Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1860, p. 3

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en bis extensive business ot ýn the premise heretofore occupied by Mr. N. Rxr, on Mary 8tret, between Byrot âd Brock Streets, where he is prepared, as heretotre, to executeall orders irusted his care. JARRI AGES, BUGGIESgSEIGIS, 'CU1TERs, &C., I;g-Manufactured aand Sold et-IWh e west 1remaneratingPrIces ALL lWORK 1WARRANTEXD. ; T7eBAR anad PR8OD UCE TAKEJ rIN EXC MNG, atAA Bj*Bf -D. FORD'S long experience of thirty yearslu the- nespal Manuftactories of thp tates and Canada has given that experience in eviery ranch of the businesswie 2w have been able to arrive nt, and for beauty of design,"elegance of finish, durabilty, nd solidtty f et0-kinanship, is work cafnnot be excelle&. S:v-Cali and see Spec àamense- Whkitby, Ananst 6.1859. 1LL, on the i11th Instant,«X-0 a Selc* U U W sRbol aonMr.W nomeht .AUl the D neeqry tbqan isofa foute FOR SALE. "tg-$i- a-an-- t oEonderignd -S.r fo saeatatu- BE irm Enno the abo%, wiWoom. Whitby, Apil ou,18lu. Dow'Ln IL% thisPort, aeetis ,0 ue oie is will fou d desndB - O wuid t fX or reul u"tate inTown, or sld n tme, CIlESTER DRAPERt. Whitby Mýh 2 ace0.. 3. DL N:)' • g.JREb of this dithtressing o BRONCHIAL CIGARETE, r WUIiaigmuro Lade by C.B.L8EYMOUR & CO., 101 NAS- At seeilPa Tavern Oodwýood la MAhl Irp- ÈAUB:TREETN. Y. ship,ut the hourofelekvno'ehek in'm bøfóe. Price si purUbx ; ent the by p"t. nown, ad al.Persona havhw bu-Immh nt th% FORt SALE AT ALL DRtUGG1sTS. -,n-41govem Whitby, March24, 1s8o. 10 IUBosSPI3 A OY wIlIng to aske himself generany inApply at thi* oillee. Conlnie týt ]PME! Pm Qassec, 24ta reb, 1lue. A IEPROOF SAFE for aOO, IlerrinN t.à of lügr, U6 éùves sin R. E. PRR- r tI1. RIath ouast umonth For I.ts fthe lo* *d e k#màof&>,&P D E T S TR Y ge-t,aut P..br.ae.. .DEN-IATb f h et othe-a, Y.'rihend--inen i.maner asifGREA&T-P OWING; ATCIR, Frinr LnonCôrliodet they belonged to her.'-:: y 7 the editor th ale C e isinative conseil.FrmaLdoCresnet In the meurn'time, an&with reference ,EAUT EIDING OFJOYiK . ùloMarch 6, 18à60, t the consideration which Ihv h oo G IUTiA r OI T e D a SIr.- you re on l e t U D CA rl f ere is ny snch question 'which inte r- a: eus tim, and occupying Jalu sP,:e TheéIHouse met et 3 o'clock. esat heLondoniers mor than thethreaten- you were go enopsgh to granc me Ont the, H E Toanships of Markhaman U- r,. • aboieo.t oions - , I epyt1lo. r-leade,.13th of March,Îday instructions impose on bore' bave amalgamnated *L , ti r yourt co uns, noter ng otênous Hn r akuhe adta h denrahet fFaca stegetme the duty of protestinig formally in the Society for the purpose of holding a yeivleaesapr.Why Walae s5ieded Gvrietdd o ned quin h ih o tecposithehee nter»1ae of the Swiss' Confederation, against sl dIvidalJaesWalaeind. presenit Session, to introduce a Bill to national fight," as it is called--which is toeveymauewihmyhv o t b by' thra tidy editòr, o q ,t transfer a trial of controverted lectio ns take place between Hleenan andSayers one' jectt nexteeprvne o rne ,r finend, J. O. Dornxanin doin te iterfrom the. Legislature to any other tribunal. montht fromt this day. nnalyalt e t utimne athePoevcs -ofEurpe, t Z. work of the ésheet 1 You shoultI bc I ~Iter The follou ing Bills was read a second pintshopwidos l nterand are IwhBic teimeialtheGoernent a ietefPLO I G M T , ed dnd ait os lie - sýý,IIwith The Bill respecting the line ofidivision s tm ,flandr the "Chrdi an pod" declanéd that it would submnit this question .i respectalemsteis,'brid is boiutoecut between Upper and Lower Canada' res(i hih ena ertin y oks hehall have decided. 