Whitby Chronicle, 31 Mar 1860, p. 3

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mFary ta aergue a caseo-Intel llkeh Itl1 prhersiot l e - iat. 1of ihome shco1 n. bnt<Idoue mni'ch to drsw Nsay1 inlnher ef bonest ,"il industioue i rtonate uen wbhhoti t ouglît refugei tes, whirh senuiti prolset tbir1 ti childeoit feani bhe bord jesieeofai ring 'up îLe sasîng or n lre *ai mil1 est ai sanie uiortunato hatisituesun s of theuraiter. 1 du ont 5assume1 )uce ipen the, eqsity ou- eçns tpon 1 .diency of nu- aen siryt "Iltri, by ut inaitiiy ofte pec.- rppr Caitýadu, but tLe gond rock-1 aimer sttiin' s ixîren of the1 i Sates inteni ofsbirli luneseu-e ibeni niier tlîey lsrve outce becs renis ta jlssiiy the exseî-inueust inu . eet. Tlitel.sr Cuaidittus oah- t thbbili rcry trouîgiy uutil -tiucy1 urti iît sonti horeuricled.til hi Sectionî, tuttiMr. Feuris itsiseild povisioni iouiti tacrquiredta utpr-- 1ne Contits credtjors. Messus Sitet. oat, Wilson, sud*allter legul lu- r- favord the bll shic Mess ntt, Walhnitigc, Notusan anîd alliter Le laie oppaset i. liMi. Gowon a etterereiedy %'vauld eti e atbul. Division Court, undtipireunt ltere- by lase ofdeliss unie £ 10. t urss Iy oi Ã"btabiiingrreditsehieh trorili misehiei. Thill1>111secnd ua 2tud îwsrer. sud refererd to a %pecui tee, anti Mn- A. P. icemeti greatl * siih lus stceen, esps-cittliy. nsnil ceineti tiobtisi seiilutile couti ýt o ecoutie. Afer tli&ttanli-Otti-t- ýt on na b1 iofMi. t'owai'u l to ia-u nIa provisionst for prereuit iii ntety rruition nt eleclions caIne up antdi rx- ittch deluîhe. 'llite dsgroeerfol atnd isiug jrattceî rartires du-iuîg te ieral clerios, Ore everely I-cpie. andt 1 supp5oe s010e of theIr uucuu. ýtit theuy lua aid utiti Itrltoutill- r lînnos. ti i llii s-s lsosif- go ta a secontdirtsfiuig andIo a.s lIrae sslere ibis lil.ely 1tac litlieti shiape soinesebabt itterent friaiut 10un. iter. luiosuon ai rorosto vateosluer- y goaintthbe Miniutrxoltet, atud ti,, usîed foe ly Ja,1th C. Morrisouts maeut hoaithe Solicitor 'tuuîlhj eport sasîlite etsuidetly exlre-etid M. W. F. Pusselluas niso bren retisse but itouusimporattdisvisiont -lt hliert tsn it is nid itietutis sa Camerais, is aiso aiouueth îe dus.ý cd, btntenaur suujîli tasslueru-fore. iGoseauntidFergucsit 10playunutin- sut pailtuttidliMr. A. 3P. MeDousld d s1sSud t10sujporl te Tuessttty tipiniqnniftheoiWeSt, ghad, uâ t ele- tuYi ield Standt ty tunirpUr ici. l» sellu>rys ri tl, i ~ Tc> e rniarlatalo clasbwiig nof 0 Ji1a, thcao crWoi olti, but I l -tsi1 tLe «UppclciI oadOppostion La t> iultet nl la enlate the Lowee- - uebuot tluah ountaé ctsary they bLeglati if tLey stouinl dm-oa , bthtItt7 uuilt hc aIle to ss hsib 0 cu1 ilaunibiliby thot tho ebOorni e t di litsd esbcred loto a coflîpi te bu Upptr-Cantada. [Dorir i, elsOfl Fritiay cveniug, Major Camp tMu. Brownt it tlie t snsttt Ine tiei of foruiug a fiovernie'lt tît 1t O i luteIlle confidenîceoaibthlusectiotus o f Prb , for lnt lu>. tis cosant a uta lltle institutios o ai Usioda dnuum nsttt ceuse lue bilBo, 85 siîused 1Ihein tha i fi ,',,;,üt ni lite questian ut beoiti foi-niFrltefopcid îsuiuuitratioîu selielu sounsî e ti let "e psu-i. Ili ss cri t 1suuy ltt1r.LVuI"' b-uga patiot luee oulti Seo i*e u(1retey oi Ot1agtn, iiîgl cf me tte &(Ida' lue -1uti thut duy piId ilusr4og-ttýttsiii thte htituts oai lussi-lry, tudti bt i tt for iiiti t laSay snlehlie bue ait rd i froîi thue honouurasbleupooltacc ltuti litheeto itiiet seulhIl lîeit approtution. Ie urli glt howss-er, ~ titat tIlue seus ctllqd 1114111 10 s scolea ut tits idding ai tle otite r îo ni flusse uiras iluaseeli iutîe lJto10doa os sseeprupa.redt bsiote llthe ttrhiler conditintof lîiugs tf entaItte y stal sit -oe autuhti e bureinreest ua Campbjuell slitsihe- tuitliosd'for o! uni Le soaesuete eady bu do, so litutheLertiItni lis (ItroNsi's) reiueenît. Mjor C,,Itltacl nuti lue bItuttiotly cîtalen fur hinseul;anti titat it su-aultib taeuelnîtagh li t!t soIei te"prpastd abdicationi1ud btae tuteJorit snntrtiigtt itont efe-t. Noibit - " -l esi ai te itnterpellatinstayond s grauturi ln-il pat-oaf tenruior titutanu-for TortAsu tant it ueerterîless ittdcatr-s ut fernintsss Oui0 hath sides oaIllie flsuse sutti1I alilsul le nit-priserdif %su-e ne rh.sson til 1)Olu mtiltaside, 11sleittit tttiuoe nusy ict.vIllet rauuuiiu r tu i sties. tio-duty in thteLegialitise C('ltl i()0oni euquitI, lîttut: Ste. vRnukuughltiet nu-J iitI te Gout ruttîeuti