Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1860, p. 3

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othe15 th .4 a-go, Mary- juým-q~~.s wýjtzamiqsCa unadia 'West. gte isslwke liluisoîf geueraaly 104-glu 'Apply à Osa cficai. PMRE!1 PIRE!!9l A VIRE >200V A"E for sai, Honing 104-2lsi R EPRY. the Plrwues'e,-Ueorahanti, Buteoa', O Borgéudeàtiot 5- echanicu, and ail ew theruf0Irqr Dio estys sbjeets, T r44 tindie ro-gcd blh osmet respoctful- y rnHte èur is ies athanica te the uaros fGréenwaiod'F#lî, adnew oi Es those'-wio are deeireus-of eililer dispos. Ing et or plirclussing. thetuovigtck Prodisca, &e., lu bu on bsand 721DAY, 3th of XiIarch, 1860. ÀW the Ftslr to e bhioilîs oen that day wili bc ~*lsrgest ovor huîdlut Greenwood HoraceOxcî, CtwsStarsIloi!ers. Shcp, IVcetcî, Ilogs, caivet;, Wu-gonm, Carriàgcm,,,Pijgi;,Iliarrnws, Sîraw Osut- teriCsutivîfore Stues, c., ls.:t, Outst PoseI3uahy, Itu tckwhîeaîiutab0Ioe~ Choyer and ýnly eccd, Tssrnip ss'uçh. hButter, -Chaos., Geasqe, Tasrkcyss, Houai, -c., Yan- kee Notios, and reiauly issda ciuthairsg As usai i ill bu on laandt 1disjaine of bi Aucthoisaaîy articles îîy friends wisis te oilin tlatit vsay. My frieuid,, M osers. h>sslsan & ]Brotiî., Wiii beon hand ho purcisse Sevecyiy ve geotiworklngliortiea. SJacs)b Bryan, a"~ agenît frein BIsnuni's Now York Mumeisaas, wili be on isani te pur. Josephs Pierson, Esq., wiii deliver a lac- -jture lu tise Orange Iliii at 4 p. m Ssîjcct P-11746 1ftiutie l'tnmer qi the .Airthi. Matny Games will take p lace dsîriaîg tihe day sucis as nsînning lu theqsack, clissaing a greasad polo, at the top ef whiclt wfiliboa qr. ot nîsitten, the glît of Chas. Scoýt Es.q., wheelbarow race blind-fohded, &c 1 am, Gcn,jeur devoted, dzWjnwood, March, 1800. 104 Eheri.ff' Sale of Lands. Coun ofOtai Vite ot two o(sbsie ~ Writs of Fieni *Faciu,ssued eut et [1cr Majesty'a Court of Qtsen's Dancis, at Toronto, andt ie t directed against the landga andti cements et Janmes Hetigison and James Ji. Arm- <~srong, defand:snt, aItta suit ottisa Bankt ofe Toronto, plitilntifia. -[ bava seizod and take n ltoeaxceution ail the ctate or inter- est efthtie said James I'odgsen and Jatmes R. Anuntrong, ln tise undernuentiened lands aos flleva: Ton acres of'land bcing composëdofthtis Seulh West cerner et Lot No. 24, le tise 2nd Cen. efthtie Townshîip et Wisitly, de- 1cibed asefoliowa: That ius lu soy,- cern- 1 encing'nt a post plttated atthse Seulh Wegt corner of said lot, thses Norths sov- eaty fosur degrees, Esa six cisais andi six- t y zsi I itaandt wo tiird linkg, tisanes * Wrth iean degreas, lWest fifteen el-ains, g~ac out seventy tour degrees, Wast ix chans. ad sixly six and to third liunks. tatise side lina bctwccsi lots twenty -four and twenly five, tisence South sixîcas 