'WE 1ESAYA ri11,180 e thele TheIliill (froma the Legislative Assetably) 4 . i ".1 eea eratly éÈste a vail myslf on tis occaion,&c. ostick. Dornan sand Wallace are nett etbiha0tnad egtfr 11,3y most like a gentlema n),and others i which KERN." n the fam of ELIAH MILIE. ESQ., r men engag-ed in producing heinte 4 eadSrw they more necarly approach. to a state of -.ltN.07hCn fMrhm n n cuns of juth evatchmn. Matditel etTuesday A pril Srd. -Puri" ntraiu. nf h rit, The Montreal Gazette has it that the quârter mibs south of-Markham, Village. . trnd p us a evryon pedct In the Legislative Cour.cal no business 'hich seems very popular. and attracts headiquarters of the Royal Canadian rifleB The fOllowing splendid P riZies are offered .them slide, and mind your business' of importance was tran. cted. crowdls around the Windows, is one of "the ifob rnfrdt igtn n htfrconspition:- r or.In the A8ssembly afteÏ bills were intro. finit meeting of Heenaa and Sayer"," the 6-ith Regiment, now stationed at Hali. FIRST CLASS-OPEN TO ALL. T s ' duced to incorporate the vill:age of Merick. which represents the "Boy" frankly shak- fax, will take their Place at Montreal, as 1st. Prize-A tplendid BH1arness pre- saut --- ~~-.- Ville, counity of Grenville ; to extemd cer- in- hands with hbis oppoent, Who has gl ona hycnh eoe ytervr retdt eSceyb on rd it 7bteEio fteCfn" tanprovisionof te C s idated Assess. lantly marched up to greet Mon, and Who route. Thes cagethlazleas,2d Es aster, Toronto $20 0 deT e • 'l 4th1660 incorporate the towni of Sorel ; to amtend sstho imu al o, n g M eeiy,It areowiug to the anticipated visit of the 3rd do dol .... .... .... ... ;15 00» Therf lias.bnapr vri-great Lawence Minip Co., andoteamendand wlich Heena repies, No, 1 nePin ceoWals. -th do .........1 0 nens.gtion .ni ng the Grits borely extend the Several acts relating to the to takte something bock wvith me whien I go, Tna ARsTRONo AND WunlywoRTu Gtlms. Gth do do ...-.... 00 Tha le .The Odebrre a oesak nà. and Mu'.nal inisurance Companiis in% Upper and a man behind Sayers says, eýYs, with -Acring oteMrigPs hr . youir 1Watchmnanit I.soedelighéd liât lhe Canada. - a"broken head. The newspapers have i rbbliyc .oprtieeprmns9140 al st wil nt say r rit nntmrieulo.wrd n aotnn f M. uchnan ù adres ben discussing the propriety of making a being made with the Armstrong and Whit SECOND, CLASS. t for three weeks toonfrteuil a ti o copisfal oresodec vigorous attempit to stop the fighit, and worh guns. The arrangements at'IWool- 1st priait- Iron ]Plow p etedl toi lreason thtterpolytetn wh the prlGoeneto the sub nly this morning some one, over the sig- viilh for.manulacturing the 100-pounder the Township os Scarboro s'So- e ~ ~ ~ ~ r r n ioaatlstije te nii v that the Ilonse go nature of "Clericus," inuiires of one of the Armstron usar o omplete. The ciety, by Mr ohn Li ens Inn- d althonàgh the hereticalcorrespo' neOf thle into coiniittee oif the whlolte on Tuesday Joraswehrtisobeen:teo factories, to give 11ul1 and additional scouoonll......s4 0 . Leade r was n icked eeoughto ys:n ot he next on the following resolutions :----ltcome oli, to which the editor nawvely