleaie shustishe doorb cricS oSd Hardesa hoabase asi I taIs' iim tisai il". - ' aise vu liera;i aller aupper, Harden, niier 'Cassme n ,air tl exîisýde sl aIS goging >ta lits rouai, ventot, anSdIieurd] ttemus, 'ye mçst.,osue ont. Giro ses iimsamy tisai ho ladgense thie Point for jour a.hisiernadik rMissSaSiti vu stnyng wvus IIk. .. . ceaa'tE tell yasa, saya Harry im- Mc. H. ausi cases ouitaiftise roons and pioringly. esid aise vanteS a SinS ai vater iBardon 'Bût 1 viii blipyaa, air,' saiS tisa aIS came ho rateriss.lto-abesi leven a'elocki gentleman. lis spoko w tMr. Ramaay, trieS w vwaSe lila I vas't il eaaHarüy. op, anSdsSsai sti rs. Hardes vu 5dying; «Yen musitho maSi air, jeuouâiaie starS 1Mr. Ramsay wnt tae1Mr. Harden's rooni iail,' said tise aIS gentiemsan. anS c 'ame issok imuasdiaiely and, taIS me to 'PuseS ta extcsnsuîy Hsrry ans-oreS, gçi up if I eonîS, tissa ho voles op Wood- 80o1 am,' nulf; anS bld hiistagsi U p, dresa himneli, __-Tisesyoe muai 1e dragged out, air, sud tell tirs. Pitcock asti Van Sicksle ta dragged out hy maie fores, air. Gaard :' came up, and tison get a home anS go for sisouted tise aIS gentleman. a docuri Mm. Harden wvu rery resuless, 'Thse gourdt came up but onIy te say it iassing lier armearaimSl and bneaehing vriy1 vus e iassealarso, Tise train bal shakos lieariyy, aSeSfoc naten ta drink;tise off ose of theo carniages ansd lurued a iqn saiSise iad no distres isut cmld net lay seep io muilan, till ; ber hsa anS fet vers ca1 vo Off tliey vent osto mars. vrapped ber fot ina l a s sh sirt; Mis SIt is reslly cruel te dccli nutir. Sax- Smiths vent te gt sainie ster ises I oùi' isros-lases, asitufisonetfeissi smieis esi fan the skirt, Hardes asked me sot ta verer prpetssaly aggraratisg thomnad dri- beave ii alose 1u idnat giro iser nater ring' lilaWtet frenximeofa disraction. At ta drish, as M. Harde olIsnetusai at lher oua placési lady etofeje visa'ceét Dt ttu drisok if 1k16 util no) Ilia.liardes msS- rIdE infiien Itiçi ta tise engise. -Ho oS fora Sdrink i h lieSdnt ant biler ta wX= poiivly-iseing tise only gentlemasniaro il anS aise saiS, Lpiese gire mensa faelag it-aied ta iaeoc lier hy chaisgisg- drink of rater i 1vatsîd give te ta yeu if gset- anS, gallani hy nsature and obiuing, jou vanteS it il lie diS sot get tise rater; Lie isaill tste adissrigisi refvime. But lie ased honer ise osild nat taise hee for realiso lis position, aisd I tiink tisai )ou rater ise thon aakeà ifisecasid oitisave cli admit that, foc à >asisful man M. iaf milS aid bisf -cter ise consested to H1ara.y 1axos endureS four boume aiof smr thai; aise attompted ta resit allen; this tai misny tisa it rouiS hoeisard taeasatchs- van aisoniha]! as houa. iefare tise village it nay neen rsiiser asSied ta loave lise in laies arriveS ;1Mr. ltamsry and Miss Simisis lise state I hare ]of& i iiit,1 illI justiiy vent la tise toasui Bra. Harden du-si tis artiste satralce, hy maru-jeu yastaMr. about two oclock tisai n-ing i I sn-n Saxon l, ai tise moent I speak ta jes, «. Woodruff for arsei about tiee vooiss periecily preparedIo lak-e lise bow'ls lise befare, anSlie iroughtist ; wevsanies i muest refisoS aocleiy. for rats;1Mr. Ranssay tlid mnie wgei Rai-- Tise gentlemen discussed visai siglit Son or Woodraff ta go ater il, anS I spoise haro ùsyspeeitta Mr..Saxo. t Hardes pkb9ut ih , lie saiS lie rônîsi go 'Fo ~basali Umm' j~saisi tic. lays, but afterwarSs saiS, , sonS Woadrsal; I1aam it isolw t au gros- a dilenima as ,â, unweli m" Woodrufi veut ose or tva daya have e-reer - ,after thl4an ad hraugis t hearsenic ilaa senaut vial; i 1put the rial in Mr. Eansay's tir. B euc oteieved lie rouiS have hooSSenS lei a day or se tise areenis vas maSs, acouideet ai tise irai iady-ssomen useS for the râtlansd the viat put open are, as a sody, tory corsalderate tisSer tise entel-piece, in tise liîeint ahlir- sucis crcuiiltflis. kon tussbler-<ideutifled tise tmbler ai ciThata visai I ioutldhave Sone,' saiS frsd ia eridesce ihin mrnisg);-tviocil Mr. Simmona, 'she voald have boiseS out stoosi openothomnetl for soins lime; 1 ai tlier othor vinSow, andS ait rosIS ihave put nothing in theo arsenic ;tise vial ras lieaueaer -le a tries.' fsll vises I received i;I1toîk tise ciel Tise H. &. 