Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1860, p. 2

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WIblie 0 e0 uime c u gs se-it wIteu blnterèd Lte carniage; Ie: bethought hlm- 1lbat ho had onuis l-iglitt rcketing trouserai And tnight as #el-a.Inee ho sAdý a marin pairensd waa sone la thsee sriage-..cisange tlb..end counfort bis lil e--- -- a ethât he Coul to - -~~ - 1 ar ab i& ian k lu igist fannels. I hop@eo ne u -se - a" fn>h' hrinlathat re- - oire, If tise Britisis putblieaootid uggest at tiera mere -detcos;Malntise pastur- ares ho mas flyiug b>', aud young corrupti- ble. belfers, I lbane oui>' te remsrk gbat Mr. SaxoD ""as mucit-abeve their lerel. As it W8a. day, uoveovert, ho- coalcti net offendth ie mnon. -0Ã"(C'Onnem Z&aiae t»e pepisiar be- lier' tbsb mo-were "bora- lintuousers, anîd ne- Yrigetocr t ftiem. I wt-d nerly ob~- serre tlaétise eue of Mr. Saxon mwas au em@Won sto the.rigiti mbe. Had h. doe aIl, the houora te teé renowned medest>' ef this lani, li e mea have di-aw th ie second pair orer 1tise f6 t. I c ari eni>'excuse bis oerright h btie delaration tisat ho dit-net thinluof it.- tTiîfortunately the tltousgit et a change had net strueký imine 1ubhoeba sisot shoati nm rniles. - And, aýa!n, vos-y unfortunateý. ly, as me sai wmien ho woonît cite iiistaucei ebeail>' fateti, tise youag., gentleman teck off bis ti ht flapiiels before heoepenedthtie çarpet bag te disengage lus. tWeik tveetis. Mr., Saxonin la et somewit husty'tenpen. amont, slow te -onceive,-quiek toe xc- ente, a fine qualit>' mnici occusionsliy leatis te trouble-for maile lie mas unstrappiitg jbÀ Lb. LhetAig Ilîtisibîy siaokened speeti andu8Pd sut de-i'stp'potd. On perceivinig this alurining tact Mn. gaxon pulled at tisestraps mitis tremondons vîgr 'lscod or se, anti thon looket on or ftise fmntow wit h a face outma;rtly -us *- curaposeti as anyordinar>' t-avouler witis ne -burton on "bis, mint and ivitis clothinîg te his legs, nia> mear. Wisaitise féeenget a huaisfuins s placer] muet have been I - aed net tell ytîu.A iahysis, if me 'vished to etd ,Wm,,hîjubefore aëlury et prudes, mi ht lil.jusqtifiable ;btit you mill net e- quire IL. Mr. Ssxee's leur-t gave a There mea a lady ottiî-essintg the guarti, who, poînteti dowvr in tise directions cf Me. Saxoa'o,:lt ad îiled lier sawiftiy ors. Mr. Saxon mrAre a final effort te arra>' himmelflancrie0f'rlte uther pair, gave ties- paii-n; up, tend tltongbt iL hast te block thse wioaom ant look extremel>' uninvitin. ffe ceulti not believe tîtat iis fortune coulti au e cruel as te sendt Iis lady straight te Iii ga: a tirn en isimthout wshing te hoe uncearteoud, ho prttfuntil>'miisetiber at Joniche. Now Mr. Saxon should, ne doubt, have spoken; und wairtedth ie lady off. He otut- * ti-et, 'as 1 have toit yeu. He tii net 4peak but lie was rrndxtelligible. T!be- guard wrenobhed ut tise tiec. Mur. - axon, liedt juaêt tIne;tebi1de his nether-fat- his untier a tugmnwicisho hati providenti- - tlly with hiiru, mien the door epeneti anti te lady he«.-umc lus comp4nion. The train 1/ w-h jatlo4# âaudoff tise>' mert, s-'NÙw mri, rient Iaeef 7Saxon tolia me liho coniiclre. t a curions tising tisat tise lady attersalittle, wutile,, begari te regard i iwfth sornetiing liko astonisisment. 'M-.atim I sait Tiare>', atter severel mni- portant effects. 'ise laudy î-pliet 'Sir' or lycir lHe chroni- idles it exactlyr but 1 forget. 'la..ha-are yOUouging tise isole 'way te T. ,~Town? sait lare>', gasping andin lding on bis rug mitis botis bandts. $No ir,' sai!thtiebat>' hanlatil>', coltil> Lanti siorti>'. i -' '~What a bleasing l' tisougist Hur,a ik- ing back. The lady openet a bookt. $euiaarmae" Wli4t'a tiser MutMUr? nquirodthtie olti g entlemran. - TiIe train Sut beau iîreijgl4 o a stand âtili,. - 1O I*ltat ila !k-? ried Ail tbe ja4ies la Sbreutis. - 4tP'* Winute My dean,' enîed tise ol& -- glUIwsl. îpn'uhoalarmue&I er4uap of asofiJi batetoir Sot ont aud apeak -'No legs .