reliToortenrouctonofArmtrnggun,..l.2n.d.C.. 16o0 e read it amnid the jeers (not cem) and That; it is expedient to authorize the Go- that "he don't knowv." A member in the' bie in working condition at the close or the 3rd do doa..h..14 00 ec lalughIter of the flouse First:_m ha Il vernor in Couincil to constitute. a free port House of Commons proposedl a few mgt ins onth with an augmenaino 00pa.4h do d .......020 nl the annouuicement in the Obserte* thait on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and another sire, that something should bie done about tical handil. etu· 530 roe th do ...o '....... 10 00 pI Mr, Gonléd made an tibl speeþ; th:en the at Sault St. Marie, and by proclamations it u nygtluhe t thsbe th qo-do ....... ....... 10 00 n.Obserrer's Quebec correspon dont trlls the constituting said free ports respectevely to ugse httedrcos fteEs'r6olta' Onmn n il.Frb.'th -do- do ............... 8 00 B.saine story : and niext we hbe e 1!r eal define limits and prvileges thereof, and of 1c..ol te7o h eutos bis es srs n th •do deo ........600 B.thing itself, copied from tbig for rof ·any histrict to be attached thereto; 2nd, Counties aiway s oldstop thir trains lo theerescenesbotatwdisutretesur-nd""do""""'.. ... .....0 le Pairliamient and sent express th the Obser- That in order to prounote direct trade be- on the day of the fight, or at lenst not to e ofthe body, les iest acr;i adree rie . 11 0 edver for the edifàcation of( the Grits o! North tween thtis Province and France, it is ex-grnthusofaypealranfrte poison whichà sustains and agravates thent. THR CLS p- ntrio Tjude f te roc:i,n fruim pedient to authot-ize the Govenior in Couin- accommo ation of the belligerents and the Thi cru wic utCll Jrk mth .- j the tonu of thle IfateAMan it somaethmng cil, whenever lie may find it expedient, in thousanids who will attend thë fight. In large vessels lurking sprmnginig fpom thei roa t TsU nEn rizu18 EARsor kaGE. ys lu compare with Burk or G âttibs tnas- order to promnote such tradte, to reduce, by one of the papers somnebody proposes that, great interna organs, cani only be followed jst Prise-Cash . .. . . ... . .. .. $10 -00 to terpileces. O ye little fishies iiii:!t what Proclamation, the duty of Courstmso the as it will certainly comle of, it be placed to its hidden recesses by a prepartion 2nd dô- dé .............. 9 00 ct- delight the electors read and re-rel every tollowmng articles, bemng the produce of uder tone protection .of the police, and be like llolloway's Ointmer.t, ,whose pente- 3rd do do ..... ..........* 8 00 lisentence in the delightfùl iomloition, France, thiat is to say, on wmne, brandy and 'uhn tratmg properties are irreistable. But- 4th do do .... .......... T 00 Sand several of the Grits intend to have it dried fruits, permitted to take place in the circus in Lei-thsimelysoospktemcanle th d do........ 600 n lramed and glazed ,like anlagriculmal di- sIE:CIALIEPoRTS etr qae or motive charaCteris-tio of this famous 6th do do .... .. .. . . .-- 0 >ieoma that their children miay s'.0What.- The Bhieriff of the county where it is salve.. Having reached the poison, its 7th do do....... Ø B er orator t1 ir papas voted nto te ost f imin w lsado, ealpoi meomohntsin*o e lms edsr so 8h do ..doo.... 40 "I~Me thsiOteirttfiskid the vey O mtetotion of Mr..Powell, the Ulouse the effiect that during the past five years anidperfect The Pills, fromt their Puri 10lth do do .............. 