1. C. H1. thoaglit se te, asd freinithe mentel and pt it bacS in tise cte thtie isbifference ai tise ladieso a Io dSeSkhofors tirs. Hardes's deat, hat after ta tisa ogermonts. she came tisere, the Sensk asa lochieS, anS Mr. Lonquisoe exceS isiniseli irans tihe y tirovs ie the Scaver i Mn. Bar. mahîeg aiy ressacksaeing lie lidsone te Si-s lid acceas ta tise deaS and useS it a aSter. But tho punch van a performance great diel ;vo SaS ciies ai-oued tise fer. "elling oc fimey efforts tu pléose, liasse m i ra. E.'o ereremesa etrstiove anS I osly visis evo,»' gond man and irus, visere tise cliienes bil accessa ta il, anS ms-l haro as gond tiis ebrisimas ameno., 3 ai them di&e5os tise Tiusrday aller Mr. H.L diedi tho arsenic vus prepared for tlie rata about a reek liofore )Irs. H. came tg A CleMrgyM aectsed oai POIonlais 5my houa. isboard tir. Hardie canners Wnfb. wtvine me nt-tir. Parker and 1Mr -Dke-at tisai timesabout PoisonsanS ar. A trial le progresmag st Belvadrirn amis, but I cauetitell chat tisey saiS tise $taofNew ,Ier" cla vieli, tise 1ev.vison 1I vs' tellisg Woodrali visai te gt '.S aSi, a càlengyne t the IMeIbo froinitho store, IHardenaSid idou dit ýbod s îoberged ,uwth, palsesing bis arsenic u' lHardes diS set ga tae s viio'n vifu We ire .pé ofaitisee viiesson fuseraI ; Mr. Ramsey and I haita aner- ai gr&u IlmiayîWin, appeau le ho one et ationaan Wedneay morin-tbeii tha. pnlbsqwmi vt(iee. conveusatin <objecteS io-anS Mr. RL . e "u-Mog. Iardem looltti evet td-,se area;ialternai-Si1I aa gosIlsS aSoIse eisi l BaSen rsta iarsied, and isetld me thai Mr. Ilaisssay guS aeiits e s o 8mtuuare' mou-liSvetS 1ame fon a physicienla se ing 4eaportt boerM bah rkanséa'lsmssardit a tiiyprsnsa ts ssllslaanfatatta, mS bth et,.1.s cne ile r a.,t isr lie sloi-e dsth aibeok 1quÀr i oisjuiua el spa5 sitenrdes- - lb,iceS aSsacoulst haenresei; ech ehing bitd beeus uwhe vier -bevs-nW teebtw rtie-lie doamu m estWi;s-ai balsg asm n SI hdn tbi lpreiàat for bhrto ge 0 -mb eeslar maeitinaag oanustande ef s- abs sali am dla'i lath" as laWeufais- mBeeaisls- ne, hbeWeuavlistes- bav-e wc Wh"sa -lsVeuat ot;dae bai beoremaisesmnre saimîotisi lea-h ljaicm 1084nut he it l seuttmi usaii1jO& abee S bave , deê sed, m y ortse allie. inSlyp tisaihobl a ao"fila-sevip lier (mm à dtadetc5 e@maet bjesuse tie farte";is ;tbsytreit sarlier thon s-l; les-iez o" o W rumiO Ilr tise d*lm i ~a ertmig tabreakidon lot My bonsnyleume.idaj mfiseao li; amaenaud asbe hblsaeek d'mms Witwm ieatUf tisamcielof emmaeata wiiagi* vom"weilgm - hobaaiS Mr. Ea.n e l be elaspeath$ t; RLi h-- 5ema, ~liiber valS beitiame io&a druse ,mayi,.in l eva vveirasc r e i sbe adhmot me m aataiav sitaiezs telgo eléhbiwoi be oCam bat, ia da-; ASer bmash" 1us-aibo br rem; -» Mr o i 1euand kfta- - ' s-dva "-tlgasvnîaa tisim e vtin, wab *des iagi le b im 0*; ialeqSb&s &ho ai ue aa mem lis- v-t. s-ma e bvehima15l FiaL»bas- 1,11 oit ... .....910 5.P.m. ILutprts d . ý ........... .... 8 24,na. se. 'I*losiceal times,22 antutes- aser Ilsin Wilby tisse.i.. rçer orties, OIs Oes. Rut per. Grandt TruSk. T..-- 00, as. îný Fast S do. e.......5 00,. p.eni. Waai do. o. ut........a30,fa. M. Wst do.... ..... Go, ,P. in. BreosthsPrtne Ausi-e9Por0Fer l- . FatpGandTi,... ............ 9 09 . Fuai do. le ..t ..... 00, 1%.sin. West ïdo. j........ 30, p.m.n rWsst do. deý...... 930,a. m. 'Brooklin, Prnuce Abert,,Il'Ottl'en- rz, And O(SltcooNorth ....3 00, p. m. Ansisbarn, t]ticaE ispntn, Usbrisîge aieS Sentt----------------....1 00, p. su. Orsoovossi, Boîgiu- ......12 00, lions. DTMneresrcels - PIesering........................Mayf1. WIhttby..................... 