Whitby Chronicle, 14 Apr 1860, p. 1

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n nl.IR5ON gtZIZC O> ,i k. ESDA-V & THUIR8IÂAY, lm KACUI wZi-i, U At ia Prlntig Estarblishmnent" I ( o *t Boorto theo Rethtry. Oifice. TERMSO0F SUBSCRIPTIrtOiAE $2 la adrono, andt 83 30 whun -payable RATES OSP ýABTERTCSINU I ton linoný......... $0 e, Cuir liea, irat inmsertion (por lino) 00 ceI snbneqnent InserCion . I 00I0 brldisacatittnliowed Co mrorolpantu end aerotlaing loy the yenr. paper lainalargoe irtulrrîion *n the Cone Cnro, enlal Ciud hy uvo1ybnainema ruon le Whitby unEdo vM>'t.. WEEELY,,CRRONICÇLE- Exce "ed on ire elirnlag of SATUIAY in mi t weurOr it .' DOIJLA PER ANNUM, elrlctly in adutit. r ekl7r Clronielo iratholrgn8t erunle ytohér ffl1tr pupor. ptilhd in n linee .. .. S Om i llnuiflirat iruuerion, (per lilayv>r'0,1C pr wIII bedlaooet1uie tptil irl erruar- Point erp. ondeosilglhi-" el od, rt oxetby Q~ W Ell3\ OýOK AN-D JOB T-r ING ESTABLISUMflNT. : r1 POPlCIEO OF? TICE WIIITBY iei. c èoNm,'r orueul ecopsoctfreily irrforn Cire batla lias procurre ol ir cf Che rrro.4C mt lesofTypu frcin Neoirck asud ath- oudizadla preprren te uxecute AN]) JOB PR.INTING doseripiiorn lunoporior etyle end t R1h rapuete et Cie irrwraC reenioraCieg lefola Proonce raid l'rinCing Mrrchirner)-, On Bifa, Ilrein Billa) rund suiarirr dourrili- Prietivrg forihelniChin arr heur ni W. il. HIbGINS, t irro. G7rrorrirae OlBce, WVhiChy, C.W. HN 0114 ALL ThOMIPSON, IDEN 0F THE COUNTY OiF ON- 0r. Ittcoidoet--Crnrrirgtori B3rouir. ZACHEUS DURNIIAtiR, E 0F 11ICE C(iUNTY & SUR100ATE illlirt thru Court loue. 1 ELSON G. REYNOLDS, FF L0 OFFICE AT TCCE C'OURT JOIIN 11AM PUIit, TIL OFFICE ON BitoCIf ST., K 0F TRE i'EACE. OI-FICE-AT 'Ort Ilure. r.JOhIN V. HIAll, T, 0 F TIlE COUNTY COURZT, AND rirarcftire Strrt)gtiCourtnc. Office et tr Oice, Brook lOttct ý_I w. I'AXTONI, Jr., UEll. OFFICE AT VICE COURCT 4;I. J. lIACDONEI.L, IVOIZ, & CLEICE 0F TIIE COUITY JOHN SINIhER, y EN;IiNEElt. OFFICE AT TII E Itenroue.I L. FAIRCBANKS, FICSTDC VISIONCOUtT. OFFICE Court lionne. JOHIN GlORDlON, Trit orf WEIUIITS & NMEACIJEES Che Conry cf Ortiria. IV. II. TREMAYNIN, PSTERC AND) CC>UNTY CiCOWN rlon ruery. Ollicu-tîr Arrnll'» New hiricir *r4r,.ocuriu Flur. 10 4 ICRON & MlACh)ONELL, leSTECIS & ATrEC>INEYS AT LAWr 1vt to u Cetire, counC> cuurrcl Oneari- Ct tire Court ioe-orl NiL ORGE Il. DAICTNELL, viel ISTEiC, A'i'VriINEY, CON VEYAN &, 40 e., &o. (ruine our J. S. Dorrrrldurr utertfi lerdworc Store, Breck Strt tWiCir 4rC4n4 ~-J. V. IIAMe 1141 ISTEIC-AT-LA'W. OÏIFICCE-BIPOCE cr44401liritby, C. W~. iii!. *e B. FAIRBIANKS, 4 O! TOIR, NOTABY PUBLIC, &Z-&c 1 vet a C. W.e Ni. ~* STER AND> ATTOCO-NEY-ÀIT.I.A%'. 4141 -pposite irn htcgistry oIhioo, liraek hitby.i il!- et STEPIIEN SEARILE, rir ar-J, LIFE AND MeVNE INSUNC q4r fr1' duiro ilrdrrie Stere, ilnk otrcot i d COTT'It HOTEL, AtSTREETV nII1TBY,FIRSTDOORt N, tfW. Lairrg'as SCeto. uil et , .O W. CR0Ns1 -, atifi0 CVI ENGIX4EEE.ý AND muiaral4 É iDET . WILSON. hi * A&T»UZYNE &T LAW, D01 . LX T-INFON bat hw 42 -'N Witle calma VOL IV.r GEORGE DRABAZON, fONEYANCER. COMMSUlOIR Fo l.tatbg AffIluvite lu the Qnoenj foueO, liOl3Ts CIIECKLET, mi. l SUîîGoEOIl4,AdCCOIICHEUR ü .-oOE . . . GIPl, m.uI>. SURGEON TO TIE voUlTT GAOL, k7Ilyrofi Street, WIlrlthy 3-. S. JNES, I-itCrOIIC,ferr trial, , G. A. CARSON, N19 » PîTIY SîI AN, SURG EON CrcIIEtur &.OStCO ced rosirCelia4o---oOni lo 'rVliliy. lîatticnlar atteigiui eChorn uiifl1Adicetu tint poor cveryýlolr&y, grai -c43, EAST WINICSOnutHOUS,ë~llTJhyp Wa. ..ure,PRuOr-ULcq. IIlEnho%-e lieol l tnrOirpeOit .