1 00 C cesamne thing ccurred ini Jalaam a , ld agreed to adjourn to-nighitinstead of to- the county has been put to the eniormous fying effect ubon the blood, are a anateria at There is somnething else th tlir o ad orotilhe1hinatfrheasr expense of £21 10s 5d, on account of help inteiuCrcses$4 he W ahand n 1t th e o funichntOise holidays prise fight, and hoples somlething will becBIRTStRtes and Regtslations for Plowing :a fe-bout. 1 allude toh i., vote to del ve Or- Thõ Bill fromt the Coun eil tenrabla the done to prevent thtis one coming OIE. Seo R Harfis an-O( t l.Pate mm o ip n. net tcet bv o oo&,tock, todispose ofcertainlandr, yousEe he boys in the atmets of Lodon2s itewf f r scW aeel, or o heSetya MVrie a ve ca m-i to Messs rbznadLwaoh'srp is ie haveeaught the spirits of it and sing: ol a son. up their subseniptions $2 1 others, not reproposer and seconder-as-1 atn iormledl The followving bills were read a third. BOULTON-In Port Ilopen, on the 24th membre residing withmn the bounds of me Pýrô p, leffnfi timfer Tùdivide thre Township of %Windsor - -1 Ibetain-oney upon Tom Sayars-- -t.;the wife ofMýf. J. F. Boulton, bhar.Electoral Divisiun, $3 ; all others 0&. ts one ai h istsiprt roommiiton,) inito two miunicipalities :to consolidate Imboe frhto h By' rister, of a daughter. &%cond Class-Open only to parties Who LI tst the Biart, Smniths, and others to know the debt of Middlesex ;to lucurporate Despite all the efforts which will bie made BENNEIT-in Columbus, on the 25th have never taken a first prize ait any Plow- u-that they helpecd to place in Pali iainent the Assocaino Mnra.to preývent it, there is no doubt that the rit., the wvife of Mr. John Bennet, of a ing Match, excepting Youths under 18 St, rely a man that voted to proserible the society Thç flouse then %went into commiittee onfghwiltkpac.Aenemnrak-Dutryar.Ernes easrscas• e ck owihtebelong, oafbodly m en the bill to provide for the election of the fedlto me ytaerdapat igetwldn bak Duhtr e so .if Th r ClasauOea rto lamyoth eu- our thatare iii t to be ten-rsted teitli ny of Speaker of the Legislative Council, whiche ble m etran hat o ul hem aehs SRPEE OSndy h"sfa' er1 er fae hoersdn ih he riilegea tizn Vl oeJewsaotdwtotaedet oen , the wife of Thomas N. Senipture' Esq of a in bunids of Electoral Division, entrance ar youavlsown the cloven foot at uýst,anid On %notion of Mr. Cartier the bill res- parke to ßght in." Everybody who has het $18itotbonsofEetoa ivso I hopie that you have opiened th,ýyceto pecting representation of cities was read a on it (and almost everybody has or, will) $1 :ITE-On the 1st infst., the wifevofion• the orangemten that hadl placed COnhi- second timne. will of course feel interested minallowmg 10 r WHI -the at bl e ADDITIONAL$RULE. - .'J'ej ouTli ill,; to prevent ihie enlicensed.Sale to proceed. - h-te, of a ag r DI NLRLS ,Mr. Editor 1 remnain olf 1itoxicating Liquors mi unorganized Heenan is working- very hard at hie MARRIED. lst. IheGround will be measured off - ~~~Yottrs tracts, and the Bill respecting the manage- training grour:d at Salisbury, and Sayersat GRO-BO N-tteMne A time-table prepare for eac1h lut. I Biæ. et fIbcLadund tiB1Newmarket, and both men are getting in- UxbrIdge, on the 18th tlt., by the Re4v. bu PrareAlwdfr perfotion can be Pade.utr *** spnene to nuthoriae the New Gass Comipany of to splendid condition. The general fel-t llnd r hitperGrot llwd ahltwillbe drawn by bal- PalaenayCorsonec. Montreal to incerease their Capital Stock ing here, of course, is on the side of the Miss Jane Brown, both of the Township of lO« tc lot Queb Marh 29140 was read a second time,. champion, rand the betting- reirrains as it R2c CTON BNNT-B1h-1ei a.. The furrw must boeat lest sx n !