sere hu u ts iiu1' irea- lieues forthbbc ucrîttiauuof tIr lttiiiee ni W'uirS, tuttifrtnet Ilie ~ir-i tiris tat exista nou tle sutjet lutthebI,s :u ui Taseso, tefanobloy in lilîuly to( a s oi cuale big cririuin îuCanada. Youss, &C., PARLI&MENTAIBY. îiglub île O-eau Posali naîiti d nie -teatigl i soILa tiadest ut aIt t11att QiiceM ai-c'. -h of Mr. IBrownu, su lua 'tittird lTe 'l'îe iletuse iluti ut i3t'ciant. licre ni stiusttiigtlii tut suilt if i lisuts tutiics-J t'y husi'oln iy r-ces a larger-tiittt r i t terietic- apuountt 'iiuuuist.iutr a tu- -tu î]I-î,nedî lotIt ittie tir e ilutlaflite ututtntgemuentftlcIhue -- itigut sultje-tudtlttietet i iutcàtiuutted- t tu, l 'Rolic-lu..'Queuc. St- r. c lulieili luttu iia ffoi-îtle ye -IleUne, Doriom, til fleitalue- at isai iitt Siutti eUtI c th itel nisextceptioni aiti fou blic thi ii Gtle Drtiluuans. nai ils lalst sgi-suilinil tîtoulis t ut> le]. lir tlntto i ilu Ici lu-a ,e furI- fie Eteulun tf te Jurisdictiatî l nurits Brion lth s tinchurd thé leuttuu e itlut he(l 'ttuuuuulutsecondtul ituin tes stalcuscutt cf hissconnolidtonu tIlui, Xl tt tuuuttiluli tutiu cfils. andut uuîueaîînin dn , lus -fiertutili-ttt Ve-idictu li itil tulsu- -ai-' .. -tsu. Mr. Uni ii c 'i-lt anditvts tut, i-cui esondroutd Lutte a I11%t! tei.til solution ivessreond aiit nt 1>. oce Yens, 19 i itts, 10. 'fliilli scutsaller-b t tii nrîitsg, unan n si tato t to i tlIt rîrr tict a 0 S uitttlitre -tfidit sold nttuc Lei-iug drîtaittic'i itl c nbdtr. tutituu lseitittutluuuittt id tîtuit Iet, luth litenyau rnd titu ditel'lia use ten -tjoitrtati.' es 1 Iitts c o ii! n-'re att iteuc- r irco lus ost ufiii-itîi nnsut nrti. n-gioilise Ausr-nbly. Yacurs t &e. ('05.Qtiebec, Mari -18. Qtîu;iue, luarI, lit. - ilist ers-te ntrueti ts hI lIvsn r si'- "JO luturorttue te Brii-lelitA uts cuit4t utr Sie,- î ttil, rtturiî-g loit iay. lersu ilsufbite nids rIl tuf nitprîl nf lo itttulutn-iuilteCorpttusio tu!tfilîe r andt hauni ent oumicue fluotad>.Cil>.orni lt:t-î u utcîii--geouiud ir te -hetu i t~~. i..ii putof tutrlitugil i trittliius fer îTe te lIon Mr. se'-: suug it tt tutlrttluluuît f confidence ittlt.tt. Itlin lui nitras!. la iu tthe bita es îuid ti out-tees erd Boulte18 Or 20 ItOnsOai-tie ntuttfou-hoiteiing iiue s' ttuand, iitqlsg litul stingq, andutill niiiutadat loccsîly tiec e-us ut it1ttCuIs Ib lir oie cf Tiis eceuiug, andtelfor tueglt 1J - la ei-ciittrietttin sotni-ictionT;I teýt tirer-i da tluîorr, for nine ni tue 11 11 t;t itufltoierJesus nitu epotilcee os ti-y htave n igitte laoui ritetu "atut94'iuut-S.ult tl )odi i motion iî tot tir uutuil t il ent ofuta - w i-utpe ae inda ia ut lutatuitlisititi- riglultf O a li le arc diuicis.iiig itir nitiitifretnt Mrle vii-t u sarel fiitî teIlicite -st Cls. "liec litst anuiieut, sic. u Coiitt tIitceai lit nîtuti acausil - fle e Admnistratusion tiii pater- uosesses ir uiet--tfiruteliuug te .dut: ontut ufidenuce oni tuthlieIlIassetutndte balts.e - - wil seuly cuti.eotîater aitl aules t3te. ci ra,il flitc nîi - ile a i o icou se l tîneltabc p tuiintutty u ic as erututir-t rtsiîcd, r nte snîuud le - vilto tuce lolase tarerpeilthat utt t -if sanener ai n.ciprbb tIy 0)tionttî ofat i tr. îCOlgsiuî ti îril ege itscita noinun attop oai gi-itul. sc, t tu gri-uIutr;i Sucjet " ai- eru ii> taI lue AdmniuiatuioA m)ttt t, tur iettu oui uuTht oti-ird u01 Asafin, si lIse confietuce ni te lIasse bîuitLtufittles in-g syvstetuoticulilu, ogovri- tisu Te lts itil ut ite T.-gsinliutiiecol.uCi- i)I c iojaoil3t-, adtutitttaîan luror i utuutite lui(fietr provisiontfolailite wO;t out seitîsg lt ail-athust sixt nl:i-u ttsiirttb ttauu bouts %as r-. - tse- c su blheu tutti esutld ibi 14 3i-t, oit totuionsni Mr. NI. C.-tiutrotu.sc r itia tiss.Monsieur iisrIustîcU ti5h1 stus oneiîdlui- Étii!palies itu Jct eaau anoîlenmotianethel îe Oi-i-etttcedeuue i-u' ie uetictniof 1rlou rOpe titr- msenlt idtincrurit te canfiencre oniticusaI ue i tutii Frotàitis ruIi li t a- use, sitte en cera i o itetui ow-ua uctetel.aCluiitbuuCuanal infic iteyiiuMu- en, ssui btanue tîn>. dntlte- turol. ho bills an s rercnt divorce cuse as TOI C itOCIiTni-Tlru., Outi hase due. Uptouithi ie uade- Mu-. Ailtints uto cul for I->11 ri--rp--leisce hal, DT]uthe vote sîotse-d 1 thilIiu ab iihui avItte Iktaie blai-a tCtstut ur -yenste10 14 ayut1 naotppeu- Cats' po0ver-u t iit 111td lIts oainttt-nbt ftir uug fosutai tego taI tir-luit. 1 foc- UCîitLti SLatIrsilit elee tu th e beeui ni Bayt>. lut oa ile th teu sole Messrs. flte trciaity Tueuty. John Cameu-ns, JubaiiB lînhiusat, aSeoite s ForgU80,aundasthi uiM tissu, M. Aikins itquirerti Iltetilee ttcras;ifli laie colncti ymo>mj ofnmt a i ietctiuofnilite liîuiisti-.tb alter orc nt-i ni hieala- ( tutsouu Suitol Ai-i ut U lber t;iltdit, roteti suL the Iiniste>', s ause titi.