&retirC.d part rai Cie Town, a ruirend. Gond aceronmmodrtion loincdlIrr. Stnhliig mantentve rathera c ICUGH FELITX, * rOgan, Pierra Fort, lisîlny tirroungiaBrnarnd r]t kidils ot string litretrnrrrtn . iltua ; r-ecie-e n iur luroeti~ ar Iis rraidçnce.vua J. C. HANCOCK, MBOOT AND) II. MAXE,ÊFA MIcL ECAI VlrnIdctrger 01nt Wiiidtb> tek nrrriatoreor et loncoiste nrrin une WL irnr cle-içuir-m ADIERICAN HOTEL. W ALKEiC & Cr.iifEItSON1 111Z,(l'utIE tor, cerner ai Younrg aontlt iSrcela. Toronto, 4. li. - OAKWOOD ICOTEt) OAENVOOD, W%. RANS, PtnizIhoiCuOR 0 oued accommoindationr fr truirebo 88I 1' 1.CLARKI,, LOTOaGlea& Co., irEIICIANT TAILoRt, N. 74, Eh]» CTr MU West.Tororntro. h0 MIARTIN'SLt4 LaCo s i'a> OTEL. rrîouo liolel icrri 7M,r. 'rnetii ic 0414tea u- JOSEPIX I'4OURSE, O .EltIh TW ELFTII DIVISION COUI:T 0F C Nocthuen rrlanrd andsdDurhram, lItr.raco bar-gir, Crtonrr..lrC4 ONTARtIO IHOTEL# I BVAN Jr, lCOPIIET0O RIIOCE CANTON IMOTEL, DUFFINS CItEEE PICKERING. (n04_1) ?.,rrreeierir- ru-lîclre. W. CU-IlrllETh. 49 l i C'rioee. PILAl4DER DI. CLARK<, 1 idiCONSTABiLE, COUNTY ONTIlO, 11!rr1-21 IspecCrofLicueaL>tee Cr rrr.r. yniClrte Tewe of W trtine. 1 J. W. CORcOON, 1M. > Y PIBEL liiSICIAN TO> TIIÇItI.- rE L onlorital *lita Ii>ririCt COrNritc a, erkDeeray oiiow uitiaN. Y erinr ire.,idcrro -Cirrirrr ilirgn re m11 lil. rtin BOUQUET SI-LOON4, I. TWEEýNTitE .TII EATEtE AiDMOrS,ýIN ilotiee1EirgSreet %Vral, Toronn. hrrire tnoicaDrrncn, Orrncrer n&c, Ail kirrol-ut CGrrrre li n$rrccn. Aciroica refection etnfine iirteuriindl Sgaru., J. Il. FAIiRAIe Age>n. * HENRY HANNANI, p IAIN ANI) OliCAMENTALVlAINu W, P(;liroin, lupeIlirrgor, &rc., Whltir4 il1 W. H. ICLLCNGS. Be ARRISTRnATrOIISET AT L'.W, B n vine inrCiîucery., Whitby C. C. ilhr-Wrelntce'e Builni:urBrnok-sir 'Vitir> PERU SALOON- JFAItlA, LATE 0F TIIE irTîNG *Cretised," neee theroYalcyri1conellul igu Str-eet, IVet, VarenCa. Cirie Soppce. nart Eftu'-cIireta ut ail hnee. 13t JOHIN IETCALh', O LERK OFTIIEFIFTIIDiVISIONCUIJRT, rrplinng Cirs Tolusrhip Brook. Ad-! rrt rrirgnran. 14 ,FRANKLIN flOUSBE. LNDaSAY, . W. T>F.JEWVETT. IiolliETOR. ÇU.)IeOn- B.e table anoraeoartion fur TmleéUto. Wîrthy. Jan. 2l. 1857. 1 A. K. ICCE OARIIET MAKERl, UIIIOLSTEREl:,.Lre., Sourri'a Hall, Ilyr-arsStruct W luiCbe l'- par Iîarrgiîrg ntiy duoe, nul di kÛniu c job.- bilg al repaiiiirg of' Furrittieu ttendlritea. Furinilure rart-ialIY rrelanveil. ]RAIL ROAD HOTEL, . PRTevrauT. P FAIZMEIt, iRIOPIRTOII. W TIIIS R. lion"o reeraes tutauolinei8dtru or Tranvnlrc. iùed stabiig und ttentru Onk. fer. 1 ô A. PRINGLEe 'IERCIIANT TAILOR, BEtOCE STEri, M Whithy. 1 THOMAS IIEVERELL, TUE uoeslu HOIJU. ov m Jas sas. C~ ISIBLIN. PICIPRIE*i1L3 !Nn1e 1 *ôta,egemî hongirts m" tra g inuee VOBICocaCO Paeme Ero * WHLTBY, C. W., SATURDAY, AP' ItAIlLROAfl MOTEL~, b EÂVE1CTOIf. GD ACUOÀI1MODA&TIONt -" gou tabliet, and rcltl stlcra gaboya 15 C . FCERPprîajuser '1?l Chsellen01, arPlYte otIre oiderutguud r-.1ko Wlihy Foury-. Axori Ired on the, un o otito. tVorrunt dCntSr. 124n CLARK lUtiIr fll-4inA c-el,-ket, 'WlIiry. woO L- OAIIDINGu JLýWooi-Crrm-eing Cltth-Ducnalng, ,*.iutIfila W. ai urding et lu. LEVI IE PIRE Wlatby, May 14th, hell. MAUT- VINEGAR. iL ALT VIXMGAIC emnow baimhledin large Ã"rI fi~ rai) etulatltctu, t hu Whitbv loe. T ICEunederZaigerd takus lorre e tnfern tIre ihtbitrn the lrlu, i hu ernîblo iit. fei taaw îsntfaerrng iîrgr È aeunrprior qnoiiCye olie i ire e Ir u sC iilnrriY IVrlu- unie 0 trchanCu mml otheratgkmully rdiloer pt..TireTrete ihirlIy dnât Usi.Af, Addlerair,' - NATIIAN 3ILLUit DAILY STAGE. F RtOM 131C<UtIIAM TO F1ENCllMÂl(iS XBoY Sttionr on thjr Granld Trunk IWIlrnd, ccnrrcting allie the tir Morning and Evenlng Tran. . JAMES IIUBBARD. lioî-onbe1p rd, 1857. 