ý eh IYkDar me Il 4W oldigeti tIfapiu obsorved. -4,,d yet the nrg 4ioplay- ed -a' pair in outliik; ' P&Mlysls-lower Sve 1lg r.wè a setraior n by me. i~Thr 1 ] . ertletaan'and aIl the, ladies get eoutto.- :' Word were -passeid tiat aUlwere te Ieave' Raitry hea!rd, theûold gentleman saàYý 'W. rnastn't beave tirat p.oor fellow, we imust' heip him eout.' 'Meantime- be t bisat-h'ts earpetbag again. One clearutÃŽinute 'te himself, and Harry wold;be a r .H erdntto riait bis lifefotrone cleav minute -to iself. Before a quarter<of 'tise l'time bad expired ànd while tise garaient dangled unfilied, thse al1, gentleman-opened'tise deer, and la-: .formed Harry 4thâtseo as prepsred te belp him out.* There aise stoed tise ladies look- ing on most oharitably. 'Do P.. pieaae ,ohut thse -door.' oried Hlarry, 'Corne noir, air Il exlairned the old gen- tleman, 'yeu must cerne out. Give me yeur arm.' II k. .. . can't I tell ye,' says Harry im- pleringiy. 'But I wil belp you, isir,' said tise old gentleman. i wgn't Il anys Harry. 'You l Lnust be mati sir, you nmust be stark Mad','srait the oid gentlemant. Pnshed te extrcmity Harry answered, SoI am'),' Tlieiyeu nanst be draged et sir, draged out bymain force, sir. Guard' shouteti thee ltigentleman. 'Tîte guard- came rtp but only te say it wu; a false alarm. The train isad shaken off- one of the carniages and turtfed a few sheep intoneutton. Off they went once more. It is s'oalIy cruel te dieil on 'Mr. Sax- on'à. mitifoi-turits, anti the incilents wbich were perpetuaiiy a,,graviting thoîn and dri- ving hitrîrte frerîzies of distractieut. At erre piaece a lady cntered wito coulti net ride witis ber batck te tise engine. lie iras positivcy-heingtiste ouly gentlerman facin., it-asked Le favor her by cisanging seats and, guli ,ant by nature anti ebliging, he lia t t stutter a downrigbtý refusai. But realiise-bis prosition, anti I think that )ou wil admitit thiat, fur & basistul mt-an Mr. Il arry Saxon endureti four heurs cf *uer- tai mistîry titat it iroulti beliard-te match- it may see rather utîkindti te ave him in the sLuLe I have ieft bum in. 1 il justify tisiti artistie stroke, b>' assuriug Yen that Mr. Saxon is, at thse meoment I speak tLe yeu, perfecti>' peeparedt e make bis beir intise most refineti society. The getîtlemen discussed mishat might bave isappened te Mr. Saxon. 'For a bashful man' aaid Mr. Lairson, 'that mas about as great, a diemmea as I have evor hêard cf., Mr. Spence believeti he woulti have matie a confident of tise firat Iady-women are, as a body>, very coasiderate under sncb circumstances. 'Thats irbat I ahonîti have done,' said Mr. Simunenshe boîti have leekéti eut cf tise other wididow, aud al meulti have been over in a trice.' Tise H. E. I. C. H. thought se tee, and citedth ie indifference of tise ladies of India te- those garmnts. Me. Lotaquisen excuseti himself from making an>' remark seeing ho isat none te offer. - But tise punch mas -a performance far excelling eur flimsy efforts te please, anti I ouly -riis every good mari and true, may have as good this cbristmas season. contty, and omgit slways engage tise ut- meat attention. .