2. Itrocis....................'14 Benveutoli......................'i ualiristge................. :.....i. Reasîs.................... ....."1 suseos', cees-r. AItIihe Tor-t 'Ilu very MoidsY essriing. at 10 o'chsscis. n.7'.n ýU. Evere Mon diy sceniss, ut tise rovuîil lf], et 6 30. Fren Mlsenîn-Atîlucîr Hh.Wlie'uBoi, p.rocis Stree. oashti rsi Ttîuesdvsy useverY Osuge.sdge. No. 130 eeconl T,îeesnl svery iîscîîtîu, CjeII1vcLî'ak, Broris Stieet. A. ('sRIsans, Secrntnny. I.o.lge No. 801îeroSFte inuseVerv nusîsiti,,t fprawento iftel, Fenitiitby. R. tsNon, Se«rtry.r ný, e L. 0.L Ne. 167 meei s is e Orange fîsIl, Greiwooul. os thse lot Fnlstayins oveuy unnîscl. L0. LNe. 789t li-etate 01 (.0se 5IoiOlu L. 9). L. No. 957, seritîirtied'enntl, DuiutîsoCmsk, oit she lIstiTiinarey in eveny ioîtt. IW. .enusiîugn Stertii- Soit% nfTcmperssrs,\Wulyl iviOi, No. 31 9Sons Hall, WesînesdeVronus B.A. . ttott Tolnlilmttuua onc 01 Wedluetta -cvevelisge. IV httby CilîhaoitSociety, Ai SOU'$ Bail, Mionslsy oVeUlUs. (ond Tossptsore, Sons 1Hall, Tuesay evesinge Epseropai Ciuts, St. .Iolil'a, Kug Street, 11 o'ciaei, . n., ands 3 o'clock, p. su. (Aler- sis Ssindnyot. REV. J. PENTLAND. Free tetli Ctsnrst, tstcaisim' sîittîe, corsel troîs sîsad àary Steacî, il o'ebseis, in. ad oc-c, . EVt. T. LOWRY, eCougeîtutonsl ('itsrrs, t)eer of 15ros ita lisYtsî 1trIo'sscis, s. în., susnd 0 pu.. RJIV. J. T. BYR.NE.- and Oisry StrLuso, 10 30> o'iork, 0. îo.,Pse] p REV. J. 1119T7S. Unt]P ool'(s-rK a lîsOrutemfialdss' lu- situte, 2 31 o5Zisp.ni R. IL.LTIIORNTON. L:ist Cisreti, 9 ocîock ir . é, sOery Suo- 'rEV. Il: LLOYD. Ne dveltisementsý Ihis Day. Tise Pratocelanint Cooing Siove foc $ýl8 -John Si-yen. Carter'n Oystor Saoon.-S. Carter. Notice, Tovwn ai Wiity.-T. Huston. 1 Mtins to Crditr.-George Wallace. Temperssee Locture-Rev. James A. De- ridson. ]louse snSLotifon Sael-T. lSulcaisy. Whittq Res-Wmn. Scorat Secrets-q. To tise Building Pulie-Tises. Wood. CarS-lV. W. Lkaeses. Mev F.Ssatianai Rtallisment-Engene O'Keeffe. Equitable Firs Assurance Co.-Thiomas Moîdy Agest. Fi-n Spring Fair-Thsomas Hstnob Sec. usheriifutale ai Lesds.-É. 0. Reyeoids. New Spring CGousS-Laces .& Powell. fpring anS Summer Importaios-Reb ot Camspbell. Wlutby, Sauduty, April 28, 1860. ONLY ONE DOIMAAYA Ticelianktf aitue ndeStise Il lbe. Tise (lOtO aija(il aaye it,") osder Une lieading 'TisefBanS braken," tisaitisei BanS oi Iai-elias calispsed, Sisappearedi goule ondor, and tiers io oohody tae ry over is fais hbut M. Galit 1Tisai t'ee pro- posai ai tue Finasce liilter toliecied, fur- sooti tise connoervetise ai tise cosstry je ilis tsrnderest part, anS ho Sari-S sot pursue1 ii 1 (0is, Apollo I1visai a pair ai jawset, needod te alter tisat I A sot place muai lie isave in bislies-S ishoieren titis, aSd a hi-an plaiste i bis eSkvisa asserta il. As itetMr.(Gale'stsars, iseanars ain file in Canada thais aur Finance bigistsrq islii-ly ta shsed one is ocasian, il wiU hoc a --asoro-AsS.d-og6f.Wisetmara tise lila th ie plais Engîlihaioflie phrase vhoisvehbave qsstebis, "thaïitltisithe ps-t aifaab "uses aau eera. t sSfy bis vie, ais-f aie =ta do gseBum>ae tiser." Andin le iis noev of the maltas-, (i4; as le evenj prubable, tbf, Bsan ofeImm ,q«ewtot, "Ussl hopostposeS tilt maiSes- alois,) cesocdly- cancer. Tis e imaee-- qy defay viii amit ai lime 'ferornot>gli aitinlg, balsh y lsakers, mercliate, fuuus- emara o Memareie.Wefed uthaisbouegis thy otabcS t isa ntl ma. a isapa- ta te esci of Utis acum oet»6£qmiys ii istesthe cunaiyantimrge. Forser- tien, undertisegsarantees 4eiicis 1r. Oa$ resolutios aprapounded, anS vitis sucis sie ors, as parties possesse.I qfexperience, misd Suly qualifieS, may aSd tu tlise alrtta<l emSbtdied in tise reolutlos. Nor diS Mr- (lait et anyý tisse Isetato, like a pruslesi se- fgacioua mesn, to stateo htisai 1o1ie h7COs Senired-ta bave this matter loohed on tisro' tise spectacles of partizasaip, h ut on tise isroad bhuis of ils>own merits; alicitiisg froin lise semisert7 of tise Bouse in general, scIi aid, amenidments,: or snggenionss as migisi tend tw amootis dowo any obstacles, and make iis bill as.pçrieèttam it rouiS Ihly horesered. And jet sissstates- l dent an d decorens linoe of con- du'cinl met hy tise Oppositioj journal isn tise olds tiaie I Tise retribntls, hoorever, ses justly due ta no discreditabt4, conrse 's ai band. Nayr hitbs 'already core. Fs. loy, s gestieman of!