Whitby Chronicle, 31 Mar 1860, p. 4

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ad bc initedI to f00 tie c fofoing Can&& me enrieitie- 1. The Bible usoni during lte Doublo Sieffe. This article hea.% n endenefaad, breplaceniat tino <Iposa cf thno Socity for lie Propagation cf tino OftinluFor- eigu Part, andili nov doing gond smee amungst fie Bpmjemqn. 2 Thenomnolidate StatntOn a sample c oiap Ceadimn l itoatere. S. Tieno ouaithwhrmie-he Admrui cf tlmBe.rofitnAssocation Wa ri rton. in te hineont to us 'BriUsela munmd te i. folloarem fiere. omne haf céctcey incc hyjIa epployer as a:mumuey.) 4 Tine poIi.-booia f.cft o C f Qoce. -Tbey axe tcboompicyed sna, csincny tie HoBounable Mr. Âlleyc arien ho taies h'il. ma ou tinoBemci. . Tie Yori ltoade. Herm iajeefy bua givon strict ordera tiat thioillustrionme ucei cf tino heir apparent ebalinet ho jeopardi- sied ou tbnen. -(la coceequecco of- tac Royal detercnution, Mr Bety la about to . Tic City Coucil. Tino eouud educa. tibe b ne Se evd foriids bis otcrncg bai eoempaey. HInabalot forgoitemn a bine in Cie Royal copybooi: 4 &£%iconsmueica- *tiencreupt gcc.3 maunet , t. À Loxtmocu ciecticu meeting toiler tino * mnagement cf BamncU Fomndi.. J. A. in afrai catare aigt hve a Sir Barnoy, ariici, u bis opinione aoulmi ho voe .thon a Sir H. Smitlm, . 1. .Gowaut as peeci. Ailu- "bous and oeoinive mattr mut ,iectare- fliy ispfitmina matdistance froca fie non- tibia cf tlne Prince. 9. M. MoGee'm 800,000mo. The je. abeor memnlipe lvitoni i. R. H.te revisar tbin on tiechCamnp de mmai Moutreal ; buctare bear fiat tic Invitation ici bote perennptlcrly xofervd. D'ior AT Scaroo-Ono f ce jîven. Ro ln beegh omirdecably asivacef, precreit sa drtleni, coi ln g ince, for admissbon Cc ,.pa4cioot neme ttho dry dock. Be a .#pim '10 oa eandmuinbutfe cour"nocf ticeaeniex tino master entoredi into a * hulo- examisation of tino yocfl'e capeci. Clu mnid kuovied&g, prie! te igicg bina tg a claie. miDo ybe mev aiytling cf gcammnm?" 411 dont inca anytiiig eoeI" "&Veiy arel. Nov attan-imi tie bc- gkcnlg Qed manie fie veed-para Ail theoboy 1inoa cf gramar vuvinat iciad homdflat veey morning fpom fie difihient cimoesa ecitiug mecuidhlm-but, ic'hamibeoutaugt ftmarien hoe asrigit. bng in tino nan, ho muet étnine traigit cut froute nomeuliece rigit mud 1014 »md he woeld ho *ii rigit. 4'arc vorld ?l ho dearleouot inr1nir lngiy te gaimn time. -,Tés 1 In tuefieing lGoQd md tfi, arrlni.-parmi ved."1 U Wll, vorldi nticeiigget ibd of a ne.., mmcibue gender, ail acte cf tones put, prenant Mcd fature, aud-"appipg bic baud dovu on fie demi astl a force inat §booi theo building, fait'a govonnon by GodI Nov feincin u your Suuday achoet ch coluia, cmi bcrne, ccd ame if yon canmiut tat."- I1ITERikRY FRIZES. A S n ligut aclicow dgment oftthme lbeè Sh e a suppot exteodoni te bins efforts,, a. arel as rom a iesice to encouriemg-ln boa. Couinly of Oatar'o1 ever a limcited aà ogc te Cste for.,itera- ITo IMiLt te alifcgt the ceadior fth ino lo'oiddeot iroto. tino pubuine intimaâtea bie infention of of- mcd innemocia ol Ch, frinsg nial prenbuma for orginai iierary T;ieunt, deleu'iaci produtions, bu proseanni voue. - eotion ii tane tato vilii lesW, Lo,,ntscd G. Tino finit distribution cf 'pumiume Foorteet ln the soi taie place on Tuesday, thc flet day cf May Ent half cf Lot Nu eex4jad--arll beho mded an folota: Cônesaio"nond the Tarelvi n ltine Tirto IPRemT rixac. Tovcsli of Rancih1 aso LitNoinir i For the bet origical Eeey o Front Conecelon te thec Coucty of Obtwico, tinon utinoCouity cf. Outa mIgcs cf ite geogeapiical poition, eatate c oruert1 Coutaues. ln the 1hFor ticebet oigiil Eeay ou TilanPIîX£. $5Fethe ice original Euay on Nave.