&notber repsa why this sisoulti excite them la more tissu su erdi nary manner at present, is the. fsctý that in most of tise eIder otltiristeti; Ustricts tise eope have doreasetibetis in qtuality- anti quantity. This bas causei alam, sud it accounts for tise act4vit>' anong our peo. pie te retrieve onu isWicis bave been in- flicted upon tise soit b>'fermer unwise anti unscientifie farming. Tisere,,&re ruan>' exten. sire tracta of ceuntry wlhero .wlueat mss ,ogîe cultivsted i is - gros: successansd Profitwbere moe on Acre et it 14-40W gtown; îng ideas wbiei s iopld goi era lin agrieul. Ut-Oirt l-ti e c0ahani t ea jdpattment' eo ~a~tnl~ Lt a ~r i , fgj at' thst Our couIntri auniiaUed;; 4tbaiiks 'te ourin.v ,Vueter,od the encouragent given, te* tbe b> tse ,rtoipn ' patents. No <armer eau Dmsal q ue oc saU tul a esah employ-stise m'est lbor Wavug implemeuts anti machines; aud te us- il'is a metecer- taf a~a ucoeess,-an8,d pr)>geess te mit- nets tiae lacity '6tur ferra in -luadopt uig tise most -reeitl> ' puteisteti anti im:- provet macîtiner>'. Àmon tise nesti'aî- nable patents isïuet are th ose for ag;ricul. < tural impleîMents; tise>' t mthsreat>' sales- andi are justi>' remnuuer tive. Every fat-mer sisoulti commence th se ason's op-. eratieus mitis tise best imp1b-mont& ho eau obtalun;'tise>' Il yielt peo ,table rotuns fer. Lbier, ceatbefore tishea !lscloaed. -PEaasavaENIrn.v Msntnsi,-DonIt yest kueir that multitudes peeuisL atly look ama>' from tisenurnorous plAasattI tisings tbèey migist coutempiate, anti loo c fixetil>' jat almest constanti>' ut painfu 1I and miei'b- le thigys ? Yoa ait down, my trient, la your sutg iibrar-y, besite te erening fiee. Tise biast mitheut is hardi>' beard theougis tise dreur curtains- Your ite is there, anti your tire grown-up daýîghters. Yen feel thankful tisat atter t4~ bustle efthtie ta>', yen -have this quiet retrýaL miser. yenu mn>' rost, anti refit yourself f9r t-noLiser day mit-h ils bustie. - but tise cotýversation gees on. Notsnins taîketi et bu~t tise taîlurîga cf tise servants anti the idiocss ant i pu tience et yone boys ; unleus iiýiteeti iL be tise supéecilieus bow mitît mIichý Airs. Snouks tisat atten-noon passei your itle, andti tise fît-t tisat tise pleasant dinner part> ' at mici yen assisteti tise eveniuîg -fe at Mr Smith'a bas been- ascertaluedti t have boon, oue et-a second ebopebléaa-4t r, bis =oteI Itonoreti guete havinîg d eto on tise provi- oua day. Ever>' petty tiisagt'eable lu your lot, is brouglit eut, tuenet i gorniousI>'in ever>' possible lighît, anti sg,rgavateti and exaggeratet inl the bigist kegroe. Tise naturul anti neccessue>' resultý folloir. An -heur on logs cf titis discipline brings aIl par- ties te a sulky anti suappisît trame oftmiud. Anti, instead cf tise cîneerful lanti thanîkfuî muetluii is yen more tlisposoti to ho misen yeu sat demn, you fnid that yonr wsole moral niature lu jarred andti onte gear. Anti youe mitle, ycur cisugiter i, and yeurself pass into moot>', inllen silence over your bockis-bocks iici you are net likel>' for this ovening te mueja approciate or eujo>'1 Nom, I put it te cvery sensible rentier misetiser there be îîot a great dot-i tee muohi of this kint cf tliicg. Are thiere net familles that nover speuti ti quiet even- ing togretiser mitheut ombittçrnug it b>'ra- king up ever>' nupleat-ant subýect lu tiseir lot suit histot->'? Thero are folks wîîo, bothin i the ir cira case andt4i tf te Lbi, seem, te fint a strange uatisfaci;ion la stick- ing te tisera in tiseliand-te in -even la Lwisting tise tiaggar in tise Iiart. --Fra- serf a àgazine for Maac&. t SMay: 4t the Town 1al1, vervMn<amo nta ?4ov ona4 veninis t. the low il, Aftrcet. on the firît Tinrwrdyia ery7 ul int. (îy ni'otli, No O sreond Tuesday ini pry.nige &I ,llJi ookBrook Street. CMaew~9retary. M~~g Ns.86 csonil Fridn Inla evervy ~itr.u rowIc s, Ilottel, Fort Whitbv. R. û. L. Noi. 167 meet In the Orange Hall, .eïiwoocl.1 on the ¶ust Erldey ils every monnîi. L.O N~789 in-leet-at tlle Glole hIetel, obntbý ftrAt Friny isu every atonth.1 L. t. Nc. 957, metit in -l1lead'a Ilote], (iîs rq»k, on tthe lInt Thursday in'evcry ensofnîornc1'Wity ivsinNo.31 ~ ,hlWcdiesdueveiiilgl§. .'O.