* hosest y and ai talent, and sons tise vorse asisailing fross aId Ire- land, refuses tamely to -sabrait. Dr. '. Cono or, (visnsmass maclss very Buber- sian lilsewise,> ceneot abisle tise sour-mind- ed tyrasny ai the perpetosst vinegar cruel- in.clsief. Tise Hatmilton 7ymes, iseaded by tise redosistaisî Siseppard, is goisg in for tise heu againsitishe Onontio. Easy otisers admit bis impreiieaisiliiy, rasent liis tyrassey, anS lamnent tiseir I' ix.y Ho esOflot reasosaisly complais. A wemsel migisi as volt do so, wnien leienbtisroLtted for sucking -is For o-jlvtes,0ise tise' prient in tise lihras-Y of Djo uioi hois iseesése tireS of takisg ;d'ose bookss, ause foUl ta passisg senteince osnilseu in masses, s are vo eqsslly weary of tise soprofitehls tank of exposing singiy tise iscreasaig virs- lionsaifithe lesdisg Opposition journal- Tisere, hisaver, la no alternative, and thsogh oua. eobemporaey msy hope ta vis by c peristeece linlyig tisais is almasi nmarvellons;rlise nil finS aven thoughi t is necary us painini an ralkisîg a ihousand mites wvus pean inone's oOiu tisai Ce il gallsly endura Une pesants, ratiser titan yielS ose iota ai aur lioest and long mais taiseS convieiie. goebau, o taexpress csrst!ves1 brod I le andsinla" i. e. heaped lihol anS absuse, os lihel anid abuse, ant is l aceoi-disgly resarSed vide It r, ,ueu 1 Tise Browrr pippil ooleenais prosper by en- graffing on tise MeGee crais-ans]tise rocks anS mangera ai tiss Miniseoral sas hies sessascousequenîly marsei-imoto tises oea.r. As biasjour-nat eiegastiy express it la rerence ta Mr. (faIt, ' tiser s ino ose ta ci-y orer isis Cte," but use pioprie. tor-is-shief himsoafi. le a nord, tise Op- position leader troubles the av5tera but no isoaling influence descends. The Budzet. Tise aid assual wallet of nationnal liahi- lites anS income volgarly c. elleSuiways and meant" bas bees places] beinre tshe con- try ; asndi airty expleinesi, gives cause Con gratulation. It bsi een oirewSiy olîsenved tisaitvaw lhins ut ai tI, ai-e certain, i tiis yordS ai Soubl, lauvit, dcstis anS taxes. Bots msy holie ageebie, but bath musttlho se- sinreil. As ta ehe former, as Bacon soya, ',it is porias ans easy to ic, es toibe hor," and v esuâthi-aireoursolces as vel an vo cen, ta enirontt'r tise other. Itislaosly cosmnon justicee chS v ren- sien totise Ru. tIr. G(lt, viieui vsgivs i is hd ue soi-aiapprobations eeing tisatie hokaShe eiles, a massent oainme- chat atanniusg Sepresnion ; alijiotise re- sit ni tise irasseentice SaSisrests, asd prostration ai ereSit tisca' flsselcal Sifuieni- tios, sucS as Europe anSd sseriea neldosa issd to eneunstor. A Seflceecy of upwai-s ai ico mibliossoa dollars, vas enaugista, stangger tise baiSent. IVitis a serre eai aSSi-ess, tisai h icsexinrtsd mass every reasoshbe menuier ai tisee mssusiiy un mixeS spplitnse, our sagaiius tisister o! finance, ipced thle stores, oS in al aodiesa &ail, trimnod iis veasel siltinity, n es- pstitg Es ganSerait icad tu vind,rods ost tise gale timmphasily. A Tariff, ao adjusteS as tintoiseesorevenus nitlioui restrictiagcoammercia-l transactions speedi- ly readjamierd tise sodangeced eqsiiium. A ehilîfut aporation oliseted an tisa Los- Sos sxeisanga, exiibîteS our cousny in tisa mot eaiisflitory calaura, prneiaced an of- fer a of nty millionesviser. ivo asiy vers needed, extricated aur ms-y coloreS de- hosnrea firosa cbs-os aid sarsisalted tises into ai-Son, reducet Mlx pen ceai tu ins, placeS tiree pes- eait ai ire, (in IsSian meecritie,>aSd eslabliliseil a sinking fusil for tise ultimata extincion of ou. whabe doSa, in it7 jears I -Tise wvisacananaI aIýpreseato tisse roaulis, are mar inlahue condition aifbs-fdaovned paioss;i osly fit for hisg flssg lato tise mmohe ai tabac- co, or tise appication a oi ïD liassels,aid gensrally sucli roeedal apptintc as an employeS fornthlise6etratios n tihy of possous i h v h ie sentie an suspendeS. Sacis y connmîttiste tender manches ai the Romessaiociety. Tise rsry tcifing, dis. cepssry hoiveeu tho lacome aid expen- Siture, (nat