- rouavaPrasiI $5 For fie bot oniglimi oay ou Ceux. vnvMi. rirYR plu. A copy cf fie Semi-Weily Chroitle, for eue yeae (potage fre,) for tino buti original Aufieuon Braeo A copy cf týiWohekIy Cironicle fcr one 7oan,(Postage fie.,) for tino second best cignal Anlcmn eBrae. H. J. Macioneil, Eeq., Neyer cf Whitby, John Siic, Eeq., P. L. 5."c Lt J. Wilsonn, Enq., Barriter. P-t J. Guc,,Esq., M. D. Lt Chotkley, Esq., M. D. Competitora muet enin leair prof cc. ticusuneder nemI te the undeuaiguef, ou or hofono tino liti day cf April neit. Bachn Esan md Anthem te bincr o mtte, anf te bo scecompaniemihy tine name end of- fies of tine arcter, vitin tee motte on thc cuvebope euclosigg tinoscame. Tic sevral focay anf Antinema te bc- conne the property cf tine puhlinher. Competitoce for thec sccond and tiirni. priae te ho coufimnenite pernons reifing lu fie.Comuty of Ontanbo. Tine tourte, finin and sixtin pricese, 'c h extlnivoy copfeilu&tCctfieTeaninersa mni pupiba itinnthe Coccty. Il W. H. RIGOINS, Checiclo Office. Intby, Jan. 19, 1860. ANDO BRITISH REVIEWS. LEONAIW COT 4 O.,NEW ing leaning Britishe Perieficalo, vi:- 1. rmuaoNo m.c uAntcTsnLY(Connervative.> 2. - ras&i .iulnronntavcx1w (Whig.) a. rcx teonno ccnan.invîîv (Free Churcin.) 4. rua wisocaxii eea(Lihormi.) Tino Peteorabueg (Bislaim)ave LACKuvOWS'm acmtutoîl àAzîsce(Tory.) lima ticTcllcarlng: 1- V ,&At mariol, ycstedmy erning, a eaiini5 Tinnim peionilcalsaebly repreinent tino goban uture Cid lady, -ebt goini epecs, and th-ro great politicel parties of Great Bni- dreneni In tidy apparo, an iunpectt va- t ain-%Whig, Tryï.unni Radical-bot poli. rinis vogetboeute, cdfaiy ics eaforma oly one fealsire of theirclnaract. te a pile cf cbinoqes el nee clone te inr cviteee on Science, Litcrnture, Morality, fae, ad gave il a critical aunE r or anmdiReligion, tino ystand, athey evein vita ber queer and amiable nos. As ino have tgoo, unrivaf e tinohevorif of iet- di m, aa matigrenumiae, wamen front isItel,being conciniref indisepensablo Cc repose amog fie lbaves cf tho cabibage, tin eoltr mni tino proiescional mon, ainilO peoici cut bis ieaf, and gave tins lady a Cc the Intelligent renier cf every dusCiey tender uise open thec lipi. Bis Impudent furniain a more correct mni aatiefccetory re- torilcf tino correct iterclurciof the o dy euaioeeip tanin proceenidte ener ieeof tlrooginout fie vorîf, than cen ho pceaihhy roimflrtable ibutfie beoneof tic uunspoct. obtaimef froce ny other cource. buýz daie nd oud atetce isielong mni EARLY COPIES. alxMotrtaineparent body iafwamy roiuni uereit fAOTAtCe EasEevfrom tine ber neci, etore aine vaaare cf hie prom- Britishm publiehere gites anditiouBi vlue te enci, rabo ite lot 151ier cabbagc ansi tee Repriut, inasmucinan tinoy cao nov hon beaimaet inuer mni egge, andi suenux hoplacef in teiannin of cuhacibora &bout ad vli figit, but hing a lady cf neve as acon ansLtho original eciltioes. wiCinl, aecgripai tieinnne ansibe-TERMS. Pron tirui litto iuttuder-and premmed i im te doatinPr ni ln hon bande. Tic eW umk -armomcim icif Fer msy one of tino four Releas ... $83 0 au uccn l dimot taon.d mi Inteniq For any tacotftimo four Revits ..5 001 aog u Jnkid a s c e ~h omtflo ony ireeocf tin ou10r Ilaveva. ..7 00 Ibms, pnd os. Iiey vm bieigit ruby Focsllfour of the Revienr..... 800 itsspe".Itsels wffô abribtMI FeJr Blacleeroni'aMagazine ....Sa 00 enfor, it foru greteful malnd eir and ssiilpor Bickvood amn one Rviea...50 10 totem fiat cf tino ponct enenal, mni bat Fr lilackwooedmni taorie tvi ... T 00) for h amoiaion cf fie nme m bamie' S'es- Baceod mnd fine. Revem. ..9 00) aritin tino ltte foilca, t migit be tonadeÏ%r. Fonliod and the feur BeboaslO0 md nue çgrttemont chinnig members et Nha« rr-acfin mfi ue irs iwuies fie &laninmtcation." ,Ueia *iati éf par At Cieeltand, let aec, saye th y A diamant cf tarent .0iv. Par Cent from ail ayouug aomm nau armeinîil, miand -rthe* aln.'vopreot viilbeaovettte ce: 1 r ag turor more Copies of amy oeo ter a dmyscifaofsing, te au appoearaie oe ofhn.u boum ho Thue : Four fed à newcuboum onter e o ft~be e > piessetfBlciaood, or 0clont e vbear, isi ecomaenceiouacer of iiéyam Otivicubi mt1 te oue addrema for $9; four copine oomenc th vok o '«iyig ot,"whe ofthetour ReviewndmutBlackaood