(ood Teînplars, ut Gerrie'o ILIII, Iiithy iqîuuiarrneufic Soceiety, nt .Serî's Hall, idaltr ev4niiingi. oo ovâe»phtlins M idl, fncsday evèéiîtngs q,~sedt<laChîrrell, $t, Jolin's King Strcet. o'clock, a. in., anîd 3 o'cloci>, p. lii. (Alter- RE:V,. j.PENTLAND. eL~ Soeteli Clinreli, Mel nintittiutca, e1 et, Iyron anîd Mary Strectir, il o'olucek, ., anid Oo&ck, pr. ni. ~ LW Y 0oàgrogtÃŽ0enal Chiireli, corner of l.yron aird -Culoyan Mothodist-CI i ifrt-li, e 'rer of Contre lary Streets, 10 30 o'eiock, a. in,, end c'lock, p. In. 11EV. J. IIUNT. rnit 4 Premhvtcrian ('hnirci, iMelianvea' lit- ,te, 2 30, oeluclt, P. fil. 11EV. R. Il. TI1.RNroN. inaptiat Churcli, 3 o'clock 1). in., avery Siun- Y.- New Adverisements Ibis Day. The Protectionist Cooking Stove for $28 -John Bryan. èbarter's Oyster Saloon.-S. Carter. Notice, ,Town of Whitby.-T. Huston. Notice %o reditors.-,.George Wallace. With nitr prnted words. great thought. and UtlrInlnI duâtrywua atvocatu I'wec, Prugreair. Kiiowledgc, Itroth, erhood. Whltby, Ev'g, Thursday April 26, 1860 The Budget. The old annual wallet of national ]iaibi- lities and income vulgarly c toued " ways and rneans" bas been placed before the coun- try; and if fairly explained, gives cause for gratulation. It has been shrewdly observcd that two things at lest, are certain, in tlîis world ofdoubt, to wit, death and taxes. Both may be disagreeable, but both must be en- dured. As to the former, as Bacon says, "lit is perhaps as easy to die, as to bc born," and we miust brace ourselves as well as ive cao, to encounter the other. It is only common justice which we ren- der to the ILin. Mr. Gaît, when wa give Fan»>' Fera is niter tfte cIetgymea nom. film bis tino neocl ef approbation, socing Ilev. Me. Guinness tispleasej ber. sho that hoe teck tise holm, a moment et some- tiescuibes hlm tisus: *'Iaving; nothing te what aIurmiag deprossion ; alike tise ro- sa', hoe conîti net st-y it; Se, lue resortedti t suIt oethtie consecutive bat isarvests, anti rcliinsgs et tiseeyes, lasping cf tise hantarsrtono rdttho iinia ifcl sîuukinug cf tise bond, anti long Ipanses te hl rsrto-tcetttso iraca ifcl tretuce tise flatteet platitudes. I One mighî- t te" scba'typeta mriasîo maugis more it uot se tertible tec Cisristi. bat toeonceunter. A teficiene>' cf upwartis nuit>' se teuvestiet unit profitnet. Tiseetftire millions cf dollars, mai enongis to ver>' toues et lis veico aec falee. I nea- starrer thse botieîît, Witli a norve tadt-ni auret i hm beforo he e hoht-t 4ýpte mont/dît-g - tise ieut isyma. He impressea me us uni attresa, that bt-vo extot-teti trom eter>' egetiatical isumbugr. ry ressent-île neember cf tise com2muait>'utn 0 mixet applausoounr sagacious miaister et HolýStay's Pill. -Sni mmXi4aRn, ýf._I finance, tacet tisestîrei, teckila al bond,nusea,>1iitààte fiI n~a ë riYd*esaR714imed bis vossel skilIluiI', et lassitude antioxisausution, u intalf'ible aut puttinig his goodcra'ft lîcat te iad,rode indications et a teepit stom#ecisltatd a g on- ont tise gale triumphîantly. A Tariff, se oral sînggisirness cf tise se crot\ive organs a tjustet as tise incetse revenue mitiient anti tisecirculation. But IL ýs notj~ec' . rauatease fore necessar>' te sent for y r~sb % asrestrictiag onmqroîa1 rnacin Pee course of lllleay's great esc , t - Y eatîdU4e etitanger-ot equiIibrinm. stive, anti tonie remet>' ml ne mn - kilîfa pateîefflecteti on the Lon- unpleasant symptcm, anti imbe ~both t e ton exciangin, exILibitet our country'la tise body' anti th isa nd wutsunirented onergy. sotstsu Evor>' animal foot miii ho purlfiet, ever>'tryclus.poueta0t obstruction lu tise Ovacuautcry obunîneis tf-et tirtent>' millions misene Lwo cal>'met-e sirOpt aira>', evor>' cegat-rc;,evneaied-.iiet, exticateti cur tutny coloreti de These umny' ocem te o bcateng snkttenents, bontures troni chaos anti marsaaleti thene but tise testimon ofethtie sick etfu1l natioas itsto or4lr, retuceei six per cent te -five, la ~isir