4agreeslong tise asde lino fitteois obains te the place of beginn;ng. 140.aLComm-escing ou tise North aide , i ay sir4et at it ditaçe etofive cdams ion a course SeulS 740 West frome intsn. jttrîaýctlon *th Mary Street with tisa hepi betwe'tise East sud West halvas ot saiti lot,tNo. .25, thon Norths 160, Wcst 89 ýIchAsns 82 links more or lesR te tise Nortis - sd of tise Souithi haIf et said lot No. 25, '4pn Souths 740, West-%long tise, Nortis- 1 n'pboa 'udary et tise SouIl hait ef saiti lot $0, 25, 2 cisins more orba lest a post aI -' - ise ietucpoe 8 chains fnom bthe lina bc- t*p àts s-d lot 25 sud lot No. 20G, andi ou thes iside ot anid lino, tison Souths / 6 ,at 9aisss,2links snorc anlesse te t1e Nortisside et Mary'St. afonesstid, (beiîsg 'Io10chaIna and 68 links frein tho fi-ont of Itise second concessioni,) tison Nortis 740, Bst & long tise Norti side of ýMary Street, S 2 chaîna more or la$ to tii; place et be- --giening, and cuntsaîiingoby adnseasure- rnent olgît acres, bc tise sanie more or Alsxo -Ail and singular that certain par- ~- col o r tract et land aud promises bcing part of Lot 251 ln tise Bd Con, ef the Town- lit ip et Wlsltby,- cornmenclifg on the' lino * between tie EutI sud West isaives et saiti let, 25 on tise Northîs ide et Mary Steet sud at tisedistance e of 0came 68 inkafroni tisa Seutharu' 'unit et said lot 25,lise Norths0060 West 819 ehiiu, 32 links to thea Nanthsend of tise Seulh litoetsaid ot 25 thn'SoutS 740, West ô csains, Nortis 740, Ea.t aiong tise Northisaide et s1mi-y Street, ô chaîns to tise-place of ho- ls~ Igge Lots Nos, 49, 50, 51, and 1100 Rait or Bîeck Streesln atisa Town ef lWhitby saconrding ta Pëwry!s plan cf lot eK. 26, 'itise Sud Con. efthtie Townsip of t quarterof tha Seuths hait ot lot 25, ln tise 2nd Con. of tise Town- ohiý io Whtby 25acres moeaor lou. &Il hkhlandandtenomallhs tbereeis, or /tise aid dafatdgntl' saisIe or intarest tiseraîn, 1asait offer forma-la et, Public Aise te,. syofficein tise Court lieuse, ir tisa Town oet Whitby, iu tise Couety e' Ontario, on Satunday tise Twenty tisird r day cf Jtsne nont, aI tweîva O'cleck, Noon. NELSON 0.I. EXI«>LDS, isberi1f,. O Fe 0 omosz. Biserlff'5 Office, Wiîliby, liai-el 20, 1860, 103.tf.1 V isuredm .(as luso , > ; pý b$ ie yl~ 1 - T'-21à ýà3N..TA'D'ÂA IOne ear's earer parUcipâtrn 4ln pe W APPLICAffOeNIVLZ eù à!ontroefeuL 9 Great~.~,s? $ ~e~catle Ssîa~eWî ot HeoW.F. Ham rister; hbava, JJIFE J4SOCfrTIO)N, C T~r FREDM UO& FTRCTON..-ToPoliisni* hlt »Blssed areé'nsînuitiyud1 ,fre re J<stielois'(iscomôlyIîùpômitl by,ôther conspauien). und eonfoi ilport int' prévi- Qoe#pc,.t&~e1~4fvt&va65. n aifferd, ini fMost cwesa cdpost osp toetion 1a"îtinat> forfait1 e. BAFET-Y AND tien nNCE.