fer -ber lpisrcimg srme amincfned hsontaide. $30 ; and no on. . m~te te àpo fey fouonnbcr Iy- POSTAQE. lg a p=. .a ainticg fit, ainle - anadian mail subscrlbera aill ho aup- fie muppem o t i t4Iig cp inmbei. ioiftLtE .Psae Ie doe met inno aia1 , ir ar- a>-Ocne. Remittince for any cf tihe above poblica ver, - tins elouli always bho mdiromed, poet- pali, to tinopublishera, 441 It isamy youre ecoo, fial thé d- LFIOIARD SCOTTr & CO. *0<1la. etxbatc-..u, cfb>- mev46wr No 4, Golf Street, Nov Yorkr meu& ]b' t hà1 inMy w« last OUR XUSICAL pRE M,. sin bm )w nasmainlaismà«ocin a owd. pu.1eamidtlryieg it o ns t e oo',L" ,44#-UR MUSICAL PREN»"Ila. Rare Com- WIiyla a fuslin bua bigle etatie i.mact 1t ah~ îr Lnt ina lialece? Recasasevat-body appeau-,Eveny Singer, j iclatioeifci m m _ hite aies, mmd ho appeau Iltuele Ttry EIl" Télmerc, iPianoForte mieculot- Every pupil, ugtec1 CEIýBa 10<1>-. EnemyAnatur u mb iiehr, ccd prenoinom Tom soya bis om a b. a ring fume. Ey th inoer Prose cf theo Country, teobe -MdiPuants tCc hie vIf.'0 la bImdL rIM ESTAN BRPFST WORK OF' c'M nnnel¶ Am.5 USCIn" àA mecat bey acete ocrc fe dînr of the vlilgs mcicotic~eci i vluilaglui. A bhoOticmliy hoinvoleet mme on ha. aàng memba fien Cc leos mmena gunes, amavmeni iriSille un Wifiploolmsme," o suddenly aiiOd, Ci 1)"rue, l1ev nnfurju it kLat" Ia 44M md aiea hmnsi Muiceter 10 cens. - Smeith te cour .Mosuâts.lnd," ceroine I fru e ain mîu&lem elen audnsi e iii have Muebe aceeg e eten miar ei>a an t efflS.t6sCMd ' ft matMugie tee &0, age, asu nline le thé m in Clifonxu, 'aho mia acther CO'ntelg 12 Psge, .sda iffo mbena mlac OMâcnagamijes.h HaSynl,1.. a, * u e &-fon -.gre Md b. f&U Aul tume LoiNaunhe e hi., Mdi Berna oie NI a etin" Vouo4 - * 1 17 Nb u mul lI e t" mà .Sieo, oiontly -Oa»hi= e fonomg qneum o f mpilon WrAsmu tavCe/c*crtbs.o<itbusdoae. r~t~PRINTING, Tlm2& 2-rSTA" Bv- PEIN In li n b-, aof u<s.ip NIEW BlnriBi' Offce Whtby, Fcin. 1.1le aSale of"Laindi. B- T oletue cf a Writ i C orte f o'lechin c dbrectedi cgmimnet Ino landei niies W. Loiut gacii'G. s, et tho soit ni Thinrin F. nava iolW ncd tahen le ex- :oriptèestnof the BaiaChar- t. T. Lient, tmn Lit Numeihr inventin icecion. Te umier Onc -in thenouMit oe Eascthallîf cfLot IPlombe? toent concessbin, a]l cf tino i lnthe Coecty cf Ontario-- Ïhirl>sevQu ý nnthe Broken nf tino Townnsipcf RamaOnml tado ; il whIich. ]and,à mni 't einto1 $ hall offer ftr0 i1n, cnt lu O elu tino iTenncfr '&n ..o Bct- tinta day cf mcy .D-1860 elve Oninoei. .ON G. EEYNOLDS, SinoritO . O. 880 P er Ce Noueco, Sherilfl'BSale' cf Lande. Conyof Ontario .1B'DY irtue of B Writ of Toes Wu, ýMiFieri Facie, leoed out cofI.ejcty a Court of Queonn la B ii, et Toronto, and to me direceid agint the iaedes and lenemeets whiosh were cf Cornwall Fare- well deeffeed, t qtirliecf hie death ln theo hennie of EIlen FBrewei, dmicietratri, , defeedantat tise- suit cf.Arhur O'Ler, plaintiff. )[ have Btlacd and Cianlinexection ail the lateret wlnlch the salsi Cornwali FBt- welli deceenniln hie lite tires, and t ttirte of tino deathh lu i.that oeeiacfnarcei or tract of land, bcbng hicearer as cru o Berne more or lsu, bc ng eompoced cof part of lot nomper fffteen lin the second Concession cf the Tfiwnclip of Pickeericg - coeutenciîng wvîere a peuoas eauhenplanted t c distance cf two ehalce thirty seaec and c heif licha ce a coue corth cevenatwo degrcioest froirs the soutin wet angle of said lot Tieemo nortlî,cev- enty four degreca, EutA two chan eveon links, Tt ecre orthicsxteccndamres, 'centtlnreo choiecs and twety ove liȍheI more or ]eu tothe sontîn aidie ofthno public rOB, Tnoue north wetriy alocg thesocth elde of lhoeaid pohiiloroasd two cl-aiec ccdacevn liche. Thecce notinb, six- tenu degreea eust, tlîre choisie acd Bfty nico liche *'more or leaaCteino placecf Ile gnneg. dico ait that certan parcel or traof fonmd it- uted,lyiogand ieing ln the Village of Oche- -w-aa, engoio-mpenee-d of B prtos0 lot No. tri, bn the Ocd e(h. ofthe