sorce su bt-as. nîcetithree peu- centut five, (in Intians Tus SWL An'ozwaieAlÂL~ ~Eitt5.securities,) anti establishot a sinking tant -Tis neessry umbe etmai]elrks for ttie ultimate extinction et ou. isole te Ocean Steamers are nom al ppointed. tebt, la fifty yeans i Thes s e hocanet '1'seeénumes are *.rMesses. C arles AÀ. appreciate tisese results, are muchinlutise Vivian, Autireir Smiths, cf Quqbec Post condition cf haît -duomet patients ; oui>' Officre ; James Panton, railia>' niait dcent 'fit tor heiug fiuw inte tise smaoke cf tobae- betireen'Meutreal anti Kingsten: Boues, e rÙeapiaine o lttos et Toronto- Post Offlre , au4 P. E. e rïeapiain fhtfaies n Buick, ot Hamilton Post Office. goeétlly snob ýrémediàl applicatiQa as are omployet o ieresteratien te vitulit>' e À counte>' pacson Isat a situul4r pecuhi- peusons in miso th ie senses are auspendet. unit>' ofterfpt-eioru, ahirys usingt kte phraseé Sucis me _mneit te tise tender merdies'of "I flatter uy self,îr insteaclet"Ibe i'..teHmn Inving oceasion te exisort hise ceagrega. npu- oit.Tsevr'tllnds tien.turing 4 evW~iYâ, ho "flatti red "lii eieo ieino <udepa self thas more ttneehi ttetiîittr, net, more, tisais $60,000) miich ho clamned 1 -j - om giotls iIl be retucible, ono-half, - b>' - I - iealiattiâ, lbas actualIy ce êth pas. ot offices1 l stas-numerous as, those in the- thgited Kingdomý, permneate' our an çount"y- Thée omfort sud -convenience of these postal rvssris-caù,'ouIy hoap- preeiated .by imagiî4utg' tlree4'ourtbs of ject of sl.uti~nite~wpj~~pp tage stili semains. We r-ay' rgret this; này Iwî go, furtÈier, and maintain, that it wouid have beeÉ wisôr to, have raised this rtriffllg amount by sorne other method and so have erowued the Postmaster 'General, with an applause that bis merits- desorve,' and which this item,, would nôt have di- mînished . Howeve r, te; book.duty la re- rnovcd. Lastly.-,Tie expenditùsre on roads- and, bridgep i18 liberal. For colonisation purposes, this is rnost judiclous., Let land be offéred, as _iiberalIy eas I& possibe-and this comkined môvement cannot faitl to prove :most advaaraçgeus, These resuits aret something better that "croaking"-or the trash about "joint autbority," a eroteis. et about as useleis as the series,. of turn. pike tickets coliected by Sir Matthew Mite. rarli amentaryCorrespondence. Quebec, April 23, 1860, My Dear Sir,- On Wediiesday last, the Finance Minis. ter broughit in bis budget, and as on a sir»- ilar occasiont last year., tmade a reaiiy fine speech, Lt is of course imipossible for ni#. te sîirnmarige an oration extending ever two hourscepeciaiiy wiieniL k is cosisidered that ýiL wolid lose rnu mi of its valnc hy tire omission of, aimogt any one of iLs details, and I woul. courisel titis' one rcally desir- eus of unrierstandiug the pIosition cfr the country, «> give thie seven or eighît colunîns se beautifully reported for the Qtiebcc Clironiuie or Uice fouî'tcen oé flictee in the Mutrer of iarlianiîcnt, a careful pcrnismi. 1 have been quite ttnwell minlceI wrote te you, or 1Iv onid have atteniipted sonîething like a report of my owni, andi now It woeuld bc very inucit lilie inustardter ditîner. 1 niay say hon evcrtlîat Mr Gait comniene- ced by coigratiatilrg the lieuse, and the counnt-y oit the irnproved condition et Lings. le had net iîow te report a defi- ciency et 2ý millions of dollars in the re- venue, as compared with the expenditure, iL beiîîg in tact, less than one flfih of that on $450t,009'. lIe then ivent te shiowv that this imnîrovemerit vas due Lo Lwo thins, lst, ecorîurny ini every deparLirîent of thý- Public set vitre, 2nid, ait iilcrrscdlr-eîe île Liren auîvertud to the 'laiff, and tî,olz occasion te st.'ttewliatt ilil e bail net known. viz : Lh:t te- Inperial (*oveýn- nient at the investigaiticii cf te Sheffield