-or tu change ticre todue btasî.cîu Ct i.tuu- -Caucihon asti Ifct-lIe lntternIa Scîtuh ur uuhuttit Oplpoitioiist nlîiueaogb. Afiter *Iv fn. Maucdonaldtbreiied1i ut ils-i. r-c'sea mentimeni vsdotseia quiris, ahilui vserre h'siuug sotude i tu flic ilttudenu int-oduucetianottr -afr-n' suijei-t, see-e tt. stt-oid Idoteita action in te ateraif Mu. Liitibse ltosa alluviflsrcoirespiin. tIe sehnolo. 1 idtiti slear tLeist tue-udecandi doueunts luseefuerc to lte cat, bol I nderalan t iltaunes tle extraditint ai pai>.Marsal lTi r. sfor nol eîtsnngîefyîu idltr-o. te seblons, atn"ý (course ver>.foi, if M. ipapllesumoveti'fera ue ui-i-oIllte f hbicjUppr CinadiossseIl bLe instiunntr u aitinta cIirnscs iluetiî .58 fou-soleih a censure, ifi- the>. voositibcs59. - Ltter preporedte tolcottemo tLe lit repi>' ho Me. Frît. >yfor alosing nnysesparate solns lion.tt i-eBleSE id nie t1 litîle incidents shieh go ta slow the ieauCnt tteItits Daniity heremuetbavebeenin FIe ils to iccorpru-s Les filit de ste. rot-D)comeCalnt, s.he nenconiils Acue ni SL -lnqlts* de luaV ind m ,ti . or coules feartt olîame an Ad- r-dnint; andt-ti alurtOrtcbt S F50rrhoat .alon for not tiointult wich meit lit Canton, ta le railetibieUniptutni11gb1 i other amembera nf the suonb-iet Scilîni, sud iesendrisents, pit tr iltrng t would 'it s ta on haven trgfei coniuJtatîr nirs asattesiptIo 0do. Me..lInGes bTne-fi0igblsVerlrdascn sd en tapenk ta tis tapie, ant i dtipa e iscseptl-iie eCuhep oTet itn the Speaker left the ebair. MIe yl Mincie te floour aItLaf-put 7 aclock, asti te Foi-lIe ta aneikd the Aclýianrpel rapet ho wi llinllapaitetie tanma îlte Beackvillo andi Ottawia Pdtio. (00Jm 'us ai Upper Cansada. IfLiiefnlirT Fa iucoc4oratn tht-Ait A*Btcatian ai] WtinWa.of>theWest vere rea iftl>il- MrTrno. Il ten CStnien ('i ai Bar- indashignput this 'uStüfiatl* f.ie ) 4 tht Housse, tliey watuld oi core ere- TeFalgtize the 'Peesenetllagi of th Io the. junior qTeitaber fer Moatress,4 Board otf Notuica an lh iesDlti*t tj Kama.- a0 far froin YUpper Ocanada deiring tue rosSe. lao. Prfsepasate aehools, hhoy ara Regamrdii tht sale ofa c Bt e 1 'oredisposti oextirpaItteirualto- CGlîtin Gueph, O lndPt the L.aclhlîtitlsof 3. 1 do not "ytl"iataaa 1belestanohrDt aliuieeCà, dtre the' à etin eitit'sîl ~ints een hawnate the cgtln 1aIetlauntxntion Àrit41ýt> cqtt-to, t*iihîgf Gimbr-of 8au-ây tau eunca, n s a"as iegetktahe -W d éie h 0Ac, itrepreîing- the atal'a sýoicK-oesivet ut secntj t per- Ioternîational Bridge Cojipnsu. iti l aatesr t'e<uigprs -d - Onmotion ui M.- DnsaIpieml1.ibth enel, to that Country. Iloiuso e ut into rotuniitceon te bill' taoi e aopposition -uenibees, iintiinkI e*tsnbls a istandard - iveiglt for ltîy andtiâmieli,,deneuncti tLe coudan t of gQvei- atirais.The bibI vrisuadopte&i.Ment antiaSsertcti thal îLe pobicy porrii Also tha bill ta ex-tut a homestensd Lad prctmtrd tua visses of France sith re-ý certain otiîIu- iuoperti. îdre a cee tin 'grto' aiaoy. -vaie",frirn sale mitîilletlcxecetiion. -Lord Palmerston defetudeti tIltogoVeto- Té irgulste the prareedings. U aisa itsne us ovcintrti osnpnies inIilippre Cits nt i dýtbn n- MGrotit oet làjeco nceiout nif spection of tias and <ass tîetees-. - -tPwesOjcedFanë ol To praveuit iraudsin b oteî-*s leu tîtndta peraist-iui asînexatiin. putisnlu iibetaisd otllur o-itp iar-ie--'Mu. Baron Wason, a distieguished nt letieno. E-'iigisbJut.liede ce sutdetul>.just rT zrulule spatlieesties, ant i d-tggits' niier ho blie i ei etagisg s jury. elotps, lCpt nopeninusChies. Lard LIin Ladlgone hu Paris on publie l'Oa rogutte lte rerlinu>n lonnoes li dbusiesu -tutcountnion seit is nisii ;ta -fa0 -lnetutithe itdreadence ni Parlia- CiaI - e- etdt satfr hn itientîArt. In about a iortsigbt nerter rr> To dinliii stueld. regultoe bise cots in Repart is cureut that Lord Tauton, îîuîucuu. - (feenseri> Mu. Lbuitciere,) seul piobably Forîte bcttee bprotectionl ni it iglibsofnisuececti Lord Elgin uas 5itmacr len-, batilletu-urs fi- us in casesnifrrucliut-Iure. , Ceai. Foi-(lite pt-tectio lut Iselîrs iiiLoscer lThe DuiteMontîpenser artisu-i ii Eng- Ctiiuodr in ceritaitu rusesý. latnd on a visit to lis mutoier, te ex-queut Ton oî,etthue Ilrts stuieîng tulu-n- oiFronce. tienofou- aal.? S ou i te reulurttiofcusIs inte blnmuet- TLe Engîisb papara l'oibliàLco a trrt of i ion of dethlforittuhie sbolisîliet niimîtri- leseconventiono betuveresGreat Brînisudn 1 tiosuucnthofI uebt. Hotnduraus,fute tereteetiai f 1t s. yIs. 