Townchip of Eat Vlit. by, aed.buttod and honuded ne fliowsa. coin uboenucg ln frontof the sald Concessonnet lihe .dictaern of6ocohale Bifty liche oe e ceue nos th, iccrenty four degrecca ot frein time eoutlm wct ongle cf aald lot, tlinc neoreh eevecnlt.efur degece, tact one chairs Bfty lins, Tinec north sixteen degrocm, aret one chair eety on liche, Therè o aou evcty Lier degreen, arct ona chies Bfty linha, Thnce eoth estrcin degremn tet one coisi eveniy oie lineks. TIl a uniand ac scements horeon or the saisd defedat a ctate ce iteettlncin, 1 abolil offer for sale t Publieo Anction cm folowr, vie n-Tino Buat deascre h lrco quenîtc of an more. one t.precoet iDnffin'scrcein, on Mocdnî the Twccty third day of April, A. D. lB,t tio hur ofTee o'elocie n. Aed imei lant doeeehhed on the Vremiseass t Ohawa on lloeday the Twenty third dsy 'of April, A. D. 1860, et tihe heur of Tare ocloech,j. m. PanriC. ous. shncriff'e Offce,8S& W id. Whfthy, Jaoý. S, 60. SHERtIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS. Tom 7orqW RIf1ONSaturday, the Te Wit.. Second day of Joues A. D. 1860, t Tweîve o'clorcr noce, alîl be sold by Publie Aurtion, et eey OUein theo CourtBocuses in the Towne of Whitby, tino riglt, filtle, and internat winicin theo ndorceentioned defendante eev- erally poues le the undermentioeed lande and tensementa cihersons ceized by me un- der, and by virtue of certain Wriin of Fieni Fadias to me directed. via: le tine Court of Qoecn's Benci. The City Bank,Plaintiffev a. John Biche and Jamea Good, flefendauts. In the Couvt of Queen'a lenchi. The City Bank, Piaictifin v.John Bichs and James Goode Dofendanta. Lot No. 9, in tIne 4th concession of the Township of Rcach, containing hy admea- autremet 200 acres. Ientine Court- of Comnmon Pieus. Eaaen Watson, plaintif v. William Sinaw defendant. Ail and ingtlar, finese certain parcele or tratsb of land and premiaca ituate, Iying and being lentino Township of Whitby in tine Coonty of Ontario, beg composac of tinît part of Lot number twenty-slx, lentine aecond concession of the saidi Township cf Winitiny, known acd descrihcd on a plan tinereof. made by John Shier, Provincial Land âtrvyor, as villnge iota euncber ilive, aix and forty-one, East of Brock trect on &&id plan. Alfto, aIl rigt litîte qd in- teret iftteniad William Shaw, le and to Lots numerts tarenty-nico and tiirty, (29 land 80)l in tesecond tb etinohe ifth doo.- iie range of village Lots West cf Brock street, binig part of Lot nuceier twenty- sovers, ln tine firast oneaion of tino Town- ahip ofWinitloy aforcaaid. ,NEON . REYNOLDS, 5Êlrif'aOffice, Sne-) . . Wbitiny, Foin, 25,1860 TUE PEESSO THE PETERBiOBOIGH REVIEW FRIDAY MORNINO At OneeDollar paranmnum, poyblo ln aivanne. BE ]Revbev han a circulatio boc ala eg T as cy other grpubpniahmin tba liUnitti ContlosfPeter ro sud Vletoris and in tine hecsa cfvertwmlcc imlu t h. Oh Newastle Diatent. Ail criera aifroeof Cctefte Pnb5oineo, vIll -b. picoCually attoniofi te. T. &-IL WRITE, .the Foterboro' Examiner,, THUR8DAY MORNINO, varO DLLA r» iaASOx IC EXAMINER busc thé laelrciulatlo etaypop p eh in e terbore', <n ttiufm the abuat îdvctlalog amedliui in tae Untîd Coiuntuls. T«mu-Tadetlnevey lboeld. GRAHIAM & RENFREW, Mi c b ia e s LAMY, M AN D D WbI8lowN CO uR1aT Tenetitmui aR abondi te ho prnutos cesbiter empn.Be at fie Chronicle W. Ba BIGGINI ¶'IIE WEJTEY RIADING 100E 18 -&veR Blee ceuholmi mdvar nad in veR stocka/c vloiumasmpem Mun poioi" of kktbh CTceima s $4aBelommé *gs"e wa E1G if IuuL-IUuL A .By.la o eateblisk a -certainl ment lice of Rood acrosaclotoa Nu. 8 esnl 4, infile 71/c Con. oand al*onoclofe..Il1 nd 12, in u /ie 1/Con. of fte Towonship-of Tr- THfE Coipor-tlncf the o Tw»oîip ci Ux- Lbridgenoeaucmflleve -fInt the fo- Ievling nccv 'nt ot reaonî n Lota 2-.lu.Inef4i tin the7tI nocsone, heinu in ncrdanu vwiti a snrvoy mande by Jellinair, Eoqq., P. L. S., un ,bth aepler bhyis repoet ieîrieg date, Wiitby Jîoel8, 1859, lirounieo ttnnLd b, andfil tu ne in8iroiny ectatlfobhed ne npublie Red c? fliglnwnyii, vin. Comnnienlg one Lct N.8 aainn tnte een liulitnf thc end b if Joîin Sliumr, le Jitue 18 1 a net rtieiei linonce N. 66- W, Il chanet Clîcînce N, 16,D Ni cînalno f4hlinksîhoînnce N. e wV, 5 chitinîe 1'limIg te îonenN. îî0 W. 8 chinaln imtahtheeteely linnitcoftlno a110 enu lfuron, hîetei theinnd acfnccus-i- alons. TVie rînilpropooed rend lu hco40 faut wi de, andef tionve îiecribe-t inoe, te bu tic Southin eterîr ]liaîit Cbrcof. 