cntiers laid reriioiistrîttvd wuth our ea-n,in teris wIlich scetncd te stiggesL a p)robable initerfererice with onr riglit te say whiat duties we eiîould or sheuld net levy. Air. GaiL theni read the iînsver that, wtts le. tnrncd to the Colonial Minister, wiîiciî wiiile iti is a choice spceiitcui of dignified andi I înay say ciegitot corresponideiice, is as eniphatie ini te ;eriof Canadian rights, as the niost ec'xacting couiti have d,.s-ircd. The- simple rncaning of the an- swer is that wi, are net uiiv the bcst, but iii f;îçt the enly jrrd-es cf whiat Tari f-t ve, rrtay ï-tact, ç id titat tee never can admîtit tire rigit <if the I rirp)et ml Goveritrruent, te st-y yea or nay in the trirtter. Tire foliow,- ing words give a fair s1îeci men cf the tehole aiglnîent. "Iler Majcsty cantct be ad- 'lviç.scd te disallow sttch acts, uniess lier "6advisers tire rirepat'ei to assume the adi. "rîtinistatiori of the rilfairs cf the Colonv, l'in expective of te views cf tire initaiji- .4tarts. Trhe Iniperial Governniient arc 66net resporîsible for the ilcbt-, andI engage- "tnierîts cf Canada ***~*arn(] iin itsif, as il, view cf tite ragitation on te uni versity questien-teas Lire Strikcing eut cf $4,444 te Upper Caniaula college, or as known te te law the Royal Gramiuuair Schoo c.f tlie univeraity, untite addition of $2,000 eaclite Yictoria and Queen's"col- leges. Thse resoûlutions of Mr. Bro-wn on ite state of the Province wcere put doten as tlttfirst order of the diy on Wednesday,but he tees abqent, andti on. J. S.,McDonalti wisilcd te have thten postponed for a fort- niglît, andt iis the flouse teoulti net al- low. The deï4ip for dciay was oýccasioned by thse expecteti absence o*ff .M-e. con- ald, who gaidIeho ought te' be allewecd'te ber W h rItMr. lriew r t a ti t e say , that hon. !ne4tber iad 1delay;ed for two menth-5 and row te .Rpsolutions wçee te be diq.- etîssed la his unavoidable absence, but It wýasof nd- usé thse mj6;rity' seemeti se anxious for thse f1lihlt hat howsoerk antitc .weged 4as thse grâ cil te qay. t Idoit-tbiakiiTwvr ia;t wfil corne up. -We aâre now-li tise ryý pfiiscn0 Bankà, t direode' t' 'f: Couneifl moet .pujathnt te edjeuumnent,. ýTiseineembets al prosent. , Tise minutes cf' lut session more reand anti *conifrmeti..- -Tise fohleîving petlti<inswere presenteti r F'rom lRuth Shemfitt an -ageàt m"ideir peaying for relief (b>'ir.suiaee) - From Abijis Joues 'anti- 17 cthioeà pray- ing for atLt-ttiens inu Scliooi Section No. 6 accompanieti witis a-plan et sait alter-ý tion, (b>' Ai-. Chapmat-) Frein Eh Cori- ace, Tutrkec-per, praying that a portion et his Licuse be reifhndet' (b>' Mrý Samîgter.) Petitiona werethlinreand. Mr., Randaîl secocatetib>' Me- Short-art, meves for leavo te intiotuce a By-Law, for' closing' up thuat point cf tise Wbitcisureh' itontirnning t-crcss tîte East haIt eoftise 3et Conscessioni botiron Lots No. 31 anti 32. By-Lt-w mas bruîugbt in anti rend. Ou motion of MAr-. landau tiso 4y.Laiir- mas *reat n secontdanuit tiirdtime andrtpassed". Air. Sanguit(-rsecundet b>' Ar. Sheerard, moves tut-t the Reeve pas au, erter ou tise Treusurer te pt-y Eh -Connor $7,50; ht-eX eut et luiî Licensce mono>' ln con8equence cf bis net cpetiing his lt-t until tise, firat ot April. AMe. Sucrent d secontot b>' Ar. Chup 1 an mot-os tht-t tise By-Law te Establiah a 'Noir Rot-t tcross No- 3-atd 4 in the tUs Con- cession anti on Lot No. 11 antd 12 lnuthie ftihi Conceseionho rot-t a tisirti time. B>'- Lt-w' wes then rend 'a tisird tume t-titipir5- cd. On motion cf Mit. liandaîl tise Reeve lctt tise Chair furoree l1iÇm. Council ro- Onimotion et Me. Sangyster n By-Law msa introtincot anti passeil, appcintingco r- tain Townshaip Ofricers. On motion et W. Cbepmnati, AieSiser- rard anti Ar. Clîapman ttere apjponinted te investi"utlte t te circunsstancscf- lRuth- Siieavfit, undt if necessa->'te supp>' hbe proscrit necessities, ant iîeport tise sanie te tise CÃ"uniil t-t its next Session. Ont motioentet Me. Sheerarti a B>'-Lam e-as inttoducet tad iasset vesting tint- portion cf tise Originarl 1LDat t-liown -eop- posite Lot No . 