-Tble e odatiou n cfbie ,sst~xendv ad.neessf~lLie wo!Twcnty o cYea indsg, lI% one aucI p.008 ogiessnacfreotib àsatri ll~ititî6e, sud ttug s es eea eicteýnto»f afoty R1 S FlARTNERSIIl P.-TePoiy-hjoider*,are iwhoflyexemupt from the Is 'ts6rsslp lsd tse 4m5Aaatred are guaaà eds4ltro FIT .-AJ Sbjarotrcfits ! loatd aa, e*èyP 4csacu1rof~ ysaiýs' stfndh2ntboPedi~nnlbaune~iadispied go as toredue thie l'roBenýoaLIa eîtititlt toProflts,) have titisiyeur 5éc 10 Ill «tJ'na,ày 7 ýr'.po j-<$485t 67ý), 60. 1;5. 50. 45. 40. M. 2.. l'iiieMII»Ius. as stipi, £ s i; di£ £sd ! ', £ A 1 ,£Ï i l s<d bi.tîinuP.11i.....,x 0&10 0 5315 044 lO 0 37j 882 Il8l,1' .O9 SiIARE 0F PROFIT for I the Ycar......... 24 11,320 8 11la 11 10 18 18 1 12 4 4C10a39 D 6 8 14*4 i)UCEI) bu ........40 'l i918s' il il,2i ý3 2,28 8 7 20 7 4 17 16 ell10 12 6118 14 0 Û~f.cR~il?1 $~TEI.lii es of £il00 7 toiîriasn-g d *îWardIs 1551bu l iisctod nid ketp) by puystscst t o lyOu-atte1ràius for tise Firot Six Y'cnrs, witis In crest on tise otisar liilI'. IIIO$>(1.4 ALTX IVMPOWERED hy ROYAL CHARTER -and ACT cf PAItLTAMENT fgr L~I F SU N ln, tise COLONIES, thée Association la PsuhletIl to citer bise sique adVàntaes te hlesdetelu tBritîis North ApirleaasaCeonlmasv whiialbas Ifs IloadOffleis lneCtJtinsdit. And, wiie tisa atordtnig tislitleg superler to wlht Sist otiser Briti.. Il Ofliesb vus, ffer, tise AhsocîÂTIQNlso not of reeent engin, or csllnltod busines sndrusre.Il il one ofthLi uct extesisîve anfd uocéoatti among4t lise Brtish Atsssranee Olflcets; the PIoicyà isolders 1p bthe, lrtisth Anserican Pro7vinces hmsuc'the benefit of the large asissaal busineèss trissscted ln Gront Britain and lreiand, sud thoeample aad eonstantly acecusîaltiing fusîdsý, now yuciding an iseoin&- of upwards of £150,000 par asnnsm. HEAD OFFICES IN BRITJSH NORTH AMERtCk CANADA-MotUreal, 9 Great St. James Street. NOVA SCOTIA, Halfaa-NEW BRUNSWICK, St. John. olm- THERE Mq A SPECIAL AD VANTAGE in A8suring before thte ap'proacling Close of the Boolc for the 21 st ANNUAL BALANCE: One Vear's earlier Participation int Profits wvill tAies be secured. APP{jOATIONS WILL BE RECEl VED UNTIL fith APRIL. AGENTS: Wiltbv-Jw. HAM PERRY. Bowmsslivlle-R. RUSSELL LOSCOMIIE, Barrister. N;ewcatle>-SAMLTEL WILbMOT. Port Hfope-W. F. HIARPER, Commercial Bank. OIiaws-SAMUF.L COCIIANE, Jr., Itarrister. 0 PUBLIC -.LECTURE, Elihu Burritt WILL DELIVER A LECTURE IN TIE - i d To the Nagintrate'à of the Co. WIIITY, onof Ontario. THURSDAY Ev', Mah9 REEVES AND DEPLTTY REEVES. SUBJECT :-" rite Dignity and Consfort eof OTI F..ln ltcre given tlit a Speciai Gen- tise Fumners .ite." 06" I~<i iibo i iscden ut tise Cosvt Tho Lectutre siil commence at hait pas bute;"eltieTno Wtty a'cioek. Adulss§iots 12U conts, te be pald e ý ew -"" iday the 28rd Inst., dour. , e -ll eproeo'aaiigeosrtoCny. EDWARS 4 ODDE. sand tetrastsaa:ion ofuthler isuportasît EDWARD, sàis. Itl is desirabie Ihat ail Magstrtes rAT,.eIts, DRAPERS, & OUTFITTE Liould ibe in attendatice. Kjjigs'Street, Oshawa. Gentlerncs.'