-llc 1trth '9, 1'ihe flouse theu -idjurned. has been, four to three fin his favor. There a t.Ithe sa e lae nthe28thetu. r. lchte& deep. The center half of u ub orst My Dear Sir,-- ' . mis smething of a lull in the betting now, John Stratton of Reach, to Miss lsabella gathered, and the other two qu ter t os, The chief talk here for soeildays LgsaieAsml. as the novelty attending Heena's arrival Bennuet of Uxbridge. b trwn outs th, a lind roey ndpast haI enabulh omwosar-QeebMrh3 as worn off, but it will come(-up agin 31EKUMN--l.AGG ER.-By the saule Ile u he ßihe. bu- linig Resýoh:tions of the Finance M1inister uleM.ac31 briskly soon, ais the day approaches. Most at the samie place, on the 29th uit., Mr. G. Ir. lte sting sae satwic the Srd Aler sttiig o stkeset hicht"e theio the subject of the projected 1leasury Last might, after onr report left, the of the Amenrians now in London intend re- Smnockumi, to Miss Alabeth Jagger, both ofr assistance muay be had,. no person will be W itr, Departmlenti, and wile, Las a gener. thing, Ilouse went into Commiittee, and agreed to maining, to bc present, and quite a large the Town ship of Uxbèridge- allowed in any malnner to mnterfere in ar- 0 thIle people give im credit for having f1ocured certain resolutions respecting the- nduns- deputation ils comning over fromt Paris. It TOMIS-BURROWS.-ýt Whitby, on rangeing furrows or otherwise, and any- pl so a very %well arraniged and apporw ywell tration of justice in Lower Canada, to be will certainly be a day "long to be remnem- the 29th inst., by the Rev. T. Byrne, Mr. interference in thbis respect bjy friends of la- batlanced and salle plan orspat the reported onl Tuesday next'. bered." Thomaa-Toma, to Elisa Burrows, both of the Plowmenw"Ill Cause less premimoi ifl i 10eurencyofThe Honr rn t iilr ]leIouse wenit inito Commlittee OntlBill this wn awarded. tocurecyofte outr fomis mer oa Fon fl inImerial t tw. :4thà.lowmnen must be on the ground by. ngl eI ial jelutionis, and putting it upon a firmt relating 1to Sing o p . A visait to the WVreck of the IIungarian• IIELL-UUNTER-At the Manse, half-st9'cok.m.adbreyto cli- basis, there is an undefinable feliti-,ef ap. Guaranteed Loan, and replorted samne wi h--pakhmVilgebtev .9odoA.cm e c peaio. nd bc0 o•cockeat e: s pehesin o aniey tat f aerd i ou aendent .Mr. W. 1L Rayno, a merchant of Mon. M . o the 27th ultim, M. Joseph Bell, which hour a glag will be hoisted. you, miay produce trouble. Mir. Galt q uncia. Bill fromt Conned,ý entitled an Act to treal who visit-id the wreck of the Hun-o ikrigloCar.tdugtro th*nre mybae ihM. ourte~a a athriatie oga ha d er.Provide fur the lection of Speaker of the garian, to search for the effects Of his Mr. Daniel Hunter, of Whitcharch. John Likens, Internatinal llotel, Market thie rte retityI rlel a natter Legislative Counceil, was read a second brotherii-law, Mr. Bahmer writes to a Square, Toronto; H, . Cîrson, Secre-'8 ,in rencyof o ntryh ist poe r y ia li tatetro r-in l e okPsflos:ARK-H EMMIINS--InQuelèe at St. tary Markham Seiety i John Crawford, die elouldsee