3 letwecî tise ttisa-rdtthî Concession iinJohin Sîrtifi'e- lu Lieu etfte itoati ertalijished t-ci-osest-aid Lot. On noion etfAMr. Claiaînan tîhe Clork mas antîsorisot te pt-coure tise priîîting et 100 copies et tise ,B>-Lum tivitiintv tue Townîship inte otît ddivisions. Oit motion et Me. Sangeter tise fleey-e mus instructeti to- subscnibe for eue cep>' cf tise Municipal Repor-ter, for tise use cf tise mombers ofthtîe Conucil.- OunracLion of W. Chrupman a ýB>'-Lm mas inteodmnceti anti passeti appoiustinîg tise memsers oet tIis Connîcil ns a Court et le- vision, t-nid appeal for tiso fial Rev-ision atnid pt-ssitg oethtie Asseasîmeitt fl for 1860. Atter partiali>' exautiuing tîte Roll tise Court atjournedti t meot rît B. Pîrînks Ux- bridgre-village on Alentity tise tta>' of ay iset. The Reoto t-gain, tool tise Chair-, tise Clcrk presenrteti Mi'. iggins- acconrît foi- pittinîg mmihmas ercleredti te e ait. TIte Courîcil tison udjournet until thé itis day cfae> next, eut thon te meet t Ban-tolemeir Planks inth ie village of Ux- bridgret-t tise leur et 10 o'cleok- A Ciorg-ynnan Accused of Poiaoning iss Wiffé. Atrial is progressing at Belvadire, l tise State cf Nowir Jos'it>u micis, tise oy. J. S. luardei, a clergyman efthtie Metho- dist bot>' s arg - its eiea --bi te go te Claeksville te prencb, and atter- warusa it ho hat beau tisera ;, horeturnet ater caudl io hiis-1 reetitidýas usual ; - lar- don said ho muntet tego te ';Muter nt- -Mouds>' momniug, and-wFent àaa>';-oture' iug aibout ive W.lu' ' k, sait -ha ' hat been te Doaston ;irs. H. sceanet mou oagins~:511 'ua seh-clxerfuV thauIn evra bel r; ieco e ardeia's retnt sud bopet miLlu tise asIan1syii h iL~i-rcer Uain na wpu1nueTN were tw set.- tie ber stomach - mDYelf andi btsband, Miss ýSnîitMni#4,ode<_ff 'a S lred -,.mau), ànd tbe.cid-n, eesnposed '0ur:lbînily st-,, tise tim~e; 4,Miss8mith mes busy -witli tise dinner- ;Haàen !enzt teo,&nterastown af. teî14dinnc~-, and returneti about four o'eleeki Mes. H. -vomited veîy ' pflen Iiat afteruoony, tise matter. beinc prineipall>' water; ase. had*Intoervali; of reot-aùd said~se was easye-~ eicept tise aiekaes,,gt ber stomaci ;- 1 ýWrÉ 1 bliged te I]cave tise room, andi Mis Smithi att.e.nded te ber sonsewhat ; Mrs. H. drank à great deal of ,atr; 1 told lber that sIte ,shoalti have2s docter; shie trahtý cd se tîtatshe miglit rupture herself ; site saiti sise mouli have a cup 0f tes, 'andi if that didu-'t settle,ber stoerc, oh. would- hbave a deetor; enquiroti iviere Harden.- wu, anti I told ber thai-I iwould: i.Ofl--ýi for him i Ue was made, and M'r. 11arden tokit itoteber ; 1 suppose aïhe drank IL; wbeni IHarden retuniset'fhe broiight a l et aodfrey"s .cordialS, open. cd- it, in tise kitchen, taslet it Lmiss Smithi tasted cf iL, anti offered iLte me ~ho, saiti tisati ho t itforllrs., H.,J-Imentieneti -ise snbject cf a doctor to hlm, but ho saiti that ho- hud cordiall anti that wouîd setule herý stômachbc ho ien ment te his room; Har- dien saiti that Mr. ']tamsey, mise had bcen away two weeks, zw6ulti returu that evéning, -anti at nicit AMr. Ramsey camne I told Air. Ramsey tisat Airs. II.. mus siek, antihe'asýk- edl Hardon hem she was-; I tcl'é1 him that sise mas -tiiere; after supper, Hýarden,. aften, goiag te lus recui, meuS out, anti I beardT iimsa>' tîat lie bnci genpe 'te tise P'oint for buttermilk ;,Miss ,Sniith iras staying mitliý Mes. H. anti came eut of tise rodnm "-d, said ase matteti a drink of-ttdter; Harden camee la ratîter lato-L'.about elieen o'clock; lieo