- 11, J. MACDONFLL, sssaltssnmale p and eut in tise Moa st ona-rfth oue bic style. , 08-y.C. «W,î...it .,t . n Od FOR SALE AT A AM rrpF HDweliisg flouse etflte Subsrlkr' w ti. -& roadsu ikhed, eomprisil @ W trousîsîg osiWalist, Centre an risnaraêta, lmssludlielly west of Mr. [ . Perry's «ei aiec. Titis property là well kuown as ouéecf the lan<liosnetsituations for a private resi- dence in tise tise Town cf Wiitby. -%.TàS30, Lut No. 8 on-Duindas Street witl tise two Sbory. Building tormîerly oceenped by tise 6TIMEY.1 Pinting Offices cottsifagn a large Store and, eominodlous dBwellinK' 1ouse.: Aise several good Lots near tise tsssnes parts of lise Towns. As ail muet bu seld et suos price, they wili ho sold cheap sud on time to suit purcitaers. Wiitby, Marca 19, 1860. 103-tf. poST71OFFICE DÃœEPARTMENT. - Quobee, lOtI' MrcI, 1860. DeisarIisclt Ordart No. 49. TO POSTMASTER8 IN C. W. I ËUFERRlNG To ARTICLE 9 OF TIUE i. egiiallons of titis l>cptrtntaut, Poat Mas- taorm ii anada Wost are lut*rnei thast tlicy arc rcleiv'xd frotsî lie Obligiationai to en ticthir t)î- icsé for tise delverof ut tera 6&c., os Stiiclday.. 2.-Tise Latter BlOX for tise postisg of iaeters muatilsevrthelc*oa bu kapt accS,-ile ta lte Publie et ail tiltlsus. ald, am direcet-id iy tise l guistions, should hsave uau pendng li tiseroaid or îreet for tii purpue 0 i>1k-Ir sayh posted durnug thse nîglut, or Whou tisa Office is idiit. .-V cu înder tise eîîtlnitv oft tiis Order, asu offce in Ctasis aWemt la eloa4aed lu the Psub.- le ou Sasdsy, it miit b. ciosedt ilahpersis(,, alike, tiud'so exceptinul or: partial deiivery te partiesilar iudividuM nIs eubc- tuttioneti. SIDNEY SMI TII. 1ohmaslar Goueral. '-X, B--n secordeauScwith bhe aboesinstruc- tions, lte Peont Othece is tiie Towni wil cSe te b. open ferlite dlivery of Letters &-c., on Sundàys. A. MOPIERSON, p~~~~ ~ ~osts(w'VitbPitnuster. HAMILTON COLLEGIAE INSITUTE, TE ABOVE O7FIERSiPEIRIOR. AD- eàvabtegesè for sludsts preparing te matIn- enatîthe Universily elîher inLaw, hiedi- aine er Arts. A prospectus w Il bd ferwarde? o n applitt lion tO tise Wlsîtby, MarcIl 9 s , - aûn, Visadieuber, and i Obacri r, copv - URS RFPARED TO se i&km 4W. 1k lisne cf buas- nase; ciceaper ti 5u>" 4_Wetalpisbint ot the kiiit a l Ir', lf,'I a* s tJià workis aimadj up utîdur Iis oav itaistrùetiosl, It can bc wgr rantedt l giva sa lsf'sactioss. Fer citaapuei.s the foiwsgpricu prili seak; Mens' Ware. Best Franch i Clt B;octs.........$4 50 64 Caada ".... 4 25 " Kps. ................ 8i25 "Cow Ilidle.............. :... 8 50 SLace honte ......:' ....1 V4 té Brogâtts ..................... 