more tisen $500,000) rhieli aoss griosa iliiehoreducible, ssslisf,( fusil shisis amevilabte next yeasot ofithe receat isical crrasgsmeniino se t a s is strt inho entrizzi vif oves-y reeaabie ex- profs-lice thet a oeuteous isot, anS r&- viveS cossues-ca viiissl-hi sta square aur yards, safurI mes" emast»meSgo-- lieS vils s- fais- aig seet. Ta ose an tra poisse denopeS hontthe presai Budlget, se mes-i des a aseng semsuS. lut. The adminîàefr f aj"S lseqeestla lias» ise a mny sdj-ted, tislaeq-ufnd. &t.eP ).o . reathi m ln, fer iiis hasivu, "huai tie v e s la n haqestos Vus soDotealiseS' tatisa Uplietnmotian. Tise tinhor trasS e 01130ds - triais ai Laecmsede5vmm -luiy saS pemi tiai se tIigrihvaces M e.où--se.At aise sezder e ilsimevw "*- -"--ùiue cal pstrias-wM bavé te cseo e a Sw Poshtto, lia aileosglli boclSt- ueir l taising. Tisat, vlicin semed se0da4JsbtIl & baiaio, 15s ctually corne ta Ppot ciceamoat s aumerocs asl 'the euiied Kingdom, POrseete aurly"g1 conatry. Tisecouatfotnd tovenlïiCofe1 ihese postal carayaliestaSm,ly li&a, precaitt by iusaginîaug tlsee.icsnb oi tiseni uddeslyloses, Toelis h jpet of self.sotain5stsltise sevpapwl-ls tage SOI lsmais'.Wtt maly1regret Ibis say ïne go furtiser, and minitaiR tisai it vouldisbave becs viser ta Lave eaiud tis trifling anonni hy sanie otiser mttlnad Bo hale. r edtiese etteater 0515rl, vush an applasse tisat is meniti dmsrvey and wiicV tisis itemý , ,ould sot bave di- mninisised. Hswever, tise sOokndLty la rot. moyed.ti. Tise expenàitore on ronds and hidgesî is (iserai. .For coloultatiss porposes, this is Mont judicies Let land ho ofl'red, as liherally as la psil~n tiss combineS msuvemeut cansot fal te provre is adeanlageons. Tisese sessît' are sometising houter tisaI lrain".. tise trasisaisout "joint auisoiiy," a crateis- et aisout as useless as tise series, of toril- pike tickets colletett hy Sicr Eattisew Mite. The Marluam 1'leeghug isalch. i.Sîtcnee Ihal dfel 5mLR_ -Ott. Allevi r ,tulss<lfû.&h@;iWhO taey lvî ,Wun a, %Weh vhea yowssaleh va. ov,bY Clo- ,0l"ab gelvd al nn5OU555-làotaman lice tian 0 Oan- ulsliI cr t tiý Uais ýbnonloykept by olIn goos mm in, Tm. puni-oie gentry, at*qsstslaed il, .AtO un lhieSec. fstcd Daper, a W5101 unaomoi55 wssust u lbfenniaiia)iisusar c.Mke chr eCh îhamrr)te as wi bavs de rmeta s daîtim snsenei l lhdCamOnsp-i. mlStfe 1 hm u Wiuoal tris vriescue a ,.Oclsns dmiug'Wirfitwen m he%-iiold To lg ple5wpisisol rsasini-in! aafs Mriene op rvell<, ,isssed loin, dg amsemiesu Wlue ssin sisi n Moatl mas eor in (0ses t E is.d. st e m b n% emud«ml h T.l lt sits Waiffl " ,legW Éatmit.uuilo iii soiyev. (neIs r Osur cthi-l irud sAs asiehaiT sou ha'no an RisîEa) Agreed lie tstu" es -stirnesi- ts ciaeou ai9bif Andtasoniy exhibiion thley cill5 mite ie slday.c C.ess V-d.Ib.saolins 0 Iiili, a fci-e 1.< iasdl Uis tuc Rv«,Mnd TP. whii', wlMam aire.11dii up 'mii achen seeitg-Cni- kgssnuut--ConemitUi. Theo" iraed IThusn mdd-jlcemey sc> d Ncr Srsoo.-A ni-w achoni bs hoo atarted lu tise tovas, oîîer tise auspies aif tise Rer. Mn. O'Keeffe, R. C. Pastor ni Oshîawa, Alg-eisa, bossery, IHistorys &c., vîlt, ns area anured, ho taughi vith thue gremient attention. Tise scmool ciii ho open ta, receive maie asîd fi-maie psipiis. Roligians insructon cl ho giron only tu, ilioso visa Sesirs it. TSi-se arethue terme ofa a aeetisessent elseviiers la tisse e-. lutrins. We are isposord in regard, vitis tise utmost fanon, esry sovi-mini in iavan ai intellectuel pi-ais, asti it is cils tii feeling lne asotiCe Rev. Me. OKeefTe's an- noanicemeet. Of one hisg, howve ev re persaded tiasa ll semails supuored osiy hy a en individuels, tsennt ifiord tise sainie facilites ni educstion, nantise largen histittion%, usSer theo Common fcliol systi-n, wriie ara in eveny ri-spocl c-l proiSeS. Our parislity b s n pm aioftiseI Common Scheio-viere tise ciildrensoa' si-iglhors, grow up i i- ms oamîy n trnd wll.at he amns.'es ise te cir lte 1 veilu acircumances wuld Thse ayor. reminded thse Council of tise b.laccrbrougisicdown 11 hem avhisat ,m"etig, W lfreen iorsea crussing'et