1Atnd bc it fardoieor ncef. Cthtînticrend soc- voed titi, andîd necribof, inn tinereport etftine nif Jofin e liir beîciîîg fdatelie. C, 111, lierennîto nttachid cd andh e a nnl ienlin ieehby coînhilimîl ce;eatlilie îtinillnvy, vit. Coin- nincimne uCai cet plnnnhhfe ci te nutere lilînit ci lot Na. 11, innfine Gin Conccesioc, at thinfe taneo3c tIciein insud Iii ln inseon acouseN. 82,>i15w, freine tlînneîrh vt angle otlot No. Il, in Cie th Cotieeet'loni, nd ruii tinsc N. 61 CWV, 1 cînin and 50 lick he nnccn N. 28 W, 1 hanuilleoend 2i links ethonennu 5. 17 0 W, il chinin ilituce N. 24='E, 10 chiandei75 linkse toa àpolplantnedntîntic uteru flatitt of lot No. Il n the th îl Cneelen. Thenaed rond ta bn eue chinti lile andef Ioabc* f erihof blet (whviil ninrief by ponts FeAntef et thc Paetrai "mgie tiercof, and the fnet' binbedinl theo nouaI melier) te bcftinocaterni lîinnt ftlera- of. Rediaaseccond fiieu tino lAtInday cf Foi.1860. ROOIEIIT OPEAilS 6 Townehip leri. NOTIE. T'191E aincinin a trtme copy cf a propuned By-mo owhicin van rendeanecond ime hic day, aufndià in uibc pusnet tint next meeting of thne Couneil, efttfr publica- tion cf tine cîifBylav for one eccethin b thne Wiithy Chronile nocrepapen. ROB8ERT SPEARS, Ttcuahip Cek Uxbrifge, Fnb. 14, 1860. CHEAP GOAL-MILS! M333MOI 01 25 ce. per Gallon. 13EST GOAL OIL! $1 25 cts. per Gallon at Geo. Yule'e Telegraph Store, A NEW STOCK 0F Juct rectiynd, at pricen froun 75 et&. to$ WauED à OV31kaR EAUFS Alteref Cc buren Coal 011.' 92 GEORGE YULE. Ridesi1 Ridesi1 -Rides!1 BHE undfcigned viilpay the hîgineet pricerlu Cash fer cey cpintity of gond BEEF H-IDES deleref et hie Tannnccy in Ãœrecunof. Ail kinfe cf LEATHE R hept contantly on heuf for sale, very lev for Ca. D. IfcMURCIIY. Greenaofd, Nov. 14, 185P. 67 9*WM. McBRtIEN."l L ADIES',uid Gtcitlomn-.cnnc' f.inhionablin fond chdU nef lîceIor. -BROOKJJIN, C. W. Anew tco f Leitlem ane f Bmninge. Al l in wacntofan-nIip gond boot olieînohoutic all ut EcBRINit, BmOOKLIN. 'Tht uaterietle mlwayB et tihe t qulit, andeietc nemcimu ) ~ meiundrmraemd. eteivef ts InoBt pri-lae t th. coteraI Ceout> Igrieulttmrab ami Towrnsnhip Exhiibitions. WILLIAM EcliRIEN. Wiitby, IcI. 23, 1,01. c-tt. CliCUILAII. T1'RE Uedfried.bege ho iiitimnsete hC. .Frieiio nînîtithe lin uidicenenrale thnot hé l)itesnef ail Ot-ec for the CO.LLE(i'ÏION 0F .EITSanefotherne honin. l'nrthi uotrunitîog hie vihh Commiriese viii Bnd thele lntorctxtnneehînnaliy admenedeCc uimhionu Court Collectionc pairtiuhriy re- ARTHJUR BAWES. P.S. Retereces lnifiudipoprnitef te George Kempo Tînone cenun, T. C. Patrick,mc G. H. ienne, Rotieo. Lindsay, Nosembor lOti, 1859. 48-e FOR SALE OR TO LET. .To Rent. LANEXCELLENT (LEARED lARM f6 xacte, errl2, lunder theo plongn. A1.50 STONE DWELLING BIOUSE, Aioni ancd ont oflfice, aned a gond orebard. Tino préaîcniseeituated eon lot N o. 14, lentine Sud C. cf Whitiy, acf rocynriae the Nortin Wet!ir taid lot. iet IesOnniefWhtby and Ohna ie respeeively winhunnthmeoand oneafnd e ibilfes o f lýe prenelcg. Appli 1-erktonalY, or by lktior, potpid, te Di. Mci<AY, Jae. 4h1880. Iiig BEAVERTON. FOR SALE CIIEAP. A MILL PIVILEGE AND TOWN LÃ"TS onmiee10othie fleavertço WhanL A large and prolfitable )lilljong boointeamu bh one heue. Favorable teresmaY hcmde wltlmtIh. Proprictor by a Iraeîimi Millier. yPlI JtMFS5 RMSTRONG, N. f.-Tlnorc le a. Omt-ratu pe gat lit- ncnion fer the Etblhmncîot un Beaeren, JoI 28, 195. 