4b l WESiTERS flOUSE, DUNUAS STREET, Wiiii y. r9P11E ABOVE PREMIES HAVE BREN ,L justr.pered b theuhirduriknecu. ulitrt reellora cale Dow uliii rracommoatio- Tire lionne is woiC 1riïhe, wcU kepi. alCIra alecin rratCi oni uderhiuru là godconfortoblo StUhlitegrnrd the esat 11. t Gil Ili raid tonrnd horeoý, TIbar um n lar'ge a '0 enirt, und voîL o uppllied iClr th. botWreLiquoru andlCigare. Illnd- boikuiF Attu rrpaitting moins I1Cr- private par- te&. MICHAEL McCAULEY, 17lrurit. QUINN"IS HOTEL, LU W Et TO WN QU E4IEÇ. ~C b t Me ac.7mbSt at rrding uLpprt tir. BrîtihAinran £qe .Lr4 oy 5c.ie tRAVELLEIS ANI> VlIS-1'OlCSta otilt n- vient City of Qjuebocomi l initl crpetilrn- corenodetiun rut Moderato ohnafrraoni thbu ariro buaiu. Thea hotel invrycor ini itorier -non, the liarnke,Steantitout ier, undprhr. ,flicrrebloenadbut rc riinkie mit% v-soi (ndUcry eattentoni prirltt hUt, onofori and coliIvnienceuUUdovory iniounUatrio und direction os ta ther aarrourrdiîr e reitità, priliciori plarera ni raurt% atonnry, &c. JOIIANNA-QUIIÇN. 18 - - - rprioior. GLOBE MOTEL, BROOKLIN. rr I E, onà,origted larcin4 lukaherepons- of Il tie aboro %ol]l koo ri tul, rlueilr nul1 buocondnotnd a r nerly with the tetelot pro prirCy and regard fur the oicrt rCandu» cai uîrce ai Cie ipublie. Thre îpreurieter anuirreahie rnauy fricîrrleit 1 evuethnrgranriereuaoly asrfoenerly Cu tt Coil Chieurlrt the (;lbe lonCon ho ie ra 11 hu pueruul) prenant ta gico thoni sucnh a ru- leCiD ue na shie wont. , thurebashan unthoroeglely inlrd, îuited Undr irroated, ulla le fiICCoUtiti In mere> rtopet ien aucîra allmeer ne tla mure entirfa- tin. The burrndrrol lui rl.iiliod, en lbrererly witlirtire bat etables nondrikeblue, Cellnde n-iy. C. DAWES, i'roprioior. TUE TERRAPIN. SiE illitOPlClETOlL8 0F TIIIS WIL I.kneesn tRu u i n ou rajrtiori ni Cire ol 18. NICIIOI.A8. Kîûg arue,freonte ifoirrrrrly kpt by Mr. Hurlay. The prerniee linon bone neci-y ronovatu- lirtherrcut, eunol outed Ira in thoir it tylo. Every ronhi inlere ;leanBon. A ergrr hoediva ttrou n atai y irto wlhlr 'roue but thu bot brande oue puriteitteu e nter 28 CARLISLE & McCONICEY. Grand Tenek Itaiway lmotel. (Sautà #id* f Raileo.ryDojnu, Purt #và aby1.) T E UCDERSIG?;FD IIEr.TU INFORM T ier frieejatiui the pubnlic, Uthbuianiow ilu pounr-onf Il Irou oe],o l, ilti of bcrcia ho ilsou t uCre rarey oncen his ove accouIt. GuorI Liquore, %Wlmâ ue am ladla, Erurloul eablleig-caem-u aretllon lfor mon ued Iorue. JOSECPH RUEiIOTToMt, Whthy, Jan,. 1, 1880. C 0e DARMETT. ANtF&LItRE AND DF.ALEM.INl Ciae n efTobaemelrar Whin, 101 Walton. Gteuel, Prt hope. l'art hiroe, 5lrrh ith, 1lm. w-av ly Whitby Br.wery. T h11,9Suheorihurre m unw l reparauL Cafur- niair Ciepatroenof Ch leChyLat eu.wory wîtlr an exontent rtilla b erreirquantillue on meybere,ntl, and tla ueraltenurit pou- Ieloleo tate ti eaorted â,rtiule. CLARK *WOO>W AMI. Whlitby, hirv. ltte, lIqI. 0U44w. ES" va = ROTEL Mi C>eburbtiereneull the loolulrn the ahove a tnenhâtea.,u»d lekeg leueeCo laoraihiere,' Md14puleieuet uoebghbu be eaultn le tirheloe muz il ane taitut om- ~ b. elgeCIrePublie on ' ierdatie Ce e laver. lEv atCauWee padtotlb. C"rfoel cf Cavoleme.Gond Si.- bikw.JiSSE VAN 5LYKJI , tWEK iliWHrB A"O LI!iDAY AND "WIIffBYAII EAVROK. TISEtteus cmna tael tbiaog le "Muer.cPlané heuair du. tle aCeifryc 14e a Ra il D<anu a RAY fAyInO pSr-hund the me tolik e IL m-ÂAINw StOCI..do vaRomUnliIwsau uthlw usmgia ueta tl-i F Jtb t uWo me w mun * a « April 76b,.pur" Cee.i mesmmeru pm Il AIJ13"tIO?<BUSINESS- t PZ JC. Sterling. ~ J .S~ M lt~ cM a(ly authormed tu ontclttiysiieeeftuonU"La-. auttlu tenie, Irmurand ta ltor- itOI u. htothe, iliieepMUO»enîo1tlCg tua ni>' etinabiainesoSTNGOxEL Uniqyrraraorlu et ramI ncOanjt I, seail u oh i eairtvamy ogroun Ie>' Janadtiu e r tiau nie>' mie arrni>' hîultC-- -F--t-fn-ydua.e- ara uin rttedlu nailul f tîlt Conntn-y. Slmdia ruad detov "J.ClS TERLING. oa iatli tafor- friànd-auiol fer N0180 e fTU i - C.k Mlini 1 I o'i e yanr Mena; - CckI him univrh1Ilellotirrend CET TOUR LIKENEIS AT Ja» une)penice Ca thon. vir nced- .. A. librIrkIs ltCPise Picture t(illcy CWgleCar uut odatl F )o ye lMro e correct mid hut, kAmnbreç -Sd, te bingIi- rmiRgond,>'tri Rting, frJ .C a oit i le ire tyle, A.neriiiglaucali, il t shrtiotice. 