On motion of-Mr. Dtraper, seconded by- c4pt. Itove , wu'aareuolved tisai vienthse-f Ceosacil adjolsu t stand adjeucrned ountil Monday vening the Itis of May next. Ilintorasip reiinded tise Couscil tisai it %ould ho ecesaarita give snotice of tise1 ConrL of jtevson.1 on motion nof1Mr. Draper scconded by1 Capt. liove, the Trenssrer vas diýected te, Xie notice of tisé Cousrt of Revision, tise fisnt meeting to take placé on l'oaytise Stis nf May, et 101 o'loclc, a. fé. Thse Council then cadjotuned XMutes of ýJzbrtdg« Costacil. c G;oovoon, 24tis April 1860. Conseil met parsasit to edjoncementL The, memsiers ail present. The mnutses of lait session were eead1 and conflrmcd. The following pétitions vers preeted: FromntatisSisevfitt an aged widow prsisg for relief (hy 1Mr. Sangster) Fromt Abijals Joncs and 17 otisera îsray. ing fur alterationt in Scisool Sectica No. 6 accompanicd vitis e plan of said altera. tien. (ltyM1r. Cisapesan) Froni Eh Cot&s- norleInk'eePer, praing tisai e portion of his License ho refunded, (by Mr. Sagter.) ittitians were tisen read. 31r. Rendait seconded by Mr- iserrard, mous f or leave to introducce a By.Iiaw for elosig np tiset point oi tise Wiitciereis ltssaid ronuing acrcss tise East huai oftise1 3rd Concession hetwcen Lots No. 31i and .2. ily.Law vas hrosgisi ie and rea. On motion of 1Mr. Rendailthtie By.Law was rend a second and tisird lime and pased. ,4r. Sang-ster seconded by Mr. Sherrard, motOs tisat tise Reeve pass an order on tise Treasoner to pay Eh Connor $7,60, bocki out of hin Licences money in cofisequenceq or bis sot openin-g iis Inn.ntif tise irst of A1vil. Mr. Siserrr seconded by Mr. Cisapmoso mo,,es tisnt tise By-Law toe stahliois a New Rond scroma No- 3 and 4 ils tise Iti Con- cc.,isn and on Lot No. il and i2 in tise -61h Concession ho read a tltird time. BDy- La,, vas tises rend a tiird time and pa a- ed. Os motion ni 1Mr. itassasl tise Reeve left tise Chair for ose isour. Conseil r- surned. os notion of 1Mr.Sagra s- wsa inroduced and passed, appointing r er- lain Townshiip Oticers. (o motion oifIW. Cisnpnan, MEr Siser. rer1 and Mr. Chapesan were asponinted la in% stigsate ino th ie rircunîstanren af Rusth Sîtos rit, and if necessary tu sspply iser pic-»rs uecesities, snd report ltse sasse to iho Conseil ai ils sext Session. ou motion ofi Mr. Sherraxsl a Dy-Law vs introduced sand pasard vesting tisai pi)onftaie Origfinal Renad allovance op- pote Lot No. 3 iscîveen tîse Guis and 7îis Csoe&-4on in John, Stonifer in Lien of tise Ibid etahlisised serns said Lot. 'io motion of 1Mr. Chapesan tise Clerhs wns' aothoriocd to procure tise prîntisg ofi htt, ropiesofnithse By-Law divisliîg these Tumshiip into itoad divisions. 9n mootion of 1Mr. Samîgter tIse Reeve1 wne instrurtesl ta suisserise for one eopy of ilh Nilnicipal Reporter, for tie ses of tise es. ob)ers ni tise Conseil. (on motion of W. Cisapenan saity-Law use itroduced snd passed appoinisig tise ni-ubera of ibis Csoncil as a Conrt of Re- vîi ýn, and appeal for tise final Reivision anîdi r;ý-îg af tise Amsesmeut Roll for 1860. ALt luartiaily examining tIseRoIlthtie Cnvvt odjourord ta iseet ai 1B. Plasks Ux- bcn dze village on Msndsy tise sis day oi Masi-st. ilho Reeve again tool tise Chair, tise1 (-ri seiitst:d 1Mr. Higgins' accouai fora pooutinieili ivas orslered to ha paid. Tise Council tises asjourned until tise i,. day of Mlay sert, and tises temuet ati idatisseoew Planka in tise village of Ux- Lig ut a tise Iour of 10 o'cloek- Prrîsameatnry Correspoadenco. Qiseise, April 23, 1860. viserees jour psreîj Sesamisstiouuai or vu:%Vcs]ness]ajlest, use Finance Miih5n seef arise institution 5 stuy calealated ta tet brouglut in isis budýgetanS an onalsi- Cent-r religious prejudites, anS engender ils occasion Insi jean, seade a really fine bad éeln- i a ommnity MrO'Keffes 'put. h is af course impossible for me ba felntne onuit.Mu'cssa1 uis sarige ai ossîtan uxtendisg avec semai, i viii ho pecceirosi, in c privaistC t-ionra, esipeclally vison h lu rensideneet ans, aid net a niparaiesechlsas saseaen h, t vosîli