'Vo uuîîcudi due Adcttsage te tentrelands te Honuraisa nd îLe urrender ai tht -tii littiatis luitia itheltowntasruts t ti ite Mosquito Protectorate. '170 r uegutiittile sale onilitoxieuttiti'> i- quiei-r. eiIii1recus a od TIc Paris Sinrtc reerireiseari-gfort To 0legilire cranpoe ig yr n iegeel Outrage naust religionu./The insueuctrzins utI erýrerrs. Sie te predandr d tieudtsetia o suaIin Repectiitrg ticeipolice iuî ciles ant iclih Cert i ogmas i ofatlîolic aed Jew- toset ili pit he- cuttinrî. - ish creedsseau-e soltdosen as îhaniî. Tb atuendt lue tatîtie reFlecing Joint Thse In .itesr pubiisLea the tretl>of stock Coiîaanlîës To arnueithte shuilîte ns regards invesi- Commsece btcieen Frautes anti England. mn-uofttîiney tac iusirasu-r tolîspunieu.lits îputblicuation is piteCuird ae., u - TueIliotu>e tnnîtujeturd. port, gieing -iiistorical nstlinethe i e- *_gauiutions stIieL lrercedtithe siglîiig on Utloray's Iittllsf lsec rotîlti tieroy the treat>.. ta peâiontaus bpbanut, ve stack tîîe ranIs, itot The îapuy of the Pope te the lut propc- the ebnes s,îd talýoiiius. Flue operattun sal fFac alrn dPrs h ai lhnllowys Pilla proeds ip Iti 010 t isaroisnîiershtiPei. tiritti-ille. 'llie ee trrois complterxionl Pope decliners te propotsitioun b confine simen ye ani toain fistu, t-eaia- r.huM anexclusive politucai compuas ;uIy jdieatians taItualieiternsulaugant quecsion sbiel, us it concerna îhe ilîlegeity arc ntaidaiuug tlîri uuy.hIfite skiuuiaoi '-T!iQti5ttinity of St. Sert,t' is i istuffosurd %vi11 ile, andtithe biratIî ffn- m- ietry honnitinp seul iue iudeesdruce C is-e,îteu-e ttbstrucrtionstaiu thlIerr. iliii Citi-ch. Atbough tiecidedi>. rjecliui- If thte food, &fieur- utiuug. siste lie like io oCot i f edltte pil if thuee lîtîndcîl. iumaain -'iiu ofa fuîu sovreigtt, ]I 3 d lto nfout gîses lisitte I anilsoeuie hp tu i et fR pabluiltheus as digestion are ditoli0nesusouws luinseif dipose t teî -scastl.hIpon tea tistettpeuri irera jmb îhe puth of refurinun ondtition tIL thec Pilîs or-h as a poueritil alîcrative the itterity ni the Statg"Of île CLurr-h Tls».pîuure tiItîls.asd at the Sie tileguarohittId. ugutctîipîiy tlite eccionThni eibe PanisicrorrespaOds n b Lud tlou.Need w s ay liatbise iseviltale Post 'vr-inoe- iuTbe Frentch Goreramnit sonerquenîre isn fiotvauh cur Ihave eeu-y reusoîn toetaliece, lita seutil îeleg-aphiîtirospsirh btte Frencsr ie A Fev FVigures fou-VirtItelieni. luin tuily, irqstiug theccutuud-- Ftcu-s' pesebtaile s entei ry i luse ea>r 24 Itaurs, yeî 1 do nutl ere lhe Emp tIoac u ni rI-ti îlia otutithe prttanîiîitii-s nor wi' viisitidrnorbis hi-ouipe r-ea if Il tue oe ngst til% oc-fcureeîuîy tus rel)i- o plte ai Central Iholy rate for ailiexs seitîcl ty ait ,uueliek ulitîuubers, nu-r-esi- lion."~ This utuîority asseits tluuub tIr fa tutatiel in cuscrout coinuaiflthe resîtî.- cigul relationts ni Frotte voe i iest>.ni ,iàtgiltituaexact data îistrs afou- tiiîiit c-goiiug agreot r-hastge, anti Asîritun i lg thie alsaînte chanceut i-r f arriage fou- luer eu'v in îLe ecent. eli îtnuron.yei lte>. iuoy lta uip-ariiiattr- Thc Pouis flotte mark-thubusIesdu y inJirsited, atnd %vss-e lusseasriibse- btntclased fSnei. Wîeut also dotlhi erulitsg ta ontefai- u-acdrs a ltabe showiltg t âeilyowr lh itîohsltiliiein-tt luluette iasueuisgro t ut 1ufines ulest1ro10isr ifferetlige- for te eutriots condtiiuon. 1 Ins siunr goising dilsticts peri sevin, lte. u-eluuiiatt linthe saune scetbif is- coresia ta ertnig firiur. -ujlcu as îut-tiitabteles for lufe 05511titi TFle Masoitic ofl.sniParis sere ao frit heis ctllsa teheiha tru .l t rseob asniuddrrm 10a tle bipeet hy dustnguhed rofessioaîbgenttlencut.1thstiàiuui im fini-luis services in Ittul>. in selose nscrru ese ei-y confidnue tua>. 'lh- Pari>slBouse iuati Ieiu.-pitty utoni se reeltscdi: lut oa tIc 13111 claseti L enilvuni6717 ftui-uufntftiitics ut>' utuuignu 0f gqirel-a>ictfolreaîeu. .fite uf t etdiio uf tjfe. roîutpiitntrf fit fuie Rueyfr GCntural* 18t57ii-i n-. Stvoy OQenI.-r oclateimtlios Sge!ttrte.>ptisteus. 