1hivu talloW Chrietae ove leu, WIILKINSONl'S B LOCKi We omiitleoer icunl or ptiC 51 rul Str - i t%>. A frieud ta bad llie O ailgir- H. îv IVODIVAR, A rienol ta Cru lhut la rigirîr O O>MISSCON MERCUIANT, I(SUICA:(CE undCGentorel Agent. Oflet-Lely rime- M» pied u me hy.anrIludrion, 1W1h-lr CiiW. 'I Exyrmeenm-ThoitinClutrui Mtn Prto aietCBaud of Tree, Toronto; W'. G. irurrrrIr, El on,,Ctnrer, hiuk B lMCrAintricu, Tuluto I -_____________ IV ;I "" Erînuîn Eq., hla»iupr nQCuheBrne Turaito; ,. GaînbloF. rrl.î uritMilleaVo- P ARLIA IEXr iy renta ; Iloti. Il. MoCilTi, ctou larron-- ftAil . trerri, bhirirnai i Mousr.. >itlrine), VlecuI- QencAp Ilnutriiimr-ui, Tronto; leaurs. Aneeunn Ecene de -, prl &, C.,*Muntre-l; Mur. %V. I'riraI& Sor,Qe- bec; Moeru. IL. J. Noude)nC. 51-1>' DxaSitCe. GERNA flOUE, -yesterda>' tftenoon bath af tira PItRCO Avuxv TcOrSe . RIreses of-Iàtwrliilei eut aumtiol for, a k'tqlt TRE, R-TO. el, andi ut thit manient Onu liif ai tire IliE Cisibehr.haga tu aenrcuCatethe lu- visiltoi iecnlr31 C t a'o T iiLinso Tenitonr and IleruTrvcliiingand wuest, par-t ictrperlag hbind thu iron berna fitted lb ni:lia irrruandconoenint 'r. oport înbigi lmh I-ni A Fiirol(autoinla Is srrred rt tlrie fHateL ecrale tpring tonhs balf tnaw heu md eAl Liq Serre Irpi en Cire preism .arc of tînt vith tirueun oVerirea-t i maý it5 a est to boat qnnlit), uhintuCe-g u ilo, e Liter>' giv thelni0ean Oic atirtulon bY the P rè- StribIo in eouLnrirctire â ehau-e nirua. lue ofa aerî>' dnirancefo ir- tl ho bleita CHInto liMOiCEXAtr ni inler, obicir sootirttu a» ilraits thot J. S. GEIIIAN, Prreprirtor a long cigo in tis aregion.- Trenrtuon, Anig. 8, 181. 10-mW During the few tliat days VM hure hlA&1 ATLA IR N W RKS odE thing or-twa in tire Ieginlattmue vcm FronS IRON WTaORat 8 tIyfre iscord. -Ardunnier 1may tàee- 9ýrFrot Sreeý Troltfà _M tien the prruccedings - or > CireCommittiee CHARLE VAL~ Co,, cirurguol ta invootigain Cire expenses ai tira CHARL S VA E ILCo., Ueiversity fond, and coliogluata odugation. EU tu itifeur-ii tire jr ha rt tire>' have ru Thre RvDe yrbSisn dGen foneaoowtitee atosextenttqbine an oi & ' Bl«tinîr>, iri the louat -coileotu bu or Zfer - al Scotchr Kirk bavt- been examineul, anti ingiun iri t irapncnuof thru arc other nilof ainota vniting tirr IronFIOunding& Sith'S work. tur.. Sa far- it teotha ireiy l>'car hat lnu rlliMu broncrhes. -Upper- Canada pMy, ienileomeiy for lts They herte inapectidr ofttririiiiieiOnulai nCieCre uh-punValJe riri' e turon-aiOrrairrii ruiterFen, RreiLnie8 ha r, hesae fa v n t'erarrduirulrrt Duorau, î'ande)Or-urrIncnieutlliilucetirat il 11bhoclearly ileiiozâmitateil Catt~~~~~~~~ lrr irrmrrNirncCprSain hteverynenonfaitiresnundonispae .411CIMIXTURAIL 1JORK, £lraugi tire reguior- course, b>' vu» aite nferv dlcurifrCeir Conhieg, iParor udBox Coloege £îtnchcl, eow cos fuml$1000 ai .tce;G-n1nCeuMoîrCairuEngrpublie aiuny-thla in addition la Cie fees KotnPrrr raiegi. amI Frgiigur il ut luhi 11, tIr-y eIler-Ctira Trrr d mrh lîrson m- hu>' py-iticb ucer>' one naotiropelcsi>' crrrtrrgeuftriitRuW( Country' ederu pUnco invunearabla t teargumnt, and I muy Turceon, tcto,rla e 47. 40- 218>0 te conmmn oilheoaty, mut admnii ta ba - - - " - a flortala-appropriation ai ihe iurb ard e- CASH FOR PRODUCE. cd properCy o a u plpe. Na one I enp. -- pose l don>' Ciat thre University'cndowa- Tire Undrsrigniacs aprepareil ta men eri ongs eunal>' ta ever>' muneulE il, A Y C A SHil F O R la Coanaruotiet tire b"eots of Che le. atittineCaborh ale ers owie'exteded, an asny quentit>' et .uuaib ht Ia,*.bl.q- lte fut ? lVby7 'Wheat. Bre- 'V. ttt-9 «t ' lit - - r a P tM ew urg -Bin ~lIfr'i r- r 044, u -r-rI: !