iosmucia of is value hy tise rsssred inded tse sppot viitisa sea. n-buof. almsctany ans afis oh-aile. rumoed ;înded th suport hicha se s an,1wutScousnel mny ans reslly dsi- rais sehoal rassIS receiro in tise Tawn ofai ss n~fdesstanding tise positon oai'te Wisithy, vould ie oaithua pooresi, &mst msntry, ta gin. tisev-sor n igisi oneimna os eaUtifsily reporteS fan tissQuebec meag-re description. Ch niirle or tise fourteun an fil tean le tise Xlutoof ai asmoni, a careful perusi. f Trmeaanmoe-Rev. ..A. DavidSons 55 bei-n quite unvell rince I ni-ste tu yot tor 1twvaulil haroesttempted sometising lectures le this tara on Tomperance, litoreport af my arn,s-nil son irassiS on Saturday aid tiaaSay Ereainst 1h ha nry mucia liie muas-eafialer ilinnes. anS 30thu mt. Mn. Daridesos as a rery I Ou % say hou oventhait Mr (lt comoienc- es-arat s drocateofaitotal alalinance, andorsi roigraulaiig th. lieone, s-ea cetu try an tise improveb condition af isis lecturasare everyvisore aegely attend-.tàit;; îleoliaiS Ct oir on treport a doSi- eS, c~aitt s21 milihonsa ai dollars in tise ce- vi-tuto-tas compareS nishaheexpenditurs. Csicra.-A eetng i tse ombrs t bing in tact, lu than ose lth ai thtia CRICKET--AmeeasngiOfthetOûubBs ltissa vont sM ssowtisai ai lie Ontario Cricket (luis vilho bluiStit, (usproemoni vssduo te, ira ihings, ai Ilryas's Boan faluday erenag aonosey in eneny depas-ismeni of tise Po encice, 2nS, as increede revenue. tise 28 huimai., ai sghi o'cbasuS foc the pur- Fi (or svacited ts tise Tarîl; mandl isak pose ai orgsniaingfornthue pressu ji-ar al -irn ita staî visat i liil toie vobaS seembersaran particularly r.qu-miasto tai- n~ot ow. via: thst tise ImperiiaGvers- Jý t mi-,: aiths isventhu.tionoi tise Siseffield tesd as wel as aIltisse wiso ieella1aresed cuti-ns liaS remonsatteS ssith asie ovn,in ha thue gane. tu tîjIlch seesed ta, ssggestasprobable autUfercnce wvus aur rîglisi laay visai Wsrrx- Rass.-Te <u)sîmiSsa urC ti, w vus ild an sisoulilnesoi ey. Ma.. Wia- Ràma.The OntrioTudGait tlen rocS iise naven ihal raste- Club" *asqpunres their parsecainla islsue. Ltinadta tise Calants-iMinihaiir, rhicis A perses ai tise adertiseseent vilI hev v!i i s a choiWes ieoiCofdigifle ass i uay sy elegant cors-eposdeuice, lu hon very liberef ai-e the partiea gire. Tise se8cuuîuttic ile iserteeioinsof ai aab course is Diow in exealet.arder, auid hi ne niglur as thse mst exactisg cotaIS bars have ouly reasoiuably dry weatlmr- aslay or de!,i,,nLTisesiple esecning ai use sas- tvaiseorehuemeeing hu tris ron hu aer -,tuat ni-are set esly tise hont, but twO efOr themeetng, he tack reinthe in .,the onlyj dges o ai isaifis vo, avoraisle natlue oflise grnd viii ho h in ay utmac niltisai vs neyer caiadmit pi-Ceci coadtioa. Tise attra-ctios of c banS tise rýht o!fUtoelImperia] Goenwsent, ta i"Yj 7o or nsuy in lise muter-. Tise fslen- afimunie la, va percievo ta hoe on tise graund eng x s ,'i g irseispedeleofals.nhelwe thestexi meeting. &s-'T5n t. "Ber Majesty casnot lie aS- "iut0 1 taesiisalor sacS acte, uibue fes I'ewn Cemuase. is1t -ei-5 are an-pared te amome tise aS- *r"i5itttii.,o heaaffairaeof tise olay, Wstrv-, Monday Ereang April 23. "55'ipsctuvee aftise l'i-eassoftheIbaabi-. T he om s il net t t e Tsn-T ie lms ae i l ao vm aen i a ie Tis Caneh mt a tie TsBal', 0ou --posile-fia.theiss s-ad engage- limaTeeln bly fr cok i , or Ceaa* s-* * s* * an ProsiatIMure. Draper, Laig, Guu "bis procinciai ells-ateme, JscrateaiaS. IBras a smersa, VasI aid Bore.,,Ais. "Pnuehns for s-Il bala s-t." fia s- sni Nmsss.Lynde sad Penny. *:the-sPlce andIoa-.5 thistsPuaestio5ufthei cos-cxicnsor tgx lion, Ittgf. sepbil! t>crnaisy, ibat *"tbidgiuiiiiisisiae aSd us peaple Néulasni Tise layor n hoiaed ihe Cossiai a "hti raccordj tisasthse fors- anus osseas- cosenacasui, recived frc eau m mar. )fm "5itrî,irmiuhlty er reqoire sppsvirst elear& Vi, vils ae" ea bMuheit &U Ymd that orftie lolt LqlikumTb* reporta d a .sea"hug to 505Couaus Test'f lise speess, heraisne. p wrusd"18l Io«b--cà itlmepa uu biIéaat nts opc, bout tgemeral- peu FUs. e!4rtS c:ý wbW a vatem v ile unia xi-. LmbptheisNajar vu-essqeuait,,è& 011v uthebagadsi «Vu( merrwà Fnutbabi mai a raterly Pain, te le ba taters,a at tiy wyOm bail~tir e se t» Wit tY giosis y Wh/os- k il t rgo pa l ri oLIje p tS îp ujj notaletbing d?'te-nOîahî0 sIO in ilselç, as in v nrtoi i t tt ofi'4-.44i ta Upper Carndae strt knnwn ta tise !aw tisi e Duf Sohool Of tise universy, <>182%000 ecitVis ctoriaand loges.Tite resoluiosns aor. r the stat oithe Prvncouw.