'tist-ram % s,> the goreroora of Sain>. sere pstet p te lut _-0tt l-10 1tutC,7i 10 1t. ît il the î-sislîeein il bil; ountiry~,iîtlfyil -, ~ ~ 1 t9 1 l-- . - Iu Stu , that lte ittabitants viii m&oeiulebcralir-i a e 'a 5.tt ?tu 1..tî el i u.1u* - t, te33.... --- a6...- i lais'on tla rote lton te questioînif Le mni tute lut1, Iit tu Io73ua - Ie-lta 6 i ueeinslu 45. I.n1 s Iot165 t' to.. -t ..1 o 9tenaisurof ho uin uil rdituia, ou-z 50 1 1. 2Z0..i it. 44..1. lin ....- te ci hota Fre aeucuoidiiug talthe foi 47. 1 ...i iîti.. lius 1 1 nx o 60t :. . 1 -- i SlI-- tt 2-s.. le4irpresceibeti t>. iariiaeet. Fi-oîitii>il evilileotaserreul ibî nt oh0 I Thte Loîtten 7'eegrap/t pesibivell, afin- lic pi-tîauilibieu ofi tuusiige for a spinser that a formai andt confidetiel rcqust i rîtile siigiully cxcecding ihase ai a taulus- heem matie ta Eîîglandtia10joinitu e hos, au- nfiIhe suie asyu.ae ÃŽlulultely gpirater usd Proussin ipu-testing agisitthîe aliti thu tuave oi thec sidasced nit itur- ;tiou ni Sas> feons Ssrdiiai, atudistates Il oi-.in othr- oseustat uthle prapa- iena rittuseet thtî age il; bess îtu îîîuîîofîîtce nglautisuppsrta ite tiemasti ni Sardut ttitrîieti. Alle 20 thec prousabiiîiebath b o , anacerlain tl' s hea aifthe plueofi ai p1inster uaud bahutiilur. u-ntinuously île- vo>. anti Nie bY tiversat utul-age. creiuset5Itstiof ilheibacheior, hlinsreSi, rALs-. hl~-iuug sboisya gi-i-alec ntaI saller agroe, rli tiose nf th icowhaetnitnh sexes Thse Militai-y Gazettc oi Tueins sin asoruîudly itaieese tup tis 35-tbiewsolar tiaittLe wlîuie aemy ni Sarditii is ordeî a] vçt1 sau-eluiiuîg 1lise stivance. At 32 tIe, îo Le Iput upoîl a searfndîu.- b>.the furet eluun-tiii tiireiagt for itue sidow, s 5Aptuil ;asdti talPieddiauuîit sabout tea tuusutuareti seiblutlen piaster, aroeîa Yho 1 ; cure annitaee ni rilesLairis irons i tutIiuu huit 7 it> tc seageredtiet1t on the Eiîtlish oesenait. uitisseuuoeyiuîg fiiu-u-aai-theîicu-ucui-Isbia lai-h, IhuiIl utut opuiseti ta experienre ; M.lTîuaeils repl>. ho Csunt Citron buit sliutluei- Ili-it nnîtacu- u-eîsesnis tic deapatrLs ni tLe lot antti Id Mai-cL, reach grtur u- ltu-utlivcnestutoni seitist sI linITurins M. Iasove1 lpointa s t as esent ior tIlure treuuiei- ti-ti-e nifttutiaeig, diifféresce sslicb ecxiste brîsecen the qui toc tnili Iten citure u tar-Iie. At 60 liii1lion aitte exsurtiin of tnsuy la Pit îtiIutlilllS ur fuelles iîsec- 28biitumotaid titboniSaro>. taItuc o bell- in thâlt iofithen olbti hlru -alud ta h r ucpldfitsultwieht tliôtseze iesots i î lies tgrcutur-than tlihe ui gbatli Ieielttl iS eîuItsîi-.Iliatir one luîf troauuii- h s f> a Io t, aiu 110 recogîito sizte, tuf uea dua e.n]%-ilthe tucînîr lieEur-ope, stliti hutasguoratee thte luasse ,sof i20 sutldaluoce 60 lihaecti irese- iofniTuscan>. ta Ibhetiynas> oi Lieraiti cd ns ion iti6iiilicnit le le esimtet-TFis dillicoilt) disappeail un presulce Seciuug fu-oithlis tubie 1mw rabalttu e Icthe nrangemnits betiseetlFranco attd si cîtulugs ai cclibscy hou-i-nse anitr120.,tuttidinja relative ts bbc sp1utanrOus cession tr ust- I qttey tIse tînînise hlu'ttbu-catîtes Sasor, casrqetl>.tîe Empeesi- requei cotufrturd, lit lîsose w- alti-e diac-rt! île e Ofia n thîe qousiof Sasuî. 11gsîler bueti- rocrs wsolthte> uis>.- csioJaucin gdb mtaàe sent andttihbot l aviîg EcOtse ta uiti Dr. Whlits 'tanhîtu of ni6ltd Cbet-r7. Oualsutffrage- M. Tîioseesei hitls tLol - ti[eromo acquaule t eLtîe visItes of r Titis sterling rcniebly appoutra ta ho iur-aI> il 'vouiti ishlce ta canatit tLe la isonkingwsendere. W hv ali gbn li uurpalibusrs a ea>. asregards tLe8 uti ils otîpefior îOeriî diseusofanithe itran ati f uocan>.. huel aud Lonîgs ltaItic tiont aiils clim o n int î î France moiti fulos.Pietini bel>."tLe Great ront>.." Mrlniohour psei inoot ues1ucteriti ens tria apprendue ils in Peutoii'o morne, If Victor Mmesl uîîcçmou'ou-llu ienns peeooîîii uoe, hava accepithîe ntexation of 'lescilny, atitîrtd ta thîta fartetaby ttete siticn teuthi soudi ecoagaril>. u-main ixsnctela1 tisstials. Tlcy au-o sfroaVît-siartfîrisia of tue1 a polir>. sitt h ein-gen ficanti Shituld ceutaiutbu- prompît ailss'ho ta uekloi on t - e Support o nui ue. sufici- lu-ans 1trinau-y riomplainte in ils j Thc MseicipaiitY Oi Mila1usdnuit' eau-ions fouras, hoa gieuil t t rlaL-t>sîeus l duhtcd auan otideesa thîe rK ctireru.10 eninusi uthedç5iuo h onr Farnel IvJitins Il . erie lras tttt- cplnttgtctc&unaiiut rut l>tiittet lrt, iîtdi1-y '%. ut. îtn.u l eteel. tu iùs itajes>. astic