_-OnC r.VuOn tirOatciderotrr grnrr. AICr Iu>R Siri>.i , tOCAl. - acCe-- ,ne riïtinnil% uh efi- - » - -~i Cr. I>or ~ afers haue )lti r, 1tctre-.accrii - -gond fortueof a uiring tCen lu- ,cr > 1EEN n unedieg hoir-sont th a Cire rd cii>' virr they nia>' Cbr-v ipu en£100la yoa-r- Fire and Ife Insurance Conpany.an u horewttes" s psil Capial :iîOo,ffl Serling. Showuof aicampoîitiue. Nov iraving a Cl- C)1JItE 'Oli'I -Litrpororl, Eaastlantdr ershly extenive ecqruatco et tira IVeit, - i ho1 now or eaefaci. that hurecar ceeau OrFFCE IN MONTIEAU scores ni Yaung niu l anif irir fatirera - f uleCOcva. coule) pay ihuir henrding and other- expert-. CIAIIIIAN-WM. Mol-SON, ESQ. uns in Toronto, wouele) gi.ely go iha-ngie a lien. JrIrrr 1tnuriryî 1 Tirooi KEn-', lin9. University coursu rsnd irovwrUhNlimexaur- hlemr>'Thnxrao4, Ilq. IIadloOrtO5 rq. aie n therc adcniic saadosftheitiore m Agnlit eIVîritir>'aede) urreourditng biutrie. ian pri ls alacroctdbth nae 1. W. WUOoDWAICI> n).utb' h oae Wbilhy, .i. 2,I100. 71e. but Wo, poor- infortsnatesunst lie cou- ent with srrcir Ienaing as thre Gramenar New Tttloring EstabliflhMent ! ecireoitferàl, or, intheeaasneornobi - unnihonariet, viuh iltiigiven aitirhe VOzýmO» SnCIPSON & FERGUSON. SciraaImr Nhat a dreadul crime ii muaitlie -RESC'ECTI'ULLY annîatace ta thirl. teuliepoor-,or- rhr to bu flotricir ?-for Oùý habitants oftWliîby and turrroandlng 1> tire iietorthoue oWho aie diIri ountry, tint the>' ia-eo ouee)a .- eairgir tapurcirasu iigir uducationiad. Tnalort'e hp arr Dree Steelq 1u'amtgea for- tieimciiliren at theesee oppaoste -Ontario ilotel îIla-ber-e jahoofCieir cruditors, caea end, one or- lvo1 or- orolcus entrutsid ta ticM i rii danse vitir iirec tonsa aitCie exponse of £100 a y'a netaesoaunIdonepatcm. oache te *Taroto-e-itrce ib involves eecie 'uViitir>, oct soti, 1810.C9 . ieeoy penalties I Wirnian lica Ca ho mrei POR - Cadevola about tva millions ni dallar& ta P RSAME VIMY LOW. University ecuCcation on Upper-t C a uni (~SEBlair ureuliu Bn-e 9 ear oit, ueCin is invooke tire ndmi$ratinof tire itrlul 0.3loibi ectc f-nnm~l Siign nhige o thre noble provis7ion, bei etthieesaine iîiner iCnmrau 5cprniir ratrrto ca-y practical ta tirane wo'de- sire i, or-atmny ratae1 Io o 0of Ceeue - AFF-LIOCTED- I- R E A D- virado, ayau mmlit enchàit byà itder- :0o- 016 -oends ai gale), vo ,for- .0cm>'week.m - EU R OPRAN Makie; brie l iaut struorvusa- ajoie M El)ICA L 11O IJSEB vie canparotl vite aucir maier-y. It- AN D» :1, cannai ba sa-icI>'deeied Ceai bothîhe Uni. VOA E IM 9 A T.veraity propor «Il its pet.Cawhigs abooid rie o i S7,EUM VTt=, T--~, CQW-$, lie aupported and veit snpported, vide an uwnrUMmav ryinceme of $25,0100, Cao hicira-4i *50- fuoa DIR. GMOING, (fonnedy of EnglanL) ucit of 100 atudet-for if it caenot ries- teCr- 100 aiideezte meconcereai ut tee pro- NEW. kIEEI Y, AND IMOST Sl'CCB noueccd & a- iudfaiiam-kinýg a-total- frtn Di ut itmt( __ g>wiwY, ai 30 000, uaY 10,000 for- Cea Unisual> Mi 1uta12,-or ExrLmning and Accounting Dpartment, wt li-aksna, Li"vMsu&tf%.a# teg aed 20,000for the Colloeu, thnCee e.via-i ad Jladd,t-Rrtfhiiol,afe NRyRmga eiaruieadi , a-magolficeni provision vît I r bfor-the Oem,&aia, <rde , $d-., ucof the îbOuniuy,-W47 vi ,i heu400 r W-Nouhisgt fer Adviei. remaieing, teuaothur Coilegua -affhilî" taÏ 1. mr& c m siid 'a-ove', wuas oupnsel eie, üi .' Cleough r um the veiy &mconîte of the B1w.1 au, after a moct extravangant, vante, eré iras been -a-aSruiu'lot oncjnmi"lg han, ;n.ired tire otluer cga Il Whaî do ee, people Men? - 1) -Cby munlly >imaginé Ciraitipper Omeaitansare sq no4ttiabi as net tie diseovor tha caa1a-lous iabsen eques- Ùdàili? They enay perha, tick, or màyý haeve tliuugleCtIraI beca-m the bal an niarterd #y theo Méthodiste, yho peuhape auo Dot Où irï$ïelSAvoery iirlinexti.i laeoiM be