20 Liadies' Ware. Boeat Lace Boots ............... $2 00 Ccsnîuosllt a.. . ........i 50 "Bakitas................... 25 and al Qther articles a is e aboya lie te -cor- raspoicdwith pries. ,WILLIAM MoBRIEN. ,Brcohliti, Marall'.t, iSto. 13t TOTICE inliterci'y ivt-nthaut ntthse next 11 s1c",ting cf tise oncil, te bc held ntthlie Village of Goodwobe,lon Tuesday, tde 4th day of Aprai fait, a 1y-law ivili b0ewaged for lte purpnee ut clos- tug U1p 1AocrtanI<l A'iowanee n hliss0e wen lots si asnd Se aercsstisleeti sif'ie tiird concâsion, lu lise Towusisip ofUxbrid.ge, and eommonly knaown astise Old WidWIturals road IROBEUT SPEÂRSl, whitb, Fè 3,180. ,Tc wutliip Clerk.i JOHiqNeMGILL, - TIC ENSED AUCTI~ONEER FOR CANADA L We,cs, oleni iiServices te thée inhabi- tanîts cf Octane and Ocrlsam Conutios, l e at- tend salées-,by ;'Aotion 1Hoxeheld Furniture, KOrehusidizo and oquere&ebpl At a resenabie eammission. 1 AFEflNTE WANTED. ywTANTEDj,r ipfft tiste Tin bisai- nom, oyvfie, eo0utry preferred. JOHN BrckStee. Whitby. IL OOo 1%TO BE VENITFOR. AcERM ot f5 ydtcaee0nrCity ef SIG"R, &ý-CELEB1U<TJEPS El TV States, f,lor 10.Iiav 'wniprviea~n patent Icather cen bcu stitce.ildwilhcn* oli. 'Shiseèm aiis chines befori, owingte tise cil eoti iMslly kip4g ofF on tie Tise sseceaiity of applyiug oU toe a e MV 1 ealbe ietlrelyC Tliacte maciines are wtlsoul exception the best au4ddieénaisb géi ago siete iofthe1 tler 0 >.- tisffToroni aaver 0E No.ô AHNE$PAE No-. 2,MAOIIINE $85.1 No. 3-MACHINE, LARGE ANDIPOY~ 1 lhave rececved, nùmévonstuix naso13o t1j1? a~an!4Jos 3qMak- crs, rivte tFtnliieR, and ohrwaoxenillL~r, y Mchlines-a1 I nette nirecoinmendiu thm forgéneral c! i', Resutthe follr)wiing erilaewftnhy thatwo largeet. il4moIst e*ternui)e' Bzýot and Shoe ,Manfactu rers in Canada. Montroul, Dec. i65éi Montroal, Dee. 84 'c talcç picasure is bcarine tsI puîy Lo tim We haveunsed -*veo . .IgWýewn: cd Zy Mr. Ej . J, Naglev, having.had tirc in use ýA4haveoMoJltIittwjiu ayîng; that tibqar fcrtha last six musthm. 'Thcy are of Si igcrseerya rcsOI. e et equuto thq mnt approve4ýArnqrr~ Pattern, and equal 10 uuy ut c u i ueqixuncîe Ion Mei'1=1 fwhes ehaesoe1ll of-the 'klùd. -use. BROWN & CIIILPS. AU coirstnications relative to' Sewt-ng Machines, 0W., muist 15é prepid, as none others will-be received. E. J. NAGLE, CAxADiÂN Szwio MACHINE E5BTê3lJsu~mEnT, 265 Notre Daine Street, Montreal, C. 2. YAetcry over Bartley &Gilbert's Canal Bsn, Montreal, C. B. 9w0 N0711VANà,mW ALU £yG CARRITAGE BIJILDERS, - ANI) MANTJFACTURERS 0F eBtî&-GIR My EÏTT<IIFt'y My T ESubsea ber "-!e leave te info"no thefpubic that thcy have eoriedbusiness in the-premises forxi y .