- hoe vas'abseent, and . Lj s ý w4hied tisave tisa estss-sZIl nigist, and tisis tire i natpoveudlaa lar. Tite desire for slelsy vs, hy tise expocted absence ai3j alsi, visasaisi lie ouglit le ho iseur visat Mr. Brown SaS t likio. nilier isad slflayed fr t anI nov wtis Rè%olsstions'Z7 ctsvZsed ila*buts tivaidatlde aeen5 wasuf o -us 'th nsjonity anxiso fortisefighis t il a s u. end tiss. score fumet as tis lt tire day. 1 dont tlîink isout viii conts . e are owe mistsiby an *itaon o 1s t 0 psloa I andelesM~ gis. 1r. os efopdn isy n trsar Ia d e are ruei5t is soccem hTseooppoînri nis ta ho sel ete. yete'dyata vice in th iseaent ,'dav- mesetingis core hel fr tisah. pr feront poat st t> rofetts pears in tire maratlng ppr.'h division bill vent ttongisthse belle asetise Frenchs Ony, or as rit lis like a suai. Coi a voire hein, oppositiomn. Tis .er<ls eesnt. gente dovn le etate togivs it his as aise ota ascore or stort a measores pised!and ti.s wlet msrved for lnîîediately aflerants, Assemisly. Yery eirong efforts V-Mbe 1 am inforisicete ta S ouetti but 1 tisink ih as tiselargo hie cesistr>-aen sukis à ie, and almOot ter.y kereisani and trader -< on, iisoigls Mr. MCGcesay sPet il popslar andi blereeyieg stylo, le fear subruit ta disappoinienmî Hon. Mr. (;ait annssnoe5 se tisatie h d ylelded ta the rap ai his friends, snt woeld sot pie, Bank aiflisse Scise i usesse titan to tise passiîîg ai flic reseisJs tise introduction ofailhli viicis put hi-fore thse bitery, aitia a tasîs ai tise mensure Aionid Ile underatoos by une tSession. Iis suies Say lho could soi have oeesial% tisai in cacsicise van esîlvoted tek. tuis la true h oônly aisovs hor' esuh a meraissre la same srgma of tise menisers are under tise ceonles Batiks tisaItlîey dsre netexepos te t rio~cJfen fa oeil o ,directionof a iet refrs. J.egaslattve Comacti. Qeraso', Friday, April 2Ol% To day tise hillsta eonsildate lis, oi Middlesex and anid hStie law m ing lise appoistiassi of ceastahisq i-eaS a tliîrd lime. In reply ta Coi. Prisme., Mr. Vanisougnet said il ressottik telîlion aif(laieramesl te inltrodncei luis session for tise lpayesent ef suspened teatatend in Courts sofs ta gisne evideece on tise part af île and criminsal proreedings. Tise division ai cihies BillviwuaW second ime refersed ta a esmasilte i Wisvle andi adapted, asdisles rend& tisse and pasesione a diisnion hy ri Tisey tises venta* gai i jasesCoas sue IVioleofaitise Pilots acentrpoealt anS lied ot riss es vsesesrepot Mi Han. Me,. Fergusosa isquimof n16~ islry imi-visetiser vises Mr. leuas called opete foras an Adminiatrisi vus informeS h7 tGe (larer (l tirat înodissolution ai Palianent allowed-Yea or Nay ? LIen. tir. Vanhoug-net 1 dont kma Hon. 1Mr. Fer0,nsoe isqairsied 5 did tise measiera ai the presesiAo iretian sersrnaly Co template de tisa detier. ai tise p icular office foi each vas swore in hy tise (loels5 rai, dnly ta perforai and vitn g heoe tise respective canstituescit il issd olected îisem. MEr. VaukosgisueeiPracceett'i next order, Mr.. Speaker. The sert order ai tise dayvs Han. tir. Fergînon-Tso Eon. maC basnsoi answered my lat ei l, Han. 1Mr. Vakounttgisl(rotsh5I Yau hsave received ail tise asavWer lu have iront me. CalI tiso sert i Legoalis"Asserenbl. QI-as, FrlttY, AMI, Aifter routine, businss Bille vo" Socerf. To disquaaify Siserilil and (leoslil vision Courts froua iseisg niesbed d TounipaleCous of esablI cileté tUph ae, sefortheks ti ti.Brv ecrellete ef5I5W 1uighalbe v*0 feS e' jecitagle.at» e ILOinetl5 ta hm»s a faou mai fuis- dlmo Ti. enetss lS Tem.tr eau vi Xommbm I

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