thathe t aS , dthatlcher it ill1frontCouneil, entitled an Act Re- à,end ne Yt at the Hungarian bd Peter'a hureb, on theçu ltarkby te, Se taryh oboro .ietyUa vrn Rud Di-conistd f cin r ape. Ppe moey peungtheSae ad Mnaemet o e truck on a ledge called the Cape Ledge, lats of Hamilton C. W. to Caroline An i waus derited its value rand use fromr t!,,,confi. Public Lands, was rend a second time.on about one hlarftmile from shore off Fish Is- Leigho,- ds auhe fM.Hny HORSES Al»D BUrrA resi, dence which the commnunity repend in it, On/miotionl of the lieu. Mr. Camero land, in about 20 feet of water. About Hemmin, edltdh of Queec.DRAGH STLLINS and and obtained currency simi ly b. use it the Bill fron Couni len itkld an Acttufteen feet of une aidé of thabster n mna eroANDERSON-cLEDASrtor Ds rize.............. ....$00 pri val estood tre p se ietas s a h Causes to be returned ahthough the Juryele scorestoethe twisted and broken apart. on the 29th lait,h Anthe R . Toma ae- u..... ..... . . . 600 y va s re ed idthir a i ity tuo y nitatinno lt sn N atng beoeenTbelo btsecis 1alwa e rins M Leod, both of the Township of STALL10KS-GENERAL PURPOSES. Aa) n trs hefit f the pblie- sd The House then adjourned ountil Monjdajy hb b ee.Zorra. 1ast Prim ..............;.......... $8 00 lla dh e ftetill ,a crculation fpu e y tu nnext. On e testeamer's boats has been SCULTZ-BÌLL-On the 22nd ui.,n do ...... ... - 0 erry millios ftdollars, 51) per entt 4nly of Quebe, A pril 2. found off Port Latour, bottoma up, and the by the Rev. W, Miller, Mr. Frederick '"'do.. "'. """'.." 0 w it h anura was represen'ted intheaukts of The Ilouse mnet nt three n'cock. oars lashed aboani, and the ring-bot& Schultz, Mitchell, toealisb Jane Hillý Ellice. 1tPi DR UL. s in the Baniks in, specie and Gove#rnniti l secu. on the question being lput for the recep- drawn but not a scratch about her. As NELSO0N-KAY-Also by the Rame, la piat............... ••. $ 00 lever ritie. in thtis way the public 1.pIt out tion el the petition of certain inhabitants far as 1 can learm, the passengers hadl tir.e Mr. Joseph leeison, farmer, S. Eost.rope,..n........2 00 f dlis, 1 of Qeec omtplaining of the meficient thrilves for the worst, and,.to...is..Jane.Kay,.Toronto. anld five or six muillions of :oi , not acua y admnitrtion oci justice in crituinal cases to prepatre temsc b fe te ound and eBi ueRy oot . GALWAY BULLS Wal- guaranteed by vlue deposited 4o ,.eet the i htiiy as no life-preserveis have een f setti off LACK1E-MeGLASHA-N.-On the r rs............ 0 make aountt, but the Governimenit preae>ud to AnttvC. Gn ate aihttes ate-astrong Current at the time se been car. 30th ultu, by ProfssoiBt sPKni's2nddo........................ 3 00 aftr se hatths cnfdence was not Lisdaced Ientiin refereree to thosie lærticular cases shore, I think they mustCaa Colleg-eat the residence of the bride's r o.... .... ,-. 0 ctora and dhat the inistitutionls issuing 0.e Ipaper werc;d )y, unfounided, and p)ro.duced cer-1 ried out to sea. h father, ThomnasJ Lackie, Esen. Willow- ARHR UL. hole~~~~~~~~ cicltinad h-umetean 1i tteet1outd- a hehges1em - D-ED...rd.do .......... ...... . .. L . WÎbe l ockecd up in specie and -ýeuritie, tutes respetint the tra tÇÜ'v o oePalý-$m Mr. a sas taora lst 2pu, 000 ill E ec . cartier said the overment aaMrh1,16. Potatue ne. 80c. rkham, March 27, 1860M2 bat Prflthe abct enabed 'e M Ttr-o hee W 5r Qpair. ounty in, the aggregate m specie anG(,. Obh-l.iaveEurope for- cam&da aboutthe 10th DMea ue£4, u tor of gatios is about $6,000. Then IL Treama-et Aly nexi but not 9dootie. 