spolie te Me. hRamsay 'i'teiWd te w>make him- up, anti saidti iat, Mes, Iiaedawap dyiug; -M Me. Ramnsay weirt t à Mr. lardea's roni anti came ba-eX immediateiy anti t-olti me'te ,rt't îsp if T coti, etisonlhe wok-e up Wood- inf anti w1dit ira te get up, dreas himself, - rd -tell Mes. Pitcock anti Van Siekle tu- corne up, andti hei te a herse and go for a doctor; Mis. lia-ten was -very restlessr - tossinm ber ares around and bneatising ver>' .iteavily e aglked for mater te drinkl, ase st-id sise isatine distr-ess but coulti net la>' stili h er Itandts and feet more dolti;- me weappet iber fcet iu a -warm skirt; -Miss- Smith reuiL te g et sonne -,mater ;whe, & ment for t0-l rla-dm seme not to - Icave him atonie ;tii net'give 'ber watcrter te dr-inkç,as31r. liai-dor ii net meut lber - -te drink it; lie s-id se ; Airs. Huntien ask- eti for a drink ; ho dii net- want ber te, have it tad -ase s'ait,* "9please, give me a drink of water ; I monlti give it te yen if you manted ti IL 'bci di&i net getthse mater F- hoe asked ber if alto iould: net take beer for- mwater; sise tison ask-et if se coul t ethab half miik anti hait mater; Ëre -cnsentoci te r that; site ettemptedti Wvomit- efiten ; ti w mitaabout lit-If un hc>ur betore:tise v-ýillage ladies arriveti; Mn. Rainse> anti MisaS'mitis ment t-n tise îcer; Mes. larden dieti about tivo o'cleock that 'morniing- I sent MP.-Woodri-ufffor arsenic abot Lmo meeka1 before, aitt lie brougist'it; we mne t for rats ; Me. Ramisay' tolti- me -10 gutMar- tien' or Wootirufl' te go after.-it, ainti Ispoke - te flarden îabout iL; lho saitibho moulti go- but after;mards saiti senti lYeo4fb; Isu urimell lit Woedt-ufF ment ene or.tiro day.- after this, anti brenght tise; aren ia - sirtaîl via-i I put tise vial lu Mr. Rarnsaýyle bockdesk; im a day-or se tisearsenic mas useti for the rats, - andtihie .-ial- prit uppur - tise mantel-piece, in tise kitcea, ài.n a hie- ken turnblr-(ienified. the tumbler or, fercd in evideuce this' morniug) ;-he vial stooti upnea tise'mai!nt el- fo ee 'urne; I put ueotbing la tise arsenic; tisîe ,-i s fuli *,vien IT-reiviuat;l o Y lie-vi mýeut te seé,Hat4en; fem,,~ Harden, -sud ihýe tti dmê,thtat 'mi-:Rniy, hati wsntedtotese'ntifor 1a phvician t6 eý4 -Mrs. Harten, te aatisry persons aB to tire cause ef beii deèatis-; 1sýE àaid; hê did notý. t4,înk ïit ?Was niecesuiry ; and afterwar% - misen talking ;about tise neiglhora' su">,i cipîss,bo sait a ppet 9Im i rWQI,t-,qero suspicions,- if tisere. mas an>', sd'it ht î didt ethinis tiere-wetré usîymapicios-$r. cunsstances, addiu, "Q>bhem popple.-- -talk I"ho leuled ifl1rjiud <n'y a'ispicion 1 -ol hhni Iliad- no.causo.forouspi.n; ù«eswi t- ita on. of the 'ntaik, C at Bry17sfl 1oti tire 28th lest., ait pose of brg.auizllne menuisera are part tend-,as wed as ail la tire game. c OANLAN-n, thee mie or Mn. Jo] of a son. ofthie Rov. Alex. 'dasgister. MURRAY-la înstauthe-tise fe P0!1rTER-In -1 mms. É. A. Pote, PIF eit-n Bal tire mite etf Mn.,Go 'ten. î- 'instant, -the mite et AL Cstoms, et -BOWMA-id ',tise iStisinrtad, Bomman, Etite-r c TYýSON-IBe -tise mWite.et Mr. Ais 7-&ani he O f o ýphia,:ia tise'lotis I lbert Barues, Air. tMargareeldes -lsMKuie, ofF1 MAX WELL-DE -neyant Parsonage, 'b>'tise 1ev. Johns- 1 moUi, te Mi"ss aral -Mn. Samuel Beuod JOHNS-TON-.ý instantl at tise Vil] * - Me. James G. JoU -I -dam. -- 19ti mat., at St*. C -ton, b>'ftie Rv * -et tise Britie-gron 'T IL M. -a#t AMieInTchi iomas Dû a-eeeat da c'bt Toma Major'.etof WATSONf-At IW 25this t., Isabelis 1year ad nte fermer ,beiug tise i latter, tho: youn g Watson. Tise fumeral i ii atter neen at the-ee RepOs-Led by Wisçat-Fahl, $1 Ditto-Spring, à Fleur $àI (à $6. Peas, 5C. (à 5& N.G. ILAJ&, - ~>ehieîtioy*c~, -~ 1 19-V - RIEV. Il. LWYD.

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