2n FOR SALE IN ITa£TOWN 0Op WUiTBy. Application ta, oi mode te- ERS. ANUGEWjE WEST, lt Memnon Darnto% are inreceit, pe NovASCOI of their annual supplyt FIELD& GARDEN SEBI] and, as formerly, from the Secd Stores of the Royal ',Agrlcultt Society of Scotland. The 1sL1 2nd, and 3rd premium Turnips lautyear, iiD Township,' wvere grown from'Seed of their Import&tl0n. TURNIPS.-Skerviig's purpie top swede. Liing's improvod Swede. Large white Globe, - Large yellow globe. - CARROTS..vWhite Belgian. YeIlow do Lng Orange. Red Altringham. MANGOLD -WURZL>-Infg led Yellow GlÏobe. White ' Clover, Tares, &c., &C. 0::J'QARDEN SEEDS, A LARGE ASSOMMKENT. -.0 Ontario Seed Store, No. 2, Till's Block Whitby. if ~ 1011W BSIED STOlI. HAVE AT TIIEIR NEW STAND (IL O ER and T/imo THL' Together with a general assoîrtnent of Just reeei Ted fromt the Amerîcan Market, a quaîîtity of viz :-Cloths, Cassiinecres, Tweeds, Saiinetts, Jeanes, &c. Ladies and Gents Ilats of tlîe latest styles. Boots and Shoes in great varifîty. -:0:- £3r cL £o10 0 I l flf An immense stock of Teas, Tobaccosr and gençfal (,'fQceries. LOWES & POWELL. Brock Street Wiiitiny. - e ~f2 z z r') ONLY $75 FOR ONE 0F SINGER'S CELE13RTED SEWING MACHINES- IIAR A TED t o h en e cory epeiatr ne0dfl' I IfSige e.iitn staie fr$10.Ieocoonnnpnrno t on i. eger larg" ona . tewi pTent itrn hoXei.ehet tht ol hernhuenr,îojeîat i.igîoin Ts ht oseeyc apiiihoo aent..i.tr ad -'w ÃŽbiat .,b Cic oîvin nit PRICES: No. 1 MACHINE $75. No. 2 MACHINE $85. No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND IMPROVED, U~5. Iohave ueeivtd Hueerons inetlmoninIe froc foot and sPini nefoinu, Tailou& Dr'c an our, Privat, Famlie, ccd.cîheoe, vh0ar oieý 1.1tg ney Mnchiuo.-aImhun cunnn dîg hon,, f.rol eerni tinof.11.wi.8 .erifitsla, %ritîeby Che Cao Iirgeel and ment extensive If ot anfdBine. Maofaettreuu In Canada. Motue, Dec. 1859. Montueal, Dos. 18I. .reo.tainkepi,emoc bcicg tetir oi e We have eoedReceen of L.J. N:agile. erieng _.np iete oriio fth nir. nnt. Ma'ni2fc'r- Michinir e frnnyfr-h intci ioef td b yMr. E. J. Negie, havleg liedtitin s e nnecd have nnheinm 1,e aCit tiey auene for tineInt six mouChe. Thoy anc cf Suniger'c evtry rtspevcoquIll tinîfit nnnetapprored n5nier. Foe-trad mnequel te auy of ecracqse*tntanco lcue lliiinc,-of armnneb w. lianemvernl In 1' BRCOWN & CIZILDO. i CIIILDIO, SCIIOLES & AiLES. Ail communications relative te, Sewing Machins, etc., muet ho prepaid, asn noce otnors ail ho reoeivtd. E. J. NAGLE, Càoîeiars Szwiyc GM.cuioa EnraBLsRE.iei, m8& Notre Dame Stroot, Montra') C. E. Factory Oee atoy cit Gilbenrate Canal Basin, Montual, C. E& lSow-40w SEUINO Off! SELL*OOf Begs to inform bis customers and the pub.,. lie, that he has just cominenced to soli off at HRIS EXTENSIVE STOCK 0F DRY GOODS, LADIES' FURS, B3UFFALO ROBES, AND GROýOERIES# To mn-ake room for bis Spring -Purchases. ,Pari«riqir gsÙ had botter call before purchaaing elgewhere us great induceum'sta wsil be given for'cak a.y Bý Cash Pazid for JW- EMYS BICK BUII.JDING& ~ ?aOSE K1o.RAMERCI tarr f k""4ru I AT TIlpZ YAKENOTIOX BROOKSTI. STARTLIN blET Tlî survive fie Perici, li Ils iffrectcru fi foi~r 5 Ta oth ose Whee lice abaiitd v1itldth DSotr noting iemcef beaifL-tQO thioe,1 tibhbt nocee.c.ry -te ny it lie ac tre ochaprecorlbeci r frono 404( t 500 0 rcscd iamyw iCtho grhe on litc a.Ces I lievobashetied othermodasi ede'yolod tl ctuinetand pur. .rnd. 'b c *T. îcaevorinca flt bneueble. ine etheeit, toccraveri-tbligita on tear. *en butina.put up hic iuedicmne nio ttUCe, ihinil One nubhenêd 1tend I. Tin ncber 1 la a 1111,00DPUIRIF IER. 1 iipericm Ce the ret extenet of Ssrccasrillin ei ntlrely coirota and leerbe of Cic mnà ir!igin contetries, tin oet proportit. cf vînîli, ,re exmtelef n. an tlre ne* chaiuiei pren.. lacto iln larger dosea as miln euCve pînynnin, lu gialeoneasn mleCratlve krin iect]i nu fic Lver nd Kdue txpcllieng téor 11 nonid inetter, t)tiï mb ya -netiomn ail -lie ergeine tînt luae have confe initiative, guld 1119Y bu reliid oîn te cure Lisser <SneplalaUp ad 4vcesfuW144 f f /t iiotn, IcOPli Onm- nnnffirDyq"ntpei eraiL M4Uity1 <OU VI- 'eellmmulctnomio#onenlniges evu t:ir 0orî,. i ordare cerbInpuro .ieln cf bleui. lta cf n gtheinig nature, ,,d nili novnoi ekninorepronîtrîte t le bedy. Tile mnnniibnmî 1e a FEVEIR EE0I1INE. îiid mînoht never bc t akm X tlc Itln onnemtioin c hd roirai ,ecsiof coida, eeid aU Pains, s fir Cîmoici ,.4eutfo.