4gonsieur Lée ministre :Inconmeente Gee5t Me@5r ore kuW a Agents in Ld daof 000 he là, btr tG erl said that te t hoeadipachfrm erne1al m m o es $5 1. 0 uhe* mma o htincs of panic they my stil ex. postage on lnewqpprblhad not yet been a car PàExcelytheGvrmnWfhs Sl 12 erl fod.ails' in Neir York, and in 4 burs pro. year in operatinand therefore the Govern- we adese4 t Cord Wood 42 00 25$2 d rlà vie naelves with n sno mu of gold Ment did not propose to ako ny c ange y, the KTng Seedt dn ?uaâ =ture T y p Mr ejamin noved an Ad tipulations f1ttatof 54 l oa it willbe attacked btehro teirospna.Gedbytetet er~~~~~~~~ hed Pottheto f hs re ngAddberes. ' n ;ijda4a pr hand I the curiofithe n"tion of r ,sion f the actuatterr luory W 'crie Yous e Canada. Landed Credit Company, Savoyamt adth po yewen 4e-4z b 'OON. ith the view cf ascertaining the true el aLtoadhtamm L)r D...- ut o tock he - gud i al'z .. rder Io a.e . .aaw ,t,.e.n.eda.a F eny1ad sà m ebs ,ymao ngl, mtentu -th at sa. .,tmaer. wa..3 t a reading toe them firom #e te L amentwtamd opf wattebme ertreaties Ci181-5, 'le M.ad' o NaMd 1Gobaa d ig a osewal Bia y... e nC«sMisseo. .. his tni to towards the erectionýof Hall, even if it were built on'the a4d pet line. He next goe o n to sa tahed a half mile of the site of the 1W Town Hall, which Dight have nted for all Townshiap purposes for g sum"t ;, now Iý would lie to rin what authoritylhe makes this nt ; for although wo are holding uncil meetings for the presenit year Templars' Hall, it is - with the, ex- ndelrs gwil liâo be alowed %vth alla. rysAnd lamd ver much milita. the Trustees of the Orange Lodge t allow within the GPrecincets of their furntishe little Hall, the scenes and 'oniwhich generally attends an elee- And moreover I catnnot see the ne- nafro forthe Council to, go a-begging for .to hold their sittings in ; for thankE ndProvidence we badl a pretty bonn. est lnst year, ivhith excelleni rOur produce ; and although w( orfthe )alie of «- nd57 1n iio thaot the building il u t the present timei will not -b ive. But methiniss I hear P. L S. sayinlg, "Oh 1 it is not the cos r of building, but the -one.sided site tha ýrgnal me" . whilst hie lias just been tell I lai that the Orang-e IHall, although on id-a quarter still further oli, woul, law tcoutl bu rentedl for a tinliing auma re • nt man 1 1 doubt not if hie hadl th that the Townhiall of Scott would b the the very centre ofthe Towntship,eve Oro re in the very centre of a swama run confident it would be. I cal rai n here fromn reminding P. L. 1 the good people of the 6th Ln a ever since a Counedl was Orgamist tti t, been at the note expenice of keel hOuse in repair finding firewood &c. oreover toosing- a good many daj ithe schooling of Our chtildren 1 u:oate d the Councilanid- recollec cowas not merely for our own bien i twas to benefit -hie whole Tow r" hat the of Cou i ors ive vri ei l site of the new Town Hall t de pmsibly conceive in what grieva, tfor 1 can cons5cienitcusly assert th eTwo years I have been in f i1 1 have not seen any undue pre 30- ot er, in respect to anie onsl h0 the b ands of the Council for i ments. I can niot,'for the life of r isre out what private intiemsts there are brsn fromt Our Uine of duty ; our po eeperennial, the publie mind is fli gthe, nett year niay see ant entir lied ouncil,.why then shouid we be stii aftot rthe Town Hall to bie built at 1) the ?Out upion such inisinutationis t hey arsay and visionary. ONE OF TUE Ç,OUNCIL:-ORS. chtas Tl:at StLock Book 1 ' the e Editor of the Ililby Chronti air àva - Hea itigh hoio1 Mur der will out 1 iit Ih will prevail 1 Sinners, sooiner a ti will be punished ! 