wanld ala mlcjdqhm, oubliE oDÉ byseWe impurdence, CIîe ýleSiuil- for justice, but tre7 ar most nenerbi , tnakm, and ni. Cieongirtie Glob emsd-is LeaImer ma-ro comneon carmese Ii" a-l"pt 'te PerpStua. aea nsystlm of gtr)cioaa iftiw**ir...tir Word tlsey nrmro gpaiIy mcmi aI ilili hlae-of fair play-jnaiice viiiviw&ndica-Is 1lUitd Ce tire-mioiter, and va shall -meChue: 81*8Cu ati iirnd proleticd from tire rafpecomîuiiil orlilir Irvu convertéd lb bio priviIeWd pîtentie. IIraml Dot thirrliËlouintentiona when Ii tôthmenoed ta ýy16mn ch on ti mixtjUct, litit lusunibly alnpliled untic my' Perryliui, imdeasno1do net knowtira-t,- Creo in a Word daim Chai I woerld vicieta te&%i, I Comnmi ithe jememindti oy Our mua-dorscon.- elderation. Tire pnblic brs1i eetLte huy seinogý ahi thre butiCenuas et OnterialingCe Royal do0 of cOurhtigiet floyalobtecnand 1isuppose lra han oey lii ieil as br-n*sina, ha fr-eely use& ie denurats tirai thé Ofd rock in jont as Sournd mud atablhe le 11* loy. aiCy,easit jo grttant u i a'ltioCin its pwrT. nicul aspects. Yoe01May reeinaneret, tira- Qneboc vill do hlin e tis 8hitofic aie an thea appmoacesg emot, Anti If it cannot vie wite ilanreal le arClIblial show--~ vhicie 1 henuts e ahob.a tralruxa elézr phant-.ii vili a-ileva ilixhibit ACîual lieuz ite, viricir eo commeiay vil pretond Co ri-val.. la my eext I oCli lalkpolitilit te»iSi, meaowlilu I tai as ever. Yaur feitlrini COON. SalmioliSpeingle stractivo leulMr. Wiiieid reportie eAppen- dice of thre CrovtkLa sreporri, ire refera -in the falfawing extraci Caetire destuctetu efitecte open Chu babiltiehrongh teiahaio spearing tliuso fisir by Che lIedianli . I ceannai close 1hi5 report vithoui CAilOlle ing upon the etirjeci aof sponrlng by Ir- diaoli rrTiu ru acticu of capiierig nalmon by tarchlMlnt a-nd penra la justly ireld ta ho perniciolllr Employed, as il aimant inter. inbly t a t Unie wlren Ciao waters of ea-ci river arm loweat and cleareten, ohilst the sel- moam etlaulked a a h e »of eteep faite, aamitins tira nexi fre4het, mid congregate -dtiing ui Cm> nigirtse ntea C uates Of er oiîtrer ro - " tlCt nf pan!;n&peurfnI. lrng irucoîvra n>xoCeàoC ie lalr sainu- truuL. 4n"th_ ipDrcoUcouuilenigir <- ulay Salnion iwill b.>r 4*.o e u--tu-,Jutr a or-dinar» oot-timltin.- ulong Cirhecant tir 'ie tir estinrniac apture tmairatt Cire regelar fialring seson. Pmrio-4d'alrlig ntumn a-ad pemiada a rof anat"rna a u tSÛR moun irouetl te case, it liecomes indescribarly b.d, -'ia thre crownin&g ut of extirpatim n11e lisokiesefinir are tien kiliod a-t a sta-gueviic ra-ken tie beue fus. ture of duatroyal ite reigheai dogreudc. plomble. Teey lave on' Chuir duvions a e fr-ar thea piscine 'pesures of aid oMont lir-oo3labyrrinhe Orfninets apti ia iultitmrtl Of orater» poero tgd utevrliby sCeoug instincta, tiref have summoenrted eIreudible difficultiosnand ael6ieveneaiveteofa4vu nrors tuaoui. TIre> are nov aurived nit tature's Ires Iraspini of riscui lying-in. Tire vateu..ay by whiie tIeY Cea ire 14l Mana> parts imnpausabiy eie4 asd no more boBs>' ybreeders ca-le mccie eame iigi groieuls, or stIpp> teir places forta yeau a-t least. Anrd a&Ur s11, lemn ftol exertion and fosod, Enr und eUe>' froontAhe poyail anie *ad - eIhhasC;action brn- dent Or> ihe puocrea-ive 8steu, pemiape iu;. gianmd huaworietirahnsandu noOV1 r bàsied in the exiraaali ve la-boa nd mixons Came of depoeieing tieeir prolifle bardas- lire> are reuSly eala e e>'thuespeam With Oveu>' moud or veeeded f&nietiec pertir len emryo frit ete Cahirty, fart>', Birt7l en asM igie as cisC>' iloemad- Spa-oner a nEwelItrsbath enftn r. lat imposnible tagexaggerate tie ruinonus conne qnease of encie improuid-ene. "Trere are alno, irer featureS n ehie Prstlce Cou' tributing te tire vain aMd inqjustice iten- taite. Tire Sa-lmannoetaken hb>'the apears