-tipied by Mr. IraB. Carpcsntcr, mltuated in Brock Street Souths East of the Bansk, -i ':c.y opposite the Market building, wherethey are prepa red te ssîpply ail who fttvor t cm with n aul, wlth ev ery article in their lins of business The subsecriberi4 are practical and competent workruen of long experience, -and as they devote thse entire of their own labor ta their businiess, tley cati produce articles ef better w-rkmanship, of greater durability, and more elegauîiy finished, and te-AFýFORD TO SELL THEM *CIIEAPER,. Tisan those who have to hire tise labor. of others, AIl articles sold at tise lowest living prices for Cash, or on aâpproved credit. Please Ail kinds of lumber and fariners produce taken ie exchsange. Ail work warrated. DONOVÂN, WALKEY& Co '-e - UG a- nnot santniut abaaand cuatoiera that le i. t.> carnyieg on lis oxtenaf vaý business ot CAR~Ii-AGE -MAKJNG, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, On thse premises iseotofore occupiod isy Mn. N. RAT, on Nary Street, betvaen Byron and Brock Streots,. viserelei is pirépared, 'as lîcretofore, te exoculo al eors riisnasited le his'cane. CÂlIRI AGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGIIS, CUTERS,&, W-MoanufacturdTand Sold at the lobweut remuneratlug Prices! ALL WORK WARRANTED L U!.B±iR and PJWD UOE L4XEN IN EXCHANGE, at MÂRKET PRICES *~ ~ ~~~.é D.hitý FRSlngee-ecee ilYyesrs in tise principid NMnutaéÈtoiies, of tise Stes and Canada bu a iven tisat expenioince lu avery birascis cf ,the business visieli fev lave beon'able ta arrive at, sud for béauty of desigu, IOpD.6'f inisýh. d rlity, sud sclidsty' et workmansluip, lis' ,work cannot be,ýexeé Wîîitby, A'a"-ast 6. 1859.'-- Pariû~ Let. Crowu Lande Departni Qtîsmzc, 2dtâ ifs NOTICE Iishercbygiie,,ltise-I .i~ towiîship et Moay, la thé, lienfrew, U. C., wiii be open ta' saIso ter tise 281tfneit mentis. For listiu efthîe lots end conditiens o ply te James P. Mloitat, Esq., Cre Agent, ai Pembrace. 98Asstuoms NOTICE. Tie 8sucnibenç beg, neeps form thib friends snd -customars t hava soid *ont timir stoeck Gnou, vW; is lU - tprà ar S a- sligist acknowledgmast o e c iber Mt edelives well as frem a desire te, eneonutâge-in beys landal yts> ev)is~og ee-s.. attfor itera., mssï4i Wet tare arnongst tise readers 0ftieOkoide, fl tise pubisiser intimateg 'his'intentionetof cf- begs a e soU Mr -s ',r org4i te-àt ergobastaOth4 Tise frsI dtrbton eo prominnîs inj take ,place on _edY, tise fiçst da7ofI~yepnu h~x~~ndilllIaI MMIII< J: is weuZs Fpr 't4, béat origi""1 Eusy on S20 tiecky< i bie adran.ý tages fJtageogfaphieaV"positiou, its settloment, progreansd resources. ý£Ç0ND ?EIZE. For tie beet original EFayon- $5 For tise beat briginal Eusay on NEWS. PÂPEIS TOURTR PRIZE. SForer is est 9eigiisal EssayonCPUX-' Acopy of thé, Beia.,Weliy Chroniclei, fôrone year (postage free,) fer tise béat original Ântisem on SiRu ÀÂcopy ofthie, Weekly Chronièle for oe year, (postage free,) fer tise second béat orignal Anthem on Spixor. MUOEB. -R. J. Mactionell, Esq., Mayor of Whitby, John Shier, Esq., P. Lý .,.