-Tlincioedicielîonviiloefl'octCUItE, ilt rennvaî trunlliomneefport obtit h ondy Ctinth 4u1r. r4- liernemrber te pront enfunioe, tlinmcîn 5unIiciîne are puopouf by t.,c.e o,.n Fîncu ine DELENDn.cmntmiWhIo lias pmacicef iiit t 1,10 ocer 17 poen. -ro prevenut bnui, a cret lilhecejocf tine Petoe nocn thec apier cf oncti tbuftle. .11d Sier. Fred. Dlinnbiuin&Co., Buffamln, e. Y,'. liinn lethngine..e.iretinoecccnnitymn-ilg enrin Inntte. Ne. 1is la nî for 81 par bettin; ý,,. -2 for 7n cents. 'Uith tu s itimpîeno itice lier% arcofouref te C'ne public, relyllng 6en thie v:irtorcilrccnonncmning theufclveni. ,lFo gl iy JAS. f.LOEIE. Sole Agetnt Wiiittîy. WVhitbyv, Sept. 14, 118. wy o1-Y AFFLIÇT E D RE A D. IEUMO PEA N MEDICAL fBOUSE ANI) ~ow&v,lga acsElNti5 lr. .No. filKits Sîseev IVea, Tonoceo, C. W., ESAIIacItiieDiy Dit1. GOODING, (forMerly Of Engliind.) tNEW, SPEEDY, AND» ItOIT SUCC Mq i fnlod tîofltinc tling li Oplnîftleycpecnia, liervoisetleiliiit, .teUrna r h a#1îcg Contmnf on, .'ieii- Bal lWeukener, Lie-nttm of the KRn/ays aed BJ/inder,Riemici tnob* SU ali1etiio, jercomanal Cilinie tecpliiunf, #C., &C., s&c., iArNo cliargot for Ad vice, 11H. cuolDINO iA oeiîgogef le tmettnng îlîio ce c f nmlaidue iti th ino neeoetnnnnn41lnig n.;emi-a Tlinoreeinetnptb lnIy iniînne ar , is Inînerd tion erientiBic primîciplen viti nene ,uIe(,i-errd rerdico, vitiiont ininoerelo or lci- nlis. Tins ficilitie unof curelarcenueln, uni tJtO- i-c ati bu cîref et their ove osent vitnonnt 'einln eiy port ci1C' c ceuitri, froni ail ne unrne decripin of tincir case hy e imter, cati *tiie ibmncnicnne Bout te Cheni by tuail er os- NERVOUS nEBILITY. 'fentnmon oînv aorec teccîlef vîtînchîeec", vecrumlfy cnnneefby c bcd hmmin eynethflic în ,«ifctinof vmictiBu c ie cine, p clu, foricentunt- a-c, seinienm a rinl it.gin tfle ciura, meuh velineco Innftic nt ee nodflowe te nî oi enîlnon ofntif ce, lus noe urv, vitin tiluimiiîily, înay houenired b ticntNovwilolainin leiief ici. COUNTRY PATIENTS. ilediline innu ulnfîifdirectioîns cent Cnoy part îlniîo Uniited Stats, by patiemnts ceîninunning fi.'i t,ýmptois h luter.Buinescorrueponn- Adf regs, DR. iOclIMNG, No. 61 King Street Wenh. Troroto, C. W., Toronto, Feb. 8, 1SSI. 4w RIURRAH 1FOR OREEWOOD AROYHEIt ]AIRDY Te tice Fermera, Morchacie, Buteinere llorbe.dcatlerm Mlechaniet mnd ail othef cf Hec ileetr'a asubjectif, 0 GREETING: FiEundersigned boy unoît resectful. Ito icturn his eaot thankB e then ltroîn f Grccnwosd Fair, and l n cei- lt-n thcsc vino are doircue cf citine diap.on- ing cftor purcinaaieg tin o tolowingfetocie, 1ARIING H.I1LEMENTS Produco, &c., to ho on band IRIDÂY, 3th of Maroh, 1860. 1, the FSaie te bc hoiden on hat day ahIlho Cie hnirgent e bliat Greenwoof lieuses, Oxen, Cove, Stccra liere. Stirep, Wetheme, IlIgi, Caivcs, Waggons, Curinges, Pbcugin, Hirrcva, Stra Ont- ttc, Cultîistors, Stoves, &o., Winont, Oats, Vasi, Barlcy, Rye, Bttckvincab, Potatoes, C me-r and fmy seuid, Tureip aecd, Butter, Cii-roc, Geta.e, Turke, lens%, &o., Yan- ko, 'Notions, mni resaly manie ciotiing, ins ucuci I viii b oue band te dieponie of by .%uction anyaurtbla mv yfrituda armaitet ani-, I in hat vay.- îi y tiends, Meccre.l>ailmnp & Brother, etl bIn on iband to purciauNe~ventyilIve gecl workitg Iornee. Jacob Bryan, mec agent (rom -Ihirnuen e Nt York Muatuce, vili bconeband ta pur- chiot -olf animale. -',,oeph Piereon,fEsq., abli deliver a let. fill in iehcOranHali t 4 p. i cectc 1 T IE hIitery c ii ene acrîlibsecver ininIeni.,Il n n aittebyonte main, mor etlil .etd expericeneoonntienî, hlm eiiimitt0 piletion ef tetnooînilîn ei ........ laeI mnt-anreCormitlinlu0i ni -tirIn bnet nîd birrevio fe y ito, liuîbe e i,I h îrgt -«nt le în thl ertinnnilemi inI,i l lep t ac g e nt , if t i n le, l ü iil to pei gravitolnd nrneofltm rlnrnllr kLet tinoointi eolefinrjimty lo efl, rediei oiein.f ir snetorhe 1o ili tociiie; aîîOd[I a e l ltelilli n M otl dituenî eino titirm rc liî The llg et mlifc1ofLii, itl tic,,nl y totC cnu f i,-immmi, tineeeh vueiooli i.land n per tile; ýi,lof dlc ii j. dinylunfinion othilseiîn, i annol aniter iig roioco fl ipeeciii teit'e iinyrleýo i enl (d Sri Dehly V î'male lhner ejmno cfe lailimtdlt renpltie and ntrnipl,t.lVf uniy ibc l hiinîtmm11.1liml ilmLililcoL eiitpiim l iimel limim-tr tienne i lin111 pelit o i ll i tlrcit t!w;isnvni-ftji lall Miiniraiyjto IneeIitenno ltlin','immthece' mu , t)ro -i. leiiith , e ll c ti Aeii1imlC, liiliilei, . ,m Itîlliiiiili. I rI mtîcmî,. lauinta, Lavmeco ot Si1itgi, l0 tîevl,>*eoîuinee St mýilcimmVirt Cloue, tornitnnfîhmiie :irl'tU fIliN -Niimoetc î cnc thu. %îrîid*Je1eiO Aulli loii141 nnnlir e itr.nliln 4 Ii.n il r- el'r, the benin ofnhireiotrimenii immej« theule inluny b li ilil eni, l- Iout/ecliy/ii. A linilitmi i-emi o0aune tn deeimîînenîi iitt a cnnîutoeîtlnî leîîeilime mî mae, n hîninmg tîmmni tlieepnîî. hIeIO WA, O8Iliiit.liULn , SîtiliV izi noi i i.., o.e it 23eeiit, tl- th lrger iltie enodmrmîm. mll N. ll.-Di,el onium lime eciImîined inn evemy dinordocreeh alcXel Wii mmmi PUIFY TUIE IILOOS.- hBeffui'c Lire Filin neid Pionrn Froc fYoin ohl inerai Pn' IF ~ GREAi (n l'O ITW T tat'e Lite l'ilonmiImtii ltm enile Innunnnnquellt it i'eîntnc nffomt t y tliemme, ri-mnrsit i im Clmn pruprnntor te iter iite lmrlitilin cf thele nondinînal virtuci or PrOIper log heenimnore tlminîtecîit'peinte-i lic, aind hlan-i nnuthen lnpiloai le$iltii Chico timpen nilne i irei q reetorea te theo oiopieont if perlihi Chen, it b;bo0ieet In I.d rî boaSvccbible Mofediino non bil e, nnftni'of n diaiate. 3Inn alinoutl viîge iin fie Unted Sîtats, torn nf neready tton tOilI'toeIttir nttlcmiymu vicor ad inennthn. lu ueen riotScronlmn, Uitcnre1 9clmeol tinncof th 1in km, tno1iemimtu il dilnle 13îroly liietooislilmg, omenN mev fimpe, ovnry nioctieetef licon I tcoe, by thit1ruiSInmIlg eclimele enti élecver andf Agne ltlithn o elt li nhort, nient ohmleilsnes, 8coin P euuatinc Iroporlinte. Norglliilysmi2, ontC theii, un bv muir tinlylien c'%aii4 nd ennpmneciy bc îaveîi. I'rnamrmlb WILLitec ittieAT, Il' Y oh, nefun' t .r SOIlo by (l.A. lencl' BUEFFALO IbINiICAL DISPI cETAnLIStIEo FOR Til Ch Dyqnepi, ieeermai îuifp,Fe Snorofebn, 01f Ce G., C priyo SÇuf V/uom, PieiiIa, ftPl Dability, I.fi, . Pniieacfp amndm JgW'N< IIMCnety tSt.j DR. AMOS & SONS, ARE TuE ONLY IYCAf A STATE aho aro eebrd nf (Claeaof Sumgeoec, Lcnndarn, malyIla f1ron 8olnkln thinrnin iiil 1 in every otogemand yptnnulo Di T)n rentiinnt hny atlopt jeandia taitnf 30 ynacc' exteemiie andf et tice lu ltt-on. The mnct IlnOtlolf Diceuseseerafictef len 8 or b dîmpi, 1m0 a liglit nature ile2lor 8 deys et n peuce. Tit ursemeecieiodlthOOt or hiofeauce trcm buaieno. tTOTtN Malt TAKE PAaTmCCLSc Thora la mn evîl habit Mnrnnhien ujynoya, Inn solitude,, cleni grnttiu lione toi enhonino u i vbieinif nul ini due tiranent ntli' 0cMet OUIee matrinniil liune, abut iv ofprotrnithod'iooidine,tend ouenolin Fcao hohos trieea q a t îis initau avare cf the Conee, t ep Iid thnenmroepclYtc1 itnoe and naccnttable 6111188110a tara lun theo rnif. A 1MOST nc!011?iec INifT An hntrueont fortiuicueu f gtiiS ne Ntemcrab Erelýolne%, moupPro a.t Onrinnol Weeintce, e cin eL4O coreli in froin 15 dop e 2enonil. of titeiitrument, vinen ucef Medicie$. NEW ea itisacteAlN QUICZ Dr. Ane & Slie taes leonu O tint they haveo l a to uslca Atrement for thenne h ho e tg a otunbjecef no.a.t te ý- pinycmiain Luneton Ilon*aph lena Vorir; idlin lcuntfl ueeftl lInetrumnt ever inOt cura cf BonnMIacalWeaoo , eMc geuital organ auei by tines

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