1 So the 1l the a ,or sitrayedstock-bookz bus been ti ey na ? Tlhat special mueetinig did the the cat poppedl righbt out of &dm 1 like spiecial mieet:ings,'Mr. Edit be iv yon 1 do. It is such l'un, to ree th eters of Our Town Papas rise ut ously. To sce Laing look so ant b is colleagues aeross the table ; Mar te Doctor disec.urse so ebari 4inuy. ailway matters. The pleasing re, n n s of early associations of both g( nd1ri cur Rlailroad, mlust, 1 assure Y pd itS a quiet calmi to gently steal over uanedr, 'P, benevolent counitenlances, 0"1 tale bdthe stolujestock-bok a rodurd That be was, it appears, nt the r.nsaâ la meeting when the stock book Senv crthcming,; ilhat hie wvas Vice-Ps ionall and took au active pait at that. en aiduppoited a rs lu i n'ap dy f th Sya L offer; tha lie aftwr hie paidhat sdsuise pton one du] o«I hmfacs Row and P time ad again been chargedl . he sek-books ! 1 And thi Ïet C n the stresence of Lainig,who ai the courage to litate the truth, r in t innocent 0parties 11 tWill Mr. , qadc> ow withdraw his charge, and a d c - endehonoraMe? h appears, i witi a t Wallace as crne of the Direc inference is that the dotrw ntou suepporter" of a Ri bera e he asot auppoi ted W c axer a 1f»Y the Co dms again, and is Once Mc ,ay Mn ?11e says bu is now i -of grel ed roads. If the scheme hedotwr Wil be ant-gravel 1 'dd 1.Tb ]r. Edi hwat a-, tO Was Dr. Gaqnab luhomde me aR Lt"hDo M 1 changie whenev l ia i g »0 lhth a sus 00 lie ind.ced me to -b- e ryowhih I- pai i ama.nUa.k.a. I ed writh hias, -Who à Io seum - .Tba" in me rab. 1 ip AND)htANW7ACTURERS OP. CUTTHES. S . R - .,-e ' HEe juseieqt e to inflormthnubictatthyhae p nedhmeeIw th pemse fr: tly epiedbyro.IrcBkC itaSdtreet, th ~ ~ Eato h ana _wIfit cl h hatil heir of bs s to upply all hoiso. el and ormn f o and as they ' wrkmnshp, of greaterdurbmtadmreeea nseand -. 9-AFFORD TO, SELL THEM OCHEAPER a n those who have to, hiro the labor of others AU article-,scldaet the loiwest living prices fer Cssr oroen approved credit. Pleem Iand examine. AU kinds of lumbr and -furmera produce taken in e2change. Allwork warmted, ggggWAI TERT Ce pr" or .r A =111be forunrde ou ppuw- 50 ArmdrrdL"i einw t % . ppypsmallvto 'AN leVENiNG JOURNAL, mmiet$iefrse$ faigst un Ulm0 WecnE ýiY atNES, ,nut1 u.Pus ner e*-u Al MODBRTB-PriRig W.!utny, M ae 1,160. et. = l h .i. fcti tution- a" or a s tuc iou* ince, L wal tm;rake adWte tte w Osseno,1è te th e, om af 1 akering." l Atbte v6ur eri:mlock m. aP d ià uueofwkioyiào&a G.OD SAVE T"EQiuÉEN REIROY A NOTICE, gyg} gi f Dr. J, B. JoLOS, ---foThe sabeeribets beg - eqperatý W l R.~~~~~u .iNS etsr om . enfrua thir friendaand etastninmt they n'slitel Bne r4ec.bave sold out thir to to Mr G -C Pa ealtteddut their resdences. Gron, who will in futuée carry .on the by- Wbiýty, Ilm!% 1 18».ainessin tde sam e i heetofnre ©# whity, ,• epied by mers% . a. Donalds on , and they aespecfuHlyalielt for iiir ms., HÀMILON areof pablic ieoae COLLEIATEINSTIUTE,. S.

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