&c. R. J. Wilson,~ Esq., liarrister. ýR. J. Garni, Esq., M. D. R, Checkley, Esq., M. D, Competitors mnuât ud in tk:i produe. tiens under seal te tise nnderigned, on or before tise- 5th day of April nextEacis Essay and Anthem to lear a motte, and ta, be aceompanied by.tise; ame 'suad; ad-, dress of the writer, w!ith tisemotto on thse envelepe- enelosing tise same. The -séveral ýEssaya ,and Antisema to, le. comae the propertyeof tise publisher. Com1npetitors foi tise second and tisird,' prizes ta hoe confined ta persons residing, in thse Cennty ô«0itarle. .- - 1 Thse foùrib, Èfif ds-'d ixth jp>izes, àabe elasiveiyconfiïed to tise Tacisers" and pupilawith4,ntuýe Coumty. Wisitby, Jas.19, 1860. C T E CEBEE.M. X iVoufflim nesdeàt to' tho-'umaa' Systeài ,. In Botties at 2U to 5Oots Mach, Âeeerdiug te Ize.' Thsi 011 MwlJ-I swe .31froal wonnds, and la ah n'u I ttii 1 ' efe . rued "or h . sueefully fer the Lest Seven YearS, sud las i6yer htien knèwn th ai aesds~b - Piering. C. tv. Whitby, Jais. 24, 1860. 271Y éLÂC'S OTEL»' *r-a! f B".- 'an4dPta 9$1> srfWà 'flmE BOV9EWEL'KNOWN, AN» C lior b>' Ithe ei* oeupant. N-'4.is -ben uaral e es itte ligueas and visi ~toad ver- are regasista >ftduing so, A expenge. neicted. lhe nîik Mer- MOORE. - 1Crowu Liàtds »opartmentq- OTC obered ven thlatthe lots in the7 tOwubiP f B aDdMirls,(OP the river -uttaWK, West Of thse town8blp.Of Holpis,) ins the à*pmyu ci1district 00 IpTg ~.C wilI $iopn for-" 1oir and ufoe thi -2lst of ~FJXA ;fofis, snconffitlÃ"ns eofs"le. sspply t0 JamëesP-.M at.Xq.,,Cromw ss4d Agent, at* Fembroke, iathe eounty of Renfrow. ANDBEW RU&UEL14: 98 Aaulatant-Comîasiner. REMO VAL. Rlas remoyed ie.is toek of Drugs, raints, &oe. to No. 1, Commercial Enuildinge. Brock Street, opposite the newfBrick Bliock et James Wa g ix Ir C'nie log WANTED. A BOY ACCUSTOiIED' te tae charge ef I.Hormes. Appiy et lthe Obrouicie Office. WisitbytlfMsrclh 1,860. 101-8ic Pair wurmy. rrHE udersigned bas token tise above R1t&i, .JL-whichehuis uewiy. îtted aj, lu île best gsMerfrthssm aleuof the publi.- God*atab"ng,!'neremy sheds, and'evervst- Getio dnd't e nisaudherse. gWIbThe est un~e~ suorFàande'igars atthte-bar. ~ WILLIAM TI{EW R ~TICTR Y. Removal of'Dr. J, S Jie of -Biryan'sMoHtel, Breek 'Street. 0r>-Famiiie8 attended ait t)Lr residen. bhitby,, Mercis], 1860. MIUYT PUR19TT aits t Liquora anal 4 edsgpod uta-bF gplacefor liarmen JAMES BLACKC. Loua& and-Dausage J. ýS. D( j il -' s. n. e t, T) s. m or Our- te is bave tegti- car- s of ýhout Dan- tie hest-, ellma pairs poua s thse eof a ter. iy$te Win et et a T,?

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