ongteirn th îe1 WLiîta3. ~titual liuue nif1uoliir>.ursued by the Kirs Amravai lte Bobeiuin. reicreuîce t eta Ii. u - i pabil>. fuetbicr tates ileir reaoluti0n, tl - Portlast, Mai-c l2. lngr the King 3,000,000 fitll The ~oheical aiied I »r~~ s as TIe monicipelit>. ni Lodi secre prepor" s eu DM na a<le u i a. mî aiî obusila e-vstlulioas- . i nebèuçy-urcca paairograand-a 1 otber atitresan eseectti. Lirerpool eLrendssf% vters quiet but fIau Paisa rort thîoe hall of e Lot ateati>.Provisions tiui anti inactive. Tit gpisest isc Ltouismmniueniw closatit- eloserd on Fhuaday t 41a motnnniton jaucO5 iettr mmasouni î 941 for mous>., andi 9.5 f s0a~ erd> tahSionhoi ros oseu' nient teîLe ciuin late filate oft C-n fisArabi. arriveti out et 6 30 us. ns. leiy wao it&tidl Otititle IliL; andfle ord(suu a bcn *fter- noon nioLfth e eday in the hanse ai Larda, on thse i2th ils., ino#S w u nsee Itirons %4 Eusose -of The aStiat os thque uistio fa agu CodtàeniiLtb tue>.Ld gethateall, ion o Brdinis i tal p&osa re a thte tue Cu-wnes lais îLebject oai iL. noataser- lit in mot, l ainaiesl[imSta te8a risi brout>. with Fraace, thereapou Lord immtenS aumban of peoplbe Lave aatb Tauion gavënotce liti e tottid toes a in aulthe tatas, astndtitnmach uata aiir a Mreés 55fr0115 lt* Iltiase a ofr»ds. ronMeîca-%'wirsnird. Adtmirable ne Lard Join RusselbOledipin a epby ta W lm ltan The fo iîIg -,a Iquirier, ibis a g-eut tea ai corresptondce" fni .natclsitPtz roa ait_ baul taheplaca vitu Naples relive e*Sati g lam ientt, li 8,026eghra;-V eaaiuioaal- reformaa rcmaaadsd by aanexatioteta' au ; meljii iv EhglwA danti Driaesastandin a fat daja he for anoplaaista ki .d<ual,383; ofîj5dI laid upou thea table ferter cosospoiedoca SOMoaeiiscu ondtthetla 318 setiag ta lte a is of a a tly Md explaie me<1-~n-s32 raura f 30 c: -1- 11%1 iffl i OfsJâqam is 67,2tj'of wloi 1 4>0Yed fornzl jjp J Of 8U O0 gd l,jki ýîbI5 "a IMXQU-J U'M re WAA .0 nlexitioi and 13i rIl gaa0pate, iingdb.o. eýüùsàly* ual b MSpecial Bologna. '2lrd-the vote iniý itis y1 a g~ wu~ 21,694 for iiiàeatio, ni 2 for a i mâI l) th Sprt indomn. ..1A The rmy of Romne hm been Icreased ta LIFE ÀSSOCIATION 0F SCOTLANII, '20,000 smen. I AOBTiIU.ACCUMULATilDr , ikrl,15 !410 terling. li it iw îated that Austria.while declarinig AX N UAiT IN t'O>M E ................- lier intention tb remain neutral in regard Dnaa.a 0thuit at%-Uvh èti no uen, liea ÀtXW T hAON* oa oru piva rd s o tToi i tltN l Mou to the Savoy question, Lhad asanreil Rosia Muipox PtiY1110e trlisigof Anstranicee- Ilu'89 l'il th ý&tu y A*XAvmAio boln that i theoevent -or thoeRMin e 'fontin*a b200,475 St f,t iA8lrutiie i iI= 1iriea Tluil'OLICIES nîwbheing -ued ara nùiiusly ec- Ï l'mll-RUEIIOfiO.ill, aOiO<ilu oporUt Il f ovor hein. înenaced ste vould mmeidiateI' iiiuaadrvltraporta u>A-sn-i ýi4fritoo.eT unito with Prussin, for thé protetion utfthe AN.ALL004LIIT oucnorlidpr£.ti1atiptnîPiY int-l the erffian teritory. oionolît atlocsted for 185 tolg 5734lperto.,r,1lLi*pu intorit ofiLs 0ri1i8 teiritry.Iloldm wer oe olid on te pl m .12se &Ipt el Aiof thoir nroiîni Oai ly, £Z. si, he- gtonai OfLSO; L£1 o~rd fXd0 id £ûa instead &cLI i. ie1 PEOBSiA.TuE oUTLAY FOR11AYA1SSUIIANCE uilv lie Iî»nieriàlly Inoîse6lillv tucotflb hal l Cee£- Thé Prossian Chainber ofDeputles %uni- ltSaeî piit oilîîonSe' ilut th ita :; ixvintes raeiniuuol ing rqure, wlLh oteeit outitirti tsihl riS ou lupi n thon o 2O o itrliîîGoriiitheac tLe Press against baving its coocessions 1-l~* t~* sitbdrawn by the administativeito lre- ÂE ~ 1 ~ G 4 SPI rAnD .530LtOCCO. sl Nothing, of importance occurred ut bbthe yeeusà;,§ scat of aar. Late neconots frosi Woir Ite q i tt 2 iltatttihe Moors teere nvineing a Sierre W.~ -~ t apr -erei t. ,and prepations Ivere . F. - being mtin for na troog delence of thnt Ist Yrar ........ 113 2 615 0 01 I41 il 81, _2.a la il 0. .,9 a 8 a o TtREI.inyeaer......î.1 13 1 5 ls0 0l13113 t il f185.191 7 li ô5 Constantinople delpatehSanYS tht twO 411, NVia0> . 50 aOO17 li u I152s0n 1911 0 1911 0 51286 a0 0 il1 'y2 wt2 14i91 O of the points of negotiation nowv pot ing 6hYVlt..... 160 là 5 80 DiGI.l l6 1 1 1911 M U 2I il se a o foir tLe conclusion of theo trenaty ni alliance beisceen Eîîland, Franco and the Porte. AMRE TITE SIXTU PAVME7IT Cil Policy-holtler %v11 i itldt-Ol teoa ZS11ARtE t)F PROFITa !il,îàch ingli>Prendit wnsuahoto oentionud. l wee therovision of bhe capitulation, aud 114IE IIAI]? 