oomparativuly epesleing are vorieeius a marieta-le commodlly. But being eaIi unth e iecapsore orilule ispose of tIeur .t mtee*ble priOei d a-n abuter for Chu riecapent moiesa o da0 Md rust7 pou and moulile biecuil. Tire MOEn ta e public ai SA&liflgthe ricieusianal flouai liti iain v4a teme--the preciaun capi- tl of o ouas-to b.er- tua-de a 'à. aiment ralilena nd sauder clreumsm ihal admit a nof peoa ihumasud ClO" dlMdeet4t U i S841f ma-y a> rd tiesr-are taldai a peu cfCire brave seof ai iujd lIm But the. folloiegtitnrol 'repeérlatr aider as excaptioma I1 iàta"rà,keepertalq èvairliwW thig NeOrYsne préetat baie 1 Wmtai ce-of bigpeateus, (à «Malt fIk Abat ho vas*bout the bthaarme mma, ad tiesurer e uiroldgive-IU Isoat metl>' pre-tnl "Son,' Wd PàUtrlte!g i1 viC deligir, 41aivaaue" to à hWItheliavre 1Sa a,' uspa M-1 OU i b a-ïoui.faoNm M. 'Trsa erhre, traC eu m'u- lIOWMlU VaUEsanu66 Um e-ilme" - ~-1 t "t» Tixe Reeve r-â a i "woýri Meusa. Wilaon, Pa-ittoit u ad 'bUS-~l relation tt6e ldicmeii agasn4the Guuia4 Troek]lla-yCampa>' for obtutcig a ratad lo a nd fou o-mainmg thé mo.ti-c reaegc Celveen hotu 08 uni 9, sud 10 iE 11, unE 2Ã" nad 27, of ira poper goto Ie-communication statuiC a- 6e cnlresectiai the buildings plac Cà on thee oud, Ullaic, lu> Cee Coupa-y, tâ eain abuedane,, utier adnoaacs balnt beun aponed or useti as a publie Irigieva->.That the Companey hati agueiL. Ca, mile tire grades nifliresiatator6ielir; fiVSr-:1qt ta, exced ance foui in tô, o*er- 16te original 'lesel oftCee mona,% ta the lS f.nof aiMu. Croqkr,thue Engineer ai tCfi yi andi, Eoi fMr-,Skier-, or secir niialfË rm1iiAllïs the Toveirp mirI ap- point Ouie snodUiOtf kMm. UCtreiglr, thee Ileu van burclti ohltnct.vitheMurs Wilson, Patierlii ïà bd ilttli refouence ta Ë îlesrurctidd tUit6"lieraMi etllîuancu, miEaicerîit if the ttpa-ms *kru d tie 11 -On7 motion of Mî. dhtipw.lam, ationden b>' Mr. McCreighti tire Reevd irâas ntirorro. ECa grnatbis owleuin. favoruci t . IL Bugegieis for $50 9l8c., amount of icttumadt fou pintieg. .on ecmtion ofiMr-. McCreight, Chee ieevA luta inatrrrce"t Ca ot soinader, ie favor tr lIme Tr nst.eç, of Scieool section, No. 3,, ir 8 à amnoant of nomimedent scirani -ta£ dise on eumdsection. lntniiaiM.Cliapimne Cie fitiar in& resointiait pniud. ¶fIthé rCofihèi 'do appropria-la net of tire &ibodkof'dle ttiouahips nov la tbc Tz NÉMuiPh 'Irma"sthe lafai$1009, tg bu expenulei equeil» i uaecir Wam lu>'tCea Cotrecillors t*rereof<dan colihianrerg ai the Corppationila-ulàltt»e Itvle do aider tCe. TPemiuîreu ta puyte Ché order- er cacir Coundlulor the aum of $iÃ"Ã", ifor asiti purps.: »aed llrathtie onAlil doithor- lue.eac4býCounelhior totdxpeddli le90-levirAl reupectivul>', foç tbee$inprov.hemlosOtftond mmd bridgea, (Ire uta oi $200 Ca h pali on dr aller tlIrintay&ta novýebr-neit> fras aineamtieid l" lr tetownshiptCee prcet euyei. 0 os ition aiofMr. (ilradu, thâ fr~eei curer -wuvasntrncted ta I ra-.ia"-ntfouChee nme nf tira Cariartioù, 100 çopies aifIl>' Ituo 56. On motion nif1Mr. MceC Ïlgth eeRolione vuaunthnrized ta irave anr eaOMOai6 the romei-knowv a atirs Ber ii vrer-o lt laa.t he ae ubuoih a -ad *64 inle e irts> u Irirl0.-loZ 18, aurtiVsgieofl7, to teCboui~oà i4Ur tle 12th--of i lb.t" Cort The P#Rnceto Wai a advieed le 18a1 tee Voarie-IStates. l>rqLotda or aaitire 2 lOtrt., a-lier' diftuolsing theeomtempl*tud vluii aif tire Pujuàti 0f Waita t6 Caadary i odhoamalter- of regret If Chee Prise oriWahes, sa-lfied wità,heh ioinage ai the Csdamn, u abould Doilutiwtitt tire Repoirlie viiow loplay$'no sea pàr inthe orld. We do no4of cower, aetlcipate CtÏi e Prince - wolE metrs ta Zwgland viraeî - having .set -foot on Cir' Unied ti 04 teirl ut tbor eeearemdifu fexpat wa-ysaif ieIlt- onsulm, and, an nonm repaya atleetiveý observtionr moue tbes tiL rs itrcun Repablie, 80 none lei lieël>'. îo an la hiuuieom od hi a mcm oi>'mg Cauriat. Âmesica lu mo t oirtury ai mmia mdplicm to bc "aleas" lu asmn> way itir a Metrrayle hued.booka is laiteron comaits la itu people, te the piruen of coluulUthrougia vhicir Che> are pauleg, la lirepolilcalsud -coumer cel activit» tiricir the ic>' lânpfat eki encrag an,) eestfituneus, 6elr greatneus AlCeumgie e caant expeet that a yentla in idI clateende yesraboaitihaoaile aa-p. preclate t6e tmeloemnÇoiinonweltrm jet ou meil anre hat a- jôtiey tliroegll Cie United diatées andEïnte ameuulltloa itI th,. peaple oejd »tom-l-Im , -labloul -f' akind Ord xteaus seceptle ao b onimi Qaeno Vittora- ma-u~a c e -The intirqstofaimetdçuMmm inti. descnantsi a6 e t rme ler ofth(ief Oue>la send, v-tiser mupbus bMIh rmerl IbU>ii case, 19 oti g iee Poe 9M o t unE -ymyalje. I* uma aiWalea l~a-* olali ta C the a»ieies.1, vIeller Il ha Nev IYork lula- ii la smablhleurnd upalce ueis mcharte mae euvel ai ssi Tergof nk et h-lemu" fre ma- pu-Nos- e aveu afteuvarale have ae pouneiCy oailuinnyn0OuWhovMa l11,1011 to usd1 lalght dastinies, ead WhoIla bs the peunMlan te ba- r-tMllb l>'a pe throu isa t vare betl >qntrday, ce t6e ehooqa of Fa ne*t lamtibo"t, 5 &P", à"as km woaerw tullas Cuir oa e w itilp~e 'Pesuil>.If the prise*soai W e dd i-, Cer ,littbCneie ml f 6 e United &&u et Wnnhito e reoGemsa iii,1s Wé ierea b. .ppoa",KaaMd tend t6tia-o eloser the b b "nd I MWic nletes va1a- mitas TSSCaviDlwmme C&-um&-aTs rama Irale â q n eh Annîria do"s cpt apprabs>ts ny 4"Pet* mian Qfig1wc hlmn 1 but Eu rope sa b1 viren-atior QnneEiirtaAhtons wer Sire- doua-"t'à"a- lirtý'a£bsa 640 -*1iI S Flour ira 1 loqIEets - ee*ndingmf â oretO ni d1 Oua aiet87* tau 9rli P>it~'--' dilphta antid filir sto 2U 11-1 'Wbujt rreb4 lt iros Tuûeâdyrr±4 87&. Pork- meore inqui r>. Lgrd h et71tr E ÇO& ect~o Wie ti ý ioWh 4 Tire44 lur a 223ra ei k chu.nged vIwr u a ctbr imt:_ Conaoilehcosed on tur44a9Is ftor iOr lonrand Wol. An inqemi van-.irld Cairhé in the atternoomi, mmd a verdict oni 'mçaideni Cai demto»etared by tIre juiy. 119iia evirnin; the.boniy'of dçceaud ed acirit ronto b'oeA ofifi115 i-Ina e iem ofýtirl noruovieg Jrother. Mu Raffeuls:t>' Aaô cesuil, t endben employed on tIuI q for rome Ctue, u an umecle omspe4i , aIl tlira new , - merHe van about aine' taon >eura tif i Agof saler hitisi. Thé' brody> vili ica-ve ui aornAtng by train 4(P Wyoniing Conet>', Newor ti SaesfaI, hard' lte parents ai deceaud meide.I - Atuival af CIe Nia-garai e liÀittrAz, April 7tiLa ii iagiaf ltât L;*iêpao1l lit I0o wlolilI on tire reorniLi te, 11 5tuç sEs 411 1~S Quenuoo tueo jol1ittg day. 1T1 Bhi' tic a-nte héa*eLiter-pob1 for- Itelifa a-nul New Yerk sioril>'afiar-tIeNlgsp, ta- 1119ae olte Jura.> The Edialob t 22nd. -- Tire ParAIiiuhgays iho Sàriloat Croobid coairitl dtiré ey4cuation>et. S ao;andlr- ir t C iruntA0iIràm iromtnrning ra L8 - 4* Ch. ltei oorqr-ment rolatvv to -i aneuxttion af Savoy van publleIrdý-n Cee 22nE inâL-r h conlains lttltIai"p~ vidnel>' slaie&-d h- lit t111CeIaeiEcS for a- eiina l4 f e reiterate h igrqpeueué ieditý 4tlà exiing truniies, cUaipis tirla eanàa @i1OSCa7 excptoeaeanahn4shen5 (raiCepqJot wifibc udewitoutvéoios and lies ir-ont aIUconutrafnt .Iloiicludes blii6 lIruIimi ( olfaèsnce tint - Etglandwilt s. tirai ûilnsiCIlatiain tof Pramic ansPéoIr tii cutstinihatidhllof tire projecl.- - Tli inemadentstai t nxsatin hihu ire quisti>' aliowqd ud nt i tdliithé "t an errAet spnllatioand -eiI r-ogand4 iii ffi* cipe-as m il Cs tô rmreotq>Oibnete i au la malAa tiitliatttreui u$q*t convirtIon hat tlirire i sibteemi l$ tq in caitinnalwaicultiajnd -, mr~I~I pcra-ion ega-tst the uggregionx oer Ï3ôvea -i nia hCture u3ixe epoîltCee pomesatoma n Frtt , relaive ta S&.avoyseu &luaatirI

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