3CYIIEMTSYSTEII isy e ae depleti for Polil -sofaiaount fr.eoun0 tîeeflig theli righb. ofarmeti intervention in the pi- - pstardo Ilcipalitirs anti Servie. Tho projeeted jour-ON5hARLNX - r- ney oeSir 11. Enliser ta, Loudon s'as Con- neetet with tiisobject. liis 'aid that TAi Bodkstel ue closed for thce iteyjlrsl~i Ml Balance. f the Porto hal roucluded a Loaii of twenty- i-ntbfoehadaeouukasoOe37a'LogrSadighasae five umilijonsof francs. bfoethndaetii rSk asoOnte nas. grSadn hnLt * 101 .80 Oi~A.APPLICATIONS 1171LL RE RECEIVED UNTIL TJA T DA TE. Af .rn teleroin nnouuicen ilîntM. Wilson,- Cbaucellor of the Indien Exeliequer, matin HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA-9 GREAP St. JAMES ST., MONTRBAL. hi. inasocini italemont on tholiethi Febra- jSCETh-.JIIE iANT. Sary. The deficit is abolt ioDne million AGENTS Spountis. lie proposes a tradolironno ofi %Viiibv-j. i.ltPEGt]?. n tax pon inomne lowmallvilo-It. lRUSStElLLOSCI»lB, llerrieb>rî front 2 10 21 yearly, a pn ncls Ne%ustlo-S;AMUFL iII.IOT. of frant £240 tc0 £300 aI tira per cent, anti Port lip-WF.llvý.1AiUEIC, b.lunîeeeh-l l tik. tyabose that ai 4 per cent, with no exemp- Osiiaw-SAI1UEL CUtllltÀE, Jr., Birribier. 9 of tions, andi a largo duy lotion tobarco tariff is to Lec udifieti. Thera isili be lintuant. if IIift le,1 A ~ >~ Telegraphie advices froni China tu, 30111IJ Ji 'VI Y* ITP L RLT l: : i lJauanry report exehtonges witliout alter- 01,30. Im uports in gond demanti. Tous quiet aud in iai n supply. Silks firni. W'cSr Co.osr or ArnticA», Febrnary. un M>als front varices parts on the Weat t, Coast ni Africa -reacliéd Eti-glanti. n The U. S. gutibont Surprise tit Fernas- ny do Po, on 28tb Janusry for Sothîcard. i- Trade gouerally du11 at ait ports, but at, in Siorre Leone 'vas raîiviog. C A R R 1 A G E B UI L D E R S ie- The goveî-umciit 'vus iaking -atepo ýta rn- lae conrage the growth of Coton*on t 1 ui gold AND MANUFA1CTIeR.S 0F aDi, t ILui3 Therasy usoriing. Buuft{iIES, IT E $ 5S,~6 { 5 &I~ ln- The folloiring la the officialI rettarnS of BRCSRE~ IrHI2Wr . in thie voting in tLe Itonaa-2,659 arpar- aIl e Tgdi 24 l11E Subtcîibets t '!tc 1jîvo bL teiorrn thsèpublie ini tby havo opened hsncolit iii o PLlaris corcespondent of hie. TÏits tuhe promises lo rquýy-- tpied liy Me. Ira Il. Car-ponter, aiîdlated i luItock Stret ýut reports îLot Tuacany wil erobablj o -South SEat ftuioiBank, 9> :~ yopposite 1the Mai-ket builin;.ýlnetiyar rp kn ossesio of yPidmobesetrooa ird 10 enpply ail wîo favori lit 'vith, a raIl. 'vîllit oer]? artielo in-iheir lineofa business koSiuiiodsioy flicntee r I) Te hocriliers ai-c practirti sud conspetent svorlmnnof long experienco, andti Btev aflertue anexai ati dcvote the entiro of sheir owu lahor b Ilîir busines, theycs-iproduce artielaaofbntei ti îe close of tho present weluusv rknîuît,iàip, of bu-aler durahiliiy, andt more teiegaiîliy Ofniohoti Anti Dut Tie French G(overoment ilaid to hbae or) receiveti intimation iLat 1the mlilary coin- CUr AFFORD)ilO-,SEIL IIIE M (?llEAPEL, ..i- misision oi the Germanie duet have receiveti Thas n ietvliwo have 10 Lure flie luhor oi othor. Idy secret orderestoi tura Publiie attention to Ail articles soldait the lovst livinîg prices fer Cmli, 0r ou approveti credut. Pieuse 85 tLe preptsraian ni a monure for the for. ctsîî anti examitn; mottion of the contingent oi the - federtil iii)kitît>s niluiober aod farineeeproduce tak-en lu xclsaiieo. Alwoirk Watiaitet. by arra>..B N V N AI E àC i The ?iiiieo 1ulisilice aInter from Na-DO O NW XKY&V iilg pies, tehieb tates thst the recent arresîts uP~ tLere hase licouinu a seulie hicli even the M Lx i50- baie King soul t bso ave attemnpiod. on- &îmon.. tLe peraoius arrested, aren lsonsti inofn tua ilsnt moderate vieillis. Many are thi.]rends oi families and eligagieinbI- ri na, for anr h Le oret~itilequit tbe 015 country? îLeslvi! hob sosiont. Iistay anti lia terrer prevailoti along ese r3'day . ila The Goverameni hal bol nînti oilsarLi- batl "tit-tart l'y ppr.ehmoun: on fa poitical uma rioitica1 cinlam ftom thie eotions in Cet Sa- îtali taly.. ,It la admitted tat ii the 05ltooIr ,woudbo tbe iga of an outbcà, ihe gos. do eînmnusat bererefore ibonglitW la io î hing ed ta gelt ii of OaiIl tose ranauide"eti lkely in tof exotrcise lanu>influence 1inascii aaIneinent. 1EGS 10 ainoutiîr o 1bie snuuss frigndut anti cstotÏ>rs that Le lé, rivcarrilng se- oi s rlaîileied oan tho4th au B en flus xetnsive businessa ni bairesof DIMberg. C R I G 1- K N irs it la3aow officially annoanretb al t t ARhei .G E 1A I i N G cd PricaiofWales oil! visillBrititb Atiserira. 1IN ALL ITS BRANCIES.% iaî The 2'7'h i ssigaled - the 1 tî ai hLof ay On the prmises herelinore oceupit by Mr. N. RAY, an Mary St etisooven llyî1top les- Sàeat fr Lin epartiliO. _ anti Brook Strets, shrre he is 1repared, as heretofin, lit toexoculo ait 61ders8 intrust6tl i- Six neis vesselsofni sviere ordertdintatoilasrare. id hoe Luili at Chathamn Dock Yard, aggro-CReA ' op tal ouage ai 20,000 tons and 207 gens. AR I GLS, U G E ,S E GIC E S by Commniciiationis comploeobetiseen AI-. Mauufacared,,and Sl S téLwEI Is , CmneaitTpieRS & . es-exandrin anti Karenclsqo by sabinarine Ci ALL WORK wAIMRANTEDI hIe be. Telegrauthie dteeafrosi Chiîîa are ta L UJIAR tuor! IROD UCE TAKE N' Fi- (XLrGe Aiut _V4 IEXEl' FRCES ofa dan. 0.ltentso i'xesitut >nltr'aD. FORD'S long experienceornithîi ycam tri the.-principal Iuanufariorins of tue T;aii- et a r eceisIa yaaStates anti Canada liai giveti that expes-teuce il, carry itranittfhuebusineffsvhieh nio by a usIios ni ponads. Stocks slil. las fois liace been able ta arrive ai, anti for beatiy nifddesign, clegane of a finish, durabiliiy, 8porteti gonds lu demauti. Faîl in ttllote, anti oltiity oni workmatiohip. lita wouk-ktobtc excelle&. e». TuesaDi dtaela per huudret i.eghi. rr'Calad seo SpeoinluI5. lo. Tetuani Marcb lith-'Second lcampaga whiîby,. Aiouial46. 1859. e-glnoeusiy commencel. Suîîtiay- last, nu- te wbtl.Othe ieaie niattutls mljel.31 USfO' t ffl uii M-itai o&rais*a an C aa&d cealitera ail tatstrue _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~,~~~~ WiatFlP2 ~ 10. tnaa apeetv%-etira nia>. ticeplieti on.- !-I E! Ditaimrllu 120 te*,1 S t- rTo&-ancd lidieit iAePossii-Iy îs>i h !PIK " ~>u>r L~ ~ p. - 'ill,lnp cholit tinte, luing onthe utts- -d- tfPsO4 b tialiagulartv. ti Ja- .-tI« ritow EAZ fer sala, B*via Au0( llïe >e <b~M tithoe, prie* inkm slla-, béarth* incite bldary oe bb.«Ëtibtp ai Greil hletata, l'>a eet t sl - St IL ]L P ER . »da O)tte so» 33C. nouunrteini. rder Ryu0.a 0.l aes of 8errOt. slOand tai Alrcllm O TAA Ë AX tIno lla .10e 114 toitPolo ithe Buck id nti ioi, SaligOt ua t the a i O.auu Pin istastlisitii teie"t5nestto 75of4*< . 1ait u UI mat iliO iï isl tacr w VO. ., It a"tia a tho anatiu- - et la. oopwl it She 3Q4 0 P. ItaO6 e1uAatid OU utecnsie nzzyme r J LPtl 3sWSl* 0. si rpmitLDg.* -ýQ ~ Tob.»Je. ~Oie.asn. nax-- <mtA L- coee s $ 935 4la Nemaa, Q1sa Iwè Wub8 Mre.016 W-ANTEiJi A i 1ulu)teiau 4U ta aiy Boy Whto b. eio utidaustautblie rarm of uiqxs. f~Mlie uther riel appby f Lttby Marri> 80r4.10.It F I nemt I - sUi:tes flue sie 1 s o -* 1la,8111 a,li avi atnt e bne.et Il. lîi ruîI ho Icuni- mo ral etaela Ti»n, Wtailby, lIsse4 l m-IS iln etiplabot usai BRQ'NCfI.AL. CIGÂIRETTESI saL tar C. i.SiyliOllit& Cm, 107 BAS- FOR5 SALE AT AU. DEIGIT84 WhtiMirait 54, 1940. - POST OFFICE DEPART1M1EN2. qiteue, i0tL ilreli, ISC0 TO PosUiAs*EBB w-txC. W. 1-IRe7EItZLSG TUi ARTIC'LB SOIPTRIE 6: etofl thti l>rpotln, Pes t.g m u cv-foliaula W ti-lntbrQIestbeTiO liresl fur thetdelheyn. rtisnteo Ibliaut 2-Thete tter U1bofr lits e auforibtto.-s itlut ,utsortheu eIpi arreele iLth t Pablie eau.uile*. ut.à i, ttnr th I Le fu giuittionsft.oold vtvia puîes h eu or i.trent fer tbi4prpofe, ot etiçcs*tia. be p ctieng the n>gLt,; or %%kt& the 0800 14 & -WLeu n aer tLs suth ry f thk Ontin iii ufîoe le Cosuodui Weat ta oloird iii ibisPub- lie us Suoida toa l, liii e.'leeed tlu aU pisna ililte. tutini;exeptiuiub anpartial nilie>tag - jýrwularindiid" al c pakllOr .iuse ttios, thie Put <iliumlitI tuba Tawn wvîl'tiata la La opea forhe deUte'l CIlilse,&e.1t tà a. * .Il PÉ es H AMILTON COLLEGIATE I rU1 T-pIM AlitAS OFlt'-ltt.tt.>i V àje fer studt eut t it'" rtîloto suttie U4àlvenUi> . i.1-~ i-i tuti i4r Aeta. A cir.lo %lna i l i'fottse lion tiltýe N u.oetine f thil Ouni bibha Iou*%thé Tacaduyt the 211h day et ApnM mexi een lobtastIa2rroi-s Ithe ot t lte 8 t- tr isoncoiaaln, ta the To"RI4ltlS aibhltge, ; at vuotnomly kuooeo-stheis lWidtnthueu lime,. OBERT 8PA Wblby, F.bL 53, 160. APPRENTICE WANTED WTA1TED, anaputnliecte tlh Tin bas!. 1Wvecia, a bal, frointheLs obilihcl> pmfrb&t "JuxN RYAN, liby Marc sb1,180lms-t Qj TObBELENIT F0 -CQMPETITIONO rI-FU a dl kttworkI idtin of 'bësad- =er h1 oi? l hlu>tacutlw ma -liq c , iaig rsaJ. pak Cte i tlte d- t*k U

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